Marissa's Tweeny Birthday, a General story | SparkaTale


Marissa's Tweeny Birthday

By: Allyson Andrews

Status: Completed


Marissa, Brandi and Greg McCarey's oldest daughter is turning eleven and everyone of their friends, including Emma, Brandi's mother would be helping out on the cooking. Will Marissa have a nice birthday as an eleven - year - old?

Created: February 18, 2015 | Updated: September 4, 2015

Genre : General

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 3

Favorites: 3

Reads: 3908

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1: Chapter 1 2231
2: Chapter 2 695
3: Chapter 3 1139
4: Chapter 4 662
5: Chapter 5 415
6: Chapter 6 517
7: Chapter 7 625
8: Chapter 8 691
9: Chapter 9 1135
10: Chapter 10 725
11: Chapter 11 616
12: Chapter 12 220
13: Chapter 13 550
14: Chapter 14 267
Total Wordcount: 10488

Reviews (0)

    Comments / Critiques

      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        good start i like the characters they seem cool and well thought out.

        June 28, 2015 | Izzy Ashton

      • Chapter: 2 Reply

        Poor Jack i hope he feels better soon. This story is coming along very well

        June 28, 2015 | Izzy Ashton

      • Chapter: 9 Reply

        Good chapter I like it. I sure hope she has a good party

        June 28, 2015 | Izzy Ashton