

The Writers Club

We can share ideas with each other.

Buster Hardings: The Sad News by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
Buster was terrified to lose his great-grandfather, who has been struggling with cancer. He tried everything to keep him busy from those fears. When he learned Grandpa Mike had suddenly died one morning, he got depressed for a few days. What would he do to keep his mind off from missing his great-grandfather? Find out later!

Updated: February 18, 2017 | Published: February 18, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Buster Hardings: Happy Valentine's Day by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
Everything is about to happen to Buster: Lena would be moving to Dover before Valentine's Day, trying out a sport, and is about to meet his new twin siblings.

Updated: February 18, 2017 | Published: February 18, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Buster Hardings: The Winter Vacation Journal in New Hampshire by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
This is the moment the kids had been waiting for: New Hampshire for Winter Break. While the Pearson girls were being mean, Buster and his friend, Lena, end up being their roommates. Can Buster live with them without stress? He's been trying to be nice to them. Would things get better by the time the trip is over? Find out later!

Updated: June 2, 2017 | Published: February 18, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Rebecca's Tough Choice by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
When Rebecca got a boyfriend, Samuel, she was happy. They did everything together. One day, she learned she was pregnant. She faced a tough choice. What option would she choose? Would her father support her decision whatever she chooses? Find out later!

Updated: February 21, 2017 | Published: February 18, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Changes for Samantha by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
Samantha's only 15 and has a great boyfriend, Jordan. One day, she wasn't feeling well and she missed a period, she went to the doctor's who told her she was pregnant. She wanted to fix her mistake, but how would she do that? Find out later.

Updated: February 21, 2017 | Published: February 21, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Arthur Gomes and the Big Move by Elizabeth Larsen In Progress
12-year-old Arthur's dad had news: He was getting promoted! The trouble is that Arthur was going ask Crystal Gracia to be his new girlfriend. He found out they were moving to where Arthur's mom grew up; Rhode Island. Join him to have a fun adventure.

Updated: February 21, 2017 | Published: February 21, 2017 | Reviews: 0

Buster Hardings: Buster vs. Haylee by Elizabeth Larsen Completed
Buster and Haylee have been getting along great, but then, Haylee started hanging out with his former enemies. When he found out she lied to him about got other plans, he got very upset when she was supposed to hang out with him and others at the mall. When he found out what she was going to do with the girls, he wasn't sure what he was going to do with her. Would things patch up before he makes a big decision? Find out later.

Updated: May 10, 2018 | Published: June 2, 2017 | Reviews: 0