Status: In Progress
In a world of Magic and Monsters, the demons have begun enslaving the free races of the world and they have destroyed the only warriors who stood a chance of defeating them, the Silver-Blood Clan. A lone survivor aided by many strange friends holds the key to their defeat.
Created: January 14, 2014 | Updated: January 14, 2014
Genre : Fantasy
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
Favorites: 1
Reads: 2724
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1: | Matthew Silver-Blood | 1807 |
2: | Meet Kriko | 1635 |
3: | And through the swamp we go... | 3128 |
4: | Sylvia's Past | 1085 |
5: | Wrath of the Beast | 1765 |
6: | The Price of Power | 643 |
7: | Haze | 2596 |
8: | Betrayal | 1817 |
9: | Death and Disease | 1678 |
Total Wordcount: | 16154 |