School of the Jager, a Action story | SparkaTale


School of the Jager

By: Nick Gelwick

Status: In Progress


Follow Niklaus Kerbe, a second year Jager, along with Zane Baroth and Naz'hir Achilles, first year Jagers, go to wondrous places filled with danger as they rid the monster filled earth and save humanity from extinction. But what happens if a Jager turns and starts commanding Monsters? Their story of years 1-2 in The academy of monster hunting, all for humanity.

Created: July 8, 2014 | Updated: July 8, 2014

Genre : Action

Language : English

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Reads: 1764

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1: School 898
2: Mission 1419
3: Monsters/Swords 2668
4: Recovery 824
5: Fights 1183
6: Schedule Naz 1419
7: Schedule Zane 1004
Total Wordcount: 9415

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