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Cover Needed

Hi, I'm looking for someone to help me design a cover for my book, Marked Book 1: A Darker Power. I know what I want on the cover I just suck at drawing and photoshop so if anybody is willing to help me you would be lived forever. Lol. Thanks, Dante

by Gracie Rose | Jan 22nd 2015, 15:25

  • I can help maybe, I can try and make a few if you wanna bounce me some ideas.


    Melissa Gibson | March 13, 2015

  • Hi Melissa,

    Thanks a lot for your offer, I am very grateful that anybody is even willing to give it a shot! I have PMed you the details for the first cover idea i had but if you can think of any way to improve it then please, feel free!

    Thanks a lot and hope to speak to you soon.


    Gracie Rose | March 24, 2015

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