I stroll down the halls of the ludicrous, chaotic hallways of my small town middle school. "Will anyone notice? Stop walking like that, then they'll know for sure. STOP I SAiD!" "I can't it's just how I walk." My subconscious kicks in right when I need it to. I call her Beth, my subconscious I mean. My name is Matilda, and I'm the only gay girl at my school. I know what you're thinking, she's going through a faze, or she's doing it for attention, but I swear I really don't like guys, they freak me out. Me, being the only gay girl at my school, don't have a girlfriend, and no one knows about it either. I have a couple of friends, never mind no friends at all. I bump into a hater on my way to class, "Careful, you might be contagious.". God I hate Beth. "Hi." A girl pipes up next to me. "Um...hi." "What's your name?" "Matilda, what's yours?" "Kathi, are you ok? I saw you talking to yourself and looking kind of sad." "I'm ok, I'm just weird." "Ok, I like you, you're cool." "Wow, thanks." "You're welcome." Well that means I have a friend now. Kathi turned out to be bi, I didn't tell her I was gay, yet. The day drags on, Kathi is in most of my new classes, that's cool, I guess. The next day she confessed to me that the reason she talked to me was because she thought I was pretty. Wow. This is about to get interesting.
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