Status: In Progress
In the year 2017, an organization known as the WLUO (Wide Link Universal Order), also known as the UNSC (United Nations Space Command) was created. In the year 2750, a doctor known as Dr. Wendy Marsden was the head researcher in the GUARDIAN-II Project. And the ORIOCHIN-I Project which failed. In the year 2744, the Guardians were born. They overwent a lot of obstacles and training. Especially for Thomas-195. He was the strongest among them all. At the age 16, the Guardians went through augmentations and only 100 of 300 survived the alterations. Thomas-195 was one of the survivors and was given Gungnir armor. They trained at Reach where Dr. Marsden said that they were ready for their first mission. In the current day, March 6, 2772, Thomas-195 was assigned to the WLUO Scorpio to do missions for them. What’ll happen after his first mission on the WLUO Scorpio?
Created: January 23, 2017 | Updated: February 10, 2017
Genre : Science Fiction
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
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Reads: 7209
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