

Talented, Dedicated, but Undiscovered

Even on such a relatively small site as SparkATale, there are countless undiscovered writers. This is for them, and the people who would help them. We are a community that encourages and aids other writers, whether it be through simple chats, reviews, or recommendations. We help in any way we can, and are a kind and welcoming group. Read, write, discover!

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Does a tree really make a sound in the woods if no one is there to hear it?

Is anybody out there??? Can anyone hear me?? I need to know if anyone is really using this site anymore? Is it a viable place to connect? Is anyone reading the orginal works and making comments? I love to write and want to post my stories but who cares if no one is reading them? Does a tree really make a sound in the woods if no one is there to hear it?

by Brooke Parker-Lyn | Feb 19th 2016, 14:07

  • Well, yes, there are people using this site, like me, if I have a time. And yes now I have time for this hobby. 
    Problem is how people would communicate.

    I really don't know... Maybe PM, or they already have a bond before I started as member here.

    But sure I like the site. I could only copy paste my work, from Angel Writer and the format of spacing isn't displace. Only the font returns to default design. Friendly to my application. It just it's lack a preview system.

    If some of my friends want to read some stories of mine. Then, Sparkatale can be tunnel throughout the link (as long as the site loads fine to their comp).

    Quite awesome for me, and for my hobby.



    Hearm jan | February 19, 2016

  • Thanks for chiming in Jan... Good to know their is opportunity to connect.


    Brooke Parker-Lyn | February 19, 2016