A new player

I apologize for not separating this into the chapters clearly visible, but this is the second site I've put it on. I also apologize for what I feel is a rather shoddy piece of workmanship. Please be gentle as it is my first story haha. 


                Six o’clock arrived, and my plan was ready to be implemented. The First Financial Bank of Faircrest was a ripe target, and an attempt by the local thugs happened, what seemed like, once a week. However, the bank’s security was too good for any regular thug to break into. Of course I was no regular thug, already the city of Faircrest whispered my stage name. My powers were known throughout and people were finally starting to fear me. They had given me the stupid name of Acts, as in the magical acts that always took place. Law enforcement was stumped by my seemingly impossible feats. However, all were close minded to the real reason I could do all these terroristic activities. I had magic, and I had chosen my next target.


1. The Bookstore

“Well Mr. Ryan was it?” I asked the bound figure on the lab table. “That was what your officer badge said when I knocked you out.” I received only a glare from those brown eyes of his and a swift extension of his middle fingers. “Sticks and stones Mr. Ryan, sticks and stones. Anyways, we have a bit of time before the test results get back, so perhaps we could swap a few stories to pass the time?” Once again, not a word was uttered and the glare I received was defiant to the core. “Oh come now Mr. Ryan, there must be something you wish to know.”

“Fine you freak, how did a psychopath like you get these powers you possess?”

“Ah I am so glad you asked. But to understand how I got the powers is only the beginning of my story. I wouldn’t want you to think I was a “freak” my entire life.”

“Once a freak, always a freak,” he spat.

“Then I guess I’m not a freak Mr. Ryan, now would you like to hear the story or not? WE could always sit in silence for the next three hours while thwarting your rescue attempts.” Silence was my only answer. “I shall take that as confirmation, good, I see that curiosity has not been snuffed out of you yet. Now let us begin.”


Sixteen was a very interesting time for me. I can honestly say that my life was changed forever when I was able to drive. I was not like the rest of my friends and had to grab a couple of people to go into town and celebrate. No, the first thing I did was go to a bookstore.

                This bookstore was a special place as I had never been able to go into it. I always saw it as we passed by, but my parents never did, which was surprising as my mom always stopped at a bookstore. Neither of them seemed to notice the store and since I was a quiet child, I never spoke up and asked. That was my first destination though, a bookstore.

                My parents, thinking I was coming out of my shell and copying my friends’ actions, gladly lent me the car for the evening. We lived a fair ways out of town so by the time I had reached the store my palms were sweaty. This wasn’t because of the bookstore, but because it was one of the first times I had driven in town alone. The square was a hive of activity as people ran in and out of the different stores and restaurants. Yet, for the few minutes it took me to find a parking space and walk to the store I didn’t see an individual enter the shop. I would give you the store’s name, but as much as I looked there was no name to be found. I could see that the light in the store was on, so I decided to chance the door.

                Inside the store was shelves lined with old leather bound books which did not impress me too much, but I was willing to try. The floor was a brown carpet which hopefully was comfortable enough to sit on as there were no chairs for the customers. There was also a wooden desk that appeared to be hundreds of years old. The old man, the only other person in the store, looked to share the same date as the desk. His long white beard and rounded spectacles would have been easy to handle by themselves, but the robe he was wearing interested me greatly. It appeared to be moving even as the old man sat absolutely still.

                “Ah a customer!” he exclaimed finally turning his head towards me, “It has been awhile since someone walked through that door. Come in, welcome!”

                “Evening sir,” I replied.

                “And polite too, good the last one that walked through this door was demanding so I made sure he would never come back again.” He had a slight grin on his face as he said this and his eyes seemed to change colors from green to red. I passed it off as a trick of the lights though. “So what can I help you find young sir?”

                “I’m just browsing sir, I have always wanted to come in and see if there were any good books available.”

                “Books did you say?” He asked with a puzzled look. His eyes then lit up as if he suddenly remembered his store and continued, “I have a book in here somewhere that I am sure you would love to have, but I can’t remember where I put the darn thing. Please look around and I will try to help you find it.”

                For some reason I felt a pull to the third row of shelves. Instantly one book caught my eye the Arcanum Magnus. I wasn’t sure what the title meant, but I knew Arcanum had something to do with magic. I enjoyed magic then as much as I do now, maybe even more so. I knew most of the shows you went to see were put on by skilled illusionists, but there was still magic to be found in the world and so I believed. I was lucky to spot this book as the books around it neither related to the Arcanum by author nor the subject. In fact as I looked around I noticed that none of the books were categorized.

                “Ah,” the old man said. He was not behind his desk now though, instead he had snuck up on me and was standing to my left. “You found it, good for you!”

                “But sir?” I pondered, sounding confused. “What did I find?”

                “That my boy is what you must find out yourself. Think of it as a magical mystery if you will.”

                “How much?”

                “Tell you what, think of it as a sort of loan from me to you. To pay back this loan, you must come in once a week and show me what you have learned. Why we will even call it your job which means you will get paid and a fair amount I might add.”

                “Really? But what do you mean show you?”

                “The book boy, read the book and most of your questions will be answered. Now shoo, I expect you back in a couple of days.”


                “And thus began my journey, Mr. Ryan, but we are far from over.”

2. The Arcanum Magnus

                I came home a quarter after eight and my parents and my little brother didn’t even notice the book in my hand. It was good that I loved to read so much. No questions were asked and I went straight to my room and started reading. I was curious as to what the book held after the old man was so vague.

                The first page read: For those who have found this book, I welcome you to the family. Repeat these words and you shall gain all the knowledge that I have to pass to you.

Mysteries reveal yourself

I wish to see the dark

Hide no more universe

Another master of yours has appeared.

                Perhaps you will believe this next part, perhaps you will not, but as I read those words out loud a woman appeared before me glowing in golden robes. In fact, everything about her and on her was golden. In her hand was an orb of pulsating light. No words were spoken since she did not speak and I was too afraid to even move. She pushed the orb of light into my direction and it made its way to my left hand. Now this was important as I was left handed. In the beginning I could only cast spells with my left hand, but now they can come from anywhere. The orb made contact with my hand and a sensation of lightness took hold of me. It was as if I had had a great weight on me that I hadn’t known about and it was finally taken off. Colors were sharper, smells were stronger and the comforter on my bed felt incredibly softer. Then just as suddenly as she had appeared the woman vanished.

                I sat there stunned for what must have been a quarter of an hour before I started hungrily on the book. If that had happened in just the first paragraph what did the rest of the book hold? I looked down at the first page and the words had changed. Instead of the instructions that I had recently read, the page only held two words:

Hello John Mason


                “Oh don’t get so excited Mr. Ryan, you will soon forget my actual name. I can’t have you telling your buddies my secret identity. I do like to go out and enjoy a day wandering, or a night clubbing.”


                I sat there in silence and in shock. Not only had the words changed, but the book knew my name. How was this possible? It got even weirder when even more words appeared under my name.

Stunned silence? Well at least you aren’t screaming your head off

Alerting your parents and brothers to the fact that you have just obtained

A marvelous gift.

                “A gift?” I muttered. “I haven’t received a gift yet.” The words that had just been written were transformed even as I spoke the last word.

Don’t tell me you have already forgotten you visit from Her? She

Will be quite upset.

                “You mean the Golden Woman? Who was she, what was that orb of light?”

So you are more concerned about a mysterious woman and this

Gift than a book that is communicating with you? Very well. The

Woman we shall call simply Gold. She has no name to speak of.

The orb has just given you the ability to unlock me, the book and

The powers hidden away inside of you.

                “Powers? What powers?”

If you turn the page, all of your questions shall be answered.

                My only thought was cool as I turned the page and began my journey for powers.


                “Now don’t look at me like that Mr. Ryan. You cannot tell me that at sixteen if a book started talking to you, you would not be the least bit curious.”

                With that he smirked and said, “Well truthfully I have never liked to read, so no I probably never would have touched the book.”

                The frustration was evident on my face. “You don’t like to read! People like you are what’s wrong with the world.”

                “There we are at a disagreement mister… Dang, I cannot remember your name.”

                “I told you that would happen Mr. Ryan. It seems you will have to call me by my villainous name that your newspaper was so happy to lend to me.”

                “Fine, Acts, but still I must agree with you. Here I am trying to make the world a better place and there you are, trying to cause strife.”

                “I am not trying to cause strife, I have caused it. Clearly one of us is better, the one who read. But enough of this argument, we are wasting time. I think I still owe you quite a story.”

3. The Training Begins

                The next page had a simple incantation to perform that was to cause a spark, like that which is created with static electricity. The instructions were simple enough and just to add to my determination a message saying, “If you can’t do this, you might as well return the book to where you found it for the true mage to come across it.” A challenge was the easiest way to get me interested in anything and still is today. Nothing came out of my first attempts and I hated being frustrated. “Why won’t this work?” I cried in frustration.

Here’s a tip, try meditation.

 This is also when meditation became a larger part of my life.

                Deep breathing and clearing of the mind seem to be the key in learning any new spells. Fully relaxed, I tried the spell one more time, not even thinking of the words, but what I wanted to form. A slight tingling sensation in my fingers made me open my eyes and behold! Sparks were jumping from fingertip to fingertip in a mesmerizing dance. I was so excited to see the spell work, and I quickly learned that excitement can give your spell a little push. The sparks shot out and down came my pineapple cup. The cup is a long story which doesn’t need to be told at the moment, forgive me for that.

                Excitement filled me, but still I was curious. “Why did I not have to say the words book? How did the spell work?”

And thus your first lesson begins. You need not say the words to

Cast, you simply need to know the words. Everything then resides

In your will. It didn’t take you long to cast it, but remember to practice

I will withhold all other spells until you master it.

                I was okay with this since I already was planning an exciting day for school. A grin was spreading across my face. Oh yes, this will be a fun time.


                “Don’t give me that look Mr. Ryan, I wasn’t a bully. I simply enjoyed pulling a few pranks that was enjoyed by almost everyone. The eye rolling does not help your case either. Now may we return?”


                First period was Anatomy and Physiology and I hated that class. It wasn’t the teacher, who was new to teaching, but it was the subject matter and my classmates. I didn’t care about what was inside the body and the others in the class seemed to share my view as they never shut up. I couldn’t transfer out of the class either, because the counsellor had nowhere else to put me. Oh the pains of the small school society. I tended to stay in a corner by myself which was really convenient for my experiments that morning. I had woken up earlier than usual that morning to practice the spell and now there was no need to enter a trance like state.

My first target was a boy sitting along the wall in the back of the classroom. It was surprising to see him there as he was usually too high to enter the building. Today he was simply asleep on his desk and I felt that he really needed to pay attention. My first attempt resulted in absolutely nothing, but the second actually reached his desk and I received a bit of response. It wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for though and neither was the third, nor fourth, nor fifth. I pumped a little more power into my sixth casting and the result was priceless. Up he jumped in the middle of the teacher’s lecture yelling almost as loud as he could. We could not calm down for the last six minutes of class and neither could my teacher.

I did this almost every period of the day except in History and Math class. I enjoyed the subjects too much and I was scared of both of the teachers. However, my crowning moment of the day came while we were waiting to go inside after lunch. It is a very boring time, but I have to admit that we did have quite a few smoking girls scattered around. The previous period I had discovered that my shocking ability could be applied to multiple people at one time, and apply it I did. It was winter, since my birthday is in December, but the girls still wore tight jeans. All of a sudden an echo of smacking could be heard in the courtyard, as many of the girls suddenly felt a stinging sensation on their butt. Why, do we automatically swat at something if it stings?

                There was confusion among the ranks as a few began to notice that others had done it at the same time and yet no cause could be determined. With a flick of my wrist another round of stings was sent and once again smacks filled the air. Finally the guys were noticing and another round of shocks drew some smirks. Unfortunately the bell rang at that time and we all began to move into the doors, I did manage to send one final pop to the girls, and once again their hands came down.


                “You seemed slightly put off by this Mr. Ryan. Let me guess, you’re married and have a daughter in her teens.”

                “Yes you perv,” He managed to get out as he gritted his teeth.

                “You call me a pervert Mr. Ryan? Come now, while you may be in your late thirties I have barely entered my twenties. Allow a kid to have some fun.”

                “Oh sorry Acts, is this killing that you are doing just another one of your phases?”

                “Oh no, the killings and mass murder won’t stop until my plans come to a completion, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. We haven’t heard what the book said to me when I got home.”


                 When I got home, I went straight to my room and the book. When I opened to the first page a message was waiting for me:

Had fun today did you?

                My face dropped and I was astounded. “How did you know what I did today?”

I am a book with incredible magic secrets who can communicate

With a kid that just happened to “find” me in a bookstore that

Rarely ever is entered. Give me some credit. At the same time,

I did enjoy your little show. The possibilities are endless.

                “Does this mean I get to move on to the next page?”

If by next page you mean a new spell, then yes you may turn to

Page 2.


                “This process was repeated four times that week until I was reminded, by the book no less, that I had to keep my appointment with the bookkeeper. And now if you don’t mind Mr. Ryan I would like to grab a cup of coffee. Would you like one?”

                “Might as well you freak, I’m not getting out of here any time soon I guess.”

                “Mr. Ryan I told you that I am not a freak and I truly do detest name calling.” With a simple thought the bindings became a little more uncomfortable on him. “Now let’s try this again. Would you like a cup of coffee Mr. Ryan?”

                “Yes, please,” he said through gritted teeth. If he kept doing that his dentist would send me a personal thank you card. If the dentist was still alive.

4. The Bookkeeper

                “And there we go,” I said as I handed him his cup of coffee. I had released his right hand so he could enjoy his drink. I wasn’t barbaric after all. Just then a large light moved across the room coming from the window. “I see your friends have finally arrived, this is good. We still have time however as they will be just setting up and grabbing plans of the building.”

                “I can’t wait until they take you down Acts,” he sneered at me.

                “Such confidence in your friends should be commended, but remember this is the first time they have dealt with a superhero in Faircrest. I doubt that they were smart enough to ask for help from some of the superheroes, or even the other cities police force.”

                “You will regret underestimating them, Acts!”

                “Oh you shame me Mr. Ryan, I underestimate no one. But, come we still have half an hour before the first attempt at a breach and we have much left of our little story.”


                As I drove up to the square, my excitement grew by the minute. I had learned five spells this week, shamed a few people, and now I was going to meet the man who I felt was responsible for my sudden gifts. Once again, as I was looking for a parking spot, I kept glancing at the bookstore and saw no one enter or leave.

                This time I strode confidently through the door, but I was surprised to see what awaited me inside. Gone were the bookshelves and covered was the floor. Instead, the floor was covered in a blue mat much like those you would find in a gym. Replacing the bookshelves were training dummies and targets I have used to practice my air soft shots. The ancient desk was still in the store, but this time it was located in the far right corner.

                “Surprised that the store has changed so much?” Asked the old bookkeeper who had managed to appear by my side. Yet, when I turned to look at him, I did not see the old man with the long beard that I had been introduced to. Instead, I turned to see a man in his late forties smiling at me as if anticipating my reaction. I hope that I did not disappoint him as I’m pretty sure I jumped ten feet into the air. A good hearty laughter filled the air as I tried to get my breathing under control. “Oh it feels good to do that again young sir. Your reaction was just what I wanted to see.”

                “Are you the old man?”

                “Come now,” he mocked, “You have discovered real magic. Be ready for suprises to come at you from all sides now.”

                “That is just plain awesome!” I exclaimed. Not only had I learned magic, but perhaps other thing passed off as stories and fairy tales were true. “Are dragons real?” I had always thought that it would be amazing to see one of those creatures.

                “A few are,” he replied with a smile. “As are unicorns, but they have gotten fat and now the world calls them rhinoceroses.” My eyes grew wide as I processed those two tidbits of information which pulled another chuckle from the not so old man. “Come, before the questions start pouring out it is time for you to show me what you have learned.”  

                So I showed him my repertoire of spells. The sparks and fireballs were great, but I enjoyed the more subtle spells that I had learned. One of the spells actually gave me control of said person or object for a few seconds after I touched them. That has been one of the few spells that I have constantly practiced since learning the words. Now I can control someone for almost an hour. Every week I showed up the bookshop, both showing off and training. I did this everyday through high school, and then all of a sudden he vanished. No warning, no goodbyes, nothing. Another mystery of the world that will never be solved I suppose.


                “Attention Acts! We have the building surrounded! Come out with your hands up!”

                I looked at my captive and rolled my eyes. “How dare they interrupt my story with such pesky trivialities. Do they really believe I would give up so easily? Well I will show them.” A second later one of the police cruisers made a nice bon fire with my image flickering in the light. “No!” I screamed at them through the image and the fire died out instantly.

                Disbelief was found on Mr. Ryan’s face. Even he who was subdued by me did not expect such magic to be seen. “Well,” I started with a smirk on my face, “There’s not really too much more about my first meeting with the bookkeeper that is left to share. I will tell you that he did this strange energy transference thing and now I know around a hundred different forms of martial arts.”

                “Now I know you’re lying on that part,” Mr. Ryan stated. “There’s no way you can know the styles since I took you down.”

                “I said I knew the forms, not that I was proficient at them. I have skipped that part of the training, but I will start practicing thanks to you. Look at that, Mr. Ryan, you help even those you seem to detest.” If looks could kill. “Now I don’t want you to think I was purely evil as a young, innocent teen. Perhaps a few good deeds will convince you of that, yes?

5. I’m Not All Bad

                My first use of powers for good happened in my senior year. I had fully come out of my shell, and I was involved in every club the school had to offer. Granted there were only four school clubs, but I was a part of them. Now I don’t know how it is in other schools, but my school’s student council was in charge of homecoming and it was a rather large affair that the whole community turned out to. By this time I was known in the school and was trusted to be on a smaller committee to create the pièce de résistance. It was fun until the last day. The gigantic fifteen foot Eiffel Tower was almost complete, and then our president discovered that a piece was missing.

                “John would you help us look!” Screamed both my teacher and the president. “We have to find this piece!” Their heads were about to pop off from all the stress they were under.

                “Perhaps, it is in your room, I’ll go check.”

                “Fine just hurry.”

                I walked out of our building relieved that I could avoid the fallout for a little while longer. I actually found it slightly amusing that one little thing could cause these people to lose their heads. I realize I am not the nicest person to ever walk the Earth. I did feel slightly bad however, as so much work was put into this project. I had gotten into the habit of always wearing a bag with the Arcanum Magnus inside, so when I went inside, away from all wondering eyes I asked, “Got a spell that will help out?”

I never thought you would ask. Here it is.

                It was a find it spell, but you have no idea how useful it has become. No more looking for the remote or keys. “Thanks. You know it would be a whole lot easier if you didn’t look like a leather bound book that would be crazy for me to talk to.

Why didn’t you say so master? Your wish is my command.

                In a puff of smoke the book changed from a book into an iPhone. “Very nice,” I commented. “Do you text too?”

Yes actually I do.

                A few minutes later my spell was cast, I was a hero, and homecoming was saved. I’m not exactly sure what makes a homecoming good, but everyone agreed that it was marvelous. I was still upset that there was no homecoming dance, the only dance of the year was prom. Shameful.


                “Are you not impressed Mr. Ryan? I did a good deed.”

                “One good deed does not erase the innocent lives you have snuffed out.”

                “Fine, I will share one more heroic deed, then we must really get back to the story. Your friends on the police force will have changed their pants by now.”


                My story takes place on my spring break vacation, again in my senior year of high school. We were in Colorado skiing with some friends, when my mom developed a nasty little virus. She always got sick the first day with altitude sickness. But, when she was in bed for three days straight I wished for a cure just so she could enjoy the last day outside. I guess you could consider me a family man. I always want to take care of the family even when I despise them.

When are you going to learn that you should simply ask me for help?

Seriously, I am a magic book!

                “Fine,” I muttered into the phone, “What do you suggest?” As usual a link to a new spell popped up. This time I learned how to heal.

When you are done curing the sickness, cast this spell on yourself.


You’ll have advanced healing abilities from now on. Do you really

Want to be sick ever again?

                Just like magic, my mother was better the next morning. She was well enough to come to the mountain and snap pictures and play cards with the adults that night. And all was well in the world.


                “Well aren’t you just the sweetest?” He sneered. “Tell me does your family know that you are killing hundreds?”

                “Now Mr. Ryan, you’re trying to get the cart ahead of the horse. We haven’t even entered college yet.

6. College Wasn’t for Me

                “I was excited for college. Eighteen years had been leading up to this freedom of sorts. I’m sure you remember the feeling Mr. Ryan, it’s indescribable isn’t it?”

                “I’ll give you that Acts, the feeling of going off really has no comparison.”

                “You see my dear police officer, I can feel just like you. Doesn’t that just excite you?” The face he made told me otherwise. “Well enough of this, let’s continue.

                “I was excited. My family had just moved me in, and now I was alone. I was supposed to have a roommate, but sometimes things happen to people and they are left out of the process. I truly did hate having to his warp his mind, but it would not do to have a roommate that could find out about my little secret. The first couple of weeks were incredible, I enjoyed my classes, made a couple of friends, and still got tongue tied around pretty girls. I even enjoyed going to the football game and I especially enjoyed them, when I could afford to buy concessions after learning this neat little spell to break into a bank. A football game is also where things started turning around.”


                “You need to move kid,” A gruff voice said to the right of me. I turned and a bear of a man stood next to me.

                “Sorry sir there aren’t any seats available on this row.” We were playing the school’s rival, there were no seat anywhere on this side of the field.

                “Did I say I wanted to scoot by you? I want your seat kid!”

                “Well you have two hands, why don’t you shit in one hand and want with the other and see which one feels up faster,” That was both the bravest and stupidest thing I had said to date.

                “What did you say you little punk?” He threatened as he grabbed my collar and hoisted me up. By now we were attracting attention and I saw one guy I vaguely knew rush off.

                “Ah man, you have trouble hearing too? You know there are some handicapped spaces available in the front. I will gladly lead you to them.” The shade of red he turned was quite interesting to behold. He drew back his arm and almost brought it forward when one of the campus police officers showed up to escort the man out. It was not the last time I saw the man though, and the next time would turn out bad for the both of us.

                A few weeks later our encounter happened. I had taken to walk the campus at night, as it was just peaceful and you never knew what would be going on around the school. As I started back to the dorm, a man stepped out behind the corner and faced me. His face was shadowed, but it looked to be the same guy and my suspicions were confirmed when he said, “It’s time to teach you a lesson, and I am going to enjoy teaching it.” Two more figures stepped out, easy to see they were here to help him, and another had gotten behind me. I was effectively cut off.

                His fist went flying and if my face had been there, I probably would have been out cold. However, my face was not there and instead he let out a small cry of pain as my knee connected with his diaphragm. The other three took this as a sign to help their friend and the street we were on became a flurry of limbs. They didn’t work well as a team, and that was the one thing that saved me. I was able to avoid the four men’s blow while dealing out substantial damage on all four of them. Then they brought out their knives. Cuts began appearing everywhere on me and I thought I was done for. Something woke up inside me, that primal instinct of tear their heads off enveloped me and I became a terror. One of the man’s friends slashed at me and instead of just dodging the blade, I caught and then quickly broke his wrist buying me a little breathing room.

                The next knife that came at me, ended up in my hand and then in the guy’s thigh. He also ended up with a broken jaw as he sailed a good three feet. The third adversary, I learned later, ended up with four broken ribs, a fractured wrist, and a broken femur. By now the man who I had a problem with was scared and he started to run. However the beast was not tamed, and I brought him to his knees. With a mighty roar and a swift twist the life fled out of him as his neck was snapped.

                It was then that I noticed that a couple of the windows of a nearby dorm were open and both girls and guys stood there with their phones out filming the whole thing. That was when I hated not only myself and the four guys who attacked me, but also all of humanity. I could have lost my life and one guy had that night because no one called the cops and brought help. This rage I felt is still with me today. When the life fled out of my adversary screams were heard and the cops were called soon enough. So I ran, and the college experience was over.

                A couple of days after the fact the Arcanum and I had a little talk.

I’m sorry master.

                “Whatever for?” I asked.

I didn’t mean to kill the guy, the passion took over though,

And it felt too right.

                “What are you talking about?”

When you lost control and suddenly became a demon, it was

Me. Nothing is going to kill you until your training is complete.

                “You killed that guy? And what do you mean training? I thought I was simply learning spells.”

There is so much more to you than that, but I’m sorry I have already

Said too much. Here is your spell for the day.

                Try as I might, the book would not offer up any more information. Yet another mystery in my life.


                “So Mr. Ryan, have I turned into the villain that stands before you today? Am I-“

A small disturbance interrupted me midsentence as the front door came crashing down, downstairs. “It seems we have company Mr. Ryan, what brave souls they are for plunging into the fire. If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to watch over this from a better position.” I then re-restrained his arm and reinforced the other bindings and chair, I couldn’t be too careful.

                The next room over held a monitor which was connected to the various security cameras around the building. The S.W.A.T. force was holding in the first room carefully sweeping the corners as if they were waiting for a nasty surprise. A droning sound suddenly filled the room, but it wasn’t the droning of a swarm, but rather a very large beast. SWAT had noticed it too, and hovering right above them was a hornet the size of a man.

                Curses flew as each member looked to one another trying to determine what to do. The issue was settled when my pet stung one member of the team and killed him even with the protection of his body armor. A volley of fire ensued, but the hornet although bigger, had enough speed to slay two more members of the crew before being brought down. This took three more members out as they carried their team members out, so we were left with seven.

                The next room dealt quickly with the seven. They entered the room, which was pitch black, and turned on their personal lights. When their lights were turned on, one of them dropped from a shuriken in the neck. I believe whimpering was heard, but it was quickly silenced by another projectile between the eyes. Being five left, the group started firing in the shadows, but this proved ineffective. As they were reloading their clips, a figure appeared in front of them and all guns were instantly pointed. None of them noticed the three figures that had appeared behind them, but they heard the distinctive sound of a sword being drawn out of its sheathe. All five members were quickly dispatched to the other side. A smile crept across my face, it was good to be a mage.  

7. Encounter with the Undead

                “Where were we? Ah yes, well that was really what all that happened in college. I decided that I wanted to travel and decided, at the moment, to stay in country. I eventually plan to travel the world, but I had barely even seen our country. Money was no issue as you know and truthfully neither was time. I did leave a message for my family saying I was safe and warm, but I left it at that. I continued to learn spells and grow into all the powers I had obtained, but I was starting to feel slightly depressed. Here I was a master mage in the making, yet the world seemed just as bland as it had at sixteen. That is until I wandered into a Seattle coffee house and met her.”


                I had just sat down after buying a coffee and pastry for a late evening snack when the door opened and a strange feeling dragged my eyes to her. She was absolutely stunning. We’ll start at the top and work our way down. Her hair was a dark brown, dark enough that at a quick glance it would appear black. Her hair was tied back in an appearance of a pony tail, I’m not sure what you would call it, as my hair has always been short, and her bangs grew longer from left to right covering her right eye. I don’t know why, but that hairstyle has always been beautiful to me, and yet I’ve never seen a girl wear it. Her tear drop face seemed absolutely perfect and those purple eyes were simply mesmerizing.

                As it was the fall in the North, the only visible top was a jacket, but it wasn’t bulky enough to hide too much of her frame. The arms I could tell were slender, but not skinny and there was nothing protruding past her waistline except for a bit of fabric from the jacket. She wore very form fitting jeans, and I attempted not to drool too much at how fit and great looking they were. She also wore simple shoes so her height was not added to. She still stood at impressive 5’9”, perhaps a bit taller or shorter, I’ve never been terribly good at height estimation.

                She bought her coffee and walked straight towards my table. “Excuse me, can we share this table? It is awfully full in this place.” She asked with a smile. Something appeared off with the teeth and yet they looked absolutely stunning.

                I of course agreed to her suggestion even though it was 6:30 and only four other tables were occupied.

                “Great, thanks, I’m Taylor by the way, Taylor McClain,” She said extending her hand.

                “I’m John Mason,” I said happily taking her hand.

                “So what brings you here mage?” She asked sweetly before taking a sip of her coffee. I of course had just taking a sip and started choking from surprise. “Didn’t you know I would be able to sense what you were?”

                “What are you? How do you know what I am?” I asked staring at her incredulously as I dabbed at my chin with a napkin.

                “Jeez, you must be a newbie to this world if you can’t tell what I am.”

                “Well, I would guess that you were a creature based in magic to sense me, which is what I must have done when you walked in, but I have never met a girl such as you in the four years I have had.”  

                “Ah, so you a bit fresh!” The smile she had shown just a few seconds ago looked more natural now as the fangs were noticeable. Honestly, I found that just made another sexy quality to add to her list. “You aren’t so bad yourself handsome.”

                Once again she made me choke, this time it was on the jelly filled center of my pastry. “Mind reading?” I asked nervously.

                “Sorta,” she replied. “It gets really technical, but I would ask your little book about blocking intrusion. I’m a nice enough gal, but I’m not the only vampire in the world, or the most dangerous creature.”

                With that my phoned rumbled showing a new spell with the description of get out of my head. It was so nice to have the book as a phone now. It was a simple enough spell to perform, and it was supposed to last until the day I died, but have you ever tried to concentrate with a beautiful creature sitting across the table from you? One of the most difficult things I have ever had to do, but I wasn’t ready to try it anyways.

                “In case you haven’t figured it out, I am a vampire. Have been for three hundred years now.”

                “Wow, you look really good then.”

                “Why thank you for telling me for the seventh time. You’ve got to get your mind under control John. In fact, why don’t I go freshen up and you can do your mumbo jumbo stuff.”


                “You know Mr. Ryan, casting a spell is even more difficult when a pretty little vampire just gave you what appears to have been an ultimatum. But I did it at least.”


                “Hey,” I said into my phone, “Just in case, how do you take out a vampire?”

I suggest movies and a dinner at dark.


Dude, she’s been a vampire for three hundred years now. This means

That the rest of her life is equal to that of a new mage. I’m just as good

As reading your feelings as she is.

                That got me thinking just a little on the subject when she walked out of the bathroom and sat down silently in her place. I was actually startled when I looked up and saw her sitting there.

                “Well the good news is you’ve got the spell to work, I couldn’t read a single thought in that pretty little head of yours. Bad news, I could have just had a tasty snack. Be careful John.”

                “Tasty, did you say?” I couldn’t help myself. Occasionally I can bring out a rather good line.

                “Did you know that it is possible to make a vampire blush?”        

“Well come on!” She cried springing to her feet. “We have got to go!”

                “Go? Go where?”

                “Why to introduce you to our world. This is going to be fun.” Once again her fangs were visible in her smile.

8. You Hit a Girl

                Her introduction had us starting at a local night club. By the time we entered the music was blaring and the party was in full swing. The club was packed and there was no “safe” place to be. Everywhere, but the bar, that had a flat surface was used as a dancing platform. Taylor began shedding layers and started to look similar to the rest of the girls in the room. Her jacket revealed a cut off shirt that was just long enough to leave a little to the imagination. She disappeared for a few seconds and when she came back the black leather pants might as well have been called leggings. She smiled and mouthed something when she saw my face, but the club was too loud to hear anything.

                She grabbed my hand and led me through the dance floor in front of another door and bouncer. I saw a guy and a girl waiting in front of the bouncer trying to get through. A quick nod from Taylor and we were in despite the loud protest from the couple who had been trying to get past. When the door was closed behind us, a moment of pitch black darkness surround me, but Taylor continued to drag me along. A small click and another door was opened in front of us. When I stepped in I could feel the reason why we were let through unquestioned. The same sensation that had drawn me to look at Taylor in the coffee shop was magnified a hundred times.

                It wasn’t as packed as the other room, but the intensity of the occupants more than made up for it. Since it was an exclusive room, all eyes were turned on us as we entered. The glare of dozens of vampires with a few other magical creatures was scary to say the least. The stare was held for only a moment before they realized we were one of them recognized Taylor and the dancing began again.

                The occupants were a blur when they started back, and it was all I could do to stay with Taylor as she moved across the floor to an open booth that she had spotted. I gratefully sat down in the seat across from her and tried to focus.

                “You newbies are always so fun to watch when introduced. You are always so frazzled and confused.”

                “You would be too, if everything around you was a blur!” I snapped back. I received a chuckle from her for this. “What’s so funny?”

                “Every creature here is moving at their own comfort speed, and yet here you are clutching your head. You need to relax John. No one’s moving faster than you can track.”

                I looked at her trying to determine if she was making fun of me or generally trying to help. Her smile won me over, and I have to admit I think I was falling for the smile alone. “You know Taylor, I do relax better with a drink in my hand.”

                “Now you’re talking,” and she made her way over to the bar and I couldn’t help but to watch her move. Everybody was still moving in a blur, but I didn’t care as much. If what she said was true, it would all make sense to me in a little bit and if not, well there’s always the spell book. “Here you go, some rum for you and a Bloody Joe for me.”

                “Don’t you mean a Bloody Mary?”

                “No,” she said plainly, “This guy’s name was Joe.” I drew another smile and genuine laughter this time from my puzzled expression. “Vampire remember?”

                The rum was good and I did relax a little after a few sips. Everybody even seemed to move a bit slower, they were still going insanely fast, but I could make out faces now and that was good enough for me. “So who’s the new meat, pretty girl?” A voice just behind me asked. The figure stepped forward and his pull was the same as Taylor’s. He had blonde hair and red eyes though and I made a mental note to ask Taylor about it when we had a free moment.

                “This is John, a mage.”

                “Pleasure to meet you John,” he said extending his hand. I noticed he did not offer his name. I accepted the shake, but he was already speaking to Taylor again. “Come on baby, why don’t we cut a rug?”

                “Cut a rug? Are you serious? No one has said that in decades Samuel. Besides, I’m John’s partner tonight, and what kind of friend would I be if I left him?”

                “I’m sure Johnny boy here won’t mind. Let’s go!” He was speaking as if I wasn’t even there.

                “No,” she said, no trace of humor was left in her eyes now.

                “You’ll say yes to me eventually girl, I always get my way.” With that he turned around and slunk off with a few more figures behind him.

                “Sorry about that,” she apologized after we could no longer see him. “Some men just can’t take a hint.”

                “Well trust me, I can take those kinds of hints.”

                “Oh yeah? And what about other types?” She asked as her finger began tracing my hand.

                “I can be oblivious to most of them,” I laughed. Yes, I knew what she was doing, but playing dumb was just natural to me in these situations. If she really wanted me she would try again soon. “Come on, why don’t we cut a rug?” I grabbed her hand and we made our way onto the dance floor.

                If you have never seen a vampire dance, I do pity you. Her movements were so graceful, erotic yet calming, fiery yet soft, passionate yet timid. It’s truly too hard to describe. I was lost in her movements and in her eyes that never left me for song after song. Nothing in the world mattered right then, nothing felt like it would matter ever again. For hours we danced, occasionally stopping for a drink and to get off our feet, yet the party was not slowing down. It makes sense when you realize that most of these people were the definition of night owls, but I did not complain. Everybody had slowed down to a normal speed around me and I was soaking up every moment with Taylor. But of course what goes up, must eventually come down and with me, it came down hard.

                Four hours into our time at the Vampires Den I made two huge mistakes. The first was that I finally had loosened up enough to attempt to dance. Believe me, it is still not a pretty sight to behold. The first mistake led to the second where I tripped while dancing and brought another girl down with me. Her hair was made of snakes. “Why you little-“

                “Cool it Veronica,” Taylor commanded as she helped me up. “It was just an accident.”

                “Ah Taylor,” she spat, helped up by a couple of guys. “What is he, your new pet? Obviously you need to learn how to discipline the boy.”

                She took a step towards me, but Taylor moved in her way. “Back off you Gorgon, he’s under my protection tonight.”

                “Fine, a challenge it is.” At the word challenge the music stopped and everybody turned to look at the two girls staring daggers at each other. The floor was quickly cleared and I was dragged off by a few people with their hands blocking my mouth.

                The fight began suddenly and it stopped all my protests to let me back on to the floor. So vicious were the attacks that blood was drawn from both before half a minute was passed. Kicks were exchanged as well as blocked. Punches were countered with elbows and fingers and no area was off limits. As I watched the two girls go at it, I’m sad to say that the only thing in my head was “Kung Fu Fighting.” Clothing was torn, but thankfully nothing was exposed. A vicious kick in the head from Taylor ended the fight, and the floor was once again covered with dancers.

                “Let’s get out of here,” she said, finally making her way over to me. There was an exit in the room and we stepped out into the cool Seattle air. “You sure know how to make friends,” she smiled, and then she passed out in my arms.

9. Everybody Loves Me

                “Being out on the streets of a new city with a half-naked girl at three in the morning was an experience. I also had a range of emotions going through me starting at being in awe of this amazing girl that just kicked ass and a bit of guilt because she had passed out fighting a battle for me that was simply an accident. Luckily I wasn’t on the street for long as the finding spell made sure there was nobody around to see me and the portal was useful for more than just bank robberies.”

                “Wait, hold up. What did you do to the SWAT officers?”

                “You’ll know soon enough Mr. Ryan, now if you don’t mind, I would really like to continue the story.”


                I arrived in my hotel bedroom and placed Taylor on the bed. I quickly put the Do Not Disturb sign on my door and got to work on Taylor’s wounds. It was good to know a little healing magic every now and then. I then put her underneath the covers, made sure the blinds were closed, and promptly fell asleep in the chair since the room only had one bed.

                I woke up just before noon to a slight headache and the sound of running water. After a few moments of enjoying the peace, I decided to get up and at least stretch. Taylor also chose this time to exit the bathroom in nothing but a towel. She looked better and better every time I looked at her and I cursed the hotel for actually having decent sized towels. At the rate this was going, I would see her naked by the evening and this may sound odd to you, but I was okay with that thought.

                “Morning,” she greeted me when she saw I was awake. “Bathroom is open if you need it.”

                I thought that was a bit odd after last night’s happening, but I decided it could wait until I was fully awake. Plus I stunk! The cool shower brought me completely out of the grasp of sleep and I felt ten times better as I turned off the water. I stepped out of the tub and when I had finished drying off and wrapped myself in the towel, I finally noticed that Taylor was standing in the doorway. With a sweet smile she turned and shut the door behind her leaving me to wonder. Why was she smiling, what had se seen, and most importantly what the crap just happened? Ten minutes I sat there pondering those questions when I finally decided to just play it cool and finish up in the bathroom.

                “So,” she started as I came out of the bathroom. She was fully clothed in unrecognizable, but suitable clothing and I was not about to ask where she had gotten them. “How’d you enjoy your first night on the town?

                “Well, it was definitely memorable. That girl with the snakes as hair, what was she?”

                “I’m sure you have a guess,” she replied, “But yes, she was a gorgon like the Medusa legend.”

                “So how are we not stone?”

                “Well, it takes a while for her to turn anybody to stone. Mostly the ones she stares at simply slow down long enough for her to kill. Now if you do meet Medusa, say your prayers quickly. There’s a big difference in power levels.”

                “Wait, you’re saying the Medusa, the one cursed by Athena, is real and what’s more she is alive and kicking?”

                “Well I don’t know about the Athena part, but yeah she tends to stay in the Caribbean though, her snakes like it there.”

                “Woah!” That was shocking news.


                “Wait a minute, are you saying that Medusa is real, Acts?”

                “Ah so you are paying attention Mr. Ryan, good I was hoping the story would pick up for you. Introductions are so boring, but they are necessary. As for Medusa, did I not just tell you what Taylor told me when I asked that same question?”

                “That’s unbelievable!”

                “Believable or unbelievable is truly irrelevant. You’ve seen my magic, you’re aware of my abilities, what purpose is there for me to tell you lies. I could simply cripple you, take the tests, and be on my merry way.”

                “Hey, don’t go overboard on me.”

                “Well perhaps you won’t insist on interrupting me with questions that were just answered. Now shall we continue?”



“It’s always so funny to watch the new kid’s reactions. Come on,” Taylor implored, “You’ve got to have more questions for me.”

                “So should I be worried about bumping into snake head anytime soon?”

                “Well we won’t be going back to that club anytime soon, but you should be safe for a month as long as the rules are held.”

                “Rules?” I asked.

                “If a challenge is accepted and the challenged wins, the challenger must stay away for a month, blah, blah, blah.”

                “Oh, well that’s good to know.”

                “Any more questions youngling?” She teased.

“Well, what’s up with your eyes then? The other vampires last night had red eyes.”

                “Do you know what the color purple usually stands for?”

                “I can’t say that I do.” Art was my least favorite subject in school and I attempted to block out all memories of that dreadful class.

                “Purple is usually used to represent royalty.”

                “Wait, are you saying I was dragged to a club, by the princess of the vampires?”

                “I’m not the princess silly,” and she stuck her tongue out at me, “But I am related to her. I think we might be third cousins or something around there.”

                “Alright, so why was that guy last night hitting on royalty?”

                “His family was the ruling power until a hundred years ago when the family convinced Germany that was might was right. Now he’s at the bottom of the barrel, but the family is still strong physically.”

                “So World War 1 was started because of vampires? What about World War 2?”

                “Oh Hitler was just a mad man. Nothing came from our end.”

                “Good to know. So should I be worried about him?”

                “Only if you value your life. He probably sees you as a threat now and will remove you quickly.”

                “Man, a day dealing with pure magic and everybody loves me.”

                “Don’t get too depressed, it could be worse, you could be dead.”

                “There is that.”

                “Come on you gloomy soul, let’s go get lunch.”

                “But the sun is up, won’t you burn?”

                “Hey I’m royalty, the rules don’t apply to me.”

10. Vampires Draw Blood

                The next three weeks were a blur, and as of yet, they have been the best weeks in my life surpassing even the day I was granted my powers. I spent almost every waking moment with Taylor and I never heard a complaint about the time we were spending together. We ended up at her apartment every night since I didn’t have a permanent residence in the city. Her apartment was actually a disappointment as far as decorations go. Where I expected to see candlesticks and coffins, there were lamps and a really comfortable king sized bed. The room was based in dark colors, but beyond that the room was of a normal, single woman living in the city. I continued to learn new spells such as shadow manipulation and increased stamina, which had added bonuses. I also learned a lot about my new world as well and constantly drew smiles and kisses from her with my dumbfounded facial expressions.

                The world was great until the week of the full moon started. When we woke up that Sunday morning, a note was waiting for us beside the door.

Your presence is no longer welcome in the city mage. We want you

Out by midnight tonight.

-Samuel Lucien

                “And here I thought we were going to be just the best of friends. Darn, I hate that I missed out on that wonderful opportunity.”

                “John, aren’t you a little scared?” She said trying to keep a straight face.

                “My lady, I would never leave this town because of him and leave innocent maids to his advances.”

                “Now, now, Mr. Mason, you know by now that innocent is not a word to describe my sweet self.”

                “Don’t I know it baby,” I said and leaned in for a long kiss.


                “That look on you Mr. Ryan, what is that? What do you dislike about my story now?”

                “Well I’m just trying to figure out why you are with a girl out of wedlock. Seriously, you can’t be more than twenty-one right now, and you’re saying you were sleeping with this girl?”

                That brought out a hearty laugh in me that hadn’t been heard in ages. “Mr. Ryan that is why I like you. So simplistic, so naïve. Yes, I was sleeping with a girl almost every night that was not my wife. Cut me some slack though, I waited until I had turned twenty at least, you must realize how much of an accomplishment this is. I was one of five in my class that had not lost our virginity before graduation. Plus, I lost it to a mythical creature that you had no idea actually existed and she was smoking hot! By today’s standards, I should be awarded a freaking medal!”

                “That must have been your one school, because my daughter’s is probably the cleanest there ever was.”

                “And did your daughter tell you this?”

                “Well yes, but-“

                Another laugh escaped from me. “Mr. Ryan I would bet my life on the fact that your wife is the smarter one in your relationship. I doubt she believes what your daughter is telling you. Your daughter is a hoe!”

                “Sir! I will not have you insult my flesh and blood in that way!”

                “Pipe down!” I commanded as I muted his voice. “You may choose to believe me, or you may call me a liar, but I will not tolerate you yelling at me! Now I shall keep that gag on you for our remaining time together. The story is almost finished and I would like to finish this before they try to enter through either the roof or the windows.”


                We had spent the day out shopping which I think was purposefully designed to torture men, especially when stops include Belk and T.J. Maxx. We capped off our day with a dinner on top of the Seattle pin. It was utterly romantic, or it was until one of the windows broke and our good friend Samuel stood in front of us with his gang.

                “I told you to get out of town,” Samuel said.

                “Why it’s not even midnight yet, dear boy. Does someone need a watch?” I shot back.

                “Don’t play games with me Johnny boy, we both know you had no intention of leaving that bitch on your arm.”

                “Bitch!” Taylor shouted. “How dare you, you bastard! I see now why you haven’t gotten laid in the past fifty years!”

                The room got deadly quiet, even the few mortals that had been stuck on top with us were silence. It wasn’t so much the insult, but the way Taylor had turned from the sweet girl into a fire spitting demon in 0.2 seconds. Not literally of course, but you know what I mean. Either shock or a snicker was frozen on our face and Samuel’s had turned beet red. “Take them out!” He commanded.

                There were only six of his buddies with him tonight, but four still came straight for me. I managed to summon two spirit creatures before they got close, one to draw off an opponent of mine, one to take care of the extra going after Taylor. I knew I was going to catch a ton of flak for that move, but chivalry has not died out yet. I then prepared myself for the fight of my life.

11. Vampires Go for Blood

                I remember how fast Taylor was moving when she fought the Gorgon, Veronica, but watching and doing are two completely different things. The thugs were fast, and unfortunately for me, they were smart. Just as I blocked a kick or a punch, one of the other vampires landed their blow. I was fit, which kept me standing for longer than I really wanted too, but I could tell if something didn’t change quickly I was done for. I knew that magic was to be my savior, but it was all I could do to shake off the attacks and avoid the worse of the damage.

                Then I heard a scream that filled my heart with dread. The fighting paused for a moment and I was able to see Samuel standing over Taylor who was bleeding heavily on the ground. The cheat had snuck around the fighting and ambushed her from behind. Anger swelled up inside me even more ferocious than the night of my ambush at college. I felt the power rush up inside me and the beast took control of everything but my eyes and my mind this time. A powerful right hook connected with my closest opponent and he landed in the wall which was a good fifteen feet away.

                The vampires were stunned and all looked at me. My shadow minions had disappeared, but I simply burned one of the vampires to make it a five on one. Then all hell broke loose. Four of the vampires attacked, Samuel of course was waiting for his moment again, but it was like they were moving in slow motion. Every attack was either blocked or turned away.  One vampire tried to sweep my legs, but ended up with a broken leg as I jumped on it and a knee to the face knocked him out. While I dispatched one adversary with physical means, I took another one out with about one hundred thousand volts to the heart. Now that I look back on that, he was the first that I killed while fully conscious. I felt no remorse.

                There were only two left as Samuel had not moved from his spot. One of them I took possession of and made the two vampires fight each other. Then I did just as Samuel would have done and attacked them both from behind, dropping both like a bag of rocks. Now my undivided attention was focused solely on Samuel, I could see fear in the form of sweat roll down his face. I could have turned him to ashes with any number of spells, but that wasn’t going to happen, it would have been too quick. Before I got there, a voice rang out crying “Stop!”

                With the authority in that voice, I couldn’t help but to stop and the Arcanum left me as I calmed down. I turned to look and before me stood a royal vampire with her purple eyes, ten body guards, and a mage that I could tell dwarfed my own power. “You will cease this fighting in the name of King McClain lord of the vampires.”

                All I could do was shrug my shoulders and submit. The fire was out of me and I rushed over to Taylor’s side. Samuel however was shaking from terror. I learned later that it was a crime to attack a member of the royal family and one hundred long years of torture waited for any who broke this code. He did the only sensible thing and jumped out the window right then and there. Too bad the fall didn’t kill him. “Guards after that man!” And three men followed suit.

                “Now, the question is what to do with you.” She said both puzzled and amused.

                “Um, I really don’t care who you are or what you think you’re going to do with me, just help me heal Taylor!”

                The volume seemed to shock both her and the guards as each one of them drew their weapons. The mage in the back just stood there and laughed. “Oh I like him princess, and he’s very fond of the girl. I don’t think she’ll like you very much if you kill him.”

                “Princess?” I stuttered. “You’re her cousin?”

                “Why yes, I am. I think I agree with my mage her, and I shall take her off your hands.”

                “You have a mage with you, why can’t you just heal her here?”

                “I will not have my actions questioned by a youngling!” She shouted. “Guards restrain that boy until we leave.”

                I was roughly dragged away from Taylor, but I thought I heard her whisper, “I will find you.”

                The mage opened a portal and as the men carrying Taylor stepped through it, the three men returned. “I’m sorry my princess,” began one of them. “He escaped into one of the alleys and we could not pick up his trail again.”

                “Father will not be pleased, but come, we have wasted enough time in this realm.” The remaining men and the princess stepped through the portal as well as the mage. Before he stepped through however he got a good look at me and smiled. “We shall see each other soon,” and he disappeared.

                I was left alone on top of the pin as they had taken the bodies of the other vampires and the mortals had escaped. I left town soon after, there was nothing left for me here. I wandered until I ended up in Faircrest. That was when I heard from Samuel again. My entire family had been struck down and I was now officially alone. There was no evidence pointing to Samuel, but I could read the message loud and clear. We still had unfinished business to settle one day.


                “That was the day of my first attack, you remember the one don’t you? The supports for the train just disappeared and it plunged into the streets below. I admit I did feel guilty at first, but when I saw all the people out of their cars just staring, doing absolutely nothing, I recalled my anger at college. There were even some off duty officers on the scene and nobody was calling for help. Massive casualties and damage had just taken place and the humans were so inactive. That’s when I decided, I was going to change the world. This town was either going to bring me down, or I was going to tear it down. So far I’m winning.”

                My phone vibrated then. “Ah it seems that the tests are done, what a shame. It looks like our time together is just about done.” The results scrolled across the screen and I was somewhat disappointed. “It seems that you’re just another average man Mr. Ryan, just a bit luckier than others. Well I won’t keep you from your friends and family any longer, I just have one more thing left to do.” I walked over to Mr. Ryan and his eyes became wide with fear. A slight touch to his knee and he became filled with agony and pain that is almost incomprehensible. He was now paralyzed from the waist down.

                “Do forgive me of course, but we can’t have you running around sneaking up on me again. Please spread my story. Perhaps Faircrest will wise up and I can move on from this ugly city. Then again I may get bored and just leave. The world is my oyster after all.”

                I released his bindings and gag and put him in a wheelchair. I then pushed him through a portal and he came out from the front of the building. Once again, the mortals did not act, but stood there wondering what to do next. This angered me greatly. I was angry enough that the roof exploded into a burning inferno killing the men who had decided to come in from the top. They should have moved faster.

12. It’s a Brand New Day

                I watched the sun rise up and the last of the fires be put out. Mr. Ryan had long ago been carted off to the hospital, but there was nothing to be done for him. There was no way to reverse the paralysis that I gave him, and beyond that he was the picture of health. I wished him all the best, as it was good to get my story off my chest. As I sat planning my next big event, a strange source of power grew larger and larger. It wasn’t magical in the sense that I had discovered, but it was true power none the less. Perhaps the days were about to get interesting, perhaps a new player had entered the game. Whatever the case, I would be ready. Strife and chaos were just waiting to be brought out.

A/N: So what did you guys think? I know it wasn't very long, but it has set up the other books in the series that hopefully are better than this one. These stories may be a bit in the making, as I am currently working on a rather big project and I'm in college. Check back in a few months and I'll at least have an update.