Ja Vi Elsker Dette Landet, a General story | SparkaTale


Ja Vi Elsker Dette Landet

By: for-the-first-time-in-never --

Status: Completed


Based on the events of 1905 in Norway. Also loosely inspired by Disney's Frozen.

Created: October 7, 2014 | Updated: October 14, 2014

Genre : General

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 2

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Reads: 524

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1: Ja Vi Elsker Dette Landet 1317
Total Wordcount: 1317

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    • Reply

      It's quite obvious that Astrid had a close relationship with her father and it makes me glad he made it home in one piece! I quite liked this story. One question: what does "Ja, vi elsker dette Landet" mean?

      December 6, 2014 | Nicole Armas

    • Reply

      It means "yes we love this country." Thanks for the read by the way.

      December 6, 2014 | for-the-first-time-in-never --