Golden Legend

There are thousands of legends of the different kind of dragons. One legend is the one of the golden dragon:

There was a time where gold was more important than a human life and to get the wonderful sparkling and expensive metal a lot of people died and ground of that places turned into a blood red. The beautiful white flowers at the almond trees turned their color into deeply red because the ground was soak with blood. In this times the god send two dragons to earth to teach the humans again what it mean to be respectful with each other.

One of that dragon was a bit black male one and the other a wonderful white female one with awesome blue eyes. What the gods did not know was that the female one born short after landing on earth a beautiful dragon eye. She hides it into the mountains where both dragons found their new home.

At day time they were flying around over the lands to hunt that people who thought gold was the only thing one earth. It took some month the dragons was still able to fear the humans but then it turned and the humans doesn't matter if hunted or protected started to hunt the dragons. By one of that attacks the male black dragon found his death while the white female one was able to escape with with severe injuries. With her last power she had she crawled into the whole between the mountains. With her wings she covered the egg to protect it for the humans who soon would find her and the cold winds of the mountains. Then she closed her eyes and drifted away. Her soul went back up to the sky following her partner home to the gods who send them to earth.

In the mean time the horde of human had found the place where the white dragon laid herself to rest. While the horde tortured the already dead dragon a young male found the egg that was covered under the wing. A deeply pain filled his heart and as nobody saw it he hide the egg under his jacket and left the place. As fast as he could he went home and placed then the egg on the table to take a closer look. It was nothing special and looked like a normal egg. Maybe one day he would need it. So he took the egg and put it next to the fireplace into a bag. There the egg was good hidden. What he did not knew was that in the egg was still life. The warm of the fireplace helped the egg also that soon a little dragon would break out.

Some weeks went by and in the night some strange noises woke up the young male. He opened the bag the noises was coming from and he fall backwards. Out of the egg a little cute dragon crawled and walked closer to him. As the man crawled backward the dragon followed him. As his back touched the wall the little dragon jumped onto his legs and curled together there. The young man was now surprised and understood that this little thing didn't want to harm him it saw the man as his new family.

Careful the man stroke over the small dragon body and a smile rushed over his lips. He gave him everyday fruits and on special days some meat to eat. As thanks the dragon grew with every day and at night he starts to hunt for his owner and himself. Both grew older and while the dragon came into his teen years the young man became an old man. His dark hair changed into grey. Till now was peace in the land but already some troops making their way to the land. The man was already too old to fight. To protect the dragon he hides him under the stable into a secret room. There he also had hide some gold should any trouble times would come and both never need to hunger. As the troops reached the males home they burned it down and injured the man badly. The fire from the hut also reached the stables and let melt the gold. The dragon had no problems with the fire or the warm. Also he did not felt that hot gold was dropping down on him and covered him. When the troops were far away the dragon sneaked out of the stable and found his owner nearly dead on the ground. The old man smiled up to the dragon and spoke weak. "Allow me one wish. Burn my dead body brings me to the sky and let my ashes fall down from the sky that one time in my life I can fly." With these words he closed his eyes he died.

The eyes of the dragons start to fill with tease. This man did so much for him he protected him, he feed him grow him up. Teaches him to fly. How could he say now no to these last wish from the closest person in his life. He lifts the dead body up and placed the male onto his back between his wings. Then he slowly starts to run and started to fly up to the sky. Higher and higher the now golden dragon was flying. On his lips a sad song of the lose and the pain he left now. The son was warming up the gold of the dragon and while he was going higher and higher the dead body start to burn. The ashes were fall down from the sky and the dragon let the wish the man had come true. Now he could return back home to his real parents to the place he belongs too. Before he left the earth, again he let out a loud scream to warn the earth again and then disappeared in the sky.