Nimbus, a Science Fiction story | SparkaTale



By: Thomas Boyle

Status: In Progress


In the year 2017, an organization known as the WLUO (Wide Link Universal Order), also known as the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) was created. In the year 2750, a doctor known as Dr. Wendy Marsden was the head researcher in the GUARDIAN-II Project. And the ORIOCHIN-I Project which failed. In the year 2744, the Guardians were born. They overwent a lot of obstacles and training. Especially for Thomas-195. He was the strongest among them all. At the age 16, the Guardians went through augmentations and only 100 of 300 survived the alterations. Thomas-195 was one of the survivors and was given Gungnir armor. They trained at Reach where Dr. Marsden said that they were ready for their first mission. In the current day, March 6, 2772, Thomas-195 was assigned to the WLUO Scorpio to do missions for them. What’ll happen after his first mission on the WLUO Scorpio?

Created: January 23, 2017 | Updated: February 10, 2017

Genre : Science Fiction

Language : English

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1: Thomas-195 1563
2: The Aerial Battle 1388
3: The End of Petriark 1068
4: Make It to the Battlefield 1026
5: Thomas-195 Infiltrates End of Days 1153
6: Thomas-195 Enters the Armory 1057
7: New Arsenal; Chronicle 1069
8: To the Control Room 1445
9: The Infirmary 1207
10: A End Collector Appears 994
11: Jake-141 Gets Picked Up 1180
12: Thomas-195 Gets to the Core Room 1379
13: Secret Door; Ambassador Appears 1290
14: Thomas-195 vs. Ambassador 1185
15: Atomic Bomb Detonates 1228
16: Rizlis, Elf Planet 1385
17: Manadhel Talks With Thomas-195 1709
18: Training With a Bow 1832
19: The Dark Elves Attack 1727
20: Thomas-195 Heads Out Toward Enemy Territory 1335
21: Thomas-195 Attacking the First Camp; Raven-000 Kills Private Crowman 1877
22: Chairwoman Isiriel Gets to the Second Camp; Thomas-195 Takes the First Camp 1490
23: Celeion's Team Moves Out; Thomas-195 Gets Attacked By a Venture 948
24: Thomas-195 Kills the Venture and Arrives at Camp 2 1087
25: The Destruction of Camp 2; Celeion's Team Makes It to Camp 3 1133
26: The Battle of Camp 3 Begins 1070
27: The Ventures Attack 1053
28: The Abyss 1526
29: The Battle of Camp 3 Ends 1298
30: Thomas-195 Takes Camp 4 With Ease 1300
31: Tanon Talks About a Plan to Kill Thomas-195; Thomas-195 Fights a Venture 1227
32: Thomas-195 Kills Everyone With an Explosion; Thomas-195 Goes Back to Ristako 1114
33: Thomas-195 Chats With the Queen; Queen Talks With Council 2313
34: The Guardian Era Begins 2985
35: The 19 Teams Move Out 1090
Total Wordcount: 47731

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