A cure for aids!

My assignment for writing school on Google+


A cure for aids!

Jali's POV
Dear, Diary,
I just turned 9 years old today. My mother told me some depressing news that mad me cry...
At first, I didn't know what it was... but he told me. Cancer is an uncontrolable growth of abnormal cells in the body. It means you'e sick.
When my mother told me about Cancer, I was so depressed, I cried for a really long. That was last year.
Today, my mother told me that my Aunt Sabrina has Cancer.
I feel like crap, knowing the last thing I ever said to her was she was lonely, miserable hag who brings people down to feel better...

I put my journal under my bed and cried.
Now, that I look back at that day, I still feel like crap. That I said that. She has forgiven me, but It still hurts. She's dead now... I'm only 16...
Is it crazy that I want to become a doctor. I want to be the first person to come up with a cure for aids?
I walked downstairs and saw mom, drinking tequila.
“There, you are. I was wondering where you were.”
That was my mother then
Alcoholic, smoker, sometimes jealous and in need of anger management. She can't hold down a job. My dream career is my only hope.
“I came home 14 minutes ago.”
“Yeah, I'm going to grab a snack and do my homework.”
My homework is to make a fake disorder or disease. That was easy. My sister was a story writer. Famous writier... And she used 'Nightmara'. Basically, a dreaming disorder. This homework is easy. After that, I went to science. My homework in there was to write an answer to a question.
“If you could change one thing, what would it be and why? Explain.”
If I could change one thing, it would be  finding a cure for aids because I hate how people die from sicknesses like Cancer and Aids and stuff like that and Aids has no cure!

*December 24th*

2 years ago, I graduated from high school. I'm in college now. I want to be a scientist, a doctor.  My mother died this morning of Aids. I will make a difference! I swear, I won't rest until I do put a stop to aids!
Aids is evil!
It tore my family apart!
And I'm angry about it!!!
I'm in my 3rd year of college right now.
Well, I guess at this exact moment, I am sitting with my Dad. I haven't seen him for a really long time. He lives with his wife, my step-mom. I just met her a few hours ago. She gave me a ride. I told my Fiancee, I was at the hospital through text. He texted back a million times, but I couldn't answer.
I was too busy crying.
He saw me crying and wiped my tears.
“Daddy, I'm getting married and I want you to be there...”, I said, crying.
“Hey...”, he said, comfortingly. “I'll be there. I'll always be with you... in here.”, he pointed to my chest, indicating he's in my heart. The tears kept coming.
He died that day.
When I went home, I saw my fiancee, Alexander, running towards me.
“Jali, there you are!”, he said as he hugged me and kissed my head. He wiped my tears. “I've been texting you! You never replied, so I got worried. I even called you.” I broke into tears. He brought me to the kitchen and hugged me.
“I met my dad.”
“Really? That's great! Why would you be crying. You've been waiting a long time to see him. The time you have seen him, you were 10.”
“Because he has Aids.”
“Ohh... Baby, I'm sorry.”
“Thanks, sweetie.”
“Want some dinner?”
“You made dinner?”
“French chicken.”
“That's sweet.”

3 years later
March 8th
*Kizi residence*


I'm married with a beautiful daughter. I am happy, except for one, small thing...
My sister-in-law has aids.
Not again!
I've been working in the lab a lot. It even seems suspicious, but she's a nice lady, very kind, religious, beautiful and not worth losing!
When I came home, Alex was sitting there with Brittany, looking at me. He sighed. She's getting sicker. She asked for you.”
“I'm sorry.”, I said. I really was! I'm not just saying that! I'm so close!
I can feel it!
“Why were you late this time?”, he asked... “Get assigned a male partner?”
“What exactly are you implying?”, I asked, tired. I just wanted to get this cure developed and done with and then sleep!
“It's just... You've been late a lot.”
I looked at the floor.
“I'm sorry. It's just...”
“I'm working on something that can save Baili.”
“A cure... Remember my life's biggest dream...”
“You're working on an antidote for Aids?” Tears welled up in my eyes.
“Yes. I promised myself when I was a kid, I would never quit until the antidote was created. I'm sorry I've been a bad wife and mother.”
“You're not a bad wife or mother. You're amazing. I'm just... worried and stressed. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. But you should have told me.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. Brit went to sleep pretty quickly waiting for you.”
“I know.”, I said as I walked to Alex and Brit. I kissed Brit's head. “My baby's getting big. It's hard to believe she's 2 years old already.”
“I know. She talked to a 3 year old boy today.”
“And you didn't kill him.”
“I was going to, but my sister was watching, so...” I laughed.
“Oh, my goodness.”

*5 weeks later...*
The testing was over. I finished the antidote for Aids last night and I spent the last 4 ½ weeks testing it to make sure it was safe for patients with aids to take. I have a job as a doctor at the hospital, where Lisa is.
I ran into the manager's office. Mr. Burklini. He's the man in charge of the whole hospital. I showed him my antidote. He didn't believe me at first.
“Please! I'm been working on this for a long time.”
“I'm sorry, is there any proof that it will save lives and not give Aids a helping hand in The Death Game?”
“I was hoping you would ask that. Please follow me.”, I said as I led him to the lab where I've been a lot.
“Okay, we're here. Now what?”
“Did you know Aids effect animals too?” (Don't think so)
“Yep. Just like it effects us humans. I've been testing it for 4 ½ weeks. I know it's safe for humans. I've tested it on a bunny who somehow managed to get aids. It takes about 2-6 days for the antidote to take effect, but In 4 weeks, the patient who takes the antidote will be cured, but there are symptoms...”
“And those would be...?”
“Drowsiness, headaches, upset stomach. Nothing much.”
“Sounds a little too good to be true.”
“Please! Just let me try it! My sister-in-law has Aids and I want her to get better. I've dreamt of doing this since I was a kid! My family had aids! Please!”, I pleaded.
“Okay, I'll let you try it...”
“Thank you!”, I said happily.

4 ½ weeks
May 13th

In the next 4 ½ weeks, Lisa was better. She felt kinda sick, but it's better than Aids. I was watching her eat in her hospital room. She looks so happy. Alex kissed my on my lips.
“I'm proud of you, Jali. You did it!”
“Anything is possible... as long as you never give up and always believe.”
“Thanks for saving me.”, Lisa said, gratefully.
“You're welcome.”, I said, happy.
I was happy.
Aids was finally defeated.

The end!

Moral of the story:
Always believe you can do something and hopefully in the future, there will be a cure for Aids and any other disease that has no cure!