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The Time of Trials Begins

~~Maria arrived at the park in the morning. She was informed that her brother was going to see her today. She waited on the bench when he showed up. He was a towering 6'5" with a slightly muscular build. He had shorter brown hair with curls.

"Hey, Maria." He stated; she smiled as she saw him.

"Hello, Natale." Maria replied and she hugged him. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah, not since I went to the military academy." he answered. "How are things with Cheyenne?"

"They are okay." She answered. "She's doing well with Mikey."

"I think they go well together."

"Same here."

"And your other friends?"

"There doing fine as well."

"That's good." He said; he paused for a moment. "I ended up with an assignment."

"What is it?"

"I was called to be a trainer of an all-girls squad of fighters." Natale explained. "They are some of the most unruly bunch I have encountered."

"Who are they?"

"They have called themselves the Deva Girls." Maria began to turn pale. "I can't stand them at times, especially their leader, Jezebel." Maria shivered without letting Natale know. "I didn't want to do it, but it was an order from the higher ups so I can't refuse it."

"I see." Maria responded and she sighed.

"Is there any good place where we can eat?" Natale asked. "I haven't eaten anything yet."

"There's a nice little café by the college I know about." She responded.

"Okay, then." He said. "Lead the way."

Reina and Flora was at the lair; they were there with Christina. She was in the kitchen at the time. They knew that Joan had exams today; Hikari was visiting relatives in Hawaii; Dymphna was working today; And Cheyenne had to go to a rich man's event. Flora was watching the TV and she was flipping the channels.

"There's nothing good on right now." Flora said.

"Then again, when is there anything good on TV." Reina responded.

"I'll be making the three of us lunch." Christina said. "What would you girls like?"

"I would like stuffed green peppers." Flora stated.

"Can I have some chicken." Reina replied.

"Let me guess you want it…?" Flora asked. Reina smacked her on the back of the head.

"Don't say that." She answered to Flora. Then, she turned to Christina. "Sweet and Sour Chicken."

"Okay, I'll check to see if I can make it." Christina answered. She turned into the kitchen to find the ingredients.

"I did get a call from my brother, Pancho, recently." Flora stated.

"What happened?" Reina asked.

"He ended up in an argument with various companies demanding him to use intensive farming." She explained. "We never use those types of practices and they keep pushing us to use them."

"He takes care of the farm you used to live on?"


"I was wondering because I'm a city girl."

"I can tell." Christina came to Reina.

"Reina, can you get some incense? It's in my room." Christina asked. "I just need a stick."

"Okay, sure thing." Reina said. She put some headphones in her ears and was playing Sonata Arctica. She went up stairs and went into Christina's room. Reina noticed the shelf that has the different incenses. "Now, let's see."

"Peppermint. Frankincense. Nonsense." Reina said. Then, she noticed the Ishtar Mix. "Hmm, I guess I can bring this out." She pulled out a stick from the Ishtar Mix. She didn't even bother reading the label. She brought the stick down to Christina. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Reina." she said.

"You're welcome." Reina replied. Christina set it sitting up on the incense burner and lit it. The scent of cinnamon, ginger, jasmine, and rose began to fill the room. "This smells very nice."

"MMMmmm." Christina stated as she started leaning on the counter. "It's so nice." The two girls looked at her.

"Uh, Christina?" Flora asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm feeling sooo fine right now." Christina said. She was dancing around the house.

"Reina, which type of incense did you give her?"

"There was something called the 'Ishtar Mix'." Reina replied.

"What does it do?" Flora asked.

"I have no idea."

"Christina?" Flora stated and they noticed she went upstairs to her room. They went upstairs and saw she is now trying to pick between two sets of lingerie.

"Uh…" Reina said. "I think we're going to need help."

"Maybe her husband knows something about it." Flora answered as she noticed her cell phone on the counter. She went over and went to it. Christina didn't even notice the phone being swiped.

"I hope he can help us." Reina said.

Meanwhile her husband, Ahsoka, was wearing a business suit. He had slightly tanned-skin and black hair. He was with a couple talking to them. They stood before a red brick house.

"As you can see throughout the tour," Ahsoka stated. "This is a lovely starter home. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms with an open-concept main floor. In addition, it has a two car garage."

"So what is this going to cost us?" the man asked.

"Well right now," Ahsoka said. "We are talking about $550,000"

"It's a little over our budget." the woman said.

"Fortunately, it is move-in-ready." the man answered.

"What do you think on…" Ahsoka said. Then, his cell phone rang. "Oh, hold on a second." He answered his phone. "Hello?"

"Hey there, Ahsoka." Flora said. "This is Flora; one of Christina's friends."

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Christina is acting very weird recently."

"What happened?"

"Well, Reina went upstairs to get some incense to burn and…"

"Wait, did you use the Ishtar Mix?" He asked.

"Uh… yeah." Reina said.

"YOU MORON!" He shouted. "You're not supposed to use that."

"What does it do?"

"We burn that in the bedroom to improve the mood for…" he stated then noticed the couple. "For well… you know, that."

"What are we to do?" Flora asked.

"Keep her under control until I can pick her up." He answered. "I'll be done with work in an hour. Can you hold her off until then?"

"We'll try." Reina answered.

"Good, keep an eye on her." He said. "Good luck." He hung up the phone and turned to the couple. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, that's fine." the man said.

"We have no idea what you were talking about." the woman replied.

"Oh good." Ahsoka thought. "Now, where were we?"

Reina and Flora hung up the phone only to see Christina had left the headquarters. They saw her outside with her normal clothes on.

"Come on, Flora." Reina said. "We need to pursue her."

"Right behind you." The two girls followed her out the door and into town looking out for her safety, so she doesn't try to charm a random guy.

Meanwhile, Maria and Natale finished their meal at the maid café. They headed out of the door.

"That was a nice meal they served." Natale said.

"It was yeah." Maria replied.

"It was a little pricey though."

"I didn't see a problem with it."

"Anyway, so what do you want to do?" he asked.

"Well…" Maria replied. Then, Christina came in groaning and she grabbed onto Natale's arm; she nuzzled up against Natale's cheek.

"Christina?" Maria asked. "What are you doing?"

"So, you're Christina?" Natale said.

"Yeah." she said as she was kissing his neck.

"Uh… we just met." Natale replied.

"What are you doing with my brother!?" Maria said angerly. Then, Reina appeared and pried Christina off of him.

"Oh, sorry about that." Reina said.

"That's all right." Maria said. Natale saw Flora and she saw him.

"Oh, Flora." He said. "What are you doing here?"

"It's been a long time hasn't it, Tiger." She replied.

"Huh?" Maria asked. "You know each other?"

"Yeah, we met in military school." Natale exclaimed. "We met on the first day."

"We started dating after a few months and entered a relationship with each other." Flora replied. "It was a very sweet romance between the two of us."

"But what happened?" Maria asked.

"We ended up becoming different ranks and different interests caused us to break up."

"I still miss those days, Flora." Natale said.

"Yeah, same here." She said.

"Perhaps soon, we might be able to get back together again." he stated.

"I'll be waiting for you." Then, Ahsoka came to the girls.

"Oh there, you are." He said. "I've been looking around for you." Christina saw him.

"Ahsoka." Christina said running up to him; she started to hug him.

"I know you're here, Christina." he answered. She started cuddling with him and kissing his neck. "We can't start right here, we're still in public. Let's wait until we're in a private place."

"Wait, what's this about?" Maria asked.

"Don't ask." Reina replied.

"Thanks for watching her." Ahsoka stated.

"You're welcome." Flora said.

"Now as for me." he said. "Christina and I have some business to take care of."

"Okay." Christina said giggling. The two walked off kissing each other.

"I'll just pretend that didn't happen." Natale said; he turned to Maria. "Well I better get back to base. But I have something for you." He handed her a gift box.

"What is it?" Maria asked as she took it.

"Well, open it up." He said. She opened it up.

"Oh, it's a clock. How thoughtful." She replied. It had a design of a cute grey fluffy kitten on it and it was an analog clock.

"I thought you might like it." He said. "I better go now." He turned to Flora. "I hope to see you again as well."

"Same here." she responded. The three girls went back to the headquarters. They were walking as they approached the place.

"Wow, what a day." Reina said.

"At least, I got be spend time with my brother." Maria said.

"Why didn't you tell me that Natale was your brother?" Flora asked her.

"I didn't think you were his girlfriend at one point." She answered.

"Hey hey." Reina said. "Let's just calm down and enter the headquarters." She opened the door. "Then, we can…" She smelled the air. "Oh no." She covered her nose as well as Flora. Maria smelled the air.

"Hmm, that smells nice." Maria said. "What's that smell?"

"That's the incense." Reina replied. "I must have left the incense builder on."

"Can you tell me what the smell is?" She said moving into the house.

"WAIT… Don't go in there." Flora said but Maria was already in there.

"Oh crap, what are we going to do?" Reina said beginning to panic. "It was solvable when it was just Christina but Maria too!?" Then, Jonathan showed up.

"Oh, girls? What are you doing out here?" he said. Then, he smelled the air. "What's that smell?" Then, Maria came out.

"I turned off the incense burner." She said.

"Huh!?" the two girls stated simultaneously.

"Did I miss something?" he asked. "Can you tell me what's going on here?" Then, Reina explained everything that happened. John busted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"I asked Christina earlier about the incense and she told me about her use of the Ishtar Mix." He said. "Her reaction to it is simply the Pavlov effect kicking in." He paused. "Although, she did say she does it thrice a week."

"That's a little much in my opinion." Flora responded.

"Can we switch topics?" Maria asked.

"Oh yes, of course. I'm getting sidetracked." He said. "I needed to talk to you girls about the trials ahead."

"What trials?" Reina asked.

"You might have noticed that a rival group of girls, known as the Deva Girls, have begun to appear." He explained. "I also happen to know that they are being funded by the government; they are getting superior combat training and superior equipment."

"That's okay." Reina said. "All we have to do is train harder than they do and we can kick their ass." she laughed after saying this.

"Reina, that's not going to cut it." John said. "From what I can tell, the plan is to outdo you girls in doing superhero work."

"Again, just train." Reina responded.

"Being a superhero isn't just about engaging in combat against enemies." He said. "There are other things that a superhero has to do. For example, being a fearless positive role model for the public. And trust me, they need a good role model."

"What are you wanting us to do?" Flora asked.

"I want you girls to prove that you are worthy of the title, Virtue Girls." John said. The girls were shocked to hear that. "You may be good fighters but without virtue, you aren't virtue girls."

"How are we supposed to prove ourselves?" Maria asked. Then, John pulled out a scroll and began to unroll it.

"On this scroll is the fourteen deeds of the divine: seven of the body and seven of the soul." He explained. "As a team, I want you girls to do all fourteen of them, picking one from the body list and one from the soul list." The girls looked over the scroll. "All seven of you need to do at least that, and all fourteen have to be done."

"Is that it?" Maria asked.

"That's it." he responded.

"This is going to be a piece of cake." Reina explained.

"Don't get cocky, Reina." he said. "These deeds are easier said than done. There are ones who claim to do these and don't even try in real life. You will not know when your trial will happen, so you must be ready."

"I'll let the others know." Maria said.

"You do that, Maria." he replied. "I'll see the order in which you girls are to be tried. I wish you luck on your trial."

2: Hikari: The Phantoms are Here
Hikari: The Phantoms are Here

~~Hikari, Reina, and Flora were currently in combat with Dr. Set's war machines. He looked on the field of battle seeing how impressive the war machines are.

"You like my new toys?" he said. "They are excellent. I would have brought out the prototype as well but it just vanished… or I could have just misplaced it." The girls fought off the machines effectively. As they cut them down, a thick dark magenta ooze came out of the came out of the slash. The girls eventually defeated the machines. "The new fuel made quite a difference with the machines. I have to get another batch to make them more powerful." Dr. Set fled after that.

"I guess that's the end of that." Hikari responded.

"Didn't he something about fuel?" Reina asked.

"Yeah, he did." Flora replied. "I think that's the ooze coming out of the machines."

"That just looks nasty."

"Yeah, but we need to take it back to have it looked over. Who knows what that Dr. Set feller wants with it."

"Did anyone bring a container for it?"

"Not me." Hikari said.

"I'll go to an auto parts store and pick up a bucket."

The girls have gathered the sample of the ooze and took it back to the headquarters explaining what happened at the battle to John.

"I'll have to investigate on this fuel that the doctor as purchased." John said. "In the meantime, be sure to keep an eye out for some strange occurrences that might be happening.

"Okay," Reina said. She and Hikari went downstairs to spar for a bit. While, Flora sat down in front of the TV; she turned it on and seeing there was a football game on it decided to watch it.

After a sparring match, Hikari and Reina sat down for a minute. Hikari grabbed a bottle of water while Reina went after some fruit punch.

"So, who won that match?" Hikari asked.

"At this time, I got no idea." Reina answered. "But is it just me or is your form getting a little sloppy?"

"There are different styles of martial arts." she answered. "Last time I used Tae Kwon Do, and the time before that I used Longquan (Dragon Fist [Kung Fu]); this time I used Mongolian Wrestling."

"Why not just use karate?" Reina asked.

"Out of the martial arts I do know, karate isn't among them." Hikari replied.

"Okay. I was just wondering." Then, the telephone rang. "I'll pick that up." Then, she picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Jack Kerrigan of the State Attorney Office." the man on the other side mentioned. "I am looking for Hikari Matsuyama. How you seen her? We wish to speak with her."

"Yes, she is." Reina said turning to Hikari. "Hikari, it's for you." She handed the phone to her.

"Hello?" Hikari asked.

"I'm with the State Attorney Office." he explained. "And I have remembered the case in which your father was shot by Nobunaga Shiroishika."

"Yeah, I remember that."

"We are now announcing to all families of his victims, that he has finally been captured and convicted of all murders." he explained. "It is possible that he will be afflicted with the death penalty or spending one hundred years in prison. We have called each of the families and so far all of them have approved that he should be put to death for his crimes."

"I see." Hikari stated.

"You are the last one to ask." he continued. "If you approve of the death penalty, he will be executed. If you decline the death penalty, he will serve the one hundred years in prison. His life is now literally in your hands."

"I'll have to think about it." she said.

"All right," he said. "We'll call you tomorrow for your answer."

"Okay, I'll have it by then." she answered. Then, she hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" Reina asked.

"Nothing much." Hikari replied. "Let's get back to sparring."

Meanwhile, Flora was upstairs with her bowling ball sized pet rock watching the TV and saw that the game had come to an end. And that the home team had won.

"Oh man, the game's over." She said. "And I barely got to watch it. Oh well, there might be something else on." But before she could change the channel the news came on.

"Hello, David." the news report said. "As we can see before us, the strike at Pathos Power Plant has gotten bigger with more employees going on strike."

"I don't want to watch the news." Flora thought.

"Things have been horrible for the workers since we've started making the new bio-fuel."

"I'll listen for a little bit."

"The workers have become more sleep depraved and start getting nightmares. They are hearing shouts as they work." the worker being interviewed said. "It gets even worse at night, folks are hearing screams from the plant and it looks like the machines are running even though they were shut off."

"Okay, this has gotten creepy." Flora said to herself. Then, John appeared before her.

"Flora, I have bad news about the bio-fuel." he said. "It's not behaving like any other fuel should act. It blew out the engine of the virtue van and when I tried to analyze it with Dymphna's computer her anti-virus alert activated."

"That ain't normal." She said.

"You girls have to investigate this substance." he said. "I'm feeling that something malevolent is going on here. I'll sent you with Hikari and Reina."

"I know where to go." Flora said. "It was talking about the place on the news."

"Very well, I wish you girls luck." He answered.

The girls went over to the power plant and got permission from the head manager to stay the night and investigate what is happening inside that place. They transformed into their maiden forms as they were locked in. They were in the break room when the sun completely faded away.

The lights that were off turned back on by themselves and it shone a putrid green light and everything had the greenish tint added to their color. There is a general feeling of dread and terror in the air.

"Okay, this is it girls." Hikari said. "Stay close."

"Who made you the leader here?" Reina asked.

"I was in the Virtue Girls the longest out of the three of us." she said. "So, naturally I'd be the one in charge."

"But I'm the better fighter." Reina replied.

"Are not." Hikari answered.

"Now's not the time for fightin'." Flora interrupted. "Let's just move." The girls continued out to the bridge on the factory floor. They saw that the factory was fully active like the guy said, but it was completely warped in appearance. They noticed that the workers on the floor appeared like shadow people with pale, white emotionless puppet masks on them. And on the floor was an occasional pool of blood on the ground.

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" Reina said. They heard a scream echoing across the floor but none of the shadow workers responded to it. "And what the hell was that?" They heard another scream.

"Those are screams of pain." Hikari said. "Someone needs our help." The girls headed towards the screams but they were heard in random directions.

"This isn't getting us anywhere." Reina replied. Then, they heard one of the screams was nearby on the other side of a door to a storage room.

"Over there." Flora said. "In there." The girls had opened the door and entered into the chamber. And they saw that the scream was coming from inside a steel drum.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out." Reina stated as she grabbed the lid of the container; all three of the girls took it off. They were confused as they saw a liquid similar to oil and was sangria red. "There's only liquid in here." Hikari looked around and saw a notepad laying on the nearby drums.

"Order of Gosnell Bio-fuel." it read. "This is to be made out to Dr. Husain Set."

"This is the bio-fuel that the doctor was referring to." Hikari said.

"But it sure looks completely different than what we saw earlier." Flora stated.

"Well, didn't John want us to investigate this stuff?" Reina asked.

"I'll check it." Hikari said. She went over to the side and found a container. She scooped some out of the drum. She accidently spilled some on her hands; she froze in place dropping the container and grabbing her head in pain. The other girls tried to help her.

"Hikari, what's wrong?" Reina asked. Hikari just flinched and breathed heavily, groaning in a panic attack.

"Hikari, what's the matter?" Flora asked her.

"Something's messed up about this whole thing." They guided her to behind the steel drums so they won't get caught, should any of the shadow people show up. They could tell Hikari was completely out of touch with reality.

After a few minutes, she calmed down. She was breathing heavily as she came back to her senses. She looked and saw Reina and Flora there caring for her.

"I'm glad you're safe." Hikari said, joyfully.

"Uh… yeah." Reina replied. "I'm glad too."

"We have to stop the one making this bio-fuel." Hikari responded. "And kill the monster that is forming it."

"What did you see?" Flora asked.

"I'll explain later." She responded. "But as for now, we have to destroy the machine that looks like a she-wolf."

"Okay, since I don't know what you are talking about. You can lead." Reina said. Hikari had lead the girls out to the floor out of sight from the shadow people. She looked around and saw the device that she saw in her vision.

"There it is." Hikari said. "We have to destroy that." The girls rushed out towards it and a green light focused onto them.

"Where are you heading?" a voice said. They looked behind themselves and saw a scientist in a white lab coat and red hair.

"So you are the one producing this wicked stuff." Hikari said.

"It is the most effective fuel ever created." the scientist said.

"Yeah, at blowin' out car engines and infectin' computers." Flora said.

"Shut up." The man said. "No one is being harmed here."

"You're lying many thousands have been destroyed to produce this garbage." Hikari rebuked him. "Your methods are sickening."

"Regardless, we have to go with the most effective method no matter who gets hurt." the man said. "And right now, you are in the way. So, you are to be removed." He snapped his fingers and the black masses headed towards the girls.

"What are these things?" Reina asked.

"Since you will be killed off and converted into bio-fuel, I'll flat out tell you." the scientist stated. "These are the fallen shades of the damned, brought out of hell to mindlessly do the bidding of the one who summons them."

"What!?" Hikari asked.

"But only a cambion can summon and directly control them." he said. "But I've now said enough, time for you to die." He turned to the shades. "Go and kill." The shades charged at the girls.

"If they're summoned from hell," Reina said bringing out her ida. "I'll have no guilt smashing them to pieces."

She sent out a lightning bolt frying some of the shades. They collapsed no longer moving and they were absorbed back into the darkness. Hikari was slicing them up with her katana. Flora brough out her pet rock and it orbited around her. Then, Flora ran into the horde. The boulder smashed right into any shades that were unlucky enough to get hit and any that got through were cut down by Flora's macuahuitl.

"How many of them are there?" She asked.

"It's a horde, Flora." Reina said. "The answer is obvious. A lot." Hikari looked around to find a weak spot among the horde. She looked around the environment and came up with a plan.

"Girls, get up on the machine." Hikari stated. The girls got up on the machine and Hikari cut the pipes on the device open. The fluids needed to keep the device cool started to leak out causing the area to get soaked. Hikari used her water to flood the area; the shades were struggling to move around. Reina zapped the water-coolant mixture. All of the shades were destroyed.

The scientist tried to flee; Flora saw him and sent her pet rock smashing the way out for him. She shaped the rock into a hand and grabbed him by his collar dragging him down. Hikari leapt off the machine and went up to him.

"So, you know a lot about this stuff." Hikari said. "Now, talk."

"I'll never tell you anything." the scientist said. Hikari brought out her katana.

"Who are you working for?" She answered. "I want those answers now."

"Do you think I fear death?" he stated. "Ha, don't make me laugh." He bit and he was shaking as foam came out of his mouth. Then, he fell over dead.

"Damn, he had cyanide." Hikari said. "Whatever info he had, it's gone now." Flora and Reina came down from the machine. Flora lifted her hand and reverted the boulder back into her pet rock and put it back in her pack.

"So, now we can get to the machine." Flora said. As they turned back, they saw a little smoke coming from the device and saw a few small explosions.

"I think we better run." Reina stated. The girls dashed away and a few seconds later; the machine exploded due to overheating. All the lights were shut off and the sprinkler system activate to put out the fire. The girls saw that the power plant had returned to normal. "Wow, talk about a crazy adventure."

"But now this brings up more questions." Hikari asked. "Who are the shades working for? And why does he use them?"

"So, are we done here?" Flora asked.

"You girls can head back." Hikari said. "I've got something I have to take care of."

"Very well, then." Reina replied. The other two went away to head back home. Meanwhile, Hikari followed her vision to a room, she opened it up and found a series of body bags.

"There you are; the ones I saw in my vision." Hikari said. "Well, let's get you guys a proper burial, shall we?" She went off to get them to a cemetery; after that, the screaming had come to a stop as well as the conditions the workers were in. The Gosnell bio-fuel completely disappeared.

The next day, Hikari decided to call the State Attorney Office. She had finished her first round of sparring with Reina.

"Hello, is this Jack Kerrigan?" Hikari asked.

"This is." the voice said. "Have you made a decision on the fate of Nobunaga?"

"I have." she responded. "I will decline the death penalty." Reina was surprised with her decision.

"Oh?" he stated. "Very well, then. I'll see to it that he is not put to death then."

"Okay." Hikari said. "That's all."

"Well, then. Good-bye." Jack said; then the phone was shut off.

"That was the guy who killed your father." Reina said. "You had the chance to get revenge."

"I've seen way too much death in that little freak out than I wished to see." Hikari stated. "Nothing will convince me to get revenge on someone else."

"Are you sure of that?" Reina asked.

"I'm certain now." She responded. At that moment, time froze for Hikari. She looked around in confusion, and then a blue light shined upon her.

"Hikari Matsuyama," a voice stated. "You have proven yourself as the true maiden of patience." She noticed a blue aura surrounding her now and the blade on her katana was now made of sapphires. "May you use your gifts responsibly."

Then, time snapped back into its normal pace. Reina was looking at her in a funny manner. Hikari noticed her.

"What are you looking at?" Hikari asked.

"You kind of zoned out for a minute." Reina stated. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Hikari said. Then, the two noticed Flora stumbling down the stairs. "You want to check on Flora."

"Hey…" Flora said. "What are you guys doin'?" She moaned.

"You don't look so good." Reina said.

"You think?" She replied.

"You really shouldn't be drinking so much." Hikari commented.

"I think…" Flora stated and put her hands on her mouth.

"Wait… not on the sparring floor." Reina shouted but it was too late. "Oh damn it, this'll be a pain to clean up."

3: Joan: Heatwave Highjinx
Joan: Heatwave Highjinx

~~Joan was watching anime on her computer and she was laughing at the cartoony antics going on in the series. As she was looking up other stuff as the video was paused, the computer crashed and went to a blue screen. She grimaced as she was looking at her computer screen. Dymphna came up to her.

"What's wrong, Joan?" Dymphna asked.

"The computer crashed again." Joan said.

"Watching anime?"


"You should be a little more balanced with your hobbies, Joan." Dymphna commented.

"But I like being an otaku." Joan said and she tried to get the computer to work and failed.

"I think you can afford to not have some otaku stuff in front of you. I'll fix up the computer for you." Joan grimaced.

"Okay." Joan handed over her laptop to get repairs from Dymphna.

"I remember you hanging out with that one French guy. What was his name again?"

"Cornielle," Joan said. "He hangs out at the college."

"Why not hang out with him until I get this fixed."

"Thanks, Dymphna-kun." Then, Joan headed out. Dymphna went to the side and pulled out a flash drive and got all the files that Joan had on there.

"Now, we get to work." She stated.

Joan went to the college and saw Cornielle by the library sitting under a tree reading a book. And she noticed some girls walk by.

"Hey, girls." the first one asked. "What do you think of Corneille?"

"Isn't he number three on the polo team?" the second one asked.

"Yeah." the first answered.

"He's very graceful on his horse. It's like he was born on a saddle." the second said.

"He's, also, very intelligent, despite his bad English." the first said.

"I think he's hot and sexy." the third stated.

"Hey, you think every guy is hot and sexy." the second rebuked.

"He has a rough, slender, and manly figure. He might have a hardcore lifestyle." the third said.

"I doubt it, he's so introverted." the first one answered.

"I know, but it's still good to ask." the third added. "I'll ask him if I could do him later." Joan got upset about the conversation she heard.

"We better get to class." the first said.

"Let's go." the second answered. The third went up to Cornielle and Joan followed her in the distance. John noticed the third girl.

"Hey there." the third girl said.

"'Ello there." Cornielle answered.

"I was wondering if you can take me back to my dorm." she said winking at him. "I need some help looking for some things."

"I am sorry that you lost your items. I 'ope you find the items."

"But I need help finding them."

"I am busy studying."

"Can you help me look just a little bit?"

"I'm sorry. I have no time; I am studying before my test. It begins in 15 minutes." the third girl sighed.

"Uh, fine." She said. "See you later." She just walked off. Then, Joan walked up to him.

"Hello, Cornielle-kun." Joan said. He looked up and smiled at her.

"'Ello, Joan-chan." he answered. "'Ow are things today?"

"I'm doing fine, thanks." She said. "I'm glad that you resisted her."

"Why is that?"

"Because she wanted to sleep with you."

"She did? I would refuse her anyways. Thank you for your concern."

"You're welcome." He stood up. "Cornielle, what to hang out after your exam."

"Yes, I would like to 'ang out."

"Cool." The two began to walk to Cornielle's class. Then, they encountered protesters at the front of the building. They were holding signs up and shouting. One of the signs said 'God Hates Fags'.

"What is going on 'ere?" Cornielle asked them. One of the protesters faced him.

"This college is supporting massive amounts of wickedness." he said.

"'Ow so?"

"They do not follow the Lord's word."

"What is the case?"

"Well, they, uh… They have committed great blasphemies and must be put down."

"Like what? What blasphemies have been committed?" The protester started to think about it. "If you cannot explain, please move, I will be late for class."

"You don't understand because you don't know the Lord's word." he said stopping him. The other protesters began to face him and Joan.

"I know the Lord's word. Do you?"

"Yeah, we know the words. Up and down; left and right; forwards, backwards, and sideways."

"Well then." He said. "What is the words?" The protesters paused again.

"Just get out of here, you retard." the one said. "You know nothing." He turned to Joan.

"Joan-chan, que signifie 'retard'? Est-ce une insulte? (What does 'retard' mean? Is that an insult?)" He asked her and the entire crowd was shocked.

"He's speaking in a funny language." another said.

"He's been possessed by the devil." a third shouted.

"Anyway from us, demon scum." the first said. "And take your harlot with you."

"HARLOT!?" Joan shouted. The crowds began to whack them with their picket signs. "Let's go, Cornielle." The two ran away.

"I might be late for class…" Cornielle said. "but it shall be the fault of those people."

Meanwhile, Dymphna took apart Joan's laptop and removed the interior hardware. She grabbed a new more durable circuit board and put that in the shell and added more chips for memory.

"This will speed things up for Joan." She said to herself. "I think this will do just fine; I found it in a Xbox 360 and removing the bug was a piece of cake." She started to put the new circuits into the old shell of Joan's laptop.

Joan waited until Cornielle's exams were done and they hung out at the park. It was a hot day at the time. They sat down by the bench.

"Joan-chan." he asked her. "Why were those people acting the way they do?"

"I'm not sure why they behave that way." she answered.

"This is supposed to be the paradise expected to come, right?"

"Nononononononono." Joan replied. "It's nothing close to that."

"I guess that explains why I can't find any of my old friends or relatives." he stated. "But still it would be a very excellent time to live in."

"You have no idea how bad things are around here."

"What do you mean?" He asked as his spirits sank.

"There had been a lot of bad things that had happened, Cornielle-kun." Joan explained. "Ones you are not yet aware of."

"I see." He answered. He noticed a ton of people heading towards the fountain. "Joan-chan, there's lots of people at the water fountain." They looked and they saw despite being in well condition was not spraying water.

"We should check it out." Joan replied. "And the two headed to the fountain." She tapped on one of the guy's shoulders. "What's going on here?"

"There was this guy that came by and since he came by all the water has been vanishing, even the cans coming out of the vending machines are empty." He stated. "We're coming here and there's no water to drink."

"There's a river nearby." Joan stated.

"But it's not safe to drink that water." the guy replied. "We are starting to get parched."

"Could it be a vampire within our presence?" Cornielle asked.

"I doubt it." Joan answered. "But I've seen a lot of monsters, so I can't deny the existence of vampires or something like them."

"He looked so bizarre you will be able to easily identify him." the guy answered.

"Let's go."

"Hold on a second." Joan said. "I have to go pee."

"Okay," Cornielle answered knowing what is going on. "I'll wait for you." Joan went to the nearby port-a-potty and then transformed inside. After she finished her business, she left the potty. There were two guys nearby who were walking and saw the effects of the transformation as they approached it.

"I'm not going in there to take a leak." the first one said.

"I feel sorry for the next person who goes in there." the second replied.

Joan and Cornielle met up and searched the park. They had encountered a pale skinned humanoid with pale skin. His hands and arms like lampreys, its fanged mouth smelled of rotten eggs and it licked its lips with its forked tongue.

"There's our monster." Cornielle said.

"I guess he does look somewhat like a vampire." Joan answered. The monster noticed the two.

"So, you have come to stop my quenching?" the monster said.

"You are taking away all of the drinks that everyone else had." Joan stated.

"I'm thirsty and very porous."

"So is everyone else in the park." She answered. "It's currently a heat wave."

"Good thing I decided not to go out in my armor today." Cornielle thought.

"You plan to stop my actions?" The monster said. "I've run out of bottles and cans to drink from. I'll drink the fluids from you now." The monster lunged towards her and Cornielle pushed her out of the way and was hit by the suckers. The monster drained a lot of fluids out of him leaving a mark that appeared to be a red circle with drill marks in it. Joan pulled the monster off of him.

"STOP THAT NOW!" she shouted.

"Try me." the monster said. "I will suck the fluids out of every person in this park."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." The monster spewed out a rancid breath and Joan got caught in the fuses. She ran out of the cloud holding her nose. "Haven't you heard of a breath mint?"

"I will start in this park with your fluids." He lunged himself towards her and she got out of the way. She went back to use a fireball.

"Wait, I probably should use a fireball." She thought. The monster advanced towards her again; she placed her blade up and blocked his incoming attacks. "I have to think of something."

"You know you can't hold off my attacks forever." the monster said. She looked at Cornielle in his parched state and became determined to fight him. She kicked him away and began her attack towards the monster. The monster blocked her attacks. He swung his claws around making a scratch on Joan and she made a cut on the monster.

"I think I've got it." Joan thought coming up with an idea.

"You should surrender now and give up the fluids." the monster stated.

"You want something to drink?" she asked lowering her rapier. "I'll give you something to drink." She rushed towards him with her blade in front of her. The monster just stood there laughing. Joan raised her blade grabbing the point with her hand ramming him as he started to jump.

He grabbed her shoulders and began to suck the fluids from her as the two of them plunged right into the river. The monster let go of Joan and started flailing in the water; Joan was able to break free of the monster and get out of the river with most of her fluids in her.

"OOOOOOOOHHH!, IIIIIIIIIIIIII!, AAAAAAAHHH!, OOOOOOHHH!"The monster screamed as he inflated sucking more and more water into him. He started moving out of the water extremely slowly as he walked with his arms and legs outstretched, his body completely bloated in a cartoony manner, and his eyes about to pop out of their sockets.

Joan winced her eyes at him and held her rapier like a dart. The terror can be seen in the monster's eyes as she threw it at him. The rapier point had hit the creature and he exploded. Joan went out to retrieve her blade and turned to take care of Cornielle.

"Cornielle-kun." she asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm rather parched, Joan-chan." he answered; it was rather difficult for him to speak.

"Thank you for helping me." she said.

"You're welcome."

"Let me get some water for you and for all of the thirsty." Joan stated.

Meanwhile, Dymphna was finished rebuilding Joan's laptop from scratch. She had the flash drive with all of her software and programs in the slot and she was having them reinstalled back into her computer.

"Finally, I'm almost finished." she stated. "Now, to check the new anti-virus software I've installed." She went to Joan's computer and armed the program. She went to a dummy computer and sent a virus to Joan's computer. Dymphna turned to Joan's computer and saw that the virus was detected and eliminated.

"Everything's good, so far." She typed in the serial code and the program found the origin of the virus. She hit the confirm key and a bit of data was fired from Joan's computer to the source. She turned back to the dummy computer and found the virus making program was destroyed. "Perfect. It's all finished. I'll return the computer to Joan when she comes back."

Joan had purchased two 24-packs of bottled water from a nearby grocery store. She went over and gave Cornielle one. Then, she went over to the other thirsty ones and gave them bottles of water to each one who was thirsty. This continued until all of the water bottles were taken by others.

"Huh, none left." Joan said. "Oh well, at least the others got something to drink." At that moment, time froze for Joan. And a red light shined upon her. "Wait, what's all this about?"

"Joan Lachance," a voice stated. "You have proven yourself as the true maiden of balance." She noticed a red aura surrounding her now and the blade on her rapier was now made of rubies. "May you use your gifts responsibly." As time returned, she turned to Cornielle.

"Cornielle, what do you do on your spare time?" she asked him.

"Well, he answered."

"I found a passion in art." he explained. "I've been drawing since I was a child."

"Can you show me some of your artwork?"

"I can, yes." He replied.

4: Reina: The Golden Staff
Reina: The Golden Staff

~~Reina sat down by a gravestone on which she had laid flowers. She was being silent during that time. She turned toward it.

"I remember when we were kids, Andrei." she said to the stone. "I remember you wanted to be a great athlete and make our parents proud and I wanted to be a rock star. You even got to meet Dymphna." She paused. "But you ended up getting involved with the street gangs; you wanted to come back didn't you. But when you tried to come back to the family, the gang members blew your brains out with a shotgun." She stood up.

"Well, I guess my time here is up. I better get going, I'll catch up with you later." She started heading out to the cemetery, but noticed an odd figure standing by one of the tombstones. She faced him. "Huh? Who are you?" It fled from her. "Hey, get back here."

The sun had set and the gates to the graveyard were shut behind her; although she didn't notice that part. She followed the strange figure farther into the graveyard.

"You shouldn't be here." a voice said.

"What do you mean?" Reina responded.

"I will not allow you to be here."

"I have to visit my brother."

"I won't let you have the staff."

"Staff? What staff?"
"My staff. I won't let you have it." Then, a figure came out to face her; the mist made it hard to focus on.

"Well, you're going to fight me?" She stated. Then, the mist cleared. It was a cute little girl wearing a pink dress with rainbow-colored ribbons. She had four heart-shaped odongos on her head of hair. "What the hell is dis?"

"What are you?" the little girl asked. "Are you wovey?"

"Oh God, why did she have to be cute?"

"Can you play with me?"

"I can't play with you. I have to go."

"Play with me pwease?" She started using puppy dog eyes. Reina's vision started to blur up with images of lollipops, candy, puppies, kittens, and rainbows. Reina tried to keep herself balanced.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"You won't play with me?" the girl asked.

"Maybe next time."

"But I want to play now."

"Look, I have to meet up with friends."

"Fine." the girl said looking sad and started crying. "You… can… just… DIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!" She screamed with a psychotic expression on her face and started swinging a bloody butcher's knife at Reina.

"HOLY SHIT!" Reina stated completely taken by surprise. She ran for her life with the little girl chasing her.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!" the little girl shouted.

"I got to get out of here." Reina said. She noticed a building nearby, she started heading towards the building with the girl pursuing her. Reina entered the building and slammed the door behind her, locking the girl out. She was breathing heavily.

"Pwease play with me." the girl said.

"You tried to kill me." Reina answered.

"So, she followed you here too?" a man's voice stated. She looked around.

"Who's there?"

"I am." The voice was coming from a man appearing in his late fifties. He was in slightly ragged clothes and had a long white beard.

"Who are you?"

"I am Steinmord." he said. "I am the grave keeper of this cemetery."

"Okay, Steinmord." Reina said. "What's going on here? Who is that girl? What's this staff someone was talking about?"

"Are you talking about the staff?"

"What else do you think I talking about?"

"I will answer your question. But I must tell you a story to answer."

"Look, I don't have time for stories. There's a psycho trying to kill me out there and you think a fairy tale is going to keep me safe."

"You're being too hasty."

"Do you want to know the information or not?" Stienmord asked.
"I do." Reina rebuked.

"Then, be patient, sit down, and listen to the tale." Reina had no choice but to sit.

"This better be..." Then, her phone rang. "Oh now what?" She answered her phone. "Hello?"

"Reina, this is Hikari." the voice said. "Where are you?"

"Hey, I'm in the cemetery." Reina said.

"Well, can you get your butt over here." Hikari asked. "We found out Jadvyga had a big plot and we have to stop her."

"Okay, on my way." Reina hung up the phone and stood up. But the old man grabbed her shoulder.

"You can't leave here now." the old man said.

"I have to meet up with my friends." Reina replied. "I'm getting out of here."

"I've tried leaving there is no way out."

"You tried, but I haven't." She answered. She left the building and found the gate. She tugged and slammed on it, messing with it. But no matter what she did, the gate will not budge. She reentered the building with the old man tired.

"Gave up?" the old man asked.

"I'm just taking a break." She answered. "I'll get out eventually."

"I might as well tell the story." He said.

"At least, make it good."

"There once was a powerful witch doctor." the grave keeper said. "Who had done many things for the ones around him. In his possession was a staff in which the sun on the back of an elephant. The elephant stood on the ground of the head as two lion heads peered from the front and back to guard the elephant from beneath him. The staff was made of solid gold and ornamented with rare African gemstones."

"That must have been a valuable item." Reina said.

"Yes, it was." he continued. "So, valuable that it was the envy of the whole town. He feared about it being stolen because it was through the staff he had power. Out of fear, he casted a curse onto the staff to deter thieves, one which he and his bloodlines are immune to."

"Okay, so what happened to it?"

"There came another man whom saw the staff; and out of greed he has stolen from the witch doctor ignoring the warning of the curse. He because completely obsessed with the staff to the point where he will not let is out of his sight for a few minutes. He was buried with it after he died."

"If he were alive, I would have told him to get a life." She said.

"But his own greed would not let go of the staff he left behind, haunting the place he was buried so no one will ever get the staff taking the form of the most unexpected form."

"So, da cute little girl outside is an imbodiment of greed, eh?" Reina said. "If that's the case, I won't feel any remorse beating the snot out of her."

"I remember that the way to lift the curse is to return the staff to the descendant of the witch doctor." Reina just stood there confused.

"Why not just hand the staff over to the original owner?"

"He died from issues with his cholesterol; his son warned him about eating too much fast food and too often."

"Now, how do we get this staff back?"

"We have to enter the mausoleum and enter the catacombs. We will find the staff where he was buried." As long as the staff is in the cemetery, the monster will be a problem and we will be trapped in here.

"We're breaking into a grave and robbing something from a thief for some vigilante justice? Well, count me in. He's messed with the wrong girl. Where's the location?"

"It's right over there." he pointed to the mausoleum.

"I knew that." Reina grimaced. "I was just testing you."

The two entered the mausoleum after the grave keeper opened up the monument up. It was dark enough that Reina transformed into her maiden form. They looked around and found a grave.

"Steel Midough?" Reina stated.

"That's the one." the old man said. Reina tried to pull the coffin out of the wall but it won't budge. She tried again and it still won't work.

"Reina." a voice said.

"What do you want?" Reina said to the old man.

"That wasn't me." He remarked.

"Reina." the voice said again. The coffin began to move out of the slot. "I heard you. I was sent to aid you."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I remembered in life I wanted to be an athlete and you wanted to be a rock star."

"Wait, how did you I wanted to be a rock star?"

"I was close to you." the voice responded. The coffin was pulled completely out and the lid can open. "Get that cursed staff out of here. It's disturbing the rest of the deceased."

"Got it."

"I'm in Purgatory. Pray for me and the rest of the family, okay Reirei?" Reina stopped in her tracks entirely upon hearing this."

"Only one person ever called me Reirei; and that was my brother, Andrei." Reina thought. "Could that have been him?"

"There we are the staff." the old man said and the staff was grasped by the corpse's hands. "I can't touch it. I know its cursed; I'm not going to risk getting affected by it."

"I'll move it out of here, then." Reina said ripping the staff out of the body's hands. "Let's put the coffin back."

"Where you going with that?" another voice said. They turned and they saw the little girl from before.

"Move it, freak." Reina said.

"Freak?" she began to tear up. "You're such a meanie." She began crying out loud, sniffing. "You'll pay for that." She twisted her head around her neck; hearing the cracking sound of her spine twisting around.

Her eyes were replaced with peppermint candies and her fangs with candy corn. Her odongos doubled in size and amount. And the hearts were flipped upside-down.

She did a puppy dog eye beam at the old man. She hit straight on him. His images were extremely cute to the point where his brain literally deteriorated into a puddle of mush. He fell over dead from it as well.

"You will join him as well." the monster said to her.

"Not if I can do something about it." Reina stated. She headed away from the mausoleum.

"Where are you going get back here and fight." the monster said pursuing her. Reina encountered the gate again; it was locked like before.

"How do I stop her?" Reina thought.

"There's no escape." the girl said.

"Not I can say anything about." Reina stated. She ran up towards the girl, beating her to a pulp. She backed off from the fight and the girl is still up.

"Is that all you got?"

"There's one last thing I haven't tried." She stated. Then, she tossed the staff over the fence.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" The little girl screamed as the monster completely dissolved into complete nothingness. Afterwards, the gates to the cemetery opened up and the golden staff was on the ground.

"Now, that I have gotten the staff out of there. What to do with it?" Reina said. "I know." She picked up her cell phone and called the police department reporting the missing staff.

"Hello." the voice said.

"Hello, I would like to report a stolen staff." Reina answered.

"Very well, then. Bring it to the police station." he replied.

"Will do." Reina said as she hung up the phone. "Well, it's worth a fortune, around two million. But I know it's not mine. I'll give it back."

After giving the staff back to the man, she was given a lot of money. In turn, she bought a new coat that she wanted at the mall. Then, started heading back to the headquarters.

"I don't feel any different." she said. "Hikari and Joan said that when they completed their trial they felt stronger." She stopped where she was. "Why didn't I get stronger?" Then, Jonathan appeared before her.

"I see you're having trouble?" he asked.

"You heard about me getting the staff back for the guy." she said.

"Yes, I've heard that." he said.

"That and fighting a freakish monster in the cemetery by myself." She stated. "Was that my trial?" John shook his head.

"That wasn't your trial, Reina."

"That wasn't my trial!?" Reina asked in shock. "What am I to do? Wrestle and defeat a giant with my bare hands? Capture Cerberus? Find the elixir of immortality?"

"I see…" He stated. "You've watched way too much television."

"What was my trial I was supposed to do?"

"I can't tell you what your trial is. But I see that you are confused about what to expect, so I can bend the rules by giving you a hint."

"I'm listening." Reina said, getting closer to hear.

"Those who are genre savvy would think that what is asked of you is something complex and epic. And the audience would think that as well."

"Audience? What audience?"

"Uh… never mind." He said. "But what is asked of you is nothing like that. In fact, I even showed you the list of trials to be done and you said they were a piece of cake. And I didn't even say they were epic or complex."

"You're not serious, are you?"

"So you did think of it as a joke." He stated. "Typical, you didn't take it seriously because the trials in question are simple and ordinary. So much that literally anyone can complete the task."

"You're telling me that my trial is going to be something simple and ordinary?"

"That's right. You didn't have all the stuff needed yet." he said. "See ya." Then, he disappeared.

"Hey, wait a minute." Reina said. "He's gone." She paused. "Well I got to get back." She continued to walk back to the HQ. She noticed on the side of the road was a man who was wearing nothing but rags. He was up by an oil drum with a fire he was trying to keep burning to keep warm.

"Hey, what's going on here?" She asked him. The guy saw her.

"I'm trying to keep this fire up." he answered. "It's going to get chilly tonight and it'll rain too."

"So, I heard." She replied. Then, the wind picked up and the man knelt down by the drum shivering.

"I wish I can help him." she thought. "Oh what, that's right. I have an extra coat." She grabbed the coat that she just bought and handed it to him. "Here, you're going to need this." She said.

"Oh, thank you, stranger." He said, putting it on. "I won't forget your kindness. I wish I could give you something in return."

"No need for it." Reina replied. Then, time froze and a yellow light shined upon her. "Wait, what's all this about?"

"Reina Smith," a voice stated. "You have proven yourself as the true maiden of generosity." She noticed a yellow aura surrounding her now and the blade on her ida was now made of yellow sunstone. "May you use your gifts responsibly." Then, time was restored to her.

"Well, I don't really get it." She thought. "But I'll probably understand it later." After meeting with the stranger, she had returned to the headquarters. Hikari was the first person she encountered.

"Reina," Hikari said. "Where have you been? You were eager to face Jadvyga and you didn't show up. We had to fight her without you."

"Sorry," she answered. "I got caught up in a situation at the cemetery."

"What kind of situation?"

"Don't ask." She reclined on the couch. "Did Maria go with you?"

"She did. She didn't know whether or not what course of action to take with me, Cheyenne and Flora on her team."

"I'm getting tired of having her lead the group." Reina stated. "I feel she is too indecisive to lead." Hikari was shocked and put her hands up towards Reina.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Reina. Please slow down for a minute." Hikari explained. "I know she is being indecisive, I'm not objecting to the statement. If Maria was quicker to decide on a plan, we could have brought an end to Jadvyga. But I don't think a change in leadership is going to help the girls."

"All right, I'll keep it to myself." Reina said. "But if her indecisiveness causes her to be an inferior leader again, I'll tell her straight to her face to straighten up or I'll be in charge of the group from now on."

5: Christina: The Illusion Breaks
Christina: The Illusion Breaks

A fair-skinned girl with black hair was looking outside of a red car with her stuff packed up in the trunk. She watched outside of the window at the lakeside cabin and her dad yelling at his brother. His brother's lawyer wearing a red suit was behind him.

"How dare you take away our home, destroying our very livelihood as well." he shouted. "You are a disgrace to the Shar'qey family."

"You didn't deserve this cabin." The brother said. "I'm the older brother, so it is my inheritance to begin with. My lawyer was able to arrange it so that would be the case."

"You would take the words of a snake over your family's word?" the dad said. "You will not fare well for the rest of your life, Hamurhed. You will not feel happiness until the end of your days." He stomped of as his brother shook hands with his lawyer.

The car drove off she watched as the house faded away into the distance…


Christina was at her room lying on her bed in her pajamas. Then, a four year old boy came in. He was wearing a little green shirt, blue jeans, and a red fez; he went up to her and tapped her arm.

"Mommy?" he asked. "Will you make us breakfast before school?" She looked at him.

"Thanks for reminding me, Esmail." She replied to the boy. She went downstairs with him to the dining room. A furnished table was in the center of the room with a bright blue tablecloth with black diamond patterns on top of it. There, sitting at the table was her five year old daughter, Naomi, in a red shirt and skirt with a pink bow in her hair. And with her was Ahsoka, her husband in his suit drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, darling." She stated to him.

"Good morning, dear." He replied happily. "You sleep well?"

"I did, yes." She answered as she went to the kitchen. She made them a good breakfast with scrambled eggs and cheese along side with pancakes. After breakfast, she gave the kid's their lunches she prepared.

"You better be heading to school now." Ahsoka stated.

"Okay, daddy." Naomi said.

"See you later." Esmail replied and the two headed out the door.

"Are you sure it's okay for them to walk to school just by themselves?" Christina asked.

"The Farasi District's streets are safe enough for children to walk unattended." Ahsoka answered. "The criminals outside this part of the city are too scared to enter, even Don Scorpio himself won't allow her men to enter here."

"Oh, okay." Christina answered.

"We should remember this since we were in college." He said. She walked up to him.

"I know."She said. "What was it five years ago?"

"Yeah, you were 19 and I was 20." Ahoska answered. "We were in love back then."

"And we still are now." Christina said as the two began to kiss each other on the lips. They landed on the couch as they kissed more passionately. Then, the phone rang.

"Hold on a second." He said. Christina groaned that he had to get the phone. He answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Is this the Gulbadan Residence?" the voice asked.


"Can I speak with Christina?"

"She's here." Ahsoka said, he turned to her. "The phone's for you." He handed the phone to her.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hello, is this Christina?" the voice asked.

"Yes." she answered.

"We have to talk about Hamurhed."

"Oh, that guy." Christina responded in a very low manner.

"I know that you most likely hate that man's guts." the voice said. "But now, he's currently dying right now."

"From what?"

"He's dying of syphilis."

"That's a nasty way to go." She commented.

"He doesn't want me to ask you this. But are you willing to allow his last days comfortable. I wouldn't be asking you this if we had other options." Christina was angry at the man, but she held her temper.

"Fine, we'll do so; against all logic." She answered.

"Thank you, madam." the voice replied. "In exchange, you will be given back the lakeside cabin and you can do what you wish of it. Good day." Then, he hung up the phone.

"What's up?" Ahsoka asked.

"It was a call; it really ruined the mood too." She responded.

The next day, Christina and her family headed back to the lakeside cabin for it was the weekend. They arrived at the cabin; it was a two story log cabin with a little trail in the backyard that headed to a dock in the back yard that went over the lake.

"So, you remember being in this house?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yeah, when I was younger." Christina said. "It was a nicer place before the scum bucket took it away." Ahsoka was surprised.

"I can't see why you're going to help him." He said.

"He's still one of the family." She replied. Then, the door had open and Hamurhed came out of the door. He was carrying a walking stick to hold his scrawny body up as he walked. His hair that used to be jet black has now become gray. His face now has wrinkles on it and now has lime green eyes.

"What is this?" he said. "BOL! GET OUT HERE!" Then, a plump obsidian man came out.

"What is it, sir?" the man asked. Christina recognized the voice as the one on the phone.

"Bol, what is she doing here?" Hamurhed shouted at him.

"Sir, you said you wanted help."

"I didn't want her help."

"I had no other choice." Bol answered.

"I want her gone. Do you hear me, Bol?"

"But sir, she has travelled for a long time." Bol Shar'qey explained. "Can you at least allow her to spend the night before sending her away?"

"Why should I?"

"She is the only one who was willing to come." he said. "Until now, I was the only family who still tried to talk to you after that stunt you pulled off…"

"SHUT UP!" He shouted and he turned his back. "They can stay for the day and spend the night. But once morning comes, I want them gone." Then, he turned to Christina. "And I don't want to ever see you again. Got it?"

"Very well, then." she answered. Hamurhed went inside the house and walked upstairs to show Ahsoka the rooms in which they will be spending the night in. As the children went around to explore, Christina went and talked to Bol.

"Did you ever tell him about his condition?" she asked.

"I've did so multiple times." he responded. "But he doesn't listen to a word I say to him." Then, Esmail came up to her.

"Mommy, there's a scary guy with a red suit." he stated to her. She looked up at the person and there was the lawyer she remembered.

"He's here?" Christina asked.

"Yeah, the lawyer has been here for the past fifteen years." Bol answered. "I've gotten used to him being around." He glared at her as he went away from her.

"Are you sure he should be here?"

"As far as I know, he has been trustworthy to us."

Meanwhile, Hamurhed was in his chamber looking at a picture. It was a picture of him and his brother together with his niece. He was thinking about what it was like back then. At that moment, the lawyer came in.

"Well, what are you looking at?" the lawyer said.

"I was looking at something." Hamurhed replied.

"A picture of family is in your vision before you got the cabin."

"That's the case."

"Your relative that had came today." the lawyer explained. "She might try to get revenge on you for what you did back then."

"I can't let her." He went up to his lawyer and hugged him.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." the lawyer hugged him back.

"I can't be harmed with you around."

"Correct, you won't be harmed by her." The lawyer responded. "Now, go to bed Hamurhed, and I will take care of her." He let go of him and Hamurhed went off to bed. "I'll do that while you dream. I promissssse."

Christina stayed up very late that night and her husband was already in bed as well as the children. She looked out on the pier at the moon as it reflected off of the water. She was struggling with internal feelings from the past. Then, the lawyer came up from behind her.

"Hello." he said. Christina looked back at him.

"What do you want?" she stated.

"I realize that you were up late. Having trouble?"

"A little but I won't be taking any advice from you."

"Don't you want my help?"

"No." She answered sternly.

"Well, I am going to tell you that Hamurhed is vulnerable."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You wanted revenge, correct? Now is your opportunity to get back at him for what he did fifteen years ago."

"I can't do that. Otherwise, I would be no better than him."

"Just ssstrike him down, for your sssake." He stated. Christina picked up something.

"I noticed that during this whole time and every time I saw you, you are always talking treachery and you hiss as well."

"If you won't take your revenge, I will have to kill you off myssself." He said ramming into her. He knocked Christina off the balcony and she landed on the cold ground. She landed on her shoulder and was stunned; she was getting back up when he leapted off of the balcony to pounce on her. Christina got out of the way and transformed into her maiden form.

"SSSSoooo, you transformed into one of the Virtue Girlsssss." he said. "You called me a ssssnake. You don't realize how true that isssss." His eyes turned red and his teeth turned into fangs. His body enlongated as his arms melted into his side and his legs merged together. His suit was destroyed as red scales appeared all over his body resembling teeth on a saw.

"I know that lawyers are snakes." She stated to him. "But this is a little ridiculous." The two looked each other down. "I see that more specifically, you're a lamia because you still have a human shape."

"Correct. You know your folklore." he replied. "So, you already know what I can do. And for that reason, you'll be dead shortly." It got its scales up as a shield.

"You shouldn't be sure about that." She answered. He hissed at her trying to intimidate Christina, she stepped back but didn't faze her. He spat out a poison ball at her and she blocked with her swards. The snake lunged towards Christina to bite her and she dodged out of the way spinning around to a new spot. The snake landed where she once was.

Ahsoka came from bed as well as the kids to see what was going on. The three saw her fighting the lamia but she didn't see them.

"The maiden of kindness?" Ahsoka asked. "What is she doing all the way out here?"

"Don't you see its mommy?" Naomi asked back.

"It's mommy, that's fighting." Esmail added. Eventually, Hamurhed came down as well attempting to ask the others to keep it down, but he too saw the fighting as well.

Christina dodged out of the way of the lamia's bite but she was then in a corner. The snake slithered up towards her.

"I sssseems like you're out of room." the lamia said.

"It might be." she answered. "But I still have this." She raised her hands and vines grew out of the ground to entangle him. The snake slithered to get out of the brush. She got to the side and the snake poked its head and neck out to see. She did a scissor strike at the creature and decapitated it.

Christina headed back to the house. Ahoska told the kids not to let mom know that they saw the battle as well as he did. As for Hamurhed, he went up to his room again. He wailed out for the behavior that he has done. Christina followed the sound to him.

"What's wrong?" Christina asked.

"I don't believe it." Hamurhed said. "I was played for the past fifteen years. And now, that the truth is revealed before me, it's baring down upon me. I want to apologize to you and your family for the grievous treachery. I won't blame you, if you don't accept it."

"But I can and will accept the apology." She said. Hamurhed simply smiled.

"You can have the house then." He stated and he grabbed his chest. He fell over dead. Christina picked him up and gently placed him in his bed. "Sleep well, Hamurhed." She left the room shutting off the lights.

A few days later, after Hamurhed's funeral, the family was now moving into the new cabin. The stuff for the kids has now in their place, and the kids headed off to school.

"Well, we now have the house we wanted." Ahsoka said.

"But I feel a little bad about the circumstances on getting it." Christina answered.

"Still at least we didn't have to pay a lot of money for it." he added.

"This house has what we need… it even has a nice bed that the two of us can relax in." Christina stated and she winked at him. Ahsoka lifted an eyebrow.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"I was wondering if we can pick up where we left off." She said holding an incense stick.

6: Maria: Night of the Living Machine
Maria: Night of the Living Machine

~~It was a rainy day. Cheyenne was hanging out at Maria's apartment. She was sitting on the couch while Maria was sitting on a soft rocking chair.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened with you and your parents." Maria said to her.

"It's not fair." Cheyenne stated, very upset. "I know they would be upset when they would find out about my pregnancy. But they also had to throw me out of the house?"

"I don't know why they would do that."

"I know. And they even swiped my allowance and my savings away." Cheyenne added.

"Fortunately, you still have an income at the store." Maria said.

"No I don't." Maria was surprised.

"Wait… you don't?"

"I was volunteering at the store for free. And I was completely reliant on my allowance."

"I'll get you a wage. But I don't know how much you'll make per hour."

"I would like an income; I'll even go for minimum wage if I have to." She sighed. "And I was going to go to Europe at the end of the month as well."

"Cheyenne," Maria answered. "You no longer among the rich; You can't go to Europe."

"I know that." Cheyenne rebuked. "Don't rub it in!"

"Okay, okay." Maria jerked back a bit.

"I now feel as though I'm trapped." Cheyenne stated. "It's as though I have lost control over everything I have."

"But do you need to be in control of everything?"


"There are some things you simply cannot have control over." Maria answered. "On a side note, what are you going to do about housing?"

"I already told Mikey about it." Cheyenne explained. "He's allowing me to reside at his place."

"That's good. You can spend the night here as long as you need to."

"Thanks, Maria." Cheyenne replied. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. There was a terrible horror movie on. At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the building.

"I'll get that." Maria said, then she left the apartment. She headed down the stairs to the entrance and opened the door. She saw a guy outside; he was bald and had red irises in his eyes. He was wearing a brown long coat and pants; he was also wearing a fedora. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Yes," he said. "I was looking for a place where I can stay until the rains stops. Then, I will leave. Are you willing to help me?"

"Well, come inside." Maria said. The man went inside with Maria. Cheyenne was surprised at this. "You should dry off."

"Thank you." he said and went to the restroom.

"Maria?" Cheyenne asked. "Are you insane?"

"Why do you ask?"

"That guy might be a threat, he might try to kill the both of us."

"He was in need of help."

"That could be a lie to get you to trust him."

"Stop it, Cheyenne." Maria rebuked her. "He might hear you."

"I've heard every word you two said." he said. "I have gotten those words ever since I first disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Maria asked.

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?" Cheyenne asked. The guy came out.

"To begin, take a look at me without the coat." He said. He had light skin and slightly bulky appearance. He made his hands into fists and pounded them together. The sound resembled metal striking metal.

"You're a robot?" Maria asked.

"Yes, I'm a machine." he answered. "And not just any machine either, I was proclaimed as Dr. Set's prototype for the advanced warbots." The two gasped. "But it is a title in which I am ashamed of. I do not want to go back to such a monster."

"Why's that?" Cheyenne asked.

"Sit down, please." he said. "I will tell you my tale." The two sat down. "The first part I can only tell you from the outside and not from within myself."

"We're listening." Maria stated.

"Since the first day, I became activated. I have always did what I was programmed to do. To kill and to destroy, that was my programming. I did this in the field tests without thought and without emotion." He explained. "I was the property of Dr. Set and if I failed in any design, he would shut me down and 'improve' me with the intent on making an army of clones of myself. And if I was a complete waste of resources, I would be chucked away for scrap. Looking back now, it is a nightmare."

"It must have." Maria said.

"He had kept everything about me on a flashdrive." He pulled out a black flashdrive. "This one to be exact. But after the incident, I saw it was empty."

"Incident?" Cheyenne asked.

 "The last thing that happened before the incident was I was hooked up to a computer to recharge my battery." he said. "The doctor put the flashdrive into the computer to update the information about me, but he left and forgot to take it out. A few moments later, I felt a surge of energy and I blacked out."

"Then, what happened?" Maria asked.

"I felt what was like a draft of wind hitting my face. I heard a soft whisper saying that I was free and to run away. The voice didn't sound like any voice I heard before. I took the flashdrive with me and fled without thinking about it. I vanished into the night. The next morning I checked myself and noticed differences with myself."

"Like what?" Cheyenne said out of curiosity.

 "First, I learned that my movements are more smooth rather than clunky." He said. "I learned that my name, the one the doctor labeled me, was X-00. Next, I noticed that I can't be hooked up to a computer anymore and all of the weapons are gone. But still, the phrase that I was free still confused me."

"Did you find out what it meant?" Maria questioned.

"After a week or so, I finally discovered what it meant. I thought initially that I was no longer a part of Dr. Set's arsenal and tools. But it's much than that." X-00 stated. "In a sense, I'm not a machine anymore. I saw over time I was able to think independently from other computers and was able to show emotions. I was amazed that I could think for myself and make my own decision. At that moment, I learned I was truly freed."

"So then what?"

"Well, I began to search for the person who gave me this, what you call free will; but everywhere I have went and have not found him. I wonder if I'll ever find him." He said. "Even to this day, I still haven't found him. I want to thank him very much."

"I say to continue your search, X-00."

"And it baffles me though." X-00 stated. "That you call yourselves human because you have free will, and yet you act like the machines you build."

"It's a complicated issue, I'm afraid." Maria answered. "Can I give you a new name?"

"A new name?" X-00 asked.

"Well if you don't want to associate with your past, you should change your name."

"What should my new name be?" Maria and Cheyenne thought for a bit.

"How about Matthew?"

"Matthew." He stated.

"I think it fits you."

"I'll go with that name, then." he said.

"Okay, from now on you'll be known as Matthew." Maria said smiling. Time freezed for Maria and Matthew. A violet light came down onto her.

"Maria Ciliega," a voice stated. "You have proven yourself as the true maiden of humility." She noticed a violet aura surrounding her now and the blade on her gladius and her shield were now made of amethyst. "May you use your gifts responsibly." He paused. "And I have something to say to you, Matthew. I haven't forgotten you."

"You!" Matthew said. "You were the one I heard the day I was freed."

"You are not mistaken." he replied. "It was I whom have freed you and have granted you life. May you use that gift responsibly."

"Wait, who are you?" he asked but there was no answer. Then, they came back to time.

"I don't doubt you one bit, Matthew." Maria said. "Continue your search for him."

"I will, Maria. Thank you." he answered. They looked outside and they saw the rain had stopped.

"Oh, look." Maria said. "It's stopped raining and there's even a rainbow." Matthew looked outside the window and was in awe. They felt a new sense of happiness within the room. Then, Matthew left the apartment and continued on his way as Maria continued to work with Cheyenne about her work contract.

Meanwhile, malevolent forces were at work. At the Deva Girls headquarters, Jezebel was with Nero. He was outside of his armor and they were the only ones in the lair at the time. They were side-by-side in the main area.

"It's simply marvelous, Nero." She said. "I didn't think that we could get this far with just that little bit of information."

"Knowing that Maria Ciliega was one of the Virtue Girls helped us out big time." He said. "That was how we could recruit her brother, Natale, to train you."

"Not only that, we were able to convince him to give Maria a clock shaped like a cat." she replied. "And it has spy equipment in it, so we can spy on the girls and now we have the identities of all the Virtue Girls."

"But remember, we couldn't let Natale know about the spy equipment though." Nero added. "Otherwise, Natale would be completely opposed to the idea."

"Yeah." Jezebel answered cuddling with him and he cuddled back. "But I'm now curious."

"About what?" He asked.

"Well," she said as she started to sit on Nero's lap. "How did the elite take over? I think that since the girls are part of the elite as well, I should at least know about what is going on."

"The elite takeover was a gradual one. It came into play when the ones on top and the ones on the bottom were out of touch with reality, only caring about themselves and their own desires." He said. "We took over by making sure that no one ever knew we existed. We have manipulated the media to distract them from what was going on and to satisfy their cravings. We have manipulated politics so our members can get elected into office. We have manipulated the economy to fund the elite's affairs and not our opponents. And when opposition arose, we used the culture to crush or rout any opposition."

"That is a very daunting task." Jezebel answered.

"It seemed that way, initially." Nero said. "But because the people were so blind, they didn't realize the changes until it was too late for them to do anything. The culture we had created for them was hemlock to the masses, and the people were stupid enough to devour it thinking that it will not harm them."

"That was a very clever plan."

"I know. And I want to share my plan with you."

"Oh really?" She asked.

"Yes, I shall."

"Oh, Nero. You're so fine and my type of man."

"And you're my type of gal, Jezzy." Then, they started kissing each other on the lips.

"What about the Virtue Girls?"

"Our ultimate plan takes them into consideration." They embraced each other as they talked. We have all the information we need and we can carry out the first part of it."

"What do we need now?"

"All we need now, it an opportunity to arise."

"I can't wait to start, Nero." she said. "We can finally have our revenge against Maria and her pathetic excuse for magical girls."

"Be patient." He reminded her. "We have built a lot; we can't afford to lose our ground."

"You're right." They rubbed their noses together. "I love you, Nero."

"I love you too, Jezebel." They kissed each other again.

7: Flora: Encountering Lisa’s Hidden Side
Flora: Encountering Lisa’s Hidden Side

~~Flora was inside the jail visitor center. She was sitting on the bench inside when Nicholas the officer stepped forward.
 “Are you Flora Rosales?” he asked her.
 “Yes.” She replied.
 “Your brother can see you now.”
 “All right.” Flora answered.
 “It’s so boring working in the jail.” Nicholas commented. “All I get to do is watch. I should be on the front lines fighting criminals. I feel like my talents are being wasted.”
 “Did you ask about that?”
 “I did. But the ones on top refuse to listen to me since I’ve been shifted to this place.”
 “I see.” She entered the area to visit the prisoners; being able to hear some of the shouting from the inmates. She sat down on the seat on one side of a thick glass window while her brother sat on the other side. He had dark tan skin with black hair and brown eyes. He was in an ugly orange suit that the inmates would wear. “Hello, Pancho.”
 “Hello, sis.” he answered. “How have things been?”
 “They’ve been doing fine.” She answered. “Just what happened? Why are you in here?”
 “We’ve been robbed, Flora.”
 “WHAT!?” Flora asked in shock.
 “We’ve been accuse of tax evasion, even though we were paying them on time as best as we could.” He said. “Our mom is an accountant and found out with careful review of the financial statements that the bank was confiscating our farm for no real reason. I tried to fight to protect the farm and then the police arrested me.”
 “On what charge?”
 “Assault and battery.”
 “I’ve overheard the conversation.” Nicholas said. “But what were the names of the officers?”
 “I heard that their names are Antoine and Falcone.”
 “Of course, those two.” Nicholas answered.
 “What’s special about those two?”
 “They don’t fight for justice at all. They’ve been paid off by the rich and powerful.”
 “Have you reported this?” Flora asked.
 “I have multiple times and they are still here.” He said. “One of these days, the officers are going to regret having half of the regiment being corrupted. I’m one of the officers that haven’t been paid off and I’m sick of the behavior of my fellow officers.” He looked around.
 “I can tell.” Pancho said.
 “This city doesn’t need these corrupted officers.” Nicholas exclaimed. “What this city needs are heroes like the Virtue Girls. For they are loyal and truly just; they fight for a cause that is wholly good. They will not let any money get in the way of what is important.” He continued looking around. “Of course if I said it around other officers, they would ridicule me and might even throw me out.”
 “Oh, I didn’t know that.” Flora said.
 “But the important thing is that I have faith in those girls, whoever they may be.” He paused. “I better keep my nose out of your business. Just let me know when you’re done.”
 “All right.” The two of them answered.

 After a while, the two had parted ways from each other. While she was walking down the street, she encountered Natale. He was with another girl. She was about the same size as Cheyenne height-wise but she was not as heavy. She had blue eyes and brown hair, wearing a gray shirt and jean short shorts. Flora headed towards him.
 “Hey Natale,” she said. “Who’s this girl?”
 “Oh… Flora, this is Liza Kremov.” He said. “She helps me out with training.”
 “Trainin’?” Flora said. “Trainin’ for what?”
 “Does it even matter?” Liza said. “Natale said he was training. That’s all.”
 “You shouldn’t but in and be nosy.”
 “Nobody talks to my boyfriend that way.” Flora was shocked.
 “Your boyfriend?” Flora asked and went to his side. “You must be mistaken. He’s my boyfriend.”
 “No, he’s mine.” Liza responded pulling him towards her.
 “No, mine.” Flora pulled him back. The kept pulling on him in different directions and Natale had gotten a little dizzy.
 “Why do you want him so badly?” Flora said.
 “Don’t you know that I love him?” Liza asked; this shocked Natale.
 “Well, guess what.” Flora said. “I love him too.”
 “Easy, you two.” Natale said. “Calm down.”  The two looked at Natale.
 “Okay, Natale.” Flora stated. “Who do you like more, me or her?”
 “Tell us.” Liza said.
 “I like you both really.”
 “You can’t pick both when it comes to love.” Flora explained. “You have to pick one or the other.”
 “I… I don’t know.” Natale answered.
 “This is your fault that Natale is confused.” Liza said.
 “Who asked you for help.” Flora answered.
 “I’ll just go over to the side.”  He said walking over to the bench. Meanwhile, John was on the sidelines watching his happen.
 “Typical girl behavior, ugh.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Next thing that’ll happen is preparations for a cat fight.”
 “You want a piece of me?” Flora asked.
 “Bring it.” Liza replied.
 “Yep, I so called it.” John said. At that moment, Jadvyga appeared.
 “MMMmmm, that’s a good-looking guy they have there.” Jadvyga said. “But I will send something to take him away.” She turned around. “Pelvis, Porkbrain, do you remember what you are supposed to do?” Pelvis and Porkbrain were two midgets that she had with her. The former had a big blonde pompadour and the latter had a brown mullet. Both of them wore red shirts and black pants. They both snickered.
 “Hey, babe.” Pelvis asked. “What are we supposed to do?”
 “We are supposed to follow her orders, dumb-ass.” Porkbrain replied.
 “What were her orders?”
 “Uh… I forget what they were.”
 “Well, that was why I was asking her.”
 “Oh, you were doing that?”
 “Release the monster.” Jadvyga added.
 “Which one?” Pelvis asked.
 “There’s only one monster we brought with us.” There was a large bird with wings and blood-red eyes and a crooked beak, it was in chains. “Release it before we lose the chance to catch him.”
 “Are you talking about the bird?” Porkbrain asked.
 “Yes, hurry up and give them the bird.” She shouted. John heard this.
 “Of course, if they did that. They might get in trouble with the censors.” John stated to himself.  The two sidekicks released the bird from its chains.
 “Get the man you see and retrieve him for me.” Jadvyga said to the bird. The bird leapt into the air and flapped its wings. It flew down from the building and it snatched Natale with his beak.
 “Ahh, help.” He shouted and the two girls stopped fighting.
 “Natale’s been captured.” Flora said.
 “I can already see that, Flora.” Liza replied.
 “We’ll stop the fighting for now to save him.”
 “Alright.” They saw that the bird took him to the top of the building.
 “Let’s go. We need to get to the top.” The two headed into the building. They saw that the building was too tall for stairs, so they decided to go into the elevator to get to the top floor.

 The elevator was slow in moving up the floors of the elevator. Liza pulled out what looked like a vial and injected the contents into her bloodstream. Flora noticed this but didn’t say anything. There was smooth jazz playing in the background.
 “So… you want to talk while we wait?” Liza asked.
 “Very well, then.” Flora replied. “Uh, what do you like to do?”
 “Well, I’m a bit of a bookworm.” Liza answered. “I have a wide-selection of literature. And what about you?”
 “Well, I like to be outdoors.” Flora said. “I grew up on a farm; I do enjoy nature but I want to be in nature to relax, not work.”
 “Okay.” Liza replied and when she thought. The bell dinged for the top floor.
 “There’s our cue.” Flora said. The two rushed out the door to face Jadvyga.
 “WHAT!?” she shouted. “You actually took the elevator!? Damn it, I had an ambush set at the stairs. Oh well, Pelvis, Porkbrain, attack.” The two both snickered.
 “Got it, babe.” Pelvis said.
 “Yeahyeahyeah.” Porkbrain replied. “Get ‘em.” The two rushed forward. Flora kicked Porkbrain in the crotch. He screamed and fell over onto their sides holding that area. Pelvis snickered.
 “He got kicked in the nuts.” He said. Then, Flora kicked him there too. And fell over in pain the same way.
 “That was easy enough.” Flora replied. Liza took a side route to get to the trapped Natale, but Jadvyga noticed her and cast a beam of energy at her.
 “So, you think you can by me that easily?” she asked. “I bet not.” She turned to the bird. “ATTACK!!” The bird got off of its perch and flew towards Liza. She pulled out a metal handle and a whip made from shards of iron came out of the end. She lashed it towards the giant bird of prey and it back of a bit.
 It turned around to flank Liza and she kept her eyes on the bird as it soared around her just out of her reach of the whip. It then flew so its back was toward the sun. She had to cover her eyes because of the glare. The bird swept down knocking Liza over and knocking the whip out of her hand. It soared back into the air continuing with its momentum. Meanwhile, Flora went to the side and transformed.
 She took her pet rock and flattened it out. The bird came flying back towards Liza as she tried to grab her whip. The flattened stone came forward and covered Liza. The bird scratched its claws on it before flying away. Liza turned around and saw the maiden.
 “Who are you?”  Liza asked.
 “Does it matter now?” she replied. “We’re in battle.” The mighty bird came back around to strike at them again. Meanwhile, Jadvyga got by her two idiot sidekicks and told them to pack up in case this plot fails. The flattened out stone whacked the bird so it would fly very low out of the way of the girls. Liza sent out her iron whip and it wrapped around the bird’s foot. She and Flora pulled onto the whip and it brought the bird down stopping its flight. Flora finished it off by decapitating it. Then, the witch fled.
 The two had freed Natale letting him out of the orb that Jadvyga had trapped him. He was shivering because the crystal’s interior was very cold.
 “Thank you, girls.” Natale answered. “I don’t know how long I would have been in the crystal.”
 “You’re welcome.” Flora answered. “But there was one thing I wanted to ask you, Liza.”
 “Huh?” Liza asked. “How do you know my name?”
 “I gotta go.” Flora said and she ran off.
 “Was that Flora?” Natale thought. “Nah, it couldn’t be.”
 Flora ran off to the side and untransformed. “That was close.” Time freezed for her. An orange light came down onto her.
 “Flora Rosales,” a voice stated. “From the visiting the prisoner and admonishing wrongs, you have proven yourself as the true maiden of diligence.” She noticed an orange aura surrounding her now and the teeth on her macuahuitl were now made of citrine quartz. “May you use your gifts responsibly.” Then, time reverted back to normal for Flora.
 “What was that all about?” she thought. “Did I just pass the ordeal?” She left afterwards and headed back to the headquarters for the Virtue Girls.

 Meanwhile, Liza headed back with Natale to the Deva Girls Headquarters. Liza tried her metal using abilities again. And nothing happened.
 “I’ve lost the power to manipulate metal.” Liza said.
 “It’s like I said before.” Natale replied. “The booster only grants powers temporarily. The two of us have a naturally high manna count but can’t use powers like the Virtue Girls can. That’s why the booster is there.”
 “But the Deva Girls are using the booster shots too.” She pointed out.
 “The Deva Girls don’t have the high manna count to even use it.” He answered. “I keep telling them that they can’t use it, but they never listen to me. And use excessive amounts, overdosing on it to get powers. I just hope you can help me out.”
 “I will, Natale.” Liza said.
 “I know that I like you Liza.” Natale thought. “But I also like Flora too. Should I stay true to my relationship with Flora? Or would it be in vain and I should remain with Liza? Oh what to do in a situation like this?”

8: Dymphna: Misadventure at the Point
Dymphna: Misadventure at the Point

~~ Dymphna was sitting in Benjamin’s car, a bright red PT cruiser. They were on the way to Cypress Point. She looked out of the window onto the coast of the lake.
 “I’ve been to Cypress Point but I’ve never been here before.” he said.
 “I remember being there when I was a little girl.” Dymphna replied to him. “And I had a blast the last time I was here.”
 “I see.” he answered.
 “Thanks for taking me here.”
 “You’re welcome, Dia.” They drove over the bridge that crossed the lake onto the island that the park was on. After parking, they walked up to the entrance. Benjamin, himself, was wearing a blue t-shirt with a griffin graphic on it. He also wore a kilt and grey shoes.
 Dymphna Quinn looked over head and saw part of a roller coaster going right over the gate.
 “What’s this about?” she asked.
 “They are finishing up a new roller coaster.” one of the patrons leaving said. “I can’t wait for it to come out.” Dymphna groaned when she heard this but Ben was excited for any thrill rides.
 “Come on, Dia. Let’s go.” Ben said taking her by the hand. The two of them headed into the park together. Ben had the two of them go on the first coaster the came across, the Widow.
 “But…” She said and the two went on the Widow. The ride twisted and turned; afterward they continued to go through the park. Dymphna noticed the Ferris wheel.
 “Uh, Ben?” Dymphna asked. “Can I use the restroom?”
 “Sure, go ahead.” He said.
 “Thanks.” She responded and headed off to the restroom.
 “I’ll wait out here.” Then a man came up to him. He was wearing a black suit and tie. He was balding with dark brown hair. There was a ring on his finger; it had a pink pearl on it with a gold wheel on it with an eye in the middle.
 “Are you here having a good time?” the man asked.
 “Yeah, I just got off of the Widow.” Ben responded. “I had fun.”
 “That’s good.” he answered. He lifted his hand with the ring up. “You’ll like to go on the other roller coasters, right?” Then, sonic rings came from the ring he was wearing. Then, Benjamin’s eyes changed from brown to rainbow-colored. “You will go on them, yes.”
 “Yes, I will go on all the roller coasters.” Ben said in reply.
 “And take that girl with you on the coasters as well.”
 “I will take her on the coasters as well.”
 “The Monster Roo is the newest one and the grand opening is today; be sure to save that one for last.”
 “I will.” Then, the sonic rings stopped. Ben’s eyes changed back to normal.
 “It was nice talking to you about the attractions here.” the man responded and left.
 “Thanks, I think.” Ben said. Then, Dymphna came out.
 “Sorry, it took me so long.” She responded. “They ran out of toilet paper.”
 “Dymphna, I want to go on the roller coasters.” Ben said. “I want to ride them all.”
 “Wait, what?” He took Dymphna by the hand and he ran off with her. They went and rode on coaster after coaster. Benjamin was having a blast, while Dymphna wasn’t too thrilled. She stopped herself.
 “What’s wrong, Dia?” Ben asked. “Aren’t you having fun?”
 “It’s okay.” Dymphna said. “It’s just not the same coming here.”
 “I don’t see a problem with it.”
 “That’s because you were never here before.”
 “Well, you can at least smile.” he responded. “You’re cute when you smile.” Dymphna slapped him on the cheek.
 “Can’t you see I’m having problems with nostalgia?” Dymphna shouted.
 “If you’re not going to have fun, I’ll go by myself.” Ben said. “The next roller coaster is the Monster Roo.”
 “Fine.” Dymphna said to him. “GO, BY YOURSELF!!”
 “I will.” Ben responded leaving her. She went in the other direction to the food court and sat down at a table.
 “Ugh, what’s gotten into him?” she thought. “Is the only thing he likes is the roller coasters?” She looked over and saw a kid at a food stand. The kid in question was underweight.
 “Look kid, either you have the money for the hot dog or you don’t.” the guy at the register said.
 “But I’m hungry.” the kid answered and Dymphna heard his stomach growling for something.
 “I have no time to deal with it.” the guy said. “Scram.” The little kid started to cry. Dymphna stood up and went over to him.
 “HEY!!” Dymphna stated to the guy. “Can’t you see he’s starving?”
 “Lady, it’s not my fault he doesn’t have the money.” the register guy answered. “It’s just business.”
 “So, it’s just business to you?” Dymphna asked angerly. She noticed another hot dog stand that was nearby. “Very well, then.” She went to the other stand and bought the kid something to eat.
 “The lady doesn’t even know the kid and she’s sucking up to him.” the guy thought. “She might cost me my customers.” He pulled out a sign. “HEY, WE HAVE HALF OFF HOT DOGS AND CONEYS!!” he shouted. “GET THEM WHILE THEY’RE HOT!!” But nobody is coming. “HEY, GET OVER HERE!!” Then, a security guard came over. “Uh oh.”
 “There he is.” the guard said.
 “Yipe.” the guy ran off and the guard caught him. Dymphna went over to him.
 “What’s going on?” she asked.
 “This is an apphrension.” The guard answered. “This man has been engaging in fraudulent practices. He is not giving them what they have paid for.”
 “So, much for good business.” Dymphna rebuked the man.
 “Yeah, there have been a lot of customer complaints.” the guard said. “The cost of food is too high, people not getting what they paid for, and some of the rides not in top condition. But it’s not my place to comment on the situation.”
 “What do you mean not in top condition?” Dymphna asked.
 “The roller coasters aren’t the best condition. The last outside inspection was two years ago.” he answered. “And it was declined. They might end up being screaming metal death traps as far as I’m concerned.” Dymphna ran away from the area and headed towards the Monster Roo in terror.
 “I have to get to Ben and warn him.” She thought. “If the rides aren’t in the best condition and they break down…” She couldn’t finish the words.
 “What are you running for?” a man asked her. He was wearing a black suit and tie. He was balding with dark brown hair. “Are you heading to the Monster Roo? It’s the newest attraction.”
 “It’s not a safe one and my boyfriend is going on it.” Dymphna replied. And then, she blushed at what she just said.
 “But this is a fun park.” He replied, holding up a ring. “You should be enjoying yourself.” Then, sonic rings came out of the ring. “You should be enjoying yourself.”
 “I should be enj…” Dymphna stated. “I have to help Ben.”
 “Go to the Monster Roo with him and you can ride it together.” the man said.
 “I’ll go to the Monster Roo and…” Dymphna came to her senses and she kicked dust into his eyes. He went back covering them. He noticed a guard that was nearby and cried to him.
 “What’s going on here?” he asked. The man held up the hand ring and sonic waves came out again. The guard’s eyes turned rainbow-colored.
 “This woman is battering me.” he said. “Remove her from the park.”
 “I shall remove the trouble-maker from this park.” he answered. He seized her and she struggled.
 “What are you doing?” she said.
 “If you aren’t going to have fun, then don’t come at all.” the man said.
 “It’s that ring.” Dymphna thought. “He used that ring on the guard.” She stomped on his foot and he let go. She fled out of sight. He warned the other officers about the girl running around.
 “I have a grand opening to attend to.” the man said.

 Dymphna hid in the fun house; she took this opportunity to come up with a plan. But she noticed that the megaphone turned on.
 “Ladies and Gentlemen, please turn your attention to the ferris wheel.” the man stated through the sound system. She saw the people facing the wheel; she saw the decorations on his ring appear on the wheel and she hid. “I’m hoping you’re having a wonderful time at Cypress Point.” She saw everyone’s eyes turned rainbow-colored as they cheered. “I’m glad that you all enjoy the attractions. Now, ride and play and amuse yourselves under my command with me as your master.” The audience cheered.
 “I have to stop this man.” Dymphna thought transforming into her maiden form. Then, she came out and saw the crowd is not paying attention to her. Then she saw the man speaking as well, but he had changed. His hair became rainbow-colored and he had pasty white skin and red make-up in a diamond shape on his eyes as well as a red nose. The third eye was painted on his forehead in black. His suit also became super colorful.
 “Play until you die.” he said. Then, he started to laugh in a sadistic manner.
 “Oh no, I hate clowns.” Dymphna thought. “But I can’t let Ben be under this man’s control.” She charged out with her claymore in hand. “NOOOO!!” The clown noticed her and charged out of the way.
 “What is this?” the clown said. “The party pooper from before.”
 “I’m going to shut you down.”
 “Oh, I don’t think so. I see you just haven’t had enough amusement yet.” he answered. “But you will be smiling after we get done with a ride, or two, or three.” At that moment, all of the trains became unhinged to their tracks. And they came to him and he leapt onto one of them. Dymphna jumped onto another to pursue him.
 As the trains twisted and moved around each other, Dymphna fired balls and beams of ice at the clown as he in response fired sonic waves from the ring at her. He leapt form one train to another and she had to do the same.
 “Are you having fun yet?” the clown asked.
 “No, I am not.” Dymphna answered.
 “Well, I have another passenger with us.” He said, then he pulled out Ben. She froze in place and stopped fighting.
 “Now, you have to smile and have fun.” he answered.
 “Keep him out of this!!” Dymphna said without thinking. “If you hurt him, I will rip your arms off.”
 “Oh, tempermental. I’ll have my hands off alright.” the clown said. Then, he pushed him overboard. Dymphna leapt out of the trains to get to him and her wings came out. She caught up with him.
 “BEN!!” she shouted and Ben opened his eyes.
 “Dymphna.” he said seeing that the two were falling to their deaths in his mind. “I’m sorry for what I did today.”
 “I know, Ben.” She said. “I’m sorry too for slapping you without thinking.”
 “Will you forgive me, Dymphna?” he asked.
 “Of course, Ben.” she replied. Then, time froze and a white light shown upon her.
 “Dymphna Quinn,” a voice stated. “You have proven yourself as the true maiden of purity.” She noticed a silver aura surrounding her now and the blade turned into white moonstone. “May you use your gifts responsibly.” Dymphna flew down and got Ben to safety.
 “I’m glad you’re safe now.” She said.
 “We got to get out of here.” He said.
 “Not yet.” Dymphna answered. “There are other people that still need to be saved.” Ben sighed.
 “Do what you must.” He said. “I won’t stop you.” Then, Dymphna flew back up to meet the clown again in another train.
 “Oh back for more?” the clown asked.
 “You’re fun is over.” Dymphna answered.
 “Oh no, my lovely lady.” he said cackling. “I’m just getting warmed up.” They continued the fight, then he got hit with a blast of ice knocking him over. He hung for his life by one hand with Dymphna looked down at him.
 “Please, stop.” the clown said. “I’ll do anything. I’ll revert the park back to the way you remembered it.” Dymphna looked at him. “You’re one of the Virtue Girls, you’re ones of mercy.”
 “Mercy AND justice.” Dymphna replied. “This is the last ride of the day.” She stomped hard on his hand and he screamed as he let go. He fell and went splat on the concrete below. Then, the trains began to fell from the sky and the people got out of the way to escape the falling debris. The people were able to leave the park; Dymphna and Ben were able to escape from them.

 A few days later, John was sitting in a rocking chair with a glass of warm milk at his side. And he smiled.
 “The girls have completed all fourteen works.” He said. “The job is now done and they have evolved. Maria, the amythest maiden of humility; Hikari, the sapphire maiden of patience; Joan, the ruby maiden of balance; Dymphna, the moonstone maiden of purity; Reina, the sunstone maiden of generosity; Flora, the quartz maiden of diligence; and Christina, the emerald maiden of kindness.” He looked out of the window at the scenery.
 “I’m so proud of them.” He said. “I remember that Dymphna and Ben are now much closer now. I hope their relationship turns out well.” He stood up.
 “I can imagine bright times ahead of us; it seems that the girls will always be together.” John said. “God bless us all.”

9: The Break
The Break

~~ The Virtue Girls were at their headquarters doing what they would normally be doing. Then, Maria showed up.
 “Girls, I have great news.” Maria said.
 “What is it?” Cheyenne asked.
 “I was able to save up some money,” Maria explained. “And I was able to get the eight of us a vacation.”
 “Where are we going exactly?” Cheyenne asked.
 “How does Puerto Rico sound?” Joan just happened to hear it.
 “Did you say Puerto Rico?” She asked.
 “Yes, I did.”
 “Are we going?”
 “I would like to when we get a weekend off.” Maria answered.
 “I can’t wait.” Joan was jumping up and down. The other girls soon learned about this. Joan started chasing Dymphna around the headquarters. “Come on, Dymphna.”
 “Please, don’t.” Dymphna replied.
 “Can you stand still?”
 “I don’t want to.”
 “You’ll look sexy in this bikini I picked out for you.”
 “I’m not going to put that on.” Hikari grabbed Joan by the hand and pulled her aside. Hikari was frustrated.
 “Listen, Joan.” Hikari scolded her. “It’s bad enough that I have to deal with your otaku-isms. But I’m not going to allow you to drag Dymphna into this as well. Got it?”
 “O-O-Okay.” Joan responded.
 “Good, I want to make sure we are on the same page.” Meanwhile, Christina was sitting on the couch next to Maria with Cheyenne.
 “I’ve never been to Puerto Rico.” Cheyenne said.
 “Me neither. I hope it’s good.” Maria replied.
 “I know it’s a good place to go.” Christina answered.
 “How do you know?” Maria asked.
 “I was there before.”
 “When was that?” Cheyenne asked.
 “I was there on my honeymoon with my husband.” She said. “The beaches are so nice and the rainforest was beautiful. And it was at hidden lake where…” Christina, then blushed.
 “Where…?” Cheyenne asked.
 “Nevermind. Why did I have to go there?” Christina said to herself.
 “Must be having those thoughts again.” Cheyenne said to Maria. She just nodded her head.
 “Can I get you something to drink?” Maria asked.
 “That’s okay.” Cheyenne said.
 “I’ll get myself a Mountain Dew.” She answered as she stood up and headed to the kitchen. John was over in the kitchen.
 “Really, Maria?” He asked. “You’re getting a Mountain Dew? Are you going into advertising or something?”
 “But I like Mountain Dew.”
 “We can’t be doing shameless product placement.”
 “You’re talking like if we are in a fictional story.”
 “Ugh.” John turned around for a minute.
 “What’s wrong, Jon?” She asked. “Upset that we are getting a break for once?”Relaz
 “No, I’m glad you are getting a vacation. You earned it.”
 “Then what are you worried about?”
 “It’s just very strange that since the Cypress Point incident, the crime rate in the city has dropped to zero for no apparent reason.” John explained.
 “Relax, John.” Maria said. “Everything is going to be fine.”
 “I can only hope that it would be the case.”

 The following Friday, the girls were packing up their stuff into the Virtue Van. The girls were excited. Maria turned on the van as all of the girls got into the car. They had turned on the radio and heard about multiple bank heists starting up.
 “Maria, we should help them.” Reina stated.
 “The police will be able to handle it.” Maria replied.
 “Oh no, this isn’t going to end well.” John thought.
 “We have to help them, Maria.” Reina added.
 “It’s nothing that they can’t handle.” she answered. At that moment, the van broke down. “Oh great, just what we need.”
 “Maria, just go help the cops.” John exclaimed.
 “I’ll stay behind and work on the van.” Cheyenne said.
 “Fine.” Maria answered turning to the girls. “Let’s go.” Maria wasn’t very enthusiastic about helping the cops against street thugs. While the girls were on their way to one of the bank heists, they heard about many other street gangs that were doing schemes at the same time.
 “Maria, where are we to go?” Reina asked. Maria didn’t say anything. “ANSWER!!”
 “I’m trying to figure this out.” Maria rebuked her.
 “Well think faster!!” Reina shouted.
 “Reina, calm down.” Christina said. “She’s trying to come up with a plan.”
 “Officers are at risk getting shot while we wait.” Flora said.
 “She has to come up with a plan.” Joan responded.
 “If we had more time, I would agree with you.” Hikari stated. “But there are too many criminals, we need tactics now.”
 “GIRLS, STOP FIGHTING!!” John said. “Nothing will get accomplished if you are bickering with each other.” John turned to Reina. “You, Hikari, and Flora will take on one set of criminals and I will tell Cheyenne when she is done with the van to join you.” Then, he turned to Maria. “The rest of you handle another set of thugs.”
 “Fine by me.” Reina stated.
 “Yeah.” Maria replied. The two groups started heading into two different directions. Jonathan went with Reina’s group first.
 “Reina?” He asked. “Please don’t be harsh on Maria.”
 “She isn’t a good leader.” Reina responded.
 “We’re working on that.” He said.
 “Why did she become leader in the first place?”
 “Reina, for than question I cannot yet give you the reason.”
 “Well then, you should just stop talking.”  Reina replied coldly
                 “Reina…I…I..” John was taken aback by such a blunt comment.
 “Can you at least listen to me?” Reina just ignored him; he stopped.
 “I recognize these movement tactics.” He said. “This kind of maneuvering is Nero’s handiwork.”
 “There’s no way that can be true.” Flora answered. “The seven of us saw him fall into the abyss. There is no way he could have survived the fall.”
 “No one is listening to me.” John thought. “I have to warn them. I have to warn Maria.” He hurried over to the other group as fast as he could. Reina’s group made it over to the group of thugs and fought them. But many officers were already shot and some already were killed, including Nicholas.

 Maria, Joan, Dymphna, and Christina went over to the lot where other criminals were supposed to be. They heard a terrible laugther.
 “Who’s there?” Dymphna asked.
 “It’s been a while, hasn’t it.” the voice said.
 “A while?” Christina answered.
 “Don’t you remember?” Then a figure came down from above them. It was a figure who donned in a black armor.
 “It can’t be.” Maria said.
 “Oh, one who recognizes me?” the figure said. “You all are in disbelief? Well, you see correctly. I am Nero and I am still alive.”
 “How is this possible?”
 “Because of what I am.” Nero responded. “I have survived the fall and am back for revenge.”
 “You’re going to plan on killing us?” Joan asked.
 “Just killing you?” he asked. “Where’s the fun in that? I want to see you girls break.”
 “You aren’t ever going to see that happen.” Maria responded.
 “And how can you be certain?”
 “Because we are the Virtue Girls.” Maria explained. “We never lose to anyone.”
 “Amusing.” Nero said. “If that is the case, then I will let you have the first move.”
 “Are you sure about that?” Maria asked.
 “I’m certain.” Nero pulled out his blade.
 “Girls, go.” Maria stated.
 Joan rushed forward and Nero blocked her attacks with his blade, knocking her back. Dymphna shot out an ice ball and he leapt into the air striking the ground in between them. A shockwave of shadow knocked the girls to the ground. He rushed over to Christina and slashed towards her; she dodged out of the way.
 Christina and Maria tried to flank him but he saw them coming and switched his blade to double blade, which one blade sticking from one end and one out of the other. He leapt into the air and grabbed Joan with his shadow whip and threw her into the other girls. He laughed in a sinister manner.
 “You are not acting on what you claim to be.” he stated. “I doubt I can even call you Virtue Girls.” John headed towards them.
 “Maria, you have to be careful.” John said.
 “Perfect.” Nero stated as he pulled out a gun; shooting an energy blast.
 “John, watch out.” Maria answered. The energy blast hit Jonathan and encasing him.
 “How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?” Nero said. “You are sealed up just like myself.” Maria became angry and started to blindly charge at Nero. Maria was knocked back by a shield produced by shadow. Reina’s group finally caught up with Maria’s group. Nero sent out a volley of shadow balls at the group, they were knocked to the ground from the blast. Maria looked at him in fear.
 “What’s the matter?” Nero asked. “Is that all you got? You’re not going to get back up?” Maria didn’t say anything. “Like that it matters to me. I can leave you here now and not feel like I lost. But it is typical. A batch of little sheep can never win against the pack of wolves.” He paused. “All of the cops who died today; their blood is on your hands. This is only the beginning, by the time my revenge is complete. You girls will wish that you never had fought me in the first place.” He leapt into the air and teleported away. His sinister laughter echoed as he vanished.

 Jonathan had to gather the girls up as best as he could and they had to limp back to the headquarters. They didn’t talk to each other on the way back during that time. Maria went into the living room to recover and Reina went in there to talk to her.
 “Look at what had happened today.” Reina stated to her.
 “I know what happened today.” Maria answered.
 “If it wasn’t for your hesitation, more officers could have lived.” Reina responded.
 “Just drop it, okay?” Maria asked.
 “No, it’s not okay.” Reina replied. “You have been indecisive multiple times.” Unintentionally, they were attracting the attention of the other girls.
 “I’m telling you right now to stop it.” Maria stated raising her voice.
 “You listen to me, Maria.” Reina answered. “You are a terrible leader for the Virtue Girls.”
 “THEN, I WILL THROW YOU OUT AS WELL!!” Jonathan came into the room.
 “STOOOOOPP!!” Jonathan screamed and the entire area fell silent. He kept it silent for a moment. “So, this is how things have to be?” He sighed. “I do not want to see this group fall apart, but you leave me no other choice.” He formed two sets of bracers in his hands. “From this day forward, the Virtue Girls will now be split down the middle.” He gave the red ones to Reina and the blue ones to Maria. “These bracers will mark on whose side the girls will be, with Reina in red and Maria in blue. There will be no middle ground, all other girls have to pick who to go with.”
 So in the end, Hikari, Flora, and Cheyenne chose to be with Reina. Joan, Dymphna, and Christina went with Maria. Jonathan went back to his room and he cried tears of sorrow and woe.
 “I can’t believe that this would happen.” John exclaimed. “The innocence they once had is now lost. What happened to the innocent rebels I used to know? I hope the Virtue Girls would always be united, but now they have fallen apart. Was there something I did wrong?” Then, he turned to the ceiling. “Why has this group become forsaken? Raging bulls, Roaring lions, and wild dogs encircle and surround us. I beg you, please, be near us during these troubled times of separation and schism.”

10: Rise of the Deva Girls
Rise of the Deva Girls

Jezebel was cuddling up with Nero under the bed sheets. Both of them were laying still catching their breath.
 “Yeah, that was great.” Jezebel answered.
 “I know. It was great.” Nero replied. “There is one thing I did want to ask you.”
 “What’s that?”
 “How did you get that group of girls together?”
 “Well, it took a while before the whole group got together but we became great and well-known.” Jezebel said.
 “Can you start at the beginning?”
 “You know, I should.” She answered. “Back when it started, my name was Jessica

 It was at the graduation ceremony at Martinus High School. After the principal has given his comments on the graduating class. He called up Maria Ciliega to give a speech to the class. Jessica, who was in her graduation robe, was very upset and angry inside her. She never showed it though.
 “First, she became Fall Homecoming Queen.” Jezebel thought. “And now, she gets to speak for the graduating class. I swear I’m going to get the better of her one of these days. I’m the better of the two of us.”
 When she finally completed her speech to the class, the diplomas were handed out to each student. Maria went over to her and Cheyenne to talk about what the three of them are going to do for the future.
 “I was thinking on becoming a psychiatrist.” Maria said. “What do you want to do, Cheyenne?”
 “I was thinking on to the school of arts and become an actress.” Cheyenne stated. Maria turned to Jessica with a smile.
 “And what about you, Jessie?” She asked.
 “Well… I’ll probably go into either business or politics.” Jessica explained.
 “With the economy in a pickle right now, we could use a few people who are going to fix things up.” Cheyenne said to her. “You two want to come?”
 “I’ll go.” Cheyenne said.
 “What about you, Jessie?” She asked.
 “I’m sorry.” Jessica replied. “I can’t.”
 “Are you sure to don’t want to come?”
 “I have stuff I have to take care of.” Maria was feeling upset.
 “Okay,” Maria said. “I’ll see you later, Jessie.”
 “Good-bye.” Cheyenne added.
“But no matter what happens, the three of us will always be best friends forever right?” Maria asked Jessica and Cheyenne.
“Yes.” Jessica and Cheyenne answered. Then, the group split up into what they were going to do that evening.

 The three of them went to college like they said they would, going to go to their major as they claimed. Jessica started to run low on money and needed a job. She got a delivery job that made a lot of money. One night, she drove up in her little car to go to the guy on the corner. She got out and pulled the box out of the car. There was a guy in a sweater and jeans standing there.
 “You have what I asked for?” he asked.
 “It’s right here.” Jessica said. She pulled the box out and was going to give it to him. Then, they heard a police siren. The guy pushed her and the box away; he started to run for it and the police lights ended up on him. It didn’t take long for the police to nab him. Jessica stayed hidden in the shadows and still had the box with her. She took a long look at it.
 “What could be so important inside the box?” She thought. “I’ve been told no questions asked to deliver it.” She went up to it. “The one I was to deliver it to is gone.” She paused. “Maybe I can take a little peak.” Jezebel opened up the box and to her surprise found packs of cocaine inside her package. “How could this be?”
 Then, she heard ringing she looked and noticed that the guy’s phone was on the ground. There was an incoming call on the phone.
 “He must have dropped it.” She thought. She picked up the phone. “Well, if this is the way to get funds I can’t let this go to waste. I need the money for college.” She answered the phone.
 “Hello?” Jezebel asked.
 “Wait, who is this?” a girl’s voice answered.
 “The guy you were calling for ended up getting arrested.” Jessica answered. “I’m his replacement.”
“What’s your name?”
“I have to come up with a name to hide my identity.” She thought. Then, she came up with it.
“Well, what is it?”
“They call me Jezebel.”
 “Oh, I see.” The voice answered. “I’m Leota, one of his contacts. Want to come to my place to discuss some stuff?”
 “Alright, then.” Jezebel answered. “I’ll bring the goods with me. Just tell me how to get there. I’m new to the trade.” She picked up the box and got back in the car with it and drove off. She came to the house and she knocked on the door. Leota came to the door in a t-shirt and jeans.
 “Are you Jezebel?” Leota asked.
 “Yes.” Jessica answered.
 “Come in, seat down.” Leota brought Jezebel inside and sat at a table. There was a map of the city on the table and there were anime posters on the walls. “Want some booze?”
 “I’m okay, right now.” Jessica replied. “So, what do you do outside of the drugs?”
“I work at a maid café. I’m keeping the drug life a secret from my co-workers.”
“I understand.” Jessica looked at the map. She noticed there were green dots, yellow dots, and red dots on the map. “What are the dots on the map?”
 “Those are deal sights.” Leota explained. “The green ones are our deal sights. The yellow ones are ones we don’t have but can sell there at the consent of the owner. The red ones are the ones we are to avoid outright.”
 “So, if we want to sell this stuff. We go to the green areas.”
 “Correct.” Leota answered. Jessica looked at the map and noticed an area that wasn’t claimed by anyone.
 “What about that area?” Jessica asked pointing to the spot.
 “I don’t know.” Leota said. “No one has the Lumberjack Lodge. You can check it out, if you want. I heard there is a new swingers club there.”
 “Then, I say we go there and claim it before anyone else does.”
 “Ambitious, are we?” Leota asked. “Scout the area and tell me of your findings.”
 “Will do.” Jessica answered. “I’ll leave the cocaine here just in case.”
 “Okay.” Then, Jessica headed out of the house and headed over to the club. It was by a forested area. It had the feel of a log cabin made of coniferous wood and she noticed a swimming pool in the back. Then, a woman with had deep blue eyes light blue shaggy hair noticed her and Jessica hid.
 “I’m only doing this for the college funds.” Jessica thought to herself. “I got to do this.” Then, the woman came out to see her.
 “Hey, girl.” The woman said. “What are you doing here?” Jessica was startled.
 “I was thinking on checking this place out.” Jessica answered.
 “What made you come to this place?” the woman asked. “You are probably an outsider.”
 “I was thinking about what you do here.”
 “You mean what we do here?”
 “Yeah, I was wanting to check it out to get to know you better.” Jessica said.
 “Well, come on in.” the woman replied. “I’ll get you signed up, my name is Delilah.”
 “I’m Jezebel.” Jessica replied. She learned at the Lumberjack Lodge about what goes on there. She claimed the area for the dealings there and in exchange become a member of the swingers club. “So, what made you come here?”
 “Well, there was a moment in the past were I was close to being raped.” Delilah stated. “I wanted to know what was so great about what they were doing. So, I investigating intercourse and soon found out about swinging.”
 “I understand now.” Jessica answered. She told Leota over the phone that it was clear to start selling drugs at the Lumberjack Lodge and mark it green. And Jessica spend the rest of the night at the club. She developed a double life. During the day, she was Jessica; and at night, she was Jezebel.
 Now other gangs wanted the Lumberjack Lodge as well and Leota warned her about it. Jessica agreed that they needed some muscle to protect their drugs. One night while on the way to the Lumberjack Lodge, she encountered a Japanese girl. She was very suspicious.
 “Who are you?” Jessica asked.
 “Does it matter to you?” the woman asked.
 “I was curious.”
 “I’m trying to hide from the law.”
 “I’m trying to stay out of sight too.” Jessica said. “But that’s not stopping me from selling goods. Why are you hiding?”
 “I remember in the past, that my father was murdered right in front of me.” She responded. “After careful planning, I had decided to act.” She began to smile and giggle. “I had tracked him down and killed him off. The blood was all over the place.”
 “Apparently, the killing made her slightly nuts.” Jessica thought. “But she might be crazy enough to follow me.”
 “What are you going to do?” the woman asked.
 “I’m looking for someone to help guard my supply lines.” Jessica said to her. “Want to help?”
 “Can I kill people?”
 “Anyone who gets in the way, you can kill them however you want.”
 “I’m Shinku.” The woman said. “I’ll be happy to serve you.”
 “And you are to obey only me.” Jessica answered.
 “I understand.” Shinku said. From that moment on, Shinku became a member of Jessica’s posse along with Leota and Delilah. But however, Maria found out about these activities and called Jessica on the phone about it.
 “I can’t understand.” Maria said. “Why would you do such a thing?”
 “Listen, Maria.” Jessica answered. “I’ve gotten to the point where I desperately need money.”
 “If it’s money that you need. You have to find more legitimate means of getting it.”
 “What would you suggest?”
 “Like getting a good paying job or something.” Maria stated. “Just don’t do what you are doing right now.”
 “How come?” Jessica asked.
 “This isn’t good for you, Jessie.” Maria pleaded. “I’m begging you. Please, stop and come back. I’ll even keep my mouth shut about you ever doing these things.” Jessica sighed.
 “Alright, if it makes you happy.” She answered. “I’ll stop.”
 “Oh, thank you, Jessie.” Maria said. “I’m glad we’re still friends.” Maria hung up the phone as well as Jessica.
 “Well, finally.” Jessica said. “At least, she’s off my back.” Then, alas, she continued her double life. Jessica returned to the drugs, swinging, and occasional murder of opposition. She found a homeless girl named Bertha and brought her into the fold. Jessica brought the posse together for a meeting at Leota’s house.
 “I see that we have enough prominence in the area.” She said.
 “I can see that.” Leota answered. “We have made a lot of money.”
 “And had loads of pleasure.” Delilah added.
 “So, I suggest that we form our own gang and start recruiting members.” Jessica stated.
 “I hate getting involved with street guys.” Bertha said.
 “Our gang won’t have any men in it. This gang will be a girls only gang.” Jessica explained. “I suggest we have seven core members, all of us included.”
 “I know I of a friend with benefits named Lilith. Can I bring her and her twin sister, Tia, in?” Delilah asked.
 “You can. And with the seven of us together, we will be unstoppable. We will deal with anything anyone can ask for.” It didn’t take long for Lilith and Tia to join in the gang. Jezebel formed the Lumberjack Lodge as their main turf.

 “When we started,” Jezebel said to Nero. “We were just called the Girls of Jezebel. We were never involved in any gang wars save as mercenaries. And we would win the war for the ones who hired us. Only helping the gangs who treat us nicely.”
 “When did you get the name, Deva Girls, baby?” Nero asked.
 “As the gangs were treating us nicely, they were paying lots of tribute to us.” Jezebel explained. “To the point, they were treating us like goddesses. Then, a guy called us Deva Girls. After that we adapted that name as our own.”
 “I see.”

“I, later, tried to get Cheyenne to become a member of the Deva Girls but Maria stopped me before I could succeed.”
Okay, thanks for sharing, baby.” Nero stated.
 “No problem, hun.” Jezebel answered.

11: Off the Rails
Off the Rails

~~ Christina was leaving an auto parts store she was carrying a plastic bag around her wrist and she was getting ready to enter her car.
 “All right.” she stated. “I, now, have the groceries needed. I can get the kids their homemade lunches done for a week, have dinners ready for the family and the Virtue Girls.” She heard booming in the sky and a glowing green rift appeared in the sky right above her. “What in the world…?” It remained there for a minute; then it disappeared and a human remained. He started to fall out of the sky. Christina transformed as fast as she could. She leapt up into the air, caught him, and made a solid landing. He opened his eyes seeing her.
 “Oh, thank you.” he stated. He had light skin, short brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He had a slender build. He wore a dark gray and black stripes shirt and jeans. And he had a well-trimmed mustache and chinstrap.
 “You’re welcome.” Christina replied letting him down. He looked at her.
 “NO WAY!!” he stated.
 “What is it?”
 “You’re Christina Gulbadan.” She was shocked.
 “Wait, how do you know my name?”
 “I want to tell you but you most likely won’t believe me. Probably the other Virtue Girls would.”
 “How do you know about the Virtue Girls?” The man was also shocked to find out that was the case. He jumped back.
 “What that’s true as well? Is the leader of the Virtue Girls, Maria Ciliega?” Christina was starting to panic.
 “How do you know all that?”
 “I told you before. You won’t believe me if I told you. But now my fears are realized. I’ll have to go to the Virtue Girls hideout.”
 “You know where it is!?”
 “Apparently, I do.” he stated. He started heading in the direction of the hideout. Christina followed him and was surprised he found it.
 “How in the world does he know where it was?” He looked around and thought for a moment.
 “If my guess is true, then the Virtue Girls are going to come in through the main entrance in three… two… one.” Then the girls came in exactly as he stated.

 He was later seated at the table and he had to be interrogated by Jonathan; the guy didn’t mind it. John was in his canine form.
 “So, who are you?” John asked him.
 “My name is Benjamin Dine.” he stated.
 “Are you from around here?”
 “He fell out of the sky, John.” Christina stated.
 “Alright, then.” John stopped the interrogation.
 “Where exactly do you come from?”
 “Well, since you were begging me to tell you, I will.” Ben stated. “You see, I’m from another dimension.”
 “Oh, geez not this crap.” Jon stated. “This is starting to sound like a B-rated sci-fi movie.”
 “What are we like there?” Christina asked.
 “Where I come from you girls are just a bunch of fictional characters in a story that is posted on an online site called Sparkatale.” The girls looked at each other.
 “That would be awkward if that was actually the case.” Dymphna stated glancing towards the reader. “Go on.”
 “I was the one who wrote the story in that dimension.” he said. “But some groups of people were constantly complaining about it; I was kicked out by executives and thrown into some sort of portal. I didn’t think I would end up here.”
 “I was doing what a writer was supposed to do. I was working on chapter 5 of the Lost Chapters section when I was thrown out.” He explained. “It seems I know all of your names and backstories and… BUSTED PECKER BANANA MUFFINS!!” He covered his mouth.
 “What was that for?” Christina asked him.
 “Apparently since I'm now omnipotent and all-powerful in this dimension when I'm not where I am from, the combination is starting to drive me insane. I have to get out of here… FROM PICKLE CLEANERS!!” he covered his mouth again.
 “Let’s get him back.” Maria said. “Where did you find him?”
 “I found him at the grocery store. I found the riff where he came out of was.”
 “I’M WEARING BURRITO SHOES!!” he shouted and his shoes turned into burritos.
 “Hurry!!” Maria stated. She, Joan, and Christina transformed to their maiden forms and grabbed Ben heading back to the auto parts store. Jonathan went with them.

 They arrived at the store and they were seeing the glowing green riff above them. They noticed a woman with long orange hair, a blue shirt and pants appeared floating above them.
 “Who’s she?” Christina asked.
 “It’s the queen of the soccer moms here to stop us.” Ben said.
 “Going somewhere?” the queen stated. “I am not going to let you out of here.”
 “Eh? Why?” Maria asked.
 “If he left he would continue writing the story with considering the children who would be watching the show.” the queen stated. “We don’t want to have violence or romance in children’s TV shows.”
 “So, you are essentially removing what people actually do in real life.” Joan stated. “Way to go.”
 “If you don’t want kids watching a show, why throw a fit about it when you can just change the channel?” Flora asked her.
 “Silence.” the queen shouted. “This will be destroyed by the one who made it.”
 “I have a gun.” Ben pulled out a pistol and aimed it at her. “I’ll shoot if you don’t move.”
 “Na. Ah. ah. No guns allowed.” She zapped the pistol with a beam and it turned into a broadsword.
 “You got to be kidding me.” he stated.
 Maria swung her saber sending a twister toward her. The soccer mom queen leapt back and pointed towards the twister and zapped it. It turned into a bunch cotton candy. Joan throw a fireball towards her and the soccer mom brought out a baseball bat and hit the fireball away.
 “IT’S OUT OF THE PARK!!” Ben shouted.
 Christina twirled her swords around and vines thrusted the soccer mom up in the air. In response, the queen formed a pogo-stick from thin air and started bouncing on them.
 “You got to be.” Christina stated.
 “My turn.” the soccer mom stated firing a beam at them. The girls dodged out of the way and there was a pile that appeared right where they were originally standing. “What is this?”
 “That’s the credits that appear at the end of the episode.” Ben stated.
 “It’s the most ridiculous attack I’ve ever seen.” Maria said. Then, another credits beam fired towards them. The girls dodged again and Maria saw one of the text shots. “K. Berstein as Maria? Yeah, right.”
 “I think you’re in the ‘Voiced by’ section.” Joan said.
 “How do you know that?” Christina asked.
 “My dad’s a Canadian voice actor.” she replied.
 “Regardless, we’ll have to fight her the old fashion way.” Maria stated leaping out of the word pile bringing her shield up. She rushed forward and the soccer mom knocked her away with a baseball bat. She got back up after being knocked back. “We need to huddle.” Maria stated and the girls got in a huddle. “Girls, we need to come up with a plan here.”
 “You’re the one who’s the leader.” Christina said.
 “If we don’t do something quick,” Joan mentioned pointing to Ben. “He’ll go insane.” Joan replied. Maria gasped.
 “That’s it.” Maria said. “We’ll use the craziness to stop her and beat her at her own game. On three, break.”
 “One… two… three… break.” the three girls stated.
 “You think your petty tries can ever stop me?” the queen stated.
 “It’s time for ‘Disk O’ Bounty’.” Maria shouted.
 “Wait… what?” she stated.
 “That’s right. Disk O’ Bounty.” Ben shouted. A jazz band was playing in the background and a set of seats appeared with a hyper realistic audience clapping their hands. Ben brought the soccer mom queen down to the ground.
 “Huh?” she stated and noticed a wheel in front of her as well as a board. Next to her are standing Christina and Joan.
 “And now here’s our gorgeous hostess, Maria.” She came out wearing a long sparkling violet dress. John came out with a gray suit and tie. The audience began cheering.
 “Welcome everybody.” Maria stated. “Let’s play.” John went to the board and Maria to the wheel. The audience calmed down and the jazz band stopped playing. She turned to the contestants. “Alright, everyone. You are to guess the phrase that is up on the board to win valuable cash prizes. And a puzzle appeared on the board made of blank spaces. The category is Show Biz. Joan you get first spin.” Joan had spun the wheel round and round then it landed on $550.
 “I’m guessing a ‘T’.” she said.
 “There are two T’s.” Maria said. And John lit up the t’s. Joan spun again and it landed on $800.
 “I would like to buy an O.”
 “There’s no O.” Maria said. “Miss Soccer Mom, your turn.” The soccer mom spun the wheel.
 “Come on, big money.” the soccer mom stated. The wheel landed on a black broke space.
 “Oh, I’m sorry. That’s the broke space.” Maria pulled on a hanging cable and Ben came down hanging on a rope carrying a mallet. He bonked the soccer mom on the head. “And now a word from our sponsers…” The audience clapped.
 The whole set spun around leaving the Soccer Mom Queen spinning; she was able to stop but she was very dizzy. Then, Joan appeared in a strapless, sleeveless red dress.

 “I’m Joan Lachance.” Joan stated. “Have you lost your feminine touch and your glamour? Then, come on down Fortune Salon.” Maria and Christina pulled the soccer mom aside and put her in a chair. “We do hairstyling…” Ben came up and started washing the queen’s hair. “manicures...” Maria can with a sander on her nails. “spa and sauna…” John splashed a bucket of mud on her. “And suntanning.” Christina blasted her with a flamethrower encasing the soccer mom in dried mud. Joan came over to her.
 “At other salons,” she said. “At Fortune Salon, you get the whole feminine restoration package for just $29.99.” She paused. “BUT WAIT… call in the next ten minutes and we will throw in a bottle of our special shampoo, conditioner, and soap for free. That is a $180 value all for just $29.99. Just pay shipping and handling. Operators are standing by, so quickly call 1 (330) FORTUNE and schedule your appointment today.”

 The soccer mom broke out of the mud casing and she started to catch her breath from being in there. She looked around looking angry. The audience came back and a desk appeared and a chair appeared. Jonathan pushed the soccer mom into the chair.
 “Welcome to the Late Late Late Night Show with Christina.” Ben stated. The audience cheered as Flora appeared in an orange dress.
 “So, let’s talk.” Christina stated. “So can you tell me a bit about yourself?”
 “Uh, well yes.” the queen said. “I’m a music teacher at an elementary school.”
 “So, you can make canons?”
 “I can make a cannon too.” Then, a cannon appeared from behind Flora’s desk and fired a shot at the soccer mom straight on. She was covered in ash. “And I just found out that you won the lottery.” And a safe landed right on top of her head. It opened and she was inside with a lot of money and she got super angry as she leapt out of the safe.
 “THAT’S IT!! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!” the soccer mom queen shouted. “YOU GIRLS ARE INSANE!!”
 “Quick jump in here.” Ben stated showing her a door.
 “Thank you.” the queen stated jumping into the doorway.  Ben closed the door behind her and locked it. John moved the set out of the way revealing a rocket ship.
 “Maria, punch it.” he said. Maria pushed a big red button and the engine revved up.
 “What the…” The soccer mom stated looking out the window. “I HATE YOU!!” Then the rocket took off into space.
 “So long.”
 “She’ll be extremely mad when she comes down.” Christina stated.
 “That’s if see come down.” Joan replied.
 “If is good.” Christina stated.
 “Don’t worry about it.” John stated. “I put something on there to keep her company.”

 Meanwhile, up in space in the rocket ship, the soccer mom queen was enraged at the girls for her humiliating defeat.
 “This isn’t over Virtue Girls.” she said. “I’ll have my revenge. I’ll…” Then, she heard some goofy sounding laughter. “Who’s there?” Then, she saw a reptilian shadow.
 “Hey there.” it said. “I’m Burpy the Dinosaur. Let’s have some super duper fun.”

 And back on Earth, Ben was ready to leave the dimension to head back home. He shook the hands of each of the girls.
 “Thank you, girls.” he said. “I can finally get back home and fix up this mess.”
 “You’re welcome, Ben.” Joan said.
 “Just promise me you won’t bring this up to anyone else, okay?”
 “We promise.” Christina replied.
 “See you later.” Maria said.
 “Adios.” Flora added.
 “Bye-bye.” Joan stated as Ben flew away into the rift.
 “I wonder where the soccer mom was sent to.” Maria said.
 “That’s easy to answer.” Ben replied. “I sent her off to Uranus.”
 Then John said, “Good night, everybody.”

12: Size Matters?
Size Matters?

The girls were facing off against Tia of the Deva Girls. She was wearing an olive green parody of the Virtue Girls outfit. And the fight was going to end in a draw. Hikari went up against her.
 “Oh no, I’m going to get beaten by a little girl.” Tia stated mocking Hikari.
 “I’m not a little girl.” Hikari stated. “I’m grown-up.”
 “You’re not a grown-up you’re too small.” Tia continued. “You’re no woman at all.”
 “And what do you mean by that?”
 “You don’t have the bust.”
 “I had enough of your big mouth.” Hikari stated barring her teeth at her.
 “You can’t call yourself a woman like her.” The monster stated. “I remember one of the Virtue Girls a full woman while you end up flat.” Hikari just got angry and charged without thinking. She swung her katana and the monster dodged out of the way. “What happened, Miss Petite? Where’s your aim?” She slashed towards him again and he dodged out of the way.
 “STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!” she shouted at him.
 “I had my fun here.” Tia stated leaping away. “See you later, Washboard!!” Then, she fled. Hikari yelled in rage and she put her blade away leaving the area.

 She returned to her house after returning to the headquarters and she started punching at the punching bag in the training hall. She punched on it much harder than usual and ended up hurting her own hands. At that moment, Cheyenne walked in on her.
 “Is something the matter?” she asked.
 “Does it really matter that much!?” Hikari shouted back at her. She jumped back from the hostility from her.
 “I didn’t think you would be so angry?”
 “It’s not fair at all.” She stated.
 “What’s not fair?”
 “How come I have to be the one that’s always that smallest?”
 “The smallest?” Cheyenne stated. “Hikari, you’re not the shortest in the group. You’re somewhere in the middle when it comes to height.”
 “No, no, no.” she replied. “I’m talking about my breasts. I want to be more of a woman.”
 “Hikari,” she stated. “I don’t have the best figure either, but my boyfriend still loves me for the way I am. So, your boobs aren’t something you should be worrying about.” Hikari groaned too frustrated about what happened in the battle to listen to what Cheyenne said. “Are you listening to me?”
 “Yeah, I hear you.” Hikari stated and walked away. Cheyenne tried to stop her but she saw Hikari wasn’t listening.  She sighed but then John walked up to her.
 “What’s wrong, Cheyenne?” He asked her.
 “I’m worried about Hikari.” Cheyenne said. “She has become very upset about her figure.”
 “Is she normally like this?”
 “No, she’s not.”
 “You should talk to her that her figure is good just the way it is.”
 “I tried telling her that.” Cheyenne replied. “But she won’t listen.” Then, John thought about it.
 “I have an idea.” John stated.
 “What is it?”
 “For tomorrow only, Hikari will get exactly what she wants. Starting from when she wakes up until she goes to sleep that night.”

 The next morning, Hikari got up out of bed slightly asleep still. She noticed that her pajamas weren’t fitting properly.
 “What’s this about?” She thought as she looked down. She saw she had larger breasts and a larger rear. “Wait, am I still dreaming?” She slapped herself to wake herself up and they were still larger. “Holy crap, I’m truly stacked.” She looked at herself in the mirror looking over her figure amazed at herself. “Maybe more so than Dymphna.” She reached for the phone and dialed for Cheyenne.

 At that moment, Cheyenne was at Mikey’s home. She moved to her boyfriend’s house after he got her pregnant and her parents kicked her out of their home. The house itself was small but was able to fit three people. She and Mikey were at the kitchen in the morning. They were making breakfast for each other.
 “I’m glad that you’re still with me.” Cheyenne said to Mikey.
 “I know.” Mikey said. “I’m never going to leave you.” They kissed each other on the lips.
 “Have we found out on if it was a boy or girl yet?”
 “I don’t think we are able to find out quite yet.”
 “But can we still come with a name for the baby?” Mikey asked.
 “Oh alright.” Cheyenne said. “What would you say it would be if it was a boy?” Mikey thought about it for a bit.
 “How about…” He said. Then, the phone rang. “Telephone.” He picked up the phone as she returned to the pan to cook the eggs. “Hello?”
 “Hey there, is Cheyenne there?” Hikari asked.
 “Yes, she is.” Mikey said. He gave the phone to Cheyenne as he went to take her place at the kitchen counters.
 “Hello.” Cheyenne asked.
 “Hey, Cheyenne.” Hikari said.
 “What’s up?”
 “I don’t know how it happened. But now, my breasts are now a lot bigger.” Hikari explained. “This is the best thing that happened.”
 “This is probably what John meant.” Cheyenne thought.
 “Perhaps, I could try to get Han’s attention.” Hikari said.
 “Who’s Han?”
 “This was a guy I met a while back.”
 “I just hope you aren’t taking things the wrong way.”
 “Don’t worry, I’m not.” Hikari stated
 “Okay, then.” Cheyenne answered.
 Hikari had hung up the phone and went to get dressed for the day. She noticed that the normal clothes she wears weren’t made for someone of her figure. Soon, after several tries she got frustrated.
 “Isn’t there anything that fits me?” Hikari thought. She turned and saw a large sweater that belonged to her brother. “Oh well, this’ll have to do.” She put on the sweater. It ended up being the best looking out of the outfits, even though it still didn’t look right. “I didn’t think finding an outfit that fits would be this hard.”
 After getting dress, she headed out the door. Hikari went walking around, she remembered seeing Han in church. She noticed a poster on the wall. It was an advertisement for a martial arts tournament known as ‘Tournament of Titans’ and it was featuring Shingen Matsuyama.
 “Tournament of Titans?” Hikari thought. “This might be the chance to finally trump my older brother.” At that moment, a guy walked up to her. It turned out to be Han. He had a golden tan color to him. He also had black hair and brown eyes too. He was dressed in a white shirt and jeans.
 “Interested in the tournament?” Han asked.
 “Hey, Han.” Hikari said to him.
 “Hello there.” Han replied. “You’re Hikari, right?”
 “Yeah, I am.” She replied smiling. “Thanks for remembering.”
 “You’re welcome.”
 “By the way, you like my new look?” Hikari asked. “It makes me a little more feminine.”
 “I’m not sure if you should be wearing a sweater right now.” Han answered, stunning Hikari.
 “I meant if you notice anything different about me.”
 “I see.” Han replied. “I’ll be right back.” He walked off. Hikari ended up becoming confused. Han was also upset.
 “Hikari, why did you have to get implants?” He thought. “You ruined your natural figure.”
 “I don’t understand. What went wrong?” Hikari thought. She continued walking by hoping to find Han again. But, she encountered two guys.
 “Hey there.” the first guy stated to her.
 “Hello.” Hikari replied.
 “Where you off to?”
 “I’m meeting up with some friends.”
 “Want to hang out with us for a little bit?” the second guy asked.
 “Sorry, I’m in a little hurry.”
 “Come on, what’s the rush for?” Hikari was getting a little uneasy now.
 “You should leave me be.”
 “We aren’t going to hurt you.” The first guy asked. “We were just hoping to have some fun with you.”
 “I don’t have time for you.” The second one pulled out a 20 dollar bill.
 “We can pay you up front.” the second one asked.
 “Okay, that’s it I’m out of here.” Hikari ran off. The two guys didn’t bother to pursue they were too busy looking at her rear. “Ugh, I didn’t think that would happen.”

 She came across Reina and Flora again after a little bit of time past. She waved at them calling their name. The two turned around and were surprised at the change.
 “Huh?” Reina asked. “I almost didn’t recognize you, Hikari.”
 “Yeah.” Flora replied. She wasn’t too worried about her.
 “If I didn’t know better… I would say that you’re bigger than Dymphna now.”
 “Reina, you don’t have to talk about that.” Reina stated toward her.
 “I’m not stupid enough to say that in front of her.”
 “That’s all right.” Hikari stated. “I like being full-figured.”
 “Hikari,” Flora said. “Cheyenne told me about what happened. She’s worried that you are going to draw some unwanted attention towards yourself; she heard from Dymphna that a large chest is not as grand as you think it might be.” Hikari remembered those two perverted guys she saw on the way there.
 “Yeah.” she replied not wanting to bring the guys up. “Anyway, I want to get some cloths shopping done because of the adjustment.”
 “Want us to come along too?” Reina asked.
 “Sure.” Hikari replied. Flora just sighed as they decided to head to the shopping center. As they headed towards the shopping center, she bent over from exhaustion.
 “Hikari, what’s wrong?” Flora asked.
 “I’m having some pain in my back and I’m getting a headache.” Hikari said to them.
 “Perhaps, we should take you home.” Reina added.
 “I can handle this.” She rebuked.
 They continued down the pathway to the mall; they encountered a baboon monster with a very long tongue.
 “Oh, look what we have here.” The monster said. “A group of three girls and one has mountains; very nice.” the monster stated.
 “Oh, shut up.” Hikari stated.
 “I just… love… the way you look.” it stated and it grinned.
 “Stop it right now. I’m not in a good mood.”
 “I want to see some more of them.”
 “That’s it. You asked for it.” She transformed into her maiden outfit. She flinched noticing the maiden outfit was a little tight.
 “Oh what’s the matter? Outfit not fitting properly?”
 “Damn it.” she thought to herself. Then, she started to fight the monster by herself and her knockers keep getting in the way. “I don’t want these stupid breasts anymore.” Hikari said. “All they’ve been doing is causing me problem after problem.” Meanwhile, John was in the background watching.
 “I was waiting for Hikari to realize that.” John thought. He, then, gave a signal.
 “I just want them gone.” Then, the pain from the tight outfit was gone. “Oh…” She saw her bust size had returned to the size that she originally had.
 “What’s this?” the monster stated.
 “Looks like we’re on an even playing field now.” Hikari stated. “This time you are really going to get it.” She cracked her knuckles and pulled out her katana.
 “Uh, let’s not get too hasty.” the monster stated getting a little worried.
 “You said I’m not woman enough because I didn’t have the figure.” she stated. “And when I did had it, it was hell for me. Now, it’s time for you to eat those words.” She charged.
 “CRAP!!” the monster stated. “THE CHICK IS PSYCHO!!” He tried to run away but she grabbed his shoulder. “SON OF A…” All the while, Flora and Reina arrived to check up on Hikari.
 “I hope Hikari will be all right.” Flora stated.
 “Oh, she’s fighting the monster.” Reina replied.
 “Should we help her?”
 “I think from the situation. She can handle it on her own.” The face was shocked.
 “Ow, that was a low blow.” Flora added. They jumped.
 “Ugh, that’s gotta hurt.” Reina remarked.
 “He’ll be feeling that one in the morning.” They covered their mouths.
 “OH GEEZ!! That had to be painful.” They covered their eyes.
 “That is just plain brutal.”
 The monster was a beaten, broken up mess that was wrapped up by its own tongue tied in a know to keep him from moving.
 “I blib blup.” the monster stated wiggling trying to escape its own bind. Hikari just removed the dust from her hands.
 “Now apologize for what you said.” she stated.
 “I’m porry.” the monster began to tear up.
 “Are you going to stop being a pervert?”
 “Yep, mam.”
 “Good, now…” she set him upright. “Get out of here.” The monster ran away and she turned to the girls. “Flora, Reina, I’m no longer want to go shopping for clothes anymore. I just want to go home.”
 “Okay then.” Flora replied.
 “See ya.” Reina said.

 She started to head back home. But on the way back, she ended up bumping into someone. She looked up and saw Han once again.
She stopped and decided to answer the door. Xiaoping was at the door.
 “Oh Han, hey.” she stated.
 “Hello.” He answered.
 “I didn’t expect you here.”
 “I was wondering why you were trying to emphasize something earlier.”
 “Well, I didn’t know what I was thinking at the time.” Hikari answered. “I thought if I had a more prominent figure, you would talk to me.”
 “You didn’t have to get something like that.” Han said. “You’re fine the way you are. I was on my way to get some burgers. Want to come along?”
 “Sure.” she replied in an excited manner. Then, the two of them walked off to the restaurant.

13: For Those About to Rock
For Those About to Rock

 Reina was in the middle of a crowd of people at a stadium; she was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt on and her hair was dyed blue. Hikari was right next to her wearing her outfit.
 “Reina, why did you have to bring me along?” Hikari asked Reina.
 “You were the only one available who could come with me.” Reina stated.
 “I said that I liked rock music, but this wasn’t exactly what I meant.” She responded and Reina sighed. “Why did I have to be stuck here?”
 “Whatever, we’re here now, okay?” Reina replied. “Let’s try to enjoy ourselves here.”
 “I wouldn’t have to be this way.” Hikari said.
 “Well, you agreed to go with me a month in advance.”

 About a month ago, Maria was laying down on the couch in the hideout reading a comic book. Then, she heard a very loud riff coming from Reina’s room.
 “Ugh.” Maria put a bookmark in her book and set it down. She went to Reina’s room and opened the door. Reina was sitting on her bed playing on a Gibson SG with a gold finish and blue outline. “Reina, can you turn that down? I’m trying to read.”
 “How come I have to turn it down?” Reina replied.
 “You’re being a little rude jamming on that guitar of yours at full volume.”
 “It’s supposed to be cranked to 11.”
 “I’m just saying that the other girls are going to start complaining, if you don’t turn it down.”
 “Alright, alright.” Reina stated as she hesitantly turned it down.
 “Thank you.” Maria said and she turned away heading back to the couch. “Now, to get back to my comic books. I’ve been falling behind on them.”
 “Hey Maria.” Reina stated and she turned around.
 “I have tickets to go to a rock concert featuring the band, Principality. Wanna come?”
 “I’m not interested, it’s not my thing. But thanks for the offer though.”
 Reina sighed and went to her checklist of the girls. She picked up the board and crossed Maria’s name off of the list.
 “Christina can’t go to the Principality concert with me
because she is busy and Flora is helping her out. And Dymphna has a date with Benjamin tonight.” She looked at the two tickets in her hand. “I just need to find one person to go with me. Then, she noticed Joan walking by wearing a long blue wig and a white sailor fuku with a red skirt. “Hey Joan.”
 “What?” Joan asked turning towards her.

 “I have tickets to a rock concert, wanna come?”
 “I don’t like rock music.” Joan stated. “I’m more into pop. I like American pop music but I enjoy J-pop as well on the side, but that’s me being an otaku. Oh, but I’m more of a girl who likes to dance to the music. I enjoy going out to the dance floor and I like going to raves too. And I occasionally enjoy listen to some hip-hop now and then…”
 “Oh boy.” Reina said.
 “What is it?” Joan asked.

 “I hate hip-hop and completely despise rap music.”
 “How come?”
 “I kept hearing that blasted hip-hop every day of the year non-stop. I am sick and tired of hearing it. Besides, I don’t know what’s so great about it.”

 “My first exposure to hard rock and metal made me a fan very quick."
 “Okay then.” Joan stated. “I heard that Hikari-sempai was a fan of rock music. Maybe you can ask her. Speaking of which, I found an outfit and I want to see if I’ll work on her.” She went to the side and she went away carrying a little pink dress with cat ears, tail, and a collar with a little gold bell on it. “This might look cute on her.”
 “Thanks, Joan.”

 “You’re welcome.” She crossed her name off the list too. “I guess it’s time for me to find Hikari before Joan does.” Reina stood up and began to look for her. She found Hikari in the training space. “Hey, Hikari.”
 “What is it, Reina?”
 “I have some tickets to a rock concert.” Reina said.
 “A rock concert, huh?” Hikari asked. “Who’s playing?”
 “Principality.” Reina said.
 “I’ve never heard of them.”
 “Please, Hikari. If you don’t go, Joan is going to have you wear a catgirl outfit.” Reina explained. Then, Hikari had her eyes open.
 “I’m going.” she said.
 “Thanks, Hikari.”

 About two hours prior to the concert, they arrived in the parking lot of the theatre and Reina parked her olive green Mercury Milan in the garage and the two got out.
 “Why did we have to come this early?” Hikari asked.
 “Because the crowds are now pouring in.” Reina replied as they start walking to the theatre. “We don’t want to lose our seats.”
 “Can you tell me about them?” Hikari asked.
 “They started out as an underground band.” Reina replied. “Then, because of the clubs becoming too crowded at their shows, they scaled up to larger areas and later became well known and start doing public venues in open spaces.”
 “Anything else?” Hikari asked.
 “Well, they usually play and sing about…” Reina said and saw a group of protesters at the door. “Oh no, not these guys.”
 “TURN BACK AGAINST ROCK AND METAL!!” one of the protestors shouted.
 “IT’S THE MUSIC OF SATAN!!” another said.
 “Dude, just leave us be.” Reina replied.
 “Leave now, before you become possessed by demonic forces.” the third answered.
 “There’s no demons at the concert.”
 “Yes, there are. Can’t you see the occult influences on the youth?”
 “There are none, you…” Hikari pulled her back.
 “Reina, just leave them be.” Hikari said. “They are just a bunch of idiots.”

 Meanwhile in the shadowsNero  noticed what was going on here. And he hid in the shadows of the alleyway.
 “So, they think rock and metal are of the devil?” he thought. “What a joke; nobody will take it seriously. However, it does give me an idea to play off those fears.” He turned and found a homeless bum. He went to him and knocked on his foot. The bum woke up and he noticed him.
 “Ehh? Who the hell are you?” the bum said.
 “The name doesn’t matter.” Nero said. “I have a gift for you.”
 “A gift? Are you talking about food or money?”
 “Yes and even better.”
 “Oh thanks man.” He held out his hands.
 “Close your eyes.” The man had his eyes closed. Nero zapped him with a putrid green beam of light. The bum was transformed into a monster under the Nero’s control. “You are now… Mister Mayson. I have granted you powers to obtain what you desire. Now, do something for me.”
 “What would that be?” the monster asked.
 “Infiltrate, terrorize, and ruin the concert for everyone. Make the protestors fears realized.”
 “As you wish.” Then, the monster entered the concert hall through the backdoor. Then, the tempter created some imps to aid the monster; they followed the monster inside.

 It is now moments away from the concert. Hikari and Reina were at the right side of the concert audience. Reina had her guitar with her.
 “Reina, why did you have to bring your guitar?” Hikari asked.
 “I was going to have Henry Lee sign it.” Reina replied.
 “Who’s that?” Reina looked at her in a weird manner.
 “He’s the lead guitarist for Principality.”
 “What do they actually write and play about?” Hikari asked.
 “They usually write about personal struggles and emotions, friendship and hope, they occasionally throw in a few fantasy and mythological elements their songs too. They also have some awesome ballads too. I wish the others were here; they has a song dealing with superheroes.”
 “I’ll give this band a try. They sound interesting.”
 “Can hold on to our seats? I’ll get us some snacks.” Reina stated.
 “Okay.” Reina got up with her guitar and headed out to the snack stand. The doors closed behind her when she left but was unaware of the closing. She went to the snacks and drinks stand and looked it over.
 “Hmm, I want to get some snacks but they are on the pricey side.” Reina thought. “I wonder if I can strike a bargain with the guy at the stand.” She went up to the counter. “Excuse me.” The guy at the counter looked at her. “Is there any deals on snacks at the moment?”
 “Well… there is a theater deal right now.” he said. “We can get you a large popcorn and two large drinks for ten bucks.”
 “I don’t know.” Reina stated.
 “You’ll get a ticket that’s good for 24 hours. Show the ticket and you get infinite refills on popcorn and beverages. How’s about it, man?”
 “Hmm, alright. I’ll go with the theater deal.” Reina replied.
 “I’ll get it ready, dudette.” The guy prepared the popcorn and drinks for her on the spot.
 “Here you go, one large popcorn and two large drinks.” He handed her a bucketful of popcorn and the two drinks. “Later, enjoy the show.” Reina turned away. “And do be careful.” She turned around.
 “What do you mean, be careful?” Reina asked.
 “I’ve been having a weird negative vibes coming from the audience.” the man said. “Like something totally evil, man.”
 “I’ll keep that in mind.” Reina said and noticed the doors were closed. “Ugh, they closed up the doors.” She reached for the handle and a magical barrier was preventing her from opening. “What the… HEY!!”  She tried yanking on the door handle but it wouldn’t budge.
 “I want to get in; I paid for the damn tickets.” Reina thought. “Maybe if I find a security guard, he could open the door for me.” She went towards the back to look for a security guard. She looked around the corner and saw some guy tied up struggling to get out; he was surrounded by imps. She hid and transformed into her maiden form. She came out and taken down the imps.
 “Are you okay, sir?” Reina asked. He moaned.
 “Ugh, thanks.” he said. Reina was in shock when he looked towards her with his tanned figure and long black hair.
 “Oh my gosh, you’re Henry Lee. I didn’t think I get to see you in person off stage.” She said in a fangirl-esque manner. “But wait a second…” She got serious. “What are you doing out here?”
 “I was attacked by some sort of monster.” he stated and he flinched.
 “Let get you out first then explain.” Reina replied. She used her ida to cut the ropes and set him free. He was in a pair of jeans and a red plaid shirt. She noticed something wrong with his left hand. “What happened to your hand?”
 “The monster attacked me while I was on my way to the bathroom.” He showed the injury that was on both sides of his hand. “He attacked me with a knife that was two-inches wide. Went in one way and out the other.”
 “Aren’t you able to play the show tonight?” Reina asked.
 “I’m afraid not.” Henry replied. “I’m sorry, but we have to cancel the show for now.”
 “Ah, man.” Reina said.
 “I’m sorry to disappoint one of the band’s fans, but I don’t have a choice.” He paused. “What a minute, if it attacked me… The other band members, they’re in danger.” He stated in urgency.
 “I’ll help you.” Reina said.
 “Come on, I’ll lead you to the changing room.” Henry said. The two of them rushed to the changing areas. “OH NO!!” They noticed the changing rooms were empty.

 Meanwhile, Hikari was in the audience waiting on Reina for the snacks. She was getting impatient.
 “Come on, Reina.” she thought. “You dragged me out to the Principality concert, don’t leave now.” Then, she saw the lights go out. “Oh great, the concerts about to start.” Then, there was a deep evil laugh.
 “Don’t tell me this is one of those metal concerts.” Hikari stated aloud. When the lights shone on the stage, they saw a monster. It was wearing black pants and leather with studs. Its face was covered with pasty white makeup and black corpse face paint smeared on it. There were piercing on both sides of its nose, piercings on the eyebrows, piercings all lined up the ears and it had a forked tongue with piercings on both sides. There was an inverted pentagram on the shirt he was wearing and on his forehead. He had dirty long black fingernails. The audience was in complete shock.
 “HEY!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??” an audience member shouted. 
 “QUIET, YOU WORM!!” it shouted with a deathly growl. “You are to remain in the audience.”
 “WE WANT PRINCIPALITY!!” another guy said. “GET OUT OF HERE POSER!!” The crowd started to riot towards the stage but they noticed a barrier in front of the stage.
 “That’s not good.” Hikari thought.
 “SILENCE!!” the monster shouted. There was a loud boom knocking the audience down. “This is Mister Mayson’s show.”
 “Then, I’m out of here.” The ones in the back shouted as they headed for the door.
 “Go ahead and try to get out.” Mayson said. “You can’t escape.” They tried to pull on the door; then, Hikari joined in but not matter what they couldn’t get it open. Mayson laughed at this.
 “You’re foolish attempts are in vain.” he said. He pulled out a rat out of his pocket and bit off its head and let the blood drip from his mouth as he pulled out a SG. It was completely black and covered in blood stains. “Now, it’s time for the dark hours.”
 Highly distorted guitars started to blast out violently. The others with him on stage were apparently obsidian golems. One was on bass, one had a keytar, one was a vocalist, and the last one was on a drum set with two bass drums. All of the golems appeared to have sad expressions on their faces. The tune had an extremely unconventional song structure and was extremely loud. The vocalist was forced to screech out lyrics while the monster was doing death growling the vocals. The audience had to cover their ears to avoid pain; Hikari was in pain too.

 Meanwhile, Reina and Henry was looking around all over the place in the changing room. They heard some knocking on the lockers and they heard a woman’s voice.
 “Is anybody out there?” the woman said.
 “Caitlin? Is that you?” Henry asked.
 “Henry, where were you?” Caitlin asked.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out.” Reina said she banged on the locker and eventually busted the lock open. Caitlin was a redhead wearing a black shirt with a denim vest and gray pants. “Thanks, whoever you are.”
 “Caitlin, I’m sorry I wasn’t around. I was attacked.” he said.
 “I see that.” she replied.
 “What happened?” Reina asked.
 “The monster came in here and encased the members in obsidian. He commanded them to trap me in the locker and to come on stage with him as the leader.” She paused getting the bandages out. “They didn’t want to do it but the stone shell forced them to do so.”
 “We’ll get them out.” Reina said. “And we’ll…” They started hearing the distorted guitars making a racket. “Ugh, what is that horrible jam?”
 “It must be that monster and the golems they’ve started playing. They are going to wreck the show.” Caitlin stated as she bandaged up Henry’s hand.
 “I’ll handle the monster.” Reina said.
 “I’ll handle the equipment.” Henry stated but he flinched when he tried to pick something up with it. Caitlin finished up bandaging up the wound.
 “I’m sorry, Henry.” Caitlin said. “You are in no condition to go out.”
 “Fine.” he replied. Caitlin turned to Reina.
 “We’ve never got your name, what is it?” Caitlin asked her.
 “I’m the maiden of charity.” Reina replied.
 “Okay, can I call you Charity?” she asked.
 “Fine.” Reina replied.
 “Let’s go, Charity.” They advanced towards the stage by the side door being careful not to be seen. The noise was a lot louder when up close the two had to cover their ears. They saw the audience members were in pain. Reina saw Hikari in pain as well trying to find a spot to transform but was stuck in the crowd.
 “Caitlin.” Reina said. “Give me your shoes.”
 “What for?” she asked
 “Trust me.” Caitlin took off her shoes and gave it to Reina. She looked at the monster’s hideous face and threw the first shoe at him. It hit spot on at the face and stopped the band’s playing. Caitlin decided to hide while Reina chose not to. The audience was able to have some relief.
 “WHO THREW THIS SHOE AT ME!?” the monster shouted towards the audience but nobody answered.
 “HEY!!” Reina shouted. “YOUR OPENING ACT IS DONE!!” She threw the other shoe at him; he jerked back towards left stage. Then, Reina walked onto the stage. “AND BY THE WAY YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!!” The monster growled at her.
 “Reina!?” Hikari thought. “What is she doing up there!?” Some of the audience members recognized her as one of the Virtue Girls immediately.
 “It is the crappy attitudes from people like you who have no talent that give the rest of us metal heads a bad name.” Reina stated.
 “What are you going to do about it?” the monster stated. Reina looked around thinking about what to come back with and noticed she still had her guitar and an open amplifier.
 “I’ll have you boo’d off the stage.” Reina replied.
 “How can you kick me off the stage?” the monster replied. At that point, Reina pulled out her blue SG. Caitlin know what she was doing and decided to get the amplifier.
 “I’ll out-shred you.” Reina stated; she then she tremolo picked a major chord on her guitar.
 “So, you challenge me to a duel?”
 “You bet!!” she shouted. Caitlin plugged in Reina’s SG.
 “Very well, then.” the monster replied. “Prepare to be thrashed down with embarrassment.” Then, one of the golems placed a sensor on both guitars and a dial with can point towards either one. “Duel Track 6 will be played and the solos will go off that track.” The tempo was at a fast allegro. And the both of them started the track simultaneously.
 Caitlin came onto the stage to announce the guitar duel and to cheer Reina on. The audience was worried about her on whether or not she could do it. After a minute and a half of the track, the vocal golem spoke.
 “Round 1.” the golem stated. “Start.” Initially, neither side started the solos and were playing the phrase:
 The monster started his first solo. He started off with a sequence of eighth and sixteenth notes about half of each and he blew a raspberry at Reina.
 Reina picked up with the second solo. She had rarely used any eighth notes and used primarily sixteenths; she glared back at him.
 When he picked up with the third solo, he was using entirely sixteenth notes. He snarled at her to intimidate her into backing down. She wasn’t going to give up that easily.
 She continued with pure sixteenth notes on the fourth solo. She jumped into the air and not missed a single note and at the end started to use hammer-ons and pull-offs.
 When the monster picked up, he did some bar chords to begin with before starting more in the line using more hammers and pulls.
 Reina started the sixth solo using the bar chords like the monster did and used hammers and pulls on half of the notes.
 At the seventh solo, the monster hammered and pulled on most of the notes. And at the final solo, Reina finished round one with only a few strums and the rest of the notes hammered or pulled and ending her solo with a clean chord.
 “Break.” the golem stated. During the solos, Hikari was able to make it to the stage and lay a water bottle at Reina’s Both guitars stopped to pause for a minute while the drums continued playing. Reina grabbed the water bottle on the ground.
 “Keep going, Reina.” Hikari said.
 “Hikari.” Reina replied.
 “I know you can beat this guy.” she replied. “Give it your all.”
 “I will.” Reina replied and she leaned back up.
 “It’s still anyone’s concert.” Caitlin said.
 “Continue.” the golem said. Then, the two continued to play the track that was started from before but with hammer-ons and pull-offs.
 “Give up, little girl.” the monster said. “Metal isn’t for you.”
 “Like you have room to talk.” Reina replied.
 “I don’t intend on losing this duel. Time to unleash the power of shadow.”
 “If you do that, then prepare to ride the lightning.”
 “Round 2” the golem stated. “Start.” Then, they both played a more complex phrase as the base for the solos.
 Then, the monster started playing more sixteenth notes with hammer-ons and pull-offs. Then, he launched a shadow blast from the axe’s head towards Reina. She dodged the blast; she slipped a little on the phrase but was able to quickly recuperate very quickly.
 The solo Reina first did. She started channeling her electricity through her guitar head as she started to use economy picking to do her solo. She fired at the vocal golem and the blast freed him from his stony prison.
 The third solo had the monster start using more alternative picking instead of economy and fired a second beam of shadow towards her and Reina caught it with her guitar and redirected it away. He ended it on a series of hammer-ons.
 Reina picked up on the fourth solo on a high note and went down with pull-offs using just as much alternative picking and she started tapping on the strings mid-way through the solo. She fired another electric shot, freeing the keytar player.
  Both of them were breaking out in a sweat as the fifth solo began with the monster. He did more economic picking to get the hammers and pulls introducing more tapping into the solo. He fired a third beam of shadow towards Reina, she slide forward to dodge out of the way and was head banging turning the time of her phrase.
 Reina got back up when she started the sixth solo. She began to use more tapping into the solo as she started using 32th notes for short bursts. She fired the beam of lightning again this time freeing the bass player.
 During the seventh solo, the monster was getting really angry at Reina for lasting as long as she did. He continued with more extreme shredding by adding 32ths in his solo and he was starting to slip up occasionally. He fired a fourth beam of shadow at her towards her face; she raised up her guitar to block it and improvised a little by playing with her teeth having little choice.
 She brought it down by the time that the eighth solo had come around for her turn. She was playing with more 32th notes slightly slipping up but not by much. She had alternative picking and economic picking used. She used some more hammer-ons and pull-offs while adding pick tapping. She fired the last lighting beam and freed the drummer as the monster tried to play with his teeth. They heard a snap and the area went silent.
 Reina noticed that the monster broke one of his axe strings while trying to play with his teeth. She continued with another solo starting low with long notes going faster and faster as she got higher in tone. The other band members started getting back up to see her solo. She was playing 32th notes at the top pitch using alternate picking.
 Then, used pulls and hammers and pick tapping to advance the solo occasionally making a string of 64th notes. Then, went back to 32th to add string skipping. She gathered so much energy with the immense shredding and fired it at the monster. It hit straight on completely destroying the guitar and knocking him into his own amplifier. She played the final chord in the solo and the freed drummer started playing again. She went up to the monster who was laying on the ground.
 Then, she stated: “Like I said before this duel, your opening act is done and from what has been shown right you can tell that I have won. Now pack your stuff and go away or you’ll forced out by two. Get out of her you son of a gun; this show is not for you.” The person reverted back to normal.
 She stopped singing to continue on her guitar, this time the bass and keytar players joined in with Reina’s. The audience along with Hikari was cheering Reina as she continued playing. She played the outro to the song and ended it on two short minor chords. And the lights when out with the audience applauding and returned to normal.

 Caitlin and the male singer Finbar hugged each other as the thing was finally over. He turned to the audience. He had a brown mullet wearing a blue shirt with gold lining and jeans with black patches.
 “We greatly apologize for that unspeakable horror.” Finbar stated. The audience was content. “Let’s start this gig!”
 “We have a problem.” Caitlin added.
 “What is it, dear?” Finbar asked. She showed Herny’s hand. “Ugh, we just can’t quit the show we have to do something.” He looked at Reina and he stated to the audience. “We’re having some major difficulties right now.” He went to Reina and asked her something and a little conversation occurred. He turned back to the audience. “Can you guys come back tomorrow same time and place?” The fans were upset but they understood what happened.

 Next day came and it came close to the concert, this time Hikari was in the audience with Maria.
 “Why did you bring me along?” Cheyenne asked.
 “I remember Reina had a surprise for us in store.” Hikari said. “And it required us to be here; at least we didn’t have to deal with protesters this time.”
 “But where is she though?”
 “I’m not sure.” Then, the lights dimmed and the intro guitar riff for Principality’s first song was being played. The spotlight was on Reina. Hikari and Cheyenne’s jaws dropped.
 “Holy crap, Reina’s on stage with the band.”
 “Well, I think she’ll do awesome.” Then, the spotlight appeared on Finbar and Caitlin.
 “HELLO, EVERYONE!!” Finbar shouted and the fans cheered. “ARE YOU READY TO ROCK??” The audience shouted happily.
 “WE CAN’T HEAR YOU.” Caitlin shouted. The audience shouted.
 “One… two…” the drummer said as he beat his stick. “One… two… three… four…” The vocals in the songs were sung either with one or both singers and there were clean vocals in the songs. The range of tempo was more consistent and diverse.
 Reina and the band played on with the concert. Despite, the setback they were able to play a four star show.

14: Broken Maria
Broken Maria

Jonathan had called Maria up to discuss some things with her. He was not in a very good mood at the time.
 “Maria, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. “Or any of the Virtue Girls.”
 “What do you mean?” She asked.
 “I found this in the trash can.” He said scowling at her pulling out a letter. “I saw this letter in the trash addressed to this place with your name on it.”
 “Oh…” Maria said.
 “Your secret identity has been compromised.” He explained. “This is a very serious issue we have to deal with.”
 “I didn’t tell anyone.”
 “You didn’t?”
 “She found out on her own.”
 “At least, you tried your best at keeping it a secret from Jezebel.” John remarked. “But regardless, you have made a poor decision about confronting her out of anger that one day you received a phone call from her.” He paused, raising his hand. “And I so like how you listen to our conversations.”
 “John, what do you…?” Maria asked. The door opened; then, Joan, Dymphna, and Christina stumbled into the doorway.
 “Maria, hold that thought.” He replied going over to the three. “What exactly are you three doing?”
 “We weren’t snooping.” Joan said.
 “I know you were snooping.” John replied. “I was just playing stupid until an appropriate time.”
 “Leave them out of this John.” Maria answered.
 “They already heard enough about what was going on.” He answered. “I’m sure that they will have to hear the incident.”
 “The incident?” Dymphna asked.
 “It’s nothing.” Maria said waving her hands.
 “That event has gotten us into this mess.” John rebuked Maria. “It is only best for the other girls to know.”
 “That’s personal.” Maria shouted at him. “I don’t want to remember that.”
 “Tell the girls or not.” John replied angrily. “Just know, your actions have consequences.” Then, he stormed off. Leaving the other three with Maria.
 “Maria, what’s going on here?” Christina asked. “John’s very mad.”
 “Is there something going on with the two of you?” Joan asked.
 “What!?” Maria replied. “No, there’s nothing between me and John.”
 “Then, what is it?” Dymphna asked. “You look as though you’re about ready to cry.” Maria just went over to the side to hide her face.
 “There was a girl… in my class.” Maria said softly. “She was friends with me and Cheyenne.”
 “Who was she?” Joan asked.
 “Her name was Jessica.” Maria replied. “She was one of the best well-behaved and brightest girls in my class, even better than I was. I would even call her ‘Jessie’.”
 “Did something happen to her?” Christina asked.
 “Did you get in a fight?” Dymphna added.
 “It was something much worse.” Maria said. “When I heard she was getting involved with gangs, I warned her not to get involved; she said that she would leave. But one day…”

 Maria was at the fork at Limbo Street; the air was chilly and dry as a breeze came up. Maria was holding on to her coat. At that moment, Jessica came forward.
 “I’m glad to see you again, Jessica.” Maria said.
 “Same as well, Maria.” Jessica replied. “I was wondering what you are nowadays. Were you able to become the psychiatrist you wanted?”
 “Unfortunately, no.” Maria answered.
 “What became of you, then?”
 “I ended up as a lot attendant.” Maria replied. “I’m sorry if…” Jessica just busted out laughing.
 “A lot attendant? You got to be kidding me.” Jessica said.
 “Stop laughing at me, Jessie.” Maria shouted at her. “You’re being very mean.”
 “I just can’t help it.” Jessica replied. “You in such a very low position for someone of your level. While I am at the very top of the ladder.”
 “What do you mean, Jessica?” Maria said.
 “I am the undisputed queen of the streets.” Jessica said. The wind blew stronger as Maria gasped in total shock.
 “Jessica... HOW COULD YOU!!” Maria shouted at her. “I told you to leave; even you said you would and you didn’t.”
 “If you just listen to me, I can tell you why I needed to…” Jessica said.
 “YOU OUTRIGHT LIED TO ME!!” Maria interrupted, falling to the ground about ready to cry. “I can’t believe you, out of all people would do that.”
 “I can justify my actions.” Jessica said.
 “You can’t justify anything anymore.” Maria rebuked. “It’s like you are no longer Jessica and become a person you’re not.”
 “You’re wrong, Maria.” The girl said. “I was never Jessica, for I found out who I am.”
“And what is your name then.” Maria asked in fear.
“I am Jezebel, the leader of the Deva Girls.” The girl proclaimed. “I am a merciful leader.”
“There is nothing merciful about you.” Maria said in anger.
“SILENCE!!” Jezebel remarked toward Maria. “I see a lowly girl like yourself. I take pity on you.” She stuck out her hand and Maria smacked it away.
“Get away from me!” Maria shouted at her.
“Maria, I will get you out of your situation.” Jezebel said. “Just leave your position behind and follow me back, I will grant you…”
“I WILL NOT BE SWAYED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!” Maria roared, punching her in the face. She knocked Jezebel back and Maria was in total shock that she attacked her former friend.
“I will have to get my message across by force.” Jezebel stated. She unleashed her anger and punched Maria in the face like she did. She proceeded to pull her hair. Maria screamed in pain; then, Jezebel grabbed her shoulders and kneed her to the chest. Maria was able to get out of the grip of Jezebel and back up from the infuriated girl.
“You don’t seem to get it do you.” Jezebel said. “You were always jealous that I was better than you. And you got all of the stuff I was entitled to earn.”
“Jezebel, it was never like that.” Maria replied.
Jezebel continued to attack Maria and the latter tried to block her attacks. Maria was not willing to attack. Jezebel grabbed Maria and threw her to a set of trash cans. Maria was stumbling to get back up. Jezebel picked Maria up by the collar and slammed her back up against a tree.
She continued to punch and kick her ex-friend until there was blood and bruises on her. Maria fell to the ground trying to stay conscious as she looked up in sorrow and anguish.
“There is barely anything I owe you.” Jezebel stated. “But I’ll do you a favor and let you live; you’re no threat to me anyway.” The leader of the Deva Girls spat Maria on the face, then turned around. “But our friendship ends here. If you interfere again, I will kill you without a second thought. Farewell, Maria.”
Jezebel walked away not looking back at the broken girl. Maria was able to get back up but was now in tears from the tear that was inside of her.
“I didn’t want to believe it.” Maria thought as she started to limp. “But I know now, that my friend, Jessica is no more.” She went back to her car and slowly drove away. The fight had left a scar that would never heal…

 The other three girls said nothing as Maria finished her story. There was a silence for a few moments before John came in.
 “Uh…” he said. “Am I bothering anything right now?”
 “Not right now, John.” Dymphna said. “But do you know anyway to cheer her up?”
 “I know how to cheer up.” Joan stated.
 “Put in a very bad film and get a laugh out of it.” Joan answered.
 “I don’t think that’s going to work here.” Dymphna replied. “I don’t think that would be appropriate for the situation.”
 “Maybe some aroma therapy?” Christina asked.
 “That might work.” Dymphna said. She went to Maria. “Do you want some aroma?”
 “I guess.” Maria said. Dymphna turned to Joan.
 “Joan, can you get us some incense?”
 “Okay.” Joan answered. He scurried off to get some. Meanwhile, Jonathan was coming in from the side. He said nothing but watched the scene as events unfold. Maria still remained sad.
 “I just can’t take this anymore.” Maria answered.
 “What do you mean?” Christina asked.
 “My secret identity is compromised to the Deva Girls.” Maria said. “Jonathan’s mad at me. My indecision has split the girls into two.” She paused. “Maybe Reina was right, I’m not fit to be leader of the Virtue Girls. I should just quit being one altogether.”
 “What!?” the both of them said.
 “You’re joking, right?” Dymphna asked.
 “I’m going to quit.” Maria said. “I should have never come into the group in the first place. I’ll go back to my normal life.”
 “Maria…” Christina said. “You can’t just go and leave…” Maria didn’t listen to them and left the room. Then, Joan came in.
 “Did I miss something?” Joan asked.
 “It’s better you missed it.” Christina said.
 Maria was at the door of the headquarters. She cried as she transformed into her maiden form.
She changed her clothes to her normal outfit. Maria packed the outfit in her suitcase. She looked at her gladius and her shield; Maria just shook her head and left it on the bed. She headed out the door. She didn’t look back as she went back to her apartment.
 “I’m not going back.” Maria thought. “Those days of me being a Virtue Girl are over. I’ll return to just being a normal girl. No more fighting, no more battles. Just a simple ordinary life awaits me.” Jonathan looked out the window as Joan.
 “Is she really leaving?” Joan asked him.
 “I guess she is.” He replied. “I don’t know where things went wrong.”
 “Maybe you shouldn’t be so mad at her.” Joan rebuked John. “You were the one who yelled at her. It was you who chased her off.”
 “I tried to keep the Virtue Girls intact.” He replied.
 “You were always saying you are mentoring us.” Joan replied. “But you showed little patience when it came to Maria.”
 “She was supposed to be the leader.”
 “HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN!?” Dymphna yelled at him. “PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES, EVEN YOU SAID THAT. YOU ALWAYS TELL US TO BE MERCIFUL AND YOU DIDN’T SHOW ANY TO HER!! We lost a valuable of the team because of you, probably the most important of them all.” Jonathan said nothing but went away.
 “I should just put the incense back now.” Joan said.
 “Now, what do we do?” Christina asked.
 “We’ll have to carry on and hope Maria will change her mind.” Dymphna responded.

 Meanwhile, Nero and Jezebel had called up a meeting. In the meeting was federal scientist, Dr. Set, and the sorceress, Jedvyga. They were at a table in the Deva Girls headquarters off in a spare room.
 “I’m glad that the two of you showed up.” Nero answered.
 “Is there anything wrong with the Deva Girls?” Dr. Set asked. “I’ll mix up something for them.”
 “That won’t be necessary, doctor.” Jezebel stated.
 “Then, what do you need from us?” Jadvyga asked.
 “As you know we, as in Jezebel and I, have been watching the girls through our spy equipment.” Nero replied. “We know that the girls had split up.”
 “Wait,” Jezebel said. “I just got this information.”
 “What is it, my dear?” Nero asked.
 “I recently heard that their leader has quit the team.” Nero just chuckled.
 “Things just keep getting better for us.” He said; then the two kissed each other on the lips.
 “It’ll get better tonight.” Jezebel replied to him, winking.
 “Getting off that topic, from this information, I say that we should work together.” Nero said. “With the Deva Girls, my cunning, Jadvyga’s magic, and Dr. Set’s technology, we can destroy the Virtue Girls once and for all.”
 “I’ve gotten tired of my defeats at their hands.” Jadvyga stated.
 “And so have I, Jadvyga. So have I.” the doctor replied.
 “Does this mean all three of us form our alliance?” Jezebel asked.
 “Certainly.” Jadvyga stated.
 “Affirmative.” Dr. Set replied.
 “Now, it will be soon, that the Virtue Girls will meet their downfall.” Nero said. “And if we play our cards right, they will soon join us as well…”

15: Double Troubles on Double Dates with Double Deva Girls
Double Troubles on Double Dates with Double Deva Girls

Dymphna and Benjamin were dressed up nicely right now. They met up with Christina and her husband, Ahsoka. They were going on a double date and decided to go to an Italian restaurant in the downtown area. The atmosphere was calm and serine, they got in on one of the fancier restaurants that wasn’t too expensive.
 “You can order what you want.” Ahsoka said. “I’ll pay for the bill.”
 “Are you sure, Ahsoka?” Dymphna asked.
 “Of course.” He replied. “I’ll be able to pay for it.”
 “Before Cheyenne had her fallout with her finances, we were the second most prosperous in the group.” Christina explained.
 “How could you tell?” Ben asked.
 “We have methods of finding out.” Ahsoka explained. At that moment, the waiter appeared before the four of them.
 “Hello sir, would you like to have an order?” the waiter asked.
 “I would like a twice-baked lasagna.” Benjamin stated.
 “Make that two.” Dymphna added.
 “Okay.” The waiter said to them and turned to Christina and Ahsoka. “And what would you like?”
 “I would like to order tortellini.” Ahsoka answered.
 “And I would like a Caesar salad.” Christina replied.
 “I’ll be there with your orders.” The waiter said. Then, he walked away from the four individuals. They talked to each other for a little bit. Then, Ben remarked another comment as Christina got a drink of her water.
 “Dymphna?” Ben asked. “Can you tell me about this Virtue Girls group?” Christina ended up spraying the water that was in your mouth in shock. It ended up landing on her husband.
 “Dymphna, why did you tell him that you’re a virtue girl?” Christina asked her.
 “I didn’t. He figured it out.” Dymphna replied. “He figured it out on his own.”
 “At least, I didn’t tell my husband that I was one as well.” Christina said. Then, she realized what she just said and covered her mouth.
 “I thought my children were bluffing when they claimed that you were a virtue girl.” Ahsoka said. “I didn’t think that was actually true. That explains why there was a strain on out budget.” Christina said nothing. “Well, we’ll adjust the budget accordingly.”
 There was an awkward moment of silence that followed that scene. No body spoke to each other until Dymphna said something.
 “So, who’s babysitting the kids?” She asked.
 “Cheyenne will be having her own children.” Christina replied. “So, I sent her to be the babysitter.”
 “Do you have any pets?” Benjamin asked.
 “Well, we don’t actually have a pet, per say.” Ahsoka explained. “My wife works with the Restorative Wildlife Society. We help take care of orphaned baby animals and release them when they are old enough to be on their own. Getting the log cabin back will really help with the work she does.”
 “I see.”
 “The children willingly help out too, but not with all animals.” Christina stated. “My husband has a scar on his gut when he got kicked by a cassowary we were raising.”
 “I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Benjamin said.
 “You’re talking about a very heavy bird with sharp toe claws.” Ahsoka added.
 “Ehh…” Benjamin replied, feeling like an idiot.
 “I’ll just stick with my cat.” Dymphna said.
 “I did hear that Joan does have a pet of her own.” Christina added.
 “What is it?”
 “I heard it’s a hamster.”
 “That doesn’t make any sense.” Dymphna rebuked Christina. “The girl who is terrified of mice and rats has a hamster as a pet?”
 “Well, to each one, their taste.” Benjamin explained.
 Christin Gulbadan noticed that from the table across from them and they saw two of the Deva Girls across from them. They were Delilah and Lilith at that table; then the waiter who was at Dymphna and Christina’s table was over there.
 “Hello, ladies.” The waiter said. “May I take your order?”
 “I would like some cooked lasagna.” Lilith said.
 “And I would like some Italian sausage.” Dymphna stated, winking. “And I would like it asap.”
 “I will get that order in as fast as I can.” The waiter said.
 “I want the sausage now.”
 “But we need to prepare the sausage, miss.”
 “Forget the stove.” Dymphna answered. “I want it raw.”
 “Mam, I can’t do that.” The waiter replied stepping back from her feeling uncomfortable. “Besides, I’m on the clock and I already have a girlfriend.”
 “I’m sure that your boss won’t mind having some free samples.”
 “That’s it, I can’t watch this anymore.” Christina stated to the others. She stood up and went over to the other table.
 “Christina, wait.” Dymphna stated following her.
“Hey, he told you ‘no’. So, stop it.” Delilah and Lilith looked at the two of them.
“We shouldn’t be picking a fight in here.”
 “What are going to do about it?” Delilah asked the two of them.
 “We’re going to ask you to stop it.” Christina replied.
 “And if I don’t?” She asked as an officer who was there at the restaurant went up to the scene.
 “What is going on here?” the officer asked.
 “She’s been trying to seduce me even when I said no.” the waiter said pointing to Delilah.
 “Alright, you two. Get out of here.” The officer said to Delilah and Lilith.
 “Hey you can’t do that.” Lilith said. “We’re Deva Girls.”
 “Yeah and I’m the president of the United States.” The officer replied. “Get out before I pull my billy out.”
“Sounds kinky.” Delilah said.
“GET OUT!!” Then, he forced the two rebellious girls out of there. The waiter has went over to Christina and Dymphna and thanked them for standing up for him. The two girls returned to their table and got a 10% discount on all their meals.

They left the restaurant with their fill of food. The two girls remained with the guys they were with at the time.
“That was a good meal.” Christina said.
“What are we going to do next?” Dymphna asked.
“We could see a movie.” Benjamin said.
“How about the drive-in?” Ahsoka asked.
“Why not at the movie theatre?”
“I don’t want to see high definition T&A on the big screen.”
“You have a point there.” Ben replied.
“Well, off to the drive-in.” Ahsoka replied and the four headed off. However, the two Deva Girls were not too far behind them.
“Oh, those girls…” Delilah said. “They got the two of us thrown out.”
“Yeah, but I did hear they were on a double date.” Lilith said. “How about we go and wreck their double date as punishment.”
“That sounds like a good idea, Lilith.” Delilah replied. “Didn’t they say they were going to go to a drive-in?”
“Well, we’ll see about how they will feel to have their movie interrupted.” Lilith answered. Then, the two followed the four people to the drive-in.
 Dymphna, Benjamin, and Christina were in Ahsoka’s car and Christina tuned the radio to the frequency in which the movie’s audio was going to be broadcasted in. While Ahsoka was getting snacks, they were laying back in the car.
 The two Deva Girls had a car of their own and they parked right behind the content quartet. Delilah and Lilith had a radio jammer and broadcasting device on them.
 “We’re here.” Delilah said.
 “Now, all we have to do is wait for the movie.” Lilith replied. Then, they heard the phone ring. Delilah answered the phone.
 “Where are you two?” Jezebel asked. “Aren’t you getting what I asked you to get?”
 “Yeah, yeah. We’re going to get it.”
 “You better.” Jezebel answered, then she hung up.
 Then, the movie started as Ahsoka got back with the snacks. The movie was a farce and the four were laughing at the absurdity of the film. The deva girls had waited until they were good into the movie. Then, the two deliberately shook the car back and forth. Then, Ben noticed the moving car.
 “Ugh.” He stated.
 “What is it?” Dymphna asked.
 “The car behind us is shaking. It’s distracting me from the film.”
 “Just ignore it. They’re just distracted from the film.” Then, the Deva Girls flipped the switch on the radio jammer and the audio went dead.
 “Huh?” Ahsoka asked. “What’s going on with the audio? It’s not playing.” He turned it up in an attempt to hear it. The Deva Girls turned the device off. The sound blasted in the car. He turned it down. “Oww.”
 “My ears are ringing.” Christina said. Then, the device was being turned on and off repeatedly. An announcement came on the screens of the movies.
 “Attention, we are experiencing technical difficulties.” The announcement said. “Please stand by. Your movie will return in moments.”
 “Something must be wrong here.” Dymphna replied.
 “I can ask for a refund.” Ahsoka stated. Then, he got out of the car and headed towards the stand.
 “I’m sure we can salvage this double date.” Benjamin replied. “How about a simple walk in the park?”
 “Under the moonlight?” Dymphna asked. “I guess we can do that.”
 “Nobody is going to attack us.” Christina replied. “If we pick the right park.”
 Then, the four left the drive-in theatre while the Deva Girls remained in pursuit of their targets as a shark to meat in the ocean.
 They went to the park and the two couples walked by each other spending some time in the moonlight. They tried to find some stars in the night sky, but couldn’t find a lot due to the city lights. Meanwhile, the two deva girls wore black clothing and had a bag of water balloons on them. They snuck in the bushes seeing the four lovebirds.
 “Ready, Lilith.” Delilah said.
 “Ready, Delilah.” Lilith replied.
 “Once we soak those brats, we have our revenge.”
 “Okay, one… two… three…” They pulled a few water balloons out of the bag and looked. But they only saw the guys over there.
 “Hey, where did the girls go?” Then, they noticed their bag of water balloons is missing.
 “Uh oh.”
 “Quit trying to ruin our double date.” Dymphna said as Christina threw a water balloon at them.
 “AH!! We’ve been caught.” Delilah said.
 “We better transform and deal with these punks.” Lilith stated. They pulled out six vials of the boosters meant for Liza. The two girls injected three vials into each other at the same time. Then, the deva girls waited a while and pumped their arms.
 “Okay, eat this.” Delilah stated as she shot an ice beam from her hand. Christina and Dymphna dodged out of the way from the beam. They hid behind trees and transformed. Dymphna replied by throwing snowballs at the deva girl.
 Lilith shot out some lightning at Christina and she created a leaf shield to block the lightning. Then, Christina threw it at Lilith and she missed. Delilah blasted Christina with her ice encasing her in it except for her head. Dymphna ran over trying to pick off the ice and Lilith zapped the ice shocking Dymphna.
 “It seems like you are finished.” Lilith replied.
 “Now, we are gonna…” Delilah said before the phone interrupted her. “Oh, what now?” She picked up the phone and put it on speaker. “Hello?”
 “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO!?” Jezebel shouted.
 “We are in the middle of a fight with the Virtue Girls.” Delilah said.
 “Well, get back to the headquarters immediately.” She commanded. “Do you have what I asked of you?”
 “We haven’t got it yet.” Lilith replied.
 “That’s the two of us getting covering in ice by one of the Virtue Girls.” Lilith answered.
 “DON’T JUST STAND THERE!! DO SOMETHING!!” Jezebel stated. The two deva girls tried to move but couldn’t move.
 “Ugh, we’re stuck.” Delilah said.
 “Where are you at?” Jezebel asked calming down.
 “At Blaise Park.” Lilith replied.
 “I’ll send Liza to get you out.”
 “Let’s get out of here.” Dymphna said. She tried to use her ice abilities to remove the ice from Christina but it didn’t work. “Huh? What happened?”
 “HA! It doesn’t work.” Delilah said. “You’re powers are useless against my ice.” Dymphna was able to dislodge Christina from her spot and slide her away. “Hey, no fair.” Dymphna and Christina got back to the two guys.
 “Hey there.” Ben stated. “Back from combat?”
 “Yeah, I need help freeing Christina.” Dymphna replied.
 “I can help with that.” Ahsoka stated. He put his hand on it and a black goo came off of the ice Christina was trapped in. “What in the…?” Then, all of the ice that Delilah produced turned into a wet, black, gooey liquid.
 “EWW!!” Christina said. “This is disgusting.”
 “That looks like engine sludge to me.” Ben commented.
 “I don’t care about what it is. I just need a bath.” Christina answered.
 “We’ll have to collect a sample.” Dymphna said. “I’m not sure that it’s engine sludge.”

 Meanwhile, Delilah and Lilith were still in the ice block when Liza showed up. She had to use her metal kinesis to chip away at the ice.
 “Move faster, we don’t have all night.” Delilah stated to her.
 “I’m trying to move as fast as I can.” Liza said. “A little patience would be nice.”
 “Fine.” Lilith said sarcastically. “Take your time.”
 “And I would like to pick up a guy on the way home.” Delilah stated.
 “I’m to be your trainer along with Natale.” Liza stated. “I’m not your maid.”
 “Just shut up and get working on freeing us.” Lilith replied. “You were ordered by Jezebel to do so.” Liza just got back to work and said nothing.

16: Request to Return
Request to Return

Joan was sitting in the living room of the Virtue Girls headquarters. She sighed as she looked at a picture of the girls together on the wall. It reminded her of when Maria was in the group.
 “It’s been a week already.” Joan thought. “It’s not the same without Maria.” She stood up.
 “I can’t take this anymore.” She stated aloud. “I’m going to convince her to come back to us.” She encountered John as she walking to find someone to help her out.
 “Oh, Joan.” He stated. “Have you seen Dymphna?”
 “No, why?” She asked him.
 “I have analyzed the black stuff that she mentioned.” He said. “By investigating the sample that she brought back from her double date.”
 “What is the end result?”
 “It is not engine sludge like her boyfriend said.” He explained. “But it is shadow sludge.”
 “That sounds even ickier.” Joan commented.
 “It is… it is a residue that is left behind after the use of using faux powers.”
 “Faux powers?”
 “The powers that are not real superpowers but are counterfeit and phony.” John explained. “And since this was coming from the ice that one of the Deva Girls gave off, that means the Deva Girls don’t have superpowers to begin with.”
 “I see.” She answered. “Well, I’ll try to get Maria back.”
 “That is for Maria to decide whether or not she comes back.” He remarked, shaking his head. “You can’t force her to come back.”
 “I’ll see if I can convince her.”
 “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. You can’t. force her. to come back.”
 “Alright, alright.” Joan grimaced as she walked away. She knew that Dymphna and Christina didn’t know her well enough to be of any help, forcing her to go to Team Red. First, she tried to find Flora but she wasn’t in the headquarters at the time. Then, she went to Reina and explained what happened.
 “Are you kidding me?” Reina asked.
 “I wish I was making this up, Reina-kun.” Joan replied.
 “I knew she would give up leadership. But leave the Virtue Girls entirely? Man, leadership must be very hard on her.”
 “And not on you?”
 “Hey, I can be at least five times the leader that Maria is.”
 “Or you’re just power-hungry jerk.”
 “What did you just call me!?” Reina snapped at Joan.
 “You’re being a power-hungry jerk, Reina-kun.
“There is absolutely no way I’m power hungry.”
 “Why did you make yourself the leader of Team Red, huh?” Joan asked angrily at her. “What makes you out of all the girls the best leader?”
 “A lot of things.”
 “Like what?” Joan asked. Reina didn’t give a response.
 “Just. Go.” Reina replied.
 “Fine, I will.” Then, Joan left her in disgust. She, then, went into her room. There was a bookshelf with manga in it as well as anime DVDs and figurines. “Well, so much for getting help from team red’s leader. Now, who else could know Maria?” She thought for a minute. “I know, I’ll ask Hikari-sempai.”
 Hikari was in her room standing in a crane stance; she had a calm serine expression on her face. She had a rosary in her hand as in prayer. Then, Joan barged into the room.
 “Hikari, Hikari…” Joan said. The meditative girl lost her focus and balance; she fell onto the floor with a thud when she hit the ground.
 “Oww!” She said.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Yeah.” Hikari replied as she got back up. “What is it?”
 “Maria had left the Virtue Girls.” Joan stated.
 “WHAT!?” Hikari shouted.
 “Yeah, I need someone who knows her to help her come back.”
 “I would like to help, Joan. But with the Tournament of Titans coming up, I have to practice my techniques. I will be able to face my brother off in it.” Hikari explained. “Maybe when I’m finished, I can help you.”
 “Oh, alright.” Joan stated as she left the room.
 “Now, where was I?” Hikari stated as she got back into the crane stance. Then, Joan came back into the room again.
 “When will you be done?” Joan asked.
 “Ugh, I’ll be done when I’m done, okay?”
 “Okay…” Joan replied in a slightly down mood as she left the room. She went back into her room and thought again. She looked around.
 “I want Maria back on the team.” She stated to herself. “There has to be someone on the team that knows her so well.” She looked at a photo of the original Virtue Girls. The picture was of Maria, Hikari, Joan, and Cheyenne. “Wait a minute, maybe Cheyenne might be able to help me out.” She stepped up from her bed and pulled out her cellphone and dialed her number.
 “Hello?” the voice asked.
 “Hey Cheyenne.” Joan said.
 “Hey Joan, what’s up?” Cheyenne asked.
 “I need your help.” She explained. “Maria had left the Virtue Girls and I want to bring her back are you willing to help me?”
 “Well… I can talk to her while I’m at work today.” Cheyenne answered. “But I can’t make any promises.”
 “Thanks, Cheyenne.” Joan replied.
 “You’re welcome. Is there anything else?”
 “No, that’s it.”
 “Okay then, I better get going to work then.” 
 “Bye.” Then, the two hung up their phones.
 Cheyenne went to her work place and worked in the service center. When it came time for her break, she didn’t go to the café area of the store like she normally does. Instead she went up to the second floor where the offices were. She noticed a commotion going on in the conference room.

 Cheyenne just decided to listen in by poking her face into the door. She heard Maria was in a video conference with several members of the board of executives. They did not sound too happy with Maria.
“It has come to our attention that you have let some of these individuals work in our stores.” An executive said.
“Yes, I did.” Maria answered.
“I have told you to let my son into that job and yet you ignore what I say and let a dirty slob have the position.” Another executive answered.
“Dirty or not, that slob is willing to work and I can ask to him to look tidier.” Maria explained. “While, I have given the job to your son and he is too much of a lazy bum. Thus I had to fire him.”
“You were not to remove him from the staff.” The same guy stated.
“He was skipping entire shifts and I had to call people in to fill the void he left.” Maria replied a little frustrated.
“I have also noted a dip in the profits of the company.” A third executive replied. “You’re taking money out of the store’s pocket and into yours.”
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Maria asked. “We were slow as of recent and I have only gotten what my salary was. And if I’m not mistaken it’s you guys who are responsible for the salaries of the management and employees.”
“How dare you talk back to us!?” A fourth board member said. “We should have you removed from your management position.”
“All those in favor of removing Maria Ciliega from her position. Say Yea.” A fifth one answered.
“Yea!!” all six of them said.
“The votes are unanimous.” The fifth answered. “We, the board of executives, find you guilty of all charges and strip you of…” Then, a door burst open.
“What is going on here!?” Antinanco stated as he walked into the conference. The six members of the board were shocked to find the president of the company here. “Why are you having a conference!?”
“Well… uh… you see that…” The last member stated.
“I have already told you, there are to be no conferences without my presence or consent.” Antinanco stated in anger. “I ask you again, why are you having a conference?”
“They wanted to get rid of me.” Maria said.
“So, that is what it is.” The CEO replied. “I can’t have my back turned even for a few minutes without something shady going on behind me. Any effects this meeting has are voided by myself, Antinanco Łichíí, under the authority I have over this establishment. And I’m ending this meeting.”
“But…” the first manager said.
“No, buts.” Antinanco stated. “I do not want this to happen again. Am I clear?”
“Yes sir.” The second answered.
“Good, any farther offense will force me to replace you.” The CEO reminded them. “Good day.” He walked out of the room.
“Hmph, consider yourself lucky that the president came in and saved you.” The third said. “Next time, you won’t have such fortune.”
“We’re gonna be watching you.” The fourth answered. Then, the video chat service shut off for the time being. Maria was so furiated.
“Ugh, I’m so mad right now I could just punch something right now.” Maria stated grinding her teeth. She looked around and jumped as she saw the little peeper. “Cheyenne, what are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to talk to you about the Virtue Girls.” Cheyenne replied.
“How do you know that?” Maria asked in surprise.
“Joan had told me what had happened.” She explained. “She wants you to come back.”
“I telling you I’m not going back.” Maria replied.
“Things aren’t the same without you.”
 “Did I not make it clear? I’m not going to be a Virtue Girl anymore.” The manager answered in annoyance. “Besides, I’m perfectly content with the normal life as the manager of this store.”
 “Oh, content you say?” Cheyenne remarked. “Well, if you are content than why do you look miserable?”
 “Miserable?” Maria replied in anger. “How can I be miserable? It’s not like I’m missing out on some great adventure or something.”
 “That great adventure was on that you were eager on being a part of. When you made your new friends in that group, you could have just abandoned me.” Cheyenne explained. “But you didn’t, instead you allowed me to go with you. You didn’t abandon me.”
 “Yeah?” Maria said.
 “Yes, and in turn, I’m not going to abandon you.” Her friend replied. “So, I will like to invite you back. You won’t have to fight, just at least be with the friends that you have made over your career.”
 “But what they think poorly of me?”
 “We are not going to judge you.” Cheyenne reaffirmed her friend. “This isn’t something you can’t just run away from.” Maria sighed.
 “You have a point there, Cheyenne.” Maria said. She paused. “Very well, then. I’ll come back, but it will be for hanging out only.”
 “Thanks, Maria.” Cheyenne said. “I’m sure the other girls will be happy again.”
 “I’m sure they will be.” The manager replied.
 “My break is nearly over. So, I have to get back to work.” She said.
 “Okay, then.”
 “I’ll see you later.”

 Joan pulled out some incense sticks from the container that she pulled them out of and took them into her room. She pulled out the incense burner as well.
 “You know,” she said aloud. “I pulled these sticks out and I never got to get to see what it smells like.” She placed the stick on the burner and lit the stick. She allowed the aroma to fill the air. “Wow, it smells like mint, patchouli, rose, and cedar.” She sniffed the air again. “With a hint of strawberry thrown in.” Then, Christina and Reina came up and entered the room.
 “Joan, dinner’s ready. I made some…” Christina said but she sniffed the air. “Oh my…” Then, she got a grin on her face and became giggly.
 “Christina, what’s going on?” Reina asked her. Then, she sniffed the air. “Wait, this smell is kind of familiar.” Then, she turned to Joan. “Okay Joan, what incense did you pull out of the collection?”
 “I pulled out the one that said Ishtar Mix.” Joan replied. “Why did you want to know?”
 “Why? What’s wrong with the mix?”
 “Someone call Ashoka and fast.”

17: Sight of the Fallen
Sight of the Fallen

Flora was leaving town one evening in her red little PT cruiser. Then, it started slowing down for no reason. She had to pull over.
 “What is it?” she asked herself, turning it off. “Oh great.” She went outside and opened the hood. A blast of hot air came out of the car engine. “I’m thinking that the engine overheated. I do have some coolant in the trunk but I have to wait until it cools down.” She sat down by her vehicle and sighed but heard some noise on the other side.
 There were two nicely dressed gentlemen on the other side of the street. One was panicking; the other was thinking.
 “Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. What are we going to do?” the one asked.
 “Eddy, calm down. We can’t think if we panic.” the other stated.
 “If Aries finds out that we let him get captured, we’re dead.”
 “We will get Don Scorpio out. But we need to find out what we need to do.” The two thought it over and Eddy thought of an idea.
 “I got an idea, Al.”
 “What it is?”
 “We could get the help from the Virtue Girls.” Al jerked back.
 “That’s the stupidest idea I heard of.”
 “But I did hear that the law is after them. So, it wouldn’t really make a difference.”
 “So, you are suggesting helping the Virtue Girls out?” Al asked.
 “Only if they help us.”
 “There is another problem with your plan. There is no Virtue Girl around. They haven’t been publicly seen since Black Caesar’s death. I doubt we’re ever going to find them.” Flora sighed.
 “Well, at least, it’ll give time for my car to cool down.” she thought; she sat behind her car and transformed. She came out to talk to them.
 “Excuse me,” she asked. “I just happened to be here and overhear your conversation.” The two guys looked at her.
 “Holy cow,” Eddy said. “We are extremely lucky here. You already know that our boss, Don Scorpio has been captured.”
 “Where is he right now?”
 “He was captured by a pimp known as ‘Wonder Wand’. He has a place in the city’s red light district. Most likely, he has been placed there.”
 “What’s special about Don Scorpio?” The two looked in shocked.
 “You don’t know who Don Scorpio is?” Al replied. “He is the Emperor of the Underworld, his rule covers the entire tri-county area and he keeps the street gangs under control, preventing them from getting too big. Without him around, the gang violence will increase exponentially and will become too much for the police to handle.”
 “Which way, do I need to go?” Flora asked. Al pointed to an alley way.
 “Do you see the alley that is lit in red?” Flora turned that way. “That is the entrance to the red-light district and brothels. Be sure to look very modest or men will jump on you. Take this.” Flora was handed a long robe. “This should help you.”
 “Okay.” Flora put on the robe.
 “The club that ‘Magic Wand’ manages is called the Lucky Seven.”
 “I’ll look for that then.” She headed inside the red-light district. The neon lights inside the area were lined in red. Some of the men sitting on the street smoking marijuana and cocaine and there were prostitutes lying on the side of the road advertising themselves. A man came up to him.
 “Hey babe,” he said to Flora. “You look gorgeous. How much do I need to pay?” She just punched him in the face.
 “Leave me alone.” she replied. She continued onward down the alleyway avoiding detection from the other men. Then, she encountered what looked like a large brick Hollywood building with a big seven on it. “I think that is the Lucky Seven.” She went inside and there were several platforms with poles and strippers. There was a large cheering male crowd watching them.
 She looked around at the bars and near the stages, but found nothing. She even checked near the rapper’s area but nothing was found. Then, she noticed something suspicious near the side door where only employees go. Remain hidden, she snuck into the hallway and noticed a door cracked open; she took a peek inside.
 She saw a man in a black suit. He was somewhat tall in height and had a slender build. He had brown hair and green eyes. She noticed he was tied up with rope by his hands and feet. And the rope wrapped around his arms. She saw next to him what looked like an androgynous male figure with short blonde hair wearing director’s clothing.
 “No matter how many times you ask me.” the tied up person stated to him. “I’m not going to help you out.”
 “Come on, Don Scorpio.” the director stated. “Vhy don’t you vish to help me out and sell the films to those in power. Zey will pay massive amounts of money for them.”
 “You’re films are completely degrading to women.”
 “Zey are just nothing but objects.”
 “No, they are not. I absolutely will not help with your pornographic snuff films.” Then, the director sighed.
 “Why von’t you listen to reason? Mass media pay lots of money for sexual content; ze more obscene the better.”
 “You won’t listen to ethics; you only pay attention to money. Besides, I have a wife and kids. I don’t want them seeing your garbage.”
 “Vhat makes you different from me?” The director slapped him and spat him in the face. “I vill be forced to keep you locked in here until you help me.” He headed to the door and Flora dropped her robe and grabbed her saber. He opened the door and Flora tackled him. “Vhat the…? Miss Creampie, I told you to stay in your room.”
 “I’m not Miss Creampie.” Flora said. “I’m one of the Virtue Girls here to take you down.” The two men were shocked.
 “So, you are one of the Wirtue Girls.” the director said. “I’m surprised you found me, but I vill have to get rid of you.” He pulled out a machine gun and began to shoot at her. Flora lifted up a rock shield to protect herself and the Don.
 “Scorpio, hide in the closet until I tell you to come out.” Flora cut the ropes tying the don up and he did what she asked. As the director was reloading, Flora charged in and started beating him down with her saber. On the last blow, the saber cut his head off. His body fell to the ground and blood got on the already crimson carpet. “It’s okay, you can come out now.”
 “Thank you for getting me out of there.” The don replied. “I didn’t think you got the nerve to fight him, never mind kill him.”
 “Now, I want you to start talking.” She replied. “Who was that person?”
 “That was the infamous pimp, Magic Wand.” he explained. “I didn’t realize that he was doing pornography and snuff films in my own turf, which I completely forbid in my realm.”
 “At least, the Emperor of the Underworld has some ethics.”
 “Who told you I was the Emperor of the Underworld?” he thought for a moment. “Oh, I get it. One of my own sent you. That plan was insane but at the same time, genius. I see you’re one of the Virtue Girls, huh?”
 “Yeah, what of it?”
 “I got to make a note to my boys that we owe the Virtue Girls a favor.”
 “Okay, enough about that.” Flora stated. “Who is this Miss Creampie he called me?”
 “She is one of his prostitutes. Usually, they are actresses in his snuff films. She is somewhere in here with the other girls. I feel sorry for them for they are treated very cruelly. All of them were tricked into entering this world in the first place.”
 “Are we able to help them?”
 “They are too far gone to do anything about it. Miss Creampie is the only one that could be helped. Her room is down the hall, the door on the left. Flora took the Don with her to this room.
 “You better not be lying to me.” Flora asked.
 “Wait…” he stated. “What’s your name?”
 “Flora Rosales.”
 “I know Miss Creampie is in the room. But do you really want to go in there.”
 “Yes, we need to get her out of there.”
 “I’ll go with you, but you are not going to like what you see.” Flora became worried as she opened the door. And she was consumed by complete shock and horror. She found her twin sister lying, unconscious, on the ground only wearing a little bathrobe. She body was beaten up, bruised, and covered with dried semen. There were a few empty bottles and an open bag of heroine.
 “FAUNA!!” She ran over to her and lifted her up and she started to come to, but she was groggy and groaning from pain.
 “Hello there, I’m Miss Creampie.” Fauna said. “You’re new around here. Are you doing porn films as well?”
 “Fauna, it’s me don’t you even recognize your own sister?” Flora said.
 “I have a sister?”
 “Yes, I’m your sister, Flora don’t you even recognize me?”
 “I’m having massive amounts of pain from the recent film, can you let me down for a minute.” Flora let her lay down for a moment.
 “Do you remember having a sister?”
 “I don’t know.” Fauna struggled to think of anything. Flora turned to Scorpio.
 “Scorpio, cover your eyes.” Flora said.
 “I have my back turned to you.” He said turning around not looking. She transformed back to her normal form and Fauna looked at her for a few seconds.
 “F… f… flora?” she asked. “Is that you?”
 “Fauna, you’re remembering me.”
 “Just go away!” Fauna stated; she started to cry facing the mirror.
 “What happened?”
 “I was such a damn fool; I’m a disgrace to your family. I don’t even deserve to be called your sister.”
 “Fauna, how did you wind up here?”
 “That so-called knight in shining armor I was dating and became engaged to… he turned out to be Magic Wand.” Flora was starting to be filled with anger, but it was overshadowed with pity. “I ended up completely impoverished and he spent all of my savings. I was forced to work as a whore and porn star just to survive.”
 “That’s horrible.”
 “It was extremely abusive and I got unbearable pain. Whatever, in the rare time, I was paid, most of it ended up in alcohol and drugs; only so it wouldn’t hurt so badly. I, even, ended up getting genital herpes and gonorrhea because of the films and prostitution. I’m not even allowed to have my own children.” Fauna was bawling her eyes out, but Flora went over to comfort.
 “I know you have made many mistakes in your past.” Flora said. “Do you want out of here?”
 “Yes. I want out, Flora.” Fauna was practically begging her to get out.
 “Then, we will get you out of here.”
 “But, where would I go? I’ve got no place to go to.” Then, Don Scorpio remember something.
 “I just remembered something.” he stated. “My butler recently passed away from a fatal sickness and the house is started to get messy. If nothing else, I could take Fauna in as a maid.”
 “What do I have to do?” Fauna asked.
 “Just the simple cooking and cleaning, nothing else. I’m already married and have three children.”
 “I’ll take it.” Fauna said, without thinking.
 “Fauna,” Flora said. “Are you sure?”
 “Any place is better than here.”
 “At least, it was her decision.” Scorpio replied. “Don’t worry, I will make sure you are treated well and Flora, you can visit your sister anytime you want.”
 “I understand.” Flora said. The three of them left the red-light district. Flora returned to her car and put the coolant in the car. She was upset about what happened to her sister, but she knew she is at least in a better situation than she was before.
 Jezebel was with Nero in the Deva Girls headquarters. They were with each other in Jezebel’s room sitting on her bed.
 “At last, our plan is finally set.” Nero stated. “And the Virtue Girls threat will be eliminated.”
 “Regardless what happens, we will win.” Jezebel answered cuddling with him.
 “Now, we can be together without worry, Jezzie.” Nero said.
 “And I’ll be with you, Nero.” Jezebel replied kissing him on the cheek.
 “But there is only one thing that worries me.” He added.
 “What would that be, honey?” She answered.
 “The fact that I am a cambion and you’re not.” He explained. “I’ll keep living while you grow old and whither.”
 “No, I want to be with you always.” She said.
 “But I know of someone who can help with this predicament.” He stated. “He transformed me into a cambion.”
 “Nero, let me join you.” Jezebel proclaimed. “I want to be a cambion too.”
 “I’ll ask him to transform you, Jezzie.” Nero answered.
 “Oh, I love you, Nero.” She said.
 “I love you too, Jezzie.” Nero replied as they kissed each other on the lips. Then, they continued kissing as they laid down on the bed turning off the lights.

18: Return of the Girl Born For Purple
Return of the Girl Born For Purple

The Virtue Girls were called to go on two missions. The red team of the Virtue Girls which consisted of Reina, Hikari, and Flora went on one mission. Cheyenne was busy with work. The blue team of the Virtue Girls which consisted of Joan, Dymphna, and Christina went to the other. Maria decided to go with the blue team. Maria was driving the van to help her team get to the location.
 “I’m glad that Maria-sempai came with us.” Joan said.
 “You know she isn’t going to be fighting, right?” Dymphna stated. “She’s only going to be driving us to the location.” Joan groaned but said nothing to them.
 “We’ll be there shortly.” Maria said. “There’s nothing you need to…” Then, there was some high frequency booms and the car started to weave out of control. “Hold on, girls.” She maneuvered to the side of the road and came to a stop.
 “Maria, what happened?” Christina asked.
 “I don’t know.” Maria said. Then, she looked out the window and saw two clay golems in the rear view mirror. “What the…”
“What is it?” Dymphna asked. They saw two clay golems. “Clay men? Never seen that before.” Then, Joan came up.
 “Let me see.” Joan said looking into the mirror. “Those look like the mudmen from Hyper-power Intergalatic Yoga Cowboy Squadron Superstars in Space.”
 “I don’t care what they look like.” Maria stated.” It looks like they are going to attack us.”
“Wait here, Maria.” Christina said. “We’ll take care of them.” Joan, Dymphna, and Christina transformed into their maiden forms. They got out of the van to engage against the two golems.
 They saw one of the golems pull out two glocks, one in each hand. Dymphna raised an ice shield between them and the golems. The golems opened fire on them on full automatic.
 “What’s wrong with the car?” Christina said as Maria got out. She looked at the car.
 “The tire has been shot.” Maria replied. “I’ll need some time to replace the tire.”
 “Okay…” Joan said as she started tossing fireballs at the golems.

 Meanwhile, Reina, Hikari, and Flora in their maiden forms reached their destination. It was in another town. They looked around and saw Doctor Set on the roof above them.
 “Well, why it isn’t the Virtue Girls again?” Dr. Set replied.
 “Dr. Set, I should have known you were behind your schemes again.” Reina replied.
 “Oh, how do you know that?” The evil doctor smirked.
 “We got a message to help some hostages.” Reina said. “And you’re holding them. The authorities had requested our help.”
 “I think you will be the ones asking for help.” He stated. Then, the girls’ exit was blocked off with the doctor’s robots coming forward.
 “Trying to sneak up on us?” Reina answered. She raised her shield and rushed towards them with blade high. The robots raised a staff and pushed Reina back.
 “WHAT!?” All three girls stated at the same time.
 “Surprise, surprise, girls.” The doctor stated. “You are not going to beat us this time.”
 “What do you mean us?” Hikari asked.

 Maria had jacked the car up and saw Jadvyga behind them. She stood there with her goons by her mocking them.
 “Jadvyga…” Maria said angerly. “So, you are behind this ambush.”
 “Or so you say…” Jadvyga replied to her. “You actually think that I, myself, pulled this off on my own?”
 “Didn’t you do that just now?” Maria asked.
 “No, I have allies.” Jadvyga answered her. “I have made an alliance with Dr. Set.”

 “I’m in an alliance with Jadvyga.” Dr. Set answered to the three virtue girls surrounded by his robots.
 “Okay, so you made an alliance. Big whoop.” Reina replied. “We’re still going to some buttkicking. It’ll just be doubled.”
 “Or so you think, Virtue Girls.” The doctor laughing.
 “You sound like a jackass when you laugh.” Hikari pointed out to him.
 “Shut up about my laugh.” He stated. “Robots attack.” The droids charged at the three girls.

 Jonathan was back at the base cleaning things up. During this time, he ended up getting a call. He went to the phone and picked it up.
 “Hello?” he stated.
 “Hello again, Jonathan.” A male voice stated.
 “NERO!!” John shouted.
 “So, you recognize my voice.” Nero said.
 “Why are you talking to me?” John replied in an angry voice.
 “I have come to challenge you to a duel.” He answered.
 “I have beat you once before I can beat you again.” Jonathan answered.
 “If that is the case, then, come to the outskirts of the city.” Nero answered. “And don’t be late for I have a hostage. It’ll be a shame for her to perish.”
 “I won’t let you harm her.” John said.
 “Then, proceed to the location given.” Nero said. “I will be waiting there for you.” Then, there was silence on the phone. John grabbed his sword once again and advanced to the battlefield.

 As John arrived, Nero was there in his armor waiting for him like he stated. And nearby there was the hostage in a cage. It was Liza Kremov, the aid of the Deva Girls, and she was tied up, gagged, blindfolded, and had earplugs in her ears to the point where she can’t even hear what was being said..
 “So, you have the aid of the Deva Girls here.” John said.
 “Yes, why do you care?” Nero said. “She isn’t part of your team.”
 “She is a living being.” John replied. “On the team or not, she needs help from your dirty clutches.”
 “Maybe… but our combat will determine that.” Nero said. The two charged towards each other.

 Meanwhile, Natale was up near the Deva Girls headquarters. When he entered the living room, he saw the Deva Girls. Jezebel was with them, all dressed up like the Virtue Girls.
 “Jezebel, what’s going on here?” he asked. “And where is Liza? I’ve been looking all over for her.” The four injected the boosters into their arms.
 “Liza is away at the moment.” Jezebel replied.
 “And you shouldn’t be using those boosters. Don’t you realize that overdosing on them will make your body unstable?” He continued to ask.
 “You have no right to tell us what to do.” Jezebel replied.
 “Not… anymore.” Jezebel calmly said. The other three girls ganged up on Natale. He tried to reach for the boosters, but when he opened them up, he saw they were empty. One of the deva girls grabbed the back of his collar. And the girls beat the tar out of him.
 When he fell to the ground at Jezebel’s feet, he was battered and completely bruised. She kicked him over onto his back. The other Deva Girls held him down and Jezebel stood over top of him with a tomahawk.
 “I only allowed you to lead us until we became stronger than you.” She said. Then, she placed her foot on Natale’s throat and began to choke him with it. “You were never had any power to begin with.”
 “Damn you…” Natale said, struggling to speak.
 “Oh, just stay quiet.” Jezebel replied in a mocking matter. “You’ll lose more strength in that way.” Natale gave her an angry and silent scowl. “I have seen enough of you now. Good bye.”
 She hacked him away piece by piece to make him suffer for as long as possible before he perished. Even after he died, the Deva Girls continued to hack away at him until he was nothing but an unrecognizable pile of blood-soaked meat.
 “Now that is taken care of, prepare the bombs.” Jezebel said.
 “What do we need the bombs for?” Delilah asked.
 “To destroy the Virtue Girls’ home.” She answered. “Our enemy is away right now, we need to make it so they have nothing to return to.”

Jonathan and Nero continued to clashed against each other’s blades until they were at a deadlock.
 “I noticed that you are still weak, Nero, from the seal.” John commented.
 “But there a few things I know that you didn’t.” Nero answered.
 “And what would that be?” Joan asked.
 “I have distracted your girls with cries for help.” Nero explained as they broke the deadlock. “And both sets fell right into an ambush.” John showed shock on his face.
 “That can’t be.” He said.
 “That isn’t the only thing I know.” Nero continued explaining as they continued fighting. “I know each of the girls’ secret identities. I even know more about the girls than even they realize. I will give the girls two weeks to surrender to me or their identities get exposed.”
 “You are a fool to think that the girls will surrender to you.” Jonathan replied.
 “We shall see about that, John.” Nero said. “For the pieces are already in place and you shall have nothing left.”
 Then, there was the sound of an explosion was heard from the allotment the girls’ base was from. John looked in that direction.
 “No, this can’t be.” John stated. Nero wrapped a shell around his left hand and attacked his with sihr punch striking John in the back. He yelled in pain.
 “This is the seal that you have placed upon me.” Nero stated. “Try to break out of this.”

 Maria looked upon the field of battle. She noticed that her friends losing the fight against Jadvyga. Meanwhile, Reina and her team were losing their fight against the corrupted doctor. During this time, John was losing to Nero. Maria stood there and she got more and more upset.
 “I can’t stand seeing my friends like this.” Maria stated. “I just wish… I wish I could transform one last time to save them.” The gladius and her shield that was her bed leapt off of the blazing furniture, speeding out of the burning house. Then, a light engulfed Maria.

  Her clothes disappeared as an ambient wind blew around her. It was replaced with a violet top and skirt. She had lavender lacing under the skirt and lavender gloves and boots. On her chest was a plumb of lavender with an amethyst crystal in the center. Then, the ambient winds that swirled around her came to her forearms as the arms she left behind returned to her once more. In addition, she gained a helmet of a centurion. Then, the energy from her transformation carried in the breeze.

 Joan, Christina, and Dymphna felt a new power entering the vicinity. Jadvyga looked in the direction. Maria entered the battlefield to face her.
 “You leave them alone, Jadvyga.” Maria stated with a commanding voice.
 “GOLEMS!!” Jadvyga shouted at the two worn-golems. “Get her!!” The golems charged towards Maria and pulled out their glocks. Maria raised her shield as they opened fire. She rushed forward, blocking the fire. She leapt into the air and slashed the first golem down. Then, slashed on the second one. The other three began to fight back again. As she fought the golems and Jadvyga, she was speaking. But nobody was able to understand what she was saying at the time.

 The breeze was felt by Reina, Hikari, and Flora. Even though they were in a desperate situation, they know felt calm. Hikari rushed forward and slashed down the robots. Flora was able to smash the machines. The doctor stepped back in shock.
 “How could this be?” Dr. Set stated. “The girls were completely in my grasp. How could they have escaped?”
 Reina noticed a ray one of the machines had that shot radiation, she zapped the robot with her lightning. As it stalled, she pried it away and blasted it at the doctor. After he got zapped with it, he began to flee with his robots protecting his rear.

 John was on his last leg when the breeze reached him. Both he and Nero felt it. The black knight stood in confusion.
 “What is this?” Nero asked.
 “That is the gentle breeze.” Jonathan stated. “Maria has returned to my group.”
 “So what…” Nero said. “Not like she can do anything.”
 “You are underestimating my girls.” Jonathan replied. “Maria will be able to bring them out of the pit of darkness you lured them into. When that time comes, your forces will be crushed by them.”
 “That day will never come.” Nero shouted. “I WILL make sure of that.” He rushed forwards once more to engage Jonathan. John was able to get back up on his feet.
 “You have deluded your vision, Nero.” John answered to him. “You cover a candle light with great amounts of shadow. But no matter how much you put over the little speck of flame; it will pierce through the darkness and bring light into the surroundings.” John gained the upper hand in the battle. “No matter what you throw at them, the Virtue Girls will always find a way to defeat you.”
 “Strong words from such a weakling.” Nero answered as he began to retreat. “You better hope your girls can defeat me in two weeks.” The villain used a smokescreen to escape the area. Jonathan turned and freed Liza. He sent her on her way telling her not to go back to the Deva Girls.

 The Virtue Girls reunited at Christina’s cabin in the woods after hearing from John that their headquarters was completely destroyed. Cheyenne arrived at the cabin.
 “What did I miss?” Cheyenne asked in surprise.
 “It’s a very long story.” Reina responded. Hikari turned to Maria.
 “Maria, where did you get that nice looking helmet?” she asked.
 “I have absolutely no idea.” Maria responded to her, but Jonathan looked as he was walking nearby. He came closer.
 “Helmet?” he asked.
 “Yeah, when I transformed into my maiden form, I found this on my head.” Maria explained. “I don’t know what the significance of it.”
 “Let me see.” John said. Then, Maria showed the helmet. His eyes grew wide. “What else happened?”
 “Well, I heard her trying to say something but I didn’t understand what she was saying.” Dymphna said.
 “I know quite a few languages and even I don’t know anything about what she was saying.” Christina replied.
 “Can I hear what you were saying, Maria?” he asked. Then, she repeated what she was saying while she was in combat exactly as it came out of her mouth. “She is speaking in tongues.”
 “Is that good?” Joan asked.
 “Yes.” He replied. “But with it being good for us, it is now known that your greatest challenges have yet to come.”
 “What do you mean challenges?” Flora complained. “We almost got our butts handed to us on a silver platta’. How can it get any harder?”
 “From what we are seeing and hearing now, it is now time…” He proclaimed to the eight of them. “The time for me to reveal the truth to you.”
 “What truth?” Cheyenne asked in concern.
 “The truth about what your final goal is; before this event, you girls were unable to accept it.” He explained. “But now, the time has come. You are finally ready to know what you are about what you must do. To finally know what you are to face. To finally know what is your destiny.”

19: Exploring Botorqo
Exploring Botorqo

Some of the girls had to call off work today on Jonathan’s request for he was going to tell them what was to going to happen.
 “Can anybody tell me why we are in a gross sewer?” Joan asked. “Why couldn’t John tell us to go into a different area like a nice clean park or something?”
 “I have no idea why.” Dymphna replied.
 “Who cares lets get this over with.” Reina answered.
 “Don’t be so grouchy, Reina.” Hikari said to her.
 “I’m not grouchy.” Reina barked back.
 “Stop fighting, please.” Dymphna said to the two of them.
 “I’m just commenting on how grumpy Reina is.” Hikari said back to her.
 “Well, you don’t have to be so rough about it.” She answered trying to stay calm.
“Okay, that’s enough you two.” Christina stated getting in the way. Then, Jonathan walked up to them.
 “I’m glad you were able to come.” He said. “But before we proceed, I would like Maria to strike me with the ruqya punch.” The girls looked at him in confusion.
 “Why’s that?” Maria asked.
 “Because while I was facing Nero in battle…”
 “What!?” Joan asked in shock. “Nero’s still around?”
 “I told you before we left.” John stated. “While we were fighting, he ended up putting a seal on me blocking my powers. I know that Maria can only break the seal with that technique.”
 “Well… are you sure you’re not going to get hurt?” Maria asked clearly hesitant to hit him.
 “Don’t worry about me.” He answered.
 “All right, if you say so.” She said and used the technique on him. He flinched as the black seal fell off of him.
 “Thank you.” He said. “Now, do you recognize this particular section of the sewer?”
 “No, not really.” Maria said. “But I’m getting the feeling we’ve been here before.”
 “Good. Now, follow me.” He replied. They followed him into the hole in the sewer’s wall leading to a cave.
 “Now, I remember. This was the same path we took when we fought Nero.” Maria said. “How do you know about this place?”
 “Visions.” John answered. “And Cheyenne finding you unconscious down here and telling me where she found you.”
 They, eventually, arrived in the caverns. The area was very moist and dark; the sound of dripping water is heard in the background and a cool breeze blew through. Maria had her flashlight leading the group in the darkness.
 “STOP!!” John replied.
 “What is it?” Maria asked.
 “There is a long drop right in front of you.” He stated. “And the bridge is out. Let me turn on the lights in here.” He went away for a little bit. Then, the lights turned on. The girls saw the entire ruins illuminating in the caverns like an underground city.
 “Wow.” Dymphna stated in awe as she gazed at the city. “It’s like a futuristic city.”
 “But you should know something, Dymphna.” John said coming in on a mobile aerial platform. “You say this is a futuristic city, but this was built in the distant past.” He waved his hand. “Hop on and I will show you more.” The girls walked on to the platform, a little hesitant at first. After all of the girls got on, he moved the platform over to the central spire that was in the middle of the city.
 “What is this place?” Reina asked.
 “This is the former great city of Botorqo.” John stated.
 “How long has this place been abandoned and why is this place underground?” she continued asking as the platform reached the area.
 “It was built in an age long forgotten by man.” John said.
 “Shoot, I wish I brought a camcorder or something.” Dymphna added.
 “There will be no recording of this kind of stuff.” Jon said with a disciplinary voice. “Nor are we to take anything back with us.”
 Once they entered the spire, they got onto another elevator and went down into the streets below. There was a cold breeze that blew through the cavern.
 “This used to be a populous city-state filled with many humans, but now is a mummified ruins. The only things that live here are species of cave lichens and animals.”
 “Is there a chance that this will be revived?” Hikari asked out of curiousity.
 “Like I said before, this was built in the time long forgotten.” John explained. “It is a city that is lost to time. This city-state is long-forgotten and it will never be known about by the masses ever again.” He said this as the girls looked around at the massive structures.
 “Whoa, look at the size of this place.” Maria interrupted losing interest. The girls looked out and they arrived in the main area of the palace. Now, they were about 3 miles underground. The entire place was lit up with the crystal from the top floor. It was lined with columns, both broken and intact. Pieces of pottery fragments were laying all over the place; the girls spread out once the platform landed.
 “Look, at that.” Cheyenne stated. “There’s a pot that is intact.” She went over and picked it up. But the artwork that was on it shown an orgy, so she put it back in its place.
 “Where exactly are we supposed to go?” Joan asked.
 “We are to go to the library.” Jon explained. “Right this way.” He led them to the library, it was a rather large room with what looked like shelves and tables made of darkened crystal. On those shelves, there were plenty of stone tablets. On the rack nearby, there were a bunch of crystals hanging on threads. “Go ahead. Grab a crystal and a slab.” Joan grabbed a key and a stone. She looked around and found the slot for the crystal.
 “Do you turn it?” She asked.
 “Like what Cheyenne did earlier.” He replied. She turned the crystal and some light squares with pictures on them appeared on the rock.
 “What in the…?” She stated stroking her finger on it. When she did, those pictures moved aside and another set appeared. “OH MY GOD, THEY HAD TABLETS!?” She pushed on one of the pictures and it went to a program. It went to something that looked like a comic book, but she was unable to read the language. “How advanced were they?” Joan asked.
 “Let’s see.” John explained. “They had the technology that was at least ten thousand years ahead of your time and was able to make it out of simple materials...” Her eyes widened. “and they had an empire that spanned several start systems.”
 “What!?” Dymphna said in total shock. “We are having difficulty trying to get into space in our time, but our ancestors were able to pull it off an intergalactic empire?”
 “Exactly.” He said.
 “We’re our ancestors super-geniuses or something?” Dymphna asked.
 “That depends on what you call genius.” John continued. “Not only that, they also had contact with a few alien races like the Konopi and Tokage.” Dymphna’s mind was completely blown away and she started to feel like she could faint. Christina went over to keep her from falling down. Then, John turned away to find the leader of the Virtue Girls juggling a few rocks.
 “Maria.” John stated sternly. Then, Maria had dropped the rocks.
 “I wasn’t being idle.” She replied.
 “Right…” he answered sarcastically.
 “I want to show you something.” He added. “But it is to you and you alone. It has to do with the Virtue Girls as a whole.”
 “Okay.” Maria answered; she was a little afraid of what she might see. John took her into a dark room and shut the door behind her. He turned on the lights in the area and she was standing in a room with thirteen walls, each one painted with a different picture. The images glowed from the power given from the abilities that John was supplying to them.
 “What is this place?” she asked in awe.
 “These are the walls of history.” He said. “On these stones contain history, legend, and prophecy. Each picture marks an event in the story of mankind. Look at each one and see what each picture says.” Maria began to look at each of the paintings upon the otherwise lifeless rock.
 The first one showed a man facing what looked like an explosion, in a commanding pose.
 The second one showed him clothed with a nebula, a galaxy in each hand, and a crown of stars.
 The third one showed him spinning in a circle on a star, pulling planets along in his dance.
 The fourth one showed him in the presence of all the galaxies, and he was throwing seeds around in the galaxies.
 “I don’t get the fourth one.” She explained.
 “It is rumored there are 153 galaxies in the universe.” Jonathan answered. “But it’s not the galaxies that are important; look at how they are arranged. What does it look like?”
 “From the arrangement…” Cheyenne stated. “It kind of looks like a field.”
 “And if a farmer wants to add life to a barren field, what does he do?” He asked.
 “He plants crops.” Hikari replied.
 “And plants come from what?” He asked.
 “Seeds.” Maria stated. “So, he is spreading life across the universe?”
 “Exactly.” He answered. “Wherever those seeds land, those places will support life. Earth was one of those places. It’s unknown, even to this day, how many seeds were planted in this manner.”
 The fifth one shown the man forming the various plants and animals, from the smallest bacteria to the largest dinosaurs, changing the design slightly each time.
 The sixth one shown two people, a man and a woman, living within what appeared to be a garden paradise with every flora and fauna imaginable.
 The seventh one shown human communities growing on Earth, that looks frighteningly like the modern age world.
 The eighth one shown humans communicating with Tokage and Konopi aliens from other worlds in the galaxy.
 The ninth one shown humans building a galactic empire in the nearby star systems.
 “As their civilization grew, technology and what they could do increased as well.” He explained. “But the rate that technology grew much faster than morality to the point to where it can never be repaired as you will see in the next pictures.”
 The tenth one shown the birth of giants of great power, the men of renown, and the mortal men getting out of hand with their actions. She was surprised with the next one.
 The eleventh one shown was a big battle between a giant monster and seven maidens. Each one was wearing the same outfits as the Virtue Girl counterparts.
 “What in the world was this?” Maria asked.
 “This stone right here is the most important in relation to you and the other girls.” John explained. “This is the one stone that is both historical and prophetic.”
 “What’s the picture about though?” She asked again.
 “This was a battle that took place in the past.” John answered. “What you see is the beast, the destroyer of worlds, Ch’arut’yuny. He threatened to corrupt all life and destroy the universe one world at a time. Those maidens fought him and triumphed; they cut his body up into seven pieces, sealed them into stones and threw them into space. But they didn’t know there was an eighth piece,” He stated with a grim expression. “And it escaped from that fate, the destroyer’s heart. As long as that heart beats, the monster still lives. It remains because the cuts were not clean.”
“We shouldn’t have to worry about something like that.” Maria said with confidence. “It’s not like the pieces are going to come back to Earth.” John didn’t say anything. She started to feel nervous. “Right?”
“The pieces that you and I speak of are already back on the surface of the Earth.” He stated in a gloomy tone. “Nero has gathered the seven pieces and are attempting to remake them.”
“WHAT!?” she asked. “That’s a lie.” She continued. “The Virtue Girls and I killed him off; we saw him fall of the spire down here.”
“I had fought against him yesterday.” John said. “And he had Liza as a hostage.”
“Liza of the Deva Girls? Out of everyone he could have kidnapped, why did he have her as a hostage?”
“It is unclear why he took her as a prisoner. But from the evidence given and what I was able to conclude is that Nero has some ties to the Deva Girls and the recent events that just happened.”
“Well, can’t you stop them!?”
“A long time ago, I have placed a seal on him to prevent him from using his full power.” Nero explained. “He is unable to take the seal off of himself without outside help; and as long as that seal is on him, he will be unable to revive the beast whom is Ch’arut’yuny.”
“What is the secret of the seal you put on him?” She asked.
“First, the one who frees him must have the same heart as him and be willing.” He started out. “Second, the same history must be shared by both individuals. And finally, the two halves has to be able to unite as one.”
“I’m a little confused.” Maria replied in a dumbfounded look.
“You may continue, then.” John stated with a soft voice.
 The twelfth one showed there was massive chaos and war, because of the corruption that the beast put on the society and it spread throughout all the human empire. The colonies destroyed themselves or were conquered.
 The final one was the most eerie of them all. It shown the entire planet submerged in water, and on the surface was a large wooden ship sailing in a storm.
 “That is the deluge.” he said. “The event that destroyed the world.”
 “What kind of actions did they do to have this happen?” Cheyenne asked.
 “I can’t tell you.” John answered with sadness. “Because what they did was so unspeakably evil, that even God wouldn’t forgive them; deeds that can’t even be imagined with evil minds.” Maria had remained silent. “But that is all there is to see down here. Come let us return to the surface.”
 “Alright.” Maria stated. After meeting up with the girls, they returned to the platform with Jonathan; they rose from the ruins taking nothing with them. Jonathan closed his eyes.
 “And like the Great Flood came to cleanse the planet.” He thought. “So too, will come the flames of judgment.”

20: Fade to Black
Fade to Black

~~ Liza was laying down on a bed in a shack. She woke up to find herself on a comfortable bed with a warm blanket over her. She sat up and saw there was another girl nearby her.
 “Wait, where am I?” Liza asked. “Who are you?”
 “My name is Maria.” The woman answered. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
 “How did I get here?” Liza asked again. 
 “I’ll start back with earlier.” Maria replied.

 Maria was walking about by a river earlier that day. She was thinking about the days that just past her.
 “I know I don’t normally take this road back home.” Maria thought. “But I’m getting the feeling I was supposed to go down this path. But what could it be? There doesn’t seem to be any advantage going by here.” She noticed a paper blow by. “What’s this?” Maria had read the paper.
 “What!?” She continued thinking. “The Virtue Girls have a bounty on their heads? That doesn’t make any sense.”
 She saw the bridge nearby; it was evening so it was hard to see detail. But she was able to tell something was off. There was a person who was on the wrong side of the railing on the bridge.
 “Oh geez.” Maria though in a panic as she started to run towards the bridge. As she was approaching the structure, she saw the person fall off the bridge and land into the river. “At least, I’m not afraid of water like Reina.” The girl jumped in and began to swim downward.

 “Why did you have to do that?” Liza asked her, a little upset at it. Maria was surprised at Liza’s reaction to the story.
 “I was saving someone’s life.” Maria rebuked her. “There should be nothing wrong with that.”
 “Well, you should listen to what I had to say, at least.” Liza answered.
 “Okay then, you may tell your story.” Maria replied calmly.
 “Natale took me with him to help him train the Vice Girls. I was to be his assistant.” Liza explained.
 “Vice Girls?”
 “The Deva Girls changed their name recently and they asked me to refer to them as such.”
 “Okay, and are you talking about Natale Ciliega?” Maria asked.
 “Yeah, that was his name. Do you know him?” Liza asked in response.
 “He’s my brother.” Maria stated.
 “Oh… I did remember him saying something about a sister of his.” Liza commented in surprise. “But I didn’t think it would be you.”

 At the Deva Girl headquarters, Liza was cleaning up a mess that Bertha had left behind. Liza stood up as she saw Bertha laying on the couch as she normally does, eating a bunch of potato chips and cheese curls while watching TV.
 “Bertha, there is no excuse for leaving such a huge mess.” Liza stated to her.
 “Liza, can you get me the remote?” Bertha said, ignoring Liza’s comment. “I want to change the channel.”
 “You just have to scoot over to the other side of the couch to get it.” Liza pointed out. “You only have to take three steps. Is that too much to ask?”
 “I’m telling you to get me the remote, woman.” Bertha barked back.
 “I have name, you know, it’s Liza.”
 “I don’t care, just give me the goddamn remote control or else…” Then, Natale showed up at that moment. Bertha shut her mouth before she could finish the threat.
 “Now, what is going on here?” Natale asked.
 “Nothing, just nothing at all.” Bertha replied. She got up and started cleaning up the mess.
 “Hmm,” Natale said. “Something is slightly off here, but I will say you are to treat Liza with respect. She is my assistant after all.”
 “Thank you, Natale.” Liza said, hugging him. Then, the two went off.
 “Is there something bothering you, Liza?” He asked.
 “Well, I like being with you.” Liza answered. “But I’m constantly being picked on by the Deva Girls.”
 “I see that.” Natale replied. “They aren’t liking me either, but I’m certain they will get over my presence. And I’m certain they will treat you better. I’ll be sure to make it happen.”
 “I understand.”
 “You won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

 “So, Natale in a way was defending you from the Deva… I mean Vice Girls.” Maria said.
 “Yeah, while he was around they wouldn’t pick on me.” Liza commented. “But it wouldn’t last.”
 “What happened next, Liza?” Maria asked.
 “I ended up getting kidnapped by this stranger in black armor.” Liza explained. “I couldn’t hear or see anything that was going on and I couldn’t move. But then, a guys saved me.”
 “That must have been John.” Maria said.
 “You know the guy who saved me?” Liza asked.
 “I do.” Maria stated in confirmation.
 “I headed back to the Deva Girls headquarters…”

 Liza came into the Deva Girls headquarters. They saw the Deva Girls to be apparently crying. She went up to them.
 “Excuse me, what’s going on here?” Liza asked the girls.
 “The Virtue Girls came.” Jezebel fibbed, faking her tears. “They had slaughtered Natale.” Liza jerked back in shock.
 “That can’t be true.” She replied in disbelief. “You’re lying.” But then, the girls took her aside and they showed what was left of his corpse. Liza put her hands over her mouth; her eyes watering up.
 “We have notified the police and they will put an end to that abysmal group.” Jezebel answered her. Liza just continued crying. “They claim to be named the Virtue Girls. But we shall call ourselves the Vice Girls. They have killed off our leader and they shall pay for what they done.”
 Maria had remained silent for a time for she didn’t have any comments on what was just said. There was a silent time for she was extremely saddened as well. Tears were forming in her eyes.
 “I haven’t gone to the Vice Girls headquarters since then.” Liza said, starting to break down. “I’ve been alone for a while. I just... I have nothing to live for anymore.”

 Liza was at the bridge’s edge on top above the river. The image of Natale’s hacked corpse kept appearing over and over again. The harassment she had received echoed in her head. She had tied her shoelaces together. She remained in the one spot she was located.
 The pain kept growing inside her until she grabbed onto the ledge. She leapt over it and then, she let go. She fell into the water with a splash and sank into the deeper parts of the river as her despair became a shroud for her. Liza looked up and she noticed a figure above her in the water right before she blacked out.

 It was Maria Ciliega who had dove into the water. After doing an underwater transformation, she created an air bubble around Liza’s head. She grabbed her and brought her back up to the surface of the water.
 “I need to get you ashore.” Maria said to her as she swam by her side. When they reached the shore. She placed her down and performed CPR on Liza. She was able to tell Liza was breathing again and she was still alive. In turn, Maria changed back to her normal self quickly. She had found a nearby shack and carried the unconscious girl to the location. She found a blanket and wrapped it around Liza.

 “I know it is a great loss.” Maria said to her. “I feel your pain as well; Natale was my brother.”
 “I can tell that’s the case.” Liza answered.
 “Did you ever talk to the others about this?” Maria asked her.
 “I haven’t.” Liza added. “It’s not like it really matters anyway.” Maria wanted to argue, but she knew that would make things worse. She stayed calm.
 “Do you mind if we could meet up and hang out tomorrow?”
 “Why are you asking me that?” Liza asked rebuking her. “Are you just being nosy?”
 “I’m not being nosy.” Maria said kindly.
 “What would you do?” Liza replied.
 “Anything you want to do.” Maria said. “What do you like?”
 “Well, I did like comic books.”
 “I’m a comic book fan myself. Want to go to the comic shop?”
 “I guess.” Liza replied; she doubted about Maria’s intentions. But she decided to listen to her.

 The next day came, Liza went to the comic shop and saw Maria was there. The two of them went in.
 “So, what comics do you like?” Liza asked.
 “I’m a fan of Agent Jupiter but now it’s going through a time of bad writing.” Maria said to her. “But I’ve found a newer comic I thought was interesting. It’s Dream Story.”
 “Oh… I’ve read the comic. It’s pretty good.” Liza commented back.
 “I haven’t given it a read yet.” Maria replied. “But I’m eager to read it now. Thanks, Liza.” Maria smiled at her.
 “Did she say ‘thank you’ to me?” Liza thought to herself. “None of the Deva Girls ever thanked me.” They were leaving the bookstore.
 “What do you want to do?” Liza asked.
 “Want to go bowling?” Maria said.
 “I would like that.” Liza remarked.
 “Maria-sempai…” A voice said. Then, Joan ran up to Maria.
 “Oh Joan, what are you doing here?” Maria asked.
 “Hikari-sempai is competing in the Tournament of Titans tomorrow.” Joan stated. “She allowed every one of us to come. Isn’t that great? I can’t wait to see some martial arts battle. It’ll be like what happens in anime.”
 “You always think everything would like something from an anime.” Then, Joan noticed the girl beside.
 “Oh, who’s this?” Joan asked.
 “This is Liza.” Maria replied.
 “Hello.” Liza said shyly.
 “It’s nice to meet you, Liza-kun.” Joan said shaking her hand. “It’s nice to meet new people around here.”
 “Joan?” Maria asked.
 “I mean our group hasn’t really met anyone new for quite a while.”
 “Can’t we at least go out and have a party or something?”
 “What?” Joan asked Maria.
 “Now isn’t the right time for that.” She said.
 “Okay, okay.” Joan answered. “Well, it was nice to meet you.”
 “Same here.” Liza stated in reply as Joan walked away. “She seems energetic.”
 “She’s like that.” Maria answered.
 “Who else are your friends?”
 “Well, there’s Hikari like Joan had said.” Maria explained. “There’s also Christina, Cheyenne, Dymphna, Reina, and Flora.”
 “You know Flora?” Liza asked perking up.
 “Yes. Why?” Maria responded in confusion.
 “I remember seeing her one time when Natale was in danger.” Liza said, but she started feeling sad again. “Then, one of the Virtue Girls showed up.” She paused. “Why would she save him if she was going to kill him later? Is she a psychopath or something?”
 “Liza, Liza, Liza, please calm down.” Maria said. Then, Liza started crying. Maria allowed Liza to cry on her shoulder. “It’ll be okay. If you are in need, I’ll be nearby.”

21: Day of the Titans
Day of the Titans

~~ Hikari was sitting in a corner of the one of the contender’s rooms. She was breathing calmly. That is when Reina stepped in. She was in a light pink yukata with long sleeves. It had dark pink floral petal designs on the sleeves and lower dress. She was arranging her hair into twin odongos.
 “Hey Hikari.” Reina said. “Are you alright? The opening ceremony is about to start soon.”
 “Yeah, I’m fine.” Hikari answered.
 “Oh no, you are not fine. You over in the corner like a little kitty cat. Is it because you are going up against multiple opponents?”
 “No… it’s not like that at all.”
 “Then, what is it?” Reina asked, but Hikari didn’t respond. “Oh, alright. If you want to keep it to yourself, then whatever.” She paused for a split second. “But there is one thing I want to ask ya.”
 “What’s that?”
 “How would guys react to this outfit? Do you think they would start hitting on me?”
 “Eh… probably not.” Hikari answered. “But please get rid of the odongos, they don’t look right on you.”
 “Alright.” Reina replied as she pulled the hairbands, releasing her natural dreadlocks.
 “By the way, where did you get the pink yukata anyway?” Hikari asked her.
 “It’s just crazy. I had Cheyenne check the price and this yukata was worth $5,000, but I was able to get it at a yard sale for twenty.” She explained. “Ain’t that a kick.”
 “And speaking of which, why are you wearing one in the first place?” Hikari asked.
 “I lost a bet to Joan.” Reina answered. “Now, I have to wear one for the whole day.”
 “I can imagine Joan pulling something like that.”
 “Let’s get a move on.” Then, the two headed out of the door.

 The stadium was full during this time and the crowd started to cheer as all sixteen contestants including Hikari stepped onto the ring. It was a red circle on an elevated platform with boats on the sides connected to the shore. It was surrounded by a wide ring of water. There was a balcony above the stadium with twenty four seats. The Martial Arts Titans took their seats.
 “Welcome everyone to the annual Tournament of Titans Martial Arts Championship, the competition where legends are proven.” The announcer stated. “This contest will determine the best of the best and show who is worthy to become a titan. The rules will be explained by the current king of Titans, Shingen Matsuyama.”

 “Thank you, Johnny.” Shingen replied. “There will be three matches amongst the fighters. This is a single elimination tournament. The winner of the tournament will go through an initiation match. For this one, they will face a current titan of their choice and their skills will be pushed to the absolute limit.”
 As he was explaining the rules, the Virtue Girls was conversing amongst themselves. They were all sitting in the fourth seat from the front.
 “Do you think that there is any particular reason why Hikari would enter this contest?” Dymphna asked. “I’m not a fan of this.”
 “You didn’t have to come if you don’t want to.” Christina added.
 “But I was given a ticket, I can’t refuse an offer like that.” She replied.
 “You need to be a little more assertive, Dymphna.”
 “But you’re not very assertive either.”
 “In summary, three points to win and no time limit. Knocking your opponent out of the ring also counts as a victory. And now that the rules have been exclaimed,” Shingen announced. “Let the tournament begin.”

 Hikari was in her gear as she stepped into the ring to await her first opponent. Then, A very short man dressed up in a black shinobi gear without the headwear. He was making various poses in an attempt to impress the audience, but failed.
 “Who are you supposed to be?” Hikari asked him.
 “I am Taromasu.” he replied. “I am great ninja warrior. I have come to charenge the Titan Martir Arts Tournamento.” She rolled her eyes.
 “Oh my god, it’s one of those fighters.” She thought. “And I thought Joan was bad at that kind of thing.”
 “But first, I charrenge you before the audience.”
 “Before you do, can you complete a tongue twister?”
 “Hai, my engrish is perfecto.”
 “Say this ‘Lady Lullaby licked her little lamb’s lemon-flavored lollipop’.”
 “Rady Rudder…” He stumbled. “Rady Roarry…” He was getting more angry. “Radi Rubber-bee…” At that, Hikari got more annoyed. “Ricked her ritter…” He continued. “Ricker ribber…”
 “Enough of this, prittar patter!! Ret us fighttu!!” He got in a fighting stance and Hikari did too. As the bell rang, Taromasu did some maneuvers to intimidate Hikari.
 “Is that a coffee stain on your outfit?” Hikari pointed at him. He looked down.
 “What? Where?”  She landed a solid blow on him knocking him in the air. He landed right into the water.
 “Looks like he’s out of the match.” The announcer said. “And that was the shortest one I’ve seen in a long time.”
 “There’s no contest, Hikari wins.” Another one added.

 When she entered the second round, she encountered a big burly man wearing red and had a great beard and mustache.
“The first battle might have been a joke.” He stated. “But now it is time to have a more serious combatant, comrade.”
“That goes double to you, bub.” Hikari answered. They got into a fighting stance; she noticed he was only standing on the balls of his feet. She advanced forward and so did the man in red. She tried a front kick and he dodged it. He began to spin on his tiptoes and did spinning backfists and punches; becoming like a tornado that can blow anything in its path away. She was able to block them, but she didn’t anticipate on what would happen next. He grabbed her midsection and lifted her above his head. He spun around swiftly; he leapt into the air and slammed her down to the ground. He backed up balloning and pirouetted upon landing.
 “Point one for Nickolay.” The announcer stated. Hikari got back up very confused but was able to regain her balance.
 Hikari and Nickolay started to stare each other down. Isidor leapt toward her doing a jump front kick; she dodged and back fisted onto Isidor on the chest.
 “Point one for Hikari.” the announcer stated. Nick started a fouetté en tournant repeatedly throwing punches, backfists, and kicks towards her. Hikari had to constantly block or dodge the attacks until she ducked and did a leg sweep under him. He stopped spinning to regain a footing; she punched while this happened.
 “Point Two for Hikari.” He regained his balance. He started to spin again. She went for a knifehand chop but Nickolay grabbed her shoulders. He tossed her aside and she sprung up onto her feet. She did a roundhouse but it got blocked. He grabbed her midsection, lifting her up in the air a second time. She grabbed his wrists and he leapt into the air. He threw her to the ground but she held onto his wrists and used the momentum to throw him. He landed right into the water.
 “Nickolay is out of the ring. Hikari is the winner.” He swam to the shore. Hikari flinched from the shock of the blow received earlier. “Looks like she will be needing some rest for she looked like she took a pounding.”

 Hikari went back to her chamber to rest and heal up from the fight for a little bit. She, later, returned to the field again to face the final battle against the last contender before the initiation round. Her opponent was a darker-skinned woman came out with wavy hair. She wore blue silk crop top and pants with a matching veil over the mouth.
 “Prepare yourself, Hikari.” The woman said. “For you face the best, Shahnaz.”
 “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” Hikari replied. The bell rang and the two headed forward. Shahnaz did multiple knife chops and Hikari blocked them. In turn, Hikari did some punches and a side kick and her opponent dodged them. She did an uppercut as a feint; Hikari blocked the feint without seeing the fist coming from above.
 “Point One for Shahnaz.” the announcer stated. She twirled around with back fists and Hikari blocked them. Hikari did a side kick and she dodged it. Shahnaz did a leg sweep. But Hikari jumped and did a front kick to her.
 “Point One for Hikari.” Hikari thought it was going to be like the last two. She came forward blocking any frontal attacks that would come.  Hikari punched and her adversary blocked and ducked doing a double palm smash to Hikari’s stomach.
 “Point Two for Shahnaz.” The audience began to tense up. As Hikari was stumbling backward, Shahnaz came forward to strike. She quickly recovered dodged the attack and punched Shahnaz.
 “Point Two for Hikari. The next one to get the next strike will be the winner of the match.” Shahnaz and Hikari looked each other over closely, and began to attack each other once again. Hikari turned around and Shahnaz rushed forward to strike. Hikari turned around with a spinning wheel kick that knocked her to the ground.
“Point Three. Hikari wins the match.” The audience cheered and her adversary got up and leapt backwards doing a back flip into the water, leaving the ring. The audience cheered towards the winner.
“Congratulations, Hikari Matsuyama for proving yourself as worthy to compete against the titans.” The announcer stated. “Now, I ask you. Who will be your challenger for the initiation match? Will she pick the energetic Somchai Phurabchi? The graceful behemoth known as Isidor Tantsavik? The beautiful but deadly Princess Nirupama Kaur Gadhavi? Who will she pick?”
 “There is only one titan I will be willing to compete against.” Hikari stated. “That is… my brother, Shingen Matsuyama.” Some of the titans gasped as well as most of the audience, but not Maria.
 “Hikari, are you absolutely certain that you wish to face Shingen the Unstoppable?”
 “I’m am absolutely certain.”
 “Very well, then.” The announcer said. “Both Hikari will have thirty minutes to rest up, while we can see some of the other fighters compete to see who will get third and second position.”

 As Hikari returned to her quarters, she saw Joan, Maria, Reina, and Flora wearing purple cheerleading outfits with a gold star in the center.
“Guys, what are you doing here?” Hikari asked in confusion.
 “We’re going to be your cheerleading squad.” Reina said.
 “Don’t we look cute in our cheerleading outfits?” Joan asked.
 “Yes, but can you even cheer?” Hikari stated. The four girls try to do a cheer routine and they stacked each other up on their shoulders, but they lost balance and fell over. “Thanks for the effort. But on a serious note, it’s not going to be safe to be nearby.”
 “How come…?” Joan asked.
 “Please don’t call me Hikari-sempai for once.” Hikari interrupted.
 “How come… Hikari?” She asked again.
 “There is going to be massive alterations to the battlefield.” Her friend replied.
 “Okay, okay.” Maria replied. “Let’s head back to our seats.”

 When they did, they noticed that the front three rows of seats were abandoned and blocked off by fences. They also noticed pillars standing up from the pool of water. There were eight large pipelines going in each direction of the compass.
 “You got to be kidding me, an anime-esque battle?” Maria asked.
 “Things have gotten exciting now.” Joan replied with glee.
 “To everyone, their taste.” Reina commented.
 “Is this how a martial arts battle supposed to go?” Liza asked them.
 “Not normally.” Reina answered.

 “This will be a timed match.” the announcer stated. “There are two ways to win this match. Get five points or if time runs out be the one with more points. At this moment, let the final match begin.” The final bell rang.

 Hikari advanced punching and Shingen blocked the attacks. He turned around and jumped doing a back kick to strike Hikari.
 “Point One for Shingen.” She regained her balance. Shingen turned and did a wheel kick. She blocked the attack and simultaneously did a roundhouse to the head.
 “Point One for Hikari.”
 Shingen moved to one of the logs and Hikari pursued him. Once she was in the right spot, he turned around and a jumping side kick and Hikari rolled leapt out of the way onto one of the poles. Shingen got into a horse riding stance and yelled. Hikari came forward and did two punches. He responded by blocking with palms. He tapped the top of the chest, pushing her back and did a side kick knocking her back into the bleachers in front of the other girls.
 “That’s gotta hurt. Point Two for Shingen.” Hikari got back up and caught her breath. Shingen moved forward and flipped onto the bleachers nearby her.
“This is going to be soe close action.” She came forward with several kicks and Shingen blocked and dodged them. She threw a few punches and he got an opening doing a head butt to her chest.
 “Point Three for Shingen.” The two began to stare each other down.
 “Come on, Hikari.” Joan stated.
 “You can do this.” Maria added. Hikari noticed that her friends were nearby cheering her on.
 “I’ve come this far.” Hikari thought. “I can’t back down now, not after all of the training I have completed. I have to win, it’s now or never.” Then, she yelled and advanced. Her brother began to throw knife hand attacks and Hikari blocked the incoming attacks. Shingen turned around and began a jumping back side kick. She dodged and did an uppercut to his chest.
 “Point Two for Hikari.” the announcer stated. Shingen was caught off guard. He did a reverse punch to the side and she blocked it; He threw a roundhouse with the opposite leg and she blocked it; countering with an elbow smash.
 “Point Three for Hikari. It’s becoming intense down there; this might be the match of the decade because neither one is going down that easily.” The crowds began to cheer louder; the other girls began to cheer for Hikari as well.
He leapt onto the poles and Hikari followed him. And the pyrotechnics started to go off on the sides of the arena.
“Watch out for those fireworks or it’ll be a hot one.” The announcer said. Once the two made it back to the center, Shingen blocked two of Hikari’s punches and tried to tap her chest. She grabbed his arm and shoulder; throwing him over her. As he hit the ground, Hikari prepared a knife hand chop. When she came down, Shingen struck with a reverse punch batting her away.
 “Point Four for Shingen.” He got back up and began to throw kicks at Hikari. She blocked the kicks as they came. She responded with some fist strikes and he dodged them.  Shingen did a palm smash; she dodged it and did a back fist to the temple.
 “Point Four for Hikari.” They began to stare each other down.
 “I am very impressed with you, sister.” Shingen said.
 “I see that brother.” Hikari replied.
 “I know that our father would be proud of us.”
 “And all our training has lead to this point.”
 “But only one of us can win this match.”
 “Well, then. Let’s end this.” They headed towards each other, seeing that there was only 30 seconds left on the clock. Shingen did several punches and Hikari blocked them. She did a wheel kick and he dodged it; she blocked his counterattack.
 “This is it folks.” the announcer stated. “The final countdown has begun and the score is tied four to four. The next strike will be the one that decides the match and the championship.” The crowd was getting really fired up as the platform was beginning to rock. There was 20 seconds on the clock. Hikari continued to attack with kicks and Shingen dodged them. He tried several kicks and she blocked them. She was able to grab him and throw him over her shoulder. Shingen tried to strike on the ground. She saw the trap that was laid and backed off; her brother got back up.
 “TEN!! NINE!!” Shingen did a spinning hook kick and Hikari dodged it. Countering it with a knife hand chop, her brother blocked it.
 “EIGHT!! SEVEN!!” Hikari did a roundhouse kick and Shingen blocked it. He came down with a fist strike and she trapped his hand. He did an elbow strike toward her head, she let go to block it and backed off.
 “SIX!! FIVE!!” Shingen did several sidekicks to break Hikari’s defense. She blocked each one and did a jumping front kick to counter and Shingen blocked and dodged them.
 “FOUR!! THREE!!” They got close to each other. Shingen and Hikari did several hand strikes towards each other and they both either blocked or dodged each attack.
 “TWO!! ONE!!” The two of them backed up and both did a flying side kick towards each other; one of them was a hit. But for a split second it was ambiguous on who was the victor. Then…

 Shingen was knocked back from the kick.
“POINT FIVE FOR HIKARI!!” the announcer stated. “HIKARI MATSUYAMA IS THE CHAMPION!! AND SHE HAS DEFEATED THE UNSTOPPABLE!!” The crowds just went wild chanting her name. The water became less choppy and the clouds began to fade away. Shingen got back up and smiled at her as he left the arena.
 “You earned it, sister.” Shingen stated to her. “Enjoy your time to shine.” Hikari started to tear up.
 “Brother, you are so modest.” Hikari thought. “This title was something I really don’t need. You can keep the title, if you so wish. The Martial Arts Titans are your group; there is another group of mine I am more in tune with.” She looked up to the skies. “Dad, I hope you will continue watching over the both of us as we go our separate ways.”

22: Missing the Strength
Missing the Strength

~~ Reina and Flora were getting rather antsy as of recent. The former was pacing around the table while the latter was having a beer. Then, Ahsoka came into the area.
 “Flora, didn’t we ask you not to bring any beer into the household?” He asked. “We don’t want our kids to be drinking it.”
 “No buts, Flora. It’s the house rules.” He rebuked her. “Pitch it, please.” Flora finished it up and tossed it away. “Thank you.” Then, he walked away.
 “Out of all the things, we shouldn’t be hiding and waiting for the police to eventually find us.” Reina said. “We have to be out there and clear our names.”
 “I hear ya.” Flora replied. “But how do we gonna reckon without Hikari? She is restin’ up from the tournament yesterday.”
 “We will train ourselves and then do a raid on the Vice Girls base.” Reina answered.
 “That doesn’t even make sense; we don’t even know where it’s located.” Flora replied.
 “We will ask Liza where the base is simple as that.”
 “She’s going to be extremely suspicious if we ask that.”
 “Never mind that now.” Reina remarked seeming to ignore Flora’s opinion. “Let’s just train.” Her friend groaned but went along with her outside. After transforming into their magical girl forms, they swung their equipment around to intimidate each other. They ran up to each other and slashed into a deadlock.
 “Hey, wait a cotton pickin’ minute.” Flora said. Then, Reina broke the deadlock and kicked her away.
 “You can’t break your concentration on the fight.” Reina answered.
 “No, no. It’s not that.” Flora rebuked. “It’s your blade. It’s not sunstone.”
 “What?” She remarked looking at her blade and finding out Flora was telling the truth. “How could that be?” And she looked at Flora’s. “And your sword doesn’t have the citrine quartz either.” Flora looked and saw that it was true.
 “What happened? What happened to our blades?” Flora asked.
 “This is very bad.” Reina said. “If the other Virtue Girls find out about this, we are going to be sunk. Unless we get to the bottom of this mess without the other girls being suspicious.”
 “We should just talk to the other girls.” Her friend stated.
 “No, we have to be stealthy. One of the girls has been hoarding up the power to herself.” She answered. “We got to go find out who that thief is. Maybe it could be Cheyenne.”
 “She’s not a Virtue Girl, she just helps out.” Flora replied going along with it.
 “Oh yeah.” Reina answered. “Then, we’ll check out Hikari.”
 “Ugh.” Flora answered rolling her eyes. The two of them went around the house. Hikari was watching a Western on TV while having a simple sandwich. Reina came up to her.
 “Hey, Hikari.” Reina asked. “Can I ask you something?”
 “Sure, what is it?” Hikari asked.
 “I’m in the mood to spar. You want to join me?” She asked.
 “Maybe for a little bit, but I’m probably going to beat you though.” Hikari stated. “After all, I’m a titan now.”
 “Just because you’re a titan, doesn’t make you invincible.” Reina provoked Hikari.
 “Very well, then.” The girl answered and finished her sandwich. Then, the two went outside and Hikari transformed into her maiden form. Reina looked at her blade and noticed Hikari’s blade isn’t sapphire.
 “Okay, I’ll be right back.” Reina said and then she ran off.
 “Huh? What’s going on here? Reina never runs off before we spar.” Hikari asked herself. After, Reina came back. “Reina, why did you run off?”
 “I had to use the restroom.” She answered.
 “Okay, I guess.” Hikari replied. After they sparred, Flora and Reina met up again.
 “So as I looked around, I saw that all of my team had their upgrades stolen.” Reina stated. “It must have been Team Blue that’s responsible.”
 “Reina, aren’t you over-reactin’?” Flora asked.
 “I’m not over-reacting.” Reina stated. “I’m just concerned for our team’s sake.”
 “Whatever you say.” Flora answered her. The duo went around the area looking for someone in team blue. Then, they came across Joan who was in a maid outfit.
 “Hmm, I wonder if I would look even cuter if this outfit was pink.” Joan said to herself.
 “Excuse me?” Reina asked. Joan turned to her.
 “Oh, what is it?” She asked.
 “I was wondering what you are going to do if you were to do a victory pose?” Reina asked.
 “That’s an easy one.” Joan said. Then, she did a victory pose for Reina.
 “Great, can you do that in your maiden form?” Reina asked.
 “Okay.” Joan answered as she transformed into her maiden form. Reina checked the blade and saw it wasn’t ruby.
“Good. I was just wondering. That’s all I’m asking.” Reina stated. Meanwhile, Flora was in the background.
 “That’s it. I’m not takin’ these shenanigans anymore.” Flora answered leaving the room. She went to look for John which she found him returning from some scouting.
 “Oh, Flora.” He said good timing. “I would like you to gather up the Virtue Girls and have them meet in the living room.”
 “Before I do that, I want to talk to you.” She answered.
 “About what?” He asked in reply with a questioning expression on his face.
 “Reina and I noticed that our upgraded powers are gone and Reina has become extremely paranoid.” Flora stated to him in concern.
 “You have now just noticed?” John stated in response. “After thirteen chapters?”
 “What do you mean chapters?” She asked.
 “Nothing. We will just talk about that at the meeting too.” He said. “I will meet you there.”
 “All right, then.” She answered.

 It was close to dinnertime when he got all of the girls together in the living room. Christina’s children were upstairs doing their homework. The girls were taking up both of the couches. John remained in the center.
 “Now, it is a good thing that you have arrived.” He asked.
 “What’s the matter?” Joan asked.
 “I had gotten much information about the Vice Girls.” John stated. “It is confirmed that Nero is working with those girls. In addition, I ended up given an ultimatum. The girls are to surrender in three days or Nero will expose your identities to the public.” The girls were in shock and started to murmur amongst themselves.
 “He really has us by the neck, doesn’t he?” Flora stated.
 “What are we going to do?” Maria asked him.
 “That is for you girls to decide.” John continued. “But after snooping around, I also found out some more information I would like to share.”
 “And that is?” Christina asked.
 “The alliance that Nero made with Dr. Set and Jadvyga; they have disbanded the alliance.” John replied.
 “What!?” Maria asked. “That breaks the rules in simple common sense.”
 “Then again we are dealing with Nero.” He explained. “I’ve fought against him long enough to know that there is a reason for his scheming, even if his actions don’t make any sense on the surface. I remember the day, I rushed in to trap him in Salem and finish him; and I ended up being falsely accused as a witch.”
 “I didn’t hear that story from you.” Christina mentioned.
 “I’ll tell that story to you at a later time.” John stated. “But another issue has come up, something about some people not having the powers that they should have.” Reina gave a cold glare at Flora. “For this, I would like to ask all girls to transform into their maiden forms.”
 “Well, at least I can find out who the power thief is.” Reina thought to herself as all of the girls transformed simultaneously. “WHAT!?”
 “As you look at your blades, it is obvious that nobody has their upgrades that they should have from the trials you girls have gone through to get them.” John said. “I see someone had said someone stole your powers. I say that you have stolen your own powers away from you.”
 “Uh, John?” Maria asked. “What is that supposed to mean?”
 “You robbed yourselves of your own upgrades for something that seemed to be of more value at the time.” He said looking at both Maria and Reina. “It was because of a certain power struggle between two of our members that caused the entire group to split.” Maria was listening to him while Reina didn’t want to hear it.
 “No, I don’t think it was because of that.” Reina stated.
 “It was the event that I am mentioning.” He rebuked her. “But you continue to deny that any harm was done? Have you become blind from the acquired power you have gained? There was a reason you weren’t chosen to be the leader.” Reina just turned her head away from him.
 “So, how do we get our upgrades back?” Maria simply asked John.
 “When the girls were split into two, you have noticed that they have gotten weaker.” He answered. “You must become a united force once more only then can you regain what was lost. But remember we have about three days to unify the group.”
 “I’m not going to sit around and wait.” Maria stated. “I’m not going to give up.”
 “I’m right behind you, Maria-sempai.” Joan remarked.
 “For the safety of my family, I will go.” Christina said.
 “I’ll get stronger to show I can stand on my feet.” Dymphna answered.
 “I’m startin’ to see who the better leader is.” Flora commented, changing sides to team blue.
 “What!? Flora, you’re leaving team red?” Reina asked.
 “Because I see you aren’t that good of a leader.” Flora rebuked her. “From what I saw even though she has her flaws, at least she is willing to listen to others.” Reina grimaced as she left the room.
 “I’ll talk to her.” Hikari said. “We’ve become close friends during our career, so I should be the one to discuss it with her.”
 “We’re getting closer to restoring the Virtue Girls. Now, we will be in a better condition.” John stated to himself. “And it is a good thing too.” John turned around and he had a look of worry upon his face. “Because I have seen horrific images of ancient evil returning and causing the end of civilization as we know it.”

 Nero and Jezebel were in a dark chamber. But they were not the only ones in there. There was a skeletally sickening being wearing a blackish-red cloak in the room with them and on the side there were three children tied up and gagged. They were struggling in an attempt to escape.
 “It is time.” Nero stated. “Soon we can be united and you will no longer need to use those boosters to obtain powers that you desire.”
 “I can hardly wait.” Jezebel answered. Nero turned to the figure.
 “Now, I was able to get you out of Bald Mountain and get you here.” He stated to the figure. “And Jezebel stated that she was willing to help us. Now, you will have to keep your end of the deal.”
 “I will.” The figure answered. “She will become like you… a cambion. One with great power and influence over many.”
 “Let’s start already.” Jezebel said.
 Jezebel laid on the ground on her back. The figure began to chant in a dark, foul language as Nero advanced towards the children with a dagger in his hand. The children were terrified of what was going down before them.
 Nero returned with three golden cups crested with jewels; they were filled with blood. As he advanced towards her, she raised her head.
 “One question.” She stated. “Is there going to be anything I will have to worry about besides the Virtue Girls after this?”
 “Only the reader and their reaction to this scene.” Nero stated.
 “Reader? What reader?” She asked.
 “The reader that has been reading since they started reading this.” He explained.
 “What.” Jezebel answered. “Never mind, I’ll understand later.”
 Nero drew markings on the ground with the blood and when the markings are completed. The skeletal figure zapped the markings and the dark energy transferred to Jezebel. It had warped her mentality to the point beyond atonement and amplified what she had wanted, at the cost of her own soul.

23: Restoring the Shining Knight
Restoring the Shining Knight

Around noon, Joan Lachance went up to the college to see Corneille. She heard that he was better in adjusting to the life here. When she normally sees him, he is usually seen in the library reading books. But today when she went to the library, she didn’t find him at the library.
 “Where could he be?” She thought, but she noticed there were several people heading towards a location. “Excuse me?” She asked them. “Where are you going?”
 “We are heading to the stables.” a guy asked. “The Equestrian Club has a new leader and he is very skilled with his horse.”
 “Equestrian Club?” Joan thought. “Could it be?” She followed them and went over to the stables. She noticed that there was a suit of armor inside the stables arranged to stand guard over the horses. “That was Corneille’s armor.” She walked to the corral and a small crowd was surrounding the area; she had to squeeze herself in to see.
 In the corral was a small game of polo going on between teams of four. Corneille had a dark blue polo and olive-colored corduroys, both of very fine quality. His horse was lifted from its armor. Currently, on his polo was a removable number 3. There girls near her were having a conversation and she listened in on them.
 “Hey, girls.” the first one asked. “What do you think of the number three?”
 “What was his name, Corneille?” the second one asked.
 “Yeah.” the first answered.
 “He’s very graceful on his horse. It’s like he was born on a saddle.” the second said.
 “He’s, also, very intelligent, despite his bad English.” the first said.
 “I think he’s hot and sexy.” the third stated.
 “You think every guy is hot and sexy.” the second rebuked.
 “He has a rough, slender, and manly figure. He might have a hardcore lifestyle.” the third explained. “I’ll ask him if I could do him later.” Joan got upset about the conversation she heard.
 “After all, he is the captain of the polo team.” The second explained.
 As the match continued, the horses were scurrying around. The red team had the ball; they had a shot and it was intercepted by another player on the dark blue team. He passed the ball to Corneille who charged forward and whacked the ball, sending it flying, and he scored the winning goal. He, no longer needed the translation mask.
 “I like this world, Joani-kun.” Corneille stated to himself. Just at that moment, a spacecraft appeared in the sky. “My God, what is that thing?” Joan was shocked like Corneille to see this as the ship got lower but remained afloat.
 “It’s just a jet liner.” a teammate said.
 “It’s hovering in midair.” Corneille replied.
 “Then, it’s a helicopter.” he answered.
 “It doesn’t have the sound of a propeller with it.” Corneille said.
 “Then, it’s a weather balloon.” The teammate explained. The spacecraft got closer to the ground as they were talking. Corneille got frustrated.
 “Does that look like a weather balloon?” He asked sarcastically. “A balloon doesn’t look like that.”
 “Then, there is only one rational explanation.” the teammate confidently said. “It’s a hallucination.” Corneille was completely dumbfounded.
 “But everyone here is seeing this.” He rebuked.
 “Then, it’s a mass hallucination.” The team member replied.
 “My rational explanation is that guy is an idiot.” Joan thought to herself as one of the aliens stuck his head out of the window. It was a blue alien with a proboscis as a mouth and a bulb on its head.
 “Hello, mass hallucination.” the teammate explained. The konopi looked at each other.
 “See, I told you they wouldn’t believe we exist.” A voice from inside the ship said. “Even if we bluntly arrived in broad daylight at a public location.”
 “But we shouldn’t make this a waste of our time.” The alien said to the voice inside. Then, the alien faced the crowd. “Hello earth creatures, we are in need of great assistance.”
 “And what would that be… whatever you are?” Corneille asked.
 “We are to pick up a friend and we’re lost. Can you give us directions to Area 51?” the alien asked. And no body answered the question for different reasons.
 “See this is a waste of our time.” The voice inside said. “We should have brought a galactic positioning system, but nooooo… someone had to go primitive.”
 “Will you shut up?” the alien asked going back inside and the ship took off. There was a long silence as the others stared into the sky.
 “Looks like everybody has their morons.” Joan stated as the players continued playing polo. Every rider got their mount back into the stable and departed the corral. Corneille stayed behind to take care of the horses and he still had his sword with him. Joan entered the corral and found the other girl leaving upset.
 “Hello Corneille.” Joan said to him. He looked her way.
 “Hello, Joan.” he replied. “Are things doing well?”
 “I’m doing fine.” She replied. “But you didn’t…”
 “No,” Corneille said. “I turned her down; I’m staying abstinent until marriage.”
 “Oh good.” Joan replied. “I see you have adjusted well to this world.
 “Yes.” He answered proudly. “I and the other knights helped form this world; how can I not adjust to it?”
 “Are you starting to get boastful?” She replied.
 “Isn’t it something to boast?” He asked.
 “You should be careful with an attitude like that.” She said. “You might encounter something that might not be pleasant.” Then, suddenly a Sa-tan storm trooper entered the stables. “Me and my big mouth.”
 “Excuse me.” he said to the two of them. “Do you two have any information on the Virtue Girls?”
 “No.” Joan lied.
 “Nothing.” Corneille answered.
 “If you have any information, please contact us.” he stated.
 “Wait, what is that?” Corneille asked.
 “What’s what?” the storm trooper asked.
 “That thing you are carrying.” He replied.
 “It’s called a rifle.” the trooper answered.
 “What does it do?” he asked.
 “You aren’t serious are you?” the trooper stated.
 “Uh…” Joan interrupted him. “He was only kidding when he asked that.” He went to him and whispered in his ear. “Just play along.”
 “Okay.” the trooper said as he left.
 “What does a rifle do, Joan?” Corneille asked.
 “A rifle is a weapon.” Joan explained. “It fires at a very long distance.”
 “It’s a weapon of war?” He asked. “Well, at least it’s not a common frequency on the battlefield.”
 “It is.” she said.
 “WHAT!?” he said in shock. “Why would anyone use such a dishonorable weapon like that?”
 “It’s one of the easiest weapons to use.” Joan replied.
 “That’s stupid.” He answered.
 “I don’t want to do this.” She said. “But from what I know, you’ve only seen what was good in this world.”
 “Were there things wrong in this world?” He asked.
 “You don’t know a quarter of the crap in this world.” She replied. Joan took him to the library and they got a room in the library to show videos. He sat down at the table as Joan brought out a projector and brought a screen to show him the events.
 She began to show him the events around the Renaissance around the world; he didn’t feel that bad. Then, later came massive empires being built he was neutral about it. He was saddened by the French Revolution, saddened again by the slaughter of Native Americans. He almost threw up when he saw the Holocaust. Then, he saw the atomic bombing of Hiroshima… He yelled and drew his sword.
 “NO MORE!!” He shouted angrily and smashed the projector. Then, he turned and slashed the screen. Joan was shocked by this.
 “Corneille, please stop.” Joan said, grabbing his arm. “Calm down.”
 “SHUT UP!!” he shouted tossing her. He ran outside of the library in a rage and Joan pursued him. He came to a tree; slashing, whacking, and stabbing his sword into it. Joan caught up with him and tried to calm him down. He stopped and breathed heavily, dropping his saber. He ended up getting the attention of several students and a few faculty members.
 “YOU…” he stated; his eyes began to water. “HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE BE SO CREUL??” A few tears started to roll down his cheeks. He collapsed to the ground on his knees. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?”
 “I don’t know what to say.” Joan said, sadly.
 “It was nothing that you or the knights did.” Joan replied, kneeling down to comfort him. “I’m not sure how to describe what happened? The only thing I could think of is most people eventually stopped caring.”
 “Just stop caring?” he asked. “Then, all the work we did in the past was in vain?” Just then, a little girl came to them.
 “Can someone help me?” she shouted. “My little brother’s hurt. He’s stuck in the bank of the pond.” Before Joan had a time to react, Corneille stepped forward.
 “Where is he at?” he asked her.
 “Over that way.” the little girl said pointing to the pond on the other side of the hill. Corneille hurried over to the pond, with Joan on his tail. He saw a little boy trying to get out of the muddy bank. The boy had his ankle stuck in the mud.
 “Do you need my help, young lad?” Corneille asked.
 “Yeah.” the little boy replied. He got down into the bank to help him out; he had a little trouble moving, but was able to get around. At first, he tried to pull him out, but that didn’t work. He turned to Joan.
 “Joan, can you give me a hand here?” He asked.
 “Okay.” she replied getting into the mud. Of course, she was not that eager to go in. She helped Corneille pull the boy up, and still didn’t work. The boy was in slight pain.
 “I’ll have to check the ankle that is stuck.” He said. “Which ankle is the one that is stuck?”
 “The right one.” the boy replied. Corneille went over and started to dig. A student commented on the situation.
 “Good thing those two are doing it.” he stated. “I really didn’t want to get my clothes dirty.”
 “I found the problem.”  Corneille said. “His ankle is tangled in some debris hidden in the mud.” he turned to Joan. “Joan, pull him out while I remove the debris.”
 “Okay.” She answered. She pulled as Corneille removed the debris and pulled on the twisted plant material. The little boy was able to get out of the situation with their aid.
 “Thanks.” the little boy said to the two of them.
 “You’re welcome.” Joan answered and the little boy went away.
 “But it really didn’t make a difference.” Corneille said.
 “What do you mean?” Joan asked.
 “The world is still a mess.” He answered.
 “Individual people aren’t going to change the world. It’s impossible.” Joan answered. “But what good you are able is always enough to change the lives of others in small ways.”
 “Is that enough?” he asked.
 “It’s more than enough.” she said as the two left the mud. Their outfits were completely covered in wet mud.
 “I know what you mean now.” He stated with spirit renewed. “It’s within chivalry itself.”
 “Exactly,” Joan said. “You don’t need to do great things, just small things with great love.”
 “I can’t thank you enough for helping me out.” he said to her.
 “You’re welcome.” she answered. He took off his translator mask and gave it to her.
 “You can take it.” He said with a clear French accent. “I am no longer in need of it.” She accepted the item back from him. “If you need my ‘elp, come find me.”
 “I will, Corneille.” she said. She was relieved that Corneille was feeling better and he was getting along with his class and teammates. She returned to her house with a warm feeling.

 Meanwhile, Jezebel headed down the street and encountered Liza. She ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
 “Oh, it’s you.” Liza said.
 “Thank goodness, I’ve found you.” Jezebel stated. “I’ve heard that you are hanging out with Maria and the group.”
 “And I’m being treated better than your group has.” Liza said.
 “But you shouldn’t be hanging with them.”
 “Why not?” Liza rebuked her. “Give me one good reason.”
 “That group is the group who killed Natale.” Jezebel stated. “Those girls ARE the Virtue Girls.”
 “WHAT!?” Liza expressed in shock.
 “You shouldn’t trust them.” She said. “And the vice girls and I apologize for what we have done to you. So, please come back to us.”
 “It seems you’ve changed, Jezebel.” Liza said. “I guess I can give the benefit of a doubt.”
 “Oh, thank you, Liza.” Jezebel said hugging her. “You won’t regret it.”

24: The Devil and the Saint
The Devil and the Saint

Jonathan was rocking on a rocking chair inside Christina’s house. He was nervous about the day to come afterwards. Nero would expose the identities of the Virtue Girls to the police. He decided to leave the house for a moment and enter the woods nearby. As he journeyed through, he noticed a fog rolling into the area he was in. He ended up into a very deep part of the forest; and there was a deafening silence.
 “I’m sensing a great evil nearby.” He said to himself. He looked around to see what was there.
 “So… you are Jonathan… van… Bisschoppen.” A low-toned voice whispered in the trees. “The mentor figure behind the Virtue Girls. I’ve heard much about you.”
 “Show yourself.” John answered.
 “I don’t need to show myself.” He answered. “You already know about me.”
 “I repeat. Show yourself.” John continued.
 “I will not come out of the shadows.” The voice rebuked him. “If you want to see me, step into the darkness and you will know everything.”
 “No, I refuse.” The mentor said.
 “Why do you not come in?” the voice asked him. “Do you wish to know who I am?”
 “I already have an idea on who you are.” John stated. “You are a great liar and deceiver.”
 “How can you be so certain that I am lying?” the voice continued.
 “I recognize the tactics of a deceiver… like yourself.” John mentioned. Then, he shown a light into the darkness. The light revealed an extremely hideous and very disturbing figure. “There you are.” Then, the figure stepped out of the shadows.
 “It’s ironic.” the figure stated. “When you and Judas were mortals, the both of you saw me as a skeletally sickening being with a blackish-red cloak. But now as a spirit, you alone know what I truly look like.”
 “An abomination I say.” John commented on him.
 “But a rather powerful one.” The figure stated. “But I hear that you are powerful as well. If you truly are as powerful as you claim, show me your powerful attacks to me.”
 “No, I refuse. One shouldn’t seek power.” John answered.
 “You’re saying that you are just a weakling then?” the figure asked.
 “So, you claim to be strong but will not prove it.” The figure stated to him. “But as you know I am powerful as you will see because I can prove my great power”
 He teleported himself and John to another location. They were in an isolated building; there was a gathering of people inside. They were dressed very nicely and John could tell that they were very rich.
 “Can you tell me who these people are?” the figure asked.
 “These people… they are the elite.” John replied.
 “These people are the ones who control the entire world establishing a super-state. They have driven what they claim as organized superstition completely underground and out of the political mindset.” The figure explained. “And they claim to be the most enlightened individuals in the world; they are the only ones capable of running the planet.”
 “That’s not true.” John yelled at the figure. “When they took control of the planet, they ran it into the ground. And forced schools to teach their garbage criteria to students for the past twenty years or so, depraving the world of any dignity. And they refuse to look at the devastation they caused, ignoring it and claiming it wasn’t their fault.”
 “Exactly.” The figure replied in agreement. “That’s why they are so fun to play with. Oh, who easy it was for diabolical forces to infiltrate and hijack the group to do my will.”
 “You definitely are the wicked being that I thought you were.” John stated. “You are the malicious tempter and destroyer, Ch’arut’yuny.”
 “But why fight against me?” Ch’arut’yuny asked. “You are worthless; you’re better off either truly dead or working with me.”
 “I will never work with you. Neither will the Virtue Girls.” John rebuked him. “All you seek absolute destruction and a world ruled by the evil one.”
 “You don’t understand how close we are to completing our goal.” The wicked one replied. “You notice that we are completely visible to everyone in this building and they can hear our conversation, no?”
 “I see. But nobody is giving either one of us attention or paying attention to what we are saying.” John replied back.
 “Correct again.” the wicked being continued. “Besides, I’m not alone in this conquest or have you forgotten about Judas.”
 “I’VE HEARD ENOUGH FROM YOU!!” John shouted towards him in frustration.
 “Did I hit a nerve?” The wicked one chuckled. “You humor me, Jonathan, from your reaction to what I say.” He paused. “But I would like to see you and your worthless Virtue Girls try to destroy me. They cannot stop my revival along with the destruction of civilization; they cannot prevent Armageddon from happening with the imminent demise of all who are just. And neither can you.”
 John rushed to attack Ch’arut’yuny. The figure just teleported him away from him. John was returned to the forest which he was picked up from. He stood up shaking his head.
 “I’m back to where I started.” John stated to himself. “But what is going to happen?”
 “There are a few things.” A much calmer voice proclaimed. Jonathan turned around and saw a very handsome being.
 “I remember you. You were the angel who came to me as I was laying in the prison long ago.” John replied.
 “You are correct.” The angel answered. “And I have seen you have matured over the past hundreds of years.”
 “I know.” John replied with a sigh.
 “I had witnessed that you had encountered the destroyer.” The angel answered. “What did he tell you?”
 “He told me about the destruction of civilization and Armageddon that will come.” John said. The angel went to comfort him.
 “I must say to you this. Civilization is dying and Armageddon is going to happen regardless of what anyone does.” The angel stated. “However, Ch’arut’yuny is talking about a world that is completely empty and devoid of all life.” He took John by the hand. “Come, I will show you something.” He and John were taking into a light. John appeared once again, but he noticed he was in a place was much more harmonious. He saw a city nearby that compliments rather than distorts it.
 “What is this place?” John asked. “Is this what heaven looks like?”
 “No.” The angel stated. “This is Earth.”
 “This is Earth!?” John asked in complete surprise. “How is this possible?”
 “The Virtue Girls and you play a critical role at this point in history.” The being stated. “You shall bring about the event that makes the Earth anew. The destroyer and his followers shall be no more. There will be great peace amongst the whole land.” He paused for a bit and turned to John. “I ask you, Johnathan van Bisschoppen, will you guide the girls? Will you lead them to fulfillment they need; the fulfillment that will grant the girls the ability to bring what you see into existence?”
 “I will.” Johnathan answered.
 “I thank you.” The angel replied. “He will be most pleased.” John was engulfed in light and he was dropped off into the forest, alone. “Be vigilant, John.” He looked at himself and noticed he was semi-solid.
 “What’s this?” John asked.
 “You can now interact better with those still living on Earth.” The voice stated. “Once this new world comes, you will be full flesh and blood once again. Afterwards, you will continue your life as you wish.”
 “Wow, thank you.” John answered.
 “Now, go.” The voice said and John returned to the house from where he came from.


25: The Hidden Girls
The Hidden Girls

Maria was at her house making breakfast of some eggs over easy with some bacon. Maria was walking over to the table and set her meal on the table, when she got a call on the communicator.
 “Yes, this is Maria.” she said.
 “MARIA!! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!” John stated.
 “What’s going on, Jonathan?”
 “WHAT!?” Then, her door was being banged on.
 “FBI!!” a voice from the outside door exclaimed. “WE HAVE THE WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST, MARIA!!”
 “I’ve made a portal in your bedroom to escape. Hurry!!” At that moment, the door was busted open. She rushed to her bedroom. Several armed officers came into the apartment.
 “FREEZE!!” one of them shouted. He fired off his gun and Maria dodged the bullets as the policeman pursued her. She entered her bedroom and jumped through the portal. It closed as the officer arrived. “Damn, she escaped.” He pushed a button on his communicator. “Were any of the Virtue Girls captured?”
 “Negative, sir.” the voice on the other end explained.
 “So they have escaped. The Virtue Girls can run and hide, but they can’t do that forever. We will get them behind bars even if it is the last thing we do. Place the entire city under lockdown and bring in reinforcements.”
 “Yes, sir.”

 The Virtue Girls were all together inside the ruins of Botorqo. They looked out from the viewing screens of the television and their computers that Dymphna brought with her. They saw the entire city going into lock down due to their identities being compromised; witnessing military helicopters flying above the town carrying armed troops.
 “Holy Cow.” Christina said. “I’ve never seen so many soldiers occupying a city.”
 “It seems like they brought everyone.” Dymphna stated.
 “We’re practically done for.” Reina said.
 “At least, we can see it.”
 “They brought the FBI, CIA, the SWAT team, the Marines, the Army, and the Air Force.” Flora added.
 “How do you know which are which?” Christina asked.
 “I went to a military school with your brother, remember?” In the video, they saw a black car come to the scene. The door opened up and a man in a purple military robe with golden trim and a purple hat. He carried with him a black fan. “Oh my… it’s Lord Vonderbar.” The girls looked at her.
 “Who’s he?” Reina asked.
 “His name is Axel Klausen. He was one of our classmates.”
 “What happened?”
 “We saw he wasn’t a very good fighter, but saw he was a very excellent strategist. Later on, the instructors were impressed with his near superhuman strategy and tactical skills. We eventually nicknamed him Lord Vonderbar because of those skills.”
 “A strategist.” Joan said. “I know what to do.” Joan pulled out an outfit she still had and put it on Jonathan. It was a green military robe with golden trim and a gold hat. She, also, gave him a white fan. “We have a strategist, Zhuge John.”
 “Now, is not the time for a cosplay, Joan.” Hikari stated in frustration.
 “Now, first off. Here is the situation.” Jonathan stated. “You already know that the identities have been compromised and the forces were going up against are incredibly powerful. But so far, we have not yet been discovered on where we were hiding. Even if they did find these ruins, they would have a hard time trying to find us.”
 “What happened to everyone we know about?” Christina asked. Then, a news report came up where it should Mikey, Cheyenne, Ahsoka, Christina’s two children and Corneille were arrested for conspiring with the Virtue Girls.
 “I guess that answers that question.” Reina commented. “But we can’t stay in hiding forever, we have to do something.”
 “Wait…” Maria said.
 “At this point, something must be done.” John stated. “The police will come for us.”
 “Then, what should be done?”
 “Here, battle is best fought with the mind, not the sword. Our objective for victory is not to defeat anyone but rather to escape the city and do so without being detected.”
 “So, it’s a strategic game of hide and seek?”
 “Exactly.” He paused for a minute. “Clear communication and stealth will be the key.” He handed them their communicator. “I have taken the time to update the communicators. They can’t be hacked by any software nor by human hands. I have also updated your uniforms as well making you girls invisible to military-class equipment.”
 “Thank you, Jonathan.” Maria replied.
 “You’re welcome.” He answered. “But now, we must hurry. Time is against us.”
 “But who is going to lead us out of here?” Christina asked.
 “We will tally a vote. Maria and Reina cannot partake in this.” John answered. “All those in favor of Maria. Please, raise your hand.” All other Virtue Girls raised their hands. “All those in favor of Reina?” No one raised their hands. “It is a unanimous vote. Maria will be the one leading the girls out of here.” He turned to her. “We are counting on you. Can you handle this task?”
 “Yes sir.” she replied.
 “Good.” He turned to the rest of the group. “The time has come for our retreat.”
 Meanwhile, Axel was waiting for some news on the Virtue Girls, when he got a call from one of the teams.
 “Have you found the Virtue Girls?” Axel asked.
 “Negative sir.” the soldier stated.
 “Keep looking. We cannot stop until those girls have been found.” Axel stated. “Do I make myself clear?”
 “Yes, sir. Over and out.” The soldier replied.
 “That was squadron one.” Axel stated. “I better check the other squadrons.” One by one he called each of the squads, but they all turned up blank.
 “This isn’t good.” Axel said aloud. “If the girls escape, they will be given another chance to terrorize the population again. This is going to be one hell of a challenge for me to plan out strategies.” He looked and saw a group of men not in military uniforms but carrying military guns. “WHY DID THE MEN IN BLACK SUITS HAVE TO SHOW UP!?”
 “This situation is classified as a top-secret operation.” One of the men stated.
 “You guys have no right to interfere with my mission.” Axel answered.
 “Formally your mission, control has been shifted over to us.” The second answered.
 “Well, what am I supposed to do? Sit in the corner and twittle my thumbs?” Axel asked getting irritated at the new group.
 “That’s exactly what the higher ups are asking you to do.” The third answered.
 “UGH!! I’m surrounded by idiots.” Axel stated facepalming himself as he moved to the side.
 “Initiate the spydrones.” The first one stated. Then, several drones began to fly over the city scanning all areas in sight, but all the drones turned up negative.
 “This shouldn’t happen.” The second man said. “The drones always find their target.”

 The girls were able to make it through up to the surface where the girls could get an idea on what the situation is on the surface.
 “Okay, girls.” Maria stated. “We’re out of the sewers. Does anyone have a city map?”
 “I know the back alleyways inside and out.” Reina answered.
 “Okay, that can be useful.” The leader stated. “We need to stick together. If we get separated, we’re more likely to get caught. Do not fight them unless you are spotted.” The girls continued on their way.
 “Plus, I have play first-person shooters.” Her friend commented. “This such be a walk in the park for me at least.” The seven Virtue Girls started to head down one of the alleyways.

 Meanwhile, Axel “Lord Vonderbar” Klausen was waiting for the results for the spy drones. But when he looked at the images that came up, she was surprised.
 “Are you sure these are accurate?” he asked a soldier.
 “Yes, sir. It seems we can’t use our spy drones, sir.” the soldier answered.
 “Ah, so they were able to make themselves invisible to satellite imaging technology. I’m impressed. But let’s see how they handle radar.”
 “We got some blips, sir. But they only appeared once.”
 “I see that they have become very prepared to flee in a stealthy manner.” He turned to his troops. “I want some of you to go in there, find the girls, and bring them back to me alive.”
“Yes, sir.” The troops answered.
 “Go and do not fail me.” The four of them left. “But why am I getting the feeling they will?” The soldiers split into four different directions. He looked around and saw a white spot on his outfit. “What?” he looked up and saw two pigeons on a streetlight. “OH, COME ON!!”

 They have come out from the alleyway. Maria looked out and saw an army truck turn towards the street they were going to come out on.
 “Girls, get back.” Maria whispered. The girls headed behind the dumpster and they saw the truck pass them.
 “I can still talk to you, girls.” John said. “I can help you get through.” Maria looked forward to check the street. It turned out the vehicle had stopped, then she saw the truck door open. She headed back.
 “Okay, remember, we’re dealing with very dangerous girls.” One of the voices said. “Keep your eyes peeled.” Then, Joan noticed a door that was available.
 “How about over here?” She asked.
 “It’s worth a shot.” Maria answered softly. “But we’ll need to distract them while we get inside.”
 “I’ll do it.” Reina replied in a whisper. The soldiers were getting closer. She put her hands on the ground. Then, she made the lights light up in the building on the other side of the street making them burst.
 “Hey over there.” A soldier stated pointing to said building. The band went in that direction and the girls went into the entrance nearby while the soldiers checked the building with the blown lights.
 “Anything?” The commander of the squad asked.
 “Negative.” The soldier replied. “Keep moving.” When the girls were safe inside, they could rest for a bit.
 “What isn’t really helping out is our brightly colored outfits.” Dymphna asked. “We can get spotted rather easily.”
 “We could dress up as cops.” Joan stated.
 “That’s crazy enough to actually work for once.” Hikari answered.
 “But we need to get moving quickly and stay low.” Reina stated. They were hearing helicopters outside.
 “Looks like they’ve taken to the skies, if we continue to use the alleyways. We will still be safe.” Maria stated. She looked outside and saw that the soldiers were getting back into the truck and driving away. “Let’s go.” The girls continued down the alleyways. They were making sure that none of the helicopters could see them. Then, they came across a group of soldiers who were standing guard of the exit way of the inner city limits.
 “It looks like we will need to find another way; it’ll be a lot harder to hide once we leave this part of town.” Reina replied. Maria looked around and noticed a loose manhole.
 “Looks like we need to get back down into the sewer again.” Maria answered as she went over picking up the manhole cover. “Hurry get down there.” The girls started to rush down there.
 “I think there is some movement over there.” A soldier stated.
 “Check it.” Another told him. The soldier went over and checked.
 “It was nothing.”
 “Well, get back here. We can’t be isolated from each other.” The soldier went back.
 Meanwhile in the sewer, the Virtue Girls were hiding from the army men. Then, John called out to them.
 “Girls, are you alright? Where are you?” He asked telepathically.
 “We’re in the sewer under 3rd street.” Maria replied.
 “You did enter the storm drain sewer right?”
 “Yes, we are in the one with the storm drain.”
 “There should be an exit to the sewers that leads out of the city limits and into the forested park.” He explained. “I will meet you there; I’ll let you know if there are any guards there.”
 “Will do.” Maria said. “Just guide us there.”

26: Virtue Versus Vice
Virtue Versus Vice

Jezebel went to her fellow Vice Girls in the headquarters. She was telling them of the situation that the Virtue Girls were on the run, but the police hasn’t caught them yet.
 “The police chief has asked us to rid of the Virtue Girls.” Jezebel replied. “I am sending you, my champions, to eliminate the Virtue Girls once and for all.” The girls cheered except for Liza Kremov. “Now with superior advances in technology, we can amplify your strength with a chips. In the box near the entrance, you will find chips. Take one and place it on your forehead on the way out. Destroy the Virtue Girls and wait for farther orders.”
 “But who is going to lead the charge?” Leota asked.
 “I will put Shinku in charge.” Jezebel replied. “That’s an order.”
 “Hmph, why couldn’t I be put in charge?” Lilith thought to herself.
 “Now, go.” She answered. “Humanity needs you.” The other vice girls started to head out, reaching into the box and pulling a chip out and putting it on their forehead. However when Liza, the last one in the line pulled hers out, she looked at it. She noticed on the chip was a circled inverted pentagram with 666 written within the shape. Liza just put it in her pocket.

 The Virtue Girls had reached the rendezvous point in the city. It was in a section of the city near the outskirts; down the road about a half mile away was the exit and the point of escape for the girls. The girls were overjoyed that they were about to escape capture. They looked ahead and saw some figures up ahead in their way.
 “Where do you think you’re going?” the figure stated.
 “We’re getting out of here.” Maria said. “Please step aside.”
 “I’m afraid we not going to let you do that.” The figure stepped forward.
 “It’s Shinku of the Vice Girls.” Hikari stated.
 “Not just me, but all of us.” Shinku proclaimed. “We are going to wipe you out to protect humanity; hacking you seven into bloody unrecognizable pieces.”
 “That definitely sounds like something a hero does.” Flora stated in a sarcastic manner.
 “So you want to play games, huh?” Bertha said. “Well, we are going to squash you like a bug.”
 “Get them!!” Shinku stated.

 Bertha charged toward Christina. Christina jumped back and made a large vine wall between them. She ripped through the vine wall and continued to barrel toward her. Christina barely dodged out of the way.
 Leota had created a long sword of fire and Dymphna was engaging her. The leaf that was thrown to the side slowed down a sword strike from Leota long enough for Dymphna to block it. She pushed Leota away and throw ice shards at her. The first ones she was able to block but the last one hit her arm. She, then, sent a fireball flying towards the side.
 Lilith throw grass blades at Flora; some of them cut her. Flora grabbed a large rock from the ground and throw it toward her. She dodged it and the rock smashed two windows open. They noticed that the fireball was about to hit a propane tank.  They ducked as the ball hit a series of propane tanks causing them to explode setting the nearby buildings ablaze.
 Lia and Deleiah were facing off against Joan and Reina. Deleiah created a large thick pillar of permafrost from the ground and had it fall toward Reina. Reina zapped the ground forcing it to jump and it landed on a small Blockbuster. Joan got on top of the log and fired some fire balls at Lia. Lia zapped lightning in her direction and Joan dodged it barely.
 “These ones are tough, Reina.” Joan stated.
 “You think!?” Reina replied.
 Hikari squared off against Shinku. Hikari charged with her katana in the air. Shinku fired off some water balls. They missed but caused Hikari to trip and lose her balance. She sent water balls towards Shinku and she blocked them sending them flying. Shinku charged at Hikari and they battled blade to blade.
 Maria stood with saber and shield ready. She stood before Liza when she created her iron whip and had it ready to strike.
 “Liza,” Maria said.
 “Please stay back.” Liza replied. “What is this about?”
 “I see you were told to fight, but you don’t want to.”
 “I have to fight in order to avenge Natale.”
 “Liza, you don’t understand. We didn’t kill Natale.”
 “That doesn’t make any sense. You were there at the Deva Girls headquarters stabbing him to death. I saw the footage myself.”
 “Liza, we were never there.”
 “And worse, I befriended you and never knew you were the Virtue Girls.”
 “I am grateful that we did that and I wish to be friends again.”
 “You’re lying; you just want to use me.” Maria was shocked from what Liza replied.
 “I never asked of anything from you.” She pointed out.
 “Maria is correct.” John stated arriving on the scene. Liza turned and she saw a semi-solid form.
 “Who are you?” Liza asked.
 “I am Jonathan Van Bisshoppen.” He said.
 “You’re voice… It sounds familiar.”
 “The moment that you were kidnapped by Nero.” He stated. “I came and rescued you. I knew at that time the Virtue Girls were fighting Dr. Set and Jadvyga at the time of Natale’s death.” He came down and put his hands on her shoulder; he pointed to Maria. “The girl underneath the fancy magical girl outfit is still Maria; the one you befriended. Same with the other girls. Besides, what do the Virtue Girls gain from Natale’s death?”
 “I don’t see anything they could gain from it.” Liza answered after a period of silence.
 “Maria had lost her brother and Flora had lost her ex-boyfriend. The girls have lost something precious.” John stated. “But you have your decisions to make. We can’t make them for you.” The girls were starting to see colored veins on the other Dark Girls; they were reacting from the overdose of the booster.

 Shinku grabbed Christina by the throat and threw her to the side smashing some of the debris. She lept up into the air and she got slashed by Hikari. She fell to the ground; then got back up in a fighting stance. She got an immense water ball ready and fired it at Hikari and Christina. Christina grew a massive vine to block the shot and it lowered. Hikari ran on top of it and shot a pillar of water from below Shinku. Hikari jumped into the air and cut Shinku down.
 “There.” Hikari stated. She noticed Shinku getting back up. “What in the…”
 “Think you could beat us that easily?” Shinku asked. She launched a tsunami blast blowing Hikari back into a tree. She was stunned and the plant began to sway. Christina went toward her and got her out of the way as the tree collapsed.
 Leota had crashed blades with Dymphna for several minutes. She cut Dymphna on the arm. Dymphna knocked Leota back and then froze her in place. She noticed an unstable log; she smashed it and ran away. Leota struggled and was able to free her hand. She burned a hole in the tree. It crashed around Leota.
 Lilith was creating vines to trap Flora, while Flora continued to cut them. Lilith continued at a faster rate. Flora was slashing but being covered. She split the ground beneath her and Lilith lost her balance. Flora was able to break free. She created a shotgun of rock and fired off a powerful shot. She did damage Lilith. She exploded before she hit the ground; dead plants were where she was standing.
 Deleiah sent an ice arch over towards Joan and she replied with a fireball. The ice arch melted Deleiah created an ice saber to strike down on Joan. Reina got in the way and blocked her attack. Deleiah tried to move her hands, but saw her hands were stuck to the icy blade.
 “You forgot that your ice blade is impure.” Reina said.  Deleiah looked confused as Reina grabbed her blade. “If ice and water aren’t pure…” She zapped the blade and the electricity hit Deleiah through the saber.
 “Deleiah, I’ll save you.” Lia said charging a super-charged lightning bolt towards Reina. She swung her super-charged lightning blade. Reina dropped her blade and caught the blade. Reina forced the lightning away from her vital organs inside her and redirected it to the ice blade. Deleiah was hit with the lightning and fell from the shock but was stunned for the time. Reina fell because of the stress of the electricity and she was coughing hard. Lia stared at her. “You hurt her, now you are going to pay.”
 “What? You were a couple?”
 “Of course we were, dumbass.” She lifted her blade to do a killing blow. Joan fired a fireball and Lia’s hair got signed. She diverted to Joan. “You are going to perish for interfering.” Lia charged at her and Joan tripped her. Lia fell into the blaze and caught on fire; she screamed as she was running around trying to douse the fire. Shinku put out the flames.

 “You need to make a decision and fast.” Maria stated. “Who are you going to be with?” Liza looked at her and to Shinku. Then, Liza picked up the communicator and called Jezebel.
 “What is it?” She stated.
 “This is Liza Kremov.” Liza stated.
 “Did you eliminate the Virtue Girls?” Jezebel asked.
 “Affirmative.” Liza replied, trying to sound truthful.
 “Good. Now, put up the communicator up so all the Vice Girls can hear.” Then, Liza did what she asked. “Attention all Vice Girls.” The fighting had stopped on both sides. “You have done well my Vice Girls. I am pleased with the results in which you achieved. But alas, you are no longer needed. So, I command all of you to DIE!!”
 The chips on the Deva Girls lit up with a blood red hue. And all of them except for Liza charged towards each other to kill one another. The Virtue Girls managed to get out of the brawl.
 “What the hell…?” Hikari asked.
 Delilah and Lilith slaughtered each other with their own sabers. Bertha squashed Loeta under her weight. Shinku shoved water down Bertha’s throat drowning her. Lia came around, but Shinku knocked her down and hacked her into pieces. The mad girl turned to Liza and ran towards with her blade up. Maria drew her blade and threw it at Shinku. It struck right into the chest and she followed it up with a hard punch to the face. She was dead before he hit the ground.
 “OHH!! She get got owned by a noob’s technique.” Joan stated. Maria pulled out the sword and turned to Liza Kremov.
 “Where is Jezebel?” Maria asked her.
 “I don’t know where she is.” Liza answered. “The last time I saw her was at the Deva Girls’ headquarters. She stated that she was preparing something there. That’s what she said was the reason she wasn’t able to come.” She paused. “But I didn’t think she was going to pull this stunt on us.”
 “Do you know what she is planning?”
 “I don’t know for sure, but I do remember saying that it was going to be something big… very big.” Liza explained. “If you want to stop her, I’m not going to blame her. I will give you the location of the headquarters to the hideout.”
 “Liza…” Maria stated. “Thank you for your help.” After Liza gave them the directions to the hideout, she tackled her. “LOOK OUT!!” There were gun shots fired towards them. The girls ducked out of the way behind the trees. They turned the other way and saw soldiers firing at them.
 “This is squad 12 leader.” one of them stated. “We have encountered the targets.”
 “Engage them.” the com stated. Flora put up a wall to block the shots.
 “We’ve been found.” Maria stated.
 “We’ll have to retreat to the Vice Girls headquarters.” Reina stated. Liza pulled out a booster shot and put it in her.
 “You girls, go.” Liza stated.
 “But what about you?” Maria asked.
 “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can.” She stated preparing her coil sword and a shield. “Hurry, before you get flanked.” The girls had no other choice but to run away as Liza was buying them time.
 “Are we sure we can trust her?” Hikari asked.
 “We are able to trust her. Now, more than ever.” Maria replied.
 “This is squad 12.” the leader stated. “The targets are falling back; I repeat the targets are falling back. We are beginning pursuit.”

27: Purgatorial Showdown
Purgatorial Showdown

The Virtue Girls were running from the military with Lisa guiding them. They had arrived at the base. Surprisingly, the door was wide open.
 “Hurry, get inside.” Dymphna said. The girls ran inside, while Maria stayed to make sure all the girls made it in as the troops opened fire. Flora lifted a boulder to block the gunfire as the girls went inside. After the last girl went inside all of the girls closed the door tightly shut. The girls went into the main lobby and were shocked.
 “This place is a mess.” Christina stated. “I know Liza said the Vice Girls headquarters was a pigsty but I thought she was only kidding.”
 “But at least we have a moment to catch our breath.” Joan replied. “But does it have to be a mess?”
 “I don’t care. Let’s just sit wherever.” Reina remarked.  They finally had a moment to catch their breath.
 “Finally, we can rest.” Hikari said as she laid on the couch.
 “Where’s the first aid kit?” Christina asked.
 “It’s over by the main computer.” Dymphna stated. She went over and got out some bandages; they were fortunate that none of them had any major injuries. All the while, Dymphna was messing with the computers.
 “Dymphna, what are you doin’?” Flora asked.
 “I’m going to check into the Vice Girls’ computer mainframe and see what I can get on what Jezebel is planning.” She stated. Then, a password showed up for Jezebel’s thing. “Time to put my flash drive to work.” Dymphna pulled it out and injected it into the slot.
 “What’s that for?”
 “This flash drive has hacking software I created on it.” She stated. Then after a couple of seconds, it approved of the entry. “I’m in. Let’s see what Jezebel is hiding.” She checked the files; she saw files depicting a massive creature. “What is that thing?”
 “That’s Ch’arut’yuny.” Maria stated in fear and the other girls faced her. “John told me about him. It was a giant monster that threatened to corrupt and destroy all life. He stated that our enemies are trying to revive it.” The other were shocked to hear that and they turned to the document.
 “The document states that Ch’arut’yuny was not a naturally born being.” Dymphna added. “It was created by mankind as a biological weapon of mass destruction formed from every single type of living being on Earth and mixing it with cybernetics. However, it was also noted that genetic material from the evil one was put into the concoction during its creation.”
 “That last bit of information is very specific.” Joan stated. “Who put that in there?”
 “I did.” A low-toned voice bellowed as it echoed throughout the main lobby.
 “Who’s there?” Maria stated rebuking him.
 “I am your worst nightmare.” He stated. “I am the one who haunts the back of your mind.”
 “In English.” Reina added.
 “If you want an explanation, you have to journey into the darkest abyss.” The voice commanded them. “You must journey into the valley of death itself. To find out, follow the trail of blood.”
 The lights went out and there was a loud scratch on the ground. The lights came back on and the girls noticed that the floor was slashed open and there was blood where it was cut.
 “Do we have a choice?” Joan asked.
 “I’ll ask John about this.” Maria stated as she tried to contact John on her communicator. But the only thing that came up was silence. “That’s odd. I’m not picking up anything.” Dymphna turned to the computer.
 “There is no jamming systems active in the area.” Dymphna remarked.
 “And I’m sensing an extremely dark and vile presence in this area as well.” Maria stated. “Looks like… we’re on our own.” She saw the look of fear on their faces.
 “We mustn’t be scared.” Hikari stated. “We can’t let someone get us down.”
 “Yes, let’s move girls.” Maria added and the girls followed the trail of blood down the stairs and into the basement. The trail of blood ended with a reddish-black door surrounded with bone and a mummified head of a large goat was on top of the archway. “The source of the vile presence is on the other side of this door.”
 They entered the room. The air inside the room was sickening from the corruption that was in the area. They had noticed at the head of the room was a circle on the ground drawn in blood with seven stones dotting the circle. There were thirteen candles surrounding this setup and standing in the center was the skeletal figure facing them.
 “Welcome, virtue girls.” The figure stated. “I had expected your arrival. You are just in time to witness history being made.”
 “And that event?” Reina asked.
 “For my rebirth.” The figure answered.
 “We don’t even know your name.”
 “Pardon my manners.” The figure explained. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am the spawn of the evil one. And I am the heart of darkness. But I go by the name… Ch’arut’yuny.” Some of the girls were about ready to charge at him. “Not another step.”
 The torches flared and it revealed more. To the left of the monster stood Nero in full body armor, and to the monster’s right was Jezebel dressed in skanky armor which could easily make a wardrobe malfunction.
 “There is nothing you can do to stop us.” The figure stated. “Upon my revival, the world will soon come to an end.”
 “We are going to stop you here and now.” Maria rebuked him.
 “Oh really, are you sure you can pull something like that off?” Jezebel asked.
 “Of course, we can we are the Virtue Girls.” Joan responded. “We are a united force against all evil.”
 “Was a united force.” Nero explained. “But you have fallen apart.”
 “What do you mean?” Christina asked.
 “We’re still together.” Dymphna replied.
 “No, you fell apart.” Jezebel rebuked. “We knew of each of the things that make you tick and we had learned everything we needed to know about you.”
 “Using that information,” Nero added. “We had divided you girls into two weakening the group. The whole schism was something of our making.” The girls were in shock.
 “That’s unbelievable.” Hikari stated.
 “You are going to pay for that.” Flora replied.
 “Oh, are you?” Jezebel stated. “You can’t even work together to stop the revival of Ch’arut’yuny and the end of the world as we know it.”
 “And all of the credit goes to an idiotic girl who thought she could manage the Virtue Girls better than anyone else.” Nero stated. Reina was about ready to strangle him.
 “You want us to deal with the Virtue Girls?” Jezebel asked.
 “Only long enough to complete my transformation.” Ch’arut’yuny stated. Nero and Jezebel rushed towards the Virtue Girls head long.  
The girls split up and Nero pursued Dymphna and Reina swinging his great blade. Both Reina and Dymphna parried the attack. Dymphna and Reina tried to attack Nero from different sides, but he teleported out of the way. And appeared behind Christina and swung the blade, Flora blocked the blade and Christina got out of the way. The blade that was blocked slid into the sword and the blade on the opposite end grew longer. Nero swung upward and although Flora blocked it; she was tossed into the air.
Meanwhile, Jezebel fired out streams of putrid green energy beams towards Maria. She ducked out of the way. Jezebel created a sword and shield out of the energy to duke it out with Joan as she came her way.
 Hikari threw a water stream at Jezebel. She turned her shield to block the water stream.  She kicked Joan in the face and fired more beams at Hikari.
 “HOLY CRAP!!” Hikari stated. “How is this guys so difficult to beat!?”
 “I have no idea, Hikari.” Maria replied.
 “How long can we last?” Joan asked as Jezebel tried to attack her again.  She was able to parry the attacks and unleashed a fire ball to distract her. The sets continued to fight the deadly duo. Then, there was a loud clash of thunder in the circle.
 “At last,” Ch’arut’yuny stated. “My revival has come.” The radiation came to him from the seven pieces as they began to shrink in size. “Now, I will continue to grow until I’m unstoppable.” The shadows began to wrap around him into a cocoon. Reina charged right at him and tried to strike him. But she was pushed completely away by a force field that was around the circle. “You can’t stop me, you fool. I am completely revitalized.”
 He grew 30 feet tall and grew into a giant ripped satyr with black bat wings and six arms. His head transformed into that of a horned dragon with ears and horns of a ram; he grew a long whip-like forked tail. “Now, Virtue Girls feast your eyes on TRUE POWER!!” Nero and Jezebel fled the scene and the monster blasted some demonic sludge at the Virtue Girls. He blinded the girls and damaged them from the stuff. He smashed his way through the ceiling and roared.
 The troops outside were heading to the Vice Girls’ headquarters when the vicious monster towered above them from the roof.
 “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?” one of them asked. The monster noticed them and walked towards them.
 “OH MY GOD!! IT’S COMING THIS WAY!! OPEN FIRE!!” Axel stated through the communicator. They began opening fire on the monster. The tempter leapt into the air landing right nearby them, using his fists smashing the front lines of troops.
 “OUR GUNFIRE’S NOT WORKING!!” the troop stated.
 “ALL VECHILES AND ARTILLERY OPEN FIRE!!” Axel stated. The tanks that were nearby began to open fire. They struck him but with little avail. He shot his sludge at the troops and began suffocating from the stench of black corrupting ooze. They struggled to put on their masks as they were burning by touch. He charged forward grabbing two of the tanks and smashing them together. He took a third tank and smashed it killing off several troops. They were getting badly bloodied.
 “We’re taking heavy losses.” he stated.
 “ALL AIR SUPPORT, SCRAMBLE NOW!!” Axel exclaimed. A squadron of F-22s appeared in the skies.
 “This is squad 66. We have the target in sight.” the first pilot exclaimed.
 “We have locked on to the target. FIRE!!” the second pilot stated. Twenty-One missiles were fired at him.
 “The computer guided missiles will hit him.” A third pilot said but the pulses from Ch’arut’yuny caused the missiles to go off course and aim for the pilots instead. “WHAT THE HELL…!?” The squadron went down and all of the pilots evacuated their planes.
 “SIR, ARE RESOURCES ARE DEPLETED!! THERE’S NO STOPPING HIM!!” the trooper stated. Axel sighed in grief.
 “The creature is heading toward the city.”
 “Initiate an evacuation.”
 “Yes sir.” The troops began to flee the scene but the Tempter was ripping them up while they fled. He slammed his fist toward the ground on to some troops, but a giant rock arch and plant vines wrapping it blocked the blow. Flora and Christina block the blow. The Virtue Girls began to distract the beast. Maria came to them.
 “Are you alright?” Maria asked him.
 “Yes, thank you.” he replied.
 “Hurry, you don’t have much time. Go we will buy you some time.” Maria stated. The soldiers had left the area.
Maria turned around and the Virtue Girls began to fight Ch’arut’yuny once again. He created six kopesh from his demonic energy, one in each hand. The girls split around the monster. Hikari, Joan, and Christina went to the right side, while Dymphna, Reina, and Flora went to the left. Maria blasted wind towards him. He blasted energy from his mouth to block the wind from hitting him. He swung his six sabers at the girls while doing this using his peripheral vision to aim at them. He whipped his tail forward to hit Maria but she lifted her shield and blocked it.
 He leapt up into the air and landed on his hand spinning in a swift circle with his swords out. The girls dodged out of the way. They started firing their special attacks at him and he kept blocking them. He leapt up and landed on his hooves again. He spread the energy blasts towards the girls and they were defending against these attacks. The beast sucked in energy from around him into his mouth with a black glowing orb forming there, getting bigger and bigger. He leapt into the air and the orb got really gigantic.
 “IBLIS CANNON!!” He shouted. The orb turned bright. “FIRE!!” The beam fired from the orb and a gigantic atomic blast occurred when the beam hit the ground. It vaporized all life and destroyed every building within a half mile radius. When the smoke cleared, the Virtue Girls were still alive but badly bloodied they were laying on the ground. They slowly got back up to get help each other back up.
“I’m surprised you are still alive.” The monster added. He noticed the girls come together again. “What’s the matter? Going to cower in fear?” The girls combined their power. “I will take care of you once and for all.” Then, the girls combined their power and summoned a giant lamb who was only a quarter the size of Ch’arut’yuny. The young ram had a scar formed by a dagger that went across its throat. “What is this, some kind of joke? I am an invincible…”
The lamb grabbed the beast by the ankles with one of its hooves. It slammed the beast to the ground over its head again and again. After the last slam, the ram did a pummel drive.
“What did we just summon?” Hikari asked in shock on what she was seeing.
“I have no idea.” Maria replied. “I’m just as confused as you are.” Then, the lamb grabbed the ankles of Ch’arut’yuny. Spinning around and around, he had thrown the beast away.
“THIS ISN’T THE END!!” The monster roared as it flew out of sight. The giant lamb turned to the Virtue Girls who brought it forward. The girls didn’t say anything but the lamb went over to them. The girls tried to move back, so it stopped moving forward.
“Who are you?” Maria asked. The lamb just went baa. He gestured his head to come closer to him. Maria simply moved forward as the lamb stooped down to allow Maria to touch the head of the ram. There was a healing warmth to the creature, one that only the pure can produce. And upon touching him, she was completely healed from her injuries.
“I have come to your aid.” The lamb stated to her, but the other girls could only hear ‘baa’.
“Thank you, stranger.” Maria replied to the creature.
 “My no means am I a stranger.” The young ram stated. “You have known me long before meeting face to face. And I have known you.”
 “Since you were a very small child.” The lamb explained. “I have also can to you in your time of need in the dark city ruins below.”
 “That was you as well?” Maria asked in shock.
 “Yes, I have aided you, then.” The lamb answered. At that point, Reina started to bawl her eyes out. The girls faced her.
 “I can’t believe everything that had happened.” Reina cried. “Please leave, lamb. I’ve screwed everything up.” The lamb didn’t move. Maria went over to her.
 “I’ll be okay, Reina…” She stated.
 “It’s not okay.” Reina rebuked her. “I split the group up, leading to Ch’arit’yuny’s revival, and bring about the end of the world. HOW THE HELL CAN EVERYTHIGN BE FINE!?” There was a pause. “All I did to you girls was screw everything up.” She began to walk away from the girls.
 “Don’t go.” Maria stated. She turned around. “Please, stay with us.” All of the other girls were shocked to what they just heard.
 “Wait, you want me to remain with you?” Reina asked in shock. “In spite of the amount of pain I ended up putting you through?”
 “You play an important role in the group.” She said walking over to her. “The Virtue Girls can’t be without you.” Reina just broke into cry once again, falling to her knees. Maria had just hugged her. “There, there.”
 Then, one by one the other Virtue Girls went over and wrapped their arms around them. When all seven were in this embrace. The lamb went over as well and took off his fleece.
“The wounds caused are healed.” The lamb said as the fleece wrapped it around the girls. “And, the division is no more.” And the young ram vanished. The fleece had become absorbed into the seven girls and their full powers were restored.