Chapters 1 to 16

In the cold dark night……

Sharp voices cut through the tiny baby’s sleep. She opened her green eyes and let out a small cry. Her basket was jostled and a hand gently reached out and stroked the baby’s face.

“Hush, honey.” She said soothingly. “They’ll find us if you don’t hush.” The girl quieted and she listened to the voices.

“Hurry! If the White Crow catches us, we’ll surely die and they’ll take Ash to use her toward ill-means.”  A deep voice said before heavy footsteps broke the eerie silence and the girl’s face twisted into a look of wonderment. What was going on? Her basket was thrown and it turned upside down in the air.

She let out a cry of shock as her body touched the hard cold ground but no one heard her. The clash of blades was deafening and it made the girl cry even louder. With a tiny weak hand, she pushed the basket away from her eyes.

What she saw made her shrink back in fear. The blinding light shushed her cries and soon it went away. After the light went away, the gentle hands took her up again.

“Oh, sweetie! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” The gentle voice of her mother cooed as she made sure her daughter was okay. The girl looked up and saw the torchlight glint on her mother’s crown. Her mother picked up her baby and gently swathed her back in the blanket.

Her mother kneeled down beside her husband. She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand and sighed sadly. Her mother’s eyes danced with unshed tears as she kissed her husband’s cheek for the last time and took off her crown. She took the unbloodied sword that glowed softly beside him and placed it and the crown in the baby’s basket. The baby wondered how the men scattered around were dead, even when her father hadn’t slain them. The woman raced through the woods with basket hitting her hip. She entered a clearing with a cottage in it. She rapped on a cottage door before slipping a note into the basket as well.

“Good-bye my sweet Ashlibelle.” She whispered and kissed her daughter before she ran off into the night.

When I was four………

My mama once locked herself up in her room. I quickly picked the lock and I slipped silently into her room. I saw my mama holding a beautifully crafted piece of silver. As I looked harder, I saw it was a tiara.

“Mama? What’s that?” I asked. She looked worried and quickly held her hands behind her back.

“It’s nothing Belle dear.” She replied quickly. She shooed me out of her room and a few minutes later she hurried out the door, carrying a bundle in her hands.

“Eva?” I asked my older sister. At age eight, she was must wiser than me, so I always looked to her for guidance. “Where’s Mama going?”

Eva held out her arms and I pulled myself up into her lap.

“Mama’s going to the castle.” She replied promptly.

“Why can’t I go?” I pouted. “I wanna go see Nathaniel.”

“It’s want to, not “wanna” Belle. Mama has to tell the king something special. It’s a super-secret secret.” She told me. I looked up into her deep eyes and saw they were heavy with sadness.

“What is it? Eva-bva?” I asked softly, using the nickname she hated so her eyes would show something other than grief.

“Oh, nothing.” She replied inattentively.

“Oh. Well……………….um………….tell me a story then!” I exclaimed and started bouncing on Eva’s lap. She laughed and began to tell me a tale as she braided my ankle longhair.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Ashlibelle and she was a tiny baby. One day her father, the king, received a message that said that a rebel group called the White Crow was coming to capture his baby daughter.

Now the king loved his daughter more than anything in the world. She was his only daughter. His two of his sons died in infancy and the last one was killed when he was seven from Pine Fever. He also once had another daughter but she soon died as well from the Fever. He had one more child, a young boy, about the age of five, but he loved his daughter even more.

As you can see, the king and queen loved this daughter very much and wanted nothing bad to happen to her. After much discussion, they decided to smuggle her out of the country. It broke their hearts to have to do it but they knew that they couldn’t bear the pain if she died too.

They left castle under the cloak of night. They had just made it over the border when the White Crow attacked them. There was a fierce battle, and the king used his special sword to fight off the attackers but in the end he was mortally wounded and he died soon after. The queen took the sword and took her baby to a small cottage near the battle field.

The queen rapped on a cottage door before slipping a note into the basket.

“Good-bye my sweet Ashlibelle.” She whispered and kissed her daughter before she ran off into the night.” Eva paused for a moment and I saw the sadness back in her eyes. I snuggled closer and Eva resumed.

“As the years passed, the girl grew taller and more beautiful each day. When the girl was no longer a girl but a young woman, she befriended a prince. She thought she would never be more than friends with him, after all, she was a peasant and he was her crown prince. But one day when she was searching through her mama’s things, she came across the note her real mama, the queen, had written to the woman who had raised her.

Ashlibelle read the note and it explained all what had happened and it told her about her being a princess. She rushed toward the door where there was a sudden knock.

Ashlibelle opened the door and saw it was the prince with flowers behind his back. He swiftly handed Ashlibelle flowers and asked her to marry him. She agreed on the spot and a month later they were wed. And they all lived happily ever after.” Eva finished her story and my braid. I smiled up at her and I didn’t realize it then, but her story had a double meaning, though if I had deciphered it, none of the following events would have happened. And for that, I’m eternally grateful.  



Chapter 1

I raced over fallen logs, my breath catching in my throat from the uneven pants that escaped me. My bare feet slapped against the fallen leaves of last year’s winter. My heart pounded in my chest as I raced on. The twang of a bow alerted me that my attacker was still behind me.  The arrow lodged itself in a tree a few feet away from me.

“Ya missed!”  I called and the sound of another pair of footsteps warned me that there was an ambush in front of me. I turned to the left and ducked under a low tree branch.  After a quick thought I grasped the branch and swung myself on to it. I swiftly climbed towards the mass of thickly knit branches. I settled in and watched through the leaves at the archer and his buddy.  They looked around for me and I sneered. They wouldn’t catch me. Not today.  They started to walk away and I got comfortable. I knew they’d send another patrol to check so I yawned and shifted my weight. A nightingale called sadly and I called back, adding an extra note at the end. When it didn’t respond I knew it was only a real nightingale, not my older sister Eva. I sighed and settled down. I closed my eyes and my breathing slowed before I turned over and murmured softly. 

“Gah!”  I exclaimed. “I must have fallen asleep.” I whistled the nightingale call once more, adding the extra note, but no one or no bird responded. I peered down through the leaves and saw no one patrolling around. I quickly climbed down out of the tree. I landed softly on my feet and started to walk, but the rustle of nearby bushes made me quickly rethink my decision. I climbed back up the tree and started to “monkey” my way back towards camp. I swung from branch to branch until I reached the outpost near the entrance to camp.

“Hey Liam, what’s up?” I called and the raven hair boy looked up.

“Ashlibelle, Eva needs your help. Lina and Eva’s patrol were ambushed and they need back up now!” He said seriously and I nodded. I thought he called something out to me but I was going so fast I couldn’t hear him. I raced into camp and fumbled with the stuff inside my tent until I found my old sword Kindness. My new one had been wasted on a burly silver knight. I sprinted out of camp stopping only a moment to nod to Liam before I tore through the forest.

I whistled the nightingale call again but this time Eva called back. She added three extra notes at the end which made me run even faster. One whistle meant I’m safe, two meant go back to base and three meant I’m in danger, send help.

Thorns tugged at my pants but I didn’t care. I pushed myself faster and faster until I was only a blur. The sounds of battle filled my ears as I burst into the fight. I saw two sliver knights fighting side by side against a rebel. I rushed forward with Kindness held high. I slipped Kindness into a chink in one of the knight’s armor.

The high pitch sound that escaped the knight’s mouth told me that this knight was a girl

“How stupid is the earl?” I mussed. “He’s enlisting females to fight his battles.” I slashed the next knight and he fell to the ground without a sound. I checked for a moment and made sure they were both dead.  I sighed. I always felt a sharp pang of sadness after but ran on, fighting like a mad man.

Once the fighting thinned, I calmed down, helping others fight off the attackers. I had small cuts and bruises but nothing life threating. Suddenly the twang of a bow made me look up. The arrow flew towards my sister and I dove at it.

The sharp pain in my left arm made my vision swim as I crashed onto the cold, hard ground.  I tried to open my hand but a fierce pain made me unable to lift a finger. A burning sensation filled my arm and I knew with a heavy heart that the arrow had struck a nerve. I might never be able to use my left arm again. I screamed and threw the pain into the back of my mind. My throat was hoarse from running but when I saw a soldier standing behind my sister Eva I screamed again. I had taken the arrow so she wouldn’t get hurt but that was exactly what would happen.  The knight held her roughly with a dagger held to her throat.

“Eva!” I screamed but when she looked up at me I saw her eyes where sad. She knew what was going to happen to her. And so did I. “Eva! No!” I screamed as the soldier grabbed her shoulder and raised his sword. I watched as it hit Eva with a sickening crack and she fell down limp. The soldier hauled her body into an awaiting wagon. Probably so Earl Braquty could make snide comments at Eva. I was weak with blood loss from the pain in my arm but I still tried to make it over to the wagon to say good-bye for the last time. A hand grabbed my good arm and stopped me.

I turned around to the person who held me weakly with my bloody fist, my left arm hanging limp at my side. My vision was blurry from my wound and my tears and it made me think I had another solider grabbing me.

“Belle, oh, Belle.” A voice cooed softly. I sank into Alina’s out stretched arms and sobbed on her shoulder.

“She’s gone. Oh, Lina, she’s really gone.” I cried. My beautiful older sister with her strawberry hair and her quiet nature was gone. Gone at the hands of one of Earl Braquty’s silver knights. I drew in a sharp breath and gently pushed Lina away. I stared into her eyes. The same eyes that I remembered looking up into when we were just little children with no care in the world. Those same eyes were still gentle but ringed with determination.

“Let’s get back to camp.” I said as I wiped my tears with my powder blue sleeve.  It was streaked with mud and blood from the wounds of silver knights and my left arm. I lifted my arm and saw an arrow jabbing into my flesh. The arrow quivered and the full weight of the pain came crashing down on me again. “I really need a medic.” I said through clenched teeth so I wouldn’t scream again. Lina nodded and took my right hand and gave it a squeeze. I squeezed back and felt a small comfort from my oldest friend. If I wanted anyone fighting a battle by my side, I would choose Lina without a single hesitation. 

Lina picked up my fallen sword Kindness and swung her quiver half full of arrows over her shoulder. I handed her the bow and she dipped her head in thanks. I nodded back. When you have been through as much as we had there was no need for words.



When we got back to camp everybody greeted me warmly. I had learned that when you’re leader people will congratulate you when you win a battle.

“Good job Ashlibelle!” Liam called out.

 I smiled but it didn’t quite reach my eyes. If anybody noticed that they were clouded with pain, they didn’t say anything. At least, until Raylan saw us.

“Belle? What’s the matter?” Raylan said as she pushed the tent flap aside for me. I sank down onto my cot and covered my face with my right hand. I was exhausted, from the battle against the knights and from the battle to stay conscious.  She sat down next to me and almost grabbed my other arm.

“By the Great Spear! Ray! Please be careful!” I exclaimed and Ray’s eyes widened as she saw the arrow.

“Let’s go. I’m taking you to the medic tent to fix you up and then you and Lina are going to tell me exactly what happened on the only day I took a break from battle.” Ray grabbed my good arm and pulled me out of my tent and into the medic tent.

She set me down on another cot and went to the corner where medicines and bandages were neatly piled. Ray grabbed a bandage roll and a pouch of medicine. Ray was a greatest and oldest medic in our camp but she had lots of mood swings so most people didn’t like to be healed by Ray.

“Promise you won’t hate me?” Ray asked me suddenly.

“Why would I do that?” I asked her but she didn’t answer. Ray was holding the arrow between both hands and before I had the chance to ask her what in Scarlet’s name she was doing, she had pulled it out. I clenched my teeth against the wordless scream that was bottled up inside. My arm felt like it was on fire. Every nerve in my body told me to scream, to yell, and to writhe in pain but I sat stone still, not giving into weakness. Tear welled up in my eyes and the pain was so unbearable that I just wanted to rip my arm out, knowing that the feeling of a torn limb would be better than this. Ray applied the medicine from the pouch onto my arm and it suddenly felt cooler, like some of the fire had disappeared. When the pain subsided enough so that I could talk I blurted out a question.

“What is that miracle working stuff?” I asked as I moved my arm over with my other hand so Ray could bandage it. The snowy white gauze was silky soft. Silky soft like my old riding dress. I raised an eyebrow at Ray but she didn’t respond. Instead, she told me about how the medicine she used on my arm came to be.

“That medicine is made up of crushed Porringer and water.  Porringer is an herb that used to be tiny and poisonous but when the goddess Breillsy found out that the herb was poisoning the people of Erywiel, Breillsy sent the priestess Scarlet to change it. This was Scarlet’s first task every to be carried out for the goddess so she had no idea what to change the Porringer plants into. Scarlet thought and thought and thought. And while she thought, she paced. All her pacing had brought her to a small sea side village. When she entered the village, a small child had greeted her and asked her why she was so tired. Scarlet had answered that she had a mission but she had no idea how to accomplish it.

“The child answered, “I can help you. What is your task?” Scarlet told the girl her task and the girl laughed her melodious laugh. “Why, that’s easy!” She exclaimed. Scarlet was puzzled so the little girl told Scarlet what she must do. Scarlet smiled at her own ignorance and did as the little girl bade.

So the priestess Scarlet changed the tiny herb into a large purple flower that if applied on the skin could heal and if eaten it could calm. Because of this task, Scarlet became Breillsy’s favorite human and she later became a legend.

“Of course you know what else she did. Everybody knows that she defeated the fire breathing Roilions and walked among the stars even before she died.  And as for the child, you know her descents as well as you know yourself.”

I nodded. It was true. The child who helped Scarlet was my great-great-great grandmother Celine Willow Lyly. Though I never knew that was how Celine had helped Scarlet. I smiled for the first time that day.

“Eva would have loved this.” I murmured.

“What do you mean “would have?”” Ray asked and she narrowed her eyes. I shrank under her fiery gaze. “Ashlibelle? What happened out there?” I winced. Ray had used my full name. That meant she was getting angry. Only rebels called me that but most of the time they just called me miss, ma’am or Sergeant General Lady. I’m not lying. People call me that.

“It’s Belle to you Raylan.” I said quietly, avoiding her gaze and her question. Lina burst through the tent door gasping for breath in the nick of time.

“We need to leave camp now.” She said rapidly. I heard scrambling outside the tent and knew the silver knights had found our camp. How thy found it, I have no idea but I leaped off the cot and dashed out of the tent. People young and old were streaming out of camp and into the woods surrounding it. I ran to my tent and packed my maps, my pants, shirts, blankets and after a small hesitation Eva’s dresses and locket in to my knapsack. It was hard with only one arm but somehow I managed.

I sheathed my sword Kindness and raced out of the tent. Most people were gone and only three horses were left in our make-shift stable. I saw Lina mount a blue roan and Ray saddle the bay. I got on to the Palomino and the three of us galloped out of the clearing and a moment after the last tail tip disappeared into the trees the silver knights burst into the clearing.

I urged the horse faster and the three of us scattered. We all knew that it would be harder for the silver knights to capture all of us if they were off catching one of us. We didn’t want anybody to get killed or captured but in our line of work, we had to take the risk.

Our “line of work” was different from the normal professions. Lina, Ray, me and everybody else who fled the camp were rebels. And we rebelled against Earl Braquty.

After the war in the sea side country of Regnum, we found out that good King Kriteba had perished in the war. We were also stricken to find out that our crown prince Nathaniel had been taken hostage and would not be returned until we gave up our border.

The Council of nobles strongly disagreed to let the border go so Nathaniel was left hostage. I had spoken out about this dissection. I felt that the Council had given up on our prince to quickly and that we needed his strong ruler ship. Though secretly, I was trying to see if I could get Nathaniel back so we could be friends again and so I could apologize for what I had said before he and his father had left for war.

We had met in the Royal gardens behind the palace because earlier that day he had told me to meet him there at noon. I remember sitting on one of the marble benches wondering what the meeting was going to be about. The childish part of me said that he was going to secretly ask me to marry him but my older part told it that we were just friends and would never be more than that. After all, I was lucky he even paid attention to me anymore, now that we were older and he wasn’t bias about commoners. I was a peasant and he was the crown prince for Scarlet’s sake!

My pondering had been interpreted by Nathaniel himself. My heart had swelled. I hadn’t seen him in over 7 months. His father had kept him busy with politics and a peace delegation with the war filled country Bririen. I had stood up and greeted him warmly and he had smiled but then he frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” I had asked.

“Oh, nothing.” He had replied. “It’s just that my father and I are going to have to go fight a war with Regnum.”

“That’s nothing?” I asked.

“Yeah, exactly like that. It’s just nothing.” He sounded tired and strained but back then I didn’t know when to hold my tongue.

“Just nothing?!” My voice rose on the last part. “I will have you know war is not nothing! My father died in a war and thousands of our people died too! War is not nothing. You royals just don’t get it. You don’t understand how it is to lose so much and only have your family and close friends to mourn it with you! When your mother died, the whole kingdom comforted you.” I had seen him wince at the mention of his mother but I was too angry to care so I just plowed right along.  “When my father died in that war there was no kingdom to comfort us. It was only Eva, my mother and me to mourn his death and comfort each other. Alina and Raylan came over to help us with the farm but that was it.”

“I helped you to!”  Nathaniel spat back at me.

“Not very well, if I may add!” I exclaimed. “You just gave us a cow and 8 chickens! And you didn’t even give me any reassurance! When your mother died, I sat with you all night long while you just sat there staring up at the stars! And all those times when you needed a shoulder to cry on, I was there, but when I needed a friend, I had to cry alone. I’ve been there all these years but where have you been? Or do I not want to ask because you’ll just give me livestock instead of answering my question?”

“If you feel that way, then you can just leave my house. I don’t think I want to be friends with you anymore.” Nathaniel told me. His voice was filled with venom.

“Fine!” I replied, just as angry.

“Fine!” Nathaniel turned his back to me and I did the same and stomped home.

The next morning my mother took me and Eva out to see Nathaniel and his father off to war. I didn’t want to go but I went anyways. When Eva and my mother went over to get closer, I stayed behind and sat on the edge of the dock. I took my shoes off and let my feet dangle into the cool water.

Suddenly a shadow darkened the sunlit water. I had stood up to see who it was and found myself staring at Nathaniel.

“I’m-” I started to apologize.

“You were right.” He whispered into my ear. “You were right as you normally are.” He wrapped me in a hug and I let him but I began to protest.

“I shouldn’t have been so mean to you.” I said but Nathaniel just put his finger on my lips.

“Hush, now.” He said softly before breaking our hug. He reached out and brushed my cheek before he dashed over to his ship. The wind whipped my long auburn hair back and made my long skirt billow backwards. The water shimmered beautifully and most villagers watched it with awe but I wasn’t. I was touching my cheek where Nathaniel had touched it. And that moment I knew that we could never be just friends anymore.

That year, I eagerly awaited any news of the war. I had tried to write letters to Nathaniel but they kept getting sent back with a big red stamp saying, Cannot get through. But when we got the news saying the king had been killed and Nathaniel had been taken hostage, I wasn’t ready.

The day after the news reached us, the Council decided to make Earl Braquty Nathaniel’s Regent while he was captive. At first I was confused. What was a Regent? But then I remembered. A Regent was someone who ruled in the place of the true ruler during the true rulers absents or disability. In this case Earl Braquty ruled for Nathaniel while Nathaniel was captive.

But, a week after he had been made Regent, Earl Braquty began abusing his power. At first it was little things. Taking a sack of wheat here, a cow or pig there, but then he passed a law that said that every family in the kingdom had to supply two sacks of wheat, one sack of barley and either a cow, pig or chicken or a bushel of fresh vegetables to feed him and his friends every month.

That most people were okay with it but his next law made people duck into taverns to discuss the new law in hushed, hateful voices. The new law was that every family had to give up one female from their house holds to help cook the lavish banquets and feasts for Earl Braquty.  My mother went to the palace to cook and we never saw her again.

Over the course of a year and another law making the food supply double, so families had less to eat over the harsh winter and dry summer, the earl and his friend grew fat while common people starved. Eva and I would have been fine but the house next door had twelve young children and two of them had already died of starvation so Eva and I decided to give up some of our food. During those weeks we grew thin but we never starved completely.

But when Earl Braquty demanded more food and raised our taxes, Eva and I had enough. We started searching for archers, sword men and anyone who would defy Earl Braquty. An old sword man taught me and Eva how to handle a sword and when we were finished, he pronounced that we were ready to fight the Earl and his knights and gave me Kindness and Eva her sword named Compassion.

We had a secret meeting in the woods and after a month of training our troops, Eva and I were ready. We fought many battles, Eva and I, as equal leaders of the rebels but after I saved her life, Eva resigned and I was the full leader.

I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I felt like I didn’t deserve the title of leader now that Eva was dead. My arm hurt from all the jolting but it wasn’t as sharp as it had been before. It was only a dull ache now. The horse nickered and when I looked up I saw Ray and Lina. We dismounted and greeted each other.

In unison we all knelt down and opened our knapsacks. The first thing we learned and taught in training was finding a partner and bedding down if you got separated from the main group. We often got questions about why did you have to find a partner.  I always answered, it’s easier to defend yourself when you have someone to fight with and two pairs of eyes and ears are better than one.

I took out the blankets and laid them on the ground in front of me. Ray laid some medicine and Lina laid out some bread and cheese. I took a hunk of bread and pressed a slice of cheese into the center. The rich taste almost made me forget the events of the day. Almost, but not quite.  I finished my supper in a few bites and glanced at the darkening sky through the dark leaves of the forest.

I yawned, popping my jaw. Ray yawned too and I unrolled a blanket and lay down. A moth landed on my left arm and I gently shooed it away but the meaning of it stuck to me. There was an ancient superstition that said that if a moth landed on or near you, change would come swiftly on the tiny wings of the moth. I watched the tiny insect fly as the moonlight shone bright on its ivory wings.  I yawned again and moved under the coarse blanket and fell asleep under the dark ebony leaves and bright ivory moon.

Chapter 2

The next morning I was rudely awaken by Ray.

“Get up! Now!” Ray exclaimed as she shoved me. I blinked my eyes, clearing them of the sleepy haze that surrounded them.

“Wha?” I asked sleepily.

“Get up, Ashlibelle! Get up now! We need to tell you something.” Lina said. I pushed the coarse blanket off my body and stood up. My blue skirt was covered with tiny pieces of moss and twigs. I brushed them off and put on my chest plate, arm braces, thigh guards and my shoulder pads. I winced and mumbled a curse as the cold metal rubbed against my wound. Ray saw me wince and she swiftly changed the bandage on my arm and added more Porringer medicine to it. She also helped me put on the rest of my armor so I wouldn’t anger my arm again. I dipped my head in thanks and she nodded back. 

“Belle, Belle, Belle, Belle!” Lina exclaimed breathlessly.

“What, what, what, what?” I asked her.

“Nathaniel’s back!” Lina said with a grin. My eyes widened and my heart sped up.

“You’re lying.” I said dubiously and turned my back to Lina.

“No, I’m not!” Lina protested.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Was my reply. I flipped my braid out of my eyes and turned back around to face her. I leaned back as I found myself staring at the tip of Lina’s arrow. I watched her but something else caught my eye. There was a scrap of parchment nailed to the tree just behind Lina. I whipped out my sword and Lina ducked and we rotated around so I was facing the tree. Lina put her bow away with a sigh.

She saw I wasn’t going to fight with her. I felt a little bad about it. We used to spar all the time but now those times were becoming infrequent. I raced to the scrap of parchment and quickly scanned the few lines of jet black ink.

“What is it Belle?” Lina asked as she swung her quiver over her shoulder.

“You weren’t lying.” I said quietly. “You weren’t lying.” I repeated louder. “You weren’t lying!!!” I exclaimed and twirled around laughing.

“Of course we weren’t, you Ashbrain.” Ray told me teasingly. “Nathaniel was released from the clutches of Regnum and we’re taking you to see him. That’s our announcement and our birthday present to you.”  My eyes widened. We hadn’t been allowed into the village for emergencies for a long time. I was touched by how they even remembered my birthday. Last year, I had forgotten my birthday and a month later I remembered so I got sweet piece of muffin with a candle stuck in it.     

“Thank you!” I said, wrapping the two of them in a fierce one armed hug.

“Anytime,” They both said in unison. I smiled and we hurried to pick up camp.

An hour later we were sneaking down the road that lead to the village that Nathaniel was rumored to be staying at when Ray whispered. 

“Um, Belle? Why are we sneaking? Now that Nathaniel’s back, we’re not outlaws anymore.” I smacked myself in the face.

“Old habits die hard, I guess.” I said and straightened up. My hand went automatically to my left hip where Kindness was hidden beneath my skirt. We had to leave all the other weapons behind. Well, not all the weapons. Ray had her dagger tucked in a hidden pocket in her sleeve. 

Narrow ditches lined the road on both sides. The road was dusty beneath my shoes and whenever I stepped on the road, I’d send clouds of dust billowing up behind me. I kicked up my feet, feeling like a little girl again. The war that my father had fought in had taken my childhood away but little by little I was taking it back. I started humming an old slow ballad my mother had once sung to me.

Half way through the song I started singing. Ray and Lina looked up in surprise. It had been a long time since they had heard the old lullaby. When I started on the second verse, they both joined in.

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


Once our valleys were ringing

With songs of our children singing

But now sheep bleat till the evening

And shielings lie empty and broken


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


We stood with heads bowed in prayer,

While factors laid our cottages bare,

The flames licked the clear mountain air,

And many were dead by the morning.


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


Where is our proud highland mettle?

Our troops once so fierce in battle

Now stand, cowed, huddled like cattle

And wait to be shipped o'er the ocean


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


No use pleading or praying

For gone, gone is all hope of staying

Hush, hush, the anchor's a-weighing

Don't cry in your sleep, bonny baby


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


When the song was done, I saw Lina had hidden her face behind her hair and Ray had tears glistening in her eyes. I swallowed my own tears and kept my eyes on the road. We all missed our carefree days in the sun.  I looked up quickly as I heard a carriage approach us from behind.

My mouth hung open as I realized the driver had no intention of stopping for us. I grabbed Lina’s hand then Ray’s and pulled them in the narrow ditch on the left side of the road. As the carriage pasted us, the driver sneered at us. He didn’t look sorry that he made us jump off the road at all. His hat had an enormous feather stuck on the brim that waggled near us.

Ray whipped out her dagger and sliced the feather neatly in half. By the time the driver’s expression had changed from leering to shock, he was already far ahead of us.

“Was that really necessary?” I asked Ray. She shrugged.

“He had it coming,” Ray replied with a stuffy air. Lina and I looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Ray. Ray looked back at us with false innocence until none of us could keep a straight face. This was why when we entered town we were laughing so hard our faces were bright tomato red.

But it could never compare to the bright cerise red I turned when we turned the corner and I saw Nathaniel standing on a crate talking to the crowd gathered in front of him. He turned his head to look at us and everybody in the crowd did too.  I blushed deeply but Ray waved. I grabbed her arm and hissed out of the corner of my mouth,

”What in Scarlet’s name are you doing!?”  Ray just shrugged. I started to smack myself in the head but then Nathaniel cried, “Ashli!” I stopped my hand and brushed a stray lock of my hair out my eyes and behind my ear. Nathaniel jumped off the crate and the crowd parted to let him through. He reached me and my heart did a fluttery thing.

“Ashli!” He said again.

“Ashli?” Ray repeated.

“We all have nicknames for me.” I replied, not taking my eyes off Nathaniel. “Nathan? How did you get free?”

Nathaniel shifted nervously. “I’ll tell you at the palace.” He glanced around the crowd. “This is not news for the entire kingdom of Erywiel to hear.” I nodded, wondering what secret news he had.


Chapter 3

An hour later we were riding down the road toward the capital. I was riding behind Nathaniel because we could only find three horses and Nathaniel’s two chaperones (I didn’t know why he needed them anyways) were each riding in front of Ray and Lina.

 I felt the glares of the chaperones on my back mixing with the Ooooooohhhhhhh looks from Ray. I looked back at Ray with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged. I turned back around and shook my head. Sometimes I just didn’t get that girl.

When we were in the middle of the woods the two chaperones jumped off their horses and whipped out swords.

“I did not see that coming.” Lina muttered under her breath as she jumped off her horse and grabbed its bridle. I could tell she was bitter that she could not fight because she left her bow back at camp, but I had no time to ponder over such things because the older of the two chaperones was rushing at Nathaniel with his sword raised high above his head. Ray intercepted his course and he ran away as she chased after him with her dagger.

My sword was under my skirt but I had no time for modesty so I ducked behind a large tree and took it out. I raced out of my cover and saw Lina with all the horses.

“Hey, Lina! Cranefish!” I shouted and Lina nodded. I nodded back with a little salute and watched as she reached for a low thick tree branch and swung herself up in to a crouch. When the older chaperone stopped under the tree Lina was on to catch his breath, Lina swung herself down from the branch and kicked the older chaperone straight in the stomach. He stumbled back a little ways before falling into a bush where he lay dazed. Lina pulled out some rope from who knows where and tied him up.

The younger chaperone was creeping up from behind Nathaniel so I ran toward Nathaniel with Kindness raised high. Nathaniel ducked and I swung my sword at the younger man. My sword made contact with his free arm. His eyes glazed over with pain but he thrust out his sword, narrowly missing my chest. Nathaniel rolled out of our way and I moved closer to my opponent.  I made sure he was safely behind me and my heart fluttered as I saw he was watching me. I turned back to the young man and held my sword up. We moved around slowly in a circle in a weird sword dance. Suddenly he lunged at my legs and I swung Kindness down to meet his sword. The blades clanked together and it was almost like they were greeting each other. We parried for a bit until I whipped Kindness under his feet and he landed flat on his back. I pointed Kindness at his neck.

“You know why I named my sword Kindness?” I asked the man. He shook his head carefully, looking cross-eyed at the tip of my blade pushed against his throat. “I’ll tell you why. My old school teacher always said to “kill with kindness.” And I do, except with the killing part. I’m not a murderer. Let’s say I defend myself with Kindness. So I got a sword and trained and trained and at the end of my training I named my sword Kindness to do what my old school teacher always said.” While I was storytelling, Ray pulled out rope and tied him up. Lina came up from behind and pressed both men’s pressure points and they flopped down.

“Ashlibelle and friends save the day!” Ray exclaimed happily.

“Again!” Lina said smiling. I smiled back. Lina’s smiled made people smile whither they wanted to or not.

With lots of strength, the four of us hauled both men on one of the horses. We planned on dropping the two men off at the nearest town so the town officials could deal with them. Nathaniel mounted his horse and Ray and Lina got on to the other one. I started to mount behind them but Nathaniel stopped me.

“Ashli, you were amazing. You could ride with me.” Nathaniel said. “I don’t think you want to ride crowded up with your friends for the rest of the journey.” He added quickly. I really wanted to sit with him again but I didn’t want to seem overly eager.

“Um…..okay.” I said causally but inside I was chanting, yes! Yes! Yes! I got on behind Nathaniel and put my hands on his shoulders to hold myself steady.  He put his hand on mine and I winced as he touched the left one. I smiled and gently shook his hand off. He understood and smiled back. My heart beat wildly and I yelled at myself to calm down.  I took a few deep breaths and forced myself to compose myself. This is nothing! My head said to my heart but my heart just ignored it and kept on hoping.

We arrived at the palace gates when the sun was sinking down in the sky and the sky was alight with reds and yellows. A fanfare lit the air around the castle as we were herded into the courtyard.

We must have been a site to anybody who saw us. When we were almost back to the castle, Lina and Rays horse slipped in mud and fell. The horse was fine but it was covered in mud. Its riders had not been spared from the horses muddy falls. Lina and Ray were covered in mud from their hips down.  Nathaniel and I were slightly better off but during the fight, Nathaniel had torn his shirt and my arrow wound had reopened. Blood stained my arm and dust covered me from head to toe.

We entered the courtyard and I saw murmurs flying around the courtyard as people saw me riding behind Nathaniel. I bit my lip and stared straight ahead as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Lina and Ray’s horse caught up with us and Ray leaned.

“You can survive countless battles but you can’t survive a simple ride?” Ray asked me in a hushed tone. I rolled my eyes but showed no other reaction.

We all dismounted from the horses and grooms led them away. Nathaniel walked toward the large front doors of the palace and we walked in behind him.

Lina and Ray both gasped as they entered the palace. I smiled. The high ceilings gave the illusion of the ceiling colliding with the sky and the floors were decked out in carpets blue and red, the royal colors, and the walls were adorned with battle scenes. The hall way was lined with the armor of famous knights while every so often you could see weapons and artifacts stored in clear glass cases.

Servants bustled to and fro greeting Nathaniel with a deep bow or curtsy and a tipped hat or mumbled misses to us girls.

A particular grumpy noble ran towards us and hugged Nathaniel tightly. I giggled behind my hand as Nathaniel stood rigidly finally he patted the man’s back awkwardly and he let go.

“You’re Majesty! Come with me, sire, the rest of the Council has been over joyed with your return!” The noble twittered as he tried to lead Nathaniel into the Council room. Nathaniel shook off the man’s hand.

“I have business to conduct with these three ladies. I will meet the Council later. For now these three will be in my chamber with me.” Nathaniel said. The man’s mouth turned down.

“Off with you now! You heard what he said!” Ray told the man sternly. When Ray used that tone, you obeyed it whether you are a noble or not.

Nathaniel led us up to his room. I closed my eyes and walked the whole way with them like that. I knew the way so good that I could probably navigate my way to Nathaniel’s room in my sleep. I had visited him so much when we were younger I had the time to memorize much of the castle’s lay-out.

We pasted the fixture in the wall that activated the secret door and I knew we were close. Only a few more twisted and turns and we were at the door to Nathaniel’s rooms. 

Nathaniel opened the door next to the one that led to his bedroom and he led us into his study. Bookshelves lined three of the walls while the fourth wall was made up of windows that overlooked the Bergamo River.

“Sit down,” Nathaniel said and he gestured to the three seats in front of his desk. We did and I was glad to be off my feet. He took his own advice and plopped down in his own chair in a very un-princely manner.

“Ashli,” He began and Ray snickered. Lina shushed her quickly and Nathaniel smiled.

“Wait Nathan, how did you get free? How did you escape Regnum?” I asked.

“My next topic.” Nathaniel said tiredly. “I didn’t escape from captivity. I was let go. I was found by some rebels from Bririen and they let me go, at a price. They said that they had heard about three girls who were leading a revolution in our country. They said that if I brought them to Bririen they would let me go. I promised and they let me go. At first I had no idea who the revolutionists were but when I was in the seaport after getting off my ship, I saw a wanted poster.

And on it were the words, Wanted: Dead or alive. Outlaws and revolutionists. $1000 reward. And above that was a picture of the three of you. At first I laughed when I saw the picture of you three. I laughed because leave it to you three to stir up trouble. But after I thought about it a while, I realized you three were the revolutionists the Brinies were talking about. I have to have you three girls go to Bririen and fix their regime problem.  Or else they’ll…………they’ll…….” At the end he murmured something that I couldn’t hear.

“Or else they’ll what?” Lina asked.

“Nothing. Just nothing.” Nathaniel replied and I remembered the big fight we had had before he and his father had left for Regnum.

“If you need us to go, we’ll do it.” I told Nathaniel reassuringly but I didn’t understand why he looked like he was going to cry.

“That’s what I feared.” He said under his breath.

“When do we leave? I need to get some things done if you don’t mind.” Ray said.

“You guys leave the day after tomorrow, okay?” I nodded and Lina gave thumbs up. “For now though, would you three like to stay in the palace until you leave? We always have room for more.”

Chapter 4

A little while later I was laying in the middle of a large bed. I felt like I was lying on a cloud. The bed was so soft; I sank into it every time I moved.

Ray sat on a bed next to me, marveling at the silky bed covers. Lina was riding back to camp to gather all our stuff. I knew she was in good hands because we found out that one of the grooms was her old childhood friend Peder.

I was drifting off to a sleepy world when a loud knock on the door made me jump. Ray had her back to me and I saw her pat down her hair.

Ray opened the door and a young man stepped in. He looked over at me and I feigned sleep.

“Will she awaken?” He asked Ray.

“No, she’s a really heavy sleeper.” She replied. So she’d been watching me sleep! I thought. Creepy! But why?

My thoughts were answered when the two of them sat down on one of the couch and even as I had my eyes closed I knew what they were doing.

Ray had a lover! I never thought I’d see the day when Ray was not the sassy no nonsense girl I knew. From what I was hearing, the man was praising Ray about how sweet and sensitive she was.

I turned over and muffled a giggle into my pillow. Just as I was getting ready to “awaken”, Lina opened the door. Her hands were piled with our stuff so she didn’t see what was happening until she spread all our things on her bed. She turned slowly and I bolted upright. We both saw Ray and the young man embracing tenderly.

Lina’s jaw dropped and I began laughing at the look on her face.  Ray’s eyes almost pooped out of her head. I turned to the young man and said plainly, “You might wanna get out of here. We’re all, well feisty if that’s what you wanna call it. This could get messy.” The young man nodded and turned to Ray. He gave her cheek a quick kiss and he dashed out the room.

Ray looked close to tears instead of the fighter me and Lina thought we’d see. Ray sat down on her bed and held her face in her hands.

“There you’ve done it again. Now Kevin will hate me like Tyler did. He’ll hate me and love you. You and Lina always get the good ones. Belle, you’re a beauty and Lina, everyone always loves you. There is never anybody left for little ole me, is there?” She went on not giving me time to answer. “And-and-and oh Belle! Before I met Kevin, I-I” She sobbed. “I was in love with Nathaniel! Imagine that! And of course he never noticed me, especially with you around. He would always follow after you like a love struck puppy. Look at your face! You didn’t even realize it did you?” I didn’t respond but I think the shocked look on my face gave it away. I hadn’t realized it. “And Lina has her Peder. My is he handsome but he’s head over heels for you, Lina. But now I finally have someone who likes me and just me and here you come along and ruin it. Now I bet he’s gonna be staring at your looks or marveling at your kindness.” Ray burst into fresh tears and I sat down next to her. I rubbed her back and let Ray cry. Lina said down on her other side.

“My mama once said a good cry is all you need to let out all the hurt and sadness that’s welled up inside of you.” Lina said in her soft, gentle way. “She’s right you know.” Ray nodded and we hugged her.

We sat there with our arms around each other until the stars showed their faces and our eyes closed had closed against our tears.

I opened my eyes as sunlight streamed down upon me. I gently detached myself from their arms. A lone bird sung a sad note before he cowered away from the rising sun.

The sun cast rosy light on the world. I looked out my huge window and watched as the sun blanketed the fields then the village and then finally the castle.

Lina stirred and I quickened my pace. I put on Eva’s clothes and a drab robe. I had some spying work to do.

Before Eva and I had started the Riots, I had read a book on Robin Hood. It had inspired me and I became Hazel, the girl who stole from the rich (Earl Braquty) and gave to the poor (Everyone else). When I was Hazel, I was someone completely different. I was no longer the shy and insecure girl who hid behind her sharp tough. I was a bold and fearless rebel.

People didn’t judge me because of what I looked like or who my parents were, they judged me by my actions.

I had heard that Nathaniel hadn’t punished Earl Braquty. The Earl had snuck out of the castle and I knew he would be holed up in his summer cottage in the village.

That man is so predictable! I thought as I gathered Kindness under my arm and walked out the door and into the hallway, my skirts swishing around me.

  When I reached the statue of Queen Chrisloris, I touched the top jewel in her crown and the secret passage way out of the palace opened. The castle was riddled with passage ways but this was the only one that still worked.

I looked over my shoulder before ducking into the passage way. The tunnel was lined with tawny colored stones. It was surprisingly clean. There were no rats or cobwebs, just the occasional pile of dust. 

I ran down the tunnel, careful to stay hunched over so when the passage ceiling sloped downward I wouldn’t hit my head.

A faint shaft of light signaled that the tunnel was coming to an end.  I pushed the brick next to the light and the wall opened up. I stepped out of the hole and found myself outside the moat.

I scurried toward the village, ducking in and out of shadows, glad to be back to being a spy again. When I reached the edge of the village, I flipped up the hood on the robe.

A good spy tries hard to not be caught.  I slipped unnoticed between houses and cottages until I stopped in front of the Earl’s house. People passed me and the cottage by without a second glance. Well, people passed the cottage but some people gave me a few strange looks.

One person recognized my robe and gave me a cheery wave. I waved back and looked back at the house then to the people who passed it by. I watched as a man pushed cart along and a young mother herded her children around her. I started towards the house but suddenly a voice pierced the crowd.

“In the eighth month,

From the earth, there arises a red-eyed monster,

He will bring back the one that is part of seven,

Blood and love shall rule triumphantly, before the end is done.” I turned and saw the town crier repeating the prophecy. I scoffed. Everyone seemed to think that it would come true in our century but I was a doubter. Most days I felt like our lives were too confusing and tangled up for the gods to predict what was to happen.

I looked back at the house. The shutters were closed and the windows without shutters had curtains drawn tightly.

Nope, nothing sinister here, I thought pretending to be a wool-brained noble. I snickered to myself but I then crept into the alley next to the house.

I grimaced in disgust as I stepped in something I hoped was just mud. As the sickening smell drifted up to my nose, I shuddered. That was definitely not mud.

I snuck to the back door and slowly crept through. I closed the door silently behind me and tiptoed to the kitchen. I kept my eyes down but when I looked up, I found myself staring at the cook and his three children.

“Who are you? If you’re looking for the Earl he’s out of town at the moment.” He asked as he pulled his youngest child closer.

“I’m one of the winter servants. I keep this house spick-spot tidy. I left something in one of the rooms and I have come to fetch it before I go to my Aunt Helen’s farm.” I lied making sure I chattered.

The cook nodded and I swept into the hallway. I found three doors all of them marked with strange symbols. I didn’t know which one was Earl Braquty’s study, so I picked one and hoped for the best.

I found myself in a bedroom. The bed was unmade and there was clothes throw everywhere. I saw a big truck and picked my way to it. It was ornate with abstract swirls and lines. I pried open the truck and found land deeds and valuables.

I suddenly spotted the key to my old house. I picked it up with a shaky hand. I lifted the key to my neck and tied it around my neck.

A surge of happiness burst through me. I finally had my house back. I heard the floorboards downstairs creak and I knew my time was running out.

I grabbed a handful of stuff and raced through the adjoining door that, luckily, led into Earl Braquty’s study. I made a bee line straight towards his desk. The desk was heavily laden with papers. I ruffled the top pile but stopped when I saw words but the earl’s writing was so sloppy I thought I saw Conhact Ghase adroit girls goring to Bririen. 

“Bririen huh.” I muttered. “I wonder what little birdie told him that we were going there. It seems we have a spy on our hands, well, besides me.”

I stooped around the room a little bit more and found five small sacks of gold, tax payer money. I heaved the sacks into the secret pocket in my cloak and hurried down the stairs.

“I won’t tell him you were here.” He said and I nodded, perfect.


Chapter 5

I ran through the streets of town tossing the stolen gold out to the villagers. They all smiled and called out a chorus of thanks and cheers.

“Hazels back!”

“Thank you, Hazel!”

“Food for the children!”

I smiled under my cloak. The commoners would be able to feed their children again for the first time in a long time.

When I neared the castle, I neatly folded the cloak and tucked it into my pocket. I snuck back through the passageway but when I was about to exit, I heard voices so I stopped.

“We have to do it tonight!” A thick male voice said. A female pleaded back with him.

“We don’t have to do it now that his highness is back. And those girls, I know you don’t like the one with the sharp tough,” She was talking about Ray. “But the one with those lovely green eyes and red hair is well liked by his highness. She has him wrapped around one of her slender pinkies and she doesn’t even know it! Come on Rolf! Please, I know the Earl has promised a lot of money if we tattle on the people in the village and tell him what is going on but could we please stop this? I like the blonde too; she’s so kind and gentle. Even the one with the jet black hair and the sharp tough as you put it is sweet in her own way. She’s also amazing with herbs! You should have seen her in the infirmary!” Her voice dropped lower and I strained to hear it. “Rolf, all this spying has taken away our time together. Even when I’m next to you I miss you. I miss the way you almost always knew what I was thinking. I miss your hearty laugh and your tender smile. I miss your arms wrapped around me so tight it’s like you can squeeze all the sadness and hurt right out of me. And most of all, I miss just being with you. It’s like you don’t even care when I stand next to you. I still love you and I want to feel as if you still love me too.” She sobbed. I could imagine her sitting at the feet of Queen Chrisloris, weeping. Rolf’s answer surprised me and I sat up against the wall wondering.

“Cle, darling, I still love you. There’s no way that I could ever stop loving you. You are the most wonderful woman under the sun. We won’t go tonight or any other night. I miss you to, and you know, I think you fancy a nice long walk around the palace gardens. I was right wasn’t I?” He laughed and Cle joined him. They began to walk away and I heard Rolf say, “Did you know that the one his highness fancies is actually Hazel? Well that doesn’t matter. Let’s go Cle; yours truly waits with open arms.”

Cle’s giggle was muffled and she wrapped her arms around Rolf. I listened as their footsteps faded away until I could not hear them over my pounding heart.

How did he know I was Hazel? But what I was really stressing over was that he thought that Nathaniel fancied me. When Ray had said it, I had thought she was lying but could it really be?

Oh grow up Ashlibelle Grenia Lyly! Get a grip on yourself! You’re leaving for Bririen tomorrow and you haven’t even preformed Eva’s Ceremony!  Maybe, just maybe………………… it couldn’t be, oh please let it be true that Nathaniel “fancies” me! I took a big breath and started to straighten out my thoughts and put them in to a list.

When I was younger I used to get confused in school a lot so my mother taught me to arrange the facts into a list.

Belle’s list

I have to preform Eva’s Ceremony before I leave
Nathaniel might like like me
There is a problem with Bririen and I have to go spy there
Nathaniel likes me!
I have to take a breath right now or I might pass out

I quickly took a breath and the pain in my chest subsided. I stood up slowly and brushed the dust off Eva’s dress.

I pushed the brink that triggered the door to open and I slipped out like a shadow. I ran the few paces to the room and slid into it ever so silently.

I heard Lina and Ray talking in soft voices in the adjoining room. I leaned closer and heard their muffled voices.

“We should tell her. She should know about it.” Ray said.

“Not yet! We’ll tell her after. It would be cruel to put her heart through the heart ache before we leave.” Lina replied softly. They finished their conversation and I heard them get ready for bed. I tucked their conversation into my minds vault and I walked to my bed and changed into a soft nightdress.

“We have to preform Eva’s Ceremony tomorrow morning at dawn.” I said sleepily. Lina nodded her eyes half closed. Ray was already sleeping; she was sprawled over the bed in a very unladylike position.

“We took a nice long ride with Kevin and Peder but we got lost for a good three hours and that was all before our horses decided to take a swim before they threw us into the lake.” Lina explained laughing drowsily.

“Well I spent my day snooping in the Earl’s stuff and getting chased by knights because I was doing the Robin Hood thing; throwing the stolen gold back to the people. I then got into a small fight with a knight and when I was running into the woods, I sprained my ankle.” I replied. “I’m going to go to sleep now. I’m so tired, I think my eyes will fallout if I keep them open any longer!  I’ll have Ray check my foot in the morning.”

I lifted the soft blanket and slipped myself in between the covers. I opened my mouth to say good night but as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out like a light.

 A dark silent figure sat perched on the balcony watching us. He smiled to himself. How perfect.


Chapter 6

The saddle was rough under my skirt. I shifted uncomfortably but clutched the small sack even tighter. There was an ancient custom that was called the Ceremony. The Ceremony was a way to honor those who have passed away and to set their soul on the journey to endless life.

The sack I was carrying had the petals of a Neryan flower. The Neryan flower was the flower that my people always laid in the grave with their loved ones. Since we didn’t know where Eva’s body was we were going to take the flowers to the Julian River.

The clear waters mirrored us. I looked at the girl in the water. I studied my high cheekbone and faintly pointy nose with freckles running across it. My auburn hair was coming undone and I brush away the strands to reveal my eyes.

I looked closer at my reflection trying to see if I could see anything else. A dark shape moved in the water but when I blinked it was gone.

Nathaniel put his hand on my shoulder and guided me to the grass. I sat down in between Ray and Lina. Kevin sat on Ray’s right and Peder sat on Lina’s left. Nathaniel stood in front of us and started the Ceremony.

“The four creator gods and goddess, Julian, leader of those dead, Breillsy, protector of women and children, Tawen, god of war and strife, and Zeliana, the goddess of hope all created our world as their home. The gods soon grew lonely and Tawen and Julian made the first people. At first they were servants but Breillsy’s kind heart made her give humans intelligences. Zeliana gave humans hope and love, Tawen gave people worry and Julian gave people the reassurance of another life.

The gods sent humans out into the world and at first we stumbled around unsure of what to do. But then Hines the great took charge and civilization flourished.

Years piled on top of years and people thrived, always giving thanks to the gods and burying their dead with the same ceremonies but one day a young child was out in the woods and he wandered off and was never found.

People wanted to grieve for the boy but they didn’t know how. Then in the midst of their town, the god Julian flew down from heaven on the back of a great black bird.

““I’ll tell you how to grieve for the boy.” Julian had said in a booming voice. “You shall take the Neryan flowers and toss them in to my river. This will insure that your loved ones soul shall still reach me in my home under the world and become alive once more.” “But what river?” A person asked. Julian swept his hand and a vein of clear blue water flowed next to the town.

From then on the people would perform their ceremonies next to the Julian River so that the memory of their loved one would live on forever.” Nathaniel concluded. I stood up and gently put the Neryan petals on my palm. A wind whipped the petals on to the water like it always had for hundreds of years.

“Julian, leader of the dead, please watch over Eva Remy Lyly and keep her safe, happy and full of peace. “ I said reciting the words carefully. Tears pricked my eyes as the petals traveled over the water.

“She’s gone now. She’s really gone.” I whispered. Nathaniel wrapped me in a hug and I hugged him back. The sun was high in the sky and if we wanted to be near the border before dark we had to go soon.

I let go of Nathaniel and I turned toward my horse and mounted. I closed my eyes until the tears subsided. I looked back at Nathaniel. He nodded and he looked like he wanted to say something but he seemed to rethink it and closed his mouth.

Lina and Ray mounted beside me after saying good bye to Kevin and Peder.  They rode to the top of the hill and Lina and Ray rode to the bottom so it was just Nathaniel and me in the meadow.

“Ashli, please be careful okay? I know you can take care of yourself but could you please just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Nathaniel said quietly. I reached down and gave him a hug. He handed me a wrapped package. I looked at him questionably but shredded the paper with my nails. My eyes widened as I saw the shiny black blade of a new sword.  It was oddly familiar and there was a faded memory that cowered at the edge of my mind like the echo of a song long sung. “Thank you so much! This is beautiful!” I exclaimed. He smiled but his eyes looked sad. “I will be careful. Don’t worry.” I whispered back.  Nathaniel looked at me like he was trying to remember everything about my face if I didn’t come back. “I’ll come back, I promise.”

“Please do.” He whispered before kissing my cheek gently. Those deep brown eyes looked deep into mine. “Please.”  


         For most of the ride to Bririen I was in a daze like mind. I barely felt the sweat tickling down my back and down my bodice and I barely felt my parched throat. Only when the chilling cries of the Solar Wolves awoke me from my stupor.

“I never liked them.” Ray said over her shoulder to me and Lina.

“I find them lonely.” Lina replied.

“I well, I find them almost magical.” I responded.  “There’s something about that just makes me want to launch into a magical world where Solar wolves life undisturbed by humans.”

“And you’re going to launch into a magical world because-” Ray started but Lina shot her a withering glare.

“Mouth shut now please, Ray.” Lina said through clenched teeth. “Lips closed would ya?” I stared at Lina in shock. I had never seen this side of her and I didn’t know if I liked it.

“Um, guys, let’s make camp here, okay?” I interrupted. They nodded and we dismounted. Ray went in to the woods to gather wood for a fire while Lina and I unloaded bed-rolls and food.

“She really doesn’t mean it.” Lina told me gently. “Kevin was really distant to her today. She’s really jealous because of the letter.”

“Wait. What letter?” I asked but Lina clamed up. “Lina?” I asked but she looked over my shoulder at Ray who was starting to build a fire.

She built a small tepee out of sticks with the small ones in the middle and the larger ones on the outside. I took the flint and tinder from my satchel and in three strikes I had a nice spark going.

Ray disappeared again into the woods and when she came back she had a young turkey.  I smiled when I saw it. I knew how hard it is to catch a turkey with a dagger.

“Thanks.” I told her. Ray just nodded and began plucking the dead bird. When that was done, Lina took a sharp stick and speared the bird. She handed it to me and I set the bird on two Y shaped sticks and the bird began to roast.

While the bird cooked, I sharpened Kindness, Ray sorted her herbs and Lina was reading a book. I glanced at the title and saw it was one of my old favorites, the seventeen blades.

“That’s a great book!” I said and leaned in towards Lina. “Who’s your favorite character?”

“Um………………………I don’t know.” Lina replied.

“I really like Bella, Lisa and Ran. They seem so much like us.” I replied.

“Umhm.” Lina mumbled. I looked at the pages when she wasn’t looking and I saw that she had a worn love note between the pages. I smiled and went over to the cooked fowl. I wasn’t going ruin it for Lina and Peder.   

Chapter 7

The sea lapped gently against the cliffs as we rose past them. The road to Bririen was long and winding and the section we were on was close to the ocean. I could feel the spray drift up on the cool breeze and the sound of the crashing waves lulled me into a blissful frame of mind.  The only thing crushing the moment was that my arms were riddled with bug bites.

I scratched the itchy red welts and wished with all my heart that I had some lavender to rub on them and the lemon juice salve that Ray had concocted to keep the bugs away.

As we rounded a bend we saw the great wall that encircled the entire border. A big burly guard stopped us.

“Jube tyubwn quip djnd JD hd handffds.” The guard jabbered in Brinies.  I looked at Lina and Ray in confusion.

“Jube tyubwn quip djnd JD hd handffds!” The guard said, his face getting redder the longer he waited.

“Oh!” Lina exclaimed and took out our passports.

“Guh.” The man said with a nod and the gates opened up and we rode through.  I started to hum the song my mother taught me when we reached this huge town. After I saw the enormous castle I stopped humming and realized that this was the capital.

“This place is huge!” I exclaimed. “But how do they feed all these people?” As we rode on it became quite clear. They didn’t. The people of Bririen were even thinner than the people of Erywiel.

A little beggar girl dressed in threadbare rags raced up to our horses with her palms out.

“Penny for me? Penny for me?” She asked. I stopped and other children crowded around me. I dismounted and took some loaves of bread out of my knapsack. Nathaniel had warned us about this but I hadn’t expected it to be this bad.

I broke the bread into small chunks and handed each child a piece. Some children stuffed the bread savagely into their mouths while others careful took small bites to make it last longer.

I heard Lina dismount and she did the same thing as I was doing. Only Ray still sat perched on top of her horse.  Her eyes were glazed over and I touched her hand and she flinched.

“Ray,” I murmured. “Are you going to help?” She nodded.

“It’s just that they remind me of us all those years ago but there was no one to give us bread or feed us every once in a while. If this is how it was in our country and how it is here, what if it’s like this in Regnum or other countries too!”  

“Ray, it’s okay. We can’t change the world but we can leave our mark.” I told her. She nodded and got out some more bread. I reached into my knapsack and grabbed a bag full of little peppermint candies. The children squealed and I smiled. I handed each child a peppermint and they all popped it into their mouths.

“Now, I may have helped fill your stomachs, but I know your minds still want a story.” I said and children shrieked with laughter, making my horse snort. I rubbed his mane, feeling the sandy strands run through my fingers.

“Sit down children,” I told them, bringing them to the grassy patch in-between two houses. The children followed me, happily skipping along. “Sit down, now, let me tell you the legend of the Crigolia.” I leaned forward, a smile playing on my face.

“Once upon a time, in a kingdom torn by pride, there lived the Crigolia. The Crigolia was a terrible fire-breathing monster, with poisonous fangs that could tear flesh with a flick of its jaws. His scales were slimy and smelled of rotting meat with wings the size of an entire cottage. Even though he was a hideous monster, his eyes, red as blood, were kind and gentle.

 Well, the Crigolia lived on the outskirts of a tiny fishing village. In this village there was a young girl, the youngest of seven children and the only girl. As the years passed, the girl grew up, and as she grew taller, she grew even lovelier until all the young men in village, and even some of them who were not young and had been married before, were vying for her hand in marriage.  Each man loved the girl more than the next but no one loved the girl more than the Crigolia.

One day the girl, whose name was Jessamine, was riding in the woods. Then suddenly her horse reared, throwing her off. Jessamine was knocked unconscious and by the time she had woken up, the Crigolia had found her. She screamed, scared of his monstrous looks. But after he spoke kindly to her, she started to relax. The Crigolia started to talk with her and soon had her laughing.

“Finally it was getting dark and Jessamine had to return home. A few days later, she found herself longing for the company of the Crigolia. He had been kind to her and he had seen the true her, and he didn’t care that she wasn’t rich or that she was beautiful. He wanted to be her friend. After the girl realized this, she took her horse and rode hard to the spot the Crigolia had found her before.

“Crigolia! Crigolia! Where are you?” She called in her soft, angel like voice that had captured many a heart. Suddenly, the great beast burst out of the trees and the girl rushed up to meet him. She smiled so sweetly upon his arrive, that the Crigolia had to concentrate on breathing slowly so he wouldn’t faint with joy. The Crigolia then led Jessamine to a small hollow where he stretched out on the mossy ground and talked to Jessamine, who had settled herself on a rocky outcropping.

Once more the sun set before the happy pair were ready so the girl promised to come back tomorrow. Weeks passed by in that fashion, and they learned that they both loved to read poetry and that their favorite food was wild strawberries. And together, they were……well……happy.

But unfortunately for them, Jessamine’s suitors had begun to realize that she was never around anymore. And what agitated them even more was that when she around, she won’t here talk about hunting the great Crigolia, when months before she herself had been vying for his death. Soon it got so bad the men chose to follow Jessamine. The man they chose to follow her was a born hunter, sly and crafty.

The next day Jessamine rode out to meet the Crigolia, with the hunter following a few paces behind. The girl met up with the Crigolia and they talked and laughed, while watching their every move was the hunter. That night when the girl went home, the hunter went to his comrades and told them all that he has observed.

One of the men, so overcome by his rage, told Jessamine’s father about his daughter’s friend. That night, Jessamine and her father fought viciously over the Crigolia. In the end Jessamine threw on her cloak and rode into the woods, leaving her father to nurse his wounds and his pride.

Jessamine’s father gathered the village’s men and they rode off after her. What they didn’t know was that the Crigolia had known they were being watched, so he was waiting for Jessamine when she rode into their clearing. Suddenly the sound of hooves shattered the silence of the night.

“Quickly, mount my back, so that we both will be saved.” The Crigolia told the lass. She hesitated, though only for a moment. She grabbed one of the ridges that grew on the Crigolia’s back and hauled herself up. Her father’s horses burst into the clearing moments after the Crigolia rose into the air.

The lass’s father wept bitterly upon the site of his beautiful daughter on the back of such a hideous creature.  Many of the men were blinded by rage and sadness, but a few were not. One man grabbed his bow and his quiver of arrows and aimed it at the great beast’s eye. Unfortunately, the arrow was loosed and it hit the Crigolia on the wing. He screamed and it was said to chill the blood of people miles away.

He spiraled downwards, only easing his descent enough to allow Jessamine to stay on. As soon as his great talons scraped the earth, the men surrounded him. Jessamine, who everyone seemed to have forgotten under the excitement of bringing the Crigolia down, quickly raced in front of his monstrous head. But the men had eyes only for the Crigolia, and when one pulled out his knife and made to stab the Crigolia, Jessamine raced in front of it and was stabbed herself. Seeing Jessamine in pain broke the Crigolia’s heart, so he gathered her up in his arms and flew her far, far away. The Crigolia landed and gently cradled the dying girl in his claws.

“Jessamine, I love you.” The Crigolia murmured tenderly.

“Crigolia….”Jessamine whispered. “I-I- I love you too.” She whispered before looking up into the sky and crying out, she drew her last breath with a heart-broken Crigolia standing over her. He buried and blessed her as only a Crigolia could. After forty days and forty nights of grieving, the Crigolia drew himself up and searched for revenge. After a fortnight of flying, he finally came across the village where Jessamine used to live. That night all the men in the village were drinking in the tavern.

Seized by a great yearning to avenge Jessamine, the Crigolia burned the tavern and all the men in one breath. Well, all except one. Jessamine’s youngest brother had gone out to check on his wife, so he escaped the siege.

They soon had six children of their own, but they knew that every ten years the Crigolia would come and hunt them down until there was none left.” I paused and lowered my voice. The children all leaned forward and I continued. “They say that this is the year he will finally have his revenge and he’s coming for you!!!” I shouted and pounced on the nearest child, tickling her.

The children started to dispatch, satisfied at last. When there were no children left I turned and started to walk over to Lina and Ray. Then a girl only a little older than me, maybe eighteen or nineteen, came up to me and said in perfect Erywiel,” My name’s Wren Len but you can call me Wren.” She leaned closer. “I know why you’re here. Professional revolutionists, right?” I nodded uncertainly.

“Great! Come with me.” Wren said cheerfully and grabbed my hand. I gently shook her off and gestured towards the horses and Lina and Ray. Wren nodded and led me into a stable.

I untacked my horse, whose name was Prince, and gave him hay and fresh water. After I was done I went into the adjoining mansion where Wren was waiting.

She drew a chair up to the fire place and I sank into it and massage my sore muscles. A few minutes later Lina and Ray joined us.

“I’m Ashlibelle Lyly.” I said stretching out my hand. Wren shook it then looked at Lina.

“I’m Alina Bruin.” Lina replied and she shook hands.

“I’m Raylan Fairchild.” Ray said and she waved but she did not shake hands.

“As you already know, I’m Wrenlen. I’m part of a rebel group called “White crow.” We’re trying to over throw our King. He’s a tyrant and a murderer and we’ve all had enough of croyalty, that’s cruel royalty. There’s a ball in three night’s time and we’re all going.” She gestured to the four of us. “I think you might be wondering how I got invited to a ball. Well, I’m really the daughter of a noble. I and my brother Chase will inherit the entire Valerian fortune but we still care about the others who are not as fortunate as us.” Wren chattered and I listened absent-mindedly. The name Chase seemed familiar but I couldn’t quite place where I had heard it before.

Besides the name something about Wren seemed………………….off. I couldn’t figure out what it was and three days later when I was decked out in a pale green ball gown that I had borrowed from Wren, I still hadn’t figured out what it was. Lina had done my hair and she had braided it to the left before wrapping it around my head like a crown.

She had done her own golden hair up with a fancy clip so you could see her sparkling blue eyes that matched her simple yet elegant blue gown. She didn’t want to get too decked up because she felt that she would be disloyal to Peder. Ray was dressed in a floor sweeping purple dress with her ebony hair sweeping her shoulders.

At first I didn’t understand why Ray was getting so impressive until we mounted our horses and I saw Ray looking at Chase with a dreamy expression.  I had to admit that Chase was good looking but I had someone at home who I was perfectly happy with and I would happily leave the boy ogling to Ray.

I turned to Lina to tease Ray but I took a double take when I saw the fire in Lina’s eyes.

“Lina, are you okay?” I asked concerned. She nodded but answered,” I am but she is not. See how she skips from boy to boy like a bee to flowers. I know Kevin was distant to her on the day we left but that was because his sister had just gone missing! Kevin still likes her but look how she’s making eyes at Chase! Disgusting!” She murmured something inaudible then started to talk to herself with a sigh. “But Lina, you have to understand that her father was very cruel to her when she was little so she doesn’t know real love so she must think that the little fluttering in her chest is love while in reality it is nothing more than a childish crush that will pass with the next wind!”

“Lina,” I said softly and touched her arm. She flinched but kept muttering.

“If I did that it would break Peder’s heart. But I’m not that dishonorable. Especially since I’m promised to Peder.”

“Wait, Lina you’re getting married and you didn’t tell me!?”I exclaimed.

“I was going to tell you after the ball.” She replied quietly.

“When?” I asked, keeping an eye on the road to make sure we didn’t bump into anyone or anything.

“In the spring.” She responded. “We have almost a year to plan it and stuff.” I reached over the gap and hugged her.

“I’m so happy for you but its Erywiel tradition for the bride’s friends to help sew the ensemble but I can’t hold a needle even if it would save my life.” I admitted. Lina laughed her musical laugh and all too soon the ride to the palace was over.


The iron gates were cold and uninviting but behind them were carriages and an exotic garden. Soft strains of music drifted outside and I smiled when I heard them.

So my mother’s old forgotten song wasn’t so forgotten.  I thought. We gave our horses to the stable hands and we only realized our mistake when we walked into the ballroom and say everyone staring at our bare faces.

I turned to talk to Wren and Chase but I saw they both had masks on and were silently weaving through the crowd.

“They set us up!” I exclaimed quietly. “This is a masked ball and they made us come without masks! I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

“Let’s just go with the flow.” Lina said and turned to Ray but she was already dancing with Chase. I snickered behind my hand before going to stand against the wall. I knew most of the dances because when we were little Nathaniel and me would stand on the balcony in the castle and watch the balls go on. Once we even held our own private ball where I was the queen and he was the king.

My heart squeezed but I forced myself not to even think of crying. I missed Nathaniel and after so many years apart our brief four days together felt like paradise.

“What?” I asked a tall lanky youth with a mask covering his entire face.

“I asked you if you would like to dance.” He replied in slightly accented Erywiel.

“I don’t really dance.” I replied slightly flustered.

“Please? Or do you have two left feet and that’s why you’re not gonna dance.” He joked.

“If you put it that way I guess I have no chose.” I said with a smile.  The lad took my hand and led me onto the dance floor.

“Are you okay that you might be embarrassed because I don’t have a mask?” I asked.

“Why would I be embarrassed? You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met!” He exclaimed. “What’s your name?”

“Ashlibelle, it means the beautiful one from the ash hollow.” I replied.

“What’s your name?” I asked but before he could answer I tripped on my skirt and was flung into his arms. My face burned crimson and I stammered an apology.

“I told you I don’t really dance. I can only really dance with my best friend Nathaniel. He’s a really good dancer but what do you except from a prince.” I replied.

“Your whole face lit up when you talked about Nathaniel. You like him, aye?” I blushed again and my answer was written clearly on my face.


Chapter 8

         The stranger and I talked for a good three hours before we had to leave. Well the ball hadn’t ended but the king was supposed to come at midnight but since we were working on a revolution and we didn’t want the king to see our faces. When the bells rang I turned to the boy.

“I, uh, havta go.” I said.

“Why?” He asked. I started towards the door but he grabbed my arm to stop me. I shook it off and started to run.

“I can’t really explain why.” I replied.  The boy gripped my arm harder and I swept my leg under his feet. He landed hard on his side.

“I’m so sorry!” I shouted as I ran toward the door. He reached out and grabbed my tiny green slipper off my foot.

I felt a little, no, a lot like Cinderella. My bare foot slapped on the cold stone steps as I sprinted out of the castle. I grabbed Prince and Lina and Ray joined us. They straddled their horses and we galloped away.

The boy stood on the steps with my shoe in his hand. He covered his eyes to watch us go and something about his posture reminded me of Nathaniel.

That’s strange. I thought. Oh, it’s probably just nothing. But that was where I was wrong. 

When we got back to the mansion, I went straight to bed. I was tired but I mostly wanted to think about the boy and the ball. He seemed so familiar.  I struggled to stay awake but the warmth of the soft blanket made my eyes heavy and I fell sound asleep.  

Heavy footsteps awoke me from my slumber. I looked out my window and saw that the sky was still dark. I carefully threw off my blanket and put my ear to the door.

“Tomorrow the king will perish. Those girls are falling right in to our trap. Especially that Raylan girl. I do like her and she’ll follow me to the ends of the earth. I kinda like it.” I heard Chase say.

“Yeah but just be careful. I think Ashlibelle knows something’s up. Remember that Earl Braquty warned us not to underestimate her.” Wren replied.

“Don’t worry, after the king dies, we’ll take the kingdom then we’ll attack Erywiel and Regnum!” Chase said before laughing. His laugh made me shudder and I waited until their footsteps retreated before going to my sack. I pulled out the beautiful black sword that Nathaniel had given me and compared it to Kindness.

Kindness was old and there were cracks all around the hilt.

“You served me well.” I murmured and wrapped Kindness carefully in oil cloth and placed it back in the sack. I kissed the hilt of my new sword.

“And you will serve me well too, Blackness.” I smiled but then stared down in amazement as the sword warmed under my touch. “This just got incredible.”

I fell asleep again and I didn’t awaken until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

“Yow!” I cried and found myself face to face with Wren.

“Uppity up up!” She said cheerily. “Today we’re going to end this tyranny.” I nodded slowly and gently pried the sword off my body. I was very lucky that the flat side of Blackness had stuck to me. If the sharp side had stuck to me, well, let’s just say that it wouldn’t be pleasant.

“Okay, I’m coming.” I said. Wren nodded and walked out of my room. I breathed a sigh of relief and got dressed in a blue shirt and darker blue skirt-pants. Skirt-pants were a thing of my own creation. They’re pants but they’re flowy enough that they look like a skirt. I had gotten tired of people yelling about how I didn’t have any modesty, so with my skirt-pants I was covered.

The smell of bacon cooking lured me into the kitchen. Lina was sitting at the table reading a Bririen pamphlet while Ray had the fire going and a big pan of bacon cooking.

“Mhmmmmmmmmmmm.” I said and Ray handed me a plate with two eggs and five pieces of bacon. “Thanks. Is Wren or Chase around?” Lina looked up and shook her head.

“No, they went into town.” She put down the pamphlet. “I read this pamphlet and it says that the people like the king. It’s Wren and Chase who don’t. I wonder why. They’re nobles after all. I don’t think they wanted us to know this, but they didn’t count on me reading Bririen.” Lina smirked.

“Or me being a light sleeper.” I said and told them what I had heard the night before.

“You’re lying.” Ray exclaimed.

“No I’m not.” I said through clenched teeth. “If you tell Chase what I just told you, you might just be staring at the wrong end of Blackness.” Ray nodded wide eyed. She knew that no matter what she thought about Chase, that our lives were in danger and if she told Chase what we had told her, well, it would not be good for us.

“O-o-kay.” Ray replied.

“Thank you. We’re family now, and you don’t rat out family.” I responded. “Now, let’s go save that king. There’s one more ball tonight and I bet you my last sword that Wren and Chase will strike tonight. Now we need a plan. Who’s got one?”

For this ball we all wore the same thing but in different colors. They were sleeveless dresses with a long a-symmetrical skirt. The real gem about the dresses was that when you unhooked the big jewel on the belt the skirt fell away leaving a shorter skirt that’s easier to fight in. But the only problem was that the colors were dull and life-less.

We arrived really late though this time we didn’t need to wear masks. When I entered the ball, a tall and handsome man walked up to me. I took quick noted to his crown and made sure I curtsied.

“Your highness.” I said in Erywiel than smacked myself in the face. Of course he wouldn’t understand me!

“What’s your name?” He inquired in perfect Erywiel.

“Ashlibelle, your majesty.” I replied a little shocked that he knew my mother tongue.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I’m King Jordyn.” King Jordyn replied. I nodded to him and he walked on.

 Suddenly a girl threw opened the palace door and flounced down the stairs. She flipped her coffee brown curls and if any eyes had not been on her before, they were now. She smirked as she passed a bunch of drooling farm boys.

In an instant I knew she was feisty, pretty and right up in your face. I could also see that she had wit to match her beauty. I twirled the end of my braid and walked up to her.

“Hey.” I said and looked at her beautiful dress. I self-consciously smoothed my own plain gown.

“What do you want?” She asked as her eyes flicked toward King Jordyn. Interesting.   

“I just wanted to say,” I started and my mind raced to find something to say. “I like your dress.” I blurted and wondered what in Tawen’s name had possessed me to walk up to her. I suddenly became very aware of all the eyes boring into my back.

The girl nodded and smiled smugly as she turned around. Ugh, I doubt I will like her I thought and walled towards the outer ring of the circle.

Suddenly King Jordyn walked up to me and asked, “Would you like to dance?”

“You sure? I think I just embarrassed myself enough.” Jordyn laughed and drew me towards the dance floor.

“So, how do you feel about how you’re running your kingdom?” I asked, jumping right into the subject.

“I feel that I could do a better job but with everybody, especially Lord Chase and Lady Wrenlen, trying to take my throne it gets a little, no, a lot harder to rule a kingdom that’s on the brink of ruin if everybody trying to kill me!” His voice rose at the last part.

“Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It’s okay. King Jordyn, I’m here to help you.” I said soothingly.

“You can call me Jordyn.” He replied. Just then Lina swung by on the arms of an attractive dark skinned gent dressed in fine clothes.

“Wow!” She exclaimed. “You two look so much alike you could be siblings.” I looked at Jordyn closely and I was shocked. It was like looking into a mirror except I was staring at a boy.

He had dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes but he had the same high cheekbone, soft features and lopsided smile. He suddenly touched the skin on my shoulder where my birthmark was.

“Where’d you get this?” He asked angrily. I was shocked at his outburst.

“I was born with it.” I answered. 

“No you weren’t.” Jordyn responded but right at that moment Wren and Chase burst into the ballroom, decked in full battle armor.

“Julian, Tawen, Breillsy, and Zeliana, why, oh why did they have to come at this moment in time?” I cried but I pulled out Blackness and unhooked the jewel on my belt. The long skirt fell away, leaving a knee high skirt in its place. Lina and Ray did the same and I nodded.

People all around us dashed away. Smart. This’ll get ugly real soon. I thought before opening my mouth to call something to Wren and Chase.

“Hey, Wren and Chase, time to meet my friend Blackness.” The hilt glowed under my hand and I smirked as everybody who was left in the ballroom looked on with shock. Oh, Nathaniel, thank you.

I jumped up and raced towards Wren with Blackness held high. Wren whipped out her sword and wacked it hard against Blackness.

Blackness shuddered and he fused with Wren’s sword. I jerked my sword up and Wren’s blade flew out of her hands. Blackness spilt with Wren’s sword and it flung towards a window. A big crash echoed through the ballroom as the window pane broke. Wren lashed out a dagger and began blindly stabbing at me.

I twisted away but the edge of the knife nicked my neck. Black swum in front of my vision but I kept fighting. Wren slashed my arm where my wound was and it was like a thousand fires burned beneath my skin. She pushed me over and I fell to the ground writhing in agony. Wren whipped out another knife and stabbed my skirt to the floor. My chin hit the ground and I became lightheaded. My vision blinked in and out and I knew I didn’t have the strength to stand.

Lina ran and jumped on Wren’s back and they fell. They struggled on floor for a bit until Lina grabbed a fistful of Wren’s hair and pulled her upright into a head lock. She pushed Wren’s pressure point to knock her out and Wren slumped down to the floor. In his fury for his sister, Chase grabbed Lina and hurled her at a marble pillar.

I stretched my arm out to Lina but the knife in my skirt stopped me from moving any more than I could have. I bet I showed more than enough of my bloomers but at that moment in time I really did not care.

“Lina!” I screamed and my heart caught in my throat as I saw the thin trickle of blood flowing from Lina’s head.

“You!” Ray’s voice was dripping with venom as she approached Chase.  “I thought you loved me. You said you’d do anything for me.”

“I did, Raylan, and I will do anything for you.”

“And you also said that you would never harm anyone in my family.” Ray retorted.

“And I haven’t!” Chase replied as he stepped closer to Ray.

“Yes you did!” She shrieked and pointed at Lina.

“What do you mean? She’s not even related to you.” Chase replied with a confused expression on his face.

“Not by blood or by marriage but we love each other enough to know that no matter how much trouble we get in, we’re always there for each other.” She touched Chase’s arm and for a moment I felt bad for him but then Lina moaned and I knew he didn’t deserve Ray anyway. “I know that whatever we feel for each other is nothing compared to what I feel for Belle and Lina.” Ray’s voice was quiet and her eyes looked wet.

“Ray, but I thought you wanted to help me. I thought you loved me and I- “Chase started but Ray gave him a piercing look and he stopped. Ray’s moods swung like the tide and I could see her face twist into a scowl while just a moment ago she had been depressed. Ray walked forward and Chase took a big step back until his back was against a pillar

“I do not want to help you because what you are doing is wrong. Do you understand? I. Do. Not. Want. To. Help. You. Your sister hurt Belle and look at Lina! She’s unconscious!” Ray’s eyes burned with rage and fury. “I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” She shouted and pushed Chase. His head hit the pillar and his knees shook but he pulled out his weapon. I grimaced as I saw it was a sword. Ray didn’t have a sword; she preferred to use a dagger or a set of knives.

“Ray, catch!” I called out hoarsely and threw Blackness to her. To be honest, I didn’t throw Blackness very far but the power within it made the sword fly far enough for Ray to grab it and made sure it was hilt first so when Ray caught it she wouldn’t be stabbed.

The sword glowed again but not as much as when I touched it. Ray lifted her arm and the sword swung and dipped and curved to match Chase’s blows. I would have been amazed at Ray’s swordsmanship but I could see from the shocked expression on her face that she was doing none of the work.

After a few minutes of rapid blocks and stabs, Ray, I mean Blackness, had managed to lodge Chase’s sword in a table and his extra dagger into a wall.

Ray pointed Blackness at Chase’s throat. The tip glowed with secret power and Chase squirmed under Ray’s tight grip. I gasped for air as my dizziness left me. My arm was still burning but my head was clearer. I gripped a column and shakily gripped the dagger and pulled it from my skirt.

“Ray, switch!” I said and tossed her the dagger. She caught it and threw Blackness. I caught it and the hilt warmed until it almost felt like it was on fire. I winced. I could barely stand one arm on fire, much less two.

“Blackness,” I whispered and the sword glowed brighter at the sound of my voice. “Could you tie him up?” I asked unsure if the sword was capable of such miraculous feat. The sword blinked twice and I took it as a yes.

A blinding light emerged from Blackness and the power of it almost knocked me back to the ground. The few people left in the ball room covered their eyes and ran. Wren moaned so I checked and made sure she was still unresponsive before I covered my eyes so I wouldn’t go blind.

A twinkling sound rung through the ballroom before the light faded away and I opened my eyes. My mouth dropped opened and I was at loss for words.

Blackness had done it. Chase sat slumped against the pillar with rope bounding his hands and feet.

“Wow,” I murmured and Blackness glowed softly under my hand.

“How, what the, why, wha?” Ray stammered but I just shook my head.

“I don’t know.” I replied. “But let’s get these two over to the guards.” Ray nodded and I was about to go to Wren when Lina moaned.

I rushed to her side, grabbed my discarded skirt and started mopping up the blood that trickled down her cheek. Ray gently pushed me aside and took out her signature pouch of herbs and medicines.  She pulled out a wad of woad and pressed it gently but firmly against Lina’s wound. Ray then took a bandage and carefully tied it around Lina’s head.

Lina let out another groan and her eyes fluttered open.

“My head hurts.” She mumbled and I let out a sigh of relief. After Ray assured me that Lina was really truly fine, I went to find Jordyn. I met a servant and he directed me to the stables.

Turns out that the stables had a secret passage way that led to a clandestine room.  No one guarded the stable door so I snuck in undetected. I cautiously picked my way over the piles of straw and cursed under my breath as my shoes stepped in something very unpleasant and foul smelling.

I found a huge mound of hay and feed but besides that I didn’t find anything else besides horses. One whined and I scratched its chin. He whined again and his nose pointed to the hill of hay.

“You want me to search there, boy?” I asked and the horse whined again. “Don’t rush me, don’t rush me.”

I gingerly reached behind a feed bag and hoped that I would not be bit by some rodent or bug. I felt around and I found a small latch. I pushed it but it was stuck. I tried again but it wouldn’t work. It might be a pull thingy, you Ash-brain. I supposed and pulled the latch.

A rumbling sound emerged from the floor and the floor beneath me dropped away.

“By the Great Spear!” I swore as I fell. I was caught in strong arms and held tightly so I could not move.

“Jordyn!” I exclaimed as I saw his head towering over the heads of his guards.

“Ashlibelle!” He replied and ordered the guards to let me go. Once I had both feet touching the ground again I told Jordyn and his council about the fight.

“This is very interesting.” Jordyn mussed. “But could we discuss this in the castle? It smells like horse dung.” Jordyn said suddenly, wrinkling his nose. I smiled and five minutes later I was seated with the Kings private council while the girl sat next to Jordyn. Lina was with Ray and Jordyn’s personal doctor. I had Blackness in the scabbard at my hip and I was comfortably sitting in a plush chair.     

“Belle, could you stand up please?” Jordyn asked and I obeyed. I tried to see how the others seated around the table saw me. I was probably covered in blood and bandages from where Ray had wrapped my arm and pressed woad into my neck. “Lords and Ladies this is Ashlibelle. She saved us all from those nasty rebels.” I did an awkward curtsy in my short skirt. The nobles nodded at me and I sat down. Well, most nobles nodded but one stared at Blackness with a fire in his eyes.

“Is that what I think it is?” He asked and pointed a creased finger at my sword. His face was etched with wrinkles and he had a graying beard that had crumbs from his last meal caught in it. The left side of his face drooped a little but his eyes were a bright blue that would be more fitting on a man half his age.

“Pull out your sword, child.” His voice was quiet but stern and I did as he bade. “Where did you get that?” he asked.

“My best friend gave it to me, sir.” I replied. “His name’s Nathaniel.”

“How did he get it?” The man enquired.

“I don’t know. He’s a prince; I guess he just got it somehow.” I replied with a shrug.

“That makes sense now,” The man mumbled. “The seven swords were scattered all around.”

“The seven swords?” I asked. The man looked a bit shocked that I had caught his mutter but he shook it off quickly.

“They’re the seven legendary swords that Scarlet, Breillsy, Tawen, Julian, Zeliana, and the Twins, who the first people are descendants from, carried into battle against the High Anarchy. They were scattered throughout the seven kingdoms and all were believed to be lost. Your blade is called Nitro, or Glow, and it was given to the Brinies over a thousand years ago and we all thought it had been lost to the sands of time.” He explained gently.

“Nitro, he has some extraordinary power, right?” I asked. The man shook his head.

“Not that we know of.” I smirked but quickly wiped it away. They obviously didn’t know Blackness, um, Nitro very well. 

“Excuse me, Talia? I have to tell Talia something that I was supposed to tell you what I was supposed to tell you when you turned thirteen.”

“Um, you’re a little late. That was a good three years ago.” She said saucily and I whirled around and saw he was talking to a girl behind me. It was the girl who had made the grand entrance at the ball before I had danced with Jordyn. She was pretty, with dark hair spilling down and over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. She was wearing the popular style of dress from people from Erywiel, wide layered skirts and v-shaped necklines.

“I know,” He said with a sigh. “It’s just hard to try to send a message from Bririen when your “people” don’t like us.”

“What do you mean, “people”?” She asked.

“I mean you’re really Bririen. You’re my younger sister, Talia Bywood. When you were born, rebels, most likely Wren and Chase’s parents, tried to capture and kill you unless our parents would give them the crown.

They refused and hid you away in Erywiel until you were old enough to come back. Unfortunately, they died only a few years after that and you were lost to me because our parents took this knowledge to their graves.” He exhaled sadly. “Your “birthmark” was a scar that you received when you were smuggled out of this country. I was four when this happened so I didn’t understand what was happening but the rebels, for some reason weren’t interested in me. 

For years I’ve been looking for you but to no avail. You can’t believe the joy I felt when a courtier told me that a girl that fit the description of my sister was here at the ball. Finally my family is being pieced back together!” 

I sat down on a chair, and watched the girl as she was trying to sort through the thoughts that swarmed through her mind like bees.  I took a deep breath and pushed down the bile that was rising in my throat. I wished with all my heart that I was the princess instead of her, but I wasn’t.

By the end of the meeting I was assigned to be Talia’s protector because she feared that people like Wren and Chase would try to capture her or kill her.

I had assured Talia that she had nothing to fear but she still insisted. She said that she had threats against her life and that she would feel better with me there. With more than one muttered curse, I finally agreed.

I was given fine dresses but I turned them down and found myself a fine pair of pants, shirts, and a girdle to hang Nitro by.

Jordyn and Talia went to his chambers to discuss what had happened in the past years. I stood at the door, guarding it from intruders. The candles were dim and the passage was warm from the heat of the day. I yawned and my eyes grew heavy.

“Don’t fall asleep.” I said to myself. I took out Nitro and gently asked him to glow bright enough so I wouldn’t fall asleep. He obeyed and the light glowed bright until Talia came out of the chamber with a bright smile.

“My brother,” She said the words like they were foreign to her. “My brother has said that in a week I’ll start Princess school! Isn’t that fascinating?” I nodded mutely.

Talia shifted moods like Ray except she did it more often. Right now she was bubbly with excitement but since I had met her she had shifted from sassy, to angry, to sad, to bubbly. Couldn’t this girl make up her mind?

“I can’t wait to know how to read and write! Or dance and how to curtsy!” She giggled. I stared at her in disbelief. I knew how to read and write and dance and curtsy and I was a commoner. I felt resentment boil up inside of me. I didn’t like this Talia girl one bit.

We walked to her chambers and we entered the first door. I stayed in her study while she went into her bedchamber with the real bed.  The study was filled with books and books. I laid down on my thin pallet that was stuffed with straw and turned my head to the book cases. There was a fire place so I pulled out my flint and tinder and lit a small fire. The flames danced over the logs and I sat down on the hearth. I reached up and my fingers brushed a delicate book. I gently took it down and for the rest of the night, I pored over it until sleep over came me.

Chapter 9

         “Step left! Step right! Now curtsy! Good, good, no not like that! You, the one with the red hair, you’re perfect! You, Princess Nayeli, chin up. Princess Audrina, smile, smile! This isn’t a funeral. Princess Priscila, stop flapping your arms. You’re not a bird.” The Lady Dowager called in her shrill voice. I was accompanying Talia to her charm school. Every time Ray heard me say charm school, she’d laugh. I’d laugh to, it was ridiculous but if I planned on having Nathaniel notice me, I’d have to be prepared. I was lucky after all. I wouldn’t even attend the school if I wasn’t Talia’s defender but since where ever she went, I went, I got to attend the school just as if I was a real royal.

There were six girls in The Lady Dowagers charm school. Me, Princess Talia, Princess Nayeli, Princess Audrina, Duchess Lauryn, and Princess Priscila. I was the only one below the station of Duchess and on the first day everyone, including Talia, treated me like dirt.

But after I turned on the old Ashlibelle charm, I was the top student. Though, even then, I had no friends except myself. I liked it that way. All the Princesses except Lauryn were snobby and mean. Lauryn was nice but I felt like I was betraying Ray and Lina whenever I hung out with her.

“Ashlibelle! Come here!” The Lady Dowager’s piercing voice cut threw my thoughts. I stopped walking around on my toes and took the book from my head.

“Yes, ma’am?” I asked as I shooed at lock of hair away from my eyes. I stood in front of her with my hands neatly folded against my skirt. Part of training to be a Princess was dressing like one.

“Are you sure you aren’t high-born? You have the poise and grace of any noble.”

“No, ma’am.” I replied. I hadn’t told any of the girls at charm school about Nathaniel. I didn’t want them to realize I wasn’t who I seemed. They weren’t supposed to know that I was Talia’s protector or that I was the one involved in the battle at the ballroom.

“I think you’re wrong there.” The Lady Dowager told me gently before she yelled out to the girls who were still practicing walking lady like. “Now we’re going to practice how to curtsy to a noble, a prince or princess and a king or queen.” We lined up into a straight line and curtsied when The Lady Dowager called out stations.

“King!” Knees touching the floor. “Lord.” Small bob. “Duchess.” Knees half way to the floor. “Princess.” Three quarters of the way down. “Lady.” Small bob. “Prince.” Three quarters. “Queen.” Knees touching the floor.

On and on the classes went. Ranging from conversation to reading, walking to math, dancing to politics. Three months pasted by and by the time the other girls were reading stuff I read years before, I had read everything in the school. It was nice though, going to princess school. I had things to do instead of sit in the room next to Talia’s (I had been given a new room so I now slept in a real bed, not on a pallet in the study) and twiddle my thumbs.

Dancing: Just like sword fighting.

Conversation: I talk to nobles all the time. I practically grew up in a castle.

Walking: Light footed, just like stalking in the woods.

Politics: My best friend’s a Prince!

Poise: I have enough of that without having to go to a class for it.

Curtsying: I’ve been doing it to Nathaniel’s parents and all the nobles for a long time.

Trade negotiations: Nathaniel had taught me and I was even better than him at haggling.

Math: Numbers, I love ‘em.

In every single subject I was golden. Except in Geography. All my life I had lived in Erywiel and the only places I’d ever known were Erywiel, Bririen and Regnum.  But here at charm school they were teaching me about places I never even knew existed.  My world was suddenly expanded to the countries of Winterwood, Dan-hre, Mirrimore, Serinteia and Vuroon. I barely knew where they were much less name anything about them.

During our hour of rest time, Princess Nayeli came up to me.

“Talia told me that you’re not high-born like the rest of us.” Her eyes burned like daggers.

“So?” I asked.

“So, how did you get into this school?” She put her hands on her hips and leaned down at me.

“Magic.” I replied and tried to push passed her. Nayeli moved in front of me and a wall of princesses suddenly blocked my path.

“How?” Princess Audrina asked aggressively.

“I don’t have to tell you.” I said and gritted my teeth.

“Yes you do. I’m a princess and you’re nothing more than pesky peasant scum.”  My face twisted with fury and I unclenched and clenched my fists. A thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

“If I’m pesky peasant scum, than what are you? Pesky royal scum?” I snapped back and pushed my way forcefully through the girls.

“Belle, you shouldn’t make them angry.” I muttered as I walked with my head down.

“Ow!” Lauryn exclaimed as she stumbled backwards. I shot out my hand and grabbed her arm.

“Nice reflexes.” She said.

“Thanks.” I said and returned to my seat. That was close.


After a long day of math and geography, I stumbled back to my room. I fell across my bed and I rubbed my eyes. They hurt from reading and from the dirt Nayeli had thrown at me. She acted like a four year old instead of a princess. I felt bad for her future subjects.

I groaned. They were supposed to be civilize! Most of the time I acted better than all the princesses.  I looked up at the window in my ceiling and saw the stars burning bright. I remembered looking up at the same stars with Nathaniel only days before he left for war. My heart burned with feelings that I knew I would never share with anyone. Not even Lina or Ray. A tear slipped down my cheek and it trickled down to my pillow. I missed Erywiel. I missed Eva. I missed my cottage. I missed camp. I missed Nathaniel.

The last thought opened a floodgate of tears and I sobbed into my pillow so Lina, who was in the next room over, wouldn’t hear me.

I fell in to a deep sleep and when I woke up my eyes were crusty from my tears.

“Don’t be an Ash-brain, Belle.” I muttered as I went over to my wash basin. I splashed water on my face, scrubbing at my face so it didn’t look like I fell asleep crying. After I checked myself in the mirror, I got out of my wrinkled gown.

I slipped on a pair of pants and a loose shirt under a pale yellow dress. I gathered Nitro and my books, slipping Nitro into my girdle and my books under my arm. Yawning, I checked my reflection and tucked a strand of unruly hair behind my ear before I ducked out of my room.

“Hey, Belle.” Lina said as she poked her head out of her door.

“Hey, Lina.” I replied. “I miss you. All this princess stuff is starting to wear me out. On the next rest day do you and Ray want to go for a ride with me? I miss the steady gait of a horse beneath me.” I said tiredly and leaned against the door frame.  I yawned again and the bell rang. “Ugh, Belle has to go because the bell told her. Bye Lina.” I said and dragged my feet all the way to Talia’s room.

“Talia, you ready yet?” I asked as I knocked on her door.

“Of course.” She said as she flounced out of her room in a new maroon dress that was cut daringly low, as usual. She followed me out of the castle and the knights opened the gates for me and Talia.

I started down the street and it was more crowded than usual because of the upcoming festival.  I quickly dodged an incoming carriage and the driver tipped his hat to me. I nodded to him and continued to the Lady Dowager’s manor.  I stepped onto the marble steps and grasped the brass lion head knocker.

Clomp, clomp. The knocker slammed on the thick oak door. Talia pushed passed me and bolted up the stairs. The butler bowed as I passed but when he saw it was me, he apologized.

When I had first come, I had told him that he need not bow to me. I was just like him. A vulture in swans clothes, or simply put, a peasant. I smiled at him and he nodded. I walked up the tall staircase and turned to the right down a long winding hallway. I counted three doors and opened the third one. Six pairs of eyes looked my way.

“Ah, Ashlibelle, you’re here. Now we’re going to do some more geography studying.” The Lady Dowager told me and as she turned away, I sighed heavily.  I should have just stayed back in my room pretending to be sick.

“What!?! But what about me? Why can’t I go back home? Is Jordyn crazy? I need to get back home soon or I’ll go mad!” I shouted. Lina and Ray had just told me that Jordyn had told them that if they wanted to go back to Erywiel, they could. He also said that I couldn’t go back, even if Lina and Ray went.

Fury seized me and I had half a mind to go over to Jordyn and demand that he let me go home.  I stood up and marched over to the door but Ray gripped my arm tightly. I tried to shake her off but her grip was like iron. AS if guessing my thoughts, she began to speak.

“Belle, don’t do that. You know perfectly well that that’s not only dumb and unwise, but he could get really mad and throw you out or something and then you’d get even madder and then you might start a fight. And that would not be good.” Ray told me as she guided to my bed. I sat down heavily and sighed. Ray was right.

“But, why can’t I go home?” I whimpered.

“I don’t know Belle,” Lina said softly as she sat down next to me. The sun shone through the window and lit her golden hair until it looked like a halo. She looked like an angel, and to me, she was. I nodded with another sigh.

“Okay, fine. I won’t go slay any knights or cause any riots.” I said and stood up. Ray smiled and I smiled back. “I’m going to get dressed now. I’m already super late for another day of princess charm school. The only good thing is that tomorrow I get a rest day.”

I went to my wardrobe and grabbed a random dress. My hand brushed against a gold satin gown so I grabbed it and stuffed my body through the opening. I grabbed Nitro and stuffed him in my belt. Yawning, I threw open my door and Talia’s fist hit me in the cheek.

“What was that for?” I cried.

“I’m so sorry! I meant to knock on the door but you opened it.” Talia replied. “But we’re late for school and I am not gonna go out on the street without you! It’s too scary!”

“It’s “going to” not “gonna”, Talia.” I told her and it sparked a memory. I smiled softly, feeling the invisible arms of my sister wrapping around me before she braided my hair and a tale.

“Why are you smiling?”  Talia asked me, looking at me strangely.

“Oh, nothing.” I replied. The feeling of Eva there with me comforted me for the entire day. I had a really tough geography test but I wasn’t stressed at all, Eva’s presence made me feel a 100% better.

That night after I was in a soft cotton night dress, I was laying on my bed looking up through the skylight. It was late and the light of the moon glinted off the mirror until it reflected back on me.  The nightdress fell in soft folds around me. It was a warm night and I was losing the battle against sleep.

Suddenly the sound of a door scraping against a carpet made me sit up. Most people couldn’t hear the sound but I had almost grown up in a castle, where you have to be sneaky to hear secrets, and the woods, where you have to step lightly and breathe softly so you don’t scare the thing you were after. Because of this I had developed great ears and I could hear the twang of a bow even if it was thirty yards away.

I gently slipped off my bed and crept around the squeaky floorboard. The few feet to the door were swiftly covered in a few silent seconds. I smiled to myself. I was getting awfully good at hearing people’s private conversations.

I softly opened my door, even softer than the person who snuck out. I closed the door and it didn’t make a sound. The slight disorientation in the black night was easy to follow. Another shape joined the first and I slinked into a small alcove so if they turned around they wouldn’t see me.

“The grand marshal has told me that the country is already on its knees. Their Crown prince is distracted by the girl and if we keep her out of the country long enough, we can make sure war is inevitably.” The voice was hoarse so I didn’t recognize it. They started down the hallway into a bright patch of corridor. I knew that if I went down after them, I would be caught. Just as they turned the corner I saw a flash of coffee ringlets. Talia! I was about to follow them, even with the impending threat of being seen, when I heard the boot steps of the sentry patrolling the castle.

I quickly went to my door and swung it open. I peeked inside before walking in. I could hear the sentry whistling and I closed the door just in time.  With a sigh of relief I sat down in a chair by the fire and stayed up all night trying to ponder what Talia was doing up.

In the morning, my eyes were red and ringed with sleep. At least it’s a rest day I thought happily. I laid down and pulled out a book. A knock on my door made me groan. I sat up and grabbed a dressing gown. I threw in on and went to open the door.

Lina stood outside my door looking disheveled. The skin around her eyes was pink so I knew she had been crying. I gestured her in and she went and sat in the chair by the fire.

“Belle,” She said softly. “Ray and I……………………we………… have decided to…………..go back home.” Without even letting me get one word in.  “I miss Peder and the weddings only a few months away! I also don’t like it here. People look at me in a way that makes me shiver. I think it’s called leering. It makes my insides shudder and my skin crawl. I just can’t stay here, but I’m going to miss you!”

I hugged her and she clutched me like I was the only thing that was keeping her done on earth. She grabbed my left arm and I winced. My arm had healed well in the last three months but it was still sore to the touch.

“I’ll miss you too.” I replied. “But, if you must go, you must.” She nodded and we hugged again. I really would miss her.

Chapter 10

Lina and Ray had left a week ago. Princess school seemed to have lost its charm. I was bored and tired of the constant review of the same old thinks. I’d even gotten better at geography and was back to being the top in the class.

Though I was supposed to be protecting Talia, but she didn’t seem to need protecting. In the end, I trained her in the basic sword maneuvers so she knew how to protect herself. But more and more I began to see that she wasn’t who she led everybody to think. I kept feeling like she wasn’t the real princess but I kept pushing the feeling away.

I have found that she’d been asking the dungeon keeper all these questions and more than once, a page or stable hand had walked up to me with a rose or two in their hands and asked where Talia was.  On the last day of Princess school, I was going to be released from duty and Talia was going to be handed over to a better trained guard.

That morning I donned the silver robe of a charm school graduate and rushed through the busy streets toward the Lady Dowager’s manor.

“Three minutes late!” The butler called as I dashed up the stairs.

“A new record!” I replied as I hiked up my robe and took the velvet covered stairs two at a time. I counted three doors and slowed down.

“Ashlibelle! Panting is for panthers! Not people who are Princesses!” The Lady Dowager called, right on time, as I shuffled to my spot.

“Yes, mam.” I mumbled and cracked a small smile as Lauryn waved. I brushed the dust off my robe while the Lady Dowager got the crowns. Each crown was different, some were gold, and others silver, some tall, others round. Each symbolized the hard year of princess school all of us had endured.

“Princess Talia, you have shown yourself as a feisty young woman, with both brains and beauty. I award you with the Royal crown of Bririen. This gold dome shaped crown has been said to help capture ideas from the air. Use it wisely.” The Lady Dowager said as she placed the dome shaped crown on Talia’s head.

“Princess Nayeli, you are a smart girl and you will be perfect in court. I award you with the Winterwood crown. This spiky tiara will help you remember your roots, the daughter of a conqueror. Use it well.” She placed the blue crown on Nayeli’s head and Nayeli smirked. I rolled my eyes and shifted into a more comfortable position. Finally after Audrina and Priscila was Lauryn. Lauryn didn’t get a crown, she got a super fancy head dress. It was royal blue with gems decorating the outline. Gauze was draped on it and it covered her face. I smiled at her and she beamed back. Even though she wasn’t royal, she still deserved her award.

“Ashlibelle, step up here. I know it isn’t customary for a commoner to attended Princess school, but for reasons beyond our control, you’re here.  You have proven to me and all the other girls that rank can never match wit. You have been the top of your classes ever since you’ve been here.

You have also shown compassion to your fellow students, even when they haven’t been that nice to you.” The Lady Dowager flicked a quick glance at Nayeli. “You also have the poise and grace of a princess. Because of this, I am making you a Princess of the Academy. I bestow upon you the Lila Crown, the crown that Scarlet refused in order to save her home.” She took a beautiful crown off the table. It was silver with big purple diamonds offsetting the piece. Silver swirls and lines looped around and around and tiny purple jewels highlighted the crown. It looked strangely familiar, like the echo of a song long sung, but I brushed the thought away.

I heard more than one breath catch in throats as the Lady Dowager placed the crown on my head.

“I really don’t think-” I started but the Lady Dowager cut me off with a glance.

“I, Gretchen Martin, the Lady Dowager, under the power vested in me from the gods, hereby make Ashlibelle Lyly, a true Princess of the Academy.  That might not be as much as a real princess, but that is enough here.” The Lady Dowager said. I curtsied deeply.

“Thank you.” I breathed quietly.

“You’re welcome, Princess.” The Lady Dowager replied softly. I hugged her and she patted my back awkwardly. She reminded me of my mother. I hadn’t had a mother figure in my life for a long time.

“Good bye, Belle.” She said and I let go.

“Good bye Gretchen.” I replied and walked out of the door without looking back.

“I’m really gonna miss you!” Talia cried as she clutched my neck.

“It’s “going to”, Talia.” I replied as I tried to pried her off.  “I’ll miss you too.” Sort of I thought and pushed the Lila crown farther up on my head. I was finally going to go home. Talia was princess now, so there was less danger for her.  I was released from my duty and right now I was standing with my trunk waiting for my carriage. I had asked for a horse but Talia had given me a carriage to ride in instead.

“Do you have to go?” Talia asked for the fourth time that day and for the fourth time I answered, “Yes.” For a moment I thought I saw a flicker of anger dart across Talia’s face. The rumble of hooves on cobblestones alerted me that the carriage was here. I waved to Talia and Jordyn before half walking half running towards the carriage with my trunk in my arms.

“Bye Belle!” Talia called as the carriage rolled away. I breathed a sigh of relief. After watching the country go by, I pulled out the tome I had snagged from the library. I didn’t consider it stealing because from the first place, I knew it had been stolen from Erywiel. 

I put my back on the side of the carriage and brought my feet up. After I arranged my skirts, I started to read. The book was very dry and soon my eyes stared to slowly flutter closed. I wrapped my mantle around myself and drifted off to sleep. I was really tired; I had stayed up sneaking around all night, plus the rhythmic movement of the carriage only helped lull me to sleep. My last conscious memory was a dark figure sneaking alongside the carriage. I yawned and turned over while sleep gently wrapped my in its arms.

The sound of clashing blades and tortured screamed pierced my happy dreams like a needle through silk. I shifted and tried to go back to sleep in my warm blanket cave but the noise stayed. I groaned and threw off the blanket. As soon as my feet touched the floor, I knew the carriage had stopped. The noise got louder and louder so I pulled the curtain back away from the window.

My jaw fell open as I saw a blood stained battlefield.

“Oh my gods! Why is there war or rebellion wherever I go?” I whispered breathlessly. This was my country! How did it go to war? I flung opened the door of the carriage and raced up to the official who made the carriage stop.

“Sir! Why are we at war?” I asked as I tugged his shirt sleeve. He looked at me with a look of distain and I self-conscious smoothed my rumpled dress.

“I don’t need to answer you, but why don’t you know?! The entire kingdom and all the surrounding kingdoms all know why!” The sergeant said as he looked down at me. I drew myself up to my full height but I still only reached his chin.

“I’m sorry sir, but I’ve just spent the last year in Bririen cooped up in a castle protecting a stupid light-headed princess for reasons beyond my control. Could you please tell me now or I’ll tell Nathaniel that you stopped me. I don’t think the king will like it if you stopped his best friend’s carriage!” I replied placing the Lila crown better on my mess of hair.     

“You’re Ashlibelle right?” He asked and I nodded. “I’m so sorry! Come with me! Come with me!” He exclaimed and grabbed my arm to directed me towards the tent. I glanced at the carriage but the sergeant waved it behind the tent and went to help it go to the right place. I pushed the flap aside and walked in. After a quick glance around I saw three men in the tents. I saw how they stared at my messy hair and I wisely combed through it quickly with my fingers then twisted it into a bun.

I stood next to the door with my arms crossed, challenging someone to talk. Finally a man with grey eyes and pox marked face.

“Um, boys? Why is this female here? I thought serge’s first rule was no females on the premises unless they were medics and had trained by the master.” I stared at him until he ducked his head.  I wondered who “the master” was but this was my country and I wanted to know the reasons she was at war right then and there.

“I want to know why Erywiel is at war, with whom and why the heck I wasn’t notified so I could come and help. I’m mighty good with a sword.” I said and one of the men held up his sword in laughter. I raised an eyebrow before drawing Nitro and flicked my wrist until my hand and the sword was just a blur. The man stopped laughing and I stopped too, but with a fluent motion I thrust his sword out of his hand. It flipped in the air a few times before I reached out and grabbed the blade.

The sharp mental cut into my hand. I winced but threw the man’s sword on to the ground.

“Ouch. That’ll leave a mark.” I said and sucked the blood coming from the wound. “Oh, whatever.” I said as more blood poured from my hand. I wiped it on my beautiful skirt. I laughed under my breath and turned back to the men.

“You were saying?” I asked with a smirk. The men stared at me with disbelief. The sergeant strode in a few moments after all the men started to jabber. The sergeant clapped his hands sharply and the men quieted down instantly.

“If she hasn’t already told or shown you, this is Ashlibelle Lyly. She’s been in Bririen for the past year so she doesn’t know what’s going on.  We’re going to tell her everything, you got that?” He looked straight at the pox marked man. “General Buquwick, I see she’s bested you already.” The sergeant said with a twinkle in his eyes. Buquwick’s face flushed slightly but he was interrupted by a girl a little younger than me. She swept into the tent and went to sit by another man with blonde hair and many freckles.

“Hey, Daddy. Captain Hadron is all healed now.” The girl said to the blonde haired man.

“Good job, sweetie. Do you want to tell the story of the past year, why we went to war and such? I’m going to see Hadron.” The girl nodded perplexedly and her father stood up and walked out of the tent. The girl turned towards me.   

“I heard some of your conversation, so let’s start from the beginning. So while you were defending that nitwit of a princess from pretend enemies, the king began coaxing this kingdom back into the thriving kingdom it used to be. He banished Earl Braquty and his posse to the outer reaches of the kingdom, never to set foot in Erywiel again.

He changed the law that said that every household had to give seventy percent of their crops and one female to the palace. He took some of his own treasures and sold them and gave the money to the peasants. He was increasingly kind, clever and over all amazing.” She sighed dreamily before starting again. “But he always had a bit of sadness ringing his handsome face. I always asked what was wrong but never told me.

Though right before the war started he said that he missed a girl with red hair and a smile that lights up the room from miles away.” I blinked my eyes a bit and my heart started beating like I had just run from the gods. Nathaniel missed me! At first I wondered how the girl knew I had been defending Talia, but I thought that she knew I was Belle.

“If I ever find that girl, I plan on making her not like him so he’ll like me!” The girl said evilly before looking up. I raised an eyebrow as she glanced at my red hair. I tried hard to not smile and she looked at me weirdly before continuing.

“Then a year ago, just three months after the crown prince returned, Bririen sent a message declaring that if we didn’t give up our border, they would come and take it. This kingdom didn’t have a proper army so he took people from Ashlibelle the warrior’s camp. This was enough to train our own soldiers.

Then, the first wave hit. Villages fell and burned to the ground at night and fathers, sons, uncles, and cousins all fell in the day. The entire kingdom fell into a ruin worst then when Earl Braquty ruled. People fled in the thousands, to where I don’t know but they left.

The Bririens stopped attacking for a few blissful days but then they demanded the throne of Erywiel. The crown prince refused and they launched a full scale attack on the palace.”

“Is Nath- I mean the crown prince okay?” I asked worriedly. 

         “Yeah, he’s fine. I treated the gash on his arm but besides that he was unharmed. Though right now he’s hiding in Ashlibelle’s old camp because the Bririens have seized control of the castle.”

“Where are we? I want to go see Nathaniel then swing down to the palace and kick some Laminas.” I asked standing up.

“We’re in the North Woods.” The girl said. “By the way, I’m Sumreena.” She held out her hand and I shook it.

“I’m Ashlibelle Lyly.”  I watched as she started to gape. I grinned and started to the tent flap. “I’m going to go to Nathaniel now, okay? Could I pack all my stuff into a messenger bag? I have a big trunk and I don’t think a horse will like a trunk clunking on his or her back.” I said and the sergeant nodded. He handed me a bag and guided me to the carriage. I threw everything into it and along with my crown. I looked around and once I saw no one was watching, I sliced my skirt in half. The bottom part fell away and I poked my head into the tent once more.

“Bye, I’m going.” I saddled Prince and rode away. It was a little shocking how the horse had stayed with me for a whole year, but he was my horse and I was his rider. I patted his neck and he whinnied softly. I smiled and gently kicked Prince and he nickered loudly as he burst into a full on gallop.

I whooped and threw my head back. I undid my bun and it streamed behind me. I felt like I was flying. I whooped again and got ready to see Nathaniel after a year apart. I was used to not seeing him for a long time but it still was a dull ache in my heart when we were apart. I suddenly remembered the look in Sumreena’s eyes when she talked about Nathaniel. I swiftly reached into the sack that dangled from my shoulder and pulled out the Lila crown. I saw my face in the polished silver.

Go knock ‘em dead, my eyes seemed to say. I will. I replied. I will.


Chapter 11

I rode hard throughout the day and I arrived by the time the sun was beating down on my back. I ducked down on Prince’s neck as a branch whipped towards my face. I looked up and sure enough there was a patch of lighter green in the trees.

“Hallo! I’m a friend not a foe!” I called out. “Tell whoever’s in charge that Ashlibelle is back and she wants to talk to the leader. Thanks Liam!”

“Ashlibelle, you’re back!” Liam cried. “I missed you!” I looked up at his sparkling dark eyes and smiled. He waved me through and I thanked the gods that I had remembered the order of words that was our passcode. A group of sentries followed me, jumping from tree to tree in case I wasn’t who I said I was.

I burst into camp and threw my sword to the ground so everyone knew I wasn’t here to fight. The whole camp began to buzz with noise as people came out of the tents and saw I was there.

“Ashlibelle’s back!”

“She’ll bring those wretched Bririens to their knees!”

“Let me see!”

But one voice sounded above all of the noise.

“Ashli! Ashli! Let me through!” It was Nathaniel.

“Nathaniel!” I cried and he pushed through the crowd and gave me a bone crushing hug. I hugged him back just as hard and wished that we could have stayed like that forever, just hugging each other. Finally he let go and when he looked down at my head.

“You’re royalty now?” He asked with a smile. I grinned but motioned to the tent that he had come out of.  He nodded with a question sparkling in his eyes. We walked to the tent and I suddenly became aware that Nathaniel was walking very closely to me and his hand was brushing mine. Every touch sent a jolt of heat up my body. He looked over at me and my face flushed.  

He opened the tent door for me and I smiled my thanks. When we sat down on the cots across from each other, I saw that he had grown a good inch or two and he had the start of a beard.

“So, Princess Ashli, what’s up?”

“The roofish thing.” I said pointing to the top of the tent. Nathaniel laughed and I smiled again. He always made me smile whether I wanted to or not. “It’s not Princess Ashli. It’s Princess of the academy. I had to attend the Princess academy Talia went to. I somehow impressed the teacher enough that she gave me the highest honor there is.” I fingered the Lila crown on my head.

“Who is Talia?” Nathaniel asked and I told him the whole story. He sat back and took a deep breath. “Wow. So much has happened in the past year, though you haven’t changed a bit. You’re still peppery and energetic but kind and caring too. The only thing that’s changed is that your hair is quite a bit longer and you’re a bit shorter.”

“It’s only because you’ve grown taller!” I countered and punched him on the shoulder.

“You don’t seem to grow Miss Ashli; do you need some help there?” He took my arms and started to pull upwards as if to stretch me. I laughed and pulled my arms away.

“You didn’t change a bit either, though you’ve grown as tall as a tree and as thick headed as a tree as well!” I joked and he smiled. I smiled back but sat back down to the cot. “The battle is still going on, right?” I asked and he nodded. I had the seed of an idea in my head and after a few moments of pondering, I reached conclusion.

“We’re going to take this battle. I’ll take Lina, Ray, Liam, Bren, Morgan, Paul, George, Calla and Henry, they should be enough.”

“Um, Ashli? Henry is dead and Calla is in the infirmary.” He replied solemnly. I closed my eyes and hoped that they made it to Julian’s palace okay.

“Well then, I’ll take Lina, Ray, Liam, Bren, Morgan, Paul, George, Bailey and Scott.”

“Ashli, I don’t think it’s wise to have Liam go with you.”

“Nathaniel, Liam has worked with me faithfully for almost five years now. Anything that happened in the past, we’ve put behind us. He’s a skilled fighter, and I trust him.” I paused, looking him in the eyes. “Are you just saying that because you’re jealous? You are, aren’t you? I’m flattered, really, but right now is not the time for petty arguments. I’m taking Lina, Ray, Bren, Morgan, Paul, George, Bailey, Scott and Liam. I have a plan, let’s just hope it works.”



“Here’s the plan: We’re going to turn this war.” I said as I swung Nitro around absent-mindedly. I was standing in the middle of a clearing with Lina, Ray, Liam, Bren, Morgan, Paul, George, Bailey and Scott all seated around me. “I’ll need Bailey and Liam to,” I stopped, catching the hostile look between them. “Never mind, this mission requires teamwork so there shall be no hostility towards one another. Lina, Paul, George and Morgan, you four, you are going to are going to hide in the trees and launch arrows at people below.” They nodded and I continued. “Ray, Bren, Paul and Bailey, you will sneak through the battle in enemy armor. I need you to take out as many warriors as you can. It’s super important that you don’t get caught, so please be careful. Then Liam and me, we’ll get their leader.” Suddenly I realized the kink in my plan. I didn’t know who the leader was.

         “Um………………..” I started but I didn’t finished. I hated to be wrong or ignorant. “Never mind. Though, could one of you find out who’s in charge of the battle? Then we’ll leave tomorrow.” Everyone nodded and made their way back to the main part of camp. I sucked in a breath and the breeze tickled my ear. I heard soft footsteps and by the way they were placed, I knew that the person who was making them was unexperienced and trying not to be heard. I smiled, I knew who it was.

“You did well, there.” I murmured to myself, pretending that I didn’t hear the steps closing in. I took Nitro out and let the sun shine until Nitro became a dazzling mass in my hands. I put Nitro back in his sheath, not planning to use him, just showing my stalker that I could defend myself. I brushed my hands on my pants and started to walk away. Five, four, three, two, one, now! My purser leaped and I turned to face him. He swept his legs under my feet and I jumped, dodging his blow.

“Come on, Nathaniel! You can do better than that!”  I said. Nathaniel shrugged and I pointedly turned my back on him and walked away again. Nathaniel ran from behind me and grabbed my waist and hoisted my over his shoulder.  I laughed and kicked my legs out in mock retaliation. Nathaniel ran from the edge of the clearing to the other. Once we reached the other side, he put me down.

“I can do better, thank you.” He said with a grin. I punched him lightly on the shoulder and his grin stretched even bigger.

“Didn’t your nanny teach you any manners?” I teased and I began to walk back to camp. Nathaniel fell into step beside me.  “Well, it seems if she didn’t.  Nathaniel, if you don’t start acting like a prince soon, I’m going to have to start charging your fee for your room and board here at Camp Ashlibelle.”

“If I don’t have any manners, then you won’t be shocked if I……………….ask you if you want to go hunting with me.”

I raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment.

“But first, let’s get bows. I don’t feel like attacking prey with a sword.”

A few minutes later, I and Nathaniel were deep in the woods, tracking a rabbit through the undergrowth. I quickly spotted it and it started to run when it heard the twang of my bow but by that time it was already too late. The arrow pierced the animal in its eye, making the rest of the animal unmarred and ready to be cooked. I looked over my shoulder as I went to pick up the rabbit, and saw Nathaniel looking at my kill with a look of pride. I had wanted to go hunting but to go hunting with Nathaniel was great.  The camp needed more food but I liked hunting with my friend.

“Think you could do better?” I asked. Nathaniel nodded and we followed the tracks of a deer. They led us to a watering hole but there were no deer there. Nathaniel turned to go but I put my finger to my lips and motioned that we should climb a tree to hide. Nathaniel nodded and be scaled a thick oak.

After a few minutes had passed, a herd of deer came silently from the forest. It was a herd of mostly does and fawns but there were a few young males with their horns just starting to grow. I notched an arrow in place, training it on one of the young bucks. Once he had broken away from the group, giving me a clean shot, I let the arrow go. The other deer in the herd took one look at their fallen comrade and their leader rushed into the bracken, with his tail held high. The others followed him closely and Nathaniel and I climbed down from the tree. I swung my pack over my shoulder, gently because of the rabbit that was inside. I carefully took the arrow out of the buck’s chest and stuck it back into my hip quiver. It was scarlet from the blood but I couldn’t waste arrows. I took the bucks front legs and tied them to a long straight branch with a piece of rope. Nathaniel did the same and we carried back our hunt.

By the time we made it back to camp, I had caught two rabbits and the deer. Nathaniel had caught three squirrels, one rabbit and a woodpecker. I had teased him about the woodpecker, but he brought it into camp any ways.

That night the whole camp had a hearty meal of venison and meat stew. I sat next to Nathaniel with Lina on one side of me and Ray across seated across from me. We all laughed and in the end, a few members took out a fiddle and a flute, so dancing and singing broke out. I sang and clapped along but for the most part I didn’t dance. Only when Nathaniel asked me, did I dance but during the dance, I think I was too busy thinking about the hand holding mine and the arm on my back to really dance but it was fun all the same.

The night came to an end all too quickly and soon we all had to retire to our tents for sleeping. Only the night guard stayed awake guarding the camp until the first rays of dawn poked over from the trees.

Chapter 12

“I’m coming with you.” Nathaniel said but I shook my head.

“The Bririens are ruthless fighters and they don’t take prisoners. Nathaniel, I don’t want you to come with me on this one.  We’re going to be hopelessly out-numbered and what will the kingdom,” and me, I added silently. “Do without you. Now, I know you haven’t had your coronation yet, but you’re the kingdoms strength, their rock. This is something for the rest of my group and me to do alone. Please? I don’t want to see you get hurt.” I added quietly.

“I don’t want to see you hurt either.” He replied with a look of iron willed determination but there was something else there too, hidden behind his eyes. As I kept looking I realized with a pang that it was love. I reached out my hand and he pulled me into a hug. I saw his determination crumble and I hugged him tighter. “I won’t go, but Ashli, please be careful.” He whispered and I nodded.

 I pulled away and started to pack my satchel. I threw in a corset vest, a shirt, a short skirt and a pair of pants. I also added a lock picker, a dagger, a compass, a coil of rope, a telescope, a grappling hook, scissors, and a small first-aid kit. I adjusted the strap on the satchel and turned back to Nathaniel.

“It’ll be fine, okay? I’ll be careful and I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.” I raised my right hand and said in monotone. “I solemnly swear not to die, not to get injured and not do anything stupid.” Nathaniel smiled but he still looked sad.

“Belle, let’s get a move on!” Ray called from outside the tent and I sighed.

“I better go.” I said and started to the tent flap. 

“Ashli, wait.” Nathaniel began and I turned around, my heart fluttering crazily. “I want you to know that……………..I- I- I love you.” He whispered. I smiled sadly.

“I know. I love you too.” The relief in his eyes made my heart thud even faster. “But it’ll mean nothing if we all die. This is why I have to go.” I replied softly and when he looked like he was going to protest I continued. “And whatever you do, don’t try to come after me; you’ll just get yourself killed. I know how to take care of myself. I’m a rebel. What do you except?” I hugged him one last time and he kissed the top of my head. I wished that we could stand like that forever, arm in arm. My heart beat like it was trying to out-run a wild stallion and I hoped Nathaniel couldn’t hear it. He reluctantly let me go at last and I swung up on Prince. I waved good-bye and the ten of us raced off. 

I shifted my weight on Prince so my body was in sync with his. He breathing shifted from light easy breaths to pants.

“Hang in there bud.” I murmured and I urged him faster. As soon as I heard the sounds of battle, I swung off Prince and swatted him gently behind the ear. He nickered softly and turned back to camp. The others did the same to their horses and we crept unheard through the forest. 

As we drew closer, I suddenly realized that there was no sound coming from the battle. I signal for everybody to slow down and listen. We moved stealthily onward, our confidence slowly dwindling, but nothing could compare to what we about to see.

“Oh no!” Bren breathed and she raced out to go see if anyone was still alive. Ray followed her while the rest of us stood rotted to the spot, staring at the ground. The ground was covered with blood and bodies. Moans were the only sound to pierce the air besides the growing feeling of doom. A tattered flag fluttered aimlessly on the cold, sour smelling gale. I shivered and hugged myself. I closed my eyes and the sound of terrified screams filled my head. It was the sound of villages being destroyed and thousands more dying.

I popped open my eyes and called back Ray and Bren. I turned to the group and saw their faces sad but creased with determination. I took in a shallow, shaky breath and started to sing slowly.

Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


Once our valleys were ringing

With songs of our children singing

But now sheep bleat till the evening

And shielings lie empty and broken


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


We stood with heads bowed in prayer,

While factors laid our cottages bare,

The flames licked the clear mountain air,

And many were dead by the morning.


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


We all started to march towards the Bririen army and in silent agreement we all started to slowly sing.


Where is our proud highland mettle?

Our troops once so fierce in battle

Now stand, cowed, huddled like cattle

And wait to be shipped o'er the ocean


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


No use pleading or praying

For gone, gone is all hope of staying

Hush, hush, the anchor's a-weighing

Don't cry in your sleep, bonny baby


Hush, hush, time to be sleeping

Hush, hush, dreams come a-creeping

Dreams of peace and of freedom

So smile in your sleep, bonny baby


We walked in two lines of five, moving stealthily through the bracken and undergrowth. We were all quiet but we could all see that we needed to win this battle. If we didn’t, millions of people would die or the country of Erywiel won’t exist anymore, it would all be Bririen. I shouldered my pack and strained my ears to hear. A startled bird alerted me of the danger in front of us.

“Positions everyone.” I said softly. Everyone nodded and Lina, Paul, George and Morgan climbed into trees close to the battle and started stringing their arrows.  Bren, Ray, Scott, and Bailey pulled out the uniforms that Bren and Ray had taken from the first battlefield. 

“They might not fit exactly right. It was the best I could do on such a short notice.” Bren admitted.

“They’re fine.” Scott told her and Bren cracked a small smile.

“Guys, if,” I started. “If, some of us don’t come back, I just wanted to say, that,” I stammered. I took in a deep breath and forced the words to come out of my mouth. “I just wanted to say that if one of us doesn’t come back, I’m glad that you guys are on my side. Over the past years, I’ve seen all of you blossom. You’ve been good friends and even better warriors. You stuck with your heart even when it meant going against my orders.” I looked pointy at Bren and her eyes smiled at me. “You’re the best friends a girl could ever have. Thank you.”

I looked around and saw the looks in everyone’s eyes, the look that explained everything that they couldn’t voice. I stretched out my arms and the ten of us stepped into a group hug. As we all broke away, I brushed my hands on my pants and steadied myself and steeled my rolling emotions.

“Now, if you meet any trouble, or if you need back up, give a whistle, like this.” I said, whistling the nightingale tune. “Add an extra whistle if you’re safe and three extra whistles if you’re in danger.  Everyone got that?”  I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath.

You can do this. A voice whispered into my ear and my heart clenched. It was my sister. I felt her soft hand stroke my face. Your mothers would have been so proud of you. Even so, they’re both watching you proudly from the realm of the dead, as am I. My heart clenched again but I was puzzled by Eva’s words. My mothers? I turned to ask Eva a question but the breeze had already taken Eva’s spirit farther away. I will be watching you her voice whispered as she drifted away.  My eyes popped open and I saw Lina looking at me expectedly. I nodded slowly and gestured to the group. Lina, Paul, George and Morgan climbed back into the trees and Ray, Bren, Scott, and Bailey slipped silently into the Bririen ranks. I watched them go and motioned to Liam.

“Come on. It’s our turn.” He nodded and we crept out of the tree cover and in to the Erywiel ranks. I tossed my braid over my back and strolled right through. I felt eyes burn on my back as people in the back lines saw who I was. I broke into a run as I saw how badly we were outnumbered. A Bririen stood over a fallen solider, reminding me too much like Earl Braquty’s silver knight standing over Eva. I sprinted over and slipped Nitro in a kink in his armor. He moaned and fell down unconscious. Pressure point. I thought and rushed to help others. All around me people fell to the ground. In the heat of battle people didn’t realize how they fell, but I did. As I ran I saw stray arrows catch Bririen soldiers and others fall at the hand of their own countrymen.

A solider suddenly jumped in front of me. He didn’t see who I was and he tried to run at me with his sword drawn. He was clearly exhausted and when I flicked off his helmet with the tip of my sword I saw he was young, maybe only thirteen or fourteen. I felt bad for him. He had most likely not even completed training and when he saw me flick off his helmet he shrank back, but only loyalty to Bririen kept him from running away. I quickly disarmed him from his sword and he gaped. Quickly, while he was still in shock, I caught him in a head lock. The boy started to struggle but I held tight.

“Can you understand me?” I asked but he stood still. “Can you understand me?” I asked louder and he nodded quickly. “Who’s your leader? Never mind, just take me to your leader.” The boy nodded and started to walk. I kept him in a headlock but I loosened my grip so he could breathe.

No one challenged us, not even the Bririens. As we walked I could feel his body tense and I held on tighter. Soon I could see a group of tents. One was huge and decorative, the others smaller and plainer. How stupid do they think I am? I thought and headed for the smallest and plainest. The boy made a small sound of protest; he obviously thought that his leader was in the biggest tent. I paid him no mind and walked into the smallest tent. A group of guards surrounded me and I smiled to myself. But my smile fell away as I saw the four people sitting on the floor together. I dropped the headlock and stared at the four people.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” A voice said from behind the guards. “You can let him go, boys, but make sure the girl stays.” The guards nodded and stood outside the tent.

“Earl Braquty! Talia! Jordyn!” I looked at the man standing in front of me, recognizing him in an instant. “Dad!”


Chapter 13

“Belle, my dove? Is that you?” My father asked.

“Yes. It is.” I whispered. But then my gaze flickered to Earl Braquty. “What are you doing here? We thought you were dead!” I demanded.

“I could ask you the same question. It’s dangerous here.”

“I know! I’m not the little girl that I was before. But how can you stand with, that, that, that, monster!” I exclaimed.

“Belle!” My father warned but I didn’t care.

“Why don’t you understand!? His knights killed Eva!”

“That’s not true!” My father spat back.

“It is. I saw it.” I replied, bowing my head. When I looked up I saw my father’s back was turned. I grabbed his shoulder and when he turned back around I saw malicious burning cold in his eyes. I shivered and drew my hand back. “But, how can you do this? Don’t you know that I created the rebel group in your honor?”

“Guards!” Earl Braquty called as I drew my sword. My father had his hand on his hilt and I didn’t want this to end badly for me. My dad had been a top-notch solider and he knew how to use a sword, but then again, so did I.  Five muscular knights grabbed my arms. I screamed, hoping Liam would hear me, but he didn’t come. “Bind her.” Earl Braquty ordered and I flailed around but my bounds held.

“Belle, darling, what have you gotten yourself into. Don’t you know this stuff is only for the grown-ups?” My dad asked.

“What happened to you? You used to be so nice!” I replied, still struggling to get a hand on Nitro.

“King Kriteba happened. Didn’t you ever hear? I was in love with the queen, but my stupid, thick-headed brother got into the way and made sweet Rosaline love him instead. For years I’ve made plans for revenge, and finally, on that wonderful day at the battle at Regnum, I slayed him with his own sword.” My father’s eyes were glazed with wild happiness.

“But you died when I was little!” I protested than a thought hit me. “You’re a prince?”

“Yes, King Kriteba was my brother. My handsome older brother, he had everything I couldn’t have, especially Rosaline. I didn’t die in that war, I just went into hiding. I’ve been watching you.” I shivered remembering those times when I swore I saw someone following me but Lina and Ray always denied it.  

“Wait! That means I’m a princess?” I exclaimed. Take that Talia!

“Of course, you ash-brain.” My father replied.

“But then I’m related to Nathaniel.” I mumbled.

“No, you’re not, muddle head.” Talia butted in.

“What do you mean?’ I asked, feeling dumb. My skin burned to know and I leaned forward to catch the words that dripped off of Talia’s tongue like poison.

“I’m a fake.” She spat. I slapped my face with my palm but after that I went rigid. Gah! Stupid gut feeling! Why didn’t I listen to you?!“How could you not see? The scar behind your ear, the way you’re so comfortable with people above your class, you’re royal.” When she saw my mixed expression she laughed. “You’re not as bright as I thought.” She added and stalked to Jordyn’s side.

“Don’t you see it, little sister?” He asked me. “Talia and I have been planning this for oh so long. We had almost given up hope but luckily we found Wren and Chase, and they told us they would help us if they got part of the kingdom in return. We agreed and they soon lured Crown Prince Nathaniel into our trap. Then all we had to do was wait for you and you came! It was almost as easy as saying one, two, three. You’re really the princess.”

“I feel really stupid.” I muttered and Talia threw me a defiant look. I glared back but when my father placed his hand on our shoulders. The touch infuriated me. He squeezed my shoulder hard; digging his nails into my skin .I twisted my neck and bit his hand. I felt blood seep into my mouth but I hung on.

“Owww! By the Great Spear!” My father cursed and wrenched his hand out of my grasp. I stared at him, making my expression hard.

“Release me now, and that will be the only thing that will happen to you.” I warned.

“Never, you little brat.” The man who raised me sneered. I slowly moved my bound hands over to my girdle and started to grab the handle of my dagger.

“Oh, Liam!” My father called. I froze in place, remembering the last time my father had said those words. I also froze once more when I saw Liam appear silhouetted in the door. He looked strong and mighty and my heart ached at what could have been but what hadn’t.  He made his way towards me and untied my binds. I was about to hug him but he started to talk.

“Belle, I miss you. Why can’t things be the way they used to be? Before Nathaniel was involved?” He sounded so sincere and I almost had the urge to hug him again but I shook my head.

“Liam-” I started but he pulled out a beautiful silver wedding band coated in diamonds.

“Will you marry me?”

“Liam, please, put that away.” He did, though his eyes told me he wasn’t happy about it. I took his hands and held them in mine. “Liam, when I told you I would marry you, we were seven. We wanted to run away together and live life in perfect happiness, but that was before my world was shattered. Before I needed to stand up to what was right and learn that I wasn’t living a fairytale anymore.

 Then the second time you asked me, we were ten and I told you that we were too young.  Even then, though I didn’t realize it, it wouldn’t work out. And now, well, I’m sorry but whatever feelings I had for you then, they diminished over time.” I sighed and dropped his hands. “And I’m sorry about what happened to you at the Rusea festival.  Liam, I’m sorry you were humiliated in front of the entire town. I didn’t mean to do that to you.  I was young and impulsive; I scared that you would hurt Nathaniel. You were beating him by a long shot; he still has the scars to prove it. And when you had that sword pressed up against his throat, it was all I could do to stop myself. I was afraid of losing my best friends. One to his injures and another to the law. I’m sorry I couldn’t do it in a different way. It hurt me too. I had just reveled my fighting training and defeated my friend. If I could have done it differently, I would have, but I couldn’t. ” I looked at his face and saw the pain that wasn’t hiding anymore. He had thought this would happen. “Liam…………..I’m sorry for all the heart break I’m putting you through. I still love you, but not in the same way I love Nathaniel.”

“If things were different, would you…….would you have chosen me?” He sounded as if his heart had broken and every word was dripping with unshed tears.

“Yes.” I whispered so softly that I was afraid he hadn’t heard me. Liam stood up and squared is shoulders and turned his back to me.

“Belle, join us.” He said when he turned back around. I was taken aback.

“Join you? You mean you’re in league with these, these, these monsters?!”  He nodded and I threw down my hands. “This is what I mean! You don’t get what you want and you turn to the enemy for help! Liam, these are the very people we’re supposed to be fighting.”

“That’s what I thought you’d say.  Bring her in!”

“Bring wha, who?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll see.” Liam replied. I opened my mouth to respond but the tent flap opened and I saw a girl held tightly between two men.


Chapter 14

“Belle?! What, how? Has he caught you too?” The girl in front of me cried. Her hair was thin and ratty. Her clothes hung off her body in tatters and looked like thirty washings wouldn’t change their filthy appearance. Her eyes were dull and deep shadows hung underneath her eyes. Her body was scrawny and bruised and her skin hung off her bones in uneven clumps.

“Eva!” I shouted and my heart clenched to see her like this. I rushed toward her but the two men who held Eva dropped her and reached for me instead. I twisted out of the way, pulling Nitro out of his sheath as I ran to the other side of the room. I wrapped Eva in a fierce hug, holding her close. I planted a kiss on her forehead, not caring about the grime. The guards looked at me and started to approach carefully. 

“Touch me and you will regret it.” I said forcefully.  The guards nodded slowly and started to back away but suddenly they raced towards me, arms outstretched.

A few minutes later, after I had tied up the two guards, I turned back to Liam.

“Pray tell; why is my sister- who is supposed to be dead- here?” I asked him, not unkindly.

“Oh, no reason.” He said.

“Don’t you lie to me.” I warned.

“Okay, fine, if you want me to tell you.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Just do it already!”

“Patience, patience…..” He turned away but a moment late he turned back, a look of pure malice in his dark eyes. “Just in case you would reject me, I devised a plan. A plan to hurt you the way you hurt me. Tossing and turning in the night, thinking, why can’t I change this, just like you did to me. Grab the girl!” Liam ordered and a fresh band of men appeared form outside and bound my hands and legs in thick iron shackles while I was watching a few more men grab Eva roughly by the arms and bound them.

A person grabbed me by my middle and threw me over his shoulder. I struggled but the man kept his iron grip on me.

“Eva! What are you doing to her?!” I cried as Liam led her to the lake that I had not noticed before. My captor tied my chains to a tree before going to help his leader with Eva. When he moved out of the way and I could see Liam standing over Eva with a sword. “No! Don’t do it! Please!”

“Belle,” Eva murmured to me. “Trust me. Trust me as if you have never trusted me before. Please.” Her eyes held a little of their old sparkle and I nodded.

“Yes, sister.” I replied, bowing my head. I lifted my eyes up and saw Liam about to swing his sword.

“Wait! May I have a few last words?” Eva asked suddenly.

“Fine, do it quickly.” Liam said. Eva drew a breath then shouted the words.

“Crigolia! Crigolia! Where are you?” My heat skipped a beat. Eva looked in to my eyes again and I dropped to the ground, rolling behind the tree I was chained to. The beat of his wings were audible before we even saw him. The Crigolia was even uglier than I had described in my story, but those eyes still the look of a king, haunted beast.

“Crigolia! Save me.” Eva pleaded, and I could see that she was like a ghost to the Crigolia. She looked exactly like Jessamine. I wasn’t surprised; Jessamine had been her great-great-grand-aunt. “Crigolia, please.” Eva repeated. The Crigolia swung his head side to side, looking from Liam to Eva, then back again. After what seemed like an eternity, the Crigolia let out a bloodcurdling screech.

He swiped up Liam, Earl Braquty, Talia, Jordyn and their men in one claw, blinking sadly at Eva, before gathering her up. She pointed in my direction, and the Crigolia nodded, ripping off my chains. Then he placed me and Eva onto his back. We clung on tightly as he launched himself in to the air. The Crigolia flew high above the battlefield, and let loose a tremendous roar that threated to make me fall off his back. I was only saved by clinging tightly to the spine ridge in front of me.

“Stop!” He roared. Everyone stopped and stared up in fear and awe. He took another breath and I clung on tighter. “I have your leader. If you don’t stop now, you all will have the same fate as him.” And with that the great Crigolia threw Liam and his men up in the air and swallowed them one by one. My heart clenched as I saw Liam get swallowed and tears burned my eyes but I knew that it was better this way, he didn’t suffer. No one could survive the jaws of the Crigolia. I sniffled but held my tears. The Crigolia wheeled over the battlefield making everyone stop fighting and flee. The Crigolia landed and once everyone had disappeared, set fire to the weapons. He spared the bodies for reasons that only he knew.

Eva directed the Crigolia towards our camp and he stopped only a few paces away from where Liam used to sit up in the trees. Eva and I clambered down and I thanked the Crigolia sincerely before I retreated, leaving Eva to say good-bye.

“I’ve finally avenged you, my love.” The Crigolia told Eva. “There are no more of them on this earth except you. You are the last one.” Eva smiled sadly and nodded.

“Thank you. Now you must go, there are others in this world, which need your love more than I.” With that Eva kissed the end of his slimy snout. A blinding light suddenly appeared and covered my eyes and squeezed them shut. By the time the light had subsided, I had counted to one-hundred.

The Crigolia was still there but he was smaller, more cat like. His eyes were blue and he no longer had slime or stank of rotten meat. His golden scales glowed in the sunlight, giving him a divine appearance. I gasped and my eyes widened. Then, he spoke, not harshly in the way he had spoken before, but softly, like waves lapping up on the shore.

“No, miss, I thank you.” As soon as he spoke those words, the dragon launched himself up into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

“Wow,” Eva whispered and I placed a hand on her shoulder. She took a shaky breath and we both walked back to camp.


The rest of the year passed quickly, and soon Lina and Peder’s wedding took place. It was beautiful and Lina was the perfect bride. She looked radiant in her gown that her cousin had helped her sew because I well, still couldn’t hold a needle. The ladies of the court were teaching me how to sew and most of my pieces were what they kindly called, “good efforts.” The wedding was held in the chapel in Burien and I gave Lina a blessing only her best friend and princess could give.

A month after the war with Bririen was over, I was returned to the country of Bririen. It was different for me, I was in a foreign country will people who I didn’t know, but the thing that hit me the hardest was that I didn’t have my friends with me. Nathaniel was now the king of Erywiel, Lina and Peder where living in a small village where Lina had grown up, Ray was still beau-less but that didn’t bother her anymore. She was working on relief work in northern Regnum. And Eva, well, Eva had realized her love for the ocean and had arranged for herself to be on a trading ship sailing for Winterwood.  I missed them all fiercely but my comfort was that Nathaniel had invited me to a week full of balls. I was allowed to go because I was now the ruling Princess.

A few weeks before the ball, I was in the village, disguised as a local. When the affairs of court got too much for me, I slipped on my old fighting garb, the blood had washed out but there still was the faint outline of where the Crigolia’s slime had touched it. I was walking near the market, catching all the news they wouldn’t tell royals, or in particular, me, when someone called my name.

“Ashlibelle? Is that you?” Eyes flicked side to side as people heard the name of their Princess. I turned and my eyes scanned the crowd. They rested on a well-dressed lady clutching a small dog who obviously didn’t belong in the village of peasants and paupers. She raced up to me and I saw it was none other than Duchess Lauryn, my colleague from charm school. I shook my head but led her to a small private garden that was on the outskirts of the palace.   

“Hi, Lauryn.” I said, sitting down on an elegantly carved marble bench. Lauryn sat across from me, letting the little dog lick her face.

“Congratulations on being crowned! I bet it’s very exciting to know who you are at last.” She replied.

“Thanks.” I said, smiling a little. “Are things good with you too?” Lauryn smiled and blushed pink.

“I’ve become betrothed.”

“To whom?”

“You probably don’t know him.”

“You never know, I might.”

“Okay, fine……I’m engaged to,” She took a deep breath,” King Nathaniel Hollins of Erywiel.”

“What? How did that- what, why?” I stammered, my mouth gaping like a fish.

“The Council of Nobles decided it was time for him to have a wife, and because my family has always had a great relationship with Erywiel, and in order to keep the peace, they decreed that I was to marry the King.”

“When?” Was my next question.

“Last week.” Lauryn replied. My mind was working at full speed. One week was more than enough time for a letter to get from Erywiel to Bririen. Why didn’t Nathaniel tell me?

“Was King Nathaniel happy about this discussion?” I asked, hope blossoming in my chest.

“He was a bit gloomy, but otherwise he was very kind.” Her face fell. “So kind and regal, that I felt that he was only acting at a part, not being really there.” Her bottom lip trembled but I felt little sympathy to the girl I had once called friend.

“Wait, you love him?” My voice rose an octave on the word love. She nodded, her big eyes telling it all.

“That makes two of us.” I murmured sadly.

“Oh, Ashlibelle, I’m sorry! I stole him from you, didn’t I? You’re a royal princess, you should have gotten him, but now, I don’t know. I want him to be happy and somehow I don’t think he will be happy with me. But I think I would. His summer castle was next-door to my estates. We would always play together for the two weeks he was there. It was fun.” She sighed wistfully.

“Hey, Lauryn, it’s okay. I’ll be fine.” I replied.

“No. You deserve him. He’d love you better than I could ever love him.” She told me forcefully. “I’ll find a way to change this.” She let go of her dog and gripped my hands. “I will fix this.”