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Hi readers!

I wrote many articles and stories through pen and paper and this is my first story to publish online. I admit that I am no professional in writing but I'm still giving my best shot to deliver a "grammatically pleasing" stories to my readers.

I would like to inform you that I can't update stories most of the time because of my work. But I will still try to post at least one chapter per week no matter how demanding my work is, so please bear with me.

I am aware that information can be easily spread by the current technologies that we have. I would really appreciate if you will not copy my story by any means, think of this as respect to the writers who put their time and effort to transform their ideas into words that will be read the moment a book is published.

I like to hear your comments, feedback and suggestions. Feel free to leave a message after reading a chapter.


2: Avalon


There are six elements that exist in the world of Avalon.

Earth. The element that shaped the land to different forms, from the lowest plain, the deepest cave up to the highest mountain that reaches the sky. Its power formed the soil, rocks, metals and other minerals; it also governs the living things plants, animals that roamed the land, and even humans.

Water. The element that controls the different forms of water, from the smallest streams, tallest waterfall up to the largest ocean. Also within its domain are the sea creatures, fishes or not. It nourishes the soil where plants and trees grow to provide the needs of living things.

Fire. The element that gives glowing warmth that also changes or destroys things. It has power over the destructive magma that volcanoes emit and even the hottest steam that geyser spouts. It tempers the strongest of metals and minerals and also turns other objects to ashes.

Wind. The unseen element, though can be felt, that binds things together. An element that is vital for the survival of living things.

Light. The element that brightens the world letting its beauty be seen by the living.

Dark. The element that eternally opposes the power of light yet will not exist without the other. It shrouds things with mystery and wonder hiding them to many.

There are also six kingdoms in Avalon; each of them signifies an element.

Viridis. The earth kingdom and is known for creating the most potent medicines.

Aquerra. The kingdom that specializes in water magic, it is also the place where the best healers are found.

Ignire. The blacksmith kingdom which produces the best weapons, it is also the place where the fire magicians reside.

Ventus. The wind kingdom, it is specialized in creating fast vehicles in Avalon. It created the Wing Towers, special towers that transports people or items in another place at the fastest time using teleport magic. They are scattered around Avalon and mostly in cities, those who use it are only transferred from one tower to another tower.

Lux. The illusion kingdom, it is also known for their priests that can communicate with the spirits unseen by ordinary people.

Phantom. The kingdom of shadow, feared because of its citizens that possess demon-like abilities like shapeshifting and quick recuperation. It has the strongest army in all kingdoms; the soldiers are trained to withstand magic attacks and also to stop enemy's magicians to cast spells using their anti-magic skills.

Avalon has a group of magicians formed to guide and help people understand the powers that exist in the world; it is called the Council of Sorcery and Magic Arts and it has serve the people for centuries. It is composed of twelve members each specialized in a certain field of magic.

Councilor of Grimoire. The one who is most knowledgeable in using magical items like spell books and ritual items. Edelmond Orwes is the current holder of the title; he is an old man that has thick, grayish beard reaching his chest with love for books, whether magical or not. During his free time, he creates magical items that he thought might become useful to the Councilors in the future though most of them are considered failure he does not stop inventing items, it was his passion.

Councilor of Earth. The person who is skilled in using many forms of earth magic, that person not only can control any item like plant or rock but can also make one out of nothing. Eva Solaen, a woman in her early twenties, is the assigned to the position. She has dark brown skin and short, white hair which most of the time is covered with a headscarf. She wore a thin band made of gold around her forehead which she matches with her robe-like dress. She loves decorating places with flowers using her magic which she tends to overdo; male Councilors are sometimes annoyed for making their rooms feminine.

Councilor of Flames. The one who masters different types of fire magic. The one who holds the title is Fierris Alba, a man that also in his early twenties. He has long red hair with matching white band made of white cloth tied around his forehead. He likes flirting with ladies and is also a prankster, those traits puts him in trouble with other Councilors most of the time.

Councilor of Healing. The person that is skilled in healing magic, aside from healing wounds and injuries exorcism is also one of the Councilor's abilities. Gilda Merde is the current Councilor; she is an old woman who used to be a priestess in her younger years. She creates medicines and other potions to aid other Councilors during their missions. If she creates new concoctions she chooses the younger Councilors to try them, for some reason the older Councilors suddenly become busy. Most of the time the effect is positive and when it is not, it varies from the "test subject" turned to animal, became sicker, or gets an upset stomach which happens most of the time.

Councilor of Twilight. The one who can use many forms of both light and dark magic, most of the time the person chosen for this position is only skilled in one kind of magic because balancing the opposing elements requires too much energy that it puts the magician's life in danger. Luna Stow is chosen for this position, a young woman with long, jet-black hair who uses shadow magic. She can also use light magic but not as much as the other one, she only uses it as distraction for enemies.

Councilor of Winds. The person who can use wind magic. Olaf Dynes, one of the oldest Councilor, is in this position for a very long time. Many people have been chosen for different positions over the years and he has witnessed it. He does not like being called "old man" or "grandfather" because he is still a bachelor despite his old age. He is calm and spent most of his time meditating and telling stories of his younger years to the young Councilors, some of them fall asleep while he is still in the middle of storytelling.

Councilor of Weapon Magic. The one that can create or enhance weapons using magic. Currently, Qizal Weiss is assigned to this position. He is in his middle age and was once a blacksmith of magical weapons before he was chosen. He creates or uses heavy weapons most of the time to match his body's muscular build.

Councilor of Combat Magic. The person that specializes in using combat magic regardless of which type of element it belongs. Reyonis Aurren is the current Councilor; he is a warlock in his early twenties as well with short, blue hair. He wears glasses most of the time even though his vision is not impaired, he just wants to wear one. He can cast a spell of any elements in short time no matter how strong or weak the spell is. He is serious person and just like Edelmond, he loves reading books and does not want to be disturbed the moment he start lifting the book cover.

Councilor of Psychic. The one who is great at using mind-affecting magic. Rik Meza is in this position for a long time just like Olaf; he can read someone or something like a book even without interacting with it. He also offers counseling to the young Councilors when they are down and could not focus at their work.

Councilor of Water. The person who is skilled in manipulating water. Sorakin Alterraz is the current holder of the title; he is an old man who is also a teacher on one of the greatest magician schools in Avalon. Some of the young Councilors were his students before and still continues to lecture them.

Councilor of Summons. The one that can call the strongest summon spirits. Yvonne Sonders is a young woman that is already a master summoner in her age group that can call up to ten high level summon spirits at the same time to aid her. She is a hotheaded woman, she easily gets annoyed by Fierris' pranks that she calls all her summon spirits just to chase him causing a mess inside the Council.

These eleven Councilors are headed by the Grand Councilor, Crucis Skyreach. He is the oldest of all Councilors and also the strictest; many dislike his mean attitude towards people but he does not want to pay attention on what they think about him. He likes silence and wants everything in order; he punishes every Councilor who ruins the peaceful atmosphere either by making the Councilor do all household chores for a week or overloading him or her with tasks not related to his or her magic specialization.

No matter how silent or noisy inside the Council is, each Councilor aims for one thing, to do what is best for people no matter what the consequences are. They willingly put their lives on the line to achieve the Council's goal.

3: Investigate Celesta Ruins
Investigate Celesta Ruins

Investigate Celesta Ruins

It was supposed to be a good night's rest until a loud ringing sound filled the room of Reyonis Aurren, the Councilor of Combat Magic.

"What now..." Reyonis grumbled still half asleep as he reached for something on his bedside drawer, a glowing metal bookmark which was the source of the sound. As soon as he touched the object it stopped ringing, he placed it on his ear. "Aurren here."

"It's about time you answer the call, young man!" An angry voice of an old man said from the object.

"Why call at an ungodly hour?" He asked as he lazily rose up then yawned.

"A report came here a while ago. There is a group of travelers trapped inside the deepest part of Celesta Ruins."

"Isn't that place prohibited to civilians and travelers already? And besides, retrieval operations are done by the soldiers not me."

"Interrogate the trespassers and find out the reason why they are inside the ruins. I need your report by sunrise."

"That's a soldier's task too."

"Just go there already!" The old man angrily commanded him. Reyonis' drowsiness suddenly vanished.

"Fine... I'll go." He said and it stopped glowing. "Damn it."

He left the bed and made his way to the bathroom using his sense of touch to prevent himself from bumping any object prone to topple. When he was inside the bathroom he touched a switch on the wall and lamps attached to the walls and began to light up brightening the room. He stood in front of the sink and turned the faucet on, he scooped the water flowing out of it and washed his face. The cold water removed his drowsiness completely and he felt refreshed. He raised his head and looked at the mirror, he saw someone watching him from behind through the reflection. He gasped and looked behind, he was alone again. "Must be my imagination." He whispered

Later at the kitchen, he boiled water and mixed ground coffee with it. Are the soldiers guarding in the ruins slacking off? He thought as he poured the coffee in his cup. Or maybe something happened to them too? If that is so then this really is a serious matter. He ate biscuits stored in a jar for breakfast together with his hot cup of bitter energizer.

He put on his glasses then his cloak; he made a few more preparations before leaving his house.


A camp has been set up by the Council soldiers in front of Celesta Ruins, they were sent to retrieve the travelers. Reyonis soon arrived and saw some of them entering the old building.

"What is going on here?" Reyonis asked a soldier.

"We just received a report of trapped travelers here in the ruins, sir." The soldier said.

"Where is the one who reported this incident to you?"

"No idea, sir."

You've got to be kidding me. He thought. "Anyway... Where's your superior?" He asked.

"Right there at the entrance."

"Thanks." He said and left the soldier.

Later on, "How may I help you, Councilor Aurren?" The head of the troop asked as Reyonis came towards to him.

"A quick information about the incident." Reyonis said.

"Well, a man came to our headquarters asking for help." The superior said. "After that he went to the Council... From what I've heard from my men."

"The man crossed the sea just to call for help?"

"Yeah, he could have called the soldiers assigned here in Celesta. Anyway, my men are already inside the ruins searching for the missing people."

Reyonis looked around. "Where are the guards assigned here? I don't see them around aside from your men." He said.

"That's strange too." The superior said and scratched his head. "If I find out that they are slacking off they are definitely in big trouble." The superior was dismayed by the missing soldiers' actions, they were supposed to keep an eye out of the place.

He set aside his questions regarding the soldiers not present in the area. "Anyway, where is that man? The one who reported this incident?" He asked.

"Maybe he is still in the Council. He didn't come with us, the Grand Councilor told us to go right away. A bit hard for our part, Councilor Aurren... He didn't give much detail where to find his friends."

"I see... Don't worry, I'll help. It's been quite some time since I entered this place."

"I'm sure you will be of great help, Councilor Aurren."

"Please, call me Reyonis. I'm not really used to be called by my surname."

"Understood... Councilor Au- Reyonis."


Inside the ruins, The place seems quiet. Where are the monsters living here? Reyonis thought as he and the superior walked further.

"Sir!" A soldier shouted as he ran towards to them. "We found someone over there! He is currently being treated by the healers."

"Can he still talk?" The superior asked.

Suddenly the ground began to shake; cracks began to appear on the walls and pillars. "This place will collapse!" Reyonis said aloud. "Everyone, leave!" Debris began to fall on the running soldiers.

"Quick, outside!" The superior shouted to them.

A glowing spell circle appeared beneath Reyonis' feet, the pieces of rock were suspended in the air. "Hurry, I don't know how long I can hold this!" He shouted. The soldiers ran outside taking the travelers with them.

At the distance, he saw a figure in the dark. He gasped the moment he caught a glimpse of the figure's face, it was smiling. A strong force hit him and was thrown outside the ruins. Soon, the shaking stopped.

Luckily, the entrance was slightly damaged making the entry inside possible. The shaking caused some of the tents to dismantle but the total damage on the camp was very slight.


"Councilor..." A soldier said.

Reyonis groaned as the soldier wiped his face with a wet cloth. He opened his eyes and looked around then at the soldier, "Is everyone alright?" He asked and groaned again as he got up in pain.

"We were able to make it, Councilor."

"What happened while I was unconscious?"

"The travelers are being interrogated by the superior. My fellow soldiers are trying to clear the place."

He looked around again then at the soldier who was nowhere to be found. "W-where is he?" He whispered.

"You finally woke up, Reyonis." The superior said while approaching him. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, how long have I been asleep?"

"About half an hour. Anyway, I have talked to those travelers... They said they just are just exploring the place when a monster attacked them. They hid in a room and waited for the monster to leave. Well... Just between you and me, they may be in a sorry state but even so they must face the consequences of their actions."

"Well, I'm not going to argue with that. I have a task from the Grand Councilor, I still need to ask them a few questions before handing them in your care."

"Alright. Tell me if you are done, Reyonis."

Later on inside a tent, "What? Another questioning?" One of the travelers asked. "Isn't once enough already?"

"This is a separate interrogation." Reyonis said. "Just answer my questions and I'll leave you alone."

"Fine... If that will please you, brat."

Brat? He thought while trying to hide his annoyance. "Alright, let's continue." He said the moment he gained composure. "Do you have a permit to enter the inner ruins? You know? Piece of paper or anything to prove that you can wander this place?"

"Permit? Oh, we have a permit... It's just that we lost it inside."

"Okay... Does that mean the soldiers guarding this place are aware of your entrance?"

"What the hell is the permit for?"

"Just checking if you are still listening to me."

"Councilor!" A soldier said aloud upon entering the tent. "You need to see this. We found a secret room inside the ruins while we are clearing the place!"

4: The Secret Room
The Secret Room

The Secret Room

"Keep an eye on them." Reyonis said to a soldier. "Make sure they won't leave."

"Understood, sir." The soldier said.

"Hey, what is this for?" One of the travelers asked.

"Let me clear something to you... I lied about the permit." Reyonis said. "Only the soldiers and the Councilors are allowed to enter the inner ruins. There is no such thing as a permit given at all." He then left. Why are these people in this place anyway? He entered the ruins again and went further until he reached the end of the hall where the soldiers gathered.

"Ah, you're finally here." The superior said.

"You found a secret room, correct?" Reyonis asked as he approached him. "What's inside it?"

"That's actually the problem. This room seems to be bound by magic, it doesn't let anyone in."

"Where is this secret room you are talking about?"

"It could be anywhere in this hall."

"What do you mean 'anywhere'?"

"Here is what I mean." The superior said and touched the wall then moved his hand around the surface. "Ah, here's the invisible bump." He said and made a twisting motion on it as if turning a switch.

From a distance, a slab began to move sideward revealing a room. "Changed location again, huh?" The superior said. "That's third in a row." He approached the entrance and tried to peek inside but it was too dark to see anything.

Reyonis put his hand on the invisible switch, it was not there anymore. "The switch changes its location once the door is opened. When one of us enter the door, a force will immediately block anyone from going in then the door will close." The superior said.

"There must be a pattern or something to deactivate the barrier." Reyonis said. After a few moments, the door closed. "So it has a timer, huh?" He asked them a few more questions before starting to think of a solution. There must be something here I can use as a clue. I am sure those who created this puzzle have left something to remind them just in case they have forgotten the sequence. He thought.

Meanwhile, "Hey, you two!" The superior called out to the soldiers sitting on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, sir. Just observing something on this tile."

"The tile?" Reyonis asked and went towards to them. "Let me see..." He saw two tiles that is different from the rest, one of the two contains six symbols forming a circle while the other one contains texts only. "Leaf, fire, sun, moon, wind... Hmm... This one looks like waves... I wonder what these symbols mean." He looked again at the tile that contains the symbols and noticed that there are two blank spaces. Aside from the spaces, each symbol was placed in a certain position. A single green leaf was at the north east section of the circle. Two blue wave-like symbols were placed at the south west section. A fire with three flames was located at the south east. Four gray, wavy lines symbolizing the breeze was at the north west. A moon surrounded by five stars was at the west section and a sun with six rays was at the east.

"There's something written on another tile, Reyonis." The superior said.

"Hmm... This is written in another language. Let's see... Err and the earth will go, taking a step with the time's flow. Seven keys, one door. Six elements, six switches. Go back to the window of secrets and open the door."

"That's... A rather hard clue."

"Yeah... Earth will go with time's flow... I guess these symbols represent the elemental forces. If that is so... Then this leaf symbolizes the earth element."

"Time's flow... Could that be the movement of the clock's hands?"

Reyonis looked around again then closed his eyes to concentrate. An invisible force surrounded him. Then he opened his eyes, they have changed in color from blue to yellow. "Now I see the switches." He said. In his view, out of eight walls there are six that contains a large symbols at the middle similar to the ones on the tile containing the clue. A few distance below the symbols were a set of six switches that also has elemental symbols each. "Third mistake... Then from the earth symbol, turn from three walls clockwise."

He looked at the southern wall, there was no symbol but there was a set of switches. "Hey, you." He called out to a soldier nearest to the wall. "I need your help. There are invisible switches above this room's doorway and that is the wall nearest to you. It is vital that the correct switch must be turned. I will be your guide to activate that wall's switch."

The soldier turned a switch by Reyonis' command. The set of switches vanished after one of them was turned, however no door appeared. Reyonis guided the soldier again to turn the correct switches on the other walls.

After turning the sixth switch, "Still no reaction, huh?" Reyonis uttered. "Just where is the last switch?" Suddenly, a portal appeared on the northern wall. "The last switch was... Turned?" He uttered and looked around and noticed a soldier unaware that he stepped on the tile containing the symbols of the elements. So that was the window of secrets. He thought.

"Alright soldiers, to the portal." The superior said and entered the portal first. The soldiers followed together with Reyonis. They saw him standing as he stared at the front with hands shaking. "W-What a horrible thing..." He uttered in horror.

In front of them were the lifeless bodies of the soldiers appointed in Celesta, they have been devoured. "W-What happened here?" Reyonis said unable to believe what he just saw. Suddenly there was a loud scream of pain from the other side of the portal, it belong to the soldier watching the travelers.

"Looks like you found our secret." One of the travelers said as he entered the portal. "That soldier that is guarding us a while ago... He's tasty, after all... He's still young." The rest of the travelers entered as well, all grinning.

"Who really are you? No... What are you?" The superior said. "What did you do to my men?"

"There's no point asking them, superior." Reyonis said. "Their only reply is to turn us to their meal."

"These bastards..."

"Now, now..." A voice said. "Is that a way to treat our guests?"

This presence again. Reyonis thought as he and the soldiers prepared themselves. "Who are you?" He shouted as they looked around. "Did you command them to eat these men?"

"No. They are just in our way to fulfill our task. They shouldn't have followed us here." Another traveler said. "So we gave them a lesson they will never forget... For the rest of their lives."

"Now... Shall we complete the final step?" The voice asked.

"As you wish, Lord Yumil." The traveler said.

"" Reyonis uttered.

5: Yumil


"This is impossible!" The superior said as a large, horned shadow appeared on the wall. "You should still be sealed until now."

"It won't be long, old man." The voice named Yumil said. A pair of red eyes appeared from the shadow's head and looked at them.

One of the travelers tossed a golden item in the air and then casted a spell, it was like two spearheads connected together at the base and encrusted with jewels. The item glowed as it remained suspended in the air.

This can't be happening! Reyonis thought. How did they get the Soul Severer? A glowing spell circle appeared beneath his feet. "Stop this instant and return that to me!" He shouted. The Soul Severer is a ritual item used to cut or restore the ties of a spirit to the physical world, its main purpose was to seal away demons. However, in the current situation it was used to free Yumil.

"Spell breaker of that level will not work against this undoing spell." The traveler said and made a swiping motion with his hand, Reyonis' spell circle shattered and vanished. "You are too late to stop our master's return!"

They saw in the shadow's eyes how pleased it was that it began to laugh loudly that it slightly shook the place again. "Everybody, get out of this place!" The superior shouted. "Come with me Reyonis."

"How... How could I let this happen?" Reyonis uttered. "How could I fail such simple-"

"Come on!" The superior said as he dragged the shocked Reyonis with him to the portal.

They all ran away from the ruins, "Yumil is... Free." Reyonis uttered with hands trembling. "Celesta will be destroyed because of me."

The ruins was completely destroyed as a huge, black mass of shadows appeared. Red eyes appeared, horns and long, pointed ears began to form on its body. The travelers were around the black figure and soon revealed their true forms, demons of different kinds. "Hmm... Not enough power." The black figure said. "I need more!"

"As you wish mas-" the black figure pounced and ate one of travelers before he could finish his sentence. It soon devoured the rest of them.

"Worthless demons... Couldn't even perform a task without raising suspicion." It said and looked down on them. "Hmm? Ah, right... I almost forgot the humans. More than a hundred soldiers and... Oh, a familiar face. I know I've seen your face before"

Is Yumil talking about me? Reyonis thought.

"An Aurren..." It said. "Another Aurren as a member of the Council." It began to move, the soldiers prepared themselves for battle. It chuckled and suddenly appeared behind Reyonis, it was now just a bit taller than him. It placed its one arm around him, he pulled his hair upwards using its other arm. "Shall we continue the next phase of the ritual?"

"Next... Phase...?" Reyonis asked trying to free himself, he suddenly lost his ability to cast spells and could not fight back. He cried out in pain as its sharp fangs pierced the side of his neck. It drank his blood for a moment before releasing him from its grasp. He fell on the ground still unable to move, the wounds closed and disappeared.

"Sacrificial blood is really tasty." It said. "I never had a taste of that blood before I got sealed. Don't worry, I have no plans on draining you dry, a small amount of blood is enough to release me completely from that seal." It looked at the superior and the soldiers, "It seems I'm going to have fun."

It returned to its huge form again and attacked them. Reyonis saw it attacking the soldiers and tried to move but failed.


At Celesta town where Reyonis live the people were in state of panic, they were afraid at the sight of Yumil destroying the area around the ruins. Boats were sent to the docks by the Councilors which would help them evacuate to the Council.

Two Councilors were sent to assist the townspeople. "I want to help Reyonis." Fierris the Councilor of Flames said looking at Yumil's form at the distance.

"We'll help him once we are done here." Olaf the Councilor of Winds said. "The civilians' safety is our first priority."

Some of the townspeople aggressively rode the boats without minding the others they have hurt on their way. Fierris and Olaf had to intervene for any violent struggle present during the evacuation where they also got hurt in the process. Fierris was worried for his friend but he could not abandon the task they received from the Grand Councilor, he could only hope for Reyonis' safety.


This was supposed to be a peaceful night. I just want to take a break from hard day's work. Reyonis thought as he tried to stand up. I can't die like this, I can't let the soldiers die like this! He casted a spell and a glowing rod formed on his one hand.

"Defend this land, men!" The superior shouted. "As soldiers, dying to protect our land is already an honor."

"Ah, how brave of you. Here, let me give you the honor that you wanted." Yumil said and gathered a large ball of shadow in front of his mouth.

"Enough!" Reyonis shouted. Yumil stopped and looked at him. Reyonis was standing using a staff he made earlier to support him. "I can't let you... I can't let you..." He whispered, soon his knees became weak that he almost lost balance.

Yumil shrank again until he was a bit taller than Reyonis then moved in front of him. He grabbed Reyonis' hair and pulled him above the ground. "You have guts, kid. The last time I attacked a Councilor he was begging for his life and abandoned his companions. Well... I gave him a few moments of freedom and killed him afterwards."

He uttered a few words.

"What is it?" Yumil asked and put his ear closer to him for a moment then retracted. "Anyway, it doesn't matter to me at all."

His staff began to glow and a beam of light came out from it and hit Yumil's face directly. Yumil covered his face right after he dropped Reyonis.

A spell circle appeared beneath Reyonis. Six glowing, orbs of light appeared around him as he stood up. They began to fire several beams of light at Yumil and pierced his shadow body. Reyonis raised his staff and small spell circle appeared at its upper tip. Five of the orbs changed colors and each released an elemental attack against Yumil

"Casting a spell within a spell?" A soldier asked his superior. "Is that even possible?"

"Maybe." The superior said. "By the way I see it, Reyonis can. I guess that young man's title as a Councilor is not just for show after all."

Moments later Reyonis stopped, he was exhausted and breathing heavily. He almost lost his balance because of weakness.

Yumil laughed. "Five hundred years and humans were able to make themselves... A bit stronger." He said as his form grew again, Reyonis fell on his knees unable to stand up.

"No way! Those magic spells didn't work?" A soldier said in surprise.

Yumil gathered a large ball of shadow in front of his mouth and aimed it at Reyonis directly. He just smirked at Yumil. From behind a huge sword pierced Yumil's chest, an armored human-like giant had stabbed him.

"A summon?" Yumil uttered. "A caster that is also a summoner... How?"

"It's true that we people could not defeat demons like you." Reyonis said as he was assisted by the superior in standing up. "That is why we humans continue to find a way to protect our existence. That includes making a pact for non-humans... Finish him, Knight."

The familiar's sword glowed; it buried its sword deeper into Yumil. "This summon's presence..." Yumil said and chuckled not minding the pain he received. "We meet again..." He gradually disappeared in their sight.

"...Return." He commanded and his summon disappeared.

Without their knowledge, an orb glowing faintly rose up from the rubble and rushed towards Reyonis and entered his body. His mind was filled with visions and everything went black.


Few hours later, the sun began to rise, Reyonis groaned as sunlight hit his face. "He finally came to!" Fierris said.

"W...what?" He uttered and groaned again then used his hand to block the light.

"Thank goodness you're awake." Olaf said. "How are you feeling now?"

He quickly got up and looked around, he's back in his house and on his bed. "What happened? Is everyone alright? Where are the townspeople? Are they safe?" He asked.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down Reyonis." Fierris said. "Everyone was evacuated and safe now, the townspeople will be back sooner or later."

"I see... Ah! I almost forgot, I still have to-" His head began to hurt terribly.

"The medicine is still in effect. Please don't strain yourself, Reyonis. We'll take over for you in this task, just use this time to rest." Olaf said.

"...Thanks... Councilor Olaf... Councilor Fierris." He said and fell asleep again.

"Man... Councilor Gilda's medicine sure puts a person into deep slumber." Fierris said.

"Let's go, Fierris. We must draw out the truth from that traveler." Olaf said

"Right behind you, old man."

"Don't call me that!"

They left his house. "We're leaving him to you." Olaf said to a soldier.

"Don't try to do something funny to him, understood?" Fierris added.

"Understood." The soldier replied and they left. Sheesh, Councilors are weird. He though.

6: The Report
The Report

The Report

"We're just ordinary travelers." A man inside a prison cell said. "We came to Celesta Ruins to explore and at the same time study it." He was imprisoned for trespassing Celesta Ruins and was being interrogated by Fierris and Olaf on behalf of Reyonis.

"Well, your little exploring caused casualties to the Council." Olaf said. "We've lost a lot of soldiers and many were injured including one of the Councilors."

"I'm sorry. We didn't know that Yumil will be released."

"Hold on for a second." Fierris suddenly said. "We still haven't mentioned anything about Yumil since we entered this room."


"Alright... What's with this suspicious group of yours?"

"Why are you here?" A loud angry voice asked. "Where is Reyonis? Why is he still not here?". They looked at the door and saw Crucis standing on the other side.

"He's still resting at his house, Crucis." Olaf said.

"If I remember correctly, I am addressed as Grand Councilor."

"We volunteered to take his work, Grand Councilor." Fierris said.

"Volunteered?" Crucis said and scoffed. "Why? Is your friend no longer capable of doing this investigation?" His insulting words annoyed Fierris but he did not pay any attention to Fierris' reaction. "I am removing both of you from this task."

Fierris was surprised. "You can't do that!" He said.

"I just did." Crucis said and left.

"Damn it!"

"Let it go, Fierris." Olaf said as he stood up from his seat and look at the traveler. "You are one lucky bastard. This is not yet over."


Later on, "I'm sorry for this, Councilor Olaf." Reyonis said holding the glowing bookmark on his hear. "I'll be there right away." He put several rolled papers that contains his report inside his bag.

"Take your time, Reyonis." Olaf, who was in the Council library, said to his glowing crystal ball placed on top of a table.

"Hey, is that Reyonis on the other end?" Someone asked that made Olaf look at the source of the voice.

"Ah, Councilor Sorakin... Yes, I'm talking to him right now."

"I see, tell him to take care for me."

"Gladly." Olaf said and Sorakin left carrying two books with him.

"I'll be going now." Reyonis said.

"See you later. Sorakin said to take care."

"Will do." Reyonis said and both the bookmark and the crystal ball stopped glowing. He left his house and headed at the docks.


A few hours later, Reyonis arrived at the Council. "Thanks for assisting me here... Though there really is no need to do that." He said to the soldier following him.

"I have to." The soldier said. "I must perform my duty."

"You are late." Crucis said approaching from the door. "I told you I need your report by morning. Do you know what time it is?"

"I'm sorry." Reyonis said.

Crucis looked at the soldier. "What are you still doing here? Leave!" He said.

"Understood." The soldier said and left.

"Grand Councilor... If I may, I wish to speak to the remaining traveler." Reyonis said.

"Your report first."

"The survivor's statement is important to be able for me to finish the report."

"...Fine. But I need your report before the day ends."



Later on at Reyonis' room, "Will that guy even spit out everything he knows?" Fierris asked Reyonis while writing symbols in the air using the quills on the desk. Some left glowing marks for a short period of time.

"Well... If that's the case, what do we do with tightly closed clams?" Reyonis said while reviewing his report. "...Would you stop playing with my quills?"

"You need to buy new writing tools, these are already old." Fierris said and returned them. "Anyway... I think I'm going to see 'that side' of yours again."

"Everything must be done carefully if I have to make sure I get what I need."

"How exactly do you plan to 'carefully' open a closed clam? Shouldn't you just hammer it?"

"Knife would be a better tool."

Fierris chuckled, "Yup... That side of yours is present again I'm sure." He said that made Reyonis smile.

After a few moments, Reyonis entered the traveler's prison cell together with Fierris. "So you are the one who reported the incident at the Celesta Ruins." He said.

"Yes..." The traveler responded. Reyonis smirked and it made the traveler nervous.

Meanwhile in another Councilor's room. A woman carrying a vase suddenly lost balance when the ground began to shake. The vase shattered on the floor, she took a deep breath then put her hand on her left earring and it began to glow.

"What is it Councilor Yvonne?" A man voice asked from the earring, it was Fierris.

"Are you with Reyonis right now?" She asked. "Can I talk to him?"

"Well... He's busy right now. He's in the middle of questioning."

The ground shook again. "Just give him your Dispatcher, damn it!" She angrily said.

"Okay, one second." Fierris said. "Hey Reyonis, Yvonne's on the line. She seems pissed off."

Reyonis turned back, "I'll talk to her later." He said and gave Fierris a signal to end the conversation with her. "Right... So where were we?" He asked after the faced the traveler who was already cowering.

The cell was full of cracks and holes caused by his previous spells he used to strike fear on the traveler. This is one is as tight as a clam. Fierris thought while standing against a wall with arms crossed. He definitely has important information regarding the incident that he will not share easily.

"Ah, I remember." He said and spell circle appeared underneath his feet and floating ice spikes appeared around him with tips all pointing to the traveler. "I'm not good at target shooting, so pardon me if my spell will pierce any part of your body." With a wave of his hand, an ice spike hit the wall almost hitting the left side of the traveler and another one landed the other side.

As he was about to release another spike, "Please, stop... I'll talk!" The traveler said. "Just stop this hellish treatment."

"Hey, did you hear that?" He asked Fierris.

"Loud and clear, Reyonis."

"Oh well... Have a seat!" He said cheerfully as he prepared the chair for the traveler. "I really wanted to hear your story, sir." The traveler sat on the chair still afraid of what they might do to him. Reyonis sat at the opposite side of the table then his face suddenly became serious, "Now, speak."


After a few hours later all the Councilors went inside the Council meeting room to discuss Reyonis' report regarding the incident at Celesta ruins. "Is this all?" Crucis asked Reyonis after reading the pieces of paper submitted to him.

"That is all." Reyonis replied.

"Who would have thought that even he was sealed, Yumil's consciousness is still awake." Sorakin said.

"Those demons took advantage of those poor travelers and Council soldiers." Yvonne said. "Their shapeshifting ability is very hard to detect."

"But how did those demons manage to get the Soul Severer?" Olaf asked. "Isn't that supposed to be guarded in this Council?"

"It is possible that either they bypassed our security and stole it or they received it from someone else." Reyonis said.

"You speak as if you are going to accuse someone." Crucis said.

"I'm only telling the possibilities, Grand Councilor."

"Whether they stole it or not, letting Yumil roam free puts everyone in danger." Gilda said. "As Councilors, we must take necessary measures."

"I agree with Gilda." Sorakin said.

"Yumil must be sealed." Crucis said. "The Grand Seal's ritual must be done again to seal him away for good. The keys to activate the Great Seal was scattered around Avalon after Yumil was freed. Therefore, I have decided that the one who must gather them should be Reyonis." His sudden decision surprised them, they were not even asked for their opinions.

"You decided without asking us first?" Olaf asked.

"Yumil's release is partly Reyonis' fault"

"What? Just what did I do this time? I haven't done anything!" Reyonis said.

"Exactly. You let him escape because you didn't do anything!"

"We found the dead bodies inside the secret room. The soldiers and I have fought him. Do you call that 'not doing anything'?"

"You did fight him, but still he got away."

"Grand Councilor, may I know why do you have to choose Councilor Reyonis for such task?" Rik asked. "There are still eleven of us. You don't have to give such heavy burden to him."

"The each key is composed of one element, Councilor Rik. Without the presence of any other elemental keys around a key becomes unstable. A magician that has balanced control over elemental magic is suitable for such task." Crucis said then look at Reyonis. "And that person I am referring to also happens to be the Councilor of Combat Magic.

"But even so, such task is too heavy for one man." Qizal said.

"If you really want to help him feel free to do so. However, the keys must be held by one person only."

"...I'll accept it." Reyonis said knowing that arguing with him will be pointless.

"Hmm... That's good to hear." Crucis said.

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Frankly speaking, none."

"As I thought. So when will I start searching?"

"Hmm... After three days. That gives you time to prepare yourself and for me to gather more information for this task."

"That is fine by me."

Crucis looked at everyone. "If there are no more questions then this meeting is adjourned.


Later on at Reyonis' room, "Why did you omit some details to your report?" Fierris asked displeased at Reyonis. "Those people are not travelers at all!"

"...I just thought it is no longer necessary." Reyonis said while reading a book on his table.

"No longer necessary? Yumil was released because of those priests! Are you hiding something from me?"

"Keep your voice down." He said then looked around. "I have no intention of keeping this a secret to you. I didn't put everything in my report because there are some things that I must find out on my own. Besides, if I told them that those travelers are actually priests, I might put the life of that survivor in danger. I still need to know more from him, I believe that whoever told them to go to the ruins must be a Councilor too."

"Well... I've known you for long so I'm sure you are telling the truth. But I can assure you that I have nothing to do with this."

"I know... And I trust you."

7: Hunter


"You will not enter this house until you've returned what you stole!" An angry man shouted as he pushed a young woman outside his house.

"But it wasn't me, master!" She said. "You already inspected all my things. I don't have your money."

A whip in his hand hit her body that made her cry out in pain. "Just who do you think you are to talk back to me, slave?" He said and whipped her more.

The people just watched but no one dared to help her, they seem to enjoy what they see. "No more, please!" She begged. "I did not steal anything from you."

"Make her strip!" One of the people watching them shouted. Soon more people said the same words.

"Do you hear them? Strip!" He said.

"No..." She uttered and whimpered. "Please, stop this..."

"What did you say?" He asked and tore her clothes. She immediately covered her private parts after he let go of her.

"You despicable man." Someone said behind him.

"What did you just-" A kick landed on his face and he fell down with bleeding mouth.

"This is quite a large sum of money you got, sir." A masked man with short blonde hair said while standing in front of the two and tossing a bag of coins in the air. "Enough to buy me a new weapon." Then he tossed her a cloak, "Cover yourself."

"Who... Who are you?" The man with the whip asked. The masked stranger kicked him in the stomach in response.

"You talk too much." The stranger said. "Now be quiet and let me finish my job."

"W-What are you going to do?"


"Please let me go, I'll pay you twice the amount you will receive from the one who have sent you!" The man said to the masked stranger who was riding on a horse. He was badly beaten up that his left eye was almost crushed, his body was bruised and his clothes was stained with his blood. His arms and his torso was chained and tied to the saddle and was forced to walk following the path the masked stranger is taking. They were entering a forest.

"My client will be the one to decide." The stranger said. "I don't really care what you are to my client, I only need to finish my client's task and receive my payment."

The man tried to stop but the stranger made the horse move faster that he lost his balance and was dragged with the front part of his body sliding against the ground. Later on the stopped in front of a large rock in the middle of the forest where a cloaked woman on top of it sat while waiting for them.

"Good job, hunter." She said and jumped down.

"Who... Who are you?" The man asked upon raising his head.

"...I used to be your slave, that's all you need to know before you die."

"He's all yours." The stranger said and remove the ropes that connects the man to the saddle..

"Here's for a job well done... Five hundred gold Mirads." She said and threw a large sack of gold in front of the stranger.

"Well then..." The stranger said and picked up the sack. "I'll take my leave."

The man grabbed the stranger's foot. "Don't leave! I'll double it, just save me." He begged.

"You are not my client, sorry." The stranger said and left the man to her mercy.

"No one will help you." The woman said and took out her sword. "For making my life miserable... Die!"


The man's scream echoed that made the masked glance back. Another hateful client. He thought as he went out of the forest. What do I care anyway? My job is done. He returned to the town to look for an inn.

He passed by a walking person wearing a hood, who immediately turned to look at him walking away. "That scent..." The person whispered and removed the hood, it was Reyonis.

That evening the masked stranger opened the door of the room he rented, he was carrying a long box with his new weapon inside it. He placed it on the bed and stretched his arms, "Finally, I can have my break." He said and removed his mask, he was a young man with emerald eyes and an androgynous face. He opened the box and looked at the content, a rapier with jeweled sheath and golden hilt. He pulled it out to see its blade, "Hmm... Shiny." He whispered and swung it then looked closely at the blade, it was sharp and pointed at the tip.

Later on a crow landed on the open window of the room, it has a small box tied on its back. He went to the window and took the crow. "New target for this week, huh?" He asked as he untied the string around it. The crow flew outside as soon as the string was removed leaving the box to him.

The box contained two folded papers. He took the first one and unfolded it, it contains a letter. "Not a client request, I see." He uttered as he read it. Later on, he unfolded the second paper, he gasped as his hands began tremble. "No..." He uttered and crumpled it.

The next morning, he left the town. "Take me there fast!" He said to his galloping horse.

8: Two Targets
Two Targets

Two Targets

A woman woke up from her sleep and looked at her curtained window, it was already morning. She got up and fixed herself in front of the mirror, She has black eyes that matches her straight, black hair that reaches her buttocks. Her skin was white, smooth and soft that adds to the attractiveness of her curvaceous body in a pink satin nightgown. She took a bath and wore a long-sleeved cotton dress, she was ready to start the day. She went out of her bedroom and looked at her living room, there was a man sleeping on the couch and was covered in blanket up to his eyebrows leaving his forehead and hair exposed. She approached him and kissed his forehead, "Rise and shine, honey." She said.

"Five more minutes..." The man grumbled and covered hid under the blanket. She chuckled and went to kitchen. A few minutes later he got up.

Later on, she was cooking breakfast when he suddenly put his arms around her waist. "Good morning! So, what's for breakfast?" He asked.

"Fried eggs and meat." She said and resumed cooking. "How's your bath, Reyonis?"

"The water's temperature is just right." He said and they kissed each other's lips.

"Alright. Take a seat, Mister Councilor." She said. "This will be done any time now."

"Okay." He said and sat at the dining chair.

After a few moments, "Breakfast is ready!" She said as she placed a plate of fried eggs and meat slices on the table. "What do you want to drink?"

"Coffee, please."

"Coming right up."

He stared at her as she returned to the kitchen. He then took out a round crystal almost as large as his palm.

He remembered something.


Few days ago at the Council, Crucis provided everything Reyonis might need for his mission like medicines and other equipment. "This crystal will guide you to the location of the seals for activating the Great Seal." Crucis said after handing a purple crystal shaped like bird with spread wings.

"Seals?" Reyonis asked.

"The keys to the Great Seal. It will glow when it is near one of them."

"Are you saying that even you don't know what they look like?"

"...Yes. That is why I gave you that to help you find them."

"And if I fail... What will happen then?"

"And what makes you think that you'll fail?"

"It's just that... I-"

"How about I make a wager with you?"


"If you win then congratulations, you're almost done in saving Avalon from Yumil. But if you fail... You'll never see 'her' again."

"You bastard! I'll kill you if you lay your hands on her!"

"I'm glad you understand, Reyonis." Crucis said with a smile on his face.


"Hey, still there?" The woman asked while snapping her fingers in front of Reyonis' face bringing him back to reality.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He said.

"Your coffee." She said offered the cup to him.

"Ah... Right." He said and took it and. "Thanks."

"Is there something bothering you?"

"Work. Nothing else."

"Please set it aside for now, it's spoiling your appetite."

"You're right, I'm sorry." He said and ate silently. She joined him feeling worried about him.

Few hours later, "Take this with you." She said and handed him a large bag filled with medicine and other necessities.

"Thanks, Eliza... But what for?"

"To help you on your journey, honey."


"It's okay... I know you are on a dangerous mission. This is the least that I can do, Reyonis."

"I... I didn't mean to keep this a secret from you. But-"

She suddenly kissed his lips, it lessened the sadness but increased his worry. "It's okay. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes." She then held his hand. "Please make sure you finish your mission and come back alive."

He hugged her tightly, "I'll come back, I promise. I'll finish this mission and come back."

"I know... You never broke a single promise to me."

Reyonis left her house soon. She laid herself on the couch. "Reyonis... Come back to me alive." She uttered.


In the kingdom of Lux, there was manor in the middle of a forest and there lived a family of magicians. Centuries ago, there was a tradition that adult family members must fight with one another to determine who is the strongest of all and will become the clan master. It was stopped because it took many lives specially the young adults who were supposed to produce the next generation of the family. The size of the family has decreased even if the tradition has put to an end, many of young adults had set off for adventure and was never heard again. Three years ago, the strongest of the young adults and was supposed to inherit the title of the clan master was killed in a fire accident in another kingdom. Only the younger sibling who was also the weakest among the family members was left to inherit the title.

One morning young woman came out of her room. "Good morning, milady." An older woman said as she passed by.

"Good morning." She said. "Where's grandpa?"

"In the garden, with a visitor."

"Thanks." She said and rushed to the garden. "Grandpa!" She said as she reached her destination. There was a masked person sitting on a chair opposite to her grandfather. "Who... Who is that person, grandpa?" She asked.

"The one who will protect you on my behalf." Her grandfather said.



In a blink of an eye the masked stranger was behind her and immediately carried her. "Wait, let me go!" She shouted as the stranger took her away. "Grandpa!" The stranger left the manor and ran straight to the forest.

Later on, a group of men appeared and kneeled before him. "Everything is prepared, my lord." One of them said.

"...Then we'll wait for their arrival." He said and took out his staff.


"Ow!" The young woman said when she was tossed in a boat. "What's happening? Why isn't grandpa with us?"

"Hush!" The stranger said and jumped in it. "Your life is in danger, your grandfather wishes for your safety." The stranger and picked the oar then to row it.

"But we don't have any enemies!"

"That's what you think." The stranger said and covered her with a heavy cloth. "Now be quiet. I'll explain everything when we get to the border."

"Grandpa..." She whimpered.


Meanwhile at the manor, "What in the world are they?" A man asked while keeping the gate from opening. "Are they even human? If this continues, we'll share the same fate with our fallen brothers!"

"Don't say such things!" Another man said, "Lady Melina's life is in danger, we must protect her at all cost!"

At the garden, the young woman's grandfather was meditating when a man came in. "My lord, those human-like monsters are barging in our gates. We cannot hold them back for long." He said to her grandfather, "What are your orders?"

The old man did not respond.

"My lord, your orders?" He asked again.

"He succeeded." The old man said. "Melina is already far from here." Then he stood up. "Gather all those who are still alive."

"Yes, my lord." He said and left.

"...I really love this garden." The old man said and touched one of the flowers in front of him.

Later on, the gate was forcefully opened. A group of people entered the village. "Finally!" One of them said and they attacked.

After a few hours, "Is this our target?" A woman asked while dragging a girl by the hair. "I never saw the face of our target in the request so I really don't know."

"No. Too young." A man said.

"Okay." She said and killed the girl. "What is our target's age anyway?"

"Hey!" Another man called out. "I got the clan master here."

"Still breathing?" The man asked.

"Yeah." He said and threw Melina's grandfather in front of them. "He's all yours."

"Where's your pretty granddaughter, old man?" The man asked, but the old man was silent. "Answer me!" He shouted as he kicked him.

"Do whatever you want to me. I will never tell you where she is." The old man answered.

"You damn..." He uttered and began to beat him. "Where is she?"

The old man just snickered. "It's our turn now." He said.

"What the hell?" The woman said in surprise as the girl she killed before wrapped her arms around the woman's legs. The people who were also killed began to stand up and slowly walked towards them.

The old man held the man's arms firmly. "Die." He said.


From the river, an explosion was heard. "Grandpa!" Melina shouted. "No..." She then bursted to tears as black smoke rose up to the sky. "Why did this happen? Why does it have to happen?"

"...He just wanted your safety." The masked man said.


"You have something that they want and they will keep on coming after you."

"Something that... I... Have? But I'm just a magician in training; I'm not as great as the famous magicians and not as powerful as the Councilors."

"The reason has nothing to do with magic."


At the manor, "Damn it!" One of the assassins uttered as he tried to get up. "Is everyone okay?"

"No..." The female one said. "We've lost three of our men."

"Three?" He asked and looked at burned body in front of him. He got angry and kicked it. The body was turned over.

"What?" She asked in surprise to see that it was a wooden puppet in the old man's clothes. "What is the meaning of this? These dead people are just puppets? We've been tricked the whole time!"

"Heh!" He said. "That's one good trick you've got. Did a lot of damage to our side." His wounds began to heal.

"It seems that we are the only one who can withstand such damage." She said. "Our father must have favoritism." Her body began to heal on its own as well.

"Let's go."

"To where?"

"After our target, of course."

"We don't even have leads to where she is."

"Leave that to me."

They both left the manor and continued their search.

9: Mel


"Are you sure about this information you are giving me, Fierris?" Reyonis asked holding his glowing bookmark on his left ear.

"Did I ever fool you?" Fierris asked.


"Look, I know I pull pranks sometimes but for serious matters you can rely on me."

"...You're right. I'm sorry."

"You know, something's not right about you. Is there something wrong? Did you and your girlfriend have a quarrel?"

"No. I'm just tired, I guess."

"Are you sure?"


"Anyway... Councilor Edelmond and I were up all night just to identify Phantom's exact location. We have to rely on old maps because our current location finder can't find Phantom... Seems like it was not registered to our finder's records."

"I am at the Phantom kingdom's boundary right now... The problem is that there is an invisible barrier here that prevents anyone from entering." He said and put his hand forward, he felt like there was a wall in front of him.

"Can't you do something about it?"

"I've done everything that I can to override the spell, but it immediately fixes itself before I could even finish."

"You need at least one key to enter the Cursed Kingdom." A man's voice filled the air.

"Who's there?" Reyonis asked and looked around.

"At least one key, young man." The vanishing voice said.

"Hey, you still there?" Fierris asked.

"Huh? Yes, I'm listening." He answered.

"As I was saying, try to look for the Keys first. Maybe something might happen if you could get at least one."

"I've heard it already. Don't repeat it."

"Huh? From whom have you heard about this?"

"Didn't you hear me shout a while ago?"

"What? You were silent for a while. I thought you ended the call."

Reyonis thought for a moment. "...I see. I'll talk to you later." He said and removed his bookmark from his ear.

"Hey, what is go-"

Reyonis' bookmark stopped glowing; he kept it and looked behind. Who could intercept such high-level magic item like the Council Dispatcher? He thought. More importantly, who is that person telling me how to enter this place? He then left.

While walking, he was looking at the crystal he received from Crucis, its glow is going faint. This crystal led me to Phantom, but how could I even enter that place? He thought.

"That's a nice item you've got there, traveler." A voice behind a tree said.

Reyonis stopped. Great. Now a thief is here to annoy me more. He thought. "This is just a faulty Guiding Crystal."

"It will still fetch a lot of money." A man said as he and several men appeared around him. "Now, hand it over."

"...How can a faulty item even help you get money?" He asked tossing the crystal on his hands. "Would you please give way? I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."

"You have guts to talk back." The man said and they pulled out their weapons.

Reyonis sighed, "Oh well..." He said and glared at them.


In a small town, "Look! There's a smoke at the Twilight Woods." A man in a watchtower said to a group of men below.

"Must be an adventurer fighting his way out in that creepy forest." One of them said and resumed to speak with the people beside him.

"But there are no sightings of dangerous monsters in that area."

"Well, there are bands of thieves lurking in places like that waiting for unwary victims." Another man said.

A large spell circle appeared over the trees and large, pointed ice spikes fell down like rain. "Whoa! What the hell is that?" The man in the watchtower shouted in surprise. He immediately took out his telescope to looked closely at the forest.


Later on, "What are you?" One of the thieves asked as he tried to get up. The members of his group were badly beaten as he was.

"Just a pissed off traveler." Reyonis said. Around them were the ice spikes and half-buried in the ground and broken items like weapons, carts and carriages.

"Our anti-magic equipment... They don't seem to affect you."

"That is not my problem." He said and left them. On his way, he passed by a blond haired young man near a fire pit.

"This is not a place for leisure walking." The young man said. "Though there are no monsters around, thieves lurk here."

"I've met some of them already. Thanks for the concern though." He said and resumed walking.

"Judging by your appearance, you are a magician. You better be careful with your surroundings, some plants here absorbs magical energy if you touch them." The young man said. Reyonis suddenly stopped walking, the ability of the plants the young man mentioned where news to him. "This forest is new to travelers like us. This was sealed before just like the other parts of the Phantom."

"There are other places in Phantom not sealed?" He asked in surprise then rushed to him folding his arms tightly. "Do you know where they are? I need to enter Phantom!"

"Well, we are in Phantom already." The young man said as he removed himself from him." Twilight Woods is part of Phantom."

The young man suddenly threw himself to him, Reyonis fell on his back. There was a knife buried to the ground where the young man was before. "Damn it, they've already found me!" He said then lowered his head beside Reyonis' head. "Get out of here while you still can, I have my own issues to face. Just remember my warning about the plants." He whispered then stood up and drew his sword. "Go!"

"He's not going anywhere!" Someone said. Then a small, round object was thrown at Reyonis and attached itself to him. It suddenly electrified him.

"Reyonis!" The young man said in shock as he knelt beside him. "Hold on, I'll remove this from you."

"I thought so. You know this guy." The stranger said as he revealed himself, the young man who was also one of the attackers in a magician family's manor. "Did you come here to protect him? Are you trying to betray us?"

Suddenly, a thin rope coiled around the young man's neck. He was pulled down his back, "I knew something is odd about Mel." A woman said. "He is not the type of person to be trusted. He is a black sheep of the family." She too was one of the attackers.

"I'm not part of that family... You are not even my brother and sister!" He said as he tried to remove the ropes, but it tightened more.

"I have no intention of killing you. I'll let father decide what to do with you." She said as she tightened the ropes.

"Not too much, he'll be dead before you could even present him to father."

Suddenly, Mel smirked. "What's so funny?" She asked. Mel opened one of his hands and a small, round object fell.



"It's raining fire now." The man at the watchtower said looking at his telescope. "There are lightning bolts hitting hitting the forest too."

"There must be a warlock in the area." Another man said. "Just keep watching."

"Oh, wait! The treetops... They are not... burned."

"Not burned? Are you sure with what you are seeing?"

"No, really! Those leaves... They are actually absorbing the magical energy from those spells released earlier.

The other man climbed the watchtower and took the telescope to the event for himself. He saw the fire and lightning bolts that hit the treetops changed to a formless, glowing white mass that is entering the leaves. He was also amazed by the the trees' ability to absorb the magic spells that hit them.


In a small cave perfectly hidden by an old tree's long vines, "Hey..." Reyonis said as he put a small cloth under the unconscious Mel's nose. The scent coming from it made Mel groan.

"Get out of here..." Mel uttered.

"Don't talk. You are safe now. We're in a small cave but big enough to hide from them."

"They're after you... Just leave me here."

"I can't. I need to know what is going on." Mel did not respond he seemed to have fallen asleep. Reyonis applied medicine on his wounds.

Just outside the cave, "I really hate magicians!" The young man who attacked them earlier shouted as his wounds healed by itself. "We've fallen to another trap." "That traitor... What entered his mind to disobey our father?"

"We need to find Mel and let father punish him. Maybe by doing so, he'll never betray us again." The woman said.

A few moments later, they are gone. Who are those people? Reyonis thought and looked at Mel. Why is this guy protecting me? Suddenly, his head began to hurt, "Not this headache again..." He said.


"From this day forward, you shall be known as the Councilor of Twilight." Someone said.

This event. Reyonis thought, he realized that he was inside the Council where there are several people participating in the appointing ceremony. The ceremony where a magician of great power will be chosen to serve the people as Councilor. Twelve Councilors, each has its own capabilities to guide and protect the people. However, the magician must keep his identity as Councilor for as long as he lives, the Council protects the people without them knowing our identities. Only the royal families of the kingdoms know who we are under each Councilor title... And some people we know as well.

"I shall serve the Council and the people for the rest of my life." Another one said.

"That voice..." He whispered feeling shocked. "That can't be... Me?"

"Rise, Lutifar Aurren, Councilor of Twilight!" The first one said.

"Wait, my name is Reyonis Aurren. I am the Councilor of Combat Magic not of Twilight!" He quickly turned back and saw another him genuflecting.

Lutifar then stood up, "No... This can't be happening..." Reyonis uttered then looked back and he saw Crucis. "Grand Councilor, what's happening? Tell me!" He rushed to him, but he just passed through Crucis.

"Grand Councilor!" Reyonis shouted as he woke up in shock. "That can't be me... That's impossible..." He said breathing heavily. He looked around, he saw Mel still asleep. He noticed that it was already dark outside, "I should go to the town now. Maybe my mind would be cleared."


"That forest is really mysterious." A man in the inn's bar said. He was at the counter telling what he saw earlier. "It doesn't seem to be affected by magic attacks. That rain of fire that I saw earlier, it could have destroyed the forest, but no tree top was burned until the spell ended."

"You are right." Reyonis who sitting beside him said and drank a glass of beer. "That forest really is mysterious." Later on a woman came to him. "Um... Can I help you?"

"I just want a drink, that's all." She said and sat beside him. "One glass, please."

The man at the counter gave her a glass of beer. "I still can't believe you are a woman, Mel." Reyonis said.

"I can disguise myself as a man, a woman, a kid, or even an old person." She said and took a sip from her glass.

"So that is your disguise, too?"


"Why did you do that? Betrayed your comrades?"

Mel did not answer.

"Not telling, huh? Okay, I understand."

"Those people after you were sent to prevent you from finishing your mission."

"My mission? What do you people know about it?" He asked feeling suspicious of her.

"The only thing I know is that you are collecting some things to be used against Yumil."

"You know what? My head is in a bit of a mess right now." He said ending the conversation. "I'll be going to my room... See you tomorrow."

He entered his room and laid himself on the bed. "What a day..." He said and took out his metal bookmark. There are two small, red, blinking lights on it. "Twenty missed calls... Five messages from Fierris. Heh, I made him worried... I'll call him tomorrow." He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

"You liar." Mel's voice said.

"What?" He said in surprise as he got up. "How did-"

"You were asleep this afternoon and you only drank one glass of light beer. Your mind can't be jumbled as of this moment." Mel said while sitting on the window pane.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know you're actually trespassing?"

She stood up. "I don't know what is happening to you lately but I do know that you are being spied."


In a flash, she was already in front of him. She pushed him strong enough to make him fall on the bed with his back first. Mel crawled on top of him going to his head. "W-What are you doing? I have a girlfriend already!" She put her head on top of his face, This sweet scent, where have I smelled this? He thought. He closed his eyes and turned away.

She touched his left cheek then his left ear. "There, it's gone." She said and left the bed.

"Huh? What is?" He asked as he got up.

"This." She said and opened her palm where a bug lays. "Don't worry, it's dead now. It has an ability to turn itself invisible. What it sees can be seen by its master. It was a nice trick. However, its eyes glow when sharing its vision to the master. And I happen to see it when we were in the cave."

"Really? Well... You could have told me rather than aggressively go on top of me."

"It's just one of my tactics to prevent my target escaping from bed."

"How many people have you killed with this... Tactic?"

"I have never killed anyone before... I can't take away the life of my target. My clients usually want their targets brought to them. All I need to do is deliver their target alive."

"But still, you are an instrument for such act."

"I know. We were taught to kill by the one who took us. I never liked that place. I just wanted to get out of there."

"And because of me being a target you found a way?"

"I just want to get out of their grasp"

"You didn't. You've just made them run after you."

"If I have to kill them, I will do so. I just want to be free." Mel said as she clenched her fists.

He thought for a moment. "...Come with me." He suddenly said that surprised her.


"Come with me. Your skills might come in handy."

"If we are together, both of us will be easy targets. I'll just watch you from afar." She said and her appearance and clothes changed to that of the young man from before. "Just finish what you were doing."

Mel was about to leave by the window. "Wait!" He said.

"What is it?" Mel asked.

"When you disguise yourself as a woman again, can I call you Melissa?"

"Would it change anything?"

"A bit. The name Mel doesn't suit for woman disguise."

"Suit yourself." Mel said and left.

Strange. Reyonis thought. Mel seems familiar at the same time unfamiliar. His metal bookmark began to ring. "Ah... Its Eliza." It began to glow and he talked to her.

10: Phantom


"So this is one of the places unsealed too?" Reyonis asked while looking at the trees which have black barks and white leaves. "It's different from the Twilight Woods."

"You are right. The path is clearer than in previous forest." Mel said.

"These trees are strange too. I've never seen a black and white tree before... except in a sketch that is not yet colored."

"The fruits look edible though." Mel said looking at the plump, round, white fruits on the trees. "But the color does not make them appealing at all."

They resumed walking, Reyonis relied on the Guiding Crystal that was glowing on his hand to lead him to the nearest key. "I'm glad you decided to come with me." He said while pointing it to different directions to check where the crystal shone the brightest.

"You and your girlfriend want to know if you could trust me, correct?"

"Well... My girlfriend is far away and is very worried about me. She just wants me to be safe."

More like obsessed. Mel thought.

He glanced at Mel then back at the crystal. He wanted to ask him a question but he thought that it would only put him to trouble. Moments later, "Hey Mel, I know this is a bit of an invasion of privacy. But I want to know what your real gender is." He said after gathering the courage to speak out his concern.

"Once we could trust each other completely, then I will tell you." Mel said not surprised by the question.

They reached a house which was already old but still maintained, it was a simple house with a front yard with shrubs, flowerbeds, fruits and vegetables. They saw two girls playing who noticed them. "Visitor!" One of them said.

"Um... Yes." Reyonis said. "We would like to ask something."

"Ask?" The other girl asked. She asked the first girl in another language.

"What is ask?" The first girl asked.

"Uh..." Reyonis uttered. "Well... Ask is..."

Suddenly, a tall, muscular man came calling out loudly. The two girls happily ran to him, he also noticed Reyonis and Mel. He began to speak, however they did not understand him.

"Um... Sorry, we don't speak Phantom." Reyonis said.

"Oh... I see." The man suddenly said which surprised Reyonis and Mel. "Sorry about that. I thought you were a native speaker like us. Did my daughters give you problems?"

"Uh... Not at all. I'm glad someone could understand our language."

"What brings you to this part of the forest?"

"We want to enter the castle of Phantom. However, there is a barrier that prevents us from doing so.

"You too, huh?"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Let me take you to our house first, you must be tired." He said and led them inside the house, he made them sit on the couch. "Sorry about my home, it's a bit messy. My girls always play with everything they see." He served them plump, round, white fruits and drinks. "These came from the Nightshine trees, those black and white trees you saw outside. These fruits are good for replenishing energy."

"Thank you, sir." Reyonis said and took one fruit and made a bite, it was sweet and juicy that he took another bite. Seeing him eat, Mel also took a fruit and ate it.

"Please, call me Hamer. I'm a ranger."

"Uh... Hamer, what exactly happened here?" He asked and resumed eating. Mel was surprised that Reyonis already ate half of the fruit while he consumed a quarter of it.

"Well... We can't go outside the kingdom boundary nor go to the nearest town inside it. We were being stopped by a barrier. Luckily, we have food from trees and water from a stream nearby. But we don't know for how long our supplies will last."

"I see..." He uttered. "Can you take us to the way going to the next town? I want to see the barrier myself."

"All of a sudden?" Mel asked.

"I can't let this go on. They don't deserve to be trapped here."


A while later Hamer led them to the place where the barrier is. Unlike the previous barrier that Reyonis encountered, it was a translucent and black in color.

Reyonis' Guiding Crystal on his hand suddenly glowed brighter than before. "The first key... Is here." He whispered then walked towards the barrier. He touched the barrier and he felt magical energy flowing from it. "This... This is not a barrier." He removed his hand and his staff appeared. "Mel, protect Hamer."

Mel drew out his sword. "I'm on it." He said and looked at Hamer. "Stay close to me."

Reyonis kept the crystal and casted a spell to make his staff appeared in one of his hands. "Reveal yourself." He said and made his staff touch the barrier. Suddenly, a strong force deflected his staff. The barrier began to change form. A huge metal statue appeared before them.

"That's... A gate guardian!" Hamer said. "It prevents intruders from entering Phantom."

"But it doesn't have to keep you out as well." He said and prepared himself. Mel held his sword tightly.

"None shall enter." A voice from it said. "Leave or face the consequence!"

Reyonis raised his staff then struck it on the ground. Vines began to coil around the statue, it began to struggle.

"What are you still doing there? Stay away from it!" Mel said.

"This guardian is possessed. I'm going to remove whatever is controlling it." Reyonis said.

"Fool!" The voice said. Suddenly, chains appeared from its shadow and wrapped around him. "I move by my own will."

Oh damn. He thought as he tried to destroy the chains. Magic doesn't seem to work on them.

It raised its arms and pounded the ground where he is trapped. He opened his eyes and gasped; in front of him Mel was stopping the statue's attack. "Mel... Your arms..." He uttered, Mel's arms were like huge clawed beast arms and black in color.

Mel looked at him, his eyes were yellow and there were black marks on his face. He stomped on the chains near each other and was shattered. "You idiot, don't just stand there!" Mel said and shoved it then punched it as it began to move back.

A huge ball of flame hit its body and it was moved back further. "Close-ranged attacks like this deals greater damage to target." Reyonis said.

"You could have at least warned me before you released your magic. Unless you want to burn me to crisp." Mel said.


"Fools..." It said as it moved again, a small part of it was melted.

"As expected, gate guardians have sturdy body." Reyonis said. A spell circle appeared underneath his feet. "But I wonder how long will your body endure our attacks?"

It raised one of its arms, it transformed into a similar form as Mel's arms however larger, the rest of its body transformed as well. It has turned into a four-legged, horned shadow beast. "Heh, it seems that has already knew your plan and hid its metal body." Mel said as he returned to his normal form.

"Wait." Hamer said. "If you think that light magic will works against it then you're wrong. We Phantoms become stronger rather than being weakened by it."

"Strange..." Reyonis said. "But I'll keep that in mind."

"Change in plans?" Mel asked.


"Just tell me what to do."

It began to run to their left side and leaped towards them. He immediately casted a barrier, its claws cracked it upon pounding its paw against it. A hot steam went out from the ground underneath its face. It jumped away from them, the barrier shattered and disappeared.

"Blind it!" He shouted.

"Piece of cake." Mel said and rushed towards it as Reyonis casted another spell. Mel noticed that his speed has increased, he dodge its attacked and stab one of its eyes. "What the-" The creature doesn't seem to be affected. It opened its mouth; a ball of light was formed.

A lightning bolt hit the sword buried in its eye. The ball of light was released in a different direction. Mel stepped back and returned to Reyonis. "Could you at least warn me?" He asked angrily.

"Sorry. If I did, it could have thought of a way to escape my attack." Reyonis said. "But set it aside for now. We need to defeat this guardian."

An arrow hit its other eye, it cried out in pain. "Continue attacking!" Hamer said and released another arrow that hit its forehead.

Reyonis casted stronger lightning spells while Mel threw knives at it. "Enough!" It roared, and swung its head to remove some weapons that hit its body. It snapped the sword that was stuck in its eye and threw away the portion with the hilt. Armor covered its body.

"It's an anti-magic armor." Mel said. "It truly considers you as a threat."

"Anti-magic, huh?" He said. "Now this is getting interesting."

"Above you!" Hamer suddenly shouted.

They both looked up, there was another shadow beast falling down them. Reyonis created another barrier to protect them, however the beast's weight had shattered it and the beast fell on the ground.

The second creature got up and looked at Hamer who immediately loaded his bow with an arrow. Both creatures rushed towards him, he released the arrow however it just passed through the second creature.

Suddenly, the armored beast stopped it felt pain within its body. The second one felt the same, soon fire came out from their bodies and burned them.

Beside Hamer a hand came out from the ground. The upper portion of body where the hand was connected rose up, it was Reyonis.

"Sorry about that." He said as he left the hole and looked inside. "Are you alright, Mel?"

"Somehow." Mel replied from the inside.

"What happened to them?" Hamer asked. "They began to burn from the flames that came inside their bodies."

"Well... Since the gate guardian used an anti-magic armor, I am at huge disadvantage. However, it made a mistake."


"It failed to remove all of the weapons that were used against it."

"All weapons... Ah, your partner's sword! It just broke the sword but the blade was still there."

"Correct. I used my magic on it to attack the guardian from within." He said and looked at the gate guardian's remains, there was something glowing in it. He walked towards it, the object was a shiny metal ornament shaped like a crescent moon. It released a strong force as he picked it up. What just happened? He thought.

"By the way, how did you manage to survive the last attack?" Hamer asked.

"Through my skill." Mel said as he left the hole. There were cracks on his face. "I made my shadow dug the ground to help us escape. It cost me my mask though."

"We can finally enter Phantom, right?" Reyonis asked.

"Yes." Hamer said. "Thank you for your help."

"It's nothing, Hamer. I just want to know something for myself."


Later that evening, at Hamer's house, "Wow..." Reyonis said in amazement, the Nightshine leaves had changed colors and were glowing as they served as light against the night's darkness. Each leaf was a different color from the other, the bark's color changed to white. "I've never seen trees like these."

"That's our kingdom's pride." Hamer said. "Nightshine leaves give light to travelers lost in darkness just as their fruits replenish the strength of their weary bodies." Hamer suddenly fell silent.

"What's the matter, Hamer?"

"I'm just surprised with what you told me about what happened to us."

"Oh... That..."

"The town we've visited... Most of it was still frozen in time. Only a few people and buildings returned to normal... Who would have thought that five hundred years have passed?"

"I guess I can't go to the castle either."

"Our king must also be petrified too, just like the townspeople."

"Possibly." He said. Later on Mel came. "Hey, how are you now?"

Mel just gave him a cold stare. The two daughters of Hamer were busy playing with their toys when they heard something fell down. Hamer told them to stay inside in Phantom language.

"What's that for?" Reyonis asked angrily and stood up from his fall. "Why the hell did you punch me?"

"For someone who asks for a companion, you don't know how to value one." Mel said glaring at him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you think of a companion as bait in your crazy plans, then you deserve to be alone."

"How many times do I have to say sorry for you to be satisfied?"

"Number has nothing to do with your lack of care. You almost made the two girls orphan if I had not used this cursed abilities of mine."


"Don't change the topic! You are a selfish person."

"I'm not selfish! You know what, if you want to leave then leave. I didn't force you to accompany me at all. I'll be fine by myself."

"Fine." Mel said and left.

Reyonis just sighed, "Sorry about that, Hamer." He said.

"It's alright. I wasn't enough help to you. If only I was strong enough to battle, your partner might still be here."

"It's Mel's choice to leave. To tell you the truth, he does have a point. I've never been on a journey with other people, I always do things alone."

"I see..."

Later on, Reyonis sighed when he saw no signs of Mel returning. "Mel really left me." He said.

"Other kingdoms look at us as a strong, powerful kingdom and something to be feared of. And because of that we have to strive alone without other kingdoms' help."

"Well... I haven't read that in history books... Phantom as a lonely kingdom. You seem to know a lot for a forest ranger."

Hamer smiled. "Is that so? You got me there." He said that alarmed Reyonis.

"Who really are you, Hamer?" Reyonis asked, he felt someone behind him. He turned back; there was a young man with the unconscious Mel on his back. "Mel... What..."

"Help us, Councilor Aurren." Hamer suddenly said.

11: Eavesdropper


One night, Mel walked alone in a glowing forest. "That heartless magician!" He said and kicked a rock angrily. "If only they weren't after him I will not do this."

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell down. Have I used too much of that 'power'? He asked himself and grunted as he tried to get up. But another stabbing pain hit him that made him cry out in pain. He fell down again and writhed his body.

Behind him, there was a young man with short brown hair and blue eyes wearing a broken armor. He walked towards to Mel and rolled him to make him lie on his back. The young man saw black marks on Mel's face.

"It burns..." Mel uttered.

The young man began to speak in a language Mel doesn't understand. Later on, Mel lost consciousness, the young man carried him on his back and left in a hurry.


Few days later Reyonis was aboard a ship in search for the next key. Do I really deserve Hamer's trust? Reyonis thought as he looked at a jeweled bangle beside a crescent moon shaped metal ornament on top of the side table of his room. Moreover, there is still a mission I have to complete. He laid himself down on the bed and took out the Guiding Crystal which was not glowing. Not working when in the middle of the sea, huh? Useless piece of junk! He tossed it in his bag and laid himself back on the bed. He thought about his discussion before with Hamer and the stranger who returned Mel to him.


At Hamer's living room, "Please receive this for helping us." Hamer said and gave Reyonis a lacquered wooden box. "This might help you on your quest."

"Uh... Thanks... Chancellor Hamer. Your clothes really fooled my eyes, I didn't even realize that the person I'm speaking with is actually a nobleman." Reyonis said and opened the box. There were red cushion on each side and was a jeweled gold bangle placed on the center cushion. "Whoa."

Hamer sat on the chair opposite to where Reyonis sat. "That will make help you cast spells without using too much energy. The energy that will be used will come from your surroundings."

"That's neat." He said feeling pleased to know that he could save energy when casting spells using the bangle.

"However, since you are not a Phantom it might have an additional effect that is bad for you. So use it sparingly." Hamer said that made Reyonis retract the idea of using the bangle right away.

Reyonis put the box aside and returned his gaze at Hamer. "I understand. Care to explain why you need my help?" He asked.

Hamer paused for a moment then sighed. "I remembered that day... Yumil showed himself to us again. It was made worse when the Council betrayed us."

"The Council betrayed you?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes. They used us to seal that demon."

"Used you? So you are not with Yumil in conquering the other kingdoms like what was written in books?"

"So that's how bad we looked to other kingdoms and to the Council. We did not attack any kingdoms, protecting our own kingdom against Yumil is our only priority at that time."

"If the history we knew all this time is not true then what is the truth? Why were you sealed?"

Hamer was about to speak, but the stranger beside him began to speak first in Phantom language. "I see." Hamer said.

"What did that guy said?"

"He said one of the Councilors told him that Phantom must be punished for giving birth to a monstrosity like Yumil."


"You seem to be collecting something? Tell me, what is it?" Hamer said to divert Reyonis' attention.

"Um... I mustn't. It's highly classified." He said and the stranger spoke again in Phantom language that annoyed him. "Just who is this guy?"

"He's the only one who survived the ambush at the Council before we were sealed. He is one of the king's royal guards."

"He left the king?"

"No." The stranger said. "The king is still in the palace."

"What the- you could speak our language!"

The stranger muttered in Phantom language. "Forgive his behavior. He doesn't like Councilors because of what happened to them." Hamer said. "We understand if you don't want to tell us. But if Yumil was free again, the Council must be planning to use us just to seal him again."

"Seal... Again?" Reyonis uttered and looked at the stranger who was just looking in another direction.

"We beg you Councilor Aurren, you've seen what happened to my fellow men. I don't want to witness that horror with my own eyes again, please stop the sealing of Phantom from happening again. We will try our best to help you on your quest."



Reyonis got up from the bed, "If I don't get all the keys, Eliza will be in danger. But... Phantom will be..." He whispered then there was a ringing sound on the room. He took out his bookmark which was glowing. Great, just great. A call from the worst person I've ever met. He thought and answered the call.

"On your way to the second seal?" Crucis' voice from the bookmark asked.

"Grand Councilor, what made you call?"

"Just checking up on you."

"Tell me something about the Great Seal. Tell me about Phantom as well."

"I'm not the right person to ask, I'm not good with history. Ask Edelmond, he's the one with books."

"...Fine. What about the keys? Why do you have to put my girlfriend in trouble?"

"You ask too much, I'm not going to do anything to your girlfriend. I don't even care about her. I just said those words to make you focus on your mission."

"Focus? Why? Is there something that would make me turn back?"

"You seem to be underestimating Yumil. He's going to use ways to divert your attention on looking for the keys."

"So you're not going to hurt Eliza?" He asked wanting to assure Eliza's safety.

"Who is Eliza?" Crucis asked that made him sigh in relief.

"Grand Councilor, please tell me about the keys. What does it have to do with Phantom?"

"I see... So you found out about it."

"So it's true... Because Phantom is Yumil's homeland that it was sealed with him. That's the lamest reason I've ever heard."

"Their king started a war against the Council. The Councilors decided to punish them for their deeds."

"War? What happened?"

"I can't tell you because I don't know the exact details either. Just go to where the next key is."

"Alright." Reyonis said and the bookmark stopped glowing. He headed for the door and opened it. He almost jumped in fright when he saw the Phantom royal guard waiting for him. "Were you eavesdropping?" He asked. "Nice try, but I've placed a spell in the whole room to prevent sound from escaping.

"There was no war." The young man just said and left.

"No war?" He uttered then realization hit him. "What the- Hey eavesdropper, come back!" He immediate went after the royal guard wanting to know how he heard the conversation in a soundproof room.

"Good morning, sir." An old man said blocking Reyonis' path, he seemed to be a part of the ship's crew because of the sailor suit he wore. "Did you have good sleep in our ship?"

"Um... Yeah. Hey, have you seen, a young man a bit smaller than me with brown hair and blue eyes? He wore cotton shirt, pants and a cloak."

"Hmm... I think I've seen one that fits the description. I saw him talking to a beatiful lady over there."

"Really? Thanks, Captain."

"Don't mention it." The old man said as Reyonis left. "Ah... Young people today..."

Ha, there he is! Reyonis said to himself when he saw him at a distance speaking to Melissa who was sitting on a bench. So Mel is fine now. Oh, I forgot, I should call her Melissa now. She's still pale, but she looks much better than the last time.

"Please take this." The young man said and gave her a cup filled warm liquid. "It's tea made from Nightshine leaves, good for relieving pain."

"Thanks." Melissa said and drank it.

"You seem sad." He asked and sat beside her. "Why?"

"Well, I lost my mask. It was the disguise I used previously, I used too much magic that it lost power and broke."

"The power to resist the effect of the Demon Blood, right?" He said that surprised her.

"H-how did-"

"Many of my comrades died because of the people with that cursed blood. Those people gained the abilities of a demon, but they will soon become one as time passes."

"I know..." She whispered and drank again.

"Is that why you ran away from them?" Reyonis asked when he approached them. "Why did you use that power to help me back there even if you knew this will happen to you?"

"Are you following me?" The young man asked.

"Shut your mouth, eavesdropper. That was before. I'm more concerned of Melissa's condition now."

"I have a name."

"Oh yeah? You could have at least told it to us three days ago. Besides, shouldn't you be at Hamer's side? You've abandoned him and his kids."

"I was sent here to keep an eye on you."

"More like you are the one who wants to keep an eye on me not Hamer." Reyonis muttered to himself, the young man glared at him.

"Please stop arguing with each other." Melissa said. "It just makes my condition worse."

"Sorry." They both said.

"I'll take a rest." She said and got up. "I'll just come and visit you later."

When Melissa left, "So tell me, eavesdropper..." Reyonis suddenly said. "Just what exactly is your reason to follow us?"

"Let me keep that to myself."

"You want to avenge yourself and your friends? Listen, it's been a very long time since it happened. Those people who have wronged you don't exist in this time anymore. You must let go even though how hard it is."

The young man did not respond.

"I can't let you hurt any members of the Council."

"I'm not stupid. I know you people are not from the same time as I am. But you can't remove my hatred against the Council."

"I'm not saying that, eavesdropper."

"I have a name."

"What is it then? Eavesdropper is a bit long for a name."

"I'm called Tieme."

"Called? Not your real name?"

"This name was just given to me by the king in order to be identified."

"I see. So you are looking for clues about your past?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have amnesia or something."

"Um... That's weird."

The young man did not respond again.

"Well... I'm going back to my room. Just knock if you need something, take your time to explore the ship. We'll reach our destination tomorrow." He said and left.

Tieme looked at the sea and let the wind touch his face.


Reyonis was sleeping on his room when he heard someone knocking. "We've arrived." A man said.

Reyonis got up and prepared himself. He opened the door and saw a forest instead of a corridor. "Are these... Nightshine trees?" He asked as he walked outside looking at the black trees with white leaves. "I'm definitely dreaming." He turned back, the door was gone, he is now in a path inside the forest. "Why am I in Phantom?"

Soon he heard voices of several people; he decided to follow the source. He was shocked to see several soldiers fighting huge, human-like, shadow creatures. Their arms can transform into bladed weapons that can cut through the soldiers' weapons and armor.

"What the hell are they?" One of them asked and stabbed one of them with her spear.

An old man slashed one of them with his glowing sword. It burned as it fell.

"Your Majesty!" another soldier said. "Please stay in the carriage, it is dangerous here."

"It's no longer safe inside it. I can't just stay there while watching my soldiers fight."

Suddenly, one of the soldiers coughed up blood. "What... What is the meaning of this?" He asked and coughed more.

"Look out!" Another soldier shouted. However it was too late, a creature's arm pierced his back.

"P-Protect the k-king..." He said and fell lifeless on the ground.

"No..." The female soldier uttered as tears formed in her eyes.

"Damn it. Everyone, retreat!" The king commanded.

They ran away from the enemies, Reyonis stopped in front of the creatures. "Face me." He said and casted a spell, however he can't feel magical energy flowing within him. "This can't be!"

The creatures passed through him and continued to chase the others. Chains came out from one of creatures' body and wrapped around one of the soldiers. He was pulled away from the escaping group and was devoured.

"They have same abilities as us." The king said. "Just what are they?"

One of the soldiers released a signal in the air. A black smoke was seen in the sky. The creatures did not stop on chasing them while their number slowly dropped because of sudden weakness that lead to death.

"Why can't I do something?" Reyonis said and punched the ground. "Why can't I help them?"

Suddenly, a bird-shaped flame descended from the sky and burned the creatures. A sound of a galloping horse was heard; Reyonis looked behind and got surprised to see another him on a horse, it passed by Reyonis.

"Hey!" The other him called out; soon he saw the king and the remaining soldiers collapsed on the ground. "Your Majesty!" He said in shock and unmounted himself on the horse. He ran towards the king and moved him until he was lying on his back, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

The king opened his eyes, "Ah... Lutifar..." He uttered almost a whisper. "My loyal soldiers... Mercilessly killed by those imitators."

"Don't talk. I'll heal you." He said and put his hands over the king's chest. They glowed as he tried to heal the king.

"They've poisoned us. Their blood destroyed our body from within." He said and coughed up blood.

"Calm down, I've seen the signal. I'm sure the soldiers in Phantom have seen it too."

"I'm too weak now, Lutifar. I can feel my life coming to an end... If I only I..."

"Don't say such things, Your Majesty! You'll be alright... You'll be alright." He said, soon the king closed his eyes. "Y-Your Majesty?" He asked with hands trembling. "W-Wake up, p-please..." He touched the king's neck and felt no pulse, the king was dead.

Reyonis saw that there is still one creature moving. "Hey other me, there is something coming behind you!"

It began to jump towards to them. A large, black, spell circle appeared behind the other Reyonis. Large, curved lights came out and hit it; they were like blades that severed it to pieces.

"Whoa. He can cast high-level spells too." Reyonis said.

"Burn..." The other one said as he slowly turned back glaring at it. "BURN!" The blades made of light bursted to flames.

Later on the flames went out; they saw a shiny object on the pile of ashes. The other one went towards it and picked it, he trembled.

"Is that..." Reyonis whispered.

"Impossible..." The other one said. "This is... The Council insignia!"

Reyonis woke up from his dream, shocked.

12: Demon Blood
Demon Blood

Demon Blood

"Was he talking to someone using a bookmark?" Tieme asked Melissa as they watched Reyonis talking to someone using his Dispatcher at a distance. They were sitting on a bench as they waited for him.

"It's a Dispatcher." She said. "It's a form of communicator... Though it's actually formless. It needs a tangible object as its vessel."


"Here, let me show you." She said and took out a small book. "What do you see?"

"Um... A book?"

"Look closer."

Tieme drew his face close to the book and saw a symbol. "Um... There is an image of an envelope in the cover... With a number in it?" He said.

"Correct." She said and put it on her lap. "This Dispatcher is a letter type, it only send and receive letters, unlike Reyonis' Dispatcher which can be used for both talking to someone and communicating using letters."

"Okay... It seems more advance than Phantom's long distance method of communication."

She put his hand on the book cover, the symbol glowed. "I'll transfer the Dispatcher to another object." She said and raised her hand, there was a glowing cloud-like object on her palm and the symbol on the book vanished.

"Will it not function on its own?"

"No. It needs another object to work. It was designed to be carried around without extra weight. In case the object where it is attached is destroyed, it can be transferred to another object."


"Here, I'm going to put the Dispatcher in another object." She said and put it in a small box. Two symbols appeared, the first one is still an envelope with a number in it and another was a silhouette of a person's head.

"What is the other symbol?"

"...Reyonis. He wants to be included in my list of contacts." She said and touched the new symbol. Several words appeared on top of the box.

"Is your list... Empty? It just says 'Contact List' on the title."

"Not anymore." She said as Reyonis' name appeared as the first item of the list.

"If he is your only contact, from whom do those unread messages come from?"

"Advertisers, promoting some items to people who own a Dispatcher. A bit annoying, I tell you. I'll just throw away these unimportant messages, come back later."

"Okay." He said and left.

"...Discount?" She asked and a rolled paper came out which she immediately read. "Nah..." She said and crumpled it. "I'm not a magician. I have no use for spell books."

"Quite a busy place, right?" Reyonis asked Tieme after ending the conversation with the person he spoke with. "This is the Dessert City of Shivaya. Right now, there is a festival ongoing so mind your belongings."

"I will."

"You know where the inn we are staying, right?"


"Alright, feel free to explore the place."

Tieme decided to leave him alone and walked around the city. As he explored the city, he noticed that he was being followed. He entered an alley.

"You seem down." Melissa said to Reyonis when he approached her. "Are you okay?"

"No... My girlfriend is sick." He said. "I'm worried about her."

"I see..." She whispered. "What an attention seeker."

"Huh? I didn't catch what you've just said."

"It's nothing, just remembered something." She said and stood up. "If you have something needed from me, just send me a message. I've given you my contact already."


Melissa left and looked around to buy things she might need. She saw Sorakin at a distance browsing for wares with his wife. She just walked away from them.


"Do you have to follow me all day?" Tieme asked a small girl. "Where are your parents?"

"Take me to him, please?" She said and held his left leg firmly. "Please, mister?"

"Ow, ow, let go!" He said as he tried to remove her from him but she tightened her grip.

"Help me, mister. I want to see my brother again."

They are being watched by the people around. The girl is almost crying as she begged. "...Alright. But promise me you will behave?"

"Yes!" She said happily and let go of him.

"Alright, do you know where the person you are looking for lives?"

She nodded. "But everytime I get near, I am being chased away by some monsters." She whimphered. "I... I... Want to be with my brother again!" Then she cried aloud. "I miss my brother!"

"Hey, stop making the girl cry!" Someone said.

"Okay. I'll help you, please stop crying." He said and gave her a handkerchief.

"You will?" She said and wiped her tears.

"Yes. So, tell me where your brother is."

"My brother is at the inn."


Tieme led the girl to the inn. Before they could enter, two, large, dog-like beasts blocked their way. The girl held the side of his leg, "These are not real beasts." He said. "They are just illusions."

"They are if I'm far from them, but they become real if I get near." She said.

The beasts moved away from the door. Later on, Reyonis came out, "Oh, you startled me." He said upon seeing Tieme at the entrance. "So, how's your walk?"

"Fine." Tieme said. He felt the girl's grip tightened at the back of his shirt.

"I'm going somewhere. I'll be back before nightfall." He said and left, the beasts followed him.

"Wait!" She said and ran after him, the beasts stopped and snarled at her. She gasped in shock and quickly ran back to Tieme.

"He can't see you, right?" Tieme asked. "Just as he can't see those creatures following him." She suddenly ran away crying. So that guy has a sibling. He thought.

"Oh my, he just made a girl cry." A woman said to another woman.

"How heartless." The second woman said.

He immediately went away and followed the girl. From a distance, he heard the girl's scream. "Let me go!" She said to a man pulling her by the hair.

"Shut it, thief!" He said. "I'll take you now."

"Mind your own business, everyone!" Another man said to the people who watched them. "We're just doing our job."

"Help me! They're not humans, they are mo-"

"Shut up!" The first man said and punched her in the face. "Be quiet!"

"Hey... Take it easy. You might kill her." The second man said. They gagged and dragged her away from the crowd, Tieme secretly followed them.


Outside the city, "End of the game, princess." A man said and carried on his shoulder the gagged girl whose hands and feet were bound. "We'll make sure you'll never get away." She squirmed as tears formed in her eyes. The second man prepared the cart they will ride on and attached a horse resting in a stable to it.

"Hold it right there!." Tieme said that made the men who were abducting her stop and looked at him.

"Eh? What's this guy's problem?" The man handling the cart asked.

"Look mister, this girl just made a crime. We are just doing our job to maintain peace in this city." The other man said and tossed her inside it that made her gave a muffled yelp. "So just go along and celebrate."

Tieme knew that the men were odd the moment he laid his eyes on them. "Let's cut the chase, shall we? You should have made sure that she is incapable of fighting you." He said. "She seems to be able to cast spells anytime but I really don't care much. And besides..." He suddenly glared at them. "The two of you reek of Demon Blood." He said.

"Looking for trouble, eh?" The other man said and drew out his sword, the man on the cart went down and made an ax out of his own shadow.

Later on only the girl and Tieme were left, he had defeated the two men who were nowhere to be found. "I'm sorry for this, mister." She said and put her hands over one of his wounds. "As my thanks, let me heal you." Her hands glowed and Tieme's wounds and bruises gradually vanished.

In the end, I got no information from them about their whereabouts. Tieme thought. He suddenly felt a sharp pain, "Ow! Are you burning my arm?" He asked.

"Sorry. This wound here is not affected by my healing magic."

"What? Damn it, I've been poisoned!"

"Don't worry. I'll just cast a stronger healing spell."

"No. You'll get poisoned too if you touch my blood."

"No, let me cure you." She said and touched his wounded arm. She began casting a spell that made her body glow." Soon, his wound healed and the light vanished.

"So that was your true self." He said.

"Huh? Oh no, my disguise!" She said. Her voice has matured and so was her form. She was a young woman with long blue hair and blue eyes and was smaller than him. "It must have worn off after I casted the spell. Then it means... My magical energy is at lowest!"

"Shouldn't you start telling me who you really are?"

"Huh? Oh... I see." She said. He noticed her fingers were fidgeting, she seemed nervous to introduce herself. "M-My name... Is Melina Aurren. I-I'm Reyonis Aurren's younger sibling... From what I remember."

"From what you remember? I don't understand." He said a bit confused with her words.

"You saw it a while ago, in my brother's eyes... I don't exist. I don't know why it happened or who made it happen. All I know is that Reyonis no longer knows who I am!" She said. "And it was made worse when those people began chasing me."

"And by following your brother, you want to know the answer to your questions?"

She nodded and held his hands between her own. "Please help me. I have no family left aside from my brother."

"I... I don't know how I can help." He said feeling uneasy of his hands being held by a woman.

"Let me join you." She said and tightened her grip around his hands.

"No." Someone said.

"Lady Melissa!" He said in surprise freeing his hands from Melina's. Melissa was approaching them with a serious look on her face.

"I told you not to leave, didn't I?" Melissa asked her.

"But I want to see him!" She said.

"You know each other?" He asked.

"Shut it!" Melissa said to him then looked at Melina. "You are wasting your time. You know that he can't remember you at all."

"Of course I know! And it's hurting more than you can imagine." She said.

"Go back." Mel commanded.


"...I made a promise to you before. All I need is your cooperation."

"But... I want to be with Reyonis again." She said and sniffled. "...I miss him..."

"I know..." Melissa said and hugged her. "Just a little more patience." She hugged her back.


That evening inside Melissa's room, "So you've sent her somewhere?" Tieme asked.

"Yes." Melissa said while cleaning her newly bought sword. "I know you feel bad for her but she must stay hidden until I find the one who made Reyonis forget and free him from that person's grasp. So please, don't ask any more questions that concern her and her relationship to Reyonis."

"Alright. But in exchange for that, I need information from you regarding the people with Demon Blood and the one responsible for this."

"Silence in exchange for knowledge, huh? Alright, I'll accept it."

Few hours later, at Tieme's room. "Damn, those two kept their mouth shut until the end." He said and looked at his arm previously poisoned. I can no longer feel that burning sensation. He thought. That girl is something, huh? But just how did she do that?

He left his room and visited Melissa again who was about to sleep. "Need something?" She asked.

"Yes. I faced two Demon Blood carriers earlier. I was wounded by one of them."

"Then, you're poisoned!"

"Yes. However, the younger Aurren cured me."

"She what?"

"I don't know how to explain but she was able to remove the poison. The healers from Phantom can't even do such thing."

"Hmm... I didn't know that." She said. "All I know is that she is being targeted because her brother is in a mission and she will be used as a hostage. But it seems her relation with Reyonis is not the only reason."

"I see. I was about to ask you about it, but it seems you don't know."

"Well, if you could still remember what we talked about earlier I said don't ask me anything about her."

"And if I remember correctly, I haven't asked anything."

"…Fair enough." She said. "Anything else?"

"None... I'll be going. See you tomorrow."

"Good night."


Inside a candle-lit room, "So you are telling me that a skilled warrior like you failed to complete such easy task?" An old man sitting in a stone throne-like chair asked, beside him is the young man who attacked Melina's home.

"I didn't mean to fail you, father." A man genuflecting in front of the old man said. "There was someone who got in the way and-"

"Why didn't you do anything?"

"We fought him, however his skills... It's similar to ours but much stronger. He killed my brother, I was lucky that I managed to get back here alive."

"Similar skills?"

"He called us an insult to his race."

"A Phantom!" The old man said in surprise. "...Alright, you are dismissed."

The man stood up and turned back.

The old man was displeased with the result of the mission "Clyfe." He whispered then lifted his hand a little.

"Yes, father." The young man said and killed the other man using his dagger.

"A Phantom... He managed to exit the barrier." The old man said clenching his fists.

"Shall I hunt down this Phantom person?" Clyfe asked.

"Not yet. He managed to kill one of your brothers. He can easily kill you as well."

"You are underestimating me, father. I will bring this person's head to you."

"...Do as you wish. Just make sure you come back alive. Your elder sibling has betrayed us for that magician."

"There you are comparing me again to that traitor."

"...Clean this mess before you leave."


13: Ambush


Inside one of the Council halls, "I need your help." An armored young man said. "My fellow soldiers and I need to get back to Phantom this instant."

"I can't do that." A man said.

"Phantom is being attacked by Yumil. The king needs us to be there! Don't you care at all, Lutifar?"

"I can't use teleport magic, Tieme."

"Is there another way?"

"There is a fast way to defeat Yumil. There is no need to go to Phantom."

"But still-"

"Do you want to Yumil to vanish?"

"I do. But-"

"Follow me. The Council is too big and you might get lost." Lutifar said as he walked past Tieme. "Call your comrades."

Later on inside one of the Council guest rooms, "We need to get back to Phantom now." A soldier said to Tieme. "Whether the Councilors like this or not we'll leave this place and return home."

"I know." Tieme said. "I'll stay here. All of you should go to the Wing Tower and go back to Phantom."


"I'll be fine, Lutifar is with me. You should go now."

The other soldiers left the room and went for the Wing Tower while Tieme went to Lutifar's room. "I told you to bring them with you." Lutifar said as he approached Tieme from behind.

"They need to go back to Phantom, please understand that." He said. "We have a duty to our kingdom. I decided to stay just to help you."

"Fine, you will suffice. We must hurry." Lutifar said. His words left questions in Tieme's mind.

Lutifar lead him to the garden. "What's in here?" Tieme asked. "I don't see anything but plants."

"Just wait." Lutifar said.

"I need to hurry back home." He said feeling more worried about Phantom's condition.

"You're late." An old man said as he entered the garden. "Time is of the essence here."

"My apologies, Grand Councilor." Lutifar said bowing to the old man.

"Meet me at the ritual room." The old man just said. "Make sure everyone is ready." Then he left.

"Are you waiting for the other Councilors?" Tieme asked.

"Yes. But not all of them will be attending."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"It should or else we are doomed... This is our last resort."

Moments later Tieme heard familiar voices, those were his comrades. He turned back and was shocked to see them captured by the Council guards. "Lutifar, what is the meaning of this?" He asked. "Why were they captured?"

Lutifar did not respond.

"They have destroyed the Wing Tower." One of the captured soldiers said. "These Council soldiers... They are not humans!" A Council soldier hit him in the face.

"Have them released at once!" He said aloud.

"...Let them go." Lutifar said and the Council soldiers released Tieme's fellow soldiers. "You may leave." They left them.

"What's the meaning of your men's actions?" He asked. "I demand an answer!"

"It's simple. You are not allowed to leave this place." Lutifar said. "Your participation is needed for the ritual. Phantom must disappear with that demon, Yumil."


"For giving birth to such evil the Council condemns Phantom to be sealed with Yumil for eternity... I, the Councilor of Twilight shall carry out your punishment."

They drew out their weapons. "This is madness." Tieme said.

"Resistance is futile." Lutifar said as his form began to change. His eyes turned yellow and horns grew on his forehead. His skin turned dark red and his hair turned blond. "So this is what Demon Blood does to a non-Phantom. Made me much stronger than before."

"D-Demon... Blood?" He asked then gasped. "Under the ground!" They all jumped away from their place as black metal spikes came out from the ground.

A spell circle appeared surrounding the whole garden. Their armor was magnetized to the ground. Another spell circle as large as the first one appeared above them. "Which do you prefer?" Lutifar asked. "An attack from above or under the ground?"

One of the soldiers transformed into a shadow beast to free himself from the magnet's effect. "Die, traitor!" The soldier shouted as he rushed towards to him. Lutifar created a barrier to protect himself, the soldier kept on slashing the barrier with his claws until it shattered. He grabbed Lutifar and slammed him on the ground, both spell were cancelled.

Two more soldiers came to attack him. "Get off me!" Lutifar shouter angrily and released electricity within his body and electrocuted them to death.

"Leave us here." A soldier said to Tieme. "You need to get back to Phantom and warn them of Lutifar's betrayal."

"What are you saying?" Tieme asked.


A sharp stone spike was thrown towards Tieme. One soldier blocked it with his own body and got pierced. "Y-You ungrateful... Bastard." He said and threw his spear at Lutifar which was destroyed by a ball of fire. The soldier fell down the ground lifeless.

"No..." Tieme uttered, shocked by the death of his comrades.

The other remaining soldier grabbed him and threw him away from the garden. "Go!" He said and faced Lutifar.

Tieme ran away, but he was blocked by the Council soldiers. "Get the hell out of my way!" He said and rushed to them angrily with his sword in hand. He kept on running after defeating them, wiping the tears that formed in his eyes caused by Lutifar's actions and his comrades' deaths. He soon reached the entrance of the Council. There are human-like, shadow creatures waiting for him. He gnashed his teeth as he kept on running towards them. His eyes turned red and black marks appeared on his body, his speed has increased. "Out of my way!" He shouted.

Later on, at the front of a destroyed tower Tieme was breathing heavily. His body has returned to normal and now exhausted. His sword got broken due to the previous fights. He entered the tower and saw a glowing mark on the ground.

Suddenly, Lutifar came out from it. "You think you could escape me?" He asked.

A blow hit the back of Tieme's head and his vision went black. After a few moments, he woke up still dizzy, he realized he was being dragged. His vision kept spinning until he lost his consciousness again.


A splash of water has awaken Tieme, he was chained to a post. Lutifar and several Councilors were in front of him. "Did you have a nice sleep?" Lutifar asked.

In Tieme's anger, he spat on his face, Lutifar hit him in response. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Why are you betraying Phantom?"

"I only lived there just to learn your magic. I never swore allegiance to your kingdom at all."

"Would you please stop chatting and start the ritual?" A Councilor asked. Lutifar turned his back and walked away from him. A spell circle appeared, the chains began to glow causing Tieme to feel a burning sensation from them.

Another spell circle appeared above Phantom which was being destroyed by Yumil. "Stop it, Lutifar!" He shouted. "You are going to hurt innocent people." But he was ignored.

Soon, Lutifar stopped, and looked at Tieme who is now dazed by the spell's effect. Another Councilor went to Tieme and raised his head by pulling his hair upward. "Before this end, there is something I want you to see." He said and made him look straight at Lutifar.

A sword suddenly impaled Lutifar from behind, there was another Councilor standing behind him. Drops of blood fell on the ground, "Lu..." Tieme uttered as Lutifar collapsed.

Yumil was suddenly pulled inside the spell circle. A beam of white light coming from Celesta's temple was shot straight to the sky and disappeared. Then another beam of light came down, it was Yumil who later become sealed inside it.

At Phantom, a white object landed inside a forest and made a part of the ground hollowed, it was Tieme with broken armor. He was transported back there after the ritual completed at Celesta. He slowly got up and walked until his feet could no longer carry him, he stopped to sit beside a tree.

The ground soon turned black as the trees and other living things turned to crystal statues. His feet are gradually turning to crystal and continued with the rest of his body. "I'm sorry..." He uttered and closed his eyes. Phantom was surrounded by a barrier.

A distance away from the petrified Tieme, Reyonis was standing shocked at what he just saw. "Not a good sight, was it?" Someone asked. He turned back, he saw another Tieme. "I tried my best to save Phantom... But still, I failed."

Reyonis could not find the right words to say.

"Please end this illusion. I don't want to relive this nightmare again."

Reyonis casted a spell and the place went bright for a moment, they were now inside a room they have rented in the inn. There was an orb with a drop of blood on it hovering between them. "I'm sorry." Reyonis said.

"For what?" Tieme asked while applying bandage on a finger that has a cut. "You want to know the truth and I showed it to you."

"That person..."

"...I'll be honest. Just seeing your face irritates me so much that I want to stab you right away. But even if I succeed doing that, the truth remains... You are not him, just his spitting image." He stood up and walked towards the door.

"What do you plan to do now?"

He stopped. "I'll still keep an eye on you... That is the least that I could do." He said and left.

14: Depression


"Why are you even helping him?" A voice asked. "Why are you denying the truth?"

"Shut up, Yumil." Tieme uttered sitting in a dark corner of his room. The mirror opposite him showed Yumil's reflection and not his.

"You were betrayed that's why you are suffering. Yet you still want to think that your friend did not put you in this situation."

"I said shut up!" He said aloud. "Leave me alone."

"Not going to stop the Councilor in collecting the keys? You know that if he succeeds you and Phantom will be sealed again with me. And if that time comes, you are the only one to be blamed."

He threw his dagger which pierced the mirror and cracked it. "Leave me alone." He uttered.

"Think about it." Yumil said and disappeared, the mirror shattered. Tieme laid himself down on the floor.

Later on, Reyonis entered the room carrying several books. He saw the mirror fragments and the Tieme sleeping on the floor. "What happened here?" He suddenly asked dropping the books. He rushed towards to him. "Hey, wake up!" He said as he pulled him up and shook him.

"This is just a nightmare, right? Your Majesty?" Tieme said in his sleep.

"You idiot." He said as he slapped him with the back of his hand. "You've just damaged an inn property. That's an extra pay!"

Tieme opened his eyes. "...Why did you turn your back on us, Lutifar?"

"Wake up, damn it!" He said angrily and slapped him again.

Moments later Tieme was picking up the mirror fragments with his bare hands. "Just sweep it, you'll only hurt yourself." The annoyed Reyonis said while reading one of the books on his bed. He is in a complete mess. He thought. Melissa suddenly left us without a word and here I am babysitting a grown-up man.

Soon Tieme slumped with face flat on the bed. "Are you sure there are no fragments left?" He asked him. "I'm not going to shoulder the payment for it." Tieme did not respond, he just sighed. "Alright... Let's discuss this tomorrow." He said and looked at the mirror which was already fixed and showed no signs of damage.

He got up and walked towards the mirror and touched it. I didn't even felt he used his magical energy. He thought and looked at him. I'm not sure if this is a Phantom ability or he's special just as Yumil said to us.


Several days ago, "Gone?" Reyonis asked. "What do you mean gone?"

"She just left, that’s it." Tieme said. "Lady Melissa left a letter in the room we've rented."

"Don't tell me we'll wait for her to return? Can I read that letter?" He asked and Tieme gave him a folded paper which he immediately read. "Fine... We'll continue our search. She'll follow us as soon as she finished her task."

He saw Tieme by the window pane looking outside the room. "We'll leave in the afternoon." He said. "You could gather supplies while waiting for the departure time."

"Why are we going to leave without her?" Tieme asked.

"Because I'm in a hurry, I want to finish this mission as soon as possible. And besides... She'll just show up out of nowhere."

After a few hours the two of them reached a forest. Tieme climbed on top of a tree to look for any landmarks leaving Reyonis alone on the ground. "Is this the only road to our destination?" Reyonis asked as he read a map. "Damn... I just hope Councilor Edelmond is not messing with me."

Soon, he felt drowsy. I should've slept before we left. He thought and yawned, then he fell on the ground fast asleep. A person silently approached him.

Later on, "Hey, I saw a cave entrance." Tieme said as he went down a tree. "Maybe we could-" Reyonis was nowhere to be found. He sniffed in the air and picked up a sweet scent. "Slumber Demise." He uttered in surprise and began to run.


"Why did we leave this four eyes' companion?" An ogre asked a hooded person it was following. It was carrying the unconscious Reyonis on his shoulder. "Wouldn't it be better if we caught him as well?"

"Who are you to question me, monster?" The person asked.

"Forgive me, master."

"The boy is resistant to the effects of such traps... He will be after us and we will just be waiting for him."

Moments later, Reyonis woke up. "Master, four eyes is awake!" It said. The hooded person stopped walking and glanced at them.

Later on, Reyonis was thrown to the ground. It suddenly stepped on his chest, he cried it in pain but no voice came out. "So you manage to still wake up." The person said. "The victims usually die in their sleep without knowing that they are being paralyzed until they can no longer breathe."

"And with you being paralyzed, you can never call for help or defend yourself... In short, your time in this world is running up. But don't worry I'll turn you into a good meal, so that you won't go to waste."

Reyonis glared at the ogre, electricity came out from his body and electrocuted it. "So you could still cast a spell without uttering a single word." The stranger said. "But you are only shortening your time to live."

Suddenly, the spell was cancelled, Reyonis was now breathing heavily. "Relax... And close your eyes." The person said when he put his hand on Reyonis' forehead. His vision gradually blurred and soon went black. The hooded man looked at the ogre, it was lying lifeless on the groud. "Useless monster." He said, he then felt a presence approaching him. A black, shadowy, red-eyed beast rammed him and he was thrown away hitting a tree.

It stopped beside Reyonis and  began to change form, it was Tieme. "Hey, wake up!" He said and shook him.

"You seem to have forgotten, kid." The hooded person said as he got up. "I am sure you know what just happened to the magician."

"Who are you?"

"My name is not important right now... And besides, I should be asking that."


"Who really are you?"

"I know what my name is, who are you and why did you do this?"

"For someone who is not supposed to exist you sure ask a lot of questions."

"What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, a metallic thread coiled around Tieme. It made deep cuts in his skin as it tightened and made him flinch. "Shouldn't you start worrying about that man? Well... You don't seem to care of what will happen to him." The stranger said, the thread became loose and freed him. "This will be enough."

"What are you doing with-"

"Your blood?" He asked as a small blob of red liquid formed on his hand. "I find it rather strange that you have one... A fake human." His words surprised Tieme.

"What did you just-"

"You seem to have copied the real one too well. Let’s change topic, would you like to watch my experiment?"

"Experiment?" Tieme asked. Suddenly, black chains appeared and coiled around him. It made his wounds ache more. "Anti-magic chains? These don't work on me."

"I know." He said and it tightened itself that made Tieme cry out in pain. "But I could use it to torture your body." He walked towards Reyonis then smiled as he positioned his hand with the hovering blob above Reyonis’ face.

"Wait... What are you going to do?" Tieme asked as he tried to stand but the pain made him fall.

"I'm sure you know that already."

"You're..." Tieme uttered then gasped. "No... Stop that!" The chains shattered, Tieme rushed towards to the stranger that made him fall in his back. He grasped the stranger's neck and placed the blade of his dagger on the stranger's throat.

"As quick as the real one." He said then chuckled. "But not quick enough to stop me." Tieme looked at Reyonis who has a trail of blood on the side of his mouth.

"What have you done?" Tieme angrily said as he tightened his grip.

"Just helping you get the justice you really deserve... The justice that is deserved by the person you copied." He said and chuckled again. "This will be a good show. I can't wait for it to start." He gradually disappeared.

Tieme rushed towards Reyonis whose eyes suddenly opened. Reyonis began to writhe as black marks started to appear in his body. "Get ahold of yourself!" He said and looked for Reyonis' medicine bag, "Where are the painkillers? You still have some, right?"

A strong gale-like force came out from Reyonis that caused Tieme to be thrown away. "Painkillers, really? He needs more than those." The stranger asked Tieme from above a tree. "Since when have you become this dumb?"

Tieme got up, he gasped in shock when he saw him standing. Reyonis was surrounded by black smoke, his skin became dark red and his hair was blond. There were horns on his forehead and a small, vertical, oval eye between them, his eyes were yellow. His clothes had turned darker with red, glowing marks. "No..." Tieme uttered. "Not again..." Reyonis’ form has reminded Tieme of Lutifar’s form during their fight at the Council five hundred years ago.

In a flash, Reyonis was in front of him. Orbs of light surrounded them. "Hmm? Will the show end right now?" The stranger asked. Tieme shifted his form into a shadow beast and ran away. "Scared, kid?"

"Shut up!" Tieme shouted. The stranger followed him by transporting himself from tree to tree.

"Don't you want to avenge yourself? That person betrayed you, now is your chance. Pour all your hatred to his descendant."

"He didn't do it on purpose!"

"Really? Then why did he use you as a sacrifice to seal me?"

"That's..." He uttered and stopped, he returned to his human form falling to his knees. "Lutifar... He killed my comrades... Our comrades..."

"That's right."

"But this man is innocent..."


"He has nothing to do with my hatred."

"He carries the blood of your treacherous friend!" The stranger said displeased by his failure to make Tieme hate Reyonis and raise his weapon against him.

"Enough, Yumil!" He shouted. "It's true I hate Lutifar... But he's no longer here to feel my wrath."

"I'm here to help you. You should at least help yourself."

"You made things worse! You want us to kill each other for your entertainment."

"So how will you save the Councilor?"

"I... I don't know."

"This conversation is boring... I want some action." The stranger said and a portal appeared near Tieme, Reyonis went out from it. "Let's see who will win."

Later on, Tieme cried out in pain after receiving an attacking spell from Reyonis and fell on the ground. "Stop this..." He uttered. "I'm not going to take his life." The trees around them were either burned or destroyed because of the spells Reyonis casted. Reyonis has lost reason and became a mindless person that attacks whatever was in front of him.

"Suit yourself." The stranger said. Reyonis release a spell to create a pillar of water and trapped Tieme from within. "Still not going to do anything?"

Tieme opened one of his eyes while holding his breath. He saw Reyonis casting another spell; his vision warped and saw Lutifar instead of Reyonis. Lutifar, stop. He thought. I don't want to... Tieme lost air as a bolt of lightning hit the water pillar.

"And I thought I will enjoy this." The stranger said as Tieme fell flat on the ground. "I should just finish the Councilor after this."

Reyonis approached Tieme then a spell circle appeared underneath them. He felt something at his feet; he looked down and saw Tieme holding one of his ankles. Annoyed, he kicked him hard, Tieme's grip tightened. Tieme soon became surrounded by black smoke.

"So you could still move to endure more pain." The stranger said.

Tieme raised his head and shouted loudly. The spell circle suddenly shattered, Reyonis got angry and his staff appeared on his hand. He hit Tieme and he was thrown away. Tieme was completely surrounded by black smoke.

Reyonis casted another spell that release balls of fire that rained at Tieme's location and created thick smoke around them. Suddenly, a huge, black, clawed hand made from shadow grabbed him. "Ah... He finally made a move." The stranger said as a huge, formless figure with red eyes appeared where Tieme was. "Incomplete transformation though."

Reyonis casted another spell but nothing happened. The creature's grip tightened, white flame suddenly surrounded him. He did not burn, but gradually returned to his normal form. It soon disappeared and the creature laid the unconscious Reyonis carefully on the ground.

"It's quite disappointing, boy. You only made a purifying flame to purge your blood in him." The stranger said. "I would love to see your complete transformation." The creature glared at him. "Are you afraid that you'll lose your mind just as what happened to the real one’s father?" It angrily rushed towards him, he escaped and it continued to chase him.

Hours later, Reyonis woke up and saw a winged, armor-clad woman beside him. "You finally came to, master." She said.

"Aaliyah..." He uttered then got up. "Where am I? How did I get here?"

"You don’t look so well. I must take you to the nearest town."

"I'm fine. Where's Tieme?" He asked as he looked around.

"Who's that?"

"Nevermind, just fly me out here... Did a fire started? What am I doing here anyway?"

She transformed into huge, armored bird and carried him on her back. While in the air, "There is a large demon at a distance. I will try to fly low behind it to prevent detection.” She said.

"Is that... Yumil?" He asked. "Be careful."

She flew closer to its back, it suddenly faced them and Aaliyah froze in fear. "That was a quick recovery." It said to them. "So you have another summon aside from the knight who stabbed me before. Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested in battling you. I'm quite satisfied with the result of the fight earlier."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember? How sad." It said. "He must be sad as well."

"Who?" Reyonis asked and it showed one of its hands. He gasped in shock to see Tieme unconscious in it.

"It took me quite a while to bring him down. I only got lucky that he got exhausted from the last fight." It said and laid him on the ground.

"I don't understand.”

"I got what I need from this boy. You better take care of him since he's special." It said. "I appreciate your cooperation, good luck finding the keys... That is... If you could still complete the mission." It chuckled and disappeared.

"Damn that demon!" He said angrily. "Let's go down."


They returned to the town where they stayed before, Reyonis rushed Tieme to a healer as soon as they arrived. "Back here in this town again." Reyonis said and groaned. "Another day wasted." He looked at Tieme who was asleep on the bed. Tieme was full of bandages on his body. "...It's amazing he survived these wounds."

Tieme woke up and saw him. There was shock in his eyes, "Get away..." He uttered.


"Get away, get away, get away!" He said squirming to make his body move, he was panicking. "Leave me alone, traitor!"

"I don't underst-"


Reyonis stepped back, then left the room shocked. What just happened? He thought. Damn it. Why can't I recall anything?

A few hours later, Tieme was sleeping peacefully. "It's alright now." A healer said. "We gave him a medicine to calm him down."

"Thank you. Can you tell me what happened to him exactly?" Reyonis said worried about Tieme.

"He was in a state of shock, his injuries just made it worse."

"I see."


"I don't understand Lutifar..." Tieme whispered as he brought himself back to reality. "Why did you betray Phantom?" He raised his head and looked at Reyonis, he seems to have fallen asleep reading the books he carried earlier. He sighed and left the room.

15: Earth Temple Part 1
Earth Temple Part 1

Earth Temple Part 1

In one of Viridis’ towns, "You're late." Eva, the Councilor of Earth, said who has gone impatient in waiting at the town square. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, Eva." Reyonis said. "Something went out of hand."

"What happened? Make sure that your reason is valid."

"Well..." He said scratching the back of his head. She looked at him with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. She was unconsciously tapping one of his feet as she waited for his reason.


Few hours ago Reyonis and Tieme arrived at the town by foot. Eva has arranged a meeting with Reyonis several nights before. They decided to look for an inn first. "Reyonis!" Someone called out.

"E-Eliza?" Reyonis asked in surprise as Eliza ran to hug him. "What brings you here?"

"Just seen you pass by on my way to the market. I just want to surprise you... How was your mission?"

"Well... It's going smoothly."

She looked at Tieme who was beside Reyonis. "Who's he?" She asked. "Is he the one you talked about before? The one with a mask?"

"No, this is Tieme, we met at Phantom." He said. "Mel went somewhere."

"Please to meet you!" She said to Tieme. "My name's Eliza."

Tieme did not respond.

"Um... I'm his girlfriend... Is he cheating on me?"

"E-Eliza?" He asked in surprise. "You know I will never do that."

"...I've seen you somewhere before." Tieme just said. "Are you spying on us?"

"Tieme!" He said displeased with Tieme’s rudeness.

"Well... Like I said, I was at the market." She said.

"There is something odd about you." Tieme added.

"Uh... Odd?"

"Excuse us for a moment, Eliza." He said and grabbed Tieme in an alley. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're being impolite to my girlfriend!"

"Didn't you say before that she lives in the town near the Council?" Tieme asked.

"Yes. What about it?"

"She said she wanted to surprise you. She arrived here before us."

"And your point is?"

"How did she know you are here? You never told her about this place, and she suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

"She must have used a Wing Tower to travel here."

"If that is so, then why did you choose to travel by foot instead of using a Wing Tower the whole time?"

"That's... You have a point there."

"And besides... The nearest Wing Tower is a day away. You should stay away from that woman... I don't trust her."

"That's enough badmouthing, Tieme!" Reyonis said angrily.

"I'm not badmouthing."

"You are the one who should stay away from my girlfriend!"

"That woman is a spy."

His fist suddenly landed on the wall, Tieme's head was tilted sideward evading Reyonis’ attack. He was glaring at Tieme.

"...You suddenly changed." Tieme said. "But my judgment stays the same, that woman's dangerous."


"And that’s it." Reyonis said to Eva ending the reason of being late in their meeting.

"You wasted my time for your quarrel?" Eva asked.

"It was unexpected." He said. "But anyway, let's continue this mission."

"Alright." She said. Then she heard someone sniffing behind her that made her turn back, it was Tieme.

"Tieme, what the hell is wrong with you?" He asked angrily.

"She's a native here." Tieme said. "Her scent is somewhat similar to most of people around."

"Cut it out!"

"You are using earth magic. But based on your scent, you prefer using plant than other forms of earth magic." Tieme said to her.

She smiled. "...You're good." She said and looked at Reyonis. "You got a nice partner here. He's got sharp senses."

"Don't mind him." He said. "He'll just creep you out."

"Name's Eva. I'm the Councilor of Earth."

"I am called Tieme. I am a royal guard of Phantom. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tieme said bowing at her.

"Likewise. So the rumor is true about Phantom being free from the seal."


Later on Reyonis and the others went to the forest near the town. He has taken Eliza with her which annoyed Tieme that he stayed away from the group. "So Eva, what exactly happened here?" Reyonis asked as they walked.

"After Yumil was released, a demon suddenly appeared inside the Earth Temple." Eva said. "Every living creature in the area became hostile."

"You should have asked for Fierris' help since he is the Councilor of Flames."

"Earth temple is not the only one with problem, Reyonis."

"What do you mean?"

"Most of the Councilors went back to their homeland to deal with the similar problem... Fierris is handling the problem in the Fire Temple."

"Why didn't he tell me about this?"

"Maybe because he could still do something about it. We are Councilors, we were not chosen if we are weak, Reyonis."

"You are right." He said a bit worried for Fierris and the other Councilors.

"Anyway, the reason I called you here is because I believe that the Earth Key is inside the temple."

Suddenly, Eliza screamed. "Eliza!" He said and rushed to her location. She was suspended in the air upside down. A vine was coiled around her feet and legs.

"D-Don't look!" Eliza said while holding her skirt in place.

"H-Hold on." He said. "I'll burn this plant down."

"Catch her." Someone said from above a tree and a dagger was thrown to cut the vine.

She fell and was immediately caught by Reyonis. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah." She said as he put her down.

He looked above a tree and he saw Tieme with his arms crossed. "Thanks, Tieme." He said.

The dagger returned to Tieme’s hand and immediately kept it. "A piece of advice..." Tieme said. "Never bring someone with you if she can’t offer any help."

"What do you mean by that?"

"People who can't even protect themselves are pain to other people's back."

"I heard enough! Take back what you said about her." He said angrily.

"I will only take back my words if she proved herself useful in your mission."

"About her being a spy?"

"No. About her being a pain in the back."

"What? She’s not a spy!"

"Um... I'll try to help." Eliza said. "Please don't fight with each other anymore."

Meanwhile, Eva was observing them. There he goes again being very defensive to her. She thought. Maybe the Phantom kid can sense something else about his girlfriend.


Hours later, "Is this the temple?" Reyonis asked looking at an old, ruined building at a distance. There were vines hanging in front showing that it was no longer maintained. "It looks creepy."

"This is it." Eva said and looked at the temple again. "You better be alert. The plants here might have an effect on you."

"We already drank the potion you gave us."

"But still, you need to be careful." She said. "I'll weaken as much earth magic as I can from the enemies. Use it as your advantage."


"This is a secret entrance?" Eliza asked Tieme. Reyonis and Eva both turned back, Tieme was pushing a boulder as tall as him aside which revealed a metal trapdoor.

"I guess so, spy." Tieme said lifting it and saw stairs, he immediately went down. "Call your stupid boyfriend." His echoed words made Reyonis angry.

"What the hell did you just say?" He asked following him. But a barrier blocked the entrance.

"I guess you have to find another way, stupid Aurren." Tieme said. "I'll see what I can find here... Still, be careful of that woman."

"Stop calling me names, eavesdropper!"

Tieme ignored him and went further in the unknown place.

"...I guess he's gone." Eva said. "Never seen this entrance before, your partner sure has very sharp senses."

"He's not my partner."

"Let's not waste time."


They used the entrance to enter the temple. Inside, there was a dim, empty hall and in front of them was a wall with a square hole in the middle. "Another puzzle?" Reyonis asked. "Why do temples must have puzzles? As if they would provide clues on how to defeat a monster."

"Stop whining and solve this." Eva said.

"You could do it, Reyonis." Eliza said.

"Well... Okay." He said.

There was an inscription in a wall and a square shaped hole below it. "Do you understand Woodtongue?" Eva asked.

"No." He said.

"Let me translate it for you... Heart of beast in the body of stone, clad in metal and fought alone. Jeweled blossom of earth be found, the shackled soul unbound."

"So we just have to find this armor clad fellow and give him a jeweled flower, right? “ He asked and looked at Eliza. “Eliza, look for a jewel that looks like a flower.

"Got it." Eliza said and looked around the area. "I found the jeweled flower!" She said in a corner with a flower shaped jewel on her hands.

"Good work, Eliza." He said. Eva smirked, "What's so funny?"

"Ready yourself, boy." Eva said.

"What do you m-“ He uttered then gasped and immediately looked Eliza. “Eliza, get back here, now!"

A large sword hit the floor on Eliza's left side. She nervously turned back; there was an armored warrior behind her. She screamed as it raised its sword.

"Don't you dare!" He said and released a large ball of fire that hit its body, his attacked stunned the enemy. "Get back here, Eliza." He said who immediately ran to them. He looked at Eva. "Help me bring down this monster."

"You started this, so deal with it." Eva said. "You did not let me finish and activated a trap instead."

"Trap?" He asked as they evaded its attacks. "Do you know how to deactivate it?"

She did not respond.

"Fine, don’t tell me." He annoyingly said and casted spells to fight it.

Suddenly, she began to sing. It suddenly retreated and return to the shadows. She ended the song, "Offer the song of the earth with pride, ravaging warrior shall hide." She said. "That is the last part of the inscription you failed to hear. You hurried right away, Reyonis."


A pedestal appeared in the middle of the hall, there was a square stone with ancient texts engraved on it. "That is the key." She said. "Now place it on the wall so that we can continue."

He took it and placed it in the square hole. The wall moved down and they went inside, there they saw Tieme sitting on top of a pile of dead human-like, armored beasts. "You're late." He said with his arms crossed. "I already cleared this area while waiting for you to solve the puzzle."

"How did you know about it?" Reyonis asked.

"I was watching you in one of the secret rooms before I entered here."

"You saved us a lot of time." Eva said.

"Well, you also saved me a lot of time." Tieme said and showed them a map. "Just made a few changes in your map though."

"Map? When did you get that?" He asked. "Eva, have you entered this place before?"

"Of course, my men were able to chart some portions of this place to a map for its restoration plan. It’s just that the creatures living here turned hostile all of a sudden that we have to abandon this and ask for your help."

"Then why did you make me solve the puzzle?"

"Just testing your skills.” She said that annoyed Reyonis more. She looked at Tieme, “Anyway, how did you get a map?"

"Just picked one of the scattered papers here. They seem to be drafts for the map of the temple. I just made few corrections based on what I've explored so far."

"You are quick, kid." Eva said. "Would you mind sharing what you got so far with me?"

"What will I get in return?" Tieme asked and suddenly Eva smiled.

Later on, "Are you okay, Reyonis?" Eliza asked.

"No." Reyonis said with arms crossed. He was staring at Tieme and Eva who were talking to each other far from them. They are exchanging information with each other. "Tieme is judging you right away. I've known you long enough so you cannot be what he says about you."

"It's okay. That's his first impression, it will change over time."

"If he does something awful to you, let me know right away."


"I won't do anything yet." Tieme suddenly said.

"What the-" Reyonis uttered in surprise.

“I heard everything you said.” Tieme said looking at them. "Just make sure you will not regret everything you did for her once you find out her true nature."

"I will protect her from you."

"You should be protecting yourself against what she could possibly do."

"Why do you hate me so much?" Eliza asked. "I didn't do anything to you."

Tieme did not respond.

"Enough bickering!" Eva said. "Senseless argument will not help us here, put it aside for now."

"Fine." Reyonis said. "I'll deal with you later."

They went further inside Tieme was leading them the way with the adjusted map to guide them. He suddenly stopped walking. "What is it?" Eva asked.

"Where is Aurren?" He asked.

Eva and Eliza turned back; they were surprised that Reyonis was nowhere to be found.

He sighed. "Troublesome as ever." He said. "I'll go look for him, just stay here." He retraced his steps and stopped. "Wait a minute, there is no wall here before." He uttered and turned back, it was no longer the same path as before.


Meanwhile in another part of the temple, Reyonis kept on walking with the glowing Guiding Crystal in hand. He took the path where it shone the brightest.  "The key is just around here." He said and pointed it to his right side. "Hey Eva, can I... Eva?" He looked around, he realized he was alone. "Where... Am I?" He uttered.

16: Earth Temple Part 2
Earth Temple Part 2

Earth Temple Part 2

While waiting for Tieme to arrive, "So tell me, miss." Eva said to Eliza. "What are your abilities?"

"...I cast devastation magic." Eliza said.

“Hmm… never heard that kind of magic before, is that a dark magic?”

“…Something like that.”

Eva looked at the path where they came from. “The Phantom kid is not yet here.” She said. “What happened to those guys?” She walked for a bit and gasped when she saw a wall instead of the hallway leading them back to the temple’s main room.

“What is it?” Eliza asked as she walked towards her.

“The path… Changed.” She uttered.

Then there was a growling sound.


Meanwhile on another part of the maze-like hall, Map is useless now. Tieme thought as he kept on walking. So this is the magic of the temple.

He thought about breaking the wall but his daggers are not suitable for putting his plan in action. He took a deep breath and began to concentrate; moments later pitch black fumes rose up from his shadow and gathered around his hands.

“I almost forgot about this ability of mine.” He said and put his hands in front of him each on top of the other as if holding a thin vertical object. The fumes began forming an object; a rod almost a meter long began to form then a round object with long spikes followed and was placed at the tip. It materialized to a weapon, a black morning star.

The weight of the spiky end caused it to hit the floor and made a deep dent. “Damn…” he whispered and raised then placed it on one of his shoulder. “I need to practice holding heavy weapons again.”

He smashed one wall with his weapon but it deflected the attack by the time the weapon touched it. A vine grew on the other wall and coiled itself around his neck then choked him. It raised him until his toes could no longer touch the floor. The vine tightened its grip then turned itself to metal.

He dropped his weapon that immediately turned to black sand. He was running out of air. The sand moved underneath his feet, he grinned.


Damn it! Reyonis thought as he evaded a monster’s attack. "Just how can I stop its healing itself while fighting? I'll lose energy if this continues."

Suddenly, a vine grew from the wall behind him then coiled around his neck and choked him. A spell circle appeared underneath his feet and the place went on fire and burned every plant. He released several spells to defeat the beast-like creatures made from different kinds of rock.

Later on, he coughed then collapsed, "Did the potion just... Lost effect?" He asked and coughed more, he covered his nose and mouth to prevent his self from inhaling more of the burning plants which he believed has already affected him. He heard a switch activated and the part of the floor where he lied suddenly opened.


"We have to leave!" Eva said.

"But Reyonis is still not here." Eliza said.

"We'll get killed by those creatures if we don't get moving! He'll be fine, he's a strong magician."

They both ran as a pack of wolf-like creatures chased them. Eliza casted a spell, one of them immediately died and decayed. Eliza suddenly collapsed, a creature leaped at her but a dome of thorns enveloped Eliza and protected her.

Eva casted another spell, sharp stones fell on the creatures. "Get up, quick!" She said as the thorns disappeared. Eliza ran after her, "You should improve your strength, casting high-level magic could kill you."


Reyonis was holding on a thick vine that seemed to have attached itself under the floor where he was before for a very long time. "Damn it..." He uttered and coughed. "This sickening scent is weakening me." He reached out to another vine near the one he was holding but it snapped and almost caused him to fall. Some of his items fell, "Shoot, the bangle!"

The vine could no longer carry him, it soon snapped. Black chains suddenly wrapped its self around him. "That was close." Someone said from the surface.

"Tieme?" He asked and looked up. There was a masked man wearing a white hood standing looking down on him.

"The person you are referring to is my royal guard." The man said and the chains pulled Reyonis back to the surface and was placed on the other side of the hole. He saw that the chains came from the man's shadow.

"Your royal guard? So you are the Phantom King?"

"I am the grandson of the late King Nhimhal Ritalis.” The man said as the chains returned. “I only resumed the throne after his death. I cannot say I am the king."

"Why did you help me?"

"If I let you die, Phantom will be doomed." The man said and tossed him a vial. "Drink this."

"What's this for?"

"To make you more resistant to the plants' effect. The duration is much longer compared to the one the other Councilor gave you earlier."

"You know about that? Anyway, thanks."

"I'll take my leave. I hope our paths cross once again." The man said and jumped in the hole which surprised Reyonis.

"...He didn't even say his name."

"Reyonis?" Eliza's voice echoed.

"Eliza, over here!"

He followed her voice; it came from another side of a wall. "Another dead end." Eva voice from the other side said.

"Hold on, I'll destroy the wall."

"Don't! These walls are alive; the whole temple itself is alive."


"There is pulse when you touch a wall. Who knows what might happen if you try breaking it."

"Where's Tieme?"

"He was looking for you."

He is? He thought and looked at the hole.

"We should not waste time. Hurry to the heart of this temple, the demon must be there. We will go as well."

"Alright." He said. "Let's meet there." He ran defeating beasts and other creatures that block him. He soon bumped into someone at the intersection of hallways, it was Tieme.

"Where have you been?" They both asked.

"You first." Tieme said.

"I was following the Guiding Crystal. This will lead me to the Earth Key." He said as they got up.

"Well, your little trip had caused to this."

"Now is not the time to discuss this! We need to hurry to the heart of the temple and defeat the demon that caused this mess."

"Alright, I'll-" the floor suddenly opened and Tieme fell. The floor closed again.

"Tieme..." He uttered shocked by sudden turn of events. There were heavy steps coming from his side, it was a huge armored stone creature with a flail in hand. "Knight!" He shouted and his summon appeared. "Delay it for a while and return to me after."

He ran away from them and continued his search with the crystal leading him. He got tripped by a root, it rolled away from him. It glowed more as it stopped at someone’s feet, he looked up and saw a woman dresses in green dress smiling at him. She reached out her hand to him.

"You have the Earth Key, right?" He asked as he stood up. "I don't want to fight you. I need it to lock Yumil for good, please hand it over."

She went near him then touched his face. She softly pushed him while teasing him with her seductive strokes until his back hit the wall.

"I... I... Really need to-" She suddenly kissed his lips. His was surprised then his vision began to blur as his mind went blank. Vines came out from the wall and wrapped around him then pulled him inside the wall that seemed to be made of soft clay.

"Get away from my boyfriend!" Eliza said and hit her in the head with a cane. Eliza removed the vines from him and pulled him out of the wall, "Reyonis, can you still hear me?" She asked the dazed Reyonis and looked at Eva. "Please, help him."

She went after the woman who was wobbling while floating in the air. Black, sharp objects appeared from the ceiling and pierced the woman's body to the floor. "You will not get away from what you just did." Eliza said glaring at her.


Reyonis gasped for air as his consciousness returned. "You finally came to." Eva said.

"That woman... She put something in my mouth." He said. "My mind... It just went blur all of a sudden."

"I know. I made you expel it." She said. "It's a parasite that numbs the mind and grows within the victim's body. You are lucky it's still an egg, because if it hatches you will be her puppet. This must be the reason why every creature here turned hostile, they were all under her control."

They heard Eliza's scream at a distance and they rushed to her. They saw the bleeding woman in green clothes grinning while dragging Eliza on her feet. "Help me, Reyonis!" Eliza said.

The woman changed form, bat-like wings grew on her back as her fangs and nails became long and sharp. Her eyes turned red and her ears were pointed. She flew away carrying Eliza with her.

They ran after them until they reached a large room. "This must be the ritual room." Eva said.

"Drop Eliza!" He shouted. Metal spikes appeared below the woman who has turned into a demon and then she teased him by lowering Eliza until the spikes touched her and raised her again "Stop doing that!" He shouted and destroyed the spikes but more of them appeared and were higher than the previous ones.

Two stone hands appeared below and held each of them. One firmly held the demoness while the other one took Eliza away and placed her beside Reyonis. "She's toying with you." Eva said. "Afterall, you are the only male here as of this moment."

"Not funny at all." He said. "I'll finish this right away." A spell circle appeared above them, the demoness grinned.

Leaves flew around them, their blades made cuts on their skin and clothes. With Eva and Reyonis distracted, the demoness was released and the Eva’s spell was canceled.

"Knight!" He said and his summon attacked the demoness from behind by slashing her with its sword. It began to rain flower petals and exploded at his summon. Vines from different parts of the room coiled around it until it was unable to move, she created a large stone spike that was aimed directly at his chest.

Suddenly, the spike crumbled and turned to dust. "Now!" Eva shouted.

A large, bird-shaped flame came down and hit the demoness directly. She fell down while her body was burning. "Give up." He said. "You'll only suffer more."

She stood up and flew above them extinguishing the fire. She then screeched that made them cover their ears and cracked the knight summon's armor. Her form changed again, she became a huge, tree-like creature with stone bark and metal claws.

"I guess you still want more battle." He said.


In another room, "This goes here..." The hooded man said as he placed a statue in a wall with a vertical slot. "And this one goes there." He placed a claw-shaped stone on a pedestal.

"Your Majesty!" A woman said as she approached him and genuflected. "Everything is set."

"...How many times do I have to tell you not to address me that?" He asked. "I was never been a king in the eyes of Phantom's citizens."

"But you are our king! No matter how many times you tell me not to call you that I will still do it because that is the truth."

He did not respond.

"Forgive my disrespectful action..."

"No, I rather hear painful truths than sweet lies."

"Your Majesty..."

"Let's go. Let Aurren and the others do their part."


"How much longer?" Eva asked Reyonis who was casting a spell together with Eliza. They were inside a house-like structure made of thorns. Outside, his summon was fighting incoming creatures the demoness created to attack them. "Your summon cannot endure another attack."

The demoness created a swarm of insects that flew them. Eva created several carnivorous plants to meet them; those who evaded the plants began eating the thorn house.

"Freaking pests!" She said angrily and turned the thorns to metal. A huge plant grew in front of the structure and began shooting seed at the enemy. However they crumbled to dust before they could reach the demoness. Damn it, we're just cancelling each other's spells because we both use earth magic. She thought. Hurry up, you two. I don't know how long will I keep up with this.

"Done!" He shouted and Eva made a hole for his attack to pass through. A large, purple ball of light was thrown at the demoness, however before it could even reach its target, a metal wall appeared to shield her.

"Oh no!" Eliza said in shock when their spell failed to hit the demoness. She almost fell due to weakness. The metal wall corroded but remained standing.

The demoness flicked a seed on their location. A patch of grass immediately grew around them. "N-No way..." He uttered as they began to feel weak, the grass had absorbed their energy. His summon gradually disappeared because of his low level of energy.

"I can't cast anymore spells." Eva uttered. "Damn it..."

A spell circle appeared in front of the demoness. "I'm scared, Reyonis..." Eliza said as leaned on his shoulder.

"It's okay... I'm here with you." He said trying to comfort her.

The spell was released towards them.

17: Earth Temple Part 3
Earth Temple Part 3

Earth Temple Part 3

"Your Majesty..." A woman uttered. She wore an armor bearing the mark of the Phantom kingdom.

The hooded masked man in front of her did not respond. He was staring at a wall.

"Should the other royal guards and I help them?"



"No." He firmly said. "Just stay here."


Reyonis woke up in an empty space that seemed to have no end, it was pitch black and his own body was the only thing he could see. "Where am I?" He asked then groaned as he stood up. “Eliza? Eva?” He felt afraid and lonely; he was in unknown place and could not find any source of light. “Am I… Dead?”

"No, stupid Aurren." A voice said.

"Tieme?" He asked in surprise and looked around. "Where are you? I can't see a thing in this darkness."

“You are inside my shadow.” Tieme said that surprised Reyonis.


"Quit babbling. Carrying all three of you is already a burden, what more if I listen to your senseless speaking?"

"You still don't like me?"

"Shut it."

Hole made of light appeared underneath his feet and fell in it; he landed on the ritual room ground. Eva and Eliza were also with him, they were unconscious because of weakness. Beside him was a shadow beast with the size and similar to a wolf puppy, it doesn't seem pleased at all. "Tieme?" He asked and put his hand on its forehead. "So you can shapeshift... You look better in your rabbit-eared pup form." He began patting it.

"Stop that, I'm not your pet!" It said bearing Tieme's voice.

"Sorry, I just can't help it." He said and tried to pat it again but it snarled at him.

It changed to Tieme's human form. "You Aurrens are really troublesome."Tieme said and walked towards the demoness who was fighting a larger shadow beast.

"Don't step on the grass!" He shouted, but he was too late. However, it does not seem to affect Tieme with its energy stealing ability which surprised Reyonis.

"You were saying?" Tieme asked.


"Then come here and help me fight this thing."

"I can't. I don't have enough energy to cast high-level magic."

Tieme just sighed. "You magicians are useless without your magical energy."

In the shadows, a huge, formless shadow creature appeared. Its eyes were red and its size almost filled the entire room. It fought alongside with the first shadow creature by attacking the demoness with its large arms which disappeared when not needed.

"You'll exhaust yourself Tieme. Just creating those two will require most of your energy." Reyonis said.

He scoffed. "Who said anything about using my own energy?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm using the energy coming from my surroundings." He said. "And besides... I am a Phantom, I have power over shadow. This dark place is mine to control from the very start." The shadow beast was thrown to a wall when the enemy swiped it one of its hands sideways. It quickly got up and shook its head to remove its dizziness then continued fighting. "...Anyway, start building up you magical energy. Brute force is not enough to defeat it."

"I'm afraid it will take about half an hour for me to restore enough energy for a single high-level magic. And I also lost most of my potions."

"That's why you need this." He said and tossed an item at Reyonis.

"This is..." Reyonis uttered, in his hands was the bangle he lost earlier. "Hamer's gift."

"Don't lose it again or I will beat the hell out of you." He said and drew his daggers and fought alongside with his creatures.

Reyonis put on the bangle, he gasped in shock as he felt changes in his body. His hair became blond and his eyes turned yellow. A small, vertical, oval eye appeared on the middle of his forehead. "W-What is this feeling?" Reyonis uttered and tried to stand straight. "Tieme, you bastard, what did you just do to me?"

He looked at them and saw several colored orbs floating around. “Those round things you see are called Energy Orbs." Tieme said as he appeared in front of him.

"You see them too?"

"They are already an everyday sight to us Phantoms. Each color represents an element; their number varies on each location. Right now earth and dark elements are dominant, you can see some red orbs because of the presence of the flaming torches in this area."

"How do I use those?"

"Just cast a spell, you'll be using them right away."


"You should hurry. You only have fifteen minutes to use this advantage since you are not a Phantom. The bangle can only be used once per day."

"That's enough time for me to fight back."

Tieme resumed fighting as Reyonis started to cast a spell. The formless shadow creature grabbed the demoness and kept on slamming her to the ground. He sensed that Reyonis released the spell and immediately threw her at Reyonis' location.

She hit a large purple orb then her body began to crumble. She ran away from them as her body continues to corrode. She soon fell down as her body turned to dust.

"That was mean." Tieme said as Reyonis removed the bangle.

"I told her nicely that I need the Earth Key to lock away Yumil for good, but she hesitated."

"...Maybe you could talk to her nicely now."

"What do you mean? She’s gone now." He asked as he gradually returned to his normal form. He looked at the remains of the demoness. There was a woman dressed in green in the middle of the remains. She was weak and unable to fight.

The shadow creatures disappeared by Tieme's command. Reyonis approached her, "You look... Different from last time." He said. Tears ran down her face as she hugged him.

"Thank you..." She said. "I'm finally free." She kissed one of his cheeks and disappeared before their eyes. A leaf shaped emerald ornament appeared in her place.

"The Earth Key." He said and picked it. A strong force came out from the ornament. "I guess another part of Phantom is now unsealed."

Tieme did not respond.

"Let's go back to town. Eliza and Eva need a good rest."


"Finally." The Phantom king said as the claw shaped stone glowed. The woman in green dress appeared in front of them, he and his royal guards genuflected at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person... Earth Dragon, Viridis."

"You had them do the dirty work just to have me released from Yumil's curse." She said. "Cunning king."

"I cannot fight as of this moment... I'm sure you know why."

"You've just fought your way to release the Shadow Dragon... But it was fruitless."

"The Shadow Dragon was never there at the temple. Yumil was the one we met there and he cursed me."

"I know... It was silly of us to force you to this mission. But you are the only one who could hear our cries of help."

He did not respond. She changed her form into a long, scaly, green dragon with golden mane and sharp claws.

"As my brothers and I have promised you... Receive this gift."

A scale made of emerald appeared between the dragon and him. "Thank you.” He said as he took it. “I just hope I could finish this mission before the death curse ends my life."

"Your Majesty, don't say such things!" The female royal guard said.

"The girl is right, Phantom King." The dragon said and he fell silent.

Later the king went out of the temple with his other royal guards, "They made it back to town, Your Majesty." A royal guard waiting for them said.

"That's... Good to hear." He said and fell down the ground unconscious. They were shocked and immediately assisted him.


The next morning, the sleeping Reyonis shifted position on his bed. "This scent..." He uttered then opened his eyes, shocked. "Eliza!" He quickly got up and pulled of the blanket that covers him.

Beside him was Eliza sleeping in a satin nightgown. Soon, she woke up, "Good morning, honey." She said then got up as well.

"E-Eliza, why are you here in my room?"

"Don't you remember? You let me sleep here. You must be half asleep when I knocked on your room yesterday."


"We were asleep the whole night, Reyonis. I'm sure of it and besides...” She said and laid her head on his chest then caressed one of his cheeks. “You are not the type of man you are thinking of right now."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes, so stop worrying now."


Few hours later at the town square, "Thank you for your help, Reyonis." Eva said. "I have nothing much to give aside from these medicines." She gave him a bag of potions.

"Thanks." Reyonis said.

"Maybe if you talk to your partner nicely he might give you a share of his loot."


"Yeah, the treasures inside the temple." She said. "I gave him permission to take all the treasures he could carry in exchange of information about the secrets of the temple."

"What? Why did you do that?"

"Because the information he gave me is much important than those things. It concerns Yumil and the dragons from legends."


"Yes. My men and I will try to learn more of the temple before going back to the Council. You should now focus on the mission the Grand Councilor gave you."

"Alright. See you later, Eva."

"Take care."


That afternoon, "I should go back home." Eliza said to Reyonis. "The only reason I came to this place is to attend a training that happened two days ago. It was just a coincidence that I saw you here."

"You are still pursuing your dream of becoming a magician?" He asked.

"I just wanted to be useful to you. I don't want to be a damsel in distress."

"Tieme is definitely wrong about you, Eliza."

"Let it pass."

"...Take care on your way home."

"I will." She said and left the inn where he was staying.

Moments later, she met Tieme at the town square. "Would you like to talk with me before I leave?" She asked, he gave her a cold stare. "Have a seat with me."

They both sat on a bench. "Stay away from him." He said.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because that is the right thing to do... We both know that we are not supposed to exist at this very moment. Yumil is the reason why we are here. We are just intruders in this time."

"I don't understand you."

"Drop the act."


"You caused him to forget."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Everything was not just coincidence. You want to repeat the past that is why you altered his memories."

"Why would I do that?"

"Melina Aurren."

She was a bit stunned.

"Just as I thought, you know her. Your scent... It's similar to those dogs that appear when the younger Aurren goes near her brother."

"I don't know someone with that name."

"You seemed to have forgotten this but I was invited on the most important day of my friend's life… Marrying the woman he loved, the same woman who I am talking with at this very moment."

"Stop..." She whispered as her hands began to tremble.

"He's not him, he can never be him."

"Stop it!" She shouted and ran away.

18: Melissa and the King
Melissa and the King

Melissa and the King

"Empty?" A young man asked. "This can't be right."

"We've checked every corner, Your Majesty." A soldier said. "The Shadow Temple is empty."

"I'll go inside and see it for myself."


"Guard the entrance." He said and entered the temple. He kept on walking until he reached the last room where he saw two people dressed in robes.

"Ah, Your Majesty!" The man inside the room said.

"...Who are you?" The young man asked suspicious of their presence inside the temple.

"I'm one of the royal researchers, beside me is my assistant. Came here a bit earlier, I suppose."

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty." The female assistant said to the young man bowing to him.

The young man did not respond.

"I found something interesting, a hidden passage." The man said.

"Hidden passage? My men did not see one."

"That is because it can't be detected even by the person with the sharpest senses. It needs an item to open the secret door."

"What item?"

"This." The man said and showed him a large rock.

"…It's a rock."

"Try looking into it."

"I what?"

"Just try it."

He took the rock and tried looking into it. He got surprised that it was like looking into a scope. He looked around and gasped, dropping the disguised item.


"Stop!" The young man shouted as he woke up in shock breathing heavily. He peeked out of his tent and looked around, he saw several people in armor patrolling the area where they have set camp.

He laid himself back on the bed and tried to sleep.


"Let me go!" A woman in tattered clothes shouted, she was shackled to a wall.

In front of her was a group of men, one of them is carrying tools for performing medical operation. He approached her.

"No... Get away!"

He grinned.

A scream rang in the silent, dark dungeon. She woke up in shock, "This dream again." She uttered and looked around, it was still dark outside.


There was a small house in the middle of a dead forest at the far south of the Earth Temple. It was the place where Melina currently lives. From time to time she leaves the house and goes to the nearest town to relieve her boredom, disobeying Melissa’s strict order to stay inside.

There was a knock on the door and she happily rushed towards the door. “Melissa how’s my brother?” She asked as she opened it. She gasped when she saw Clyfe and the woman who attacked the manor instead of Melissa.

“Sorry dear.” The woman said. “My elder sibling is not here to save you.”

Melina quickly closed the door but Clyfe’s strong hand prevented the door from closing. “That’s not actually nice, princess.” He said.

She stepped back as they entered the house, smiling.


One morning at Reyonis’ room, "Gone?" Reyonis asked. "What do you mean gone?"

"She left." Tieme said. "Lady Melissa left a letter in the room we've rented."

Outside, Melissa was listening to their conversation.

"Don't tell me we'll wait for her to return? Can I read that letter?" He asked and Tieme gave him a folded paper which he immediately read. "Fine... We'll continue our search. She'll follow us as soon as she finished her task."

Tieme walked towards the window, she left. I'll come back soon. She said to herself.


In the middle of a forest, "Here's your tea, Your Majesty." Myrvana, the only female royal guard said and handed the Phantom king with a cup of warm tea. "Made it myself." She also gave tea to her fellow royal guards. "I'll just check on our lunch." She immediately left.

They began to sip, after a moment they looked at each other. Each made his own way of disposing the warm liquid without raising suspicion from her.

"How does it taste?" She suddenly asked upon arriving which surprised.

"Um... Great." One of them lied.

"That's good! I'll make some more t-"

"No!" All of them said to her.


"Don't burden yourself." The king said. "Just continue what you are doing, we could still have tea next time."

"Okay." She said and left which made them sigh in relief.

"I'm a bit worried about our lunch today." Another one of them said. "I pity her future husband."

The king noticed someone behind the trees. His men went silent all of a sudden.


"That's all you got, my elder sibling?" Clyfe asked evading a knife thrown by Melissa.

"I have my own family." She said as she chased him. "My real family."

"But we are your family."

"Enough!" She shouted as her eyes turned yellow and black marks appeared on her body.

"You want battle? Okay." He said and transformed himself to a shadow beast and attacked her.

Meanwhile, "Just a little salt..." Myrvana said while stirring food in a pot. She pulled out a small bottle from a bag and resumed cooking. Clyfe fell beside her; she dropped the bottle of salt in the pot by accident. He suddenly looked at her.

Melissa arrived at his location, "Leave her alone!" She said. "Your battle is with me." But she was ignored, he attacked Myrvana.

Myrvana quickly evaded his attack and immediately took out her short sword. "You ruined the food, imitators." She said.

"You must be a Phantom too." He said. "I'll bring you down and take you to father."

"Get away from here, miss!" Melissa said as she ran towards him.

Myrvana stomped on the ground a black, stone-like pillar hit his stomach and threw him in the air. More pillars appeared as she ran towards to him, serving as her stairs.

He immediately recovered and stood on the pillar that hit him. One of his arms turned into a large blade and swiped it at her. Myrvana leaped on his blade arm and attacked. His other arm blocked the attack and threw her down.

Melissa immediately caught her. "You'll get yourself killed, don't involve yourself." She said as she put her down.

"I'm coming!" He said as he jumped down to them. Glowing chains coiled around him and suspended him the air.

"Are you okay, Myrvana?" One of the royal guards asked while securing the chains to prevent him from escaping.

"I'm okay, Hinon." She said.

"What do we got here?"

"Imitators. Don't worry, she helped me."

Clyfe bit the chains and shattered them. "Damn imitator!" Another royal guard said and took out his spear.

"Are Phantoms this weak?" Clyfe asked. "I alone am enough to wipe you all out."

"Such noisy imitator." Hinon said. "We'll show you why we are being feared by other kingdoms." The royal guards transformed themselves into shadow beasts. They were armored and much larger compared to Clyfe's form.

"Retreat for now." Someone's voice echoed.

"Father?" Clyfe asked in surprise.

"Their forms are a bit different from what I currently know. Leave your sibling and come back to me."

"...Fine." He said and disappeared before their eyes. They all returned to their human forms as Melissa's body returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" Myrvana asked Melissa.

"I'm f-" Melissa uttered, her body began to hurt. "Damn cursed blood!"

"Give her a painkiller." The king said as he approached them.


Later on at their camp, "Feeling better?" Myrvana asked.

"Yes." Melissa said. "Why did you help me?"

"Maybe because His Majesty can trust you."

"But all of just met. Trust is something that must be earned."

"You're right. I guess I don't know the reason."

"I'm back!" A royal guard said carrying a dead deer on his shoulder.

"Great. I'll start cooking."

"Uh... Let us handle this, Myrvana. You should take her to the king. He actually wants to talk to her." He said and immediately left to prevent Myrvana from cooking.

"Alright." Myrvana said and led Melissa to the king’s tent.

Moments later, "You may leave us." The king said to Myrvana, she obeyed. He is a young man with white hair and brown eyes. He only wore a lose shirt and pants with an armor underneath to hide his nobility and to disguise himself as a traveler.

"Thank you for helping me." Melissa said.

"I should be the one thanking you. This is not much compared to what you two did in Phantom."

"Us two?"

"Hamer told me about what you did back there."

"I see... I need to leave. I have to visit someone and ensure her safety."

"Wait... Can I ask you a favor?"



After a few hours Melissa and the group parted ways. "Where to next, Your Majesty?" A royal guard asked.

"To Earth Temple." The king said and took out his necklace. It has a red stone as pendant that has an ability to transport anyone in a very short time in exchange of the wearer’s energy.

"Your Majesty, you can't always use that." Myrvana said. "It drains a lot of your energy."

"We've just lost the carriage and our horses from the recent monster attack. It's getting dark and we are not yet near a town, this will take us there fast."

"We swore to protect you, Your Majesty." Hinon said. "You are not supposed to be doing this in the first place."

"Doing what?"

"All of this. You should just be in the castle watching over Phantom... You sacrificed too much already."

He did not respond. She hit Hinon's arm with her elbow.

"This space seems to be a nice spot to build our tents." Another royal guard said.

A few moments later, they began to take turns on guarding the area. "The king is having bad dreams lately." One of them said as they walked.

"I notice that too." Another one said. "Must be because of his grandfather's death, then the incident at the Shadow Temple and lastly the whole Phantom being sealed. Three unfortunate events right away after being introduced to his people."

"This is too much for him to bear."

"Being a king really is a tough job."


Melissa kept on walking thinking about the king's favor. I need Reyonis' help for this. She said to herself. She stopped walking when she saw a several dead trees. I'm here.

She held one branch and pulled it down, it was a switch. A portal several steps behind her opened and she entered. Inside was a garden with a pond and small house a bit far from it. "Melina!" She called while knocking on the door, it suddenly opened.

"Hello." A woman inside the house said. "Looking for someone?"

"Where is she, Girana?" Melissa asked.

"Well... That's actually the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"The person we are both looking for is currently not here."

"I don't believe you."

"I'm not forcing you. She just escaped me and Clyfe went after her." Melissa turned back to leave, but a whip coiled around her wrist. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave right away."


That evening at the camp, "Hey, who took my snack here?" Myrvana asked then looked at one royal guard eating near the campfire. "Was it you?" She asked everyone she saw.

Inside the king's tent, Melina was eating the food she stole. She has bruises and wounds, her clothes were torn and she was barefooted. She ate quietly in order not to wake up the king sleeping on the bed. Soon, she noticed that he was feeling uneasy.

She crept towards to him, but something pulled her to the shadows. "So here's our trespasser." Myrvana said as she pulled out Melina in a black portal on the tent wall. "How dare you enter the king's tent?"

"What's going on here?" The king asked as he went outside.


Melina got herself free from Myrvana's grasp. She fell on the ground because of weakness, she looked at them. One of Myrvana's arms was similar to her arm in shadow beast form.

"D-Demons..." She uttered in horror.

"What did you just-"

"Demons!" She shouted and crawled away from them. "Get away, get away!"

"Stop her!" The king commanded.

Two royal guards picked her up; she tried free herself, screaming and shouting.

"Return your arm to normal, Myrvana!" He said. "You are scaring her."


"Now." He said and she obeyed. He approached Melina, "What did you two do?" He asked when he saw her unconscious.

"Nothing, Your Majesty. She suddenly fainted, she was really scared." One of them said.

"...Give her a space to lie down in your tent."


At the secret place, "You sadistic she dog!" Melissa said angrily and bashed the head of Girana's shadow beast form. "How could you beat a defenseless girl?" Girana hit her face in response.

"What is she to you?" Girana asked.

"None of your concern." She said and jumped in the pond.

"You can't esc-"

The place began to explode that caused tremor at Melina's location.

After a few moments, Melissa rose up from the pond. "You just made my job harder, Girana." She said. "Now I have to look for her again." She stepped out of the water and went to the exit. "It will take much time before your body is completely healed, no matter how fast your body heals itself. I made sure my traps will hit you good."


The next morning, "Slow down, girl." Myrvana said as Melina ate the food given to her fast. "You might choke yourself."

"She looks similar to that guy." A royal guard whispered to another.

"Who exactly?" The other one asked.

"That guy, the one who became the Councilor."

"Oh, him?"

"Sorry about yesterday." Myrvana said. "I thought you would hurt our king."

Melina did not respond and kept on eating.

"Um... How did you get those wounds?"

She stopped eating. "Those demons who killed my family found me." She just said then began to tremble. "They... They force me to drink something. I... I get hit every time I expel that disgusting liquid."

"The Demon Blood doesn't seem to affect her." The king said.

She looked at him, a bit surprised.

"You are an Aurren, correct?"

She nodded then he turned back.

"Come to my tent after you eat, I would like to speak to you privately."

Later on at his tent, "I'm here." Melina said.

"Close the entrance." He just said.


She's just here somewhere. Melissa said to herself as she walked. I can't believe they found out about her hiding place.

Then she stopped and sniffed in the air, she picked up Melina's scent. "I'm close." She said and ran.

She reached the king’s camp. "Oh, you again." Hinon who was packing their things said.

"Have you seen a young woman passed by?" She asked.

"Long hair with blue eyes?"


"Inside the king's tent, but you have to wait. The king doesn't want to be disturbed when he talks to someone alone."

"Wait, did you just said 'alone'?"

"Um... Yeah."

"Take me there, now!" She said pulling his collar.

She threatened him and Hinon had no choice but to lead her to the king's tent. They saw Melina and the king going outside.

"Melissa!" Melina said and ran to her, she hugged her tightly. "I was careless that this happened to me, I'm sorry."

"It's okay... I won't leave you anymore." Melissa said stroking her hair. "Please don't cry."

"He gave me a weapon. I can finally fight with you." She said and showed her a silver bow with wing-like ends.

Melissa looked at him then bowed. "Thank you and I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?" The king asked feeling confused about her words.

"I thought you were trying to take advantage of her."

He was speechless for a moment. "Don't worry. I'm not that kind of person." He said.

"We have to return to her brother."

"We need to get going as well."

"Until we meet again."


Later that night, the king was in his tent sitting on his bed with no lights to brighten the place. Myrvana entered the place, “Dinner’s ready, Your Majesty.” She said.

He did not respond. He just placed a human mask beside him.

“…You don’t have to hide your face behind a mask. Our loyalty to you remains the same even if you will no longer return to your true form once this quest ends.

“…My conscience can’t bear to wear someone else’s face for much longer.” He said. “Are you sure you will not fear what I look like now?”

She went in front of him then genuflected. “I will continue to serve you no matter what the consequences are.” She said. She felt something warm around her; she realized she was being hugged by the king.

“Thank you.” He whispered.

“…It’s nothing.” She said and hugged him back.

19: Discovery


"I need your help, Lutifar." An old man said.

"What is it, Your Majesty?" Lutifar asked.

"I need to speak to the Council and the royal family of other kingdoms regarding our current problem."

"What just happened, Your Majesty?"

"...Have you noticed anything strange upon entering the kingdom border?"

"...We'll there are no soldiers inspecting there. Is there something wrong about it?"

"They are missing."


"Not only them, there are also reports of several civilians missing as well. The number of people near the borders is gradually decreasing as we speak."

"This is really alarming."

"We are trying to keep this a secret to the citizens and new soldiers. I don't want fear to instill in their hearts, but I know a day will come that the secret will be revealed."

Lutifar saw how depressed the king was. He could not find words to console him.

"I'm gradually losing my people, Lutifar."

"...I will address this to the Council. I'm sure they could help."

"Please do."

Lutifar left the throne room then he noticed someone moved from the far end of the hall.


Outside the castle, "What in the-" Someone said in surprise.

"Hey there." Lutifar said to the young man suspended in the air upside down. It was Tieme, his feet are coiled by a vine. "This is actually a blind spot in the castle. No one will see you entering and leaving here at all... Now why are you here?"

"Put me down, Lutifar!" He said while struggling.

"No can do. Eavesdropping is not a good practice, do you know that? In addition to that, you even sneaked inside the castle!"

"I'm not eavesdropping, I swear. Put me down, now!"

Hamer came by and saw the two arguing. He approached them and whispered to Lutifar's ear then left.

"…Alright, you win." Lutifar and said and the vine dropped him.

“Ow!” He said and got up touching his painful hips. "I'm not eavesdropping. It's just that I was born with senses sharper compared to a normal person."

"But you still sneaked in the castle."


Later at the Town Square, Tieme was silently eating beside Lutifar. He began to mutter in Phantom language.

"I don't speak Phantom, make yourself understandable." Lutifar said.

"The one you are eating is actually expensive. I don't have much left in my allowance."

"Well... Consider this as bribe to keep my mouth shut about what you did." Lutifar said. "You've just committed an offense! Be thankful because Hamer suggested this instead of reporting you. You are almost near at becoming a real soldier, are you going to throw away your years of training just for this violation?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Doesn't matter? How can you say that?"

"If nothing is done at all, the kingdom will just keep on making an army of prey instead of soldiers."

"...You do have a point there."

"I should be going now."

"Wait. Before you go, make sure to keep it to yourself for now."

"I know." He said. "...Somehow, you being a Councilor have changed our treatment to each other."

"You are right... See you again." Lutifar said and Tieme left him.


After a few weeks, the king was killed in an ambush. At the funeral, Lutifar saw Tieme in a corner of the soldier’s training ground, he was silent.

"Hey." Lutifar said.

He did not respond.

"It really was unfortunate."

"The king still found out what I did... But he did not get angry at all. He even asked me for an opinion on how to deal with it." He said. "...I told him to isolate Phantom from the other kingdoms. Maybe that way we could protect our existence." He suddenly paused.

"It's okay... I'm listening."

"The king told me that what I had in mind could be done, however that will break the bond between kingdoms."

"That is true."

"It was a cowardly opinion, was it?"

"…I think not. You just wanted to protect the people."

"The next king just inherited the problems his grandfather wasn't able to solve."

"His grandson?” Lutifar asked in surprise. “He has a living relative?"

"About a week ago he was introduced to everyone as the successor to the throne. Not a good reaction from people though."

"I need to see him."

"You've picked a wrong time, Lutifar."

"...Alright. I'll come back next week, please inform him."

"Will do."

Lutifar left the place with a heavy heart.


Lutifar arrived at the Council a few days after. He noticed that it has fewer people; he ignored it for now and went to his room to rest. He remembered the insignia he got from one of the people who made the ambush.

I hope the insignia being there was just a coincidence. He thought.

That night, he decided to walk around. He noticed a hole at the garden; it was large enough for a person to fit. He approached it, there were stairs.

I never saw this entrance before. He thought and went inside preparing himself. He soon realized that it was a dungeon; he saw skeletons shackled to a wall. He could not believe the existence of this place inside the Council.

He went further and he saw a man and ran towards him. The man was wearing armor bearing the symbol of the Phantom kingdom, a solar eclipse. "No..." He uttered when he found out that the man is already dead. There was a deep wound on both of the man's wrist.

There was a cry of pain in another part of the dungeon. He followed the source of sound, it lead him to a closed room. There was a hole in it and he peeked inside. He was horrified with what he saw.

Suddenly, a cloth was placed on his mouth and nose. He tried to fight back but the scent from the cloth weakened him. Soon, he fell down the ground gasping for breath. The door opened and a robed person came out, his vision was blurry that he can no longer identify his attacker and the person at the door. His vision went black.


Reyonis opened his eyes, "Another dream again." He whispered. It was still dark outside, he decided to sleep again but drowsiness has already left him.

"Did I just become him in my dream?" He asked. "His actions... It suddenly became mine as well, even his thoughts and words." He tried to sleep again. If he witnessed such things then why did he help those people in sealing Phantom? He thought.

He got up from the bed. He took several sheets of paper and a pen then went to the table to write.

20: Monster


Tieme was standing in the middle of a dim place. He was able to identify the pillars through the faint glow that came from the torches. He could not remember how he got inside but he knew he had been there before. There was a scent that filled the air. "Blood." He whispered and kept walking.

Soon his foot hit something, a young man about his age wearing an armor lying on the ground in a prone position. "Recalled anything?" Someone asked.

"Yumil?" He asked in surprise then looked around.

"Do you recognize him?"

He crouched to flip the young man’s body, he gasped in shock. The person looked exactly like him and he also noticed that there were claw marks that ruptured the armor’s chest part revealing the young man’s fresh wound. "What... What is the meaning of this?" He asked. "He is me!"

"Have you tried examining yourself?"

"What?" He asked and looked at his hands, they have blood in them. His shirt was also bloodied. His eyes widened in shock and crawled backwards away from the unconscious young man.

"Poor kid, he's your recent victim."

"Victim? I don't understand."

"You are gradually killing him. Right now, you've just stolen his identity."

"Stole... What?"

"You are stealing his very existence, his life, everything. Can't you recall anything at all?"

"This person is a fake, stop this madness!"

Yumil chuckled. "How sure are you that your memories are truly yours?" He asked Tieme.


"You poor little thing… Lost your own identity that you stole someone else's. Let's have another talk sometime."


Tieme woke up and saw the morning sky that was shaky in his view, he was in a wagon. "Just a dream." He whispered and looked around. He realized that he was in a forest trail.

"Good morning." Reyonis who was also lying inside the wagon said. "You seem very tired that I did not wake you up anymore."

"Where are we?"

"On our way to Aquerra."

"The water kingdom?"

"Yeah. The Wing Tower going there is currently under repair so I just made a deal with the owner of this wagon. The payment is doubled since we have no other means of transportation but this."

"I see."

"I hope you're not sleepy anymore."

"I'm not. Why?"

"Because I want to sleep now, I've been up all night to make sure our travel is safe."


Reyonis turned to his back away from Tieme and slept. Tieme guarded the wagon in his place. They passed by a hooded man, he never left his stare on him.

The man also looked at him and grinned. He was surprised by the man's action that he looked at another direction.


In another part of the forest, "I can't..." A woman said, breathing heavily. "I can't do it anymore..." In front of her was a broken mask.

"Are you okay?" Melina asked as she approached her. She picked up the mask, "Are you trying to create another disguise, Melissa?"

"You should be resting, Melina."

"You're not wearing your female disguise. Was it broken as well?"

"No. It was the last mask that I have that can slow down the effect of the Demon Blood. I was trying to make a spare mask, but it seems I don't have much power left to create one."

"Teach me how to make it."

"Only the people that came from the lineage of Aquerra priests can create ritual masks like I use."

"So you came from the water kingdom… My brother has a friend who lives there."

"That's where your brother is going, we'll meet him there." She said and tried to put the pieces of the broken mask together but failed.

"…Can I ask you something else?" Melina asked feeling worried for her.

"What is it?" She asked as she put away the mask.

"How did you end up like this?"

"I don't know. They just caught me and turned me into what I am now, a monster."

"You're not a monster."

"I am. From the moment my body accepted that blood... You are lucky because your body rejected it."

"Maybe there is a way."

"I'm afraid there is none."

"That's impossible. If th-"

Melissa's shadow beast arm suddenly grasped Melina’s neck and pinned her down the ground, choking her. "Shut up, shut up!" Melissa angrily said as her eyes turned red, black marks appeared on her body. "You don't know anything, you little she-dog! Just because you are still a human you could just say anything you want to me."

Melina used her free hand to reach out to her, but was held to ground by Melissa's other hand. "Trying to fight back? I won't let you do that!" She said and held her grip tightly. "How do you like that, Miss Human?"

Melina's mouth began to foam and later tears began to well up in her eyes.

She suddenly stopped, her sanity returned. She immediately let go of her as fear began to take over her. "What have I done?” She asked and lightly slapped Melina’s face repeatedly. “Melina, Melina!"

There was no response from her.

"No... Say something Melina, anything!"


At the wagon, Reyonis suddenly woke up. "What's the matter?" Tieme asked.

"I feel uneasy all of a sudden." Reyonis said. "I don't know why, but something bad is going on."


Melina rushed to the nearest town carrying Melina on her back. She looked for a healer and she was fortunate to find one. "That was a close call." A man said. "If the strangulation lasted longer, the girl's done for."

Melissa was staring at nothing while the healer spoke to her.

"Miss... Do you need to be healed as well?" He asked.

"No..." She said as she stood up. "I just want her safe." She walked outside without thinking about anything or anyone she stumble upon until she reached the door.

She kept on walking until she was outside the town. She stopped at a grassland and broke down in tears.


"We're here." The owner of the wagon said.

"Thanks." Reyonis said and gave him the payment. He looked around, "Why don't we visit a friend of mine here first?"

Tieme seemed to be in deep thought. "Hey." He said as he put his hand on Tieme's shoulder which surprised him. "You okay?"

"I'm just... Thinking of something." Tieme said.

"Let's have something to eat before we go to my friend's house."


Later on, "You should try their fish cake." He said. "It's not actually made of fish, but shaped like one. Much better if you eat them hot."

"I see... I'll take two." Tieme said still feeling troubled.

"I'll be right back." He said and left him.

Tieme sat on one of the benches around the fountain. "The fish cake actually tastes good." The hooded man beside him suddenly said. "Though eating such kind of food, doesn't suit our kind."

"What are you talking about?" Tieme asked.

"You are not a human, you're a monster."

"Stop this, Yumil!"

"I'm just helping you realize the truth. Humans are nothing more but toys to us, fragile yet powerful things. You got too absorbed by the memories of your victim that you forgot who you truly are."

"I'm not a monster."

"But you are. It just happened that you are taking form of your last victim. You were the one who got sealed with me instead of the real one."

"I don't believe your words."

"But because of what you did, you found out the true color of your victim's friend... A traitor."

"Stop it!" He shouted angrily that everyone who heard looked at him.

"Oh well..." The man said as he stood up. "The treacherous Councilor's descendant is already here."

Reyonis was standing in front of them. The hooded man walked passed him, smiling.

"Stop pestering him." Reyonis said.

"You should watch your back, Aurren kid." He just said and disappeared in the crowd.

"Here." Reyonis and handed Tieme two paper bags. "Eat them while they're still hot."

"Thanks..." Tieme said.

"Don't let him bother you. He just wants you to lose your focus on your goal."

"I know." He said and took a bite. The filling inside the cake was too hot that it burned his tongue.

"Melissa sure is taking so much time in her mission."

"It must be too difficult for her."

"She should have asked for help."

"…Maybe she doesn't want herself to be the cause of your mission's delay."

"Does she think of herself as a burden?" Reyonis asked a bit worried for Melissa.


At Melina's room, Melissa was sitting on a chair while watching Melina sleep. She was very far from her, "It's okay if you hate me." She whispered. "I'm a despicable creature anyway." She put on her mask and took form of her current female disguise. "The Demon Blood has corrupted most of my body." She said. "One day, my way of thinking will become similar to Clyfe and Girana's. If that happens... Please don't hesitate..."

"Just surrender her to me, my daughter." A voice from her mind said.

"I'm not your daughter, get out of my mind!"

"You are no longer one of them."

"Go away, go away!" She said as she covered her ears. She was cowering in fear on the floor.

"Do you think she'll forgive you after what you just did?" The voice asked and kept tormenting her mind by flashing the images of her strangling Melina.

"Stop... Just kill me. Someone, please end this madness... Please kill me."

She felt something warm, Melina was hugging her. "Don't give in, Melissa." Melina said.

"I'm a human... I don't want to become a monster..."

"Please don't be sad, I'm here for you. It's going to be okay."

She hugged her back. "I'm sorry..." She said. "I didn't know what came to my mind to do such horrible thing."

"It was not you, Melissa."


Hours later and evening came, Reyonis opened the door of the room they rented. "Finally, a real bed!" He said and laid himself down one of the two beds.

"We're lucky to find an inn that still has available room." Tieme said as he sat on the other bed. "Maybe because of the upcoming festival that many people chose to reserve rooms."

Reyonis did not respond.

He looked at him and realized that Reyonis was already asleep with a paper in his hand.

"He still has that notice." He said.


Earlier, they passed by a board filled with pinned paper in the town square. Reyonis took a paper pinned on it. "What are you going to do with that?" Tieme asked.

"It just got my attention, I don't know why." Reyonis replied and folded it.

“Are we need near your friend’s house?”

“No. I’ve called him a while ago but he said he’s busy preparing for the upcoming festival.”

“So… What now?”

“Let’s just look for a place to stay. My back is aching from that wagon.”


Must be a request. He thought as he watched Reyonis shift his position on the bed. I wonder if he falls off the bed sometimes. He also laid himself down on his bed. It's strange that Yumil is approaching me directly. He thought. He must be trying to fool me. Soon, he fell asleep.

There was a mirror hanging on a wall, Yumil appeared inside of it for a moment.

21: Damage


Inside a manor’s library, "This is a serious matter." Reyonis said to Sorakin, Councilor of Water. "For how long are you trying to hold back this demon?"

"We are not holding it back." Sorakin said. "We are trying to cut off its source of power."

"But as long there is moisture, it can regain strength. Have you tried to look for magicians that could cast lightning spells?"

"We already did. But it has the ability to weaken lightning's effect on it."


"Since that demon has power over water, it has the ability to manipulate water in anything. It can use the soil the resist electricity."

"If soil is the problem, we can ask Eva's help."

"Have you tried penetrating its defense?" Tieme who was reading a book suddenly asked.

"Any idea on how to do so?" Sorakin asked.

"You could use metal objects to penetrate its body then have electricity run through those."

"We have tried that already, many got electrocuted."

"If a person will do it directly, the risk of death is really high. Have you tried using magic to manipulate the objects?"

"We are trying to save magical energy here, Tieme." Reyonis said. "Though it was a good suggestion, the magicians need their strength to cast any spell to fend off the Water Demon's magic."

"This kingdom lacks soldiers.”

"You are right on that, kid." Sorakin said. "The Aquerra kingdom is known for its healers and magicians. Our resources are not suitable for military training."

"Anyway..." Reyonis suddenly said. "Where is the Water Demon located?"

"It has no permanent location. It goes to a different place any time it wishes."

"So where just going to wait for it to strike? Not really a good idea."

"Right now, are there any soldiers or magicians guarding other towns near bodies of water?" Tieme asked.

"Yes. They will alert the castle town if they encounter it. There are also people guarding the temple and the marshes." Sorakin said.

"I see..." He said and looked outside the window. He saw the sky was getting dark and gray. "This will be a rainy day."

“Yeah.” Reyonis said.

“This will only make the Water Demon stronger.” Sorakin said.


The hooded Tieme set out to the Water Demon's location in the middle of the rain. Hours ago, "How reliable are your creatures, Tieme?" Reyonis asked.

"I've been using them to look for my target ever since." Tieme said as he patted one of his shadow creatures' head.

"We have to trust him if you want to get the Water Key right away." Sorakin said.

"Water is odorless. Your creatures might get tricked and lead us astray." Reyonis said.

"Strong sense of smell is not their only capability." He said and his creatures ran outside the window.

"...The door is wide open, you know?"

"...Can't be helped."


Tieme looked at the marshes, his shadow creatures are waiting for him. "Good job." He said to them. "Now it's time to work."

About an hour later, "I guess this is the last of them." He said as removed the mud from his face.

His creatures began to growl, he took out his weapons. His vision went blurry and he could not breathe. He realized that he was trapped in a ball of water together with his creatures that soon disappeared. He saw a large, serpent-like creature made of water approaching him.


"Damn... No response from Tieme." Reyonis said. "Something must have happened to him."

"Where are you going?" Sorakin asked.

"I'll look for Tieme."

"It's dangerous."

"All of us have been living in danger the moment we became Councilors, I'll be back."


"He finally came to, Melissa!" Melina said. "Are you feeling well now?"

Tieme immediately got up and looked around. They were inside a small cave, "Where am I?" He asked.

"Still in Aquerra." Melissa said as she came with firewood. "This is all that I could find. The rain had made most firewood unusable."

Tieme suddenly sneezed. "You've been out for hours." Melina said. "Come close to the fire that would make you feel better."

"What happened? The last time I remembered I was trapped in water." He said.

Melissa showed him a piece of paper. "Reyonis sent me this. We immediately went at the location he specified and saw you unconscious inside that ball of water." She said. "If we came a little bit late, the Phantom king will not forgive us."

"…Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet. The enemy is still out there."

He noticed that Melina is casting a spell on an arrow. After casting, it glowed for a moment then she separate from others without spell. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Preparing magical arrows.” Melina said. “Since the enemy used magic, it's best to fight with magic as well."

"Why don't you just use magic attack?"

"My magical energy is lesser than my brother's. I can't cast strong magic but I'm good at archery."

"That bow... It's actually mine."

"Oh… The king gave this to me. I didn't know it already belongs to someone else."

"You can have it. I don't use bows in fighting."

"Are you... Sure?"



"Hey, you two." Melissa said while watching from the entrance of the cave. "We have to move out, it's coming."


Meanwhile at the marshes, "How brave of you to face me alone, magician." The serpent with body of water said to Reyonis.

"I'm just looking for some people. You don't have to involve yourself here." He said.

"Such arrogance!"

"Look, I don't want trouble but I need to find my companions. Can you just let me through?"

"Not a chance!" It said and coiled around him, trapping him inside its water body.

Reyonis held his breath as spell circle appeared underneath his feet. A void appeared above it and pulled in the water. It moved away as it freed Reyonis who immediately ran to another direction.

Damn, the plan will not be done if one of those items is not placed properly. He thought. I need to find Tieme and Melissa fast.

One of his feet sank in the mud and dislocated it, he cried out in pain. Shoot, why now? He thought as he tried to get up while enduring the pain. Jets of water hit his back and pinned in the ground, the enemy also made them hit his injured foot.

An arrow hit one of the gushing water, it turned to ice. "You again, girl?" It asked and looked at where Melina was standing.

Girl? He thought.

"Leave him alone." She said and loaded her bow with another arrow.

It split itself into two. The other one continued inflicting pain on Reyonis while the other one faced her. "Can you handle two enemies at the same time?" It asked.

Reyonis released a spell, the serpent hurting him stopped moving. The other one looked at him as he escaped from the petrified enemy, "You only turned it to ice, and it's still made of water." It said. "Just like what she did."

"It used to be." He said. "It's now made of crystal and you have no power over it. You've just lost half of your strength for underestimating me... Looks like you're about to lose some again."

It felt something inside its body, an arrow. "An arrow made of ice? Silly girl." It said.

The arrow glowed, Reyonis made a barrier to protect his self while Melina ran for cover.


"What was that?" Tieme asked when he heard an explosion.

"She must be fighting the serpent." Melissa said. "This thing is heavy." They buried half of a metal cylinder in the ground. "Is this one of Reyonis' crazy ideas?"

"No. The Councilor of Water made this plan and created all this metal things. Reyonis and I are just playing our parts in this plan."

"…I see."

"That damn snake uprooted most of these things when I was still unconscious."

"How many left?"

"I don't know."


Reyonis was limply walking away from the marshes with the glowing Guiding Crystal on his right hand; he was using his staff as walking stick. "I need to hurry before it recovers completely." He said.

"Reyonis!" Melina called out but he can't hear her even at short distance. The dog-like creatures appeared beside him at growled at her. "It's me, your little sister... Don't you... Miss me?"

He kept on walking. She released an arrow that rubbed against his cheek. He looked back when he felt it, "Who's there?" He asked.

"How... How could you forget me, Reyonis?" She shouted then loaded another arrow and aimed it at one of the creatures. They took a few steps towards to her.

"Stop following me. I don't know why you helped me earlier but you are only putting yourself in danger. I appreciate your help but you have to stay away from me."

She was surprised that she withdrew her weapon and they returned to his side. "Can't you feel anything... At all?" She asked as he started walking again.

They heard rumbling sound that soon became loud. A huge wave of water was rushing toward to them. They tried to escape but failed.


"This is the last of them." Tieme said.

"My arms are already sore just by moving them." Melissa said. "I'll inform Reyonis right awa-"

Tieme, in his shadow beast form, carried her on top of a tall tree. Flood that almost reached the tree branches suddenly came to their location. "Where did that flood came from?" She asked.

"Must be that snake." He said.

At a distance, they saw Melina rise from the surface with Reyonis. He was clinging around her neck. Tieme created shadow chains to pull them to their location.

"Please help him, his foot was injured a while ago." Melina said.

"We need to be in a safer place. The tree branch can't hold us for long." Tieme said.

"Have you set them up?" Reyonis asked.


"Good." He said and released a spell upwards that made a flash in the gray sky. "Take me somewhere I can see the marshes from above."

"Alright." Tieme said and turned to Melissa and Melina. "I'll come back for you." He carried Reyonis and jumped on tree tops.

"So... Where did Melissa meet that girl?" Reyonis suddenly asked.

"You can see her?" He asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?"

"No. I guess all that is needed is to refresh your mind." He whispered.

"What was that?"


They arrived at a plateau. "I guess this will do." Reyonis said. "A bit far though."

"Let me fix that injured foot of yours before I fetch them."

"Alright... On three." Reyonis said as Tieme held his dislocated foot.

"Three." He suddenly said and forced the dislocated joint back to place that made Reyonis shout in pain.

"Damn it, Tieme!" Reyonis said angrily. "What happened to one and two?"

"You'll still shout anyway." He said and stood up. "I'll go back to them."

"Ow…” Reyonis uttered and groaned. “Make sure you take them very far from the marshes. If possible, back to the castle town."

"Alright." He said and left.

Reyonis released another spell in the sky. About half an hour has passed, he released another spell. The metal cylinders glowed and a column of light came out from each of them. Each column became connected by a wall of blue light; they have formed a circle around the marshes. A spell circle appeared within the walls.


"Spell magnifier?" Melina asked. She was on shadow beast Tieme's back while Melissa is riding on another shadow beast he created. They were moving out of the place.

"It's a magical item that multiplies the effect or damage of one spell in an area." Melissa said. "But the one we've put around the marshes is customized so I don't how that works."

"Whatever its capabilities are, staying near that place is dangerous." He said.


Reyonis put on his bangle, his appearance immediately changed. On the other hand, the magicians in each town were casting.

Earth magic users were casting spells to prevent the water inside the magnifier from being absorbed to the ground.

Water magic users used spells to make the magnifier resistant to the magic that the serpent used to tear it.

There are also magicians who used air magic to prevent the water from going above the magnifier's rim.

Reyonis released a spell that produced numerous bolts of lightning inside the magnifier. He made sure that every corner will be hit.

The spell lasted for about ten minutes. The water had turned to steam and the marshes were destroyed. "You've just destroyed a habitat." Someone said.

"Yumil?" Reyonis asked as he looked around.

"Are you willing to go this far just to have me sealed?"

"If this is for the better then I'll do it. The people will understand my actions."

"What makes you different from the Councilors who sealed me then? Is everyone happy with the result?"

He was surprised with Yumil's words. A wave-shaped sapphire ornament fell in front of him.

"Enjoy your prize... Habitat destroyer." Yumil said and chuckled until he disappeared.

"I didn't mean to..."


Later on in one of Sorakin’s guest room, "That was my plan." Sorakin said. "So I am greatly responsible for what happened to the marshes."

Reyonis was sitting on a bed while a maid put a bandage on his injured foot. "If only I casted a spell much weaker than what I made earlier." He uttered.

"That will not happen if the Water Demon was not there in the first place... Or rather, if Yumil was not released."

He did not respond, he was still affected by the outcome.

"…I'll let you rest. Visit me in my room if you need anything." Sorakin said and left.

Meanwhile in the Water Temple, Melissa handed a priestess her broken mask. "Is there something that can be done?" She asked.

"Let's see what I can do, my dear." The priestess said and went inside a chamber leaving her alone at the entrance.

22: Family


"Reyonis!" Melina shouted as she ran towards the limping Reyonis, two dog-like creatures ran towards her. Water out of nowhere suddenly enveloped them and flooded the place.

Under water, they were still after her. Reyonis saw three blurry figures from a distance, a human and two beast figures. He felt that he's losing air and went to the surface to breathe. The pain from his injured foot had slowed him.

Melina also reached the surface and saw him returned under water. One of the creatures bit her leg and pulled her down.

He saw blood coming out from one of the blurry figure's leg. He immediately released a spell that destroyed the one who caused the wound. The other one had escaped and disappeared from their sight.

A sudden headache and flashbacks caused him to lose air. The bleeding figure swam towards him, gradually taking form of a young woman in his vision. He was pulled to the surface, and there they tried catching their breath.

The strong current had carried them away. She reached out her hand to him which he immediately took to prevent them from being separated with each other.

"Don't let go." She said and tightened her grip on his hand.

Later, Tieme and Melissa found them.


The next day in Melina’s room, "You should not be walking yet." Melissa said when she saw Melina standing near the bed.

"It's okay, my wounds have healed already."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... You know, yesterday... Reyonis was holding my hand. I was really happy that he could see me, but still..."

"He'll remember you, I can assure that." Melissa said trying to make her feel better.

"I really hope that day will come soon." She said then smiled faintly.


Meanwhile, Reyonis was still asleep in the room he and Tieme were using, he was feeling uneasy. In his dream, he was lying on the ground badly beaten and fatally wounded. In a distance, there was a crying woman with blond hair and green eyes that kept on calling out his name.

She was being held captive by several human-formed shadow creatures. There are others that kept on beating him while she was being taken away.

A person came towards him. He could not lift his head to see the stranger’s face. The creatures left them alone, "She's mine." The stranger just said and stabbed him with a sword on his stomach.

He woke up in shock. "What... What was that?" He asked breathing heavily. He tried to calm himself. "Another weird dream."

Tieme entered the room. "Are you okay?" Tieme asked.

"Yeah. Just woke up from a bad dream."

"...You seem to be having bad dreams lately."

"Yeah... Ever since I encountered Yumil at Celesta, my life never returned to normal." He said. "By the way, where's the girl?"

"At the other room with Lady Melissa."

He quickly got up. "I almost forgot! I need to go to Councilor Sorakin's house." He said. "Let's meet later."

"...Okay." Tieme said as Reyonis fixed himself in a hurry and left.


Reyonis saw Sorakin in the town square staring at the board. He was soon noticed by him, "Ah, there you are." Sorakin said as Reyonis approached him. "How's your foot?"

"Better than yesterday." He said. Sorakin looked again at the board. "Are you looking for requests?"

"Yes. My request I've posted here three years ago has been taken."

"Three years ago? What kind of request is that?"

"A search request." Sorakin said. "I've lost my daughter three years ago… She was last seen with her boyfriend."

"Oh… I'm sorry to hear that. Have you found her lover?"

"Yes... But he no longer knows anything my about daughter."

"What do you mean?"

"He went missing for about a month after the incident. And when he showed up again, he no longer has any recollection about this place or even my daughter."

"Did something happen to him?"

"We don't know, but there were reports that there was a monster attack near the Water Temple's area that time."

"What are they doing there?"

"Marriage proposal.” Sorakin said and sighed. “If only I was there at that moment, if only I was not a Councilor maybe I could've saved her."

"Do you... Want to ask my help?"

"No. I just want you to return the notice you took here.

"The... Notice?"

"Yes. The one you took the other day, I don't want to bother you on your mission, I'll just look for her on my own. "

"I see.” He said and took out a piece of folded paper from his pocket. “Here."

"Thank you.” Sorakin said upon receiving it. “Can I ask why you took it?"

"I don't know... I think I saw her in one of the towns I’ve entered while on this mission. I'm not sure, but that person looks similar to the lady in that paper."

"I see."

"Councilor Sorakin... I need your help. Is there some place we can talk privately?"

"Actually… There is one."


Sorakin led him to a small garden; there was a tombstone in the middle of it. The tombstone has a woman's name engraved on it.

"This is my first wife's grave. She died giving birth to my only child." Sorakin said as he touched the tombstone. "No one enters this place but me."

"…I'm sorry about what happened to her." Reyonis said.

"Don't be. Now, what was it that you want to talk about?"

"There is an enemy inside the Council."

"What?" Sorakin asked in surprise.

"All this time I'm being targeted by a group of people with abilities similar to that of Phantoms. There are times they attack and sometimes they are just following me."

"And you think one of the Councilors is a traitor?"

"I'm not saying that, it could be a soldier, a maid or anyone who works inside the Council. But there is also a possibility that it is also a Councilor."

"If that is so, why are you telling me this?"

"Because I could feel that you are not a traitor that's why I am confident in telling you this. You were like a father to me."

Sorakin fell silent for a moment. Reyonis’ words for him had made him happy. "What do you plan to do now?" He asked.

"I will still collect the remaining keys. But I will not surrender them to the Council until I get all the answers that I need."

"Like what?"

"The truth behind this Great Seal, how was it created and why it requires a sacrifice to perform its ritual."

"I see. Have you asked Edelmond about it?"

"I always send him my concerns but most of the time he could not give me answers."

"He's not a librarian, Reyonis."

"I know. Maybe you could help me find the answers."

"...I'll see what I can do. Which questions do you want to find answers right away?"

"About Yumil and Phantom first, history or anything that might be helpful."


"Thank you, I need to get going. I'll get an earful from the Grand Councilor again if I don't hurry to where the next key is."

Sorakin chuckled. "Be careful." He said.

"You too, until we meet again." Reyonis said and left Sorakin.

He looked at his first wife's grave. "He's a reliable person, Iona... It's just sad that incident caused him to lose his memory about this place and our daughter."

Tieme was above a tree. He had followed Reyonis secretly and listened to their conversations.

"How long have you been up there, boy?" Sorakin suddenly asked and looked at Tieme.

"Your daughter is not the only one he forgot." Tieme said.

"I know... His younger sibling as well."

"Then why are you not helping him remember all this time?"

"Believe me, I tried. But someone else kept on interfering with my plan."

"You said it was three years ago, right?"


"Nothing, I'm just trying to connect the dots here."

"You should stop that habit of yours, boy. It's not really good to eavesdrop on other people."

"This the only way for me to get information, I'll be taking my leave." He said and climbed down the tree.

"Phantoms are really odd, Iona."


Reyonis went back to the inn where they were staying. He stopped at Melissa and Melina's room, he heard Melina singing. He placed one of his ears against the door and tried to listen more.

This is a blessing song of the Aurren clan. He said to himself. How does she know this?

"That's not how you eavesdrop, Reyonis." Tieme said from behind which startled him.

"I'm not eavesdropping.” He said “I’m just… Wait, did you just call me by my first name?"

"There are two Aurrens now, so I need to call you by your given name."

"What are you talking about?"

"She's your younger sibling. It’s surprising that you can’t see the similarities between the two of you. Can't you recall a thing or two?"

“You must be joking, Tieme.” He said unable to believe that he and Melina were related. “I'm the only child of my parents. I don’t recall having a sibling at all."

"Your memories have been altered. I know who did it, but I think is not the right time to talk about it."


"The only thing that matters to her right now is that you can see her. Please don't spoil this simple happiness of hers." Tieme said and walked passed him. "The least that you can do is to be a brother to her."

Tieme returned to the room where they stay. Reyonis noticed that she had stopped singing, she opened the door.

"It was a loud conversation." She said.

"Sorry about that." He said.

"...It's not your fault."

"About what-"

"It's okay."


"You don't have to force yourself to remember me. All I wanted is to be by your side to help you."

He suddenly hugged her. She was surprised but hugged him back. He soon let go, "I don't know why I did that." He said. "I... I'm going back to my room, see you tomorrow."

"Yes..." She whispered as he rushed to his room. "Good night... My brother."


Meanwhile, "It's okay..." Eliza said while patting a dog-like creature's head in her house. "No matter what they do, they can never take him away from me." She laid himself on the bed, "Reyonis only belongs to me..."

She looked at the crystal ball on the side table; she could see Melina in it. She smiled, "I guess I have to get rid of her first." She said.

23: Duel


"A duel?" An adolescent boy asked.

"Do you have a problem with it?" A man asked.

"...I just..."  

"It's for our kingdom's founding celebration. All schools must participate in this friendly match. Don't worry because you are not the only participant of our school."

"...I'm not strong enough to participate in a duel, sir."

"I'm afraid King Ritalis already approved the list."

"The king?” He asked in surprise.

"You can't turn back now, Tieme."


Later on, Tieme was walking back to his house when he got tripped by a thin string tied slightly above the ground. Several boys laughed and teased Tieme as they walked pass him. He got up and shouted his disgust at them in Phantom language.

"Bullied again?" Someone asked.

He turned back and saw the king, Nhimhal Ritalis, he muttered as he looked away. He was not pleased to see the king.

"I know you speak this language."

He did not answer.

"Still angry at me?"

"You could just speak to me using our language. I don't see the purpose of doing this." He said to the king.

"It would be a shame if our future soldiers could not even help foreigners just because they can't understand what they are trying to say to each other."

"You always do things that will make others laugh at me."

Ritalis scoffed, "I'll be honest… I never liked you, kid." Ritalis said. "Just looking at you reminds me of your negligent father. I’ve lost my only son because of him."

"Don't insult my father. He's not here to defend himself anymore."

"You are right... There are still more years before I lose my ownership to you. I'll enjoy watching you being made fun of while it last."

"Then exile me afterwards, is that it?"

"I might consider that." Ritalis said as he walked pass him. "Just make sure you'll not get beaten easily in the match."

Tieme entered his room.


After a few days, the celebration came. Tieme went to the cemetery to his parents' graves.

“It’s been a while.” He said and placed a bouquet of flowers in front each of his parent’s tombstone. “I’m one if the representatives of our school for the kingdom’s celebration... I don’t know if I will do well later.”

He stood there for a few moments and left.


The castle town was filled with people. Tieme went to castle courtyard which was the venue of the event he was enlisted, there many people waiting for the duel to start. "Is that an Aurren?" Someone asked as a young man few years older than Tieme came. It was Lutifar who was one of the best magicians in Phantom.

"You're right." Another one said. "As a member of a strong magician clan, he will definitely bring down his opponent fast."

Lutifar entered the battleground waiting for his opponent. Later on Tieme entered as well upon calling his name, there were whispers coming from the audience which made him feel uneasy. "Did the host called that boy 'Tieme'?" A woman asked.

"Isn't that the name of the king's son who died several years ago?" Another one asked.

"A soldier against a magician?" A man asked. "He'll be at huge disadvantage."

"They are eager to watch the duel." Lutifar said to him. "I'm Lutifar Aurren, this is my first time joining this competition."

Tieme did not respond.

"Let's give our best in this match... Though this is just a friendly battle."

He just nodded.

"Alright. You can only use wooden equipment to fight." The host said. "That includes armor and weapons. Any violation will render the item unusable."

"Now the soldier is really at disadvantage." The man said again.

"And also, any magic that can immediately destroy wood is not allowed." The host added. "Are we clear with that?"

"Yes." Lutifar said. Tieme nodded again.

"Start the duel." The host said and their armor and weapons turned to wood.

Tieme looked at his small sword; a stone spike suddenly appeared beside him. "Please focus on the match." Lutifar said. "You're insulting me with your action."

Tieme's armor turned to black, and he began to move. However, a ray of light landed in front of him. "I'm sorry." Lutifar said. "But this is my playground and anti-magic skill of that level is useless against me." He used a spell that returned Tieme's armor to its previous state. "You need to do better than that to go near me."

Tieme just smiled. It surprised Lutifar then looked above, there several wooden daggers floating in the air. He spoke in Phantom language and the daggers fell. Lutifar immediately created a barrier, however the daggers moved in front of him. Tieme spoke again and they began stabbing the barrier quickly causing it to crack.

"So you could use magic as well." Lutifar said. "But that's not enough." The daggers turned to ice which surprised Tieme. "I am not allowed to use magic that could destroy wood itself." He said. "So I just change the item's nature to my liking. And because your weapons are no longer made of wood, you'll pay the penalty of losing them" Tieme's daggers shattered, Lutifar turned Tieme’s remaining equipment turned to water. "Now you have no equipment to use."

"Finished already?" A woman asked. "The soldier was easily tricked by the magician."

"Time to finish this." He said and casted a spell and bolts of lightning hit the ground where Tieme ran. "Dodging them won't save you." Holes began to appear until Tieme can no longer move from his place. A spell circle appeared above Tieme, "This is not an exciting fight." He said. "You need a lot of improvement."

"You talk too much, foreigner." Tieme suddenly said. A large hand made of shadow gripped Lutifar, the spell circle shattered and disappeared.

"A-Anti-magic?" He asked. "But I was able to-"

"I just made you believe that it was weak." Tieme said as he walked towards to him.

"You're... Floating?"

"Phantoms have power over shadow. I can solidify it whenever I please." Tieme said. "I hate to tell it but this is actually my playground since the start."

Lutifar released a powerful force, the hand was destroyed. "Heh, your anti-magic is still low compared to my magic." He said, breathing heavily.

"Like I said, this is my playground."

"What... You did all of this in order to lower my energy?"

Tieme swiped his right arm; a small, black orb hit the right part of Lutifar's face as if it actually punched Lutifar. Several orbs appeared around Lutifar, he smiled and they began to hit Lutifar's body.

Tieme watched him fall on the ground; he turned back and walked away. However, a vine wrapped around his foot, "I'm... Not... Defeated yet." Lutifar said as he got up.

He crushed the vine and faced Lutifar. "I'll be the judge of that." He said as black marks appeared in his body.

"Wait!" The host said. "His Majesty just added a new rule... Using shadow is now forbidden in this fight."

Tieme looked at the place where Ritalis was watching, he noticed that the king was smirking. The black marks and the orbs disappeared; he was disappointed at the king's decision.

"Alright, resume." The host said.

Lutifar struck his staff on the ground and a strong force threw Tieme away. "I guess your luck ran out." He said as he watched Tieme get up. A spell circle appeared underneath Tieme's feet and the solid ground turned into mud and slowly sank Tieme. He then casted another spell.

Tieme scooped a large amount of mud and threw it at Lutifar’s face. With him distracted, Tieme immediately removed himself away from the mud and rushed towards him to snatch the staff.

He casted a spell, the staff glowed bright enough to hurt Tieme's eyes that he dropped it. "You think I can't fight without my staff?" He asked. "Silly kid, now let's see how you fight with an altered vision."

Tieme's vision was blurry and distorted, but he knew that Lutifar was casting a spell again. Lutifar released a beam of light; it hit a wall in the courtyard. Tieme had tilted his head sideward to evade Lutifar's attack. "You only messed my sense of sight, but not my other senses." Tieme said. "I know where you will try to hit me... I can hear your movements." He ran towards Lutifar.

Lutifar casted a spell again, a strong force ripped Tieme's clothes and made cuts on his chest and upper arms. However, Tieme ignored the attack and and lifted one arm. Tieme's fist landed on his face before he could make another move. He fell down unconscious, everyone was speechless.

"A-And this match's winner..." The host said.

"Save it." Tieme said as he passed by him, leaving the courtyard.


Few days after, Tieme saw that the front door of his house was graffitied. He just sighed and entered to get cleaning tools.

"Hey." Lutifar said from a distance.

"You are in Phantom. You should know how to speak our language." He said as he wiped the door with a cloth without looking at him. "We natives are always the ones to adjust to give you special treatment."

"...I was wrong."

"Wrong?" He asked as he looked at him, there were bandages on Lutifar's face and other parts of the body.

"I thought you were weak and need a lot of improvement... My first impression on you was wrong."

"...Don't you have better things to do other than talking to a Phantom's human property?" He asked and resumed cleaning.

"Well... None so far. I just want to visit the kid who defeated me."

"It's just a lucky strike. I'm still weak compared to the superiors at my school."

"...Is that so? Anyway, it's nice to meet you." Lutifar said. "If you don't mind, I'll visit here again."


"I want you to be my friend."

He did not respond.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Lutifar said and left.

"Isn't he lively?" Someone asked. He looked at the person on the side opposite from the path Lutifar took. It was Ritalis who looked at the door. "...They vandalized your house again?"

He ignored him and kept on cleaning the door.

"Not a bad fight." Ritalis said. "Reminded me of my younger years. Tell me, are your eyes better now?"

"Yes. I was able to see all the letters and drawings that were used to deface the door."

"You're fourteen now, how did you celebrate your birthday few days ago? If I remember correctly it was the same day as the duel at the courtyard."

"...I don't celebrate such event."

"You forgot to claim your prize." Ritalis and gave him a small bag. "Consider it as my gift to you." Tieme opened it, inside was a medal. "Enjoy your prize." He turned back to leave.


"Hm?" He asked as he stopped to face Tieme.

"Why did you force me to use this name? Is that what you really do to orphans? Make them a property of the kingdom?"

"...That's the only way for me to make sure that you orphans will not go astray once you become adults. I am providing you your necessities and all I need in return is your service until you reach adulthood."

"…Why your son's name?"

"To remind your dead father that he is the reason why I lost my son." He said and left.

Tieme looked at the medal again. "…This will fetch a lot of money." Tieme whispered and went inside.


More than five hundred years have passed. One evening, Tieme was lying on the grass looking at the medal he received from Ritalis. "Are you watching me from where you are now, King Ritalis?" He whispered. "I just want you to know that even though I owe you everything that I have, I still hate you." Then he got up. "I will protect Phantom not because you forced me to become a soldier, but because it's the land my father protected with his life... The person you wrongfully accused of your son's death."

24: Melina Part 1
Melina Part 1

Melina Part 1

Melissa was watching Reyonis and the others sleep around the fire pit. It was her turn to stay up the whole night. On her hands was her mask she used to disguise as Mel, it was already fixed. She looked at the fire, she remember something.


In a forest, "This is the target's location, Mel." A man's voice said. "Remember, bring the girl alive."

"...Alright." Mel said and looked at the distance, he saw a manor. "The Aurren manor..." He uttered and took out piece of paper; it has a sketch of Melina's face on it.

A brooch pinned on his shirt glowed. "Don't fail me, my child." The voice of a man from it said. It soon stopped glowing.

He immediately removed the brooch and threw it away.


The master of the manor entered the garden with a bunch of flowers at hand. At a distance were four tombstones.

"Good morning." The old man said and placed several flowers in front of the first tombstone on his left. "I brought you your favorite flowers, dear."

He placed several flowers on the next one. "Tomorrow is Melina's birthday, son. She'll be eighteen, time sure passes by quickly."

He placed another set of flowers on the next one. "She sure looks similar to you. Like mother, like daughter."

He placed the remaining flowers on the remaining tombstone. "...Who are you?" He suddenly asked and looked back, he saw the masked Mel.

Mel showed him the sketch. "I was sent to capture her." Mel said.

The old man did not respond.

Suddenly, Mel cried out in pain as his clothes got ripped and his armor underneath shattered. He felt as if he was ravaged by an invisible beast.

"You will have to pass through me before you get near my granddaughter." The old man said as he watched Mel fall on the ground.

"But I have to-"

He received another attack, much stronger this time. "You can scream all you want, but no one will hear you in my garden."

"I don't care... I need to-"

Vines appeared behind him appeared and whipped his back.

"The longer you stay here, the more intensified the pain you will receive. Since you trespassed, you should be punished more." He said and the vines turned into flaming whips. Around him were large, pointed ice shards all aiming at Mel.

Mel tried to stand up but his wrists and ankles were suddenly bound to the ground by strong roots that wrapped around them. "Damn it..." Mel uttered as he tried to break free.

"I hope you don't mind me turning your body into pulp." The old man said three dogs made of electricity appeared in front of him and snarling at Mel.

"You're as sadistic as that bastard who took me." Mel uttered.

"Thank you."

"It's not a compliment."

"My granddaughter is very dear to me. I already lost my wife, my son and daughter-in-law... And even my grandson, the next heir to the title Clan Master."

"Reyonis Aurren..."

"Looks like you did your research well."

"I know him."

"Sure." The old man said and one of the whips lashed Mel's back.

"Stop this!"

"You're too noisy, dog food."

Several lashes landed on his back. "That's enough!" Mel shouted, unable to take much more pain. He turned into a shadow beast and freed himself from the binds.

"What... What are you?" The surprised old man asked. As Mel angrily uprooted the flaming whips and tore them apart.

The dogs attacked him; he grabbed one of them and ate it then laughed. He ate the remaining dogs who were trying to escape him.

Another unseen attacked landed on his body. His eyes turned red, he was able to see his attacker. It was an armored reptile with a body that is similar to a human; it was moving at great speed that it could not be seen by normal eyes.

"I can see you now." Mel said as it stopped its attack by gripping its head. "You’re a very fast summon."

"Return!" The old man said and it disappeared. "I won't let you hurt my partner... Monster."

Mel was stunned by the last word the old man uttered, his body began to tremble. "You called me... Monster?"

"Yes. Now you gave me more reason not to let you pass."

"You..." Mel uttered and grabbed him all of a sudden. "Listen here, you old man! I was only sent to capture her, but I have no intention of doing so."

"...What makes you think I'll believe you?"

He got irritated, "You shut up for a moment and let me speak!" He shouted. He released the old man and returned to his human form. He began to take deep breaths, "...I won't deny that I was sent here to capture your granddaughter." He said after he managed to calm down. "The one who sent me, his real target is your grandson. He wants to use Reyonis' younger sister as hostage."

"Did my grandson's ghost appear to you?"

"What? Reyonis is alive!"

"I don't believe you." The old man said and went near the last tombstone. "That is because my grandson three years dead."

Mel looked at the tombstone, it has Reyonis' name engraved on it. "That's impossible! He's one of the Councilors." Mel said.

"My grandson was killed in a fire accident. Melina was devastated when her brother's body was sent here... I beg you, stop this joke."

"I'm not joking, Reyonis Aurren is alive." Mel said and showed him a small, stuffed toy shaped like a bird. "Isn't this bird your family's symbol? It even has his name stitched on it. From what I know, this is a gift given to someone in your family who has come of age."

"Where did you get that?"

"...I stole it from him a few weeks ago."

"You what?"

"Your grandson is alive, please believe me. I'm not the only one sent here, there are others coming as well but their intentions are not similar to mine. She needs to get out of here."

Suddenly, a brooch fell between them. "So that's why you volunteered to take this mission." A voice from it said. "You traitor! After what I've done for you?"

Mel stomped it, but the voice kept on speaking. The old man destroyed it using magic. "Those people you were talking about... How long will it take them to be here?" He asked.

"I don't know, but you all need to escape."

The old man paused for a moment then casted a spell. Water came out from the ground and went around Mel's body. His wounds began to heal; his clothes and armor were repaired. "Forgive my harshness."

"My body heals on its own, but thanks for this. Your granddaughter's safety must be your only concern."

"...Do you know where Reyonis is?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Take her to Reyonis, that is my request to you."


"If you really want to help then fulfill my request. I don't know how strong our enemies are, she's not safe if she stays here any longer."


The old man left the garden, Mel investigated the tombstone with Reyonis' name. "Who are you?" He asked and touched it; the tombstone suddenly crumbled and disappeared. There was a shiny, round stone remained. "As I thought, the Illusionist's Eye. There was no one buried here in the first place."

"What are you doing?" The old man asked upon return.

"Getting rid of the illusion." He said and showed him the stone. "Who brought you the fake body?"

"I... I barely remember. All I know is that it was brought here by a group of people. They said they were from the school where he studied."

"Anything else that you remember?"

"That's all."

"Your minds were altered into believing that your grandson is already dead. But I know the truth and that is why I want to save her and your clan."

"...I entrust them to you. There is a river not far from here and you could use that to escape."


"Take this." The old man said and gave him a scroll.

"Once you fulfilled my request, go to where that scroll will lead you."

"I understand." Mel said and kept it.

"Grandpa!" Melina said as she rushed to them but stopped when she saw Mel. "Who... Who is that person, grandpa?"

"The one who will protect you on my behalf." The old man said.



Mel quickly moved behind her and immediately carried her. "Wait, let me go!" She shouted as he carried her away. "Grandpa!"


"Stop squirming!" Mel said while Melina kept on pounding Mel’s back.

"Put me down!"

"No. Just be quiet!"

Soon they reached the river, there was a boat floating nearby. He tossed her inside "Ow! What's happening? Why isn't grandpa with us?"

"Hush!" He said and jumped in it. "Your life is in danger, your grandfather wishes for your safety." He began to row it.

"But we don't have any enemies!"

"That's what you think." He said and covered her with a heavy cloth. "Now be quiet. I'll explain everything when we get to the border."

"Grandpa..." She whimpered.

Several hours later, an explosion was heard. "Grandpa!" Melina shouted. "No..." She then bursted to tears. "Why did this happen? Why does it have to happen?"

"He just wanted your safety." He said.


"You have something that they want and will keep on coming after you."

"Something that... I... Have? But I'm just a magician in training. I'm not as great as the famous magicians and not as powerful as the Councilors."

"The reason has nothing to do with magic."

"Then what is it?"

"Your relationship to Reyonis."

"My relationship to my brother? I... I don't understand."

Mel sighed. "...Your brother is still alive." He said

"...What? That's impossible."

He showed her the bird-shaped toy, she was surprised. "He is a Councilor now." He said. "...Alive and well. However he is currently targeted by the people who sent me to capture you... But don't worry, I won't surrender you to them. I will take you to him and I promise you that."

She did not respond.

"If it happens that someone tried to know more about you in the middle of our journey, lie to them. That way you will prevent yourself from giving away information. Do we understand each other?"

She nodded.

"...This will be a long travel. It's okay if you sleep, I'll guard you." He looked at the smoke. Don't worry. I will still take your granddaughter to Reyonis. He said to himself.

25: Melina Part 2
Melina Part 2

Melina Part 2

One morning inside a town, "Stay close to me." Mel said. "This place is too big for you."

"O... Okay." Melina whispered. "Where are we?"

"On our way to Phantom."

"The cursed kingdom?"

"Yes. Before I left my former comrades, I learned that your brother is going there."

"Um... How do they get information such as that? I-Isn't a group such as the Council keep their information classified?"

"As far as I know the one who took me has connection with the Council." He said. "On how he gets information is what I don't know."



"Is... Yumil really free?"

"…I guess."

"It's scary."

"I know. But Yumil is not our concern right now."

Melina fell silent and they kept on walking. He wanted to comfort her but he couldn’t find the words to say.


"Where did you get those weird fruits?" Someone asked.

"At Twilight Woods." A man with a basket of Nightshine fruits said. It caught the attention of Mel who was resting against the wall of a store, he approached them.

"From the cursed kingdom?" Another one asked. "How did you enter there?"

"I just entered though there are still parts that are not accessible."

"How far is the Twilight Woods?" Mel asked the man.

"About... Two days away from here. If you are going there, beware of bandits. I was just lucky that no one got me."

"Thank you." Mel said and returned to the place where he left Melina, but she was nowhere to be found. Just where did she go? He thought.

He kept on searching until he found her standing in front of a shop. "Did I tell you to leave?" He asked.

But she just kept staring at the shelves in silence.

"We need to go to the next town." He said. "I have a feeling that your brother will go there."

"…He already left." She just said.


"He just went here to buy items then left."

"Where did he go?"

She did not answer, she seemed down.

"Hey... Did something happen?"

"I... I want to rest."

"We've just got here."




Later on in a room, he saw Melina wiping her tears. He approached her to ask what happened but she suddenly cried. "I want to go home!" She said and cried more.

"Melina..." Mel whispered.

"I... I was about to go and meet him, but there was a woman who stopped me."

"A woman?"

"She... She told me he's already happy and doesn't need me at all. I didn't believe her and followed Reyonis but she used some spell to create two dogs to stop me from going near him. But somehow, she gave me a chance to get near."

"What did he do?"

"He... He can't recognize me... I was a stranger to him."

"Did you try to approach him again?"

"Yes... But that time... He can no longer see or even feel me. I no longer exist in his eyes!" She said. "She then laughed at me when it happened and threatened me not to go near him again."

She cried again. He could not find the words to console her.

"He doesn't care about us anymore! Why did he make us believe that he's dead?"

"...I don't think so, that woman is the reason he's like that."

"But why?"

"I can't answer that... But I promise you that I will do everything to unite you two again, so please don't cry anymore."


Several days later, Reyonis helped Mel reach the nearest town from Twilight Woods. Before they entered, "I need to change my disguise." Mel said to Reyonis. "Clyfe and Girana might be waiting for us inside. You can leave me here."

"Don't be silly. You're not in a good condition, you can't even carry yourself." Reyonis said.

Mel put on his female disguise. "Take me to the inn. Maybe you could also rent a room for yourself." Mel said.

"Um... Okay..."

Later on, Mel in his female disguise went to the bar inside the inn. He saw Reyonis talking with several men, at a distance was Melina sitting alone in a corner looking at him. She was depressed.

Mel approached her, she was startled upon seeing the disguise, "It's okay, it's me." Mel said and showed her the bird toy.

She looked at Reyonis again.

"Wait here." Mel said and approached Reyonis and talked to him, soon he left Mel and went to his room. Mel went outside and climbed to Reyonis' room.

Melina waited for Mel outside. After a while Mel, who no longer wears the female disguise, climbed down and saw her. "Melina why are you h-"

She fell unconscious on him who immediately caught her. He felt her skin was very hot.

Later in Melina’s room, "I need to go with your brother." He said to Melina while putting a wet cloth on her forehead.

"Without me?" She asked.


"You're going to leave me as well?"

"Not exactly. I'm going to take you to a place that only I know, you'll be safe there. I will try to know how to return your brother back to normal. For now, take a rest... Leave everything to me."

"Why... Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?"

"Because... I don't want innocent lives to be ruined by those people who turn others into demons just to please themselves. But even so... I could not save your grandfather and your other relatives... Please forgive me."

She did not respond.


Melissa brought herself back to reality, it was still dark and the fire in the pit is near extinguishment. She looked at Melina, Have I truly reunited you two? She thought.

She rekindled the fire pit. "Hey." Reyonis suddenly said to her.

"What is it?"

"Do you know the girl’s relationship with me since the beginning?"

"Why do you ask?"

"What else do you know that I don't?"

"I can't answer that for you."

"You're lying."

"What?" She asked in surprise.

"You're scent... The first time I met you, I knew I've met you before. Who really are you? What is your connection with me as well?"

"...Scent huh?" She uttered then tossed a small bottle to him. "Is that bottle's scent you are talking about?"

He sniffed it, "Yes." He answered and returned it to her.

"This perfume is available in any city. I'm not the only one who uses this kind of fancy item."

"Sorry... I just thought-"

"Melina is the only connection we have and nothing else."

"My mind is really in a mess... A big mess to be exact."

"Well, no one can take on everything at once, Reyonis. Just do things one at a time."

"How I wish it's just simple."

She did not respond.

"...Sometimes I just think of going back to Celesta and forget everything."

"What do you mean?"

"This mission... It's too much for my mind and body to take."

"You'll let Yumil go free?"

"Of course I can't let that happen! Ever since I took this mission my dreams became weird. I don't know what to believe anymore, I feel I'm taking a step closer to insanity for every day that passes by."

"Same here."


"Day by day the Demon Blood corrupts my body... There was a time I went crazy and almost killed Melina."

"You what?"

"Forgive me... I don't know for how long I can keep my mind sane. Years ago, I was still human... Now I'm a result of a twisted experiment."


"Hey, can you do me a favor?"


"If it happens that I go insane again, do everything to stop me even if that means I have to die."

"How could you speak of that so calmly?"

"I'm already doomed, death is my only freedom."

He went near her.

Melina and Tieme woke up by a loud sound. They saw Melissa’s shocked face; one of her cheeks is red. Reyonis hit her other cheek with the back of his hand.

"What are you doing, Reyonis?" Melina asked as she quickly got up.

"Why exactly did you bring her to me?" He asked.

"To make Melina happy again." Melissa said. "But-"

"You want me to remember her, right?"


"Then at least make that your reason to live!" He said aloud. "Don't you have anything or anyone to care for you to senselessly think of throwing away your life?"


"Don't give in to the frenzy demon within you... If you truly believe that my current memories are fake, do your best to help me know which is true."

She fell silent.

"This isn't like you... Please take a rest. I'll take your place for now."

"I can still-"


"You barely slept these days, Melissa." Melina said. "I'm getting worried about you. Let him take your place."

"...Alright." She said.

Later on, "How's she?" Reyonis asked.

"Sound asleep." Melina said as she sat down beside him.

"I heard you sing the Song of Calmness to her. I never thought that would make a good lullaby, even Tieme fell asleep."

"...Mom always sings that song to us before we sleep."

"...I remember her singing me that song... But I really can't recall you."

"It's okay... I know one day you'll remember me." She said and gave him the bird toy.

"Where did you get this?"

"She asked me to give this to you... She said sorry for stealing it."

"She what?"

"She used this to help us know that you are still alive."

"Still alive? What do you mean?"

"Three years ago there was a group of men who carried a burnt body to us. They told us you died in a fire accident at the magician school in Aquerra."

"Aquerra? I don't remember living there. How were you sure that was really me?"

"They brought us this." She said and showed him a brooch. He was stunned when he saw it, he recognized the brooch. "This is... The last gift I gave to you before you disappeared."

He remembered something.


At the garden of Aurren manor, "Happy birthday!" A young woman said. "You're finally an adult, Reyonis."

"Yeah, time sure is fast." Reyonis said.

"I made you something."

"Really? Let me see it” He said and opened a paper bag which contain a bird brooch. “Whoa, you made this yourself?"

"Yes, make sure you show it off to your friends on your way back to Aquerra."

"Sure. Maybe by doing so I can find your future husband."

"Not that marriage talk again..."

"Just kidding. Let me get married first before you marry someone."


"Reyonis?" Melina asked after nudging him.

"What? Oh... Sorry. Something just entered my mind." Reyonis said. "Were you saying something?"

"Nothing." She said and leaned on his shoulder. "I just want to be by your side, that's all."

"Oh, alr-"

She was already asleep. He decided not to wake her and let her rest beside him.

26: Hurt Part 1
Hurt Part 1

Hurt Part 1

Tieme groaned as he woke up. He looked around, "Is this... The Shadow Temple?" He asked.

He went to the entrance and he could see the Phantom castle at a distance. I need to find Hamer. He thought.

He heard a cry of pain within temple and decided to follow the sound. In one of the rooms, he saw the wounded Phantom king holding a sword. "Your Majesty!" Tieme said and approached him but stopped when he saw a wounded person that looked exactly like him crawling away from the king. "Your Majesty?"

The king raised his sword and uttered a Phantom word, then attacked. Tieme woke up in shock.

"The king told me to die... I don't understand why he would say that." He said, breathing heavily.


Reyonis was reading a report on his bed. Around him were several scrolls and books. Someone knocked on the door, "Who is it?" He asked.

"It's me." Tieme said.

He opened the door, "I'm definitely sure I've hanged a 'Do not disturb' sign at the doorknob." He said.

"I think it's the one held by one of the kids who passed by here."

"What? Anyway, since you already disturbed me what is it that you want?"

"...Not going to let me in first?"

"Fine... Come in. Just close the door after you enter." He said, soon Tieme entered. "Now, what do you want?"

"...I think someone is altering my dreams."

"What do you mean?"

"In my dream, I saw the king trying to kill me inside the Shadow Temple. But I don't recall that such event happened."

"...If you think that it didn't happen then forget about it."

"It disturbs me. Do you think this is Yumil's work? He seems to be entering my dreams frequently... Keeps calling me a fake human."

Reyonis did not respond.

"Is there a sleeping potion that can put me in a dreamless sleep?"

"If there is, I would be the first to buy one."

"I see. I think I already took too much of your time." Tieme said and went to the door.

"Don't let yourself succumb to Yumil's will. That's all I could say."

"Is there a reason for me to help him?"

"There are times that Yumil speaks to you. You might get lured to him without knowing it."

"I won't let him do that." Tieme said and left the room.

"He's starting to get affected." Reyonis whispered. "I must end this mission right away.

Tieme saw Melissa leaving her room. "Lady Melissa." He called out.

"What is it, Tieme?"

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"We are talking already."

"I mean I want to talk to you about some things privately."

"Alright." She said and opened the door. "Come in."

He was stunned.


Melina was meditating when she felt an eerie presence. She immediately thought of her brother and rushed to his room. "What's the matter?" Reyonis asked upon responding to her knocks by opening the door. "What in the- what is this presence?"

"Something is not right in this place." She said.

He looked around. They were the only ones in the corridor, "Where the people?" He thought.

"This magic... It's a dimension altering magic."


"I can still feel the presence of the people inside the inn but it's us they can't feel. We exist in the same place as them but we are in a dimension different to where they are."

"In another dimension or not, prepare yourself. This presence is a very powerful one."

"Let me just get my bow and arrows." She said and entered her room. However a barrier prevented her from doing so. "But I just came here."

"Can't you use magic without relying on weapons?"

She shook her head. "I'm still a trainee magician."

"...How about your healing magic?"

"Well… I think it's strong enough to aid you."

"Alright, be a healer for now."

Suddenly, a shadow beast in a form of a kitten went out of Melissa's room and ran to them.

"Hey there, kitty." She said as she tried to pat its head. It purred upon her touch.

"It must be Tieme's."

It returned to Melissa's room, they followed. They were surprised when they found out that the room was a portal that led them to a dark cave-like place.

A shadow beast leaped to attack them but was stopped by Tieme's kick. "What happened here? Where's Melissa?" Reyonis asked.

"I don't know." Tieme answered while trying to subdue the enemy. "She created this one to attack us."

"Melissa would never do that!" She said.

"She's acting strange. I'll lend you my minion it will help you find her. Just be careful I'm sure this is not the only one she created."

"Alright. Make you sure you keep up with us." Reyonis said and they followed the kitten that ran after Melissa's scent.

"Why would she do this?" She asked.

"I don't know." He answered. "That's why we need to find her."

Another shadow beast appeared. It roared at them but did not attack. It took a few steps aside, letting them pass through.

Soon, they heard a cry of pain. "That's her voice!" She said. "Someone's hurting her."

They kept on running until they reach a large room. They saw an old man sitting in a throne-like chair. They saw Melissa sitting, dazed on the floor, she was inside a spell circle staring at nothing.

"Melissa!" Reyonis said and rushed to her. "Can you still hear me?" He looked at the old man, "Who are you? Why are you doing this to her?"

Instead of answering, he released a spell to keep Reyonis from her. She became shocked, "Get... Get out my mind!" She screamed while covering her ears, black marks appeared on her body as her eyes turned yellow. "Stop!"

More shadow beast appeared around them. Melissa suddenly laughed maniacally as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Stop it. She'll go insane if this goes on!" Melina said.

"Isn't it normal for a father to disciple his child?" The man asked. "Mel disobeyed me a lot of times, a punishment must be given."

"You are no father." Reyonis said as a spell circle appeared underneath his feet. "You are just a cruel person who enjoys inflicting pain on others."

Large rocks came down on the old man who used a barrier to protect himself. Sharp spikes appeared above; they fell down as another set of spike from the ground came up forming a set of teeth that bit the barrier.

The barrier shattered, the old man transported himself in another part if the room and released a spell.

Reyonis used the flames that lit the room to create walls of fire. His knight summon suddenly appeared behind the old man and attacked.

Ice formed from the ground and froze the summon's sword. "You fool. Your flame walls prevented you to see my actions clearly." He said. The summon let go of the sword and punched him several times until he manage to fight back.

He suddenly looked at Melissa. She was not inside the spell circle anymore. He looked around and saw her being pulled to another part of the room by Melina.

"Pay attention." Reyonis who was now behind the old man said. He put his hand on the old man's back and released a spell.

Meanwhile, "Please wake up." Melina said as she healed the unconscious Melissa. A shadow beast approached her from behind.

The kitten hissed and leaped to scratch its face. With the enemy distracted, she dragged Melissa away from them only to be surrounded by more shadow beasts.

Large chunks of sharp ice fell down on them. Reyonis' summon carried Melissa and Melina, "Take them back to the portal, quick!" Reyonis shouted.

The knight summon obeyed and went on its way. A spike made of shadow came out of the ground and pierced its chest, it disappeared and dropped them. "You think I'm dead?" The old man asked as he stood up. "My body heals much faster than normal people."

"You damn monster!" He shouted and created curved blades of light to attack him. But a large shadow hand came out of his shadow and gripped him.

"As long as you are trapped there, you can't cast any form of magic." The old man said. "That means..."

"Damn you."

Melina screamed as a shadow beast leaped to her. Tieme came and kicked its face, "Sorry for being late." Tieme just said. His clothes were ripped revealing his damaged hidden armor. He was also wounded.

Tieme took out his daggers and attacked them. Reyonis noticed the old man smirking as he looked at Tieme fighting. He struggled to break free, "Long time no see, Phantom soldier." The old man said. Tieme glared at him in response.

The shadow hand's grip suddenly tightened that made Reyonis cry out in pain. "Stop that!" Melina shouted.

Tieme threw one of his daggers at the old man and it got buried to his chest. "Does this man remind you of Lutifar?" He asked while pulling it out.

"L-Lutifar?" Reyonis asked. "Y-You're from...

"The same time as I am." Tieme said. "The same person who killed my friend."


"With the Demon Blood, I am able to live longer than a normal person." The old man said. "Longer than a Phantom's lifespan."

Suddenly, Melissa writhed in pain. Her body transformed into a larger, horned shadow beast. Tieme quickly carried Melina away from her.

"What did you do to her?" Reyonis asked angrily. Melissa rushed in one direction not minding if she hit herself against anything.

"Hmm... Not good, she just went berserk. The Demon Blood in her did not mix well with her own." The old man said.

"What? You crazy bastard, she's hurting herself!" He shouted as Melissa pounded her head against the wall several times.

"Why don't you stop her?" The old man asked and released him. "I'll just formulate a new type of Demon Blood for her." He vanished in their sight.

"Stop daydreaming!" Tieme said as he carried Reyonis to safety. Melissa had just attacked at his previous location. "A simple talk will not return her to her senses."

"What do you mean?" He asked as Tieme put him down.

"We need to defeat her."

"Defeat... Melissa?"

27: Hurt Part 2
Hurt Part 2

Hurt Part 2

"Her movements are random." Tieme said.

"So we can't predict her next move?" Reyonis asked.

"No. She could attack us or herself anytime."

Melissa, in her horned beast form, attacked them from above.


The Phantom king went out of his tent. He saw some of his soldiers patrolling while others are guarding the area where they built their tents.

"Come here you hard-headed horse!" A soldier said while pulling the reins of a horse that was separated from the other horses. It resisted and tried to get free from him.

"Good morning." He greeted his soldier.

"Good- Ah!" The soldier said in surprise when the horse jolted that made him lose his grip on the reins. It immediately ran off. "I'll just go after the horse, Your Majesty."

"Alright." He said and the soldier left.

"He'll just wear himself out." Someone said.

"Who's there?" He asked. The soldiers immediately surrounded him.

A hooded woman appeared in front of them. "If he managed to return that horse, I'll just make another horse run off." She said.

"Who are you?"

"You may call me Black Witch."

The king and his soldiers were surprised. "...What does Yumil's servant want from us?" The king asked.

She chuckled.


Melissa attacked the barrier that Reyonis created. She bit it hard that it cracked. "Now!" He shouted.

Tieme threw his dagger aiming at her heart. Her body was covered with white fire the moment it hit her. It was the same magic that Tieme used to defeat Reyonis when he lost control of himself upon receiving Tieme's blood.

Melissa returned to her human form, the black marks were still on her skin. She glared at them, the color of her eyes were red.

"You said it will be over if she returns to normal." Reyonis said.

"That's what I thought too." Tieme said.

"Behind you!" Melina shouted, they turned back and saw an upper part of a shadow beast outside a portal. Tieme shoved Reyonis and received the attack, Tieme stabbed it. It returned to the portal and disappeared.

Reyonis immediately released a spell to electrify Melissa and she fell down with body numb. He rushed to Tieme who was being healed by Melina.

"The wound is deep." Melina said.

"But can you save him?" Reyonis asked.

"Yes, but it will take time."

Melissa dragged herself towards them. "R... Reyonis..." She uttered. "K-Kill me..."

"Don't give up just yet! You have to fight it." He said.

"I can't."

"Enough with this bullshit!" He said angrily not caring if his words were vulgar to their ears. "We came here to help you and you're just going to give in to whatever that crazy man did to you? You insult me."

"Don't say such harsh words, Reyonis!" Melina said. "You're not helping her."

"If you really wish to die, then die for all I care! You are wasting my time. I should be on my way to the next key but I’m here stuck in some alternate dimension because of you."

"Stop that!"

"Shut it, Melina." He said. "I'm your brother, do what I say." He returned his gaze to Melissa, "Simple talk will not return her to her senses, just as Tieme said."

A spell circle appeared underneath Melissa. It startled her for a moment then sighed accepting her fate.

"Hey..." He said.

"Huh?" She whispered and looked at him.

"How do you want it to be? Open or closed casket?"

"...Your choice."

He cancelled the spell after a few moments. "I'm not a cold-blooded killer, Melissa." He said.

She was about to speak but a sharp pain in the chest had stopped her. She returned to the horned shadow beast form and attacked them.

Sound of chains filled the room.

"We meet in a dangerous place again, Councilor." Someone said.

Reyonis was surprised to find out they were safe. He looked at Melissa who was bound by glowing chains. "Phantom king." He said when he saw the masked stranger in a white hood approaching them.

The king looked at Tieme, he's still unconscious. A white, beast-like creature as a large as a horse appeared beside him. "Take these two out of here." He said and it took Tieme and Melina away.

"Where did you take them?"

"Out of this hateful place… I guess we'll be partners for now. How do you plan on bringing this creature down?"

"She's my companion and she's human. A crazy bastard turned her into this." Reyonis said, angry when the king called her 'creature'.

"...I see, so this is her now."

Melissa shattered the chains and attacked them. The king took out his sword and blocked it. Crystal spikes came out from the ground and pierced her wrist.

"Be careful!" He said. "You're hurting her physically."

"No. Her real body is in this creature's center, this is not her real arm." The king said. "I'll attack the limbs, you handle the torso."

"I... I can't do that, I might kill her. If I have that white fire that Tieme made earlier, then I would do so."

"White fire... I see." The king uttered. "Viridis. Aquerra. Come forth!"

Green and blue dragons appeared on each side of the king. Their glowing bodies hurt Melissa's eyes that it backed away from them. "How can we be of service to you, Phantom king?" The blue dragon asked.

"Bless my partner with your dragon magic. This is the only way for him to save his friend."

"For the girl?" The green dragon asked. "Humans are willing to do anything in the name of love."

"Viridis..." The king said.

"My apologies." Viridis said and looked at Reyonis. "Aren't you the one I kissed before?" Reyonis was speechless and disgusted.

"Forgive her." The blue dragon said to Reyonis. "If this will truly help you then received my blessing."

"Mine as well, lover boy." The green dragon said and Reyonis' clothes glowed. A cape appeared on his clothes, it has a dragon-shaped chain that holds the cape in place. His wounds were also healed.

"Thanks." Reyonis said and they disappeared.

"Dragon magic is the only magic that could bring her back to her normal self." The king said. "It's similar to a purifying magic. All your magic attacks will not hurt her physically."

"Are you sure?"

"Did Tieme's fire kill her?"


"Then we are clear on that."

Soon, Melissa approached them. The king attacked and cut off her right arm, she hit him with her other arm. He shook off his dizziness and resumed fighting her.

As he was about to attack he felt pain in his whole body and fell down. "Damn curse, why now?" He thought as he got up only to get caught by her.

Another arm appeared from where the severed one was. She put her new hand around her other hand and tightened her grip on him.

"Get a hold of yourself, Melissa!" Reyonis said and released a beam of light that pierced her wrists; the hands turned to crumbling ashes and dropped the king.

"What in the world are you doing?" The king asked. "Stick to the plan, I'll keep her busy."

"You'll get crushed if it wasn't for me."

"I'll thank you later. Don't you want to save your companion?" He asked while trying to subdue her. "I'll be fine, the pain is gone now."

"...Alright." Reyonis said and resumed casting.

"Don't give up, miss." He said. "He'll save you." Memories suddenly flashed his mind, memories of Melissa before and when she received the Demon Blood. "You are..."

"Let go of her, now!" Reyonis shouted and he immediately went away from her.

A bird-shaped white fire hit her from above. She screamed in pain as her body returned to normal, she soon passed out. Reyonis rushed to her and saw the cracks on her face. "She's fine now." The king said. "You were able to remove it from her... But not completely."

"What? Explain yourself!" Reyonis said.

"I saw her memories. The way the Demon Blood was put in her... I don't know how those people could bear to do this."

"What happened to her? Tell me!" He said, but the king could not find way to bring up the answer. The king looked away.

"I though this could save her." The king said. "The next time this happens-"

"Wait, this will not be the first time?"

The king shook his head. "If this happens again, she can no longer be saved." The king said.

Reyonis rushed to him, "You lie!" He said angrily while pulling the king. "Take back what you said."

"It's the truth." The king said, it made him angrier and pushed the king away.


Later on, they returned to the portal with the unconscious Melissa on Reyonis' back. "About what happened earlier... Sorry about that." Reyonis said.

"It's okay." The king said. "People tend to lose themselves when they are in a fit of rage. That also happens to me."

"I wonder if they made it back safely."

"If you are talking about my royal guard and your sibling I assure you that they are safe. My other royal guards are with them."

Reyonis thought for a bit. "Hey..." He uttered.


"Melissa told me about the favor you asked before."

"…As expected."

"Why ask such favor?"

"...I'm cursed.” The king said after he stopped walking. “Whether I do something or not, I will never die of old age. As long as I can suppress that thing's actions, I can prolong my life."

"But you want it to be destroyed. You know that you will die if that happens."

"I don't care!” The king shouted. “That thing is the manifestation of the curse. If that would put a stop on Yumil's plans, so be it."

The king resumed walking and Reyonis silently followed him.

They returned to Melissa's room, they are still in the separate dimension. "We are still here." Reyonis said. "How did you enter this place?"

"Follow me." The king said and left the room, Reyonis followed him. He stopped in front of a room that is at the end of the corridor. He knocked and spoke in Phantom language and looked at him. "Stay away from the walls."

Reyonis moved away from them, a crack appeared from the door and extended on the corridor. The place shattered like glass and light swallowed them. Reyonis blinked his eyes, they are still at the inn and there were people walking around. "Are we... Back?" He asked.

"Yes." The king answered and the door opened, a soldier greeted them and let them in.


After a few hours in Reyonis' room, "Black Witch?" Reyonis asked. "She sent you here just to help us?"

"I really don't know." The king said. "She just transported us here, and then we felt the dimension magic and decided to investigate it. And that led us to your location."

"I didn't know that Yumil has a human servant, I guess he is using himself as a distraction while his servant works in secret."

"Seems that way."

"The number of enemies has increased. I don't even know how I should deal with each one of them."

"You are not alone, keep that in mind." The king said. "I need to rest. Tomorrow our paths must part again."

"Thank you for helping us."

"Likewise." The king said and left his room.


Meanwhile, Melissa woke up on her bed, it was already evening. She looked at one of her arms and saw bandages covering her wounds. "So it wasn't a dream." She uttered and got up and examined herself, her whole body was full of bandages. The nightgown she was wearing was not hers.

"Good to see you awake." Myrvana said after entering the room. "I changed your clothes, had to buy you one since your clothes are all tattered."

"Thanks, but I don't wear dress like this." She said.

"About your face... I'm sorry I can't do a thing about it."

Melissa touched her face, she felt the cracks. "I see..." She whispered and reached for her bag, she took out her spare mask. "I can't let my favorite mask be destroyed."


Melissa crushed the spare mask, it turned into glowing dust as it disappeared. The cracks on her face disappeared as well. "What happened while I was asleep?" She asked.

"Well... Tieme was still recovering. He just received a deep wound from you." Myrvana said. "As for your magician friend, he's okay. Same goes for his sibling."

"What brought you here?"

"Beats me. All I know was we were taken here by Yumil's servant against our will."

"I see."

"I should go back to our room, see you soon." Myrvana said and left.


At Tieme's room, the king was standing beside the bed where Tieme lies asleep. "It's been a while." He whispered. "Is travelling with Lutifar's descendant a burden? I hope not." He turned back and walked in the shadows.


The next morning at Reyonis’ room, "Gone?" Reyonis asked.

"The receptionist said they left early this morning." Melina said.

"He's really in a hurry." He whispered.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"What else? Continue my mission."


"The king did not sleep well yesterday?" A royal guard asked. The king was asleep in the wagon he drove; his other comrades were riding on horses around it.

"Yeah, he spent all night reading reports from Chancellor Hamer." The soldier beside him said.

"Do you still have that sword we received from the Black Witch? The one that can rip open a dimension?"

"Yes, though it got broken after the king returned from the other place."

"That's too bad. I thought we could sell it."

"Hey, you two." Hinon said aloud. "Can't you see the king is sleeping? Have some respect, will you?"

The two fell silent as they took the path towards their next destination.

28: Truth


"Are you sure with what are you saying, Reyonis?" Fierris asked through his Dispatcher.

"I am." Reyonis said. "Councilor Edelmond sent me the list of Council members from five hundred years ago. The person responsible for the Demon Blood experiment is one of these Councilors and is still alive after all these years."

"So that person is the traitor?"

"I can't say. There are still things that bother me."

"Like what?"

"Why did they make the Demon Blood in the first place?"

"Maybe those people served Yumil."

"Why seal him then?"

"Anyway, I need to resume what I'm doing here."

"Be careful." Reyonis said and ended the call. Suddenly, a chime came out from his Dispatcher. "A letter?"

He put in on top of a paper stack and the sound stopped, words began to appear on the first paper like ink writings. He immediately read it as soon as the words stopped forming.


At Tieme’s room, "What's this?" Tieme asked when Reyonis gave him the paper.

"Just read it." Reyonis said and crossed his arms as he watched him read.

"...Who is this person?"

"I was hoping you could tell me. The only thing I know is that this person is the one who created the Great Seal."

"Jairaken Cirel... Doesn't ring a bell at all, maybe Hamer knows."

"That’s great!” He said knowing that he will not get any information from Tieme. “Is there a way to reach him?"

"Yes, wait here." Tieme said a rectangular panel made of light appeared in front of him.

"Whoa. What's that?" He said and stood beside Tieme. He saw images of items like knives and bottles filled with different kinds of liquid in a grid.

"This is a way for me to view my stuff."

"Stuff?” He asked and looked around. “But you're not carrying a bag or anything except for your daggers."

"Well I'm a Phantom, I have power over shadow. Carrying heavy stuff is a disadvantage at battle since it will slow me down."

"That's unfair! We carry our items while fighting and you just put them in your shadow?"

"How do you carry your staff?"

"I turned it into a spell so I would just cast it if I need it. But still, you cheated us."

"It's not cheating. It's called using your head." Tieme said that made Reyonis more annoyed. He swiped on different directions on the panel, "It's around here somewhere..." The rows of images change on each swipe that made Reyonis more amazed.

Realization hit Reyonis. "For you to make magical items… Are you a relative of a magician?" He asked Tieme as he sat on the bed.

"My mother is a magician just like you, but I didn't inherit most of her abilities. I'm more like my father, a soldier."

"What happened to them?"

Tieme stopped. "...They were killed during a demon infestation. The village where I was born… Gone in an instant." Tieme said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

Tieme did not respond, he swiped on the panel several times. "Ah, here it is."

He touched an image and a crystal ball appeared, hovered on top of the light. He took it and placed it on the side table, "Chancellor Hamer." Tieme said but nothing happened. "Damn it, I almost forgot." He began to speak in Phantom language and it glowed.

"So it works similar to a Dispatcher." Reyonis said.

An image of a room formed in it, Hamer's daughters came and approached them, waving their hands. Tieme and Reyonis waved in response, Tieme asked for their father in Phantom language. Soon, Hamer came and talked to Tieme.

Reyonis cleared his throat, "I'm starting to feel out of place here." He said.

"I'm sorry." Tieme said and looked at Hamer. "Chancellor Hamer, do you know a person called Jairaken Cirel?"

"Huh? You didn't know?" Hamer asked. Tieme shook his head. "Oh my, looks like you're not paying attention at school."

"Busted." Reyonis said and chuckled, Tieme gave him an annoyed look. "Anyway, I received a document from a fellow Councilor about the history of the Great Seal. It led me to this person's name."

"I see. Jairaken Cirel is Phantom's first Councilor. He had created many spells that are now written in spell books."

"A genius, huh?"

"He suddenly vanished without trace. Rumor says that he angered the dragons."

"Dragons? Why?"

"I think it has something to do with the spell he's trying to create, not really sure."

"So the Great Seal is not his last spell?"

"Who knows?" Hamer said and looked at Tieme. "I hope that refreshed your memory."

"Sorry, I really can't recall that at all." Tieme said.

Hamer sighed, "Young people don't care much about history at all."

"Thank you for the information." Reyonis said.

"It was nothing. It was nice speaking with you again."

"See you soon, Chancellor Hamer." Tieme said and the crystal ball stopped glowing. He kept it by putting it on top of the panel. An image of the crystal ball appeared on the end of the panel’s last row at the same time it disappeared. "I really don't give much attention to subjects that has nothing to do with fighting."

What made this guy create the Great Seal? How were these keys created? Reyonis he thought as he stood up. "Thanks for your time, Tieme. I'll be going." He said and left.


Outside, his surrounding had change. He was now inside the Council, "This can't be happening." He uttered and turned back. Instead of the door to Tieme's room, he saw a wall. "I'm dreaming again!"

He ran along the corridor, he passed through every person and object he ran over. "Lutifar, where are you?" He shouted.

"You won't find him in this area." Someone said.

"Yumil?" He asked in surprise that made him stop. A black, floating orb appeared in front of him. "Did you do something to me?"

"Nothing, his soul made your own soul to become loose to your body causing you to lose consciousness at certain times." Yumil said.

"I don't understand."

"Your body can't hold two souls at once because you were not born a medium."

"How did this happen?"

"When I was released, another trapped soul was released as well."

"Trapped soul... Ah, that thing that hit me at Celesta Ruins! It was Lutifar's... Oh right... He was killed on the day the Great Seal was casted."

"You saw that in your dream too?"

"No, from Tieme's memories."

"Ah, the fake human."

He did not respond.

"Not surprised?"

"I don't want to prolong this conversation." He said and kept on walking. He went to another part of the Council where the bedrooms are. "Twilight, twilight... Where is that?" He asked while looking for every Council symbol drawn in each door. Soon he saw a symbol of the moon merged with the symbol of the sun. "Finally, his room."

He passed through the door, it was dark. His only source of light was from the corridor, Lutifar was not inside. He noticed a pile of paper on the floor; they were letters that were never opened. He tried to pick one but his hand just passed through.

"For these letters to pile up, he's not been here for quite some time." He said.

"Not going to investigate?" Yumil asked as he appeared beside him.

"Leave me alone." He said and went outside to look for Lutifar.

He passed by the garden and saw a human-sized wood doll siting in one of the chairs. Illusionist's doll? He thought as two women in Council robes approached it.

"Hey Lutifar, you always hang out here in the garden." One of them said, there was no action coming from it. "What? Relaxing? You don't mind the dead leaves falling here?"

"I hope I could also find time to relax just like you do." The other woman said. "See you later." They soon left.

"That's not him. They are being fooled by the owner of that doll!" Reyonis said.

"Now I wonder where the real one is." Yumil said.

He ignored Yumil and went to the center of the garden, "Where are the stairs leading to the dungeon?" He whispered. "I know it's exactly in this spot." He kept on searching for anything unusual on the grass.

He felt something touched one of his hands; it was a human hand coming from the ground. It pulled him down which caused him to fall and roll down the stairs.

"You are a soul now, you won't feel any pain." Yumil said.

"Where... Where am I?" He asked and looked around; he was now in the dungeon. "Did you pull me down here?"

"Why trouble myself going under the ground to pull you if I could just push you here from the surface?"

He ignored Yumil again and went further. He heard cries of pain in almost every room he passed by, "Stop it!" He shouted as he covered his ears. Their cries and screams had made his head hurt.

"I almost forgot to tell you though you can't be hurt by physical means you can still be affected by the feelings and thoughts of other souls." Yumil said while following him. "Just make sure your mind is strong enough to bear the pain of the tormented souls."

"I need... To find Lutifar." He said while breathing heavily. He used a wall and the doors attached to it to keep himself from falling. "I need to get away from this place. I might go insane if I stay a bit longer."

Soon, he reached the last door. "He might be in here." Yumil said, Reyonis took a step and collapsed. "So you can't endure the pain inflicted by fallen souls." Yumil held his collar and dragged him.


Later on, Reyonis woke up. "My head..." He said moaning in pain as he got up. "Where am I?" He looked around; he was back at the garden.

"The dungeon is too dangerous for you." Yumil said.

"I need to know the truth about what happened to Lutifar." He said as he tried to locate the entrance again.

"Would it change a thing? That person is already dead."

"Just leave me alone! I don't need your help at all."

"Suit yourself." Yumil said and left him.

He kept on looking until his arm suddenly passed through that made him lose balance and fall down the hidden stairs for the second time. He ran to the last door while covering his ears, he passed through it and saw a stone bed.

"Lutifar..." He uttered when he saw the pale Lutifar unconscious on the bed. His hands and feet were shackled to it. He tried to free him but could not interact with any objects at all. Then he heard the door open, several men came in.

"Did it work?" A man asked.

"Let me check." One of them said and approached Lutifar. He pulled up one of Lutifar's sleeves revealing a stitched wound. "No change, Zal. The wound is still not healed."

"Why can't we just kill him, Zal?" Another one asked. "If his body won't accept that demon meat we put there then there is no reason to give him that blood."

"No. We can still use him, my brothers." Zal said. "I formulated a new Demon Blood. We can test it on him. Prepare the equipment."

"Stop that!" Reyonis shouted as he tried to pull one of them on his sleeves but nobody heard or felt him. "...You monsters."

Zal hanged a large pouch at the top of a metal pole beside the bed. A cannula was attached to it and its other end was inserted at Lutifar's lower arm. Blood started to flow in his body.

After a few moments, Lutifar's eyes suddenly opened. His body writhed but was restrained by the shackled, his eyes rolled back in his head. The stitched wound soon healed.

"It worked!" One of the men said.

"You turned him against Phantom..." Reyonis uttered. "He lost a friend, you destroyed his life. How could you do such thing? What are you doing this?"

"No matter how loud you shout, they won't hear you." Someone said.

Reyonis turned back, "Lutifar?" He asked in surprise when he saw another Lutifar holding a staff.

"You returned my consciousness by reliving my memories." Lutifar said and looked at his other self. "What you see is my final moment I am myself... That blood broke my mind and became their puppet." Then he turned away, unable to bear watching himself get corrupted.


"They made me destroy innocent lives. I became a monster because of them."

"We need to leave this place." Reyonis said.

Lutifar raised his staff and the place was gradually changed; they were now in a white space that does not have an end.

"Please help me..." Lutifar said. "Please put me at rest. The weight of my sins and my friends' hatred has trapped me."

"But… I don't know what to do, Lutifar."

"I beg you." He said and gradually disappeared.


"Lutifar!" Reyonis shouted as he woke up in shock.

"You finally came to." Melina said. Tieme and Melissa were also beside him.

"What happened?"

"You were about to leave my room when you suddenly fainted." Tieme said. "...Why did you call out his name?"

He told what happened in his dream, Melissa and Tieme were silent. "I pity him." Melina said.

"I'll just... Take a walk." Tieme said as he stood up and left.

"He did not even let me say something." He said.

"Let him be." Melissa said. "Even if his friend did not mean to do them, the damage is already done. He can't be easily forgiven."

"Those Councilors... It's their fault!"

"Clyfe, Girana and the others who were sent after us... They shared the same fate as Tieme's friend. They ended up as their puppets. They were victims as well, but we can't help but hate them."


That night, "Tieme's not yet back." Reyonis thought as he checked Tieme’s room. He saw Melissa going out of her room, "Worried about Tieme as well?"

"He'll be fine, I know it." She said.

"That's what I hope too."

She looked at him, "...Can I speak with you alone?" She asked.


"Don't worry. It won't be like last time with Tieme." She said and returned to her room leaving the door open. After a few moments he entered and closed the door.

"Melissa what- hey!" She suddenly hugged him from behind.

"I'm scared..." She said. "I'm scared of becoming like them."

"Melissa, what are you doing? This is wrong."

She held him tighter. "Just this once, Reyonis." She said. "I promise you this won't happen again. I just want to make every moment of life count."

He removed himself from her. "Why are bringing this issue up again?" He asked.

"There is something I failed to show you on the night you hit me." She said then turned back and removed her shirt.

"Melissa, stop that. Put it back!" He said as he looked away.

"Please take a look."

He looked at her back. Its skin is no longer human's, it was reddish and leathery. "Your whole back..." He uttered.

"Most of my skin is just like what you see. I'm also starting to crave for flesh… I am a real monster." She said and put on her shirt.


"I pretended to be unconscious on the day you defeated me with the help of the Phantom king. He's right… I can no longer be saved."

"Don't say such things!"

"It's the truth." She said and gave him a scroll. "Your grandfather wants you to go to that place. I can no longer take you there and finish his request."

"Stop this."

"Please promise me that you and Melina will go there."




"I thought I could be useful to you... It turns out that I'm just a burden."

29: Separate Ways
Separate Ways

Separate Ways

"Oi, listen here." Luna, Councilor of Twilight, said to Reyonis who was just staring outside the window on his chair. His mind was away and his chin was on his cupped left hand. She got annoyed that she threw a crumpled paper at him.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Reyonis said when his mind returned to reality. "What was it again?"

"Damn it, Reyonis. Can't you just focus on the meeting?" A voice coming from a crystal ball on the table said. It belonged to Crucis.

Inside the room were three Councilors including Reyonis. On the table were nine crystal balls that the remaining Councilors used to join the meeting.

"Please put aside anything that is not related to the Council and listen to what Luna is saying." Olaf, Councilor of Winds, said.

"You may resume, Luna." Reyonis said to her.

"Thanks for helping me, Councilor Olaf. As I was saying, Yumil's minions changed tactics. Unlike last time where the three demons that held the three keys are found in their respective kingdoms, the remaining demons are changing locations from time to time." Luna said.

"They go to other kingdoms." Eva said. "Just a week ago, the Fire Demon and its subordinates just attacked a town near the border of Viridis."

Damn demons. Reyonis thought.

"Luckily, they were fended off by the soldiers and battle mages." Eva added that made him sigh in relief.

"It seems every kingdom is now on guard." Qizal, the Councilor of Weapon Magic, said. "I'm not sure with Phantom."

"You expect those demons fight their own fellows?" Rik, Councilor of Psychic, asked.

"Watch your mouth, Rik." Sorakin said. "Phantoms have only demon-like abilities but they are still human."

"Put your arguments aside." Crucis said. "We have serious matter at hand. Councilor Aurren, what can you suggest?"

Reyonis thought for a while, "They made this plan to delay me." He said. They are just waiting for me to get near them then they will go to another place beyond my reach.

"And your suggestion is?"

"Force at least one of them to stay at their current location. And have me transported to that place to get a key."

"How?" Olaf asked.

"I think gravitation magic will do." Eva said. "It is still under earth magic."

"But the problem is they can terrorize more than one place at a time." Yvonne, Councilor of Summons, said. "That kind of magic only applies to one place. There is a chance that they escape in the middle of casting and transfer to another place."

"Edelmond, do you have any idea how to minimize a spell's presence?" Olaf asked.

"I'll look for spell books that could help put this plan to action." Edelmond, Councilor of Grimoire, said.

"If that is the case, this meeting is over." Crucis said. "The Great Seal must be done. We have wasted so much time already."

"Great Seal again..." Reyonis whispered.


Later on at one of the halls of Olaf’s house, "You seem down lately." Olaf said as he approached Reyonis who was near the window looking outside. "Did something happen on your way here in my house?"

"Well..." Reyonis uttered.


Few nights ago at Melissa's room, "Melissa, what are you-" Reyonis said but Melissa held his face and kissed his lips that lasted for a moment.

She broke it and stepped away from him, "Goodbye." She suddenly said and threw a smoke bomb on the floor.

"Melissa, wait!" Reyonis shouted trying to see through the smoke. He went out of the room coughing.

"She's gone, right?" Someone asked.

"Tieme? Do you know it's already passed midnight?" He asked and saw Tieme from a distance.

"You're not my father, don't scold me."

"I'll talk to you later, I need to find Melissa." He said and walked away in a hurry.

"You can't." Tieme said that made Reyonis stop and turn to face him.


"She decided to keep herself away from us."

"You know she'll do this?"

"No. But I had a feeling."

"Help me find her."

"I can't. I need to leave as well."

"You too? But why?"

"I need to find them... Those bastards who made Lutifar suffer."

"What will you do if you manage to find them?"

"What do you think I'll do?"

"Wait... Are you going to..." He said, Tieme turned back and walked away from him. "You're a soldier, not a killer."

Tieme stopped and looked at him, "I've taken many lives as a soldier, what makes me different from a killer?"

"What you are going to do is wrong, Tieme."

"Don't interfere." Tieme said and walked away leaving him speechless.


"So two of your companions left you, huh?" Olaf said. "…In just one night."

"It really brings me down." Reyonis said. "I couldn't even stop them from the decision they've just made."

"Everyone has limits. You did your best that's what matters. But you need to focus on what's important, Reyonis."

"I know."

"But tell me the truth, what do you really feel about your masked companion?"

"I really don't know."

"Forget her."


Moments later Reyonis left Olaf's house and decided to walk around. "Would you like to find an answer, boy?" An old woman in a lone stall said. "For one silver Mirad only let my crystal ball answer a question."

Is this a scam or something? He thought as he approached the old lady. Guess I won't know until I try.

"Don't worry, dear. I'll make sure your time will not be wasted. "

"Alright." He said and gave her a silver coin. "Who is Melina Aurren?"

"Take a look at the crystal ball."

He looked at it and saw smoke in it and began forming to letters.

This is not guessing game.

"Oh…" He whispered a bit surprised by its answer.

"If you want to ask another question just pay one silver Mirad." She said.

"Fine… Another question. What is the secret behind the Great Seal?"

The crystal ball went cloudy for a moment. He saw visions of people being tormented; he also saw a hovering crystal being formed inside a spell circle. Much more images appeared that soon disappeared.

Shoot, it broke! He thought.

Letters made of smoke began to appear again. One wish, six elements. Five hundred tormented and one pure chosen as delegates. Crystallized tears, each from fallen soul. Grant heart's desire and be its toll.

"Souls… Crystallized? What does it mean?" He asked as the smoke disappeared.

"That would be one silver Mirad." She said.

"Um… I think that will be all. I need to go." He said and left.


Reyonis returned to the room he rented, He saw Melina practicing magic spells she read from one of his books. "Did you eat already?" Melina asked as she saw lay himself down on the bed. "Do you want me to buy something?"

He just shook his head. "Can you tell me something else about our past?" He asked. "I want to know more."

She stopped and closed the book. "Are... Are you sure this is the right time to hear my story? You are not in the right condition to listen." She said.

"Am I?"

"Please take a rest, Reyonis. You've been like this for the past few days."

He took out the Guiding Crystal, "What the-" He said in shock as it began to glow brighter. He quickly got up and threw himself at her.

The upper portion of the inn they were staying in suddenly exploded. "R-Reyonis you're heavy..." Melina uttered squirming beneath him.

"I'm sorry." He said and got up. He looked around; a part of their room was destroyed showing them the buildings outside the inn. "Damn, what just happened?"

"Reyonis, look!" She said and pointed at the sky; a winged demon was flying away. Its body was made of fire.

"The keeper of the Flame Key..."

"Ow...” She moaned and slumped on the floor. “My foot…"

He looked at her feet, one of them is bleeding. He made her sit on the bed and cleaned her wound. He had applied a special cream for her injury.

"I'll just heal it." She said and put her hand over her wound. No magical energy came out and it terrified her. "N-No way... What just happened?"

"Sorry." He said. "This cream is not a medicine.” His words surprised her. “It’s just a deceiving item that actually stops the flow of magical energy instead of healing any wound."

"What? W-Why did you do this?"

"...I can't let you come with me."

"No!” She said aloud and held his clothes tightly. “Take me with you, please."

"It's dangerous, Melina."

"I don't want to be alone!”

"I'll leave you to one of the Councilors, you'll be safe."

"No. Melissa said that a Councilor wants to capture me."

She began to cry, "I understand." He said and stroked her hair. "But I can't risk putting you in danger."

"You're all I have, Reyonis. I don't want to be alone again... Please, take me with you." She said and hugged him. "I beg you."

"No can do." He said. He removed her hands then stepped back and a spell circle appeared underneath her. She disappeared from his sight.


Melina appeared in a dusty, dark house filled with old, broken furniture. "Hello... Princess." Clyfe said as he came out from the shadows, she got terrified.

Several people with Demon Blood came out as well. She ran away but someone pulled her hair, it was Zal. "Let me go!" She said as she tried to free herself. "Reyonis, help!"

Zal punched her stomach hard and released her. She fell down and curled her body in pain. "He decided to surrender you to us." He said and wiped her tears caused by pain. "We are your family now."

She tried to respond but she was too weak. He took out a small bottle; two men raised the upper part of her body. Zal held her chin and forcefully poured the contents of the bottle down her throat. They let go of her. She collapsed on the floor, sedated.

"My children prepare for your new sibling's arrival." Zal said and caressed her face.

Melina uttered her brother's name several times before she completely lost her consciousness.


That night, two guards are patrolling a forest path when they heard the rustling of tree leaves. Their form changed into shadow beasts, leaped on tree tops.

"What the- Squirrels?" One of them said in surprise when he saw several squirrels moving away, they were startled by him.

He climbed down and looked at his companion who was still on the tree. "False alarm." He said to him as he returned to his human form. "You can go down now."

His companion fell down the ground, dead. Before he could move someone covered his mouth and killed him.

Later on, an old man came out of his house that was hidden in the forest. He was shocked to see all his guards were dead; they seem to have been assassinated.

In the middle of dead bodies was Tieme covered in blood. He turned to face the old man with his red eyes. "Good evening... Former Councilor" He said and grinned.


The next morning in Olaf's guest room, a kiss on the cheek woke Reyonis. "Good morning, honey." Someone said. It was Eliza.

"Melina... Where is she?" He asked and got up.

"Who is she?"

He paused for a moment, "Who... Who was she again?" He asked.

"Are you cheating on me?" She annoyingly asked with arms folded.

"N-No! You're the only for me, remember? Please don't be angry."

"...Fine." She said and looked away. “Hmph!”

He saw her pouting. "By the way, how's your foot?" He asked, changing the topic to make her forget her jealousy.

"My foot?” She asked and looked at her feet, one of them was bandaged. “It's okay now."

"That Flame Demon took us by surprise." He said. "I'll meet with the other Councilors. We're going to stop Yumil at all cost."

Soon, he left her. She began to chuckle then laughed loudly. She thought about what happened yesterday.


Reyonis was walking back to the inn when he met Eliza, "What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised by her presence.

She rushed to him and took him in a dark alley, "I need to talk to you or something bad will happen!" She said. "I'm scared..."

"Calm down. Let's go back to the inn first."

"They're waiting for you there."

"What? Melina... She's in trouble! I need to-" A cloth covered his mouth and nose, he tried to fight back but he was already weakened by the cloth's scent.

"That's enough." She said to his attacker. "I still need him to be conscious."

The stranger released him and he collapsed, "Eliza... What is this?" He uttered, shocked by her betrayal.

She touched his chin and lifted up his head. "Obey me." She said.

Later on, he returned to their room. The Flame Demon appeared moments after and damaged the inn where they stayed. Eliza triggered her control and Reyonis was forced to banish Melina to where the Demon Blood carriers gathered.

She went to his room and saw him sitting in a corner, regretting his actions. "You made me betray her." He said. "Why did you do this?"

She crouched in front of him and smiled. "Forget them." She said.

"Stop it!" He said as he covered his ears, his head was aching.

"I'm the only one you need." She said and caressed his face.

Reyonis' memories were being altered, erasing Melina and Melissa in them. "Get away!" He said and pushed her.

"You can't stop me... You only belong to me, the Black Witch." She said as she recovered and crawled to him. She held his face then kissed his lips. He struggled but in vain, he soon succumbed to her will.


Eliza brought herself back to reality; two dog-like beasts appeared in front of her, bowing. "Get rid of the masked lady." She ordered and they vanished. She looked at the brooch on her hand. It was the brooch that was also Melina's gift to Reyonis. Grinning, she destroyed it.


At Olaf's library, "I hope the guest room is comfortable for you and your girlfriend." Olaf said to Reyonis who just entered the room. "I can't believe a demon entered this town undetected."

"I think it's challenging me, that demon." Reyonis said. "If that is what it wants then I will not hesitate at all."

"Glad to hear that." He said leaving Reyonis who was still deeply troubled.


Melina was sitting in a corner of her cell, her eyes were sore from crying. "Here's your breakfast." Someone said and pushed a tray of food inside then left.

She felt ill and went to the sink to throw up. "It's already the strongest solution I've made and yet it doesn't mix with her blood." Zal said to his fellows as they observe her from another room, there were large floating orbs, each showing a prison room. "By the way, where is Sid?"

"About that... He's dead." One of them answered.

"What?" He asked, shocked about the news.

"He and his men were all killed last night."

"That Phantom... He's starting to take us down!" Zal said clenching his fists.

30: Father Part 1
Father Part 1

Father Part 1

More than three years ago, "Are these the candidates?" Sorakin asked a Council guard who gave him a large envelope. "Alright, tell Crucis I'll work on this right away. I need to get back on my students."

He passed by the town square of Aquerra and saw the board with papers pinned on it. He noticed one of them; the handwriting is familiar to him. "What are you requesting, Rhoumina?" He whispered.

A young man went near the board and read the requests. After a few moments he took the request Sorakin was reading before and went on his way. Sorakin soon left the area.


It was already dusk when Sorakin arrived at his house. "I really need to meet Rhoumina." A young man said to the guard, the same person Sorakin saw earlier.

"Sorry kid, rules are rules." The guard said. "Only Lord Sorakin's visitors are allowed to enter at this time of the night. Come back tomorrow."

"What's going on here?" Sorakin asked.

"This kid won't leave, my lord." The guard said. "Keeps on insisting to meet the young mistress."

"I just want to give the item Rhoumina requested, Master Sorakin." The young man said.

"Who are you and how did you know my name?" Sorakin asked.

"Well... I was your former student. Name's Reyonis Aurren."

"Aurren... Doesn't ring a bell. Anyway, whatever it is my daughter requested give it to me. I'll be the one to give it on your behalf."

"Okay... But I'll return tomorrow morning for my reward." The young man said and gave him a pouch which he accepted.

"Don't bother." He said and gave him a several coins. "Ten silver Mirads for the trouble. Now go."

"How cheap." The young man whispered. Sharp chunks of ice fell on both of his sides.

"Go." He said as floating ice spikes appeared in front of him, all pointing to the young man.

"A-Alright, alright!" The young man said and left right away.

Sorakin cancelled his spell. "Damn brat." He said and entered his house. He opened the pouch; he was surprised that he took out the content to look closer. It was a crystalline fang.

"Dad!" A young woman called out.

"Rhoumina, did you request this?" He asked and showed her the fang.

"Ah! It's the real thing." She said as she hurried to him. "A real geode beast fang! Did you get it for me, dad? From what kind of geode beast did you get it?"

"It wasn’t me who did your request. Anyway, I'm disappointed at you, Rhoumina." He just said.


"If you want to get something like this from dangerous creatures, get it yourself." He said. "Don't use other people."


"Here." He said and gave the fang to her. "Do whatever you want with it."

"Thank you, dad." She said. "I'll be going to my room."

"If you want anything, just visit me in the library." He said and left her. He thought about the fang, That kid just defeated a high-level monster. He thought. A very strong one to be defeated by a kid.

He took out the envelope he received earlier and reviewed its contents. "What in the..." He uttered when he saw Reyonis' information. "He's a candidate for Councilor?"

After reading all the profiles he smiled, "I guess I have to test the candidate that is nearest to me." He said.


The next morning, Sorakin decided to skip work at school and followed Reyonis, who was carrying several bags of raw foods, secretly. He wore a hood to prevent him from being recognized.

Reyonis entered an eatery's back door, Sorakin entered at the front. He realized that Reyonis was working there. He sat in the farthest seat that he could find without losing sight of him.

"What do you want to eat sir?" One of the workers asked Sorakin.

"Whatever it is that is served in the longest time. Leave me alone." He just said.

"O-Okay..." The worker said and left to tell it to his co-workers.

Later on, Reyonis came to serve Sorakin his food. "Here you go, sir." Reyonis said and served him a tray of food, he was surprised. He felt magical energy in each item laid in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

"I'm sorry we can't serve you a slow-cooked food so we just put several seals on each item for you to break." Reyonis said. "Don't worry they break on their own. One seal lasts for fifteen minutes after that another seal's timer will activate and so on."

"To kill time, I see. Will my food still be hot after this?"

"I assure you, sir."

Sorakin chuckled then laughed that everyone looked at him. "Make sure these seals are not easily breakable or else I won't pay." He said. "Now scram." Reyonis left right away.

"Why do we have weird customers every single day?" A worker whispered and returned to his work.

Later on, another hooded customer came and went at the counter. "The usual?" Another worker asked.

"Yes." The hooded person answered.

"Hey guys, Reyonis' sweetheart want the usual order!"

"S-Stop that."

"Is this place always this noisy?" Sorakin whispered while breaking another seal. He already succeeded on removing the seals on the utensils.

Reyonis came out bringing the hooded customer's order who removed the cover on the head. They both went outside, his work has already ended.

Sorakin was surprised when he saw them leaving. The hooded customer was his daughter who kissed Reyonis on the cheek then walked away with him. He rushed outside following them.


Reyonis assisted Rhoumina on her way home. "I just finished a request today." She said.

"That's great!" Reyonis said.

"…Not as great as you are though." She said while feeling down.

"Don't say that, I know you did well. By the way, I met your dad yesterday... Not really a good encounter. Maybe he doesn’t know how much a geode item cost these days to pay me ten silver Mirads."

"Just as I thought, it was you who took the request. Well, about my dad… He just came back from the Council. He rarely goes home and if he is, he'll just focus on teaching his students." She said. "…He even forgot my real mom's death anniversary. I don't think he'll ever have spare time just to speak to his daughter's boyfriend personally."

"I'm sure there will be time."

"And now's the time." Sorakin suddenly said that surprised them.

"Dad?" She uttered and hid behind Reyonis.

"Is this what you do when I'm not around?” He asked angrily. “Flirting with boys?"

"No, he courted me. You can even ask mom about it."

"Go home."

"But we are on our way home, dad."

"Without him."

"It's okay, Rhoumina." Reyonis said. "You should rest."

"...Don't hurt him dad." She said and ran away.

After a few moments of silence, "Come with me." Sorakin said and walked away, Reyonis followed. On their way, "So tell me, how long have you and my daughter been together?"

"About a year, sir." Reyonis answered.

"You courted her that long?"

"Yes. Well… It’s actually almost two years. It’s hard to convince Rhoumina even if I confessed my feelings to her."

He gave him a cold stare which scared Reyonis."...Aurren was it? What brings a member of a strong magician clan to this place?"

"I… I want to learn more about magic."

"From what I found out you are still a student. But a few weeks from now you'll be a leaving the school and officially become a magician."

"Well… You are right about that."

"To bring down a high-level beast such as the geode monsters... Your skills are almost same level as the instructors such as me."

"It was just luck."

Sorakin stopped walking; they were now in front of his first wife's grave. "Let's test that luck." He suddenly said and a spell circle appeared underneath them. "Hold your breath." A hole appeared inside the spell circle.

It dropped Reyonis in a dark, cave-like place with water. "Master Sorakin!" Reyonis shouted as he looked for him. "Oh no, Rhoumina will never forgive me if something happens to you."

"You should be more concerned at yourself than me." Sorakin's voice said. "If you could escape this place, I might consider changing my mind on disapproving your relationship with my daughter."

Reyonis casted a spell to create a floating ball of light around him to help him see his surroundings. Later on he heard something fell on the water, "Oh no." He uttered when it floated, he immediately swam away. The floating object was a small magical item made of sapphire with gold edge. It created an orb that threw balls of blue light at his location.

Reyonis summoned his winged archer to carry him to a safe place but the orb kept on attacking him. "Fly around that little thing, Aaliyah." He ordered.

"Yes, master." Aaliyah said.

"Be careful."

As he spoke, the orb began throwing fireballs. "Master, I’m hit!" She said when she noticed several feathers on her left wing were burned causing imbalance in her flight.

"Just keep flying!" He said and began casting a spell while she dodged the attacks. The orb released net-like objects to catch Aaliyah; one of them got her foot that turned to metal slowing her.

Sorakin watched them from one area. What are you going to do now? Your summon will soon get tired. Sorakin thought. Prove to me that you are a worthy candidate.

"Hurry!" Aaliyah said as she gradually descended no longer able to fly. He released the spell which made two large rocks move and crushed the object. He kept on crushing it until the orb vanished. She landed him on a large rock.

"Is it over?" He asked as the place began to change to a large room with dusty shelves. "It seems we are in a stockroom now.’

A beam of light hit her chest, she screamed in pain as she disappeared. "I'll be the one to decide if it's over, suitor." Sorakin said. "Show me your worth." A spell circle appeared underneath his feet.

"I-It doesn't have to be this way." Reyonis said. "I don't want to fight you."

Sorakin lifted his hand; strong jets of water hit many parts of Reyonis' body which pinned him on the floor and prevented him from getting up. "I'm sure you could do better than talking your way out of here." He said.

"I love your daughter. What do you want me to do just to please you?"

"Prove to me that you are a worthy candidate."


"Nevermind." He said and a spell circle appeared above Reyonis.

A spell circle appeared underneath Reyonis' body. Glowing marks appeared inside the water jets and at the spell circle above.

"No, spell rewrite!" He uttered as his spells were cancelled. "Doesn't matter. That spell needs all your energy. You can no longer cast anymore spells."

"I'm afraid spell rewrite is just one of the spells I've just casted... It's you who don't have energy left." Reyonis said as he stood.

"What the... How did I become this weak?" He asked as he began to wobble. "What did you just do?"

"I used my family’s Energy Link spell to connect the flow of your magical energy to mine. As long as I have control over your energy I can cast any spells without consuming my own energy. But just as you said spell rewrite needs all of one’s energy, now that you don’t have enough left, Energy Link is now useless and will no longer be active."

"Nice move." Sorakin said. "You caught me off guard with that spell."

"Let's stop this." Reyonis said and offered him his hand. “I never wanted to fight you.”

"No." He said and grabbed Reyonis' hand then flipped him. "I'm not that old to do hand to hand combat."

"Ow!” Reyonis shouted as Sorakin slightly twisted his arm while stepping on Reyonis’ back. “I don't want to fight you, sir. Let me go, I'll do anything."


"Anything but don’t include separating me from Rhoumina."

"Then there is no reason to continue this conversation." He said then casted a spell that took Reyonis' magical energy forcefully. "It’s nice knowing you, kid."

"Get away!" Reyonis shouted and from their location a whirling wind carried Sorakin away.

"That's more like it." He said when he was pinned to a wall. "Show this old Councilor what young people like you got."

Instead of answering, Reyonis released a spell that threw several metal spikes at him which were stopped by a thick wall of water by Sorakin. They moved and formed a circle inside the water wall.

The wind vanished but was replaced by shackles. A spell circle appeared in the middle of the spikes. Sorakin's turned his own body to water and rushed to the surprised Reyonis. "So close, right?" He asked then pinned him on the ground again.

"Don't make me do this. I don't want to fight you."

"You lose."

They heard a sound of a door creaking. "Sorakin? Are you in here?" A woman asked and opened the door. "Oh my goodness! What are you doing to Reyonis?"


Later on, "What's in the world is wrong with you, Sorakin?" His wife asked angrily. Rhoumina was wiping of the dirt from Reyonis' face. "You are overreacting. If I haven't found you at the basement who knows if we could see him again."

"Why is this brat so important, Phoebe?"

"Please don't fight." Reyonis said.

"Sorry, my dear Reyonis. Sorakin is just concerned with his daughter... Please forgive his rudeness."

"It's alright. That's what fathers do." He said then approached Sorakin. "I'm willing to do everything to prove myself that I'm worthy for Rhoumina."

Sorakin took a deep breath and left them, Phoebe followed him. "Can you tell me what your problem with our daughter’s suitor is?" She asked. "Are you afraid that the history will repeat itself?"

He stopped walking. "Rhoumina was hurt when she was played for a fool by her previous suitor.” He said “I don't want that to happen again."

"Give Reyonis a chance, get to know him." She said. "I'm sure you'll accept him too."

He sighed. "Alright." He said and walked away.

31: Father Part 2
Father Part 2

Father Part 2

"Good to see you again, dear." Olaf said to Rhoumina when she came down the stairs. "You have grown more beautiful too."

"Uh... Thanks. But who are you?"

"A family friend. I’ve brought your late mother’s favorite flower." He said and gave her a bouquet of pink flowers.

"Thanks." She said a bit terrified by Olaf’s presence that she wished he would leave her alone. She placed the bouquet on the table. "I’ll have a maid place this in a vase… It’s nice to meet you."

"Olaf!" Sorakin said aloud as he approached him. "What brings you here?"

"Just a friendly visit, nothing related to the Council."

"Dad, I need to go. Reyonis and I will be taking a request together." She said.

"Be careful." Sorakin said and she left in a hurry not wanting to look at Olaf.

"A friend of hers?" Olaf asked.

"More than that... He's my future son-in-law." He answered, it surprised Olaf. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a little surprised that your girl will now be creating her own family soon."

"Time sure is fast... Anyway, what brought you here?"

"Just want a little chat." Olaf said and looked at the bouquet. "You’re daughter has grown more beautiful than the last time I saw her… Lucky boy, he managed to win your daughter’s heart."


After a few hours, Reyonis came to Sorakin's house with Rhoumina. Her left arm was bleeding, "What happened, Reyonis?" Phoebe asked and looked at a maid. "Get some medicines, quick!"

Later on, "Stop blaming him, dad!" Rhoumina shouted when Sorakin was about to hurt Reyonis. "He's the one who saved me from that crazy woman at the town."

"Woman?" Sorakin asked.

"She wants me to stay away from Reyonis. When I said no, she attacked me with a knife."

"Are you cheating on my daughter?" He asked. "You two-timing bastard!"

"No, I'm faithful to her, I swear!" Reyonis said. "I really don't know who that woman is."

"How can I be sure that you are not fooling us?"

"I did everything you have asked to me for the past months no matter how hard it is. Please believe me;. I don't have any other woman."

"Sorakin, calm down." Phoebe said. "You're making Rhoumina feel bad."

"Go." He just said. "I don't want to see your face."

"Sir, I-"


"You should leave for now, Reyonis." She said. "Let my husband cool down his head."

Reyonis looked at Rhoumina, her wounds are being cleaned. "See you later, Rhoumina." He said.

"Sorakin doesn’t want his daughter get wounded or even scratched." Olaf said as he watched Reyonis walking towards the door. "Keep that in mind."


That evening at Sorakin's garden, "Why did you come back?" Sorakin asked Reyonis.

"I really don't know that woman who hurt Rhoumina." Reyonis said. "Please believe me."

"...I know. I'm just testing you."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I've sent several people to keep an eye on you when I'm at the Council. The woman who attacked my daughter... I think she's obsessed with you."

"Obsessed... With me?"

"My men reported a woman who was always following you wherever you go."

"She's... Creepy."

"I know. Go home, Rhoumina needs to rest." He said. Reyonis turned his back to leave. "Reyonis..."

"What is it?" Reyonis asked after he stopped and looked at him.

"You respected my daughter in any way... I acknowledge your faithfulness to her."

"I appreciate it." Reyonis said and left.

Sorakin felt someone was watching him; he looked at the roof and saw a hooded person glaring at him. Then the stranger looked at another direction, he followed the gaze and saw his daughter from the window of her room.

He looked again at the stranger who was nowhere to be found. He knew that Rhoumina is the stranger's target.


Sorakin stayed at Aquerra for more than a month to guard Rhoumina from the stranger. But he was soon commanded to return to the Council. "Do you really have to go?" Phoebe asked. "Rhoumina will definitely be sad."

"I can't disobey Crucis' order." He said.

"Return as soon as your work is done."

"I will." He said. He left after a few hours carrying the information of the candidates for several Councilor titles. Few more years and I'll be retiring as well. He thought.


Sorakin arrived at Aquerra's Wing Tower and transported himself at the tower nearest to the Council.

"Are these the candidates who passed your tests?" Crucis asked when Sorakin submitted the papers. "Seems like almost half remained to face the next Councilor's tests."

"My task here is done then?" He asked.

"Why? Thinking about going home? You've stayed at Aquerra long enough. You still have responsibilities as Councilor, Sorakin."

"...You're right."


He stayed at the Council for many weeks to compensate for his absences. His worry for Rhoumina’s safety made him desire to return to Aquerra; not even sending letters to them is enough to lessen his homesickness.

One night at Sorakin’s room, he opened a book from his shelf and began to read. It was another dull day for him that he wished to return to his house.

"Sorakin!" Rik said as he opened the door to Sorakin’s room. It almost made Sorakin drop the book.

"Damn it, Rik! Don't you know how to knock?" Sorakin asked.

"You need to return to Aquerra, quick!"

"What? Why?"

"Your family is in trouble."


"Would you keep your voice down?" Crucis asked as he approached them. "You two are not the only ones sleeping here."

"Crucis, I need to return to Aquerra." Sorakin said. "My family needs me!"

"A letter was sent here just moments ago." Rik said. "It came from Aquerra."

"...Go." Crucis said while rubbing one of his eyes. "If that is what will keep this corridor quiet."

"Thank you." Sorakin said and prepared himself quickly.


"My lord!" A woman said as she approached Sorakin who was leaving the Aquerra’s Wing Tower. She was one of his maids.

"What happened? Where are they?" He asked her.

"Lady Phoebe's condition is bad. She keeps on calling out for you."

"Take me back to my house, now!"

A carriage took them back to his house. He learned that the Water Temple was attacked by unknown people and beasts. They had killed Rhoumina's guards and took her away; Phoebe had received wounds from the attack.

He hurried to their bedroom and saw a healer treating the unconscious Phoebe. "How's she? He asked as he observed his wife's bandaged body.

"Not that good." The healer said. "Her healing ability drastically slowed, the bleeding is somewhat difficult to stop."

"But you could save her, right?"

"I will do everything that I can to save my mentor."

"Phoebe, please live." He whispered then left.


At the Water Temple, Sorakin saw several lifeless bodies of priests and priestesses being carried away by the kingdom soldiers who were sent to investigate the badly damaged place.

"You're not allowed to enter, sir." A soldier guarding the temple entrance said to him.

"I'm the Councilor of Water." He said and showed his Council badge. "Tell me what happened here."

"Well... According to some survivors a group of people suddenly entered the temple and attacked." The soldier said.

"Anything that could identify the group?"

"They could shapeshift, that's what some of the priests said."

"Anything else?"

"That's all I know. You can ask the priests inside." The soldier said and led the way.

He immediately went to the room where the surviving priests and priestesses stay. Some of them are slightly wounded while some are lying on their beds and being attended by the healers. "What happened here?" He asked one of the priests but none of them seemed to be willing to answer his questions.

"Shadows..." A priestess sitting in corner said. "Monsters... Heartless!"

"Please tell me what happened."

But instead of answering, she was just screaming and kicking the floor. A healer approached the priestess, "Oh my, we have another victim gone insane." She said and called a soldier to take the priestess to another place.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" He asked the healer.

"Sorry, I can't answer you." The healer said. "I need to attend them." She left him.


Emotions started to mix within him; he rushed to the house where Reyonis lives. He knocked loudly and angrily at the door.

"Don't you know what time it is, sir?" A man asked him from his door. "You're disturbing the neighborhood."

"I don't give a damn about it." He said and continued knocking. "Open this door, Reyonis!"

"He left yesterday morning... Will you let us sleep?" The man said and closed the door.

Disappointed, he went home to check Phoebe's condition.


Sorakin sat on the bed where Phoebe was lying. She was already healed and now resting.

"Sorakin..." She uttered when she saw him beside her. "Our daughter... They took her."

"I know. I will find her, don't cry now." He said and wiped her tears. "Please tell me what happened."

"Reyonis wanted to propose to Rhoumina at the Water Temple." She said. "He asked for my help in surprising her... But we never expected that all of us there will be attacked."

"Those who attacked you, can you describe them to me?"

"They... Their forms... Are human-like."


"...They're shadows in human form. They can transform themselves into beasts." She said. “…Like Phantoms from legends.”

"Reyonis... What happened to him?"

"...He... He tried to protect us." She said and tears started forming in her eyes again. "But... They were too strong for him."

"Too... Strong?"

"They can withstand magic attacks... More like absorbing any kind of attacks. Reyonis couldn't bring down even one. They've beaten him badly!"

"Was he..."

"...The last thing I saw was... Rhoumina was taken away then someone holding a sword came to him." She said and cried. "Why did they do this, Sorakin? Just why?"

He tried to console her, "I will find them… I promise you." He said.


Hours later, "Who is that?" The Reyonis’ neighbor from earlier asked. "Never seen someone lived there."

"What are you talking about?" Sorakin asked. "You've told me earlier that Reyonis left yesterday morning."

"Sorry. I don't remember going out early this morning. You must be referring to someone else."

Sorakin left the area, he was puzzled by the man's words. He returned to the Water Temple, he was surprised that it was fixed in just few hours as if nothing happened. He asked the priests and priestesses about yesterday's incident.

"Monster attack? I don't remember that it happened yesterday." A priest said.

"Sorry, I haven't seen a young man you were describing." A priestess said.

This can't be right. Sorakin said to himself while leaving. How could they forget something that cost their fellows' lives?


He decided to visit the kingdom soldier's headquarters and looked for the soldier he spoke with earlier. "Water Temple?" The soldier asked. "Yes, I was there this early morning."

"...Did you notice something unusual?" Sorakin asked.

"Aside from priests slacking off outside the temple, the place seems fine."

"...Alright. Sorry for disturbing you." He said and left. "Even him?"

He returned home.


Another month has passed and Sorakin was commanded to return in the Council. He had no choice but to obey Crucis' order and left Aquerra.

"Hey Sorakin, what took you so long?" Rik asked. "You've been gone for quite some time. Did something happen?"

"...Yes." He just answered. Rik's memory seemed to have been altered as well.

"Sorry to hear that."

He did not respond.

"Anyway, the initiation of the new Council members will be done this afternoon."

"Alright... Let me just rest for a bit." He said and went to his room. On his way, he passed by the garden and stopped. He rushed to the small group of people, "Reyonis!" He shouted.

"Yes?" A young man asked. "Can I help you?"

"It is you! What happened to you?"

"W-Wait! What are you doing, sir?" The young man said as he tried to free himself from Sorakin's grasp. "You're hurting me."

"Tell me you did not forget!"

"Forget what? I can't understand you."

"Sorakin, what are you doing?" Olaf asked and separated the two. "What's happening to you?"

"Can't you recall as well?" Sorakin asked him.

"Recall what?"

"...Nothing. Maybe I've mistaken him for someone else." He said and returned to his room, he decided not to attend the initiation rites.


Late afternoon at the Council gate, Sorakin took out a small bottle of wine and began to drink. He was hoping that it would wash away his sadness as he waited for the ceremony to end.

"Bored?" A young woman asked as she joined him.

"Yes." He answered and kept the bottle. "Who you might be?"

"I'm Eliza. My boyfriend is one of the new Councilors." She said. "I'm not allowed to enter the Council so I’m just waiting for him here."

"I see."

"We've been together for a month. But it seems like we were meant to stay together for eternity."

"Good for you." He said and drank more.

"Of course. I won't let any other woman go near him."

"That… Doesn't sound nice."

"A beautiful girl tried to take him away from me before. I threatened her but she did not even listen so I taught her a lesson she'll never forget... Who knows where those Phantom imitators had taken her."


She chuckled. "Maybe she's one of them now." She said. "I'm sure not even my dear Reyonis would want to see her ugly face again."

"It was you? What did you do to Rhoumina?"

She did not respond.

"Answer me!"

"I think she's at those disgusting humans' mercy and I really don't care at all. All I wanted is my Reyonis beside me. I will do everything to prevent people like you ruin our relationship."

"You witch!" He said and held her tightly, she just smiled. "Who are you to decide who Reyonis should be with?"

"Careful. You haven't seen Reyonis lose his temper, you'll be in trouble if he sees you hurting me."

He let her go.

"Ah, Reyonis!" She said and cheerfully ran to Reyonis who just left the Council building. "How's my Councilor boyfriend?"

"It's fine." Reyonis said and looked at Sorakin. "Oh, you're the Councilor of Water. Please to meet you."

He was about to speak when he felt a sharp object’s end touching his back, he looked at her and noticed her smiling. "...Please to meet you as well." He said and the it was gone.

"We'll be going now. Let's be good friends in the future."

"…I look forward to it."

Reyonis and Eliza left. She stopped and let him leave first, she looked at Sorakin. She placed her forefinger on her lips then followed Reyonis.

He clenched his fists in anger; he was dismayed that he could not do a thing against the person who caused Rhoumina’s disappearance.


At present, Sorakin stared at the portrait of Rhoumina hanging at the wall, Phoebe entered the room. "You did not eat again." She said and stared at the portrait. "You'll make her sad if you don't take care of yourself.

"I'm still not hungry... I'm still not giving up. I will find our daughter even if Reyonis can't remember her anymore."

"We will find her no matter how long it takes." She said and put her hand on his shoulder.

32: Prison



Tieme entered a building, he noticed that the rooms and objects were already old and near destruction.

"Misled again." He uttered and went further the building. He saw rusted medical tools scattered everywhere as he walked.

Shadow figures were silently following him wherever he went. Tieme quickly turned around and slashed the shadow that was about to attack him. It was a shadow beast created by magic, the creator was just nearby.

A portal appeared beside him. Another shadow beast took out its hand and slashed him however he was able to block it with his daggers. He had learned how it moves from his previous encounter.

The shadow beast returned to the portal which disappeared immediately. A man came out in front of him. Several parts of his body were similar to a shadow beast's body. His sluggish movements were easily noticed by Tieme and attacked the man. The man raised his hand and two portals appeared to bring two shadow beasts to meet Tieme's attack.

Tieme leaped on the creatures' backs and ran to him. He grabbed the man and punched him in the face, "What the hell?" He uttered when the man's head was twisted by his punch but could still move. He immediately released him, "What are you?"

He almost forgot about the man's creatures which returned to attack him. The man returned his head at the correct position. Tieme noticed that the man's eyes were lifeless and shedding tears of blood. What's wrong with this guy? He thought.

He killed the shadow beasts and subdued the summoner. He aimed for the man's head only to be butted by another shadow beast. "We finally meet." It said and changed form. It was Clyfe, he looked at the man. "Is this one of my brothers? Father never said anything about him." He beheaded the man. "Alright, father doesn't have to know he existed anymore."

Tieme got up with blood coming out from his forehead wound. "You hid your presence well." He said. "Where can I find the person you refer as 'father'?

"Why?" Clyfe asked.

"Nothing. I’m just going to kill him." He answered that made Clyfe grin.

Later on, "Take this!" Girana said and kicked the bound Tieme lying on the ground on his stomach. "You wanted to kill our father but you can't even defeat Clyfe."

Her other companions laughed at him. "Since you want to see father so badly we'll take you to him." Clyfe said. "But I can't promise you will reach our house unscathed. So make sure you are still alive by the time we arrive."


Inside a prison cell, "Get up!" A woman said and pulled the blanket that covered the sleeping Melina who was wounded and bruised. Her hair was now shoulder length and irregularly cut, she wore a thin, dirty, white dress that has several holes and rips.

"I don't want to get up..." Melina uttered. "My body still hurts."

"Why you little..."

"Let her be." Zal said as he entered the room.

"But father-"

"Leave." He said and she immediately left Melina's cell. He sat beside Melina and stroked her hair.

Melina groaned, "I want to see my brother again." She said.

"He abandoned you, remember?"

"He won't do such thing!"

"He just did... Weeks ago." He said. "Completing that mission is more important to him than his own sibling."

"Stop that!" She shouted turning away from him while covering her ears. "We'll see each other again, I know it."

"Suit yourself." He said and took out a small vial. "But I can't let you skip your schedule."

She was stunned. "No more..." She uttered and crawled away from him not minding the pain of falling in the bed. "Help me, Reyonis!" She headed for the door.

He walked towards her.


Tieme woke up and felt the cold stone floor. He looked around and realized that he was inside a prison cell, "I have fallen asleep." He whispered. "Damn, what was in that liquid they've forced in my mouth?"

He heard a woman's scream; he rushed to the door but lost balance. He could not move his legs. They seemed to be affected by the liquid he drank.

He crawled towards the door and tried to stand up by holding on to the metal bars. "So you're finally awake." An old man said on the other side of the door.

Tieme looked at him; he saw a badge pinned on the old man's clothes. It bore one of the Council symbols as a mark.

"I'm sure you've heard the scream, but to tell you the truth it did not come from here. I'm just watching everything that happens in another place through this"

He showed a crystal ball to Tieme, they saw Melina in it. She was shackled to a wall and was trying to free herself. "Where is her brother?" He asked. "Why are you doing this kind of experiment? What is your goal?"

"Sorry, but I can't tell it to anyone who is not a member of our family." He said. "And about her brother, he's actually the one who sent her there."


"If you want to know why, go ask him yourself... If you get out there." He said and left him.

Tieme slowly slid down the floor, his legs are still paralyzed. He was angry at the miscalculation in his plan.


"Faster, Aaliyah!" Reyonis commanded his summon who had transformed herself to a large bird to carry him in the air. "The Wind Demon is getting away."

"I'll distract him, Reyonis." Yvonne, Councilor of Summons, said riding on a floating, armored centaur. It chased the demon.

On the ground, Eliza was aiming at the demon using Melina's bow. It glanced at her and increased its speed, "It's risky to use a bow from here." Luna, Councilor of Twilight, suddenly said to Eliza. "You might hit them instead of the Wind Demon."

"But I can't just stand here and do nothing to help Reyonis." Eliza said.

"Let us handle this." She said.

She retracted the bow, "Don't let him get hurt."

"Don't treat him like a kid. Getting hurt is already a part of life." Luna said and began casting.

She did not respond and looked at Reyonis who was chasing the Wind Demon with Yvonne.

A bow appeared in centaur summon's hand, it pulled the drawstring and an arrow appeared that it immediately released. The demon turned back and flapped its wings that created glowing, curved lights that moved towards them. The arrow was destroyed the moment the lights hit it and the demon flew away from them again.

Reyonis created a barrier to protect them. If only Tieme was here. He thought. He could help me slow down this demon. Later on his Dispatcher rang, "Ready, Luna?" He asked upon answering.

"Yes." Luna said through her Dispatcher in a form of her pendant. "Councilor Eva's gravitation magic will be much more effective with my dark spell I've casted around the area."

"Alright. I'll let Yvonne know." He said and ended the call.

Luna kept her pendant, behind her was Eliza grinning.

Aaliyah's speed has increased and was now beside the Wind Demon. Reyonis was snickering as a spell circle appeared unnoticed above the demon.

"You're Black Witch's-" The centaur summon that came out from the spell circle stomped the demon’s head that made it fall on the ground.

"Where did you learn this kind of spell?" Yvonne asked.

"I learned it from a relative of mine." He said referring to Lutifar.

The demon fell in a spell circle covering the whole grassland where Eva and Edelmond are waiting. Reyonis and Yvonne went down to join them.

"You should finish it." Eva said to Reyonis. "If I run out of energy the gravitation magic will be cancelled."

"And the presence minimizing spell I'm using around Eva's magic will be cancelled as well." Edelmond said.

"I understand." Reyonis said and looked at Aaliyah. "Thanks for your help, Aaliyah. You may return." She disappeared before them.

They looked at the demon and got surprised that it was nowhere to be found. A strong wind blew at them, unseen force made cuts on their skins and clothes. "You fools." The demon said flying around them. "I am the wind. Such magic will not work on me."

"So it was useless from the start?" Eva asked. "But Luna and I made sure that even winged monsters will be affected by this spell."

Reyonis looked at the spell circle; he could not feel the presence of Luna's energy in it. It's either Luna's magic was dispelled or she lied to us. He thought.

A cyclone appeared around the Councilors and carried them away.


Melina woke up in shock, still shackled on the wall. "My brother is in trouble." She said the prison guard. "Please help me find him."

"No." He said.


"Be quiet!" He said and threw a pail of iced water at her, it made her scream.

"Still no change." Another former Councilor said as he approached her. "Another test on you failed... You are getting on our nerves, young lady."

"Please... Just let me go back to my brother." She said.

"There is something in your blood that fights the Demon Blood we put in you... Interesting and at the same time annoying. Take her back to her room the experiment for today is finished."

The guard led her back to her cell, "Move!" He said then pushed her inside and locked the door. She sat on a corner and began meditating.

Meanwhile, "What is she doing?" Zal asked as he and his companions watched her from another room.

"She must be healing her wounds." One of them said.

"That's impossible. We’ve cut off the flow of her magical energy. She can no longer cast any spells for the rest of her life." Another one said.

"Let's observe her for a while." Zal said. "If she tries to escape then we'll take action. Anyway, what are the results of the experiment?" He asked and sheets of paper were given to him. "Failed? Again? How did the experiment ended up like this?"

"We need to get rid of her. She's a threat to us just as that Phantom brat who is after our heads!"

"Calm down. We could still use her, Councilor Jo." Zal said. "If this girl could destroy the Demon Blood we created then that Phantom boy will desperately want to save her."


"...Healing magic?" Reyonis uttered as his consciousness returned. The cuts on his skin gradually healed and vanished.

"Glad you woke up." Edelmond who was beside him said.

"Thank you for healing me."

"Are you still asleep? I’m not a healer."

"Huh? Then who casted the spell on me?"

"Must be your body recovering after being knocked out."

"I guess so but I never practiced healing magic. Anyway, where are we?"

"Inside the clouds... A cloud prison, I think."

Reyonis got up and looked around; he was amazed that the clouds they are stepping on are solid enough to hold their weight. He touched a cloud wall and got electrified.

"I forgot to tell you about that." Edelmond said.

"We're getting out of here." He said and began casting a spell.

"The walls can also nullify magic."

"Damn..." Reyonis uttered and stopped casting. He sat down to think.

Meanwhile on another cloud prison cell, "We need to hurry." Yvonne said to Eva. On her lap was the Luna with her abdomen’s left side bleeding. "Luna needs to be treated right away."

"I'm hurrying, okay?" Eva said and began casting a spell. "For now use the plant leaves I gave you and put their extract over her wound."

Yvonne crushed several leaves let its juices drop over the wound that made Luna cry out in pain. "Who did this to you, Luna?" She asked.

Plants grew on a cloud wall of their prison cell. "Come on..." Eva uttered as they covered all walls.

Yvonne summoned a lizard creature with body made of flames. It crawled on the plants and set them aflame.

"I don't think so." A woman's voice said and turned the flaming wall to ice. The summon ran behind Yvonne upon escaping.

"Who are you?" Eva asked.

"B-Black..." Luna uttered and coughed up blood.

"Luna!" Yvonne and Eva said in shock.

A human-shaped, horned shadow figure appeared outside the prison door. "That Councilor's done for." It said. "That poison I've given her has no antidote... She'll die in just few hours."

"You lie! What did she do to deserve this?" Yvonne shouted.

"Stopping master's return." It said. "That's what you Councilors are doing... She's not the only one to die.

"Why you..." Eva uttered and rushed towards the door. "Give me the antidote!"

It chuckled. "Why don't you try to formulate one, Earth lady?" It said and disappeared. "Like I said... There is no antidote."

At the other prison cell, "We can get out of here." Reyonis said and drew something on the cloud wall facing the corridor. He covered her fingers with cloth to prevent himself from getting electrified. His finger left a red glowing mark as he moved his hand to create a symbol.

"I see... Spell rewrite." Edelmond said.

"I've been studying how to perform this without using all of the caster's energy." He said. "I created my own spell and now I’m testing it."

He stepped back after he finished his drawing. The symbol glowed and dissolved the wall. "Nice move, kid." Edelmond said and stepped out of the prison cell. "Let's find Yvonne and Eva and defeat this pesky demon once and for all."

"You're right." He said and they ran to find the others.


"Don't provoke me." Tieme said as he tried to get up only to be kicked by Clyfe on his stomach.

"Hey, it's my turn." A man said to Clyfe. "I want to test my new gauntlet on his face."

"Just a moment." Clyfe said and stomped Tieme's hands then kicked his face. He raised Tieme's head by pulling his hair, Tieme's left eye was swollen and his nose and mouth were bleeding. "There are still hundreds of my siblings who want to meet you. If I were you, just welcome them with open arms... Oh I almost forgot Girana broke them during her turn."

Tieme snickered. "Pray that you could still see your so-called siblings again once you go out of my cell." Tieme said, it made Clyfe angry and slammed his face on the floor before leaving.

Tieme was beaten by three more people and left him bleeding and unable to move.

33: Escape



"Reyonis..." A young woman's voice echoed in Reyonis' mind that made him stop walking. "Can you hear me?"

"Who are you?" Reyonis asked. Edelmond stopped and looked at him, surprised by his actions. "Ah... Someone is speaking to me telepathically, sorry."

"Would you like to stop and talk to that person first?" Edelmond asked.

"No. We need to find Yvonne and Eva."

"Alright." Edelmond said and they resumed walking in the intersecting paths of filled with cloud walls.

"Are you the one who healed me?" Reyonis asked using his mind.

"Yes." The voice answered. "This is the least that I could do the moment I was able to reach you."

"Who are you then? Why are you helping me?"

There was no response.

"Hey, I'm asking you."

"So I’m a stranger again to you. My name is Melina... I'm not an enemy. I just wanted to help, you can trust me."

"The paths don’t seem to have an end, Reyonis." Edelmond said thinking that they were walking in circles. "We've been walking for quite a while and we still can't find the others."

"Try calling either one of them through their Dispatcher." He said. "I'm sure we'll be able to reach them."

"Good idea, why haven't I thought of that?" Edelmond said and took out a small book in his Council robes.


Inside a prison cell, "Reyonis?" Melina asked the small doll sitting on the bed in front of her. She made it out of her old bandages that have her blood. "Are you still there?"

She's talking to a doll as if it was her brother. Zal thought watching her putting the doll on her ear. He saw her smile and talked to it again, he felt suspicious of it that he entered her cell and snatched it from her.

"Give my brother back!" She said and held his leg, he kicked her away.

He put it on his hear listening to any sound it could make, but he heard nothing. He held it tightly but he was unable to see anything unusual on it. Dismayed, he tossed it at her and left her cell. "Crazy girl." He just said.

Melina brushed off the dirt on the doll. "How are you doing now?" She asked it. "...Make your senses sharp."


"Eva is answering but I can't hear what she says." Edelmond said. "I only hear strong wind blowing."

"...Councilor Edelmond do you have a spell that could heighten one’s senses?" Reyonis asked.

Edelmond stopped and looked at him. "Did that person talking in your mind tell you that?"

"Yes, she told me just now that the place itself is affecting our senses."

"Let see..." Edelmond said and casted a spell that created a large, thick book made of blue light hovering in front of him. It opened by itself and turned several pages.

"Many pages have been turned and we are still in the table of contents?" He asked.

"Be quiet and let me do my job."


Meanwhile, "Luna's getting pale." Yvonne said. She touched Luna's face and felt it was a bit cold.

Eva approached them. "Don't give up, Luna." She said. "We'll do our best to save you." She looked at the wall facing the corridor; it was covered by another type of plant. "Just a little longer."

Yvonne's flaming lizard summon set the plants on fire and ran behind Yvonne, Eva created a stone wall to protect them. The cloud wall suddenly exploded.

"Gah, my ears!" Reyonis suddenly said covering them.

"What happened?" Edelmond asked. "Did the spell work?"

"Too loud... My ears are ringing. I could hear the slightest sound around this place and even our heartbeats."

"Alright. Let me adjust the spell for a moment."


"Damn, it still hurts." Tieme uttered as he tried to get up. His wounds and bruises made it difficult for him to move, the cold also made them hurt more. He leaned his back on the wall and let out a deep exhalation, "At least I could move my arms now. Man... They sure took some time to heal."

"Good morning. It's just past midnight so I think that is the right greeting to say." The Councilor standing in front of the cell door said to him. "Anyway, did you have a nice sleep?"

"Piss off." Tieme just said.

"I'll take that as 'no'."

"For you to be here it only means that there is something you want me to know."

The Councilor scoffed, "We found out something interesting about the Aurren girl." He said.

"What about her?"

"Now, now... Is that a way to ask your captor?"

"Just spill it."

"How arrogant." He said and released a spell to electrify him. "Now ask me nicely."

"Just tell it and leave me alone." Tieme said and got electrified again. "…You'll regret this."

"Find it out on your own then." He said and left, annoyed by the outcome of his actions.

Tieme tried to move his legs, it was a success. Now I can finally kick a fake Phantom in the face. He thought.


"How about now?" Edelmond asked as he closed the book which vanished right away.

"...I think this is fine. My ears don't ring that much" Reyonis said. "I think I've just heard explosion moments ago. Eva must be the one who done it."

"In which direction?"

"In the left side of this corridor."

"Let's go."

Reyonis and Edelmod ran. After a few moments, Reyonis stopped when he felt a draft in one of the cloud walls. He returned to the wall's location and touched it he felt cracks.

"Found something?" Edelmond asked.

"No, but I felt cracks on this wall. I think Eva and Yvonne are here." He said. Suddenly, his Dispatcher rang and immediately answered it.

"You finally found us!" Eva said through her Dispatcher in a form of one of her earrings. On the other side of the cell door, she and Yvonne could see Edelmond standing.

"Eva, you're on the other side of this wall, right?"

"Yes. My exploding plants could only make a slight damage on this cloud wall."

"Where is the door?"

"It's right beside Councilor Edelmond."

"We can't see a thing other than this cloud wall."

"Just do something, quick! Luna is dying, we have to save her."

"What? Alright, we'll take it from here."

"Please hurry." Eva said and ended the call.

"What is it?" Edelmond asked.

"Luna is not in good condition." Reyonis said while drawing a red symbol on the wall using his index finger. "Please prepare a spell to heal her."

The symbol glowed and vanished but the wall remained. Reyonis tried again but still failed to destroy the wall. "What's happening, Reyonis?" He asked as the hovering book he created began turning pages.

"The wall... It's fixing itself." Reyonis uttered. "Like the barrier in Phantom." His staff appeared on his hand and tapped the wall using it only to be deflected." Damn it, I don't want to fight right now. Luna's safety is my priority."

"Have you tried deactivating instead of rewriting the spell?" Melina's voice asked.

"Deactivate?" He asked using his mind. "But doing so will take more time, a fellow Councilor of mine is in bad shape and we need to save her."

"But deactivating the spell around it is your best bet. I will help you all you have to do is touch the object where the spell is."

"Alright." He said and placed his hand on the wall.


"She would not let go of that dirty doll." Zal said to Jo as they observed her sitting on her bed holding the doll and talking with it.

"Let her be. That's her only way to cope with her loss." Jo said and they left.

"It's a layered spell." She said to her doll. "The first layer is a fire spell, you have to counter it."

"Any kind of spell to oppose it?" The voice from the doll said, it was Reyonis' voice. She was the only one who could hear the sound coming from it.


After a few moments, "What's the next layer?" He asked.

"Earth. Be careful, if you use a fire spell you'll activate the first layer and start over again."

"Just a moment... Alright, I've deactivated it, what is the next layer?"

She felt dizzy that she dropped the doll. "I still have to help him." She whispered and picked it up.

"Hey, still there?"

"Yes... The last layer is water." She said ignoring her dizziness. "It's just like before, but this time only when you use an earth spell."



Reyonis released a lightning spell on the wall, it turned to steam as it disappeared. He and Edelmond rushed to them, Luna has gotten paler and cold. Edelmond began casting a spell to heal her.

"Have you deactivated the spell?" Melina asked.

"Yes. But Luna is in trouble, she might die." He said telepathically. "Right now, another Councilor is casting a healing spell on her."

"Maybe I could help."

"You've helped enough."

"I know healing magic. Maybe I could save her as well."

He paused for a moment, "Alright, let's try." He said and approached them. "Tell me what to do."

"Hold her."

He placed his hand on Luna's wound. "What are you doing?" Yvonne asked.

"Trying to save Luna." He said to her.

"But you are not a healer."

"I'm just trying. Councilor Edelmond, let me help you."

"Reyonis, please tell me what the spell your fellow Councilor is using." Melina said. "I will cast it from my location."

Reyonis read the spell silently sending each word to Melina. Later on Luna's wound glowed, Luna groaned when she felt a piercing pain. "It's working!" He said to her.

There was no response from Melina.

"Luna's color is returning." Eva said.

"Just a little more." Edelmond said as the wound gradually healed. "We'll be able to save her."

Soon the poison is removed from Luna and her consciousness returned. Everyone felt relief, Reyonis carried her on his back and they left the cell to look for the Wind Demon.


Tieme tried to stand up, he could still feel pain in his body despite his wounds healing on their own. He walked towards the door, wobbling.

"What do you want?" The guard asked the moment Tieme reached the door.

"Hungry..." Tieme uttered.

"It's not yet time for breakfast. Get back to your bed!"

"No. I want to eat."

"Why you little..." The guard said and put the end of his bat on the metal door, it released electricity. Tieme let go of the bars as he fell on his back, "Back to bed!"

"Make me." He said taunting the guard as he got up. The guard got angry that he entered Tieme's cell.

He got beaten with the bat by the guard who then turned back contented with his success. He got up and looked at the guard with his red eyes, grinning.

Tieme went out after the moments of silence wearing the guard's clothes. "Thanks for the clothes." He said wiping the blood on the side of his mouth. “Damn, that hurt a lot.” He immediately left the cell.

He passed by Clyfe then smiled to himself. Clyfe was not able to detect him because of the guard's helmet that covered his face. His scent was also covered by the guard's scent on the clothes.

He walked around and studied the place to make a better plan.


"I can hear the demon going this way." Reyonis said and laid Luna against a wall.

"Yvonne, guard Luna." Edelmond said. "The three of us will face it.

"You can count on me." She said then summoned her armored centaur. "Let my summon accompany you on my behalf."

"Wait..." Luna uttered. "You can't fight it as long as it is flying, take this with you." She handed Eva a baton. "This will help you bring it down. Our job would have been finished if I wasn't attacked by-" She began coughing.

"Don't force yourself." Eva said. "We'll finish this."

"I'm sorry."

"We have to go." Reyonis said and left with Edelmond, Eva and Yvonne's summon.

Later on, "Did you like my game, keeper?" The Wind Demon asked as it descended in front of them.

"Keeper?" Reyonis asked.

"You, silly!" It said. "Aren't you the one collecting the sorrows of each element?"

"I don't get what this creature is saying." Eva said. "Why don't we just get this over with?"

It chuckled, "Do you want to know the story behind the Great Seal?" It asked Reyonis. "No existing book could provide you the answer except us, the embodiment of the Keys."

"We don't have time for this, Reyonis!" Edelmond said. "We have to get the Wind Key."

"...I'll hear it." He said.

"Are you out of your mind? It's just a trap!"

"I know." He whispered. "I just want to focus its attention on me, you could continue the plan."


Two hands suddenly came out from the cloud floor and pulled Reyonis by his feet and sank him until he disappeared from their sight. The demon then rushed to attack the remaining Councilors.


The door of Melina's prison cell suddenly opened. A guard entered and saw Melina sitting on the bed. He rushed to her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Let go of me!" She shouted. "You're making my wound hurt."

"And that man said you are in different prison." He said. "That liar... Get up we're getting out of here."

"Tieme?" She asked in surprise.

"Be quiet. They'll hear you."

"None of you are going anywhere." Zal standing at the doorway said. "You think you'll be able to fool us, Phantom boy?" Guards appeared behind Zal.

"Put your arms around my nape." He whispered to her.


"Do it."

She jumped on his back and put her arms around his neck. He rushed to them transforming to a shadow beast butting everyone who blocked their way.

Some guards shot darts at them, Tieme created several shadow creatures that he left behind to face the guards. He rammed the door leading to the next hallway breaking it down in the process.

"Take me to the library." She said.

"What? Why?"

"There is something I need to get."

"We're going to get trapped there."


Tieme rushed to a large room located at the topmost floor of the prison. It has several orbs showing certain rooms including Melina's cell. He closed the door and barred it then he put several heavy items in front of it. "Hurry, this barricade will not last long." He said.

"Yes." She said and searched on the pieces of paper laid on the long table in the middle of the room.

He looked at the orbs; he saw the room where he was kept. So that man knew that I escaped. He thought. Yet he did not alert his men until I entered her cell. Soon the guards came and rammed the door.

She felt dizzy and almost lost balance; she was immediately assisted by Tieme. "I got it." She said. "Let's get out of here."

"You're pale. Did they take some of your blood?" He asked helping her get on his back.

"Yes, but this time it happened because I used my blood to cast spells." She said.

"We'll discuss this later." He said and jumped out of the window.

Zal and his men managed to enter the room. He noticed the changes on the table and looked at the scattered pieces of paper. "So she took it." Zal uttered.

"Took what?" Another Councilor asked.

"That information we got years ago."

"What?" He asked in surprise then looked at the guards. "Get the girl. I don't care what you do to the boy, just bring her alive!"

34: Summons



Reyonis walked in the path leading to a small village. He looked at the entrance a saw the name of the place, Eclipsis. There was a symbol of the sun on the left side of the name and a crescent moon on the other side. Must be a Phantom village. He thought.

It was a simple, quiet place. Children were playing around, most adults are tending an orchard of Nightshines while some are assigned as village guards or work in shops.

A group of children passed through him, everything that he saw was just an illusion and it made him a little sad. Later on, he saw a small boy got tripped in front of him. "Tieme?" Reyonis asked in surprise when the boy got up, he looked similar to Tieme but much younger. His clothes got dirty from the fall.

The group laughed and teased him. The boy was about to cry but he wiped his tears and stood up enduring the pain from the wound he got. Was he really made fun of before?   Reyonis thought as he watched him walk in the same direction as the group of children who already left.

"The number of villagers is not enough to meet the requirements of the creating the Shadow Key." Someone said that surprised Reyonis.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"The collection of souls continued for several years until there were a hundred souls of Shadow." The voice said as it he revealed himself to him, the gate guardian he defeated at Phantom.

“What the- how come you are still alive?" Reyonis asked.

"I was born from the sorrows of those who were sacrificed. As long as the Shadow Key exists I will continue to exist as well."

"Same goes for the Earth and Water Keys?"

"Who knows what their story is... Ah... The saddest memory of the lone survivor."

He turned back and was shocked to see that the village was destroyed. Dead bodies of people and demons were everywhere. "It... It was just fine moments ago... How... So sudden?"

Several steps away from them was the boy who was similar to Tieme covered in blood sitting on the ground crying beside a woman's lifeless body. One of her hands was being held by a man whose left arm was cut off.

Reyonis walked towards the boy and tried to wipe his tears but Reyonis’ hand just passed through. He looked at the man's face, he noticed the man's eyes were gold in color and his pupils were different from a normal person. They were vertical slits instead of round.

"This event happened few hours after." It said in a woman's voice.

He looked at it and gasped when it had taken form of the woman. "What are you doing? Don't copy his mom!" He said angrily.

"This woman is now a part of the Shadow Key, therefore a part of me." It said. "Did you know that the main purpose of using the Great Seal is not for sealing Yumil at all?."

"What is the purpose then?"

"Ask those who desired eternity. None of the fallen Phantom souls can provide you the answer. They were all used against their will."

"...Is this also the fate of the people from the other kingdoms?" He asked. "I'm going to stop them!" He turned back and walked away looking for exit.

Suddenly, he was grabbed and carried away. He was in the hands of his knight summon who had saved him from a crystal spear that was thrown at him. It pierced the ground he was standing before. "How did you do that? I didn't even summon you." He said, surprised by his summon’s sudden appearance. "Only Aaliyah can appear without me calling her!"

It did not respond. It just flew away without any use of wings.

He looked behind and saw the gate guardian was still using the woman's form, it was flying as well. It chased and threw balls of light at them. "If only I used this form before, you should have been long gone!" It said.

He casted spells to destroy the incoming attacks. A ball of exploded whenever it hit an object, however a spell circle will appear in its place and will release a different spell aiming at Reyonis and his summon. Soon, the knight summon got hit by a spell that gradually turned its body to crystal.

"I have to switch you with Aaliyah." He said. "You are at disad- hey!"

His summon had stopped and faced the enemy who was casting, it rushed towards the gate guardian evading the remaining spells created by the destroyed balls of light. "Go down, I order you!" He said but was ignored. "Why are you disobeying me?" Again, he was ignored.

A sword appeared on the knight summon's free hand. What's happening to my summon? He thought. He's holding me with his dominant hand, there's no way he could attack properly. He noticed that the some parts of his summon's arm that held him were already crystallized. Sorry, Knight. I have to do this. He said to himself and casted a spell to make his summon disappear by force, he was surprised when nothing happened.

The enemy released the spell, his summon's crystallized body parts cracked. Bits of crystals fell but the summon ignored the spell’s effect and swiped his sword to the enemy who was left defenseless after the attack.

They watched the enemy as it fell on the ground. They descended and approached it, "Damn it... I was defeated again." It said as it returned to its original form, it looked at the crumbling knight summon. "Defeated by a low-level summon." It continued. The scene of the village has been replaced by a room of cloud walls.

"Where is the way out?" He asked.

It pointed one of the walls, "It will lead you back to the Wind Demon's place." It said and a portal appeared. Reyonis and his summon was about to enter, "Forgive me, Black Witch." It uttered. "I wasn't able to fulfill your order."

"Order?" He asked.

"…Keeping you in this room until she arrives." It said and disappeared.

They entered the portal that lead them a hallway, he could see another portal at the end. "Hey, can you explain your actions earlier?" He asked his summon but there was no answer from it that made him turn back. "Knight..." He uttered and approached when he saw it sitting on the floor, leaning against the cloud wall. The number of falling crystal bits from its body has increased.

"You should return to your place so that you could recover, Knight." He said then it shook its head. "Why are you doing things against my wishes? I am your master, you should obey me. Do you want me to break the contract?" It shook its head again. "Then return to your place without hesitation!"

Its body glowed and disappeared in front of him. After a few moments of silence, he stood up and went on his way.


A civilization of summons cannot be ruled by any kingdoms created by humans, the summons have their own leaders who have power over the contracts made by summons and summoners. Only adult summons are allowed to make contracts with summoners.

At a hill near the Aurren Manor, there was a village of summon spirits. Aaliyah is one of its inhabitants and Reyonis wanted her be his summon because of her ability to fly and use healing magic.

A battle between them took place outside her village. Unfortunately, she was defeated by Reyonis and must form a contract with him.

"A tenth of your energy." Aaliyah said to the thirteen-year-old Reyonis as she brought herself back to her feet. "That is enough for me to use my abilities."

"Alright." He said and took out a medallion from his pocket which he showed to her. "To formally start our contract, I need a drop of our blood on the Medallion of Summons."

She uttered the Summon’s Oath and pricked her right index finger. A drop of blood fell from her wound to the medallion. He did the same.

It glowed and hovered in front of them then split into two. "A pendant." She said and one piece went to her and created a necklace around her neck with it as a pendant. The other half went to him and turned into a spell circle with an eye in the middle on his left lower arm which became a tattoo, it was a summoner’s symbol. On its north side was the mark of Aaliyah’s race, a pair of red bird wings encircled by a halo. "It's an honor to become your first summon. You proved yourself worthy to become my master."

"Well... Defeating you was a bit hard for my level." He said. "I promise you that I will make you stronger, Aaliyah."

"I look forward to it."


About a month before a Yumil was freed Reyonis visited Celesta Ruins upon Crucis’ order. Outside, "How long do you intend to follow me?" He asked a floating, black orb behind him. "I don't feel any hostility in you but you are scaring me. Can you just let me do my job properly? I still need to submit my report before nightfall."

Suddenly, it grabbed his left lower arm and bit it. "Hey!" He suddenly shouted and tried to remove it from him but it held its grip tightly. "Let go!"

The tattoo glowed as he successfully removed and threw it away from him. "I-Impossible..." He uttered as a new symbol appeared on his tattoo, a black helm similar to a dragon’s head. He was forced to a contract with the black orb and he had no idea what are the conditions to agree upon.

The orb began to change form, an armor-clad summon spirit. "This is an illegal contract, have this removed at once!" He demanded. It showed him a beaded bracelet, a split medallion was inserted in it like a bead. "N-No way... This is legal? What are the conditions of the contract?"

"None. I just want to be your summon." It suddenly said.

"But why?"

"I don't know. All I know is that you are capable of being my summoner."

"...What is your name?"

It did not respond.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question."

"I don't know... I just woke up only knowing that I am a summon"

"You want me help you know who you truly are?"

"No." It said. "I don't want to be alone in this place."

Its words puzzled him, "...Alright. Since you don't have a name, is it okay if I call you Knight? You look like one anyway."

"It's fine... Please to meet you, master."

"Same here... I didn't know that a healthy bite is a form of greeting."

"Please forgive me."

"Forget about that. It's nice meeting you but I need to go." He said and put several papers in his drawstring bag and hanged it on his shoulders. "I need to go back to the Council and submit my report." He ran to the dock and rode a boat going to the Council.


Knight is a strong summon but still he is very mysterious. Reyonis thought as he walked along the cloud hallway. Maybe one of these days I'll discuss things with him. But right now I have to get the Wind Key.

Moments later he was standing in front of the portal that will lead him back to the other Councilors. "Alright, let's continue where we left off." He said and put on the bangle he received from Hamer before entering the portal.

35: Corrupted


Eva waved the baton she received from Luna and a spell circle appeared on the cloud floor. The Wind Demon above the spell circle lost its ability to fly and fell down. Edelmond, with his blue book made of light, casted a spell that created a large, human-like, fire creature.

The creature rushed to the demon, the moment its right hand entered the spell circle it was extinguished. "Don't include my spells to be cancelled, Eva!" Edelmond shouted.

"I'm not used to this kind of thing!" She said and waved the baton again removing the spell circle. "Oh damn..."

The demon flew in the air, an arrow released by Yvonne's centaur summon pierced both its wings.

"You're still alive?" Edelmond asked as the summon joined them. Several crystal shards were pierced to its body. It removed one and the wound gradually healed. "I see... Yvonne added a healing spell upon summoning you." He uttered.

Suddenly a portal opened above the demon. Reyonis, with his body changed by the bangle's effect, came down punching the demon in the face with his right fist powered by a lightning spell. He used its body as a cushion upon landing.

"Reyonis, your body..." Eva uttered.

"Not now, Eva." He said as he stood up. "I'll explain later." They looked at the demon's body; it was replaced with a white, shattered statue of it. "Damn, it got away."

"It became one with the wind again." Edelmond said.

"One with the-" Reyonis suddenly choked. The others felt the same moments after. Damn, that bastard cut off the air we are breathing! He thought. We can't last long if this continues.

He looked around and saw a blurry figure of the demon along with the scattered Element Orbs he usually sees in his current form. The figure was in a corner and almost invisible in his eyes. He noticed Edelmond's fire creature near extinguishment because of the lack of air, it was surrounded by a dwindling number of red Element Orbs.

He released a spell without casting; it threw blasts of fire to the figure. The figure evaded his attack, Like hell I will let you get away easily! Reyonis thought and released another spell using the red orbs that were near it and the grey orbs that surrounded its body to trap it in a whirlwind of flames. They were able to breathe after the attack.

"That was... Close..." Edelmond said as he caught his breath. He used his book to release a healing spell for them. "Everyone alright?"

"Yes." She said as she helped Reyonis stand up. "How about you, Reyonis?"

"Yeah..." He said. "Let's finish this. I don't have much time left to retain this form." He remembered Melina. Strange, the girl stopped communicating with me after healing Luna. He thought. Did something happen to her?


In a forest near the fortress where Melina and Tieme were previously imprisoned was an old, small treehouse. It was built inside a hollow tree that it no longer required door or windows. There was a ladder to lead a person out at the tree top and thick, strong vines to go down from there.

On the bed was the pale Melina sleeping. In her hand was the doll she created from her old bloodstained bandages. Beside the bed was Tieme sitting on the floor reading several sheets of paper they got from the prison library.

So she became one of them. He thought. The Councilor of Water's daughter is doomed by the Demon Blood's effects, just like Lady Melissa.

"Hey!" Reyonis' voice called out, it came from the doll. "Are you still there? Are you alright?"

Melina began murmuring in her sleep, responding to Reyonis' voice.

Tieme sharp sense of hearing helped him hear Reyonis’ voice. He took the doll and went in an area away from the bed. "She's not well, Reyonis." He said to him.

"Tieme? What are you doing there?"

"Still taking down those imitators. It was unexpected to meet her on my mission... Why did you do it?"

"Do what? I don't understand you."

He paused for a moment, "I see... So that woman did something again." He said.

"Woman? Hey, is there something you want to explain to me?"

"Not now, Melina needs treatment. I need to take her to a healer fast." He turned back and gasped when met a human-shaped, horned shadow figure face-to-face.

It thrust its right hand and passed through Tieme's heart before he could even move. He did not bleed however black marks appeared on his chest and spread on his body.

"Yu... Mil..." He uttered as his eyes became lifeless and red in color. He dropped the doll then fell on his back causing the figure's hand to be removed in him.

It caught him and gently laid him down. It put one of its hands over his forehead covering his eyes and spoke in Phantom language. It slid down its hand to close Tieme's eyes and disappeared. The marks disappeared moments after.


"Hey, are you still there?" Reyonis asked telepathically. "Tieme, where are you?"

There was no response from Tieme.

What happened back there? He thought.

"Is it still inside that thing?" Eva asked.

He looked at the flaming whirlwind. "Yep, still in there." He said. Suddenly, the whirlwind burst and soon disappeared, killing the fire. "What the- How did that happen?"

"You got me good..." The demon said as it moved limply towards them. Its body was badly burned, its wings were unusable. "But not good enough!"

The clouds dissipated showing them the outside world and all of them are falling down to it from the sky. The centaur summon carried Edelmond and Eva on its back. Yvonne summoned another creature that prevented her and Luna from falling to their deaths.

Reyonis summoned Aaliyah and gasped when she appeared. She was wearing a black armor with glowing streaks of red emanating shadowy smokes. Her eyes were red and glowing; her wings were bat-like. "A-Aaliyah?" He asked surprise. "What happened to you?" She glared at him and grabbed him by his neck then choked him.

"It was affected by the power of shadows." The Wind Demon said as it healed itself. "It doesn't know the difference of a friend from a foe now."

"Aaliyah... Stop..." He uttered. An arrow hit one of her wings, it was done by the centaur summon. She released him and chased the other Councilors.

He tried to remove the bangle. He gasped in shock when he saw black roots from it; they had wrapped themselves around his arm and seemed impossible to be removed. "We knew you will use that thing." The demon said. "While you were still asleep, Black Witch modified the bangle to force it to continue working even if the time limit has already passed. However, using that Phantom item cannot assure you if those who rely on your energy will not get affected by it also."

"Damn it!" Reyonis said and bit off some of the roots but the new ones grew from their place. "I need you Aaliyah. Return to your normal self, I beg you."

"What the-"The demon uttered and several slashes wounded its body.

His knight summon had appeared behind and caught him with its left hand. The thin air had caused him to get dizzy and unable to notice his summon that appeared on its own again.

"You're affected as well." The demon said. The knight's armor was similar to Aaliyah's; its eyes were also red and glowing. The sword it was holding had turned black. "Yet you are still sane."

"Can't breathe..." Reyonis slurred. "Put me down..."

It hurried to the ground while the demon chased and attacked them. "Get Reyonis from the knight." Yvonne commanded her centaur when they successfully reached the ground. "Leave Aaliyah to us." The centaur ran after Reyonis and the knight.

Eva waved the baton and a large spell circle to appear on the ground below Aaliyah and caused her to fall and unable to fly.

The centaur was able to catch up with the knight who looked at it then at the back. The knight was still being chased; it handed Reyonis to the centaur and faced the incoming demon.

"Reyonis!" Edelmond said as he approached the centaur who laid the unconscious Reyonis on the ground. "Luna, help me remove this thing on his arm."


"Reyonis!" Melina shouted as she woke up in shock. She looked around and gasped when she saw Tieme unconscious on the ground. She rushed to him and lightly slapped his face several times, "Wake up Tieme, tell me you're okay." She said.

There was no response from him; she put her ear on his chest and gasped. He was not breathing and she could not hear his heartbeat. She looked around and saw a broken mirror; she immediately took a shard and made a cut on his shirt.

He was wearing his hidden armor and she could not remove it in a short time. She gulped and used the sharp item to make a cut on her left lower arm trying to endure the pain. Soon, blood began to flow out from her wound. She put her bloodied hands on his armor and they glowed turning the chest part of his armor to dust.

She began to perform chest compression on him which was difficult for her because of her wounded arm. Later she checked again for his breathing, still nothing. "Don't leave me, I'm scared..." She uttered. She opened his mouth and put her own mouth on it and blew, forcing air in him. Please wake up. She said to herself and tried to revive him again.

"Ha! Found you, princess." Clyfe said watching them from the top of the tree with Girana. "Have we disturbed you two?"

"N-No..." She uttered as they went down. "H-How did..."

"We already know what your blood smells like." Girana said. "...Disgusting."


Eva released a spell that made metal spikes appear and surrounded the spell circle created by the baton. "This will prevent Reyonis' summon from leaving that area." She said. "But I can't use this baton again to help his other summon fight."

"How long will this thing stay on him?" Luna asked as she pulled off several roots sprouting from the bangle.

Reyonis began to writhe, "Hold on, we'll get this off you." Edelmond said.

Luna gasped, "His arm!" She suddenly said. He looked at the arm where the bangle was, its skin was turning dark red.

"We need to remove this thing faster!"

"Damn it, this summon can still move!" Yvonne said as Aaliyah attacked one of the spikes. "My summon restriction magic can't freeze her actions much longer."

Aaliyah shouted loudly, the spikes and the spell circle cracked and shattered. She glared at Eva and Yvonne but her attention was caught by the clashing of the knight's sword and the shield created by the demon to protect itself. She flew and attacked them.

"Aaliyah had gone berserk." Eva said. "I just hope Reyonis' other summon is still on our side."

"Fight it, Reyonis!" Edelmond said when the color of Reyonis' left arm had changed completely and continued to spread on the other parts of his body.

The knight was thrown to the ground a bit far from Reyonis. Its armor was full of cracks and its sword was already broken. It looked at the sky and saw the Wind Demon rushing down to attack. Aaliyah hit herself to it, throwing themselves away from the others. The knight summon looked at Reyonis and saw his condition, it approached them.

"This thing must be removed from your master." Edelmond said. "It corrupted you summons and there is a chance that he becomes completely corrupted."

Fangs appeared in Reyonis and his clothes were gradually turned dark streaked with red, glowing marks just like his summons' armors.

It put its hand on his chest and a spell circle appeared underneath them. "This magic..." The demon uttered and looked at the knight. "This is definitely HIS presence!"

White fire covered Reyonis' body, Aaliyah and the knight's body were also covered by white fire. The roots growing from the bangle burned and they gradually returned to normal.

"W-What just happened? When did I get summoned by master?" Aaliyah asked after regaining control of her self only to be hit by the demon in the face.

Reyonis woke up, "My head... Damn, it feels so heavy..." He uttered as Luna helped him get up.

"It's okay. Your knight summon helped you remove that thing around your arm." She said.

He looked at the bangle which already returned to normal then at his knight who was lying on the ground unable to move. "Knight..." He whispered as he went near. "Your armor's quite battered, huh? Here, let me fix-" A crystal spear coming from above pierced the knight in the chest. "No!" He shouted in shock as the knight cried out in pain as it disappeared.

"That is not a real summon." The wind demon said. "I don't know how it was able to behave like one. But I assure you that one is a fake summon."

"I don't give a damn!” He shouted and a spell circle appeared underneath his feet. “Let's get this over with."


"So what are we going to do with this arrogant brat, Girana?" Clyfe asked. "It's the girl father wants after all."

"Don't come near us!" Melina said. "Or I'll-"

"What can a puny girl like you do?" Girana asked. "There are two of us and you're alone. Just come with us quietly and we promise you won't get hurt."


"Why you little bi-"

Clyfe kicked Melina in the face then stepped on her arm wound. "Naughty girls like you need to be taught a lesson." He said.

"Go away..." Melina uttered.

"What's that?" He asked and stepped harder.

"Go away!" She shouted. Curved red lights appeared around them and began moving around the place slashing everything it hits. A red barrier was formed around Melina and Tieme pushing Clyfe away from them.

"How come she can still use magic?" Girana asked. "We need to get out of here before these things slice us."

They left before the tree was destroyed; Melina saw that there are still several of them surrounding the area. The lights attacked them but were destroyed by Jo who was with them as well. "So that's why you could still use magic even if we destroyed the flow of your magical energy... You are a blood magician." He said. "But if you keep on using this kind of magic always you will kill yourself."

"Please let us go." Melina begged. Jo approached her, he uttered a spell and her barrier was destroyed which shocked her. He crouched and reached for her wound, "Don't touch me!" She said as she turned away from him.

Spikes appeared from her shadow and pierced Jo's body; she turned to look at Tieme and gasped. Tieme's eyes were open, they were red and his pupils were vertical slits. He looked at her and saw Melina’s new wounds, he glared at Jo.


Aaliyah transformed herself to a large bird and carried Reyonis on her back; they chased the Wind Demon again. On the ground the other Councilors were preparing a spell to trap it and have him deliver the final blow.

"Do you think I'll fall on the same trap, kid?" It asked.

"Just shut up and surrender the Wind Key to me." He said.

"Are you going to ease the sorrow of the fallen souls? Or you would just use them again as sacrifice? I'm sure the Shadow Demon showed you the tragedy of a Phantom town."

"I know how the keys are created now. I'll be the one to decide on what will happen to them."

Suddenly, black arrow hit the demon's chest. From a distance Eliza was watching the sky holding Melina's bow, smiling. "Black Witch..." It uttered as its body turned to ashes. "...You traitor."

She just chuckled and left before Reyonis could see her.

"Over already?" Yvonne asked as they saw Reyonis going after a falling object. "So much for the entrapment operation."

Another key. Reyonis thought as Aaliyah descended on the ground. On his hand was a clear, wing-shaped crystal ornament. Another hundred human souls used.

"Reyonis!" Luna shouted as they ran to him. "You did it!"

"It wasn't me who defeated the Wind Demon." He said. "Let's go back to town... I just want to rest. You may return, Aaliyah."

Aaliyah disappeared and he walked away leaving the other Councilors puzzled.

Soon the sun rose up in the sky. Reyonis glanced at it for a moment and went on his way.


"Melina..." Tieme uttered crouching on one end of a large, hollow log. He could hear Melina crying inside. The color of his eyes remained red and his pupils were still vertical slits.

His hands and clothes were drenched in blood; around him were bodies of people with Demon Blood. The trees were destroyed and the ground was full of hollowed spots. One of the lifeless was Girana whose head was removed from her body.

"I... I... Did... All of this?" He uttered and looked at his trembling hands. "I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to do this in front of you, Melina." He turned back and ran away.

Soon she went out and realized she was alone. She left sadly and looked for the nearest town knowing that Tieme will not come back for her.

36: Recollection


"It's cold here." Yumil's voice said that caused Tieme to wake up from his sleep. He was back at the last room of the Shadow Temple.

"W-What am I doing in this place again?" Tieme asked.

"Why don't we find it out?"

He heard something fell; he turned back and saw a young man wearing a helm lying in a prone position. He approached the young man and noticed his own lower arm, they were shadowy and his hand has sharp claws. "What the- What happened to me?" He asked in shock. He saw his reflection on a mirror on a far wall, a horned, formless, shadow beast with red eyes.

"I think I was wrong about insulting you before." Yumil's voice said. "You're a Soul Snatcher so you can't have human parents. It's your recent victim who has a father that went insane."

Later on, the young man groaned and got up. Tieme saw that the young man's face was his face in human form. "This is only a dream... I am the real one!" He said to the young man who was also shocked to see him.

The young man took out his sword. He got angry that he attacked him, slashing the young man's armor and wounding his chest. Tieme punched his face when he tried to get up causing the helmet to be removed, the young man fell down.

Tieme breathe heavily, the young man's blood was dripping from his claws. "Did I... Kill him?" He asked. Gradually his form changed, his body was now human which calmed him. "Back to my form, finally."

"Going to walk around naked?" Yumil's voice asked.

Tieme looked at himself then at the young man, he does not have any clothes to cover his body. He crouched beside the young man and touched the armor. His body glowed, after a few moments he was wearing the similar clothes and armor of the young man. "Happy?" He asked Yumil then walked out of the room.

"I'll be watching my back if I were you." Yumil's voice said.

"What?" He asked as he turned around. The young man hit his face with the helm causing him to get dizzy and slumped on the floor. "You bastard... You're still alive?" He was hit in the face for the second time. "Cut it out, you imitator!"

The young man soon stopped, flinching from the pain of his wounds. Tieme used the opportunity to run but chains came out from his shadow and tripped him. He looked back and saw the young man near his feet and about to strike with his sword.


Tieme woke up in shock, breathing heavily.  "Just a dream." He said. He looked around, he was near a river bank lying on a rug and beside him was a fire pit with live coals. Why am I here? He thought. He noticed that his clothes were wet with water. The river must have carried me here. He thought. What just happened? Damn it, my mind is fuzzy!

"Good to see you are awake." Someone said. He turned around and saw a man wearing a white hood that covered his face. On his hands was a small bucket with several large fishes in it "I thought you drowned. But it seems you're not, how I really wish you did."

"How dare you!" He said angrily and tried to stand up but his legs were heavy. "Damn it, not this thing again. Are you one of those imitators I'm after?"

Instead of answering, the stranger sat down and skewered a fish with a stick then cooked it on the fire pit. Later on, "I'm not one of them. You were lucky that you fell in the water and I was able to take you out of there." The stranger said. "The medicine I gave you temporarily immobilizes a wounded body part. You'll be able to move again after a few hours."

"Where am I?"

"On the riverbank, isn't it obvious?"

His answer annoyed Tieme, "Anyway, have you seen a girl around here? She's about few years younger than me." He asked.

"Yes... You actually abandoned her in the forest."

It shocked him. "Where is she?" He asked. Suddenly his head began to hurt, "Damn… What just happened to me?"

"Calm down." The stranger said without looking at him. "Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts."

He laid himself down hoping to ease the pain and tried to remember what happened early morning.


Earlier in the treehouse, Yumil used a spell to paralyze him which also formed marks on his body. He was laid on the ground then his forehead and eyes were covered by Yumil's hand.

Yumil spoke in Phantom language, Tieme' fingers clawed the floor as he felt his body burn. Soon his hands stopped moving, he was put to a death-like sleep.


"It felt like my mind is being erased as the torment goes on." Tieme said to the stranger. "I was careless and let my guard down."

"It's been a long night after all." The stranger said as he removed the cooked fishes and replaced them with raw ones. "The only thing that matters that you that time is her safety."

"I never mentioned that to you. How did you know about that?"

"Stop asking, I'll answer your questions later on." He said and gave him a large leaf with cooked fish on it. "Have something to eat first."


"…Your red eyes annoy me."

Tieme silently ate.


"Don't touch me!" Melina's voice said returning Tieme back to his consciousness. He felt Jo's presence, she was in danger.

He created spikes using Melina's shadow to protect her from Jo who was pierced by them.

Melina looked at him, she seemed scared. Wounds? He thought. These bastards! He glared at Jo.

"Get away from that monster!" Jo said and pulled her away from Tieme, ignoring the wounds he had received.

Tieme tried to get up but his body was too heavy for him, he could only roll in his stomach. "Stop..." He uttered as Jo dragged her away.

Melina bit Jo's arm and ran the moment he let go of her. "You're not going anywhere." Girana said as she caught Melina by the hair. "Such a naughty girl."

"Give her the medicine." Jo said.

"No, let go of me!" Melina shouted as a prison guard took out a vial from a small bag he was carrying. "I don't want to be in there ag-"

A dagger pierced the guard's neck, he fell down dead. "Give her back." Tieme said trying to stand up straight.

"Hmph." Girana said and took out a vial in her pocket and forced its contents to Melina's mouth then dropped her.

"No!" He shouted in shock, he received a blow in the head that made him fall. Clyfe stepped on his head.

"Damn it, Girana!" Clyfe said as he watched Melina writhing on the ground. "You gave her poison not a sleeping potion... Would you stop squirming, you brat? As if you could still do something for her."

"It's not poison, Clyfe." Jo said as he carried the limp Melina in his arms. "It's a new drug Zal made; it turns a person's mind blank and more suggestible to commands. If this girl can't be like us, then we'll use her against those who oppose us. Zal already made the necessary tools... Finish that boy and return home." He turned back and walked away.

"Mind control..." Tieme said. "Is that what you want to do to her?"

"Quite you!" Clyffe said and stepped harder on his head.

Jo stopped. "This girl is a threat to us." He said. "Her blood can destroy the Demon Blood flowing in our bodies. We'll only let her walk free if we manage to bend her will to our liking." He walked again and several guards followed him. "Get rid of him fast."

"What the-" Clyffe uttered when a shadow beast appeared in his shadow and grabbed one of his arms. "I didn't call you, so go back to wherever you came from... Stupid beast."

"Eat." Tieme uttered. It bit Clyfe's arm cutting it off from his body and him scream in pain. Tieme stood up and looked at him, grinning.


"Saving her is all that matters to me." Tieme said to the stranger. "That old bastard drugged Melina. She suffered a lot already in their hands. I can see it from her wounds and scars."

The stranger gave him a cup of water which he took and drink. "This girl... You could have just left her at the prison and escape." He said to Tieme. "Why bring her with you?"

"Why not? They will just torture her to death."

"I see... So what happened next? After cutting that man's arm?"

"I barely remember. I just kept on attacking... Trying to get her back." Tieme said and drank again. "It was too late for me to realize that I have lost control of myself... Everything was black.


A large, horned shadow beast walked along the pile of dead prison guards. "You monster!" The wounded Girana shouted as she got up from the hollow ground behind the beast. "Y-You think I'm dead? I will never forgive you for killing my siblings."

It turned back and approached her, Clyfe appeared behind it. He cut off its arm with his sword, "Do you believe in karma?" He asked. It hit grabbed him in the head and flipped him.

She rushed to stab it but its hand grabbed her in the face. It slammed her head on the hollow ground causing it to become deeper.

"Girana!" He shouted in shock as he witnessed what happened. It swiped its claws on her neck, ripping off her head. It looked at him carrying her head in its remaining hand. "You bastard! Father was right about you... You are not a real Phantom, you're a monster!"

A new arm grew from where its severed arm was. It tossed her head at Clyfe and left.

Meanwhile, Jo laid Melina's body against a tree. When he turned back, the beast was standing in front of him. "You won't get me alive." He said and his body glowed then floated in the air. "We studied you. Your body is not the same as that of an average Phantom." He said and threw a ball of light that hit its chest. It exploded and destroyed the left portion of its chest. "…Far different to be exact."

It regenerated itself but Jo kept hitting its body until it disappeared, Tieme's unconscious body remained. Jo went down and pulled Tieme by the hair, there was no response from him. "Knocked out already?" Jo asked as his body stopped glowing. "Got tired after killing my experiments?"

Tieme suddenly opened his eyes; black marks appeared from his body. He flipped Jo and choked him, glaring at him with his lifeless, red eyes. A spell circle appeared underneath Jo and glowing chains bound then pulled Tieme, suspending him in the air.

"I would like to study more about you, but you are getting way out of hand." He said to Tieme who was struggling to free himself. "Goodbye." A huge, glowing hooded figure appeared behind Jo. It was carrying a scythe in its hands and was about to swing it.

Tieme let out a loud shout, the chains shattered and he fell. Upon reaching the ground he transformed himself again to his horned beast form. The hooded figure swung its weapon and he blocked it with his hand shattering the blade. He pierced its heart causing it to disappear and cancel the spell.

Jo stepped back, afraid of Tieme and what he might do to him. "Y-You want the girl?" He nervously asked. "T-Take her then." Tieme grabbed and raised him by his collar.

"Tieme, no!" Melina shouted. Tieme looked at her then back at Jo; he dropped him and faced her. "It's okay... We... We should-"

He pounded the ground and a snarled at her. She got scared and stepped back, he took a step forward. Seeing that Tieme's shifted his attention to her, Jo used a spell to escape.

She ran away but he blocked her path and growled at her. "S-Stop this..." She nervously said and stepped back. "Y-You're scaring me."

He attacked but missed her; she took the chance to run away. He ran after until he caught her foot that caused her to stumble. "No!" She screamed and kicked his face but he crawled on top of her and pinned her arms to the ground. "Tieme, let me go..."

A blow hit the back of his head and fainted.


"So it was you who stopped me from killing Melina?" Tieme asked the stranger.

"What do you want me to do? Watch as you turn her to your meal?" The stranger asked.

"I... I still can't believe I did such things."

"I'm just telling you everything that I saw and heard since your mind was in blur that time. I really feel bad for her."


Tieme, in his human form, woke up by the sound of Melina's cries. He stood up and saw a large log from a distance echoing her voice. He approached it, "Melina..." He uttered and crouched at one end of the log. He saw Melina crying at the other end.

He stood up then he noticed his hands and clothes, they were covered in blood. He looked around and saw the dead bodies and fallen trees. "I... I... Did... All of this?" He uttered and looked at his hands, they were trembling. "I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to do this in front of you, Melina."

He ran away. What have I done? He thought. I scared her! He kept on running until he reached a log bridge. He looked at the water for a moment then let himself fall in the rushing river.


"So you attempted to take your own life?" The stranger asked.

"I... I don't know..." Tieme said. "My body... It just keeps on obeying that voice inside my head... I can't fight it."

"Of course you can't... After all Yumil is your master. You are one of his servants but then you lost your memory."

"What? I'm not- What are you talking about?" Tieme asked in surprise. "Just who are you to talk like you know me?"

The stranger drank from his cup. "Of course I know who you are. You tried to kill me before." He said.

"I don't understand you. What do you mean by your words?"

He sighed. "You really can't recall a thing, do you?" He asked and removed his hood, Tieme’s eyes widened.

"No... Impossible..." Tieme uttered. In front of him was another Tieme with blue eyes.

"Hello... Fake me." He said and smiled at him.

37: Black Witch
Black Witch

Black Witch

In an alley, Melina looked for dropped items that she might use. She was cold and hungry but she had no have money to buy anything. She kept walking until she saw a man, he seemed waiting for someone.

"C-Can you help me?" Melina nervously asked the man. "I-I'm new in this town. C-Can I know where to look for a job? I need money to buy food and clothes."

The man looked at her from head to toe and smiled, "You look perfect. There is a job that suits you just fine. The payment you'll get can buy you more than just food and clothes."

"R-Really?" She said. "Oh thank you!"

"Follow me, miss."

She followed him but someone grabbed her hand. "Don't be blinded by money." A woman said.

"M-Melissa?" Melina uttered, surprised to her again.

"Hey, who are you?" The man asked as Melissa pulled Melina to her. "Give the girl back!"

"This girl is my sister, I am responsible for her." Melissa said. "Do you think I will let her take your filthy job?"

"Well... You've got a hot body under those clothes. Clients will be dying just to get their hands on your..." He said and gave Melissa a lecherous smile. "If you know what I mean..."

Melissa gave him a seductive smile. Her right arm transformed into a large, shadowy, beast arm with long, sharp claws. She grabbed his shirt with her left hand and caressed his face with her right hand. "I am aware that men desire this gorgeous form... This beautiful face... This supple body..." She said drawing her face near his face. "But I'm not interested in your job and so is she. So, if I see you again... See these pretty things? I'll use these to rip your face... You get what I mean?"

"Y-Yes, my beautiful seductress... I-I'll be going." He said and she released him. He immediately left.

"That was a close call, Melina." She said and looked at her. "Melina, what's wrong?"

In front of her was a terrified Melina looking at right arm. "D-Don't kill me... I'll be a good girl..." Melina uttered, shaking.

Melissa returned her right arm to normal but it was not enough to calm Melina. She hugged her, "What happened to you, Melina?" She said. "Who turned you to this?"

Later on at an inn, Melina ate every food that Melissa bought for her. However, those were not enough to satisfy her hunger. "More." Melina said.

"No. You'll get sick by overeating." Melissa said.


"No." She firmly said to her.

"Okay..." Melina said and pushed the plate away from her.

"Don't be upset, Melina. I'm just concerned about you." She said. Melina just stood up and entered the room they rented. I shouldn't have left her. She thought.


A crystal ball revealed Melina lying on her bed. "You poor little girl..." Eliza said lying on her stomach on the bed with the crystal ball in front of her. "I bet that woman won't be able to protect you. After all... She's on the verge of becoming a monster you actually fear of."

Her clothes glowed as she got up. Her nightgown changed to a short-sleeved, formfitting, black blouse revealing her taut belly and a short, black skirt with slits on both sides. A jeweled headpiece appeared on her head and a gold bracelet on each wrist.

Reyonis entered the room and was surprised to see her clothes. "E-Eliza... Wow... I never saw you wear... Those clothes before." He said.

Shoes appeared covering her feet. "You like it?" She asked. "Of course you do. You keep staring at my chest."

"S-Sorry." He said and looked away.

"I know you are tired, let me take care of you."

He laid himself on the bed and she massaged his temples. "This mission..." He uttered, slowly drifting off to sleep. "Is it right to finish it? I just... Want to go home... And forget everything."


In Melina's room, "Maybe they can help." Melissa said as she turned observed Melina's arm closely. She saw scars and wounds on Melina's skin.

"Who?" Melina asked.

"The healers of Phantom. Maybe they can restore the flow of your magical energy."

"You've been... To Phantom?"

"Yes, a lot of times. I'm trying to suppress the Demon Blood inside my body. Well... That's the least that I could do."

She cleaned Melina wounds and applied bandages on them.

"Are you... Angry at my brother?" Melina asked.

"I am... He did not even protect you." She said.

"Something happened to Reyonis, he's not the kind of person who abandons someone for no reason."

"Still not losing faith on your brother, huh?"

"…Have you, Rhoumina?"

Melissa was stunned, "...That's not my name." She said and resumed wrapping bandages.

"One of them... I think Jo was his name. He always tells me how he managed to separate you from my brother." Melina said. "When he showed me a sketch of you, that's when I realized that the maskless Melissa and the woman he desires so much are just one."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Stop lying." She said. "It's pointless to deny the truth. I know who you really are."

"Enough!" She shouted angrily as her eyes turned yellow. Melina gasped in shock and pulled back her arm. "I... I'm sorry. Let me finish wrapping this bandage." The color of her eyes returned to its original emerald color.

"You don't have to." Melina said and laid herself back on the bed turning away from her. "Maybe I really am mistaken. You are a strong woman who doesn’t need someone like my brother."

"Melina, I... Nevermind. Just take a rest. It's been a long day for you." She said and left the room. Outside, she put her forehead against the door. I can never return to your brother. She thought. We are not meant for each other.


Eliza stroked the hair of the sleeping Reyonis, she was lying behind him. "Just two more and you'll be free from this burden." She whispered and kissed one of his cheeks. "After that we can finally be together forever, Lutifar."

Two dog-like creatures appeared beside the bed behind her. She stopped and looked at them then got up. She left through door with them.


Melissa decided to leave the inn and walked around the town. As she opened the door, "What the-" She uttered when she saw a hallway instead of one of the rough roads of the town. She turned back and gasped to see that everyone was lying on the ground unconscious.

"They only have three hours to live." Someone said. "The poison I made will prevent them from waking up.

She looked on her left, she saw Eliza sitting on the couch with her two creatures beside it. "You?" Melissa asked in shock.

"We meet again." She said. "How long has it been? Three years?"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for the girl. I'll deal with you later." She said and stood up walking towards the center of the room, her creatures followed her.

Melissa ran to her quickly ready to deliver an attack with her dagger. Eliza held the blade without showing any signs of pain.

"I said I'll deal with you later." She said and glanced at Melissa. "You still don't know how to listen." She broke the blade with her bare hand then turned around to slap Melissa.

Melissa recovered from Eliza's attack. In front of her face was the palm of Eliza who smiled then released a spell that threw her to the other side of the inn's main door.

"See you later." She said standing at the doorway.

"Stop." Melissa said as she got up, Eliza closed the door. She rushed to open the door and saw it lead to a room unknown to her. "No!" She fell on her knees.

"Stupid woman." Eliza said as she walked away from the door. "Welcome to my maze... First one to reach the girl wins." She then chuckled.

Meanwhile, Melina was coughing hard. She rolled off the bed and crawled towards the door still coughing. "Melissa... Help me..." She uttered as she reached for the doorknob.

The door opened, she looked up and saw a silhouette of a man in a bright room. He was looking at her.



"Trespasser!" A man shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir." Melissa said running out of a large building. "I didn't mean to do that."

"Don't ever show your face to me!" He said as he went outside with a knife at hand. "I'll kill you. You hear me?"

Melissa ran to the center of the town. "No... No, no, no!" She said as panic overwhelmed her. She was in a different town that she had never entered before.

She ran to a house and opened the door leading to another place. "Wait for me, Melina." She said and entered the door.


Eliza reached Melina's room and saw the door was already open. She looked inside, Melina was not there. "Damn it!" She uttered and turned back, there were also unconscious people lying on the floor. "Oh well, that woman has less than three hours to save this town. More time for me to look for the girl."

Several creatures appeared around her. With a stroke of her hand, all doors swung open. "Find her and bring her to me alive." She said and a creature entered each opened door.

"Is there a problem, Black Witch?" A shadow figure asked as it appeared behind her. "Your skills are getting... Rusted."

"My apologies, Master Yumil." She said as she genuflected at it. "Someone interfered. It must be the Phantom King."

"Must be? You have no idea who meddled with your plans? You are getting too attached to that Councilor that you are losing your edge. You disappoint me."

"Please forgive me, master."


Melissa kicked a bedroom door open and entered, one of Eliza's creatures was terrorizing a boy on his bed. She immediately attacked to save him.

"T-Thank you, miss." He said as he watched her closing the door where she came from.

"Don't mention it." She said while opening the door leading her to another place again and entered. She immediately closed it.


Eliza opened a door, she saw Melina asleep on a bed. Found you. She thought and approached her, smiling. Seems like you are affected by the poison already. She caressed Melina's face. Your brother's not coming for you. She said to herself. I'm afraid you'll spent eternity waiting for someone who doesn't even know your existence. A spell circle appeared under the bed and Eliza. "Sweet dreams... I promise you that this will be painless." She said. "And then... You will no longer bother us again."

A ball of light hit the right side of her face; her spell was broken the moment she got distracted. She looked to where the attack came from and saw a man wearing a dark blue hood that covered his face. He released another ball of light at her.

"Stop interfering!" She said as she created a barrier that stop the stranger's attack. The ball of light turned black and was returned to the stranger, it made a small cut on the hood. She raised her hand and created a large snake that immediately coiled around him.

A spell circle appeared underneath the stranger's feet and made fire appear on the snake's body. He was immediately released and created a large shard of ice that was thrown and pierced her barrier.

"What the-" She uttered when a spell circle appeared on the ice and released lightning magic that electrified her. Numbing spell? She thought when she collapsed on the floor and was unable to move her body. The snake vanished in their sight.

The stranger carried Melina and walked towards the door which closed the moment they left.

"D-Damn it..." She said as she tried to move her body. "I was... I was so close."


"Finally!" Melissa said the moment she returned at the town where she and Melina stays. She saw several people unconscious on the ground. That witch is not joking about the poison. She thought after she shook one of the sleeping inhabitants and received no response. I hope Melina's fine.

Later on she saw the hooded man leaving the inn with Melina on his arms. He noticed her and ran away.

"Wait!" She said as she ran after him but a wall of fire blocked her path. She turned herself to a shadow beast and chased him again demanding to hand over Melina to her.

He suddenly stopped and faced her.


Eliza stood up the moment the numbness of her body vanished. She was very angry that she used her magic to destroy the door where she came from.

The magic on the doorway vanished leading her back to Melina's room. A bird-like creature was waiting for her who made sounds and gestures to report to her.

"The maze was cancelled?" She asked in surprise, it made another sound. "Hooded man? Were you able to recognize this man who destroyed my spell?" It shook its head that made her angrier that she released a spell to kill it. "Worthless creature."

Meanwhile, Melissa, in her human form, poured a liquid from a vial to the unconscious Melina's mouth. They were hiding inside a dimly-lit potion shop. She looked at the hooded man who was near one of the windows looking out for enemies.

"You have no right to lay a finger on her." She said. "You started this, now we are the ones who are facing the consequences."

He did not respond.

"Got nothing to say?"

"Keep your voice down." He just said then turned back, Eliza was in front of him.

The door of the potion shop was removed from its hinge and was thrown from a distance when a strong jet of water hit it from the inside. The man was also carried by the water and was now coughing as he got up.

Eliza released a spell that created blades of light and made cuts on his clothes and body evading the hood. He fought back but she was much quicker to release a stronger attack. "You should be dead by now." Eliza said as she stepped outside. "To survive my attacks means you're not an ordinary magician."

"Spare him!" Melissa shouted to Eliza as he crouched, breathing heavily. "It's us you are targeting, leave him alone."

She glared at Melissa. "Shut your mouth, you semi-Phantom she-dog." She said and approached him as a spell circle appeared beneath her feet that followed her. "How dare you come here and interfere with my plan?" She said as she walked. "Before I kill you, let me uncover that hood and see the face you are trying to hide."

With a stroke of her hand, a golem made of black crystal was formed behind him and trapped him in its arms. He uttered a spell and tried to escape.

"It's useless. That golem is made of pure magic-nullifying crystal. All your spells will not work as long as you are within its reach." She said and looked at Melissa. Black marks appeared on Melissa's body as her eyes turned yellow.

"S-Stop it!" Melissa said as she tried to resist the corruption of the Demon Blood to her body. One of her arms already transformed and continued with the rest of her body.

"Alright, I've kept her busy." She said to the man who was in a hurry to get out of the golem's grasp the moment he saw Melissa changing. "Shall we take a better look at you?" She reached out her hand to his hood but he turned away. She teased him by pulling it up a little and then letting go of the cloth until she got tired. "Let's see who's underneath this tattered thing." She said and removed the hood revealing the man's face.

38: I Missed You
I Missed You

I Missed You

"Wake up, brat." A voice said.

Reyonis groaned as he rose up from his bed. He yawned then looked around; his bed was in a dark, empty space. "Where am I?" He asked snapping out of his drowsiness.

The Wind Key appeared in front him hovering as it glowed. "Surprise?" The voice inside it asked.

"Wind Demon? How did- oh, right… You’re not really dead at all"

"That treacherous Black Witch… She betrayed me for you!"

"For me?” He asked in surprise. “I don't understand. Why are you connecting me to her actions?"

"You are her lover damn it!" It shouted angrily that made a strong wind blow at Reyonis' face. "She destroyed my body to help you collect the key.

"That's impossible. Eliza can't be the Black Witch! She is still a trainee magician. She can't even cast a strong spell without draining all her strength."

"That's what she made you believe. She copied the traits of someone dear to you after she erased some of your memories."

"I don't believe you. She won't do such thing!"

The other keys appeared around him. "Just this time, we will return what you lost and help you know who really the Black Witch is." It said and they all glowed brightly.


"This is just a joke!" Eliza said as she stepped back from the man trapped in the crystal golem, shocked. In front of her was Reyonis, "You are not him… I left Reyonis in our room. He was still resting after fighting the Wind Demon."

"It's me." He said.

"Silence!" She shouted as she swiped her right arm sideward. A whip-like, glowing object hit his right cheek; she continued whipping Reyonis' body. "Show your true form, you can’t be Reyonis!" She was not aware that the beast form Melissa was behind her. Melissa pulled her hair and threw her aside before breaking the golem's body to free him.

"Thanks." He said but he receive slap on his left cheek from Melissa as a response. "Ow! What's that for?" She slapped his other cheek. "Hey!" She left him to fight Eliza who summoned several beasts to attack them.

"You must be someone who can copy other person's face." Eliza said. "Reyonis can never hurt me!" She released a spell that created pointed vines sprouting from the ground and attacked him.

He evaded them and they pierced the part of the ground where he was before. "I can fight you." He said. "You gave me a reason to do so." The vines pulled themselves up and continued to chase him.

Melissa ran to his aid and carried him away, "How long before that Councilor finish the cure?" She asked. "I don't know how much time has passed since they got poisoned by your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." He said. "Eliza just made me believe that she is. And about the cure, we'll wait for Councilor Gilda's call." He looked at her back and saw that they were still being chased. "We need to go back, who knows what she might do to Melina."


He created a portal. "This will lead us back to the potion shop." He said and they entered, it disappeared before the vines could reach them.


"This is all your fault." Eliza said to the unconscious Melina. She pulled up Melina by her hair, "Those fake Phantoms can't even keep you away from Reyonis." She let her go watching Melina drop on the floor. She crouched and took out a small dagger with blade the size of her little finger. She placed a side of the blade on Melina's neck. She then raised the dagger and prepared to stab Melina.

A pillar of ice was formed just behind her raised arm and trapped her hand and dagger within. "You have no right to hurt my sibling, Eliza." Reyonis said as he approached them.

"R-Reyonis... You don't have a sibling." She said as she struggled to free herself. He carried Melina on his arms then turned back to walk away from her, "She's just going to disturb us."

He stopped, "The Wind Demon fixed my memories." He said. "I'll never forgive you for manipulating my life." He left her shocked.

A tear ran down on one of Eliza's cheeks, she was deeply hurt by his words. "He will not say such things..." She uttered. "You are not him... You are not the man I love."

He handed Melina over to Melissa then faced Eliza. "You are right, I'm not Lutifar." He said. "I'm not your husband. You manipulated me to become like him."

She broke the pillar using a spell and slowly stood up, "He left me... Are you going to leave me as well?" She uttered as she turned around. They were surprise to see her shedding tears of blood. "Don't worry… I'll fix this mess then we'll finally live in peace."

Melissa's head began to hurt that she dropped Melina, he rushed to her. "Take a deep breath, Melissa." He said as she tried to calm her. "Get a hold of yourself."

"Her mind's near breaking." Eliza said.

"What did you do to her?" He shouted.

"You don't need that monster… You don't need that girl..." She uttered. "I'll get rid both of them then we'll go home." A spell circle appeared underneath her feet.

"You're insane!" He said and a spell circle appeared in front of him.

"You'll regret this. But that’s okay, you're just confused." She said and both of them released their spells. A large, lion-like beast with a body made of shadow appeared in front of Eliza and rushed to them.

An electric wall appeared to protect them, but the beast leaped over it. A geyser was waiting for it and hot water hit its face that it fell in the wall and got electrified. It gradually disappeared from their sight.

She released another spell that made thick roots come out and coiled at one of Reyonis' leg. He got distracted that he was not able to stop her when she passed through the wall without getting hurt. She blew glowing dusts from her hand to his face that altered all his senses and irritated his eyes. She drew her dagger, "Which one should I kill first?" She asked. "The girl? Or the monster?"

"Don't hurt them, Eliza!" He said as she looked for her. His vision was distorted that he could not recognize anything in front of him. She casted a spell that made the roots pulled him further to the ground. "Don't do this. Do you think Lutifar will like this?"

She ignored him and chose Melina as her target. She aimed the dagger at her then she noticed something from a distance that made her stop and tremble.

Reyonis' Dispatcher suddenly rang and he took out his metal bookmark put it on his ear. "Aurren here… Sorry I can't hear you well, don't ask." He said. "If you are Councilor Gilda please activate the curing spell now." He raised his Dispatcher and it glowed.

A beam of light came out from it and formed a large spell circle as wide as the town in the sky. Small, white, glowing orbs cane out from it and drizzled down; they passed through objects and disappeared upon contact with living things. The townspeople and Melina were cured and their consciousness returned. Melissa gradually returned to her human form.

Melina opened her eyes and was surprised to see Reyonis. "Is that... Really you?" She uttered then approached him and touched his cheeks.

"Melina?" He asked when he felt her hands and touched one of them. His vision was gradually restored until he could see her clearly.

"Reyonis!" She said in happiness and hugged him. "I missed you so much..." She began to cry.

"Everything's okay now, Melina..." He said, hugging her. "Your big brother's here, I'm very sorry for leaving and forgetting you."

"It's okay, all that matters is you remember me now." She said and cried aloud while hugging him tightly.

Melissa smiled to see them reunited for real; she remembered Eliza and looked around. Eliza was nowhere to be found which made her sigh in relief.


At the river near the town, Eliza was watching her reflection at the flowing water. She saw dried blood from her eyes down her cheeks; she scooped water with her hand and washed her face. A while ago, she saw Lutifar's ghost looking at her with a sad face. It's just an illusion. She thought.

She touched her stomach, "Why did you two leave me?" She whispered then put her hands around herself and cried.


That night at the inn's eatery, "We only rented a room with two beds." Melissa said to Reyonis. "You either have to rent a room of your own or sleep on the floor if you insist on sleeping in our room.

"I don't think the management of this inn will like your last suggestion." Reyonis said. "I'll just rent a room after eating our dinner."

"Good." She said and drank from her cup.

"So... How are you feeling now, Melina?" He asked Melina who barely touched her food.

"I’m fine, Reyonis." Melina said. "It's just that... So much have happened to me for the last two days. I really wanted a break."

He looked at her bandages, "...I'll make sure you have a peaceful sleep this time." He said.

"Thanks." She said and ate her food.


Later on in Melina's room, "Let me guess..." Melissa said as she watched Reyonis lay down his quilt on the floor between two beds. "You did not get a room?"

"Yeah..." He said as he placed his small pillow he got from his drawstring bag on the quilt. "Most of the rooms are still under repair."

"It's okay." Melina said. "Just like before, you and I sleeping in the same room."

"Yeah... But we're not kids anymore so this is a bit awkward now."

"We should rest." Melissa said. "We need to get to the port tomorrow morning."

"Where are you two going?" He asked.

"To Phantom. We're going to see if she could be treated."

"Treated? What happened to Melina?"

"Let's discuss this tomorrow, she needs rest." She said and laid herself on the bed.

Melina silently laid her head on the pillow turning away from them. She does not want to tell her condition to him at the moment.

He laid himself down but he was still not sleepy. He stared at the ceiling waiting to fall asleep, for hours.

"Can't sleep too?" Melissa suddenly asked then turned to face him.

"Yeah... So what's keeping you awake?" He asked.

"You..." She whispered.

"Huh? Sorry, I did not hear your answer well. Could you make it louder?"

"Nothing." She just said and turned back.

He fell silent for a moment, "Can I talk to you alone?" He asked it surprised her a bit. "I think this is not the right place to have a chat with you. Let's go outside, we might wake Melina."

"Right." She said and they both got up.

He casted a barrier around Melina's bed before leaving, it will alert him when an intruder tried to get near her. They went to the eatery where they had coffee and bread to eat. "Sorry." They both said that surprised both of them. "For what?"

"You first." He said.

"…I'm sorry about slapping you earlier." She said. "I was just angry at you for suddenly coming here and saying that you remember everything. You have no idea how painful it is for those people who cared about you when they thought they had lost you."

"I know saying sorry is not enough, but I truly regret those times that I should have been with them." He said and drank from his cup. "If only I had stopped that attack three years ago, Eliza will not get and manipulate me."

"She saved you?"

"Yes, there was a man who stabbed me with a sword. I am grateful to her for saving me from death, but she should not have done it. I've hurt those people I care for because of that."

She fell silent for a moment, "I'm sorry for kissing you." She suddenly said that surprised him. "…I just wanted to make the rest of days memorable to me... I did not even care to think what you feel. You must be disgusted at me."

"I'm not. It's just that... You caught me by surprise."

"I see..."

"I once proposed to the woman I want to spend my life with. But I never got the chance to hear her answer... Perhaps I never will."


"I'm sure she will never forgive me because I did not protect her. I ruined her life... I ruined the life of the only woman I love."

Melissa was speechless.

"Sorry, I got too emotional." He said. "I... I'll just buy something to eat, I'm still hungry. Would you like something else?"

"Some sweet rolls, that's all."

"Alright." He said and stood up then left.


An hour later they were back in the room; Melissa was watching Reyonis sleep on his quilt. "I missed you." She whispered and reached for one of his cheeks but she stopped and pulled back her hand. "But I'm no longer worthy of your love." She turned around facing the wall, "Good night, Reyonis."

39: Another's Story
Another's Story

Another's Story

The blue-eyed Tieme walked with the red-eyed Tieme. "Hey, where exactly are we going?" The red-eyed one asked.

"There is a town in this area." The other one said.

"Do you think Melina is there?"

"I don't know, let's just hope so."

Moments later, "Hey, Can I call you something else? I feel awkward when calling you ‘other me’."

"It’s Ul." The blue-eyed one just said. "This is what my parents used as my nickname. That name you use was never mine to begin with. It belongs to the late King Ritalis' son."

They kept on walking until they reached the town. "She's here." Tieme said. "I can pick up her scent, let's go!"

"Wait." Ul said that made Tieme stop running. "I can sense the Black Witch's presence. Don't put your guard down."

"Right." He said and walked cautiously while Ul followed him. Soon he smelled a sweet fragrance in the air, "This is..." He uttered and turned back, the townspeople fell on the ground unconscious. "What just..."

"This poison..." Ul said as he checked a man for his pulse. "Slumber Demise." Tieme suddenly ran away, "Wait! Don't be hasty... Damn it. He’s such a pain in the back!" He followed him again.

Tieme arrived at the inn where he saw the door already open. He looked inside and gasped when he saw the interior of a cabinet instead of the way in. "What magic is this?" He asked and closed it then opened it again. He saw a woman taking a bath who screamed when she saw him, "Sorry." He said and closed it.

"It's the Door Maze magic." Ul said upon arriving. "Each door will lead to another place every time it is opened. A very annoying magic, I tell you." Tieme opened the door and saw a dining room with surprised people looking at them. "Just close the door, will you?"

He closed it and let go of the knob. "Melina's inside, I'm sure of it." He said. "But this door is stopping me from reaching her."

Ul looked at him for a moment then sighed. "Is there something about the girl that makes you act like this?" Ul asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Soul Snatchers don't care about humans... We are nothing but food to you."

"I'm not a monster, so shut the hell up and help me get inside this building."

"Maybe you aren't, because you obtained humanity from that fragment of my soul you stole."

"I said shut up!" He said angrily. "Say something about it again and I swear I'll kill you."

"Ungrateful creature." Ul uttered. Tieme suddenly punched him in the face and was forced to step back. He wiped the left side of his mouth then glared at Tieme with his gold, vertical slit eyes.


"No sign of her." Ul said from the second floor of the inn where he walked around the hallways to look for Melina. "I think she entered one of the doors to another place." He looked at ground floor, "Still sleeping, huh?" He asked.  Tieme was lying unconscious on the hollowed floor, pieces of the shattered main door was scattered near him.

He went down and crouched near Tieme's head. "That punch is painful, you know?" He said. "You still can't accept the truth? Well, neither do I." He picked him up and went out of the inn. "I guess that will teach you not to get on my bad side."

Moments later a small, glowing cat-like creature appeared at the hollowed part of the inn’s floor. It made sounds that made the wood fragments moved and returned to their original place, fixing the floor and the door.

A door from the second floor suddenly opened. It quickly hid itself behind the counter and peeked, it saw a hooded man carrying an unconscious young woman on his arms while going down the stairs and leaving the inn.


Tieme groaned as his consciousness returned. "Has your head cooled down?" Ul asked him then drank from his cup. "You’ve been out for more than an hour. Want some Nightshine tea?"

Tieme rejected his offer, "Where did you take me this time?" Tieme asked.

"Just outside the town but not very far from it." He said and the cat-like creature crept out behind him. "According to this little guy, there is a battle going on. It would be bad if we interfered."

"Why did you that? Why did you provoke me to attack you?"

He drank again then spoke in Phantom language. His creature climb on his clothes then rested on his shoulders. "...I want to see how much you have changed." He said.


"I still remember that time... You almost made my comrades kill me."

"I... I... Did such thing? I don't believe you!"

"...You're noisy. I really don't like loud sounds, it ruins my concentration." He said and the creature turned to glowing chains that bound Tieme's hands and feet."

"What is the-" He stomped on Tieme’s chest then tied a cloth around his mouth that prevented him from talking. Tieme kept on grunting while trying to free himself.

He stepped harder. "I guess it's time to tell you my story." He said.


At the Shadow Temple, Ul was breathing heavily as he tried to walk out the room where he was attacked. His vision was blurry from losing too much blood.

He stumbled and saw a cape on the floor. He quickly tore it and used its pieces as bandages.

A royal guard entered and saw him. Ul asked for his help but the guard drew his weapon and attacked. He was able to dodge and ran away.

The royal guard alerted every soldier in the area and they were after him. He heard they called him monster which shocked him. He gathered all his strength to reach Hamer's house, he pounded the door. His body slowly slid down as his body became weak.

The door opened, he saw Hamer came out. He uttered few words before he lost consciousness.


"It's your fault... It's all your fault!" Ul who was now sitting on the ground uttered, glaring at Tieme. His fists were shaking with anger. "For my comrades I'm a monster! My friends can't remember me... Your real form has switched with mine in their eyes."

Tieme struggled to break free but failed. "You were able to fool everyone by using my appearance, but you failed to make Hamer and the king believe your acts." Ul added.

What? Hamer knows what he's talking about? Tieme thought. And the king as well?

Ul managed to calm down, "I really wanted to kill you." He said. "But we found out that you lost your memory after I defeated you... You relied on the memories and abilities you got from me to create the existence that you are using now. I always watch your actions and did not find anything suspicious after you've taken my form. You just resumed my life as a soldier. And that gave us a chance to use you to take advantage of the situation."

You all used me? He thought.

"Because no one can recognize me, I can move undetected by my comrades." He said. "The king used this chance to do things a bit faster. Can you imagine that, me doing multiple tasks simultaneously?" Then his face became sad.


Ul sneaked inside Council on the day the ritual of the Great Seal will be performed. He rushed to the garden where Tieme and his fellow soldiers where fighting the transformed Lutifar, however he was blocked by several shadow beasts. "Get out of my way. I need to save my friend." He said but they only stepped towards him.

Later on, he saw Tieme thrown on the floor of the hallway where he is fighting his enemies. "Go!" A man shouted from the garden. He recognized the voice; it belongs to one of his comrades sent to attend the Council meeting on the king's behalf. Tieme got up and ran, fighting shadow creatures along the way.

Ul rushed to the garden and gasped in shock when he saw his comrades lying dead on the ground, including the man who threw Tieme.

In the middle was Lutifar who had just returned to his real form, he looked at Ul. "Who are you?" Lutifar asked.

"Lutifar... What... Happened to you?" He uttered, unable to believe that Lutifar became one of the Demon Blood carriers.

"Who are you?" Lutifar asked again.

"It's me, Ul-"

"His mind is already broken, lad." Someone said that made Ul look behind, it was Zal. "He only relies on the commands we give him. He no longer knows anything about himself."

Ul returned his gaze to Lutifar who just staring at them with his blank eyes. "How... How could you..." He uttered.

"He found out our secret." Zal said. "We wanted to get rid of him, but we thought he could still be of use." Ul drew out his sword to attack him but Lutifar released a spell to bind and made him lose balance, he fell on the ground. "I pity the Twilight Councilor, but we fear that he might tell what he found out to your king. We have no choice."

"Return him to normal!" He said and tried remove the binds.

"Let's go, Lutifar." Zal said and left. "We need to get the other one as well." Lutifar followed him.

"Stop, Lutifar..." He uttered. "Snap out of it..."


"Lutifar lost his mind." Ul said to Tieme. "If you really are Lutifar's friend, you should have noticed that something is wrong with his actions from the very beginning. Maybe my friends will not die and the sealing ritual could have been prevented."

Tieme stopped squirming; he knew Ul was blaming him for his comrades and Lutifar's deaths. Ul removed the cover on his mouth to let him speak. "I did not mean for that to happen." He said. "The last command given to me is to report to the king right away. But the Wing Tower leading to Phantom was destroyed and I was captured."

"But still you failed to notice the changes in Lutifar."

"Have you?"

"Yes. That's why I sneaked in the Council... Unfortunately, I was too late..."


Ul succeeded in breaking the binds that Lutifar created. "Damn it, where did they take him?" He uttered and rushed outside; he noticed that the Council is quiet and empty. He rushed to the destroyed Wing Tower. There's no way they could use this ruined building. He thought. Where did they go?

He noticed something moved behind him, he turned back and saw a woman walking limply at a distance. "Is that..." He uttered and followed until he reached her. Why is Eliza here? He thought.

Eliza kept on walking. He advanced and was able to see her much closer. She was bruised and wounded, her left eye was swollen. Her skin was pale and her eyes were lifeless. Her sleeves and the lowest part of her clothes were torn as if ripped.

"Eliza, what happened?" He asked he touched her one of her shoulders, it was cold that he immediately let go. A portal appeared at a distance and she entered it, he went inside as well.

They were taken to the island of Celesta; it was forested and has no sign of any communities. The island was inhabited by harmless monsters and other animals. They were standing at the entrance of a temple.

What is this place? He thought and returned his gaze to Eliza who was walking away from him and entering the temple. He followed her again.

Inside was empty, but he was sure that Tieme was within the place. Eliza raised one of her arms, he heard several switches turning. He was stunned when a vision flashed in his mind; it showed Lutifar got pierced by a sword from behind. "No... This can't be happening." He uttered and looked in front of him; there was a portal in one of the walls. Eliza was nowhere to be found, she has entered already.

He went inside and saw Eliza just standing, tear ran down on one of her cheeks. She uttered Lutifar's name in a shaky manner.

"You're late." Jo said to them and pierced the sword deeper to Lutifar's lifeless body. "You missed the ritual."

Ul was as shocked as Eliza, his vision did happen. He noticed Tieme chained on a post and was unconscious, "What have you done?" He uttered. "What have you done to my friend?"

"The ritual needs two sacrifices, a blood sacrifice and a soul sacrifice." A Councilor said. "Since he no longer has purpose for us, we decided to make Lutifar the blood sacrifice instead of you."

"So the lady is still alive even after I bashed her head a week ago." Zal said. "She actually possesses a wonderful body. Lutifar is lucky to marry such beautiful woman... It's a miracle your body is still just as it was before... That night."

Ul noticed that she was trembling, "Eliza..." He whispered as he tried to comfort her but she walked towards Lutifar.

Zal released a spell that threw a ball of fire towards her. It directly hit her face, "I'm afraid you'll be dead again before you could kill me." He said. "No matter how many times you wound me, my body will heal on its own… Much better than a Phantom's natural healing ability."

The fire soon died however there was no sign of burns on her face, it surprised them. "Did you give her Demon Blood too, Zal?" Another Councilor asked.

"No." Zal said observing her more carefully. "There are no signs of that blood in her."

"Give him back..." She uttered as she shed more tears. "Give Lutifar back!"

Her scream had made a huge, horned beast made of red smoke-like material that roared upon appearance. "Damn it, we don't have much strength left to fight this thing!" Zal said as they ran to avoid its attacks.

It was able to catch one Councilor, "You cannot hurt me." He said. "I'm im-" It bit off his head and threw away his body. It shocked them.

"No way..." Jo uttered. "It's after our heads. We need to get out of here, Zal." Another Councilor was killed.

Zal looked around and noticed that Ul was trying to free Tieme from the post. He released a spell against it to get its attention then ran towards Ul with the beast behind him.

Come on, you stupid chain. Ul thought as he pulled the last chain that bound Tieme. He got surprised when Zal appeared beside him. He drew out his sword and slashed him; Zal's left arm was wounded. Zal used a spell to escape, disappearing to let him see the monster rushing to his location.

A white smoke-like beast appeared in front of him and attacked the red one by Ul's command in Phantom language. He resumed in breaking the chain. Ul's beast was soon defeated when the red beast bit its neck then threw it aside, its body disappeared before it hit the ground.

Ul was able to destroy the chain and pulled out the pendant hanging around Tieme's neck. "Twilight!" He shouted and threw it creating a portal. He carried Tieme on his back and looked at Eliza, she was crying over Lutifar's body. "Eliza, come with me!" He shouted. "The portal will disappear soon."

She glared at him, the red beast rushed to them, pushing them in it. The portal disappeared.


"We got separated on our way back to Phantom." Ul said to Tieme. "Your Key of Return is a defective one. It brought us to Twilight Woods instead of the castle town."

"So even you got petrified." Tieme said.

"...Yes. Every single one in Phantom was cursed."

"Then why brought us back in Phantom?"

"I thought there is still something that can be done. It was my mistake because I failed to stop all of you from leaving Phantom."

"...Even if you succeeded, it will only delay their plan but will not stop it."

Ul did not respond. He then spoke in Phantom language which made the chains disappear and released Tieme. "You can go back to town. I can't feel the Black Witch's presence anymore."

"It's that why you had me chained? You could have just told me."

"Your mind is clouded. The possibility of you doing reckless things is high. You might hurt the girl again if we stayed in town."

"Ah... Right..." Tieme uttered. "I guess I should thank you for that." He turned back and walked away.

"Be mindful of your actions." Ul suddenly said that made Tieme stop. "Yumil successfully corrupted you in his last attack. He will try to get you back to his side and will make you hurt innocent people again."

"Don't worry, I won't obey his orders."

"I can see what your eyes see, I will definitely know if you are up to no good."

"Is that an ability of yours?"

"Not really, my soul was split because of you. I got this after you attacked me. Maybe that is what happens if someone breaks your soul. It gives me a chance to track you down before you kill me first."

"I won't do that." Tieme said and walked away. "I'm not a monster so you don't have to worry about it."

Later on, three glowing orbs appeared beside Ul. "I pity that kid." The blue one said to him.

"But you know that sooner or later he will be against you, right?" The green orb said.

"...It's up to him if he will obey Yumil or not." Ul said. "That's why I'm letting him live like a human. I'm hoping that he will learn how to be like one.”

"And you think that being close to that Councilor will help him learn?" The gray orb asked.

"I hope so." Ul said and stood up. "Let's go back. They must be looking for me."

"Who? Those royal guards?" The green one asked as he walked the path opposite to the one Tieme took. "I made a perfect dummy of you so it will take a long time to notice it was a fake."

"I've been slacking off for the past days. I still have duties to perform." He said and put on his hood.

40: Back Together
Back Together

Back Together

Melina went out of her room and saw the sea. It was their second day inside the ship going to Phantom. Morning already? She thought and walked around the ship looking for Reyonis.

She turned around the corner and saw him holding his metal bookmark on one of his ears. "Good morning." She greeted him.

He put it away and greeted her as well. "How's your sleep?" He asked.

"Great! I slept like a log the whole evening, the mattress is very soft."

"That's good to hear." He said and looked at the horizon. "...I've talked to certain people just now."

"Who are they?"

"A fellow Councilor and his wife, I owe them a lot of explanation."

"Was this about those past years?"

He paused for a moment, "I already expected them to be angry at me. After all, I am the reason they are sad... How about you, Melina? How come you still trust me after all that happened?"

"...What kind of question is that, Reyonis? You are my brother and I love you, no matter what happens I still trust you."

"Thank you... For not losing faith in me." He said. Her words had comforted and made him smile.

She looked at the sea, "How long until we reach Phantom?" She asked.

"No idea, Melina. According to Melissa the port town of Phantom is already accessible. Are you bored?"

She shook her head, "I can't wait to see it." She said. "By the way, I've noticed it just now... You don't wear eyeglasses anymore."

"It got broken about a week ago." He said. "I really don't need one anyway. I just want to look good, that's why I wore one."

"You look good already, Reyonis. Many women like you with or without glasses."

"I guess so. But there is only one woman I love... But I don't know where she is now."

"...You'll find her again, I'm sure about it."

They looked down at the sea and watched the creatures swim below the water. There were flying fishes that jumped out of the water and glided through the air. He glanced at her and noticed that she was amazed, seeing her happy made him smile.

"Are there any mermaids in here just like in the bedtime stories that mom tells us when we were kids?" She asked.

"Maybe. Never actually saw one in real life." He said. "Councilor Sorakin told me that they are very beautiful, Lady Phoebe actually gets annoyed when he compares her to them. He always tells her that she is more beautiful than them."

"She must be very beautiful. Ah, I almost forgot! Melissa told me to fetch you, breakfast is already served."

"She made breakfast?"

She nodded, "She even asked for permission to use the kitchen." She said.

"Oh..." He said and he scratched the back of his head. "Okay, let's not make her wait any longer."


"Damn it, I lost again?" A man asked. "Are you a child of fortune?" He gathered the cards scattered on the table in front of him, he shuffled them. "I don't have much money to make another bet. Try to challenge other players in this ship."

"I will." Tieme said and kept the prize money he got. "This should be enough to buy me new weapons."

"The ship merchants don't sell much weaponry, only consumable goods. Try your luck at Phantom though rumors says that their weapons are not compatible with non-Phantoms."

"It's somewhat true."

"Well, their officials might want to consider that issue if they want to trade with other kingdoms."

"I hope so." Tieme said and left him.

Soon he stopped walking when he met Reyonis and Melina. "What are you doing here?" Reyonis asked. "Are you following us?"

Tieme noticed that she went behind her brother. "I... I'm not... It's not like that." He uttered.

Reyonis paused for a moment; he already knew what happened to Melina and Tieme. He took a deep breath, "I hope Melissa won't mind if we have a guest joining breakfast." Reyonis said that surprised Tieme and Melina. "Let's go." They passed by Tieme.


"Now." Reyonis just said without looking back. He followed them silently. She just looked away when he caught up with her.


"You're out of your mind." Melissa whispered as Reyonis helped her prepare the food on each plate. "Melina hasn't recovered completely from her shock and you invited Tieme here.

"Everything that happened to them was because of me." He said to her. "I failed to stop Tieme from seeking revenge. As for Melina, I am the one who sent her to those people who turned you to what you are now."

"You are not responsible for Tieme's actions." She said and left carrying four plates which she placed on the table. "Time to eat."

Melina approached the table; she glanced at Tieme who was just in a corner with his back against the wall. "...Let's eat, Tieme." She said almost a whisper.

"Don't be shy now." Reyonis said as he sat on a chair.

"...You don't have to do this." Tieme said.

"Come on, I insist." He said, Tieme's cloak suddenly lifted up and pulled him.

"Hey!" Tieme said and tried to resist but the cloak was pulled harder. "Alright, alright, I'll join you!" The cloak stopped moving and he sat on the bed near the table.

"Here." Melissa said giving her a plate of food which he accepted.

"It's been quite some time when we last ate together." Reyonis said. "A lot happened since then. But hey, at least we're reunited again."

"Can you just go straight to the point?" Tieme asked. "I know what I've done wrong, I rather hear you getting angry at me than hear these stupid words!"

"How rude of you, Tieme!" Melissa said angrily.

"Please stop that." Melina said.

"Let him vent out what he feels." Reyonis said. "But only after we finish eating, we should not raise our voices in front the food. Is that fine with you, Tieme?"

"...Alright." Tieme said and all of them ate silently.


Hours later, "Thanks for lending me the plates, sir." Melissa said as she returned the plates to one of the cooks in the ship.

"Well... We really don't do this but I can't just say no to a beautiful woman like you." He said.

"You flatter me, sir." She said. "I need to go. Thanks again." She left the kitchen and approached Melina who was waiting for her.

"I asked one of the sailors, he said we'll be arriving at Phantom by evening." Melina said. "I can't wait to see it!"

"Don't get too excited." She said as they walked around.

"Hey... Do you think Tieme will be okay?"

"Shouldn't you worry about yourself?"

"Well... I know he never meant to hurt me he-"

"Lost control? I understand that, I too have hurt you before as well."

"Every time I remember my encounters with you, I get scared. But I know that neither one you meant to do that."

"...You're too kind, Melina." She said. "It's actually annoying."

"Melissa?" Melina asked in surprise.

"You are too soft. You should toughen up, show some coldness if you have to. Not everyone will repay you for your kindness. That is the reality of life."

Melina fell silent and thought about what happened after breakfast.


"You already know what I am?" Tieme asked in surprise. "All of you lied to me? The whole time?"

"So you really have no idea?" Reyonis asked.

"From whom did you learn it? From Yumil or from Ul?"

"It was the Phantom king who told us about you." Melissa said. "Who is Ul by the way?"

"Ul is the real me." Tieme said. "But it doesn't matter now, isn't it? I'm just... Nothing."

"I'm sorry for keeping this from you." Reyonis said.

"You have no idea..." He uttered as he clenched his fists. "You have no idea how much it hurts me! All this time I'm living a life that is not even mine. I'm avenging someone who is not even supposed to be important to me."

"I understand. But still that won't excuse you for hurting Melina."

"I know... Do whatever you want with me, I really don't care anymore. It's her safety that matters to me."

"You don't care at all?" Reyonis asked. "Even if I do something that will not make you leave this room alive?"

"Like I said, I don't care anymore."

A spell circle appeared underneath Reyonis' feet. "Reyonis, don't!" Melina said however she was too late, he had released the spell. Tieme suddenly choked, he felt his body burn from within that he collapsed on the floor. She ran to Tieme but Reyonis held her hand that made her stop.

"Reyonis, do you really mean what you've just said?" Melissa asked. "You're going to kill him!"

He silently watched as Tieme writhed in pain.

"Stop it!" Melina said. "How could you be so heartless, Reyonis? You know he never meant to hurt me, this is never like you at all."

"Everything changes, Melina... Same goes for people."

"Please, stop it... I beg you." She said. "Don't be like those people who experimented on me."

"It... It's... Okay..." Tieme uttered.

"It's not! Please, Reyonis... Stop this."

"Do you really want me to spare him?" Reyonis asked her. "After what he did?"

"Yes! I will never forgive you if you kill Tieme."

"The Phantom king will not forgive you as well." Melissa said.

He paused for a moment then cancelled his spell. Tieme gasped for breath as Melina approached him. "I will not kill you since you are not the only one who is at fault. But this doesn't mean I've forgiven you." Reyonis said. "And I will not let you get away just like that."

A metal cuff encircled Tieme's left wrist. "What are you doing, Reyonis?" Melina asked.

"He doesn't care about what will happen to him anymore." He said. "If you don't want me to kill him then I will make him my servant. He will obey my orders without question… You cannot change my decision this time, Melina."


"I never saw my brother treated someone coldly." Melina said to Melissa as they watched the mountains from the deck of the ship. "Has three years made great changes in him? I know I'm scared of Tieme right now but-"

"He's just concerned about you." Melissa said. "He was expecting that Tieme will protect you during that time."

"But Tieme's not obliged to do that."

"Am I sensing something strange here? You seem too concerned about Tieme."

"Of course I'm concerned! All of you see him as an evil person."

Melissa did not respond.

"He became more depressed when he learned that we lied to him about what he really is. You're pushing him against a wall instead of helping him understand."

"I guess you are right about that, Melina." Reyonis said behind them. "I know you are angry at me, Melina. But I have to do what I believe is right."

"If there is something that you should have done right, it is not sending me to those heartless people's lair!" She said and ran away leaving them surprised.

"Melina, wait!" He said aloud but she had turned to a corner.

"Let her be." Melissa said. "After all that happened, you can't blame her if she bears a little anger to all of us."

Reyonis gave a deep sigh, "I really am the worst." He said.

"Give her time. The two of you will be okay, that's what I believe.

"Thanks... Seeing your soft side now surprises me every time."

"Then savor it while it still last... Who knows when my humanity will end?" She said and left him.

"I messed up everything." He uttered. "I'm so stupid."

41: The One For Me
The One For Me

The One For Me


“Damn, I’m going to be late!” Lutifar said while running through a crowd of magicians from different kingdoms. “Why do I have to oversleep on this special day? Excuse me, coming through.”

“Calling Lutifar Aurren of Phantom, you have two minutes to reach the arena.” An announcer’s voice echoed in the air.

“I’m coming!” He shouted and ran faster. Orbs of different color appeared in the air and formed into numbers that showed a countdown timer. “Almost there...” He uttered while looking at the timer.

“Aah!” A young woman shrieked when he bumped to her. The hot beverage she was holding was accidentally spilled on his clothes.

“Ow!” He shouted and fanned his clothes with his hands while taking several steps backwards. His back hit another magician that hit an usher carrying a tray of drinks which fell on the floor and shattered the glasses.

“What the hell’s your problem, man?” The dark-skinned magician that Lutifar bumped asked.

“I-I’m sorry.” He said. “I didn’t know you were there.”

“Arrogant Phantom!” The angry man said and punched him.

Lutifar turned from the punch and saw the black-haired young woman who caused the accident. His vision gradually dimmed as a loud ringing sound filled the air. “Hi…” He uttered to her before collapsing.


"You have to help me." Lutifar said to Tieme who was eating sweet bread. There was still a mark on his left eye which he got from the incident.

"Incoming." Tieme just said.

"Wha-" A wooden cup passed Lutifar's face and hit a person from another table. He turned to his side, "Hey, watch it!" He shouted.

"You picked a rumble eatery. Fighting while eating is common here." Tieme said and tilted his head to evade a thrown wooden bowl that hit a wall.

"Anyway, there was this girl I like... And... Well... I want to court her."

"I know nothing about courting and I can't even find a girlfriend. Why ask for my help?"

"Well... You are good at gathering information. I just need to know what are her likes, dislikes and anything that can make me win her heart." Lutifar said. A wooden plate landed on his food, he got annoyed that he picked it and threw to where it came from. "So, will you help me?"

"If that won't make me absent at school then I'll help. You know that I failed a lot of times, right? I've repeated a lot of subjects because I'm not born a bright kid."

"This won't take much of your time I promise you."

"Alright. Where does she live?"

"Well... In one of the earth kingdom’s towns. I'll give you the address later."

"If it's in Viridis then I need to travel for days just to reach that place. The king will make fun of me again if he finds out I’m absent in class."

"Don't worry about it. I've just created a teleportation spell so you can leave the travel part to me."



One afternoon in Tieme's house, Lutifar was getting impatient as he looked at the portal he created. Did Tieme get into some kind of trouble? He thought. Did he get caught? Damn it, I'm so selfish to ask him to do this for me.

Moments later, Tieme came out from the portal. "Why is your face flushed?" Lutifar asked. "Did you get caught?"

"No..." Tieme uttered and gave him a pad of paper. "I listed everything I've learned so far... Don't make me go to that room again."

"Why? Where did the portal take you?"

"Bathroom... Right in front of her… Sleeping in the bathtub."

He was speechless.

"Out." Tieme said. "Now."

Lutifar already knew that Tieme was embarrassed. "Alright. But still, thank you." He said.

"Don't make me do this kind of thing again. Just go."


Tieme was on a bench silently eating large sweet bread at the town square. A carriage stopped in front of him, a young woman came out. She was wearing a white dress and a wide-brimmed hat. Her black hair was braided and laid over her left shoulder. He recognized her.

"This must be the place." She whispered. "I hope they can understand my language." She noticed him and looked below, "Oh, hello."

He was speechless.

"Can you understand what I say?"

It took him a moment to respond by nodding.

"Oh, great!" She cheerfully said. "Do you know someone named Lutifar Aurren? I am supposed to meet him here."

"Oh... I see."

"Are you him?"


"Oh... I must be in a different place. Do you know where the city garden is?"

"Yes. Just take-"

"Tieme!" Lutifar called out as he ran to them, he stopped when he saw her.

"That's Lutifar." Tieme said to her.

"Eliza..." Lutifar uttered.

"I need to go. You already met the person you are looking for." Tieme said.

"Thanks." She said and he left them.


Lutifar took Eliza around the town. Hours later, they sat on the bench to rest. "How long have you been living here?" She asked

"About five years. I came here to study magic." He said.

"Why here? Isn't the Aurren manor very far from here? Phantom is very far from the light kingdom."

He fell silent for a moment. "I was banished." He said. "I only carry the name Aurren but I am no longer part of that family."


"Well... There is a tradition in our family that siblings and relatives must battle against each other to determine who must lead the clan... I don't want to fight any of them and that's why I chose banishment."

"How did you end up here in Phantom?"

"I travelled, took requests to earn money. I even learn some magic skills before I leave a place. I really like Phantom that is why I chose to live here."

"I see... So why me? Of all suitable women why did you chose me? I'm not even a good magician, I-"

"I fell in love with you the moment I our eyes met… Not a good encounter though."

"I bumped to you during the Magician Games according to one of the letter you sent me. I remember that it happened but I can’t recall your face."

"Yeah, your drink actually spilled on my clothes."

"That caused you to lose your match by default. I'm really sorry."

"That's just a match. Meeting you made me feel like a winner."

Her cheeks turned red, "So you will not stop sending me love letters?" She asked.

"You want me to stop?"

"Well...  If you do that... I'll have no one to talk to anymore."

"Huh? Don't you have any friends?"

She shook her head. "I grew up in an orphanage. I was too shy to speak with other people of my age. I ended up being a loner… And then you began sending letters to me. To tell you the truth, I was scared because you knew some things about me that I never told anyone."

"Oh that..."

"Were you stalking me?"

"N-No! It's... It's just that... Well..."

She fell silent. "What was it... What was it that you... Liked about me? I'm weak and I can't even last in a magician's battle-"

"Everything about you." He suddenly said. "Call me crazy if you like, but ever since that moment... I can't explain it but I felt it, you are the one for me!"

She was speechless.

He held both of her shoulders to make her turn and face him. "I love you.” He said. “And I meant it."


"Well?" Tieme asked Lutifar who was silently eating his pie. "You picked a peaceful eatery this time."

"Yeah... No flying plates or utensils." Lutifar said.

"Any luck? It's already been half a year since that woman came here."

Lutifar did not respond, he just took a bite. "She said yes." He just said that surprise Tieme, he suddenly smiled. "She's my girlfriend now... Eliza Hale finally said yes!"

"Wow... Congratulations!"

"It was hard to get her 'yes' but that long wait sure paid off."

"So... What now?"

"What now? We'll marry!"


"Not this instant, of course! I want to strengthen my relationship with her first."

"I envy you..."

"Aw... Don't be sad. Just because you've been rejected by the girl you like doesn't mean it’s the end of the world."

"Please don't remind it to me..."


"I never thought of Eliza as a shy girl." Reyonis said to Lutifar's ghost beside the bed.

"She is." Lutifar said. "But she's gentle and caring."

"Maybe that's what she made you believe. She's completely different from what you remembered."

Lutifar did not respond.

"I'm sorry. I know you love her, it's just that... The current Eliza is-"

"It's my fault. I am responsible for her actions now." He said that surprised Reyonis.


Two years have passed since Lutifar started his relationship with Eliza. At her backyard, he watched her as she trimmed the shrubs. "What?" She asked when she noticed him looking at her while drinking tea. "Is there something wrong with my clothes? Is it dirty?"

He shook his head, "You look fine." He said and she resumed trimming.

"What made you visit me? I mean... You still have work at Phantom, right?"

"I'm no longer one of Phantom's battle mage." He said that made her stop.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that, Lutifar." She said and sat on the bench beside him. "Is there something that I can do to make you happy?" She placed her head on his shoulder.

He was silent for a moment. "I'm a Councilor now." He just said.

"Really?" She asked and looked at him. "But why are you sad?"

"That means I have to move out of Phantom, I also can't visit you whenever I wish."

"It's alright, we can still write letters to each other."

"But it might no longer be the same. Whether I like it or not, I have to focus more on work."

"It's okay. Being chosen as a Councilor is a great honor, not everyone is given that chance."

"…You are right, we should celebrate. Let's go to the city, Eliza."


"Yes, I want to celebrate with you."

"Alright, please wait for me." She said and went inside. About half an hour has passed and she came out wearing a teal-colored dress that accented her curvaceous body's form. His jaw dropped as he stared in amazement. "...It doesn't look pretty, right? I'll just wear another one."

"No... You look... Astonishing!" He said. "Don't change it."

"Stop that, you make me more embarrassed."


Hours later, evening came. At the castle town of Viridis, the attention of many men was caught by Eliza who was walking on the street with Lutifar while holding each other's hands. It made her feel anxious. "I should have brought extra clothes." She whispered.

"We're here." He said as they stopped at a luxurious establishment.

"I... I don't think I'll fit in this kind of place."

He held her firmly. "It's going to be alright, ignore those worries you are thinking for now." He said and led her inside.

There were several finely dressed people eating inside. "Do you have a reservation, sir?" The man at the door asked.

"Yes." Lutifar said and gave him a piece of paper, the man soon left.

"You already made a reservation, huh?" She whispered.

"Yes, I almost forgot about this. I was overwhelmed by the pressure of my new responsibility, I apologize for this."

The man came back and led them to a table. "Enjoy your stay." The man said to them before leaving.

Later on, she was chuckling, "I still can't believe that we’ve been together for two years." She said and drank wine from her glass. "Thank you." Her attention was caught by the sound of a child's laughter; it came from the table across them.

He looked at the kid beside his parents, "Let's live together, Eliza." He suddenly said that surprised her.

"I... What are talking about?"

"Let's live together under one roof. You wanted to start a family, right?"

"We can't do that. We are not yet married to live together."

"...You're right." He said and stood up leaving the table.

"I didn't mean to upset you." She said as he stopped beside of her.

"I knew you will say that..." He said, suddenly he knelt that caught the attention of many. "That's why I prepared for this."

"What are you doing? This is embarrassing."

He took out a small box and opened it to show its content, a silver ring encrusted with small pink crystals. "Eliza Hale... Will you become my wife?" He asked.

She gasped, she was speechless. She could not find the words to say. She threw her arms around him.

"Is that... A yes?" He asked, she nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Yes... I'll be your wife!" She said and he put the ring on her finger. They heard people clapping, she hugged him again. "Thank you... For coming in to my life, Lutifar." She wiped the tears that formed in her eyes then gave him a kiss on the lips.

42: Pain



"It was a simple wedding." Lutifar's ghost said to Reyonis. "She lived together with me at Phantom."

"She must be very thankful that someone like you made her very happy."

"...We lived together peacefully for several months, and then the king died.”


A strong punch landed on the stomach of the beaten Lutifar who was shackled to a wall, it made him cough. "How did you find our place?" A Council soldier asked. "How?"

"You were behind the Phantom king's death! Why did you have him killed?" Lutifar shouted.

"Answer my question, damn it!" He said as he punched him in the face.

"If you didn't leave your secret door open I will not find this horrible place. But still, why are you doing this to Phantom? Why are you abducting and killing its people?"

"I'll answer that for you." Zal said as he entered Lutifar’s cell, he looked at the soldier. "You may leave." The soldier obeyed and left them. "My, my... you look terrible, Lutifar."

"Why are you abducting the Phantoms?" He asked. "Why did you have the king killed?"

"The king’s death is unexpected. I'm just performing an experiment." Zal said. "I've been observing the Phantoms for a very long time and I have noticed that they have the ability to recover much faster than normal. In addition to that, they are immune to elements that could affect their condition like poison or paralysis."

He took out a knife and showed it to Lutifar. "You will not get away with this." Lutifar said to him.

"Relax. I'm not going to use this on you yet." He said. "It’s true that I captured a few Phantoms and studied their blood. Do you know what the results are?"

Lutifar did not respond.

He made a cut on his lower arm, his wound bled for a moment. It healed on its own, "It turns out that their blood have similarities to demons. Their predecessors must be half-demons who established a society that soon became a kingdom." He said. "Their blood really caught my interest."

"You’ve drained the captives’ blood and use it on your own?" Lutifar shouted.

"Yes, however when I used their blood for the first time, it just mixed with mine with almost no effect. But it did not stop me."

"What did you just do?"

"Right now I mixed pure demon blood in it." He said. "I made several tests on some Phantoms and my experimental Demon Blood just killed them. For those who were not Phantoms... No successful results so far, they just turned to hostile shadow beasts. But the blood I got from those Phantoms is enough for me to gain their healing ability."

"You monster..."

Zal buried the knife on Lutifar's left shoulder, he cried out in pain. "Maybe you could help us create the perfect formula." Zal said and twisted it.


"They've cut the flow my magical energy in order to prevent me from fighting back and escape." Lutifar's ghost said.

"Just like what they did to my little sister." Reyonis said.

They tortured me every single day that I lost track on how much time has passed. They even performed experiments on me."

"...All for creating that Demon Blood, huh?" Reyonis asked. He noticed that Lutifar wanted to say something but chose not to speak. "Tell me what happened… I need to know."


Lutifar was asleep and was still chained to a wall. The opening of the rusted door's screech caused him to wake up.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep." Zal said. "Have you made up your mind? Will you join us and share your knowledge about those half-demons?"

"I will not betray Phantom just to help you with your crazy inventions."

"I guess this will change your mind." Zal said. "Bring her in."

"Let me go!" A woman's voice said as she was brought inside Lutifar's cell by the soldiers. She kept on struggling.

"Eliza?" He asked and looked at Zal. "Let her go, she has nothing to do with this! I beg you, spare her."

"No. Until you agree to our wishes, she will suffer the consequences of your actions." Zal said then smiled. "Bring her to my room."

"No!" She shouted as she was dragged away. "Help me, Lutifar!"

"Stop this, don't hurt my wife!" He shouted. "Hurt me if you want, but please... Let her go."

Zal smirked; a floating orb appeared in front of Lutifar before he left.

Moments later, he heard her screams of help. The orb glowed and showed him Zal violating Eliza. He struggled to free himself, shouting and begging for Zal to stop. He was powerless, he could not save her. Hours later, the guards threw the unconscious Eliza inside Lutifar's cell. Her clothes were ripped; there were also wounds and bruises on her body.

The sun has already risen when she woke up, "Eliza..." He uttered the moment she opened her eyes.

She became shocked when the memories of her suffering returned. She began screaming and shouting as she jerked.

"We'll get through this, Eliza." He said to her as she cried.

"I hate you..." She said that shocked him. "Why... Why didn't you save me?"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's your fault, I hate you!" She shouted. "You let this happen to me... I won't forgive you." She dragged herself to a corner far from him not minding her sore body; all that mattered to her was to get away from him.

He was hurt by her words, but he understood her resentment. He was the only one to be blamed.

"I wish I'm dead." She uttered.

"Don't be like that, Eliza. Do you want me to be sad for the rest of my life?"

"…I don't care."

"We'll get through this, Eliza. We can escape this hellhole."

Later on, Zal came accompanied by two soldiers. "Good morning." Zal greeted to them.

"You monster! Why did you do that to my wife?" Lutifar shouted angrily. "I begged you to spare her.”

He went near Lutifar, "She has a wonderful body." He whispered to his ear. “You’re a good picker.”

"I will never forgive you." Lutifar said.

"Hey, where are you going?" A soldier asked and ran after Eliza who took advantage of the moment to run away. The other one chased her as well.

"Those idiots! They must have forgotten about her to leave the door wide open. Don't worry, they'll return her here. For the meantime, let me practice my spells on you." He said and a spell circle appeared underneath his feet.

Moments later, Eliza was dragged back to Lutifar's cell. "Let me go. I don't want to be in here!"

"See, Lutifar? I told you they'll return your wife here." Zal said as he cancelled his spell watching Lutifar breathing heavily, he had received numerous magical attacks that almost destroy his clothes. “Good work, boys." He approached her, "What a naughty woman you are."

"Let me go!" She shouted. One of the soldiers punched her stomach that made her cry out in pain.

"Stop that!" Lutifar shouted. Another punch landed on the same place. "You're going to kill-" She was punched again. "Stop it!" The soldiers ignored him and kept on beating her.

"That's enough." Zal said.

She collapsed on the floor, tears ran down her cheeks. One of her hands was in her stomach. "What have you done?" He uttered. “Eliza…”

"So... Have you changed your mind?"

"I can't... I can't betray Phantom!"

"Oh well..." Zal said and pulled Eliza by her hair. "Say goodbye." He let go and bashed her head with a brick he has hidden from behind.

"No..." Lutifar uttered as her body fell flat on the floor. "Eliza!" Blood started to form a pool from her head wound.


"They threw away her body... It's my fault they died." Lutifar's ghost said.

"They?" Reyonis asked.

"Eliza... And our child."

"...I'm sorry to hear that."

"Our child is only about two months old that time and I will never forget her face… She was looking at me. Those eyes of hers are asking me why they have to experience such terrible fate.” He said unable to endure the pain he felt. “I deserve her hate. I destroyed our child's future... Our future."

Reyonis did not respond.

"After that fateful day, I lost the will to live... I've just lost my family in a blink of an eye. One day, before they started their experiment on me I was able to escape and ran to the room where all the medicines are kept. I drank as much medicine as I could, after all... There is no reason for me to exist."

"You attempted to kill yourself."

"I felt my body became heavy, my mind become foggy later on. Everything around me slowed down just like my heartbeat. My consciousness faded away, however I did not die. I fell in a never ending sleep instead, which Councilor Zal and the others used for their own gain."

"If she died then who is the Eliza that is serving Yumil?"

"I don't know anymore, somehow it’s her at the same time she is not."

Both of them fell silent.

Moments later Reyonis broke the silence, "Phantom was sealed with Yumil." He said. "What will they gain from doing that?"

"They want to use every one trapped in Phantom for that experiment, from the new king down to the last civilian."

"But every one of them was petrified, it's impossible to take even a single drop of blood."

"Is that what happened to everyone? I have no idea how terrible that seal is."

"No wonder Melissa is not like them... They can't produce the same Demon Blood that they did before! They are taking advantage of my mission in order to get more blood from Phantoms."

"They'll repeat the past again. Their desire for immortality will continue to destroy the lives of others."

Reyonis felt the ship where he stays stopped. "Are we in Phantom?" He asked.

"Seems like it."

"I should go now. Melina must be looking for me now and maybe she’s still upset with me." Reyonis said and took his items before heading towards the door.

"Keep your sibling safe." Lutifar's ghost said that made him stop. "If what you told me about her is true, then Councilor Zal will not stop until he gets her again. It's either he will force her to join him before killing her, just like he did to me, or he will kill her right away."

"I will not let that happen... She suffered so much." He said and left the room.


It was already evening when Reyonis left the room. He met Melina who was waiting for him near the ship's exit. "I'm sorry…" She said. "I didn't mean to shout at you."

He shook his head, "I am the one who should be sorry." He said. "By the way, where's Tieme?"

"He's outside the ship already. We should go now."

They left the ship; Melissa and Tieme were waiting for them at the dock. "Hey Tieme, about what happened earlier... I’m sorry. I was just angry that I lost it." He said.

"…This is fake." Tieme said and showed him the cuff, it was broken. "I only hit it with my lost dagger's sheath."

"Yeah... I thought that it would scare you. I know you tried to protect Melina, it was just unfortunate that you lost control of yourself." He said. "I was not there for her, even if she is not part of your mission you still saved her."

"Are you trying to make up with me?"

"Well… Yes." He said and offered his hand. "Let's be friends again."

Tieme saw Lutifar's ghost behind Reyonis smiling at him. "...Alright." Tieme said and they made a handshake. "If this will make Lutifar happy." Lutifar's ghost disappeared.


In a garden, Ul was sitting on a bench when a tear ran down one of his cheeks, he just saw Lutifar's ghost through Tieme's eyes. He wiped it off and left the place.

43: Night of Uneasiness
Night of Uneasiness

Night of Uneasiness


Melina read the book Reyonis lent to her; she was waiting for her name to be called inside a Phantom healer's waiting area.

"Aurren?" The healer's assistant called.

"Here, ma'am." She said as she raised her hand.

"Come inside."

She followed her to the healer's room. "Come in, child." The healer said as she and the assistant entered.

Melina's eyes widened in horror, the healer waiting for her was Zal. She looked at the assistant and gasped when she saw a horned shadow beast instead of her. She turned back to run but the door closed and locked itself, "Reyonis, Tieme, Melissa!" She shouted as she pounded the door. "Someone, help me!"

"You have an appointment with me, right?" Zal asked as he rose from his seat. "No need to be afraid now." He slowly took a step towards her.


He grabbed her and she screamed.


"No!" Melina screamed in her sleep.

"Melina, wake up!" Reyonis said as he stopped her from squirming on the bed.

She gasped as she woke up in shock; she looked at him then at her surroundings. She hugged him tightly and cried, "They know I'm here!" She said.

"It's just a dream, Melina."

"They're still after me... What did I do to deserve this?"

"It's okay... I'm here now." He said and she cried more. He put his arms around her hoping it will calm her.

"I want to go home! I don't care if I spend the rest of my life unable to use magic. I just want to go back to our house." She said. "I miss grandpa and the others..."

He stroked her hair, "I miss them too." He said. "But you really need to be treated first. After that we'll go to the place grandpa wanted us to go."

"Go somewhere else?"

"Yes." He said and took out the scroll Melissa gave to him before and opened it. "This contains an old map. I think this is where the old Aurren manor was."

"What are we going to find there?"

"I don't know. You should go back to sleep, Melina."

"No. I might see the same dream again."

"I'll sleep beside you. Will that make you feel better?"

"I... I guess." She said and laid her head on the pillow. He kept the scroll and laid himself on the other side of the bed, he watched her fall asleep. He touched one of her cheeks and wiped the tear that formed on her eye.

"Is she okay now?" Melissa asked when she entered the room. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep, I just can't wake her from her nightmare that I have to go your room and ask for help."

"It's alright, I'm actually thankful to you for doing that." He said as he withdrew his hand. "Those bastards terrorized Melina, they destroyed her peaceful life."

"At this moment she really needs you to be right by her side."

"Can we switch rooms? I hope you understand, Melissa."

"I don't mind. I was actually going to suggest that to you." She said and picked up her things. "I'll be going now." She left them and went to the room where Tieme was staying."

Soon, he fell asleep.


Melissa woke up in the middle of the night, she felt the cold wind. She noticed the window was open and Tieme was sitting on a chair beside the window as he stared at the sky. "Something bothering you?" She asked and got up.

He did not respond.

"You can tell me."

"Just go back to sleep, Lady Melissa."

"Was it about your true identity?"

"Please don’t burden yourself with this problem of mine."

She stood up and crouched beside the chair. "It's okay, you can tell me." She said.

He fell silent for a moment then sighed, "Why do you think they kept me alive if they knew that I'm a monster right from the start?" He asked.

"You're not evil, that's what I think."

"Well, I think I have purpose for them. The king used me because that would make Ul do things faster. I'm nothing but a tool to them."

She did not respond.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?"


"The stars. Looking at them somehow makes me feel better."

She looked at the sky. "...You're right." She said.

"I wonder what I did with my life before I became Ul's copy. Yumil said that I kill humans for food."

"And... You believe him?"

"The truth is..." he said and put his legs on the chair and held them tightly. “I don't know anymore. I can't imagine my previous self in my current state... If only Lutifar is here..."

"What is Lutifar to you?"

"In Ul's point of view? He's like a brother aside from being a friend."

"Lutifar must really be a good person."

"He is."

He looks exhausted. She thought. Both physically and mentally, he's just being toyed by Yumil, Phantom king and the real him. They are disregarding his feelings.


A ring from the Dispatcher woke Reyonis. He rolled himself off the bed and fell on the floor. "Damn it..." He groaned and reached for his bag, he took out his metal bookmark and put it on his right ear. "Aurren here..." He lazily said.

"Hey there, Reyonis!" Fierris said. "Oh... You sound like you've just woken up. But you really need to see this."

"Can I freshen up first?"


Moments later Reyonis returned from the bathroom and picked his bookmark. "What is this about, Fierris?" He asked. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah... Can you put your Dispatcher in any flat surface?"

"Just a moment." He said and put his bookmark on a blank wall of the room and it clung. Glowing lines appeared from the bookmark and filled the wall. Later on Fierris' face appeared on it behind him was foggy with strong wind and snow. "Whoa, you're shivering!" He said in surprise.

"Yeah... Unusual for a person who can control fire, right?" Fierris said. "Not even this thick hooded coat I'm wearing can keep me warm."

"Where are you?"

"Y-You really want to know?"

"That's why I'm asking, doofus."

"I'm in my hometown."

"No way..."

"What you see now is the current state of Ignire… The fire kingdom is frozen, Reyonis." Fierris said. "And to make it worse, we lost the ability to create fire."


"No tool or magic can produce fire anymore. My people are dying because of the cold."

"What happened?"

"It's Yumil. He attacked and froze the whole kingdom."

"Have you called the other Councilors?"

"Yes, but I don't think help from outside could reach us easily because of the terrible weather."

"Alright, I'll try my best to reach there too."

"Thanks. I'm sorry to bother you. It's just that I'm at my wit's end. The temp-" Fierris' image became distorted.


Fierris' words became garbled; his image was replaced with white light filled with static noise. The call suddenly ended and wall returned to normal, his bookmark fell on the floor.


"I don't feel like sleeping yet." Tieme said.

"Why?" She asked as she returned to her bed.

"Each time I sleep I always have a dream seeing myself as a monster that hurts and kill people."

"But you can't just abuse your body. You need to rest too."

"...I'm afraid to see myself like that monster I always see in my dreams now.”

"But you know you can't run from it if that is the truth." She said that made him feel worse than before. "It's okay, I'm here."

"Can I stay up for a little bit longer?"

"Alright, just promise that you will sleep."

"...I promise." He said and Melissa went back to sleep. He looked outside to watch the stars again.

Suddenly, a bird-shaped shadow creature landed on the windowsill. It moved is head as it hopped giving Tieme a signal to look down from the window.

He stood up and looked outside, the creature flew away. He saw Hamer looking at him with the bird standing on one of his arms. Hamer turned back and walked away, Tieme silently closed the window and arranged the bed to make it look like he was sleeping before he left the inn.


Reyonis drank his cup of hot coffee while he sat on a large spell circle casted on the floor. It prevented sounds from escaping in order not to disturb Melina in her sleep.

In front of her was a round crystal ball that each Councilor uses to join a meeting even if they are far from the place.

"Is everyone here?" A voice from the ball asked, it was Crucis.

Every Councilor responded to him except for Fierris, not one call from them could reach him. "Alright, let's start this meeting so that we can help Fierris. I'm sure all of you are aware of the fire kingdom's situation."

"Just what exactly happened there?" Rik asked.

"It was Yumil who attacked this time." Reyonis said. "Not one person could produce fire."

"That really is a terrible attack." Edelmond said. "Yumil is starting to cripple us."

"True." Crucis said. "And we must think of something to help them and also prevent that unfortunate event from happening to our homes."

"Hey Olaf, is there a way for you to control the weather?" Rik asked.

"No." Olaf answered. "But I think I can change the intensity of the wind in order for us to get there without it stuffing snow on our faces."

"That's good to hear, Olaf." Crucis said. "All of you prepare for travel two days from now."

"What?" Reyonis asked.

"Going to Ignire is our top priority. Is there a problem with that, Reyonis?"

"Well... I made a promise to my little sister that I'll take her back home."

"Then tell her to wait longer, we're talking about lives here. Each moment we waste puts the inhabitants of Ignire to danger."

"She also waited for three years, Reyonis." Sorakin said. "I'm sure she can still wait for few more days."

Reyonis did not respond.

"No more objections?" Crucis asked and waited for a moment. "Then this meeting is over."

Reyonis cancelled his spell and kept the crystal ball. He noticed Melina feeling uneasy in her sleep; he approached her and stroked her hair. "I'm sorry, Melina." He whispered. "We can't go home yet."


Hamer stopped in front of the Shadow Temple's entrance. Tieme, who was behind him, felt uneasy just by looking at it. Hamer went inside first.

Tieme looked back to make sure no one followed. He looked at the entrance again; he hesitated for a bit before following Hamer.

44: Behind the Shadows
Behind the Shadows

Behind the Shadows


Fierris rubbed his eyes and returned to reading the old scroll on his table. He was exhausted and spent most of the day reading at the palace library.

The door creaked as it opened, a tall, red-haired woman dressed in nightgown entered. "It's already past midnight, Fierris." She said.

"I know, sis." He said. "It's cold, why are you wearing nighties?"

"Well, I don't have any other clothes suitable for cold weather. But let's not talk about that, you haven't slept since yesterday."

"Don't worry about me, you should sleep. The queen should not look exhausted in front of her people."

"Well, that same goes for the prince..." She said and approached him; she hugged his neck from behind. "It's you who needs rest, my little brother."

"Alright, let me just return these things back to where they belong." He said as he separated the scrolls from the books. "I'll go to my room after this."

"Okay." She said and left the library.

Fierris put the scrolls in a box then he returned several books on the shelves. As he placed the last book on its designated shelf, he noticed a thin, old book between two thick ones. Its position made it difficult to be seen that closer look is required.

He took it out and began to read it, a few moments later his eyes widened by his discovery. He rushed to the table where the scrolls were and unrolled them; he used the thin book as guide in order to decrypt the ancient symbols. "That's it!" He suddenly said and cleared the table; he then drew a spell circle on top of it. With this, we will have fire again. He thought then casted a spell written on one of the thin book's pages.

The spell circle began to glow; smoke appeared on the table and formed in the center of the circle. "Just a little more..." He whispered. Sparks began to appear from the smoke and soon there was a small, hovering ball of fire at the spell circle's center.

Fierris was stunned, soon it doubled in size. He put his hand inside the spell circle and touched the fire; he felt his ability to cast fire spells returned. "It worked..." He uttered as pulled out his arm, his hand was covered with fire but did not hurt him. "It worked!" He closed his fist and the fire surrounding his hand disappeared.

He picked up his Dispatcher in the form of his ruby ring. "Sis, you need to see this!" He said. "Hurry back to the library."

He suddenly felt someone else's presence in the room, he turned back.


Inside the Shadow Temple, Tieme stopped walking. The atmosphere around the temple made him tense that his body could not move. Hamer noticed him and gave deep sigh before going to him. He knew that Tieme was already feeling uncomfortable the moment they reached the place.

He was about to pat Tieme's head when he felt someone else's presence. He took out his sword; Tieme took out his daggers as well.

"Wait!" Someone in the shadows said.

"Lady Melissa?" Tieme uttered in surprise as the person came out and faced them.

"Why are you following us?" Hamer asked as they returned their weapons.

"Tieme must have thought I will be fooled by his trick." Melissa said then looked at Tieme. "I'm very disappointed at you. Why do you have to sneak out instead of telling me the truth?"

"I don't want to disturb your sleep, Lady Melissa." Tieme said. "And besides, this is my problem. You don't have to associate yourself with it. Go back to the inn."

"Now, now, Tieme." Hamer said. "That's a rude behavior you are showing."

"She's just concerned about you." Someone from the inner part of the temple said.

That voice. The surprised Tieme thought and looked back, he saw Ul walking towards them.

So this is the real him. Melissa thought. They look the same except for the color of their eyes. Tieme's eyes were red now.

Ul seemed exhausted; he spoke to Hamer in Phantom language.

"What is he saying, Tieme?" She asked.

"He said he’s tired." Tieme said. "He just wants Hamer to finish this so that he could rest."

"Come with me, Tieme." Hamer said. "There is something that you must know that he did not tell you."

"Ul lied to me?" Tieme asked and looked at Ul. "Why did you do that?"

"I did not lie." Ul said. "I only omitted out some things I told you when we met."

"But still you we're not truthful to me."

"Do I need to?"

"Why you-"

"That's enough!" Hamer said as he stopped Tieme from rushing to Ul. "I need both of your attention, will you set aside your quarrels just this time."

"I'm not the one who wants to start a fight here, Hamer." Ul just said.

"Can you just go straight to the point?" Tieme asked.

"Please follow me." Hamer said.


Before Ul's time, a spirit used to roam around the Shadow Temple where the Shadow Dragon resides. It was the temple's guardian; it has the ability to materialize itself in a form of a large, armored wolf-like beast with pointed horns to scare away thieves.

The spirit guardian was not hostile towards the priests; it even appeared to them as a smaller version of its materialized form and played with them.

When Yumil defeated the dragons, the spirit guardian came to the Shadow Dragon’s rescue and saved it from being cursed by Yumil. The dragon escaped and hid itself from them leaving its guardian to face Yumil’s wrath and impending doom.


Hamer and others were staring at mural of the spirit guardian together with the Shadow Dragon. "If the story you are telling us is correct then Tieme is not a monster but a spirit!" She said to Hamer.

"Somewhat true." Hamer said. "Yumil changed everything... He destroyed the Shadow Dragon's friend."


"According to the priests who survived Yumil's battle against the dragons, the spirit guardian was defeated." Hamer said and showed them a very old book. "This diary belongs to an ancestor of mine who was a priestess during that time. She saw everything that happened and wrote it down here. According to her, a Soul Snatcher was born out of its remains and lurked inside the temple halls."

Tieme was silent as he listened to Hamer's story.

"The spirit guardian's will is still alive in Tieme, right?" Melissa asked. "He's against Yumil as well. Therefore, he's not your enemy."

"We stopped thinking of him as a threat when he lost his memories and made him work for us." Ul said. "But when his memories return, it's up to him if we will continue to become our ally."

Suddenly, his vision began to spin and lost balance. Tieme immediately caught him and helped him sit on the floor against a wall. "Soldiers must be strong in body and mind." Tieme said.

He scoffed. "Said the one who caused this to happen to me." He replied.

"Would you stop mocking Tieme?" She asked. "You're ruder than him!"

"...You don't know everything. You have no right to judge me."

"I don't know how long you will keep grudging me but what I told you before will stay the same... I won't obey Yumil's orders." Tieme said.

Ul fell silent.

"I hope you could forgive our action, Tieme." Hamer said. "We only did what we believe is right."

"...We should go now." Tieme said as he stood up, ignoring Hamer's apology. "You two should rest as well."

Tieme and Melissa walked outside. "Don't let yourself get killed." Ul suddenly said. "...My life is in your hands."

They just resumed walking.

"Let's go back as well." Hamer said.

"…Right." He said.

Meanwhile, "The sun will be up by the time we return to the inn." Melissa said.

"Don't exaggerate it." Tieme said. "We're only half an hour away from the town."

“Do you think the dragon of this temple abandoned its guardian?”

He did not respond.

As I expected. She thought.

They felt a presence coming from behind; they turned back and immediately put their backs against the wall. A large shadow bird flew past them and out of the temple.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"Hamer." He said. "That's what he looks like when he transforms. He must have taken Ul with him."

Phantoms really are strange. She thought. No wonder why my former master is interested with them.


At the inn, Reyonis' Dispatcher suddenly rang. Reyonis picked it up and place it on his ear, "Aurren here." He said.

"Something happened." Olaf's voice said. "Fierris is in critical condition."

"What?" He asked in surprise.

"The Grand Councilor gave an order. All Councilors must be at Ignire tomorrow."

"Okay, okay! I'll be there." He said and the call ended.

"So you won't come with me to a healer tomorrow?" Melina suddenly asked.

"I'm sorry, Melina." He said a bit surprised when she woke up. "My friend's life is in danger, I need to be there. I hope you understand."

"…I do."

"I'll ask Melissa or Tieme to watch over you before I leave."


"Let's get back to sleep."

“If only I could cast spells without having to get wounded I will definitely heal your friend.”

“…It’s not your fault. Go back to sleep now, Melina.”


Inside a prison cell, the queen of Ignire was crying in a corner. Her hands and feet were cuffed and she was shivering because of the cold. Her only bed was a pile straws and sackcloth as blanket which was not enough to keep her warm. The queen was arrested and accused of treachery for attempting to kill her younger brother.

Meanwhile, Fierris was lying unconscious on his bed. There was a bandage that covered a deep wound on the right portion of his forehead. There are several healers around his bed that tried to revive him.

Inside the library, there was a small statue with blood on a corner lying beside a small pool of blood. The ball of fire, the scrolls and the thin book were nowhere to be found. 

45: Phantom King
Phantom King

Phantom King


Inside a throne room, "I'm afraid I can't grant your request." The masked king of Phantom said to Reyonis. "It's true that the Avis are the fastest transport in Phantom, however they are for soldiers' use only. And no matter how tough their bodies and armors are, the cold weather will weaken those birds."

"But I don't have anything to use for travel." Reyonis said. "I need to get to Ignire fast, please understand my situation... I have to help my friend, his life is in danger."

The king thought for a moment then asked Hamer in Phantom language who replied to him in the same manner. He looked back on Reyonis, "Ignire's Wing Tower is still unavailable as of this moment so our Wing Tower can't take you there." He said to Reyonis. "But there is another way to reach it."

"Really? How?"

"But before I tell you, I want the two of us to agree on some things."

"...Like what?"


"What are you doing?" Tieme asked Melissa who was sitting on a chair facing the window.

"Knitting." Melissa said. "I'm making a scarf for Reyonis."

"Can you finish it before he leaves?"

"You're underestimating me, I'm already halfway. I'll be able to give this to him in time."

"…You are soft when Reyonis is around." He said.

"He's a good person so I can't help it." She said. "It's a pity that some woman treated him like a toy."

He noticed that she was smiling as she knitted the scarf. "Is that scarf something you wanted to give him a very long time ago?" He asked.

"...Yes. I can never make one again once the Demon Blood take over me completely."

"How long do you think you could still resist the effect?"

"…Not long enough." She said as she stopped. "Only a few months, I guess." She resumed knitting not wanting to talk more about the Demon Blood.


In a room, Melina was asleep on a bed with a glowing spell circle underneath it. Beside it were three healers uttering words of a spell. Reyonis was watching them from a distance, he is worried for her.

Suddenly she twitched, her body was in pain. He rushed to her but was stopped by the king. A healer spoke to the king reporting her findings to him.

"What did she say?"

"...Your sibling's flow of magical energy is disrupted." The king said. "Staying in this state in just three days is actually fatal for a magician. It's a miracle that she survived much longer and as for the reason why, they don't know."

"Must be because of her blood magic." Reyonis whispered.

The healer spoke again.

"The rehabilitation will take more than a month." The king said.

"What?" He asked. "Why?"

"The effect of severing the flow already appeared in her. Her health is failing and her own body is attacking itself."

"Is there a way to quicken the treatment?"

The king translated the question to the healer. She shook her head then spoke.

"...That time frame is already the shortest that they could give." The king said.

"Well... After this, will she be okay?"

The king translated the question again. This time she nodded, Reyonis gave a sigh of relief.

"Don't enjoy yet." The king suddenly said.


"She's still a person of interest to those people who made that cursed blood. Even if the treatment succeeds, they will still be after her."

"I know that. I'll be back for her once I finish my mission in Ignire."

The king thought for a moment then spoke to the healers in Phantom language.

"What did you tell them?"

"...I want them to do their work as fast as possible." The king said. "You should be preparing for departure now."


"There." Melissa said and folded the scarf. "I told you I'll be done before Reyonis leaves."

"Would that be enough to keep him warm?" Tieme asked.

"Yes. I made sure of it."

There was a knock on the door, Tieme opened it and saw Reyonis. "How's Melina?" He asked. "Did the palace healers accept her as patient?"

"Yes, she's being treated now. But it will take long before she returns to normal." Reyonis said. "I need someone who can watch her in my absence."

"I'm sure the palace is safe for her. I can assure you she will be fine."

"I do not doubt the security in the palace but only one of you must go with me." Reyonis said. "That is just one of the things the king and I agreed upon in order to reach Ignire."

The king? He's here? Tieme thought.

"Is there a problem, Tieme?" He asked when he noticed him stunned.

"Nothing. I'll pass, take Lady Melissa with you."

"...Alright. But promise me one thing… You will not hurt her again."

"I promise." Tieme said. “And if I fail, you can do whatever you want with me.”

"That’s what I’d like to hear." Reyonis said and left the room.


Hours later at the palace garden, the king and his royal guards were waiting. Reyonis and Melissa soon arrived, "Are we late?" Reyonis asked.

"Just in time." The king said and looked up.

The two looked up in the sky; they saw a huge, elongated object that blocked the sun's light on the area below it. "Whoa..." Melissa uttered in amazement.

Reyonis looked closely; its form was similar to a battle ship however it has no sail. Its shiny metal frames were adorned with magical stones that also gave it an ability to float.

"Time to go." The king said and stood on the middle of the shadow. A large spell circle appeared under the ship and made a pillar of light, he disappeared on their sight. A window from the ship opened, he looked down on them, "Come on in." He said, inviting them inside.

The royal guards entered the portal, Reyonis and Melissa followed. The ship soon left when everyone was inside. Tieme saw it sailed as he walked around the town.


The interior of the ship was luxurious. The metal furniture were finely crafted and polished, the chairs have soft cushions. Most of the furniture was made of metal since they are harder to break just in case they fall down by ship's movements.

The floors were made from Moonstone trees, the strongest type of tree in Phantom. During full moon the said tree's bark turns to a stone-like material which makes it difficult for axmen to cut it. The floors on the lobby, the king's room, and on other large rooms are carpeted that made them look elegant.

The ship was barely used but well-maintained. Though it was made for battle, it was only used for traveling to places that are very far from Phantom.

"Never been inside this ship for a long time." The king said.

"It looks great." Reyonis said.

"Hinon will show you your rooms, just follow him." The king said and Hinon led Reyonis and Melissa on the left corridor.

Later on, he walked around the ship checking its condition. He stopped in front of the wall where the portrait of the late King Nhimhal Ritalis was hung. He stared at it for a moment before resuming his work.

He went to the ship's control room; he noticed new members of the crew. They were being taught by the crew members who were working inside the ship for a long time.

As he was about to leave, he was stunned by an unusual feeling within him.


Melissa felt a strange force around the ship. She went to Reyonis' room and knocked on the door, he opened it a little. "Need something?" He asked.

"I just want to know if you noticed something strange inside the ship."

"No." He said. "Anything else?"

"I guess none."

"See you later." He just said then closed the door and locked it. She was speechless by his actions.

A sound of a heavy object being pushed caught her attention. She looked at the far end of the corridor and saw a large box moving slowly. A grunting sound was heard when it moved again, she approached it to know what is happening. "Do you need help?" She asked as she walked.

There was no person on the other side of the box opposite to her. "Hello?" She asked the box moved again by almost an inch then she heard a panting sound. She went around it and gasped, in front of her was a dog-like shadow creature almost running of breath. After a few moments, the shadow creature pushed the box, ignoring her presence. "Um... Let me help you." She said. "You looked tired already."

As she was about to lift the box she noticed that she was not as strong as usual, it shocked her. But she realized that the creature is not capable of lifting the heavy box, she ignored her worries and carried it.

Along the way she noticed more shadow creatures performing tasks done by humans. Some of them have cloths tied on their tails and used it to clean surfaces. Some are pushing one cart in order to move it faster. Are these the Phantoms I've seen when we entered here? She thought. What just happened to them?

A squirrel-like creature climbed on her clothes and went on top of the box. "Hold it, miss!" It said that surprised her and made her stop immediately. "You're our guest, why are you carrying that?"

She was speechless.

It looked down and spoke in Phantom language, several creatures gathered at her feet. "You can leave the box here. We'll take care of it." It said.

"Um... Thanks." She said and put it down. The creatures including the dog-like one pushed the box away. "What happened here? Aren't you humans a while ago?"

"Someone from the control room must have messed things up and made us stay in this form. Don't worry we'll be back to our normal selves in no time." It said and went on top of the table and gave commands to the other creatures.

She decided to look for the king to know what happened in detail. She looked at the dining room, not a single soul was there. Where could he be? She thought as she walked towards another corridor.

She saw something white in color moved at the other end. It was quick that she was not able to identify it. Soon a group of small, armored shadow creatures ran to the direction the white one took, Melissa followed them.

She soon reached the library, at the door there were boxes of different sizes close together. On top of the highest box was the white creature. It was small, about the size of an average domestic cat, with long ears and blue eyes. Its feet have short claws and a long tail. It was almost similar to the other shadow creatures in body form except for the color.

It tried to reach the knob of the door by standing on its hind legs, but its front legs could only reach a few inches below the metal knob.

It stopped and looked down to call one of the armored creatures who climbed up using the boxes as stairs. The white one went on top of the other one and tried reach for the knob again, this time it succeeded. It tried to turn the knob but the thing would not budge, the creature was not strong enough to turn the knob.

"Do you need help?" Melissa asked.

The armored creature below the white one was startled that it lost balance causing the box it was on to topple. The box and the creature fell on the others leaving the white creature hanging on the knob gradually losing grip.

She immediately ran to prevent it from falling. "Are you alright?" She asked and it nodded. "Here, let me help you." She turned the knob and opened the door, all of them went inside.

She placed the white creature on a chair, "Thank you." It said.

"It's nothing, Your Majesty." She said upon recognizing its voice. "What exactly happened here? All of a sudden every Phantom I see was in beast form, though a bit smaller. And then I lost some of my strength."

"This form is caused by having energy at minimum level." It said. "When I was at the control room, a new crew member turned the switch that activates our weapon that can drastically drop the energy of any creatures in an area. Since the weapon was not loaded properly, it was pointing directly at the ship."

"I see, but why did that affect me?"

"It's not supposed to affect non-Phantoms. Maybe because of the Demon Blood in your body you got affected by it in some way. Don't worry the effect only lasts for about an hour." It spoke to the armored creatures in Phantom language, they left them alone. It jumped down and pushed the door to close it, but it was too heavy for him that she came and helped him. "Now no one will disturb us." It said and returned on the chair. "Have a seat. I know there are some things you want to ask me. I will answer some of them for you."

She sat on the chair across it, "Alright... First, why are you wearing a mask?" She asked. "I've already seen your face when we first met."

"I see..." It said. "The truth is what you saw is not my real face."

"I... I don't understand." She said feeling surprised by his answer.

"Few days after I inherited the throne, I went to the Shadow Temple by the dragons' request. Unfortunately, Yumil was already waiting for me there. He disguised himself as one of the palace researchers and tricked me into opening a room where I got cursed." It said and paused for a moment. "I don't look presentable in front of my people after what happened, so I used magic to change my form, somewhat similar to yours. But I am not comfortable of using someone else's look so I decided to use a mask instead."

"I see. So who are you exactly?"

"Just a nobody that suddenly became the king of Phantom."

"I'm serious, Your Majesty."

"So am I. I don't really want to tell anyone about my personal life, I hope you understand."

"I see... So what is your business with the fire kingdom?"

"It's my mission's next destination. I need permission from the current ruler to enter the temple... And to discuss about some real business topics as well."

"You know what happened between Tieme and the real him, right? What will you gain from using Tieme?"



"To me, I will not gain anything. But if manipulating the Soul Snatcher to join me is the only to keep my people safe from harm, I don't mind facing the consequences."

Melissa fell silent.

"Have I satisfied you with my answers?"

"I guess those are enough, Your Majesty."

"Good. It's my turn to ask, if you won't mind."

"Oh, sure."

"Why are you hiding yourself from Councilor Aurren?" It asked.

"What are you talking about?"

Instead of answering, it hopped on the table and headed for a pile of papers which is located on the other end. It pulled out a large envelope using its mouth and dragged it to her before returning to its seat. "I got it from a destroyed tree house several days ago." It said. "Take a look on what's inside."

She opened it and pulled out one paper, she was nervous of what she might find out. She gasped, "How did you get this?" She asked.

"I'm not the one who took it exactly. I just found the papers scattered on the floor of the tree house a bit far from a stone fortress."

"The details... They're taken three years ago. Before I became..."

"Those Councilors from the past are studying their targets before they capture them and turn them to their experiments. Aside from these papers, I happen to see some your memories when you lost control of yourself. Councilor Aurren means a lot to you."

"Those bastards..." She uttered as her hands tremble while tightening her grip on the paper. "They destroyed my life!" Her fingers tore it, but seeing it damaged was not enough to douse her anger that already started spreading within her like fire. "I hate them... They turned me into a monster! I can't face those people I care for anymore, I will only scare and hurt them in the end." Later on a tear formed on her eyes.

She felt something warm on her left cheek. It was the king's hand, he had returned to his human form. She did not notice him because her focus was on the paper on her hand. He was touching her face, "It's alright.” He said and wiped the tear in her left eye with his thumb. "You must not stop your feelings, let it all out. I'm here to listen." He then caressed her cheek, it startled her.

"W-What are you doing?" She uttered.

He did not respond, he withdrew his hand and returned to his seat. "Sorry, I got carried away." He said.

"I... I don't really want to tell anyone about my personal life, I hope you understand." She said.

"Ha, right back at me." He said and paused for a moment, "You should tell the truth to them. Not only you make it hard for them but you also make it hard for yourself." He said.

She did not respond.

"I know it's not easy, but if they really care for you they will understand."


Reyonis stopped in front of Melissa’s room to apologize for his rude behavior earlier. As he was about to knock on the door, he noticed two people at the end of the corridor. They were the king and Melissa walking together, he noticed the king was smiling at her. He went back to his room feeling annoyed and locked it.

46: Yen to Elements' Sorrow
Yen to Elements' Sorrow

Yen to Elements' Sorrow


Inside the ship's library, Reyonis was reading several books piled on the table on his left side. "Damn it!" He said and closed the book on his hand angrily. "These are all written in Phantom language, I can't understand a single thing."

His Dispatcher suddenly rang, he answered it. "Are you in Ignire already?" The person who called him asked.

"No but I'm already on my way, Councilor Sorakin." He said.

"I see. I am on my way as well." Sorakin said. "...The last time you called me, I was really happy that you finally remembered everything. But even so I can't help but feel disappointed, my daughter is still missing."

"It's all my fault, I failed to protect her." He said. "I failed you as well."

"We both failed her, Reyonis. You're not the only one who is at fault so don't take all the blame for yourself."

Reyonis did not respond.

"The reason I called is that I found something interesting about Phantom's history."

"Really?" He asked as his desire to know more energized him.

"That tone... It seems I got your interest."

"If that will help me with my mission then I am willing to listen."

There was a sudden silence from Sorakin’s place, it seemed that he left. Reyonis impatiently waited for him to return not knowing that he has been tapping the table continuously.

Later on, “Sorry about that.” Sorakin suddenly said that made Reyonis stop. "I just went to get something from my baggage. But anyway, do you remember the letter I've sent to you before? I mentioned something about a Councilor from Phantom."

"Yes, Jairaken Cirel. Are there new information about him?" Reyonis asked.

"He became a Councilor before Yumil existed. There were reports that he accidentally killed his family with a new spell that he had created. Not only that, it also killed most of his neighbors and almost wiped out the village where he lives."

"That's terrible."

"It is. And because of what happened, he was exiled from Phantom.  But still, he remains as a member of the Council and continued to study and create new spells."

"Never heard about that in history class." Someone in the library said that startled Reyonis. He looked on the chair on his left and saw the king was sitting on it with feet on the table. "Do you know I used to fail that class? I repeated that subject three times when I was still studying."

"When did you get here?" He asked, annoyed by the king’s actions. "And how come you heard our conversation?"

"I am gifted with senses sharper than average humans." The king said.

Just like Tieme? He thought.

"As for getting here, there are tunnels connecting to every room of this ship. I managed to get here without you noticing it."

"You still there?" Sorakin asked.

"Huh? Uh, yeah." He said and looked at the king who was just reading one of the books from the table. "Can I have some privacy, Your Majesty?" He asked. "This is a talk between Councilors."

"...If that has nothing to do with Phantom then I will leave you alone and let you do your thing." The king said and turned a page. "We agreed on that, remember? Unless you want to get kicked out of my ship."

Reyonis just grumbled. "Councilor Sorakin, the king of Phantom wants to join the conversation." He said. "Well, he already joined without our permission."

"Is that so?“ Sorakin asked. ”Does he also eavesdrop like the other Phantom? What's that boy's name again?"

"Tieme." The king said. "That's what we call him. And I'm not eavesdropping."

Reyonis got more annoyed that he secretly used magic to make the king's chair fall backwards. "That's not how a king should sit, Your Majesty." He said. "Not only you put yourself in danger, you also look stupid and unprofessional."

The king grumbled in Phantom language as he got up, Reyonis smiled secretly for his mischievous deed. A royal guard entered the library and genuflected before proceeding to report to him. After a few moments he ordered the soldier to leave. "I'll be back later. Don't forget to return those books." He said and left him.

"Whew, finally." Reyonis said. "The king already left, Councilor Sorakin."

"That’s good to hear. What are you doing in Phantom anyway?" Sorakin asked.

"Personal business."

"I see. Do you have any idea what the spell Yen to Elements' Sorrow is?"


"It's the last spell that Jairaken Cirel created before he disappeared."

"Not the Great Seal?"

"Who knows? Maybe I am wrong. Listen carefully because what I'm going to tell you is confidential."

Reyonis took a deep breath, "I'm ready to listen." He said.

"...After the spell was casted, around five hundred people from all six kingdoms were reported to have died at the same time." Sorakin said that shocked Reyonis. "One hundred people from each kingdom except for the light kingdom only one person reported to have died during that moment."

"A… A h-hundred? Each?" He uttered as his hands tremble. "C-Councilor Sorakin... H-How did you get that report?" His once energetic state was suddenly replaced weakness.

"I snuck in the Council’s archive room some time before." Sorakin said. He understood that Reyonis was as shocked as he was when he read the papers he took inside his baggage. "It was tightly locked in a box that was already buried under piles of papers forgotten in time. I had to pick the lock just to open it. I would have ignored that thing if it wasn't for Cirel's name imprinted on it."

"W-What happened after that?"

"He disappeared without trace. I also got reports that his daughter was seen running around Phantom after his disappearance but these were no longer made public."

Reyonis was silent. Each piece of information he got suddenly connected itself with one another inside his mind.

“Reyonis, are you alright?” Sorakin asked feeling a bit worried for him.

"It happened before..." He said almost a whisper.

"What? What are you saying?"

"There was no Great Seal, Councilor Sorakin."

"What are you talking about?"

"Jairaken Cirel sacrificed many people to bring his daughter back to life... Those Councilors who created the Demon Blood sacrificed a lot of people as well just to seal Phantom and extract its inhabitants' blood. That spell you mentioned… It was the one they used to grant their desire in exchange of certain number of souls!"

Sorakin was silent.

"I can't do this mission anymore..." He said feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. "I don't want to make history repeat itself."

"But-“ Sorakin uttered then paused for a moment. “I understand... Let's discuss this at the Council after we finish our mission in Ignire."


"See you at the fire kingdom, Reyonis." Sorakin said and ended the call. Reyonis sighed deeply and slid his fingers on the scalp of his head and gripped the strands of his hair.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a wall that between two shelves behind him, the area around it was dim and barely noticeable. It was a secret door leading to tunnels and behind it was the king who silently listened to their discussion.

The king clenched both of his fists upon knowing the reason why Phantom was sealed, he was very angry. He just turned back and walked deeper into the tunnel.

Reyonis took out the Guiding Crystal in his pocket; a faint glow appeared and gradually became brighter. "Why… Why now?" He asked in shock.

47: Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice


The Phantom king watched the view on the ground at the ship's deck. He was alone, he used the opportunity to calm himself and recollect his thoughts.

Later on he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned back and saw a young man mopping the floor, a new crew member. The young man bowed his head to him and resumed cleaning the area, the king smirked.


Reyonis ran quickly along the corridor, everyone in the ship was in danger and he must find the king as soon as possible. A while later he met one of the royal guards, Myrvana, who was walking while eating bread. "I need to speak to the king!" He almost shouted.

"I'm sorry, he can't be-"

"It's an emergency!" He said holding her arms tightly. "The ship will be attacked!"

"Okay, okay. No need to grip my arms." She said as she removed his hands from her. "The king is at the deck. But be-"

"Thanks!" He said and ran away from her.

She took a bite, "Oh well... He asked for trouble." She said.

"What happened back there?" Hinon asked her upon arriving at her location. "I could hear his voice from our quarters."

"He said were going to be attacked." She said.

"Did you tell him about-"

"He's in a hurry, never had a chance to say it." She said resumed eating.

"Oh well… We should be at the basement now."


"Your Majesty!" Reyonis shouted upon opening the door leading to the deck.

He gasped when he saw the king at a distance; he noticed one of his arms, a white, clawed beast arm that is longer than average human arm. The king was grabbing the new crew member by the neck.

"What are you doing?" He asked and tried to stop him. "You're killing your own man!"

The young man was begging Reyonis to help him. The king only tightened the grip around his neck preventing his voice to come out.

"When I ordered to be alone, not one person or creature should be present in the place aside from me." The king just said.

"That's not enough reason to kill someone!" Reyonis said. "Let him go, Your Majesty."

"Everyone who serves me knows that whether they are old or new. This one is a spy, he sabotaged my ship."

"But you have no proof. Don't be rash on your actions, Your Majesty." Reyonis said. "He must have forgotten about it, give him another chance."

The king glanced at him then returned his attention to the young man. "...That blinking thing in your pocket annoys me." He said.


"Leave me alone, I have some interrogation to do."

Reyonis took out the Guiding Crystal from his pocket; it was glowing brighter than before. He looked at the young man who was now glaring at him.

"Ah!" The king uttered and immediately let go of the young man, his arm returned to its normal form. His hand's palm was red and stinging. He immediately took out his sword and Reyonis prepared himself for a fight as well.

"Does the burn hurt, Your Majesty?" The young man asked as smoke came out from his clothes. "I didn't know you have that kind of rule." Flaming wings came out from his back and he hovered about a feet on the floor. "Things would have gone smoothly if it wasn't for that Councilor and that stupid, glowing thing!" Soon he revealed his real self, a horned demon with a body of flames and yellow eyes.

Reyonis immediately released a spell; a pillar of water trapped it inside. "What the-" Reyonis uttered when they saw it was not affected by water. "This is impossible!"

"Stupid Aurren." The king said. "Do you think it will boastfully stand before us if it doesn't know that you will use water spells against it? You just gave it a bath!"

He released another spell, a bolt of lightning hit the water pillar but the demon got away before it hit. "Damn it, this one is harder than I thought." He said.

It threw balls of fire around the deck, he casted a barrier to protect both of them. Fire soon broke out and sound of alarm filled the ship, "It's going to destroy my ship, do something to stop it!" The king said.

"Easier said than done, Your Majesty." He said as he fought back by releasing more spells.

The demon suddenly threw balls of blue light. One of them hit his barrier and became frosted, "It can use ice too?" He asked in surprise. "How is that even possible?"

"I guess I have to lend you a hand." The king said and changed to his beast form, a white, horned, dragon-like creature with pointed ears, sharp claws, long body and tail. The king bit the Reyonis' clothes from behind and tossed him on his back then roared loudly.

The ship's speed suddenly increased, "We have to get that demon out of the ship." The king added. "As long as it is inside the ship’s perimeter the barrier will not activate."

It threw alternating fire and ice attacks at them, the king just ran around the deck to avoid them. Reyonis released magic attacks to counter the enemy. The king went on the upper deck to evade another attack and was about to go down using the stairs at the other side when it threw a ball of fire in front of the king's path and transformed into a flaming wall. He got startled causing Reyonis to fall from his back.

He released a ball of light from his mouth aiming directly at the demon but it was quick and avoided the king's attack.

Statues of ice appeared from the floor and began to shoot ice needles at them. The king used his own body as a shield to protect Reyonis who just recovered from the fall; he used his tail to smash the statues.

The demon grinned at melted the ice needles, the king cried out in pain as the liquid made burns on his body. Reyonis released a spell to turn the demon's attention to him. It threw ice shards at them but before Reyonis could counter it the king tossed him again on his back and ran away.

"What are you doing?" Reyonis asked. "You made me miss my opportunity to attack!"

"The ice is not made of water!" He said. "Whatever that ice is, it is corrosive and extremely dangerous for you."

"Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself?"

"I can still endure the pain since my body is tougher than yours. You'll get more than just a burn if you get hit by that liquid he uses."

The demon felt someone behind it and turned back, it was face-to-face with the largest royal guard who was standing on a pillar made of shadow.

Before it could move, he grabbed him and jumped down with its back landing first. The fall made the floor hollowed however not deep enough since it was made with Moonstone wood; it was strong enough to withstand the impact. "Sorry for being late, Your Majesty." He said as he stood up. "The others are still fighting this spy's minions at the basement. Those creatures are just waiting to attack just as you said to us, Your Majesty."

"You knew this will happen?" Reyonis asked the king.

"…Somewhat yes." The king said and turned to his guard. "Good job."

Suddenly, it released a water spell to flood the deck deep enough to cover the guard and the king's feet. It immediately turned the water to ice, trapping them in their place before flying above.

"Don't help me!" He said to Reyonis when he tried to cast a spell at him. "Just focus on the enemy."

It raised its arms and created a huge ball of fire and threw it at them, Reyonis immediately created a wall of thick-leafed brambles to block it.

The guard took out his axe and tried to break the ice around him in a hurry.

It controlled the burning plant wall and made the fire go wild. The king forced himself to leave his place but the ice is too thick. Sparks landed on several parts of his body and caused his burns to hurt more that he cried out in pain again.

Reyonis turned the burning wall to ice to stop it from producing sparks. The king opened his mouth gathering his strength to create a large ball of shadow, the demon created another ball of fire in its hands.

They both released their attacks, Reyonis turned the ball of fire to ice the moment the distance between the two became very small. The shadow ball shattered the ice hitting the demon directly and threw it out of the ship.

A barrier immediately covered the ship when it was far enough from the demon, the sound was turned off. "Will it be back?" Reyonis asked.

"Definitely." The king said. "Don't let your guard down." He tried to pull up one foot; it was still stuck in the ice.

"Let me help you." Reyonis said as he went down on the king's back. He casted a spell to melt the ice and freed the king. "If I didn't come here you were definitely done for. Your guards should be around you, you are vulnerable if you are alone."

"I'm used to it."


"I did have friends... But they died with my grandfather, now I'm alone again." He said. His body glowed for a moment; Reyonis was surprised to see his small beast form with red marks as sign of burns. "I haven't restored enough strength after the incident a while ago. I used all of it in my last attack."


“Never mind, it’s better if you don’t know about it.”

"Let me take you back to your room. You need to rest, Your Majesty." Reyonis said and carried the king who flinched upon contact with a burned part. "Sorry." He said and carefully moved him.

"Let me do it, Councilor." The royal guard said who approached them after he freed himself in the ice.

"It's alright, he's not that heavy."

"Let him be." The king said to his royal guard. "Have some cleaners to take care of this place."


"Is it... Over?" Melissa asked while breathing heavily. Around her were burned walls and floors, there were also frozen portions on them. Bodies of fire and ice creatures she defeated were scattered around her. Her clothes have holes caused by fire that also made her skin red and painful.

"Is anyone still there?" A crew shouted.

"Over here!" She shouted to get his attention. He soon approached her, "Thank goodness, I thought I'll remain here forever."

"Let's get you to the healer, miss." He said and assisted her in walking.

"Is everyone alright?"

"Aside from burns and wounds I think everyone made it and are being treated now."

"That's good to hear."

They arrived at the lobby where the wounded crew members and the remaining royal guards were taken care of. Some of them were in their small beast forms and they appeared to have used a lot of their energy in fighting.

She looked for Reyonis but did not find him and it worried her.

"Is the whole place cleared?" Myrvana, in a form of a shadow bear cub with armor, asked her fellow royal guards.

"Not yet." One of them answered.

"Please hurry and dispose those bodies. Who knows if they can go back to life?"

"Has anyone of you seen Reyonis?" Melissa asked as she approached them.

"Oh, him." Myrvana said. "He's at the king's bedroom and he seems alright if you ask me. Do you want to go there?"

"No need. I guess I'll just wait for him here." She said feeling content upon knowing that he was safe.

She looked around, the walls and floors were damaged but not much. Some vases not made of metal and most glass objects were broken by the recent attack. The signs of burn were obvious on carpets and cushions that some of them were no longer usable.

Even if this ship is attacked by surprise it still goes on. She thought. Whoever designed this did a great job.

A healer came to treat her.


On a bed the king, in his small beast form, was lying on a pillow. He was still in pain from the recent fight. On one side was Reyonis cutting a long strip of bandage from his medicine kit. He tied it around the king's left hind leg.

"Sorry." Reyonis said when the king flinched.

"Just wait for a healer to arrive." The king said. "You might break my bones. They're fragile in my current state."

"Shouldn't you get treated first before anyone else?"

"My people's safety is more important than my own, I can wait. And besides we are Phantoms, our bodies heal on their own. Healers only make our recovery faster."

"What if the Flame Demon returns? How sure are you that you can fight it again? You saw your ship's condition, right?"

"The ship can still function even if it returns and cause trouble again, this is a battle ship we're riding not a cruise ship... We'll be arriving in Ignire in just few hours, you should be preparing yourself."

"I'll do that later." He said. The king flinched again when he tightened the knot on the bandage. "Sorry." He applied a gel-formed medicine on another burn mark; it gave a cooling sensation on the king's skin.

Moments later, "Hey..." The king whispered.

"What?" He asked as he cut another strip of bandage.

"What's on that medicine? It's making me... Sleepy."

"It’s just a medicine for burns. You're just tired, that's all."

"I guess." The king said and yawned, he soon became drowsy. "Tell me... What will happen... If... You complete… Your mission?"

He did not respond.

"Will... Phantom... Be... Free..." The king uttered gradually drifting off to sleep.

He resumed applying bandages on the king's remaining burns. Being a king sure is hard. He thought. But it is not a reason to ignore your body's needs.

"...Are you annoyed by the king's cold demeanor?" The royal guard who was with them on the deck asked.

"I'll be lying if I say no." He said. "But I’m sure there is a reason behind it, right?"

"We royal guards know that he is doing everything in his power just to please his people."

"Then why does he have to be like that?"

"...The king's origin is unknown to anyone except for the late King Ritalis and Chancellor Hamer. Many were outraged when he was introduced as the heir of the throne. For them he’s an outsider and an usurper.  It got worse when King Ritalis was killed, he was accused as the mastermind but it was not proven."

Reyonis looked at the king. "...I have no idea that he was treated like this by his own people." He said.

"The king had to endure every pain hoping that would help him win their trust and respect."

"To also show that he is tough, correct?"

"Yes. But we know that no matter how tough he is, he is breaking on the inside." The soldier said. "To tell you the truth, we are afraid when he is completely silent or alone. He could snap or burst anytime and we don't know what to do when that day comes."

"You really need to be by his side."

"As much as we want it, we cannot disobey his orders. Myrvana is the only person who can get close to him but we don't know if she could do something in case the day we all feared arrives."

There was a sudden shake inside the ship; it was strong enough to make the objects sway. The king was in deep sleep that he was not able to feel the movement. "What in the world was that?" Reyonis asked, a stronger movement was felt. He stood up, "Don't leave him." He said and ran outside the room.


At the deck, the other royal guards were holding their weapons, preparing themselves for incoming danger. They saw the Flame Demon flying around the ship and slamming itself against the barrier from time to time causing the floor to shake.

Reyonis arrived on the deck and saw it as well, he joined them.

The demon looked at him and smiled. It suddenly burst to flames then disappeared.

He clenched his fists. This is not over. He thought. We'll meet again.

48: Unfair



In a courtroom, "What can you say about the accusation against you, Your Majesty?" A judge asked the queen of Ignire.

"I didn't do it." She said. "And if my sibling is awake he will testify to prove my innocence."

"The evidence found was clearly pointing you as the suspect. Isn't that statue used to hit the prince's head originally located in your bedroom?"

"It is, but I don't know how it got there! I woke up and found myself in the library."

There were angry shouts from people watching the trial. There are some who threw things at her. The guards tried to maintain order but the spectators were too aggressive that they have to use force by beating and taking some of them outside the room.

She covered her ears as tears formed in her eyes, "I didn't so that to my own sibling!" She shouted. "It was a setup!"

The judge ordered for courtroom's silence. He looked at her, "...But I cannot ignore the witnesses' statement. The royal guards saw you going to the library."

"I... I did but only once, I talked to Fierris for a moment. I went back to sleep after that. I have no reason to harm him."

The door suddenly opened, she looked back and gasped.


Reyonis who was wearing a thick coat stood on the deck, he was looking at the sunset. He felt the very cold wind around him and everything he sees was covered in snow. Is this really Ignire? He thought.

He rubbed his palms together; the coat was not enough to keep him warm. The wind suddenly became colder in just a few moments that he began to shiver. He snapped his fingers a hovering ball of fire appeared beside him. He felt relieved but it died after a few seconds, "Really?" He annoyingly asked. "Damn it, not even I can create fire?"

Soon the view was covered with fog; he can barely see the other parts of the deck. I better return inside. He thought and turned back, he felt that he was not alone. "Is someone there?" He asked. "Hello?"

He looked at the upper deck; he saw long, golden hair swept by the strong wind. He went near to see the owner of the hair; he saw a pair of emerald-colored eyes looking at him through the fog. He went closer, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened when he got a clear view of the person. A woman wearing a nightgown highlighting her attractive, curvy body was standing just above him. Her white skin was speckled with reddish skin similar to a beast's hide.

"R... Rhoumina..." He uttered.

A bittersweet smile appeared on her lips, tears formed in her eyes then walked away.

"N-No, wait!" He said and rushed up the stairs, she was waiting for him. "Rhoumina, I’m so glad you’re here!" He said and rushed to hug her ignoring the cold wind and snow. “I miss you.”

There was no response from her.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything!" He said and tightened his arms around her. He missed the softness of her skin that was once smooth but now mixed with rough, leathery patches.

Still there was no response from her.

He let go of her to caress one of her cheeks, it was also rough. “Who… Who did this to you?” He asked. She bowed her head he felt something warm near the fingers on her cheek, teardrop. “Rhoumina, please tell me.”

She put an object on his chest; it was the same size as her head. He took it with his both hands and looked at it, it was a mask. He was puzzled then realization came and looked at her, “Rhoumina… Are you…”

She shoved him hard that it made him take few steps away from him.

He moved forward to her, “Rhoumina, what are you-“ She lifted one arm, from his shadow a black chain came out and wrapped itself around him. His magical energy was suddenly drained. “What is the meaning of this, Rhoumina?” He asked.

“We’re not meant to be together.” She said that surprised him.

“What are you talking about?” He asked, she responded by creating two portals on each of his side. Two shadow creatures hit him in the back and pinned him down on the floor.

“I’m no longer worthy to be by your side, Reyonis.” She said and took a step back. “After I received that blood, I fear that I will be rejected because I’m no longer human. I hid myself and did not even dare to look for you.”

“Don’t say that, Rhoumina. It’s my fault why it happened, I failed to protect you.” He said then one creature pushed his head harder against the floor.

“Even after three years I could not find the courage to face you as myself, I have to use a mask just to hide this ugly appearance.”

“Stop that… please.”

“I’ve let that witch take you away from me without even trying to fight for our love. I’m nothing but a coward hiding behind a mask!”

She took few more steps.

“I’m at my limit, Reyonis. I don’t know when will I lose my sanity, and before that even happen I want our bonds to be broken permanently.”

“What?” He asked in surprise.

“I’m freeing you, Reyonis.”

He was shocked that he did not respond for a few moments, he could not believe she said those words to him. “D-Don’t do this to me, Rhoumina!” He finally said. “You’re being unfair to me.”

“…Nothing is ever fair.” She said and took another step; her back bumped the edge of the deck. With a move in her hand, she released him from the chain and the creatures causing them to vanish. “…Thank you.”

He had a bad feeling on her last words, he quickly stood up and ran to her but she leaned backwards and let herself fall before he could get near. “No!” he shouted and looked down; the fog was too thick to see anything. “W-Why?” He uttered slowly sinking to his knees.

Moments later, a man carrying a lamp came and looked around deck. The wind mixed with snow was very strong that he could not see anything and had to rely on the lamp's light to show the way.

He arrived at the upper deck, and saw a figure at a distance and was going near him. He trembled, he did not bring any weapon with him and he was not prepared to fight. Soon, the figure was close to the light and he realized that it was Reyonis.

Reyonis was almost covered with snow, his skin was pale and his breathing was shallow. He was shaking terribly; the man quickly assisted him.


The queen of Ignire tried to pull the thin blanket tightly around her shivering body, but it is already at its limit and can no longer cover more parts of her body against the cold.

She was back inside her cell; she was declared guilty and will be executed after two days. She wanted to cry but she knew it will not help her feel better. She laid herself on the mat, it felt uncomfortable and it made her miss her bed that she can never use again. She could not help but daydream.

She was only twelve years old when she became the queen after their father died. She and Fierris became orphans at very young age; she must perform the duty of a parent to her little brother and to the whole kingdom.

Many years have passed and she fell in love with her personal servant who was also her childhood friend. But their relationship was against the law; she must only marry a man from a noble family. And because of the rule’s existence they decided to keep it secret to everyone including Fierris.

She had thought of eloping with her lover many times but her responsibility to her people always stopped her. He soon grew tired of asking her to run away with him that he ended his relationship with her and left Ignire for good. His decision hurt her terribly that she decided to give all her attention to Ignire's needs.

Regret was the feeling that she had in her heart now. She could not help but curse her fate, life has been unfair to her after everything she had done for other's sake.


In the ship’s infirmary, the shivering Reyonis was covered with thick blanket while sitting on a bed; he drank a vial of green liquid a healer gave to him. He immediately felt warm upon emptying the bottle. This ship really is prepared, huh? He thought. They even have anti-freeze potions available. Soon, his color returned to normal and so was his condition.

A maid entered and gave him a large package wrapped in paper then left. It was light and soft; he got curious of the content that he laid it on top of the bed. He removed the wrapping around the package; he was surprised when he saw a knitted scarf. He lifted it and noticed a folded paper that was left behind, he realized who sent it.

He unfolded the paper and read it.


My dearest Reyonis,


By the time you read this letter it only means that I’m gone. I can no longer stop the corruption caused by the Demon Blood. No healer can save me now. Each day that passed by, this cursed blood eat a part of my humanity. I could not bear to look at my own reflection. I fear the monster within me is going strong.

I wanted to die but these people had done something to me to prevent myself from taking my own life. But somehow I’m thankful to them for letting me know that you are still alive, it did hurt when I learned that I no longer exist in your memory.

When they targeted Melina, I used that chance to be with you again. I stopped thinking about the masks I use to hide my hideous face all that mattered to me was to be by your side. When you remembered us, I was very happy. But I know this happiness I feel is temporary, I need to face the fact that the corruption will take over soon.

It was very selfish of me to leave but this is the best for all of us. I don’t want you to see me become a real monster.  I can never forgive myself if I hurt you or anyone dear to me when that time comes.

I love you. Please tell father and Mom that I love them.


He took the scarf and held it tightly; a tear ran down on one of his cheeks.


The door to the queen's cell opened, it caused the queen to wake up. "Who are you?" She asked as a hooded man entered the room. Fear enveloped her that she began crawling backwards away from him until her back hit wall. He took out a vial filled with bloodred liquid.

Meanwhile the judge was waiting outside the queen's cell; he does not want her to see him. Suddenly he heard her scream; he wanted to rush inside but decided not to do so. Moments later the hooded man came out, "You'll be Ignire's next ruler, just as we promised." He said to him.

"What did you do to her?" The judge asked. "She must remain alive before the execution begins."

"She's alive for now, have I look if you don't believe me." He said and left.

The judge entered her cell; he saw her lying on the floor dazed and drooling. Her eyes were dull and her breathing was slow and heavy. She looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but no voice came out.

"I have no use for you now, lady." He said. A tear formed at the corner of her eye, he crouched to wipe it. "Let me tell you a secret." He whispered something in her eyes that made her eyes widened in shock. He stood up and left her closing the door behind him.


Early morning at library, "What are you doing here?" Fierris asked the judge.

But instead of answering, the judge hit Fierris on the head using his walking stick. There blow made a deep cut on the right side of Fierris' head, it also made him dizzy and wobbly.

"You bastard..." He uttered as he tried to stand up straight. "How dare you trespass inside the palace?"

"Ignire doesn't need kids as rulers." The judge said.

It angered him and a spell circle appeared as he casted a spell. It surprised the judge, no one has the ability to cast fire spell as of the moment except for Fierris.

Suddenly a liquid in a glass tube was injected in Fierris' upper right chest, the attack came from behind. His vision began to spin and his spell was canceled, "Sleep now, Councilor Fierris." The person behind him said.

"This voice..." He uttered and fell on his knees. "Councilor..." He fell down unconscious.

"What happened to the prince?" The judge asked Fierris' attacker.

"I've put him to eternal sleep. No medicine or healing magic could wake him." The stranger said. "My other companion had put all the guards under his control. It's your next command that we are waiting."

He looked at Fierris and smiled, "Here's what you’re going to do next." He said.

Later at the queen's room, the second stranger put a small bottle under the queen's nose and let the vapor put her in deeper sleep before carrying her. The judge took with him a small statue of a dragon with balls of fire around it. It was placed on her study desk near a doodle made by the young Fierris depicting their family. She was transferred to the library and altered the scene to frame her.

Late afternoon, the judge had ordered them to make a fake Fierris that will appear in court and testify to convict her.


"Kids like you are not needed by Ignire to prosper." The judge said as he walked out of the prison.

He gave the strangers large bags of gold Mirads as payment for their service. One of them gave him a small box, "Once you open it fire will return to Ignire." He said. "Can we keep all those things we got from the library?"

"Do whatever you want with it." The judge said. "All that matters to me is that those siblings will no longer be on my way to become king."

"Then we'll take our leave." The other hooded stranger said and they vanished in his sight.


Inside the battle ship, the maid who gave Reyonis the scarf walked slowly along the corridor. She met Ul at an intersection. “You’re not one of the crew members.” He said. “Who are you?”

She suddenly sniffled as her eyes watered. “I let go of him.” She said that surprised him. “I let Reyonis go.”

“L-Lady Rhoumina? Why did you use a different disguise?”

“I… I did the right thing, right?” She asked. “But why… Why does breaking up with Reyonis hurt so much?” She began to cry.

Ul silently approached her. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. “It’s going to be alright, Lady Rhoumina.” He said. “It’s going to be alright.”

49: Arrival



Reyonis reached Ignire's castle town late evening. He arrived through the help of a shadow horse given to him by the royal guards of Phantom. There was no stable inside the ship that a replica of a horse was provided to him instead of a real one.

"Finally here." He whispered and unmounted the horse. It disappeared after he unloaded his items. "Damn, they didn't even let me keep the horse." He walked around looking for the inn where the other Councilors were staying.

He noticed that there are very few people outside; most of them were staying inside their homes to protect themselves from the cold. The people relied on light magic to brighten the streets and houses but it cannot give warmth unlike the fire.

It's too cold. He thought. Just being here for a few seconds makes me shiver. He remembered the scarf he received from Rhoumina. He took it out from his bag which was the first item inside without looking. He stared at it for a moment before putting it around his neck. He immediately felt the warm sensation and spread on the rest of his body. Rhoumina put a lot of effort to use water magic to make sure I'll keep myself warm throughout this mission. He thought. Where are you, Rhoumina? I want to see you again.

"Reyonis!" Yvonne called out that brought Reyonis back to reality. She ran to him and helped him carry his items. "We thought you’ll arrive tomorrow morning."

They walked together back to the inn where she and the other Councilors were staying. "Grand Councilor is very angry at you."

"There were problems during the travel but I'm here, okay?" He said and adjusted his scarf.

"That looks nice. Did your girlfriend make it?" She asked.

"She did." He whispered.


Meanwhile at the Phantom battle ship, "I can barely see what's outside." Myrvana said in Phantom language while looking closely at the window. Her exhaled breath was condensed that the glass window became fogged. "I wonder if they made it to the castle town." She began to rub her palms to produce heat. A thick blanket was placed on her back and hung on her shoulders. She quickly turned back and saw Hinon close to her. "You scared me, Hinon!" She said.

"...Will you get scared if the king is the one who did this?" Hinon asked.

"He's... The king's different." She said and turned away to face the window.

"What does he have that I don't, Myrvana? The king cannot give back the love you give to him!"

"That's enough!"

"No! Was it the crown you are after? Is that why you keep on trying to get close to him?"

She slapped his face. "How dare you say that to me?" She asked. "I loved him even before he officially became a part of the royal family, Hinon."

"You're just a comrade to him... He can't love you b-"

"And you can, huh?" She asked angrily. "Is that what you want to say?"

Hinon grabbed her and kissed her lips then broke it. "I can." He said. "A chance is all I need, Myrvana."

She touched her lips still shocked by his swift action. "That was my first..." She uttered then slapped him again before running away letting the blanket fall.

Hinon noticed several people looking at him. "What are you looking at?" He asked angrily. They walked away and resumed their tasks leaving him alone in the corridor. "Damn it!" He said as he punched the nearest wall.

"It won't fight you back, Hinon." Someone said.

He looked at the source of the voice and realized that it was the king who was wearing a mask. "Your Majesty... Why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm here to fetch you and Myrvana." The king answered. "You two are the only ones who are not present in the roll call."

"...I'm sorry."

"Try cooling your head before you join the others, Hinon." The king said and turned back to walk away.

"...Right." He whispered and sighed.


"We're here." Yvonne said as she and Reyonis stopped in front of the inn. They entered and saw the other Councilors gathered around a table at the canteen

"You're late." Crucis said to Reyonis. "...Again."

"Sorry." Reyonis whispered.

"Go rent yourself a room." He said and Reyonis went to the counter. "Just when will this brat learn to value other people's time?"

"Let it pass." Olaf said. "There are more important things to worry about than Reyonis' attitude problem."

Crucis did not respond and looked at a window. He saw a black figure that quickly left. "Someone wants to play." He whispered.

Moments later Reyonis joined them. "Would you like to hear what we have discussed earlier?" Gilda asked.

"Yes, please." Reyonis said.

"Alright." She said and cleared her throat. "Tomorrow morning we'll visit Fierris to check on his condition first. I'll stay there and try to bring him back to health."

"Okay. What will the rest do?"

"Investigate the cause of this winter." Crucis suddenly said. "I don't how you'll get information, just make yourselves useful."

"...Anything else?" Reyonis asked.

"That is all, Reyonis." She said.

"Thank you, Councilor Gilda. I really hope there is a way to save Fierris." He said and stood up. "I must go to my room."

"Take a rest. I can see in your body that you are very tired."

"We should all rest." Olaf said. "Let's all call it a night, everyone."

Reyonis silently went to his room. As he turned the lock on the door, he noticed a person from one end of the corridor watching him. He turned to look at his stalker but he saw no one. I must be imagining things. He thought and entered the room.

He tossed his bag on the bed; a yelp came out from the inside. "What the hell?" He whispered and approached it then carefully opened it. He screamed then stepped back and lost balance that he fell on his buttocks.

A shadow creature put its head out then looked around. It has long, pointed ears and blue, glowing eyes. It then went out of the box and Reyonis saw its small feet and long tail. "Finally, out of this cramped thing!" It said.

"What... What..." He uttered.

"It's very difficult to breathe especially when you stuffed that piece cloth around your neck inside your bag. You didn't even care to look at the contents of your bag before you leave the ship!"

"You went inside my bag without permission?" He asked as he stood up. He checked his bag and gasped when he saw it was empty. "Where are my items?" He asked.

"Oh, those? I removed them. I won't fit inside if those were present."

"What?" He asked then grabbed its tail and pulled it up. He shook it hard that it yelped again. "Where's my stuff?

"Hey, let go of my tail!" It shouted as it tried to scratch him but failed.

"Who are you and why did you throw away my items?" He asked and shook it again.

"Knock it off!" It said then pulled itself up and grabbed the sleeve of his clothes. It bit his arm that he immediately let go of its tail. It jumped on the bed and looked at him annoyingly.

"Where are my items?" He asked. "And what are you doing inside my bag?"

"I have it with me." It said. "Would you relax and hear me out first?" It gasped and jumped away from its location when Reyonis tried to hit it with his staff. "You're crazy!" He kept on trying to land a hit on its body. "I'm going to return them to you." It said that made him stop. "But will you hear me out first?"

"...No." He said. "Give me back my items first then I'll listen to your story."

"Fine!" It said and sat then he made his staff disappear. A rectangular panel made of light appeared in front of it.

"That looks like the one Tieme used before!" He said.

"Fake me sure copied a lot of my abilities." It said as he swiped on the panel with one of its paws to change the images inside the grid. "This will take a while. My inventory is filled with a large number of items."

"Fake you? Then..."

"I'm sure fake me told you who I am." It said.

"So you're the real Tieme."

"Wrong." It said that surprised him. "Tieme is King Nhimhal Ritalis' deceased son. I was forced to use his name until I reached twenty." It kept on swiping on the panel. "Ah, there they are! Oh... Is this..."

"Just give them back, will you?"

"Why do you have Lady Alterraz's mask?"

"None of your business. Didn't you know about it when remove them?"

"I didn't notice." It said and swiped each of the images of Reyonis' items upwards which then turned to real objects beside the panel. "There, I've returned them to you just the way they are." The panel of light disappeared.

Reyonis immediately put them in his bag. "Why are you here?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be with your king?"

"I left a replica of me so they will not notice my absence. As to why I'm here... Well... Let's just say I'm here to track those fake Phantoms. I'm confident that they have something to do with your friend's condition."

"You left your comrades without their knowledge? That's a selfish act of yours."

"Hey, that's insulting!" It said angrily. "If it wasn't for me your dead body should be rotting inside the Earth Temple."

"If I remember correctly, it was the Phantom king who saved me back there."

"Oh yeah? For your information I'm the one who informed him that you are present in the area that time."

"Is that so? Well then... Get the hell out of my room!" He said and tried to catch it but it was too quick for him. It hopped on his back then ran down on his left leg.

"Too slow!" It said and climbed on the cabinet. It suddenly picked up a scent that it faced the door and snarled. The color of its eyes immediately turned to red. Reyonis faced the door and looked at the lowest part, there was a person standing on the other side of the door.

Reyonis looked at the shadow creature; its attention is still at the door. He slowly approached the door and reached for the knob. The stranger suddenly left before he could open it. "Damn..." He uttered and looked at the shadow creature which was now under bed and was growling. He closed the door and sat on the floor beside the bed. "Hey, it's okay now." He said and patted its head.

It got surprised but it just let his hand remain on top of its head. "They killed many Phantoms." It said. "I hate them!"

Reyonis removed his hand when he remembered the memory created by the Shadow Demon while he was still at the cloud prison. "...Do you know a place called Eclipsis?" He asked.

It looked at him. "Why do you ask?" It asked.

"Well... I happen to see it some time ago. I'd like to know what is that place."

"...That's my hometown." It said. "However... It no longer exists, Councilor Aurren."

"Call me Reyonis, what's yours?"

"You can call me Ul. Now, what about Eclipsis? What did you see there?"

"Well... I only asked." He said and stood up. "I'll just take a bath and sleep." He was about to walk away when a clawed hand from his own shadow appeared and grabbed his foot. He looked at the shadow creature and gasped when he saw its eyes were gold in color.


In a dark room, Eliza was looking at her crystal ball that projected an image of Hinon. "Hmm... Never thought my spell has great effect on this royal guard." She said. "No matter how tough Phantoms are, their feelings are as fragile as average people's."

She took out a small flask from a table full of bottles of different sizes. It was filled with yellow liquid that glitters with the crystal ball's light. She pulled the flask's cover and returned to where the crystal ball stood.

"Let's test that loyalty with a little... Jealousy." She said a poured a drop of yellow liquid on the crystal ball. Ripples appeared on the image as it turned yellow. "This is going to be fun." She chuckled as she watched more of Hinon's actions.


"I'm sorry, Ul." Reyonis said to the shadow creature which was still under the table. "Maybe it's better if I never asked about your hometown."

"I deserve to know." It said. "It's my parents and my neighbors that were killed by those heartless bastards."

"What do you want to do now?"

"...I need your help in tracking them. You are the only that I can count on."

"Is that the only thing that you will do? Just track them down?"

It did not respond. It just turned back from him and slept.

50: Preparation



Reyonis went out of the bathroom early morning; he had just finished taking an ice cold bath and was still shivering. He went to the bed where the clothes he was about to put on were laid. “What on earth are you doing, Ul?” He asked when he saw Ul who was still in his small beast form sitting in front of one of the bed’s leg with his forelegs touching it.

“I’m sharpening my claws.” Ul said and scratched the bed’s leg.

“That’s not a scratching post, get away from the bed this instant!” He said but Ul did not move from his place. He got annoyed that he pushed Ul away from the bed using his foot.

Ul climbed on the bed and stretched his body as he yawned but Reyonis shooed him away. “Bummer.” Ul just said and climbed on the cabinet’s top and scratched his claws on it repeatedly.

Reyonis just sighed and put on his clothes then reached for his bag.

“Are you going out?” Ul asked.

“Yeah, the others and I are going to visit the prince. He’s also the Councilor of Flames for your information.” He said and headed for the door. Ul immediately went down and climbed on his bag. “Not so fast!” He said as he suddenly stopped, he lifted Ul and placed him on the floor. “I won’t let you enter my bag again.

“But I want to go there too!” Ul said and tried hopping but Reyonis pulled his bag higher to prevent him from reaching it.

“Come if you want but you’re not going inside my bag this time. Why do you want to stay in that form so badly?”

“I need to keep my presence at minimum if I want to track down fake Phantoms, Councilor. Please let me in your bag.”

“No can do. Think of another way of transportation if you want but you are not allowed inside.” He said and hung his bag over his shoulders.

Ul thought for a while and an idea struck him.


An hour later, Crucis and the other Councilors arrived at the castle gate. "What business do you have with the prince, strangers?" One of the soldiers guarding the gate asked.

"We're the Councilors, let us in." Crucis said and showed him his badge. The other Councilors did the same.

He checked the badges' authenticity by bending them and looking at their intricate details before looking at Crucis. "Alright, you can enter." He said and let them pass.

Reyonis looked at the guards again before following the others. "Something bothering you, Reyonis?" Rik asked.

"...Nothing. One of them looks like someone I met before." Reyonis lied.

"Where did you buy that scarf you're wearing, Reyonis?" Olaf asked.

"I bought it at Phantom." He lied again.

"Is Phantom a beautiful place?" Rik asked.

"Um... I only stayed for a few days so I don't know." He said.

"Olaf and I wanted to go there but it seems that their Wing Tower blocked the Council's Wing Tower. Do they still hate the Council?"

"I... I don't know."

"Don't let your guard down." Crucis said that made them look at him. "I can sense someone watching our movement." They cautiously entered the castle and headed to the throne room where Fierris was waiting for them while sitting on the throne. Beside him was the judge.

"Fierris, you're okay!" Reyonis said in surprise and ran to Fierris.

Fierris' royal guards rushed and lined up between them and aimed their spears at Reyonis. He immediately stepped back shocked with their action. "Return to your places." Fierris said and the royal guards withdrew their weapons and returned to their posts. "Forgive them. They seemed to be overdoing their job."

Crucis moved forward giving Reyonis an annoyed look before facing Fierris. "It's good to see that you are fine, Fierris." He said. "We rushed here when we received the news that you are in a terrible condition."

"The prince's fine now as you can see." The judge said. "He's not completely recovered and he needs to rest."

"Where's Lady Yza, Fierris?" Reyonis asked.

"...In prison." Fierris said which shocked them.

"Prison? What happened?" Reyonis asked again.

"My sister attempted to kill me for no reason." Fierris answered. "She'll be hanged tomorrow at the town square."

"How could you calmly speak those words, Fierris?" He shouted. “She’s your sister!”

"Reyonis, hush!" Crucis said angrily then looked at Fierris. "If you may, let Councilor Gilda assist you in recovering. We also like to investigate this winter you are experiencing."

"I'll be fine, Grand Councilor. All I need is rest." Fierris said and the judge gave Crucis sheets of paper. "Those are what I learned so far about the winter, it’s not enough but I hope it can help you.” He touched his forehead. “I'm sorry but I really need to head back to my room and sleep."

"...We'll take our leave." Crucis said after skimming the papers. "Let's go, we have work to do."

Reyonis gave Fierris another look before leaving with the other Councilors.

Fierris's body suddenly went slack. The judge smiled and looked at him. "I wonder what the real prince will say about this." He said and Fierris gradually disappeared on the throne.


The eleven Councilors returned to the inn and gathered inside Crucis' room. "According to Fierris' report, the incident started at the Fire Temple then spread in the whole kingdom." Crucis said.

"Did he say anything about the perpetrator?" Sorakin asked.

"No, because no one present around the Fire Temple’s area lived to tell the tale." He said that shocked them.

"What happened there?" Qizal asked.

"Here." He said and handed the papers he received earlier. "The details are in those sheets."

"Everyone became... Ice statues?"

"Those poor souls are all looking at the entrance of the temple." Sorakin said. "This detail just proves Fierris' theory, the problem started there."

"That Yumil is truly a horrible demon." Eva said.

"But what caused the fire to disappear?" Luna asked. "Was it a curse or a stronger magic perhaps?"

"We'll never know unless the Fire Temple is explored." Reyonis who was just in a corner said. On his hand was a floating ball of fire that died immediately. He tried to create a ball of fire again by snapping his fingers but it also lasted for a few seconds. "The problem is that even people not part of Ignire can't produce fire as well."

"...I wonder if Chimney can help us." Yvonne said.

"How can a chimney help us exactly, Councilor Yvonne?" Edelmond asked.

"It's my summon's name." She said and recited her chant to call her summon. A small lizard with body of fire appeared on her palm. "Hey Chimney!" She said to it. It happily wagged its tail upon facing her. It jumped on her chest then crawled on her right shoulder without burning her clothes.

"It's seems that it is not affected by whatever magic that surrounds Ignire." Crucis said. "Good work, Yvonne."

"Will you be able to call more of flame-bodied summons like that?" Olaf asked.

"...It depends on the summon's schedule. Not all summons can be called whenever the summoner wants, Councilor Olaf. They have their own families and livelihood to take care as well, just like us humans."

"How about you, Reyonis?" Crucis asked. "You can summon as well, correct?"

"Yes, but my summons are not fire-type." Reyonis said. "And I only have two summons to call, Grand Councilor."

"...Anyone else who will not give me headache?" He asked then looked at Edelmond. "Do you have an idea on what can be done to help us enter the Fire Temple without freezing to death?"

"...I think I can create coats to keep us warm." Edelmond said after a short pause "I'm going to need Sorakin's help for this."

"And... How can I help? Sorakin asked.

"We can imitate the magic that surrounds Reyonis' scarf and apply it to the coats that I will create."

"My... Scarf?" Reyonis uttered.

"You're not wearing anything over your clothes to protect yourself from the cold except for that scarf, boy." Edelmond said. "I'm the Councilor of Grimoire, magical items are my expertise so I know there's magic on that piece of cloth around your neck."


"Can I borrow it, Reyonis?" Sorakin asked.

"But this is-"

"I won't destroy it, I promise." Edelmond said. "Please, Reyonis?"

Reyonis removed and carefully folded the scarf before giving it to Sorakin. "Thank you." Sorakin said to him.

"Alright, while we wait for the coatsI want all of you to prepare for battle." Crucis said. "...Stopping the winter is impossible without a fight."


Reyonis returned to his room and closed the door. "There were three fake Phantoms present in the meeting." Ul's voice said to him. "There are enemies disguised as the present Councilors. However I can't identify which one but I'm sure that there were fake Phantoms in your group."

Reyonis walked towards the bed and let himself fell on it. He was worried about the queen's execution.

"The enemies are pretending to be your allies, Councilor." Ul's voice said again but there was no response from Reyonis. "Hey, are you even listening?"

"The execution must be stopped." He said as he got up. "Lady Yza can't do such thing to her only family!"

"Even as a Councilor, you have no power over that kind of issues. If the verdict has been given, then the decision is final. Only those who are in power over Ignire's laws can decide for the queen's fate."

"I need to speak to Fierris again." He said stood up.

"That's not a good idea."

He looked at his shadow on the floor. "Do you have better idea, Ul?" He asked.

His shadow crossed its arms on its own. "Hmm... I can't think well if my stomach's empty, Councilor." It said.

"Oh, right. We didn't even have the time to eat breakfast when Grand Councilor ordered the rest of the Council to head for the castle.

"Well your visit did not bear fruit." It said as he opened the small cabinet beside the bed. "What's available to eat?" The cabinet contained packs of biscuits in one level and jams in small bottles each a different flavor in another level. "Are there any sweets?"

"I don't think so." He said as he pulled one pack out followed by a bottle of jam.

"Damn." It said and returned to its normal form as Ul's small beast form came out from it then hopped on the bed. "This is what I hate in cheap inns. I guess I have to leave more scratches in all the furniture as a reminder of bad service."

He opened the pack and took one biscuit. He took out a disposable spread knife made of wood from the cabinet and used it to spread a small amount of jam on the biscuit.

"Won't it taste like wood?" Ul asked as Reyonis took a bite.

"For a soldier, you're a picky eater." He said. "If you don't want these then I'm going to eat them all." Ul sat and took a biscuit in a pack then broke a small piece which he dipped on the jam. "The salty biscuit tastes good with the sweet jam."  He said while Ul chewed on his food.

"…You're right." Ul said and broke another piece then dipped it in jam before eating it.

"So, if you don't want me to talk to my friend then what can you suggest for me to do?"

"Because you made a disturbance earlier at the throne room, you are considered a threat to the prince. The enemy is expecting that either you will meet him again or enter the Fire Temple and investigate. If I were you, I'll sneak inside the prison since that move is least expected, they are confident with the guards and soldiers they controlled."

"But the other Councilors will notice that I'm not here if I follow your suggestion." He said. "Unless..." He glanced at Ul who was nibbling the jam-dipped biscuit.

Ul stopped eating then looked at him. "What?" Ul asked him.


Inside Edelmond's room, "What's wrong?" Edelmond asked when he noticed Sorakin sitting on a chair while silently looking at the scarf on his hand.

"...Nothing." Sorakin said. "I'm just amazed by the complexity of the magic in this scarf."

"Is it too hard?"

"No, I taught this magic to the one who made this scarf." He said and a bittersweet smile appeared on his lips as he tightened his grip on the scarf.

"That's good to hear. I've created half of the coats already. I made sure that a coat will adjust its size that is suitable to the wearer." Edelmond and looked at his floating crotchets that were creating coats on their own with magical threads he provided.

"I'll just return this to Reyonis." He said and stood up. "I'll cast the spell when I return." He left the room.

The door to Reyonis' room slowly opened, he saw Reyonis slowly coming out with one hand on his lower back.

"Reyonis? What happened to you?" He asked as he approached him.

"I slipped in the bathroom." Reyonis said. "Ow… My back still hurts..."

"Let me take you to Councilor Gilda." He said and helped him walked. "...Do you have news about Rhoumina?"

"I met her on my way here... She broke up with me." Reyonis said. "And after that she went into hiding."

"Why didn't you tell me right away?"

"I... I don't want you to-"

"Feel bad? That what Phoebe and I are feeling for the past three years, Reyonis."

Reyonis fell silent.

"Why is my daughter taken away?"



"Melina told me before that a Demon Blood carrier named Jo attacked us at the Water Temple and took Rhoumina away three years ago. He... He is my rival and I didn't even know about his existence if it wasn't for my little sister. Rhoumina... Rhoumina has that blood in her now because of that coward!"

"...I want to speak to your sibling after this mission." He said and stopped when they reached the door to Gilda's room. "I need to go."

"Wait." Reyonis said then took out a folded paper. "This is her last letter to me. You can read it."

He took it then turned back and returned to Edelmond's room.

"I will not stop until I return Rhoumina home." Reyonis said to Sorakin as he watched him walk away.


At castle town's entrance, "Who are you?" A guard said as a group of hooded people riding shadow horses stopped in front of him.

"We are the royal army of Phantom." One of them said as he removed his hood. "Our king's presence is expected by your queen."

"Get out, we don't have a queen!" He said and pointed his spear at them. "I'm warning you, if you don't to spend a night in prison turn your backs and leave."

One of the hooded people led his horse in front of the guard then smirked.

51: Duplicate Reyonis
Duplicate Reyonis

Duplicate Reyonis


"It will cost you half of your energy." Ul who was still in his small beast form said. "Both physical and magical."

"That's too much." Reyonis said. "I still need a lot of energy to move around and cast spells."

"I know, but I can assure you that your copy will be flawless."

"If this will make me do two tasks at the same time then have it your way."

"Alright then... Come here, Vi!" Ul said and a floating green orb appeared beside him.

"You called, little soldier?" The orb asked. "Oh, you didn't tell me that lover boy is here!" It went around Reyonis and examined him. "You're actually cuter without your glasses."

"Vi, he needs your help not your admiration." Ul just said.

"You're just jealous of him because no girl likes you." It said then floated in front of Reyonis' face. "Do you know he's been rejected by all of Phantom's young noblewomen he courted?"

"Really?" Reyonis asked then looked at Ul. "Wow, you really should change your tactics in courting."

"Hey!" He said annoyingly. "Do you want my help or not? Because if not Vi will go home."

Vi whispered on Reyonis' ear for a few moment before returning to Ul’s side. Reyonis tried his best to hide his laughter which annoyed Ul more. "Did you tell him how my duplicating magic works?" It asked.

"I only told him about the price."

"Listen lover boy, there is no refund for this magic. Whether you achieve your goal or not using the copy, you won't regain your lost energy you used to pay me. You won't get a refund if the copy is destroyed as well so prove to me that you are skilled just as little soldier told me because your copy's abilities depend on your actual abilities." Vi said to Reyonis.

"I understand." Reyonis said. "Let's do it." A green spell circle appeared underneath his feet.

"Don't be afraid, lover boy. I'm just reading all your items you have right now, your body features and even your memories."


"In order to make your copy more believable." It said and the spell circle changed color to white. "Step outside so that the next step will begin."

Reyonis left the spell circle and observed he saw a small seed hovering inside at his eye level. "What is that?" He asked.

"You'll see." Ul said.

The seed fell on the floor and after several seconds a seedling sprouted from it. The plant grew until its height was the same as Reyonis'. Its branches and body took form of his body parts. Leaves appeared and covered it completely. "It seems like topiary of me." He said. Vi moved around it leaving glowing dusts that changed the plant to a duplicate of Reyonis with closed eyes.

Vi returned to Ul's side. "There you go, lover boy." It said. "However, the copy will not activate until you touch it."

Reyonis touched the sleeve of his duplicate. He winced in pain as he felt his energy dropped that he almost lost balance. He immediately let go and watched it. It slowly opened his eyes and looked around, it seemed disoriented. "Hey... Hey there." He said. It looked at him then tilted its head to its side. "So, what makes us different to each other now?" He asked Ul.

"...I have this." His copy said as it opened a part of its shirt and revealed its chest which has a glowing, green gem on it. "My life depends on this shiny thing. If it stops glowing it means that I have no energy left and I will disappear. If it is removed or destroyed I will disappear as well." It then closed its shirt.

"Then you can also cast the spells that I cast, right?" He asked and it nodded. "How about this?" He asked again then casted a spell and his staff appeared on his right hand.

"...I'm sorry but I don't have a copy of your staff. You don't have it with you when I'm being created."

"Oh..." He said and casted the spell to make his staff vanish. "How about now?" It casted a spell and his staff appeared on its hands. "I guess I won't use my staff this time."

"If you are satisfied with the result then I will take my leave." Vi said as it gradually vanished from their sight. "Call me again if you need my help, little soldier."

"We need to go, Councilor." Ul said.

"Right." He said and looked at his copy. "I leave the rest to you." He faced a wall and casted a spell, a portal appeared.

"Where does it lead?"

"Near the castle, I’ve placed a warp point there earlier."

"No thanks, I have bad experiences with portals." Ul said and jumped on the windowsill. “I’m fine with jumping from window.”

"I'll give you cake after this mission." He said which surprised Ul. "Name the flavor of the cake and I'll give it to you. Just use the portals I make."

"...Did... Did Vi tell you that?"

"About bribing you with sweets? Well... Yeah."

Ul suddenly growled. "That… That Vi! She'll get an earful from me when I get back in the ship." Ul annoyingly said and faced him. "And you!"

"Um... Yes?"

"You better give me the best two-layer cake that you know. And by two layers I mean two WHOLE cakes stacked together not one cake split in half! Do you understand?"

"O-Okay." He said and Ul entered the portal. He looked at his copy again before entering the portal as well.


An hour later, nine Councilors gathered at the east gate. There was a large carriage waiting for them. Its speed varied on how much energy the coach can give for every hour it was used that horses were no longer needed to run it.

"Is that vehicle safe?" Luna asked and looked at Edelmond.

"It's safe. I've used it to travel here. You can ask Qizal if you still doubt it, he was with me when I used it." Edelmond said.

"That thing gave me motion sickness!" Qizal said.

"You're just used to your slow bull ride. My vehicle took us only two hours to reach this place."

"Yeah, but it made my stomach turn that I had to throw up."

Olaf noticed Sorakin, Gilda and Reyonis's copy approaching them. "There you are, Gilda." He said. "What took you so long?"

"I have to heal Reyonis' back." Gilda said. "He took a nasty fall from that slip in the bathroom."

"The thin layer of ice was formed after I used the bathroom." Reyonis' copy said. “The weather gets worse as we speak.”

"Be careful next time." Olaf said. "Hey Gilda, do you have medicines for motion sickness? I think all of us will need it once we reach the temple with Edelmond’s ride."

"I'm telling you, it's safe!" Edelmond said annoyingly.

"Well... Let's see..." She said and looked inside her potion bag. "I still have some but not enough for all of us."

"Let's deal with this motion sickness problem later, we have to go now!" Crucis said. "Every second we waste here is precious."

Edelmond sat on the coach's seat while the others entered the carriage. "Is everyone ready?" He asked

"Just drive this damn thing already!" One of them said from the inside. "The ten of us are like fishes stuffed in a container here."

"Yeah, yeah." He whispered then lifted the cover of the panel beside his seat. He tapped several buttons. "This setting should take us to the temple faster." He said and closed it. The carriage began to shake and the wheels screeched as they turned fast. After a few seconds, the carriage moved forward leaving snow on the gate guard's faces.

"Too fast!" Another Councilor shouted inside the carriage.

"You pervert!" A female Councilor angrily shouted to a male Councilor. "Don't stuff your face on my breasts!"

"Edelmond, you’re going to kill us!" Another angry Councilor shouted.

Edelmond was not able to hear their complaints because of the earmuffs that covered his ears. It produced music to keep him from feeling bored. "This song is too old for me." He said then opened the panel again and pushed another button. The music from the earmuffs suddenly changed. "That's better." He said then hummed.


In a dark alley, Ul took a step forward. "The backdoor is near." He said and looked back, he saw Reyonis shivering while walking slowly. "Where's your scarf?"

"I... I f-forgot t-to c-claim it." Reyonis said with a shaky voice.

"Stupid Aurren." He whispered and approached him. A rectangular panel made of light appeared beside him. "I have an extra coat here. I can give it to you" He said while swiping the panel sideways. "...Maybe I'll give you this staff as well since I have no use for it."


"Here." He said and swiped an image of a coat upwards. A folded black coat appeared on the ground in front of the panel. "You can put it on now while I search for the staff."

Reyonis put on the coat and noticed that his clothes turned black and emitted black smokes. He took it off and his clothes returned to normal. He put it on again to keep himself from freezing.

"That coat gives you an ability to move undetected in shady places even in daylight. It will only lose effect if you stepped out of the shadows but will return if you are in the shadows again." Ul said. "And here's the staff." He swiped another image from the panel upwards and a staff made of gold and encrusted with gems appeared.

"Whoa..." Reyonis uttered in amazement as he received it. "Is this what I think it is?"

"I don't know. It’s just a golden staff to me, Councilor."

"This is one of the most expensive staffs in the world! My savings for three years is just less than a quarter of this staff's price.

"Is that staff that expensive?"

"It's made of pure Ignire gold! Metals from this place are difficult to melt that's why this staff is very expensive."

"Is that so? Well, the more reason to do royal business with Ignire then.”

“How did a soldier like you get a hand of this thing?"

“I just won it in a game when I’m in a place called 'Lady Luck Paradise'. The game's first prize is a weapon." He said. "I wanted a sword but it was no longer available in the reward booth so I got that staff instead."

"You're gambling?" Reyonis asked in surprise.

"Well... Only a few times. Forget about that, we should get inside the prison."

"Will my copy be alright?" Reyonis asked as he followed him.

"Is the Council a group of strong magicians?"


"There's your answer."


Outside the Fire Temple, "Feeling better now?" Gilda asked Qizal after healing him from his motion sickness.

"A bit." Qizal said. "I don't want to ride that thing for the third time. Nonetheless, thanks again." He left her.

"Alright, next!" She said and Reyonis' copy approached her with one hand covering its left cheek. "Let me take a look at Eva's slap, dear."

"She put a rash on my cheek using poison ivy."

"Well, putting one's face on a woman's chest in front of other people makes a man look bad." She said as it removed its hand to reveal the rash to her. She put one hand on the inflamed cheek and healed it.

"But that was an accident and it was Councilor Edelmond who caused it."

"Let her head cool down before you try to apologize." She said and removed her hand from Reyonis' copy. The rash has disappeared from its face. "There, you now look better than last time."

"Thanks, Councilor Gilda." It said and left.

"Alright, next!" She said and another Councilor approached her.

Reyonis' copy went to the temple entrance where Olaf and Rik were speaking with Crucis. "Oh, there you are!" Olaf said. "Is everyone ready?"

"I guess not, Councilor Olaf." It said.

He looked inside the temple. "What can you see, Reyonis?"

It looked around, the pillars and walls were covered in ice. "Everything's… Frozen?" It asked.

"Yes, but try touching this wall beside me. Don't worry you won't get a frostbite."

It touched a portion of a wall. "Ow!" It shouted then retracted his arm.

"It's very hot, isn't it?" Rik asked. "It seems like the ice itself can burn a lot of things on direct contact."

"...That reminds me of the time when the Phantom ship was being attacked by the Fire Demon. The Phantom king mentioned something about the ice that is corrosive for us non-Phantoms."

"So the Phantoms are here." Crucis said. "What can a bunch of half-demons do to put an end to this winter? Not even that shut-eye prince can do a thing."

"Hey, don't insult them in front of me!" It said annoyingly.

He scoffed. "Or you'll do what?" He asked. "Go back to the others and tell them to hurry up because the Grand Councilor is getting impatient."

"...Yes... Grand Councilor." It said and left them. Cold wind suddenly blew from the inside of the temple that it turned back to look. "What the hell?"

"Damn, an enemy right away?" Olaf asked.

A small, human-like creature marched to meet them. "Food..." It uttered as the other Councilors arrived. "Lots of food." As it got near, its form began to increase in size until it was twice as tall Olaf. Sharp, ice spikes grew around its body which served as its armor.

Crucis lifted one hand until his palm is aimed at the middle of the monster's open mouth. "Weakling." He just said and released a beam of light from his hand that passed through the monster's head and exploded, shattering its body which fell into a heap. "Let's go." He walked inside without minding if he stepped on the monster's remains.

Sorakin crouched beside the monster's body and observed it closely. What kind of liquid is this? He thought and used a spell to melt it. The liquid melted a portion of the floor as it turned to vapor which amazed him. A liquid that can dissolve stone in a short amount of time. Could this be the one that exist only in legends? He thought.

"Hey Sorakin, are you coming?" Rik shouted from a distance.

"Huh? Oh, right." He said then stood up and followed them.


The Phantom king and his royal guards on their horses stopped at the palace gate. "Who are you?" The guard asked them.

"I am the king of Phantom." The king said. "I'm here to speak with your ruler."

"Sorry but nobody is allowed to meet the prince at this moment by the order of the High Judge."

"You are disrupting an official business between two kingdoms."

"Can't let you pass, sorry."

"...Do you know that your stubbornness could spark a war between Ignire and Phantom?" He asked with a hint of threat. "Right now my ship is just waiting for my signal to release an attack to wipe down this town in an instant. And if you still on insist on blocking our path... Pray that you could at least see the sunset before everything that you care for disappears."

The guard did not respond.

"Alright..." He said and raised one of his hands. A pillar of light appeared from the farthest place that can be seen in plain sight. A large spell circle appeared in the sky covering the castle town. "It's still in progress so you still have time. But once it glows... The whole town will disappear because of your stubborness."

A few moments later and the spell circle gradually became brighter. A voice spoke from the Dispatcher near the soldier's left ear that was attached inside his helmet. "Y-You can come inside by the prince's order."

The king lowered his arm and the spell circle disappeared. "Learn your place, soldier." He just said and his horse moved forward. His royal guards followed him. He looked around then at the castle. "...This place is overwhelming with dark magic." He whispered.

The judge came out to meet them together with the fake Fierris. “Are you the bastard who made that spell?” The fake Fierris asked.

“…I am.”

52: Break In
Break In

Break In


Eliza was seating on a chair while observing at her crystal ball filled with smoke as it projected images several people and their actions. She saw Reyonis in it and she could not help but sigh as her fingers touched a portion that has his face. "I miss you." She said and smiled. "But there are things that I must prepare for master before I give my full attention to you." She ran her hand around the crystal and the smoke swirled as it followed her hand's motion. The image of Reyonis was replaced by the image of the pale queen of Ignire lying to her side inside her cell.

The queen's eyes were sunken and her breathing was shallow. She was drawing stick figures of her family on the dusty floor. Eliza got curious when she saw her drawing a stick figure of a man beside the representation of herself. The figures were holding each other's hands. It reminded Eliza of the moments she was holding Lutifar's hand as they walked.

Eliza suddenly slapped herself. "Focus, Eliza!" She said. "Now is not the time for reminiscing." She looked at the queen who rolled on her back then put one arm over her eyes then whimpered. "It's okay... The pain will soon go away." She said.


Meanwhile, Ul and Reyonis successfully infiltrated the prison without alerting the guards. "As expected..." Ul uttered from his hiding place. "There few guards here, they are easy to take down."

"I can put them to sleep." Reyonis said. "There's no need for violence."

"Fine but be careful. The last thing we want to happen is to get caught."

"Leave this to me." He said and uttered a spell while holding his new staff with two hands in front of him. Wind surrounded him then was dispersed leaving a flowery scent. Ul observed the guards for any reactions and noticed that they became drowsy. "That magic puts the target in a state of relaxation." He said as he watched some prison guards yawning. "These people must have been guarding the whole night and their minds are already tired. That makes them vulnerable to the spell." They waited for a while until the guards put themselves in a position where they could sleep comfortably. "Everything's clear now."

Ul did not move from his place, he seemed troubled.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know… But I think there's someone watching us."

He looked around and at high places. "I don't sense anyone or anything. It's just your imagination."

"...I guess you’re right." Ul said and followed him after opening the door leading to the prison.

"Oh, how convenient." He said and pulled out a piece of paper attached to a wall near him. "I got a map!"

"That's good but we have to hurry." Ul said. "I don't feel comfortable in this place."


"This should do it." Edelmond said after inserting a flame-shaped stone figure in a slot on a wall with ancient texts carved on it. Around the Councilors were bodies of monsters that attacked them as they explored the temple. One of the monsters had the stone figure that was needed to activate the wall.

"That big lizard monster has tough skin." Qizal said. "It almost destroyed my favorite weapon with just one hit." On his hands was a long broadsword he created by magic. Its red blade was transparent and glowing but has a large crack in the middle. Its hilt was translucent and gold in color.

"At least we got the key." Rik said as he lightly patted Qizal's back then approached Edelmond. "Are those texts really difficult to decipher?"

"Reading my thoughts again, Rik?"

"I just want to know if we our progress is slow or not."

"I can solve this so go read someone else's mind and leave me alone." He said and moved to another part of the wall to decipher the texts.

Meanwhile, the other Councilors were resting in one area of the room and some of them were taking a nap. They had one fight after the other with the monsters inside the temple. "Save your strength, Gilda." Crucis said to Gilda who was healing Sorakin's wound on his lower shoulder.

"He's right." Sorakin said to her. "This is just a light wound."

"I'm a healer. It's my job to keep you all away from harm." Gilda said.

"Finally!" Edelmond said that made them look at him. "I finally know how to open this ancient gate." He then read the ancient words aloud, each word made the fire-shaped stone figure glow brighter. Soon, the stone figure changed itself into a real fire as the carvings glowed bright enough to wake the sleeping Councilors.

"What's happening?" Luna asked as she rubbed her eyes then yawned.

"Edelmond's reciting the chant that will lead us to this temple's inner sanctum." Rik said. "...And these ritual words are hurting him as we speak."

"No way..." She uttered in surprise and looked at Edelmond. "You have to stop now, Councilor Edelmond!"

Just a little more. Edelmond thought as he endured the burning sensation that tormented him since the moment he spoke of the spell to lift the magic that hid more rooms of the temple to them. Soon, smoke appeared from the holes of his clothes.

"Oh my goodness!" Gilda said in shock and rushed to him. She touched one of his arms but retracted when she felt it was very hot.

"Don't come any closer!" He shouted then winced in pain. "The wall sees me as an intruder and not a priest. It's trying to burn me alive."

"Stop the spell!" Sorakin shouted. "We'll find another way in just stop it."

"No..." Crucis said. "We need to get in. Edelmond, hurry up and finish the spell!"

"He'll die if this goes on!"

"Then stop him from getting burned, aren't you the Councilor of Water?"

"Bastard." Sorakin whispered then casted a spell and water appeared around the spell circle. He lifted one of his arms and pointed it at Edelmond. Water moved in the air and splashed itself on Edelmond.

Hot steam filled the place. "Edelmond!" Qizal called out as he searched for him. He rushed to the wall and saw that it was no longer there. "Edelmond!" He called out again.

"He's... He's over there!" Olaf said after casting a spell that made wind surround them and cleared the area from the steam. They saw Edelmond lying on the floor unconscious with slight burns around his body.

All of them rushed to him and Gilda immediately healed his burns. "You monster!" Sorakin shouted angrily at Crucis. "You know Edelmond can't bear it but you still commanded him to continue."

"You saved him." Crucis said as he entered the other side of the destroyed wall. "Shouldn't you be happy?"

The others followed Crucis silently leaving Gilda to heal Edelmond and Sorakin to guard the two. Reyonis' copy approached them, "I still have medicine for burns here." It said then gave her a small jar which she accepted. "Please save Councilor Edelmond."

"I'll do my best, Reyonis." She said. "You should go after the others."

"Leave him to us." Sorakin said. It nodded then left them.


Ul and Reyonis sneaked past the prison guards. They went across an empty room that caught Ul's attention that he rushed inside. "What are you doing?" Reyonis asked in a whisper as he entered the room.

"Checking the armory." Ul said and searched around.

Reyonis looked around and saw the prison guards' spare uniforms hanging in a cabinet and their weapons neatly arranged in shelves. "Maybe we could 'borrow' some things here." He said.

"Hey, catch." Ul suddenly said from behind.

"Wha- hey!" He said in surprise when a uniform landed on his face as he turned back. He removed it and looked at Ul who was now in his human form smirking at him. "Asshole." He annoyingly said.

"Put it on." Ul said and took off his cotton shirt that covered his chain mail which he also removed followed by his tight shirt. He noticed that Reyonis was staring at his toned upper body. "What? Never seen a shirtless man before?"

In Reyonis' view, black marks are present around his body. Reyonis looked at the scar on his chest, shocked. "Your skin... It's..." He uttered.

Ul looked at his body; he could not see any marks except for the scar. "You are creeping me out." Ul said upon returning his gaze to him.

Reyonis shooked his head and looked at him again. The marks were still on Ul's skin and continued to spread in a very slow pace. "Must be my imagination." He said to divert Ul's attention and took off his clothes as well. It's surprising he is not aware of those marks. He thought as he put on the uniform.

Ul wore the rest of the uniform and adjusted the gauntlets and the shoes’ straps. He looked at Reyonis who was unable to wear the uniform properly. "Don't you know how to wear armor?" Ul asked annoyingly then assisted him in wearing the uniform.

A female guard suddenly entered the room and saw them. "Are you the recruits?" She asked.

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Reyonis nervously said.

"Make haste. Your patrol schedule will start in about five minutes." She said then turned back to leave.

"She didn't suspect a thing. I mean it's obvious we are not real guards here."

"I guess the mind controlling magic lets these guards and soldiers believe that anyone who wears their uniform is their ally." Ul said.

"Can we do something to free them from that horrible magic?"

"For now? None. We need to use the situation as advantage." Ul said and went out of the room. Reyonis followed him silently.


The door to the queen's cell slowly opened. "Lady Yza?" Reyonis whispered as he went inside. "It's me, Reyonis. Um... Fierris' friend?"

Ul entered the cell. Something is not right here. He thought as he looked around the dim room.

"Lady Yza!" He said aloud and rushed towards the unconscious queen in a corner. He touched her face and felt it was cold. He immediately put one ear on her chest to check her breathing then raised his head. "This is bad. She needs to be taken to a healer. The cold is making her sick."

"Someone made her sick." Ul said. "The scent of the poison is lingering in this room."

He took out his medicine kit to get a small bottle filled with clear liquid. He opened it and put the contents in her mouth.

"It's a poison and it is used for hunting. It can kill an animal in a few moments but not strong enough to kill a human. However it can drastically weaken a person."

"We need to get her out of here. I don't know if the potion I gave her can make her feel better."

The door suddenly slammed and locked itself from the outside. Gray-colored balls of fire surrounded the room. "It's been quite some time, Councilor." A voice said.

"Yumil!" He uttered in shock.

"Well, what do we have here? The only child of that crazed royal guard who killed the previous king's son." Yumil taunted Ul.

"Calm down." He said to Ul. "He's just trying to provoke you."

"Isn't she a beauty? It's just sad that she was in this situation because of a little lie."

"Ul, make a way out now."

"I'm sensing fear in you, Councilor." Yumil said. "Are you avoiding a battle with me?"

The queen suddenly groaned. Reyonis heard her calling out Fierris' name. "Ul, what aren't you doing anything?" He shouted angrily as he looked at him then gasped. Ul was crouching and could not move he could see red lights binding Ul to the ground.

"I-I can't get up..." Ul uttered as he struggled to regain control of his body. "I... I feel something pulling me down."

Yumil appeared beside Ul in a form of a biped, horned shadow demon with long, sharp claws and a pair of wings on his back. His red eyes glowed brightly as he looked down on Ul. "My Soul Snatcher seems to be having a good time with the Councilor's sibling. It forgot that it was still on a mission." Yumil said as he lifted Ul's head by forcefully pulling his hair.

"Tieme?" Reyonis whispered while lifting the queen's upper body. Yumil seemed to be focused on Ul and not on him. He carried her and silently headed for the door to take her out.

"Don't forget I didn't see you there." Yumil said that surprised Reyonis. He released Ul from his grip and approached him. "Are you going to leave the little Phantom behind?"

"The queen's safety is my concern and not you." He said then smiled. "And as for Ul... You are underestimating him."

"Hm?" Yumil asked then turned back. Ul stabbed his face with sword that Yumil cried out in pain. He turned himself to black grains of sand and moved out through every hole in the room.

Reyonis noticed that Ul's eyes were gold in color and with vertical slit pupils. "Let's go, Councilor." Ul just said.

"The door is locked from the outside. Brute force is needed to bust it open." He said.

"Move." Ul said and Reyonis stepped aside. Ul headed for the door and stomped on it. It got detached from the hinges and flew at a distance.

His presence feels different. Reyonis thought as he followed Ul. It’s almost as eerie as Yumil's.

Ul suddenly stopped moving then looked at the upper part of the place, there was a balcony. Reyonis looked up and saw a bearded old man wearing an old Council robe sitting on a chair looking at them with a crystal ball at hand.

"Gibran… Voldir." He uttered.

"Looks like you did some research, Lutifar's descendant." The old man said. "And it seems that the one beside you is a real Phantom and not a monster."

He looked at Ul who was just silently looking at the stranger and could attack any moment. "We can't afford to fight anyone right now. We have to go and bring her to a healer." He said hoping that he could persuade him.

"You can't easily sway a heart hardened by hate and loneliness, Aurren." Gibran said. "But what I can't understand is that you are here in infiltrating this damn place while I can also see you inside the Fire Temple through my crystal ball? Anyway, I don't care all that matters to me is that I have a Phantom here in my domain."

The queen groaned again. "We have to go, Ul." He said. "Now!"

"Leave me here." Ul just said. "I'll just show this old man what a Phantom with heart hardened by hate and loneliness can do."

Reyonis' eyes widened in fear as Ul turned his head to look at him with his ferocious eyes and sinister grin.

53: Trapped



"So this is the last room of the temple." Crucis said as he and the other Councilors looked around the room covered in ice. In the middle of the room was a pool filled with frozen water. He looked inside and sighed.

"Chimney? Ashfoot? What's happening to both of you?" Yvonne asked when she noticed that her small, flaming lizard and her gray horse with flaming mane and tail were uneasy.

"What's happening to your summons, Yvonne?" Olaf asked.

"Their minds..." Rik suddenly said. "Whatever is in this place is affecting them. It's best if you return them home."

"But without... Without their fire we'll... We'll freeze to death." She said while trying to restrain the horse's actions. "Calm down, girl." It jolted then raised its forelegs that she immediately let go and stepped back to prevent herself from getting hurt.

"Return them home, Yvonne." Eva said.

"...Return... Both of you." She said and her summons gradually disappeared.

"Take a rest. You have used all your strength on your summons."

"I'm sure these coats we wear can keep us warm." Luna said to Yvonne. "I'm sure Councilor Edelmond's creation will not fail us."

Meanwhile, Olaf walked around the pool. He realized that it was actually a pit when he saw charred firewood and fire pokers at the bottom. "What surprised you, Grand Councilor?" Olaf asked Crucis.

"I found nothing interesting." Crucis said then looked at them. "All of you look for anything that will help us uncover more of this place."

Reyonis' copy approached the pit and looked at it. "I'm afraid there is nothing valuable there except for frozen ashes and coals, Reyonis." Olaf said.

"I just... Wanted to see if there is anything peculiar around this area." It said.

"If you really think so then go ahead and check. We'll go look somewhere else. Good luck looking for clues." Olaf said and left taking Crucis with him.

Good riddance. It thought and walked around the pit then casted a spell to make Reyonis' first staff appear on its hand. My instinct is telling me that there is something important inside this pit. It held the staff with both hands then pounded it against the ice however nothing happened.

"That wooden staff of yours won't do much damage to the ice." Eva said as she approached Reyonis’ copy. "You'll need the power of earth on this one." It noticed that the staff gained weight, the staff gradually turned to stone. "Don't worry the magic is only temporary. For now give that ice a blow."

Reyonis' copy lifted the staff and smashed it against the ice, cracks appeared but not deep enough to be dug out from the pit. "I can't lift it anymore." It said.

"You always whine about anything, Reyonis." Eva said and picked up the staff without showing any signs of struggle. She hit it against the ice which immediately shattered.

"Ow, be careful!" It said when a small chunk of ice hit its skin and left a burn mark. "This ice is dangerous for us."

"Then step aside." She said and resumed breaking the ice using the staff. It watched her silently. "...Got something to say?" She asked.

"Well... I... I just want to apologize about earlier. I know what I did there really offended you but it really was an accident."

"...Apology accepted." She said and gave a final blow to the remaining ice attached to the pit. The impact was strong enough to make the room shake and damage the ice crystals surrounding it.

"Hey, watch it!" Qizal shouted from one side of the room.

"Here you go." She said and returned the staff to Reyonis' copy. "It will return to normal after a few moments."

"Thanks." It said. She suddenly put her face near its left ear. "Uh... What are you doing?"

"The earth is telling me that you are not the real Reyonis." She whispered. Reyonis’ copy was surprised to know that not everyone was fooled by Vi’s duplication magic.

"Can you put that discussion for later?" Luna asked.

"Sorry." She said to her and moved away from it. She gasped when she felt the hot wind blowing at her face followed by a very cold wind. She looked around and noticed that she and Reyonis' copy are the only ones present in the room.

"You felt it too?" It asked.

"What just happened, Reyonis?"

"This is unexpected." A voice said.

"Who's there?" Reyonis' copy asked as it looked around.

"You are definitely my sibling's handiwork, therefore you can sense my presence." The voice said and a faintly glowing red orb appeared on the pit and floated. "But I did not expect the girl from the earth kingdom to see me. Unless... You came from the lineage of an Earth Temple's priest or priestess."

"What's special with the priests and priestesses?" She asked.

"Well… They are the only ones who can interact with spiritual beings such as myself. We only appear to others if we feel like it"

"Pardon me but who are you?" Reyonis' copy asked. "Why did you appear to us?"

"Where are my manners? I am Iggy, the only spirit that reside in this temple now."

"Only spirit?" She asked.

"I have a spirit companion long ago but it was destroyed by Yumil while trying to protect me." Iggy said. "Anyway, as to why I appeared to you... I actually need your help. As you can see the temple is frozen and the monsters residing here have turned hostile. I have little power left to do anything."

"What happened here?" It asked Iggy.

"That Yumil sealed me here hundreds of years ago just like my other siblings. He drained our essences to make himself stronger and created the six more demons from them to prevent us from fighting back."

"Um... What is an essence?" She asked.

"It's our life, lady. You humans call it the Holy Elements."

"Holy Elements? Sorry, but it doesn't ring a bell at all." Reyonis' copy said. "What are they exactly?"

"Hmm... I guess priests don't tell much about temples to you Councilors. Oh well, a Holy Element is just the same as any other element except for its form. Visually, it looks like another element but it functions what is expected of it. For example flowing water that can burn anything is the Holy Element of Fire, a fire that can douse or freeze anything is the Holy Element of Water and the list goes on."

"So the ice around here..."

"Is made up of my essence."

"It's still confusing but I'll try to understand. What can we do to help you?"

"Please defeat the demon that Yumil made. If I restored enough essence, I can at least unfreeze the temple. I would like to ask that old man here earlier for help but I don't like the force surrounding him, in fact there's two more that has similar force... But I think I'm just imagining it."

"We'll do our best, Iggy." She said.

"Thank you." Iggy said and bright light filled the place for a moment. Iggy was nowhere to be found.

"Not too close on Reyonis, Eva." Yvonne said that brought Eva and Reyonis' copy back to reality. "He has a girlfriend." None of them seemed to be aware of what the two saw.

Did that happened in just a blink? Eva thought and looked at the pit. Just how can we defeat a demon that has power over fire and ice?

"There's nothing here." Crucis suddenly said. "This temple has nothing to give that can help us. We'll leave now." Rik suddenly felt weak that he sat on the floor. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just... Tired." Rik said then his face became serious. "I can hear someone else's thoughts... It's approaching fast!"

"What?" He uttered and very cold air filled the room.


Behind the prison, "Don't eat me!" A scared prison guard said at the large, growling shadow bear in front of him. The bear snapped its jaws that scared him more. "I-I have wife and kids to feed. P-Please don't make me your dinner."

It moved its head to the side as if commanding him to go to the direction it pointed. It roared and tried to hit him when he did not move from his place out of fear. It got annoyed that it left him alone and headed inside the prison using the back door ignoring the guards Reyonis put to sleep.

It ran around following a scent. "Bear!" A soldier who blocked its path yelled and pointed a spear at it. "Your pelt will fetch a lot of gold Mirads." Soon it was surrounded by the other prison guards with weapons aiming at it. It growled then rushed forward thrashing anyone crossing its path.

"Don't let it get away!" The guard ordered the others who ran after it.

The shadow bear slammed itself against the metal door that leads to the inner prison. The door was removed from the hinges and flew at a short distance. The bear rushed inside leaving intertwining black chains to block the doorway. It kept on running until it met Reyonis who was carrying the unconscious queen on his arms.

"Damn, why now?" Reyonis uttered and slowly stepped back.

"Where is he, Councilor?" It suddenly asked.

"That voice..." He uttered. "You're the Phantom king's female royal guard, correct?"

It did not respond but it changed itself to Myrvana's human form. "Where is he, Councilor?" Myrvana asked. She seemed worried.

"Ul?" He asked and she nodded. "He's back there fighting a Councilor from the past."

"...He's not supposed to fight anyone of them. Those Demon Blood carriers only wanted him to lose control of himself before they capture him."

"I... I wanted to help him but I can't put the queen in danger."

"Tell me where he is."

"Take the queen out of here for me. I will return there and help him." He said.

She shook her head. "He needs me." She said.

"It's dangerous for you. Take the queen to a safer place. I promise you I will not let them get Ul, trust me."

She paused for a moment then approached them and carried the queen on her arms. "Please take him back to the ship safe and sound." She said then turned back to leave.


Inside the Phantom throne hall, "Your parents deserve to die." Nhimhal Ritalis said to Ul. "Your father did not protect my son therefore he killed my son indirectly. As for your mother... She carries the same burden of your father's crime."

"...You're not real." Ul said that surprised Nhimhal. "The late king may have insulted my father countless of times but he never spoke ill about my mother."

"I don’t understand you, boy."

"You're an illusion!" Ul shouted. "You are nothing but an imaginary object created by that twisted psychic Councilor."

The king smiled and turned to grains of sand as their surroundings changed returning Ul back to reality. He glared and rushed to Gibran's location.

Gibran created a barrier using his mind to protect himself from the blow of Ul's sword attack. Why can't I read his thoughts? He asked himself. I've mastered mind reading magic over the past five hundred yet I can't even penetrate this boy's mind?

The lower portion of Ul’s free arm changed form, it became jet-black. His fingers became long and pointed which he used to pierce Gibran's barrier. Ul pushed his arm until his hand and wrist were inside.

"Don't touch me, half-demon!" He said to Ul then casted a spell to transport himself to another part of the room. Multiple copies of him appeared to confuse Ul in knowing his real location.

"...You insult my race yet you are desperate to have our blood." Ul said while looking around from his position. "Hiding can't help you because I know exactly where you are... The shadow is telling that you are on my far left standing behind three fake you."

Damn, what's with this kid? Gibran thought as Ul slowly approached him. It didn't took him long to identify me from the rest. He and his copies smiled. I'll know more later once I capture him. Come closer to my trap, kid. A portal appeared behind Ul which surprised them both. Two arms pulled Ul inside and the portal disappeared. "Aurren!" He shouted angrily and another portal appeared hovering in the air few steps away from him. Ul fell down the floor from it followed by Reyonis who fell on top of his back.

"Even my portal spell was rewritten?" Reyonis uttered as he stood up. "Just how strong you past Councilors have been?"

"I told you to go, didn't I?" Ul asked while Reyonis helped him to stand. "Where's the queen?"

"I can't just leave you behind." Reyonis answered. "I can't risk Lady Yza's-"

"Ah, a female Phantom in my domain." Gibran suddenly said.

"Damn, I forgot to shield my thoughts!" Reyonis uttered.

"So you left the queen in the hands of a beautiful Phantom soldier." He said and snickered while taking out a crystal ball. "Soldiers, guards, I command you to bring the Phantom woman to me." He suddenly gasped when Ul was standing face-to-face with him in a blink of an eye. Ul thrust his sword to Gibran's stomach but he was able to transport himself to another area before Ul could impale him.

"Damn..." Ul uttered when he missed. His eyes returned to its blue color as his vision blurred.

Reyonis' eye color changed from blue to glowing purple. In his view, the copies of Gibran became translucent. He struck down his staff and trapped each copy inside a crystal column. He raised one hand and a bolt of lightning hit the escaping Gibran from above. Did I hit him good? He thought as Gibran fell flat on the ground and the copies disappeared.

"Good work, Aurren." Ul said and approached him. "We have to catch up with Myr-" The sound of a flesh being pierce made Ul stop in mid-sentence. In front of him was a shocked Lutifar pierced by a sword from the back. Blood was coming out of Lutifar's mouth. "Lutifar..."

Meanwhile, Reyonis was investigating Gibran's collapsed body when he noticed Ul stopped speaking. He looked at Ul and noticed he was dazed. "What's wrong, Ul?" Reyonis asked.

"That was hard." Gibran suddenly said and raised the half of his body.

"How could you still-" Reyonis said then stopped when his whole body began to ache and collapse.

"That's what I felt earlier too when I got hit by that spell, Aurren." He said and stood up. "But with my psychic ability, I was able to make your mind alter your senses. Now, let's add more pain... The pain your sister and your girlfriend felt to be exact... During the times they disobeyed our orders."

Reyonis suddenly cried out in pain then began thrashing his body. His vision changed as well, he saw different faces of people hitting him with rods and whips while laughing. Instead of his name he could hear them say either Melina or Rhoumina's name in their mockery.

Gibran approached Ul. "I tried using all sorts of illusion to enter your mind but none worked. The death of your best friend seems to be the only one that made impact on you, had to immediately make your mind blank so that you won't escape me."

"S... Stop..." Reyonis uttered.

He turned his head and saw him crawling towards them. "You manage to escape my illusion but you're too late." He said. "And the sad part is you failed to fulfill your own promise to that Phantom woman, this kid belongs to me now."

"Shut up..." Reyonis said and stood up with the help of his gold staff. "Ul - no, the Phantoms - does not belong to anyone, especially to the likes of you!"

"You alone can't defeat me."

Reyonis smiled, "Who says I'm alone?" He asked and green, blue, and gray glowing orbs appeared around him.


"Hurry up!" A prison guard said to the other guards who were trying to cut the black chains blocking the doorway. "Master will be pissed if we don't capture the Phantom woman."

"Phantom woman?" Someone asked from behind. The man turned back and saw Hinon and two other Phantom royal guards. "Tell me, what are you planning to do with our comrade?" He asked then cracked his knuckles.

54: Shadows on the Move
Shadows on the Move

Shadows on the Move

Earlier in Ignire castle, "This place is a trap, Your Majesty." Hinon said in Phantom language.

"I know, Hinon." The king said. "This place is filled with Demon Blood carriers. In addition to that, there is something odd about the prince and the old man that is always beside him."

"What are your orders then, Your Majesty?" One royal guard asked.

"Create scouts and study this place. It's risky if I send you instead."

"Don't you have faith in us, Your Majesty?" Myrvana asked.

"...I do, but-"

"We appreciate that you don't want to lose any of us." Another one said. "But it's our sworn duty to protect you in any way even if it costs our lives."

"I know your duties to me and I don't have doubts in your abilities." The king said. "We've lost King Ritalis and his royal guards in an instant. I just don't want all of us to have the same fate as them."

"We will not fail you, Your Majesty." Hinon said. "You will get information from us as soon as possible."

"I refrain you from speaking another language aside from what I can only understand." The judge suddenly said as he approached them.

The king turned to face him. "Piss off." He just said that irritated the judge. "Just who do you think you are to forbid us from speaking our mother language?"

"May I remind you that you are inside my territory?"

"And may I remind you that the fate of your territory rests in my hands?"

"You have empty threat, brat."

The ground began to shake and several ornaments toppled from their places. Later, they heard a rumbling sound and the view from outside the windows became clouded with dust. "One of the buildings outside just collapsed." The king said. "And I assure that it is not the only building that got pulverized in the castle town."

"What on earth did you just do, brat?" The judge angrily asked.

"Not really much, I only just showed you a taste of what might happen if you keep on tempting me and my 'empty threat'. Don't worry, I had those building literally turned to dust instead of being crumbled by earthquake. I only targeted buildings not suitable for home living. Now, tell your ruler that I'm getting impatient."

"I am the king of Ignire, brat." The judge said.

"...I don't have time for jokes, old man. I want to speak to that red-haired prince or the queen herself."

"Neither of them rules of this kingdom now. I am the new owner of the crown so whatever business you have with the former queen is nullified. You and I will start a new business deal."

"...I guess this is better than waiting for nothing."

"But before anything else, give me your word that you will not damage any building that stands in this kingdom again and Ignire will have business with Phantom."

"What will you promise to do in return?"

"The soldiers will not destroy your ship." The judge said and an orb appeared on his hand. It showed the Phantom king his ship about to be attacked by an army of Ignire soldiers. "On my signal they will burn down your ship and it is up to you what my next action will be."

He paused for a moment then looked at the judge. "I'll give my word. Make sure you to give your word as well." He said and the judge smiled then destroyed the orb.

"Now, follow me and we will resume this discussion." The judge said then turned back and walked away. "Your soldiers will stay here, Phantom king."

He glanced at his soldiers then followed the judge leaving them alone. The black crystal balls hanging around their belts glowed for moment. They were called Crystallines of Order and each royal guard who serves the current king has one. Every king must put a drop of his blood on each crystal before it can be given to a newly appointed royal guard thus allow him to command remotely. Golden-colored texts written on the crystal were a command that can be seen by all royal guards while green-colored texts were a command that can only be seen by a specific royal guard.

"Find the prince and the queen." A royal guard said while reading from his crystal. "Did anyone receive a specific task?"

"Uh... We have a bigger problem, guys." Myrvana said as a large group of Ignire soldiers surrounded them.


The Phantom king was led inside the library by the judge. "Have a sit, brat." The judge said after sitting on a chair on one side of the long table in the middle of the room. The Phantom king sat on the chair opposite to him. "So fill me in with the details of Phantom's proposal to our kingdom."

"We are planning to make our weapons usable for non-Phantoms without adverse effects. Everyone knows that Ignire has the best smiths and ores."

"What makes Phantom weapons special? Your kingdom's technical know-hows are, let say, five hundred years late."

"...Let's test it, shall we?" He said and stood up. "Attack me."

"...Cheeky brat." The judge uttered as fire appeared spiraling around his seat. "Don't blame me if I melt your mask and burn your skin after this attack." The fire took form of a lizard with large, long body which quickly crawled on the table towards the Phantom king.

He took out one of his swords from its sheath then stabbed the reptile on the head deeply that the blade pierced the table as well. It flailed its tail that almost hit the judge. He twisted the sword and the flaming lizard stopped moving, its flame body was dispersed. "So, what can you say?" He asked the surprised judge. "This is just the half of my twin swords. My weapons can destroy spells equal or weaker than the level of their anti-magic abilities while being a tool for killing at the same time."

"But... My spell is... One of the strongest fire spells of Avilon! That spell can melt even the hardest mineral that ever exists."

"It is still a spell however nullifying a Phantom weapon's durability." He said then sat down. "Was the demonstration enough proof to you?"

"If that proposed weapon is ever created, what good will it do?"

"It will nullify all kinds of water spells casted on the wielder and make that person's fire attacks twice stronger."

"No, I want it to be able to nullify spells from other elements as well."

"I will accept your condition but the weapon's durability will be lowered."

"And why should you do that?"

"I just don't want you to suffer the aftereffects of Phantom's gems since it will greatly affect our business. Just to give you an idea, mutation is the common effect to non-Phantoms who abuse the power of our gems and the worst is being consumed by the gems themselves."

"...Weapon less durable than our standards is worthless. I rather have a weapon that raises my fire abilities instead."

"That's good to hear… So we have a deal?"

"If I accept your offer, what will be the next step?"

"I will send jewelers here to help your blacksmiths form the weapons and I will give Ignire the right to sell those. How you sell them? I don't care. But before you even start selling them, my council and I should be informed of the price for each weapon type. In addition to that, Phantom must receive details of inventory and half of the earnings every end of the month before we give you the new batch of materials."

"I wanted to accept that deal..." The judge uttered then grinned as robed people appeared around the library. "But it's actually them who will decide with anything that has to do with Phantom."

"...It's about time for you to appear, Demon Blood carriers." The king just said as two hooded people approached him from each side.


Hinon quickly turned around to punch the Ignire soldier who was about to stab him from the back. "Is this the last of them?" He asked. "Why can't we kill them?"

"Because..." Another guard said then pulled together the two soldiers he was holding. Their heads hit and both of them fainted. "The king's second order is not to kill anyone from Ignire."

"I know, Helbert. But still-"

"We need to find the queen and the prince. That's the first order."

The Phantom royal guards began their search. Myrvanna suddenly stopped when she received another order, its texts were green. "The whole time he's..." She whispered then looked forward; the others were already ahead of her. She sighed and went in another direction.

"This castle is huge." Feebus, the largest royal guard said as they ran. "Where are we anyway?"

On their way they saw Reyonis from a distance, he seemed to be looking out for any signs of danger. Ahead of him were Ignire soldiers patrolling and neither of them were aware of his presence. "Can we help him?" Another royal guard asked.

"He's not part of our task." Hinon said.

"But if he doesn't succeed our kingdom will-"

"Don't underestimate him. He's strong enough to take care of himself."


"I said ignore him!" He just said. The others fell silent as they followed him.

Moments later all of them stopped when they heard a woman's scream. "Someone, help me!" She shouted.

Hinon rushed to her location where he saw an old woman and a man with one arm transformed into a shadow beast's arm about to attack her. His spear appeared on one of his hands which he immediately threw at the man. It pierced the man's chest which killed him immediately.

"What happened here, ma'am?" Hilbert asked.

"That... That man - no, monster - tried to kill our prince!" She said. "He killed my friends. I can't bring him back to health alone." She began to cry.

Hinon and the others entered the room nearest to her. They were shocked to see mutilated bodies of healers and priests on the floor. On the bed was bloodied Fierris in deep sleep. "Isn't he fine a while ago?" Hinon asked.

"Our prince has not woken up for days." She said. "The judge suddenly locked us in this area without reason... Then... Then it happened."

"Let's split up, half of us will come with me to look for the queen. The rest will return to the ship and drive those soldiers away then have the prince and this woman healed." He said then looked around. "Has anyone seen Myrvana?"

"Not since after the ambush." Another royal guard said.

"Damn..." He whispered then looked at them. "Nevermind, we'll look for her as well. Just be careful on your way."


Cries of pain filled the library. Deep cuts were visible on the shelves, tables, chairs and walls that some of them were destroyed. The judge cowered in a corner as six large, black swords moved in the air while slashing Demon Blood carriers. The Phantom king was just watching his weapons move on their own from his seat.

What's with this brat? He thought. He's just immobilizing them instead of killing them. He could just slice anyone with these swords. He slowly headed for the door.

"You're not going anywhere." The Phantom king said as his floating swords pierced the floor in front of the door. The judge tried to get near the door but they turned to face their blades on him. "I will not let you leave until I say so."

"These swords?" He asked. "These weapons of yours won't stop me." He turned his own body to fire and passed through the keyhole which melted in the process.

The king let out a sigh. "That was stupid of me." He whispered then stood up. He immediately turned around when he heard a moan.

"P-Please k-kill me, sir." One of the fallen enemies said while crawling towards him. "I-I don't want to l-lose my humanity. That's... That's the only thing I have left. I don't want to become a monster." Soon he heard more of them begging to end their suffering.

"Why... Why are you requesting me this?" He uttered as more of them approached him. "Have you abandoned you hope?"

"You talk rubbish, young king." Someone said and a spell circle appeared underneath the king's feet. It formed a cube barrier that trapped him inside. They stared at him sadly as Zal and Jo appeared in the middle of the room.

"Gibran still needs to adjust these people's way of thinking." Jo said. "They are still resisting the blood."

"I wonder what will be the reaction of your subjects once they see you as our prisoner." Zal said to the king then chuckled. "I can't wait to take you with us to our base and drain your blood."

"Return home, children." Jo said to the others. "Your father and I will take care of him." They suddenly twitched as their form changed.

"How... How could you bear to watch them suffer?" The king asked as he watched in disgust. Most of them called out to him and asked for help until their voices turned to roars and moans. "You heartless monsters!" He angrily shouted at Zal and Joe as the others left the room without minding the objects they further destroyed as they moved.

"Call us whatever you like, that won't change your fate." Zal said and approached him. "This cage absorbs your strength until you can no longer lift your head above the ground." He touched one side of the barrier. "I wonder who the boy behind the mask is. We'll find out soon."

"I'm afraid that time will not come." The king said and took out one of his twin swords.

"Your weapon will just break the moment it touches the barrier." Jo said.

"...I will not let you use me." He said then stabbed himself on his stomach which shocked them. Zal immediately removed the barrier and ran towards him but he turned his sword and deepened his wound.

"You fool." Zal said as he caught the king upon collapsing. "Blood collected from a dead Phantom is useless to us!"

"Much... Better..." He uttered and stopped moving. His body turned to ashes and immediately crumbled leaving behind a green gem. His weapons were nowhere to be found.

"What a waste."

"What is this?" Jo asked after he picked up the gem and observed it. "Is this a proof a royalty in Phantom?"

"I don't know and I don't care." Zal said then turned back to leave. "Come, we need to capture more Phantoms. Gibran already trapped one at the prison."


Inside the Phantom battleship, a sailor detected the hidden Ignire soldiers from one of the glowing panels around the control room. He immediately reported it to the captain.

The captain approached the ship's controls and pressed the large red button at the center.

"Look, the ship is opening its doors." An Ignire soldier said to a fellow soldier. "Get ready for attack!"

Several armored sailors came down from the ship. The other crew members appeared on the deck with the captain.

"Don't come any further!" The captain said through his device that made his voice louder. "Leave us alone and I promise you that my crew will not harm you."

The soldiers ignore him and moved forward.

"This is your last warning. Don't force us to fight you!"

The soldiers ran to attack them. The sailors ran as well to meet them while some of the crew jumped from the ship changing to their winged shadow beast forms and flew towards the soldiers to distract them. The sailors changed form as their armors adapt to the size of their transformed bodies and attacked the surprised enemies.

55: Bright Light
Bright Light

Bright Light


"Why are you even trying, boy?" Gibran asked Reyonis who released a spell which created multi-colored crystal flood that moved towards Gibran's barrier like high waves. "You will never match my five hundred years of mastery. I will not release the boy from his sleep."

"I'm not expecting you to do so." Reyonis said and glanced at his left side where he saw Ul lying unconscious and being guarded by the glowing orbs. "I'm just keeping you away from Ul."

"And you think those round things can give you much help?" He asked and raised one hand; the approaching crystal moved upwards and hit the ceiling. It spread itself on the ceiling and formed like icicles. "I'm sure the sleeping boy is not the one who escaped our fortress with your little sister. The one from before is a monster disguising itself as a Phantom."

"...You and Eliza made me abandon those people I care so much."

"I'm just prepping you. That black-haired woman will be pleased if she finds out that you want to return to her side again."

"But I'm not Lutifar!" He shouted. "And I don't understand why Eliza is helping you after what you did to her."

"That poor woman... Her world shattered after losing her husband and most of all, her child that never had the chance to see the world. But who would have thought that a simple woman who just wanted to raise a family is actually a servant of Yumil?"

"I still don't understand why-"

"You are the only one that can comfort her and stop her from destroying our creations."

"Eliza destroyed your... Experiments?" He asked unable to believe Gibran's words.

"That's her form of revenge. She left us with little amount the immortal blood and it was not enough to create a new nation that we have planned. So we made a truce with her, we will help her break the Great Seal and in return we will find someone that can replace her dead husband."

“You tricked her on releasing Yumil so that you will get your hands on the Phantoms' blood again!"

"Now that you regained your memories she will bother us again unless we give you back to her. But we need the Phantom boy more than you. We can still deal with her."

"We can't wake him up." Vi said to Reyonis. "Our combined efforts are not enough to break that man's magic."

"You have to bring him much farther from us to weaken his influence over Ul." Aqua, the blue orb, said.

"That's what I'm doing the whole time." Reyonis said.

"It's no use." Gibran said. "I can cast magic even if I'm far away as long as I can identify my target from the rest. And I have memorized this boy's face so it's useless to separate me from him."

"Fall." He uttered. Gibran looked up and gasped when he saw the gray crystal spikes falling down on them. Reyonis created a barrier only on Ul and the orbs since crystal spikes can hit anything and anyone except for the caster.

"You never learn, do you?" Gibran asked. He was protected by a barrier he created using his mind. "Even the toughest crystals will not penetrate my barrier."

Reyonis smiled while looking at the scattered crystals on the floor. Three more. He thought then looked at Gibran. "I'm a hard-headed person so you'll just get annoyed on repeating yourself."

"He better use my energy properly. His body is not that strong to contain our energy." Ven, the gray orb, said. "He might break in the middle of the fight."

"Little soldier never underestimated him." Vi said. "Just hope for the best."

Reyonis struck his staff on the ground and the gray crystals shattered. A very strong wind was felt moving around the prison that loose rocks were carried away. Invisible blades carried by the wind created deep dents on the surfaces and on Gibran's barrier. He held his staff tightly. The wind was too strong for him to control that he released a spell on his shoes to stick them on the ground and prevent himself from being blown away by his own attack. I can't control this wind's behavior. He thought. Just what kind of wind creature is that gray orb? Cuts appeared on his clothes and skin that he winced in pain. Damn, now my own magic is hurting me as well.

This wind. Gibran thought while focusing his magical energy at his feet to prevent the wind from taking him. Only Jo has the ability to control very strong wind like this without adverse effects.

"This plan is impossible without Iggy's help." Vi said.

"Fall!" Reyonis shouted and blue crystal spikes fell in them. Each crystal turned to water drops that created knee-deep flood in a short amount of time and kept on rising.

"What are you doing?" Aqua shouted at Reyonis as the flowing water split itself to create a space for keeping Ul dry and merged again when it was away from him. "Are you planning to drown Ul?"

"Sorry." He uttered while shielding his face from the water droplets carried by the wind. The flowing water began to take shape of an armored merman with a trident while the water level decreased. His nose began to bleed.

"Ha! That spell is draining your magical energy fast." Gibran said. "You'll be dead before you could even finish it." The merman pierced his weapon on Gibran's barrier and left chest. Gibran ignored the bleeding wound and released a spell to freeze the trident and the lower arm that held it. He shouted loudly that the merman's frozen arm and weapon shattered. The ice moved towards him as it melted and covered his barrier. "I have gained control over a part of your creature." He said as the wound gradually healed. "That thing's next attack will be deflected by its own body part."

Meanwhile, the three orbs noticed Ul groaned in his sleep. "The mind magic is gradually losing effect." Ven whispered.

Reyonis soon coughed up blood. Two more. He thought as his eyes began to shed tears of blood. "Fall!" He shouted and the remaining crystal spikes fell.

"You're already at your limit, boy." Gibran said. "I can barely penetrate the shield on your mind and hear your thoughts. Just a little more and you will obey me." The ground began to shake. "What's that?" He asked and looked around. Steam covered the room as the water and air became hot. An orange light appeared on the floor in the middle of the room.

Reyonis raised his staff and magma spouted from the orange light's location. "You successfully called fire and earth!" Vi said aloud. "Hurry and cast the spell we taught you earlier." Reyonis felt weak that he almost collapsed. He released a spell that made the bangle he got from Hamer appear around his lower right arm. His form immediately changed.

"What is that thing you've put on?" Gibran asked. "What else can it do?" A spell circle appeared above them which he immediately recognized. I see, you casted strong elemental spells to fill the requirements of the Maelstrom of Four Elements. Let's see if you could finish the spell before it takes its toll from you.  He thought as red, green, blue and white light appeared on four corners of the spell circle after absorbing the magma, the wind, the merman and the remaining water.

"Just die." He uttered.

"You wish." Gibran said.

The center of the spell circle glowed which marked the completion of the spell. Reyonis opened his mouth to speak the words that will release its might on Gibran. But only a cry of pain escaped his lips when a dagger pierced the back of his right shoulder and passed through his upper right chest.

"What a destructive spell you're about to release, boy." Zal said as he and Jo approached them. "Are you even aware of the unwanted deaths it might cause?"

Reyonis ignored them to resume casting but a cut appeared on his left thigh that made him collapse.

"Zal is asking you a question." Jo said as he stepped on the back of Reyonis' head. "How dare you ignore him?" He looked at the spell circle then at Gibran. "You only have few enemies and you let them beat you? Are you making us look like fools?"

Zal raised one of his hands facing the spell circle. It cracked and shattered. "Even this ancient spell can be cancelled thanks to the immortal blood and centuries of honing our skills." Zal said.

"It can’t be..." Reyonis uttered. Jo stepped on him harder.

"Leave him alone!" Vi said as she and her siblings rushed towards Jo's face and hurt him. Gibran created a red sphere that trapped them.

"Little but pesky things." Gibran said. "I was about to win but they turned the tables on me."

"Is that so?" Zal asked as he observed the orbs as they hit themselves against the sphere to escape. "Let's study them too."

"Zal..." Jo uttered. "Behind you."

"What?" He asked and turned back.


Fire and ice filled the temple as the Councilors fought the Flame Demon. "I'm disappointed." The Flame Demon said. "You Councilors don't even know how to entertain demons like me."

"I'm afraid it's not part of our duty to jest." Crucis said. "So be a dear and die for us. Quickly, if you can."

"Now that's funny." It said and flew around while observing them.

Rik and Edelmond were unconscious on the corner. Gilda was forced to join the others as support.

Yvonne called five of her strongest summons and gave them the ability to heal themselves. Higher level summoners can give their summons ability fit for the purpose of their call. However, the summomer can only grant one ability for all summons he or she called. This was to prevent the drastic drop on the summoner's magical energy caused by granting multiple skills upon calling multiple summons.

"Sorakin, put water magic on my bow!" Qizal said while drawing the string of the transparent, green, bow he created by magic. A glowing arrow appeared between his fingers that held the bowstring. Sorakin casted a spell and the arrow changed its color to blue. He aimed it at the demon's wings then released the arrow which multiplied and pierced its wings. The attack startled the demon when its wings were torn off from its body and got pierced on the wall. He aimed another arrow on its forehead as it fell down then released it but missed.

"Ow..." The demon said after falling down. "That hurts." It stood up and looked at them. "I don't see the other Councilors. Where is that boy who made the Black Witch's heart beat again?"

"Over here." Reyonis' copy said from behind.

"You stupid boy!" Crucis said. "Didn't I tell you to prepare?"

The demon approached Reyonis' copy and moved around while leaving a flaming trail. "Does my flame hurt your plant body?" The demon whispered. "I know ‘she’ created you."

"Return Iggy's essence and surrender the Fire Key." Reyonis’copy said. "Ignore my requests and I'll assure you that going against the Councilors is the greatest mistake you ever did."

The demon chuckled then laughed. "Whatever your scheme is will not work on me." It said. "I believe Shadow Key already told you that we don't die. We may lose control of the temples and their dragons but we will never disappear." It quickly turned to face Crucis then blew cold wind.

Crucis shielded his face with his right arm. "Cheap magic." He said then gasped when he felt his right arm went numb. The other Councilors were shocked as his right arm turned to ice and kept on spreading.

It chuckled then returned its gaze at Reyonis' copy. New pair of wings appeared on its back and flew again. "I crave for a Councilor flavored ice. Ten pieces of it should be enough to satisfy myself. Eleven and the Black Witch will punish me."

Crucis observed his body and noticed that more of it was turning to ice. "Councilor flavored ice." He said then scoffed. "What a stupid name for frozen food." He looked at him. "You can take this demon to nothingness any time now, Luna."

Behind the altar were Luna, Eva and Olaf, they were preparing for counterattack in secret together Reyonis' copy. Eva turned all the Councilor's shoes to metal with very thick soles and made vines grow on the ground to wrap themselves around Edelmond and Rik. Luna released the spell the four of them created and formed a void just above the demon. The void began to draw in all objects, the columns cracked and its small pieces were suctioned.

"It's time for you to go." Reyonis' copy said to the demon with nearly extinguished flames then hit its legs sideways for it to lose balance. It grinned as its body reached the void.

Luna screamed when she saw Olaf on fire. The spell was cancelled and the demon was freed. "Roasted Councilor can be my main course." It said as Olaf rolled on the floor to put out the fire. "That's it. Let the other side cook as well."

"We humans are not toys, demon!" Gilda shouted.

"Shut it, Gilda." Crucis said. His right leg also turned to ice that made his walking difficult. "That fire won't kill him just like this ice. We are tougher than you think." He looked at Olaf. "Put your wind magic to good use and stop playing around."

Water appeared underneath Sorakin's feet. He commanded it to pour itself on Olaf then on the demon. "Are you all going to waste your time talking to each other?" He asked. "Move your asses while I'm distracting it!"

 "Foolish water magician." It uttered and covered itself with a thick layer of ice.

 "You want to play with water? I'll give you that." He said and the water became hot enough to melt the ice.

 "Eva, all the metal you can create." Qizal said as a ten, floating, transparent swords appeared around him. Eva released a spell to turn each sword to a different metal from the tip of the blade to the tip of the sheath.

 "Luna... Curse the water." Olaf uttered and groaned as Gilda healed him. "I'll be fine... Damn it."

 Luna casted a spell that made the water turned purple. The demon held its neck and coughed as the water poisoned its body. "You little-" The swords pierced different parts of its body by Qizal's command.

 Reyonis' copy began casting and a glowing spell circle appeared underneath the demon. Bolts of lightning touched the ground surrounding it.

 "Hurry, Reyonis! It's freezing the water surrounding it." Luna said as the water gradually turned to ice.

 Ice spikes from different parts of the room moved towards Reyonis' copy. Yvonne's summons rushed to break them. However, hitting one spike will cause it to break and release bursting fire. "Just keep casting, Reyonis. My summons and I can still handle this." She said as slight burns appeared on different parts of her body and on her summons.

 Damn, it's trying to escape the water prison and fight back. Sorakin thought as he casted another spell to create rain and put out the fire while using another spell to thaw the ice that already reached the half of the demon’s thighs. "Damn it, Crucis, do something!" He shouted.

 "Such marvelous creature…" Crucis uttered while looking at their enemy. "Controlling fire and ice at the same time. Yumil really made sure you won't be trampled by anyone easily."

 "Crucis!" Sorakin angrily shouted.

 "I heard you the first time." Crucis said and released a spell. Reyonis' copy felt changes within its body. "This will help you cast faster than usual. You can thank me later."

 Strong lightning bolts landed on the ground where the demon stood and light enveloped the whole temple.


 "I saw you die." A faint voice said. Sound of slashing blades was heard followed by a cry of pain.

What's happening? Reyonis thought. I can't see clearly. Where am I? Everything his eyes saw was a blur. He saw a person moving around but he could not identify the stranger. He tried to move but he could not feel his body. What the hell? Why am I paralyzed?

 "You won't get anything from us." Another voice said. "You may have beheaded Zal and Jo but this doesn't mean you won, Phantom king!"

 Reyonis heard a cry of pain from the owner of the voice after being slashed. Moments later there were footsteps approaching him. His vision shifted sideways. Who's moving my head? He thought. Two shadowy humans formed above him.

"Is he dead?" One of the shadows asked.

"I can't feel any pulse." Another one said. "He's not breathing either."

What? Wait, I can't die now! Reyonis thought. You have to help me. One of them put a hand over his forehead then uttered several words he could not understand. The shadow slid down its hand to close his eyes. Am I really... Dead?


Chapter End


Author’s Message:


Hi, did you enjoy reading this chapter? I really hope so, but if not it’s still okay. I love to hear your feedbacks, tell me what you think of this chapter or on the story itself. Thank you for taking time to read my story, until next time, bye!

56: Uncovered Truth
Uncovered Truth

Uncovered Truth


Reyonis' copy opened its eyes and observed his surroundings. It was lying in prone position and could see other Councilors in front of it unconscious on the floor.

"All three Illusionist's dolls were defeated?" A man's voice asked. Reyonis' copy got tense but did not move its body. "Damn that boy king!"

"He acted well to make us believe that fake suicide." Zal said. "We failed to get the other Phantom because of him. Gibran, have you destroyed those dolls of yours?"

"I no longer sense them, Zal." Gibran said. "The king will not get any information from those."

"You better be sure. Now, what of that fake Aurren?" The man asked and looked at Reyonis' copy that was on his far back.

Damn! It thought. Are they going to destroy me now?

"We'll take care of that later, Jo." Zal said. "It's the younger Aurren we're after. I am interested as to why her body can reject the immortal blood."

"She's definitely guarded at Phantom. We can't just lay a hand on her without alarming anyone." Gibran said.

"Someone else will bring her to us, trust me."

They all heard Sorakin groaning and went on different directions.


A groan caught the Phantom king's attention while walking with his remaining royal guards along one of the castle's hallways. "I think she's awake, Your Majesty." Myrvana, who was beside him, said.

He silently approached a large shadow creature in a form of a four-wheeled cart that can move on its own. It was filled with pillows they got from any bedrooms they passed. In it was the queen who has just woken up from her deep sleep. "Good evening, Lady Yza." He said.

"Who... Who are you?" The queen asked. "Why do I feel... Stuffed?”

"Apologies, my lady." He said and pulled out several pillows and tossed them away. "Feeling a bit better?"

She nodded and lifted herself. She placed her back against the side of the cart. "Who are you, sir?" She asked.

"I am the caretaker of Phantom's throne."

"...A caretaker, huh?" She asked. "Wouldn't that contradict what the royal guard called you earlier?"

"I am not officially crowned as king, my lady. That makes me a caretaker of the throne.  My subjects and I arrived yesterday evening to start business with you."

"Yes, I remember receiving a letter from Phantom. I would like to make yourself comfortable in my home, but as you can see I'm already dethroned."

"If you don't mind, I want to know what exactly happened, my lady.

"My... My uncle, the judge, he... He wanted to kill me and Fierris." She said then sniffled. "He wanted the crown for himself. He confessed his crimes to me on the night after I was sentenced to death. He hired a group of people to hurt my brother and pinned me to the incident." She whimpered then cried. "I heard from the soldiers that Fierris hasn't woken up since the attack."

"...We found your brother, my lady." He said.

"Where?" She asked as she held his hands. "Please tell me he's awake now." She suddenly turned to cough.

"Calm down, my lady." He said and helped her lie on her back. "My men will protect him. That, I can promise you."

"I don't want to lose my only family, sir. I beg you, please save him."

"We will, my lady."

"Someone's coming, Your Majesty!" Hinon said and all of the royal guards drew their weapons.

Yza gasped. "Uncle..." She uttered then looked at the ceiling. There was a lit candle on one of the chandelier's candles.

The king followed her gaze. "He's above us!" He said.

The fire lifted itself from the candle and grew in size that melted the rest of the chandelier's candles. "Do you know that it is a great crime to help a prisoner escape?" It asked.

"Greater than attempting to kill the members of the royal family?" He asked.

"Silence!" It shouted as its flaming body flickered. "Father favored my youngest brother over me as the next king. He didn’t know my potentials and my brother don’t deserve it. As my revenge, I killed my sibling and his wife."

"W-What?" Yza uttered in shock.

"I commanded my loyal men to make it look like an accident. Untraceable poison on your mother’s favorite drink and a little tumble of the cliff for your father’s defective carriage, the perfect plan to bring me closer to the crown."

"How... How could you do this?"

"Are my intentions not clear enough? I thought I could manipulate you to rule according to my liking. But you soon became a pain in the back and therefore you need to be taken care of as well." It said and plunge itself on them.

The king threw a small bottle of clear liquid on the floor that formed into a dome-shaped barrier made of water around them before the fire could reach them. "Get him." He commanded and the barrier disappeared.

As his royal guards prepared to attack more Ignire soldiers came and surrounded them. The judge returned to his human form. "My lord, the attack on the ship failed." One of them said to him. "Many of our men were captured."

"What? You are more than twice their number and yet you are still defeated?" The judge angrily shouted at them. "Whatever, arrest them!"

The king looked at the ceiling. "Impossible." He uttered. The castle's ceiling exploded and the debris fell on them.


A shadowy horse creature galloped on the snowy path. On its back was Ul who was commanding it to move faster. "Almost there." He said when he was able to see the Phantom ship on the horizon. He looked back and saw a sleigh pulled by the creature. Inside the sleigh was the pale Reyonis lying unconscious.

Vi appeared beside him. "The cold is making his condition worse." It said.

"I know that's why I'm hurrying."

"The spell failed and it took its toll from him. We did not expect the plan to fail, little soldier. Please forgive us."

"It's my fault too. I lost to the old psychic because I let my guard down." Moments later he gasped in shock when he saw the ship in ruins. There were several Ignire soldiers on the ground tied in chains and their weapons were piled in one area. There were sailors and other crew members lying dead on the ground covered in white cloth that made him sad and angry at the same time. The rest of the crew saw him and gathered in front of him as he unmounted the horse to speak to him about the incident.

The captain came and commanded them to return to their duties. He then genuflected at him.

"There's no need for that, captain." Ul said in Phantom language and the captain stood up. "What happened while we were away?"

"We were attacked by those soldiers while the ship is being repaired." The captain answered. "As much as we tried to avoid trouble, we could not help but fight back. The ship was damaged again because of those cannons they brought with them."

Ul approached the huge, wheeled cannons gathered in another area. He looked at the ship and saw that one part of the hull was filled with large holes that the ship's interior can be seen. "How many were injured?" He asked the captain.

"Most of the crew, sir."

"...And the dead?"

"We lost thirty-seven sailors, eight maids, and thirteen other crew members." The captain said that made Ul sigh. "We are still searching for anyone trapped inside."

"I'll get help." He said. "Have the Councilor treated as well."

"We're lacking healers, sir. We’ve lost almost half of them during the fight. They were the ones that the enemies targeted first."

Ul stopped to think then approached the sleight. "I can't assure you that no more Councilor will be hurt with what I'm about to do next." He uttered while looking at Reyonis. He took a sack beside Reyonis' head and opened it. It contained three wooden doll heads.

"Sir, there are two people taken here." The captain said. "A young man and an old woman were brought here by some of the royal guards."

"They're our guest. Take care of them as well." He said as he closed the sack.

"We can't force the healers to break their limits, sir."

"Just have them do what they can to help our guests as well. I will look for anything or anyone that can help us restore the ship and bring the survivors back to health."

"As you wish." The captain said and left him.


"Sir?" The captain asked as he turned to face him.

"Prepare the spell cannons."


"They humiliated us, captain. It's time to show them that they have messed with the wrong people. We will fight back."

"Yes, sir." The captain said and returned to the ship in hurry.

Ul turned back and got surprised when the shadow horse was nowhere to be found.


"There, all patched up." Eva said after tying a knot in the bandage that wrapped the left forearm of Reyonis' copy who was sitting on the temple floor. "This is all I can do to help Councilor Gilda since she's quite busy treating the others."

"Thanks, Eva." It said then frowned. "The Flame Demon escaped again because of my incompetence."

"That demon is just too tough for us to handle so don't say such things."

"She's right!" Iggy said as it appeared between them. "Even if you didn't defeat it, you were able to weaken it thus helping me to gain some of my essence."

"Have you noticed that the ice is melting?" She asked Reyonis' copy.

Reyonis' copy looked around and saw that only a few parts of the temple are frozen. It also saw Gilda healing the other wounded Councilors. "The place is gradually warming up." It said.

"Because of your efforts, Councilors, I can somehow produce fire and bring warmth to the temple." Iggy said.


"Well… I hope you don't mind this but can you take me with you on your way out?"


"Well, you see... I'm actually expecting to be rescued by someone else. But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful to you."

"...I think you and I are thinking of the same person. I do know him but not personally."

"Really? That's great!"

"Reyonis!" Rik called out from a distance. "Come here, boy."

Reyonis' copy held Eva's wrist tightly as it stood up from the ground. "Stay here with Eva, Iggy." It whispered and approached Olaf.

"That was a bit painful." She whispered and looked at her wrist.

"How are you?" It asked upon approaching him.

"A little better." He said.

"What happened earlier, Councilor Rik? Why did you pass out?"

"There were intruders at the castle town and my minions confronted them."

"But why were you the one hurt?"

"Because they are all linked to me. If they get hurt, I will get hurt as well."

"What could the intruders want that they've hurt your subordinates?"

"I don't know, Reyonis. But I can say they failed to get what they wanted. Right now, my other minions are keeping an eye for anything suspicious around the town. I think those bastards have not gotten far."

"I see... How was Councilor Olaf burn?" It asked. Beside him was Olaf lying unconscious on a stretcher. Most of his body was burned but it was gradually recovering.

"Not so good." He said. "But he'll be fine. Gilda's healing magic saved him."

"I did not do much." Gilda said from behind while applying a paste made of crushed mixed herbs over Qizal's wound on the right arm. Qizal winced as he felt stinging pain. "Olaf's body can heal on its own. It's just surprising that its healing ability is faster than what is expected of his age."

"You're just underestimating yourself, Gilda."

Rik returned his focus on Reyonis' copy. He took him far from them that they could no longer be seen from a distance. "Grand Councilor's pissed off." He whispered. "Especially at you. You let another demon get away from your grasp again."

It did not respond. Rik noticed the disappointed look on its face because of its earlier actions.

"Don't fret. I received report from my minions that the Fire Demon is now in the castle town. However, it is still on a rampage and kept on destroying anything it sees as we speak."

"Shouldn't we be hurrying back to town?"

"Not yet." Crucis said from behind as he approached them. An annoyed look can be seen on his face. "Do you realize what trouble you've put us in? We could have gotten the Fire Key if you didn't mess with the plan!"

"Now is not the time for disciplinary actions! We have to return to town and protect the citizens."

"Of course we'll return there." Rik said.

"Without you." A man behind Reyonis' copy said and placed the sharp side of a dagger in front of its neck that surprised it. "One wrong move and you're dead."

"...So you decided to reveal your true selves now?" It uttered then glanced at the man behind it. "You want me dead, right? What's the point of threatening?"

"Don't get too excited, Clyfe." Crucis said. "He can still hurt you before you could even slash his throat."

"But you will not let it happen to me right, Father?" He said.

"Don't give your father headache, Clyfe." Rik said. "You've already lost an arm because of your recklessness."

A vine sprouted from the ground and wrapped itself around Clyfe's arm. It suddenly grew thorns that pierced his skin and he cried out in pain. Reyonis' copy used the opportunity to escape.

"Not so fast." Crucis said and a hand came out from its shadow and grabbed its right feet.

"Let go!" It said and threw a ball of fire at his face. Crucis got distracted and the shadow hand disappeared. He covered his face as he cried out in pain.

"How dare you hurt father!" Clyfe said and changed his form into a lion-like shadow beast with curled horns and red eyes. His beast legs were covered in flames and his tail was pointed and shrouded with purple smoke. He ran after Reyonis' copy and attacked it. He then put one foot on its back to prevent it from getting up.

"Get off..." It uttered as Clyfe's weight became unbearable to endure.

"What's that? I can't hear you." He said then rolled it over and put his beast foreleg on its chest. "What's this small thing I feel under your clothes?" He ripped the middle portion of its shirt using his claws and saw the green gem on its chest which was gradually turning dull. "This looks nice." He said.

"Don't touch it."

"Or you’ll do what?" He asked while teasing it on removing the gem.

"This presence..." Rik uttered as he assisted Crucis. "Clyfe, look out!"

Clyfe turned his head and saw a hoof that landed on his face. He flinched then collapsed on the ground.

"Get up, quick!" A woman on a shadow horse's back said to Reyonis' copy. It looked at her then stood up. It took the hand she offered and mounted on the horse's back. "Back to the ship." She said to the horse which turned back and galloped.

They heard a growl. Reyonis' copy turned its head back and gasped when it saw Clyfe running after them. "Come back here!" He shouted to them then leaped. He caught the horse's right hind leg and bit it.

The horse lost balance causing all of them to fall. Reyonis' copy heard the female stranger grunting and turned around to help her. One of her legs was trapped under the unconscious horse's body. "You should get back to the ship." She said as it tried to lift the horse. "Don't worry about me."

"I'm not going to leave you here. Get up, stupid horse. You're made of shadow you're not supposed to be heavy."

"Got you now." Clyfe said as he approached them.

"Stop worrying about me and run!" She said aloud. Clyfe leaped over the horse's body and bit its neck killing it. The dead horse's body crumbled and turned to dust that made a mark on the ground and on the lower part of her body. She glared at him and her eyes turned yellow.

"That stare... Could you be..." He uttered. A blow hit his back that surprised him.

"It's me you want, right?" Reyonis' copy asked and struck the wooden staff on the ground that created a glowing spell circle underneath its feet. "Come at me!"

"Stupid magician." He said as he faced it.

"Aim for the gem, Clyfe." Rik said as he approached them. He assisted Crucis who was still covering his face. "He hurt your father badly."

Clyfe attacked Reyonis' copy but was blocked the invisible barrier. It released a spell to keep him away. Damn, I'm running out of energy. It thought and looked at the gem.

Rik looked at the woman and his eyes glowed for a moment. "As for you... I order you to assist Clyfe on subduing this fake Councilor." She silently stood up and drew her sword. "Good girl."

"Don't listen to him!" It said as she faced them. She raised her sword. Its barrier shattered as it slumped on the floor. The gem completely lost its luster as Reyonis' copy was left defenseless.

She suddenly struck Clyfe's back with her sword that surprised the three. Clyfe's tail moved and hit her face very hard. “My magic did not work on her?” Rik asked in surprise.

"How dare you do this to me, sibling!" Clyfe angrily said to her.

She threw a smoke bomb on the ground that distracted him. "It's about time you arrive, Jo." Rik just said as strong wind cleared the smoke and revealed the woman and Reyonis' copy.

"You?" She said in shock when another person approached them from behind.

A grin appeared in Jo’s lips. "It's been a while... Rhoumina." He said.

57: Phantom's Reply
Phantom's Reply

Author’s Note:


I’m very sorry that it took more than a month to upload the latest chapter. I’ve been very busy at work so my time to write stories got affected. Anyway, here’s it is. I hope you enjoy the story!


Phantom's Reply


"Traitor?" Gilda asked Eva who was helping her pack her equipment. "You can't just say that without proof, dear."

"But that's what Reyonis said in his message." Eva said and showed her wrist which has green markings on it. "Don’t you find their movements strange? We can't trust them anymore."

"I would like to believe you but like I said earlier there must be a proof to support your accusation."


"What are you two ladies whispering at each other?" Sorakin asked as he approached them. "Can I offer you any help? I just noticed that you are acting strange, Eva."

"Well... It's just that..." Eva whispered. "Reyonis-"

They heard a horse's whinny from a distance. They saw a shadow horse standing with the hooded Ul on its back. "Are you lost?" Qizal asked.

Ul looked at him from head to toe. "No, I'm actually near my destination." The stranger said. "You should get away from here, Councilors."

"Hold your horses, lad. How did you know that we are the members of the Council?" He asked. "Who are you?"

"It's not important. But if there is something important that you must know it's that the prince of Ignire needs a healer to bring him back to good condition. You can find him in the Phantom battleship just east from here."

"You seem to know a lot." Sorakin said.

"I have no time to explain everything to you." Ul said then gave him a sealed rolled paper. "Give this to the ship's captain, he knows what to do." He left immediately.

"Should we head for that ship?" Yvonne asked. "I'm worried about Fierris."

"You go ahead, I'll follow him." He said and passed the paper to Qizal. "I will fetch Rik and the others."

"Alright, be sure to meet us after you find them." Gilda said.

"I'll take care of the transport." Yvonne said. "I can have my summons assist us on reaching that ship he told us."

"You're right. Edelmond needs to be treated in a better place as well."


The shadow horse galloped through the forest path. Ul followed a scent that was leading him to his destination. I'm getting close to that psychic. He thought. It suddenly stopped and lifted its forelegs as flowing water gathered in front of it. He tried to calm the horse but it was still uneasy.

"Let me come with you, boy." The voice from the water said. He immediately drew a sword to defend himself. The water lifted itself and took form of a human. "I didn't mean to frighten you and your horse." It soon changed to Sorakin's form.

"Why are you still here? You should head to the ship, sir." He said. "Every moment I waste with just puts Aurren in greater danger."

"I'm not the only one who wishes to come with you, boy" Sorakin said and Iggy appeared beside him which startled Ul.

Three glowing orbs appeared around the rider. "Iggy!" They all said in delight and rushed to Iggy.

"This red thing suddenly appeared to me on my way and told me that it should meet you." Sorakin said. "It's alright if you won't trust me, but I am also worried about the other Councilors. I need to know that they are safe."

"Neither one of them is safe, that is for sure." Ul said. "The fake Phantom psychic is just around and I'm telling you he's dangerous. I became a victim of his magic once and I can't let you become a victim as well. The cloak I’m wearing can only protect one person against any spells."

"I am not your responsibility, boy. I went here on my own and I am aware of the consequences of my decision."

"...Very well." Ul said. "Feel free to get up here, Councilor." Sorakin mounted the horse and the four orbs followed it as it ran.


Civilians were in panic as the Flame Demon and its minions attacked the town. "Why are you running away?" It asked then threw a large ball of blue fire at a house's roof which formed sharp columns of ice. "You longed for fire, right?" It began to breathe fire on nearby buildings then chuckled as it flew around.

Meanwhile at the castle, the Phantom king pushed away the debris that was above him. He groaned as he stood up then looked at the ground where he saw the empty shadow cart in ruins. "My lady!" He called out. "Where are you?"

Large, armored, shadow beasts in different areas of the room sprang from below the rubble. Underneath them were the Ignire soldiers they were able to save. The shadow bear rushed to him and nuzzled its forehead against his chest.

He put his hand on its head the stroked it. "I'm alright, Myrvana." He said. "Just a few cuts and scratches on my skin but I’m still alive." His royal guards returned to their human forms. "The queen is missing, everyone search the area for anything that might tell where she might be." He commanded.

An Ignire soldier near him groaned. "W... What just..." The soldier uttered and groaned again.

The king helped him sit down then waved his hand in front of the soldier's face. "Hey, can you see me clearly?" He asked.

"Who... Who are you? You... You look funny."

"Do you know where your queen is?"

"Queen? There is no qu-" A headache interrupted the soldier from speaking. "Queen... Argh... My head... The king... No, Ignire's ruler is female..."

"Calm down. The spell that altered your memories is gradually fading. Try to focus."

"My... My queen... I... I remember now." The soldier said. "Wait, who are you? What happened to the castle?"

"Ignire is under attack and your queen is missing. That's all you need to know."

"Your Majesty, over here!" Hinon called out. He left the dazed soldier and rushed to where his royal guards gathered. There were drops of blood leading to a corridor. "It's the queen and that fiery old man's blood."

"Let's go. The queen is at great disadvantage if she and that old man fight each other." The king said.

A pair of bird-like feet made of fire suddenly landed on his shoulders and grasped them. "Your Majesty!" Myrvana shouted in shock as he was swiftly snatched away from his royal guards.

He struggled to free himself but the view of the ground made him think twice. The humanoid bird figure that was holding him captive flew towards its master, the Flame Demon, but on its way it bumped into another winged fire creature.

The other creature scratched its face which agitated it and fought back. It loose grip on him and fell. The Flame Demon swooped down and caught him. "How rude of them to drop you." It said. "Death by falling from high places doesn't fit for a Phantom royalty." It threw him in a collapsing building and repeated it several times.

"It's treating the king like a fetch stick." Hinon said. "That freaking bastard!"

They rushed to save him but were stopped by a group of people. "They reek of the Demon blood." Another royal guard said and drew out his weapon. He looked around and saw fire beasts watching like predators. "This is just messed up!"

The king hit another wall and collapsed. "Tired already?" The Flame Demon asked upon arriving then stepped on his head. "You disappoint me." Instead of responding, he took out a dagger hidden under his arm guard and slashed its thigh.

He quickly got up and returned the dagger then took out his twin swords. "Come, I'll show you that I'm not a disappointment." He said.


"Why are you here protecting the fake Aurren?" Rik asked the woman who was in front of Reyonis' copy. “We both know that Reyonis is in the ship.”

"...You've hurt Reyonis." She said. "That is something I cannot ignore."

"You have guts to say that after you abandoned him." He said that surprised her. "On a heavy snow, you broke the heart of the man who was already played and damaged by that deceitful Black Witch. That memory... It's been days since it happened yet it was still fresh in your mind."

She fell silent.

"You haven't answered his question, my child." Crucis said as he raised his face that surprised Reyonis' copy. His face was Zal's. "Why are you here?"

"It's none of your concern. He'll return to the ship alive with or without me."

"I'm afraid that's no longer possible." Jo said. "Just take a look at him." She looked back and gasped when she saw several body parts of Reyonis' copy disappearing and reappearing. "He's not going to make it back."

Clyfe suddenly scratched her in the back that made her cry out in pain. "You've been exposed to bad elements." He said. "We'll take you back home so that you can forget those bad memories."

"You're my bad memories!" She said as she turned around and slashed his chest. Her body turned to water and merged with the snow.

A large snow beast with glowing yellow eyes was formed which attacked Rik and Zal. Its sharp ice teeth tore a portion of Zal's clothes as they evaded its attack. I can't control her. Rik thought. Does she have something in possession that can nullify psychic magic? This is not good. Zal has not recovered most of his strength. We have to rely on Jo and Clyffe.

Clyffe bit the snow beast's right hind leg which broke and turned into a pile of snow. Warm wind directly blew at it and melted its body. It faced Jo and ran towards him while its body turned to water quickly. Its water body took shape of the woman's form and swiped its arm that hit his right cheek and made a cut.

He chuckled then looked at it "I missed this pain, Rhoumina." He said and it wounded him again on the other parts of his body. He suddenly put one hand on its stomach then released compressed air that split its body. "But you know what I missed the most?" He asked after it collapsed then merged to return to its human form. "Dominating you."

Reyonis' knight summon suddenly appeared behind Jo and stabbed him. It carried her and brought her to Reyonis' copy. "Thank you." Reyonis' copy said and took her before the summon disappeared. Reyonis' copy released a spell that created a thick fog then ran.

"Get them!" Rik commanded Clyfe who immediately ran after them. "Can you fight now, Zal?"

"Just a little more time." Zal said. "I underestimated that flaming demon. There are still parts of my body turned to ice and the reversal of the effect is very slow."

"Alright, where are you?" Clyfe said. He kept on searching through the fog until he saw a figure. He immediately rushed and attacked.

"Did you get them?" Jo asked as he stood up.

"No." Someone in the fog said as a dragging sound got louder.

In Jo's view there was a human silhouette approaching him. "Clyfe? Are you going to come back empty-handed again?" He asked.

"I'm afraid the man who single-handed fought me can't answer you as of this moment." Ul said as he exited the fog. He had dragged Clyfe's beaten and unconscious human body by the hair. "This one here was very confident that a fake Phantom like him could beat a true Phantom easily." He dropped Clyfe then tossed a sack where a wooden doll head rolled outside. "I got all the information that I need thanks to those heads. I now know each person responsible for the killings of my fellow men."

"You said you destroyed them!" Zal said angrily to Rik.

"I... I thought-" Rik uttered.

"The king removed the heads before they could get burned by the activated fire spell embedded in the dolls' chest." Ul said.

"That royal brat?" Jo asked.

The fog disappeared and revealed Sorakin . "Who are these people, Rik?" He asked. "Where is Reyonis?"

"They ran in different direction." Ul said. "Aurren's plant double is away from here and on its way to the ship."

"Plant what? I don't understand what you are saying, boy."

"Sorakin, I'm ordering you to subdue that boy." Zal said.

Who is this person commanding me? Sorakin thought.

"Do what Zal says." Rik said as his eyes glowed. Sorakin's eyes glowed as he fell under his control. Sorakin lifted a hand and a spell circle appeared which aimed at Ul's back.

"Such dirty trick." Ul uttered without looking behind him. Black chains sprouted from his shadow and rushed towards Sorakin. Some wrapped around Sorakin's raised arm then pulled it down. The remaining chains wrapped the rest of Sorakin's limbs. The weight of the chains became unbearable to Sorakin that he soon crouched.

"Not hesitating to attack an ally, huh?" Zal asked. "You Phantoms can be heartless sometimes."

Ul drew his sword to attack. He felt his feet went cold and look down to observe them; they were wrapped in ice created by Sorakin. He inhaled deeply then shouted loud enough to shatter the ice that trapped him.

"You damn brat..." Jo said as he stood up. "You've made my ears hurt! Do you even know that it doesn't even affect us?" He looked at Sorakin who seemed to have lost energy by the effect of Ul's shout. Of course, Sorakin is not blessed with the blood of immortality. He thought. What a shame.

Ul smirked and the cloud suddenly turned dark red. Several round lights appeared around Ignire's night sky. They fell down like meteors which released a spell that absorbs both physical and magical energies around the craters upon impact. The stolen energies were transferred to Ul who was gradually shrouded by black smoke.


Meanwhile, Reyonis' copy collapsed on the ground. "Reyonis!" The woman said in shock upon seeing it fall then ran back to it. She collapsed when she suddenly lost her strength. "What are these glowing things falling from the sky?"

"My legs can't carry me much longer." It said. "I'm already feeling weak, Rhoumina."

"Me too."

"It's the end for me."

"W-Wait, you don't have to say that."

Its body became translucent again. "I will never make it back to the ship. I'll wither here."

"Y-You can't! How will the real Reyonis wake up if you disappear?" She asked.

"I'm... Sorry..." It uttered and gradually turned into glowing dusts leaving behind a small, green gem on the ground.

She sadly took the gem and slowly stood up. She heavily walked her way back to the ship.


The fire that destroyed the Ignire towns gradually died. Spells and magical items lost their power as each falling light from the red clouds touched a surface. Living creatures were not spared as their physical and magical energies were snatched from them.

"W-What did you just do?" The Flame Demon asked the Phantom king as its knees became weak and was unable to flap its wings. "Why is my strength diminishing?"

The king stood up as several pieces of his armor fell. His mask was shattered which revealed an eye and a portion of his hair. "I didn't do anything." He said. "But my ship's captain did something. All he needed was a signal. This downpour of energy-stealing spells is our reply to Ignire's bad guest treatment."

"You damn cheater." It said as he picked up his broken sword. Its body soon lost its flames.

"Damn, this sword is no good." He said while he examined his weapon. "My twin swords took a beating in battling you." He tossed it away and approached the demon then crouched in front of it. "I'm supposed to be chasing the queen but you ruined my task and that just makes me very angry."

It just chuckled. "I'm immortal unlike those copycats that drink the blood of demons and Phantoms." It said.

"I'm not stupid. I know what you are the product of the Ignire people unwittingly sacrificed from the past. Their anger is the reason why you exist." He said and his body was covered with black smoke. The size of his body grew and a pair of pointed horns grew from the sides of his forehead. A large, long tail grew out from his lower back as his feet and hands became extended and pointed. A pair of big, red, round lights appeared to replace his eyes.

The flame demon gathered its remaining strength to release a ball of fire from its mouth. The ball hit the king's face directly and exploded. "Stupid king." It said. He suddenly thrusted one arm on the demon's chest that it passed through. On his hand was a ruby ornament shaped like burning flame. His head drew close on the side of its head as the fire died. His head was unscathed.  "H-How c-cruel..." It uttered in shock.

"This encounter... It was a blast." He whispered and pulled out his hand from it. He watched it collapsed on the ground.

"Y-you c-cold-blooded king..." It said and turned to ashes. Its minions gradually turned to ashes as well

He stood up and looked around, everything was ruined. A small number of horned, humanoid shadow beings came and approached him. Some of them had wings while some have bony coverings which served as armor. They all genuflected at him. "We have defeated several hostile Demon Blood carriers while we searched for you, Your Majesty." One of them said.

"We'll find more of them on the way. Our priority for now is to find the queen and that old man." He said. "Everyone, move out." All of them left the place.


"Give up." Ul said to Clyfe who defended Zal and the others against him. "You will die if you keep on attacking me. Run and leave them for good." His body has transformed as well, it was large and shrouded in shadow with white streaks around it. Pair of horns appeared on the sides of his forehead and his eyes were round golden lights. His hands and feet were have long, sharp claws and his lower back has a large, long tail similar to the Phantom king’s.

"Shut up! Anyone who dares to hurt my father and his brothers are my enemies." Clyfe shouted angrily. "I don't care if I lose all my limbs. I'll protect them with my life and I will make you pay for killing Girana and my other siblings!"

Ul thought what Clyfe meant then he realized that he was mistaken for Tieme who was responsible for Girana’s death. "Fake me always put me in danger." He just whispered.

As they fought, Zal and the others silently left the place. "What about Sorakin?" Rik asked. "I have to modify his memories."

"It's dangerous now, Gibran." Jo said. "That brat just stole our strength. He'll easily rip us apart like tearing a piece of paper. Let that useless Clyfe make the sacrifice, he can always be replaced by a better test subject."

"You're right."

They kept on walking until they reached a familiar path. Jo took a step but got electrified by an invisible wall. "Who could still create a barrier at this kind situation?" He asked.

"Where do you think you're going?" A woman's voice asked.

"This witch again?" Zal said then looked at the treetops. "If you are not going to help us, you might as well leave us alone!"

"How dare you tell me what to do?" She asked and the ground within the invisible barrier moved like waves. The trees were uprooted and most of them fell.

Ul noticed a tree that was about to fall on Sorakin that he rushed to rescue him. He used his own body to protect Sorakin. "Thank you, boy." Sorakin said as the tree corroded on Ul's back. "I can't use any spells to help you."

"Stay alive, that is more than enough for me." Ul said. "Damn it, how can someone still cast magic while the spell cannons are active?" More trees fell on them but they did not last long upon contact on Ul. However, he could not stay still properly because of the ground's movement. "When will this stop?"

Clyfe put his sword on his palm and wounded himself. He let the blood covered the blade and silently approached Ul. My blood will definitely kill you, Phantom. He thought.

"Oh no, you don't." The woman's voice said and the ground move violently causing Clyfe to lose balance.

Clyfe's sword fell on his hand. "My sword!" He said shock as the ground opened like a mouth and swallowed his weapon then closed. Clustered roots shaped like a hand sprang from the ground and grabbed one of his ankles. "Let go of me!" He shouted as he stomped it. It pulled him deeper on the ground.

Ul rushed to help Clyfe, he ripped the hand from the ground. He suddenly put his palm on Clyfe's left chest. "You are now my prisoner." Ul said and removed his hand from him then stepped back. A cage was formed from Clyfe's shadow and trapped him inside.

"You asshole, let me out of here!" Clyfe shouted as the shadow cage solidified without any presence of door.

Ul lifted his hand and a red, half-bodied shadow demon appeared behind his cage from the ground. It has a very large body that consumed half of the barrier's area. It has pointed, brown horns and yellow fangs that can pierce anything easily with a nudge. Its eyes sockets were filled with void that served as its eyes and its white, flowing hair floated in tufts. "If you don't keep your mouth shut, my trusty pulverizer here will make sure that you won't live to see the next sunrise." He said. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go." He turned around and a wing-shaped light appeared above his upper back then flew away.

On the air, Ul noticed that the number of falling lights were dwindling which signified the ending of the spell cannons' magic. He looked down and saw four lights where three of them are faint and the other one was shining. He descended and the lights were gradually taking the shape of humans. Upon reaching the ground, he saw Zal and the others and Eliza who was sitting on a large, smooth rock with floating three straw dolls hovering in front of her. "You finally came, Tieme." She said to Ul then smiled.

58: Rebound

Author’s Note:


I’m very sorry that it took months to upload the latest chapter. I’ve been very busy at work so my time to write stories got affected. Anyway, here’s it is. I hope you enjoy the story!




The remaining Councilors slowly walked as they left the forest. "How long will these falling things last?" Qizal asked. "I can't carry Edelmond on my back for long."

"I'm sorry I can't be of much help." Yvonne said. "I don't have much strength to keep even one summon with me."

"I think I see the ship!" Luna said and pointed at distance. "Over there, do you see it? Those sail-like things?"

"Yes." Eva said. "I just hope that whoever is there is a not going to harm us."

"Wait, do you hear that?" Qizal asked. "Someone's coming from behind." They looked back and saw the wounded Rhoumina still in her disguise. She suddenly collapsed.

"Oh my goodness!" Gilda said in shock and approached her. "Stay awake, dear." The rest of the female Councilors gathered around her.

"Reyonis..." She uttered and fainted.

"These wounds are deep... She might die of blood loss!" Yvonne said. "Councilor Gilda, where is your medicine kit? How could she still drag herself in this condition?"

While the others were treating Rhoumina, Qizal heard footsteps approaching them from the ship's direction. Two Phantoms in their humanoid, shadow beast forms were approaching. The sound from their armored feet hitting the ground made him gulp.

One of the Phantoms stepped forward and sniffed in the air. He looked at the other one and nodded. A spear suddenly appeared between the other Phantom's hands and aimed it at Qizal.

"Wait, we're not here for trouble!" He said as the Phantom in front of him made a poleax appear then aimed it at him.

Neither of them listened to his words and threatened the Councilors with their weapons. "The scroll!" Luna said aloud. "Give them the scroll, Councilor Qizal!"

Ah, right. He thought and searched in his bag but one of the Phantoms shouted at him in his language. He lifted one hand in attempt to coax the two while his other hand searched for the scroll inside his bag. "We have injured people here and fighting will not help them." He said. "Please, calm down." He soon felt the scroll's seal and immediately pulled it out to show them.

The poleax-wielding Phantom looked at the other as if requesting permission. The other one nodded and he immediately took the scroll from Qizal.

"Please, there are people in danger here." Eva said as the other Phantom observed the scroll but did not open it. Moments later, the weapons disappeared and the two Phantoms' hostility seemed to have diminished.

"What will happen now?" Luna asked. Suddenly, one of them blew a trumpet-like instrument. "Hey, what are you doing?" The sound of many approaching footsteps was heard.

"Are they going to call the rest of the troop?" Yvonne asked.

"No, it's a distress call." Gilda said. "For many years of saving people's lives, I know most of the signals used to show signs of life." A group of Phantoms arrived at their location. Some of them were carrying stretchers and medical supplies. Some of them gathered around Edelmond and Rhoumina then carefully placed them on the stretchers.

"Follow us." One of them said to the Councilors before taking the stretchers away.

"We don't have much of a choice but to do what is told to us." Qizal said to the ithers. "Don't worry. I can still wield my sword here even if I can't use magic right now."


"Have you made your decision, Tieme?" Eliza asked. "Which of these three fake Phantoms should stay here?" Three straw dolls were now hovering in front of Ul. Each of them looked similar to the three Councilors near her. "You can also choose none but not all."

"What are you doing, witch?" Zal asked. "We have to leave this place!"

She glared at them. A rock spike suddenly sprang from Zal's left leg that made him cry out in pain. "Speak again and the next one will appear from your throat." She said then looked at Ul. "So, which one will be your plaything?"

"I prefer not to be called by that name." Ul said. "I want the psychic to stay."

"Him?" She asked as the straw doll representing Rik went higher. "Why not the mastermind?" The straw doll that looked like Zal spun for a moment then stopped. "Or the one responsible for turning the young Alterraz into one of them?" She asked and the remaining straw doll spun.

"I already made my decision and my reason is not necessary. Now, hand over the psychic."

"Are you going to betray us, Black Witch?" Rik asked.

Eliza did not respond however she lifted one hand. An invisible force lifted Rik by his neck and choked him. "Even if I made a contract with you it doesn't necessarily mean that I have commitment to any of you." She uttered. "I will never forgive all of you for killing Lutifar and our child. Don’t ever forget that." She moved her hand forward and Rik was thrown in front of Ul's feet.

The effect of the spell cannon soon disappeared and Ul gradually returned to his human form but he did not seem to be worried. The Councilors felt their magical energy recovering. "Fools." Jo said and a spell circle appeared underneath his feet. "You wasted your time on talking to each other. You should have used it as an opportunity to-" Rik suddenly cried in pain when fire engulfed his body after Ul placed one hand over his head. "You little bas-"

A portal suddenly appeared behind him and Zal that drew them in. Ul got surprised that he removed his hand from Rik which caused the fire to disappear "My, such noisy old people." Eliza said. "Since you're too busy roasting that man to crisp I will take my leave.

"Eliza, they've hurt us in the past. Why are you still helping them? Was it because of the present Councilor Aurren?"

"I already made my decision and my reason is not necessary." She said.

"...Throwing my words back at me as well, huh?"

She faced the portal. "Do me a favor, Ultima." She said. "Make sure that the psychic will regret the day he decided to make us suffer." She entered the portal which then disappeared.

Ul looked at Rik, he was unconscious and without any sign of burns. "You almost dried his blood." Iggy said as it appeared beside him.

"I still have to learn how to control this new power you gave me."

"We should go. There's no point staying here."



"Oh my goodness!" Gilda said in surprise upon seeing the unconscious Fierris on the infirmary's bed inside the Phantom ship. "How long has he been like this?" Some of the Phantoms around her whispered to each other, none of them were able to know the words that came out from her mouth. "Can't you understand what I'm saying? Anyone here who can speak the mainland's language?"

"It seems that ordinary citizens of Phantom have no privilege to learn foreign languages." Luna said.

"Oh!" Yvonne said in surprise. They looked at her and saw her summon, Chimney, crawling on her palm then went on her head.

Soon, they felt their magical energy returning. Gilda removed her gloves then placed one hand on Fierris' forehead and began casting. This will take a while, dear. She thought.

Meanwhile at Reyonis' room. "So Reyonis can't fight as well." Qizal said while watching a maid replacing the bandages wrapped on the unconscious Reyonis' wounds. He looked at Sorakin who was sitting on a chair. "Hey Sorakin, you've been silent there. Is something bothering you?"

Sorakin did not respond.

"What happened back there? Where are the others?"

"...I don't know."

"Fine, if you don't want to talk I'll go ask that kid we've met earlier." He said and left the room.

Sorakin stood up and approached Reyonis. "The young soldier already warned me but I was too stubborn." He said. "In the end, I was controlled by Rik and was saved by those falling lights that nullified his magic. You almost got killed twice by those people yet I still blamed you for my daughter's disappearance." He turned around and left.

The maid put aside the medicine kit. "They tried to harm you again, honey?" She said. "Those old bastards." She put her hand over Reyonis' forehead then read his memories. She gasped then let go of him. "That psychic!" She said then placed her hand on his right cheek. "He'll suffer for this, I promise you." She then kissed his lips.

Along the corridor, a female cook screamed after opening the broom closet. The others including Sorakin and Qizal heard it and rushed to her location. Inside the closet was a lifeless maid leaning against a wall.

"This girl... Isn't she the one in..." Qizal uttered. Sorakin immediately headed back to Reyonis' room. "Sorakin, wait!"

Sorakin opened the door. He saw no one but Reyonis. "Tricked again." He uttered and approached Reyonis.

"Where's the girl?" Qizal asked upon arriving.



"Call Gilda. I want her to check if Reyonis is under any sort of spells."

"You think so?"

"Just do it!" He shouted.

"Alright, alright." Qizal said and left.


The Phantom king and his royal guards kept on walking along the ruined Ignire castle. Several Demon Blood carriers tried to attack them by surprise but ended up dead the hands of his royal guards.

Suddenly, one of them crouched and coughed up blood. He was poisoned by the blood of the enemies they fought along the way. He then collapsed.

The king hurried to him with a small bottle made of glass he took out from his belt pouch. The bottle contained clear, blue liquid that emitted a faint glow. He gave it to his weakened royal guard but was rejected.

"You need it more than I do, Your Majesty." The soldier said.

"Do I look like I need one?" The king asked. "Quit complaining and drink this."

"I can't take it."

A beam of light suddenly landed on the ground several feet behind them. The light disappeared after a few moments. "I told you we can land you safely, little soldier." A voice said. "Oh."

The king and the royal guards looked at source of the voice. There was a hole with four glowing orbs floating over it. There was a coughing sound from within it.

The king approached it. "Hey there." Vi said to him.

"Careful, you might fall." Aqua said. "The hole's very deep, about twice as Ul's height."

He looked down and saw Ul coughing while standing up. He was covered in dirt and around him was a bulky bag with protruding bottles at the opening. "He got some supplies for you." Ven said.

"Thanks." He said. "We really need some since we're running out of medicines." He crouched and extended one hand to Ul. "Hand me the medicines." He said. "Coron is poisoned and he needed medicine badly."

Ul removed the bag from his body. An explosion from a distance shook the ground that almost made them fall.

"We must hurry." He said.


"Can you please be a dear and just die?" The judge asked. His clothes were burned and full of holes caused by the exchange of fire spells between him and the queen. "Hiding behind ruins will not help you either."

Meanwhile, the queen was hiding behind a large pillar. She was holding her left arm which has a very deep cut and was bleeding. Not enough. She thought. I can't heal myself and fight at the same time with my current level of magical energy. A small ball of fire appeared above her then grew in size. She looked up and gasped.

"Found you." He said while looking at the ball of fire from a distance. He swiped his hand and it fell on the ground causing explosion. "You shouldn't have challenged me for the crown, Yza."

The fire and smoke suddenly split forming a path. In the middle was the queen wearing different clothes that surprised him. Her body was covered by gold and red armor. On her back was a red cape that reached her heels. Her hair was braided and her head was protected by golden helm shaped similarly to a dragon's head.

"That armor does not even emphasize the shape of your body." He said.

"It’s irrelevant." She said. "This royal armor is the proof that I am the true ruler of Ignire." She suddenly winced as she held her wounded arm.

"You're wrong." He said. "If you were the true ruler your armor should have healed you. Your status as prisoner did not change, your energy level is still restricted to a tenth of what you usually have."

"I don't care what happens to me. You must be punished for your crimes against Ignire." A small ball of fire appeared above her right wrist. It swirled around her hand and her golden, jeweled staff gradually appeared in her hand.

A group of large, armored shadow beasts landed on different surfaces of the ruined buildings around them. "What now?" The judge uttered.

She glanced at her left and saw a black, dragon-like shadow beast with blue eyes looking at her as if waiting for her response. "You are Phantom's king, aren't you?" She asked. "This is a civil strife. It should never have affected you and your subjects in the first place. Please, let us decide the fate of our kingdom."

After a few moments, it nodded. "Acknowledged." It said. "We shall be the witnesses of this match." The shadow beasts took several steps back but still kept watch.

She returned her attention at her uncle. She suddenly gasped when she saw him very close and ready to strike her with his cane. She immediately defended herself with the staff. "You get startled easily." The judge said and tried to hit her wounded shoulder but was blocked again.

He chuckled then kept on attacking. A few moments later and her staff started to deform. She immediately let go of it and it liquefied as it reached the ground. She released a spell that split the ground and released a thick cloud of hot dust between them.

"You damn she-dog!" He shouted after his eyes got irritated by her attack. He unconsciously dropped his cane which she burned upon the release of another spell.

A spell circle beneath them as she began casting a spell to restrict the judge's movements.

"You will not do as you please." He suddenly said and picked up the remains of his cane, a blade made of metal that cannot be destroyed easily by fire. He rushed to her in attempt to stab her.

Her body turned to fire as she stepped back. Her body was carried by the wind to help her evade his attack. Several moments later her body returned to normal.

"You can't stay in that form for long, I see." He said

She did not respond. Another spell circle appeared underneath her feet and she began casting another spell.

"Let me show you how to become one with fire properly." He said and his body gradually became covered with fire until it became fire itself. He extended his arm and slapped her without leaving his place. Her spell was immediately broken and she winced. "It was just a slap but it seems that it inflicted so much pain. You must be trying to cast a cursing spell on me to use your own body to pay the penalty of not casting it properly." He said as his arm retracted to its original length.

"I don't want any more bloodshed." She said and casted another spell.

"You never learn." He said and rushed to attack her.

A thick wall of liquid gold suddenly sprang up in front of her from the ground. He was caught before he could reach her face. The fire died and his human body remained.

Where did this gold came from? He thought as he held his breath while the liquid enveloped his whole arm and kept on spreading. He pulled himself out but the portion where his arm was stuck immediately solidified.

She lifted one arm and more parts of his body were trapped in solid gold. "The gold will not cover you completely, uncle." She said. "Instead, it will only keep you away from me." She casted another spell.

He felt that he was losing magical energy. It caused him to panic that he tried to transform himself into fire but a pile of sand fell on him leaving his head the only visible part of his body.

"It's over, uncle." She said. "I've placed a cursed on the sand to prevent you from casting any spells."

"Unacceptable... The crown only belongs to me. I will not give it to anyone else!" He said then bit his lower lip hard that it began to bleed. "Here my plea, Great Demon Yumil In exchange of my body and soul, give me the power to destroy anyone who opposes me!"

"Granted." A rumbling voice said then chuckled. "Entertain me, human."

The judge suddenly felt his body burn from within that he cried out in pain. His body grew and turned to fire that instantly melted the sand and the gold that contained him. Horns grew from his forehead and bat-like wings grew from his back. A snake-headed tail appeared which looked at her and hissed. His wings began to flap that caused his body to hover. "Ah... Perfect." He said then looked at her. "This is what a true ruler of Ignire should look like in the eyes of the enemies, a menacing entity."

A spell circle appeared underneath her feet and several hands made of molten rocks grabbed her feet. Some pulled the fabric of her armor and her long hair. "Let me go!" She said but they only yanked.

He chuckled then lifted a finger. A small spell circled appeared and released a small ball of light. It quickly moved and pierced her left arm near her wound. She suddenly cried out in pain and crouched. Blood seeped from the hole and from her gauntlet.

I tried my best but it's too late. She thought. She forced herself to stand.

"Still want to fight?" He asked and began focusing his power to change his body into a more grotesque form.

Meanwhile, "You're Majesty, she's losing." Myrvana said to the Phantom king. "Shouldn't we help her?"

"We can't." The king said to her. "I already gave my word to the queen. We can't interfere with their fight."

Yza's limbs were pulled until she was lying on her back spread-eagled. Each squirm she made caused the hands to tighten their grip. "Such vulnerable state." The judge said. "Shall I end this quickly or do you prefer a slow and painful method?"

"Not in your hands." She said. The area covered by the spell circle and her body suddenly became engulfed in flames. It changde into different colors as it burned wildly.

A beam of light coming from the middle of the suddenly pierced his left chest area and it was soon followed by a series of beams that hit different part of his body. The shocked judge plummeted on the ground breathing heavily.

The fire soon disappeared revealing the queen standing with a golden bow at hand. The armor was repaired and there was no trace of blood. The fabrics of her armor and her cape had turned fire without affecting her. Her helm was replaced by a jeweled gold crown. Her left arm was completely healed.

"H-How did... How did I lose?" He asked.

"You left with no choice, uncle." She said. "I held back all the time because I thought I can persuade you. I may look frail to your eyes but I am actually stronger than you even with the restrictions applied to me. This match is over and I won."

"Unacceptable..." He uttered and his eyes rolled back.

She lowered her head for a moment then turned around and walked away. Her vision became a blur when a strong force snatched her away to her left. It was soon followed by a bright light and explosions that made her shut her eyes.

"That was a close one, Ignire queen." A voice said.

She opened her eyes and saw the Phantom king in his human form. She realized that she was on his arms. She looked behind him and saw a hollow at where she was previously. She saw his transformed royal guards were running towards the judge's location but were only thrown back. She looked up and saw the judge standing crookedly.

"He's no longer the same person you fought." He said as he put her back to her feet. "He's now being used by Yumil like a puppet."

"Was it because he made a deal with..." She uttered.

He nodded then turned back. Silhouettes of six wide swords with length of an average human sprang from his shadow and hovered around them. A silhouette of a two-handed sword appeared between his hands and the weapons soon materialized. "You should leave." He said. "You've been in trouble long enough."

A gold sword appeared on her right hand. "It's my duty to protect this kingdom." She said. "Ignire fell into chaos because of Yumil. I will fight my uncle again if that is necessary."

The judge suddenly grinned.

59: Ashes

Author’s Note:


It’s been a very long time since my last upload, I’m very sorry :(

Many sad and frustrating things happened in my work and in my private life but I’m doing something about them so that I’ll be able to stand on my own feet again. Anyway, here is my latest chapter. Enjoy!




"There, there. It's okay, just take it easy." Luna said after she and the other Councilors heard Reyonis groan.

Reyonis slowly opened his eyes and looked at his fellow Councilors.

"We thought you will not make it." Qizal said. "You were very pale when you were brought back here and the cold weather just made it worse."

"Where... Where are the others?" Reyonis asked.

There was silence in Reyonis' destroyed room. Moments later, Olaf decided to break it. "Edelmond and Fierris are fine now, thanks to Gilda's efforts." He said. "However... It took a toll on her."

"What?" Reyonis asked in surprised and quickly got up.

"Her mastery on healing magic was greatly needed by the surviving crew members." Sorakin said. "She's been running back and forth just to attend to everyone's need. Her old age got in the way and she collapsed from exhaustion."

"Please... Please tell me she's going to be alright." Reyonis said.

"Gilda is fine now. She is just resting in the infirmary. As for Rik and Crucis... They are yet to be found."

"What happened to them?"

"I don't know. All of us lost strength for quite some time and the last time I saw them was during an earthquake casted by that woman."


"I'm pretty sure you know who I'm referring to."


They heard several knocks then the door opened, it was Fierris with a bandage wrapped around his head. He seemed troubled.

"Hey..." Fierris said.

"You shouldn't be walking around just yet, Fierris." Eva said.

"I'm fine. I'm worried for the queen. I haven’t anything about her."

"We haven't seen her since we arrived." Olaf said. "But if my memory serves right, it was you who have her imprisoned."

"Me?" Fierris asked in disbelief. "I... I did that? I dethroned my own sister?"

"You've told us that she tried to hurt you. Can't you remember anything at all? Right now, you are officially the king of Ignire."

"I... I can't remember." he said then touched his head wound. "All I know is that I got hit, that's all."

Reyonis got up. "I need to go." He said. "I think I've slept long enough."

"Aren't you going to wait for Gilda to check if you're really fine?" Qizal asked.

"Let him go." Sorakin said. "He still has an unfinished business."

"Thank you." Reyonis said and headed for the door.

"I'm coming with you." Fierris said.

"You can't, Fierris!" Olaf suddenly said. "…You are not in good shape yet."

"I don't care." He whispered.

"Let him assist me, Councilor Olaf." Reyonis said. "Fierris is just worried for his sister."

Olaf sighed. "You two seem to have already made up your minds." He said. "But if you ever need help, don't hesitate to use your dispatchers."

"Will do." He said and left together with Fierris.


Meanwhile, "My lord... Your... Your weapons!" Yza said between breaths when she noticed the Phantom king's weapon were near breaking.

Their armors were already worn out and they were already exhausted. There were only able to last long with Yza's healing magic and her spells that negated most of the judge's attack.

"...It's fine" the king said. "I still have other weapons in my arsenal." He then glanced at Hinon who immediately ran towards the enemy.

"Fool." The judge said and his snake tail extended its length. It lunged at him.

Another royal guard rushed from the side and hacked the head with his battle-ax. Hinon hopped over them and kept running.

"Not a chance!" the judge said and surrounded his self with hot air filled with dust. Hinon stopped on his tracks and tried to shield his eyes from the dust. Later on he crouched, "Giving up?"

Hinon just smiled as a figure holding a glowing blue object within the dust-filled air appeared above him. The figure became clear to the judge's view; it was Myrvana jumping from Hinon's back.

She stabbed him in the forehead with her glowing sword. She immediately let and stepped back.

"Good, he's stunned." the king said. "You should finish this, my lady."

"Ah, right." Yza uttered and her weapon changed from sword to a bow within a swirling flames. She aimed it at the judge's chest and pulled the bowstring.

"Wait!" He suddenly said and handed her a small flask. "Use this. It's water that is blessed by Aquerra himself."

"Thank you." She said and poured it over her weapon. He immediately went after his royal guards who were attempting to immobilize the judge completely by cutting of his wings and wounding his limbs. However, he already knew their plan. Rocks that were strong enough to chip metal began forming around his joints. In addition, the air around him became scorched and caused their armors to heat up and burn their skin.

The king stopped the moment he felt the intense heat within his armor.

A beam of light hit the judge's right shoulder, breaking its protective covering. It created cool breeze around its trail. More beams hit the rocks around the judge's body. "Go, my lord." Yza said and pulled the bowstring, a blue light forming a shape of an arrow appeared on in the bow. "I'll do my best to keep him from hurting you and your soldiers". She aimed her bow at the sky and released the arrow. A spell circle appeared in the sky that healed the wounds of the king and his soldiers. Her weapon disappeared and she began breathing heavily.

They resumed their attacks. By the king's commands, the royal guards successfully cut off the judge's right arm. Unbeknownst to them, the queen had already collapsed as her body was overcome by fatigue.

The judge suddenly chuckled and spread his wings then flew above them leaving hotter air around them. He pulled out the sword in his forehead then tossed it away. "Your attacks truly hurt." he said. "However, you Phantoms cannot do much without the fire queen's assistance." They were surprised to see her unconscious. He then flew towards the Yza and landed beside her. The king immediately changed form into a shadow beast while running towards her.

"It's too bad that she has reached her limit." He said then looked at the approaching king who was in his small form. The king rushed between them and snarled. "Your wounds may have healed but you are at your limit as well." He added then kicked him. The king yelped as his body went above Yza then rolled away from her.

Myrvana immediately rushed to attack him. But a punch to her stomach sent her flying. Her back hit a ruined building's foundation. Blood came out from the sides of her mouth as she fell unconscious on the ground.

The king forced himself to stand to help Myrvana but his feet were trembling. He then slumped from where he stood. He heard cries of pain. He turned his head and saw his remaining royal guards on their hands and feet as smoke came out from their heating armors.

"Your subjects and the queen are now incapacitated. You are the only one left."

He opened his mouth and a ball of shadow was formed in front of him.

"Pathetic move." The judge said and flicked the king's released attack back to him.

The king rolled on the ground until the judge stomped on his back. "Still trying to fight even in that tiny form?" He asked. An unseen force lifted the king until he was hovering in front of him. "Have you forgotten about the curse placed on you?"

The king winced when he his body being coiled tightly causing pain around his stomach. Soon, the pain became unbearable that he began crying out while trashing his body.

"Hmm... You are making this harder for yourself." A sound of steam caught his attention. He looked down and saw a dagger piercing his left foot. It was being held by Yza.

"Stop... Please, just stop." She uttered. "My kingdom is already in shambles."

He smiled. All of a sudden, the invisible force raised her by her hair until the tips of her boots barely touch the ground. "At first, I thought you are just going to hide and cry in shame for losing your right to the throne." He said. "You humans never cease to amaze me. To witness that you'll be able stand on your feet again and reclaim what was taken from you is entertaining enough." With a snap of his fingers, the king fell flat on the ground and the royal guard's armors cooled down. "Now that you got my attention, face the consequences." He placed his remaining hand on her head.

She began screaming as she felt pain while he is draining her strength. His severed arm gradually generated.

"Your frail form hides the fact that your body holds immense amount of magical energy."

A white beam of light pierced his arm. He gasped when his arm quickly turned to ice. Her hair slipped between his fingers. She fell on her back but a quick-moving body of fire snatched her away.

He prepared to chase them but he was hit at the base of his wings.

"Don't. Even. Dare." A voice said.

He turned back and saw Reyonis with Aaliyah. She was holding a bow with an arrow made of ice aiming at him.

"Sis, sis!" Fierris, in his flaming form, said while shaking Yza in his arms. "Stay with me, please!"

There was no response from her.

He stopped and landed on the ground. He laid her on the ground and placed his ear on her chest. He gasped. "No..." He uttered and looked at Reyonis. "Reyonis, I need your summon's help!" He shouted. "Her heart's not beating!"

"Master..." Aaliyah uttered. "The girl over there needs my help. But I won't be able to fight alongside you if I go to her."

"...Go." Reyonis said. "I can take it from here. Carrying me and Fierris all the way here is already a big help."

"Thank you, master." She said and left.

The judge immediately chased her but he was punch in the face by Reyonis' knight summon that appeared between them. "You again?" He said.

"I know, mister. But I will not let you get near the queen again."

He chuckled. "I'm not referring to you, boy. As for the previous owner of this body, the foolish servant of justice was already perished by his greed for power. What you see now is just a toy that I can use whenever I please."

"I see..." Reyonis said and his golden staff appeared. He glared at him. "Then there's no reason to hold back."

"Really?" He asked and the unconscious king appeared in front of them. "Can you still say that again after I punish this little creature?" Suddenly, the king winced again after he was held by the ears by the invisible force.

"Knight." Reyonis uttered and his summon rushed towards the judge. The judge used the king as his shield. It did not hesitate to attack; it swung its sword above king's ears. A screaming purple smoke creature appeared for a moment then dropped him. It immediately caught him. He heard the judge chuckle. It looked up and saw the judge about to stab it with his arm which is now transformed into a sword's blade. It held the king close to its chest and a barrier appeared around it moments before the judge's attack reach them.

"What is that for?" He asked. "Have you gone coward on me?" He suddenly remembered Reyonis who was nowhere in sight. He immediately looked back but rushing flood coming from a spell circle hit him. The judge focused his power on his wings that boosted his movement upwards to escape the water. However, the knight summon was much faster than him. It was waiting for him to arrive at his destination. A spear appeared on its hand which it immediately threw but he just tilted his body to evade the attack.

The summon quickly pulled back a rope-like object wrapped around its hand that is also attached at the end of the spear. The spear returned to its hand and threw it at the judge’s wing as soon he was within its reach. The judge’s right wing was cut off that caused imbalance in his flight. He stopped approaching then knight summon.

"Thrystor! " An approaching voice shouted below him.

He looked down and saw Fierris approaching him. In Fierris’ hands was a jeweled scythe made of gold with large wavy blade. Fierris passed behind him and in a flash, the remaining wing was cut.

Fierris stopped and turned around. He saw the judge falling and in the middle of the flood was Reyonis inside a space that kept the water from reaching him. Reyonis was already in the middle of casting a spell. He wasted no time and raised his scythe; fire spiraled around it as it changed its form into a staff. A large spell circle appeared above him. Use my spell to put your plan in motion. He said to himself. Large, burning rocks came out from it and fell down on them.

The judge grinned as he felt the heat of the falling rocks. His wings regenerated and made his position upright again. He stopped the rock that was about to him directly with using one hand. He absorbed the fire and the rock turned black and disintegrated until nothing remained. He immediately flew towards Fierris. "You just helped me recover my strength, foolish prince!" He said.

Fierris’ weapon changed its form again, it became a sword which Fierris used to block the judge’s sharp nails that were about to pierce his body. "That’s not for you!" He added as he blocked more of his attacks.

Meanwhile, took out two small glass balls from his pocket. They immediately glowed and hovered in front of him. One glass ball absorbed all the fire for each rock that was approaching him while the other glass ball absorbed the rocks that have crumbled to dust when it got dangerously near him. The glass balls moved beside him where there was another glass ball that was absorbing the flood. Keep him in one place, Fierris. Reyonis said to himself. The spell is almost complete. I only have one shot at this.

"Stay put!" Fierris said and hit the judge’s stomach with his knee. "Now!"

Reyonis released his spell and a hurricane appeared from his spell circle and moved towards the judge, trapping him inside. Cuts caused by an unseen forced appeared in different parts of the judge’s body. He immediately casted another spell, the glass balls went inside the hurricane.

I see, casting the Maelstrom of the Four Elements again, huh? The judge thought when the glass balls moved in front of him. You learned from your mistake. They suddenly glowed brighter.

There was an explosion within the hurricane followed by a blinding light. The force pushed Reyonis and Fierris away from their positions. Meanwhile, Aaliyah wrapped her wings around her and Yza while the knight summon pierced its sword on the ground that created a barrier to protect itself and the unconscious royal guards behind him and the king in his small beast form that was still on his arm. It saw Reyonis being thrown to its direction; it extended its hand outside the barrier and caught Reyonis by his shirt’s collar then pulled him inside.

"My arm…" Reyonis uttered. His sleeves were torn and his lower right arm has deep cuts in them.

The spell ended several moments later and the surroundings were visible once again. A hollow ground can be seen and at the middle, the judge was still standing. Fire was already extinguished from his body leaving a very thin body that almost resembled a skeleton. His skin was now black as ash and his hair had turned completely white. He was motionless. Fierris descended on the ground as the fire that covered his body disappeared. He walked towards him. "You made my sister suffer." He said to the judge. "She respected you. We respected you!"

The judge just chuckled.

"I always looked up to you. Your wisdom fascinated me ever since I was little that's why I wanted to be like you. But I didn't know that you would do all of this." He pulled out a sword from his side. It was heavy for him to carry with just one hand. "I never wanted to use father's sword against you but you deserve this. My sister and I will get Ignire back to its feet... So long, Uncle Thrystor." He then swung the sword at the judge's neck.

A glowing line appeared around the judge’s neck. Soon his head fell off and shattered. He turned to ash and dissolved in the puddle left behind by the flood. A black orb suddenly appeared from the judge's place.

"What the-" Fierris uttered as it rushed towards him. His father’s sword glowed and created a barrier around him. It moved up in the air. His gaze followed it until it hovered beside another person. Is that Reyonis' girlfriend? He thought. He then looked at Reyonis; he was confused to see his friend's distressed face.

"Did you have fun, Master Yumil?" Eliza asked.

"Yes." The black orb answered.

"I see. The demon of the Fire Seal was destroyed by the Phantom king. It left me to do all the hard work."

It chuckled. "Let's go. I am satisfied with the results of this meticulous plan of yours." It said.

"Yes." She whispered and a portal appeared behind them. She glanced at Reyonis for a moment before entering the closing portal with the orb.


Melina's newly bought necklace began to chime. "Reyonis!" She happily said to it.

"Hey, Melina." Reyonis' voice from the necklace said. "Do you like the Dispatcher I bought for you?"

"Yeah. I was really surprised when I saw the box on the bedside table."

"I’m glad you liked it. I just thought that the Dispatcher is the fastest way for you to reach me."

"When are you coming back?"


"Oh. You'll stay there a bit more." She said feeling disappointed.

"Not that long. I'll be at Phantom maybe late this evening or early morning tomorrow." He said that surprised Melina. "I'll just rest for a few hours then we'll go home, like I promised."

"I... I see. So I won't be finishing the rehabilitation?"

"We'll just put it on hold. I just want to go home... It's been a long time."

"Yeah... It's been quite some time. I'll... I'll tell Tieme that you'll be arriving soon."


"Reyonis... Something happened there, right?"

He did not respond.

"You can tell me."

He sighed. "There's no escape from you, huh?" He said. "Things got out of hand during travel. Ignire is ruined. Lots of houses and structures were destroyed. Monsters and those people who imitate the Phantoms have initiated the attacks, and now the civilians are displaced. The winter Ignire has been experiencing at that moment and the rift within the royal family made things worse."

"That's... Terrible."

"It is. Even after the fight, problems are still here. The people are now divided. Some blame the royal family for not being able to keep the safety of the kingdom and some blame the military for not doing their job. Many people have died, both from the cold and the recent attack. The Phantoms were even not spared from these cruel events."

"Are you badly hurt?"

"Yes, but I'm fine now. There's no need for you to worry about me."

"How about Melissa? Is she hurt too?"

He fell silent.


"Melissa left me... She was Rhoumina the whole time."

"...I already knew."

"Is that so? I won't blame you for that. I'm such an idiot for not noticing her actions! The way she smells, her way of speaking to me... All of it! She wanted me to remember her.'"

She heard a sound of an object hitting a much harder object several times then stopped. It was followed by Reyonis' frustrated scream. "Reyonis..." She uttered.

"I'm okay... My fingers hurt though."


"I'm sorry. I know you don't like me breaking things when venting out. The way things are now is too much to bear. My friend just left Council to focus on rebuilding his home. I also learned that the Grand Councilor and another friend of mine were among those people that harmed you and the Phantoms."

Her fingers suddenly trembled. She remembered the treatment she received from her captors. She gulped as she tried to form words to comfort her brother but fear enveloped her body.

"It hurts. I am more afraid now."

"Y-You too?"

"I don't know who to trust in the Council anymore, anyone can be an enemy. I just... I just want all of this to end. I had enough."

"Me too, Reyonis." She said. "Me too." She then held the pendant close to her as she listened more.


"Reyonis?" Gilda asked while approaching the pit. She saw the wounded royal guards lying on blankets on laid on the ground. They were still unconscious. "Poor kids. It must have been very tough for all of you."

"It truly is." Sorakin said while putting the blankets aside then sat on the ground.

"Have you seen Reyonis around? Edelmond was asking if he wants to ride the carriage."

"He went to the woods, hasn't come back yet."

She sat beside him. "Fierris' decision to leave the Council must have upset Reyonis." She said.

"His presence in his kingdom is needed now. His role in the Council is just a burden to him."

"It would take months before the queen could get up to her feet again. Large amount of magical energy was taken from her. She was lucky, even spell casters can die just from the shock of drastic drop of magical energy inside their body."

"It’s surprising that she was able to endure those hardships."

"She's a strong woman despite her frail appearance."

"Good morning." Reyonis said and sat beside them. He was hiding his injured hand behind him.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just talked to my little sister."

"Do you want to come along with us? Edelmond fixed his carriage."


"We'll be leaving by noon." Sorakin said.

"Alright... Let's go back home." He said.