
    Heat. Heat pours down on me as I stand outside during passing period at my school. It’s not Spring, no, it’s not even the end of Summer. It’s Winter, and it’s 85 degrees out; but this should be expected when someone lives in the southern part of California like I do. Unfortunately even though I was born and raised here, I’m not made for the heat, and my long brown hair sticks uncomfortably to my neck until I get to my fifth period. I get through it by doodling tiny monsters on my classwork, not interested in the rambunctious freshmen around me nor the droning of my teacher. I prefer the wallflower route when it comes to school.

    After school, I rush out with a skip in my step. Hardly any homework, besides English and I could whisk through that. My mother has decided to treat me for getting good grades today, she takes me to the mall near our house shortly after we arrive home and tomorrow I’m supposed to go to a sleepover with my new school friends. It’s a sort of big deal for her for me to get good grades, for not only is this my first year in high school, but it’s my first year in an actual physical school. I have been homeschooled my entire life until now, so she is happy that I am getting all As and Bs. She drops me off in the front of the mall near the restaurants, and watches me leave into the building. 

    I walk casually into the mall, small groups of people buzzing around, going into the different stores and talking about various unheard things. I bypass the nail salon, the chocolate shop, the engagement ring store, and other stores I don’t recognize, in order to get to one of the only stores I enjoy shopping at. Hot Topic. I smile the instant I walk in, looking at all the odd gothic jewelry and dark colored clothes. I stay in the store for nearly half an hour, picking carefully for I only have a little bit of money, when I suddenly get this strange feeling that I am being watched, and naturally I look around. In the corner of the store, near the entrance and all the Doctor Who things, I see a man. 

    This man sticks out from the crowd in a rather odd but intriguing way, or at least to me he does. He is wearing a black coat with white fur trimming, and is wearing a mask as if it was Halloween, with red upside down triangles under bright blue eyes which serve for the holes of his mask. On his forehead is the insignia for the astrological sign, Libra, painted in red. I stare at him for a bit, intrigued by his outfit, especially his mask. If I didn’t know better I’d say he looks like he’s about to rob the store. He then glances over at me and cocks his head to the side, then he soon leaves the store.

    I leave soon after as well, and decide to walk around the block to get a little bit of fresh air, though I probably will just run into some smokers. After a while, I go back inside on the opposite end of the mall and I suddenly hear shouting. I look towards where it is coming from and I see the same man from earlier that day running from one of the stores. Security guards are chasing after him as fast as they can, even though it doesn’t come close to how fast the man is running towards the exit I am standing by. I freeze up seeing this; but this only gives him enough time to get behind me. 

    I feel a dreadful and yet recognizable feeling, the cold feeling of a knife pressed up against my throat. He is also gripping my arm tightly, his chest pressed up against my back. My heart races and pounds against my ribcage. My mind is trying to process what is happening. What IS happening?!

    “Put down the knife!” I hear one of the guards shout, bringing me back to reality. I plead at him with my eyes to get me out of this situation, out of this psycho’s arms. Instinct compels me to move away from the cold knife against my flesh, not wanting it to even accidentally cut into my neck. 

    “I will kill her if you get closer!” The man behind me shouts at the guard, but he whispers in my ear after, “Don’t be scared, I will not harm you.” I relax slightly at the reassurance, whether it is the truth or a lie, but I am still stiff with being held captive. The knife itself feels like it has a curve exactly fitting my neck. Perfect to slit it...

    The man leads me backwards to the entrance, goes through the doorway, and suddenly lets me go. He bows at me, which reminds me briefly of Japanese culture, and then runs away, jumping with ease over everything in his way like a parkour master. I watch him go, then the security guards come out and drill me with questions of worry. My mind is still stuck on what has just happened... After long consideration after the security guards stop hovering over me, I decide not to tell my parents. I know that I should, but all it would do is worry them and not let me go out anymore. The man didn’t hurt me anyway, and he doesn’t know who I am either. I call my mom to pick me up, and I don’t say anything about it on the way home, even though my mind is still on it like a fly on flypaper. 

    After dinner that night when my mind has had time to calm down, my mom goes to sleep with my smaller siblings, and my dad goes to work out at the gym. I sit outside with my two dogs, Pepper and White Socks, playing with them and watching them wrestle in the driveway. Our house is situated on a hill that overlooks my entire home city, and its lights glow like neon fireflies. I smile at it, letting my eyes space out and my mind wander. What happened at the mall today was quite possibly the most exciting and thrilling thing to happen to me in my seventeen years... Then, I see a tall, hooded figure appear from behind a bush near me, and I jump up from where I had been sitting.

    My dogs bark at the figure, and I get out a pocket knife that I sometimes keep in my pocket. He puts his hands up in surrender, and I see that it’s the man from earlier... This makes me lower my knife a bit, and I whistle sharply for my dogs. They slowly come back to me, but I keep my eyes on the man questioningly. He bows, which surprises me slightly, and then he says, 

    “Hello again. I do hope I didn’t harm you earlier today.” I pause for a moment before I shake my head lightly.

    “Hello... And no, you didn’t.” 

    “That is good.” He takes a step closer to me, making me back up a bit. “May I ask you something?” I pause again, not liking this situation one bit but I decide to comply. Maybe if I go along with what he wants he’ll leave.

    “All right.” 

    “How can you see me?” I find this funny despite all my senses telling me I’m in danger. I look at him with confusion, tilting my head to one side.

    “With my eyes...” 

    He suddenly lunges forward only inches from my body, staring deeply into my eyes from the light blue eye holes which I can see aren’t his natural eyes but apart of the mask. I step back in surprise and my knife higher now in defense.

    “... You have the sight... So YOU are who they are after.” I am now very certain, if it was not certain before, that this man is crazy. And unfortunately not the good kind. 

    “Right, um, it’s been cool. But I need to go inside now...” I hurriedly go inside my house, and go to my room, but... The man is already there, holding my two dogs. 

    “You have a very cute pair of dogs.” I grab my phone, and then I run to the bathroom, locking the door and hiding in the shower as I start to dial 911. Before I can call them I hear a knock on the door. “You are not very good at hiding. Also, I need to borrow that room for a bit, please.” I do agree with him, the bathroom isn’t my best hiding spot... I think for quite a while, and despite my better judgment, I come out. My phone is still in my hand, my finger hovering over the call button.

    “Try anything, and I will call the police. Go in, come out, and leave.” I tell him sternly, then I head for my room tensely as he goes into the bathroom. 

    “Thank you for your kindness.” He comments, as I get my dagger from my room, clutching it to make me feel safer, and am waiting for him at the end of the hall near the door. While waiting for him, I hear thunder echo out throughout the desert crater that I live in. I listen to it with a smile, knowing there will be rain in the desert, thinking it will be nice to go look at the lightening later. I look out the window and I see the sky is strangely cloudless, and the roaring continues. 

    “That’s not good.” Says the man who is... Suddenly right behind me, also looking outside the window at the storm. I am a bit startled, but I only glance behind me. 

    “You have to drive home? Well, if you go now, you might beat it, it isn’t raining yet.” I say, wanting him to leave before my mom wakes up or my dad comes home to find a strange man with their seventeen-year-old daughter. 

    “It’s not going to rain. They’re getting closer, and we need to leave.” The ‘we’ in his sentence makes my heart race with fear.

    “You need to leave, before my mom wakes up or my dad comes home. I happen to live here.” 

    “I understand that, but things are coming that are out of your control! When it’s all over, you can return.” 

    “... Right.” My sarcasm is obvious as I quickly push him out the front door near us, wanting to move along with his departure. “Well, see you around, crazy man.” I shut the door quickly, and make certain to lock it. 

    “FINE! Let’s see how long you and your family last when The Seven finally get here!” He shouts, sounding fairly frustrated. I look at the door, my curiosity getting the better of me, especially my curiosity in this crazy man with the mask.

    “... Seven what?” 

    At this very moment a red orb the size of a softball dashes past me and blows up half of the wall behind me which is one of the living room walls. 

    “They’re here! Run!” The man shouts, and I grip my dagger tightly. In blind shock I grab my backpack of personal from my room which I had packed earlier for my sleepover tomorrow and run through the house towards the garage, in hopes of escaping whatever the hell just happened. I simply hope my mom doesn’t wake up, most likely hearing it from the other side of the house along with my little siblings. “We need to draw them away! Do you have any wheels we can use?” The man is suddenly right next to me, and though I’m still shocked and confused beyond belief, I answer him automatically.

    “My dad’s Prius, he took my mom’s car.” 

    “SERIOUSLY!?” There is yet another explosion. “All right, I can’t be picky, I know!” 

    “Anything happens to my family, and I will kill you!” I point my dagger into his face threateningly. “Stop this, RIGHT NOW.” 

    “I’M TRYING! I warned you earlier, and now you have to pay the price for not listening!” He climbs into the Prius on the driver’s left hand side. “Coming?” I climb in the Prius’s passenger seat, still shocked, but now also very pissed off. This is NOT what I wanted to happen today, not at all. We drive off and then I see several humanoid creatures chasing us, I stare at them in the mirror wide eyed. I feel like I am in some kind of nightmare, and the man looks upset. 

    “Where’s the seventh?” He questions, but I am hardly worried about the seventh creature. I suppose I should have been because suddenly a sloth-like creature with a woman’s face lands on the hood and begins tearing up the car! I jerk back in my seat, stiff with my dagger comfortingly held against my chest, as I now stare at the creature on top of the car. The man jerks the wheel to the right, and it falls off without much of a fight. 

    We drive on for hours upon hours until the gas and the battery finally runs out. The man gets out of his seat and walks over to my side of the car.

    “Get out, we’re walking from here.” I slowly and dazedly come out the car, and follow him silently, my eyes unblinking and staring at virtually nothing. I am thinking about everything and nothing at once, worried for myself and my family, but most of all confused. “Do not worry for your family, they are coming for us, not them.” I nod silently to show him I heard him, he must have seen my expression, or perhaps he can just read minds, I wouldn’t be surprised much with what’s already happened. I go on thinking, and despite what he said, worrying. 

    “He means they’re coming for me... They’re coming for me...” 

    I think sadly. I put my own family in danger. For what, I don’t know, but it must be my fault... Then the man stops in front of me suddenly. 

    “I feel that we... Have not gotten off on the right foot. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” He offers in a friendly manner, I think for a second more before answering.

    “You could start by explaining to me why I’m in the middle of nowhere with a man who doesn’t show his face, after running away from seven creatures who were clearly not human and who tried to kill me and you with something that was also clearly not human.” The man pauses, before he takes off his mask, and reveals his face... He has a normal skin tone like I do, if anything it is more tanned, but when I look into his eyes I see that his right eye is chocolate brown and human while his left is purple and slitted like a feline. Sharp looking fangs poke out of his mouth, and a bat-like nose twitches ever so slightly... There is a long moment of silence, as I stare uncontrollably, my breaths staccato. 

    “What... What is he? Have I honestly been traveling with this... Creature? This monster?... Though, he doesn’t look too scary... Why should I trust him anyway?” 

    Though a million thoughts go through my mind, my lips can hardly form words to this... Person. 

    “How do I even know he’s on my side? What if he just wants me for himself? ... Should I run?” 

    “... Wh-ho. Who are you? Why did those things try to kill me?” I finally make out the words. He is graciously patient.

    “My name is Libra. I was simply looking into the sudden activity of The Seven, who were killing people your age for an unknown reason. I wanted to know why so I walked among you humans for a clue as to why, when I found out that YOU have the sight. You saw me when nobody else could.” I laugh, though it’s mostly distressed from the information. A coping mechanism at best.

    “All right then... So, what are they?” My shock is slowly turning into sarcasm and curiosity. He hasn’t killed me yet, I suppose he won’t... Unless he needs me for some sort of ritual. I shiver at the thought, several horror movie plots running through my brain like scripts.

    “They are the embodiments of the seven Deadly Sins, the one that attacked us was Sloth... Wait.” I look at him questioningly. He turns away and counts his black gloved fingers. “My God. I figured it out! Ma’am, you need to listen to me, it is of the utmost importance!” 

    “My name’s Emelie... What did you figure out?” I figure he told me his name, I might as well tell him mine. It’s better than ma’am, I’m not seventy.

    “There have been only six children killed before you, and they have all been killed in the ways The Seven iconically kill. The first was burned and eaten, the next had her face removed, and so on. The one who hasn't killed yet was Sloth, and that's because it's a procrastinator! You are the last one they are after.” I nod slowly, taking it in. 

    “That makes sense...” 

    “The word hardly has any meaning anymore.” 

    “Saved by procrastination, who knew.” I try to make the situation light, though it most definitely isn’t.

    “Don’t be so thankful yet. They are still coming, and they are most likely very angry.” He continues to walk towards the closest city, and I follow him, quickly getting over my shock. I’m doing my best to open up to the possibilities of this... Situation.

    “Right... Um, despite how cheesy this sounds, do you know why... Me? I mean, I'm just me. I haven't even seen anything like this, besides a few ghosts maybe, and all the sudden I can see you and those... Things.” I awkwardly compose my question.

    “I do not know why, but I really don't care. They want you dead, and I want them to fail. That is all that concerns me. Maybe later we can find out why, once we get to my home.” My eyes widen slightly at the sudden notion I hadn’t realized.

    “Your home?” 

    “Yes, that's the safest place I can bring you. It's in Ireland, on the eastern border of The Fey Kingdom.” There was a pause.

    “... Right... Okay.” He glanced at me. 

    “Still don’t trust or like me?” I wore a monotone expression for my mind is still going a thousand miles a minute.

    “I trust you as much as I can for meeting you today, and I don't know you well enough to say that I like you... Though I do owe you my life, why you saved it I'm not sure, but you did.” 

    “I saved you because it was the right thing to do.” 

    “Are there still people with actual morals...?” 

    “Arigatou.” I say with a smile, “Thank you” in Japanese. I might have been watching too much anime.

    “Dō itashimashite. I can speak seven languages by the way, so don’t try anything cute.” I wonder what I could even do that was cute with the situation, or even why I would want to.

    “Okay.” I simply say, though my mind is suddenly racing again. Who is this man, really? And what is he? Surely he isn’t the only one, so there are more inhuman races out there, probably even at his home where he is taking me... Honestly, I’m scared. I am not prepared for this. For a new world that could very possibly kill me before my time, but... All I can really do is trust Libra. I owe him my life.

2: Escape

    We are in a small pub far away from my home. I can’t even recall how long we have walked. We’re waiting for a bus to take us to Houston, Texas and from there we will be taking an airplane to Ireland. I stay quiet for most of the trip, occasionally stealing glances at Libra, still curious about the man who saved me and I suppose is still saving me. I also entertain myself by looking at the other people around us; but mostly drifting off into my own world of new thoughts, new questions, and information. 

    “Hey stranger. Got a light?” Two men approach Libra, and I glance over at them curiously.

    “No,” The inhuman man replies flatly. 

    “Got the time then?” Libra simply ignores the two men, I also stay quiet, though I am still looking over at them. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” The first man snaps, and shoves Libra. I step back a bit, wondering what this guy’s problem was.

    “You got a problem with us?” The second man shoves him too. 

    “I will warn you now, STOP and LEAVE before I hurt you.” Libra warns sternly, I look at them with wide uncertain eyes.

    “Boy! You got a-lot-a’balls to be talkin’ to me like that!” He suddenly punches Libra square in the jaw, and I glare at the man who I have now created disdain for. 

    “I guess you got none then, throwing a first punch just ‘cause you can.” I hiss angrily under my breath, and the man slaps me.

    “Shut up you brat!” I pivot on my foot into a fighting position, and open hand palm him to his nose, twisting my foot to get my full force like I learned from my karate lessons. This is not a good day to be messing with me, and keeping to myself these hours, worrying and bubbling after just finding out humans are not alone on this planet has made me more... Snappy. Libra elbows him in the back of his head, which knocks him out cold. The second man brings out a handgun, but Libra takes it from him with ease and roundhouse kicks him in the jaw, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious. I look down at them, kind of exhilarated and alarmed for I have never been in a real fight before, the most I have done is sparring in my local dojo. Though I am thoroughly impressed by Libra’s fighting style. I sigh silently under my breath, not used to so much violence in a day.

    Libra looks around at the other people in the bar that we are in, who had been watching the fight, probably not knowing what to do. Then he walks outside, we are probably going to get kicked out anyway... I follow him out the door somewhat like a puppy, which I usually am, since I’m a follower and not usually a leader. When I get outside I don’t see him at first, but then I spot him perched in a nearby tree. I look up at him, then lie down nearby, almost underneath the tree, and close my eyes. I’m tired and I want some rest before traveling again. Then I feell like what feels like a blanket falling and covering my figure. I open my eyes and look down on myself, finding that Libra’s coat was covering me. It’s very soft.

    “I don’t want you getting cold,” He said, trying to cover up a caring tone. I smile up at him, though I’m surprised by the kind gesture. He has already done so much for me, he saved my life when I kicked him out of my home. Though, to be fair, he did act like a crazy person.

    “Thanks,” I reply, thinking of nothing else to say. 

    “... Welcome,” He says. Then he hangs himself upside down on the tree branch and was soon asleep judging by the soft snores. I curl up with the comfortingly warm coat, closing my eyes again and I am soon asleep as well. 




    The next morning I awake to the pleasant smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. 

    “I got you breakfast,” I hear Libra say, and I smile sleepily at the man. 

    “Thanks,” I run my fingers through my sleep mussed hair, and then I go over to him, returning his coat. He takes it back, but before he puts it on, I see a long silver scar that looks like it starts at the base of his neck and goes around to his back. I stare at it curiously, but look away once I realize what I’m doing, and I focus on the delicious food instead. “Looks good,” I comment. 

    “Even after our scuffle we had last night, the woman in charge was nice enough to let me order food.” I notice that there’s only one plate. 

    “That was nice of her, but... Shouldn’t we have two plates?” 

    “I will get my own food.” Libra starts digging away at an anthill nearby and I shrug, sitting down to eat the food. 

    “Okay.” I eat while watching him dig at the anthill. The ants he’s digging at are fire ants, one of the worst stinging ants, which he eats off his hands with a surprisingly long needle-like tongue. 

    I burst out laughing quite unexpectedly, because Libra honestly looks... Very cute doing that. He looks sort of like an anteater, or some other adorable animal. That, and I realize I am having fun on this deranged, surreal, and rather insane road trip. Libra looks at me quizzically. 

    “Sorry,” I’m still giggling but I stop myself. “but you looked really... Adorable. And I just realized how fun I find this trip, despite my life in danger. I truly must be crazy.” 

    “... If you knew what I was, you wouldn’t think I was so cute... Though, I am glad you are having fun.” I tilt my head lightly to one side. 

    “... What are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” It is something I have been curious about ever since I found out he is inhuman.

    “I’m a Halfling.” I give him a puzzled expression, and he sighs, slightly frustrated. “I am part human and part goblin.” My face lights up, thinking of my favorite book trilogy, The Hollow Kingdom; which is centered on goblins, and the Goblin King, who is also not pure goblin. Goblins are inhuman mythological creatures, which vary from small little green men with long noses and pointy ears, to my preferred description of them; royal looking humanoid beings with animalistic features.

    “Goblin? Really? Awesome.” I say in a completely awestruck and earnest voice. ... He looks at me a bit nervously, probably by my sudden mood change.

    “Err, yes. To be exact I am part Imperial Goblin.” He takes off one of his black gloves, and I see that he has clawed fingers with thin, almost transparent webbing in between them. I nearly squeal with how amazing this is to find out that goblins are real and everything I have hoped them to be. I grin foolishly like a crazed fangirl.

    “Sorry... Goblins are my favorite ‘mythical creature’ Next to dragons, Mothman, and ghosts.” I explain shortly, though I have a long list of favorites running through my head.

    “You are an odd human... I might just learn to like you.” I smile at him, though I don’t know him well, I can tell he is a good person... Goblin... Man.

    “Thanks... So, um, how exactly are we going to stop The Seven from killing me?” 

    “For now, we are just trying to escape to my home. When we get there I will try to find out why they want you, and remove it.” He explains, and I nod with agreement.

    “Okay, sounds good.” My mind soon drifts, and I worry about my family again.

    “Do they think I’m dead, or missing? And even if I do escape The Seven, will others come for me as well? ... Will I constantly be in danger? How will I even go back to normal life after this, with what I know now... I don’t think I can. I’ve been dreaming for something like this to happen for so very long now...” 

    I make up my mind. If this ends up that I will constantly be targeted by these things, for whatever reason, I won’t be going home... Despite wanting to go back, despite wanting to hug my mother, tickle my siblings, and talk with my father... I won’t put them in danger. It’s better that they think I’m dead really, if this is what I would be dragging them into.

    A bus soon comes to the pub and we take it all the way to Houston. My mind mulls over this decision the entirety of the way as I watch the desert pass me as I look out the window. When we get off we are in a dusty and busy city, and I look around at the people in my boredom considering I have gone through all the events of the passing two days almost a hundred times. Most of the people in the city look just as bored as I am, but there’s one man that... Suddenly changes into a Minotaur... My eyes widen at the man as I watch him and a human woman lovingly embrace. Nobody seems to notice this, only I do.

    “L-Libra?” I ask nervously to get the attention of my companion, and he answers me without looking at me. 


    “Why is there a Minotaur over there...?” Libra only glances at the man. 

    “He probably lives here. A lot of Minotaurs live in Texas and Arizona.” I look away from the Minotaur, not wanting to stare.

    “... Oh. Right, of course.” 

    “I need to get used to seeing this sort of stuff... It’s my dream come true, I should enjoy it.”

    “You have the sight, you will be seeing more of those things every day,” Libra says, again as if he can read my thoughts.

    “I don’t mind, I am a geek after all, this is really a geek’s dream come true... I just have to get used to it.” We stop when we get to the airport. 

    “Well, I hope you get used to it fast.” I most likely will, it takes some time to get used to your dream coming true, but I’m sure I’ll completely enjoy it in no time. My eyes dart around the airport in curiosity. 

    “Most likely.” I mumble, in a bit of a delayed fashion. We buy tickets for Ireland and I start wondering about our destination... 

    “What is it like in Ireland?” 

    “Cold, rainy, dark, and full of life... All in all, it’s not a bad place to live.” 

    “Sounds nice.” 

    “A lot better than the desert hotness.” 

    “My mansion is located in the forest near the coast, next to England.” 

    “... Mansion?” I question. Was he not only half Imperial Goblin, the man who saved me from death by the Seven Sins, but rich as well?

    “Oh, that’s right, I didn’t tell you yet. I live in a mansion. It’s about five stories tall, one and a half football fields long, and it has been in my family for twelve generations.” I am stunned to say the least. And I thought my home was big with our one and a half acres of land. 

    “Are you the only one living there?” I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised, he seems like the type to mysteriously live in a mansion all by himself. It is probably haunted too... Heck, he might even consider the ghosts his dear friends.

    “No, I have servants who help me keep it safe and... And keep me company.” 

    “Ooh...” Most likely inhuman as well... I’ll be the only human there... I will understand what the goblin wives felt from The Hollow Kingdom, except of course the doom of the arranged and forced marriage. Libra looks off into space sadly and sighs, and I feel a twinge of pity for him. He seems overly stressed, so I decide to switch to a different subject. 

    “So, why were you investigating The Seven? I mean, is it your job?” I ask.

    “My job is to protect my home. The Seven are some of the most powerful and deadly beings in my world, and I will NOT allow them to become a threat to me or anybody else.” I’m slightly impressed by his protectiveness, it is... 



    “Ah... Is there any way I can help?” I don’t want to be useless as he does all the work to help me.

    “When we get to my home, I would like you to give me permission to run tests on you. Just to see what might be in you,” I nod trustingly.

    “Yeah, of course.” Who knows, it might be interesting to do and see a glimpse of this... Newfound magic world.

    “Good... What made you a fan of goblins? Even though we aren’t evil, we aren’t that far off from JRR Tolkien goblins.” I grin at the question, and give him an answer probably longer than he wanted. I can’t particularly help that though, I am definitely a goblin girl.

    “My favorite book series, The Hollow Kingdom, but mostly the Goblin King. He's a mix of almost all the races, because the previous Goblin Kings had to steal their wives, preferably elves for their magical abilities, but humans too. The goblins in that book all look different because of their different animalistic heritage, and some can even change into animals at will with magic.” You can probably tell I really love that book trilogy, along with the goblins...

    “... Hm. That’s odd, they sound like Hobgoblins. They look like what they eat. So, I assume he’s a benign king.” I shrug lightly, having lost him a bit. There aren’t Hobgoblins in that world, though I know of them from other books. “... All right.” We board the white plane. I start to look around, now having had time to get used to “the sight” I look for any inhuman passengers. I see a woman holding an adorable human baby, but then the woman’s face changes to a more spider-like face. 

    “Hmm... Libra?” 


    “What’s that woman, over there? She looks spider-like.” I know I have seen that kind of creature somewhere before, but I can’t pinpoint the name or if I am even correct. He looks over at her. 

    “Hm. She’s a Jorogumo. A spider woman from Japan that were known to drain the life from their mates.” 

    “Ooh... Interesting.” I am morbidly curious about them now.

    “A few centuries ago, seeing one would be bad luck, but nowadays...” The woman kisses the baby’s head as a man come up to her and kisses her on the forehead lovingly. “They are more friendly.” I smile at them adoringly, being a hopeless romantic and a personal fantasizer of human and inhuman relationships... It is quite lovely. 

    I follow Libra to our seats in first class. I look out the window, the sky is clear and I hear that we are about to take off. I buckle my seatbelt and curl up in my seat, staring out the window unblinkingly, my face is fairly relaxed for I am enjoying the feeling of being on the large plane. When we take off, the force pushes me back into my seat making me smile, but then I feel Libra take my hand. I look over at him, surprised and a bit confused by the sudden contact. His masked eyes look around nervously. 

    “I... I don’t like planes,” he admits, and I smile at him as comfortingly as I can. I suppose even goblins have their fears.

    “Ah, that’s all right, I don’t mind.” I then go back to looking out the window, holding his hand casually though I am not at all familiar with anything of that sort. It is surprisingly pleasant, his hand being significantly bigger than my small one. After a while, he falls asleep, and I stretch a bit in my seat, leaning my head against the window. I don’t completely fall asleep, I simply let my mind take me wherever it feels like going. Which leads to in and out a series of conscious states and unconscious states.

    Flashes of monsters, and Libra, with over exaggerated fight scenes appear in my mind. At first I have extreme and overwhelming feelings of fear and loneliness, but eventually it transforms to feelings of comfort and joy. Wonder, excitement, and immense curiosity. Libra appears quite often, which isn’t surprising considering he’s the only inhuman in this world who I know and who I trust at the moment.

    After several hours we finally land in Ireland during a heavy rainfall, which I both smile and grimace at, for I do not have an umbrella. I figure we’ll get one in the airport as we come off of it and head into the lobby, but before I take out my wallet, Libra opens his cloak and drapes one side over my head, almost wing-like. I smile softly at him. All these gestures of kindness that he’s been displaying over our trip is a bit more than I am used to.


    “I do not want you wasting your money on something you don’t need. What I am doing is logical, nothing more.” I laugh a bit at his somewhat apathetic reaction, something I would expect a computer to say. 

    “Never said it was, but it’s still nice.” 

    “... You are welcome.” We cut away from the noisy main streets, and head to a nearby pub. “Hungry?” I nod with a hungry grin, my stomach almost grumbles at the thought of food.

    “Mhmm.” We go inside and take a booth, the server soon brings us menus and glasses of water. I choose the simplest thing on there, not wanting to choose something expensive considering Libra is more than likely paying. I drink my water, looking at the rain outside the window with a smile. Rain always calms me, well, any form of water does really.

    “I said it rained here a lot, did I not?” He says, and then he looks down at the menu. “Oooo, I haven’t had haggis in a long time.” I, being American, do not know what this is. 

    “... Haggis?” 

    “You don’t know what that is?” I shake my head, puzzled but curious.

    “It's the boiled organs of a sheep that are then diced with potatoes, onions, and garlic, stuffed into its stomach, and then baked. It's very good despite what some others might think.” I tilt my head a bit, the description catching me a bit off guard. I wish I lived somewhere where they served things like this, people perhaps might be a little less boring. Perhaps.

    “Huh... Sounds good, though I can see why other people might find it unappetizing.” I look out the window again with a light chuckle, thinking of another more normal person’s reaction to that dish. I believe I can sense that Libra was also smiling behind his mask. 

    “What are you getting? Fish and chips?” I nod.


    “Nice... I’m... Sorry I took you from your parents.” My smile disappears with the topic, in face my entire face falters... I have stopped worrying about them as I started to enjoy this trip, but the apology brings me back to it again.

    “It’s all right, it was necessary... If I get back home I’ll tell them I had a mental break down or something and ran away, though... They most likely think I’m dead, or kidnapped...” I turn my head from the rain and look at Libra seriously. He needs to know my intentions. “But if this turns out to be something worse and if I go home to them I’ll be putting them in danger, I won’t be going back.” 

    “... I want to say I understand, but I don’t.” I look back at the rain, frustrated with this decision and this situation, but knowing it’s what could possibly need to be done. 

    “I don’t know as much about this with The Seven than you do, but if going back to my family after this could possibly put them in danger in the future... I’d rather be in danger by myself than them being in danger with me.” 

    “No, that I understand... It’s your love for your family I don’t quite understand.” I laugh, despite the serious topic. I suppose it is true, not many teenagers even have respect for their family, let alone love. I have to admit, I don’t show it more than any other average teenager, but I do feel it.

    “Wouldn’t anybody do the same in my position? I couldn’t live with myself knowing I could possibly put my family in this kind of danger.” 

    “... I do.” I look at him with worry and confusion. What does he mean that he did? He looks away. I have obviously upset him, and he calls for the server to take our orders. I drop the subject, guilty of somehow making him upset when he’s been nothing but kind to me, and I order my food... I tuck the conversation away for it’s none of my business anyway.

    The lunch is silent.

3: Black Moon Manor
Black Moon Manor

    After we eat our food, I follow Libra and we walk to a park. The rain has let up a bit, but it is still lightly sprinkling; it feels good.

    I smile lightly as I look around, it’s a lovely nature filled park with no metal playgrounds, just the beauty of nature. Libra lifts his mask just over his mouth and makes a high pitch whistle, making me wince at it, or more so my ears do. Then he waits, and I wait with him. I don’t know what we’re waiting for, but it’s not long until I see a pitch black horse with a worn looking saddle on his back run up to us. I smile at him, liking the smooth look of his coat, and simply loving the horse’s appearance in general. He looks lively and sweet, yet strong and full of personality. He comes straight up to Libra, and nuzzles his head against his master’s, clomping his hooves excitedly.

    “Hey, DuskFang, I missed you boy!” I chuckle happily at them, finding it very cute and affectionate. DuskFang then turns to me, and he looks me over warily, most likely unsure of my human smell. Suddenly I see a second pair of dark red eyes open, sharp spider-like fangs slide out of his mouth, and four more legs hit the ground with strength. His mane turns to porcupine quills, that make a soft noise like a cactus’s spines rustling in the wind. I stare in stunned amazement, with a smirk curling on my face. He is a truly amazing looking creature, like the horse in Norse mythology, Loki’s son, Sleipnir. Libra pets DuskFang’s neck reassuringly. 

    “It’s okay boy, she’s with me.” The horse loosens up, now knowing I’m not an enemy. Then he nibbles at my hand, making me grin, though I am still observing his appearance giddily. “You can pet him if you want. He’s an Erquinid, a spider horse.” I cautiously pet his head, my hand sliding along his sharp quills, careful enough not to cut myself. 

    “He’s adorable.” 

    “I’m glad you think so.” Libra mounts him, and pulls me up in front of him. This makes me a bit stiff, for I haven’t been on a horse in a while, and never before with someone else, but I get used to it eventually. Libra taps DuskFang’s haunches with his heels and the Erquinid takes off as fast as I’ve ever seen a horse run. His extra limbs probably help in that.

    We go deeper into the forest, far away from the city we had been in, until we finally slow to a stop as we come to a large clearing of the trees. I had been enjoying the fast paced ride, but now I look around the clearing curiously. It seems straight out of a movie, how cleanly cut the tree line is. When I peer up in front of me I am met with a large towering mansion, made from what looks like pure black bricks. The sheer size of the manor is daunting, if I did not know it is a private estate I would mistake it for an old abandoned European castle! On the far right side of the building is a fairytale-like tower with a human sized window at the very top. I stare up at the mansion with wide eyes of curiosity and interest, but mostly wonder... We dismount DuskFang. 

    “How does one not get lost inside of it?”

    “Home sweet ho-” Libra starts to say as we near the mansion, however the front door bursts open and Libra cannot finish his sentence because he is tackled by a woman with long shiny black hair. “BB! Let go!” Libra exclaims from down on the ground. 

    “NO! I missed you!” The woman, who’s name I now know is BB, exclaims. Rolling around on top of the goblin man joyfully. I watch this scene with amusement, standing next to DuskFang. Libra finally gets up after pushing BB off of himself. 

    “BB, I want you to meet someone.” BB jerks up excitedly, reminding me very much of a terrier dog. “This is Em. She will be-” Suddenly the woman tackles me as well. “... Staying with us.” I laugh at the sudden hug, though slightly nervous as I fall back with little to no grace on my tailbone. I also notice that Libra used my nickname, and I wonder why but I’m not too bothered by him using it.

    “Nice to meet you.” I say happily. I can see her face clearly now, since she is on top of me. She has a white streak of hair going straight down the middle of her hair and it is hanging down in her face. Two small white fangs poke out of her mouth, and a golden snake-like right eye smiles at me. Her left eye is hidden by her hair, but I assume it is the same. She also has a snakelike nose and mouth.

    “HI! I’m BB, or Black Betty, or whatever you want! Can we be friends? I wanna be friends! YAY! We’re friends!” She talks very fast, like an auctioneer and she hugs me again, rather tightly but I smile at her shyly. Not particularly minding the hugging though I am a bit overwhelmed by her personality. 

    “Sure, we can be friends.” It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have friends since I will be staying here for who knows how long. BB jumps to her feet, getting off of me. 

    “YAY!” She squeals, and I can now see her other eye, which is a dull gold-grey and is drooping downward with no life in it. I wonder why, but raised not to ask any rude questions, I don’t mention it. I get up to my feet, and brush myself off, my tailbone a bit sore but otherwise fine. BB helps me to my feet, and then... She randomly licks my cheek. I am half repulsed and half confused by this.

    “You smell like dirt, and dog.” She states bluntly.

    “Well, we were in Houston, and I do have dogs...” I’m still a bit weirded out by the licking, but I assume she is some sort of snake woman, so obviously she smells with her tongue. 

    “Oh, that’s cute! I like puppies, but I can’t have any...” 

    “Aw...” I find this unfortunate. Dogs are so cute and she’d probably like a puppy, one as hyper as she was to keep up with her. 

    “Yeah... Hey, where’s Libra?” She asks and I notice that Libra is gone. 

    “Umm...” I shrug cluelessly, looking around myself for any trace of him. Suddenly the silence of nature is broken with the sound of an organ playing harmoniously, with great emotion. 

    “There he is!” BB says happily, pointing at the tower I had seen earlier. “He sleeps there.” I look up at the tower with a small smirk, listening to the majestic sounds emitting from the storybook tower. 

    “Cool...” I whisper softly, then BB whispers to me. 

    “Don’t tell anyone, but he’s kinda odd.” I nearly grin at what she says, which was already quite clear to me from the beginning when I first met him. 

    “Well, nothing wrong with being odd.” I, myself, am quite odd in the... Human community.

    “That’s good to know! Now, lets get ba-... Oh boy.” BB looks over at the doorway with a rather frightened expression on her face. 

    “What is it?” I ask confusedly, and I look where she’s looking. I see a large man coming out from the mansion that looks at least six feet tall, with rough looking red-brown skin. This tank of a man has one eye, the other is covered by a black leather eyepatch, and the one that isn’t covered is sharp and orange in color. On the same side that he is missed an eye, he is also missing an ear. He also has three tusks, two full and one half, and it looks like he could easily uproot a fully grown tree if he wanted to... I am quite intimidated and wary of this new man. Who wouldn’t be in my situation? He walks right up to me and snorts warm air into my face. 

    “So... You’re the new pup that’s gonna stay for a while here?” He questions gruffly, and I nod silently. 

    “My name’s Emelie,” I speak shyly, but clearly so I don’t mumble. I have a mumbling problems when I’m nervous.

    “I’m Ge’graz. You will come with me so I can show you your room. Got it?” I nod again, and follow him into the mansion. I glance around curiously, but I make sure to keep up with Ge’graz. He stomps up to the second floor and opens a small door on the farthest end of the nearest hallway, which leads to a room that is practically empty, except for a bed and an empty but well kept drawer. I smile at it, and then at him. He didn’t seem friendly, but I might as well be.


    He growls, and leaves me alone at the doorway. I drop the smile a little bit with a sigh, and I go into the room. Suddenly finding myself quite alone... I wasn’t used to being so alone, and so far from home... Someone I knew well enough to bother with small talk... I jump onto the bed, exhausted. 

    “It’s soft... It’s like my own bed, but... Maybe less worn in.” 

    I curl onto the covers, not even bothering to go under them, before I let myself cry silently... I haven’t cried yet... It is a combination of being so far away from home, in a strange land, with strange people yet feeling so small and alone. I could die here easily, and I could never have a chance to say goodbye to my family. 

    “Sure, I had dreamt about something like this happening to me. Sure, I had even pretended it was real when I was young... I had given up thinking this was real... And now that it IS real, it’s... So different... I love it, sort of. I just wish I had found it under better circumstances...”

    I fall asleep during the tears, and I slip into one of my many vivid dreams. In this dream I see an orb of gold, floating in a field filled with rust and the aura of death. The orb glows brighter and the foulness in the field is cleansed, leaving only flowers and the happiness of life, and a feeling of love. I watch it intently, curiously entranced, yet at the same time very confused. 

    This is when I wake up, and I wipe my eyes with the back of my sleeve, my cheeks still sticky with my tears. I get up and stretch out the sleep, waking up normally... However, I feel a tingle in the back of my neck, that someone else is in the room with me. I look around, a bit paranoid, and find there is a woman on the other side of it. She has a deep black mohawk, with pointed ears sticking up and out. Her eyes are strikingly red, bright, and sharp, with dark blue skin that is covered with bronze armor. She has a slightly hooked nose, and a tightly thin mouth. 

    “Morning.” She greets calmly. 

    “... Morning,” I reply awkwardly, a bit unsure of her and why she is watching me.

    “My name’s Mercer. I am head of security here. I was told to give you a tour when you were ready this morning.” She informs me, which makes me more relaxed. 

    “Oh cool, okay. My name’s Emelie.”

    “I know. Also, your family is safe.” I smile thankfully, thoroughly relieved.

    “Good. Thanks for telling me.” 

    “Don’t worry, your family and house’s well being will be paid for by Libra. I’m sure you thought he was quite a gentleman when he told you, yes?” I am a bit surprised by yet another incredibly kind gesture from the mysterious goblin.

    “He didn’t tell me, but that is a relief.” I am a lot happier with this new information than when I fell asleep.

    “He didn’t? ... That’s not too unlike him, he’s into the whole 'anonymous donator' thing.” 


    “He does have quite a mysterious side. 

    “I know, I rais-... I’ve resided with him for a long time.” I smile understandingly at her, catching the slip of the tongue, but not mentioning it for it isn’t really my place being a guest. She nods and we leave the room as she starts to show me around the gigantic manor... 

    It seems to go on for eternity! Creature after creature, door after door, smell after smell. Each making me even more curious than I was before. Constantly a maze of absolute wonders, though very different. They don’t even have much electricity only a small little bit, they light the rooms with crystals and candles. It is truly amazing, something out of my wildest dreams, and not even then to be honest. My eyes are wide and my mouth sometimes agape as the tour went on, and then it ends in the spacious living room. 

    “So, that covers everything. You good?” Mercer asks, and I grin at her happily, still thinking of the many things I have seen. 

    “Yup. It’s quite a place...” 

    “Understatement of the century.” 

    “Yup. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on some things.” 

    “Of course.” She leaves, and I wander around a bit, still quite curious. I walk into a room and see Ge’graz, he’s sharpening some sort of large ax. I stop suddenly, about to leave him be, but I stay for a few moments in the doorway watching him sharpen the weapon. It is an interesting weapon, it looks rather old.

    “You want something pup?” He asks suddenly. I answer him casually, he doesn’t seem too unfriendly, just a bit rough.

    “Oh, no. Mercer was just showing me around.” 

    “Good. I don’t want to go find you when you get lost in here. I am not a damned babysitter.” I nod in agreement. He doesn’t seem even near the type. Think of the poor children! They’d be sharpening knives and showing their parents spears they made of wood.

    “Course not.” The man looks at me in the eyes, hard.

    “... Go on, git,” I leave on command, and I go back to my room through the twisted halls, finding my way back thankfully. I find BB sleeping on my bed when I get there, and I don’t want to wake her up so I lay down on the ground instead. She rolls off the bed onto me, but instead of a girl... She’s a snake... I suppose I should be a little surprised, but with everything I saw during the tour, I dismiss it without a second thought. Especially since I already assumed she is related to snakes or other reptiles based on her face and her eyes. I laugh lightly though, and don’t move her. She wakes up after a while of sleeping on top of me, and I smile at her simply.

    “... You look bigger.” She says drowsily in a small slithery whisper. 

    “Well, you ARE a snake.” BB looks down at herself. 

    “... Oh. That always happens to me when I’m asleep! WHY?” I laugh a little bit. “Humph. I’m gonna change now.” She grows into a human, like when I first met her. “How do I look?” I smile at her.


    “Thanks!” She gets off of me and I get up too. 

    “Do you wanna get something to eat? I’m hungry.” I nod in agreement, I’m hungry too.

    “Yeah, that sounds good.” She immediately runs off down the hall. 

    “YAY!” I follow her with an amused smirk, she is like me on a sugar high, but all the time. I see her about to go down the stairs, and as she trips and rolls down them instead. I worriedly go over to her, but she quickly gets back up on her hands and knees. Her lifeless eye is spinning around like a pinball as she shakily gives me the thumbs up. I sigh lightly, still with a smirk. She is a pretty amusing woman. 

    “I can’t feel my tail.” BB says concernedly. Mercer walks passed her. 

    “You don’t have a tail, dear.” Mercer says casually, as if it is a normal routine... I quietly wonder if it is.

    “... Oh yeah.” BB says, and I laugh again, bemused by these people who I’ve met, in this strange new world I found. BB gets up and walks into what I assume is the kitchen, and I follow her. When I enter the room I see a lot, and I mean tons, of different kinds of food I’ve never even seen before. I look at all of them curiously, wondering how each tastes.

    BB grabs a large live rat from a box on the counter, and she tosses it up in the air, trying to catch it in her mouth but she misses significantly. It lands in her hair, and I try to help her by getting it out. It jumps and unfortunately for the rat, it lands in BB’s mouth, and she swallows it whole. I smile, thinking of my own snake Slither, back at home. 

    “Do you want one?” She asks, and I smile politely.

    “No thanks. Though...” I point to an interesting looking... Food item... It’s black, and meaty looking. “What’s that?” She looks at what I’m pointing to. 

    “Ooo... No, you don’t wanna eat that. It’s smoked weasel.” It doesn’t sound particularly unappetizing, but I trust her opinion since I have never had one. 

    “Huh... All right... What about, this?” I point to another thing, it looks like a fruit but is pink and spiky.

    “That’s dragon-fruit.” She answers me simply.

    “Ooh, I’ve always wanted to try that.” I take it, feeling it’s spikes on my hand, and I start cutting it up happily. Libra walks into the kitchen, and he takes a large jar out of the refrigerator. I try the dragon fruit I’ve cut up and smile, liking the tangy sweet taste. Libra opens the jar and pulls out what appears to be a squirrel sized blue grub, then he eats it whole from behind his mask.

    “Want one?” He asks me, and I look at the jar curiously. 


    “Why not?” 

    He hands me a smaller one, and I take a bite of it. It tastes like honeydew melon mixed with citrus fruits, I finish it with a smile. It’s delicious. 


    “No problem.” I begin thinking back to The Seven, the reason why I’m there in the first place. 

    “So, um... Those tests you were talking about, what exactly are they?” ... Libra suddenly pulls out a syringe needle connected to a white crystal. 

    “A blood test is the first to go.” My eyes widen a bit at it. I am terrified of syringes, and I hate them. I’m not sure why, I know that they usually are for some good medical purpose, my dad’s a nurse and when he was going through college I saw him practice on my grandma and on fruit... I’m not even sure when the phobia started, but every time I see one and especially if I see one go into someone else’s skin I tense up like I am right now. I shake it off and focus instead on Libra’s masked face, being brave. I escaped death from The Seven, I can handle a syringe. 

    “Right.” I offer my arm to him palm up, not daring to glance at the needle, and he pauses.

    “... What? NOW?!” It is amusing to see his reaction, it’s kind of cute.

    “Why not? You have the syringe, and we need to find out soon why The Seven want me dead... Don’t we?” I say, with a small smile.

    “I know. I just thought you would like to finish your eating, that’s all. But if you insist...” He practically stabs the needle into my arm, and I wince with both some pain and intense fear, but I stay as still and relaxed as humanly possible. I must be brave in front of this goblin, I’m not sure why but I wish for his approval. He draws some blood from my arm, and then pulls out the thin, slightly bloodied, needle. 

    “Now all I need to do is wait for it to tell-” The crystal suddenly glows blindingly gold. I chuckle a bit at the sudden color change, though I notice the connection between the golden crystal and the golden orb in my dream. I start eating my dragon-fruit again, looking at the needle.

    “I have good veins.” I mutter absentmindedly, commenting on the quickness on which the needle’s color turned.

    “That’s not what this means...” The crystal suddenly explodes and I flinch in surprise. “... You are possessed.” Libra informs me seriously.

    “Oh... Well, that’s bad. Can you, remove whatever’s possessing me?” I ask hopefully.

    “I never said it was bad. If it was, it would have glowed black. You are possessed by an angel.” 

    “... I didn’t know you could be possessed by an angel.”

    “Oh! Then please don’t remove it... Is that why they’re targeting me, why I have the sight?” 

    “I’m surprised that’s the ONLY thing you are able to do! Normally ones who are possessed can fly, flip busses, are bulletproof, are basically Superman! ... Unless... It’s a ‘baby’ angel.” I smirk at the idea of doing all of those things...

    “That would be awesome.” 

    “Well, you won’t. Once that thing matures, it will go home.” 

    “Aw, well... Once it matures The Seven won’t be targeting me anymore. Correct?” 

    “Yes, but until then, you and the... Child, will stay here.” I nod understandingly, hoping that won’t take long. No offense to the magnificent manor, I absolutely love it here, it’s like an amusement park to me; but... My family is worried no doubt. They have the right to know I am all right, even though I don’t think they will let me leave again to come back here to this dream.

    “All right.” I agree of course, and BB suddenly taps my shoulder. 

    “Can I be his mother-in-law?” I blink a couple times at the unusual question, but I smile all the same. 

    “I don’t see why not.” 

    “YAY!” She runs off to celebrate being a mother-in-law. I smirk at the strange thought and I finish my dragon-fruit. 

    “... How are you feeling?” Libra asks me suddenly. No one usually asks if I’m all right except my parents, and with them I always answer the same no matter what I’m feeling. I wonder if I have any lingering tear streaks on my face to make him ask that.

    “I’m okay... Thanks for asking.” I reply politely.

    “Good. Do... Do you want me to...” Libra mumbles something I can’t make out and I look up from my dragon-fruit to look up at him. 

    “I’m sorry?” 

    “Do you... w-want to... Err... Go on a... Walk with me.” I’m slightly confused at the sudden stuttering shyness from the man, but I smile in a friendly way. 

    “Sure, that sounds nice.” I can sense that he’s smiling back at me from behind his mask, and he takes my hand gently into his which makes me shy and blush a bit. Gosh I’m holding hands with a goblin Halfling, please tell me this isn’t some sort of hallucination or dream of mine... Libra then takes me to a garden full of flowers, trees, and other fantastic and rare plant-life. I look at all of them with smiling eyes, enjoying their natural beauty. Libra takes a flower from the garden and puts it in my hair above my ear, making me blush against my will yet again. I smile at him in an embarrassed and slightly awkward thanks. 

    “I feel you should show off your eyes more often. They are very lovely.” This compliment only makes my cheeks grow hotter. 

    “Thank you very much.” I mumbled lightly.

    “You are welcome... Now, for the true reason I wanted to bring you here.” I look at him curiously, the compliment momentarily forgotten, but not completely of course.

    “I am visiting my aunt in a few hours and I need a date so she’ll stop trying to set me up with someone.” He says with an undertone of hopefulness, and I deduce that he wants me to be his date.

    “Okay.” I say with a casual smile as I look back at the flowers. It isn’t a REAL date, and I chalk up all the compliments before to be just buttering me up. They were still very nice of him to say though.

    “THANK YOU!” Libra exclaims suddenly, shaking my hand gratefully. “You do not know how much easier this will be now.” I laugh a bit, wondering how bad this aunt of his could be to make him like this.

    “It’s the least I can do.” It really was, like I’ve said before, he’s done so much for me. He’s the biggest gentleman I know if he does all these things for complete strangers. 

    “Thanks again.” He takes my hand and kisses the back of it, taking me by surprise and most likely making my cheeks go red yet again. I shake my head in embarrassment and dismissal.

    “No problem, really. Just tell me when she gets here.” Libra is about to answer me when he suddenly turns around and takes in sharp breath of what I believe is fear.

    “Right now...” A fancy black garnished carriage pulls up next to us, and I look up at it curiously. 

    “... Cool.” The door closest to us opens and a quite bodacious woman walks out. She has dark purple skin, and a bat nose a little like Libra’s but much more defined and animalistic. She has large bat ears, pierced multiple times, and she gives Libra a perky amused look. 

    “Liby!” She hugs him lovingly with great affection. 

    “Hello aunt Esmeralda.” Libra greets his aunt, and I smile at her from the sidelines. 

    “So, this is what a full blood Imperial Goblin looks like...” 

    It isn’t that far off from his appearance, except for the skin color and ears, and eyes of course. Then Esmeralda sees me and turns to me. 

    “Honey... Who is this?” She questions lightly.

    “This is Emelie. She is my date.” Libra introduces me and I smile at her politely.

    “Pleasure to meet you.” I greet politely

    “YOU have a DATE!?” She exclaims and drives Libra’s face into her large chest with a tight hug. “I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!” I giggle quietly behind my hand at the slight embarrassment Libra is going through. Esmeralda eventually lets Libra go and he falls to the ground, gasping for air. “OH! Then I guess I didn’t need to bring a suitor for you... Oh well!” She turns around to look back at the carriage. “You can come out now dearie.” I look back towards the carriage and another woman around Libra’s age walks out. She has a slim but muscular body, and she is wearing a cocktail dress that shows off her figure in a very flirtatious manner. Her eyes are yellow and wolf-like and look around. I sneak over to Libra, and whisper so neither his aunt nor the woman can hear me. 

    “You shouldn’t have asked me to be your date, she’s really pretty.” Libra looks up to see the woman. 

    “... Perhaps.” He gets off the ground and bows to her in his most gentlemanly possible way. “Hello ma’am.” 

    “‘Sup, cutie.” She grabs ahold of Libra’s rear and pulls him closer to her body. “You smell good.” I can hear Libra whine in protest, getting out of her grasp. I giggle again, but I falter a little. I suddenly realize something that makes me troubled. I... Am attracted to Libra. It doesn’t surprise me too much, considering I was nearly head over heels for the Goblin King in my favorite book series, but it does trouble me. I don’t want it to cause problems. 

    “You don’t mind the company, do you Emi?” Esmeralda asks, knocking me out of my thoughts.

    “I won’t mind her if she isn’t against sharing.” The woman comments. I feel very in the spotlight, which I don’t particularly like since I was thinking about my newfound affection... I’m probably blushing now as well... I quickly shake my head. 

    “No, not at all.” 

    “That is good! So, Emi, what are you if I may ask?” 

    “Human.” I notice the girl’s eyes widen significantly, and Esmeralda replies casually. 

    “Oh really? That would explain the smell.” 

    “Smell?” I question, and Libra answers me this time.

    “Humans smell like humans, wolves smell like wolves, you get the picture.” 

    “Ooh, right.” That makes sense.

    “... I don’t like you.” The woman says suddenly and seriously. She growls at me in a wolfish way as if I am some sort of enemy.

    “Oh, okay...?” I don’t really know how to respond to that, and I feel shy and socially awkward, though mostly I just feel small. Libra suddenly comes in between me and her, his back to me like a protective wall. 

    “I’m sorry, but you need to leave now.” I hear him say sternly.

    “WHAT? Why? If anybody needs to leave it should be her!” The woman exclaims, gesturing to me like I’m some sort of stray dog she doesn’t want around her. Libra then slaps her with one of his gloved hands and the sound makes me widen my eyes in shock.

    “Go NOW.” I’m stunned to complete silence, almost to the point of disbelief. He didn’t need to do that, the words didn’t hurt me that much that he needed to slap her. Libra stares the woman down behind his mask until she leaves in a huff.

    “Well... To be honest, I didn’t like her either. So, when are you two getting married!?” Esmeralda asks us, almost like it is the most normal thing in the world.

    “Wait, what?” I ask, lightly dazed, still slightly stunned by Libra’s actions, but also what she just suggested.

    “You know! You two are OBVIOUSLY supposed to be together, so when’s it going to happen?” I wonder if this woman in front of me is really serious about this...

    “Oh, well... I’m way too young to be even thinking about marriage, and we only just met the other day...” I mumble uncomfortably. Sure, I like him, and the face he was just protective of me makes me like him even more, but I’m not even close to loving him. Hell I hardly know the man! I just think he’s very nice and attractive and awesome... 

    “OH REALLY?! Then it must be TRUE LOVE!” The Imperial Goblin woman hugs both of us tightly, and I hear Libra’s muffled objections. “You know, you are right Libra! I must leave you be, to consummate your love!” She gets into her black carriage dramatically and I am fairly stiff with shock and self-consciousness. “I will be off! Take care and farewell!” The carriage rolls away, and we are left here alone in the garden awkwardly.

    “I... Like her.” I say to break the silence. I laugh a bit, mostly because it is the truth. Despite her outgoing personality and blunt suggestiveness towards me and Libra, she seems like a fun person to be around. Unpredictable and intriguing, bubbly.

    “And now you know why I wanted to be with someone when she came over.” 

    “She wasn't that bad, I thought she was cool, and the date she brought for you probably would've been tolerable if I wasn't here. But, I don't know your aunt as well as you do.” 

    “I do know her fairly well, what with me growing up with her when I was a child.” I wonder momentarily what happened to his parents, but I don’t question it of course.

    “Did she try to set you up as a kid too?” I smirk jokingly, though I’m not actually serious about it. 

    “She waited ‘till I was ten before setting me up with someone. When that happened, I was on a date two times a week.” I can’t help but laugh a bit at this statement, imagining little Libra going out on dates with other little inhuman girls. Libra gives me a cold glare that makes me instantly stop laughing.  

    “It’s not funny.” I still finding it kind of funny and cute, but not wanting to make him mad or sad.

     “Sorry...” I apologize earnestly. He takes in a deep breath and sighs deeply.

    “The only women who have stayed in my life is my aunt, and Mercer...” He walks off, and I frown lightly, hoping I haven’t upset him... Then I head back to the manor. I find Mercer leaning against the door's frame, and I smile at her casually in greeting. 

    “Good evening.” 

    “Hello.” She blocks my way to the entrance when I get close. “What did you talk to Libra about? He looked really sad just now, so spill it.” She seems angry, but I know she is most likely just concerned about Libra.

    “Um, well, his aunt just came to visit and he talked about being raised by her and her setting him up for dates.” She gives me a fiercely penetrating stare that makes me want to shrink into my metaphoric shell.

    “You sound like you know more than you’re telling me.” I have to think for a moment, my mind going blank under her blood red gaze. 

    “... He also said that the only women who’s stayed in his life are his aunt, and you.” I say softly and guiltily, though I am not entirely sure what I have done wrong. 

    “Are you the least bit curious about why he didn’t include his mother?” She questions.

    “Of course, but it’s none of my business.”

    “Good. It is none of your business and if you start digging where you shouldn’t, I’ll bury you.” I nod quickly and understandingly, very fearful of this woman in front of me. She gets out of the doorway and leaves, and I go straight to my room. It’s on instinct, after all, like when your parent grounds you to your room because you spoke out of turn... I didn’t really realize how unwelcome I am in this world to some people, like Mercer for example though that probably was just because of what I spoke to Libra about. But that date Esmeralda had brought for Libra also didn’t like me, because I’m human. I’m... The human... With an angel possessing me and The Seven Deadly Sins wanting me six feet under. An intruder to this wonderful magical world.

    The sun is beginning to set, and I watch it from my window with sleepy eyes...

    “I like it here... Even if they don’t like me, even if they hate me, I could stay here. Live here... It’s not my home, but, it’s the best possible place to wait until I can go home safely. This place is full of imagination, and I can daydream of romance when I have nothing else to do... Even if it is a hopeless dream of human and inhuman.”

4: Going Home
Going Home

    The next morning I wake up with a catlike stretch, and I make my way down to the kitchen for breakfast. When I get there I see that the furnace is open, and I look at it curiously, wondering why it it’s open. Then I go in search of the grubs like the one that Libra gave me yesterday, since it was so delicious. It seems a good thing to have for breakfast. However, when I get there, I see that the refrigerator is already wide open.

    A black hairy mass is behind the door, and it smells like some sort of alcoholic drink. I wait patiently for the creature to leave so I can get my breakfast, and soon the hairy creature closes the fridge. I see that it is in fact, a man. He has a beard that goes all the way down to the floor, even more tangled than my hair is on a windy day. He has strong red eyes but less bright than Mercer, and is carrying a bowl of eggs. He looks over at me curiously, and I smile at him. 

    “Good morning.” I greet, and he replies in a thick accent that sounds Russian.

    “Good morning.” Now I go to get the grubs from the fridge, and he passes me and goes into the open furnace, closing the metal door behind him. I glance at where he went with curiosity, then I get two grubs for my breakfast. They wiggle and writhe in my hands, trying to escape, and I glare at them as I try to get a grip on them. They didn’t wriggle this much when Libra had them.

    “Grab their heads and swallow whole.” Ge’graz says from behind, I’m slightly startled, but I try what he says, and they go stiff when I grab their heads. I eat them as whole as I possibly can, though since I have a small mouth I can’t completely. They are both still very delicious, and I smile as I turn around to Ge’graz. 

    “Thanks.” He grunts, and since I am finished with my breakfast, I head back to my room. BB is there, most likely waiting for me, and I smile at her happily. 

    “Good morning, BB.” I greet my friend.

    “HI! Hey, do you wanna know a secret?” I distinctly remember what Mercer said to me about poking in business that isn’t mine, but I don’t want to seem rude to this adorable little snake girl...

    “Sure, if you want to share it.” 

    “If she wants to share it, Mercer can’t really bury me... Can she?”

    “Sweet! I’ve been keeping it for a while. Libra is an orphan!” She has a happy joyful face, but I immediately regret my decision to let her tell the secret. 

    “Oh...” I mumble, saddened by it though I already had my suspicions. 

    “Yeah, I know it’s kinda sad, but since you’re living here now I thought you should know.” 

    “Oh.” I smile sheepishly, not really thought too much about how long I’m going to stay in this mansion... “Well, I probably should just stay in my room and read books, but I suppose if you want to tell me... Stuff... I don’t really have anyone else I could tell things to anyway.” 

    “Okay! So, what do you want to tell me?” I think for a second. 

    “Hm... Well, what do you want to know?” 

    “Do you love Libra?” She asks as she gets up in my face. My eyes widen and my cheeks redden. Is it that obvious that I like him? 

    “N-no. Sorry, I just don’t know him well enough to even consider him more than a friend.”

    “He’s your boyfriend then?!” I blush harder at the question and the thought. 

    “Oh, no no no, just a friend. A lovely neutral friend who I owe my life to...”

    “What will you name the angel?” BB asks, suddenly deciding to switch subjects. I’m glad for the subject change and I think a little bit about it.

    “I’m not sure... I’m not even sure if I’ll have enough time with the angel to name him or her.”

    “Angels are both and neither.”

    “Oh! Gender neutral name then... How about, Noei?” 

    “CUTE! But maybe you can make up a name for it too, if you wanna.” I smile. 

    “I do like nicknames, so I’ll have a lot of nicknames for it.”

    “Cute!” Then there is a knock on the door. “It wasn’t me!” I go to open the door, despite BB’s recent outburst, and I find Ge’graz had knocked.

    “Come with me.” 

    “Oh, okay.” I wave goodbye to BB with a small shrug of confusion and then I follow Ge’graz. I follow him down a series of stairs into the basement, to a room with a stone slab in the center of it. I look at it, and then at him with confusion.

    “Get on it and lay down.” I look at the slab, scared of the ominous nature of room, but I do as I am told by the large man. Once I lay down, Libra walks out of the shadows, and he lights candles and incense around me. I watch him silently, questions with numerous possible answers run through my head, dashing in and out with alarm. Libra then takes out a long silver thread, a gold crystal is tied to the very end of it.

    “Spread out your arms.” He orders simply. I spread out my arms obediently, and he dangles the crystal above my chest, then waits. I watch the crystal, wondering what this is all about. Then the crystal begins to spin above me, and I track it with my eyes. The spinning gradually goes faster and faster, until it is almost as fast as helicopter! I watch it, wide eyed. 

    “I hope it’s supposed to do that...” 

    The crystal begins to arc electricity, humming loudly in the process. I push my body awkwardly into the slab, not particularly liking the close distance between me and the buzzing electricity. The electric arcs suddenly hit me and sticks to my flesh, but it surprisingly doesn’t hurt, it only tingles. I stay extremely rigid, looking at the arcs nervously. The arcs form an orb on my chest, and it begins to glow a bright gold. I stare at it, remembering my dream. It is almost exactly the same. The orb is pulled out of my chest and the arcs form a crystal shell over the orb, protecting it.

    “There. The angel is removed.” I am already shocked, but I am now even more shocked by Libra’s words. 

    “Just... Just like that?”

    “Yup. It’s an easy thing to do, but it is hardly ever needed to be done. You may return home now.” I launch myself at the goblin, hugging him tightly with gratefulness and a smile. 

    “Thank you...” He slowly hugs me back, as I feel his body warming up as if he is blushing, but I do not question it for I am too happy to question anything at the moment.

    “You are most welcome.” I let him go, still smiling happily. “... I will arrange a carriage to bring you back home.” I nod in agreement. 

    “Okay. I’m gonna say bye to BB before I go though.” I go to my room, and find her making a little fort of books and a blanket. “BB! I have good news.” I said in a sing song voice. 

    “Libra proposed?!” I nearly laugh, I only just met him the other day and she’s thinking of him proposing to me? I wonder briefly if the relationships in this world is different than the human world and they really go that fast, but I dismiss it.

    “Um... No. I get to go home!” BB’s smile fades. 

    “R-really?” I nod. 

    “Yeah, Libra took the angel out of me so I’m not in danger anymore.” I then notice her crestfallen expression. “... But, you know we can still keep in touch, we are friends after all.” I really don’t want to lose touch with anyone here... This is the world I belong in, or at least I want to belong here. I don’t want to go back to the human world completely, now that I know something as astounding as this exists. 

    “... Do you wanna leave?” She asks me.

    “It’s... It’s not that I want to leave, I really like this place actually. But, I have a family...” 

    “... I thought we could be sisters...”

    “I could always visit if Libra can arrange that, and we can be pen-pals or something... I definitely don’t want to lose contact with you, or him, I still owe him a lot.” BB looks at the ground sadly, and suddenly the whole manor shakes underneath my feet and I can hear an explosion in the distant hallways. I look quite alarmed over towards the direction of the noise.

    “What was that?” I ask BB, who is hiding underneath my bed terrified and I peek outside my door to see what had happened. I see that some of the people are running away from the explosion, but there are some who are running towards it. 

    “EVERYONE, TO BATTLE STATIONS! The Seven are here!” I hear Ge’graz shout, and I quickly shut the door, unsure how to react in such a situation.

    “... We should probably stay in here.” As soon as I say this I hear a child... A small child, it’s crying in my head. I know instantly who it is... It’s the angel. “No... BB, stay here!” I swing the door open, and despite my survivors logic screaming at me to save myself and not go towards the wailing, I search for it. It’s coming from the basement that Ge’graz had brought me to, and I run to it. Libra is there, holding the crying crystal. 

    “What are you doing here?!” He questions me, and I’m slightly out of breath from running. 

    “It’s crying!” I suppose it was not that well of an explanation, but it was why I was there.

    “What is?” He asks, obviously confused. 

    “Don’t let them take me!” A small voice pleads, and I know it as if it is my own brother or sister, that it is the angel. I reach for it instinctually.

    “The angel. Can’t you hear it? It’s scared!” I am unaware of the motherly tone and expression that I’m expressing, but I cannot not care any less at this moment.

    “Well it was inside you! It would make sense for you both to have a psychic link. Here, take the child and go to my room!” I gladly take it and quickly run to where I believe his room is. When I get upstairs, however, I see a flaming orange skeleton charge at the window. I run to avoid it, holding the crystal tightly against my chest. It breaks through and reaches out to me with its long bony arms, a toad like mouth open and sucking me closer to it. I run as quickly as I can away from it, like anyone would do in my situation.

    “GIVE. ME. THE CHILD!” It grudgingly sputters. 

    “Go back to hell!” I retort angrily, as I keep on running as fast as I can away from its sucking mouth which is literately stopping me and sucking me closer to him like a vacuum. Ge’graz bashes the back of its head with a hammer, and it stops sucking in air, but I have no time to thank him for I am still running. 

    I finally get to Libra’s room in the tower and I swing the door open, shutting it behind me when I step inside. I see the large organ he was playing earlier, and I hold the crystal to me tightly as I lean up against the instrument, catching my breath. I feel the crystal quiver as it cries, and I cradle it in my arm, shushing it soothingly. My soothing is interrupted by the door being torn down. I see the great monster walk in and my breathing pauses in fear. 

    “I will devour you both!” Flaming orange drool drips from its mouth disgustingly as it speaks. I look for any kind of escape route, backing away from him as quickly as I can. He gets closer and closer, I think I am done for, but the mansion suddenly shakes unexpectedly and knocks him off balance. The crystal suddenly stops quivering, and the crying stops also. I’m shaken by the earthquake, but I try my best to get past him while he is down to run away again. I get past him, and I’m half way down the stairs when he grabs me by my ankle. 

    “I HAVE YOU NOW!” I hold the crystal tightly, and I writhe, kick, even bite if I have to to get out of his grasp. “Biting is my thing!” He draws me in closer to eat me whole, but completely out of nowhere, a scaly red clawed hand bursts through the window behind him and crushes him! The hand pulls him out of the hole and I can hear a monstrous yet majestically noble roar ring throughout the hallway. 

    I am traumatized and wide eyed, as I the crystal to me tightly for comfort. A huge winged shape flies past the hole and I hear the creature screaming in fear and pain. I smile, glad that he is getting what he deserves, but I’m still on the edge of my nerves. I look around myself and Libra walks up the stairs to where I am. 

    “Are you all right?” He asks in a concerned tone. I nod shortly, fearing my words will fail me in my shock. Libra looks at the hole in the window. “... He just HAD to break the stained glass rose, now didn’t he.” He sighs, and I look down at the angel in the crystal. 

    “It stopped crying.” I notice softly. 

    “It probably sensed Kruldasing.” 

    “Who?” I question, and then I hear another loud thud outside the manor. 

    “Do you want to meet one of the oldest beings in the world?” I smile lightly, who wouldn’t take up on an offer like that? 

    “Okay.” Libra leads me outside and at first all that I see is a massive shadow, but then I look up curiously, and before me gleaming in rays of sunshine, is a gigantic red and blue scaled dragon! There is no doubt that he is powerful and wise with age, his great silver-blue eyes gazing down on me sagely, a purple diamond on his forehead. He smiles at me in a very grandfatherly way, and I smile back up at him amazed and in pure awe. 

    “Hello young one. You showed much bravery today, more than most humans could ever achieve in a lifetime. I am honored to meet you.” I am squealing on the inside, for dragons are one of my absolute favorite “mythical creatures” as I have said before. But I try not to let that show in front of this wise and magnificent creature.

    “I am honored to meet you as well, I would most likely have been eaten back there if it wasn’t for you.” The dragon laughs softly, like bells ringing in a monastery.

    “Funny you should say that.” He picks out what I realize is one of the monster’s arm from his long and sharp teeth. “It sucks to have a taste of your own medicine. SO! You need a ride home?” My smile fades, I have nearly forgotten that I’m going to go home. Leave all of this behind... Go back to being a normal human teenager knowing all this is right outside my door.

    “Oh...” My eyes trail down to the floor in conflict. “Well... If it’s all right, I would like to stay one more night, to say goodbye to BB, and make sure the angel is safe.” 

    “I will bring the angel to the wizard's council. They will give it over to the proper owners. And personally, I would not blame you for not wanting to leave.” I look up at the age old dragon.     “I would stay, if I could, if my family knew why I don’t want to go back to the normal human lifestyle.” I laugh a bit ironically at myself. “I mean, what human in their right mind would go back to the normal boring life when they can live like this?” 

    “One with a loving family.” I nod in agreement, knowing he is right. “I will be back later to take you home.” He gently takes the crystal from my hands, and flies off. I walk back to the manor with a tired sigh. Libra takes ahold of my shoulders and rubs them comfortingly, and I’m thankful for the gesture.

    “Are you all right?” He asks, and I smile at him reassuringly. He sure is a gentleman, I might just have completely fallen for him if we had more time together. But I don’t really want that, even if we did have more time I know one sided affection has practically no point to it.

    “Yeah, just a long day. And I’m gonna miss this place, for sure.” I grin, though the subject is bittersweet. 

    “And I will miss you...” He brings me inside for a victory dinner, and I am seated at the head of the table next to him, some of my favorite foods placed out before me including pasta and fruit. I smile at it, but when I look around and notice BB isn’t here. 

    “Where’s BB?” I ask Libra. 

    “I... I don’t know!” Libra exclaims, just noticing it now apparently. Ge’graz stands up and bashes his fist on the table, startling me and making me look over at him timidly. 

    “HEY! Listen up!” Everyone looks at him obediently. “I have something to say. Today we were attacked by a fierce enemy and yet... Nobody died. The one he was after was guarded, but not by us, but by a human girl. On this night, I hold this drink in honor of her bravery.” The red-brown beast of a man raises a barrel of mead towards me, and I’m shocked. Flattered too of course, but I truly thought he doesn’t like me. I grin at him in honest thankfulness as my cheeks go pink. 

    “Thank you... Very much.” He snorts, but I believe I see him faintly smile. Then I hear a thud outside. 

    “Kruldasing is back...” Libra comments. I look around for BB. 

    “I haven’t said goodbye to BB yet... I’ll be right back!” I head to my room, to see if BB is there. She isn’t, but there’s a note on the bed, and I pick it up to read it. 


    “Hey Emi! It's BB! I'm sorry I wasn't at the dinner, I'm busy getting ready for your surprise tomorrow! But... If Kruldasing gets there before tomorrow, go ahead and go, it can wait! Love BB, your bestest friend!” 


    I smile softly and head back to the dining hall. Libra is standing there with some bags.

    “Kruldasing is ready for you. I... I hope you have a fun trip.” I mumble and rattle on about how it might not be the right timing to go with my parents, and I was tired, and BB was planning something for tomorrow. Hoping one more day would be given to me... Just one. “I am sorry, but it’s time for you to go. It’s not up to me, and I am sorry.” Kruldasing’s tail comes in through the door and wraps around me, pulling me outside. I stiffen but I understand the reasoning, and I admit defeat.

    “Ready?” He asks, putting me in between his shoulder blades.

    “Yup.” I smile up at him, and then I smile sadly at the manor. Making mental pictures of it in my mind and the people in it. I don’t want to forget anything from my short days in this world. Kruldasing smiles and spreads out his massive wings, then with a single thunderous flap he ascends straight into the air! Wind and clouds wash over us as I am taken to a world of sky and stars... I grin softly, looking around. Trying not to think this is the only time I’ll be on the back of a dragon, and trying not to think that BB will have to wait a long time before she gives me that surprise... If ever. 

    The stars and the moon reflect off Kruldasing’s scales as we glide over the ocean, but he suddenly dives at the ocean water! My eyes widen as I hold on, and then he catches a shark in his mouth, swallowing it whole. I blink in stunned excitement, I am still so amazed by any little thing from this world, it’s beyond anything and everything. We continue to fly to America under the pale stars, the ocean creating a crashing lullaby underneath us, and I fall asleep to its rhythm. My dream comes in bright flashes of fantasy creatures, and my adventure here, all starting from when I first saw Libra in the store. Eventually I am woken up by Kruldasing. 

    “Emelie, wake up. We are almost there.” He announces. I wake up and stretch with my arms reached above my head. 

    “Okay.” I answer him simply. I peer down, and see that we are flying over large patches of cactuses, and mountains of rock and sand. “Home sweet home...” I mutter softly. I don’t like the desert, but I have become accustomed to it, since I haven’t lived anywhere else.

    “We will be there in a few minutes. Do you want me to land at your house or near it?” I think for a little bit. There’s always people outside and if they were to see a dragon, that might not end well.

    “There’s an empty hill about a mile away from it, hard to miss it, there’s a park on the bottom of it. I can walk from there and people won’t see you.” 

    “I don’t fear being seen, but if it makes you more comfortable.” He lands on the hill I had described. I can see all the familiar buildings and familiar things though almost everything seems to be in an entirely new light. I smile at him and slide off. 

    “Thank you for taking me back.” 

    “Of course. If you ever need my help again, just pray for me.” I smile curiously. Pray for him...?

    “I will remember that. Please give everyone at the manor my regards, I hope this isn’t the last time I’ll be seeing them.” Perhaps later when I am older I could return. The dragon smiles, almost coyly. 

    “I don’t think it will...” He flies off, and I start walking back to my house. I pass the buildings, and even though I should probably be scared because I am alone and walking at night, I’m not because of what I just went through. I soon get to my house, and I slip past the gate, walking up the driveway. My parents are there when I go inside, and I am bombarded by questions, tight hugs, and concerned shouting that wakes up my little siblings. Eventually they let me go to bed, and I go to school after yet another day filled with elaborate story telling to my parents...