
It all starts with me. I’m floating in an abyss. It is quiet, and I don’t feel. Almost like I’m asleep, but my eyes are open and all I can see is a white that stretches on forever.  There is nothing, there was nothing, but there can be everything.


With a blink of my eyes there is suddenly grass beneath my bare feet, and a sky washing down like water behind me. A wind that doesn’t exist whips the grass and sounds in my ears, but my hair is still. The grass is soft, much unlike normal grass and more like green wool that has been strung out around my feet. The Sky is blue and so bright it almost hurts my eyes; and it’s warm, despite there being no sun.


There are trees, ones that seem familiar, even though I’ve never seen them before. The leaves whip around in the wind and make a rustling noise that is much too loud for them, yet it still seems quiet in my grassy land. The trees hold shining apples that are too high to reach, but perfect for the birds that now fly around me. Chirping joins the noise of the leaves and suddenly my world feels alive, a huge change from the white nothing I had started with.


A few of the birds fly down and land on my shoulders, chirping happily in my ears and hopping around restlessly. Their sharp claws dig into my skin through the wool of my jumper, yet it doesn’t hurt. When they fly away they forget to let me go, and I’m pulled up with them into the heavens. We pass the clouds and yet we still climb higher, until we stop right at the edge of the sky. And then they let me go.


But I don’t fall. I float gracefully down, like I’m a feather. I pass the clouds again and I reach out to touch them. The clouds are like pillows, only softer and as I take my hand away they explode into life. All the millions of clouds turn into wispy white dragons, and they swirl about gracefully, dancing in the blue skies around me.


When I land back on the grass, the birds and trees are gone, though the sound remains. Instead I am met with a huge, stinky, ugly ogre. He looks mad, his pale green skin festering. He talks, though not with words, only grunts and growls that drown out the noise of the birds.


One of the dragons drops a sword from the sky and I catch it easily. The hilt is cold in my palm and though the sword is rusted and chipped, somehow I’m confident that with it I won’t lose. The ogre advances upon me, his breath sending dirty clouds of muck and stink into the clean air. My heart beats fast, I’m scared, and yet I still feel safe, as if I’m immortal in this land of everything.


The sword in my hand comes alive and tells my hand without words how to fight. I win, and though it doesn’t surprise me, I’m still proud of my victory. And the ogre, Instead of falling lifelessly to the ground, explodes in a cloud of dust that is carried peacefully away on the wind. All that is left behind is a small wooden box, lined in gold and holding in it my prize.


When I opened the palm sized box it emits a blinding white light. For a minute I think that maybe I really have gone blind, but I soon realise that the light has washed away my world. I’m once again floating in the white void. But I’m not sad, because it means I can start again. But this next time I’ll have a whole new adventure, because here I can go anywhere and do everything. Be nobody and everybody.


Because here I am limitless.