Chapter one

Child of the Wolves

A long time ago, when wars were fought by sword and shield, the time of castles and knights, there was a small village called Fairwood. All the fathers and sons were at battle as knights of the castle. A mother and her daughter had lived in the small village ever since it was made so they could be relatively close to the father. They lived in a small stone house with a little chimney for their fire place which kept them warm through the harsh winter nights. The daughter's name was Tessie.

Tessie had grown impatient waiting for her father to come home from the war. This war was against the people who had lived in the area their whole lives and new people who wanted to take over the castle and gain the land.

"Mother, is father coming home yet?" Tessie asked her mother ever day after school.

"No Tessie, the war is still going on. Father will be home soon, just wait," the mother responded.

Tessie sat down sadly in her seat and sighed, "Mother, will I ever see father again?"

"Yes, your father is a strong man, he'll come back once everything is finished," the mother responded calmly, mostly reassuring herself.

The mother turned around to finish cleaning the stove top. While the mother was turned Tessie scribbled something down on a small square of paper and silently left the house.

2: Chapter two
Chapter two

It was a bit chilly outside and no one else was outside their warm cozy houses. Tessie was determined to find her father and bring him home.
  Tessie  was alone, alone besides her shadow. Her mother hadn't even noticed her gone. Tessie ran along towards the battlefield, she knew of the danger but continued anyways. 
In the woods near the battlefield a pack of wolves were hunting for food, they were aware of the battle field and kept their distance.   
Tessie edged nearer and nearer to the edge of the battlefield,  the place she was told to never go.
She could see it now, there were archers and swordsmen on both sides and neither side had a visible advantage. The longer Tessie watched, the more intense the war got. Arrows flew in all directions and swords were swung swiftly. A sudden call came from one side of the field, perhaps they had spotted Tessie standing there at the edge of the battlefield.  One lone arrow flew towards Tessie, there was no time to escape, the arrow struck Tessie down. 

3: Chapter three
Chapter three

One of the wolves in the pack noticed the girl get struck down. That wolf turned to face the Alpha. 
"Stone, did you see that girl? She's injured, what do you want us to do?" The female wolf asked.
Stone, a large gray wolf, looked out at the field.
"We must not get close, humans have been known to take are coats. She might have weapons!" Stone said.
"She looks harmless, we can't just leave her there to die!" The female said back.
"Sometimes, Nu wolf, you have to let things stay where they are. I'm the Alpha and I'll tell you what you can and cannot do." Stone said patiently.
As the 13th rank wolf, the young female decided to follow the Alpha's direction. She stopped and looked back at the girl's body, she longed to help the girl. 
"The pack's moving Nu wolf! Try to keep up with us or someone's going to rank you down!" Stone called from the front of the pack. She quickly caught up with her pack with just one more glance back, she was determined to sneak back and help the girl. 
The wolfs were all in line from highest rank to the lowest rank. This was only a small portion of the large pack. All together there was one Alpha, two Betas, three Gammas, four Deltas, five Epsilons, and the pattern continued until it reached the weakest group in the pack,  24 Omegas. Many fights broke out in the pack, fights for rank. But when it came to hunting, they worked nicely together. Small groups were spread across the land that were all part of the same pack. Hardly ever was there a rival pack in the large territory. Stone, the Alpha male, had worked hard to create the large pack. 

4: Chapter four
Chapter four

When the sunset, Nu wolf came back to where the girl was. She licked Tessie's face and carefully removed the arrow. She licked the wound clean and brought the girl back to the woods with her. Then the Nu wolf rested by Tessie to keep her warm through the chilly night. When the sun rose again Tessie began to awaken.
Nu's warm brown coat tickled Tessie's face. 
"Where am I?" Tessie asked stretching and yawning.
"It's okay young child, I have rescued you from the edge of the battle field and healed your wounds.
"A talking wolf?!" Tessie screamed.
"Calm down, all wolves can talk, we just don't talk to humans." Nu explained to Tessie.
"My mother is probably worried about me!" Tessie said getting up and trying to walk away. 
"But dear, don't I deserve a thank you?" Nu asked.
"You're right," Tessie says as she walked back over to Nu, she hugs Nu.
Nu licks Tessie's face. 
"Please, young dear, come with me." Nu begs Tessie.
"What would the other wolves think of me?" Tessie asks Nu.
"I'm sure they won't mind you as long as you help us." Nu says.
"Alright, but I can't stay forever, mother will be worried and father will be upset if the war ends and I'm not there to greet him." Tessie says.
"You poor dear, I'll be your mother while you visit." Nu says.
"Thank you, mother..." Tessie says hugging Nu.
"As my daughter, you will be rank Nu." Nu says.
Tessie follows Nu into the woods.