
Who am I...what am I?

I look up at the small barred window in my cell. Water leaks in, running down along the walls soaking my thin clothes.

I look down at my hands as they start to shake, wondering if it'll be kinder to me this time.

Not likely...

I shut my eyes tight as it starts again. I clutch my pounding head as the black and white images flash through my mind, the only color visual is red. The color of the blood that stains them.

I lay there in agony as the visions torture me relentlessly.

Bodies...the dead...the much blood...

I let out a scream of horror wanting for it to go away so badly as I always do, and when the visions cease I lay in a heap on the floor, still clutching my head.

My body is shaking violently as if I was freezing cold, but I'm not. My skin is burning and sweat rolls of my face like water.

What if it was so painful...what if all you ever asked for was to be swept away by Death? What if you...were me?

You think I'm am just mentally...challenged!

2: Gruesome Alibi
Gruesome Alibi

What am I? You know what I am...don't you? Are you going to embrace my dark and devious presence like the cursed black cat that threatens to bring Death to your door at night. Or your ever present Shadow that plans to murder you when you're not looking. Like I said before, I am not Insane...I am just...mentally challenged!

"C-come o-n!" I say reaching up to the barred window, trying to get a hold of the ledge, desperately trying to feel the fresh air that swirls outside along with the eerie glow of the moon that grants passage to the monsters of the night.

When my fingers finally stick to the damp stone I look up in triumph, but my foot which is helping hold me up slips and I bash my head on the wall. I slump to the floor, blood running down my forehead.

I reach a shaky hand up to the gash on my forehead, touching the stream of blood seeping from it. Pulling my hand back down I open my mouth, placing my bloody fingertips on my tongue, licking the tangy liquid off them.

The vision hits me like a horses hooves ramming into my chest, my heart stopping for one painful second until beating again.

The flashing images start to blur together, and I look on past them feeling the stale air in my cell shifting to a much colder climate. Not the cold chill of Winter that gives you Comfort when you sit in the shelter of your home by a crackling fire. No, it's the frost that lingers over the bodies of the Dead and Dying. It is there to remind you of what you've done throughout your life, only haunting you of the bad Memories.

A shiver rides up my spine as I look out over the landscape presented of me.

Consisting of a graveyard filling with stones that either honor the dead or curse them. Some don't have the luxury of a grave, let alone a gravestone. The bones of long past deaths scattered throughout the yard while the rotting Corpses of others send out a putrid stench that mixes with the cold air, flies gathering at their bodies, along with the circling ravens.

Used to the smell of Death I pick my way across the graveyard, careful not to disturb any remains. I head to the sloppily built jagged wire fence reinforced with barbwire, swinging open the short iron gate. I step outside the fenced area onto the dead grass, the shriveled blades crunching under my bare feet, pricking them as I walk.

I start off with a shaky walk that has me stepping all over the place, my legs not having been stretched in a long time. Soon my feet start to pick up the pace and I fill my lungs with oxygen, outstretching my arms, allowing the air to buff my face as I sprint.

It feels good to be back!

I think to myself as I come across a familiar path. The patterned grey stones lead somewhere, to a small town actually. It seems to be deserted but beneath that dust and empty look it puts off there are people, some just barely able to live while others are a little better off.

I head along the beaten path, jogging instead of running until I use up the rest of my breath, forcing me to slow to a walk for awhile.

The world beyond worlds! It loves to challenge you, to steal you, to kill you. No one can surpass Death's Challenge, and I gladly accept my invitation to meet Death. The faster I finish the Challenge, the less pain I will need to endure. Death and Suffering, they are cruel, they love to torture you with physical and mental pain as well as play mind games on you. I have so often tried to finish the Challenge but that's it, Death and Suffering have tricked me out of my long awaited prize. I will finish the Challenge, cutting down anyone in my path. I will no longer be fooled by their much loved Trickery and Spite.

I'm sure you've figured it out by now...what my name is that is. Even though, in the real world I am just a confused boy that has been beaten and imprisoned, but here...I am the twisted thoughts in your head. That Demon that wishes to crawl out of your closet and butcher your body and soul. I am the cage that traps your mind in a maze that only I can figure out. The one that pokes and prods you to murder, and the one to give you nightmares and daydreams to put you on the edge of the cliff...until you fall...into Deaths clutches...

I am Insanity...

3: Beaten and Bruised
Beaten and Bruised

I wake from the light sleep I had been blessed for a few short hours, staring down at my dirty hands. The damp dark dungeon cells send whispers out to me, whispers of the long forgotten and the eternally damned. They speak things to me, things that haunt me every waking hour. Some are too low to hear, while others voice right into my ears. They speak with a wispy sound radiating from their mouths that tickles my ears.

The whispers go silent when the sound of clomping boots are made down the hall, scaring them off for the time being.

Getting to my feet I shuffle over to the bars of my cell, pressing my face against the rusty cold metal, unable to squeeze my head through the narrow gap.

Far down the long line of empty cells are two guards, their deceitful Shadows following in front of them to show innocence from what they may be planning. I know better, the Shadows are a different being, separate of ourselves that latch onto us and feed off our souls, until eventually getting bored of you. That is when you meet a gruesome end. As far as I could know, you cannot defeat a shadow or get rid of it, not until it wants to get rid of you.

My shadow and I have a mutual understanding for the time being. I inflict pain on myself for his entertainment, while he remains as a faithful shadow, cloaking me in my own darkness when and if I please.

The two men approach my cell, their attire consisting of silver armor, a thick layer of chain mail hidden underneath their breastplates. Their features quite crude and distasteful, both having thick bushy eyebrows making the hard stern faces all that more intimidating. Matching the eyebrows is short dark bristly hair trying to sprout from their chins and upper lip.

I soon notice one of them is carrying a plate, it's silver rather dark even in the background of his unpolished armor, a skimpy old roll sitting upon it, wed with a small tin cup filled with water.

He begins by unlocking the cell door and I back up to allow him in slightly. As he steps in, setting the food down carefully, his companion watches me closely with a steely glare. I give him an equally challenging stare and I can tell my blue eyes burn into him like the bright sun sun on a steamy hot day. He soon looks away, unable to take the burning any longer and as they re-turn the lock and start back where they came, shadows trailing behind them, I stare at them menacingly until they've disappeared down the silent hall.

Once I'm positive they're gone I sit down in front of the plate, taking the roll of bread in my cold clammy hands. I bite into it, its dry texture getting caught in my throat and I cough, reaching for the cup of water. I raise the tin to my lips, tipping the water into my mouth. The slimy liquid slides down my throat, washing down the chewed up bread, settling in my empty stomach. Staring into the cup I grimace at its dirty taste and slimy feel. Wanting to torture myself further I drink the rest of the parasite infested water, forcing it down my gullet before it tries to make me spit it out. I feel my stomach responding unwell to the water and it tries to come back mixed with a mess of phlegm

Leaving the plate in its current position I drag myself over to the far corner of the room my hand laid over my sickened stomach.

When will I return?

I cringe at the thought of what it will take first to actually get there, and I try to focus on other things.

I gaze at the ins and outs of my cell, shutting out the Whispers for the time being, at least until I feel like listening to them again.

I can't really remember a life before this place. Everything is a blur before this. My name is unknown to me, in fact I'm not so sure I even ever had a name of my own. All I can remember from before is the beatings of the townspeople. They hated me, because the horrible thought of murder was put in their heads about me. I don't know who I had wronged in such a way, for I have no memory of it. At night, I would come out and everyone would lock their doors, barring their windows. My reputation preceded me. Every home that offered a small amount of hospitality, Death came and framed me. Trickery and Spite would follow my every move, making sure I was shown no mercy...

I let out a sharp cry as Pain shoots through my body. I throw myself to the floor, coiling up as it pulses through me, causing my face to twist up from the Agony.

My breath is stolen from me as the images flash across my eyes, until blurring into a pattern. I take a deep gasping breath, a soft wind brushing my face. I have returned to the the stone path I had been following before, finding myself to be closer to the town than I had thought.

It doesn't take long until I enter the one street of the town. As I walk through a bout of Cold bites me and I train my gaze on the two short lines of old broken down homes and crumbling deserted shops on either side side of me.

As expected the air feels unforgiving and spiteful at this time and I feel inclined to know the details.

Death has been here...

I listen for any signs of life and hear the crashing of crates and the scream of a woman. I race to see what the ruckus is about, turning into an unusually wide alleyway. A loud irritated meow is made as the black cat dashes past me, chased away by a young boy. His eyes widen when he sees me and he races back through the door where he had come. I cautiously approach the open door and peek into the small room finding a mother clutching for dear life onto her little girl. She bawls over the body and I back away before racing back out into the street.

The cat that must have carried Death into the home sits in the middle of the street, his thin black tail resting on his paws hiding them, its end twitching curiously as it stares at me with bright green eyes. I chuckle and approach him, crouching down and running my hand over his sleek black coat. He mews happily as I pet him, apparently deciding he likes me as he brushes up against my calf.

I notice something about the cat that puts me on edge. His front paws are a snowy white and I leap to my feet, dashing back into the alley. I burst into the room unannounced and the crying mother looks up and stares at me as if she's seen a Ghost, fear filling her eyes. The boy gives me the same expression, but I ignore them inspecting the room carefully. I squint when I see something move in the far corner of the room trying to make it out. Slowly I inch towards the corner, and the mother and her son follow my eyes, their fear now focused on the Creature in the corner.

"Out!" I yell to them and they don't hesitate making for the door, but it' s too late. The Creature leaps out, revealing itself as the Evil Spirit of the dead child, its body mangled and ripped up, black saliva dripping from its jaws. It crawls on the floor like that of a beast as it grabs the mother, tearing into her gut to gaze on the color red that so haunts me.

The boy starts crying as his mother screams, dropping the body of the girl and to silence her screams the Spirit takes her jaw in one dirty clawed hand and her head in the other, slowly prying them apart until the woman's jaw snaps ripping off the bottom of her skull. The woman falls beside her daughter, blood pooling around her, soaking the girl's once unstained body after having died a quick painless death. The Spirit marvels at its work letting out a menacing giggle like that of the child it murdered, only it puts off a devious sense, morphed it into a chilling sound that causes me to shiver fearfully.

I clench my fists stepping in front of the boy who is shaking uncontrollably at the scene of his mother's mutilated body. The Spirit turns its head slowly, Demon red eyes staring at me hungrily. I narrow my gaze at it, allowing my blue eyes to do as they had done to the guard. I just dare it to come closer challenging its gut to face me and it hisses angrily at me, trying to best me, but my burning gaze once again triumphs and the Evil Spirit lets out a horrible screech of defeat, its shadow engulfing it to take it to another place to wreak havoc upon. I let out a sigh of relief once its gone, turning to the little boy, trying to hide the sight of his family with my body as I stand in front of him.

"Your safe now..." I tell him as I lead him out into the alley so he doesn't have to face the ugly state the Spirit left things in.

Once we're outside he wraps his arms around me in a hug. "Thank you..."

I stare down at him in surprise, a sudden feeling of...

What am I feeling...I've never had this feeling before, and if I have it's been a very long time.

I smile excepting the gratefulness given me by the boy, returning his hug.


4: Trickster

"You've grown stronger..." The boy pulls out of the hug he had given me. His eyes now hue a bright yellow and I take a cautious step back.

A grin stretches from ear to ear, flashing rotten stained teeth and slimy black gums. He laughs menacingly causing me to stumble out of the alley, falling smack into the dirt road. "Trickery..." I whisper to myself, not meaning for him to hear. I glance around, looking for his usual companion and I a new burst of Fear fills my heart, taking my breath away when I find him nowhere to be seen.

I turn back to the boy and find him to have grown into a tall lean teenager with sly features, his choppy grey hair and dirty black nails remind me of the rats that scurry about me in the dungeons, biting and clawing me. His clothes are tattered and ripped, old shoes falling apart.

"That was fun! Don't you think so?" Trickery sneers at me, his hands on his hips as he bends over to get in my face.

I choke on the putrid stench of his breath, never having gotten used to it like I have the rot of bodies when I am near them. This is simply inhuman and unbearable. I finish the choke with a cough and he giggles, smiling down at me slyly, his grin like that of a fox mixed with the deceitful rat he is.

I feel something tickle the inside of my ear and I shudder at the dirty feel of it, the cloud of smoke forming into that of a boy almost looking that of Trickery.

"Did you miss us?" Spite hisses in my ear and I bring my arm into him but he dissipates into his cloud of grey smoke, reappearing at Trickery's side.

"Not in the least!" I snarl angrily, spitting in their direction.

The ball of saliva lands on Spites left shoe and he looks down in disgust at it, Trickery giving the same look at it. The given Disrespect earns me a hard kick to the jaw, the force of it sending me flying. I land with a skid, rolling heels over head in the dust. Once my tumble is over I sit up sniffing the blood running from my nose. A bead of the crimson rolls down my chin daring to stain the dirt and I take it on my finger, licking it off before getting back to my feet. The two boys laugh in amusement at the trouble they've so far caused me at the current hour.

My ragged breath strains for air as my heart struggles to keep up with my body. My eyes burn furiously forcing the two boys to move a couple steps back. I slowly approach them and Trickery moves to where he had been standing before making it known that he isn't afraid of me.

"You think you can best us? You may be stronger now, but never that strong!" He grits his teeth standing his ground as I get right in his face my blue eyes becoming like white hot flames, glowing brightly, burning into Trickery's pupils and finally he has to look away, rubbing his eyes as they burn.

Spite glares at me but turns his gaze to his companion when I shoot him a stare.

I shake my head, evaporating the flames, my eyes returning to normal. Trickery snarls angrily and brings his heel up into my chest, forcing the air out of my lungs. I grasp for another hold on the stale air finding it slightly difficult but I soon regain it, recovering from the weak blow.

"Boys boys! You shouldn't tease him so, he is Insane after all."

We all turn our attention to a young woman, a perfect hourglass figure, evenly matched with flawless skin and deep purple eyes like that of polished jewels. A mischievous smile curves her thin red lips, long raven black hair reaching down to her thin waist, shining even in the gloomy day. Like as before when I've seen her she wears skin tight clothing that of which I've never seen to show of her every curve.


I think to myself, easily recognizing her and Trickery and Spite drool over her as she walks over to them, placing one foot in front of the other carefully like a professional dancer of some sort.

"Mentally challenged!" I growl, correcting her on the assumption.

"Whatever!" She waves a hand to dismiss the matter her gaze trained on the two boys who swoon. She caresses Trickery's cheek, bringing her face daringly close to his. "Why don't you go on and play with a few other poor souls." She whispers in his ear moving away, right before her lips touch his. She gives Spite a wink and he melts from her beauty his body now enveloping in smoke while Trickery gives her a ravenous look before dashing away.

She chuckles, turning to face me. She gets so close to my face, her scent that of roses. Her thin fingers weave into the locks of my black hair. I try hard to shut out the dirty thoughts she tries to place into my mind laced carefully with clever lies, refusing to look at her only to find something else occupying the view other than her beautiful face.

"Calm down, I want to help you..." She whispers in my ear, her hot breath on my face.

She pulls my head beside hers so I'm looking down on the ground behind her. Her chest presses against mine and I can hear her heart beating calmly, very unlike mine which is trying hard to keep in tempo my emotions. I feel something slip into my hand and she then continues to speak.

"You cannot leave this town. There is a bridge that crosses over the gorge, you know of it, yes?" She asks, speaking quickly as if she were in a hurry, her voice riddled with worry.

I slowly nod, my chin bumping her shoulder as I do so.

"Death has placed a gate at that bridge, it is locked and the only way to reopen it is with the key." She explains faster now and I wonder if something is wrong. "Just outside the town is a mansion house, that is where the key is hidden. However, you must beware. You may find yourself scrambling for your life!" She pulls away from me then sprints away in a right hurry and I look down at what she had put in my hand.

A dagger?

5: Hide n' Seek
Hide n' Seek

The phlegm comes up my throat, spilling past my lips and onto the floor. I cough, groaning in pain and disgust as I stare down at the puddle of vomit, swimming with wriggling parasites. I'm thrown into another coughing fit, spitting out more infested phlegm, my weak stomach twisting up in cramps as this is done.

When it's over I fall onto my side, breathing heavily. Sweat rolls off me like water and I wipe it away from my eyes, but find that it isn't sweat, it's tears. More of the salty water fills my eyes and I beat my head on the floor, feeling sad and pathetic as I lay in my own vomit.

More of the putrid stuff fills my mouth like foam, bubbling over my lips, slowly sliding down my chin and onto the floor.

"Now Insanity, is this really what it's come to?"

I roll myself over to face the outside of my cell and find a woman standing at the door. She wears a long grey dress, fraying at the ends of her long sleeves. Her long blonde hair pulled up into a bun atop her head.

"Mock-ery..." I stutter before I get on my hands and knees, spitting out the rest of the disgusting parasites, picking them out of my teeth with the end of my tongue as I sit back up on my legs.

She chuckles at the site of me. "I heard from a reliable source that you're Insane! Is that true?"

I growl at her mistake. "Mentally challenged!"

She rolls her eyes. "Right, then do tell me Insanity, why are you in here again?" The smirk on her face makes me furious and I scramble to my feet, banging my fists on the bars.

"I know what you're doing! Now get out Mockery!" I shout at her and she laughs.

"Such a mean boy aren't you? I came here 'cause I wanted to help you." She leans in closer, the sweet scent of perfume filling my nostrils, similar to Lust, and yet completely different.

"Someone is in need of your help, and only you can save them." I notice something glint in the half light behind her. "Lust told you as much, did she not?"

She brings her hand into my gut, the blade sliding through the flesh. Blood seeps around the knife and I stumble back, a shaky hand reaching for the steel now buried into me. The visions flash over me as I fall to the floor, too much in shock from it. I feel darkness creeping up on me, the images still playing through my head.

I gasp for air, staring up at a brown and grey sky, the feeling of leather laying gently on my fingers and I look to my right. The dagger Lust had given me, I still have it. I grip the leather bound handle tightly, sitting up as I do.

The mansion Lust had mentioned looms in front of me like a three dimensional Shadow, it's massive two stories gives a sense of Danger and Darkness, sending tremors through my body as I step cautiously onto its porch, the rotting mildewed wood creaking as I walk upon its surface.

The silence is overwhelming and frightening, my heart beating faster and faster as I turn the brass knob attached to the door so I'm able to open it. Its rust covered hinges squeak as they turn the door into the house. Entering the dark hallway, I step lightly for fear I would awaken anything lurking within the Dark. I do my best to ignore the fresh claw marks on the walls, among old ones as well. It's so quiet I can hear my own shallow breathing and I try to hold it as best as possible, limiting how much I breath out, but I think I'm more worried about something hearing my heart pounding.

The right hall wall morphs into a flight of stairs while below them is a fairly large room, which is completely empty, except for a thick layer of dust covering the floors.

Lust said there was a key, to open the gate...

I think to myself, looking all around for any sign of danger, as well as the item I seek. Everything is cloaked in Darkness, not even the gloom is able to get in through the cracks in the boarded up windows every so often filling up a space in the walls.

I step in something hot and sticky and crouch down touching the liquid that is pooled up on the floor, trying to soak into the old wood. The liquid drips onto my face, slowly rolling down my cheek, past my lips. I lick the stuff off as it falls into the corners of my mouth, the tangy taste of metal all too familiar. I look up, not seeing anything, as the blood drips from the ceiling onto my face.

As I get to my feet I trip on something and I squint in the dark, trying to make it out, but that doesn't help. A hand grabs my wrist and I feel my heart lurch causing me to bite hard into my tongue to keep myself from gasping. The hand is mangled and torn, some fingers missing from it.

A low moaning sound escapes the lips of the one holding me in place, along with a small word that I only recognize as the name given to me.

"In-san-ity..." The voice whispers ominously and I remain still, not answering it. It repeats this sound and I finally give a nod to the Dark.

"Sa-ve...h-er..." It says finally, until going completely silent, the hand falling limp from the grip it held on my wrist.

My heart rate slows now, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins.

The room, where the body had lain, leads me on the other side of the stairs, having me pass by a small closet. I don't dare open it, for not knowing what might be waiting inside.

In this world, there are things that will make even the brightest, most pure imagination grow into a Dark and Devout mind of the Wicked. It is dangerous to even think that any monstrous or horrifying Creature you come up with isn't real. It is all real, and if you're not careful, it will snatch you up. I know better, having dealt with them before, but what I feel taking residence in this place doesn't seem to be anything I've faced before. Which is why Death may have chosen it as an obstacle.

I spin around when I here the floorboards creak behind me, only to find what I can't see isn't there, at least not yet.

I enter into a small kitchen, with an old stove fireplace in the corner. A sliver of gloom peeking through the boards nailed to the window, allowing me to see only a little bit.

In the middle of the room is a small round table, one old broken chair laying on its side, having been broken in half. As I near the table I find a candle, wrapped in cobwebs. Noticing something odd, I look back down at the chair and crouch at it. I run my finger across one of the legs and find it almost clean of dust and webs.

They put up a fight, but there's no blood in the area, which means whoever fought this battle-

I jump when a clawing sound is heard above me.

Unbending my legs I take up the candle off the old table, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, before whatever haunts this mansion reveals itself.

Beside the candle is a match and I hold my breath as I set my knife down and pick it up.

I grin widely at the match, swiping it over the tabletop to light it, then place the little flame against the candle wick.

It wants to play...

I think to myself, slightly amused.

The flame separates, becoming two from one. I shake the match, the little flame instantly going out, a thin stream of smoke replacing it. Flicking the match away I hold up the now lit candle, shining a bit more light on things so I can better see, although purposefully avoiding the dark corners.

There seems to be another room that leads out of the kitchen, and seeing that the door is ajar I merely push it open, cringing as it shrieks on old hinges. I look down into a pitch dark basement, Cold wafting up from its depths to nip at my cheeks, the only light being down their would be my candle. I sigh knowing I have to go down to find the key.

Placing a foot on one of the rotting boards made to be steps, I test it, making sure it's stable before ever so cautiously making my way down, doing so as lightly as I can. Upon reaching the bottom I find a virtually empty room like the rest of the house. It's about the size as the first room I had come to when I entered the mansion, only ten times as ominous, it being so dark.

I lift up the candle, lighting up the room a bit further and find a small chest sitting against the wall. I rush over, it having been tipped over. Setting down the candle carefully so as not hush the flames light I pick up the chest, reopening it, only to find it empty.


I place my hand over my mouth instantly regretting the word, but when there's only pure silence I almost let out a small huff of relief, but I don't get the chance to.

Above me the floorboards creak and sound of nails digging into the walls, scratching them makes my heart stop. Not for just a second this time but for many, my breath becoming quick gasps for air. I make a swift grab for the candle and am about to blow it out when I hear the ceiling above me make click, click, clicking sounds. They're fast and brief, but enough to fill me with a fear that freezes my body so that I am unable to move.

That explains the blood on the ceiling...

The clicking has gotten louder and I start to breath heavier, heart beating faster. With a shaky hand I force myself to move the candle just slightly up and I catch a glimpse of a grey clawed hand that looks as if it's been stitched together. The string of stitches reaching across the top of the hand, ending in between the index finger and the middle finger. Slowly the hand moves downward revealing more and more of the pale grey skin.

The flame of the candle flickers, then cracks sending out a wisp of smoke and I struggle to hold still so to not send whatever it is into a frenzy. Slowly appearing in the circle of light on the wall is stringy golden hair, swaying as it moves, until bringing to vision the face of the Creature.

My eyes widen at the stitched face, her mouth having been sown into a smile, forever keeping her lips drawn back in a grin, the stitches however reach all the way around her cheeks until abruptly ending. Her eyes are a wild bloodshot red, black veins visible on her forehead, starting from her eyes. Half of her face freshly torn up in places, the white of her skull showing by her left eye, the blood and mangled flesh glistening in the light. She remains on the wall, waiting patiently for me to move so we can start the game and I can tell she's getting irritated, her claws digging into the wall. Remembering I left the knife on the table upstairs I curse myself for being so stupid.

Dropping the candle I scramble up the steps, and under the pressure and weight, one of them breaks, my foot trapped in the hole. The Creature hisses and leaps off the wall reaching out for me and I kick her away with my free foot, making her snarl, only making her worse. I'm finally able to pull myself free from the broken step and make it up the top with her close behind, snarling and screaming furiously.

I snatch my dagger off the table, slamming the basement door shut. She throws her body into the door and I can hear the wood crack from the impact. I flinch, pulling away from the door and race down the hall stopping at the flight of stairs. I step behind the wall, out of view of the basement opening.

The door shrieks open by the sound of bare feet walking on the wood floor slowly, causing me to bite my lip. I place a hand over my mouth to keep myself from breathing as she makes her way down the hall.

"Tear it down with hatchet and maul..." She sings as she walks, pausing every few steps. "hatchet and maul...hatchet and maul...tear it down with hatchet and maul and watch the ravens feast..."

She stops, just a foot ahead of where I stand on the steps, and tips her head to the side as if puzzled, but she has yet to turn around. Her tattered dress is dirty, it's once white a crude yellow.

I grip my dagger tightly, gathering enough gut before lunging into her, plunging the knife into her back and ripping it along her spine, blood gushing around the fresh wound. I gulp as she doesn't move, and ever so slowly her head turns and turns until it's facing me square on, her red eyes glint in the halflight, and I pull the knife from her back.

This sets her off and she leaps at me, ripping at my clothes, trying to get a hold in my flesh and I stab at her hands, only to have her shriek mindlessly before resuming the actions. I struggle to break free from her tight grip as I try to drag myself up the stairs. I kick at her gnarled face and stab her limbs until she finally lets go and I make a mad dash up the stairs entering one of the empty rooms, shutting it quietly.

The frenzy has stopped once again but she doesn't sing. There is only dead silence this time. I can't even hear her climb the stairs but when she approaches the door, the knob is turned slowly and I search for a hiding spot, seeing my only option would be the large closet in the room. I slide the door open and step into the closet then shut it again.

I peek through the crack to see if she actually came in, only to jump away when I hear a quiet yet sharp squeal just beside me. I look to my left and find a girl, eyes wide with pure Fear as she stares up at me, crouched in the corner of the closet. I stare at her calmly as well and she soon seems to realize I am no threat. Her mouth moves, though no words come out, I know what she said.

Help me...

I back into the other corner as the door of the closet is slightly opened by the Creature that awaits outside.

I close my eyes.

We're not getting out of here unless that thing is dead...

I open the door, however finding the Creature to be nowhere in my view. I search the dark, watching for sign of movement, knuckles white from gripping the blade. Time seems to be against me at this moment, edging ever closer to an unknown ending.

A blood curdling scream is heard behind me and I spin around, adrenaline racing through me, bringing me to life. The girl crouching in the closet is looking up at something, and ever so slowly I follow her gaze. The dark figure holds fast to the ceiling, red eyes gleaming in the dark, it snarls dropping down on top of me, digging its claws into my flesh.

I'm flat on my back, trying desperately to keep the Creature from mutilating me as it did the poor soul downstairs. My knife has been knocked from my hand and I reach for it with one hand while using the other to keep the Creature from getting to my face.

What the Hell is wrong with me! I am Insanity, ten times worse than this wretch!

With a sudden newfound strength I snatch the girl up by her throat as she continues to claw at me, obviously not phased by it.

I scream furiously, digging my nails into her neck throwing her off me. Having skidded into the wall with a loud thunk, she scrambles onto her hands and knees and lunges at me but my hand takes hold of her small head and bashes it into the floor. Getting on top of her I take up the dagger laying nearby and stab into her chest, a crazed look in my eyes as she struggles to get up. Slicing open her flesh I dig my free hand into her body ripping out the life organ, it still pumping faintly in my hand. She has stopped struggling her body now limp and lifeless.

I flash a row of white teeth, menacingly staring down at my work. The heart still in my hand, blood squeezing out of it through my fingers to drip on the floor. I drop the organ examining my hand before slowly running my tongue over my palm and along my middle finger, taking up the blood in my mouth.

I then get to my feet still staring down at the Creature, blood from both hands dripping onto the floor, joining with the pool that begins to form, seeping in between my toes, causing me to grin at the feel of it. Another sign of what I've done.

After relishing the moment I turn to the girl who is still huddled in the closet, not sure what to think at all. She's horrified and yet seeming grateful for the Death that took this Creature. She stares up at me fearfully, wondering if I will do the same to her.

I grin from ear to ear as I stare at her, flexing my bloody fingers as I notice something enclosed in her hand.

She has the key!

6: Purity

I take a small step forward and she gasps, trying to back herself further into the corner, her fingers gripping the key tighter.

I remain where I am now, my bloody fingers twitching eagerly.

Her snowy white hair is spattered with blood, most likely from the Creature, it reaching beyond her shoulders. She wears a white dress, equal to her hair, it being ripped and torn on the sleeves and skirt. Her face is a dirty grey, dried blood spotting her cheeks. Her bare feet are bruised and bleeding, making small marks of the liquid on the floor. Her grey eyes give a metallic sense, shining beautifully like that of polished silver, making my confusing emotions melt all into one, turning it into something unfamiliar and cruel, yet warm and comforting at the same time. They're filled with Fear, dimming that polish as she tries to make out what and who I am, wondering all the while what I will do to her. She don't dare say a word, for not wanting me to come any closer to her.

My mouth remains shut as I cock my head to the side curiously.

She's different...she's afraid of me and yet intrigued by my nature. Her eyes are filled with Fear but hint something unrecognizable.

I think hard, trying to pinpoint it, still staring at her in the same puzzled position.

It's not Disgust, or Hatred, it looks to be the work of...

I shake my head in frustration and she lets out a small gasp, I, must having made her jump when I moved. Finally I approach her slowly and she lets out a whimper, unable to move back any further. I crouch down in front of her and slowly take her hands into mine. She opens up her curled fingers, revealing a rusty brass skeleton key.

I take the key laying in her palms and get back to my feet, heading out of the room.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice she creeps out of the closet, stumbling as she stands, following me cautiously. A slightly brighter gloom shines through the boarded windows revealing the grotesque work of the Creature in the first room that leads off the stairs.

The mangled body of a boy, lay there in a pool of blood, his legs having been ripped from his torso, while is arms have been stripped of most of their flesh. His face is mostly intact except for the two empty sockets where his eyes would have been. I look up to the ceiling and find what I had anticipated. Blood stains the wooden boards right above his body, dripping onto his now rotting flesh.

He put up quite a fight...

I think to myself, the comment seeming rather cruel and heartless, but also shows a sign of respect for his Courage.

If you die in this world you are forever damned to Hell, where Suffering and Torture carry out the inhuman punishments you either rightfully or wrongfully deserve for all eternity. There is no escape and there are no second chances, there is only one choice in this world. Kill or be killed, and a way around it doesn't exist.

The girl is right behind me and she shuts her eyes, looking away from the gruesome scene, not wanting to know how her friends Death came to him. I step into the hall leading to the exit. I reopen the creaking door and find myself out in the biting Cold once again, more welcoming so now after the ordeal that took place inside the mansion.

I make my way down the hill the mansion rests upon and back down to the ghostly town, maybe a mile ahead.

The girl with the waist length white hair follows me closely like a faithful puppy, not wanting to get lost. Her bare feet landing gracefully with every step, as silent as the whistling wind on a still day. The back of the shredded skirt of her dress floats gently behind her, wisps of her white hair doing the same action. She winces with every careful step, her damaged feet ruining her balance just slightly.

The dark clouds gather above us, threatening to pour their innards out onto us, striking the ground mercilessly with white hot bolts of lightning, but they refrain from doing so for now.

The town seems deserted as always, but without warning both Lust and Mockery slide out of hiding, pleased expressions making up both their faces as they approach me.

"Where's Courage?" Lust asks, her tone showing that she already knows.

I ignore the pointless question, and the girl behind me looks down at the dust covered street. Lust gives the girl a sympathetic look before turning her purple gaze to me, eyes sparkling mischievously, though her eyes don't seem to have the same effect on me like the snow-haired girl's. She runs her fingers through my hair, pulling it out of my eyes just briefly before letting my hair go and it falls back into my face.

My steely blue gaze holds no emotion or sign of expression and she smirks at the fact, bringing her lips up to my ear, "I knew you could do it..." before going to stand beside Mockery once again.

Mockery just stares at me as if judging me with skeptical eyes, her arms crossed over her chest. Then after a few moments she just shakes her head before spinning on her heels and walking in the direction I'm currently facing. Lust gives me one last sideways glance before heading away after Mockery, leaving me to deal with the matter at hand.

I turn around, facing the girl temporarily and her grey eyes widen as she wonders what I'll do to her.

I just walk past her, ignoring her for the time being as I head to the Gorge outside the towns borders. She remains following me like a faithful puppy as I had described earlier.

What is someone as innocent as her doing here? This is no place for her here. It's too dangerous.

I think about it for a moment, mulling it over in my head.

Maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. I don't know what nature she is, she could be Hatred and I wouldn't know it. I've never met Hatred and don't intend to. Or she might be someone as harmless as Innocence. She could very possibly be someone such as Bravery or Meek, considering her companion was Courage.

I sigh.

It doesn't look like I'll be able to get rid of her anytime soon, she seems pretty attached to me at the moment, so it may take awhile for me to shake her loose.

The Gorge stretches for miles upon miles, and is impossible to go around. There is only one way to get across, and I stare up at the tall iron gate, keeping me from going out onto the old bridge. Holding the gate shut is a big lock reinforced with chains.

Beyond the gate the bridge sways mockingly over the Gorge, just daring us to cross.

I open my palm and stare down at the key for what seems like forever, until finally going up to the iron gate keeping us here. I shove the rusted key into the lock and use what's left of my strength to turn it, finding it surprisingly difficult. With a shriek the lock clicks open falling with a loud thunk, just barely missing my toes.

I let out a long breath of relief at the fact it didn't take my toes with it when it fell. I step back as the two doors seperate to allow us through, but just as I step to go I'm met with a jolt of numbing pain that takes my breath away.

I press my hand to my stomach, the flesh exposed after my grey shirt having been ripped by the Creature. Apparently it took a huge chunk of meat out of me along with it. I look down at the deep hole, blood seeping through onto my hand and then to the ground.

How did I not notice it before?

I drop to my knees as the blood gushes in between my fingers, making me feel lightheaded. A pair of silver eyes stare into mine, small hands shaking me by my shoulders as they try to keep me awake. Faintly in the back of my mind I hear a soft melodic voice calling me out.

"Stay with me Insanity..." The voice yells, muffled, echoing in my head hauntingly.

A single word escapes my lips, something that I have never said before, nor have I heard it. A foreign word to me, and yet it makes sense.


7: Torture Vs. Insanity
Torture Vs. Insanity

I remove the dagger from my side, rolling on the floor in Misery as his thoughts reach into my head, and I try to shut them out.

Why am I here...why am I still alive?

I feel a menacing laugh grow in my throat, the amusement of the fact creating the distasteful sound.

Torture keeps me alive...Suffering keeps me I love Cruelty...

I get on my hands and knees staring down at the blood covered stone beneath me. I feel something slimy crawl up my throat and I gag the curdled blood falling onto the floor. I grin, flashing my bloody teeth as I run my tongue over them. I turn my gaze to the knife in my hand and sit on my legs as I pull it up to my lips, closing my eyes.

Blood stained metal touches my blue lips, the crimson drops rolling down over my hands and along my forearms.

"You're disgusting!" Someone says to my left and I turn my head and find a tall good looking young man wearing royal clothing. Those of the King and Queen and I wrinkle my nose at my own disgust at his perfectly shaped face and quirky smile, dark brown eyes shining with mischief and intrigue that only the shallowest of women would fall for. I hate every bit of him with a burning passion that will never be extinguished with any kind of persuasion.

I lick the blood off my lips, slowly getting to my feet as he unlocks my cell, stepping in. I back myself up into the corner which makes him chuckle.

One careful step at a time he inches towards me and I flatten myself against the wall.

He is King's son, William I think would be his proper name. He is the one that put me in this god foresaken cell.

I think to myself bitterly.

Hatred burns in his eyes as mine own does for him. He corners me up against the wall, slowly bringing his hand up from his side. I feel two fingers shoved into the wound where I had pulled Mockery's dagger free.

"I will make you suffer for what you've done!" He growls in my ear, removing his fingers from my wound. He takes the bloody hand and holds my cheeks, squishing them as he grasps my jaw as so.

The smell of my own blood hot and warm, beckons to me. When he pulls away, taking a step back, he leaves the blood on my face and I wipe it away with the palm of my hand before running my tongue across the meat of my hand slowly, the blood now cold after having been outside of my body, even for a short time.

"Repulsive!" He curls his lip up in a disgusted manner, all the while glaring at me with Hatred.

I feel a snarl rise out of the bottom of my throat, but instead it comes out as something completely different than what I had expected. "Go to Hell!"

He frowns and snatches my throat, lifting me above him. I glare down at him, clawing at his large hand desperately as I gasp for air. "You little brat!" He shouts at me angrily, holding my neck tighter so as not to let any air in.

My eyes flutter as I start to get lightheaded. He drops me, storming back out of my cell.

I cough and splutter, trying to get a hold of my breath again. I lay there, my stomach twisting up in painful knots while the hole in my side bleeds, sharpening the amount of pain given. Groaning I feel another mouthful of blood come up my throat. I spit it out, this one squirming with parasites that must still be in my system.

The sound of more than one pair of rushed boots stomp on the cobblestone floors making up the dungeon. The barred door of my cell creaks open and hands grab me roughly, pulling me to my feet. I hang my head, staring down at the floor but someone's fingers reach under my chin and lift my gaze up. My blue eyes rest on the Prince.

"Show me you're truly Insane, and I won't allow them to Torture you at this particular time." He demands of me and I just stare at him.

After several moments of silence the two guards drag me out of my cell, having to basically carry me since I refuse to walk.

As I'm taken above the dungeon, fresh air begins to fill my lungs, breathing new life into me and I sigh, taking in as much as I can knowing it won't last.

Before long I'm thrown out into the courtyard, skidding several feet across the hard grey stones. I roll myself over onto my back and stare up at the beautiful blue sky and it's white fluffy clouds.

When was the last time I saw the sky? In the other world the sky has been shrouded by toxic clouds filling the air with poisonous gases, but the blue color of the true sky is even more magnificent than I had imagined!

I think to myself, relishing the glorious view before me.

The moment is soon ruined when I'm flipped over, cuffs binding my wrists behind my back. A boot presses down on my cheek as I face the side, the heel digging into the side of my bony eye socket.

"Show me your Insane!" The Prince yells at me in the practically empty courtyard.

I don't answer and he removes his boot from my face and uses it to kick me in the side, the heel digging into the wound I had received from Mockery. I grit my teeth as the fresh pain shoots through me like lightning when it strikes the ground. I hear the Prince say something to one of the soldiers who is watching the situation.

"Keep him alive...but only just. Make him remember why he's damned to that prison cell!" He snarls to the soldier before storming off.

I feel a large hand grasp the back of my neck like you would the scruff of a puppy.

Isn't that what I am? A little puppy that is lost and confused...he tries to escape the box hiding him away from the world only to find there's no way out...there's no way out...

My solemn thoughts echo in my mind tauntingly and they don't shake off when I'm chained to a wooden post in the middle of the courtyard. My shirt is then ripped from my back, the ragged and dirty cloth tossed aside and forgotten.

My exposed flesh shows to all the world what I've been through. Scars from past punishments easily seen from afar are etched into me like ugly tattoos, destined to be there forever, while the stab wound I am still enduring through looks as nasty as it was when it was fresh. The skin having been ripped after the Prince's heel went into it, the hole bigger now than it was before and the situation I've now put myself in isn't going to make it any better.

I almost hang from the short chain keeping me at the post, my wrists suspended above me, the cuffs cutting into my skin, threatening to take my hands with them if I were to try and pull free.

I glance over my shoulder at the soldier who unhooks a whip from his belt, nasty looking steel hooks and barbs attached along the thin strip of leather. I face the pole, tensing and bracing myself for the leather and steel and it soon comes down upon me with a quick whistling sound. It slices into my back, running across my spine, only for the hooks to get caught in my flesh. The soldier yanks at the whip but the hooks do not come free and I just breath in and out, tensing up even more as the hooks are pulled and pulled at. Finally with one sharp and quick yank the hooks come free taking them a chunk of flesh that falls to the ground. I clench my teeth together, grinding them against one another as I keep a scream from escaping my lips.

The whip comes down again, each time ripping the flesh from my back, the next one less painful than another, because every time I start to get used to the certain amount of pain that is dealt.

I can't remember what I had done to the Prince that made him put me in that cell. I think about the issue every day, sifting through what little memories I have left, but I can never remember something that would have given the Prince reason to put me in there. I want to remember so badly!

Blood bubbles behind my lips and I turn my head to the side and spit it out, before once again resting my head against the wooden post. I shut my eyes tight, desperately trying to find that one memory that would solve my frustration of every waking hour.

Finally I see the image of small pink lips, curved up in a happy smile. Soft brown hair floating with the breeze of a warm day and pretty sparkling green eyes, but that's all I can see. Nothing else, and soon the picture fades away.

"No!" I scream furious that image suddenly vanished. I pull at the chains holding me to the post finding the whipping I had been receiving for some time now has ceased.

I pull down on the cuffs, trying to slide my small hands through them but the metal has been buried into the skin. I try to stand up but the wounds on my back are unbearable and I slump back to the ground, writhing there madly.

Blood rolls in streams down my back and forms in a puddle around me and I have my head hang in between my arms, staring down as the blood seeps in between my knees. I breath heavily, trying to calm myself down a bit, but that's not going to happen.

I am released from the chains holding me to the post and I crouch my head low so my black hair sways in the blood soaking in between the cracks of the cobblestone. I try to get to my feet but the damage done is too much and I fall, slipping in my own blood. My skull lamds with a crack on the stone and I feel blood roll down my face as I look up, it running over my eyes, blinding them to red.

"Come on..." I growl to myself focusing on the pain as much as I can, but it doesn't seem to help. I lift my head up to the sky. "Take me! Please take me!" I scream, tears now mixing with the blood in my eyes. "Don't make me stay here any longer! I want to go back!" My lungs gasp as I strain my voice, repeating these words until my voice would no longer serve me, having been exhausted.

I crawl on my hands and knees towards the soldier who whipped me, my nails scraping across the ground furiously. I shake my head, throwing drops of blood away, my blue stare now clear and it causes the soldier to flinch as I come ever closer to him. He pulls out his sword threateningly as a hint of true Insanity glints in the unnatural glow of my eyes.

Come on Torture! Do your worst!

I scream out to him in my thoughts, my menacingly stare still fixed on the soldier.

I know you're there!

He must have heard me because more knotted pain shoots through my stomach, forcing me to cringe, but I don't stop as I crawl towards the soldier. The tip of his sword is directed at my chest and I take my gaze away from him for only mere seconds to glance down at the shining steel. I then grin up at him through blood stained teeth.

"Do it!" I shout as I move past the blade and reach for him.

He brings up the blade to defend himself and all that is heard is a blood curdling scream.


8: Bad Habit Number 1
Bad Habit Number 1

I rub my eyes. Groaning from Pain I clutch my aching side, which I notice is bandaged up, while my shirt lay nearby. I grit my teeth as I slowly get to my feet, taking in my surroundings with much frustration and anger. I'm inside a small house in the town. Right where I started and I slam my fist against the wall furiously, but instantly regret it when Pain shoots through my side.

Trying to ignore Pain I pick up my shirt and slip it on, wincing at every small movement. Above me, outside, the storm I had predicted earlier has hit the town, giving everything its got and I wonder if some of the buildings will be able to take the high winds. The sound of the winds loud screams bashing the sides of the homes and old stores catches in my ear as does the creaks and groans of the structure I reside in, making me question whether it'll be able to hold up. I suddenly jump as a bolt of lightning strikes the ground outside near my safe house and move back into the shelter of the corner I had woken up in.

I guess I have to wait the storm out. There's no way I'll be able to go anywhere in this.

I tell myself with a long and somewhat pained sigh.

I wonder what happened to that girl...was she the one that patched me up?

I draw my lips back, showing a row of pearl white teeth as I smile, showing my gratefulness to her through doing so, even if she isn't here.

As if Fate read my mind the door on the other side of the room, maybe just a few feet away from the window bursts open. Allowed in is the girl with the snow white hair, drenched in rainwater and she clutches her arms shivering terribly.

I feel Comfort reach into my head and give me polite thoughts but I shake him off, refusing to go and wrap my arms around the girl to keep her warm. She ignores me as if I wasn't even there, going straight over to the window staring out the foggy glass. She'd look like a statue if she weren't so cold, her shivering giving her away.

I try to rest my head back against the wall gently so as not to make any sound but it still makes a thump and the girl spins around, looking startled. Her face is flushed and I can't tell if that was from being outside or from being frightened. I decide the latter and she lets out a huff of relief when she sees me, but personally I wouldn't really see that as a relief.

She approaches and crouches down in front of me. She takes my hand which is clutching my injured side, and believe it or not underneath that bandage shows a huge chunk missing from my side. I flinch as she lifts up my shirt, to see if the blood has soaked through the thick bandage, and thankfully it hasn't yet. I don't really want to feel any more of Pain than I have to. I endure him enough in the other world.

She does something I hadn't expected, causing me to let out a sharp cry when she digs her palm into the bandaged wound and she places a finger over her lips to tell me to keep silent. I grit my teeth pressing myself against the wall, my feet trying to get under me as I try to help ease the Pain with the distraction of motion. The cry ends with a whimper, a sound that I've never made before in this world. I look down at her, blue eyes piercing as she stares at me, her palm still digging into my side.

This side of her surprises me, since before she was so docile and wistful, I thought for sure she was too innocent for this world, but I suppose I was wrong.

Finally she pulls away. "Sorry..." She whispers getting swiftly back on her feet.

I shut my eyes tight still feeling Pain and I bury my face into the corner, rubbing my forehead against the wall.

"I was...making sure the Demon hadn't taken you..." She tells me, gazing outside at the raging storm through the window.

"What...are you talking about?" I growl through Pain, realizing he's deliberately trying to irritate me today with his nature.

She turns to me. "What you saw in that house was a Possession. When you killed it the Demon inside the girl would have passed into you through the wound she had dealt you." She explains, but still too vaguely for me to understand.

"What is a Possession?" I query, finally able to ignore Pain for the time being.

She purses her lips giving me a look that I've probably never seen before. One that says,

Are you serious?

Since I usually know everything there is to know about this world this is certainly new to me. I've never not known anything before, except for when I first came here.

"What you encountered in that house was one of the Possessed. The Possessed are a clan of children that have given over their souls to Demons. Every day more and more of these children are created and we are seeing them more frequently. There is a chance of you surviving if you are met with but one, however when in groups...Life cannot save you..."

"...and Suffering and Torture takes over..." I mumble half to myself, finishing her sentence.

She lets out a long sigh, clutching her arms she resumes her shivering once she realizes she's still cold.

Every so slowly I pull myself up along the wall, getting my feet beneath me so I may stand. I come over to her, trying not to hunch my back from Pain, still clutching my side.

I stare into her eyes, them being like silver pools as big and as bright as the glowing moonlight making my emotions once again melt all into one. Unfortunately to ruin the the Cruel and Comforting feeling, Pain butts in, prodding my wound playfully, but it's so sharp I grit my teeth.


The girls eyes turn hard suddenly, and she brings her hand across my cheek causing me to stumble back in surprise. I raise a free hand to my my cheek, utterly surprised. Her stare is so furious at me, at this moment I'd want nothing more to be back in my cell, away from her steely eyes.

"Don't ever curse again!" She snarls and if I really were a puppy I would go into the corner, my tail between my legs, but instead I'm so shocked that tears begin to well in my eyes and I try to shake them away.

At this her eyes soften into those pools of silver again and she gets up close to me, wiping away the tears that have managed to escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you so harshly..." She whispers, her voice very apologetic and sincere.

I do my best to take my attention away from her and glance out the window, finding the storm has eased up the rain to a light drizzle. I move past the snow haired girl and head for the door just as lightning flashes across the sky bringing with it a crack of thunder, sending the small house into tremors. A shower of dust comes down atop the both of us and I realize she's clinging to my arm, Fear having pierced her core from the sound. She realizes her behavior and jumps back away from me, now allowing me to leave the safety of the building.

Outside the Cold bites my skin, but thankfully takes pity on me and soothes my skin, shoving Pain off of me for a time as I make my way back to the Gorge that I've been trying to cross for days now. The girl resumes following me as she did before, giving her a docile appearance, though in reality she's not as shy.

We soon reach the Gorge and the now open bridge to get across it. It sways uneasily in the howling wind and I make a point to be more cautious than times before when I've crossed it. I carefully place a bare foot on one of the rotted dank boards, clutching the rope holding up the bridge while my other hand is still pressed against my side.

The board creaks under my weight as I take my other foot and rest it on the second board, slowly making my way across. The wind roughs my hair into a mess and I struggle to stay upright the air current is so strong. My knuckles are white from gripping the rope that keeps the bridge together. My left hand dares to release my side and help keep me from falling into the depths of the Gorge.

I'm halfway across, and I start to shake from Anticipation and maybe a bit of Fear. Fear of not making it to other side.

As I take another light step the board creaks and I test it to make sure it's safe, finding it to be stable so far I put about half of my weight on it. As I go to take another step the board I had tested breaks under my weight and I fall through the sudden opening. I grab hold of the other board in front of me, silently praying it won't break as well.

A sharp cry is heard from the snow haired girl and I hear her scamper onto the bridge.

"No!" I scream to her hoping to stop her, not wanting the additional weight but she doesn't listen.

She jumps over me as I dangle over the Gorge, landing gracefully on the other side on a more stable plank of wood. She cautiously gets down, stretching her thin body over the bridge, laying on her belly as she grabs my wrist, attempting to help me up.

"Get off the bridge!" I yell to her over the sounds of the wind in my ears.

She shakes her head. "I'm not going to leave you!"

This quite surprises me and I try to help her help me get back onto the bridge, but I make the mistake of looking down into the Gorge finding the drop nauseating and I feel my fingers slipping as if covered in oil. The girl struggles to hold on to me and I hear the sound of laughter coming from the other side of the bridge. The girl looks over her shoulder, and her scared expression hardens at the new arrivals. I dangle from underneath bridge, clawing desperately at the board I hold onto, only finding the attempt useless. Through the boards I notice the familiar faces of Trickery and Spite who snicker at our situation.

Spite pulls out a knife and saws at the rope holding up the bridge and my eyes widen as does the girl's.

"No!" I shout which makes Trickery grin even wider, yellow broken teeth visible.

Ever so slowly the rope snaps and breaks from the pressure and sawing of Spite's blade and with one loud snap the rope breaks, sending the bridge to flop vertically, unable to hold the girl and she slides of the planks, plunging to Death, her scream ringing in my ears as does the Amused chuckles of Trickery and Spite. I release the board I had been tightly clinging to and make a dive for her. I plaster my arms to my sides, falling headfirst. Once I'm close enough to her I reach a hand to her outstretched fingers.

Snatching up her hand I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms around her tightly so as to protect her as much as I can, even though the effort is pointless. Neither of us will survive and as we plunge into the depths I find myself, for the first time sending out a prayer to Life hoping he will hear me.

9: From the Water He Came
From the Water He Came

The Cold waves lap gently at my skin as they wish to carry me along their rushing current, but instead they allow me to lay upon the riverbank. My limbs are sprawled out on the smooth stones beneath me and I let out a long sigh as the water soothes my wound, soaking into the bandage and cleaning the wound.

I blink my blue eyes open, staring straight up into a thick cloud of white fog. Half my body is in the gentle water flowing through a deep river at the bottom of the Gorge. My entire being aches as I sit up, clutching my pounding head which soon ceases, as does the dizziness.

I'm...I'm alive...

I think, finding it strange but I don't think on it any further for I might find it to be untrue. I look down and up along the riverbank, and find the snow haired girl just a few feet away.

I crawl over to her unmoving figure, placing a hand on her shoulder I roll over onto her back. I lean down and listen for her beating heart, and the shallow sound of it's thumping gives me hope, but she's not breathing. Determined to keep her alive I place one palm overtop the other on her chest and press down hard and fast. Almost instantly she lifts her head, coughing up a fare amount of water. She then lays her head back down on the rocks, breathing heavily now, apparently exhausted she lets out one more involuntary cough before slipping back into unconsciousness.

I pull her up, wincing from Pain in my wound, but ignore him as I pick her up in my arms shakily getting up on my feet. We're both drenched from being in the river and her stringy white hair sways as I carry her. She's thankfully lightweight, but I'm still finding it difficult considering my physical condition.

I stumble and trip over my own feet and the large stones blanketing the soggy earth. When we fell into the river we must have flowed down with the current and the water has to lead somewhere, so I decide to keep walking, hoping that there is an end to this Gorge, even though it doesn't look it from above.

Behind me the howls of wolves is heard as they smell our scent drifting to their snouts, the smell of fresh meat, and my eyes widen from the realization of things.

We're trapped down here with no visible way out, however if Life is down here then there must be a group of trees somewhere, otherwise those creatures wouldn't be able to live down here.

I think to myself, picking up my pace a bit, not really wanting those wolves to catch up with us anytime soon.

Finally I'm forced to stop, seeing my bruised and bleeding feet will no longer carry me nor the girl and I drop to my knees, setting her fragile body down as gently as I can before laying down beside her, utterly exhausted.

"Are you okay..." A hoarse voice whispers to me and I sit abruptly, looking down at the snow haired girl who has woken up. "I'm sorry you had to carry me all that way..." She apologized.

I don't answer her, assuming she was in the other world.

From what I've gathered, when you return to either world your body stays behind, making you appear to be unconscious. You are then vulnerable to the elements and to those who seek to kill you...

"Thank you..." She finally says after several moments of silence.

Again, ignoring her I get back onto my feet, not wanting to look weak in front her. She gets up as well, noticing my limp but doesn't question me, knowing I won't listen to anything she says to try and get me to rest.

She scampers along behind, and I can tell she wants to say something but I don't encourage her to do so, not really being a good conversationalist and all. Usually if I speak at all I'm defending myself.

"Um...I know I...I never told you my name..." She says rather suddenly behind me. "I-it's Purity..."

The name rings in my ears like the sweet sound of a bell and the corners of my mouth slightly curve up at the beautiful nature.

The warm and Cruel feeling that arises in my poor Soul disappears when the single howl of a wolf is heard behind us. I spin around, alert of the danger I had been warned of earlier. The enormous animal snarls at us, snapping its jaws threateningly. I cautiously pull Purity behind me to shield her with my body, slowly backing away from the snarling wolf.

Purity has her hands on my shoulders, her head just peeking out from behind me. "Look behind you..." She whispers, her hot breath tickling my ear.

I start to turn my head slightly, not taking my eyes of the wild dog and only briefly glance behind me, finding that Luck is on our side. The Gorge does end, the rushing water flowing nicely into the forest, morphing into a clear stream.

"Run..." I whisper back to her and she backs up, giving me a worried glance before turning and making a break for the safety of the trees.

The wolf notices and barks at me furiously, lurching closer to me, but I stand my ground.

I won't be able to outrun him...

I think to myself angrily, taking a step back. My blue eyes burn into the dog, just daring and challenging him to come closer. He now tries to match my stare with his dark yellow eyes but as I draw my lips back, showing a row of white teeth, my glare piercing him he bows down, whimpering before turning and running with his tail between his legs.

Triumph doesn't envelope me for long, when the howls and yelps of the wolfs pack are heard just a mile ahead and I decide it would be best to run now.

I race into the trees, although not as fast as I would have liked considering the condition of my feet causes me to limp. I look over my shoulder, hearing their enraged cries as they chase after me and I don't have time to react when I barrel into Purity. We fall head over heels in a tangle of limbs, skidding across the leaf strewn floor.

Finally we stop skidding and she's on top of me, our legs intertwined. She grasps my right hand, while her other is rested gently on my shoulder.

"We could go into a Waltz..." She whispers holding back a laugh temporarily forgetting the danger. My face turns bright red.

She then gets up off of me, helping me up in the process, her Playful mood gone as soon as it was there. "We'd better start a fire before those wolves catch up with us..." She points out gathering up some dry leaves and sticks into a neat pile.

I look around for anything we may be able to use to start a fire, but she beats me to it, seeming that it would be she is more at ease in the forest than I. In the forest there are many places for predators to hide, when out in the open you can see everything and anticipate everything.

She rubs two dry sticks together, until one does finally spark sending the pile of leaves up in flame and smoke. As quick as a flash she dashes to the river and cups some cold water in her hands, dampening the leaves and ground around the small fire so it may not get out of control.

I look up at the darkening sky through the multicolored Fall leaves threatening to fall from the trees, then glance in the direction of the Gorge, the howls of the wolves getting closer.

I turn to Purity, giving her a questioning look, wondering whether such a small fire will keep the carnivores at bay. Her once soft moon gaze is steely and sharp, reassuring me that Safety will be with us this night.

Safety...she's never been with me before...

10: Fire Dancers
Fire Dancers

Dark has closed in on the forest around us, and I crouch near the flickering flames as it sends glowing pellets of sparks into the air along with puffs of grey smoke. My palms are reached out to the flames, trying to shut out the lingering Cold in the air that seems to be dropping her temperature by the minute.

Purity has an armful of of dry leaves and twigs and I lurch back just as she tosses them into the fire and it bursts into a mushroom of smoke, bigger than the plumes it's been producing. The snow haired girl then sits down just across from me, on the other side of the crackling flames.

She hugs her knees, rocking herself gently as she stares with round moon pool eyes into the orange light. I look into the flames as well, curiously wondering what she sees, and without thinking I ask.

"What do you see?" As soon as it escapes my lips and I instantly regret the words as soon as they came out when it breaks the concentration her beautiful eyes had on the fire.

Her gaze is now fixed on me making me feel like a naughty puppy once again and I want badly to disappear. She smiles at me, which does more to warm me up than the burning fire that sits before me. "I see...a a kitten, playing with a ball of soft yarn. Then I see...a wolf chasing after something, though I don't know what it is." She explains and I suddenly remember the pack of hungry wolves that had been chasng just an hour or so earlier.

At the immediate thought of it I hear a low growl behind me and I jump to my feet, inching ever closer to the hot fire.

"Stop!" Purity half whispers and I look over my shoulder, my heels inches away from the licking flames and I quietly move away, facing them once more so as not to make a misstep again.

Purity is on her feet and she stares into the Dark of the trees where the growl had come from. "I think Fear has lingered here too long." She points out before smiling at me, which then causes a shiver to ride up my spine.

She walks over to me, landing light and careful steps before holding a delicate pale hand out to me. "Come on..."

I stare at her hand, not really knowing what to do and she giggles at me. "Dance with me! They sense Fear is with us and will use it against us, but if we lighten the mood they'll back off." She whispers to me snatching up my hand and pulling me to my shaky feet. She laughs as she lets go of my hand, spinning around on the balls of her feet, moving gracefully over the ground. She stands on the tips of her toes, arms above her head then she takes the side of her torn dress and pulls it out like a ragged fan, bending her crossed legs to curtsy. After the curtsy she dances around the fire, challenging me to do the same with a happy smile and a laugh.

Finally after just watching her she gives me a Playful scoff, coming up and taking my hands, pulling me around in circles, almost making me dizzy. "Dance silly!" She lightly commands and as I stare, mesmerized, into her eyes and I start to move a bit more loosely, following her steps carefully.

"That's it!" She encourages as she glances down at our feet.

My eyes flit to the trees around us searching for the wolves, though it seems to be quite pointless since they are keeping well to the Shadows until the right time to strike. I feel a small hand place on my cheek, turning my head back to the snow haired girl and she smiles. "Don't think about them, they will get bored of us and leave eventually. They cannot get us..." She reassures, but I'm not convinced and to do so she continues. "Safety is with us this night...I promise." She stares deeply into my blue eyes and I have to look away for I might pass out from the strangness and beauty of her silver ones.

"You look tired. Why don't you rest for a bit. I will stay up and make sure nothing happens." She pulls away, ending the dance instantly, giving me one last smile before sitting down by the fire again. "In the morning I will go get some water and food for us." She announces and I nod, barely hearing her, but I don't care, I just want to rest.

I collapse onto a rough bed of leaves, but considering my condition it's quite comfortable than what I usually sleep on.

Surely sleep won't, Torture will take me back to the other world and I will have to deal with things there.

I face the fire, my eyes heavy, threatening to close and right before they do I see two people dancing in the flames just as we were.

11: The Grateful Visitor
The Grateful Visitor

A moaning sound reaches my ears and I blink open my eyes, realizing that the moaning is coming from my lips and I want to stop it but I cannot. The throbbing Pain in my whole body is causing the dreadful sound to come and I look down at my hands, only to find that one is missing. Where my left hand had been there is now only a bloody stump, that is still gushing blood.

I should've bled until Death took me, but he didn't. This matter is still in Suffering's hands, and she's doing a mighty good job of it.

I grit my teeth holding back tears as I pull the stump to my chest, clutching it with my only other hand. Not to mention my ripped up back and the wound in my side, I'm practically swimming in my own blood and yet I'm still alive.

I raise my head up to the ceiling, bringing my voice Life. "Why? Why are you doing this to me..." Blood bubbles behind my lips as they tremble.

To keep my attention away from crying I spit out the blood and look around, finding myself back in my cell, but what catches my eye is something different than what I've seen in all my days in here. It's a basket, covered with a white cloth and I get down on my belly, keeping my stump pressed against my bare chest while I use my hand and legs to drag my pathetic body over to the basket sitting just outside the cell. I then reach my hand through the bars and grab hold of the cloth, pulling it off the top of the basket. It reveals a fresh loaf of bread, an apple and a clay bottle filled with what I assume would be water. Atop the food is a slip of paper and I take it up, pulling it close to my face, my vision just a little blurry, but I manage.

I struggle to read what it says considering I've never learned to read and I strain to figure it out but when I do I'm surprised. Though it doesn't say but two words I feel myself swell with Warmth.

"Thank you..."

Wonder makes his way into my head, causing me to think of who would do this for me, and then thank me. It doesn't make much sense, but I don't question the facts and take the bread from the basket and pull it through the bars before sinking my teeth into it. The bread is soft and fluffy, the taste of it sweet and savory. I finish it off in seconds before I take the apple.

The juices burst from the skin and into my mouth, the flavor fresh and appealing unlike so many other foods I've been forced to eat and when I finish that off I take the bottle, pulling the cork out and gulp the water down after not having had any since I drank the parasite infested liquid.

Once I've drank the last of the water I clutch the slip of paper with the words on it and drag myself back into the Dark corner of my cell, but I'm hesitant to lean against the wall for support considering the state my back may be in. I can't see it, but I know it's really bad. Finally exhaustion wins out and I carefully lay back, wincing and grinding my teeth at Pain as he sends sharp jolts and throbbing into my back, more than I can say for the bloody stump that once held a hand.

"No! Please, I've done nothing wrong!" A woman screams as she's dragged down the hall and brought to my cell. When she sees me her eyes go wide and she struggles madly against the guards. Her once cream colored dress is now dirty and covered in mud her brown hair stringy and wet, it being pulled back in a braid which is now starting to come out.

"Maybe a few days in here with him will teach you!" One of the guards sneers throwing her in, letting her skid across the floor, her head inches away from touching my bare feet. She scrambles up, trying to get to the door before they slam it shut, but it's already too late and she reaches through the bars.

"Don't leave me in here!" She screams as they stride down the hall laughing at her as they go.

I decide it best not to move. I don't want her freaking out and hurting me more than I already am.

She turns her gaze to me, Fear filling her dark brown eyes, and clumsily she goes and crouches into the other corner of the room, hugging her knees and rocking herself. I just stare at her with a tired expression my eyes half closed. She on the other hand, is wide awake. The situation looking to be that she's quite scared by me and I honestly wouldn't blame her.

I notice after a few moments that she's shaking and I'm not sure if it is of Colds doing or Fears.

"A-are you going to kill m-me?" She asks trying to stop her trembling hands.

I debate on answering her, not knowing if I can speak at all. I haven't actually attempted to speak to anyone. Usually when I do speak it just sounds like my thoughts. My voice may be forever lost to me here. Over the years that I've been here I've been reduced to somewhat of a stutter and now I'm not sure if my voice will come anymore.

I open my mouth to speak but all that comes out is a low groaning sound, but it still somehow comes out as shaky words. "Why...would I...d-do that?"

She is finally able to still her trembling and she comes slowly our of the corner. "They said you were Insane and that you murdered anyone you could get your hands on..." She says, now curious of me, but still cautious.

A very faint smile curves my lips from amusement towards her assumptions. "I'm not Insane...I'm...mentally challenged. And I obviously don't have hands anymore..." I say with a light chuckle gesturing to my bleeding stump, but it turns into a bloody cough.

She sits on her legs with her hands in her lap now. "They said you were...dangerous."

I slowly close my eyes before reopening them at her. "What do you think?"

The question somewhat catches her by surprise and she looks down at her hands, thinking deeply before finally answering the question.

"I think you're a confused boy who's been brutally beaten and mistreated..." She says quite serious of her answer.

I let out a huff of air. "That's an understatement isn't it..."

She lets out a sigh, giving me a sorrowful look. "In your condition you couldn't hurt a fly!" She crawls towards me, Fear now having completely left her.

"You'd be surprised..." I say and she pauses as she reaches a hand towards me, but then continues as she places her fingers over my shoulder and carefully pulls me off the wall and I let out a moan from Pain as the loose flesh has stuck to the wall and as I peel what's left of my back off, it falls to the floor into the pool of blood I had been sitting in.

She covers her mouth out of Horror, the smell apparently nauseating as well as the sight. "Death should have taken you by now..."

I don't say anything as salty tears roll down my cheeks, and I hold back a whimper. The woman wraps her arms around my neck, stroking my hair gently. "It's alright, I know it hurts..." She whispers to me. "I'm here..."

Those last two words tell me exactly who she is and I start to feel better, knowing she will help the situation at hand.


"Shh..." She hushes me, still hugging me and I finally rest my chin on her shoulder, allowing the tears to flow.

"I will get you help soon little one...I promise..."

12: Dead Dogs, Confused Puppy
Dead Dogs, Confused Puppy

The first thing I feel when I awake is the pain in my side, however what I feel next is the soft texture of the dying and grass and the drying leaves. I blink open my eyes, finding I'm staring at a pair of pale bare feet and ankles. I let out a faint groan as I lift the upper half of my body off the ground, sitting up with my legs underneath me. I rub my eyes as they throb before bringing my attention back to the pair of feet. My eyes trail up thin legs meeting with a ripped dirty white dress, then delicate hands. The small hands drip with blood, making small pattering sounds as the red liquid drips onto the dead leaves. To make sure I'm not hallucinating I rub my eyes again, but when I pull my hands away someone wraps their arms round me in a hug.

"You're okay!" Purity says squeezing me tightly and I look for the person that I had seen before.

Was it her?

I think to myself, but when the snow haired girl pulls away her hands are clean of the crimson I had seen before.

"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" She asks worriedly, checking me over for fresh wounds.

I just look around for the figure that had seen, but she is nowhere. The lifeless bodies of the wolves that had hunted us lay around the clearing where we had made a small camp. I tip my head, confused as to why they would be dead, then I look to Purity who just smiles at me, glad that I am so far alright.

"W-what happened?" I ask hesitantly, not really sure if I want to know.

She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter, I'm just glad you're alright..." Hugging me one more time, she then helps me to my feet and I grit my teeth, my feet still sore and bruised, but better than they were yesterday.

I reach a shaky hand to my injured side and Purity grimaces at the thought of my wound. She takes my other hand and pulls me along behind her gently. Leaving behind the cold bodies of the wolves which will soon begin to rot and decay. Flies have already begun to gather around they're freshly killed bodies looking for an area to feed upon other than blood-soaked fur.

If it wasn't the snow haired girl, then who was it?

I shake my head to clear it, Confusion piercing me easily. I then look to the girl.

Surely it wasn't her! She's too fragile and delicate. Innocence and Beauty fills her being so easily, with no room for Anger and Revenge. I won't believe it was her!

"I'm taking you to the border of Life!" She announces sternly, still pulling me along the path she must see before her, even though to me it just looks like a mob of trees and plant life.

My eyes widen. "I-I can't-"

"You can!" She interrupts. "You are a Neutral, which means you can enter the Life or Death realm." She explains, vaguely as she usually seems to do.

Not really keen on entering the realm of Life, I try to argue my case. "I have to go to-"

"To the realm of Death, I understand. However, you won't make it far unless you allow Healing to do something about that wound of yours." She tells me, once again interrupting.

I just blink in response, even though she isn't looking at me directly.

Finally, after a few more moments of silence, she stops, turning to me suddenly. "What do you say little puppy?"

13: Sanity Surfaces
Sanity Surfaces

I stagger along the invisible path the snow haired girl is following. Drowsiness has washed over me and I struggle against him, however my side has started to bleed profusely, soaking the bandage Purity had wrapped around it and I'm starting to get lightheaded. The snow haired girl notices this and she stops for a moment and places a hand on my shoulder.

"We're almost there..." She tells me softly, her silver eyes sparkling like pools of moonlight and I gulp down a bout of dryness in my throat and nod slowly to her.

She sends me a faint smile, before continuing the journey to the border of Life.

Through the trees I glimpse a rippling blue surface standing endlessy high before us and when we reach it I realize it is the Life border that Purity had spoken of previously. Curiosity washes over me and I reach my shaky fingers out to touch the wall that looks to be like water floating upon the air.

"Go ahead...all you need to do is walk through." Purity says, using Encouragment to nudge me softly and I look to her with an expression hinted with Worry, but she just smiles.

Turning back to the wall I allow my fingersto brush the surface and it feels just like water, only it's filled with Warmth. Beckoning me further I reach my hand through and then my arm. I eventually take the first step through and the biting Cold is snuffed out by Warmth as soon as I pass through to the other side. Warmth tickles me gently causing me to shake myself like a puppy with ruffled fur.

I look myself over, noticing my skin has looked as if Health has touched me, it looking less pale and drained of color. I rub my hands together, finding they aren't riddled with Cold and no longer clammy.

I notice something strange about my hair and I go crosseyed to see it better. I curl my lip, my expression now full of Confusion.

This isn't my hair...

I think to myself as snowy white strands hang over my eyes. I shake my head to clear it, wondering if my eyes are attempting to Deceive me.

"Well look at you!" Purity says, coming in beside me and I briefly turn my attention to her. Playfulness glints in her eyes as well as Beauty, causing my heart to quicken. She flicks a lock of my hair. "I new you were a Neutral, now it was just confirmed." She points out and I once again go crosseyed to see what exactly is wrong with my hair.

She giggles, grabbing my free hand, while the other is clutching my side, and pulls me along deeper into the Realm of Life. I'm sure that only a few minutes pass when we come upon a small pond and the crystal clear water reflects the sky and trees almost perfectly like a mirror.

Purity directs me towards the water and I lean down, looking into the still surface of the liquid, finding the face of a young boy with snowy white hair. His bright green eyes sparkle like polished emeralds and I blink, as does the boy in the water.

Is that me?

Confusion fills me up from the tips of my toes to every last hair on my head and I cock my head, only to have the snow haired boy do the exact same.


"That you?" She finishes, bending over to look into the water as well and the shimmering water only compliments and radiates Beauty in her, causing me to stare at her reflection with wide eyes.

"Yes, that is you." She confirms, moving away from the water, which then breaks my trance. I shake my head to clear it, still unbelieving of my current appearance, but know that that is how it works when a Neutral enters the Life Realm.

For some reason I have yet to decipher, when a Neutral Nature ventures past the border of Life their appearance alters. Neutrals are neither an emotion of Life or Death so they are able to enter either Realm without the help of another Nature. However your appearance is only changed when you enter the Realm of Life. It may be from the high levels of Purity and Light within the border than cleanses the Soul, therefore changing your features.

My thoughts are interrupted when Pain suddenly jolts through me causing me to stumble. My head is pounding and I can feel my mind slipping away, either from blood loss in this world, or something is beckoning my attention in the other world.

"Insanity!" Purity shouts, Worry filling her voice but I can hardly hear her as I fall into the water.

Dark somehow wiggles his way into my mind, forcing me to shut my eyes. I struggle to keep them open, wanting badly to fight him but he refuses to back off. To accomplish his job he sends Pain in again as well as Weakness to achieve the assignment and as I sink into the depths of the water it feels as if something is cutting into my wound further and bubbles escape my mouth as I attempt to scream out.

Darkness then takes his chance to bring me away from the world for a time. I still have control over my body even if I can only see black and I reach upwards, fingers stretched towards the surface of the water.

Before all feeling is sucked out of me something wraps around my body loosely, attempting to pull me from the water.

One last thought reaches me before everything is lost to my mind.


14: Right Hand Man
Right Hand Man

Dark consumes all, in time. Nothing can escape him and whatever Life and Light may stand in his way, however small it is...he snuffs it out with outstretched claws. My twisted mind is clear when I tell you. There is no place the Dark cannot dwell and there is nowhere you can hide from him, for he is always in your Shadow. He is in the night that blankets the earth during time of moon, and he is within your very Soul.

Comfort had been taken from my cell, however I do not know what had become of her. She is not dead, for she is still sending her Nature my way. I am certainly allowing Gratefulness to fill me for her, however not completely. She is delving into a lost cause and I wish she would not waste precious Time on me. I am only a mere shell in this world. My mind is slipping away slowly, soon there to be nothing left.

"Boy! Hey trash!" I feel a kick in my side, which causes me to groan at Pain. "Get up boy!"

I blink open my eyes tiredly, now looking up at William, the king's son, prince of Ranmar. He gives me a look that is no doubt the work of Disgust and I just sit there in my own blood, Misery filling me to my very core.

The prince curls his lip in a snarl before turning away, ordering the guards to take me out of my cell. I let out a moan as they grab my arms, dragging me into the hall that leads to other cells, most empty, however I do notice a boy such as I sitting in a cell not far from mine own. His white hair and pale skin classify him as an albino. His eyes are closed, so I cannot confirm the fact, but I am sure of it.

"My father has ordered me to free you for a time, he believes you have endured enough Pain for now and seems to think you are more sound of mind than you appear." The prince explains with Bitterness. "You will be under constant watch of my soldiers, as well as the supervision of the blacksmith who has agreed to keep you."

"You...don't sound too happy..." I say, my voice hinted by Mockery.

He turns, Aggression fueling him. The point of a sword rests its steel on my throat and I lift my head to keep it from piercing the flesh.

"Do not make me regret this boy!" He snarls.

He feel my lips draw back, revealing a row of white teeth, temporarily stained by blood. After a few moments of silence he pulls his sword away, now allowing the guards to drag me up and out into the courtyard where fresh air fills my weak lungs, reviving my somewhat fading heart. They throw me down into the cobblestone and my head knocks on the ground hard, causing my thoughts to spin.

"Take him, he's your problem now!" I hear the prince's voice say to someone I cannot see at the moment as my vision is blurred by red due to my now bleeding forehead. I feel the prince's hot breath blow in my ear. "One wrong move, and I shall take your head as well as your hand boy..." He whispers threateningly before moving away, giving me one last kick in the side to say goodbye.

After that a hand rests on my head, using Gentleness as they examine me. "You are a mess boy..." A familiar voice points out, one that I have found belongs to Comfort.

"George! Come help me please!" Comfort calls to someone and I feel large hands slip underneath me, attempting to pick me up.

"Be careful with him..." Comfort says as thick arms lift me off the ground.

My Conscious tells me that Safety is here and that there is no need to allow in Panic, but what's left of my Memories say otherwise. Using what little of Strength is left in me I squirm in the mans grasp, a Fearful whimper escaping my dry lips.

"Calm down please!" Comfort says pleadingly in my ear but I continue to struggle, Trouble now deciding to butt in and assist me, giving the man a hard time keeping a hold on me.

Finally the man drops me and I land hard on the ground. I hold the stump of where my hand once was to my chest. Fear is gripping my heart and doing her best to crush me and so far I am allowing it. I curl up on the ground, shaking terribly. With my good hand I clutch my head to shield it from any blows I may receive, but none come.

One of the large hands rests on my shoulder and I cringe, my shaking getting worse. "It's alright son, I'm not going to hurt you." His voice is deep and filled with Kindness, causing Fear to flow out of me at this time.

My shaking ceases for now and I look up at the man, his bushy red beard and mustache almost completely hide his smile. "Just come with'll be alright."

Feeling small and helpless I let out a quiet whimper as I reach my right hand up to him, it being considerably small when compared with his own. Giving me one last smile he takes my outstretched hand and picks me back up. I don't remember what happened in the between time, but before I know it I'm lying in a bed, wrapped and stitched like I should be in this condition. I lift my aching stump and find it tightly wrapped in fresh white bandages, to prevent the blood flow. My back stings, but it doesn't hurt as badly as before and I twist my arm into an awkward position as I lay in the bed and feel my back with my fingers to find that it has also been cleaned and bandaged.

I use the elbow of my left arm to lift myself into a sitting position, finding it to be more difficult than I had anticipated and I'm only forced to lay back down, sweaty and out of breath for trying. The knife wound in my side has been sown up to help it heal and not to allow it to bleed any longer.

No one has ever taken care of me like this...

I think to myself, Confusion pricking my Conscious as I look around the small room.

The bed where I lay has been shoved into the far corner of the room, while a small table sits quietly beside it. The rest of the room is practically empty except for a rocking chair across from my bed in the other corner.

What is this place?

Once again I try to sit up, Determination fueling me to find out what is going on.

I don't like not knowing things, and this place is completely foreign to me. I must know what this is...

I swing my feet over the side of the bed before sliding so my toes just touch the floorboards. Using my hand I push up onto my shaky legs and stand with Triumph at the fact that I'm on my feet. I then lift my right foot up and move it forward in a step and when I put it down I lose my balance temporarily, however I am able to regain it quickly. I repeat this action, but with the other foot and soon I am on the other side of the room, near the door. I consciously reach for the door with my right hand instead of my left to turn the knob and when I open it I use it to keep myself upright, seeing as I'm still unsure on my feet.

I rest my body against the doorframe, looking into a much larger room with a stove fireplace at one end and a large table in the middle of the room surrounded by four chairs. The other end of the room is taken up by other furniture.

"You're up!" Comfort's voice says with Surprise evident in her tone.

I immediately turn my attention to the woman who seems to be doing something with a pot on the stove fireplace. She rushes over to me and tries to pick me up off the doorframe but I shrug her off, using as much Politeness as I know how.

She scoffs. "You need to rest, and you can't do it in here!"

I simply ignore her as a sweet scent drifts past me and I take in a deep breath through my nose, my mouth beginning to water. Comfort notices Desire in me, the Desire to know what that smell is.

She smiles at me. "You must be hungry. Here..." She returns to the stove and gets into the cupboards above the cooking furniture and pulls out a wooden bowl. She dips a large spoon into the pot and pours a spoonful of liquid into the bowl, filling it to the brim. Before coming back to me she puts something else in the bowl, but I don't question it as she holds it out to me. I take it with my right hand and stare down into the bowl.

Pieces of white meat and vegetables swim in the steaming broth, the scent of herbs filling my nostrils and I lift the rim of the bowl to my lips, tipping the soup into my mouth. The hot broth and meat slides down my throat, Warmth filling my body because of it. Once all of the soup is gone I stand there with a full stomach, Satisfaction coming in at that point. As I stand there something similar to Drowsiness takes me over, only it's more forced than it is natural and I drop the empty bowl.

What's happening?

Before I collapse onto the floor Comfort lurches forward and catches me, then once again, Dark closes in.

15: Recovering and Keeping Busy
Recovering and Keeping Busy

"Wha...I..." I mumble groggily, shaking my head slowly as I lay in my bed. My vision is fuzzy and blurred and I blink a few times to clear it. It helps somewhat, but my eyes have already begun to fail me so they're still just a bit blurry but not enough that I don't know where and what everything is.

I must not have been unconscious for very long, because I distinctly remember Comfort feeding me again after she had put me back into the bed. I turn my head on the soft pillow to find the bowl of soup still sitting there with remnants of the meal still in it. I sigh deeply before sitting up in the bed.

Confidence reigns my mind this time and I know I have more of Strength than I did before, so I decide to try and walk again.

I slide off the bed and make my way to the door, still a bit shaky but definitely better than before. I open up the door and find the next room completely empty.

"H-hello?" I call to anyone who may be there, but I get no answer which was expected.

I spot the exit to the home just across the room near the lounging furniture and I head in that way, though I stumble on the leg of a chair which causes me to fall and I use my only hand to help ease it. It helps but my wrapped head still hits the floor and it aches now. My hand is trapped under me and I roll myself onto my side and pull it free before lifting it to grab onto the chair that had caused me to trip. I help myself up before resuming my trek to the door.

Upon reaching the exit I find the door ajar and merely pull it open further until I'm able to step through. I come into the blacksmiths shop, the building being open on the east side. The man that I had met before is hammering down on what looks to be the beginning of a sword and I watch him with Curiosity.

Many minutes pass before he notices me standing in the doorway and he smiles through his red beard.

"Did Annabeth say you could come out?" He asked and I only stare at him with big round eyes.

He waits for my answer with much of Patience and I just shake my head in response which makes him to laugh a deep throaty laugh filled with Amusement. "Well boy, if you're well enough to walk then you might as well make yourself useful. Best to keep you away from Trouble." He winks at me knowingly and I nod in understanding, approaching him timidly.

When I'm near him he raises his hand and I flinch, turning my head to prepare for the blow but all I get is a pat on the shoulder.

"My boy, did you think I was going to hit you?" He asks, his voice now filled with Concern.

I look back at him after I'm certain he isn't going hit me then nod up at him slowly which then gets me a long sigh. He gets down on his knees so we're face to face which makes me realize just how big this guy is, that or how small I am. He rests his large hands on my shoulders and once again I flinch.

"I would never hurt you..." He says to give me Reassurance and I nod. Smiling he stands back up, towering above me. "Go get some clothes on and I'll have a job for you. Comfort should have set out some garments for you on your bedside table." He explains and I do as I'm told quickly so as not to arise Anger in him for me.

Dashing into the room I find the clothes on the small table just as he said and swiftly slip them on. It takes longer than I had anticipated seeing as I now only have one hand, but I manage. I head back out to where I had left the man.

"Good boy!" He says with Encouragement in his voice. "Now," He gets a basket that had been sitting on a chair in the corner of the shop and places it in my right arm. It's not as heavy as I had expected and I somewhat think with Wonder what is in it, but I shut out Curiosity for now, so I know what my instructions are. Clutching the basket close so I don't drop it I listen carefully.

"Take this basket down the way here to a friend of ours. Annabeth asked for me to take it, but I'm busy. You can take it for me instead seeing that she won't know the difference either way. The home you're looking for is just a few houses down from here, near where they sell the produce." He explains and once again I give a little nod before leaving the blacksmiths shop and coming out into the street.

The streets are filled with people going about the business of the day and most really pay no mind to me, however there are some that shoot me glares while others give me looks that are surely the work of Suspicion, but I ignore them, not wanting to let the blacksmith down.

When I come to the house he had sent me to I knock on the old wood door with the ball of my foot then wait. A minute or so later the door creaks open revealing inside an old woman, wrinkled and hunched over with age. She gives me a smile filled with Warmth.

"Hello young lad, can I help you?" She asks.

I slowly hold out the basket to her, balancing it on my arm and she smiles again, taking the basket. "You wouldn't be the young one the blacksmith and his wife are looking after are you?" She asks.

I nod to her, not feeling the need to speak and she chuckles lightly. "Well, your certainly a sweet little thing. Thank you." She says with one last smile before shutting the door.

Feeling Triumph and Pride swell in me I head back up the street weaving in between all the people in the street but a foot traps my ankle, causing me to trip. I land with a thud on the cobblestone street, the breath knocked out of me.

"Watch where you're going you twit!" A stern voice snaps at me and I struggle to get up, but when I'm on my feet I'm met with a tall young man who curls his lip at me in a snarl.

Feeling a Challenge coming I narrow my blue gaze threateningly and his eyes widen with Surprise and Amusement. "You think you're all tough huh boy?" He says pressing his fingers into my chest which causes me to take a step back to keep myself balanced.

I only continue to glare at him, but my stare can only get me so far and I move aside when his fist attempts to come into my gut. I hook my foot over his angle and pull it out from under him. He falls just as I did and I take my chance, dashing towards the blacksmith shop where I've found Safety dwells.

The blacksmith sees me coming and he stops what he was doing to see what's going on.

I glance over my shoulder and find the boy in pursuit of me. The blacksmith comes to the edge of his shop, only just watching with much Confusion and when I look back over my shoulder I find someone in a dark green cloak step in my enemy's way. They come down on one knee, taking one arm and tripping the boy who didn't have a chance to stop. He flips over the cloaked figure, rolling head over heels once landing.

I've stopped running and I watch the cloaked figure, trying to comprehend exactly what happened. My breathing is heavy, my heart pounding in my chest, but it all slows to a normal pace as I stand there. The cloaked figure gets onto its feet and turns its head, face somewhat shrouded by the hood, however when it looks at me I see the shimmering glow of two silver eyes.

Before I have a chance to stop them, they dash away without a word said. The boy that had been chasing me has been brought to a sudden halt, now unconscious at my feet. I wrinkle my nose at him before turning to the blacksmith who's expression has nothing but Surprise written on it.

He shakes his head finally then gives me a somewhat stern look which makes me shrink away from him out of Fear. He gets down on his knees again so we're face to face. "You can't cause trouble here boy. Not if you want to stay out of that prison. If you make just one mistake, they may take you back." He glances past me with a look that only Serious would give and I look over my shoulder at the soldiers patrolling the streets, probably sent by prince William to check on me. They shoot me glares filled with Hatred and Distrust. Out of a Fearful habit I move behind the blacksmith as if I were trying to hide from the soldiers.

I haven't done anything wrong...I've never done anything wrong...

16: Burning Consequences
Burning Consequences

I sit upon the bed in the small room Comfort has allowed me to stay in. I stare down at my Shadow, studying it closely. He remains motionless as I for at least three hours and I sigh which causes my head to move slightly, and my Shadow does the same.

I had told you before that my Shadow and I had come to an agreement...unfortunately he is getting restless with Impatience, for I have not been holding up my end of the bargain. It will not be long before he gives me the consequences I deserve for not keeping my end of the deal. However, my Shadow will not kill me. That would be too easy and not nearly as much of Amusement for him. Besides...I took Death's Challenge. My Soul belongs to him...until I finish what I was created to do. Like I've said before...I am not Insane, I am only...mentally challenged.

I hear someone enter the room, but I refuse to move, not wanting to take my attention off the Shadow who has grown tired of being still in such an uncomfortable position. He lays back on the floor, having brought back his left hand, that for which I lack, and placing them behind his head.

Comfort, who I have actually found to be named Annabeth, sits down at my side. She gives me a hard stare before turning her gaze to my Shadow, who could obviously care less if either of us saw him as his separate being, apart from myself.

"You have allowed in Worry and Fear, that of which I've especially noticed these past few hours. Your Shadow brings Trouble, does he not?" She asks, her eyes still on my relaxing Shadow.

I don't answer her, first of not really knowing if I want to nor know how.

I narrow my gaze at the Shadow.

He's planning something...that's good, if anyone can get me back to the other world, he can. I may no longer be in that prison filled with Misery, but I can not escape Pain or Suffering here. They are everywhere and they will give me Punishment as a little gift created just for me.

I think Deviously, however my face remains expressionless.

Comfort sighs. "Come and eat, George will have another job for you afterwards." She tells me, getting up from where she sat at my side and leaves the room, however keeping the door wide open.

I let out a huff filled with Frustration, giving my Shadow one last look of Distrust before going and sitting at the table. Comfort sets a plate of meat down in front of me, and I only stare down at it as I had done my Shadow previously.

George, the blacksmith and Comfort's husband, sits down across from me. He gives Comfort a grateful nod when she sets down a full plate in front of him as she did me.

As he eats he begins to question me, and I don't like questions, I only like answers.

"So boy, do you have name?" He asks and my eyes widen as I stare down at the plate, my only hand resting neatly in my lap, refusing to pick up the fork and eat.

My Insanity...that's the name given me by Death. I've never known any other.

I feel my thoughts getting jumbled again and I shake my head to clear it, however when I do I feel myself remembering only a shard of a broken and scattered memory.

A young girl, seeming much younger than myself, and then not, at the same time. She stands before me in the memory. Her soft brown hair floats upon the breeze as if it was one with the wind. Her sparkling green eyes light up when they see me and she races towards me, her mouth moving however it does not seem her words are reaching up to my ears.

I want to understand her but she then disappears, the memory along with it and I return to the world I know so well. I finally look up at the man to answer properly.

"No...I do not..." I say rather sternly and he seems surprised.

Comfort sits down next to me. "How about we call you you like that? We need to have something to call you." She says, flashing a smile at me that is so obviously filled with Mischief and I can't help but wonder what he has to do with all this.

I stare at her hard, even when she turns her attention to her meal.

That name...I've heard it before...

After the meal George leads me out into his workshop while Comfort cleans up dinner.

"Alright Bear." He says, somewhat emphasizing my new supposed name.

I nod to show I know and heard my new name and he hands me a vile which looks to have powdered gold and silver inside and I study it closely with much of Curiosity's Nature.

"Take this to Old Man John in the potions shop for me. Don't worry about the money, he's already paid, but be very discreet about this boy, I don't want anyone knowing, alright?"

I nod before dashing away from the shop, dodging people in the streets, gripping the small vile tightly in my right hand so I don't drop it. I race around the corner as I come to another long row of shops and venders.

It's gotta be around here somewhere!

I think to myself, Determination giving me some of Strength. I pass a shop that would look to be the right place and I skid to a halt, taking one good look at the place before approaching to enter.

When I do I find myself to be right. Several shelves line the walls of the building, filled with all kinds of concoctions and I turn my attention to the counter, though no one seems to be here and I look around, wondering if I missed something.

"Hello?" I call rather quietly and timidly.

There is no answer so I lay the vile on the counter knowing that when they return they will find it. Then I remember what George had said.

"Be very discreet about this boy, I don't want anyone knowing, alright?"

I take the vile back up in my hand, not wanting to let George down, and jump over the counter, onto the other side. There's a door behind the counter that must lead to a back room.

He might be there...

When I open up the door, all I find are more shelves filled with potions, except for it's just a little messier with much of Dark here and I back out of the room, not wanting to be anywhere near Dark at this time. As I do so, I bump into someone and I spin around, coming face to face with a rather tall bulky looking man, possibly older than George. He reaches a large hand down to me, picking me up by the back of my shirt.

I stare wide eyed at the huge man as he glowers at me, noticing the vile in my hand.

"You little thief!" He snarls, taking me out of his shop and I struggle to get free.

"I didn't steal it!" I say in my defense but the man was having none of it.

He throws me down furiously, causing me to drop the vile and he picks it up, hiding it in the pocket of his trousers.

"I want him punished!" He tells someone and I turn my head to look over my shoulder.

A group of soldiers stand tall above me and I feel my heart pounding, sweat rolling off my forehead. The leader of the group snatches my hair and starts to drag me and I grit my teeth, trying to pry his hand from my hair but it's no use.

"Valett!" The soldiers snarls angrily at someone as they approach what I assume is the blacksmith shop.

"Is something wrong sir?" The familiar voice of George asks and I writhe on the ground trying to get free of the soldiers grip.

"I didn't do anything!"

The soldiers ignore me and the leader drags me into the shop to further speak with George.

"This boy was caught thieving!"

"Surely not!" George argues in my defense. "What has he done?"

The soldier grips my hair and throws me at the blacksmith's feet. "He was stealing from John!"

"What is going on?" Comfort asks coming out of the house and the soldier looks over his shoulder at her.

"This does not concern you! Go back in the house!" He commands, but Comfort stands her ground with a stern expression.

George looks down at me then back up at the soldier. "This boy would never-"

"Give me the Burner!" The man demands angrily, holding out his hand expectantly.

A gasp comes from Comfort. "No! He's only a boy! He's done nothing wrong!"

The soldier only ignores her staring the blacksmith down, and he seems to be debating on whether obeying the mans orders.

I look up at him, Fear in my widened blue eyes.

The Burner? What is that?

I ask myself, the name chilling my spine and finally after much of Silence George goes over to his heated fire, pulling a long metal rod from the flames. On the end is a mark, something that would look like you would brand a cow. More than half of the rod is aglow with a bright orange like a coal in a blazing fire. My eyes widen as I realize what's going to happen.

Shame is the picture of the blacksmiths face as he hands the metal rod to the soldiers. I fix my gaze on the man.

Comfort races forward to pull the man away from me as he stares down at me with a blank expression.

"He's just a child! Don't do this to him, please!" She begs but once again she is ignored.

The lead soldier shoves her away, calling for two of his comrades. They pull me out into the street where everyone can see and I struggle madly against them as they pin me down on the rough cobblestone.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I scream, which then brings the attention of others who have suddenly stopped what they had been doing to watch, they now whispering among themselves.

The soldier with the metal glowing rod gets down on one knee and I can only watch as he brings the Burner down upon my flesh.

17: Healing, a Dragon, and a Problem
Healing, a Dragon, and a Problem

"He's waking up..." A sweet voice says with much of Relief.

"Sh..." Another voices to hush the other accompanying it.

I blink open my eyes, finding that I'm staring up into two silvery eyes. The metallic irises ripple like water when they see me awaken and I let out a moan, Pain that had been inside me for so long has dulled to only a constant throb.

I find the silver irises belong to Purity as she backs away from me, but without warning she suddenly embraces me as I sit up. I grunt, not from surprise but from the impact of her body slamming against mine as she had wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank Life you're okay!" She says through my shoulder, her face having been buried there.

I try to muster up my low scratchy voice, however the only sound surpassing my lips is an unusual short and rather high sound that's very unlike my normal voice, it coming maybe an octave higher than usual and being no more than half a second long. I look around the room my mouth still partially open after making the strange sound.

The house I seem to be in is rather small with what seems to being merely one room with a fireplace stove, a small bed in the far corner behind me and a table, which I seem to be lying on, with chairs surrounding it. There is also a few cupboards hanging upon the walls which may house dishes and spices.

Another being stands within the cottage and she stands at the end of the table. Her hands are clasped, a smile of Warmth on her face. Her long fiery red hair is pulled into a braid, dull blue eyes shining with Happiness as she gives me a look being of Satisfaction and Pleasure.

"Safety has so far blessed you." The woman says and I only stare at her, Drowsiness washing over me and I'm tempted to pass out again, but Purity pulls away, refusing to allow it.

She grabs the white hair in my eyes and pulls me close to her face, her expression with much of Serious.

"Do not fall asleep." She says sternly then lets my hair go.

I shake my head before swinging my feet over the side of the table and jump down, my feet feeling much better now that Healing, who I assume is the red headed woman, has touched them.

"Th-ank you..." I tell Healing and she nods slowly to me.

"That nasty wound of yours took some time to stitch up, but I was able to do it." She points out, nodding to the thick string sown into my side, the skin looking puckered as it has been pulled together to keep the wound from bleeding.

Healing moves over to a rocking chair that I hadn't noticed before, a clean grey cloth draped over the back of it and she takes it, then hands it to me. I find that it is a shirt and I slip it on, the soft fabric feeling nice against my skin, which crawls with the throbbing existence of Pain, however he is soothed as the cloth rubs against my flesh.

Purity silently thanks Healing as well, which I'm positive she's done over and over again, even though I did not hear nor see it, I know she has.

"It brings no Trouble, it is my Nature." She says with a smile at the both of us.

Purity pulls out a bag that jingles with what I assume would be coins, of either silver or gold and I blink.

Where did she get that?

I look her over carefully finding no place she could have kept it on her tattered white dress, there being no pockets or anything. I'm inclined to ask her about it, but I keep my mouth shut for now.

Healing shakes her head. "No, you are my friend Purity, I would not have you pay me for anything you might ask." She says with Sincerity and Purity sighs.

"As much of Gracious and Kindness as ever Healing. Once again I thank you." Purity tells her and she moves the pouch of coins behind her back, but before I have the chance to see where she hides it, it disappears out of sight completely.


I think to myself with utter Amazement, looking around her to see if she has it hidden anywhere I have yet to notice. I suddenly stop when she turns to me, a smile curving her pink lips. A giggle escapes her throat and I gulp looking into her eyes that are certainly of the Nature Beauty.

"Come on, we should get going..." She says heading for the door and I follow her, somewhat filled with Disappointment that I couldn't look at her eyes for any longer.

"I wish you Luck!" Healing calls after us as we take the steps away from her home and I look back her briefly before turning towards Purity again, my sparkling green eyes trained on the back of her head.

I come into a light jog to be at her side, finding her eyes like the sharp steel of a blade, and I wonder why she seems like this since she had been the exact opposite only a few minutes ago.

"H-how long was I out?" I ask, the question slipping out without me giving it even a single thought and she doesn't look at me as she answers.

"Two days..."

I nod, finding that to be reasonable since I have been staying with Comfort for at least that long.

"Where are we going?" I ask, once again without thinking and I scold myself for doing so.

"To the that not where you must resume your journey?" She asks, sounding of Sadness because of the fact and I train my gaze on the soft grass as we walk.

"Yes..." I answer, equal of her mood.

I do not want to leave her...but I must. I have to finish Death's Challenge, there's no way around it and I do not wish to prolong my Punishment in the other world. It is an overdose of Danger out there and I don't want her to pay for my desires.

Over three hours of Silence pierces the air until finally we reach the border of Life and Purity stops as she comes nose to nose with the wall of thin blue water.

"This is where I leave-" She stops mid-sentence, her steely eyes narrowing as she gazes into the trees on the other side, which would be the beginning of The Wastes from here.

I see something as well, moving through the trees. My eyes widen and I pull Purity away from the border, standing in front of her.

What are they doing this close to the border?

The small body shuffles along, the dragging of its bare feet roughing up the dead leaves surrounding him. His dirty brown hair is plastered to his face, pale grey skin stretching over a skeletal frame, somewhat like myself only I'm not quite as Deathly looking.

Purity lets out a whimper and I hold up a hand to hush her, backing slowly away from the border, praying the Possession does not see us.

My eyes widen when the boy turns to face us, his hollow blue eyes trained on us now and suddenly they light up when he sees us. He snarls furiously scrambling towards the border and Purity gasps as the Possessed reaches a clawing hand through the wall of tinted blue water, however the remainder of the boys body is not allowed through which gives me much Relief.

Purity's breathing is very heavy as she watches the Possession struggle to get past the border, snarling, eyes sharp like that of the Demon inside him.

The small fingers are less than an inch from my nose and I gulp, praying that he cannot get through. Purity is now focused on something else as she mutters things under her breath.

"They should not be this is impossible!" She whispers to herself. "I must warn Good of this before it gets out of hand!"

She turns away from me, heading in the opposite direction she was facing.

"Insanity! Come with me!" She orders sternly and I hesitate before following her.

I can't stay here any longer! I must be on my way to the Realm of Death!

Despite my conflicting thoughts I still follow but she stops only a hundred feet from the border and from where the Possessed struggles to reach us.

Purity lifts her gaze to the open blue sky, puckering her lips she whistles three sounds of Beauty, one high note and two low notes.

"I am not allowing you into The Wastes at this time. If there is one of those Creatures there are surely to be more!" She points out to me, her stern eyes fixed on the sky as if she was looking for something.

Without warning a mighty roar pierces the air and I look up as well, my eyes widening as the Shadow of a huge beast appears in a blue and white background. The flapping of leathery wings buffs the trees and myself with a strong wind and I shield my face from the wind and debris as leaves are blown around in a swirl. The animal descends upon the ground landing with Grace and Beauty.

The Creature is unlike anything I've ever seen, with pale blue scales and a long slender neck. The Creature lowers it scaly head in front of Purity, allowing her to pet its muzzle. Its spread wings fold in at its sides. Its long tail wraps around clawed feet, purring like that of a cat when greeted with Purity. Short white horns adorn its head like a crown would a queen, being merely two feet long and bowed slightly to fit upon the animals head perfectly.

"I missed you Meena..." Purity whispers, touching her forehead to the animals soft nose. "We can not waste time Meena, we must reach Good quickly." She tells the reptilian Creature moving to climb up on its back, where a leather saddle is strapped to it.

Purity situates herself within the saddle, taking hold of a handle, made into the seat with one hand. She looks to me with her sharp metallic gaze. "Hurry! We must bring word to Good!" She tells me and I glance to the large animal, its presence rather threatening and I gulp.

"You've never seen a Dragon before?" She says with Surprise in her voice and I shake my head.

She sighs. "It's alright, she won't hurt you. Now climb on!"

The Dragon moves its head around to look at me with big silver eyes, just like Purity's. It purrs, nuzzling me with Gentleness to give me Encouragement. I gulp as I reach up to take Purity's outstretched hand. She pulls me up into the saddle with her and I look down from where I sit, my eyes widening.

"Now hold on! I can't have you falling off." She says and slowly the Dragon spreads out its wings in which I am very unprepared for what happens next.

Without warning the Dragon shoots up into the sky like a set off canon, causing me to let out a gasp. I wrap my arms around Purity's waist and rest my face against her back, my eyes shut tight because of Fear.

I can't stand heights! Not heights! No, no, no!

I scream in my head, wishing I had not gotten on the Dragon now.

I want to be on the ground again!

I say to myself, even though, deep down I know that that isn't going to happen for awhile.

"You alright back there?" Purity yells to me through the howling of the wind, but I can barely hear her, the pounding of my heart and my fast shallow breath louder in my ears.

Please let it be over soon...

I feel Purity's muscles relaxing as the Dragon's speed slows a considerable amount and I open one eye slowly, looking to the left. I lift my head off of where it lay on Purity's back and open the other eye. I look out into the bright blue sky, white pillows of clouds dotting it in its brilliance.

Then I train my eyes on the ground beneath me, green trees speckling the surface and I gulp, knowing one wrong movement and I would plummet to the ground below. I then look ahead, past Purity and the Dragon to find a cluster of mountains. They being the famous mountains of Life well known as The Mounts of Majesty. The green surface being the many green Life of forests looking as if draping upon the rocky creations like a soft colored blanket, while the more crude happenings of rocky terrain make up the other more gnarled surface of the mountains all the way down to its deep ancient roots.

"Are you ready?" Purity asks me, even though I cannot see her face I know she has plastered a grin on her lips.

"F-for what?" I ask, Fear of what she might say next causing me to hesitate in questioning.

She doesn't answer me with words and instead with actions. I let out a cry as she urges the Dragon downward. It folds in its wings, diving nose first towards the mountains and Purity merely holds onto the saddle with one hand while her other is suspended in air. She's almost laying against the saddle as the Dragon picks up speed and I hold onto her tighter, shutting my eyes tight as we plunge towards the mountain peaks.

18: Castle of Nelvera
Castle of Nelvera

With breath taking speed the Dragon brings us closer and closer to the towering peaks of Majesty, and I merely hold onto Purity as if Life depended on it. The wind is like a thousand blades, cutting and slicing mercilessly into me the slashes however invisible, they sting which certainly adds to my throbbing. My already weakened heart feels as if it will burst from my chest.

Again, without warning the Dragon spreads out its wings, bringing us to an almost immediate stop from falling any further and she rolls to miss the tip of the mountain peak, it happening so fast it didn't give gravity time to pull me off the Creature. We're flying much lower now, through the mountains instead of over them which makes me feel a little better, however not by much as I said.

"Please, don't do that..." I say, breathing heavily as I try to catch the air for my lungs.

Purity doesn't answer me, and instead focuses on the flight ahead to weave through the maze of cliffs. The Dragon follows her every silent command and after about an hour or so, she pulls the Dragon up above the valley once more to reveal within them is a castle that has so obviously attempted to breach the height of the mountains. Though failing, it seems very close.

The thin towers just hide behind the valley. Carved into one of the mounts, it's amazing single structure flows out into a city and then homes dotted all over the landscape. Below the valley, no longer rocky and barren, but lush and green with positively rich soil underneath.

" Nelvera. The Castle of His Majesty, Life." Purity says, bringing the Dragon to fly lower and lower until coming upon a large white marble platform that has been carved into the castle. The Dragon lands as quietly as possible upon the platform and Purity slides off with me quickly following.

My entire body is shaking and I collapse on the the hard marble floor, unable to keep my legs under me. Purity sighs and puts my arm around her to help me walk.

"You'll get used to it in time..." She says calmly as she helps me walk.

My eyes widen at the thought of even doing that again.

Why would she make me do it again?

I say to myself, distraught about the whole thing.

She takes me into a large courtroom, that is entirely empty, all except for the plane looking throne sitting in the middle of the west wall. It's carved entirely out of wood, being maybe a stained oakwood with intricate designs of animals and forests in it, along with amazingly detailed flowers.

The white marble floor is swimming with Cold beneath my feet which is natural, since it is an element that retains Cold to a certain extent.

On the other side of the room, opposite the landing platform is a thick wooden door while on the east wall is a much bigger two door entrance, that would surely take several men to open.

The door across from us opens and I jump with Surprise, having been startled by the sudden noise. A man in shining silver armor walks in, one hand on the sword on his hip, while his other rests at his side. He walks in seeing us instantly and his eyes widen.

He's rather clean cut and neat seeming, his shaggy brown hair smoothed back out of his face, with just a couple strands hanging down over his eyes that apparently refuse to be tamed. His smile brings Light to the whole room when he sees Purity and he races towards us.

"I saw Meena! I can't believe you made it back!" He exclaims and Purity allows me to stand, leaving my side she wraps her arms around the man and he spins around with her in his arms, causing a growl to arise in my throat, but I hold it down.

"I thought Death had taken you!" He says, tears rolling down his cheeks, setting her down.

She pulls away. "I'm here now..."

"Where's Courage?" He asks, looking around for a third teen.

Purity's face grows Dark, and her gaze falls to the floor. "He didn't make it..."

A frown curves his lips, but he says nothing more, not wanting to upset Purity further. To take her mind off the subject he turns to me.

"Who is this young lad?" He asks, and Purity's Spirit lifts almost instantly.

She approaches me and places a hand on my shoulder. I'm still shaking terribly, face pale, and eyes wide from the ride on the Dragon and she smiles to help cheer me up. "This is Insanity." She announces and I slowly nod to the man.

He laughs as he stares at me. "She's a tough one to ride with, huh kid?" He says and I merely stand there continuing to tremble.

"She makes my riding look like child's play. Not the best partner for your first time." He says, coming and patting me on the back.

"Good..." Purity addresses, her face Serious and her eyes steely. Obviously the man whom she called Good does not take this expression lightly either.

"The Possessed they're-"

He holds up a hand to stop her. "Wait Purity, before you say anything. I need your help solving a problem." He asks and Purity shuts her mouth, though she is longing to tell him the urgent news, its clear that he is in charge and not to be questioned.

"When you and Courage went missing, your position as leader of The Guardians was questioned." He begins.

"By whom?" The snow haired girl asks.

Good sighs. "Fire has challenged you."

19: The Challenger
The Challenger

Seeing as it is Christmas, I bring you two new chapters! I hope you enjoy this treat and Merry Christmas! ;D

I follow Purity and her companion, Good through the large corridors of the castle, until coming into a large room with a slightly raised circle platform. The elevated area has different pastel colored rings within it and right in the center is a beautiful pink rose, lightly painted leaves encircling it while a tangle of thorny vines stretch throughout the platform. The east wall is made with a row of intricately designed stain glass windows. Some of dozens of white flowers, while others paint breath taking landscapes. These windows bring in multicolored Light which show upon the platform and ourselves.

Standing on the rose in the middle of what seems to be an arena, is a man clad in silver armor just like Good and I wonder if he is one of The Guardians he had spoken of previously.

I look to Purity who has an expression of Anger, her shining grey eyes seeming as if they were ready to cut right into the man.

"You're too soft Purity! It's time for someone more compared with Strength and Valiance to take the title of leader now!" The man exclaims, who I assume would be Fire.

Fire, an elemental Nature. Very dangerous, seeing as he can manipulate the heated flames as well as conjure them up out of nothing. A formidable opponent. Surely she doesn't plan to fight him...does she even know how to fight?

I think alongside Worry, but Purity holds no Fear because of this man and as she steps onto the platform and as she approaches the man I'm tempted to race up and stand in front of her, scared that he might hurt her, but I stay put, Fear having froze me.

"I think...Fire, that you have forgotten why I have my title in the first place." She says with a snippy tone, easily hinted with Irritation and Impatience.

Fire nods, drawing his broadsword. "Fight me Purity and win, and I shall follow at your side for the rest of my days. Lose, and you will step down as leader and Guardian forever." He says, grinning at her and she narrows her gaze, then nods.

"Agreed..." She spins around, as does he and they walk to the edge of the platform before turning again to face one another.

Fire stands in a defensive position, his sword gripped with both fists, held out in front of him, while Purity stands there, open and vulnerable.

I jump when a hand is placed on my shoulder and I look up at Good who's smile is filled with Reassurance. "She'll be alright, I take it you've never seen her fight before?" He asks and I shake my head.

He grins. "Well, you're in for a real treat."

I turn to the fight, which has yet to begin and watch with Anticipation.

Fire makes the first move, which I had expected and he lunges towards Purity his sword readying to strike her down. Right before he brings down the blade she reaches behind her back with both hands and I notice that two daggers instantly appear within her palms.


I think with much Surprise, eyes widening as she pulls them in front, making an X with the small blades to block his downward strike. He pulls back, unable to break through the block and she moves behind him to keep from being knocked off the platform. He brings his sword around in attempt to decapitate her and she bends back, placing her hands behind her and in bringing up her bare feet, she knocks his hand, forcing the blade from it, and it skids a few feet out of his reach.

I hear a growl in him but Purity ignores it, her being completely emotionless as she strikes at his plate of armor and correct me if I may be wrong, but I'm positive she's denting the breastplate as she forces Fire back towards the edge of the arena.

He's slightly consumed with Worry for a moment, but as I watch his expression tells me he has something else in mind. He brings his fist forward, and in seeing this Purity leaps away just as the flames try to burn her. He sneers, coming at her with more of the flames, missing her by mere inches each time.

He sends a ball of flames straight for her and she leans down, smacking her hand against the marble and brings her feet up, the way she maneuvered herself, causing her to land aside the flames as they strike and dissipate where she hand been standing previously.

"Come on Purity, you can do better than that! Where's your usual bag of tricks?" Fire snarls teasingly, but she remains emotionless, gripping her blades tighter. She lurches forward swiping her blade through only air, but no. The blade hit him, his cheek having been sliced open.

His eyes widen, but he then retains a grin. "An air strike! Very clever Purity." He begins to walk, circling her and I notice he is ever so slowly making his way to his sword, which lay only a foot away from him now. "Your skills are impressive," He picks up the sword, Purity obviously allowing it. "but not impressive enough!" He swipes his blade for her neck and I realize to avoid it she lowers herself onto her back. She brings her fists by her head, planting them on the marble floor she uses the leverage brought from her arms to launch her body upwards. Her heels meet Fire's chest, forcing him to fall. She has him pinned and with one knee on his chest she holds her blades to his neck.

She stares into his eyes, her own steely expression amazingly of Beauty, and at the same time terrifying. "I relieve you of your position as Guardian..." She snarls before letting him up. She turns her back, heading for the edge of the arena, but her opponent isn't finished yet.

He scrambles to his feet, eyes ablaze. His clenched fists light up with red hot flames and he sends the heat right for Purity, but she is prepared. She spins around, ducking the shots of fire and one of her blades leaves her hand and with a frightening speed the blade strikes his armor, the force of the hit cutting right through the steel to meet with the flesh of his stomach.

My eyes are the size of dinner plates.

How did she do that?

Fire drops to his knees, grimacing at the fact of things, apparently now admitting defeat seeing as he wasn't able to deal Purity a single blow.

She glares at her challenger. "My position leader of The Guardians!"

20: Take it Easy
Take it Easy

After the duel was finished Purity then tried to explain to Good what happened at the border, but Good assured her that it was perfectly fine and they were handling the matter. He told her to take it easy for awhile to get her strength back.

Purity curls her lip in a snarl as we walk through town, weaving in between people.

"Take it easy? Rest up? When have I ever taken it easy Good?" She mutters under her breath, furious about the whole thing.

I only follow her, not really sure what to think about all of this.

How did I get pulled into this? None of this has anything to do with me. I need to get back to The Wastes!

Purity takes my hand to keep from losing me in the crowds, dragging me into the tavern.

"What...are we doing?" I ask.

The snow haired girl stops at the entrance looking around the bar and she finds a boy passed out. His head rested on one of the tables while the rest of him sits on the edge of a chair, just about to slide out of it.

Purity walks over and slams her palm on the table, waking up the boy immediately. His golden eyes widen when he sees Purity and he falls right out of the chair, landing with a thud on the floor.

I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone sober up that fast and I watch with Curiosity as Purity grabs the boy by his ear and lifts him onto his feet. His mind and eyes obviously cleared of all spirits that had been in him.

"Ow! Purity I'm sorry, I-"

"Didn't think I'd be back this soon?" She finishes dragging him towards the door, still by his ear. She takes him out into the streets then lets him go. I follow soon after my eyes trained on the boy, wondering what Nature he may be.

His dust brown hair sticks up in all the wrong places, due to having just woken up probably. His golden eyes don't tell me much either. His clothes consist of a messy grey tunic and brown trousers that are planning on falling off.

"Clean yourself up, then meet me at Love's house." She tells him sternly.

He staggers a bit, but one steely look from Purity makes him straighten up right quick. "Yes ma'am!" He addresses before scrambling up the street.

"Who was that?" I ask her but yet again she ignores the question.

"I'll tell you later..." She answers with a flat tone, walking to the edge of the castle town, which then flows into a more sophisticated and less crammed area, me having not noticed from when we had been riding the Dragon.

She approaches one of the two story homes, knocking on the thick wood door. It's not really much fancier, just larger than some of the other areas of the city. The sweet smell of wildflowers sits in the open windows and the scents make my lips turn up.

My attention is brought from the flowers to the door as it opens with a creak. A woman with long blonde hair and light blue irises stands in the doorway. She wears a long flowing green dress with a white apron tied around her waist. Flour powders her perfectly shaped cheeks and the delightful smell of pies and pastries causes my mouth to water.

"Purity!" She exclaims and they both embrace one another.

"I'm so glad your back!" The woman says before pulling away. "I'm sure you've taken care of Wind already. I warned him, but you know how he is." She tries to explain.

Purity nods. "Yes, and if he knows what's Good for him he'll be heading for Love's house."

Wind must be the one from the tavern...another elemental Nature...

"Come in, come in! I'm just finishing up a few things." The woman invites and Purity steps into the home, with me closely following at her heels.

She leads us from the main room which holds some lounging furniture and into a fairly large kitchen with several appliances, table and chairs, and an island as well. She opens up her oven and pulls out what looks to be a peach pie. She sets it down on her kitchen island with a towel underneath it before taking off her apron.

"So what brings you here Purity? I assume you've resumed your position as leader?" She queries.

Purity doesn't answer that question and instead skips right to the point. "I'm holding a meeting at Love's house. You will be joining us, correct?"

"Of course...but may I ask what this is about?" She continues and as Purity heads for the door only two words escape her lips.

"The team."

Purity drags me down the street and onto a narrow stone path that leads out of the city.

That must of been Water...

I think back to the woman, having taken a bit to figure it out.

The scenery of the towering mountains and lush green plains takes my breath away, and I relish it all. From the beautiful peak of the setting sun's colors of brilliance to the soft breeze that floats through the land, blowing on the soft petals of white and purple wildflowers.

The path we walk winds down over hills and shallow valleys like textured grey ribbon, through farmlands and past homesteads that puff streams of smoke from their chimneys. One house in particular, that's more of a cottage than a house.

A girl opens the door even before we step in, having seen us coming from her little glass window. She allows us into her home with ease and I tip my head curiously. Her thin figure is perfectly shaped as an hourglass. Her waist length red hair lays in curled layers over her shoulders. Her big brown eyes are quite of Beauty and I almost melt in her presence.

The boy we had seen earlier sits at the girls kitchen table a bottle of spirits in his hand as he leans back lazily in his chair. Purity shakes her head when she sees the boy, calmly walking over and taking the bottle from his hand. She then goes over to the window and pours it outside, staring the boy down with an almost blank expression. The boy just gives her a somewhat shocked and offended look, but he soon loses it when she comes back over and slams the empty bottle on the table. He takes it back tipping it onto his lips and not even a drop slides out.

I wrinkle my nose at the stench of beer and liquor, but of course hold back a gag. Purity sighs, obviously not getting too worked up because he did change his clothes like she told him. Now being in a clean white shirt and trousers. A chain hangs around his neck that I hadn't noticed before, it holding a simple silver cross. He runs his fingers through his hair, having given up on getting any more out of the bottle.

Love leans up against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. She watches Wind with Curiosity in her eyes. Neither of them being much older than me and yet she looks to be ten while the boy drinks like a fish.

Who are these people?

Someone else enters the cottage now, it being Water. The woman we had visited back in the castle town.

"So, what is this all about Purity?" She asks approaching the table and sitting down beside Wind, who has yet again sobered up almost as fast as he got drunk.

Purity holds the bridge of her nose, Frustration quite evident. "As you may already know, Fire is no longer apart of the team."

Everyone nods in understanding so she continues.

The snow haired girl points a finger at me. "I called you all here because of him."

21: The Pool of Memories
The Pool of Memories

My eyes widen out of Surprise, but I decide to just listen.

Does she have me here for a reason?

"What does he have to do with any of us?" Wind asks, gesturing to me lazily with his hand.

Purity leans on the table as she speaks. "He has Strength and Power. We need him, especially now that Fire is no longer on the team." She explains.

"He looks to have too much Weakness." Love points out her voice like silk and I try to keep from fidgeting.

Purity sighs at her assumption. "Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we." She says with a sly grin.

The corners of my mouth turn up.

She knows better...

Wind shakes his head. "What about Earth? He's not here to vote..."

Purity crosses her arms. "That's his own fault. Now I say we let him in. Who else?" She asks and Water nods as well as Love.

"Why not give the kid a chance. If you say he's alright then he is." Love says in agreement with Purity's decision.

The snow haired girl then turns her steely gaze to Wind who just sighs. He doesn't seem to agree with it but since everyone else is in favor he has to go along with it. "Whatever..." He says reaching for the empty bottle, apparently forgetting that there was no longer anything in it.

"Now that that is settled," She takes the bottle from Wind and sets it down out of his reach. "The Possessed are reaching through the borders. Good says he's handling it, but I want to make sure myself. I want to find out exactly how they are getting through and that means-"

"The Catacombs..." Love interrupts and Purity nods.

"That's forbidden Purity and you know it!" Wind chimes in and the snow haired girl shoots him a glare.

"I've never known you to be one to follow rules, Wind." She says skeptically and he shrugs, grinning.

"You're right, I'm not."

Water sighs, shaking her head. "Well, what are we waiting for? We need to be quick or Good will figure us out and keep us here."

"We'll meet you at the border then?" Love suggests and Purity nods heading for the door.

She drags me behind her as we make our way back to the city, until finally we stop at a rather small house, in the quieter part of town like where we met Water. She walks in racing up the stairs to what must be the attic.

While she's up there, I take a quick look around.

It's a one room house with a fireplace stove on the east wall while a table and chairs be on the side opposite, as well as a rocking chair. Soft rugs blanket the wooden planks making up the floor. Over all the place being rather nice and cozy.

I jump when Purity rushes back down the creaking steps, her hair having been pulled up into a tight bun with a blue ribbon. A leather belt hangs loosely from her thin waist, being filled with different types of small weapons.

She turned to me, slipping out a knife she held it with the hilt pointed at me. I shake my head, knowing I won't need it and she gives me a look of Surprise along with Confusion, but decides to not question my motives before leading me back out into the streets. She takes me out into the fields and pastures again, looking up to the sky and I shudder, realizing what she's doing.

She lets out the same notes through her lips to call her Dragon named Meena, then gives another whistle that's different from the first which brings on Confusion for me. Soon though, my Conscious is cleared when two Dragons land before us, one being considerably smaller than the pale blue Dragon, Meena.

The smaller Dragon stretches its grey leathery wings, black scales covering it from the tip of its snout down to its spiked tale. Its grey horns crown it like a King and I stare in awe at it as Beauty seems to bless him fully.

"This is Raven...our newly trained Dragon. He will be perfect for you." Purity says, going and stroking the black Dragon's muzzle.

I slowly approach the Creature and reach a hand of Gentleness to it and it shies away from me.

"Oh that's right!" Purity seems to pull, out of nowhere, a clip that looks to be made for hair. She pulls back a few locks of my hair that had been in my eyes and pins it back with the clip. "It's made out of one of his scales. He will have much Faithfulness to you as long as you have it."

I blink in surprise at how much better I can see out of the eye that now isn't covered. The portion of my forehead now feeling exposed and I like it.

Breaking all thoughts on the Dragon clip, I turn my attention back to Purity who gestures to the saddle on the Dragon.

She then comes to Meena and mounts her. "Now, face Fear Insanity! Ride that Dragon!" She shouts before taking flight.

I shield my face as Wind buffs my face when the Dragon had used its wings with Power. I look to my own Dragon and cringe, slowly approaching him and he nuzzles me softly to bring Encouragement. I give the Creature a smile before climbing up into the saddle, him feeling much with Safety than Meena. I pat the Dragons neck and he stretches his wings making me silently hope he doesn't ride like Meena.

Seeming to sense Fear in me he takes off with much Gentleness and we gradually make our way into the sky. Eventually we make it above the mountains and he seems to glide past their peaks before flapping his leathery wings to gain more height again.

I look around finding the scenery much of Beauty, no longer bringing Fear like it was before.

Fear can't control me...he can only haunt me. He's been reaching me for so long that I had forgotten what it was like to have Bravery.

I jump when a voice hears behind me.

"Alright little puppy! Let's see what you got!" Purity calls coming in beside me. She then dives for the ground with lightning speed.

Feeling challenged I grin widely and lay my chest down, hugging the saddle. I grip the handle tightly and Raven folds his wings, racing down after her. Being much smaller than her own Dragon we almost blend with Wind making us faster and we surpass the snowed haired girl, plunging straight for the roaring waterfall cascading down into a river that leads through the mountains.

Determination fueling my Conscious I urge the Dragon to pick up speed and he uses his wings to push downward and when the cliff of water is upon us I pull back which causes Raven to bring up his wings, slowing us down just enough and I lay back, allowing the water to spray my face before maneuvering the Dragon so he flies along the river, skimming the surface with his claws he enters the tunnel that leads through the mountains.

I have the Dragon land on a strip of rocky land aside the river which flows much smoother than it did rolling right off the waterfall and slide out of the saddle. My feet land with a smack on the rock and I slip, almost tumbling into the river, but Raven snatches the back of my shirt in his teeth, lifting me back up on my feet.

I pat his muzzle to thank him before making my way along the rocky path, realizing Light creeps among the tunnel lighting up the way dimly.

What is this place?

I think to myself venturing much further, finding rings and patterns of glowing blue crystals which is what brings Light to this place usually of Dark. Fear doesn't dwell within the walls and I come upon a thin rocky bridge that travels up over the river to the other side, leading into another glowing tunnel, clusters of the crystals bringing me a path.

My Dragon follows close behind me, it being apparent that he has just as much of Curiosity as I do. Passing over the river by the bridge I find that it isn't a tunnel, it is more of a cave. Brilliance reigns the area, Magnificence hinting as well and I gape in awe at it all. Thin streams of water, no thicker than the strands of a spiders web trail down the walls to form in small pools, giving off their own Radiance of glow.


My thoughts trail off, me having no words to describe how I feel. I approach a pool that has formed within the core of the cave and I look into it, finding it to travel deep down beneath the earth, there not look to be an end to it and I crouch at the edge reaching out to touch it.

Raven stands at my side, mesmerized by the pool as I am and as my fingertips graze the surface I feel Pain suddenly shoot through my skull, the image of a girl flashing across my eyes, the utter change feeling like a sword in my back.

I fall into the grasp of the pool my entire body pulsing with uncontrolled energy, making me unable to move my limbs. The images pass through my eyes again. The girl soaked in her own blood, her green eyes vacant of Life.

I hear the screams filled with Horror among the hollow cry of Desperation from a child. The cry sounds so familiar and yet completely foreign.

The much blood...

The images flash before me as if it were Life sending me a message, not Death as it should be. I hear the voice whisper in my ear as my drained body sinks into the depths of the pool.

"You will forever be persecuted for the deeds you have not committed...but that doesn't mean you have to accept were born into the world for a them why...Bear, show them what Insanity is truly capable of..."

22: Her

Death brings Cruelty...what follows then? Suffering, Torture, Fear? They created my otherworldly being. They used my twisted past to their advantage, bringing me up to what I've become to this day. What day? What Life? What name? It no longer matters. I am like a Shadow in both worlds. I was never meant to have Love, Compassion...Purity...I am what brings Dark and Fear. Torture fuels my twisted mind. They destroyed my past to get what they so desired. My body...they wanted my body. In the Perverse way of things they had succeeded in taking my body, distorting how I appeared in this world. that my true name? Is that what I was...who I was?

The water envelopes my body with Warmth and Light, wanting to take me down further in its depths, however Dark does not take me back to the other world. Instead I remain here, trapped in this watery tomb.

My hands reach for the surface it not being able to come to me and I blink slowly, watching as the rock ceiling seems to drift farther and farther away.

Will Suffering take me forever? Will Torture remove me from this world, locking me up in his dungeon to maul and mutilate my body, until only the mind is left. My twisted and insecure mind will forever be here in this world and the other world. No one can escape my thoughts of Perverse and Evil. I will always be the Shadowy essence in your Conscious.

Bubbles escapes my lips, swiftly traveling upwards so they may pop upon reaching the surface, never to appear again as they were before.


A voice echoes within the walls of my grave ringing in my ears like the sweet toll of a church bell.


I hear it then again, louder this time, wispy and full of Beauty.

Another vision is brought forth, her dust brown hair and sparkling green eyes mesmerizing as was the pool I now sink into. Her smile seems to bring Light to my gloomy heart and I reach to her longingly.


She seems to call to me and I open my mouth, wanting and trying to speak to her, but no words can escape my lips, only small bubbles of air.

Her small hand reaches out to me, but I can't move, the energy having been completely sapped from my body. When her delicate fingers touch my cheek, my eyes widen as another series of visions pass through me, it feeling even more with Pain than before and I find myself twisting in agony within the clutches of the water.

It takes me beyond my mental position, farther back in time among the regions of the other world.

I see a little girl with long brown hair and sparkling green eyes. She laughs with much Joy as she plays with another young being. It's a boy, with pitch black hair, no older than the girl. The boy smiles with Happiness as they dance around, the scene somehow reminding me of when Purity had me dance with her.

Suddenly the images fade and blur to something much of Dark's fabrications. I feel tears reach over my vision as the bodies of the dead litter the ground. Rain patters upon their still forms, washing and somewhat drowning away the mangled torn flesh and blood beneath them. Standing before the them is the young boy from before, his blue eyes lit up with Horror. His hands are bloody and dripping as the rain desperately attempts to wash the red away. His face is spattered with the staining liquid, but that has of no Concern to him. His blue gaze search the crowded piles finally picking out a delicate body, ripped and mangled in appearance and he races to what had once been the little girl, with her bright green eyes. They are now a hollow gray, no more Life being with her, but Death.


I hear the boy scream, but it's not his anymore that I hear, but my own.

I drop to my knees in a tearful agony, writhing and screaming for it to stop. I so desperately wish for Death to end me as the memories flow throw me as if lightning bolts have struck me without easing. The memory of the girl, the memory of my imprisonment, and the memory of my Insanity.

I killed them...I killed her.