Cracks: Goodbye

I was walking down the hall to my room.

    "Excuse me, Mr. Harmony? Do you want to something to eat before you have to go?" I smiled softly.

    " No thank you Cary. I'll be in my room for now on. I'll call if I need anyone."

    " O-okay." she smiled, bowed slightly and walked away. I smiled and continue to walk to my room. I looked at the pictures that lined the hallway walls. I've looked at these pictures for years, yet I'm just not noticing the beauty of each one. I smiled softly as I saw the picture of just me and her.

We were so young when the picture happened. I wonder if she remembers it... I sighed and continue to walk to my room. I got inside and put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on my doorknob. I closed my door and walk to my desk. I smiled and open my computer up. I looked at the clock, I'm 3 minutes early. I turned on my camera and set up everything. The clock then struck one o'clock. My computer screen lit up and it said an incoming message was coming.

    "Right on time." I accepted it and waited for her face to show up. I was soon greeted with an identical face, grinning at me.

    "Hey Yang!" She waved at me. I smiled and waved back.

    "Hey Yin."

    "I almost didn't make it here. "

    "Why not?"

    "The meeting was almost going over time but C.C got me out of it. She took my place in it." I smiled. C.C is the only one that knows of our weekly meetings.

    "That's was nice of her." She nodded.

    "It was. I'm gonna have to pay her back for that." she smiled. It make me happy to see her happy.

    "How's everything?" her smile seemed to disappear a bit.

    "It's fine..." I frowned a little, she must have noticed. "Really, it's fine."

    "Not it's not. I know something's wrong. Now tell me." She sighed and smiled softly.

    "During the meeting, we were informed that the other army was advancing towards us quicker than we thought and our new recruits aren't ready yet." She eyes watered a bit and she looked worried. I sighed and smiled.

    "It'll be fine." She looked up at me. "Everything will be fine. I know this idea is risky but you could send some soldiers out and have them do an ambush on them at night so they could weaken the army more before they reach you." She stayed quiet. I waited for her respond.

    "Mm..." I sighed.

    "Look, I know it's stupid, but it's the best I could think of now-" She interrupted me.

    "I like it."

    "Really?" I looked at her. She was smiling, all worry from her face disappeared. She nods.

    "Yep! It would help us. It is really risky but I know it will work." Our clocks struck two o'clock.

    "Oh time to go." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

    "See you next week bro. " She grinned and waved.

    "See you later sis." I waved back and our video chat ended.


I looked at the clock. It's 1:10. She's never this late... I could wait a little longer...

It's almost 2 o'clock. I'm getting worried. I was about to get up when my laptop lite up.

    "Yang! I'm so sorry! I tried to get back earlier." She smiled as she tried to catch her breath. I sat back down.

    "It's okay, Sis." I waited for her to catch her breath.

    " I'm sorry. I was helping the soldiers who were in the ambush settle down here. They had a long night..." Something seemed wrong...I felt my eyes narrow.

    "But..." She sighed.

    "Even though we took out most of their good soldiers, they're still advancing but faster this time. And some of our soldiers are still weak from the ambush." I frowned, instantly feeling guilty. I was my idea. "Some of the soldiers were caught off guard since some of the night guards over there were ready. I believe we have a mole in here." My eyes widen.

    "Do you have any idea who it could be?" I got worried for my sister's safety and my girlfriend's. She shook her head.

    "That's what we're trying to figure out.Some of the general are thinking of do an investigation, some are thinking torture, others are thinking we should play bluff, saying that we know who it is and say we'll loosen their punishment if they confess to us. I personally think we should talk to each squad and say if they talk about what we talked about to the others or at all, unless they want to talk to us in private, they will be beheaded." I was shocked. She's normally not this violent. "I know it's pretty violent but the stakes had to be raised for this. The lives of all my soldiers, friends, and comrades are at stake, I have to show that I'm serious."

    "But what if there isn't a mole?" I really doubt that there isn't but it's a possibility. She stayed silent for a bit.

    "...Then we will continue on. Calm our soldiers down." I nodded.

    "Okay, just stay safe." She nodded back.

    "I will." Our chat ended for the day.


Neither one of us decided to chat this week. It was too busy for both of us.



I set up my laptop. We're going to talk today. After two busy weeks, we both needed this. My screen lite up and I saw my sister. She didn't get much sleep either.

    "Hey.." I smiled softly She smiled back.

    "Hey didn't get much sleep either huh?" She chuckled. "C.C was right about us, being twins and having our little twin moments." I smiled.

    "Heh. I'm guessing this moment was going on for two weeks, right?" She nodded.

    "..Will you be home soon?"...I don't why I asked but I've been feeling like I wouldn't see anymore after this...


    "Of course I will." She smiled at me. I smiled back, a little relived.

    "Good. I can't wait to see you." The feeling grew more. She smiled at me.

    "You should have more faith in me Yang." I smiled softly.


Suddenly the alarms went off on her side. We were instantly shocked and scared.

    "What's going on Yin!?" She looked around worried and then looked back at me.

    "I'm not sure Yang. " Her lights started to flash, as she went to go get her sword. I got worried.

    "Yin. What does this mean?" She was about to answer when all of the sudden her door was blown off it's hinges. Her laptop and camera fell over. I gasped and looked for her frantically, hoping I could see her. I could hear her off screen. I listened.

    "What are you doing here?"  A new voice answered.

    "Why do you think? To kill you obviously." 


N-No...No! Yin can fight him off.

    "You wish." I can tell they started fighting. I heard their swords clashing and rubbing against each other. Then someone was struggling. I couldn't tell who it was, they were off screen.  I hope it wasn't Yin, but Yin is stronger than she looks she can do it...I know she can do it...she have to do it. I heard a groan and someone falling to the ground. The camera shook from their vibrations. I heard flesh being punctured by something sharp...someone just got stabbed...Who was it? 


I felt a sharp pain above my heart. The person coughed and the other one got up. Yin, please let it be you...please. I waited for her to come back to the camera. Please. I looked at the screen. A puddle a blood slowly seeped into view. Please Yin. The person that was up stumbled a bit and fell down soon. The fall made the camera move towards the body. The blood grew more.  My eyes widen.  The wrist had the same bracelet that I gave Yin. She can't be dead. The pain in my chest grew more. No...No!




2: Cracks: 1
Cracks: 1

This can't be happening..She's not dead! She can't be dead... I stared at the that hand, the wrist with the bracelet...I soon started laughing. I refuse to believe it. She's not dead. I couldn't stop myself from laughing, why am I laughing?  I watched as the blood grew more, that made me laugh even more.

I can't stop laughing, what is wrong with me? I heard my maid come to my door.


“Mr. Harmony? Is everything alright?” I laughed still in response. I heard her trying to open the door.


“Mr. Harmony, please open this door!” She shook and tried to open the door. It made me laugh harder, I doubled over and fell off my chair which made me laugh even more! What is going on!? I’m about to throw up if I continue.


“Help! Anyone! Please help!” I heard more footsteps come to my door and I saw a variety of shoes under my door. I continued to laugh, my eyes watered and I started to hack and wheeze. Something's about to come up.

“Don’t worry Mr. Harmony! We’ll get you out!” A young boy, probably a helping hand in the stables.


It hurts so much….but I can’t stop...I clench my chest and stomach. If they don’t get that door open I may not make it. They both much.

I looked over at the screen of the laptop, it frozen on the hand and blood… I just can’t be true. I refuse...I refuse! … Darkness… Coldness… Pain….