Prologue, My death


Prologue. My Death.

The wind was cold and piercing. The last rusty leaves that somehow had survived until now, were mercilessly pulled in the air and carried away by the winter wind-storm. I sighed, letting my eyes to follow one of the foliage that suddenly vanished in the sky. Blaring horns and trampling feet, startled me from my careless dazing, I immediately wrapped myself tighter in my coat and increased my step, hurrying to the cross-walk. I took a deep breath and hummed a song, trying to soothe my nerves while I waited. It was cold and damp outside, the rain’s smell was flying in the air. I raised my head and looked to the grey sky, slowly inspecting the heavy clouds that hung above the city.

Finally I dropped my gaze and looked around. God, my boss will kill me! I thought pulling my sleeve up and looking at the watches. 7:55, A.M.-only five minutes left. I passed my hand through my messy hair. I ceased trying to fix it, since the wind was messing it again. Fretfully I tapped my foot, and looked at the cross-walk sign again. I sighed, seeing the red hand halting my movement. Suddenly time seemed to pass slower.

I hate being late, but today it seemed the entire world was against me. First, my water pipe broke. When I somehow used my kettle to provide some warm water, my hair dryer broke down.

Finally: walk! As I started walking, a tall teenager ran past me, almost knocking me off of my feet and had the audacity to look back and curse me. I just hissed through my clenched teeth and continued walking.

My peripheral vision caught something that seemed strange. I turned my head only to see a little girl standing in the middle of the pedestrian crossing, looking scared. She was around six years old and had her hair collected in two braids like the doll she was held in her hands. What was she doing here? Is she alone? I slowed down and our eyes met. She was crying. Strange emotions struggled in my heart seeing the child’s sad look. I don’t know why but the time seemed to stop and I felt an abnormal pressure in my head. Nothing on the girl’s face changed, she didn’t even blink, continuing to totally catch my gaze. It seemed more like a hypnotic action. The beeping behind me indicated that the walk time was almost over. I blinked a few times trying to regain my composure after the strange effect.

The child stood there and it seemed as if no one was paying attention to her e4xcept me. I took a deep breath and walked closer to her.

Bowing my head, I asked,

“Are you lost little one?” She looked at me, but didn’t reply.

“Do you need some help finding your parents?” I tried again but the girl remained silent, she only continued to gaze at me with her sad, brown eyes. I looked around, the crosswalk was almost empty. I was debating about my next move, when I heard a loud noise. A jeep! The car was approaching us at great speed. The little girl looked at the uncoming car, but didn't move.

Everything happened in slow motion. Every sound and emotion left me, leaving me alone with the car. My heart skipped a beat and I stretched out my right hand, feeling like a mechanical doll. I grabbed the girl’s sleeve and pushed her away to the side-walk. I sighed, seeing the girl safe, but when I turned my head, and saw the car right in front of me. Time stopped and my brain refused to function. I didn't have time to move, deep inside I knew this, so I only closed my eyes, and waited for the impact.

I felt the sensation of flying. My body was thrown into the nearest bushes. Tepid liquid dripped from my body, contrasting with the cold weather. I was conscious, but my body was numb. I heard the crush of my ribs; I felt the torn flesh pulsating and the blood leaving my body in great amounts. I felt sick, and then something warm that seemed more like tears travelled down my cheeks.

Someone approached me, I heard distant panicking voices, and with my blurring vision I saw the little girl that stood on the other side of the road, eyeing at me with the same sad eyes.

“Call 911, hurry!” someone yelled. I tried to gulp but couldn't, the pain was too overwhelming. Like in a dream, I heard the ambulance siren that seemed very far away. Someone come near me and started to check my body. Foreign strong hands lifted me on a stretcher and I heard some voices calling out for me.

“Hang in there, miss!” one of the paramedics said, touching my hand. His voice was warm and strong. My vision was blurring, but he seemed nice. I wanted to reply, or at least whisper a sound, but couldn't. I didn't even have the energy to breathe. My world became red with pain, but it disappeared after a moment. I felt an injection, the ventilator next to my face, then a long beeping sound. One of the doctors whispered:

“She’s gone. Time of death, 8:23.”

Wait!-gone? I am still here! I can still hear you! I panicked, trying to move my body but it didn’t react to my wish. I wanted to scream, at least say something, but not a sound escaped my motionless lips. I felt hot tears in my eyes, before losing myself to a deep, dark emptiness.

My eyelids twitched; with a lot of effort I was able to half open my eyes. I closed them again, blinded by bright, artificial light. I took a deep breath and felt my lungs fill with air. What a glorious sensation just being able to breath. Am…am I alive? I asked with a hint of hope in my mind. I took another breath and for the next few seconds, I just enjoyed the sensation of breathing. I tried to move my fingers, to clench my fist, but all I managed was a slightly visible change, an almost unfelt tremble. I clearly was aware of my body, the monotone ups and down of my chest, my numb arms and legs, but was unable to move.

I opened my eyes again and found myself in a room similar to hospital chamber. White walls, white ceiling, everything surrounding me was white: even the strange looking medical equipment. Panels with a lot of cables attached were thin and almost transparent, only the green lines that probably meant my pulse were highlighted. I blinked, wrinkling my forehead. My vision was still blurry and my eyelids refused to completely open. The world around me seemed covered in haze; I could barely distinguish the objects around me through my blurring vision. I narrowed my eyes and saw that my body was almost completely covered in wires of different fluorescent colours. I felt pain, deep souring pain that jolted around my entire body. Every part of me, every cell and fibre was in agony.

“Oh, you’re awake?” asked a male voice. A tall figure blocked the light. He began to write on a white clipboard.

“Mmmm…. Where… am I?” I tried to raise my head but he hushed me.

“You’re in the National Genetics Center, but it’s too early to talk about this,” he replied. He put his hand in his pocket and brought out a small gadget that looked like a recording. Pushing a button he started talking.

“Hm… the transformation has gone according to plan, no casualties or anomalies were recorded. Only the sedative wore off too early.”

What transformation? What was he talking about? I tried to think straight, but my head was hurting, spun. I tried to get up and opened my lips to talk, but the man approached me and pushed me back onto the bed. Only then I realized that I was completely naked. I tried to yelp in embracement, but another bout of pain made me silent. I gritted my teeth and squeezed the sheets in my fist.

“What… are trying to do? What center?”

“As I said, it’s too early for that,” said the voice and he grabbed my right hand. I tried to snatch it away, but I was too weak.

“Don’t move, it will be over soon,” he said in a cold, authoritative voice. I felt a syringe pierce my skin.

“Wa…” I started, but my voice was caught in my throat and only an inaudible noise escaped my lips. My already hazy vision faded away and my eyelids closed transporting me again to the dark realm of oblivion.






2: Chapter 1, The awakening
Chapter 1, The awakening


Chapter one

The awakening.

When I woke up again it was already dark outside. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to raise my head and look around. I was still in the same hospital room, and I was alone. I blinked a few times trying to adjust my vision to the light. Strange enough, I could see everything around me in slightest detail. The room had a high ceiling painted in a white that seemed brighter than the walls. A wide window on the northern wall was showing the purple sky with a few shining stars in the distance. The devices around me beeped monotonously, breaking the silence. Wires and tubes connected them to my body. I looked around again and saw a door, probably a bathroom of some sort, because I could hear the lazy dripping of water. I also was able to smell the water and hand disinfectant in there too. I shook my head, since when I could hear the water dripping from the faucet, behind a closed door?

My throat felt raw and dry, and my head spun. I had the sensation that I had no water like… in weeks, if not ever. I tried to get up, but it was rather difficult, my body was numb and stiff. Slowly moving my legs that seemed like wooden, I finally swung my limbs off the bed. A bright light erupted from the bulbs on the ceiling; I guess they reacted to my movements. I slowly pulled the catheter from my veins and freed myself from the rest of the wires. I looked over my body, checking it for any damage but strangely enough, found nothing, not even a scar or a scratch. A strange weakness came over me and I felt nauseous probably because of the medicine I could feel flowing in my veins. I finally wrapped myself in the white sheet, and made an attempt to get up, intending to explore further as my intuition stubbornly was hinting that something wasn't right. After a few times, I finally stretched my body, and on shaking legs, I went straight to the entrance door that was at my right.

I had to admit, I have never seen such a door before. The beige metallic flap was practically fused with the wall, having not a hint of a handle or a window, or even a border. It was flat, as if painted on the wall. My body tensed. I frankly looked around, trying to open it. I started to lose my cool as my mind made up different stories with me in the leading role. A psycho killer, or doctor Frankenstein could await me on the other side of the door. I don’t have claustrophobia, but being locked alone in a strange place and being nude had its effects. I started trembling as I panicked, trying the door again but it didn't budge. I hissed, guessing that I was locked on purpose inside this chamber and hit the door with my foot in annoyance. Sure enough, the cold metal didn’t even flinch. I cursed again and turned toward the other door that I was hoping to be the bathroom. The door opened itself when I approached it, making me widen my eyes. I started wondering what's up, this created only more questions from my part, especially since the other door was locked tight. Why would this one open automatically and the other one didn't? I carefully peeked within; exploring the small room, then finally took the liberty and stepped inside.

Inside was a bathroom indeed. I also found some spare black clothes that seemed to be my size. I decided to get dressed straight away; going around nude wasn't an option. First, I took the black bra, I had an impression it was ticklish when I first touched the fiber. I remained quite speechless when the textile wrapped my body like a second skin, practically melting in my frame. The same happened with the rest, the pants and even the shirt with spaghetti straps. The fabric that was very close to natural cotton joined my body to the slightest detail, repeating my contours. It wasn’t displeasing or disturbing, on the opposite, it seemed warm and comfortable.

When the door closed, the doctor entered the room and was quite surprised to see me up and dressed. He only smirked; adjusting his glasses on his nose, a gesture that started annoyed me.

“You are still very weak and should refrain from moving,” he said, touching his glasses another time. I hissed but tried to control myself.

He was tall, yet his body seemed to be skinny with no muscles developed at all. His fingers were thin, long with nails neatly cut. His face was pale and emotionless, nothing extraordinary. He had a long sharp nose, thin lips, and furrowed brows. He wore his long blond hair tied in a low ponytail. He also had a pair of glasses in a metal frame. He was dressed like any typical doctor having the stethoscope hanging from his chest pocket. He sighed.

“So? Now can I finally ask where I am? I would like to call my work and my family to let them know I am ok,” I started, and I swore I heard how his heartbeat increasing its speed. No. I must have been still delirious, there was no way on earth I could be hearing that.

“Hmm… ” He hesitated, but took a deep breath and added. “I am afraid that is impossible.”

“Why is that? I would like to speak with the head doctor or how is the one in charge here called,” I said in a cold, authoritative voice, but he shook his head.

“How did you manage to save me? I thought I died…” I whispered looking at the white walls when the fright that I felt then returned back to me and I saw the image of the jeep in front of my eyes.

“You died,” was the silent reply. At first I didn't hear it, or mostly I didn’t want to hear it.

“Excuse me?” I blinked, slowly turning my head to look at the doctor. Everything around me seemed surreal, and I inhaled deeply, trying to control my rushing heart.

“You died,” he replied, pushing his glasses further on his nose.

“What?!” I snapped, turning around, and approaching him in a blink of eye.

“What do you mean died if I am alive and talking to you now?” He blinked a few times, his breathing deranged.

“You are alive but in a different way,” he said in a low voice. I squinted my eyes and gulped. Why was I so thirsty if I…

“Wait, mind explaining how exactly I am alive?” I sat down on my bed, looking straight at him, my breath still hitched and sharp.

He looked nervous and seemed as he was… afraid of me.… His eyes continued to wander around, not daring to look directly into mine. He wringed his hands, trying to utter something, still checking out the color and the shape of the ceiling.

“Look at me, dammit, I think I deserve to know!” I snapped again. Emotions surging into my chest. I had a bad temper, I knew that, but I also knew how to control myself. But, this time it seemed I continued to fail at it, as my emotions tended to take over. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down.

“My name is Doctor Hauer,” he finally said after taking a few breaths. I smirked, observing he said just his surname.

“Alexandra Nort.” I just nodded my head at him, and he gulped, sitting down next to me and wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

“Relax, I won’t bite you,” I said, but for him it didn't sound amusing as he startled and trembled.

“A strange thing for you to say,” he finally admitted. It seemed as if this dialogue was hard for him too.

“Very well,” he said, getting up and searching for something in his pocket.

He took out a transparent Iphone and looked at me.

“You see, I understand this must be crazy for you, it isn’t easy for me as well… but you… really died back on your planet.”

“My planet?” I asked, wrinkling my forehead. He slowly nodded.

“Yes, you see, this isn't Earth or the Blue planet how you call it…” I blinked at him, looking more confused.

“Our planet is called Tyery and is far away from the Milky Way.” I smirked hearing this information but he continued.

“We have more advanced medicine and technology, I guess we surpassed you a good hundred years now…”

“Ok, pretend I believe in this crap, but how I am connected with that?” I asked, sarcasm obvious in my voice.

“Just a minute,” he said, taking the transparent device, and touching the screen. A shining hologram of a human body arose from it and started spinning around, showing me the human body in 3D. He touched it with his fingers and widened the hologram.

“This is a human body as I suppose you already guessed,” he said. I slowly nodded and waited for his next words. He then showed me the hologram of the visual representation of the genetic code, the DNA double helix. The hologram continued to spin and I couldn't refrain myself, so I passed my palm through it, feeling nothing but a slightly noticed tickling.

“I want a device like this,” I said, marveled at the still spinning DNA code. He smirked and continued changing the image. A slightly changed DNA code with some violet highlighted cell inserted at the end.

“This was your DNA,” he pointed at the different section of the cells.

“So, I am an X-men now?” I asked with sarcasm. This situation was fully awkward and I had the feeling all of this was a prank.

“X-men?” he blinked at me, but I waved my hand letting him to continue.

“This genetic code, mostly this specific cell saved your life, well… more like revived you,” he said, widening the violet cell.

“You see, Alexandra, the ones that have this specific cell in their DNA, after their death… become vampires…” He looked away.

I pointed at myself, then smirked, and started laughing until I felt tears in my eyes. Still laughing, I got up and started looked at the room corners.

“So, where is the hidden camera?” I asked, looking at the doctor but he was serious as ever. He shook his head and approached me, continuing to explain and showing me more holograms.

“We have the needed medicine and devices to release that cell after death and allow the body to transform. We also gave you a great amount of sedative to help you fight the transformation since your entire body was deformed and then reformed again. Everything in your body, starting with your bones and body textures converted and became more solid with a great power of regeneration and stamina. Your aging also stopped and you don’t necessarily need food or drinks anymore, except for…”

“Blood? You are kidding right?” I asked, still not believing in all that farce. He shook his head.

“I know this must be confusing for you, it is the first time when I helped with a transformation so I am new at it too. Believe me, everything I told you is true.” I caught a hint of remorse and sadness in his voice. Was this pity for me or for him?

“With time, you will get used to everything here and I am sure will come to like this world…” he said, sighing again.

“But how exactly did you bring me here and what happened…” I asked with a calm voice, but on the inside I was burning with emotions.

“On a stellar nave of course, how else? On your planet three months already passed. We had you hibernate in a special vacuum altitude camera, until you reached our planet, then we brought you here. All that remains for you now is to find your own donor,” he said, brushing his hair with his right hand.

“A donor?” I asked, skeptically arching a brow. He nodded.

“I guess he should already be here.” After saying this, he went and opened the ingress with something I guess was and ID-card. A tall dark haired man stood just in front of the door. Seeing me, he smirked and nodded. I blinked, being unable to remove my eyes from his face. A feeling of improbability enveloped me and my head spun, in time my heart started to beat like a caged bird. I took a few clumsy steps and approached the man. As pushed by some magical force, I raised my hand and touched his pointy ear, looking directly into a pair of bloody red eyes. The man possessing those red eyes smirked and catching my hand kissed my wrist.

“I heard you are Alexandra, nice name,” he whispered, revealing a pair of sharp fangs. I gulped, nodding like a mechanical doll, and trying to withdraw my hand. Easier said than done, he was strong. He looked directly into my eyes and asked.

“You don’t seem to fully understand who you are, right?” I gaped at him, suddenly becoming mute, but he pulled my palm to the level of our eyes and I clearly saw two clawed hands, one of those being my own. How could I not notice this? Yes, I had a good manicure but this… “these” were more thin blades than nails. I started trembling, being afraid of the changes in my body as the reality seemed to wash over me with cruel power. With quivering fingers, I reached for my head, closing my eyes in despair as I touched my own ear. I gaped, finding the pointy tip.

“Hmm…”_the man next to me mumbled, touching my face with his cold palm and drawing a line with his clawed finger on my forehead being amused with my reaction. He grabbed a lock of my hair and completely tangling his digits in it, bringing me closer to sniff me. I gulped suddenly being unable to breath, to do anything except stare at his cold red eyes that were too close.

“You look pale, I guess you should 'eat’ now,” he said, looking at the doctor.

“Bring him in,” he ordered, and the doctor nodded, hurried towards the door. When he opened it, there stood a tall boy in his twenties looking curiously at me. He entered the room and I slowly turned my head to look at the red eyed stranger when he widened his lips in a smile.

“Now, my dear, it is time for your supper.” I furrowed my brow and shook my head at the boy, who nodded.

“Yes, you guessed right, he is your donor, more precise, your food.”

“No,” I said, trying to fight my already awakening instincts.

“You have no choice, you can’t fight it, and none of us can. But for the first time, I will ease your job,” he said jumping and appearing next to the boy. Next thing that I mostly felt then saw, was how his claw cut the smooth flesh on his neck and a thin drip of crimson liquid travelled down.

“No, not this!” I cried desperately before losing my last crumbs of humanity. My body easily jumped before my brain could react to stop it.