Rex, My Old Friend, a Thriller story | SparkaTale


Rex, My Old Friend

By: Evan Sharp

Status: Completed


Will is adamant on getting further in life. Rex, though, is doing what he can to make sure that his buddy Will doesn't end up stuck doing what he doesn't enjoy; Rex takes him out for a fun night out to introduce him to new things. Who knows maybe they'll find out what Will is really good at, his passion.

Created: December 21, 2013 | Updated: December 21, 2013

Genre : Thriller

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 1

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Reads: 525

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1: An old Friend 2936
Total Wordcount: 2936

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    Comments / Critiques

      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        A disturbing little tale here. It did have a few grammatical and tense errors that got worse towards the end.

        December 21, 2013 | Fred Files