Created: March 20, 2019 | Updated: March 20, 2019
Genre : Fantasy
Language : English
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Of Metals and of Multitudes
I saw a crowd upon a grassy plain
Amid the torrid heat of far-off summer,
Assembled there in circles all around
Beside a lake that long ago ran dry
Beneath the scorching of a vengeful sun.
And deep within that multitude,
A clearing lay, and everyone stood staring;
There sat a figure staring at the ground,
His fist was clenched, his face was wracked with anger -
And of that multitude, no-one knew why.
I saw reflected in his eyes
A world so different from our own,
Of enemies surrounding, staring in
And passing judgement on a figure
So maligned, and long cast out.
He raised his fist to heaven
And he drew a mighty breath,
And he cursed that multitude
That had maligned him, and he battled
Ever on, with bravery he conjured from somewhere.
And each one stared then on
With such amazement, and each one
Felt then so injured, and the crowd
Began to vanish, each one going
Some new direction.
And the figure sat alone upon that plain,
Ever cursing that dispersing multitude,
Ever wondering why his life was full of villains,
And I stood there then transfixed, and I wept
For such a dark and such a lonely destiny.