The Unknown Empire

In a school in the town of Liverpool, Dexeus, Marcus Dexeus Maximus had a lot of friends. A girl appeared next to him and said, “Marcus, do you know if there are any jobs available for a 17 year old around here?”

Marcus answered, “Hm, jobs, huh. I think that there’s a job on Money Street looking for a cashier in a clothing store. I don’t know if that’s for you though.”

The girl said, “Any job is good enough. My mom just got fired from her job and I want to help her find a new one.”

Marcus heard that and said, “I see. You know what. I’ll go there myself and request for it to happen. How’s that sound?”

The girl looked at him and said, “You’ll do that for my mom.”

Marcus answered, “Yes. I’m willing to help out. But if your mom is pretty enough, she can work at a strip club. They are hiring as well.”

The girl asked, “Why would you know that?”

Marcus answered, “You don’t want to know.”

The girl said, “Good idea.”

A boy said, “He probably goes in himself.”

The girl screeched and said, “You pervert.”

Marcus said, “Hey now, don’t be telling lies now.”

The boy screeched and the girl said, “He was lying.”

Marcus said, “Yes. My father goes there. And he tells me these weird things that I really don’t care about. But if she’s good enough, I’ll ask my father to hook her up with a job.”

His bodyguard appeared and said, “Your highness.”

Marcus said, “Which is it? Stripper or cashier?”

The bodyguard heard that and grabbed his ear and Marcus said, “Ouch. Don’t pull my ear.”

The girl said, “A cashier is more my mom’s style.”

Marcus smiled and said, “Tertius, let’s go to that clothing store that’s hiring. I want to help her mom get a job.”

Tertius heard that and said, “That’s why you asked her that question. I’m sorry, your highness.”

Marcus said, “Don’t worry about it. Please take me there.”

Tertius said, “Yessir.”

Marcus entered the car and waved and they waved back and Tertius closed the door and then drove off to Money Street. Everyone saw the luxury car and moved out of the way and it stopped in front of the clothing store and Tertius exited the car and everyone saw him and said, “If Lord Tertius is here. That means his highness is here.”

Tertius opened the door and Marcus stepped out and then Lucius called him and Marcus said, “This is Marcus speaking.”

Lucius said, “It’s me, your father.”

Marcus asked, “What’s wrong father?”

Lucius answered, “Nothing’s wrong. Are you on your way home from school yet?”

Marcus answered, “Nope. I’m helping a friend of mine out. Her mother lost her job, so I’m going to help get her a new one.”

Lucius asked, “Where at?”

Marcus answered, “Tachibana’s Clothing Store. I think that they have a job opening as a cashier.”

Lucius asked, “Why didn’t you ask her to join the strip joint?”

Marcus said, “I did. But Floronia knows her best and she chose a cashier.”

Lucius sighed and said, “Oh, well, as soon as you get back, we got some important business to talk about.”

Marcus said, “Sure thing. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll come home.”

Lucius said, “OK. See you soon.”

Marcus said, “See you soon.”

They hung up and then Tertius asked, “Who was that?”

Marcus asked, “Didn’t you hear me say ‘father,’ idiot.”

Tertius answered, “I really wasn’t listening.”

Marcus yelled, “Pay more attention please.”

Tertius smiled and said, “Yessir.”

They walked inside of Tachibana’s Clothing Store and Tachibana saw him and said, “Your highness, what brings you to a women’s clothing store?”

Marcus answered, “I was wondering if you had a job open. If not, I must have been thinking of a different store.”

Tachibana said, “Nope. You got the right store, your highness. Are you looking for a job?”

Marcus answered, “Not yet, ma’am. But I’m helping my friends mother get a job and I was wondering if she could work here. She just lost her job of whatever she was doing before. Floronia really wants to help her. So I’m putting a word out for her.”

Tachibana said, “I see. Actually, I need a cashier.”

Tertius said, “Your prediction was right, your highness.”

Marcus said, “That’s good.”

Tachibana asked, “What is this Floronia’s last name?”

Marcus answered, “Amicitia, why?”

Tachibana said, “You know what, this’ll be perfect.”

Marcus said, “It is. Is Amicitia that amazing?”

Tachibana answered, “Yes. She’s the best cashier in the kingdom. Why she was fired, that’s unknown to even her. I’ll call her up and tell her that she has a job.”

Marcus said, “Thank you. That’ll make Floronia happy, I hope.”

Tachibana appeared in front of him and started hugging him and Tertius saw that and said, “Please separate from him.”

Tachibana said, “I’m sorry. I’m just extremely happy. I can finally stop working over time. I’ve been here alone for 3 years. And I haven’t gotten enough sleep. Her helping out might just save me. Thank you very much.”

Marcus smiled and said, “No problem. It’s my job.”

Tertius said, “Your job, huh?”

Marcus said, “To keep the peace around here.”

Everyone started clapping and Marcus heard that and screeched and said, “Did I say something good?”

Tertius answered, “Yes. ‘Keep the peace around here,’ is what you said, your highness.”

Marcus said, “I see. Well, my job here is done. Let’s go home. Father has something important to talk to me about.”

Tertius said, “Yessir.”

He opened the car door and then Marcus entered it and then everyone looked at the car and Tertius closed it and then took off to the castle. While they were driving home, Tachibana called Floronia’s mother and she picked up and said, “Norbana Amicitia speaking.”

Tachibana said, “This is Tachibana from Tachibana’s Clothing Store, I heard that you needed a job.”

Norbana asked, “How’d you know that? The only person that knew about me losing my job was Floronia.”

Tachibana answered, “It seems that she told the Prince about your little problem and he came to me telling me to help you get a job as a cashier. Are you up to it?”

Norbana looked at Floronia and answered, “I am, but where is Tachibana’s Clothing Store?”

Tachibana answered, “It’s on Money Street.”

Norbana said, “Oh, now I know where you are. You are right next to McFreights, right?”

Tachibana said, “Yep. That’s my store. Right next door.”

Norbana said, “OK. Thank you very much. When do you need me?”

Floronia heard that and smiled and said to herself, “Thank you, Marcus. You made my mother a happy camper again. She was so miserable yesterday and now she’s in high spirit.”

Tachibana answered, “Tomorrow morning at 9. That’s when we open. We close at 8, but you could leave at 6 for your daughter.”

Norbana said, “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

Tachibana said, “Well, we’re both excited.”

Norbana heard that and Tachibana said, “I’ve been working alone for too long. It’s good to finally have a friend.”

Norbana said, “Yes it is. OK Tachibana, I’ll see you at 9.”

Tachibana said, “OK. See you at 9.”

They hung up and Norbana turned around toward Floronia and asked, “Why’d you bring his highness into this? I told you to keep it between us.”

Floronia said, “I wanted to help you this time. You always help me, so I decided to help you. I asked him where I could find a job and he gave me two choices. One was a strip joint, his father’s decision or the place at Money Street which is a cashier. I chose the cashier.”

Norbana said, “I see. I have a message for him. Please send it to him tomorrow when you see him.”

Floronia said, “OK. What is it?”

Norbana kissed her cheek and then started dancing to her room with excitement and Floronia started blushing and asked, “How am I going to kiss him for you? It’s going to be harder than getting a handsome man. Oh wait, he is handsome. Someone help me.”

As soon as the luxury car appeared in front of the castle, the maid, Virginia Lock Priscian, appeared and opened the car door for him and said, “Your highness, his majesty is waiting for you in the throne room.”

Marcus said, “Thank you.”

He stepped out of the car and then Virginia closed the door and walked to him to the throne room and Tertius drove off to park the car and then Virginia asked, “How was school today?”

Marcus answered, “Boring as ever. But I’ll survive through it.”

Virginia laughed and said, “I bet that you will. So, I heard that you did an errand for a classmate.”

Marcus said, “Yep. To help get her mother a job. It was a success. Now I get my response tomorrow as soon as I meet her.”

Virginia said, “I see. I’m glad that it went well.”

Virginia knocked on the door and Lucius asked, “Who is it?”

Virginia answered, “The maid, Virginia and his highness.”

Lucius heard that and asked, “What are you waiting for? Let him in. Then shut the doors and don’t let anyone else in.”

Virginia opened the doors for him and then closed it and then said, “Guards, don’t let anyone into this room. Even if it’s his bodyguard. Don’t let them through.”

They said, “Yes ma’am.”

They appeared in front of the door and waited for the meeting to be over. Lucius said, “Marcus, you did a good deed today.”

Marcus said, “Thank you.”

Lucius said, “Well, let’s get down to business, shall we?”

Marcus said, “Sure thing.”

Lucius said, “OK. I just got a phone call from the King in Tenebit. He would like you to come and visit him and his daughter. She already graduated from school. So she’s ahead of you. But Fall break, you’ll be going.”

Marcus said, “Fall break. OK. I’m going to be there meeting the King and Princess, right?”

Lucius answered, “Yes. 2 months from now, you’ll be going to Tenebit by ship. You’ll be flying there.”

Marcus said, “I see. That makes sense. That is the fastest way to get there.”

Lucius said, “That’s the only way to get there.”

Marcus heard that and then said, “Huh? The only way? You can’t even take a car there?”

Lucius answered, “Nope. The bridge hasn’t been built yet. Well, it’s not complete. They said that the bridge will be done in another 7 months. But he doesn’t want to wait till then. He wants to meet you sooner than later.”

Marcus said, “OK, I get the point. He wants me there now, but I can’t because of school.”

Lucius said, “Exactly.”

Marcus said, “He must be really picky.”

Lucius said, “Don’t say that. If you marry his daughter, the strongest two nations will be brought together. That’s why the bridge is being made. So we could trade with one another, people from over there could come and visit us and we could visit them whenever we please.”

Marcus said, “Actually, that would be good for business because I hear that Tenebit has some humanoid beings over there. But we might have to keep the men away from them, though.”

Lucius said, “Yes. You have a point. But we can’t do anything about that right now.”

Marcus said, “I see. I hope that when I go there that I get to see some humanoids.”

Lucius smiled and said, “Well, when you get back from Tenebit, you’ll have to tell me everything about what you did there.”

Marcus said, “Sure thing. I’ll write it down in my journal for you. How’s that sound?”

Lucius said, “Like a diary? Only girls make that.”

Marcus answered, “No, a journal is completely different. You know, it is a diary. Who cares about that? As long as I keep everything written down, you’d be happy.”

Lucius said, “Well, you do have a point. Do that then. Well, that concludes today’s meeting. Let’s eat something. Food should be ready by now.”

Marcus said, “OK.”

They walked to the door and then opened it and the guards saw that and they walked out and the guards closed the door and Virginia asked, “Are you ready for your meal?”

They answered, “Yes we are.”

Virginia smiled and said, “Well, it’s ready in the dining room table.”

They walked there and ate. The next morning, Marcus appeared in front of the school and Floronia appeared and Tertius smiled and opened the door and Marcus stepped out and said, “See you later, Tertius.”

Tertius said, “See you at 3.”

He entered the car and drove off and then Floronia went to her tippy toes to get to his level and kissed his cheek and then backed away incredibly fast and Marcus said, “So that was her thanks for getting her that job. Interesting.”

Floronia nodded and Marcus said, “OK. Let’s head to class now.”

Floronia said, “O-O-O-OK.”

They walked to class and then the bell rang 5 minutes later for classes to start. Floronia was blushing the entire time and the teacher asked, “Are you ok Ms. Amicitia?”

Floronia answered, “Yeah, I’m fine. Keep teaching the class.”

She heard that and a girl said, “She’s in love with someone.”

The teacher said, “I see. That makes sense.”

Marcus heard that and looked at her and said, “Um, I think I know who she’s in love with.”

She heard that and said to herself, “Please don’t say it. I’m begging you not to.”

Marcus said, “But I can’t say it because she’ll be pissed at me.”

Floronia sighed and said to herself, “He didn’t say it. I really thought that he was going to say it.”

Everyone said, “You aren’t going to tell us. You must have feelings for her.”

Marcus said, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

He smiled and everyone saw that and said, “He’s not blushing at all. He’s serious. He’s never serious when it comes down to being serious. Hm, something is suspicious here.”

Marcus asked, “What makes you think that? I’m only going to Tenebit in 2 months. Is that wrong?”

Everyone heard that and said, “Huh, 2 months? Why?”

Marcus answered, “Some royal business.”

The teacher said, “You are getting married.”

Marcus laughed and answered, “Not at all. Just visiting some royal families over there.”

Everyone heard that and Marcus said, “The job of the Prince is all I’m be doing.”

Everyone heard that and then the bell rang and everyone walked out of the school and Marcus waited in the same place for Tertius to appear and Floronia appeared and said, “Thank you again for everything, Marcus.”

Marcus said, “No problem.”

Floronia asked, “What made you think that I was in love with someone?”

Marcus answered, “You are still blushing from this morning. You need to calm your heart down. Sooner or later, you’ll find the right man for you. But I’m not the one that you are looking for.”

Floronia heard that and asked, “Why?”

Marcus answered, “That’s quite simple, I have a fiancee already.”

Floronia said, “Oh, that makes sense.”

The car appears and then Tertius appears and said, “Sir, you have a visitor at home.”

Marcus said, “I see. See you later Floronia.”

Floronia said, “See you later.”

Marcus entered the car and Tertius closed the door and then drove off. As soon as they got to the castle, Virginia appeared and opened the door for him and Marcus stepped out of the car and asked, “Where’s the visitor?”

Virginia answered, “Throne room. He’s getting scolded by your father.”

Marcus laughed and said, “Sounds like fun.”

Marcus entered the throne room and the guards aimed at him and Lucius saw him and said, “Knock before entering, Marcus. You’ll end up dead in no time short.”

Marcus said, “Sorry.”

The man looked forward and sat down next to him and said, “Hm, Tertius said that I had a visitor.”

Lucius said, “Yes, right here.”

The man grinned and Marcus said, “He looks unfriendly.”

Lucius said, “That’s because he is unfriendly. Tertius found him on top of a building in front of the school with a sniper in his hands. Aiming at you today.”

Marcus heard that and looked at him and asked, “Who are you and where are you from?”

The man answered, “I’m Flavius Magnus. And I’m from an empire.”

Marcus said, “That didn’t help us much.”

Lucius smiled and said, “Where is this empire located?”

Flavius answered, “Everywhere.”

Lucius heard that and then Marcus said, “The enemy is everywhere meaning that they are dressed up as citizens. And we have no idea who are the enemies and who the good guys are.”

Lucius grinned and said, “Lock him up.”

Everyone said, “Yessir.”

Lucius said, “It seems that they know about 2 months from now.”

Marcus said, “If that’s the case, then we’re going to need more guards protecting me.”

Lucius said, “Yes. More ships too. Shit.”

Marcus said, “Why are they after me though?”

Flavius answered, “Because you are the brat that’ll cause this world’s end.”

Lucius heard that and Flavius said, “We have a fortune teller saying that a kind man will kill to get what he wants. And to do so, he’ll marry a girl, take her power and then kill everyone. That was you.”

Marcus looked at him and Lucius said, “Get him out of here already. Accusing my son to be a murderer.”

They brought him to the cells and then 2 months later, Marcus walked to the ships and Tertius said, “Your highness, I’m sorry that I can’t be with you. But please do tell me about the humanoids.”

Marcus laughed and said, “I will.”

He took his notebook out and then sat down next to the soldiers and the pilot said, “We’re on our way to the border guys. 5 ships will be joining the fray.”

The Marshall heard that and said, “As soon as they get to the border, take them out.”

The pilot’s said, “Yessir.”

The ships took off and Lucius called the King of Tenebit and said, “Hey Numerius, Marcus is on his way. He’s on one of 6 ships.”

Numerius Nox Venator asked, “Why?”

Lucius answered, “Some group has been trying to kill Marcus for 2 months now.”

Numerius said, “Kill him? Why?”

Lucius answered, “We captured one and he said that Marcus is the man that’ll destroy the world. But I don’t believe that. Do you?”

Numerius answered, “Not at all. Marcus doesn’t seem like a bad man.”

Lucius said, “Take care of my son now.”

Numerius said, “Understood.”

They hung up and then Sornatia asked, “Who was that?”

Numerius answered, “King Lucius from Dexeus. It seems that someone’s been trying to kill Marcus for 2 months now.”

Sornatia said, “Marcus, as in my fiance.”

Numerius answered, “Yep. He’s on his way here now with 6 ships. He’s on one of them.”

Sornatia asked, “Isn’t that a little much for just one man?”

Numerius answered, “Yes. But it’s to keep him safe.”

Sornatia said, “I thought that you said that he’ll be coming here in 7 months.”

Numerius said, “Well, I changed it to 2 months.”

Sornatia said, “I see.”

Numerius sighed and said, “They should be here shortly.”

2 hours later, the ships appeared by the border and then the pilot said, “We’re here.”

The ships started to appear and the other pilots saw them and asked, “What the hell are those? Are those Tenebit ships? No, that’s not their symbol. What the hell is going on here?”

The ships turned toward them and the camera’s above their ships sent the footage to all of the kingdom’s and rockets were shot at them and the pilot ejected himself from the ship and the enemy ships saw that and said, “Begin the operation to shoot down the 3rd ship to the right.”

The 5 ships around the ship with Marcus on it blew up and the guards heard that and looked outside and Marcus said, “You gotta be kidding me.”

Then the enemy ships appeared and the guards said, “Oh my god. It can’t be. It’s the legendary empire that vanished 700 years ago. The Rune Empire.”

Marcus heard that and said, “Pilot person, get us back up now.”

There was no response and then everyone looked at the cockpit and said, “Sir, get us back up now.”

There was no response again and then a guard walked into the cockpit and said, “He’s gone.”

Marcus heard that and said, “It was a trap. They knew everything. Shit.”

The guard grabbed the radio and then a ship appeared in front of them and behind them and the guard saw that and said, “Mayday. Mayday. We need back up immediately.”

The Rune Empire’s ships started to shoot their machine guns at the ship and then the guards went down and then Marcus got shot in the back and screamed and yelled, “My back.”

The guards heard that and then the guards crawled into the cockpit and the bullets started piercing through and everyone started screaming and then 6 minutes later, the screaming stopped and Marcus looked at the ship and saw the bullet holes everywhere and said, “You gotta be kidding me.”

He walked into the cockpit and removed the dead bodies and changed the radio frequency and Marcus picked up the radio and said, “This is Foxtrot 3....please come in.”

A Commander in the army of Tenebit said, “This is Tenebit’s Control Base, how may I help you Foxtrot 3?”

Marcus said, “Well.... ‘cough’ ....I need your help. This is the Prince of Dexeus.”

2: The Video Goes Across the World
The Video Goes Across the World

Marcus looked up and the base asked, “Who are you again?”

Marcus answered, “Marcus Dexeus Maximus, the Prince of Dexeus.”

Everyone heard that and patched him through to Numerius and Numerius picked up and Marcus said, “Help me.”

Numerius heard that and asked, “What do you need help with?”

A pilot said, “Fly your plain upwards.”

Marcus said, “Oh give me better directions than that. I never learned how to fly these things. I’m a bloody Prince.”

He coughed again and said, “It seems that I’m not going to make it to Tenebit.”

The pilots smiled and bullets started hitting the back of the ship and Marcus grinned and said, “Marcus Dexeus Maximus is now dead. I look forward to seeing you in the new world.”

Marcus took out a gun and aimed it at the ship in front of him and started shooting at them and Numerius grinned and said, “Marcus, do not listen to those people speaking to you. This is the King of Tenebit. You will not die on my watch.”

Marcus heard that and grabbed the radio and said, “King of Tenebit, that means that you are Numerius. King Numerius, I mean.”

Numerius said, “Exactly.”

A bullet hit his left arm and he screamed and Sornatia heard that and Marcus said, “Sir, tell my father that I love him, will ya.”

Sornatia heard that and he tossed the radio down and then fell forward and Numerius said, “Hang in there, Marcus.”

The ship started to fall incredibly fast and then the ships video taped it all and then each tv turned on to any channel and then the Marshall of the Rune Empire appeared and said, “Hello citizens of Vibius. This is the fallen Empire, Rune Empire. I’m the Marshall. Marshall Decius Super. I have something interesting for you to watch.”

Lucius heard that and Numerius looked at the tv and the video footage of 6 ships appearing by the border and Numerius said, “That’s the border.”

Lucius said, “Marcus.”

The ships started to get attacked and Lucius grinned and yelled, “Tertius. Get Tertius in here now.”

Virginia said, “Sir, he never came home after dropping his highness off.”

Lucius grinned and said, “Son of a bitch.”

The 5 ships protecting Marcus’ ship were completely obliterated and Floronia saw that and Norbana said, “It can’t be.”

Sornatia said, “Father, what’s going on? I can’t change the channel.”

Numerius said, “Someone just killed the Prince of Dexeus.”

Sornatia heard that and started to cry and then 4 ships surrounded the ship with Marcus in it and everyone looked at how defenseless they were and then Lucius grinned and Virginia saw that and said, “Marcus’ ship.”

Lucius asked, “What did they do?”

They started shooting at the ship and Lucius saw that and said, “The Rune Empire. They are back after disappearing 700 years ago. Marcus, I will avenge you.”

As soon as everyone stopped firing, the ships waited there and Marcus appeared in the cockpit and everyone saw the camera zoom in on him and Marcus changed the frequency and Marcus picked up the radio and said, “This is Foxtrot 3....please come in.”

A Commander in the army of Tenebit said, “This is Tenebit’s Control Base, how may I help you Foxtrot 3?”

Marcus said, “Well.... ‘cough’ ....I need your help. This is the Prince of Dexeus.”

Marcus looked up and the base asked, “Who are you again?”

Marcus answered, “Marcus Dexeus Maximus, the Prince of Dexeus.”

Everyone heard that and patched him through to Numerius and Numerius picked up and Marcus said, “Help me.”

Numerius heard that and asked, “What do you need help with?”

A pilot said, “Fly your plain upwards.”

Marcus said, “Oh give me better directions than that. I never learned how to fly these things. I’m a bloody Prince.”

He coughed again and said, “It seems that I’m not going to make it to Tenebit.”

The pilots smiled and bullets started hitting the back of the ship and Marcus grinned and said, “Marcus Dexeus Maximus is now dead. I look forward to seeing you in the new world.”

Marcus took out a gun and aimed it at the ship in front of him and started shooting at them and Numerius grinned and said, “Marcus, do not listen to those people speaking to you. This is the King of Tenebit. You will not die on my watch.”

Marcus heard that and grabbed the radio and said, “King of Tenebit, that means that you are Numerius. King Numerius, I mean.”

Numerius said, “Exactly.”

A bullet hit his left arm and he screamed and Sornatia heard that and Marcus said, “Sir, tell my father that I love him, will ya.”

Sornatia heard that and he tossed the radio down and then fell forward and Numerius said, “Hang in there, Marcus.”

The ship started to fall incredibly fast and Lucius looked at the ship and the ship exploded as soon as it hit the ground and everyone started crying and Numerius said, “Impossible. Why would anyone want to kill him?”

Unknown Kings from the world and said, “Why bring war to the strongest nation in the world? The order of peace has been broken. If Dexeus needs us, we’ll come to their aide. What the hell is with that video?”

Decius appeared again and said, “Hm, it seems that he died after all. After getting shot twice by .45 caliber bullets. Marcus Dexeus Maximus is no longer of this world. But if he did survive that crash, which I doubt that anyone survived. He’d probably find a way back here to kill us for what we did to him. But let me say this to you King Lucius Dexeus Maximus. You are next.”

Everyone heard that and Decius said, “All of Dexeus will be mine. The Rune Empire’s territory once again.”

Numerius looked at the screen and said, “This is no joke. Get men to the crash site immediately.”

Sornatia heard that and Numerius grinned and said, “The Rune Empire has gotten much stronger than before. The 700 years of peace that Dexeus brought to the world has ended today by the eradication of Marcus Dexeus Maximus. But I hope that’s not the case.”

The head guard, Paul said, “Sir, how many would you like to send as a search party?”

Numerius answered, “50 men. Search for him. No one comes back till his body is found. Give me the radio.”

The head maid, Viridia Hirpinia said, “Here you go, your majesty.”

Numerius took it and said, “Everyone, please don’t panic. We all probably saw the same video clip of the Prince of Dexeus getting attacked and killed. But if you find his body, please contact me immediately. I need to confirm if he’s alive still or not for his father. Even though I’m pretty sure that everyone knows about this by the way that he was speaking. He seemed to have been pleased with what he’s accomplished today. Let’s prove him wrong by saying that Marcus is still alive. So everyone, please search for Marcus’ body. There’ll be a reward for any citizen that finds it. But if someone dies trying to locate his body, I will have to arrest you for murder. So please help us out and find his body.”

Everyone heard that and Lucius called his men by the border and no one answered and Lucius said, “It seems that they had all of this planned out. Shit. We let them link the info to them. This isn’t good. Virginia, call Tertius.”

Virginia said, “Already did. He’s on his way here.”

Lucius said, “Thank you.”

Lucius looked at his tv and then said, “This is hell. They knew everything. Virginia, get Commanders 96 to 100 for me.”

Virginia asked, “Why those 5?”

Lucius answered, “Just bring them here. I’ll explain everything as soon as they get here.”

Virginia said, “Yessir.”

Virginia ran into the armory and said, “Commanders 96 through 100, follow me please. There is an emergency.”

They heard that and Commander 1 asked, “Why doesn’t he just ask for everyone’s help if there’s an emergency?”

Virginia answered, “Don’t know. Don’t care. I’m just following his orders.”

They said, “Oh well, let’s go.”

They ran back to the throne room and then Lucius looked at them and Tertius appeared as well and asked, “What’s going on sir?”

Lucius answered, “The 6 ships that were sent to Tenebit have been destroyed completely. No one knows if Marcus is still alive or not. I’m sending just you six out there to get him back. You can’t take the same route they took. You’ll have to take the long way around. The Rune Empire is back. And the reason I didn’t ask for the others to come is because I need them in case the Rune Empire decides to attack us.”

Tertius said, “You seem to saying that these 5 are weak sir.”

Lucius smiled and said, “If that’s the case, then perfect. I don’t care if you are strong or weak. Just retrieve Marcus’ remains and bring him back at any cost.”

They looked at each other and Virginia looked at Tertius and asked, “Are you looking forward to this mission, Tertius?”

Tertius answered, “Nope. But it’s my duty to protect him. Why didn’t you send me with him?”

Lucius answered, “Because I wanted you here. I didn’t want you to disturb them.”

Tertius said, “I see. That makes sense.”

Lucius said, “No one else, just you 6 will head there. Take the long way.”

Commander 99 said, “Before we go sir, what if we can’t find his body?”

He heard that and answered, “I don’t want you to let up. Keep searching. If the Tenebit soldiers appear searching for him as well, help them out. Tenebit is on our side.”

They said, “Yessir.”

They all ran toward the ship and the pilot asked, “Where to?”

Tertius answered, “To Tenebit. But take the long way.”

The pilot said, “Sure thing.”

The pilot took off and said, “You seem to be in a hurry.”

Tertius said, “Well, we are in a hurry.”

Commander 97 said, “So we’re going to find the Prince and bring him back.”

Commander 98 said, “That’s what it sounds like.”

Commander 100 said, “Well then. We shouldn’t have anything to fear except for the wild animals.”

Tertius said, “Yep. The Tenebit’s are on our side.”

Commander 96 said, “If we find him and he’s dead, what are we going to do?”

Tertius answered, “Well then, we’ll just have to bring his dead corpse to his majesty.”

Commander 99 said, “This sucks. We were just trying to complete that bridge. And now we can’t.”

Tertius said, “We weren’t the ones building the bridge.”

Commander 99 said, “We aren’t.”

Tertius answered, “Nope. Tenebit is building the bridge. We’re just waiting.”

They said, “I see. You know more than us.”

Tertius said, “That’s because his highness trusts me. And trust is important.”

3: The Search For Marcus Begins
The Search For Marcus Begins

Tertius looked at them and said, “The name is Tertius. I’m his highnesses bodyguard.”

Commander 96 said, “I’m Nonus, Commander 96 in the Army.”

Commander 97 said, “I’m Varia Acacia, Commander 97 in the Army.”

Commander 98 said, “I’m Lars Neneus, Commander 98 in the Army.”

Commander 99 said, “I’m Petronia Flavilla, Commander 99 in the Army.”

Commander 100 said, “I’m Camilla Geta, Commander 100 in the Army.”

Tertius smiled and said, “Well, the 6 of us have the most important job in the world. A search and rescue mission.”

Camilla said, “Yep, the Prince is waiting for us somewhere.”

Petronia said, “We should be at the crash site in about 3 hours.”

The pilot said, “About 4 hours because you said to take the long way.”

Tertius said, “Thank you.”

The pilot said, “No problem.”

While they flew toward the crash site, the soldiers of Tenebit appeared by the crash site and said, “Put the fire out.”

The water users and appeared and blew water out of their mouths and they put the fire out and then they entered the ship and saw all of the corpses and then Paul said, “Check all of the corpses for dog tags. If Marcus Dexeus Maximus is on one of them, then we know that he died in the crash. If not, he’s out there with no one protecting him.”

Everyone started searching through there dog tags and then they got to the final one in the cockpit and Paul asked, “How’d it go?”

The soldier in the cockpit said, “Nope, he’s not here sir.”

Paul heard that and took his radio out and said, “Your majesty, would you like the good news, or the bad news first?”

Numerius answered, “The good news.”

Paul said, “We believe that his highness survived the crash. He’s nowhere to be found near the crash site.”

Numerius said, “You hear that, Sornatia. He might be alive after all.”

Sornatia started cheering and then Numerius asked, “Now what’s the bad news?”

Paul answered, “He’s all alone. All of the soldiers are dead and he left his weapon here.”

Numerius heard that and said, “He’s in the woods all by himself. He’s badly injured and if the monsters find him, they’ll eat him up immediately.”

Paul said, “We got it.”

A soldier yelled, “I found a trail of blood. A lot of it too.”

Everyone heard that and Paul ran toward the soldier and the soldier pointed toward the ground and said, “Interesting. I’m impressed. He survived the crash and is now walking on foot. Let’s follow the trail of blood and see how far it goes.”

Everyone started to follow the trail of blood and then 20 minutes later, appeared in front of a shack and then the man walked out of it and saw the royal guards and said, “You must be looking for the man that was inside of the ship.”

Paul asked, “How do you know that?”

The man answered, “You are the royal family. If it wasn’t such a big deal, why would the King send you, his head guard, to check out the crash site.”

A soldier asked, “Is he still here?”

The man answered, “No, he said that there was a place where he needed to be. So I patched him up to the best of my ability. If you want to locate him, he couldn’t have gotten that far. He just left a minute ago. Toward Tami Cave.”

Everyone heard that and grinned and asked, “Was he walking or running?”

The man answered, “Walking. You should catch up with him in no time.”

Paul said, “Let’s go.”

While they were running toward Marcus’ location, the ship appeared by the landing docks near the castle and Numerius saw the ship and the guards aimed their guns at them and then Numerius walked outside and the pilot opened the hatch and Tertius looked outside and saw them and Numerius asked, “Who are you?”

Tertius answered, “I’m Tertius, Marcus’ bodyguard. These are Commanders 96 to 100. We’re here to bring Marcus home. Even if he’s dead.”

Numerius smiled and said, “Well, I didn’t have the chance to inform the King of Dexeus yet, but he’s alive and well.”

Everyone heard that and said, “That’s a relief. Is he with you?”

Numerius answered, “Nope. My men are looking for him right now. They are on his trail right now. He’s lost a lot of blood. He won’t be able to withstand another flight for a very long time.”

Camilla said, “Tertius, we have to follow orders.”

Tertius said, “We’ll follow them. But as soon as he’s fully healed.”

Numerius said, “Come on in. You must be starving.”

They said, “Yep. We’re starving.”

Numerius smiled and said, “That’s good. Food should be ready in about 5 minutes.”

Sornatia said, “Father. The tv.”

Numerius heard that and everyone ran to the tv and saw the face of the man that shot down Marcus’ ship and Decius said, “King Numerius.”

Numerius said, “What do you want?”

Decius answered, “Later tonight, I have a show for everyone in the world to watch. Including you. I guarantee that you’ll like it.”

Numerius asked, “What are you talking about? Isn’t killing the Prince of Dexeus enough?”

Decius laughed and answered, “No. Not until I take my territory back.”

Numerius heard that and said, “That’s right 700 years ago, the Dexeus Family defeated you for your land. Then you guys vanished off of the grid. So this is what you’ve been planning. A way to get revenge.”

Decius said, “You’re right Numerius. I’ll give you a warning, if you help Marcus in taking down my people. I’ll come after your territory next.”

Numerius heard that and Decius said, “And I’ll take your daughter away from you.”

Numerius grinned and Decius said, “See you later.”

Decius disappeared and then said, “Begin the operation.”

Everyone said, “Yessir.”

The ships started to move out toward the capitol, Liverpool.

4: The Destruction of the Dexeus Empire
The Destruction of the Dexeus Empire

Each television went on and the shows on each tv that was on were interrupted again and Decius said, “Everyone, do you remember me? Something bigger than before is about to go down. Please watch while we destroy Dexeus completely.”

Lucius heard that and the ships started shooting at the city and the citizens started screaming and Lucius yelled, “Where the hell did they come from?”

Virginia answered, “I don’t know, sir. They must have taken out the other countries before getting to us.”

Lucius hit the alarm and all of the soldiers geared up and the camera continued to move and Numerius said, “You can’t be serious.”

Tertius said, “They plan on demolishing the Dexeus Kingdom. And Marcus will be the only one capable of bringing the Dexeus Kingdom back.”

Varia said, “Tertius, now we seriously got a problem. We can’t go back home now.”

Tertius smiled and said, “It seems that we’ll be staying here for a while.”

Sornatia said, “Thank you lord. God is truly on my side today.”

Tertius asked, “Did you plan this?”

Sornatia answered, “Nope. I should keep my mouth shut.”

Numerius said, “They are killing innocent civilians. I don’t believe this guy. And he calls himself a King.”

Decius said, “Wrong, I’m a Marshall, Numerius. There’s a difference. Plus, Marcus is the only man that could save this country. You can hear me, right Lucius.”

Lucius grinned and Virginia said, “Follow me sir.”

Lucius did and then they ran to the secret technology room which closed as soon as they entered it and the explosions started to get closer to the castle and Lucius asked, “What is this place?”

Virginia answered, “It’s a secret passage way that Marcus and I created because he had a nightmare of the destruction of the capital. He was right.”

Lucius asked, “How do you know about this and I didn’t?”

Virginia answered, “He was scared of you. So he went to me for help.”

Lucius heard that and Virginia smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here alive. That was the purpose of this tunnel. There’s a ship close by. We’re going to sail our way out of here.”

Lucius said, “You and Marcus made that ship.”

Virginia said, “I’m afraid so. It’s more like a submarine though.”

Lucius said, “I see.”

While they were running toward the submarine, Decius said, “Lucius, where are you?”

The body double appeared and said, “You are destroying my country. What makes you think that killing my son will solve anything?”

Decius heard that and said, “You are smarter than I thought, Decius. You really do care about your son that blew up to smithereens.”

Lucius said, “He fought for his country. We all watched the video. He started shooting at you before he died.”

Decius smiled and said, “You really are superb. But this is a fitting end for you, right Lucius.”

Lucius took his weapons out and then an invisible person appeared behind him and then Lucius yelled, “Attack the airships now.”

Everyone started shooting at them and then Decius sighed and then missiles flew out toward them and blew up each military base like they were nothing and Decius asked, “Is that all that your men are capable of?”

Lucius grinned and whistled and then the invisible person heard that and swung at him, but Lucius blocked the attack and the invisible person saw that and Decius said, “It’s begun.”

The giant appeared and started attacking the ships and Decius turned his ship around and took out a cannon that was strong enough to shatter him to pieces and then the giant roared and Lucius yelled, “Kill him.”

The giant swung at the ship with Decius on it, but then the cannon went off and the cannonball hit him and the giant started to fall back and then continued to shoot at him and Lucius said, “You gotta be kidding me. He defeated the giant.”

The real Lucius heard that and grinned and Virginia asked, “What’s wrong, sir?”

Lucius answered, “The body double just told me that the giant was defeated. Son of a bitch. Now we really have to get the hell out of here.”

The fake Lucius smiled and whispered, “Go. I’ll die for you. To make it look like you are actually dead.”

Virginia said, “Thank you.”

The fake Lucius took the ear piece out of his ear and crushed it and smashing everything into pieces and then he went to attack the person from behind him and Decius turned the ship around and the foot soldiers were waiting for them to appear on land and then Decius smiled and said, “Let’s begin the assault.”

The foot soldiers started jumping off of the ships and the soldiers saw that and the body double saw that and then the invisible person continued to attack him, but he continued to block the attacks with invisible swords and the invisible person grinned and then a dragon appeared and roared and Decius smiled and Lucius asked, “What the hell is this?”

Virginia heard that and said, “We need to get the hell out of here. A dragon is about to blow this place up and bury us underneath.”

The soldiers looked at them and said, “His nightmare came true.”

Virginia said, “Get us the hell out of here.”

The soldiers said, “Sure thing. Hurry up inside of the submarine now. We can feel the explosions from here. We don’t have much time. We’re about to get caved in.”

The invisible person disappeared and appeared next to Decius and Decius said, “Nice work Georgia.”

Georgia Lupin said, “Thank you, sir.”

Decius said, “Let the dragon do the rest of the work.”

The fire dragon started sending fireballs down toward the castle and Lucius grinned and swung at the fireballs and chopped them all in half and everyone watched this on the tv and Sornatia said, “This guy has an insane army.”

Tertius said, “There is no surviving this.”

Camilla said, “I believe you there.”

Nonus said, “And his highness is the only one that can stop them.”

Varia said, “That’s bloody insane.”

Lars said, “I don’t believe it man.”

Petronia said, “Well, we better start believing it because right now, he’s our only hope if he’s still alive.”

Numerius said, “Well, my men think that he’s alive. They are following him now.”

The fire dragon’s fireballs are starting to make the castle collapse and Lucius saw that and the submarine went under the water and started to sail away. Virginia looked at him and asked, “Are you ok sir?”

The soldiers grabbed the radio and Virginia said, “Put the radio down.”

The soldiers heard that and said, “But....” Virginia said, “It’ll attract unwanted attention.”

They soldiers heard that and said, “You are right. We’re sorry. We weren’t thinking.”

Lucius said, “Smart thinking Virginia.”

Virginia said, “It’s nothing sir. We need to hurry on out of here.”

The soldiers said, “We got this.”

The tunnel started to cave in and then the body double felt that the ground was falling and said, “You gotta be kidding me.”

Decius said, “Good job, Lusarth.”

Lusarth roared and then blew once more and then the fireball tore the rest of the castle apart and then Lucius screamed and the submarine disappeared and sailed away from Liverpool to another Kingdom that was destroyed 70 years ago and is now inhabited by bandits. Numerius saw that and Decius started laughing and said, “This world is mine. You just witnessed the power of the Rune Empire. If you still defy us, come get some.”

The tv’s went off and Numerius said, “You can’t be serious. He’s challenging every nation in this damn world.”

Sornatia said, “He killed King Lucius.”

Tertius grinned and Numerius grabbed the radio and asked, “Have you found Marcus, yet?”

Paul answered, “Nope. Anything happen.”

Numerius answered, “The King of Dexeus is dead.”

Paul grinned and then Marcus looked up a dragon appeared in front of him and roared and Marcus said, “The body double was killed, huh. So they escaped. Thank you for the info, Lusarth. Keep me posted.”

Lusarth roared and then flew off and Marcus said, “Please tell me where my father ends up.”

Lusarth roared and Marcus said, “Thank you.”

Paul saw the dragon and said, “Marcus can’t be that far.”

They continued chasing after him.