Broken Ghosts, a Biography poem | SparkaTale


Broken Ghosts

By: Charlotte Wensleydale

Created: October 10, 2018 | Updated: October 11, 2018

Genre : Biography

Language : English

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Broken Ghosts


A ghost has fled and left a looming shadow,

For years it stood beside me in the garden,

And then became a fixture of my world,

Like some familiar ornament, and I felt

The heat its corporeal ambitions sent

In my direction, as it moved in closer.


And, when it left, my world grew suddenly cold,

For summer went away and winter came;

I felt the chill of wind and stormy skies,

And heard the falling rain upon the roof,

Over somewhere back towards the house.


I stood there then, or so it seemed, forever,

A wounded heart beneath a broken sky,

While icy tears fell down upon the grass

That sat there frozen by the winter winds

Your loss sent in to chill my summer garden,

As blossoms withered, fell, and then dissolved.


A broken heart within a broken body,

With tearful eyes that then beheld my garden,

A ruin of its former summer colour,

Looked then to search the broken sky you left me

For traces of your warmth, in case you lingered.


A yearning cry went out into the air

From lips that cried for summer’s ancient presence,

To search for you, the ghost that stood beside me

In days when once you gave me happiness,

Or maybe solace in a broken world,

That stood beneath a sky our words had broken.




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