Battle of the Brothers, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


Battle of the Brothers

By: Eden Currie

Status: Completed


A teenager who finds out he isn't exactly human, his father is still alive and there is something that is threatening not just his life but the tribe he belongs to. Contains M/M pairings.

Created: December 16, 2014 | Updated: January 8, 2015

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

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Reads: 4489

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1: Dreams 929
2: Surprises 5518
3: Questions 1944
4: Home Sweet Home 3426
5: The Ceremony 4062
6: The Prophecy 2948
7: Poisoned 3243
8: Funerals and Apologies 1160
9: The Search 1638
10: The Battle 2976
11: Time to Heal 1153
12: Thirteen Years 1229
13: The Ritual 1546
Total Wordcount: 31772

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