

Man: Year 205; people, the villagers, gathered to this lone stagnant acacia tree. Its considered companions are the nearby wide lake, marsh, with tall grasses.

Woman: Hon--,  you said lone, and followed by its companions. Do you mean the tree?

Man: Nooope. the peeeople?

Woman: Eh?

Man: They hanged the witches, fugitives of injustice.

Woman: Hey, witches isn't true.

Man: What about you?

Woman: I'm not a witch!

Man: I love it, if you're one. It's quite attractive and tempting, as long as you're seducing only me.

Woman: (Blushes) Eh.

Man: (Laugh) People of the past, are scared with no basis.


2: Ch0072


Man: Year from 500 until 1101; On this tree, it became the center of raping, serial killing, and massacres.

Woman: Aw...

Man: You're not a dog.

Woman: It's bark!

Man: In English, yes. In our Language, aw. Aw! aw aw! Bark! bark bark! C'mon doggy.

Woman: Shit you...





3: Ch0073


Man: Year from 1122 to 1835, this tree became the legend of all kind of lores.


Red lady, white lady, and black lady are wandering around here at night. Their eyes are terrifying. Having and eye contact with them will freeze your body. And they will bring down your soul to grave.


Woman: Hey, I'm wearing white. (Laugh)


Man: You can't scare me.


Woman: Really?


Man: You are the most beauuutiful woman on this world, for me.


Woman: Tch, flattery will bring you no where.


Man: Headless priests are wandering here also at night. The most terrifying is the ball of fire Santilmo. It will chase you until to the end of the world.


Woman: (Gulp)



4: Ch0074


Man: Year from 1790 to 1892, this place became the famous for suicide. A lot of people hanged their selves, to escape life. Nooo, to escape problems.


Woman: (Gulp)


Man: One day, a young man came here, just to past time, despite of the legend. He heard a humming cry from a female, probably the same age at him. His curiosity commanded him to scan and he found a young woman who was tying the rope, a preparation for suicide.


The young man's perspective to life commanded himself to jump and grab that woman. You lady, if you want to suicide, then let me have a taste of your body. It such a waste, a beautiful like you wasting your life, when I'm just drooling to have one like you, he said.


Woman: (smiling) And the young woman replied, I hate people like you. You just love to abuse women. We are not tools. We have rights also.


Man: 'cause that young man had seen the rashes on her skin, Hey, if you're going to say goodbye to your life, then why not come with me and be mine. I'll bring you back to my hometown far from this place. You can do whatever you like, your dreams, with your own known freedom.


Woman: (Laugh) You're just a brat like me.


Man: (Smile) I may be a brat, but, we live in different kind of world, and I want you to experience what kind of life I have. And I promise you'll enjoy it.


Woman: She had been confused by that time, take care with me, she replied and cried. 


I'd really hate you that time, you really did brainwash me. But, somehow, I'd felt, I could like you.


Man: Well, you did live of what kind of life you wish for.


Woman: Tch. But by the time, I gain more knowledge. I'm speechless—how much you try hard to pursue me with your words—so that you can have me once more. (Smiling) You even kneeled.


Man: If I didn't; then, I'm just an empty shell...


Woman: Geez, by this tree, the center of attraction of this big mall—I'm happy to see our children's smile. It's really funny to see what was known terrifying became, the center of attraction.


The End