Chapter one

Angel Hunt
"Here it is boss! This is where the angels meet up!" A boy's voice called out.
"Shh, don't be so loud Henry! The angels might already be there!" Another voice loudly whispered.
"But Steve! I'm ecstatic!" Henry called back.
Another boy, who was much younger, was tinkering with a lunch box with nails punched in.
"Let me have some chocolate Peter!" Steve begged the younger boy.
"I don't have any!" Peter whined.
"I know you do because I saw you take one!" Steve yelled. 
"Did not!" Peter cried.
Steve stuck his hand into a small hole in the lunch box and unlocked the lid.
"Leave me alone!" Peter yelled.
"Guys! The angels are here!" Henry warned the other boys.
"You got lucky, Peter!" Steve said pushing Peter away.
"All trumpeters, let forth your heavenly sounds!" A female voice rang out. Many trumpets played a beautiful tune. 
"I am proud to introduce the new goddess, Wind, goddess of winds!" The young angel said.
A beautiful lady with long blonde hair wearing a beautiful crown and a beautiful dress stepped forward in a group of trumpeting angels.
"Where is the angel with the golden harp?" Wind asked.
"Is that her?!" Asked one of the angels pointing to the sky.
A sparkle flashed and the most beautiful angel of all flew down.
"Sorry to keep you waiting!" She said politely to Wind. 
"It's okay Cloud, I know you didn't mean to be late," Wind said to her friend.
"There's the angel we were trying to get!" Henry called out.
"Okay, get ready to grab her! Those feathers are mine!" Steve called out.
"Will you play your harp, Cloud?" Wind asked unaware of the boys in the bush.
"Of course, Wind!" Cloud called cheerfully. She raised her harp and played three notes, but was interrupted by the three boys rushing out of the bushes.
"Your feathers are mine!" Steve cried out.
"Cloud! Call the guard dog!" Wind commanded. Cloud signaled the dog to come. Barreling in, a huge gray wolf charged at the boys.
"Agh!" Peter cried.
"Fly angels! Fly!" Wind commanded, but Cloud stayed. 
Steve was trying to fight off the wolf, but they were attacked.
"Cloud! Go! Get out of here!" Wind commanded.
"I must stay, your ceremony is not complete." Cloud calmly said.
Henry pulled away from the wolf and charged at Cloud.
"Stay away from my angel!" Wind warned the boy.
"I won't leave until I get those feathers!" Henry called out.
Peter had retreated and Steve was still being attacked by the wolf. 
"You can't have her feathers!" Wind said.
"Oh yeah?!" Henry asked punching Wind really hard.
"How dare you hurt a goddess!" Wind cried out horrified. 
"Well, technically you aren't a goddess yet, your ceremony wasn't complete!" Cloud warned.
"Well guess what lady! I hate gods and goddesses!" Henry shouted.
"You have offended her enough, now leave us alone!" Cloud called out.
"You can't hurt me, watch this girlie!" Henry called as he punched Wind again. 
"Cloud! Open a portal! We must leave!" Wind cried out.
"On it!" Cloud called out while opening a large green portal.
The wolf retreated into the portal all torn up, Cloud and Wind were next to escape into the portal, closing it behind them.

2: Chapter one
Chapter one

"Ugh! I can't believe you guys didn't get the angel!" Steve said, wincing from the painful rips he received from the vicious guard dog.
"I punched a jr.goddess or what ever you call her! And we ruined her goddess ceremony!" Henry said excitedly.
"But Peter ran home like a wimp! I can't believe you, Peter! The plan would've worked if you stayed!" Steve yelled angrily at the young boy. 
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to get injured!" Peter cried while fidgeting with the lunchbox. 
"We need a new plan!" Steve said.
"I know, one of us could dress like the goddess girl and trick the angel into getting close to us!" Peter said helpfully.
"No, that would never work! Wait! What if we disguised ourselves as the goddess and have the angel come to us?!" Steve said stupidly.
"That sound like a great plan!" Peter said forgetting that it was his idea first.
Henry said, "Just imagine how soft and clean those feathers are! We could keep half and sell the rest for millions of dollars!"
"And then we will be rich!" Peter called out.
"We will be the most famous people ever! The first ones to hunt down an angel too!" Steve said.
"That angel has the potential to become a goddess!" Henry piped in.
"We could pretend to take her to trials!" Peter called.
"And at her goddess ceremony! We will lie and say the price of becoming a goddess is her wings!" Steve said.
"She'll be so dumb, she'll let us take her wings off!" Henry cried out.
"With tender care, not to get the feathers bloody!" Peter reminded.
"Those feathers will be ours!" Steve said.
"Or we could shoot her down like in a game!" Henry said.
"Then pluck her feathers like a duck!" Peter said.
"Imagine all that money we'll make! With these angel feathers not fake!" Steve said.
"Then there will not be another goddess unless one is born!" Henry called excitedly.
"No more goddesses! No more gods! Kill them all and take their angels for their feathers!" Peter cried out.
"With no more gods, we will become the kings!" Steve called out.
"We'll rule the world!" Henry said.
"We'll rule the universe!" Peter cried.
"We'll take control!" Steve cried out.
The phone rang interrupting the three boys song.
"Hello?" Peter answered.
"Is this Peter, Henry, and Steve's house?" The voice asked.
"Yep!" Peter replied.
"This is Vanessa speaking, who am I speaking with?" The voice replied.
"This is Peter, what do you want?" Peter replied.
"Is it true that you guys ruined the goddess's ceremony today?" Vanessa asked.
"Yeah, it went a little bad! I retreated, but Steve and Henry stayed. Steve got torn up by the wolf and Henry smacked the goddess!" Peter replied.
"That's rough, I thought I told Henry to stop smacking ladies. What's more was it was a goddess." Vanessa replied.
"You care about the gods and goddesses?!" Peter asked.
"Without them, who would we be?" Vanessa asked.
"I don't know, you're right!" Peter said.
Steve pushed Peter away from the phone and spoke, "We would be kings and queens Vanessa!" 
"Steve, we wouldn't exist if the gods and goddesses never created us. Think about that for awhile." Vanessa replied hanging up the phone.
"Who needs a goddess of wind anyways?!" Henry asked from the other room.
"No more goddesses! No more gods! Kill them all and take their angels for their feathers!" Peter chanted.
"With no more gods, we will become the kings!" Steve chanted.
"We'll rule the world!" Henry chanted.
"We'll rule the universe!" Peter chanted.
"We'll take control!" Steve called.
"Let's get the outfit now!" Henry said pushing Steve and Peter out the door.

3: Chapter three
Chapter three

Back up in the heavens Wind was talking with Cloud.
"We really have to do something about those boys, they ruined my whole ceremony." Wind said.
Cloud replied, "Yes, and they injured our guard dog." 
"They have no respect for us, they are greedy. You should've flown away when I told you to anyways. They are after you. And maybe even me. We must protect each other." Wind replied.
"I will try to protect you Wind, maybe after this problem is solved we can continue your goddess ceremony." Cloud said.
"Hopefully, I was supposed to become a goddess this morning." Wind said.
"You still are as beautiful as one." Cloud said.
"Thank you Cloud, that's so nice of you to say. I've gotta run off and get something, I shall be back soon enough." Wind said.
"See you then, I guess." Cloud said.
Wind smiled and walked delicately outside. 
Cloud was all alone for a while, she decided to sit down and relax. Her pure white feathers were still slightly ruffled from the rough morning escape. She tenderly stroked the feathers down. Suddenly, Wind came back inside. 
"Hello Wind, you are back so soon?" Cloud asked curiously.
"Yes! I have some exciting news for you!" Wind said.
"Really? News for me?" Cloud asked.
"One of the other goddesses wants to promote you to be the goddess of protection!" Wind replied.
"Me?! Promoted to be a goddess?! What's the catch?!" Cloud asked excitedly.
"You must pass three challenges first. In order to prove you are worthy of the job. If you pass I'll throw you your very own goddess ceremony!" Wind said.
"When can I start?!" Cloud asked.
"Now,  if you'd like." Wind said.
Cloud stood up from the couch.
"Great, your first challenge awaits you on the surface. Follow me!" Wind said guiding Cloud out of the house.
The sky was a beautiful deep blue with just a few clouds. The air was warm too. But Cloud slightly noticed that something was off about Wind.
 "So, Wind, something seems a bit different about you. Maybe it's your voice?" Cloud asked.
"What do you mean? I always sound like this." Wind replied.
"I'm serious, Wind. Something is up." Cloud responded.
"Never mind that let's just get out of here!" Wind snapped at Cloud.

4: Chapter four
Chapter four

 Wind and Cloud come back to the area they tried to have the ceremony.  "Okay, part of the first task will be to collect various things for me. You have to be good at finding things." Wind said.
"Really? But that seems so simple!" Cloud asked.
"Then you'll have no problems doing it!" Wind grouches back.
"Okay Wind..." Cloud replied.
"Much better!" Wind responded.
"Do you have a list of what to find?" Cloud asked.
"Yes, here, take this list!" Wind said.
Cloud looked at it. "What a strange request!" Cloud noted while looking up at Wind.
"Meet me at 4028 Arch way." Wind said running off.
"Archway, what a weird place to meet!" Cloud commented as she looked back at her list. 
The list was indeed very strange, it required finding sharp weapons, sticks of specific shapes, some barbed wire, and thick chains. 
"I wonder what's up with Wind, I hope she's feeling alright. This here is a list of torture weapons!" Cloud stated as  she flew off to find the stuff on the list. 

5: Chapter five
Chapter five

At the three boys' house.
"Hahaha! The angel is going to bring us the tools we need to kill her young goddess!" Steve stated, dressed like Wind.
"Where did you put here anyways?" Henry asked.
"The goddess? I locked her in the basement with the lights out." Steve replied.
"You look good in that outfit! You actually look like the goddess in that outfit!" Peter commented.
"That's because it is her outfit!" Steve said. 
"So what is she wearing?!" Peter asked, wide eyed.
"Let's not talk about that." Steve replied quickly.
"How did you get her to be quiet?!" Henry asked.
"Ah, I just gave her a little bit of something to drink and boom! She's unconscious!" Steve replied.
"What kind of underwear do goddesses wear?!" Peter asked.
"...didn't I just tell you not to ask about that?" Steve asked.
Peter fidgeted with his lunchbox.
"Poor Steve, how long do you have to wear that outfit?!" Henry asked.
"Until we kill both the goddess and the angel." Steve replied.
"Look! The angel is here!" Peter said.
"Hide! She can't see you here or she'll know something's up!" Steve called nervously. Peter ran towards the basement.
"Don't go in there, Peter!" Steve warned.
Peter turned around and followed Henry up the stairs.
"Hey Wind, I don't know why you want this stuff so badly, but I brought it for you!" Cloud called out while entering the house.
"Thank you Cloud! I really need this stuff for an important project!" the fake Wind replied.
"What is your project?" Cloud asked.
"I can't tell you, you might figure it out on your own." Fake Wind said.
"Why have you been acting so weird lately?"  Cloud asked.
"I'm not acting weird!" Fake Wind snapped. 
"What's my next trial?" Cloud asked.
"Speak with as many other gods and goddesses as you can to gain knowledge about how they work." Fake Wind replied.
"Now that's more like it!" Cloud said as she excitedly left the house.
"That'll buy me some more time!" Steve called out.
"Is she gone?" Peter asked from the stairway.
"Yep!" Steve replied.
A loud scream rose from the basement.
"Shoot! The goddess is awake! Maybe I should use a stronger drug!" Steve replied heading to the kitchen.
"What are we going to do with Wind?" Peter asked.
"Haha! You'll see soon!" Steve replied from the kitchen.