The Prince

Laughter rang through the night forest. Nocturnal animals stopped to watch curiously as two faeries raced toward the glowing castle in the distance. “Hurry Brian” Prince Alexander, shouted to his cousin who was trailing him slightly. “We’re going to be late for the Ball.” He flashed a grin showing milky white teeth. The other faerie, Brian, sighed heavily “Whose fault will that be?” he asked with a long suffering look.

“I just wanted to watch the sunset.” Alex pouted, “How was I to know there was going to be an owl there?” one of Alex’s favorite things, was rising early enough to see the sunset. It made him feel alive to watch him beginning of a new night. Tonight however there had been an owl near his favorite spot, and the owl had thought that two faeries looked like a tasty snack. Barely escaping the sharp talons, Alex, and Brian had hidden in the hollow of a tree until the owl had given up, and decided to look for his dinner elsewhere. Looking at his dirty and torn clothes, Alex knew he was going to be in trouble.

“Yes, well maybe you shouldn’t go watch the sunset when you know you have an engagement later in the night.” Brian scolded mildly.

 Just as the moon rose directly above the Night Woods, the two faeries arrived at the entrance to the castle. Built on a tree stump in the exact middle of the night forest the Castle of the Night Faeries glowed with a soft purple light.  Servants rushed out of the castle, and swarmed around the prince. Ushering him to his bedroom, they quickly assisted him in cleaning up and changing clothes.

As soon as he was ready he headed to the ballroom, stopping just outside the heavy oak doors. Straightening his jacket Alex nodded to the two guards who opened the doors and allowed him to walk through. He heard his name being announced in the background “His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of the Night Forest Kingdom.” Every eye in the crowded ballroom turned toward him. He knew he looked handsome his pale skin contrasting against his black tuxedo, with his large violet wings fluttering behind him, but he also knew that wasn’t why most of them were staring. He was an hour late to his own Birthday Ball. Fluttering down the staircase and across the ballroom, he landed in front of the twin thrones at the front of the room, where he bowed before his father and stepmother. “Your Majesties.”

“Prince Alexander.” His stepmother murmured back, her voice held the hint of a promise of a later talk. “So nice of you to finally join us.”

“My apologies majesties, I had a bit of an incident with an owl.”

“I see, well I am glad you seem to have no lasting effects from your little adventure.”  The queen smiled tightly.

 “Happy Birthday, Son” said his father.

With that Alex turned to enjoy the ball. Many of the noble mothers had brought their eligible daughters, and he spent the entire night dancing through the air with one faerie maiden after another. Careful not to pay too much attention to any one maiden.

Finally, well after sunrise, the faeries slowly left and one by one headed home. Exhausted form his long night Prince Alex slipped away to his bedroom, and allowed himself to fall into his grand feather bed clothes and all. He fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

~                     ~                     ~                          ~                          ~

Just after sunset Alex awakened to a knock on the door, and an urgent voice. “Alex, it’s Brian, your parents wish to see you in the throne room.” Groaning Alex rolled out of bed, and quickly dressed in a fresh tunic and breeches.  Hurrying to the throne room he approached parents and bowed. “Majesties, you summoned?”

His stepmother was the first to speak. “Yes, we were planning to speak to you last night, but you left before we had a chance.” Her tone held a slight rebuke. “Your behavior last night was unacceptable, and it’s not just last night, this kind of thing is becoming a habit. This is the third time this moon cycle that you have been late.” Prince Alexander winced, he truly wasn’t trying to avoid his responsibilities, but he loved watching the sunset, and the best view was from the tall tree at the edge of the Night forest. So if anything went wrong, such as being cornered by an owl, he ended up being late. “I apologize your majesty, I will do better in the future.”

“Yes, you will.” The Queen snapped. “However you have said that the last two times, so in order to ensure that this time you keep your word, your father and I have decided you are to be punished. You are forbidden from leaving the castle for the next two moon cycles.” Alexander stiffened, but kept silent. “Now, your father and I have an announcement that affects you, we were going to announce it last night, but we felt you should hear it directly first.” Alexander looked to his father expectantly. For the first time that morning the King spoke. “My beautiful queen Cordelia is with child.” Alex’s mind whirled with the implications.

“So if it’s a boy…” he whispered.

“Then he will be the legitimate heir to the Night Forest Kingdom.” The King finished. “As you well know your mother was merely a village woman, when the Queen has a son, that child will have the more legitimate right to the throne.” Alex felt as though his world was tipping on its axis.

“I understand. When will you make the announcement?”

“In a fortnight, at the Lunar Ball.”

“When is the child due to be born?”

“In about two more seasons.” Answered the Queen. “I am already one season into the pregnancy. I wanted to be sure before we said anything.” Finally Alexander looked directly at his father and asked the main question burning in his mind.

“If it is a male, what will happen to me?”

The King cleared his throat. “That will depend on you Alexander. If you will behave, and not cause trouble, I am sure I can find a Lordship for you somewhere.” He answered weakly. The Queen frowned but kept silent.

“I see, I will not cause trouble. Please excuse me your majesties.” They nodded their permission, and Alexander fled quickly to his room.








