A Little Odd....


"Arghh, school is so boring!" I sighed as I walked to my next period. I was carrying my heavy load of books and pencil case, trying not to crash into everyone as we walked between each class. My long black pony tail swished behind my head as I side stepped to avoid hitting some girl.

"Mmm, I wish we could play more games or draw all day in high school," dreamed my best friend Persephone. She was always off in the clouds. We came to a halt at our class.

I gave a quick nod in reply before Mr Natu, our teacher, asked us to come inside for English.

"I hope everyone has their orals ready?" smirked Mr Natu, his eyes crinkling with joy. He straightened his tie and opened the door, letting us into the room.

"Yes Mr Natu," the class replied grumpily. We spread out in the room and sat down at our designated seats. The desks were spread apart in rows and the chairs neatly placed behind them. We sat down and everyone gathered their paperwork.


Mr Natu asked for volunteers and Jessie, the “genius” in the class, went first. She had a very scientific presentation on recycling. The whole class groaned in boredom as she shrieked on about how everyone in this class is a litter bug. Her blonde hair bobbed up and down as she over exaggerated her head and hand movements.  After her lecture was over, Mr Natu asked for more volunteers. No one raised their hands so Mr Natu chose a random student.


"Darcy, would you please come up"


"Yes Sir," I mumbled back as I gathered my notes. I really wish I didn’t have to do it. Orals are annoying.


After my presentation, people congratulated me and said that it was quite interesting. I sat back down at my desk and watched the rest of the class perform theirs. A few more other pupils did theirs but nothing interesting, just stuff about books, importance of trees and how to look good, you know, boring stuff. After a long lesson, the bell finally rang and the students started to file out of their classes like ants.


"Hey! Darce, wait up!!" Persephone called, running to keep up with me. She was wearing her gray school skirt and couldn't keep up with me in my skorts. I didn't like skirts, skorts are more comfortable and give more movement.

"Oh, sorry Percy, I was just wondering about what I'll do tomorrow when I am finally SIXTEEN!!" I exclaimed. Yep, tomorrow is my birthday and I am super pumped!

"Ohh yeah!! I'm gonna throw you the best birthday party on Sunday, too bad your Dad says you can't have it on Saturday," replied Persephone as we walked to Humanities. It was almost as if she had already planned out everything!

"Mm oh well, I think dad will let me if-" and I was interrupted.


"Girls!! Hello, my two most awesome, trusted, lovely students!!" smiled Mrs Rain. She was beaming like she'd just been given a free puppy.

"Ooh. Mrs Rain, how has your day been?" I asked, annoyed as I'd been cut off. If I was in a cartoon, I would have a dark cloud and lightning bolt on top of my head. I don't like being interrupted.

"Very well thanks. I just need you girls to come with me, you're not in trouble but we need to test something out and you are the two perfect students to try it!" explained Mrs Rain. She smiled politely and gestured for us to follow her. Percy and I exchanged looks and felt uneasy. We decided to go with it anyway. Anything to get out of boring history.


"Uhh, okay?" replied Persephone. I had a bad feeling about this. It made my stomach churn with anxiousness.

"Just head this way..." guided Mrs Rain, pointing to the library. What could possibly be in the library?

"But what about class?" I asked, I didn't want to get detention for skipping class. My stress levels were rising enough.

"Ohh, it's all sorted, your teacher knows," Mrs Rain quickly responded. She briskly strutted to the library and swung on open the glass door for us. She looked around her and quickly ushered us inside.


Hmm weird, Mrs Rain is acting odd, all flustered and always checking her watch. I wonder what this really is... I hope it doesn't keep me after school, I've got art club to go to.


As we walked into the library, we saw people in white coats waiting outside two of the study rooms. The people looked strange. I couldn’t tell whether they were male or female. They each had a clipboard and they made my skin crawl. They stood in a perfect pose, almost like robots. There facial expressions were unreadable and they almost had no uniqueness to their faces, even their eyes looked dull and lifeless.


“Here we go! Now girls, this is a little experiment! Don’t worry you’ll be safe with our trusted assistants! Please each go into one of the rooms.” smiled Mrs Rain. Her smile looked so fake that Barbie would be jealous.


What! No, I have no idea what is happening! I don’t want to leave Persephone. Dammit Mrs Rain. Please just tell me what's going on! A little experiment… What are we? Guinea pigs now!? I'm really scared.


As the people in the white coats gently took each of us by the hand. Persephone and I exchanged worried looks and I mouthed ‘we will be ok’. We were guided to seperate rooms and gestured to sit on the chairs.


“Please lay down and close your eyes. We are going to run some tests which includes flexibility, growth and knowledge. I am going to put you through an X-ray and then one of my assistants is going to move your arms and legs to test your muscles. Please speak if any of this is uncomfortable,” explained a soft, almost non-human voice. It had no particular friendliness in it, almost monotone. I glanced around the room. I could see sharp tools and various machines. It looked like the lab Frankenstein was built in.

“Umm… okay, but what is actually happening?” I whimpered. I gently closed my eyes. I badly wanted to open them again but I was afraid of what I would see. I felt my hands start to shake. What was wrong with me?


“Please be patient we will explain later. Don’t worry you will be thankful later,” replied the same voice.

I felt my seat start to move and prayed nothing would happen. I laid there for what felt like hours and didn’t dare open my eyes. The machine seemed to scan me, I could feel a light moving up and down my body. Every now and then, it would click and beep in satisfaction. There was some mumbling in the background but I couldn’t make out anything the people were saying.


I wonder how Percy is going. I hope she is going through the same thing. What could this all be about? I had all my vaccinations. Had anyone else in class be pulled out? I remember last year about 13 people had to go to the library one week. Is this random? Maybe there is a connection. If only I knew what was going on! And what does Mrs Rain have to do with this all?


Then, I fell asleep to the sound of silence.


2: What?


A hand was pushing on my shoulder as I woke up.

“Thank you Miss Darcy O’Reynald. Your tests are complete,” whispered the emotionless voice. I rubbed my eyes, feeling a little sleepy. I sat up and immediately remembered what just happened.

“Oh. Wait, are you going to tell me what all of this was for!? I need to know!” I demanded. I was panicking. I glanced down at my body and patted it, making sure I still had all my bodyparts.

“Mrs Rain shall explain. School has almost ended, you need to go now Darcy,” commanded the voice.

“What about Percy?” I asked. I hope nothing has happened to Persephone. This whole thing is totally bizarre.

“Miss Persephone Gray will meet you outside these doors in just a moment,” assured the voice. I jumped off the chair and hastily exited the room, the room still gave me the creeps.

As I stumbled out of there, looking a little dazed, Mrs Rain called me over.

“Darcy! There you are sweetie, how are you?”  she beamed. How could she grin like that? I needed answers now!

“What just happened? Mrs Rain you need to explain NOW!” I hissed. I was completely upset at the fact she had pushed us into this and we didn't even know what was happening. I am glad Percy is back by my side, but nevertheless, we deserved an explanation.

“Yes you do! What was that? I am going to tell my parents and get this school sued!” screamed Persephone. She was just as angry as I was, and when we were both mad, it was about to get pretty ugly.

“No need for that Percy, your parents know about this and I can assure you you will understand soon. We will talk tomorrow. You girls better go gather your bags and get going. I suggest you rest up, those tests can be a little energy draining,” she said calmly and swung open the door. She herded Persephone and I with both of her arms and shoved us out the door. “See you tomorrow!” And she closed the door behind us. Wait. No way. She did not just brush us off! I am going to find out what that was, we need answers!


Percy and I walked back to our lockers, confused.

“What did they do to you? I just had some X-Rays. What on earth is going on?” I stressed. They better not have done anything to hurt Percy.

“They just put me through some X-rays and chatted to me about my health. Nothing overly weird. Well actually, the whole thing is totally bizarre but I have no idea what is going to happen next,” sighed Persephone. I think it's totally unfair that we had no clue what was going on. It like they blindfolded us and shoved us into a jumpy castle.

“Well now I am scared for tomorrow instead for excited. Way to ruin someone's birthday!” I groaned. I wonder what Dad has to say about this? Surely he will have some answers.


As we walked to get our bags, a message on the speakers blared,

“Darcy O’Reynald is to go straight home due to family emergency”


What! Oh no, what happened! I hope Bangers, my dog, is okay! What if Dad was hurt! No. I better go. I said goodbye to Persephone and promised to ring her in the morning. I hurried off toward the front gate. I passed the Office when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Elliot! He is like a brother to me but we aren’t in any of the same classes. He lives next door to me. He greeted me with a smile.


“Hey Darce! Have a good birthday! Then we will finally both be 16!” smiled Elliot. He ran his hand through his quiff. I wonder if he knew about those tests. I will tell him when I get the chance. Right now I need to go home and check on Dad.

“Thanks Elliot, sorry I have to go home, apparently there is a family emergency I need to check out!! I'll text you tomorrow!!” I quickly replied as I walked towards the gates.

My house is only 10 minutes away from school so I jogged there. As I was running, I felt a weird sensation. I actually felt a little energised and felt powerful when I was running. I felt like a wild cat! But that feeling all ended when I got home. Just as I opened the door, I felt sick in the stomach. I really hoped that nothing bad has happened.


I opened the door to see my dad watching the football.


“Dad! Are you okay? Is Bangers okay? What's happened?” I stressed.

“Umm I don’t know what you are talking about! All is as usual here sweetheart,” replied my puzzled Dad.

“Okay…. there has been some odd things going on at school lately. First, I had to go through some tests and wasn't told what they were about, then they told me there was a family emergency and I needed to go home straight away! Maybe the teachers are having a problem with something or other. You don't happen to know about any of this do you Dad?” I asked. I was really angry at the fact they had lied to me and made me worry over something that wasn't even real. Dad replied, “No sweetie, I was told absolutely nothing and we are fine aren't we Bangers?”


He cooed to my dog and gave him a pat on the head. My sausage dog sat on the couch, sleeping on the pillows. I decided I needed to change out of my horrible uniform into something comfy.


I jumped onto my bed, kicked off my shoes and got out of my button up shirt and skort and put on some jeans and a Beyonce t-shirt. Elliot had stayed behind school for guitar, so I had nothing to do. Then I texted Percy to let her know everything was okay. She just replied and said she was shopping for shoes if I wanted to join her. But if you knew Persephone, she wouldn’t just buy shoes, you would be there till the next week if she had to buy ONE pair. Instead she buys all 6 that she likes! As I layed on my bed listening to music, I noticed something on my wrist. It looked like a moon with a panther, almost like a tattoo.


Maybe Persephone drew that on me without me knowing! Damn, it looks pretty nice actually. I tried to scrub it off but it didn’t fade one bit. It looked cool anyway and I could hide it at school with my watch. I tried to google it but it only came up with people’s tattoos and none of them were the same as mine.


I was still puzzled over the tests we had done and tried to google them on my laptop but nothing ever came up. I know last year, people were called out of class a few times but I can’t make a connection from them to me. There was this one girl, Jane. She has brown hair, is short and chubby, she is girly and isn’t very smart. I've seen her called out of class. She came back confused and then the next day, she left the school. I don’t know what is going on there. I guess we are both 16 which could be a similarity between the tests but so is just about everyone in our grade.


As I looked over at my bedside table, my eyes locked on a photo of my mum. I don’t remember much of her - she died giving birth to me. I can see that she was beautiful and I know how I got my long black hair but I still miss her. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be better with a mum. Dad was awesome to me though, I could always rely on him.


I finished up my Maths homework and decided to watch some TV with my dad. Million Dollar Minute is boring but my Dad watches it to see if he could win a million dollars. I don’t think that will ever happen! By the time it was finished, it was 10:30. Time for bed! I can’t wait for tomorrow! For my birthday day, I had asked Dad for some new books and a new skateboard. I was a little too excited and it took me a while to get to sleep.


3: On the moon?
On the moon?


What, where am I? This must be a dream, this is not my bedroom. I woke up - or I thought I did - and saw a white land with craters. The strange thing was, it had lots of buildings and animals and people walking around. To be honest, it looked like the moon turned into a city. Where am I? It was pretty busy. All the animals and people talked and moved in harmony.


I had to take a minute to take it all in. It was beautiful! The animals looked so tame and the humans talked to them as if they could talk back! What a nice dream! It was pretty organised here. It looked like everyone had a place where they belonged. It was almost to good to be true!


I was investigating by walking around the streets. It was so beautiful here! Except I kept bumping into beavers, lions and horses. I was gazing in awe at their city hall when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around, surprised because surely Elliot wouldn’t be in my dream. I spun around to meet a cute looking guy. He was maybe eight inches taller than me. He looked like his age was around 16 or 17.


“Hi! I am Sam from the Wolf Clan. You look new. Have you been to Orientation?” smiled the guy. I noticed he had black hair and blue eyes.

“Umm well I am not sure what that is or what this is. It’s just a dream so it is all made up right? I am Darcy by the way,” I replied to this.. Sam.

“Well.. I hate to break it to you but this is definitely NOT a dream. You and I are as real as ever! Damn..nice tattoo! Haven’t seen that one before! Let’s get you to Orientation. Unless you wanna skip it and have a tour with me. I am much more interesting than Beatrice, but don’t tell her I said that!” laughed Sam.

“I think I better go to Orientation. I need to clear some things first. I am still confused as to how this is real,” I replied shakily.

“Right this way Darcy! If you need someone to hang with after orientation, I am sure you will find me” Sam winked, while showing me to a room. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. He wasn't as cocky as other guys I knew and he generally wanted to help me. I looked down at myself and noticed I was in my black jeans, red and black striped shirt, black converse and hoodie. Not very flattering but still comfy. I really wished I had brought my leather jacket though. I can't believe this is real. I stood in awe, wondering how on Earth I even got here!


Sam waved a hand in front of me, snapping me back to reality. I grunted sorry and he showed me to a room. I opened the door and cautiously took a step inside. A bunch of other kids around about my age, were all seated in comfy seats.

“Welcome Darcy. Nice to meet you, please take a seat so we can start the speech!” commanded a lady on the stage, I assumed that this woman was Beatrice. How did she know my name? She hasn't even met me. That's a little creepy.

I nodded and sat down furthest away from anyone else. Wait. Today is my birthday. What is my Dad going to think when I am not there? This day is just getting weirder. Maybe this is a dream. Surely Percy wouldn't let someone take me on my birthday, hopefully it is just a figure of my imagination. Sam was pretty nice. He had a cute laugh and was quite polite to me. A little loud but overall quite charming.


I was beginning to wonder, how did I even get here? Did I magically teleport somewhere, is it underground, did someone drug me and kidnap me? Eek. Hopefully this lady had some answers. I'm feeling quite clueless at the moment. Yesterday was crazy with the tests and fake emergency call. Now I think I've woken up on the moon. Geez, I need to adjust my imagination levels.


The lady on the stage cleared her voice, snapping me back to reality. She was just getting ready as I looked around at the other kids. They had various tattoos. Most on their neck, others on their legs and some on their bicep. I seemed to be the only one with it inside my wrist.


A slide popped up on the screen. I better pay attention now. Only, the word on the slide read: ‘Clanage’. What on Earth - or should I say Moon - is that?




“Good Morning fellow Clanagers! Welcome to Clanage!” smiled the lady on the stage, “I am Beatrice, the leader of Clanage. There was a queen - quite some time ago - but she was sadly lost and we are awaiting her legacy. You must be very confused as to where you are and what is happening. I am going to try to explain but please leave your questions until after I am done.”


“The Clanage is a place for shapeshifting wizards like me and yourselves. You might think I'm crazy or this is a dream but I assure you, this is 100% serious here.You have probably not experienced anything that would make you think you are a clanager but everything happens on your 16th birthday. Today I understand you all turned 16. Yesterday at school, you should have had a test to see if you were positive to Clanage. You are positive so that why you are here today! I hope you weren't too confused yesterday but we cannot reveal ourselves to the public domain of humans” She informed.


“Our base here is actually on the moon. We are under a dome which provides oxygen and natural light so we can live and grow here. This is very high and advanced technology. We have even simulated habitats for all the animals to roam in. Now, you are all probably wondering what it means to be a shapeshifting wizard. Each of you should have a tattoo or are developing it. Each one means you are part of a different clan. For example, my tattoo is a feather which means I am part of the eagle clan. Tomorrow I will scan your tattoos, this will give them time to develop so we can get your exact clan.


As for the wizard part, each animal has it’s strengths so with our magic, it enhances your human side by making those strengths even stronger. We also use our magic to keep Earth running. Depending on which clan you are in, your level of magic varies. The lowest are rats, possums, ferrets and magpies. The next level are dogs, cats, beavers and raccoons. Next is horses, wolves, eagles and lions. The highest are only for royals, these are panthers, tigers, owls and bears.


We use our magic for good. Those who choose otherwise are banished from their magic and left on Earth to be savages. I am sure you have all seen rain. The black clouds are the evil clanagers. We call them twisters. When we banish their magic from them, it falls down to Earth and replenishes the environment. Also, we each have a human companion and when paired with them, our animal loyalty kicks in and we become their guard. We each learn to keep our human safe no matter what.


For the first few days, I will let you each explore and get to know some people but soon you will be in training and you will need to get to know your human. Hope to see you all around. If you have questions, please address me afterwards. Please take a pack - it includes money, water, your dorm room card, a map, some of your clothes and some contact numbers. Suitcases of your clothes and items will arrive in a few days. Thankyou, you may leave now.” smiled Beatrice.


Woah. That is a lot of information to take in. I'm finding this a little hard to believe. I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I was awake. I hope Dad knows I am okay. Damn I am missing out on my presents! I wonder what my clan is and who is my human? I better go find Sam. Maybe he will know some things I can do to explore. I can’t believe magic runs the world! I am still REALLY confused though. At least this explains the tests yesterday. No phone reception I am guessing, well duh we're on the moon… I wish I could ring Percy.


I walked out of the door and looked across the road. I could see a couple of shops. There was a bakery shop - somehow I can't see Sam being in there, a dress making shop - and definitely not there, but my eyes locked when I spotted a mechanic shop. Maybe he was into cars? I headed towards a shop called “Allen’s Mechanics”. I walked in to see a few wolves growling over meat and an old man under a car. The wolves stared threateningly at me as though I was prey. Then one big black wolf steps forward then suddenly there was no wolf! Instead there was a older guy standing there and he looked real angry.


4: Back at home...
Back at home...



I tried ringing Darcy but she didn’t answer. Maybe she got a new phone for her birthday! About time. She has an iPhone 5c and they have already brought out the new iPhone 6s. Hopefully she is at school. Elliot and I have planned a surprise party on Saturday - her dad agreed not to tell her. Those tests yesterday were weird. I hope it doesn’t mean anything.


I jumped into the car, eager to get to school. Our house was not too far away from school so we got there in a matter of 5 minutes. As we pulled up to school, I waved goodbye to my mum and headed to my locker. The old blue lockers were pretty banged up but they did the job. I turned the knob on my rusty lock and unlocked it.


I got out my books and headed to homeroom. I texted Darcy again, annoyed that she hasn't responded yet. The bell sung out and I headed to my first class, English. We did some boring stuff on grammar and punctuation. I didn’t see Darcy but sometimes she is late. Maybe she had the day off for her birthday? Then we had maths but we aren’t in the same class. I was beginning to worry, Darcy hardly ever gets the day off, not even for her birthday. I didn’t see her in the hallway so I headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I found Elliot and sat down next to him. All of a sudden, the loudspeakers turned on an a message was played:


“Persephone Gray, please come to the principal's office immediately.”


I started to panic. What is going on? Darcy isn’t here, those tests and now I am in trouble!


Elliot threw me a puzzled look and I shrugged my shoulders trying not to look afraid. I took one last bite of my pizza before walking down to the office. The red and black building was only 100m away from the cafeteria. I asked the receptionist for Mr Daniels and she gestured for me to let myself in. When I got Mr Daniels’ office, I opened the door to his office and said “Yes Mr Daniels?”

“Ahh Persephone, nice to see you. Please take a seat!” he grinned.

I stepped inside and saw my parents sitting down. Dread filled me like a flood of water. Oh no. What is going on. Did I do something wrong? I smoothed out the bottom of my skirt before sitting down on some plastic intervew chairs. I kneaded my fingers together in anxiousness.


“Now I am sorry to call you out but we have some important matters to discuss. I am sure your parents are aware, Persephone had to take some tests yesterday, as did Darcy. Now Persephone, this was to test if you were sick with a disease. We needed to know if you girls were because Darcy has gone on holidays today and we couldn’t let her go unless she was 100% healthy. She has left to go on a surprise birthday holiday with her dad and will not be back until December. I am sorry but there will be no way to contact her at this time but I am sure if she can, she will let you know. Please also let Elliot know.”


I nodded but I was to shocked to reply. My face looked pale and I felt sick. I fiddled with my blonde brown ombre hair, trying to take everything in. I walked out of the room feeling empty. Do you know what it feels like? Your friend just disappears and you have no way to contact them. And they may or may not come back in December? My mum quickly escorted me to the car and my dad drove us home. I was near the verge of tears. How could Darcy leave me!


Darcy! Why didn’t her dad tell me! WHY DID SHE LEAVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A SCHOOL YEAR!! How am I supposed to go without one of my best friends for 4 whole months? I miss her already. I might ring Elliot later, maybe we can watch a movie. I am devastated. I don’t believe what Mr Daniels said about the tests, it doesn't seem right to me. Why did her Dad say yes to the surprise party if he knew she was going on holidays? Now I have to tell everyone it was cancelled. Why Darcy, why?


I immediately went to bed and cried myself to sleep.


5: Tour de Wolfe
Tour de Wolfe


The guy growled, ”What do you want?”

“Umm. I’m Darcy, I am looking for a boy called Sam. I was wondering if you knew where I could find him?” I asked sweetly. I couldn’t believe my eyes! That guy just turn from a wolf to a human! Was that even possible?  I currently stood in the doorway of  a car garage full of tools and machines.

“Yeah. Sam is my brother, he should be out the back tinkering with his motorbike. SAAAAMMM!!! SOMEONE WANTS TO SEE YOU!!! Just head round there. Nice to meet you,” grunted the man. I didn’t even get his name. Oh well.


I spun on my heels and walked around the car and into the shop. I spotted a door saying “Staff Only”. I opened it and peered inside. I could see Sam’s football hoodie and black hair in the corner.

“Hey you! Whatcha doing?” I called out, Sam spun around to face me. He seemed a bit shocked to see me. He put down his tools and walked over towards me.

“Oh hey Darce! Nice to see you found me. How was orientation? I am just working on my bike. Do you ride?” he asked as he came over. Cool. This guy was impressing me more and more.

“Oh orientation was boring but I am quite amazed at how this all works. I do ride, I had a  Yamaha R1 at home.” I replied, while checking out his bike. It was pretty cool. Not a brand one but looked pretty sick.

“Woah! You are one of the few girls I have met that owns a good bike and all the other girls have pink ones… My bike is something I made myself. Made of all old bits and pieces put together,” he said with pride, “Do you want to go for a ride with me?”

“Sure, do you have a spare helmet? I would also love to get to know this area more”

“Yep here you go! I’ll do the whole tour for you!” he replied happily, chucking me a green helmet. This was so cool! I am amazed at all the people here. I had my drawstring bag - the pack from Beatrice. Sam put it in a compartment under the seat.

Something I never noticed before was Sam’s tooth necklace. It suited him. I am guessing it is a wolf tooth. Wolves always fascinated me. Maybe it was his ancestors or something.


Sam wheeled his bike out to the road. He slid on first and I followed, holding onto his waist as we sped off. A few people waved goodbye. My hair swished behind my back as Sam weaved in and out of roads. I felt a rush of joy, I felt on top of the world right now.

“First stop, wishing fountain!” Sam yelled over the top of the wind. I just nodded in return. It was so awesome here. Sam was pretty happy to be driving me around and I am glad I know someone here. He was going pretty fast so I hugged his waist. There are so many people - I mean clanagers - here! It is crazy busy!!


Sam slowed down and pulled up at this beautiful fountain. I could see all the coins at the bottom. I took off my helmet and jumped off. The air felt cool and fresh as I fixed up my hair.

“Woah! It is so pretty!,” I exclaimed, sitting on the edge of the fountain.

“Here’s a dollar, make a wish! But don’t use it on something stupid like ‘I want to ride a unicorn’” He joked, tossing me a coin. The coin felt warm in my hands.

“Like that’s ever gonna happen! I wish to be in a clan with loads of nice people,” I said as I tossed the coin into the fountain. It fell into the water and landed with a satisfying plop. “Your turn Sam!”

“My wish is that Darcy and I will be good friends - or more- and she will turn into an awesome chick to motorbike with,” Sam said, giving me a smile. He tossed his coin in too. When it landed, I heard all the coins jingle and ting. I wonder what ‘or more’ means.


We walked around, chatting about stuff when a boy approached us.

“Hey Sam! What’s up? And who is the new girl?” smiled a boy, jogging over.

“Hey James! This is Darcy. Darcy, James. She is new today. Don’t know which clan but she’ll find out tomorrow” Sam said as he introduced us. James had a cropped dirty blonde hair cut and his shirt was soaked with sweat.

“Nice to meet ya’. I am in the raccoon clan. Sam and I are buds. We came here about a year ago. Nice to meet you but, umm I have to go, need to finish this jog,” explained James. He spun on his heels and jogged off.

“Cool, well nice meeting you!” I called after him as he waved goodbye.


“Where to now Mr Wolf?” I smirked. Sam’s mouth tugged at a smile as he heard his new nickname. It suited him well I think!

“Hmm how about some lunch? I know a good burger place?” suggested Sam. He rubbed his chin in thought.

“Sure! As long as I can have a milkshake,” I replied. I always had a milkshake at lunch. It is just a habit that I have.

“Yes my lady, as you wish,” he joked with a British accent, gesturing to the motorbike.


He jumped on first and I slid on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I guess being a wolf made him warm and it was getting cold so I was glad to have some warmth. After all, I woke up with my hoodie and didn't have the chance to get anything else. I wished I had brought my leather jacket. I had checked out my drawstring bag before and they didn’t pack my jacket.


“Hey Sam, do you know where I could get a jacket? This hoodie isn’t doing much for me!” I stated. I hugged closer to Sam, trying to soak up his warmth.

“Sure, do you mind waiting until after lunch? You can borrow mine until then, it's under your seat. We can grab it when we stop,” he replied. He didn’t seem to mind me snuggling into him.

“Yeah that fine. I am starving.” I mumbled.

I guess my animal instincts hadn’t kicked in. If they had I am sure my body would self regulate it and keep me warm. I felt a shiver go down my spine as Sam started to slow down.


Sam stopped and parked in a lot. He got off first then gestured for me to slide forward. He lifted up the seat and put his jacket on top of me. I nodded in thanks and jumped off. I rubbed my arms and breathed on my hands in desperation to keep them warm. We walked inside the cafe. It was called “Pet Food”.

“Why the name Pet Food?” I questioned, observing the inside of the restaurant. There were a lot of tables and chairs and a set of speakers in the corner, playing some old country music.

“Well no one here needs pets and we all turn into animals so we come here to get our food most of the time. There is an area out the back where you can get fruit, veggie or meat if you are an animal. We each have certain marks so you can tell who is who and they just add it to our tab to pay for as a ‘human’. I guess it is kind of a joke. Everyone comes here,” Sam explained. We walked over to a small couple's table and sat down.


This place is so well thought through! It is like a real civilisation but on the moon with wizards and shapeshifters. Well when I put it that way it doesn’t sound normal at all! Gosh I love Sam’s smile. I am thankful he is showing me around. The Clanage is awesome! I miss my Dad, Elliot and Percy though. I wonder if they are missing me and if they were informed?


“Darcy?” asked Sam, snapping my thoughts back into reality.  I must’ve been day dreaming as I spotted some menus on the table.

“Hm? Oh sorry I was just thinking about my dad and friends. I was going to get the BLT and a caramel milkshake. You?” I replied, scanning my eyes down on the menu.

“I miss my family and friends back home too but you’ll see them soon enough,” Sam said with his eyes sparkling, “I was going to get a mango smoothie and the bacon and egg burger.”


After about half an hour of waiting, our food arrived and we gulped everything down. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was until now! My tummy felt nice and warm after being fed. I was ready for a nap!


“Did you want to grab a jacket and some new clothes now? You can use the money Beatrice gave you in your pack,” asked Sam. I replied with a yep, quickly sculling down my milkshake.


I dusted my pants, sweeping the crumbs off my jeans. I stood up and Sam guided me outside and round the corner. We stopped at a clothes store which seemed to have everything!

“I won’t take too long. I am sure you don’t want to be dragged around clothes shopping,” I apologised, already walking into the shop. I gazed around, gaping at all the clothes I could choose from. Obviously not the girly stuff though.

“That’s fine. I don’t have much else to do. Plus I need to get a new pair of shoes. My big brother chewed my motorbike boots while he was a wolf because he had a fight with me over the TV channel.” Sam laughed, staring off into the shoe section. I giggled at the thought.

“Okay well let's get to it!” I said, walking off into the direction of the jackets and hoodies.


I walked straight to the jacket section and saw the perfect black leather jacket. I picked up a size 10 and it fit perfectly. I had a feel of it, zipping it up and moving my arms up and down. It was warm and comfy inside. It was real leather too but it was flexible and not very expensive either.


Next on the list, pants. I needed a new pair because jeans weren’t comfy to run in so I found a pair of skinny black cargo pants. The first pair I tried on were too big so I grabbed a smaller size. They weren’t perfect but Beatrice said we would get some of our old clothes soon and I would be able to get my other pairs of pants. I hung them over my arm in satisfaction and continued browsing.


Then I headed towards to shoe section, where Sam was contemplating buying a red pair of boots or a green pair. I said green to match his helmets. I was looking at all the shoes when I spotted a black pair of combat boots. I tried on size 9 and they fitted like a charm. I walked around in them and they bend to the shape of my foot, they almost felt natural.


Now to my jewelery. I always wear an array of rings but I took mine off to sleep so I didn’t bring them with me to the moon. I liked my old rings but I wanted to pick some out that actually meant something to me. Not just because they were pretty. The ones I had at home were stone rings, a unicorn ring and some intricate patterned ones. I picked out the ones I wanted, tried them on and headed to the counter.


“That’s a lot of rings you have there!” observed Sam, his eyes gazed over what I had placed on the counter.

“Yeah it’s kind of my style. I left mine back on Earth so I wanted to get some new ones.” I smiled, my personality was a little weird but I loved my rings. I guess we all have funny quirks though.

“Panther and Dragon?” questioned Sam, studying all my rings intently.

“Yeah my two favourite animals!” I replied. Wolf was also my other favourite but I couldn't seem to find one.


“A sausage dog? Is that another favourite animal?” he laughed

“My dad & I have one called Bangers. He’s such a nice dog,” I replied. This ring had a silver sausage dog with its head next to it tail, formed into a perfect circle. The cash register beeped as everything was scanned through.

“Ahh, they are cute! What about the lapis lazuli ring?” he inquired. I'm surprised he is still asking about my rings. Most people just mumble, oh nice collection.

“Well that’s my birthstone. It is September so I want to remember this day and by birthday!” I gave him a duh look and shoved him playfully.

“You into music? I mean the guitar ring is cool and the music notes is snazzy,” admitted Sam. I don't think he's a musician, something about him tells me he can't really play.


“Nah, all these rings mean something to me. My two best friends back at home are Persephone and Elliot. Elliot plays guitar and Percy plays piano so they are to remind me of those two.” I replied. I felt a tinge of guilt as I remembered that they are still at Earth. . I missed them badly.

“Well if you are having rings to remind you of your friends then….” he said as he ran off into the jewelry section. After a few minutes, he returned with two rings. “Here are two to remind you of me! A wolf head and the moon,” he added with a smile.

I laughed and gave him a friendly hug. I don’t know where he found the wolf ring though. It was really sweet of him to do that!

“You are awesome, you know that right? I am glad you’re my friend.” I laughed, putting the rings down on the counter. With all this new gear, I want a new look. Change of hair colour? Let's do it! I paid for my gear with the money Beatrice gave me. Sam had already bought his boots and had them in a plastic bag.


I told Sam my plan and we headed to the hairdressers. He said they were only 5 minutes away so we walked. I walked into the salon only to be welcomed by posters of pretty women with different hair colours. I waited at the counter until they guided me to a chair.


Poor Sam sat down in a chair in the corner, reading some motorbike magazine. I hope he wasn't too bored. What am I kidding? It's the hairdressers. Of course it's boring! I sat down and the lady started to dye my hair. The dye felt cold in my hair and it was really hard not to itch it. I read a magazine and drank a hot chocolate as I waited for them to finish. After about 1 and a half hours, I was done! They had dyed my hair a blue-black tinted colour. Just the way I asked for. I paid at the till and Sam and I walked back to the motorbike.


“You look really pretty with that hair colour Darce,” Sam complimented me as we walked along the busy path. I blushed at his kindness. Not many clanagers drove vehicles, I saw a couple on motorbikes, but the paths were more busy than the roads.

“Aww thankyou! I hope it wasn’t too boring, I mean you had to go clothes shopping with me THEN watch me get my hair done,” I admitted. My hair smelt wonderful. They had out a vanilla smelling spray in my hair. My hair went down to my elbows, I know it's long but I am reluctant to getting it cut.

“Nah, it was better than fighting with my brother all day! I had loads of fun. We still have a few hours before curfew if you want to do something else?” he replied, stopping as we got back to the motorbike. I shrugged on my new jacket and swapped my sneakers for my new boots quickly. I chucked the rest of my stuff under the seat.

“Well I am not sure. Let’s do what you want!” I told him, sliding onto the motorbike.

“Your tattoo looks like it has developed so let's get it tested early so I can teach you how to turn into your animal!” he said enthusiastically. I looked down at my wrist and noticed my tattoo, peeking out of the sleeve of my jacket. It looked like a Panther with a moon behind its head. I wonder why Sam is being so nice? Well I’m not complaining!


“Okay! I still can't believe this is real. Wait. Is it painful to turn into an animal?” I asked, scared of what the answer might be. I was excited yet scared at the same time.

“No, it feels weird at first but you get used to it. After all, you and the animal are the same thing. It is just that one is hidden. Also don’t worry about wrecking your clothes. They don’t rip or anything like the movies, they just slip off you while you are shifting. Also when you shift, people don’t appreciate it if you do it in public so let's check out the habitats. We will have to go to the one that suits your clan though. Then we can check out your dorm room. I would live in my dad’s house but my brother annoys me so I have my own room as well,” Sam explained.


6: Panther = Royalty?
Panther = Royalty?


Sam decided to let me drive to the City Hall. Sam held on tight to my waist, acting as if he was going to be flung off. Beatrice works in the hall so she should be there. I drove quickly but safely as Sam gave me directions of where to go. I have only been here for one day but some landmarks were starting to be remembered in my brain. When I pulled up outside of the hall, Sam slid off first, removing his arms from my waist. I jumped off and lifted up the seat, quickly sliding on all my new rings. It was nice to wear something familiar again! We took off our helmets and walked up the steps and up to the front foyer. A polite lady asked us what we would like.


Sam explained that I was new today and we wanted to get my tattoo scanned to see what Clan I was in. She called over the PA system and asked for someone who's name I didn't quite catch. Almost straight away, a lady with a scanning machine came out of a back door and chatted to receptionist we had just spoken to. She came up to me calmly and explained what she was going to do and took my arm, shone a light on it. It took a few minutes of beeping and clicking before she got the final results. Her jaw gaped open in awe and she lifted up her radio and called for someone. I tried to ask her what happened but she shushed me as Beatrice walked out. Sam stood behind me and whispered, “Darcy. You must be pretty important to have Beatrice come out.”


I turned around and gave him a worried look when I heard Beatrice gasp.


“Darcy! What a wonderful girl you are. Sweetie, you are in the Panther clan!” exclaimed Beatrice. Her hand reached up and she squeezed my shoulder. I tried to recall the hierarchy of the clans and my eyes widened when Sam whispered, “Darcy, you are royalty!” How on…

“How am I a Royal? What does this mean?” I ask. Today was just getting weirder and weirder. “Who are you parents Darcy?” asked Beatrice

“Well my Dad is John O’Reynald and my mum died when while giving birth. Her name was Sandra O’Reynald and her maiden name was Jones.” I explained, while being very confused. Beatrice squealed and jumped up and down.

“Darcy, your mother was our queen! She died giving birth to you and I was her best friend so I took over here. We have finally found you! Darcy, you are the heir to the throne!” Beatrice gasped, “Of course you need to be 18 to rule these lands but you have very strong magic. I trust that with Sam, he will teach you the best. When you become the right age to rule here, you will be crowned as queen but until then, you will work with us as a high leader!”

“Umm okay?” I turned to Sam for a little comfort. I was feeling quite overwhelmed and tired.


“Beatrice, I think Darcy's feeling a little tired and confused. Maybe we should clear our heads in the habitats then grab dinner and head to her dorm room,” Sam decided, with a concerned voice. Smart boy he was.

“Of course! You can stay in the penthouse if you would prefer. And for you, we can arrange for you to move to another dorm if you want to share with a friend,” chirped Beatrice. I don’t think I am ready for a penthouse...

“Well this is a lot to take in in one day so I think I will sleep on it, would it be okay if I stayed in my room just until I figure things out?” I asked, sighing as I felt my head start to hurt with questions.

“Yes of course! Go have fun, I will see you on Friday!” Beatrice said as she bid us goodbye, walking away with her assistants and back into an elevator.


Sam spun me around and we walked towards each steps. We walked down and Sam hopped on the motorbike. I put my helmet on and hauled myself on, wrapping my arms around Sam's body.


“Woah, you are going to be the queen in two years! That’s awesome. My friend is royalty! Will I be allowed in the palace?” smirked Sam.

“Of course, you can be my butler!” I joked, finding some humour was keeping my mind off things. Sam just rolled his eyes.

“I want to teach you some stuff about your clan and how to be a clanager. Let's go to the woods. It is my favourite place. Well probably because that's where wolves hang out but the rainforest is next door so we can head to where they meet!” smiled Sam.

I just nodded my head in agreement and held onto his waist as we sped off. He zipped around corners and made lots of turns, making my hair blow crazily.




When we got there, it was dead silent and no one else was around. Sam parked out the front and I could see where the woods changed to a rainforest and both habitats were just breathtaking. I looked down at my tattoo and couldn’t believe this was actually real. I wish I could show this to Elliot or Percy! Sam took my hand and guided me through the trees. Along the way, I tripped on a couple rocks but Sam caught me. We walked for about 15 minutes before Sam paused, pulling me closer to him so I could see the mini waterfall. I sat down on a mossy log and paused to listen to the birds chirping. The waterfall was trickling down the rocks into a small lake. There were little ducks swimming around.


“It’s so pretty! Thanks for bringing me here, it is wonderful. What are we going to do?” I asked, taking in the sweet view of the waterfall.

“Well I thought I would teach you how to turn into your animal. You know you are a panther now so let's try to see if you can shift,” he spoke calmly, “What I need you to do is think of yourself being a panther. Relax and breathe, feel the animal take over and keep your mind focused on your tattoo and becoming an animal. Breathe and Relax… breathe and relax”


I can feel my body changing, I hope he isn’t looking. It feels really odd. I am not daring to open my eyes. I can feel my clothes dropping off me and I try to speak. All I can here is a growl. I lay down and after a few minutes, I open my eyes. My sight is so much better! I can see the birds in their nests and the fish in the waterfall! This is wonderful. I keep looking around me when I lock eyes with a wolf. Sam!


“Grrrr” I growled at him. He gives me a wolfish grin when I hear his voice in my head.


“Hey Darcy. Don’t be afraid. I forgot to tell you all Clanagers can speak to each other in their minds. Try speaking back to me. Think of me and use your head to send me a message. Also congratulations on shifting into a panther, It was good for your first shot. I wasn’t looking but I turned around as a wolf after a few seconds and you were a panther. Also you may want to look at your tail..”


I instantly flicked my tail up to my eyes and the end of it was blue-black! My eyes widened in surprise. I tried to send a message to Sam. It took me a few tries before I got it.


“Am I doing it? Why is my tail blue? Ahh, my rings are on my tail!”

“Yes! You are progressing fast. Your rings are on your tail because you were wearing them when you shifted. I am guessing your tail is blue because you dyed your hair this morning. Actually, all of your fur has a little blue tint to it!”

“Cool. At least you can tell which panther I am then!”


We stopped talking for a bit because I had a headache. I tried walking, running and jumping. I tripped over my tail a few times - because I forgot it was there - but I was getting used to it. We run around logs and swam in the waterfall. Sam play tackled me a couple times but we never hurt each other. I gently shook myself to get rid of all the water from my fur.


Eventually it got dark and I was tired so I asked Sam how to turn back.


“Just think of being a human again. Don’t worry I won’t look”


I felt the same weird sensation as I closed my eyes. I woke up and realised when you shift, somehow your clothes return to your human body. I whistled to Sam and he hid behind a bush while he shifted. When he finished, he came back to me and we started making our way through the forest.


“Was that fun?” he asked with a smirk, dodging a branch.

“Obviously! Although I am tired now.” I replied, following Sam down the path.

“Do you want to go find your dorm room? We can get dinner on the way.” he asked.

“Sure! Let's go!” I laughed. We had made it back to the motorbike now so we hopped on and went on our way.


7: Pink Apartment? Not my style...
Pink Apartment? Not my style...


As we sped off, we passed some groovy restaurants and a couple nightclubs. We stopped at the pizza shop and Sam ordered 1 hawaiian, 1 meat lovers. We passed the City Hall and palace until we got to the dorm rooms. Sam parked out the front and hopped off. I rummaged through my pack from Beatrice until I found my key.


“Looks like I am in room 14D. Do you know who is in that room?” I asked.

“Sadly yes… Sienna Jefforey lives in there. She is my brother’s girlfriend and she is the biggest whiner in on the moon. If you ever need a break from her, no one else is in my dorm so feel free to knock! I am in 14H if you need me!” He replied, gesturing to his room.


I opened the door and looked inside. Everything was…. PINK!! Seriously? PINK! I am going to have to redecorate my side of the room. This sucks. As I peered in some more, I could see her dresser full of makeup and hair spray. I then stepped inside and my jaw dropped. My Little Ponies, on the bed. WHAT MOON DOES SHE LIVE ON?? Sam just laughed.


“I might actually take you up on that.. I dislike her already and I haven’t even seen her,” I glared. Sam just laughed. As I walked into the room a little more, I could see the fluffy purple pillows, the pristine white towels and the home cooked food in the fridge. This girl lived like a neat freak. All the sheets on the beds were ironed and her closet was immaculate! She had every Loui Vuitton bag and every Wayne Cooper dress - or so it looked to me.


“I will see you tomorrow I guess. Thanks,” I smiled. Sam left me to this girly apartment. I shut the door behind me and flopped onto the bed. The room smelt of roses and the bed sheets were all tucked in neatly and the stuffed animals were arranged in an order. I took all the toys off my bed and placed them on the opposite bed. I checked the time on the clock and it was about 7:00PM. I placed my pack and jacket on the bedside table and crawled into bed. I was tired and soon enough, I drifted off into sleep.




I woke up on a pink couch. I sat up with wide eyes and scanned my eyes around the room. There was someone else in my bed and my stuff was thrown on the floor. I scowled and walked over to the person sleeping in my bed. It was a red haired girl. I shook her shoulders to wake her up.


“Hey! What do you think you are doing? I was sleeping there!” I yelled in her face. She glared at me and shoved a pillow in my face.

“HEY! YOU NEED TO APOLOGISE!” I screeched. The other girl in the other bed groaned and sat up to see what the commotion was.


“Eww, it’s that homeless girl who someone got into my room,” the blonde girl sneered. I put my hands on my hips and scowled at her.

“I am not homeless, this is supposed to be my apartment,” I glared.

“Well, my name is Sienna and this is my bestie Claire. You are not welcome here. Find somewhere else to stay. Now you are homeless!” the blonde girl beamed. What a cow.


I picked up my gear and waved with my hand, showing my tattoo.

“Sorry to disturb you. You must think you are princesses. My bad, I will remember you in a few years, we will see who gets to be bossed around then...” I growled. I left in a huff and they gaped in awe as they realised they just insulted a royal. Good for them. I found Sam’s room and knocked on his door. I didn’t expect him to be up because it was pretty early.


Sam opened his dorm room and grunted hello. I welcomed myself in. It was a little messy but neater than I expected. On the wall there were motorbike posters and the walls were painted a light grey. He had a desk in the corner with a Macbook and a big TV. There was a small fridge and sink. As I turned around, I saw the two beds. One had a green quilt cover and the other had blue.


“Morning Darcy. Welcome to the WOLF DEN! What are you doing?” Sam asked, still half asleep.

“I can’t stay in my apartment. I need to move. The crazy girls moved me from my bed and chucked me onto a couch. Then they said I was a homeless chick. They messed with the wrong panther,” I scowled. Sam nodded understandingly. Was he only being helpful because I am going to be queen? Maybe I need to stay a little more modest.


“Stupid girls. I am sorry! You can crash on the blue bed. The bathroom is over there and you have access to anything you need!” He proudly showed. I thanked him and put my stuff down.


I jumped on the bed and on the table, I spotted the remote so I rolled over, grabbed it and turned on the TV. The news was on so I watched what was going on. I felt really sore from sleeping on a couch last night. I felt tired and must’ve fallen asleep.


I woke up to Sam gently rubbing my shoulder.

“Little panther, Little panther,” he sing-sang.

“Go away Mr Wolf,” I grumbled.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what the time is?” Sam smirked

“Fine then, what's the time?’ I asked, rolling over to face him

“Lunch time!” he exclaimed.

“What! Wow, I slept for a while. Where to for lunch then?” I questioned.

“Have to see my little panther you will!” he joked in a Yoda voice.

I jumped up and shooed him away. Then I headed to the bathroom to get changed and brush my hair. As I looked in the mirror, I started to notice my muscles.


When did I get these? I must be a pretty strong panther! Beatrice did say I will have strong magic, she didn’t mention the muscles part. As I brushed my hair, I admired its pretty colour. It was like black hair, only with blue tints. Nice and shiny! I quickly put on my boots and jumped onto Sam’s motorbike.

“Off we go then! To Mehico!” he shouted as we sped off.


I loved how the air smelt today! It was so, warm and animalic. I saw a few people fishing in a river as we drove past. I felt fresh and amazing, I guess my animal instincts have kicked in! I could feel the slightest movement from everything! I saw a few eagles and horses playing around a meadow. Sam stopped the motorbike at a yellow and green shop.


“Welcome senorita to Mexico!” Sam greeted with a mexican accent. When he said Mexico, it sounded like mehiko.

I giggled and walked inside. I could smell the nachos and tacos!! All that meat and cheese! Yummo. I strolled up to the counter and ordered chicken nachos with sour cream, cheese, lettuce, beans and tomato. Sam ordered his meal as I sat down.

“Panther Senorita, you like Little Mexico?” inquired Sam.

“Of course! This place is so cool!” I marveled. I am still in awe of the Clanage. I can’t believe I will be in charge some day!


Suddenly, over the town’s loudspeakers “Carol James, Yenah Turner, Troy Uman, Darcy O’Reynald and Will Towers, please report to the City Hall ASAP”


“Thats me!” I squealed, shoving the last chip in my mouth as I dashed to Sam’s bike.

We drove off and it took about 10 minutes to get there. Out the front, I could see Beatrice and an array of assistants. I jumped off the motorbike and jogged over to Beatrice, Sam followed.


“Darcy! Hello dear, how are you?” Beatrice smiled sweetly.

“Fine thanks! Why were we called out here?” I questioned.

“Ahh, you all need to start your training! We have a few people willing to help you! Sam, hey there! Would you mind helping train these guys?” she asked Sam.

“Sure! When do we start?” he asked back.

“5 O’clock this afternoon. See you in the arena gym!” she announced.


“That leaves us 3 hours. What would you like to do?” requested Sam.

“You choose today! I already slept the morning away so you get the arvo!” I insisted.

“Let's go for a walk then!” Sam proposed.


He started walking into the habitats which were behind the city hall and guided me through the thick forest. I had to slow down so I wouldn’t trip over when Sam turned into his wolf.


“Darcy, turn into your panther, it will be easier to travel” He mindlinked.


I shifted into the panther. It felt less tingly this time and was a little easier. I felt amazing as an animal! My hearing, sight and smell were completely enhanced. We trudged through a bit more when we got to a clearing. The sight was magnificent! All the birds swarmed around the trees and below, there was a small stream where clanagers were drinking. We sat down and I started to doze off in the sun.


8: Twister Attack
Twister Attack


I heard the wolves howling. That meant something bad was happening. Panic started rising in me but I pushed it down.I needed to get Darcy to safety. I nuzzled her, gently waking her. She cat-stretched and followed me through the woods. I jumped over logs and twigs, guiding her to the edge of the habitats.


Then, I received a mindlink message from Beatrice.

“Sam, please bring Darcy to me. There is a twister attack in the rainforest habitat and I need her in the City Hall. Come quickly”

“WHAT!!! I thought that the Twisters were under control? Uh sorry I’m coming now”


I raced off to the City Hall, dodging past the carts and buildings, hoping that Darcy wouldn't ask any questions. We arrived, panting with our tongues hanging out. I bounded up the stairs with Darcy following me. We quickly shifted and Darcy spoke first.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? WE’VE BEEN RACING ACROSS THE ENTIRE FOREST JUST TO COME HERE!!!” she screamed ”I’d better get answers now or else I-” I grabbed her shoulder and looked at her. I could clearly see that she was afraid but she turned her fear into anger,that was one of the many things I liked about her.


“Darcy it’s okay. Beatrice just asked me to come here,” I said gently. I was trying to hide the fact that I was scared, I had to be strong. But no matter how well I tried to hide it something in Darcy’s eyes told me that she knew that I was scared and she was too. She nodded and looked at me reassuringly. I could see tears starting in her eyes, so I held her close and kissed her lightly on the side of her face. A ghost of a smile came across her face.

“Come on, I need to talk to Beatrice” I murmured.


She nodded and followed me through the hall towards Beatrice’s office. We turned the corner and found ourselves face to face with Beatrice. She jumped backwards and cursed. I myself was frightened but Darcy seemed to know she was coming because she didn't have any reaction at all.

“Ah, hello you two,” Beatrice said, shocked, “I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon!”

“Ah yeah, we, uh run fast” I stammered.

“Um good Sam, come with me, we have something important to discuss”

Beatrice lead us to her office and we sat down on the seats in her front of her wooden desk.


Beatrice spoke, “Darcy. Right now, there is a twister attack in the rainforest habitat. We don’t want anyone hurt so I asked Sam to bring you here. The evil clanagers are trying to attack so I have sent my strongest guards to seize them. Don’t worry you are safe now. There are rumours of an army of twister attacking but my guards are all over the city. I doubt anyone will get through them.”


Darcy breathed out of her nose, calming down a little. I can tell she is a little overwhelmed. Suddenly, she burst into tears. “I’m sorry. I am just scared, confused and tired. I miss my home and my friends, I am still trying to take everything in.” She sobbed as I wrapped my arms around her. Even though we were just friends, she needed comfort. Darcy accepted my hug and cried into my shoulder. “It’s okay Darce, I am here for you,” I comforted.


I rubbed her back until her normal breathing returned. Beatrice had left to check on the attack. Darcy was warm in my arms. I was beginning to like her. No Sam. She will never be interested in me. I shook that thought out of my mind and went back to making sure she was okay. I whispered in her ear, “You okay?”. She nodded and pulled away from my hug.


“Thanks Sam, I am sorry for getting upset,” she apologized.

“It's okay, I know how you feel. I was overwhelmed when I came here too,” I soothed. We walked out of Beatrice’s office and walked back to our dorm room. The silence was comforting. As we passed the habitat, I hurried a bit, not wanting to risk being attacked. I turned around to check on Darcy and gasped as I saw her being captured by a twister.


“Hey! Give her back!” I yelled, shoving the twister. It cackled and shot shadow spears at me. I howled for my clan and decided to use my magic. Darcy was screaming for me to save her. She tried to squirm her way out of its arms but the twister just tightened their grip. I winced, I didn't like seeing it hurt her. I liked her too much for my own good.


Clanagers are wizards and I knew a few tricks. I am a fire wizard so I clicked my fingers, creating a fireball in my hand and I threw it back at the twister. It cried in pain and I caught Darcy out of this arms. I threw one last fireball at it before picking Darcy up in my arms bridal style, running away from the twister.


Darcy clung to me and sobbed. No no no, not crying again. I continued to jog at a steady pace until we arrived at the dorm room. Darcy had stopped crying but she looked shocked. I put her down on my bed and tucked her under the covers. She had bruises on her arms from the twister. That evil clanager has hurt her badly.


Darcy quickly fell asleep. I could tell she needed rest. Poor Darcy. I need to tell Beatrice. I quickly mind linked her and told her Darcy was okay but pretty shocked. Darcy has small scratches on her arms but nothing serious. Beatrice said they got rid of the last twister. I growled and shook my head. I should’ve taken better care of her.


I rubbed Darcy's arm in comfort as she whimpered. She must be having a nightmare. I think I was beginning… No. I can't fall for her, she is going to be queen in a few years. But maybe…. Maybe… She might like me back? Stop thinking about feelings Sam! I need to make sure she is okay first though. I don't want to make her more upset or confused anymore than she already is.


9: Investigating


I don’t believe them. Darcy can’t be on holidays. Her dad would’ve told me! I turned on my computer and opened up Google. I wanted to find proof. I am sure that Darcy would’ve just poofed and gone on holidays without sending me a text or letting me know.


I searched in the search bar for ‘Mysterious tests in school’. I scrolled down with my mouse and scanned down the list. It had websites for vaccinations and IQ tests. Not what I was looking for. I tirelessly clicked on websites and read through them. NONE of them had the right tests in them. Hadn’t this happened to anyone else? I rang Elliot to ask him.


“Elliot, did you ever get pulled out of class for some tests?” My voice crackled through the phone.

“Hey Percy, well I was pulled out for my vaccination check up,” Elliot replied. Great, no one knows that I am talking about.

“Well, Darcy and I had some tests and now Darcy has gone on holidays without telling us!” I cried to Elliot.

“Well maybe it is like my sixteenth birthday. I went for a holiday when I was sixteen.” Elliot tried to calm me down. That's true but I am worried about Darcy. Elliot let us know he was okay but Darcy had those tests and now she has disappeared! I think I am letting my imagination get to me. I apologised to Elliot and hug up.


I tried to think of other times people had been pulled out of class. I know Jane, Thomas and Charlie off the top of my head. Some kid from my maths class, a girl from science. That's all I could think of. A few of them left the school but I am pretty sure they were expelled or something.


I fiddled with the zipper on my jacket in frustration. The world was turning on me and I was sick of it. Something strange is going and I don’t like it. I just want to see my best friend again. I felt tired and overwhelmed so I flopped onto my bed, sighing deeply.


Here is the things I know.

Darcy and I had some weird tests yesterday

Now Darcy is on holidays

I don’t believe that she is really on holidays

Other kids have been known to get pulled out of class and disappear the next day.

Then I realised something, it is usually when you are sixteen. What the hell? I should be a detective!


I added this realisation to my mental list. I was energy drained from thinking too hard. Why can’t everyone just tell the truth and explain to me?


10: Training


I was woken by Sam. He rubbed my arm to wake me up. I rubbed my temples and felt sore and tired. I remembered what had happened yesterday and sighed. Sam whispered and assured me it was okay. I had a lot of questions to ask him. Like umm how did you shoot fire from your hands? That was crazy. He was kind to save me, I am glad I met him.


He was really sweet, almost like Elliot but Sam had a more serious side at times. Not bad serious but like when something happens, he cares for others rather than laughing about it. I checked the time on Sam’s bedside table and saw it was eleven o'clock the next day. I had training in a hour! I am guessing I missed yesterday's training.I sat up from the bed and Sam handed me a peanut butter sandwich. Classy.


I thanked him and chomped down on it.

“Training today, are you sure you are up to it? If not we can do something else,” Sam asked

“Yeah. I need something to keep my mind off things. Also I want to ask you some things about yesterday. Starting with how did you shoot fire out of your hands?” I squealed.

“Ahh, I am a fire elemental. Because we are all wizards, we have different levels of magic, depending on what rank we are. I am quite high which means I have strong magic but you are royal which means you have the strongest magic and you can do all of the elements. I will teach you some magic soon if you like,” Sam offered. I nodded in anticipation.


I can do magic? Man! I am super cool. I wonder what else I can do! Being a Clanager is awesome. Sam told me it was time to head to training so we jumped onto his motorbike and zoomed off. Quickly, Sam pulled up outside the gym and we found James mingling with some other clanagers outside.


“Hey James! Are you helping to train?” questioned Sam. Cool, I can get to know James a little more. If he is anything like Sam, I am sure he will be nice.

“Yup! You too? Gotta work these newbies hard eh?” James replied. Sam just nodded in agreement.


James gave me a little wave and continued to chat to other clanagers. Soon, I heard Beatrice's voice crackle on the loudspeakers “Training starts in 5 minutes. Please proceed to the gym and get ready clanagers!” Sam, James & I all walked around to the door to the gym. When we stepped inside, I was amazed how big it was! It looked quite small from the outside. There were a few mirrors on the side and the ground was fake grass. I could see a few fake trees and rocks lying in random areas. I threw Sam a puzzled look.


He whispered, “When newbies shift, they need to feel like they are in their habitat and sometimes it isn’t safe for them to go out into the streets so they get you to practice in here first. You were just lucky because panthers have great control!”

I nodded in reply as he and James walked up the front to the other trainers. A few other new clanagers joined us.


“Hello there. My name is James, I am in the raccoon clan and I will be one of your trainers. Here we also have Sam, Chelsea and Joanne. Please listen to us as we help you. Yesterday, training was cancelled due to a twister attack. Today we will be doing some fighting and showing you how to shift into your animal. Let's begin!” James exclaimed.


We did some combat training first. I am glad I bought these boots! With my hands up in defense near my face, I trained with a boy named Luke. I kicked him as he blocked in defense. Next he swiped a punch at me as I dodged. I spun around and kicked him on the hip and he fell over in pain.

“Sorry! Sorry, too hard. Ahh are you okay?” I asked, helping him up.

“Yeah yeah, all good mate! Oops, should’ve realised how strong you are! I will be quicker next time...” he chuckled

“Well, I am pretty sure that’s just from being a panther.,” I observed

Luke nodded and we got back to training. He was an alright guy. I can tell he is from the eagle clan because of his feather tattoo - almost identical to Beatrice’s. After another intense half hour of combat drills, James asked us to shift. Most of them hadn't shifted yet but others had older siblings and friend who had taught them. Shifting came easier to me this time, it felt like slipping into a onesie! I jumped playfully around Sam as we practised fighting in animal form. We couldn't go too hard though, we were strong as animals and would probably hurt each other so we were instructed to only play fight.


Sam replied with a small yip as we tackled each other to the ground, him pinning me to the fake grass. I clawed at in the air near his cheeks, making him distracted. I then knocked his front legs and crawled out from under his heavy wolf self. He was still getting up from my knock when I jumped on his back, making him sigh in defeat as he fell back to floor. Man, that was tiring but blood pumping!  We grinned at each other before James called for us to shift back. I trotted over to a fake bush and shifted. I shivered a little from the cold air blasting from the air conditioning.


“Okay newbies, training is done! We went easy on you today so expect harder on Monday. Until then, see you around - and don't get into trouble,” James added wearily.


I jogged over to Sam and snatched his water bottle from his hands.

“Thanks!” I grinned, drinking all his cold, icy water, spilling some on his shoes.

“Darce! Hmph, seriously? See ya James, I gotta go get some water,” Sam said, rolling his eyes at me.

“I thought you just had…. “ James paused, looking at the empty water bottle in my hands. “Ahh nice one Darcy!” James high-fived me.


Sam and I headed out the door and jumped on his motorbike. I put my jacket and helmet back on. It was nice to have a breeze. We drove back to his dorm room. Sam unlocked his dorm room and I flopped onto the bed.

“Saaaammmmmm, I'm hungry!” I whined.

“Awww poor little Panther. If she didn't drink the big wolf’s water, maybe he would be nice to her and give her some leftover pizza…” he teased.

I stomped over to the fridge and looked into fridge, I couldn't see the pizza and threw a puzzled look to Sam.

“Too late little Panther!” Sam teased, wagging the pizza box in my face before running off. “Catch me if you can!” Oh it was on!


I sprinted after him, taking advantage of my enhanced skills. He flung open the dorm room door and ran towards the garden. The garden backed onto the habitats. No fair! He knew his way around. I closed the door behind me before heading in the same direction. I started to enter the habitats when I saw a horse in the corner of my eye. This wasn't their habitat. Not that it was a bad thing that they were here but it was strange to see it here alone. I turned my head to have a better look but all I saw was a glimpse of black rump and tail trotting into the woods.


11: Chasing Sam for pizza...
Chasing Sam for pizza...


I ran further into the woods. I had heard that black panthers have excellent eyesight, a keen sense of smell and sensitive whiskers. It was getting really dark when Sam mind linked me.


“Hurry up Panther, I've almost finished the rest,”

“Sam! Where are you?”

“Not telling! Hurry up!”


I decided to shift and run faster. I used my cat-eyesight in the dark and my whiskers let me know of any thing near my face. I run and jumped for what felt like 2 hours before I felt tired. I was dodging leaves and trees when a smell hit my nose. What was it? I wracked my brain for that smell. Sam. It was Sam’s scent. Yes, he has to be near. Boy, was I hungry!! I shifted back into a human and trudged through the forest, I could see a light up ahead. Damn, it was getting cold! I left my jacket in his room. I rubbed my arms when I reached the end of the habitats. I got confused when I walked out. I saw a road and quickly walked up to it. There were a few shops but they were all closed. I didn't see any cars or motorbikes or cars come past.


Just up ahead, I saw a roadhouse. That had to have something to keep me warm. As I approached it, I saw a sign saying “Pizza here!”. Yes even better! I strolled into the dining area and saw green Nike shoes poking out from under a table in the corner. My smell kicked in again and I knew it was Sam, better yet, he had a spare hoodie on the next seat AND pizza on the table. I stomped over to him but sat down next to him.


“Sam! What are you doing here?” I demanded.

“You found me! That means you are growing fast,” he smirked.

“What? Dude, why did you make me trudge through the woods, chasing you for pizza?” I screeched.

“Calm down, calm down. I wanted you to use your animal and senses to find me. Also I did eat that pizza on the way so I bought you another one,” admitted Sam.

I quickly took the pizza and he chucked me the spare hoodie. I quickly said thanks and I stuffed pizza in my mouth.

“Darcy? Please don't be mad at me…” Sam whimpered, giving me puppy eyes.

“Well.. Okay, stop using puppy eyes though! You know I can't resist. Plus you bought me pizza. Gosh you know how to coax me!” I laughed. I had finished me pizza so we walked out. Sam gave me a quick hug, “Thanks little Panther,” he smiled, ruffling my hair.

“What for?” I asked.

“For forgiving me,” he replied.

“And being awesome?” I asked.

“And for being awesome,” he chuckled.

“And don't forget being your only friend,” I joked.

“Hey! I still have James!” He exclaimed.

We walked back to his room - we took a short cut which took 20mins. I was tired and didn't really want to see any pink ponies tonight so I laid down in Sam’s spare bed.

“Night little Panther,” Sam whispered. It was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.




Surprisingly, I woke up at 5:37am. Sam wasn’t up so I quietly rummaged through the cupboards and fridge for some breakfast. After searching every inch, I came out with a loaf of bread, some milk and peanut butter. I made 4 peanut butter sandwiches - two for me, two for Sam and 2 glasses of milk. Afterwards, I put everything away and wiped down the bench. Next, I had a quick shower.


At 6:30, Sam’s alarm went off and he woke up. I had put his breakfast on his bedside table and was reading a book whilst eating my breakfast. The books that Sam had were all about the Clanage and wolf stories but they were interesting enough.


“Morning Sleepyhead, I made you breakfast,” I told him.

“Thanks, you are up early,” he mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Sam wolfed down his sandwiches and skulled his milk.

“Are you going to face Sienna today? Beatrice said you could move into another dorm room if you didn’t like the one you are in,” inquired Sam.

“Hmm I don’t know anyone else that I could move in with..” I sighed.

“Well my room is always free, you could always move in with me if you like?” he suggested.

“Really? That would be awesome!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!” I screamed, jumping on his bed. I wondered if Beatrice would think it’s weird that a boy and girl are sharing an apartment. Also, I am going to assume clanagers call our apartments dorm rooms. I don’t get it but it must be slang or something.


I walked outside and knocked on Sienna’s door. It was 8:00, not too early. I heard shuffling feet behind the door when she swung it open and screeched, “What do you want? You are interrupting my beauty sleep!” Taking in her attire, she was wearing rainbow unicorn flannelettes and her blonde hair was in a messy bun.

“Hi, it’s the homeless girl. I have another friend here who’s room is empty and I really dislike MLPs and pink so I am just going to move in with them,” I let her know. She pulled a face at me.

“Fine with me, someone delivered a few suitcases full of stuff yesterday. I haven’t fully checked them out but they are yours. Take them and leave,” she scowled.

I put out my hands to grab them when she spotted my tattoo on the underside of my wrist. Her mouth opened in shock and she whispered, “Royal Panther clan….”. I left her gaping and walked out the door with 3 heavy suitcases. I knocked on the door and Sam let me into MY new dorm room.


“Hey, these got delivered to me and everything is cleared up with Sienna. I just have to let Beatrice know I changed rooms. Can I unpack stuff for a bit?” I asked.

“Yeah, I am going to have a shower and play Xbox for a while. I feel tired today,” he mumbled. This morning he was like a slug. I started to unpack my suitcases.


12: Suitcases from Earth!
Suitcases from Earth!


I zipped open my suitcases on my bed and first thing I saw was a letter from Dad. I could tell because of his handwriting. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered him, Elliot, Percy and Bangers. I missed them so much! I read the note from Dad. It said that he loved me and wanted me to be safe. He told me that we would see each other around Christmas time and he promised to look after my motorbike.


I put the note on my bedside table and smiled as I saw a skateboard in one of my larger suitcases. I pulled it out and spun the wheels.  It was a Globe cruising skateboard, the one I wanted for my birthday! I leaned it against the wall and kept sorting out some things. I found my photo of mum and put it on my bed side table. I also pulled out my ring holder. It was a sausage dog with a long tail to hold all my rings. All of my clothes and shoes were packed into one big suitcase and I put them on hangers and hung them up in my side of the walk in wardrobe. I neatly placed my shoes under my bed and flopped down on my bed, crashing my face into the pillow. Unpacking was exhausting.


“Need any help over there?” Sam asked, yelling over the sound of dying zombies from his game.

“Nah, almost done!” I puffed. I crawled back over to the suitcases and took out some books. Dad had packed my favourites Great Zoo of China - Matthew Reilly, Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater and lots of others. I added them to Sam’s bookshelf, making the shelf appear a little more full. The last things in my suitcases were my Camera (with all my photos) and my black panther teddy. My dad had bought that teddy for me when I was born. He must have known mum and I were panther clanagers. I can’t believe he kept this a secret from me the whole time! The teddy was a little old but the fur was soft and cuddly. I placed it next to my pillow and walked over to Sam.


“Hey can we go do something? I am bored!” I whined, playfully tugging on his shirt.

“Sure, want to go to a movie, bowling or something?” Sam suggested.

“Yeah, what’s on? I didn’t know they had movies on the moon! Actually, let's go bowling!” I replied, nodding at my decision.

“Sure, I will invite James and his girlfriend,” he replied. I nodded in agreement, giving him a big smile. I quickly changed my shirt into a nice blue top, put my hair in braid and pulled on my boots and leather jacket. We mounted onto Sam’s motorbike and headed towards bowling.


I was slowly getting an idea of the area. I am pretty sure we passed a coffee shop called ‘Coffee or Cocoa?’, the library and a hardware store before we got there. The outside of the building was bright green with a silhouette of someone bowling. As we walked in, I spotted James and a girl - I am guessing was his girlfriend - and we walked over to their lane and sat down on the couches.


“Hey Sam, hey Darcy,” James welcomed.

“Hi Darcy, I am Casey. I am from the eagle clan. Nice to meet you! You must be Sam’s girlfriend?” Casey sweetly asked. I turned a shade of red in embarrassment.

“No, no. Just friends!” I explained. I'd did kinda like Sam but I don't think we would ever get together.

“If you say so…. let's get bowling!” she laughed in reply.


First go, James got a strike. I got 9 out of 10. Casey got a spare and Sam got a 6. We played until the end and the final scores were: James - 143, me - 102, Casey - 97 and Sam - 108. Yes, Sam caught up in the end! Afterwards, we munched on some chips and we all headed back to Sam and I’s room to watch Iron Man 3. It was about 4:30 when it finished. We said goodbye to James and Casey - who was actually a really nice girl - and decided to go grocery shopping. I had used up all the bread this morning and the milk was about to expire so we headed to Woolworths.


It wasn’t a long walk to the shops so we took a stroll to the grocery store. I knew how to cook some basic things like sausages, omelets and brownies so I grabbed everything I needed to make some of them. Sam got all the vegetables and fruit. I found some cereal and chips. We came out with a shopping trolley full and bought it all for around $150. It was good though, it should last us about 2-3 weeks. We carried the bags back to the room and stuffed the fridge full.


“Hmm. What to cook for dinner! We have so much food that it’s hard to choose,” gaped Sam.

“Yeah I know. Well sausages are easy enough to cook so I was just going to cook them up,” I decided. After cooking them up, I put them on plates and added some tomato, lettuce and cheese. After we gobbled down our dinner, we watched some episodes of Teen Wolf before drifting off into sleep.


13: Skateboarding...



I woke up to the sound of Sam’s alarm going off and rolled out of bed. I beat him to the shower and changed into black tights, a Santa Cruz T-shirt and my nike sneakers. It felt great to be in new fresh clothes. I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my new skateboard. I hadn’t been able to try it out so I asked Sam if there was a skatepark we could head to. He nodded and grabbed his trick scooter - I didn’t even know he had one! We skated - or scooted - down to a skate park nearby the wishing fountain. There were some rails and jumps I attempted but I was better at doing tricks as I was skating or on the spot.


I was going up and down the sides when I accidentally crashed into someone. It was a tall boy, he looked about 16 as well. He was wearing a white and blue T-Shirt and black vans. He looked up at me then quickly hid his face.

“Sorry, I am sorry,” he mumbled. His voice reminded me of someone I knew but I couldn’t pinpoint it.

“Oh really it’s okay. I should’ve been watching,” I apologised. I held out my hand to help him up but he refused it. He turned around, grabbed his skateboard and ran off.


All I really saw of him was his hair and body, I didn’t get a glimpse at his face. His hair colour reminded me of the black horse I saw in the woods a few days ago. It was a midnight black colour, just like his scruffy hair. I checked out the underside of his skateboard. It was a Zero American Punk team deck. I only knew one person who owned one of those. Elliot. And I missed him badly. I shrugged it off, some people were just weird. I dusted off my leggings and kept skating around. Sam was showing off and did some backflips and 360 spins. I’m surprised he didn’t stack it!


We had training this afternoon so we finished up around lunch time and rode back to our room. I made some hamburgers and Sam munched on his happily, playing his Xbox. I connected another controller and versed him in C.O.D. He beat me 4 times before I got the hang of it and finally beat him. We also joined in playing with James and his dorm roommate online. It was pretty fun defeating all the guys.


Soon enough, it was time to head to training. I wanted to try skateboarding at a longer distance so I raced Sam to the gym. It took me about 16 minutes to finally arrive. I have to say, skateboarding on the moon was something I never expected to do! Also, dodging clanagers is a tricky thing to do on a skateboard. When we got there, Beatrice wanted to talk to me. I jogged over to her and we began to chat.


“Hey Beatrice! I just want to let you know, I am going to live in the same room as Sam. Sienna was my original roommate but I really dislike pink ponies….” I said, cringing at the thought of Sienna’s pink room.

“Ahh, that's okay! It is good to see you meeting people. I am guessing you got your suitcases? Your dad sent them up for you. There is a special delivery service that runs from the Earth to the moon. I just wanted to check you got everything?” replied Beatrice, her brown hair falling over her concerned eyebrows. I’m glad she let me share an apartment with Sam. Maybe she just said yes because I am going to be queen.

“Yep, all good! I just want to know when I will get to see my friends again…” I sighed.


“Aww, you will see them soon enough. I am thinking of sending you down on the 3rd of December. You are free to see your Dad and friends but only your Dad is to know that you are a clanager. Your friends must only think that you were on holidays in…. I don’t know, Rio De Janeiro? Also here is a phone to call your Dad. You can text your friends I guess but only call your Dad,” Beatrice replied in demandment, handing me a phone. I squealed in excitement.

“Thankyou so much! Okay, only 5 weeks and I will see them! Yay, thanks Beatrice,” I smiled, taking the phone from her and stuffing it in my pockets.

“Don’t forget, when you are on Earth, you must seek out your protected human,” she replied. I cocked my head in confusion.

“Darcy, each clanager has a designated human whom which they are loyal to and would defend at any cost. When you meet your human, you will feel a great bond of protectiveness. Trust me, you will know. Also I am going to send Sam down with you. You seem like great friends and I want him to help you if things get tough. Have a good training session!”


I nodded my head, trying to understand everything. Okay so I will see everyone in 5 weeks. While I am there I must find my human. Sam is coming with me. How am I going to explain that to my friends? Oh yeah this is my friend Sam from Rio De Janeiro. He became my friend so he came to Australia with me? Uhh that sounds so dumb. Surely I can tell Percy and Elliot the real truth?


Am I getting special treatment because I am going to be queen? I hope not, I don’t want to be babied. I still can’t believe it's real. I hope I don’t disappoint people when I am in charge, sometimes people judge me.


I walked into the gym, joining the rest of the clanagers. We got more and more people every day but Sam, James, Chelsea and Joanne only taught the kids from my birthday and two days after that. Altogether we had about 16 clanagers.


Today we were trying to enhance our senses. We were practising using them in animal form and human form. This time, Chelsea ran the training. She instructed us to shift into our animal, then close our eyes and try to determine different smells.


I did as I was told and I could smell James’ lunch (A ham sandwich with lettuce and tomato), some deodorant, a bottle of powerade, Sam’s jumper and someone’s sweaty towel. We sniffed around for a bit longer until Chelsea yelled out and told us to keep our eyes closed but use our hearing to pounce on the mice that she had just released. Gross- rats! I stalked through the grass until I heard a faint ‘Squeak!’. I pounced on a squirmy little rat. I could feel that I had trapped it between my paws. Chelsea instructed us to release it if we had caught one. I let it go and opened my eyes. Next, we had to train as a human, so I shifted back. We did a few activities where we had to rely on our hearing to catch our partner and use our hearing to move to the right spot. After an exhausting 2.5 hours of training, I was ready for a shower, dinner and bed.


I grabbed my skateboard and followed Sam back to our room. I had received a key for the room so I didn’t have to keep borrowing Sam’s. Sam beat me to the shower so I cracked open some eggs, added some cheese, ham, capsicum and tomato and chucked it into the frying pan. Yep, it was omelets for dinner! Sam got out of the shower, changing into his pyjamas and I quickly hopped in, rinsing my body and shampooing my hair. I finished and chucked on some track pants, a singlet and soft hoodie before jumping into bed. I read one of the new books my Dad had sent over for about half an hour before drifting off to sleep.


14: Magic Lesson
Magic Lesson



Soon enough, it was November the 27th. Today was my Dad’s birthday. I really wished I could ring him - or even text him! I missed him badly. Sam and I didn’t do much today. He went to his dad’s workshop and helped out there. I had tidied our room and sorted out the bathroom this morning and now I was drawing in my sketchbook. I was drawing a wolf and panther together and watching TV when Sam mindlinked me:


“Hey panther, how’s it going?”

“Hey Sam, I have tidied our room and I was just drawing whilst watching a show”

“Okay! I am coming back now. I’ll grab some pizza for lunch then do you want to practice some magic? I will teach you a few things.”

“Sure! Sounds like fun. See you soon.”


Cool! Magic. Can’t wait to learn some new stuff. I wonder what tricks I can do. I looked down at my hands in wonder. I am lucky to be a clanager and I am lucky to have Sam. He was really sweet and I loved his company. He is so sweet and kind to me, he cares a lot for me too.


Oh no! I might be falling for him and his blue eyes and gorgeous hair. Stop! I doubt he has feelings for me…. Anyway, time to get ready for magic!


I changed my casual outfit into my skinny black jeans, combat boots and an adidas shirt. Soon, there was a knock on the door. Sam! I rushed over and opened the door to the grinning boy I have grown to like. I blushed as he handed me the pizza. I jumped on the bed and munched on my food. Sam did the same, sharing a hawaiian pizza with me.


I licked off my fingers in satisfaction.

“Done?” Sam asked.

“Is that even a question?” I smirked. He shook his head and chuckled at me. We decided to ride down to the habitats to practice on our skateboards and scooters.


I swerved along the pathway, pushing at the cement with my boots. Sam followed behind me, jumping over cracks to show off. I giggled as he accidentally fell over when he hit a crack and fell into a bush.


“Argh!! Darcy help!!” Sam squealed. I was too busy laughing my head off to notice he was being serious. I stopped laughing for a second and asked,

“What’s wrong?” I asked. Sam was squealing and kicking like a little girl in the bushes.

“There… is…. a… BUG!!!” He squealed. I almost wet myself laughing. He was hysterical.

“DARCY! I HAVE ENTOMOPHOBIA!!” He yelled, trying to get out of the bushes. Entomophobia? Was that a fear of bugs? Haha! This caused me to laugh even more.


A big bad wolf with a fear of little tiny bugs? Who would’ve guessed. I put out my hands and hauled Sam to his feet. His face was red and his eyes were wide with fear.


“That wasn’t funny,” he pouted.

“Umm, I think it was!” I replied, trying not to giggle.

“Well, everyone has a phobia!” Sam defended.

“I guess,” I sighed. I had a fear but I wasn’t about to tell him. It was depressing and scary just thinking about it. I shivered and apologised, “Sorry. Let’s get going.”


Sam nodded and we hopped back on our transportation. I rolled down the road, past all the shops and the City Hall until we got to the Rainforest habitat.


In the corner of my eye, I saw the wood habitat. My head snapped around as I saw that mysterious black horse trotting back into the habitat. I wanted to know who that was!


The air was breezy and cool on my skin. I picked up my skateboard as we entered into the soil and sticks. Sam led the way until we got to our waterfall. I liked to think it was our special spot but I know it doesn’t belong to us.


Sam put his scooter down and started to teach me. I looked into his blue eyes and soaked in all of his words.

“First, let's start with something easy. For magic, you need an anchor, something you are doing the magic for. For example, I used your pain as an anchor, you were hurting so I turned that into my fire fuel and used it as a weapon against the twister. Stretch out your hands and think of an anchor,” Sam instructed. I nodded and closed me eyes, spreading my fingers apart.


Who could I do magic for? My dad, Bangers, Elliot, Percy, Mum…. I am going to do magic for my mum. I focused on what I wanted to do. I want to make fire dance in my hand and show my mum, up in the sky, wherever she is right now. I felt a burning sensation in my hands and fluttered open my eyes. Sam was staring at my hands as fire was growing in my palms. It didn’t hurt, rather tingle.


I gaped at the magic I was doing. The fire’s flames burst out, spreading and stretching into different patterns, dancing just like I told it to.


“You are doing it! Yay Darcy!” Sam cheered. In my mind, I wanted the fire to stop and as soon as I thought that, the fire dissipated in my palm. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.


“Wow! That was amazing!” I breathed. I was sweating even in the cool air. I am guessing magic took a lot of energy and practise. Sam rubbed my back.


“Let's head back. We should head out for dinner.” Sam chuckled. I nodded and grabbed my skateboard. I was tired so I shifted and held the skateboard in my jaw. I ran quickly as Sam followed, running awkwardly with a scooter in his mouth. It was a funny sight!


“Panther, Well I told my dad about you and he wants you to join us for dinner. You can meet my mum and dad. Luckily, my brother isn’t coming.”

“Sure, sounds like fun! Now?”

“Yep! We can go back to our room to get ready.”


Aww thats so nice! I get to meet his family! Wait. What am I going to wear? Gosh, now I sound like Persephone. I wish she was here to help me! I don’t want to leave a bad impression! Well, not that it matters. I am only his friend after all right? I kinda wish a was a bit more though...


15: Dinner with the parents
Dinner with the parents


We quickly ran home and put down our gear. I had a quick shower and got changed. I wore black jeans, a galaxy printed t-shirt and my rings. Sam went for a shower and I curled my hair to look like pretty natural curls in the kitchen. Spraying on some perfume, I walked towards the mirror and felt pretty confident. As I was putting on my small heeled boots, Sam walked out in jeans, a black t-shirt with NYC printed on it. He smiled at me and gestured to the clock.


“Ready to go little panther?” he questioned.

“Why do you insist on calling me little?” I asked back.

“Nuh uh, no answering questions with questions little panther,” Sam replied, using my nickname to tease me.

“Let's go already,” I replied, shaking my head at his teasing. He opened the door for me and we jumped onto his motorbike. I placed the green helmet over my head. Sam smiled at me, muttering something I couldn’t hear with the helmet on. Even though I didn’t hear it, I could’ve sworn he told me I looked nice.


We stopped at a nice looking restaurant called The Wolf’s Howl. I quickly took off my helmet and fixed up my curls, hoping they weren’t ruined from the helmet. As we walked inside the restaurant, I took in the atmosphere. It was a nice fancy restaurant with classy tables and chairs and candles.


We walked over to a reserved table. Sam pulled out a chair for me and we sat down and ordered our drinks.

“Lemon, Lime and Bitters please,” I ordered, casting my eyes down the menu.

“Coke please,” Sam asked.

Just as we ordered our drinks, Sam’s parents arrived.

“Hello Sam dear. Oh you must be Darcy! I am Penelope, Sam’s mother. Such a pleasure to meet you! Sam told me lots about you today,” Penelope beamed, patting my shoulder. Penelope was a skinny lady. She looked maybe in her late forties. She had a nice flowery dress on and her black hair was in pretty curls.


She sat down next to me as her husband said, “Hi son, hello Darcy. I am Mitchell. Nice to see you again.” Mitchell was a bigger man, he was tall and had a gruff tone to his voice. He had a beard and wore a button up shirt and jeans. I remember Mitchell from my first day here. He said hello from under a car when I was looking for Sam. They each ordered an alcoholic beverage. The waiters came out with menus for us.


“So Darcy, how long have you been in the Clanage?” asked Penelope.

“Well I have been here about 3 months,” I replied sweetly. The waiters came out again with our drinks. I took mine and gently sipped from the straw, placing it down on a coaster.

“I trust Sam has been looking after you,” Mitchell grunted, ruffling Sam’s hair.

“Of course Dad, she would’ve been wolf meat if I hadn’t helped her out,” Sam joked, patting my hand playfully. I nodded and sarcastically said, “Sam saved my live…”


We made small talk about my life and their growing up and embarrassing Sam when the waiters came out with our dinner and placed them on the table. I had ordered chicken schnitzel so I grabbed my knife and fork and started cutting it up. Sam and his dad had ordered some type of steak and Penelope, being the petite little lady she was, ordered a salad.


Everyone ate silently, munching on our scrumptious dinners. I sipped my drink in between bites of gravy and chicken. I also used the rest of my gravy with some chips. When I was done, I wiped my mouth with a napkin. Penelope finished a few minutes after me and the boys gobbled up their salad and smiled in delight 3 minutes later.


“That was a lovely dinner! I am feeling quite full. It was nice to meet you Darcy! I hope we see you again soon,” Mitchell said as he and Penelope grabbed their coats and waved goodbye, paying for the dinner on their way out. That was very kind of them.


“What are we doing now?” I asked Sam. He didn't seem to be in a hurry for anything.

“Well, I would like to take you to the ice-cream shop for dessert. It is very special, the only one on the moon!” He replied, standing up and grabbing my jacket for me. I put out my arms as he put it on for me. “What a gentleman,” I smirked, thanking him. Ice-cream sounded nice.


He put his jacket on and we walked out of the restaurant. The ice-cream shop was 3 minutes away - or that's what Sam thought - so we walked there. We chatted along the way about his parents. I thought they were nice but Sam said they were embarrassing. The air was getting chilly again so I zipped up my jacket, trying to trap my body heat. Gee, he picked a good night to eat ice-cream - not really. Anyway, it was the thought that counted.


When we got to the shop, I observed the outside. The shop was blue and it was called “The Freezery”. Sam took my hand and we walked inside. Sam's hand was warm and soft, I felt safe around him. Inside, I was welcomed by 40 different flavors of ice-cream. Somehow, it was warm in here but the ice-cream didn't melt.


Well what did I expect, it is wizardry here! I skimmed my eyes across all the freezers but without looking, I already knew which one I wanted. I let Sam gaze for a few minutes until he asked me, “Ready to order?”

“Sure am!”


We strolled up to the counter and I asked the lady for a choc-mint ice-cream. I always get the same flavour every time. Sam ordered a peanut butter flavoured ice-cream. The lady quickly made them and Sam paid for them. I grabbed both in my hands and handed Sam his. I took a quick lick of mine and nodded in approval. It was cold and minty, just the way I liked it! I licked around the edge, trying to keep the drips away from my hand. Sam and I sat down in a booth, facing each other.


We licked our ice-creams in silence and more people flooded into the shop slowly. Sam took about 15 minutes to finish off his ice-cream while I took another 5 minutes. I was almost at the end of my nice cold treat when Sam finally broke the the silence.


“Hey Darcy. I was wondering. I know this may be a little weird but…. umm, well.” He stuttered. He looked a little embarrassed. I was confused.

“Spit it out!” I laughed, not knowing where this was heading.

“Well. I really like you and umm… we’ve know each other for about 3 months and I’ve grown to really like you… so… Would you do me the honour of… being my girlfriend?” he asked, dipping his head down in embarrassment.


“Aww that’s so sweet. I can’t believe you asked! Of course, I would love to! Don’t feel embarrassed, I’m all yours now!” I said, rubbing his arm. His wolf-like movements didn’t surprise me. He perked up and smiled, almost like a playful pup. I chomped on the rest of my ice-cream then moved over the other side to snuggle against his warm body.


I was glad he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was kind of hoping he would. I liked him a lot too. His laugh and cocky comments filled my voice with laughter. We chatted for a while, planning what we were going to do for the next couple of days.


I pulled out the phone Beatrice had given me to text my Dad every now and then and sent this:


‘Hey Dad. I can’t believe this is all real. I miss you and Bangers, Percy and Elliot so much. Tell them I send my love. Do they know I have come here? I have some exciting news. I have got a boyfriend! His name is Sam and he is the sweetest guy on the moon (see what I did there!). He’s the goofiest guy I’ve met but he is adorable. You are bound to like him too Dad. I love you. xxx Darce’.


Our plans were to go to training tomorrow, go to Beatrice about my history then watch a movie. The next day, Sam had asked James and Casey if they wanted to come to the waterpark with us. It was only 3 weeks before we could go down to Earth.


Sam and I walked to the restaurant and drove back to our dorm room again. I changed into my pajamas. Sam wrapped his arms protectively around me as we watched some of Gossip Girl. I started to feel sleepy and my head felt heavy. I mumbled goodnight to Sam as I collapsed back into my own bed, falling into a deep slumber.


16: Busy, busy day
Busy, busy day


I rolled over, my eyes half open. The sun’s rays were leaking into the room through the blinds. I shuffled a bit in my bed, trying to get comfy again when I felt something crinkle under my body. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, wondering what it was. I checked under my legs and found that I had rolled over a piece of paper. I unfolded it to see a message scrawled onto it. It read:


Hey Panther,

I’ve gone for a jog with James. I will be back in an hour or so. (8:30 ish)

You are such a sleepy head.

Mr Wolf <3


He’s such a goofball. I smiled at the thought of him. I threw the covers off my body and checked to see if I had any messages from Dad. It was amazing that we could actually communicate! I wish I remembered  Persephone or Elliot’s number. I missed them but had to remember, it was only 3 more weeks! I guess texts from the moon take a while to send because Dad hadn't replied.


My phone said it was 8:06AM.  I felt my stomach rumble in hunger and the fridge called for me. I stood up and stumbled over to the kitchen. I quickly made some Weetbix and gobbled it up. My stomach accepted the food and I felt full. My hair felt greasy so I hopped in the shower, letting the hot water cleanse my body. After rinsing my hair, I got out of the shower, toweling myself dry. I stepped into the walk in robe with the towel wrapped around my body. I chose some leggings and a plain, long sleeved, red shirt. I quickly changed into them and started to dry my hair with the hairdryer. It was around 40 past 8 when Sam came back.


I was sitting on my bed, just started reading one of my books book when I heard the door click open. Sam was welcomed with my grin as he stepped inside.

“Morning panther,” he greeted. He placed his water bottle in the sink and helped himself to an apple in the fridge. He came over and sat down next to me on my bed, reading over my shoulder.

“Eww, you stink!” I playfully told him.

“Yep! I’ll leave you alone and head for a shower then,” he said with a smirk. He rolled onto his back and stood up. He walked over to the bathroom and I heard the water running.


He was a good wolf. Always doing what he was told. Haha, I wonder if he ever listened to his mother. Probably not. I started to read one of my favorite books. It was called “Shiver” written by Maggie Stiefvater. It was kinda funny since there was a boy in it called Sam, and he was kinda like a clanager except he was a werewolf. The Sam in the book was like my Sam but my Sam was much, much more real!


Just as I was getting to the good part when Sam came out of the shower. I heard him shuffling around in the wardrobe. We had training, our last one in 2 hours.  He walked towards my bed and I pretended to keep reading when he came over but he stuck his face in front of mine and whispered “Do you want to go skateboarding little panther?”  I looked at him, pushed him away a bit and wailed playfully.

“Aww come on I just got to the good bit!”  He gave me an amused look and walked away, then turned to me and said tauntingly, “I'm going to get a pizza after!”


At the mention of the word pizza, my stomach grumbled. PIZZA! I jumped up and followed him out the door, grabbing my phone and skateboard on the way. Sam chuckled at me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He had his scooter over his opposite shoulder. We passed a few people who Sam knew, he waved at them and they mumbled a small hello.


We kept walking along the concrete path until we stopped at the park. A few people were already skating around. It was 10 in the morning so I wasn’t too surprised. Sam immediately jumped onto his scooter and started riding up and down the ramps, doing flips and tricks as he went. I was skating down some lower ramps, trying to do some small flips with the skateboard.


Don’t worry! I didn’t crash into anyone this time! After an hour of skating, we needed to head to Training. I couldn’t be bothered skating back to the room and motorbiking there so we just rode to the gym on our skateboard and scooter. We rode along the path, near the river. It was artificial but looked real as ever. It took about 20 minutes to get there. They were just about to start as we walked in, apologising for being late. I leaned my skateboard against the wall and tucked my phone underneath it.


James was up the front, chatting to a few people.

“Morning Clanagers! Today is the last training session of the newbie rank. We are going to learn a bit about how life works here and any questions you have. It may be a little boring but today is not going to be physical at all,” James said to everyone, sitting down on the floor. We all sat in a small circle. There were about 16 of us.

James started talking, “Okay so the way Clanagers works. This is going to take a while. So, as you already know, we are shapeshifting wizards. We can perform little magic such as, moving a book up and down or shutting a window. The higher rank - or tier - you are, the more magic you have. For example, Darcy here is a panther. Her magic could lift a bus. She just doesn’t know how to at the moment. Now, there are dark clanagers. We call them Twisters. They use their magic for no good. When we fight them, their magic is taken to Earth and used to replenish the environment. Humans know this as rain.


Our life here in the clanage is very simple. We come here when we are new, to train and learn, in preparation of finding and defending your human. If your human dies or you are too old for your magic to be useful, you can return here to retire. The people who retire here are owners of the shops and the teachers. I am not retired but my human died because of… health issues.” James whimpered in a raccoony way, remembering the loss of his human. He pulled himself together and started talking again.


“The way Clanager genetics work is quite simple actually. If a Clanager mates with another clanager, the offspring would be the animal of the higher rank. For example, if a dog mated with a lion, the child would be a lion clanager, not some crazy mutated lion/dog hybrid clanager. A clanager could possibly mate with a human but it may kill the mother in birth, uh no offence Darcy.” I faltered at his words and my heart fell. I kept it together though. Sam wrapped his arms protectively around me and I told James to keep going.


I was strong and used to people talking about my mum. I was going to see Beatrice this afternoon and find some more information about my mum. James kept going, “Just to remind you about the ranks of the clanagers, here is a piece of paper showing all the levels.” Sam grabbed one for me and I gladly took it and read down the list.


It read:

The lowest are rats, possums, ferrets and magpies.

The next level are dogs, cats, beavers and raccoons.

Next is horses, wolves, eagles and lions.

The highest are only for royals, these are panthers, tigers, owls and bears.


If a Clanager mates with another clanager, the offspring would be the animal of the higher rank. For example, if a raccoon clanager mated with a horse clanager, the child would be a horse clanager


There has been cases when a clanager has mated with a human but that is very rare and can result in the death of the mother.


James rambled on for another 10 minutes, answering people’s questions about shifting and mind linking. I had Sam to tell me all of that so I sort-of zoned out. It was lunch time when he finished.

I said thanks to James then Sam and I started hopping on our skateboard and scooter.

“Pizza time! Hungry panther?” asked Sam. I was a little down in the dumps and I could tell he was trying to cheer me up. He’s so sweet.

“You bet! Where to now?” I felt happy as I knew I was going to get food. I did a small jump on my skateboard, jumping over a small rock.

“Dominos is always the best, let's go!” Sam smiled, turning down a corner street. I pushed on the ground, trying to keep up with him. I was so glad Dad bought me a new skateboard. We stopped at a red and blue shop. I smelt the air and sighed. Pizza...


17: An Underground Tavern!
An Underground Tavern!


I walked in, practically dragging Sam into the shop. We ordered two large pizzas, meat lovers and super supreme. As soon as the people called my name, I ran to collect the pizza and immediately took a bite of my pizza. We shared the pizzas at one of the tables below a big oak tree outside the shop. Inside Dominos was busy, it was lunch time so everyone was hungry.


The air had a nice breeze to it, making the temperature drop to a nice chill. I was glad I bought my jacket. I was starving so I scoffed down my pizza. It was delicious, meat lovers flavour. Sam just laughed “Geez, for a Panther, you have a big appetite!”

“What?” I defended playfully “Is a panther not allowed to eat pizza!”  He just snickered and ate the rest of his pizza. I managed to easily chomp down all eight pieces and finish quickly. My stomach was warm in satisfaction. That pizza was delicious! After we finished our meals Sam asked me if I wanted to see something special, obviously I said yes.


We strolled out of the pizza shop, leaving the delicious smell of pizza behind. Holding hands, Sam guided me somewhere, it was quite mysterious actually. I asked him where we were going but he shushed me and said it was a secret. We walked through a small garden which was just out the back of the Dominos shop. We took a path down to a court yard. It was quite romantic at midday there was butterflies fluttering along the pathway and the sun was sparkled through the emerald green trees.


Up ahead was Earth, I missed it but I had found a better place here on the moon. It was only 2 and a half weeks before I could go back. I was so glad that Sam was coming to Earth with me, I think that Sam and Elliot would be great friends, they’re very similar in many ways. I followed Sam through the garden, towards a flight of stairs.


Sam lead me down mossy stairs and took me into an underground cave until we were standing on a large sandy bank.  There was a slight breeze and the air smelt cool and refreshing. I stood shocked with amazement.  “Wow. Sam how did you find this place?!” I asked astonished. My eyes widened as I scanned my surrounding. I was standing on the bank of the most beautiful underground lake! I cast my eyes around the cavern and took in the magnificent scenery.


The air was a little chilly so I hugged my arms. There were glowworms lining the roof of the cavern and from a hole at the side was a clear lookout of the sky. In the middle of the cave was a large crystal clear lake that snaked its way through the cavern. Little rainbow fish darted through the water playing a game of tag.


On the bank, there were rocks and sticks scattered around. I slipped off my shoes and felt the cold sand between my toes. I grinned in happiness. Sam dipped his toes into the water and hopped back, cursing at the cold water. I let out a loud laugh at his hissy fit. Sam shook his head at me and we continued walking around the river. Lots of vegetation grew here. There were lots of bushes and trees, it was like a little world underground a pizza shop! This was officially my new favourite place.


We stopped at a mini hill and overlooked the water. I looked at Sam and he stared straight back at me. He sighed softly and said ”I thought you would like this place, It's where I got to get away from my brother,” He looked almost sad.  I leaned against him. He smelt like musty wolf and pizza. Being in his arms I felt protected and safe, almost natural. I whispered “Thank you”. He smiled and hugged me close. I could hear the steady beat of his heart. I tilted my head up towards him and we kissed. It was the perfect one. In a beautiful scene and it was short but sweet. Afterwards, we pulled apart and I blushed. Sam rubbed my shoulder and we looked back out to the lovely lake.


Afterwards, we sat down and chatted about stuff. Yep, I wasn't really paying attention but I know Sam was talking about stuff.


18: Poor Percy
Poor Percy



I was missing Darcy like crazy. After I had snuck into her room, I had been investigating her disappearance. Elliot thinks I'm crazy. I explained the whole thing to him - with lots of tears I might add. I could see sadness in his eyes but he stayed strong for the both of us. It was now only 3 weeks until Darcy was due to come back. I hope she doesn't bring some Jamaican boyfriend home! That was a joke.


I tried ringing her dad but he never picked up. I went round to their house another time and knocked on the door. I was trying to see if Darcy was still here but no one answered. All I heard was a muffled voice behind the door saying, “Bangers, shush mate. We can't let Percy know we are here,”. And then I was like. Ummm what the. Actual. Just. Happened. Every time I tried to peer into the window, I couldn't see much because of the bad lighting.


I tried to tell Elliot but he thought I was going loopy. It's true though! We were currently sitting in my bed, watching some movie he wanted to watch. It was buffering really bad because he was playing it off some dodgy website.

“You know Percy, I think she really is on holidays. You know, when I turned 16 last year, my parents took me to Alaska. I believe Mr Daniels. Why would he lie?” Elliot composed, trying to reload the movie. He was also chomping on popcorn, spilling it everywhere in my bed. He ran a hand through his black quiff.


“Elliot. You just don't see what I see. El, you need to face the truth here. There are so many clues! 1. Her dad let us plan a party which he knew wouldn't happen. 2. She left her leather jacket here. 3. There is someone in their house, looking after Bangers who didn't want me to know they were there, and it was specifically me they said,” I argued back. I stared into his gorgeous chocolate eyes.


Elliot was very stubborn at times. He played with his quiffed jet black hair, fixing it to stand up the way he liked it. If I dared touch his hair, he would slap me in an instant. He checked the time on his blue and black G-Shock watch, sighing.

“Whatever Percy. She's supposed to be back in a few weeks. 3 months has gone really fast. This movie obviously isn't working. How about we grab a wrap and milkshake instead?” Elliot replied.


He was trying to get my mind off things. Smart boy. I smiled at the thought of milkshakes and nodded furiously in agreement. I slipped on my black flats and grabbed my purse, practically pulling Elliot out the door. There was a small cafe right next to my house. I was wearing a nice blue dress and my brown and blonde ombre hair was out on my shoulders. We walked calmly to the cafe and took a seat.


Elliot seemed to be very good at getting my mind off things because when we were having our milkshakes, I forgot all about Darcy and the mystery. I had ordered a strawberry milkshake and Elliot got a chocolate one. I didn’t want a wrap but Elliot got a chicken and salad one. All of my problems just drifted away in the bubbles of the milkshakes. I sipped my milkshake, chatting to Elliot about his friends and soccer.


He was trying to tell me how he can do a rainbow flick and show me a video when I received a text. I felt around in my purse for my phone and turned it on. It was from an unknown number. I opened it up and read the message.


+87 2348 0473

Hey Percy! This is Darcy. I can’t believe I can finally text you! I got a phone so yeah. I will be coming home in 2 and a half weeks. I miss you and Elliot lots! I will reply soon if you text be back. Btw, I got a boyfriend! He is super cute and you will meet him soon.

Hugs, Darcy


I screamed in delight and shoved it in Elliot’s face. He grinned and wanted me to text her back. Of course. I quickly slurped up my milkshake and began madly texting. I guess she really was on holidays. OMG! She IS bringing a jamaican boyfriend home!


19: History



Sam and I were still in the underground tavern. We sat down on the rocks and I gazed at the wonderful sight. I leaned into Sam’s chest, his arms wrapping around my waist. I had sent a text to Persephone earlier when Sam was out jogging and my phone buzzed, making the sound I had programmed it to when Percy texted me.


I fiddle around in my pockets, bringing out my phone and checking the text. She had written back! Here’s what she wrote:


Omg! Darcy! You texted! I missed you so much!!! El and I can’t wait for you to come home. I’m not sure if your dad is home or not but you also left your leather jacket at home. Elliot and I are drinking milkshakes at the moment. Now, who’s this boyfriend of yours? I want details! Now! I hope you had a good birthday. I had a surprise party organised for you but… you went on holidays. I hope you are coming home soon! Bring me back a souvenir!

Hugs, Percy and Elliot


I will reply later. I put my phone away and closed my eyes. Sam played with my hair, twisting it between his fingers. I felt him brush my neck. “Darcy,” he whispered.

I mumbled, “Mmm?”

“Time to go panther,” he cooed.

“Noooo... “ I groaned,“Not yet!!”

I fluttered open my eyes and gazed up to him. He took my chin in his thumb and index finger.

“Come on let's go! You’ve got an appointment with Beatrice and you're NOT supposed to be late!,” Sam whispered.  


Our eyes locked and we kissed. It was soft and warm, a good kiss. We broke apart and I leaned into his chest, cuddling him with my arms. He stroked my hair in silence.


Suddenly, I unwrapped myself from his arms, stood up and brushed off my pants.

“Come on, we gotta go!” I smiled. Sam nodded, standing and up and grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the stairs. I ran up them, Sam chasing me back to the pizza shop. It was only 10 minutes to the City Hall so we walked. We passed many shops and turned lots of corners, following the pathway. It wasn't cold outside so I wasn't wearing my leather jacket. My appointment was at 2:30 and it was now 2:10. I checked my phone and saw a text from my Dad.


Hi sweetie, we miss you heaps! I am glad you are well and I am guessing you are figuring some stuff out about our family. Persephone keeps coming to our house to see if you are here. She and Elliot miss you like crazy. I have to keep dodging them at the supermarket. Hmm a boyfriend already! Is he coming back with you? I am glad you liked your skateboard. See you in 2 weeks!

xx Dad


I quickly replied, telling Dad I missed him too and would explain everything to Percy and sent it. By the time I had finished, we had arrived and were sitting in the waiting room for Beatrice.


“Do you want me to come in?” Sam asked softly. His eyes were full of care. He was very protective and cared deeply about me. If anyone said anything rude or hurtful to me, he will growl and hug me until the tears went away. I adored him for that.


“If you don't mind. I mean… You don't have to. I just like having you here,” I replied, squeezing his hand.

“Anything for you little panther,” he simply replied. His blue eyes told me that he meant it. I heard high heels clicking down the hallway and quickly looked up to see Beatrice.


“Ahh Darcy dear. Sam! Welcome, come into my office. Right this way,” she enthusiastically guided us to her big office. I sat down next to Sam, his presence was comforting. Her office was quite olden looking looking. She had a big wooden desk, rustic bookshelf and wooden chairs.


There were photos on the wall and a big computer and printer. There was a large window on the side, with beams of sunlight shining through. Under the window was a small tiger patterned cat stretched out in the sunlight. The cat distracted me for a moment. I was mesmerised by it’s eyes. Wait, that wasn’t a cat, it was a clanager! Beatrice hissed at it and it quickly got up and raced across the office, bounced off the desk and out the door.


Beatrice growled, “Pesky kids” and sat down in a big office chair behind her desk. She smiled lovingly at me, Beatrice seemed familiar like I knew her before my 16th birthday. On Earth? Or was I just imagining recognising her.


“Nice to see you are getting along well Sam and Darcy,” she smiled. “But onto business, now I understand you want to know a little more about your mother and royalties. Let's get started with how I knew your mother. We were neighbours on Earth and basically when we came to the Clanage, we didn't know anyone else so we stuck together. We became best friends and trained together. When we returned to Earth, we each discovered our humans. Your mother's human was your father.


We had to train and because your mum was a panther, she became the queen when she turned eighteen. She looked after us all very well and we never had a war, she sorted everyone out. When she was 22, she and your Dad fell in love and got married. My human was battling cancer. She died 2 years after I found her.


I fell into Clandep. It is clanage depression. Your mum, Georgia, helped me see joy in life and told me she was pregnant. I was of course happy for her and she told me even though her baby wasn't my chosen human, I could still protect it - you. After your mother gave birth, your Dad was deeply heartbroken, he mourned for many months before he accepted that your mother was dead. I looked after you and now look at you! So grown up and beautiful, just like your mother. Also your mother made me part of the family!  I am your godmother Darcy. I am sorry you don’t remember or never really met me until now but I think you can handle yourself.


As you grew up, I had to tell your dad about Clanage and how you were going to leave and why your mother passed away. You have inherited some royalties, such as a nice house near the habitats, a safe in the bank full of money and the role of the queen.


You can access a small amount of the money but you cannot live in the house or act as queen until you are 18. We also need you on the high board of the Clanage. If there is an uprise or war, we will call on you but until then, you need to keep changing and find your human.


I am going to send you and Sam down in 2 weeks. Please pack your bags and prepare for Earth. Any questions?” Beatrice gave a long winded speech. I shook my head, trying to process anything. This was still all new to me, only 3 months in and I am finally getting the hang of things.


I said thank you to Beatrice and took Sam by the hand. We stood up and walked out the door. I heard Beatrice whisper joyfully “Ahh young love.” I smiled at her words.


20: Skateboard injuries
Skateboard injuries


Sam and I walked hand-in-hand back to our room. We chatted along the way about what we’re going to do in Earth. Tomorrow, we are going to the waterpark with James and Casey. I still don't know how it is possible to have a waterpark on the moon.


I opened the door with my key and flopped on my bed, sighing in delight as the doona and pillows welcomed me. I didn’t realise how tired I was until my head hit the pillow. I curled into a ball, pulling the covers over the top of me. Sam chuckled at me, taking a bite of an apple.


I was still thinking about everything that Beatrice had told me. Queen eh? Do I need a king? Is there a palace? What do I have to do everyday? I had so many questions. I closed my eyes and I drifted off into a small nap.




I woke up, opening my eyes to see a bar of chocolate on the bed. I perked up, sitting myself up and picked it up. It had a note taped to it from Sam.


Hey Panther, you have been asleep for about half an hour. I have gone to check on my Dad and his workshop. We will go for dinner when I get back

xx Wolf


I took to note off the chocolate, unwrapped it and swallowed it in delight. Yummy, smooth, cocoa chocolate! I threw the covers off myself, checking my phone. My dad had texted back. He was happy to know that I was safe.


I jumped off the bed, walking over to the bathroom. I washed my face and tied up my hair. I changed into some high-waisted shorts and a black and white Stussy shirt. I chucked on my black converse and grabbed my skateboard.


I decided to go for a small ride around. I skated on the pathway outside the dorm rooms. I crouched down on my board as I spun around, doing a tight turn on the road. There aren’t many cars so it was pretty safe.

I was swerving up and down the road, enjoying myself and trying out new moves when I heard someone yell, “Panther!” My head snapped up and the skateboard hit the curb, sending me flying down onto the ground, landing on my back. For a second I was sure I broke a bone. I winced, trying to stand up. I had hit my tailbone pretty hard. But I was sure I hadn't broken anything.


“Haha! Are you okay?” It was Sam, he was walking towards me, trying to stop himself from laughing at me. I scowled at him and picked up my skateboard. I checked it for scratches and dents. I jabbed my finger at him and growled “That was YOUR fault! Your lucky I didn't break a bone.”


He approached me and took the skateboard from me. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Come on, I am sorry. Let get you fixed up.” I looked up to him and grunted ok. It was hard to stay mad at him. He was so sweet and goofy. He lifted me up from the ground and we walked back to the room. Sam rested my skateboard on the wall and I layed down on the bed.


When he thought I wasn't listening, he whispered “Should've put that on YouTube fails,”

I walked over to him and punched him playfully on the shoulder. I left him wincing in pain as I got a glass of water for myself.

“Geez, you can punch! Sorry I wasn't really going too,” He apologised, rubbing his shoulder.


Sam flicked on the TV and sat down next to me.

“What do you want for dinner? We can order take in,” offered Sam. He could still tell I was angry at him. I sighed, turning me head to him.

“Thai chicken curry please!” I asked. His response was funny.

“What? No pizza? I think that fall has damaged your head… Are you okay panther?” Sam chuckled, touching my head lightly. I slapped his hand away, growling at him. He put his hands up in defeat.

“Okay, okay. I am sorry Panther. I will get your curry now…” Sam quickly kissed my forehead, jumping off the bed, grabbing his phone. He punched in some numbers and ordered my curry and some spring rolls for himself.


I focused back on the screen, it was a show about weird cats and dogs so I kept it on the same channel.  Sam was still mumbling on the phone. I was watching a cat try to stuff it’s paw in its mouth when the doorbell rang. I jumped up in surprise and opened the door.


Sam hung up on the phone as I opened the door to Casey.

“Darcy, Sam… James, he needs help! Come quickly!” Casey panted. There was panic in her eyes. Sam and I ran out of the room, following Casey into the habitats. I quickly shifted in mid run, Sam and Casey did the same. Casey took flight and Sam and I ran at top speed. We followed her through the forest until we came to a halt.


I heard a small critter as we walked around. My head snapped to where I had heard it. I lowered my head to the ground and found a raccoon trapped under a log. Casey landed, screeching at us. I growled at Sam to grab his attention. He walked over and whimpered to see his best friend hurt.


Sam and I shifted back to humans and lifted the log. It was a big one, a tree had snapped whilst James was scurrying on the ground. We lifted it up with all our might and James ran out. Casey swooped down, nuzzling heads with James. They chirped at each other and I chuckled. It was nice to see he was okay.


James and Casey shifted as Sam held me in a hug.

“Thankyou so much! I don’t know how I would’ve done it without you two!” smiled Casey. She held James’ hand.

“Thanks bro, thanks Darce,” smiled James. I was glad we could help.

“Let’s get going. Do you guys want dinner? I ordered extra Thai. Although we need to be back before it arrives!” grinned Sam. Casey and James nodded as we all shifted into animals.


“It’s a race! See you later losers!” Sam mindlinked us all. I bounded after him, jumping over sticks and twigs. I raced ahead. Of course, I was higher ranking than them all so I had better abilities. I raced through the forest and into the swamplands. Suddenly, I was tackled from behind.


“Surprise panther!” Sam mindlinked me again. I growled at him. I squirmed on the floor and jumped back up again. I raced after him. I kept running, Casey and James tried to catch up as we reached the City Hall. I shook my head in defeat, slowing down to a fast jog. As I approached the dorm room, I shifted and continued jogging over. Sam opened the door and I ran inside.


“Ha! I beat you inside!” I punched him in the shoulder playfully. He rolled his eyes as Casey and James walked in. My stomach rumbled as I remembered we ordered curry. I flopped onto Sam's bed. James sat on the couch and Casey took my bed. Sam walked in and saw all the spots were taken.


He sighed as I laughed at him and he came and layed down next to me. Casey flicked on the TV and loaded up Netflix. We chose a action romance movie - I forgot what it is called. Sam fiddled with my hair as I watched intently. After about 15 minutes of watching, there was a knock on the door. Sam opened it up and received our curry dinner. I grinned and took my curry from him. He gave James and Casey each a tub of curry and he ate his spring rolls.


We ate hungrily and finished off our meals, chucking our rubbish in the bin. I snuggled closer to Sam. It was about halfway into the movie. It was about eight thirty but I was tired. The movie was still going when I drifted off to sleep.


21: Waterpark



It was seven thirty and we needed to be at the waterpark at eight thirty. I decided to wake Darcy up, we needed to get ready. I was going to have fun today! I gently rubbed her shoulders, making her wake up. Her pretty green eyes fluttered open, making me smile. She said good morning with a sleepy voice. I kissed her on the cheek and she sat up.


“Did I fall asleep during the movie?” she yawned.

“Yeah, I didn't want to move you,” I smiled back. She leaned into my chest.

“Water Park today eh?” She whispered. I nodded in reply, playing with her fingers.

“We have to leave in a hour so I thought I would wake you up,” I let her know

“Mmm I need to have a shower and pack,” she thought out loud. She tried to get up but I held her back with my arms. I didn't want her to leave.

“Sammmmm I need to go!” She whined, giving me a kiss on the forehead as I let her go. She stumbled over to the bathroom. I heard the water running a few minutes later. I moved from my bed and poured myself a cup of juice. I gulped that down and decided to get dressed.


I walked into the walk in robe and pulled out my board shorts. I changed into them and pulled a Zoo York tank top on. I checked my hair in the mirror and walked out in satisfaction. I heard the water turn off in the shower. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a banana. I opened it up and chomped into it, stuffing my face. I strolled over to the couch and sat down, looking over to the bookshelf. Darcy has filled up most of it with her books.


I heard her fumbling around in the closet. She was a beautiful girl. She fell asleep in my arms last night. I think I'm in love with her. She was perfect in my eyes. I love her eyes, her scent, her quirks and personality. The joy in her eyes was magnificent when I took her to the underground tavern. I wonder what she thinks of me.


I heard her walking back into the room and my head gazed up to see her walking out. She had denim high-waisted shorts and a Santa Cruz tank top on. I could also see her bikini straps on her shoulders. Her hair was let out and she had a flat cap on.


“Done checking me out?” She smirked. I turned red in embarrassment. She laughed in return and came to sit down next to me.

“You're beautiful you know that?” I told her. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. We sat there for a minute when my phone beeped. It was the alarm to get going to the water park.

“Panther, we gotta go,” I said. Darcy nodded and got up, slipping on her converse, grabbing a bag full of god knows what and her sunglasses.


I opened the door for her and we jumped onto my motorbike. Darcy put her gear under her seat and we put our helmets on. It wasn't cold today, it was rather hot. Good day for the water park. We zoomed through the city, enjoying the breeze. I turned down all the right streets and roads until we arrived at the water park.


The entrance is a big yellow sign saying “Clanage Water Park”. There were some plants out the front and a nice pathway to the inside. We hopped off and Darcy grabbed her gear. All I had was my sunglasses and wallet. We walked inside. I paid for our tickets, it's pretty cheap. I used my wolf smell and quickly realised James and Casey weren't here yet.


“Woah. This place is awesome!” Darcy gasped as the giant water slide, the big pools and rafting slide came into view. I laughed at her, she looked like a little kid gaping at the lolly store. I chose a table for us, under a nice shade umbrella. Darcy put her bag down and took a wide look at the park.


“Pretty big eh Panther?” I grinned. She nodded in return. Is familiar scent hit my nose. I think Darcy smelt it too because she narrowed her eyes.

“James and Casey are here…” I alerted. Darcy nodded, realising she knew the smell. I think her and Casey have become quite close. We walked to the front of the park again, hand in hand.

“Casey! James! Yay let's get started!” Darcy cheered. We greeted our friends and took them to our seats.


Casey and Darcy put all their stuff away and took their clothes off, leaving them both in their bikinis. Darcy looked really pretty. She tied up her long hair and twisted it up into a bun. I took off my shirt and chased Darcy into the water. She ran, squealing as I wrapped my cold, wet arms around her. I released her and James and Casey entered the water. We splashed around, playing a water horse game.


James and I had each of our girls on our shoulders and they tried to take each other's sunglasses. We had lots of fun splashing and dodging in the water. Next we went on the big water slides. We had to climb up the stairs then go down on a mat. Darcy and I went down together and she squealed in fright and delight. James and Casey went down but Casey was hysterical. She was gripping onto James like the world was going to end!


“Now that should've gone on YouTube!” I laughed. Darcy was almost wetting herself laughing. James and Casey resurfaced from the water and Casey looked horrified. Darcy spoke between laughs, “You.. Should've.. Seen.. Your… Face!!” James laughed at both the girls. We shook our heads in their childishness.


I felt hungry so I hopped out of the pool, grabbing my towel from the table. Darcy followed me. She wrapped her towel around her body. I dried off my hair and semi dried my shorts. We were going back in shortly. I took Darcy to the cafe and we ordered some toasted sandwiches. We ate hungrily. Swimming makes you hungry!


Casey and James got fish and chips and joined us. We all ate our meals then hopped back in the pool. Darcy's bikini was dark blue and had a geometric pattern on it. It suited her hair and skin colour. We walked over to the raft area. What you do is hop in inflatable rafts and go down a massive waterslide. It takes forever to walk up though.


We sprinted up the stairs. Darcy almost slipped a couple times but I caught her. When we reached the top, there was no queue so we jumped straight into a raft. It was 2 at a time so I went with Darce and James with Casey. We sped down, drifting from side to side by the water current. Darcy yelled in delight and we got to the end and hit the water with a slap.

“That was so much fun!” Darcy exclaimed.

“I know right! Let's watch Casey come down this time,” I chuckled at the thought. We hopped out of the water so we could watch them come down. I sat on the edge of the pool and Darcy sat next to me.


I squinted to see James and Casey hopping into the raft. They pushed off and sped down the slide. The roof was clear plastic so we could see Casey’s horrified face. As they hit the water, Casey screamed, causing me to cover my ears. Darcy was in a fit of giggles. I chuckled as they resurfaced from the water. Casey hit James on the shoulder.

“That was scary!” she screeched.

“Sorry, sorry. We won’t do it again!” James tried to calm her down. She scowled at Darcy who was laughing her butt off.


James and Casey swam to the edge of the pool and joined us sitting on the edge. Darcy managed to stop laughing. She apologised to Casey and she accepted the apology. It was about 1:30pm so we decided to head back. We were going to take Darcy for a surprise…. Moonbucks! Yeah it was like Starbucks but on the moon.


I stood up and got everyone’s towels for them as they trudged over. We dried ourselves and slipped back on our clothes. The girls collected all their gear and went to the bathroom together. James and I grabbed a bottle of water each and sat down, chatting about motorbikes. The girls came back 15 minutes later and we were ready to go.


There were a few other families and kids still running around and playing in the water as we walked out of the park. James and Casey got into their car and Darcy and I took the motorbike. We put on our helmets and follow James to Moonbucks.


Darcy felt confused. She tried to ask me through mindlink but I replied and said this was a short cut. We drove around the back streets until we turned up in the main part of the city. We pulled up at Moonbucks and I heard Darcy squeal.


“STARBUCKS!! I MEAN MOONBUCKS!!! Eeek!! Yay,” she gave me a big hug and she skipped into the shop with Casey. I chuckled at the girls. They were so childish sometimes. James and I walked in, following our girlfriends. They had already ordered caramel frappes and strawberry coffees and all that gross stuff.


I ordered a plain coffee and sat down with Darcy.

“What do you think Panther?” I asked.

“Omg, thank you for taking me here! I love love love it!” she grinned. Darcy leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The waitress put down her drink - whatever exotic flavour it was - and her piece of cake. Darcy was grinning from ear to ear.


I drank my coffee quietly and James and Casey sat down opposite us. Darcy had finished her drink.

“What flavour was that drink Darce?” I asked, horrified that it was a black red colour.

“Red Velvet,” She laughed. Of course, how could I not know that there was red velvet flavoured milkshakes? That was sarcastic. To be honest, her drink looked like blood.


Darcy started on her Oreo cheesecake but got full halfway. She was chatting to Casey about going to Earth. I stole her cake when she wasn’t looking and gobbled it up. James laughed, trying not to give it away. Darcy turned around and noticed her cheesecake was gone. She glared at me and I shrugged.


Darcy and Casey shook their heads at me. Everyone was finished their afternoon tea so we went back to our dorm rooms. Darcy and I needed to pack. We only had a week before we were heading down to Earth. We parted with James and Casey. I think Darcy and Casey were becoming close friends.


I let Darcy drive us back to our rooms. She beat me to the shower so I got out my suitcase. Time for major packing.


22: What to pack? That is the question...
What to pack? That is the question...


I had packed some of the basic things when Darcy came out of the shower. We tag teamed and I hopped in. I rinsed my body over, getting the chlorine off my skin. I shampooed my hair and got back out. Next, I grabbed my towel and dried off the water. I then grabbed a shirt and shorts and chucked them on.


When I walked back into the main room, Darcy was on the bed crying. I ran over to her and embraced her in my arms.

“Panther, what’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. It hurt to see her cry.

“I just…. I miss my friends and my Dad,” She sobbed.

“I know, we will see them in a week. You will always have me,” I comforted her. She nodded and buried her face into my neck. Her tears were icicles on my skin. I held her for what felt like forever when she mumbled, “Thanks Wolf, you are the best.”


“Do you miss anyone Sam?” Darcy asked me.

“Of course. I miss my best friend, Sean. I am going to visit him when we head down to Earth,” I replied. We broke apart and Darcy wiped away the last of her tears. I gave her a huge smile and she returned one.

“Want some help packing?” I asked gently.

“Yeah, that would be nice,” she nodded. Darcy had a pile of clothes on her bed to sort through and I just folded the ones she wanted and placed them into her suitcase. After we were done, I ordered a pizza, another special treat for my girlfriend.


“Aww you spoil me!” she laughed.

“Of course. What else am I supposed to do?” I asked. Sometimes I worry about her being queen. I don’t want her to grow up and forget me. I know I can’t choose the future though, I just want to make her happy. We decided to scoot or skate down to the shop to collect it. Darcy was feeling a bit better I think. As a wolf, I am very protective of her. I won’t let anyone hurt her ever. Her and my human will always come first for me.


Darcy and I hopped on our ‘vehicles’ and rode towards the pizza shop. We scooted down the path and took in the scenery. We had a lot of memories here. We passed the bush I fell into and got scared of bugs, the curb Darcy tripped on the skateboard and of course, Sienna's pink room.


I really don't know what my brother sees in her. I hope they don't get married, otherwise I will have to be related to her! How horrible. I cringed at the though as we stopped at the shop. Darcy smelt through her nose and beamed. She is the cutest thing in the world to me. I gave her a big hug and we put our transportation down and walked inside to collect it. I paid for the pizza and we strolled outside and sat down next to my scooter and her skateboard.


We munched in silence, filling our stomachs with pizza. We had meat lovers this time and the pepperoni was spicy!

Suddenly, an ear piercing scream shot through the air. I looked over to see Darcy doing the same thing. What was happening?

23: Too many twisters...
Too many twisters...


I hopped up out of my seat to see a group of six or seven twisters. Crap. I bolted over to Darcy. She was okay. There were a few people screaming over there but I think Beatrice's guards were already on it.


We grabbed our gear and sprinted back to the dorm room. I mind linked James to make sure they were okay and he replied saying Beatrice's team were already on it. Darcy was panting as we halted in front of our dorm room. I quickly unlocked the door and we jumped inside. No twisters followed us home.


I feel cowardly for running away but I needed to keep Darcy safe. Plus I think I saw one with bugs in its hair. Gross. Darcy was pretty shaken up so I held her in my arms.

“It's okay Darce. It's okay,” I panted. Darcy nodded and swallowed her fear. We broke out of the hug and sat down. There was my adrenalin run for the week.


It was pretty late at night which made this attack pretty scary. I combed my hand through my hair in thought. I felt a little tired so I laid down on my bed, gazing up into the roof. I was lost in thought when Darcy cuddled up beside me.


I miss Earth too. I had my other best friend still there. James and I both left him there. I played with Darcy's smooth, silky hair in silence. I can't wait for us to go back to Earth. I have been back once before but I am ready to go again.


Soon, I checked the time and it was past nine o'clock. Darcy was sound asleep, curled in my left arm and side so I decided to head to sleep as well.




I woke up to the sound of the blender grinding a mixture. I shot up from my bed and saw Darcy making a weird concoction in the blender.

“Morning Wolf!” she chirped. I investigated the ingredients on the bench. She had milk, a tin of pineapple, a mango and cream.

“Hey Panther, what are you making?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. I stretched out and walked over, giving Darcy a kiss on the cheek.


Darcy blushed and started to put away the items.

“Mango and Pineapple smoothie!” Darcy replied. I nodded in reply, of course, why didn't I work that out before? Darcy poured a cup for us each and I took a sip of the smoothie.


It tasted delicious! Like fruit but with a nice creamy texture. I gulped it down and thanked Darcy. Then I headed to the shower and got changed into a fresh set of clothes. When I came out, Darcy was texting on her phone. She peered up from her phone and put it away as she saw me. I loved her smile, I felt the urge to tickle her so I walked over to her and pinned her down on the bed.


“Sam… What are you doing?” Darcy asked, looking a little scared.

“Tickle fight!” I yelled, tickling her stomach with my fingers. She squealed and squirmed, kicking my knees and laughing uncontrollably. I chuckled, she was too cute. She tried to tickle me back but I rolled over and was out of her reach. I poked her in the belly and she asked for me to stop because her stomach hurt from laughing.


I shook my head and ceased fire. That was fun! Darcy was still recovering from laughing when I decided we should do something scary today. Yes, we are going to the haunted house today.


I didn't want to tell Darcy my plan because she is sure to disagree. Tomorrow we go to Earth and I can tell she is excited so this will take her mind off it for a bit. I told Darcy I was taking her to a surprise and she should get ready to leave in half an hour. I asked to use her camera.


I was a mean boyfriend sometimes! Ya, I am going to take photos of her scared face. James and I have been in there, Casey was too freaked out but we found it a little creepy but mainly funny that people actually sat in there and pretended to be dead and ghostly.


Darcy was ready quickly so we headed off ten minutes early. She asked me where we were going but I told her it was a surprise. We took my motorbike to the haunted house so I zipped around on the road and pulled up next to the house. It was a set up fun park. They had taken an old house and opened it up as a haunted house. Darcy screamed as soon as she realised where we were.


“Sam! Haunted House? Really!” Darcy huffed. I smirked and pulled her towards the house. She was a little freaked out but I insisted I would keep her safe. I also have her camera in my pocket to take photos.


We walked up to the dark spooky house and paid five dollars for our tickets. As we went up the stairs to walk in, the floor creaked underneath us. Darcy gripped my arm in fear. I swung open the door and stepped in. Darcy was already shaking in fear.


We walked down a long dark hallway. There were smashed photos hung from the wall and there were cobwebs and dust everywhere. We followed the path to the next room where a dead body was on the ground. Darcy screamed as it started to move, jerking up and down. She was such a wimp.


I stepped around the body and kept walking into the next room. My wolf senses felt a little uneasy in this room. Darcy was whimpering behind me as I saw dark figures coming towards us. I squinted into the darkness as they came closer. Suddenly, one gripped me on the arm. I spun on my heels, dashing for the exit, dragging Darcy with me.


They weren’t part of the set, they were twisters! I mindlinked Beatrice to alert her. She was furious and immediately send down her guards. I screeched at the ticket man who was out the front. He ran for his life and bolted into his car. Darcy and I drove off speedily on my motorbike.


I panted heavily as I rode away from that house. I saw some eagles and horses running beside the road, must be Beatrice’s guards. Darcy clinged to me like her life depended on it. Two twister attacks in two days? Something wrong is going on. Oh well, I will keep Darcy safe on Earth tomorrow. I winced as I heard a terrifying scream.


The twisters had been killed and that was their last sound. The guards must’ve beat the twisters. I can imagine their scaly, black skin and dreadlocked hair shriveling as they die. I shivered at the thought.


I shook my head in frustration and kept driving. I pulled up outside our dorm room and hugged Darcy. She was pale and looked like she needed to be sick. I pulled her inside the room and took her to the bathroom. I held back her hair as she emptied out the contents of her stomach. Gross.


Darcy wiped her mouth and gestured for me to leave the room. I walked out, leaving her alone. I heard water running and guessed she was having a shower. Darcy hadn’t spoken the whole time. I am guessing she is still pretty shocked. I hope it doesn't ruin her mood for tomorrow. I am pretty scared but I have to be brave for the both of us. As long as there are no bugs.


I grabbed a sausage from the fridge and heated it up in the microwave. I gulped it down and thought to warm one up for Darcy. The water had turned off and I could hear her in the wardrobe. I double-checked my suitcase to make sure it was ready for tomorrow. We needed to be at the station at 7:00AM.


I can’t believe Darcy has been here over 4 months! Tomorrow I start the search for my human. I am also going to check on my best mate, Sean. I can’t wait to see him! Darcy walked out in casual looking clothes.


“You okay?” I asked her as I pulled her into a hug.

“I am okay. I need to learn to face my fears,” she replied.

“It’s okay to be scared sometimes,” I whispered back.

“I know but I can be brave!” She smiled, pulling out of my arms and flopping onto her bed. I have something special planned for tonight. I sat down next to her and we chatted about what we were going to do tomorrow. Darcy said I could stay at her house and meet her Dad. Then I had to meet her friends then go looking for our humans.


Yep. Darcy had it all planned out. I chuckled at her organisation. I also wanted to go see Sean. I still knew his address so I was going to pay a surprise visit.


When Darcy was in a pretty happy mood, I sat on the ground. Darcy was puzzled but kept on chatting. I nodded and smiled then got on my knees. I held her hands and said

“Darcy, I want you to accept this.”


I slipped a ring on her finger. It is a silver ring with a blue and green stone on it. I made it with my dad the other day. He had a friend who made jewelry. She gasped, her green eyes looking into my blue ones.


“This is a promise ring. Now Darcy O’Reynald, do you promise to be my girlfriend? Be mine forever?” I asked her.

“Of course! It's gorgeous!!” She replied. I stood up and she gave me a huge hug.

“Just like you,” I complemented. She blushed and we kissed. It was passionate and sweet. Darcy's lips tasted like pizza.


Darcy beamed at me and was blushing like a tomato. I picked her up bridal style and carried her around the room. She screamed in delight and pounded at my back to put her down. I ran around the room when I saw a spider on the wall.


“Eeeeeeek! SPIDER!” I yelled. I suddenly dropped Darcy down on the bed and ran away from the wall. Darcy started into a fit of giggles and was rolling around holding her stomach.


I sat in the corner, far away from the spider as Darcy got the swatter and smacked the spider. Then she chucked it out the window. I sighed in relief as I knew the spider was gone. Darcy shook her head at me as stood up.


“You are such a scaredy-wolf,” she teased. I crossed my arms and huffed. I tried to look mad but it was hard to stay angry at my beautiful little Panther.


I jumped on my bed and flicked on the TV. Darcy was admiring her ring in the mirror. I beckoned her over to me.


She agreed and curled up next to me as we watched an animal show she loved. She was so cute sometimes. Darcy giggled at all the animals and I fell in love with her smile.


It was nine o'clock and we had an early morning tomorrow so I turned the TV off. Darcy was already asleep in my arms so I pulled the covers over us and fell to sleep.


24: Back to Earth
Back to Earth



I woke up to Sam's early alarm. It was 5:00 and we had to get ready. Today I am going back to earth! I fell asleep in Sam’s arms last night so I woke up curled into his chest. I shook him gently to wake him up so he could release me.


I had all my bags packed. All I had to do was have a shower and leave! Sam woke up with a grunt and slowly rubbed his eyes. I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead before hopping into the shower.


I rinsed my body and shampooed my hair under the hot water. When I was finished, I turned the knobs and got out of the shower. I rubbed myself with a towel and got changed into black jeans, white converse and a tie-dye shirt. I dried off my hair and let it down on my shoulders.


I came out of the wardrobe and saw Sam was already ready to go. I slipped on the magnificent ring he gave me. I loved it to bits, just like I loved Sam. He made me feel special and just seeing him gave me butterflies. He smirked from under his long swept hair. His black hair flicked out at the sides from a hat being worn over it.


He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, “You excited Panther?”

“You bet!” I replied, pinching his nose. He pretended it hurt and chuckled. I sent Casey a text to let her know I was going. She has become a good friend to me. I wish Percy could meet her! I think they would get along really well.


I picked up my suitcase and placed it near the door. We ordered a taxi because we can't take them on Sams motorbike. First of all, we were going to quickly get Moonbucks! I grabbed my leather jacket because it was a little chilly and Sam and I hopped on his motorbike.


We drove there quickly so we wouldn't be late for the Taxi. I walked in and ordered a Chai Latte for me and a Flat White for Sam. The lady complimented my ring and said Sam was a keeper. I thanked her and paid for the drinks. They were finished in two minutes and I walked out to Sam who was waiting outside.


We drove back to our room and had our warm drinks there. I sipped my warm Chai as we waited for the taxi. I was super excited. I can't wait to see Dad and Bangers and Percy and Elliot!! I warmed my fingers around my drink to keep them warm.


It was quite cold so I sat close to Sam, stealing some of his body warmth. I finished my drink just as the taxi pulled up. Sam lifted the heavy suitcases into the trunk of the White taxi and I hopped into the back seats. The taxi driver already knew where we were heading so Sam joined me and the driver sped off the station.


I hadn't thought about how we were actually getting from the moon to earth. I thought it took over 3 months in a rocket ship. Surely they have something faster? The driver pulled up outside the station and we hopped out to see Beatrice.


Sam grabbed the bags - as the lovely boyfriend he is. I chatted to Beatrice about going home and seeing Dad. I took all of her advice and she sent us on our way!


I walked over to the platform with Sam and we waited for our transportation. At seven o'clock sharp, a train-like plane pulled up at the platform. Sam handed the hostess the suitcases. A few other clanangers were getting on too so Sam and walked onto the transport, taking a seat on the plush couches that were inside.


It was quite fancy actually. The floor was carpeted and the seats were couches. There weren't many couches so lots of room to move around. There were free minibars and a radio and TV for entertainment. I gaped in awe as Sam pulled me down to sit next to him on a couch.


I held his hand as everyone else boarded. After ten minutes, the train plane thing took flight and started moving. I was super excited.

“How long to Earth?” I asked Sam.

“About an hour,” he replied, taking out a magazine. Of course it was a motorbike one.


I nodded in reply and took out my phone. I played some games on it, trying to occupy myself. After half an hour of video games, I felt like listening to some music. Sam was currently engrossed in a movie so I used some earphones provided on the train plane to listen to my favourite music. I really like Pop and House music so I had a wide variety of artists and bands to listen to. I closed my eyes and listened to my favourite song.


Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore


Suddenly, the train plane jolted as we hit Earth. I pulled out my earplugs and looked over to Sam. We have arrived! OMG!! Well to be precise, we have landed in Brisbane, my home town. Sam and I are going to grab a taxi to get home. As the train plane slowed to a halt, the hostess’ got our suitcases out for us and let us out of the vehicle through some stairs. We haven't landed at the airport, it was a private airstrip designed for clanagers. Well that's what Sam told me.


They got a taxi for us and I gave the driver my address. I gaped in awe as I looked outside. I squeezed Sam's hand and squealed, “WE ARE HOME!”. Sam looked excited too. I was practically bouncing off the roof. The driver took shortcuts through town until we rolled up to my street. I saw my house and Bangers was waiting outside. The driver pulled up and got our suitcases out for us.


I hugged Sam before running over to Bangers and letting him lick me all over. He is the cutest sausage dog you will ever meet. I patted his belly as Sam knocked on the door. Dad opened it up immediately and ran over to me. I stood up and hugged my dad. I missed him heaps. Dad sighed in relief as he saw I was okay.


It was nice to be in his arms again. Dad pulled away and gawked in awe, “Darcy! Look at you! All those muscles. I am glad you are home sweetie.” I smiled and gave him one last quick hug.


“Dad, this is Sam, Sam this is Dad. Be nice to each other!” I introduced, hoping they would get along.

“Of course, nice to meet you Sam. You can stay in the guest bedroom,” Dad said, shaking Sam's hand.

“Nice to meet you Mr O’Reynald, thank you very much. You and your daughter are very kind to me,” Sam thanked.

“Oh please, call me Eric. Come in, come in,” Dad said, opening the door for us.


“Good manners, doesn’t look like a bad boy, we will see how he goes…” my Dad whispered to me. He was obviously judging Sam. At least he didn’t hate him right away, hopefully he will never hate Sam. I winked at my dad and continued inside. I took my heavy suitcase up to my room and showed Sam to his room on the way. I softly flopped on my bed and sighed deeply. Ahhh home!


I was hungry for breakfast so I cooked everyone eggs and bacon. Sam wolfed his down quickly and chatted to my dad about motorbikes. I rolled my eyes at the boys and politely ate my food. Sam out the dishes away when everyone was done. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and my dad pretended it was the grossest thing he had ever seen, skrewing his face up at us. I blushed and sat down in embarrassment.


This morning, I wanted Sam to meet Percy and Elliot. I texted Percy from a mysterious phone number, telling her to go to the cafe near her house. She didn't know it was me so it would be a surprise!


25: Home from holidays!
Home from holidays!


I received a text message as I was brushing my teeth from breakfast.


Persephone, come to the Milk Jug Cafe in an hour. Bring Elliot and don't tell anyone else.


What the hell? Is this a threat or something? I finished brushing my teeth and spat out the toothpaste spit. I rinsed out my mouth and strolled back to my room. I immediately forwarded the text to Elliot and he said he'll be there, may as well find out what these people want. I feel a little uneasy but I am sure it will be fine.


I dressed up into my purple bird crop shirt, denim short shorts and black sandals. I put my ombré hair into a pony tail and sat down to make outfits on Polyvore until it was time to go. I make a dinner outfit, a few summer outfits and an outfit for Beyoncé. Man, I should be a fashion designer!


I really miss Darcy. She is supposed to be back anytime soon. It is like having a hole in my heart. I still can't believe she went on holidays without anyone telling me. Last year Elliot did that and went to Alaska. I was angry with him for three months until he bought me the newest Chanel perfume. Only then did I forgive him.


I checked my watch, it was almost nine o'clock so I decided to walk down to the cafe.

“Mum, Dad, I am going out to meet Elliot. Be back soon!” I yelled out to my parents as I walked out the door. My parents were cool like that, I could just leave and be back whenever.


I took my time to walk there. Elliot rode his bike, classy. The pavement was hot, even with my sandals on. Man it was getting hot in Brisbane. Beads of sweat ran down my face in the heat. I walked quickly, trying to get to the aircon quicker. I strolled into the cafe right in time. I looked around the cafe, checking out every single table and chair until I spotted Elliot. I sat in the seat next to him.


“Umm what are we supposed to be doing?” I asked him, casting my eyes down the menu. Elliot ran a hand through his quiff.

“Pff, beats me,” he shrugged. I went up to the counter to order two milkshakes for us. I sat back down with Elliot and he checked his phone while I read a magazine. Suddenly, hands grabbed me from behind and I let out a small scream.


“Relax! Percy it's me!” A familiar voice soothed. I quickly spun around to see the one and only, Darcy O’Reynald! I screamed, jumping up and down as I met the eyes of my missed best friend. I gave her a massive hug then took in her new look. Only then did I grabbed her hair in my hands and squeal some more.


“OMG! You dyed it!! Awww it's so pretty! Tell me everything!” I demanded. I can’t believe she is home! I missed her so bad! Elliot covered his ears to block my squealing and walked over to Darcy. Darcy rolled her eyes at me saying, later. She gave Elliot a big hug when I heard someone cough behind her.


Darcy turned around and pulled a boy forward. He was quite tall, taller than Darcy and I. He had cute black hair, flicked out from his flatcap. He had gorgeous bright blue eyes and a tooth necklace. Darcy and this boy held hands, beaming at each other. Ohh I get it now! This is the boyfriend. Gosh, I wish my boyfriend looked this good! Who am I kidding, I don't even have a boyfriend. Sad face.


“Percy, Elli, this is Sam, my boyfriend! Everyone, mingle!” Darcy smiled, introducing everyone and gesturing for us to mingle. Elliot and Sam shook hands and I gave Sam a small wave.

“I've heard lots about you two!” Sam smiled. He had a semi-deep voice. His eyes glinted when he spoke. Lucky Darcy.

“Ohh I'm sure! Welcome to Brisbane!” I smiled back. He didn't look very Brazilian to me… Oh well, everyone comes in different shapes and sizes!

“Uh thanks?” He replied in a confused tone.


I invited them to sit down with us and they ordered milkshakes too. Turns out, Darcy was the one who sent the message! Ha! Who would've known? Darcy whispered something to Sam and his eyes widened. I wanted to know what it was but she refuse to tell me. Hmph.


Darcy told us a little about her holiday and of course, how Sam and her met. She said she didn't have any photos because her Dad forgot to pack her SD card and she couldn't buy the right one over there. Excuses excuses. We slurped up our milkshakes and I decided I wanted to catch up even more and get to know Sam more so I invited them all to a movie night tonight. Everyone seemed to agree. Elliot was quite quiet this morning, I am guessing he might not like Sam.


It was time for Darcy and Sam to go. I gave Darcy a quick hug goodbye and waved to Sam. It was so lovely to see her again! It’s also pretty cool that she got a boyfriend! Sam is only her second one I think. I walked home slowly with Elliot.


“Dude, why so quiet?” I asked Elliot.

“Hmm, I am not too keen on that Sam dude,” Elliot scowled. His chocolate eyes narrowed.

“You'll grow to like him,” I sighed. Elliot can be stubborn sometimes. He might even be bipolar. Sometimes he is all funny and cute then he is all rude and agro. We walked back to my house and Elliot and I went for a swim. It was stinking hot and the pool was just what I needed. I also let mum and dad know that Darcy was back - of course in a squealing, jumping way.


I am pretty sure they were happy for me. Elliot seemed a little happier once we went swimming. We played underwater fighting and bomb diving. Even though it's a little childish, it's still fun. I enjoyed Elliot’s company when he is happy. He is super funny at times. After a few hours of swimming, we got out of the pool and dried ourselves off. Elliot went home to do something or other and left me with nothing to do.


I decided to finish reading my book. I hopped onto my bed and read until it was time for movies!


26: Movie time
Movie time


After the cafe, I knew one thing for sure. Persephone Gray is my human. Not a bad thing actually, I just have to look after my best friend! Which can be tricky at times….


I mind linked Beatrice to tell her the good news.

“Beatrice! I found my human, my best friend!”

“That's great! Yay for Darcy! Keep good care of her though, I have some bad news, the twisters are planning an attack. They haven't said where or when but they have sent us a challenge. We need to keep our queen safe Keep safe Darcy!”


I tried to talk to her more but she blocked me out. I feel bad that everyone is trying to protect me. As future queen, I should be keeping others safe, not the other way around. I must pretect Percy.


That's horrible! Sam and I am at home right now. I told him what was happening. He looked distressed but he said we will be fine in Earth. I shivered at the thought of creepy twisters. If they attacked here, I would keep Percy safe. Well Percy, Elliot, Dad, Bangers and Sam. Wow, when I look at it that way, I have a lot of people to look after.


As I saw Percy again, I got goosebumps and when she hugged me, my mind growled ‘human!’ I felt my skin start to shift but I controlled it and sat down with Sam. It was a close call.


I had been practising my magic every now and then so I have a few tricks up my sleeves. If I need to fight against twisters, I have the confidence to try. I was currently sitting on my couch, curled up against Sam. He and my dad were watching a car racing show and I was petting my dog, Bangers.


Bangers’ tongue licked me and I screwed my face up in disgust. I kept petting him and focused my mind on the car racing. It was so boring, watching people drive sticker overloaded cars and crash them into other cars and walls.


When it was finished, I stood up, stretching out and went to the kitchen to warm up lunch for us. Sam and Dad were having a good chat about cars. It think Dad likes Sam. Well in my eyes, what's not to like?


I put the spaghetti bolognese into three bowls and put them into the microwave. The boys came up to the table as I set the food down. Sam grabbed the knives and forks and Dad got the drinks of water. We sat down and munched on our lunch. We were like a lunch making team!


I twirled my spaghetti on my fork and popped it in my mouth. Yum, spaghetti is good. I took a sip of water and continued to finish my lunch. I took the dishes up to the sink and Dad washed them. Then, Sam and I went outside to walk Bangers.


“Bangers, come here boy!” I yelled, walking out the door. Bangers followed, pulling his lead with him in his mouth. Sam laughed at Bangers cuteness. He really wanted to go for a walk! I slipped on his collar and lead and held onto it with my right hand.


Bangers was pulling to start walking! Sam shut the door behind us and we walked down the driveway, towards the park.


“I'm not sure about your friend, Elliot,” Sam told me. I cocked my head.

“What's wrong with Elliot?” I questioned.

“You sure he isn't clanage positive?” Sam replied back.

“Well I don't think so! He didn't disappear for four months then come back with a girlfriend. Why?” I inquired.

“Well I have seen his face before and he reminds me of a Clanager I have only seen in animal form,” Sam stated.


Hmm I don't think he is Clanager, I have never seen a tattoo and he did go on holidays on his 16th birthday but he went to Alaska and contacted us on the way. Well I never saw any photos but I definitely believe him. Percy was super mad after that, Elliot had to buy her the newest Chanel perfume to even out! Elliot does have a tattoo but it is a music note.


I shook my head to reassure Sam that Elliot wasn't a Clanager. Surely he would've told me. I don't know how or when or if I should explain to my friends. Bangers barked at a few birds, pulling me head back to reality. I pulled at his lead, telling him to stop. We turned around to head back home.


Bangers was panting lightly in this heat. Sam and I walked hand-in-hand back to the house. I put Bangers out the back and filled up his water. It was really hot today, I bet almost thirty eight degrees. I aired out my shirt and walked back inside to the air conditioning.


Tonight Percy has invited Sam and I to a movie night. I was going to bring some soft drink and chips over. I took them out of the cupboard and put them in a bag for later. I have no idea where Sam is at the moment. My Dad had left for work so I decided to go for swim.


“WOLF! Want to go for a swim?” I yelled out.

“Sure, I will be right there Panther!” He yelled back from somewhere. It sounded like he was in the bathroom.


I headed up to my bedroom and got changed into a green and black striped bikini top and black sport shorts. I headed to the bathroom and got out two towels. Sam was already outside when I hung the towels on the fence. I dived into the pool and surfaced up, blowing bubbles.


Sam duck-dived and picked me up underwater. I giggled as he tickled my sides and dropped me back into the water. I shook my hair out and pulled it away from my face. I just sat on the edge of the pool, swishing my legs in the water. I got out and wrapped my towel around my body, drying off.


Sam did the same and I went inside for a shower. I changed into denim shorts, a Santa Cruz tank top and thongs. It was about three in the afternoon. It was steaming outside so I flopped onto the couch, enjoying the air conditioning. I flicked open my current book, finding the page I was up to. It was nice and quiet, I have no idea what Sam is doing.


I read intently on the couch, reading from one page to another. The description was amazing and I loved the story line. I read until the end, finding it enjoyable. I put the book down and sighed. It was a good book, I didn’t want it to end!


I checked the time on my phone, it was 5:30! I scrambled, getting up from the couch. I yelled out for Sam. It took me about ten minutes to ride to Percy’s house. Sam came out from his room and we grabbed our gear. I led Sam to the garage and clicked it open to reveal my motorbike.


I had missed it! My sweet ride. I grabbed the keys for it from the wall and chucked out food under the seat. I handed Sam my spare helmet and we jumped on. I flicked the ignition on and we drove off, out of the garage.


Outside, it was blaring hot. The wind whipped my face as we sped along the road, making my skin feel cool and fresh. I knew the way to Percy’s house. Left turn at Jones street, straight ahead until Camp Circuit, right at the round-a-bout and number 23 Windsper Street.


I pulled up outside Persephone’s house. Her parents kept their house very neat. They had a nice neat garden with pruned bushes and no weeds and a mowed, green lawn. I spotted Elliot’s bike over at their side gate so I assumed he was already here. Sam and I got off and grabbed our food. We strolled up to the door and knocked 4 times - Percy and I had a code so we knew when we were at each other's house.


The door opened to a pretty, beaming face, Persephone.

“Darcy! Sam! Come in, come in!” Percy welcomed. She looked like she was up to something. Sam followed us down the long hallway, into their theatre room. Percy’s parents have built this room specifically for Percy, Elliot and I. We always used to be rowdy in their lounge room so they fixed up this old room into a theatre room so they could have peace and quiet.


Percy’s cat, Mr Tickles wound his way around my legs and rubbed against my ankles, purring for attention. I rubbed my fingers behind his ears and he purred in satisfaction. He was too cute! I picked him up like a baby and we walked into the theatre room.


I placed our food in the cupboard in the room. Yes, we made sure there was a cupboard and fridge for our movie snacks. Elliot was already laying lazily on one of the couches, trying to pick a movie.

“Bro, definitely Jaws 2,” Sam told Elliot. Percy and I shouted in protest. Jaws was scary and we hated it! I wanted a nice action or maybe comedy movie to watch. I flopped down on a couch, enjoying the air conditioning whilst everyone else picked a movie. I stared at my nails until Elliot approached me.


“We can’t pick between The Notebook and Grown Ups 2,” Elliot complained to me.

“Uh! Definitely Grown Ups 2! The Notebook is way too sad,” I decided. Percy pouted as she obviously wanted to watch the Notebook. I shrugged as Elliot played the movie on Netflix. Sam came down and sat next to me, eating a bag of popcorn that we brought over. I loved Grown Ups 2. Adam Sandler movies are always hilarious. I got comfy and prepared myself for a good movie. Sure enough, I was killing myself laughing in the first 5 minutes.


27: Truth or Dare?
Truth or Dare?


I chuckled at my girlfriend, who was currently laughing at every bad joke in this movie. Her best friend, Persephone was laughing as well as trying not to spill her drink. Darcy’s other best friend, Elliot was smiling to himself. I wasn’t too keen on him. I have a hunch that he is a clanager. I can’t seem to spot his tattoo but his scent smells like a clanager, although I can’t be sure.


I focused my mind back on the movie. Percy had a massive TV set up with Netflix and it was currently playing Grown Ups 2. I laughed as the deer ran out of the house with bras on its antlers. Ahh nice one! I chomped on some more popcorn and enjoyed the rest of the movie.




I laid back on the couch, enjoying the air conditioning as Elliot set up a game of Truth or Dare. I sipped on my cup of soft drink and waited for someone to call on me.


“Sam, Truth or Dare?” Persephone smiled at me. I arched my eyebrow.

“Dare,” I smiled cunningly. Dares have always been my favourite. Percy gave me a wicked smile and whispered to Darcy. They giggled and Persephone cleared her voice.


“I dare you to draw a face around your belly button!” Percy squealed. I took a marker from Elliot and pulled up my shirt. I rolled my eyes at the girls and drew eyes above my belly button and a mouth underneath.

“Now make it talk!” Darcy dared. I sighed and said in a funny voice, “Hi! I am Sam’s belly button.”


Darcy and Percy giggled like crazy while I asked Elliot, “Truth or Dare mate?”

“Truth.” Elliot replied with a straight face. Well, he wasn’t up for a challenge.

“Do you believe in magic?” I asked. I am pretty good at telling if people are lying. Maybe this could prove if he knows about clanagers.

“Yep,” Elliot replied. I accepted that answer and Elliot went on, asking Darcy.


“Dare!” Darcy chirped. Ahh that’s my girl!

“I dare you to watch the movie, Annabelle!” Elliot dared. I know that movie. It is a scary doll movie. Darcy isn’t going to like that!

“Challenge Accepted!” Darcy smiled, high fiving Elliot. I shook my head at her decision. We all flopped back into the warm, soft couches.

Elliot played Annabelle on the TV and after ten minutes, Darcy was gripping onto me like her life depended on it.


We could hear ear piercing screams and it reminded us too much of twisters. The imagery was scary real and I almost wet myself at one stage. I shivered as Elliot paused the movie.

“Can.. Can we stop just… Stop it now..” Persephone stammered. She was hugging a pillow and was shaking like crazy. Darcy had buried her face into my neck, not wanting to see the rest. Elliot also admitted that it was quite scary so we turned it off.

“Percy, I turned it off now. It's okay,” Elliot cooed. I think he might have feelings for her. Oh that's gonna get messy with Percy being Darcy's human and all. I'll just leave that subject alone for now.


Persephone whimpered and looked up from the pillow. She sighed in relief as the screen was turned off. We switched on the lights and helped ourselves to some biscuits we had packed. All of a sudden, Darcy started truth or dare up again.

“Okay, my turn! Persephone, Truth or Dare?” Darcy inquired.

“Dare?” Persephone replied, unsure of what she should do. Darcy went with dare and thought hard. After a minute, she perked up with an epiphany.

“I dare you to kiss Elliot,” Darcy winked.


Her friends obviously had feelings for each other. Darcy was trying to make them realise it. I chuckled at Elliot's alarmed face. Percy shrugged and leaned over, planting a kiss on Elliot's mouth, holding it for a second then pulling it away. Both Persephone and Elliot blushed and kept going with the game. Well that was a little awkward. We continued playing till we got tired. It was quite late at night and everyone was freaked out by the movie.


I received a mindlink from my brother Rick.

“Lil bro, we just had another twister attack today. Our family is safe but apparently twisters are trying to get to Earth. I want you to keep your queen girlfriend safe and don't go dying on me. Be careful and check on Sean for us eh?”

“Thanks Rick, we will. Stupid twisters. Apparently they want to challenge us. Yeah I'm gonna see him tomorrow.”


TWISTERS! No, they can never come here to earth. I said bye to my brother. Twisters coming to earth? That’s just crazy. I can’t let that happen!


I didn't want to ruins Darcy's fun night so I will tell her the bad news in the morning. To be honest, I am quite scared of what is going to happen. No matter what, I will keep Darcy safe. Twisters give me shivers and I couldn't bear having them here at Earth. If we were exposed to the world, who would know what would happen? I am also going to check in Sean tomorrow. It will be a nice surprise.


I am thankful that Rick told me. He can be annoying at times but he was generally caring. The only other thing I'd didn't like about him was he dated Sienna, the most annoying clanager I could ever meet. Hmm I guess no one is perfect.


In the theatre room, no one wanted to leave the room anymore we we just slept over in the theatre room. There were extra blankets so we set up beds on the couches. I fell asleep next to Darcy and hoped not to have twister and Annabelle nightmares.


28: Pancakes


I woke up with a jump. I rubbed my eyes open and looked around me. I nodded as I realised what happened last night. Elliot was on the couch next to me, lightly snoring. Darcy and Sam were cuddled up on the biggest couch. They were such a cute couple!

No one else was awake so I quietly tip toed to the bathroom. Thinking about that Annabelle movie made my skin crawl, I needed a shower. I rinsed my body and changed into some new clothes. When I walked back into the theatre room, Sam and Elliot were up, helping themselves to breakfast. A healthy breakfast of chips and milk.

Darcy was still asleep on the couch. I giggled at her awkward position. She had one leg over the side of the couch and the other was under a pillow. Her blanket was wrapped around her torso and her mouth was hanging open. I gently woke her up and she sat into a normal position, taking the blanket off herself. Sam handed her a sandwich, which I have no idea where it came from. She gladly took it and chomped on it hungrily.

I noticed a tattoo on the underneath of Darcy's wrist.

"Darcy! When did you get a tattoo? Ooooh. A panther!" I asked her, clutching her wrist.

"I got it when I was on holidays! You like?" She asked back. I nodded and let go of her arm. Wow, she has changed a lot over the last four months. She dyed her hair, got some muscles, a tattoo and a boyfriend! Maybe I should go for a holiday to Rio De Janeiro! I heard a mew from outside the door and opened it to cuddly Mr Tickles, my cat. I opened him with welcome arms and he snuggled close to my neck. I brought him into the room and placed him on Elliots stomach.

Elliot squealed as my cat cuddled up against his face. I laughed as Mr Tickles was pushed off the couch. Everyone was in a nice happy mood! Darcy had fully woken up and decided we should go to the pancake house for breakfast. We all hungrily agreed and began walking. It wasn't too hot at the moment, it was only hot in the afternoons. We walked together along the pathway until we found ourselves at the door of the Pancake house.

The smell of waffles, maple syrup and strawberries were welcome into my nose. I breathed in and sighed. It smelt heavenly! We took a seat near the window so we could get air con and a breeze. The boys sat on one side and the girls on the other. It was only then that I realised, Darcy had the prettiest ring in the world on her ring finger. I gasped. It was a beautiful colourful stone with a silver ring. Darcy told me it was from Sam, a promise ring!

I wish I had a fairytale romance like that! I had a crush but he didn't seem to be interested. Cough. Cough. Chocolate Eyes. Cough. Jet black quiff. Cough. Cough. We each ordered our breakfast. We chatted about the movies last night and which parts we enjoyed. Elliot and Sam seemed to be getting along better. There was a bit of tension when they first met. We all laughed at the good scenes in Grown Ups and cringed at the scary scenes in Annabelle. Soon enough, our steaming breakfast was on the table.

I have ordered French Toast and of course, a strawberry milkshake. We ate hungrily and licked our lips in satisfaction. We each paid for our meals and walked back to my house.

Sam seemed to be in a hurry because as soon as we walked into my house, he told Darcy that they needed to go. Darcy shrugged her shoulders and told me she would text later. Elliot and I waved goodbye as they drove off on Darcy's beloved motorbike.

Elliot left soon after as he had a soccer game. My parents had gone out for brunch so I decided to practice some piano for my coming up recital. 


29: No Sean for Christmas...
No Sean for Christmas...


I walked inside quickly, wondering why Sam wanted to leave so quickly. We sat down on the couch and faced each other. Sam held my hands and looked into my eyes. Oh no, his eyes looked sad and scared.


“Darcy, Rick told me last night that… Twisters are trying to come to earth and attack.” Sam explained softly. What! They can't come here, we will be exposed to the world if they attack! No no no, I shook my head. I can't let them hurt my family or friends, especially Percy. I dipped my head in despair.


“I know Darcy, it's okay. We will get through the this.” Sam soothed, rubbing my back. I crashed into his neck and we hugged for what felt like a long time. My dad had come in from work and opened the door to see us hugging and me sobbing on Sam’s shoulder.


“Oh no, Sam what's wrong?” my Dad asked, coming over to me.

“Uhh we just have a few, you know, Clanager issues…” Sam tried to explain. He was avoiding talking about the twisters.

“What! What's going on? Is Darcy pregnant?” My dad yelled.

“No Mr O’Reynald, not issues like that! We just had some news from my brother saying that evil clanagers are planning to attack Earth, more specifically, Brisbane,” Sam explained. I laughed at my dad, he thought I was pregnant? I'm not going to be one of those teen mums, that's for sure.


Dad rubbed his chin in thought and shook his head.

“This is not good at all is is?” He murmured.

“No sir,” Sam sighed back.

“Well what can we do?” Dad asked.

“Stay prepared and keep others safe I guess,” I suggested. Sam and Dad nodded their heads in agreement. In a week, it was Christmas. If the twisters attacked, it would be all over the news. Clanagers wouldn't be safe anymore. We can't let this happen.


“Well we will figure things out when they happen. Let's just enjoy the time until then!” I tried to smile. Dad grimly nodded and Sam rubbed my shoulder.

“I am going to visit my friend, Sean. Want to come Panther?” Sam asked me. I nodded and said bye to Dad. I hated leaving him alone sometimes but he was tired and said he was going to sleep. Sam drove us to his friends house. It was a fifteen minute drive from my house. We walked up to a massive house and knocked on the front door.


We were greeted by a maid and Sam asked for Sean.

“Hello, I am Sam. This is my girlfriend Darcy. I am Sean's old friend, I am here to see him. Would that be possible?” Sam asked sweetly. The maid's face turned grey. She closed her eyes for a second then answered back.

“Sean is not available but you might want to talk to his parents,” the maid replied, letting us into the house. I looked along the walls as we walked into the dining room. They were obviously pretty rich. They had massive paintings and portraits hung on the wall. They had silver chairs and expensive looking furniture. We sat down at the table and were soon greeted by two people,whom I was assuming we're Sean's parents.


They sat down in the plush seats near the ones we were sitting in. They didn't bother saying hello or asking how we were. They stared down at their hands and the mother whispered,

“We wondered when you would turn up Sam.” Sam cocked his head in confusion. I held his hand for comfort.

“I don't know what you are talking about? You knew I was coming back right?” Sam questioned with a worried expression.

“Sean didn't know. He didn't know where you and James went, when you were coming back, if you ever were,” the dad replied grimly. This was getting too uncomfortable for me. I shifted in my seat, feeling out of place.

“I can explain everything. I apologise for making everyone worry. I am not leaving for a while now,” Sam explained softly.

“It's a little late for Sean now,” his mother cried.

“What, what's wrong? What do you mean?” Sam pleaded back, panic in his eyes.


Sean's mother cried and sobbed in her seat, her shoulders hunching over as she weeped. The father rubbed her back in comfort and glared at Sam.

“Sean was so upset that you and James were gone. You two were his mates, you kept his spirit high. He thought you two were dead because no one would tell him anything. He felt depressed and sad. We tried to get him help but you never came back so he never believed you were still out there. Sam, our son committed suicide because he wanted to be with his best friends,” Sean's father growled. At the last sentence, I felt Sam jolt. My heart landed as I felt the sadness in the room.


Suicide? What! Sam sat there in silence. His eyes were threatening to cry. He was in a trance, whispering “No, he can't be, he can't be.” Over and over again he whispered that. Sean's parents left the room, leaving us alone. Sam was now crying so hard I thought he might flood the room. The animal inside of me whimpered, wanting to make Sam feel better. I held him in my arms and rubbed his back. I do this when Dad misses Mum. I told Sam that we needed to go. He seemed frozen but stood up and let me drive him back home. He immediately walked up to his room and shut the door. All I heard for the rest of the night was Sam's cries.


Since Sean was James’ best friend too, I mind linked Casey to let her know.

“Hey Casey. Sam went to see his friend, Sean, today. Something tragic has happened. Sean committed suicide because he thought James and Sam were dead and he wanted to be with them. I hope James knows, Sam is in tears.”

“That's horrible! I told James to chat with Sam and make sure he is okay, I don't want to be the one to tell James. OMG, that is just wow. I can't even imagine how hard that is on them. Stay safe Darcy.”


I said bye to Casey and tried to fall asleep. Sam's sobbing was really loud as his room was next to me. I wanted to comfort him so I snuck into his room. I quickly opened the door and slid into bed next to him. He acknowledged I was there as I held his hand. He rolled over to face me and whispered into the dark, “Sorry for crying. I should be stronger than that. Thanks for being here for me Panther.” I smiled in the dark and replied, “Sam, it's okay to cry.” I felt he nod. He kissed my forehead and pulled the blankets up. Sam had the air con on full blast. We quickly fell into a deep slumber.




Sam gently woke me up. I fluttered open my eyes to meet his gorgeous blue eyes. I kissed his nose and sat up, stretching out my arms. Sam's wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back down to lay next to him. I groaned in annoyance and snuggled back into his arm. I can tell he is feeling a bit better. There was still pain and sorrow in his eyes but he wasn't on the verge of tears at the moment.

“Did you talk to James?” I asked him. He swallowed loudly and nodded quickly. My stomach growled in hunger, breaking up the silence. I don't know how I eat so much yet stay so skinny! Not that I was complaining. I pulled myself up and walked down to the kitchen and made some toast.


The smell of food must've woken up all the boys because pretty soon I was dishing up vegemite toast to Dad and Sam, Bangers just had dog bikkies. I let the boys clean up and ran up to my bedroom. I chucked on some casual clothes and decided to take Sam's mind off thing by taking him to the skatepark. Sam was sitting in his room when I walked in.

“Let's go to the skatepark! Come on it'll be fun!” I persuaded.

“Well I not really feeling up to it…” Sam mumbled.

“Come on! Do it for me please!” I whined. Sam gave in and put on his shoes. We walked into the garage to grab Sam's scooter and my skateboard. We skated down to the skatepark, taking my shortcut through a car park.


Soon enough, we arrived at the skatepark. There were half pipes, quarter pipes and bars for doing tricks. Sam got the hint and started doing some of his fancy flips and tricks. I did a few ollies and flips but I tried to make sure Sam was having a good time. I skated down the quarter pipe and accidently crashed into someone, landing on my butt. I looked up to see who it was. This person turned their head away from me and scrambled to get up. Their hair colour was jet black and this scenario reminded me the time I crashed into someone on the moon skatepark. I tried to get a better look at them but they ran off with their skateboard, not even saying sorry.


As I thought about it, the person looked exactly the same to the person I crashed into on the moon. No it can't be? No one would stalk me. I shook that thought out of my head and wiped my forehead. It was getting hot and I was beginning to sweat. Sam looked like a panting dog. At least he looked happier. Sam agreed that it was hot so we decided to skateboard home. We went to usual way but I heard noises in the bushes as we turned around the corner near the football grounds. It sounded like a little kid screaming so I stopped to see if someone needed help.


I peered into the garden, inspecting the bushes. I didn't see anyone in there when suddenly, Sam yelled out.

“Darcy, behind you!”


I spun on my heels and came face to face with a twister. I didn't even think before I punched it square in the jaw. It landed with a thump on the concrete path. I kicked it in the sides as it wailed in pain. Sam finally kicked it in the head, causing it to die. I have never seen a twister die. This was a little twister so it was easy to kill. As it died, its body disintegrated and the magic flowed into the bushes. The plants quickly grew longer, greener and taller. I watched in amazement as the cycle of life occurred in front of my eyes. I guess scientists were wrong! I shivered in disgust. Twisters made my skin crawl.


I checked my surroundings, hoping no one saw that. Sam said it was all clear and we rode home. As soon as I got inside, I made Sam and I a drink of water. Dad sent me a text as I set the drinks down on the bench.



Hey Darcy. I want to take you and Sam out for dinner tonight. Cook Hotel?


“Hey Sam, want to go for dinner tonight?” I called out. Sam was in the living room watching TV.

“Sure, where are we going?” Sam simply replied. His face was unreadable as he watched his show.

“Cook Hotel, Dads treat.”

“Sounds great,” Sam smiled. I bought his water over for him and set it down on the coffee table.


I texted Dad back to give him the okay. I was puzzled over how that little twister got to Earth.  However it did, it's scared Sam pretty well. He doesn't look happy at all, in fact he looks like a zombie. I know it's hard to get over people's deaths. I wonder what Sean looked like, I remember Sam mentioning him once or twice before. I was sitting outside with my feet in the pool when Beatrice mindlinked me.


“Darcy. I heard there was a twister on Earth. Are you okay?” Beatrice's voice was full of worry and panic.

“Yes Beatrice, I am fine. It was a small twister and Sam and I took care of it. Hopefully no more come down any time soon.”

“I don't know how it got down there! I'm going to put extra guards on the transport system. I hope you are bonding well with your human. Also tell your Dad I said hello. I have to go now but stay safe Darcy!”

“I will, bye.”


The sun came from behind the trees and blared in my eyes. I got up and went back inside to check on Sam and have some air con. I found Sam in his room, fiddling with his tooth necklace.

“Wolf? Are you okay?” I gently asked.

“Yeah. I just miss him you know? I should've told him or texted him or something to let him know we were coming back.” Sam sighed. His face was so sad. He looked depressed and tired.

“It's not your fault. He would want you to be happy I am sure,” I soothed. Sam nodded and welcomed me into his arms. I loved his hugs, there were always big and warm. We cuddled for a few minutes before I remembered I needed to do something.


I needed to go Christmas shopping!

“Sam, we need to go Christmas shopping! I haven't got anyone any presents yet. Let's go before Dad comes back,” I alerted. Sam didn’t look like he wanted to but he agreed.

“Oh yeah. Let's go,” Sam nodded. I grabbed my phone, purse and keys and locked up the house. We rode on my motorbike and I let Sam drive. I told him the directions and we pulled up in the shopping centre car park.


“Here's all the people we need to get presents for. Percy, Elliot, Bangers, Dad, Casey, James, Your Mum and Dad, Your brother and Beatrice. That's a lot of people,” I thought out loud as we walked inside. The shops were very busy and the shops buzzed with life. Sam looked distracted, hopefully shopping will take his mind off things. Okay first on the list, Persephone. Anything girly, pink, nice smelling or musical.


I gazed around the shops and spotted the perfect thing! It was a piano shaped candle! I checked the price and it was only fifteen dollars. The scent was strawberry, even more perfect! I bought that and ticked one person off the list. I let Sam choose Elliot's gift because he knew boy stuff better than I did. Sam chose a soccer team flatcap for Elliot. I was happy with that, otherwise I would've given him an artwork with a guitar on it. Maybe I wasn't so good at picking gifts for guys.


We turned the corner to head to a comic store. Dad was next and he loved old comics so I was going to get him some old collectibles. We were almost there when someone tapped me on the shoulder. My hair flicked off my shoulders as I turned to see who it was.

“Hey lovebirds!” chirped Persephone.

“Percy, Elliot. What are you doing here?” I asked in return.

“Christmas shopping,” Elliot replied flatly. Shopping with Percy was not the most fun thing to do. I laughed at his response as Percy waved her bags.

“Same here, want to grab a coffee?” Sam suggested. Everyone nodded. Elliot was glad to have another male to talk to. He and Sam chatted about soccer and motorbikes as Percy and I ordered their coffees.


We sat them down on the table and made small talk as we sipped on our coffees. I played with my beautiful ring from Sam in boredom. Persephone was telling me about all the different types of nail polish. I love her but sometimes I want to put tape over her mouth. We had already finished shopping for Percy and Elliot so we all went shopping together. I got Dad’s comic books and then we headed to the pet store. I got some bones and a new collar for Bangers and Percy got some toys for Mr Tickles.


By then, the boys were bored so they went off to shop for their friends without us girls. I bought things for Casey, Sams mum and Beatrice. I also got a few presents for Sam before calling him. Mindlinking would’ve been easier but we can’t let Percy and Elliot know.


“Are you boys done yet?” I asked.

“Uhh yes. Umm lets meet at the coffee shop.” Sam suggested.

“Yep see you soon,” I replied, hanging up. Percy and I slowly strolled to the coffee shop.

Along the way, Percy looked at some dresses but I pulled her away from them. When we got to the shop, the boys were nowhere to be seen. We looked around the shop for them. I looked at all the shops nearby until I spotted them in the tech shop, playing with remote  control cars. I rolled my eyes and caught their attention, waving for them to come over.


They quickly put down the remotes and came over to us with several shopping bags in their hands. I tutted at them and laughed.

“I thought the girls were the ones who always stopped at every shop!” Percy shamed them, strutting her hip out and placing her hand on it, sassy. The boys bowed their head is shame as I laughed at Persephone's attitude. We all walked to the door and said goodbye, going our separate ways.


Sam drove us home fast. He and Elliot seemed to get along. I hope he is feeling a little better, it makes me sad seeing his depressed face. Sam pulled into the driveway and I hopped off, grabbing the shopping. I placed it on the kitchen bench and got out some Christmas gift bags and wrapping paper.


I begun to wrap up everyone's gifts and write all their cards. Christmas is fun! I also bought a Christmas bunting so I strung it up along the windows. I hid Sam's presents in my room so he wouldn't see them. Sam helped me wrap and tape up half the presents and the rest went into a gift bag.


30: Lighten up my mood!
Lighten up my mood!


I felt empty and lifeless. My best friend committed suicide. When I heard it, it hit me in the stomach like a punch. Suicide. It was worse than anything else. I should've let him know we were coming back. I shook the thought out of my head. Darcy has been trying to make me feel better all week, I should at least smile for her. I walked towards my girlfriend and gave her a hug from behind. She laughed and asked me to help her.

So now I was helping Darcy write Christmas cards for all our family and friends. I wasn't really in a Christmas mood but I did it for her. She has been trying to make me feel better. When we finished all the presents, we nodded in satisfaction. We had a quick hug before placing all the presents neatly under the christmas tree. Darcy had decorated it earlier so we could have Christmas all set up.

Christmas is four days away from now and everyone was crazy about it. I checked the time and it was around five o'clock. Darcy's dad is taking us out for dinner so I went into my room to get changed. I put on some jeans and a button up shirt, a nice gesture for the occasion.

I heard Eric walk into the house and greet Darcy with a deep 'hello'. I quickly walked out to meet them both. Darcy looked stunning! She had a deep blue dress on and black heels. Her hair fit the colour scheme perfectly. I must've been grinning madly because she asked me, "What?" I shook my head and said, "You are just beautiful."

She blushed as I gave her a hug. Eric chuckled at the scene and gestured for us to go. For once, we went in a car! Eric drove us to the Cook Hotel for dinner. I opened the door for Darcy as she got out of the car. She was like a diamond to me.

We sat down at a table and chairs for four. Menus were spread out on the table for us. I sat next to Darcy and we looked over the menu, spotting what did and didn't sound good. A waitress came over to get us some drinks and our orders. There weren't many people here yet so the service was fast.

We chatted about our day quietly until our food arrived. I politely ate my steak as Darcy and Eric ate their schnitzels. After wiping my mouth and putting my cutlery on the plate, I sat back in my chair with a full stomach. Soon after, Eric and Darcy were finished and Eric graciously paid for the bill. We drove back in silence, listening to the country songs Eric liked to listen to.

When we stepped out of the car, I let Darcy out first.

"Sam, could I please chat to you?" Eric asked.

"Sure Eric," I nodded. I gulped in fear, what did he want to talk to me about?

Darcy headed off to her room and I sat down with Eric in the outside chairs. He started talking first.

"Sam, I just want to thank you for looking after Darcy so well. I can see it in your eyes that you care and I am glad she has someone like you. I know all the rules of the clanage and all that stuff that Beatrice runs so I understand that Darcy will be queen someday. I can't always be there for her when that happens and I want you to always care for her," Eric nodded, looking into my eyes.

'Thank you sir. I think I am in love with your daughter. I would never do anything to hurt her, I promise. You and Darcy can always count on me," I reassured.

"Who is your father?" Eric questioned.

"Mitchell Allen," I informed him. Eric rubbed his chin in thought and his eyes lit up.

"I know Mitchell! He used to work with me as a mechanic! Ahh good bloke he is. Nice to see his kid here! Damn, I miss those good times," Eric dreamed. He patted my shoulder and stood up. I followed him into the house and walked back up into my room.

Eric turned all the lights off and I got changed in my room. I slipped into bed when Darcy came in.

"Wolf? Can we chat for a sec?" She whispered into the dark.

"Of course, come here," I answered back. I felt Darcy crawl into bed next to me. She snuggled up against me.

"I am... I am just scared... I don't want twisters to attack," Darcy whimpered. I stroked her arm.

"I know, so am I. No one wants them to attack. No matter what, we will stay safe I promise," I soothed.

"You can't promise that," she whispered.

"Yes I can. I believe that everything will be okay."

"How? How can you be sure?"

"Love, belief and kindness makes everything better."

"If you say so."

"Oh I know so."

I heard her laugh in the darkness. I smiled at her happiness.

"I love you Darcy," I whispered. I can imagine her beautiful smile right now.

"I love you Wolf," she whispered back. I wrapped my arms around her and fell to sleep.


This morning I got up and headed into the kitchen for breakfast.

She giggled as I spun her around and planted a kiss on her forehead. We pulled apart and Darcy put my breakfast out for me. She had made bacon and eggs. My favourite, also Sean's favourite. I beamed at her and started on my breakfast. I finished it all in a reasonable amount of time and helped Darcy do the dishes.

"Someone is in a good mood this morning!" Darcy teased.

"Mhmm, I guess," I sighed.

"What are we going to do today?" Darcy questioned as we sat down on the couch.

"I want to spend some time with Elliot and Percy," I decided.

"Oooohhh, can I sense a little bromance here? Aww yay!" Darcy squealed. I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled at her childishness.

Elliot is a pretty cool guy. We have lots in common so I guess we are on the friends term. I just had a thought last night that I wanted to test out. I am still not convinced Elliot is one hundred percent human. What I was going to do is try and mindlink him. I guess he can choose to block me out but I will watch his reaction.

"Okay, we can go to the movies with them!" Darcy decided. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got changed in my room. I heard Darcy on the phone to Persephone explaining the matter.

I heard Darcy yell out that we are leaving in half an hour. Fine with me. I flopped onto my bed and swiped open my phone. I scrolled through my new messages. I had one from Rick checking that I was still alive. One from Mum and Dad saying that they hope I am having a good time and one from James checking that I was okay. I replied to all of them before opening my door for Bangers.

Bangers jumped up onto my bed and gave me lots of licks. I chuckled as I patted him and played wrestle. He was such a sweet dog. I think because I am part canine, he sees me as a friend. I pretended to growl at him and he barked back!

"SAM! TIME TO GO!" Darcy yelled out to me. I walked out with Bangers and put him outside. Then I jumped onto the motorbike, snatching the keys out of Darcy's hands.

"My turn to drive!" I smiled cheekily. Darcy reluctantly slid on behind me as I zoomed off to the movies.


I parked the motorbike into a parking lot and shut of the ignition. I took off my helmet and welcomed the fresh air. Darcy dismounted the motorcycle and grabbed her purse.

"You look nice Panther," I complimented.

"Thankyou," she beamed. Ever since last night, Darcy has been glowing. I love her to bits.

We strolled into the theatre together and spotted Elliot and Percy in the corner, ordering drinks and snacks. I got there just as they ordered for us. I ended up with a frozen coke and a packet of maltesers, yum!

The movie we are seeing is Mocking Jay Part 2. It is part of the Hunger Games series. Very good movies and awesome books. Darcy and Persephone were 'fangirling' (as they call it) over who was hotter, Gale or Peeta. I told them I beat them both! Darcy playfully punched me as Percy pouted. Elliot chuckled at the scene.

Soon, the movie was starting so they opened the cinemas and people flooded in. Everyone was excited to see the new Hunger Games. I munched on my maltesers as the movie played. The movie felt like forever and it was really intense. Afterwards, we all chatted about the bits we liked the best.

Randomly, Elliot changed the subject to Christmas. His parents wanted everyone to come to their house for Christmas day. We all happily agreed to come along. I tried mindlinking him.

"Hey Elliot. I know you can hear me," I mindlinked. His head kind of jerked at the same time. I don't think it was from the message though. A bee was flying around his face and he was twisting his head and flicking his hand around innocently. Maybe he isn't a clanager, maybe I am just suspicious. Oh well, that proves one thing!

Everyone said goodbye as we parted to go home. It was really hot today! I decided there was only one way to cool down, ice-cream!


31: Eagle and Raccoon!
Eagle and Raccoon!


Sam took a wrong turn on the way home. I was puzzled but I figured he would work it out. I frowned under my helmet as he pulled up at Baskin Robbins.

“It’s hot, let's get some ice-cream!” Sam cheered. I laughed, ice-cream!

I gladly walked into the freezing cold ice-cream shop and picked out a flavour. Of course, mint-choc ice-cream was the way to go!


Sam ordered for me as I sat down on the leathery couch. He brought the ice-creams over and handed me mine.

“To celebrate our 1 month anniversary!” He cheered. How could I forget? I feel so stupid! Aww he is so sweet. I kissed him and whispered, “Thank you Wolf”.

“Anything for you Panther,” he replied, licking his ice-cream.


“You two are too cute!” this random girl sitting near us told us.  I smiled awkwardly and said, “Thanks?”

We ate our ice-cream quietly and licked at our cold treats. After I finished, I put both of our rubbish in the bin and we walked out back into the heat. Man it was hot!

I wiped my forehead and we drove home on the motorbike. As soon as we arrived home, I went inside, turned on the air conditioning and flopped onto the couch. I turned on Netflix and chose Pretty Little Liars to watch. Sam joined me and we watched it until Dad got home. Dad had bought groceries so we took them in from the back of his trunk.


I unpacked the vegetables into the fridge and Sam did the pantry items. Soon, we were all finished.

“Dad, Elliot’s family has invited us to Christmas at their house. Want to go?” I asked my dad.

“Sure! It will be nice to catch up with them. How about we take over pavlova and some sausages?” Dad suggested. I nodded and wrote them down so we wouldn’t forget.


I decided to go for a swim because it is so hot. I put on my togs and jumped into the pool. Sam and Dad thought it was a good idea because soon enough, they were also in the pool. I just swam casually and sat on the steps to stay cool. Suddenly, I heard a shriek in the garden and ran over to see what it was. I looked behind the shed and came face to face with an eagle. An eagle in Brisbane? Its talons were stuck on the fence so I gently picked it out of the wood.


It seemed to nod thankfully and flew over to our deck next to the pool. I cocked my head in confusion at its strange movements. I walked over to the eagle to see a small piercing on its beak. Only then did I realise it was a clanager.

“CASEY!” I squealed as the eagle jumped softly up onto my arm. I stroked her feathers.

She flew back down to the ground and shifted into the human form. I ran into her and gave her a big hug. I accidently forgot I was wet and soaked her t-shirt. I apologised them jumped up and down some more. My Dad sat on the edge, bewildered at the fact he just saw an eagle change into a girl. Surely he would’ve seen mum do that before?


Sam waved to Casey as she dried off her shirt.

“Where is James?” Sam asked. He was obviously missing James.

“Catching up. Do you know how slow racoons are compared to eagles? I almost always beat him by ten minutes every time we go somewhere,” Casey chuckled. Sam nodded and jumped out of the pool, grabbing a towel. Almost on cue, we heard a little snicker in the bushes. Sam walked over and picked up James in his raccoon form.

“You are cute when you are little, eh buddy!” Sam chuckled. James crossed his little raccoon arms and jumped away from Sam, army rolling and shifting at the same time.


“Okay Darcy, would you like to explain who these people are?” My Dad asked. Woops, I forgot about that.

“Oh! Sorry Dad. This is Casey, one of my best friends and James’ girlfriend. She is an eagle clanager. This is James, Sam’s best friend and Casey’s boyfriend. He is obviously from the raccoon clan,” I explained. My Dad nodded and shook their hands, muttering, “Nice to meet you, I am Eric.”


I let everyone into the house and realised, we needed somewhere for Casey and James to stay. I settled on the decision that Casey would share my room and James would share Sam’s room. I told them the plan and they happily agreed. I put some frozen pizzas in the oven for everyone and we all sat down as they cooked.

“So what brought you two here?” My Dad asked.

“Well we wanted to see our two best friends, we have some family here and we didn’t want to be stuck on the moon for Christmas. It’s fun and all but everything is run by the old clanagers who only like to play bingo and listen to Elvis,” Casey explained. I laughed at the Elvis part because that’s what my dad listens to.


Dad happily agreed to let them stay here and I was delighted! I wanted Elliot and Percy to meet them too! And now we can do double dates! This was going to be the best! The only thing is, they might have to come to Elliot’s family’s Christmas. Elliot’s family is so nice I am sure they wouldn’t mind.


I got the pizzas out of the oven and put them down on the table. Sam grabbed everyone's plates and James got everyone a drink of water. Dad and I had grown from two for dinner to three for dinner to five for dinner! Bangers happily licked at James and Casey’s feet and they laughed as he begged for their food. He was loving the new people and all the attention!


Everyone gobbled up their dinner and swigged down their drinks. It was nice to see Casey and James again.

“Hey Casey, how’s your toe?” I asked, remembering she got it caught on the fence.

“Ahh, it will heal. Just a little bruised, not too bad. One time I got caught in a bird trap and when I shifted again, I had bruises and broken bones all over. It took me a few months to fully recover, even with enhanced Clanage healing!” Casey grimaced, touching her toe.


To be honest, when I heard her shriek, I thought it might have been a twister. I was scared out of my skin before I saw it was Casey. Thank God it was her and not a gang of twisters.


I fiddled with my ring from Sam as everyone else put the dishes away. I am glad everyone was making a team effort! I wanted to tell Percy and Elliot about Casey and James but I don’t know what to say. Oh yeah these are my besties from Rio. That doesn’t seem quite right. Maybe I should reveal us, only to Percy and Elliot though. Maybe if they know, it will help them if twisters attack. I decided to ask Dad.


He was in his bedroom getting ready for bed.

“Hey Dad, can we have a talk?” I asked, flopping onto his bed. My Dad rolled over to face me.

“Sure Darce, what about?” he asked, looking up from under his glasses.

“Well I want to tell Percy and Elliot about Casey and James but saying I met them in Rio doesn’t sound believable. I really want to tell them the truth. What if twisters attack? They would know the truth then,” I huffed. Dad paid attention and thought it through deeply.


“I think you should tell them. Maybe ask Beatrice if it’s okay but if telling them is going to keep them safe then so be it,” Dad replied wisely. I thanked and hugged him goodnight. That's exactly what I am going to do. I hopped into my room to see Casey rummaging through my closet. I said we could share clothes since she didn’t bring any and we are the same size.


“Do you have any singlets?” Casey asked. I nodded and took out a black singlet for her. She thanked me and got changed. I found my pyjamas on my bed and got changed as well. I have a double bed so we turned the light off and both hopped into bed. I could hear the boys chatting in the other room.


Sam mindlinked me as I pulled the covers up.

“Night Panther, sweet dreams my love.”

“Night Wolf. I love you to the moon and back - literally.”


I drifted off to sleep, wondering how I had such a perfect boyfriend.


32: Darcy is Harry Potter?
Darcy is Harry Potter?


Darcy and Sam had invited Elliot and I over for lunch. Christmas was tomorrow and I am super pumped. I had everyone’s presents wrapped up and ready to give out! I absolutely love love love Christmas!! Gah!


Elliot lived next door to Darcy so he was going to be there on time. I quickly got changed and grabbed my car keys. It took me about fifteen minutes to drive to Darcy’s house. The whole way there, I sang out to Fall Out Boy.


I pulled up outside Darcy’s house and parked my car. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a girl in denim high waisted shorts and a purple t-shirt with a eagle necklace. She certainly wasn’t Darcy.

“Hi! I am Casey, nice to meet you. Come in!” she chirped. I said hello back and walked through to their dining room. Sam, Darcy, Eric, Elliot and another guy were sitting at their long table. I waved hello and sat down near Darcy.


“Hey Percy! This is James and this is Casey. Guys, this is Persephone!” Darcy greeted everyone. I waved hello shyly. Eric got up and grabbed some sausages and salad. Sam grabbed some glasses and filled them up with juice. I called for Bangers and gave him a pat. When everyone was seated, we all started to grab some food. I was puzzled over who these people were but Darcy seemed to be fine with them.


I tried to catch Elliot’s eye but he was too busy talking to Sam and James. Darcy hit her fork against her glass to catch everyone’s attention. Everyone flipped their eyes up to look at Darcy.

“We have an important matter to discuss everyone. Can I ask everyone to come outside,” Darcy spoke. Outside? What’s outside? I cocked my head in confusion and got up to follow Darcy outside. We all gathered in the shade on their lawn and sat down.


Darcy stood in the middle in front of us and began to speak.

“Percy and Elliot, we all have something to show you. Casey, James, Sam and I are clanagers. This means we are not one hundred percent human. We are shapeshifting wizards,”


Darcy clicked her fingers and a flames lit in her palm. I gasped as I saw this happen. WHAT! My best friend is a wizard!! I tried to process the thought.


“I haven’t been on holidays, I have been training and meeting people on the moon. Yes, Clanagers live on the moon. My mum died giving birth to me because she was a clanager too. She was the queen of the Clanagers so now I am her legacy. Each of us have a human to protect. My human is Persephone. Yes Percy, I would die to save you. Here, let's have a demonstration,” Darcy smiled.


My jaw dropped as I heard this information. I held my hand over my mouth and whispered, “Omg, Omg, OMG.” Darcy lived on the moon, she can do magic, she is the queen of Clanagers or whatever they are and she would die to save me. I watched intently as Sam, Casey and James joined Darcy up the front. I watched as they counted to three. I didn’t dark blink incase I missed something.


On three, their bodies twisted and snapped into animals. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and screamed out loud. Elliot had to cover my mouth to stop me. The animals in front of me were laughing. I looked at all the animals, trying to guess who was who. I looked at the eagle first. The eagle had pretty brown feathers and a piercing on it’s beak. Well Casey has pretty brown hair and a nose piercing so it must be her.


The panther had blue-black fur and an array of rings on its tail so it must be Darcy. I petted Darcy on the head and looked at the wolf and raccoon. The wolf had piercing blue eyes and the raccoon had soft brown eyes. Hmmm, which boy had which eyes? I studied them intently and went on hair colour. The raccoon had a soft blonde tint to it’s grey coat and the wolf had a dark grey-black coat. I went with the decision that the raccoon is James and the wolf is Sam.


I called out all their names and they jumped if I got it right. I laughed and Elliot chuckled behind me as they all shifted back to humans. I gave Darcy a hug as she walked over to me.

“I can’t believe my best friend is a wizard panther fire thing!! OMG DO YOU GO TO HOGWARTS?” I squealed.

“No! Haha I wish!” Darcy was wetting herself laughing. Everyone else joined in too, out faces must’ve been red! I was still getting over the fact that Darcy was on the moon, not in Rio De Janeiro. That explains a lot too… I walked over to Elliot.


“Can you believe it?” I exclaimed, jumping up and down, shaking Elliot’s wrists.

“I know, it's amazing! I thought I was dreaming for a minute!” Elliot marveled. I am glad Darcy decided to tell me. Now I wish I could shapeshift! I want to be a horse!


We all went back inside for a drink. It was hot outside and poor Sam and James aren’t built for the heat! I opened my arms as I flopped onto the couch, soaking up the air conditioning. I am so lucky! Tomorrow is Christmas, My best friend came back and I found out she is a wizard thingo and she will save me from anything! Ahhh I love my life! The only thing I need is a boyfriend…. Sam is so caring towards Darcy! The guy I like doesn’t seem to be interested though.


I cast my eyes to look at Sam and Elliot chatting. Elliot seemed happy as his chocolate eyes sparkled. I can’t wait for tomorrow! We all packed up and I said goodbye to James, Casey, Darcy and Sam. Eric had headed up to his room. I said we’d see them tomorrow. I waved goodbye as I drove out of their driveway. Elliot lived next door so all he had to do was walk three metres.




Christmas Eve! Tomorrow is Christmas so all the old Christmas movies are on TV. Darcy told her dad, James, Casey and I that we just HAD to watch them with her. As the two males on Earth (and the moon) who love her most, Eric and I reluctantly agreed. Darcy beamed as I plopped down on the couch next to her. She chose to watch the Grinch. He gave me the creeps. I yawned as it finished and stretched out my arms.


“Merry Christmas Eve,” Darcy said as she hugged her dad. He headed to his room. We decided to do our final touches for tomorrow morning. I put up our christmas stockings and Darcy fiddled with the ornaments. Casey fixed up the presents and James did the lights. When we were done, we stepped back and turned on the Christmas lights.

“Beautiful!” I marveled. I wrapped my arms around Darcy’s waist and pulled her in close. Casey and James were holding hands.


“I’m tired,” Casey yawned.

“Me too,” Darcy agreed.

“Me three,” I nodded.

“What? I’m ready to party!” James whooped. We threw him a look and glared.

“Just kidding let's go to bed,” he sighed, pulling Casey to her room. I gave Darcy a kiss before she ran off to her room. I heard her open the door and squeal.


“Like I didn’t know Darcy. I love ya and all but, LET ME SLEEP!” Casey growled. James and I laughed at the girls and headed to our rooms. I got changed and flopped into bed, closing my eyes.


James turned on the air conditioning and landed on the bed with a thud beside me. I was just about to fall asleep when I received a mindlink from my girlfriend.


“Nighty Night Wolf! Santa comes tomorrow!”

“You are so childish,”

“But you looooove me,”

“Of course, what would I do without you? Goodnight babe,”

“Ily too. Night hun,”


I smirked in the dark at Darcy. I just love her to bits, every single bit of her. I smiled at our new nicknames. I fell asleep to the thought of her beautiful smile.




“SAM! Hun, wake up!” Darcy squealed.

“JAMES! YOU RACCOON! Wake up!” Casey yelled at James. I laughed at our girlfriends and pretended to go back to sleep. They huffed in frustration. Darcy giggled and laid down next to me. She cuddled close to me neck and breathed in my ear.


‘Wolfy, wake up! Otherwise no christmas presents!” she whispered into my ear. I groaned and rolled over. I kissed her on the lips and whispered back, “I don’t care. I have everything I want.” I still had my eyes closed so I laid back down. Casey was just about to tip a bucket of water on James when I decided to wake up properly.


“JAMES!” I yelled. He shot up and dodged Casey’s bucket.

“Case! Now the bed’s wet!” James shook his head. Casey shrugged and said, “I knew I shouldn’t have let you have a glass of water before bed.” Haha. I should hope that James never wets the bed.

James playfully tackled her into a hug, attacking her with kisses. She squealed and he let her go. Darcy tugged at my arm, pulling me out to the lounge room. I grabbed a shirt on the way and threw it over my head.


I reluctantly agreed and followed my girlfriend out to the Christmas tree. I looked out the window and saw it was only just beginning to become day.

“What is the time?” I whined.

“5:00AM!” Darcy said as she sat down on the couch.

“Argh! So early! You are lucky I love you,” I teased, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. We waited for Casey and James to join us. It was way too early to wake up Eric.


Casey and James sat down next to us.

“Let’s get our presents!” Casey cheered. We crawled over to the tree and picked out each of your presents. We decided to take it in turns to unwrap each one. In my pile, I had about 8 presents. Darcy had about 13, Casey maybe 10 and James with 8 like me. Of course we spoiled our girlfriends with a few too many. Casey went first because her name is first alphabetically. She unwrapped a present with reindeer wrapping and it was a eagle feather dreamcatcher from Darcy.


Darcy went next and I grinned when she picked my biggest present. She unwrapped it slowly and gasped as she saw what was inside. I had got a sculptor to sculpt a wolf and panther together. She cradled it like it was a baby. She gaped in awe as she studied the detail. Darcy gently placed it on the table. She looked over to me and I opened my arms.


“Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” Darcy squealed as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her body was warm against my chest. She gave me a quick kiss as James went on to open his presents. He got a new pair of nike shoes. Casey said his old ones stunk and were an ugly colour so she bought him new ones! We all had a chuckle at that. Now it was my turn…. I looked at all my presents and chose one of the smaller ones. It was from my parents. I opened it up gently and peeked inside. It was a G-Shock watch! So cool. I slipped it onto my wrist and it fitted perfectly. The time was 6:27AM.


We heard a door open and close. We spun around to be greeted by Eric.

“Merry Christmas all!” Eric smiled. We all nodded and Darcy gave him a hug. Bangers also woke up and gave us all christmas licks. We continued to open up our presents. We left the ones for Percy, Elliot and Elliot’s family for later. My stomach began to grumble so I unwrapped myself from Darcy and hopped up to grab everyone breakfast.


We had a couple of pancake mixtures so I mixed them up and poured them into the pan. Darcy skipped over and smelt the pancakes.

“Yummy! Mmmmmm I love pancakes!” Darcy sighed, leaning into me.

“Don’t forget how much you love the cook!” I teased.

“Of course. I love him ten times more than pancakes,” Darcy smiled.

“That’s better,” I approved. I flipped over one of the pancakes as Darcy got out the strawberries, blueberries and maple syrup. She placed them on the dining table along with some plates. I put the twelfth pancake on the plate.


Everyone else joined us at the table as I brought twenty pancakes over. I put some strawberries and maple syrup on mine.

“Thanks for brekkie Sam!” Eric acknowledged. I welcomed him and began to chomp at my pancakes. James scoffed his down and skulled at his glass of water.


Everyone else ate politely until we had finished all the pancakes. Casey and James cleaned up afterwards so I went to my room to get changed. as I slipped on a shirt, I received a mindlink.

“Merry Christmas little bro!”

“Yeah thanks Rick. Thanks for my hat!”

“No probs. Say hello to Darcy for me.”

“Will do. Have a good day.”


I put my shoes on and knocked on Darcy’s door.

“Hey babe, can I show you something?” I called through the door.

“Sure, just a sec,” Darcy called back. After a few seconds, she opened the door. I gasped as I saw her. She was wearing a black dress but it had see-through stripes running around the bottom on the dress and the neck of the dress. Her hair was out and curled and she had only one ring on, her promise ring from me.


“What’s wrong?” Darcy asked. I must’ve been staring.

“Nothing, nothing at all. You look absolutely gorgeous. Panther, you are the most beautiful thing in the world to me,” I complimented. She blushed as I said this. I meant every bit of it though. She looked me in the eye and smiled. I took her hand and guided her outside. I had one more christmas gift for her. Her high heels clicked on the ground as I took her to the driveway. She was almost as tall as me with them on. ALMOST.


What I had done is traded her motorbike in for a new and improved one. I opened up the garage and let Darcy figure it out herself. It took her a minute to realise what was different. She gasped and walked over to the new motorbike. She stroked it and checked out the new tech.


“Did you trade this in for my motorbike?” Darcy asked. I nodded, walking towards her.

“I love it! Thankyou Sam!” she marveled.

“Check this out!” I told her, pulling her to the other side. I had someone airbrush a wolf and panther onto the motorbike.

“OMG! It’s us! Aww you spoil me! Thank you Wolf. I don’t know what would’ve happened if we hadn’t met,” she said softly, running her finger over the painting.

“Babe, I am sure we would’ve met either way. I love spoiling you, you are my everything you know that right?” I sighed, giving her a kiss on her neck from behind.


She relaxed a little and smiled, “I know. I am grateful for that. I don’t know how I got this lucky.”

“Anything for you babe. Come on, let's get everyone and head over to Elliot’s place,” I suggested. She nodded and we went back inside. Casey and James were having a cute argument. I swear they are like an old married couple.

“Oh shut up and kiss already guys!” Darcy laughed. Casey blushed as James took Darcy’s advice. I hugged Darcy close and breathed in her vanilla scent.


We all broke apart at the same time and I said, “Come on, let's head next door!” We grabbed all the presents and bags and walked out the door. Casey knocked on the door first and was greeted by Elliot.

“Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Come in,” Elliot welcomed. We stepped inside his house and walked down his hallway until we came out at the lounge room. His Dad, Mother and younger sister were seated at the couch. Persephone was already here and she was getting a cup of water.


“Merry Christmas everyone!” Eric greeted, shaking Elliot’s parents hands. We all had to introduce ourselves.

“Hi, I am Sam, Darcy’s boyfriend,” I smiled, shaking Elliot’s dads hand and waving to his mum.

“I am Ron and this is Helen, nice to meet you mate!” Ron nodded. James did the same thing and Casey was introduced by Darcy.


“Hey, I am Sophia,” Elliot’s little sister chirped. We all waved hello as she played with her new pony. I am guessing she is about seven or eight.

“Lovely to see some new friends!” Helen smiled. We all sat down and decided to open presents first.


Darcy handed everyone their presents and we began to unwrap. Everyone smiled at their presents and we each got about four presents in total. I thanked Elliot and Percy for my gifts. They have only known me for about three weeks and they got me perfect gifts. I got a voucher for the scooter shop, a photo of Darcy and I together, a flatcap and a soccer ball.


Helen, Ron and Eric set lunch out on the table whilst we collected all the wrapping and put it in the bin. Sophia kind of disappeared into her room after presents. I sat down next to Darcy and Elliot. James threw me a funny look and mindlinked me.


“Are you sure Elliot isn’t a clanager? His scent smells animalistic like we smell,”

“I have tried mindlinking him but got no response. When we showed him we were clanagers the other day, he seemed pretty surprised. I can't be 100% sure though.”

“Okay, we'll just have to wait and see,”


I nodded at James before turning my attention to the food that was placed in front of me. I licked my lips before attacking the sausages and salad. I helped myself and put a decent amount of food on my plate. I thanked the parents for making it. I wolfed down my sausages and picked at my salad. I also sipped at a glass of juice. When I was full, I wiped my mouth and saw that Darcy and Persephone were already chatting.


I helped Elliot pack up. We put all the dishes on the sink and cleared the table. Helen decided to bring out the dessert now. My mouth watered as I saw pavlova. I grinned at James as I remembered the time when Sean, James and I smashed pavlova in each other's face. Ahhh Sean. I miss him really bad now. The good times…

Elliot and I sat down and grabbed a bowl of pavlova, ice cream and fruit. I licked my lips in anticipation when Darcy stole my bowl.

“Hey! That was mine,” I protested. She smirked and started to eat my dessert.

“Get your own!” I whined.

“There is none left but you love me so much that you let me have your dessert,” she teased. I shook my head and grabbed a piece of cake instead.


It was stinking hot in here. Everyone had finished their food and had a full belly.

“Who wants to go for a swim?” James asked. Elliot didn’t have a pool but we could all to Darcy’s house.

“Sure! Sounds like a good idea!” Percy agreed. It was stinking hot so I agreed as well. All six of us grabbed our togs and jumped into the pool.


It was nice and refreshing. Casey jumped out of the pool and turned on the radio. The girls sang along to their favourite songs until it got to 679. This was the guys song.

James did all the rapping and Elliot and I did the chorus.


“I’m like, yeah she’s fine, wonder when she’ll be mine, she walk past I press rewind, to see that ass one more time and I got this sewed up,” I sang in Darcy’s ear. I think Elliot might like Persephone because he was singing it to her… Hmm they would make a nice couple.


“She’s already yours!” Darcy whispered. I laughed and gave her a kiss before diving downwards. I swam up behind Casey and tickled her. She squirmed and kicked instantly and I chuckled. The song was still going so Elliot and James were still singing. I swam back over to Darcy and gave her a fright. I sat on the ledge in the pool to rest. Darcy joined me and rested her head on my shoulder.


I am tired. We woke up ridiculously early, it's hot and swimming makes you tired. Persephone swam over to talk to Darcy.

“You know Jane, she got her favourite song dedicated to her by her boyfriend. When I get a boyfriend, Sam, tell him he should dedicate 679 to me okay?” Percy said seriously. I chuckled, “Okay.” Persephone was crazy sometimes.


I decided to get out. I grabbed my towel and went inside for a shower. It was so hot! I had a freezing cold shower and got changed. When I came out again, everyone else had dried off and was currently watching Christmas movies. I checked my watch. It read 5:38PM. I jumped onto the couch next to Darcy. I watched along to this stupid movie for little kids. No idea what it was called but it had reindeers who wrapped presents.


By the time it was finished, it was almost seven o’clock. Percy and Elliot decided to stay the night. Which meant we had to fit three people in a double bed. I can just imagine the girls gossiping in the next room. I don’t mind Elliot. He’s a pretty cool dude. I yawned as we went to bed. Eric had come home earlier and was currently tinkering with his car. James, Elliot and I all squeezed into the one bed. We were chatting about soccer when I got a mindlink from Beatrice.


“Merry Christmas Sam!”

“Thanks Beatrice. You too! How’s it going?”

“All good. I just wanted to check on Darcy and the twister situation,”

“Oh yeah. We haven’t seen any twisters lately. I haven’t found my human but Darcy is taking good care of her best friend. I have some bad news though, my best friend Sean killed himself because when James and I were at the moon, he thought we were dead,”

“That’s horrible! I am so sorry Sam. I hope you are feeling okay. Thank You for looking after Darcy. You are amazing!”

“Well I love her so I would never let anything happen to her.”

“That's so good to hear! You might even be king someday!”

“Woah! That would be pretty cool.”

“Yes it would be. I need to go now but have a good one Sam!”

“Bye Beatrice”


King? I never thought about that before. That would be awesome. Of course I would marry Darcy and we would rule the clanage. We will see, it is two years away. I said goodnight to Elliot and James and drifted off to sleep.


34: Boxing Day Killing
Boxing Day Killing


I woke up and accidentally kicked Casey’s legs. I whispered sorry but saw she was still asleep. I quietly crawled out of my bed and went out into the kitchen. It was seven in the morning and James and Elliot were making breakfast.

“Hey guys!’ I chirped.

“Hey Darce, go wake up your boyfriend, he is sleeping like a log!” James laughed. I nodded and skipped off to their room. I opened the door and spotted Sam under the covers.


I shut the door and jumped on top of him. He mumbled and swatted at me, trying to get me to move.

“Rick, go away!” he yelled. I giggled and gave him a kiss.

“Ewww, what the hell?” he moaned.

“Sam, it's Darcy!” I whispered in his ear.

“Oooooooh. That makes more sense. Sorry babe, I am half asleep,” he groaned, pulling me down for a hug. I snuggled into his warm body. We laid there for a few minutes before I spoke.


“Sam, I smell bacon and eggs. Come on, breakfast,” I whispered. I tried to get out of bed but he pulled me back into his arms.

“Five more minutes?” he asked, opening his bright blue eyes. I ran my hand through his black hair and shook my head.

“I’m hungry! Wolf, come on….” I groaned. He gave in and held my hand, walking into the kitchen. The other two girls were out as well and everyone was having breakfast.


“How did you convince him?” Elliot smirked.

“He called me his brother then apologised and I made him come for breakfast,” I smiled.

“She's lucky I love her. Otherwise I would’ve glued myself to the bed,” he teased. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down next to Casey and Elliot. Sam sat next to James and my dad. We ate some beautiful bacon, eggs and tomato before cleaning up.


“Hey! Today is Boxing day shopping sales so let's head to the shopping centre!” Persephone suggested. Casey and I agreed but the boys moaned and groaned in disapproval.

“Tough love boys!” Casey smiled, strutting out her hip with attitude. James playfully put a hand over his heart.


We gathered our gear and used Persephone’s car. Her parents bought it for her and it has 7 seats so we could all fit. Percy drove and Elliot was passanger. Sam and I took the middle seats and Casey and James were sitting in the back. Percy always has the radio on and right now, it was playing 679 again. Casey, Percy and I were all singing at the top of our lungs to annoy the boys.


When we arrived, we all piled out of the car. Casey, Percy and I ran over to the jewelry shop and gazed at all the cheap sales! We were going to have so many things after this! We kinda lost the boys but oh well.


I tried on a pair of black converse and decided to get them because they were 50% off. Yeah baby! I bought some new clothes for the summer. We shopped for about two hours before we started to wonder where the boys were.

“I will mindlink Sam,” I said.

“You will what Sam?” Percy asked.

“Oh sorry, I forgot that you didn’t know,” I apologized.

“Clanagers can chat in their minds like telepathy,” Casey whispered to Percy.


“Hey Wolf, where are you?”

“We are in the food court babe,”

“Okay, we are coming now,”


We made our way over to the food court. Casey spotted the boys over near Subway. We waved and kept walking over. We had just sat down with them when we heard screams. I instantly checked that Percy was okay. James and Sam were looking around to see what was happening. At the same time, their mouths dropped open.

“Twisters,” Sam yelled.  


WHAT! Twisters!

“Percy! Elliot! Go hide, be safe!! We will find you later!” I yelled. They both nodded and scrambled to their feet. James, Sam, Casey and I all shifted into animals. We didn’t care who saw. I ran over to where the twister were. I felt fear creep over me as I saw at least fifty twisters all ganged up, punching and kicking at innocent people. Security guards were frozen and scared.


I ran over to crowds of people and herded them into shops. When they wouldn’t listen to me as a panther. I shifted back into a human. I put out my arms and yelled for them to move into the store. When they were all packed in there, I shut the roller doors so nothing could get to them. They all gaped in amazement as I shifted back into a panther and headed over to the attack. James was running around and tripping twisters over, making them fall on top of each other.


Suddenly, Sam howled for more clanagers. His howl was translated in my mind, “Clanagers, twister attack. Come now!” I looked around me and saw all the doors open to dogs, cats, wolves, eagles, raccoons, horses and many other animals. We looked like Noah’s ark in a shopping centre.


I ran into the battle, chomping on twister legs. Their legs crunched under my jaw. I leaped over the dead or wounded twisters. The other clanagers joined us and flooded into the battle. I was worried about Percy but I could smell her hiding in the toilets. Thank God for Elliot. A twister threw a punch at me but I dodged and a horse kicked it in the face. I nodded a thank you to it.


I twisted out of reach from a large twister before a group of eagles attacked it, pecking it and ripping its face with their talons. Lots of bodies were on the ground and slowly disintegrating. Suddenly, I heard a shriek. My head snapped over to a corner near McDonalds. I saw a raccoon cradling an eagle. CASEY! I bounded over there and James mindlinked me.


“Casey is hurt! Her arm/wing is damaged. You are a royal, can you use your power to heal her?”

“I don’t know, I have never tried. I will now though!”


I placed my paw over Casey’s body and imagined my power flowing from my body to hers. I don’t know what I am doing but it is worth a try. I used all my might and concentrated on one thing. When I opened my eyes again, Casey was flapping her wing and nodded thank you before flying off. James chattered at me and ran off to help the others. I ran over to Sam but bumped into a horse. I looked up to see the mysterious black horse. I flicked my tail as a sorry gesture before running off. I caught its eye and reminded myself to find out who that is afterwards. There were still about thirty twisters. Suddenly, I heard a human scream and ran towards the bathrooms. No no no, not Percy!


“Darcy! Elliot is gone!” Percy screamed. I quickly shifted and jogged over to Percy I cuddled her and whispered, “It’s okay, I’m here.” How could he ditch Percy? Some friend! I cradled Percy. She was obviously scared and confused. She sobbed into my shoulder as I growled at Elliot. How could he leave her here? Where did he go? Oh no! What if he dies?!


Suddenly, there was a huge twister scream. I covered my ears in pain. As it drowned out, I ran outside to check on my clanagers. I told Percy to stay put. I spotted a wolf laying on the floor.


I screamed and began sprinting over. No it can’t be. I tried to fight back the tears. Sam couldn’t be dead. I skidded to a halt as I knelt down to the wolf. It had a dark black coat like Sam. I cried tears over it’s pelt and put my hand to his heart. I opened the wolf’s eyes and screamed when I saw blue eyes. Sam’s blue eyes.


I burst out in tears and tried to focus. I put my hand to his heart and tried to heal him. I used all my energy and flopped down on the floor, tired.

“Thank you babe. Go see Percy now, I will be fine. Just need a minute,” Sam mindlinked me. I shot up in surprise and smiled. I kissed Sam’s snout and replied whilst running,

“I love you Sam. We will win!”


I arrived at the bathrooms but Percy wasn’t there. And neither was Elliot. I growled and ran back out to the fight. The clanagers were strong and the twisters numbers were decreasing. Afterwards, I am going to get Beatrice to give them all a raise or something! I worriedly looked around the area, scanning my eyes for Percy. WHAT! I shifted into a panther and ran over to the corner near McDonalds. Percy was holding a pole and jabbing it at a small twister.


“This is for hurting Casey!” she screamed as she poked it.

“And this is for being ugly!”

“AND THIS FOR MAKING ELLIOT RUN AWAY ALL SCARED AND LEAVE ME!” she yelled. I had never seen her this angry! It was quite funny actually. Percy gave it one last poke and it fell to the ground, dead. Nice one Percy! I bounded over to her and she slid onto my back. I ran her over to the bathrooms again. I shifted and gave her some stern words.


“DON'T LEAVE HERE AGAIN UNTIL I COME GET YOU! YOU COULD’VE DIED!!” I yelled. Persephone gulped and nodded. I guess I was pretty scary at times.

“Stay safe Percy, I love you okay! Don’t go dying on me,” I said gentler. I gave her a hug and returned to the battle. We only had about ten more to go but they were the big ones. The twisters strongest line of defense.


I kept gazing back at the bathrooms. I noticed the mysterious horse was now keeping guard of the bathrooms. Thank you whoever you are!

“Hey, don’t let her get hurt!” I mindlinked them. The horse didn’t respond but nodded in understanding. I found Sam, James and another horse beating up a huge Twister. I joined in by scratching its legs and biting it’s ankles.


The twister howled in pain and fell back onto the twister behind it. The twister underneath it was killed by the weight. Sam howled joyfully. It translated to “That’s my girl!”. I grinned at him before we ran over to the last five twisters. Sam jumped underneath the largest twister of them all. He was nipping at its heels when it bent down and picked him up. I whined as I saw Sam struggling to get out of its grip.


I tried jumping up the giant's legs by gripping onto the cloth of it’s pants but it kept shaking me off. Casey was in the air, trying to peck the twisters fingers and let Sam go. Suddenly, the twister created bugs. They scuttled along his hairy arms and legs. DAMN! Sam has a fear of bugs. Sam squirmed and started whining. Suddenly, a bag of flour was swung and it hit the twister on the head, causing him to fall over. He still had grip of Sam but we could reach him now.


I cast my eyes over to see who swung the bag. I widened my eyes as I saw Percy standing on the back of the mysterious horse with flour all over her hands. I TOLD THAT HORSE TO KEEP HER SAFE!


She jumped down onto the ground and petted the horse on the neck. Suddenly, one of the giant twister’s bugs jumped on top of Percy and began attacking her. She screamed as I ran over. I am going to kill that horse! The horse reared, trying to get the bug off. I growled at the horse and began biting at the bug. It tasted foul and didn’t want to come off.


Its shell was strong and thick. It had gripped onto Persephone like there was no tomorrow. I shifted in frustration and began pulling at it’s legs with my bare hands. I managed to get one off but when I tried another, I slipped and sliced my hand. I cursed four times before shifting again, trying to get my clanage healing to kick in. Soon enough, my paw was starting to stitch itself up. I called James over to see if he was small enough to get it off her. My paws were two big to pull it off.


I heard a wolf howl and cringed when I heard the message, “Help! I am stuck!” It was Sam! My eyes widened with fear as I spotted him stuck between two door and a twister was heading towards him.


I couldn’t leave Percy to die and save Sam but if I saved Percy, Sam would die!


Why does life have to be so difficult? I mindlinked the mysterious horse.

“I don’t care who you are but you helped Percy. Please save Sam. I can give you anything you want as long as you save him. Please hurry!”

The horse whinnied at me and galloped over to Sam. I focused back on Persephone, whose head was covered in bruises. This bug thing was digging into her neck. I cringed at her cries. James had so far five out of eight legs pulled off. I made a mental note to thank him later. Who am I kidding, I am going to thank everyone when this is over.


I threw a worried look over to the horse and Sam. The horse was pushing at the doors, trying to get them to budge. There were only two twisters left. Some Clanagers were on the ground, wounded but most were staying strong. I saw a twister head over to Sam. He couldn’t see it but I could see it was going to chomp on his head.


I sprinted over to the twister and ripped on its arm. I scratched it’s face and broke it’s leg. I grimaced as I tasted it’s blood in my mouth.

“You just messed with the wrong girl’s boyfriend!” I growled. It was gurgling loudly as it died. I looked over to Sam who was still stuck. I hoped that the horse would get him out in time.


I ran back over to Percy and James. I arrived just in time as James got the last leg off. The bug jumped off her head and I jumped on it, squishing it to the floor. It died and it’s black blood oozed out. I jumped away and thanked James. He ran off to find Casey. I shifted and looked Persephone in the eyes.


“Stay here and don’t do ANYTHING!” I instructed. I didn’t want her getting hurt. I jogged and shifted mid-run as I ran to Sam’s aid. The horse has done a good job trying to get them to move but he needed a hand. I heard the last squeal of a twister before I turned to see it disintegrate. All the clanagers that were fighting it flopped to the ground in exhaustment.


I shifted to help budge open the door. I used my muscles and strained to get them open. Suddenly, the horse shifted into a boy. I didn’t quite catch his face but he reminded me of someone. We pushed the doors and suddenly, the doors broke and Sam was released. I caught him mid-fall and rested his head on my lap.


He shifted and I caught his gaze. His face was grimy with dirt and he had a few cuts and bruises. I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Sam sat up and I pulled him into me, hugging him deeply.

“We made it, we made it,” I sighed. I began to cry in his shoulder as he held me.


Someone coughed and we looked up to see Elliot.

“ELLIOT! WHERE DID YOU GO!” I yelled, standing up and gripping his shirt. I stared into his eyes and growled.

“Umm, nowhere?” he replied. I gave him the death stare and looked around, puzzled.

“Whatever, you owe Percy an apologie. Where did horse boy go?” I asked, looking around for him.

“You are holding his shirt,” Elliot said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“WHAT! You are the mysterious horse? OMG!” I couldn’t believe it. He was horse boy?



“Uhh. Surprise?” Elliot smiled, waving his hands. I sighed and gave him a hug.

“I am glad you are okay. I guess we better check on Percy now eh?” I smiled. I pulled Sam to his feet and helped him hobble over the the crowd of clanagers. I stood on a chair and coughed to grab their attention.


“Hello all! I am Darcy O’Reynald. Your future queen. I want to thank you all for saving our humans lives. We couldn’t have done it without you! I will be sure to tell Beatrice that you all need a raise. If you need medical attention, please return to the moon and tell them Darcy sent you. You are all brave and I thank you for answering our call for help. You all did a wonderful deed today. Now, all go home for a rest! See you around!” I smiled. It was a pretty good speech.


I stepped down and hugged Sam. I can’t believe we are all safe. We may be a little busted up but we are all in one piece. I spotted Casey and James and called them over. They were tired but still alive. All the clanagers left the shops, no one died which is a good thing.


I heard screams from in the shops and realised I still had people locked in there. Whoops! I quickly unrolled the roller door and ran out of the shop. I didn’t want to have to answer all their questions. Right now, a shower and a cuddle with my boyfriend sounds just fine. I ran into the bathrooms to get Percy. She seemed pretty shaken up. I hugged her and said it was all safe now.


She whimpered and followed me out. Everyone else was waiting at the car. Elliot was a horse at the moment. He was galloping up and down the sidewalk to show off. Percy was really tired so I put her on his back and he walked her down to the car. She didn’t know it as him!


“What about Elliot? Is he dead! No he can’t be! I didn’t even get to tell him I liked him yet! I miss him already. Why did he leave me?” Percy whined. I laughed as Elliot flicked his head up and Percy patted his neck.

“What’s so funny! Elliot is missing!” she cried. I laughed some more as Elliot shifted, throwing Percy up in the air and catching her in his arms, bridal style.


“OMG! YOU ARE ONE OF THEM TOO! Man I feel left out! Wait, did you hear what I just said?” Percy panicked.

“Every single word,” Elliot smirked. Percy turned a shade of red in embarrassment.

“It’s okay though, I want to talk to you when we get home. Just rest for the moment,” Elliot said softly. Awww they were so cute! I held Sam’s hand and I unlocked the car. Percy was tired so she rested against Elliot’s chest. Soon, she was fast asleep.


I drove us home because everyone was tired. Somehow, James managed to find our shopping and he put it in the back of the car! I pulled up outside out house. It was almost five o’clock in the afternoon and I am guessing Percy and Elliot are staying over again.


Everyone opened their doors and got out of the car. Elliot was still cradling Percy is his arms. He gently took her inside and laid her down on my bed. I watched him kiss her forehead and leave the room. I caught his arm on the way out.

“You really love her don’t you?” I smiled. He nodded.

“Why did you never tell her?” I asked.

“I didn’t think she felt the same way. I thought that because I was a clanager, she would think I was weird..” Elliot dipped his head in embarrassment. I rolled my eyes and let him go. Casey crawled into bed and I decided I would sleep on the couch. I walked into the lounge room and sprawled myself on the couch. I felt asleep soon enough.




I woke up to Sam cuddling me in his arms. I looked around me and realised I had been moved into the boy's bedroom. I looked at Sam’s watch. It said it was 7:48PM. I had been sleeping for roughly two hours. Elliot was lightly snoring on the other side of Sam. I gently slid out from Sam's arms and checked on the girls. Persephone was awake and she was staring at Casey’s tattoo. Casey was asleep next to James but her tattoo was on the back of her neck. I whispered to Percy and called her over.


She scrambled off the bed on gave me a hug.

“We are alive!” she whispered. I rubbed her back and replied, “Yes we are!”.

I heard a groan from the boys room and I peeked inside. Sam was half asleep but he was mumbling, “Where did Darcy go?” I giggled and told Percy. She rolled her eyes at Sam but her eyes softened when she saw Elliot.


“Did I tell Elliot that I like him?” she asked me. I nodded and she turned her head away in embarrassment.

“Trust me, he feels the same way!” I cheered. She gave me a ‘really?’ look and I nodded. Aww they should totally date! I left Percy in the hallway and gently woke up Sam. He started to grumble but I shushed him. He left the room quite loudly which woke up Elliot. Perfect!


I pushed Percy into the room and shut the door behind them.


35: I'm like, yeah she's mine!
I'm like, yeah she's mine!


I cursed at Darcy for shoving me into the room. I was too embarrassed. Elliot woke up and gave me the biggest smile when he saw it was me. I was standing awkwardly near the door.

“Come lay here,” Elliot invited. I agreed and rolled onto the bed. I laid down next to him. Our faces were inches away and I could feel his hot breath.


I can’t believe he is a clanager! I am the only human in our group. I cannot believe he kept this a secret from me! Wait, this means he didn’t really go to Alaska for his birthday? So he went to the moon just like Darcy?


“So you heard what I said earlier huh?” I asked shyly. He nodded with a smile.

“But it’s not a bad thing. I really like you too. I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?” Elliot asked. His brown chocolate eyes were so pretty.

“Really? I would love to be your girlfriend,” I smiled widely.

He said, “Good, because I wasn’t going to take no as an answer!” I giggled at that.


“I also heard that you wanted your boyfriend to dedicate song to you… I am going to dedicate 678. It's like 679 but with a few word changes.” he smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach and grinned like a little kid with lollies.


I love Elliot’s singing. He also plays guitar which is just double awesome. Elliot began to sing, “I’m like yeah she’s fine, wonder how she became mine, she walk past I press rewind to see her smile one more time and I got this planned out. Clanage boys they know us, all fast running no slow ducks, no one can control us, yeah.”


I clapped at his performance. I feel so special! It was so sweet of him!

“So you are a horse?” I inquired. He nodded and looked down at his hands. He was a little ashamed. I think it's awesome!

“Horses are my favourite animals!” I smiled.

“Of course. I remember when we took you on a road trip and every time we saw a horse, you made us pull over so you could take a photo!” Elliot chuckled. Oh yes, the good times!

“I am the only one who isn’t a clanager!” I pouted.

“You wouldn’t want to live on the moon. They don’t even have Myer there,” Elliot smirked. Oh, no Myer? Forget it then. I rolled my eyes, stood up and announced, “I am hungry, as my boyfriend, would you do me the honour of walking me to the kitchen?” Elliot grinned madly and grabbed my hand replied, “Yes M’lady!”


We walked out of the bedroom, holding hands. I wondered how my life became so perfect. I found Darcy and Sam watching TV together and I was guessing that James and Casey were still sleeping. Darcy turned around to see us. She nudged Sam who looked down at our intertwined hands.

“Congrats!” they both smiled. I mumbled a thank you as Elliot proudly showed me off.


I grabbed a two bagels from the fridge and warmed them up. Elliot held me closely as I watched the microwave countdown the seconds. He was taller than me so his chin rested neatly on top of my head. He hugged me from behind as I pulled out the bagels. It was only then that I noticed his clan tattoo was in his palm. He put out his hand for a bagel and I smiled to see a horseshoe and star tattooed on his palm.


We sat down on the leathery couch with Darcy and Sam and watched Gossip Girl with them. I am glad that everyone is safe and sound. I even have a boyfriend now!


36: Happy Days!
Happy Days!


I played with Sam’s fingers happily as I watched two of my best friends. They were a couple now! Sam kissed the top of my head as I leaned into him. I was still a little tired from this afternoon. I can’t believe we did it! We rose up against the twisters and defeated them! I will mindlink Beatrice a bit later when I have the energy. Dad and Bangers had gone for a walk while we were out. I am not looking forward to explaining what happened to Dad.


Too many things happened, it will be hard to explain. I also hope none of the humans had evidence of us being there. I hope they all just ramble on and no one believes them. I hope we didn't put our race in danger. I never thought of us as a race before. It will be interesting when I am queen in a few years.

Wait. If I am queen. Someone will have to be king. Someone like Sam? Wow, we could get married in two years. I guess we will see when the time comes. I was wondering how Elliot kept this from me. He was on the moon when I was! Why didn’t he just come and say hello? Wait, did I crash into him at the skatepark? OMG IT WAS HIM! How could I not have recognised him. And he was the horse in the habitats when Sam made me find him for pizza. I will ask Elliot tomorrow when I am fully rested. I sighed. Right now, my life is pretty damn perfect. I closed my eyes and rested against Sam.

37: Authors Note
Authors Note

The story is finished! What did you all think?

I would love some feedback or your opinions. I am going to see if my book can get published and hopefully you all support that :)

I want to thank you all for reading it and I will start my next book soon :)
