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Quizzes for a break?

I don't know if this would count.. But, I was thinking. If someone wanted a break or was finished.. They would need something to do right? why not a quiz? or something. :p

by melissa mckenna | Sep 22nd 2013, 04:33

  • Hi Melissa! I absolutely get what you mean by this. However, we do want to keep the site focused on reading and writing. We added achievements as a way to make it more fun to do things you don't normally do (maybe as a writer, you don't comment on the stories of others as much). However, for things like quizzes and such, please feel free to post it in the discussion area of the forums! I remember in forums I used to be a part of, they were lots of fun. It's always nice to have things to do in the forums and for everyone to come together and sort of 'hang out' here online whether it's doing games or just sharing funny youtube clips!


    Rick Sparkatale | October 6, 2013

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