Status: Completed
In this paranormal noir set in 1948 Detroit, a disillusioned detective and his partner, a cynical former World War II spy find that their fortunes may change as they are visited by a most unusual prospective client--the ghost of a man offering a substantial reward, eager for help in proving his unsolved murder, a crime committed by a notorious underworld assassin. They set off to investigate the assassin, along with his sassy rogue of a wife, seeking one last shot at redemption as the parties cross paths along the road of destiny.
Created: April 1, 2015 | Updated: May 4, 2015
Genre : Supernatural
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
Favorites: 11
Reads: 2894
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Wow, just... wow! This was amazing, a brilliant blend of crime drama and ghost story. I absolutely loved the ending, a totally unexpected twist which I won't spoil here, you'll have to read it yourselves :)
May 22, 2015 | Kitty Lewis