Red and Black, a Supernatural story | SparkaTale


Red and Black

By: Halo Valtiel

Status: In Progress


The world renown movie star Judas is basking in Hollywood's spotlight as its latest superstar. Women love him and men want to be him. His superstar lifestyle has left him loaded with cash and admiration. There's nothing that could possibly mess with his perfect life. Until one day on set he notices a burning green pentagram on his hand. It's a dark omen of what's to come and of his dark past. He is secretly a witch of the Opal Island coven who has been summoned back after his departure five years prior. A coven that has been left in shambles and only a few remain. Something powerful must be heading their way if even the defector Judas is summoned back to his home. Will his return stir up painful memories? Or will it mark a new beginning? Rated M for violence, language, and sexual situations. Homosexuality and other sexualities will be included.

Created: July 21, 2014 | Updated: June 1, 2015

Genre : Supernatural

Language : English

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