In The Mid-Autumn: The Sorry We Couldn't Say, a Romance story | SparkaTale


In The Mid-Autumn: The Sorry We Couldn't Say

By: Jonathan Chao

Status: In Progress


She looks at him while words stumble in her mouth. She knows them too well and her reason is too clear, yet she can't bring herself to say those few words. He stands in front so still that it seems like he could stay there forever. His face is emotionless with no blush on his cheeks or an cringe of impatience. He's waiting for her but knows that her lips won't move. He steps aside with his hands dug in his pockets and just as he passed her, she whispers "I'm ...", stopping him frozen still again. "Don't be," he answers as he begins to walk away. She turns to see the firm back of the boy disappear into the distance. She was one word away but he is already far in front of her, his back always facing her. She wonders if she is able to walk beside him and see his face like before.

Created: January 11, 2016 | Updated: March 12, 2016

Genre : Romance

Language : English

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