The Legend of Camp Wakaman (NaNoWriMo), a Supernatural story | SparkaTale


The Legend of Camp Wakaman (NaNoWriMo)

By: Nakysha the Great

Status: In Progress


Nikki is ready for the week of her life - a summer camp may sound boring at first, but Camp Wakaman was different than the commoners would think. It's reputation far outweighs any other, and Nikki has finally been able to get an opportunity to go! But this camp, run by a strict woman known only as Madam, has a hidden secret that nobody ever expected. Nikki can only imagine what torture awaits her. (Author's Note: This story contains swearing and topics that some people might not wish to read. Plus, this story is also a part of a writing challenge called the National Novel Writing Month challenge, in which challengers write a novel (about 50,000 words) in a month. This is the novel I'm writing to said challenge. But anyhow, enjoy the story)

Created: November 4, 2015 | Updated: November 9, 2015

Genre : Supernatural

Language : English

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