The Chosen One

Earth has been around for 4.543 billion years. The world is changing slowly and just keeps getting interesting each day. On February 9, 2016, a bigass door from another world appeared in Washington D.C., United States. 5 months later, the President of the United States, Israel Henderson started to take an interest in the door.

Israel said, “Everyone, we need to take action now.”

The Senator, Irvin King asked, “Why do we need to take action, again?”

Israel answered, “The people of the United States are getting scared. They are going into a panic. And we need to fix this problem. I was just trying to ignore that it was even there, bit now it’s come down to this.”

Irvin said, “I see. That is a problem. What do you plan on doing?”

Israel answered, “It’s quite simple. We can’t send our soldiers there, because we need them here on Earth. So we’ll look for a man that doesn’t fear anything to enter that door to find out what is behind it.”

Irvin heard that and said, “It doesn’t matter if he’s strong or weak, right?”

The Vice-President, Helina Long answered, “Not at all. Choose whoever has a good will. And is willing to help us out as well.”

Irvin said, “Get to work people. We must find someone.”

The people that work with them said, “Yessir.”

They started looking and Israel asked, “How long do you think it’ll take?”

Irvin answered, “At least 24 hours.”

Helina said, “OK, we could wait that long. Right sir.”

Israel sighed and said, “Make it quick. Before we know it, someone is going to die because of nothing being done. So hurry it up.”

Irvin said, “They are working as fast as they can sir.”

Israel closed his eyes and waited.

The very next morning, Senator, Greg Barnes walked into the President’s Office and said, “Sir, we think that we found someone.”

Israel asked, “Who is it?”

Greg answered, “His name is Thomas Bryant. It says that he is a well-known swordsman. He won over 50 different tournaments. In his second to last tournament, it was reported that he fought the entire tournament with one and was smiling the entire time. His arm was chopped off. But he kept going. His records say that he’s killed before. But it was all an accident. He has no fears at all. Right now, he’s in California. He’s 15 years old and is very athletic.”

Israel said, “No fears, huh.”

Greg said, “Yep. He’s the only man that popped up. There wasn’t any women of your expectations. Here’s a picture of him.”

He passed it to Israel and Israel took it and looked at him and said, “This man really isn’t normal right.”

Greg said, “He’s 100% normal. He’s also a student at Alameda High School.”

Israel said, “Give his parents a call.”

Greg said, “His father died 2 years ago and his mother is taking care of him. So we could call his mother.”

Israel said, “OK. Do that then. I’ll talk to her.”

Greg said, “OK, she’s on line 2.”

Israel heard that and picked up the phone and hit the button 2 and asked, “Is this Mrs. Bryant?”

Mrs. Bryant answered, “Yep. Who might this be?”

Israel answered, “I’m the President of the United States, Israel Henderson.”

Mrs. Bryant heard that and asked, “What would you want from me?”

Israel answered, “To talk about your boy, Thomas Bryant. Do you know anything about the door that appeared in Washington D.C.?”

Mrs. Bryant answered, “Yep. Everyone is talking about. 5 people were already killed because of it. And they were all accidents. The people were so scared that they ran into the street and a car hit them and the cars couldn’t stop till it was too late.”

Israel said, “So there were casualties already. Shit. No one told me about that. Or I would have done something faster. Well, I was hoping that you would allow your son to enter the door and find out what is on the other side of it. It might be dangerous, but I heard that he’s been in worse positions.”

Mrs. Bryant said, “That may be true. So you want to take my only child away from me.”

Israel said, “Hey, I’ll clear his record if you let him go.”

Mrs. Bryant smiled and said, “I was only joking. He would probably love to go. So I won’t stop him. If you want him, he’s in....”

Israel said, “Alameda High School. I already have people going there. They should arrive there soon.”

Mrs. Bryant said, “You sure are fast.”

Israel said, “Well, you got to plan things ahead of time ma’am. And I thank you for agreeing to our proposal. He’ll be the first being on Earth to enter that door.”

Mrs. Bryant said, “Thomas would love it. Well, I have to go now. I got to go to work.”

Israel said, “OK. Thank you.”

They hung up and then Israel said, “His mother was pleased. Now how will he react.”

3 hours later, the soldiers walked into the school and asked, “Is a kid named Thomas Bryant here?”

The secretary looked and answered, “Yes. Would you like me to call him to the office?”

The soldiers answered, “Yes please. But is there a more private place that we could talk with him. This is top secret stuff after all.”

The secretary said, “Yeah. The parent-teacher conference room. I’ll take you there as soon as Thomas comes.”

She walked to the speakerphone and said, “Thomas Bryant, please come to the main office. Thomas Bryant, please come to the main office.”

Thomas heard that and asked, “What did I do this time?”

Everyone started laughing and Thomas walked to the main office and saw the soldiers and the secretary said, “Follow me please.”

Thomas stared at the soldiers and the secretary said, “Including you Thomas. They came from the capital to talk to you.”

Thomas heard that and said, “Oh boy. That doesn’t sound good at all.”

The soldiers smiled and said, “It’s actually quite the opposite.”

The secretary opened the door and said, “Here you go. When you are done, please lock the door back up.”

The soldiers said, “Yes ma’am.”

The secretary left and the soldiers closed the door and said, “Thomas Bryant, the President of the United States is wondering if you would like to be the first person to step foot into the door.”

Thomas heard that and said, “The bigass door that appeared in Washington D.C., huh. Why me?”

The soldiers answered, “He wanted someone that didn’t have any fears. And you are the only person in this world that qualifies.”

Thomas said, “I see. My mom already knows about this, I bet.” They said, Yes she does Thomas. What do you say?”

Thomas answered, “First person to step foot in it, huh. If that’s the case, then I can’t say no. And I’ll have to go to my house to get something that I’ll need. It’s not that far away. It’s about a minute walk to my house.”

The soldiers said, “Deal. We’ll walk you there.”

Thomas said, “OK. I’ll get my stuff from class and we’ll meet at the main entrance. Where we met.”

The soldiers said, “OK.”

They walked out of the room and went separate ways. Thomas walked to his classroom and then the soldiers locked the door and returned the key to the secretary.

As soon as Thomas entered the classroom, everyone asked, “What’s wrong Thomas? You seem awfully happy.”

Thomas said, “That’s because I am. Well, see you all later.”

Thomas packed his stuff away and walked to the main entrance and saw the soldiers and then they walked out of the school and the secretary said, “Enjoy yourself kid.”

Thomas waved and said, “Let’s go.”

They walked toward his house and Thomas walked inside and said, “I’ll be right out.”

They said, “OK.”

The helicopter arrived and Thomas took his sword from his room and placed his backpack down and then walked outside of his house and locked it up.

The soldiers said, “Our ride is here.”

Thomas said, “OK. Let’s go.”

They entered the helicopter and the soldiers said, “Take off.”

The pilot said, “Yessir.”

They arrived in the Whitehouse and Israel saw the helicopter and walked out there and Thomas exited the helicopter and looked around and said, “So this is what the Whitehouse looks like up close. It’s quite amazing.”

Israel appeared and said, “Thomas Bryant, you came. I didn’t think that you would come. But I guess that your mom was right. You couldn’t say no after hearing that you’d be the first to enter.”

Thomas said, “I guess so.”

Israel smiled and said, “Let’s go to the door then.”

Thomas said, “OK.”

Everyone walked them to the door and Israel said, “There might be interviewers there. Let me do all of the talking.”

Thomas said, “Nah, I’ll handle it. And whatever I miss, you could put into your own words.”

Israel heard that and said, “You really are an interesting man.”

Thomas smiled and said, “Not at all. I’m only a man that injures people for a living. Let’s go.”

Israel looked at him and Thomas said, “Just kidding.”

Israel said, “You are amusing as well.”

Thomas said, “Stop trying to flatter me old man. It’s really going to kill me.”

He said, “You truly don’t know anything. But life is precious. We’re almost there.”

Thomas heard that and looked ahead and the interviewers saw them and they ran toward them and asked, “Are you planning on doing something about this bigass door?”

Thomas answered, “Yes he is. We’re sending a man named Thomas Bryant through the door. But it is uncertain if he’ll be able to come back out. But I have no regrets.”

They asked, “What will you do as soon as you enter the door?”

Thomas answered, “Look around and get info. Then maybe find out why they planted this door on Earth. And why they chose the United States. Anything else.”

They asked, “What will you do if you aren’t capable of coming back?”

Thomas heard that and smiled and answered, “Well, if I am stuck in that place, I won’t beg to come back. I’ll just do whatever it takes to survive.”

Everyone heard that and Thomas said, “Well, if the President has anything to add before I enter the door. Speak now.”

Israel said, “I just heard from this man’s mother that 5 people committed suicide because of this door appearing. It scared them to death and they ran in front of a car. If I knew that people were committing suicide, I would have done something faster. So, please stay calm. He’s going to take care of it.”

Thomas smiled and said, “Yep.”

Israel said, “I’m sorry, but that’s all we can say now. Because that’s all we know. He’ll be entering the door now. Open the gates.”

Thomas looked at the gate and put his hands on the handle of his Thaitsuki Roiyaru Sanmai Katana and the soldiers aimed their guns up at the gate and the gate opened Thomas stared at it and then roars appeared and Thomas ran toward them and swung his sword at them and the Monsters turned into dust and then items appeared and Thomas lifted them up and asked, “What is this?”

Israel looked and said, “Jewels of some kind.”

Thomas said, “Oh well, see you later everyone. I’ll be entering the door now. Have fun.”

Thomas put the Magical Stones into his pocket and then walked toward the door and everyone saw that and Thomas opened it and a portal looking thing appeared and Thomas walked through it and the reporters saw that and Thomas walked to the other side and then as soon as he got out of there, he appeared in a new world called Umares and Thomas said, “This place is amazing. Where am I exactly?”

The portal disappeared and Thomas turned around and said, “It disappeared. I’m actually stuck here.”

Israel said, “He was right. The door disappeared after he entered it.”

The soldiers asked, “What are we going to do?”

Israel sighed and answered, “I hate to admit this, but all we could do is wait.”

The soldiers said, “OK.”

Going back to Umares.

Thomas walked around town and put his sword away and then someone appeared in front of Thomas and asked, “Are you from Earth?”

Thomas heard that and looked up and answered, “Yeah. Where am I?”

The man answered, “This is Umares, a world full of Adventurers. You are the only man from another world here. We’ve been waiting for you Thomas Bryant.”

Thomas asked, “How do you know my name?”

The man answered, “Let’s just say that I am the one that rigged everything. Making you the only logical choice.”

Thomas heard that and asked, “Why me?”

The man answered, “Well, this world needs some new blood. So why don’t you enjoy yourself.”

Thomas took out the Magical Stones and asked, “What are these?”

The man answered, “Those are Magical Stones. They are handed in to the Guild and they hand you Nikcha. Nikcha is the currency here. On Earth, there are many different ways of saying money. In Umares, there’s only Nikcha. But where’d you get them?”

Thomas answered, “There were these weird looking creatures that appeared as soon as we opened a gate that was keeping the people away from it. There were about 5. What are they?”

The man answered, “We call them Monsters. They all have names, and there are lots of them. Well, I’m surprised a newbie like yourself was able to do anything about them.”

Thomas took his sword out and said, “I’m no newbie when it comes to the sword. Why’d you summon me here?”

The man answered, “I want you to become an Adventurer that changes this world for good.”

Thomas heard that and put his sword away and said, “An Adventurer? What do they do?”

The man smiled and answered, “They go into a Dungeon. They fight the Monsters in the Dungeon. The lower you go, the more enemies you’ll have. But I think it would be good to join someone’s Clan before entering though. It’ll help you out a lot.”

Thomas heard that and said, “I see.”

The man said, “Well, I’m Zeus. It’s nice to meet you. Go on into town and do whatever you do best.”

Thomas said, “Whatever I do best. That’s swinging a sword around.”

Menrva, Goddess of War appeared and said, “Swinging a sword, huh. It seems that you would be a valuable asset to my Clan. I’m Andarta, it’s nice to meet you newbie.”

Thomas said, “Thomas Bryant. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

Menrva smiled and said, “Follow me. I’ll bring you to the Guild.”

Zeus heard that and smiled and said, “Now that’s interesting. She took an interest into him right off the bat.”

Menrva took him to the Guild with a smile on her face.

2: First Time in the Dungeon
First Time in the Dungeon

Andarta took Thomas to the Guild and asked, “Where are you from kid?”

Thomas answered, “A planet called Earth. I’m not from this world.”

Andarta said, “I see. Well, this city that we’re in right now is, Gando. It’s where the Dungeon appeared. We noticed that the people going inside the dungeon were dying, so we came into the picture and gave them the power to fight. So the people in our clans are known as Adventurers or Travelers. Whichever one sounds better to you.”

They appeared in front of the Guild building and Andarta said, “Follow me inside.”

Thomas said, “OK.”

They walked inside of the Guild and a half-elf named Phyrra Simmons said, “Oh Andarta, what brings you here today?”

Andarta answered, “A new member of the clan came today. Thomas Bryant is his name.”

Thomas waved and said, “Hello.”

Phyrra said, “Thomas Bryant, huh. Never heard of him.”

Thomas said, “I’m from a different world.”

Phyrra heard that and said, “From a different world. Seriously?”

Andarta answered, “Yep. The planet he’s from is Earth.”

Phyrra looked at him and asked, “Does he have any equipment to take on the Monsters?”

Thomas took out his Thaitsuki Roiyaru Sanmai Katana and asked, “Is this good enough? It’s a sword that I created myself.”

Phyrra looked at it and said, “It’s well made. You seem to have skill with crafting things.”

Thomas said, “I might.”

Phyrra said, “Yes, this’ll do just fine. You may enter the Dungeon whenever you are ready.”

Thomas sighed and said, “OK.”

Andarta said, “Let’s go Thomas. I’ll be taking you to the Dungeon now.”

Thomas said, “OK.”

Thomas put his sword away and walked with her after bowing to Phyrra and she saw that and Andarta said, “The Guild is close to the Dungeon. So we don’t have to walk that far.”

Thomas said, “That’s good. I’m glad.”

Andarta asked, “Are you lazy?”

Thomas answered, “I’m afraid so.”

Andarta laughed and said, “I see. Well, the Dungeon is endless. But the lower you get, the harder it will get. I guarantee you that fact. You should find a party immediately.”

Thomas said, “OK. By the way, when I come back, where am I going? I have no place to live.”

Andarta answered, “Let me handle that Thomas. Plus, do you need anything before going in there?”

Thomas answered, “Stuff so I could create my own gear. I’m a well-known Blacksmith on Earth.”

Andarta said, “OK. I’ll have tools and everything else that you need.”

Thomas said, “Thank you. That is all I think.”

Andarta said, “OK. Well, see you when you get out.”

Phyrra ran out there and said, “Hold up. I forgot to mention this. Don’t go any further than Floor 4. It’ll be too dangerous for you. Your stats aren’t high enough.”

Thomas said, “Good enough. See you when I get back.”

Thomas walked into the Dungeon and Phyrra asked, “Is he really going to be ok for a person from a new world to enter the Dungeon?”

Andarta answered, “Don’t know. Well, I have a job to do. Get me all the equipment needed for a Blacksmith. Thomas will need it.”

Phyrra heard that and said, “He plans on being an Adventurer and a Blacksmith.”

Andarta smiled and answered, “Yes he is. Just get the stuff and have it brought to my place. He’ll be working and living in the basement of my place.”

Phyrra said, “You can’t be serious. That’ll cost money.”

Andarta took out 7 billion Nikcha and asked, “Will this do? 7 billion Nikcha.”

Phyrra answered, “Yeah, where’d you get this much money?”

Andarta answered, “Working. Gods and Goddesses save up as well, you know.”

Phyrra said, “I’m sorry. I’ll get to work immediately.”

Phyrra ran back inside the Guild and said, “Get Andarta some Blacksmithing equipment. She handed us the money for it. We’re sending it to her place. Get all top-notch items for him. That’s what he’ll need.”

Everyone said, “Yes ma’am.”

They started working immediately and as soon as Thomas entered the 1st Floor of the Dungeon he looked around and said, “So this is the 1st Floor of the Dungeon, huh. It doesn’t look that bad.”

Thomas walked around and then got to the middle of the 1st Floor and 5 Skeletons appeared and Thomas looked at the Skeletons and they had swords and those swords were known as Bone Sword. A sword made out of bones.

Thomas said, “Skeletons, huh. I shouldn’t underestimate anything in the Dungeon. People die all the time.”

The Skeletons ran toward him and Thomas took his sword out and looked at it and the sword started glowing and then put his hand on the blade and said, “Let’s begin.”

Thomas ran toward the one in front of him and swung at him and the Skeleton blocked it and Thomas sighed and jumped back and the Skeletons were behind him and Thomas sensed that and ducked as soon as they swung at him and Thomas kicked their legs and they all fell on their ass and Thomas got up and then stabbed one of them and it disappeared and Thomas said, “So those things were also from the Dungeon. How’d they get out anyway?”

The other 4 Skeletons stood up and Thomas walked forward a little and then turned around and saw them and Thomas smiled and ran toward them and swung at them as hard as he could and they blocked it and Thomas said, “Not strong enough.”

He jumped back and then they ran toward him and Thomas looked up and asked, “What the hell?”

They swung at him and Thomas put his sword up and the Bone Swords hit him and Thomas grunted and they continued to push on his body and Thomas screamed and grabbed one of the Bone Swords and swung it around and the other 3 flew into the wall killing 2 of the 4 and only 2 were left.

The 2 remaining Skeletons stood up slowly and Thomas looked at his body and said, “That’s what the armor is for. Oh well. That really hurt. But there are only 2 Skeletons remaining, huh. Let’s go all-out then.”

Thomas ran toward the Skeletons and they swung at him and Thomas ducked and then swung at their lower waist and they disappeared and Thomas said, “I gained 25 XP from defeating those 5 Skeletons. Oh well, I really don’t mind.”

Thomas continued walking to the end of the 1st Floor and then he was interrupted by 3 Lanterns and Thomas looked at them and said, “Lanterns, huh. 3 of them to be exact. They use fire. That’s what I think. But I might be wrong.”

Fire appeared around the Lanterns and it flew toward Thomas and Thomas dodged the attacks and Thomas ran toward the Lanterns and then swung at them without any caution. Then the Lanterns put up a shield to make the sword bounce back a little and the Lanterns made fire fly toward him again. So Thomas jumped back and also dodged the attacks and then stared at the Lanterns.

He asked himself, “How will I get passed that wall of fire? I need more power in my swings. But I don’t think that I’ll be able to. But who really cares. I’ll go all-out right now.”

Thomas ran toward them and then the Lanterns looked at him and noticed that he wasn’t thinking at all and Thomas appeared behind them and they disappeared and Thomas said, “I see. Not thinking at all worked. I didn’t expect that to actually work. Oh well.”

The 3 Lanterns gave him 6 XP in total and Magical Stones appeared, along with Amber. Amber is a mineral that you could use to build weapons and armor.

Thomas picked up the Amber and Magical Stones and then looked up and then 6 Goblins appeared from the ground and Thomas heard the ground moving and said, “Oh boy. Some enemies from behind me, huh. Let’s see how I can handle them.”

And then a Baby Spider appeared and the Baby Spider was really small and Thomas stared at it and Thomas swung at it and the Baby Spider jumped up and Thomas smiled and lifted his sword up and it disappeared and silk came out and he gained both 1 XP and Magical Stones.

The 6 Goblins ran toward him and Thomas picked up the silk and Magical Stones and said, “Silk is another material that I could use to make weapons and armor, huh. It seems that I can’t make anything good just yet. Shit.”

The Goblins swung their axes at him and Thomas jumped up and kicked 2 of them and then swung his sword at the heads of the other 4 Goblins and all 6 vanished with ease and Thomas said, “Damn, that was a little too easy for me. The Lanterns put up more of a challenge.”

Thomas earned 18 XP and Magical Stones. But also leveled up to Level 2. Thomas noticed that a menu appeared by his waist and Thomas opened it and said, “I could choose out of 3 skills. Fire Bolt. Fire Bolt is a fire ball that looks like a lightning bolt flying toward the enemy. Lightning Strike. Lightning Strike is an actual lightning bolt that flies down from anywhere or flies directly at the opponent. Or Water Nebula. Water Nebula is a wave of water that flies toward the opponents that you don’t want to be a threat anymore. Well, I’ll have to choose one. So I’ll go with Lightning Strike.”

Thomas chose Lightning Strike and then the menu disappeared and Thomas saw that and said, “Amazing. It disappears as soon as you choose which skill you wanted.”

Thomas walked to the 2nd Floor and then looked around and said, “The 2nd Floor looks exactly like the 1st Floor. But I don’t see a problem though.”

5 Lanterns appeared and Thomas saw that and said, “I guess that I’ll try out my Lightning Strike now."

He pointed at the Lanterns and said, “Lightning Strike.”

Lightning appeared from his finger and the lightning bolt flew toward it and the Lantern sent fire at the lightning bolt, but Thomas moved his finger toward the one next to the one that he planned on attacking and hit it and that one Lantern vanished and Thomas smiled and said, “That’s good. I win.”

Thomas ran toward them and the Lanterns shot fire at him and Thomas took his sword out and it glowed and swung it at the fire and the fire disappeared.

Thomas looked at the 4 Lanterns and said, “So 4 left, huh. Let’s see how I handle this.”

Thomas appeared in front of them and swung his sword and they vanished and the Lanterns gave him 10 XP, along with 5 Amber and Magical Stones. He picked them up and then continued his journey.

3: The New Monster on the 3rd Floor
The New Monster on the 3rd Floor

He made it to the end of the 2nd Floor, but as soon as he got there, 3 Goblins, 4 Skeletons, 5 Lanterns, and 20 Baby Spiders appeared in around him and Thomas sighed and said, “Don’t be getting greedy Monsters.”

Thomas swung his sword at the Baby Spiders and killed half of them and they gave him 8 Silk and 10 XP, along with Magical Stones and Thomas continued swinging at the enemies and then the Lanterns shot fire at him and Thomas jumped up and then pointed at the Goblins and said, “Lightning Strike.”

A lightning bolt flew toward a Goblin and then the Goblin swung at the lightning bolt, but missed and the bolt of lightning hit it and it disappeared and Thomas ran toward the Goblins and the Lanterns shot fire at him and Thomas jumped over the fire and then stabbed one of the Goblins in the head and then it disappeared and then Thomas brought his sword to the side hitting the other Goblin and it vanished as well. Thomas noticed that there was one Baby Spider left and swung at it while it jumped up at him and chopped it in half and it gave him Silk, 1 XP, and Magical Stones. The Skeletons ran toward him and Thomas saw that and they swung their Bone Swords at him and Thomas swung at them and the swords broke into many pieces and Thomas kicked one in the head and it disappeared and the Lanterns shot fire at him and Thomas swung his sword at the fire and the sword hit the other 3 Skeletons and they disappeared. They dropped 2 Bones, Magical Stones, and 20 XP.

Thomas said, “Lightning Strike.”

He made the lightning bolt fly toward the Lanterns and Thomas said, “Expand.”

The Lanterns shot fire at him and the bolts of lightning moved to the side and then moved back and then hit the Lanterns and they disappeared giving 3 Amber, 10 XP and Magical Stones.

Thomas picked everything up and then said, “I’m now Level 3, huh.”

He looked at his waist and saw the icon again and pushed it and the Skills Tab opened and Thomas said, “Another 3 Skills, huh. Let’s see what we have this time. Mind Control. Mind Control is when you could control the mind of your opponent. Only if your opponent is human. Fire Punch. Fire Punch is when your fist turns on fire and you punch your enemies. And Lightning Speed. Lightning Speed is when you run fast. You run fast into an enemy and you’ll automatically kill it. Well, this time I choose Fire Punch.”

He chose Fire Punch and then the menu disappeared and Thomas walked to the 3rd Floor. As soon as he got to the bottom of the stairs, a Goblin was there.

Thomas looked at the Goblin and saw a huge sword instead of an axe and asked, “What the hell? Isn’t the Goblin supposed to be using an axe?”

Going to Freya’s Place.

Freya said, “It seems that Thomas Bryant finally made it to the Goblin with the sword. Let’s see how much damage that thing could deal.”

The person that trained the Goblin, Alex Barrett said, “It’ll pack quite the punch. And it’ll be hard to kill it.”

Freya said, “I hope so. Because I want to see something amazing to happen.”

Thomas looked at the Goblin and sighed and Thomas took out his sword and it started glowing and Thomas looked at the Goblin and then looked at his wound from the 1st Floor and then said, “Let’s see, how should I handle this?”

Thomas walked toward the Goblin and the Goblin ran toward Thomas and Thomas saw that and the Goblin swung at him and Thomas put his sword out and then the 2 swords clashed and Thomas felt the power of the other and Thomas flew into the wall and coughed out blood as soon as he hit it and said, “Damn that hurt.”

Thomas pointed at the Goblin and said, “Lightning Strike.”

The lightning bolt flew out of his finger and hit the Goblin and the Goblin roared and flew toward him and Thomas saw that and said, “Fire Punch.”

Fire appeared around his hand and the Goblin swung at him and Thomas ducked and swung his fist at him and the Goblin flew back and Thomas saw that and said, “That’s not even enough, huh. I really hate this thing.”

The Goblin ran toward him and Thomas took his sword and put it in front of him and then put his hand by his face and then brought it downwards and his eyes changed from blue to red and Thomas said, “Now, let’s have some fun. Monster vs. Monster.”

Thomas put his hand on the handle and then flew toward the Goblin and the 2 clashed swords and Thomas said, “Fire Punch.”

Thomas’s right hand turned on fire with massive heat and Thomas swung it at the Goblin and the goblin blocked it with its sword and the Goblin swung the sword to the side and Thomas flew back a little and Thomas grinned and ran toward the Goblin and the Goblin swung at him and Thomas jumped over the sword and then swung downward and then the Goblin blocked it with its fast instinct and Thomas kicked the Goblin in the head and the Goblin moved back a little and then Thomas brought his sword down and yelled, “Die you bastard.”

The Goblin stared at the sword and it came down and only took some skin off and Thomas saw that and said, “Not cool.”

Thomas continued to attack it and the Goblin blocked every attack that he had coming at him and Freya smiled and said, “This really is good. I wonder what he’ll do next.”

Thomas jumped back and then put his hand by his head again and then brought it down again and his red eyes turned into glowing white eyes and Thomas looked at the Goblin and said, “I’m done playing Mr. Nice Guy. This is where you will die Goblin.”

Thomas walked toward the Goblin and the Goblin roared and then flew toward him and Thomas smiled and the Goblin swung at him and Thomas swung at the sword and the 2 swords collided and sparks appeared and Thomas kicked the Goblin in its gut and then it fell to the ground and Thomas swung downwards and the Goblin blocked it and Thomas grinned and put more power into it and then continued to swing downwards. Until he got him.

Freya saw that and said, “That’s it. I saw his true nature. He’s going to be mine. All mine. I want him. I want him now.”

Thomas looked at the Goblin and the Goblin stood up and Thomas sighed and kicked it in the gut again and then stomped on it arm and the sword stayed on the ground and Thomas said, “Die.”

Thomas swung downward and the Goblin raised its head and headbutted him and Thomas flew back and put his hand on his ribs and said, “You gotta be kidding me. You could even defeat this form. My last and final form.”

Thomas put his hand by his head one last time and brought it down and his bright white eyes turned into complete darkness and Thomas put all of his grip on the handle and Thomas ran toward the Goblin and the Goblin ran toward him and Thomas smiled and his eyes were wide and Thomas appeared behind the Goblin and the sword cut him and Thomas continued doing that till it disappeared and it happened after the 4th time.

Thomas roared and then put the sword away and his eyes turned back to normal and then picked up the Magical Stones and he gained 40 XP from it and asked, “What was with that Goblin? Why was it so tough? It was bloody insane.”

Freya said, “Alex, I want you to find something stronger. Find something stronger for him to kill. That Goblin awakened the true nature of that sword that he possesses.”

Alex said, “Right away.”

Thomas continued walking and then a Baby Spider appeared and Thomas stabbed it and said, “I don’t have time to deal with you.”

But as soon as he killed the Baby Spider, a new enemy that Thomas hasn’t faced appears. Frost Bunny.

4 Frost Bunnies appeared and Thomas said, “Frost Bunnies, huh. Let’s see how I handle them.”

The Frost Bunnies jumped around and Thomas looked at them and then one of them jumped up and opened its mouth and tried biting him, but Thomas moved out of the way and swung at it and the Frost Bunny disappeared and then the next one did the exit same thing and Thomas swung at it and it disappeared and Thomas jumped to the side and the other 2 hopped toward him. Thomas swung at them, but they jumped up high and Thomas saw that and then swung up high and hit them both and they gave him 40 XP, Ice, and Magical Stones.

He picked them up and then the ground started shaking and more Frost Bunnies appeared and Thomas said, “I leveled up again, huh. Well, it seems that choosing a Skill will have to wait till I’m done here.”

Another 4 Frost Bunnies appeared and Thomas swung at them and they jumped up and Thomas swung at them from above and missed and saw that and they opened their mouths and Thomas saw that and they bit his arms and Thomas screamed and started shaking his arms really fast and they flew off of him and Thomas grinned and swung at them and they vanished. Thomas picked up the Ice, Magical Stones, and gained 40 XP for killing them. Thomas clicked the Skills Tab and it opened up.

He said, “Another 3 Skills to choose from, huh. Frost Fingers. Frost Fingers is an attack that turns anything to ice by just touching that object. Mirror. Mirror is when you make another opponent's magic fly back at them or in a different direction. And Death Arrow. Death Arrow is a black arrow surrounded by shadows of the dead. The dead are illusions of people that you’ve lost and cared about. Well, this time I’ll choose Mirror.”

Thomas chose Mirror and the menu disappeared.

He continued walking to the 4th Floor and said, “This really is fun.”

4: The 4th Floor
The 4th Floor

While he was on his way to the 4th Floor, 10 Lanterns, 5 Goblins, 5 Frost Bunnies, 15 Baby Spiders, and 6 Skeletons appeared all around him and Thomas sighed and said, “This ain’t cool. 41 Monsters in total, huh. Well, this should be challenging.”

The Lanterns shot fire at him and Thomas said, “Mirror.”

The mirror appeared and Thomas put his hand out and the fire went through and then flew back at the Lanterns and the Lanterns saw that and the fire hit them and they all vanished and gained 20 XP, 6 Amber, and Magical Stones.

Thomas said, “So that’s how it works. That’s good.”

They started running toward him and Thomas saw that and took out his sword and it started glowing and Thomas swung it once and then the 15 Baby Spiders disappeared and he gained 15 XP, 7 Silk, and Magical Stones.

The Frost Bunnies jumped over his sword and Thomas saw that and swung above him and the Frost Bunnies disappeared and Thomas said, “Frost Bunnies defeated, huh. That was a bit easier than expected.”

He gained 50 XP, 5 Ice, and Magical Stones.

The Goblins swung their axes at him and Thomas jumped back a little and then the Skeletons swung at his head and Thomas didn’t see them behind him and the Bone Swords hit him and Thomas flew a little to the left and landed on his side and Thomas felt that and Freya said, “That’s gotta hurt. But this should get interesting.”

Thomas laid there for a while and then then the Goblins ran toward him and as soon as they got close to him, they swung their axes at him and Freya smiled and Thomas swung his sword at them and they all disappeared and Thomas stood up and gained 15 XP and Magical Stones.

The Skeletons ran toward him and roared and Thomas felt the blood dripping from his head and said, “You gotta be kidding me. Blood. Oh well. Come at me then.”

The Skeletons swung their swords at him and Thomas blocked them and swung them into the wall and Thomas walked toward them and grinned and Thomas put his sword by his side and looked at the Skeletons and they swung at him again and Thomas stabbed one in the head and the other 5 swords hit him and Thomas stood there and the attacks collided and Thomas swung at them while he flew into the wall head first and the 5 Skeletons disappeared and Thomas’s head was inside of the wall of the Dungeon and Thomas said, “So this is what the inside of the wall looks like. A corpse of Monsters bodies.”

Thomas pulled his head out and gained 30 XP, 3 Bones, and Magical Stones. He picked them up and then walked down the stairs to the 4th Floor.

As soon as he got there, he said, “It still looks the same. This is sad. These Floors in a Dungeon better change soon. Plus, I’m only going to the 4th Floor today. So this is the final floor for the day. I’ll start enjoying myself.”

Thomas started walking away from the stairs and then 3 Frost Bunnies appeared and in front of him and Thomas looked at them and the Frost Bunnies hopped toward him and Thomas stared at them and swung at them as soon as they got close, but the jumped up and bit his legs and Thomas screamed and yelled, “Stop biting me. Holy shit. This is pissing me off.”

Thomas stabbed one and then swung at them and then collapsed and smiled and said, “It seems that they got my legs good.”

He gained 30 XP, 3 Ice, and Magical Stones.

He picked them up while laying there and said, “This ain’t cool.”

He stood up slowly and grinned and then noticed that he leveled up to Level 5 and said, “Level 5, huh. It seems that this is going to be good.”

Thomas checked for new Skills and said, “This time, I’m able to choose from 5 Skills. And they are a lot stronger than the other Skills that I earned. I guess that each time I get 5 Levels, this’ll happen. Holy Nova, Holy Nova is a very strong attack that is capable of defeating a Floor Boss in 1 go. That only depends on the Floor Boss. A bright white light appears around your fist and as soon as you hit your opponent, an explosion will occur. Dragon Swordplay Style, Dragon Swordplay Style is when you use a dragon's many stances to attack with your sword. Ice Make Magic, Ice Make Magic is when you summon ice from saying Ice Make: and then whatever you want to appear. Necromancer, Necromancer is when you bring dead people back to life. It only works if they are dead. And Regeneration, Regeneration is when your wounds start healing on its own. And no one else helps out. Well, this is self-explanatory on which one I’m going to pick. But I rather not just yet. So I’ll choose Holy Nova.”

Thomas chose Holy Nova and then continued walking away and was limping the entire way and then 6 Skeletons appeared and Thomas looked at them and said, “Let’s test it out then.”

Thomas looked at them and said, “Holy Nova.”

Thomas’s fist had a bright white light appear around it and then the Skeletons ran toward him and Thomas smiled and as soon as they got close to him, they started swinging their swords at him, but Thomas swung his fist first and Thomas hit one of the 6 Skeletons and then the entire room blew up and the Skeletons disappeared and Thomas smiled and said, “This truly is good.”

Thomas gained 30 XP, 6 Bones, and Magical Stones and started walking away. As soon as he got to the stairs of the 4th Floor, a new Monster that he hasn’t defeated yet appeared. It was known as a Little Imp.

The Little Imp appeared in front of him and Thomas saw that and the Little Imp swung at him and fire appeared and Thomas put his sword in front of him and cut the fire in half and the fire flew into the walls and blew up and Thomas saw that and Thomas jumped back and said, “Woah. That’s insane.”

The Little Imp roared and Thomas sighed and said, “I should have chosen the Dragon Swordplay Style. But Holy Nova will do for now.”

The Little Imp swung again and then Thomas said, “Mirror.”

He put his hand out and the fire went through the mirror and then flew back at the Little Imp and the Little Imp appeared behind him and Thomas brought his sword back and stabbed it in the head and said, “I don’t have time for this. It’s already time for me to head back up, huh. OK then. I’ll be heading off.”

He turned around and started walking back to the surface.

5: Back to the Surface
Back to the Surface

As soon as he started walking back to the surface, a new Monster appears before him. Green Chompy. A Green Chompy is a small little green ball that shoots out razor leaves. Thomas looked at the 5 Green Chompy’s and said, “Oh shit. This is worse than being cursed. Plus, I’m being watched. Who is watching me?”

Thomas looked up and then the Green Chompy’s shot out the leaves and Thomas started running around and Thomas saw a small globe and said, “Found you.”

Thomas took a knife out that he never uses and tossed it toward the globe and Freya saw that and the globe moved and Thomas appeared by his knife and swung his sword at it and cut it in half and Freya saw that and said, “Impossible. A knife is a teleportation device. What the hell is with that kid? But he’s the one that I want.”

Thomas said, “Holy Nova.”

He put the sword away and made a fist and a bright white light appeared and with his other hand caught the 2 halves of the globe and put them away and Thomas punched the ground as soon as he landed and the Green Chompy’s disappeared and Thomas gained 150 XP, Magical Stones, and 5 Leaves. Thomas picked everything up and then continued walking and Thomas looked at all of the blood that he’s lost and said, “It’s a good thing that I stopped aging. I’m immortal because of this curse.”

Thomas appeared by the stairs and then 4 Green Chompy’s appeared and Thomas turned around and swung at them and 3 disappeared and the 4th one jumped up and a leaf flew toward him and hit his neck and cut a little skin off and Thomas felt that and grunted and then swung at it and said, “Go to hell.”

The Green Chompy shot a leaf at him and Thomas saw that and moved his head and the sword hit the Green Chompy and it disappeared and Thomas smiled and said, “It seems that I’m losing even more blood because of them.”

He gained 120 XP, along with 4 Leaves and Magical Stones. He picked them up and then walked up the stairs and walked through the 3rd Floor with no Monsters attacking him. And the same for the 2nd Floor. Thomas said, “I just realised that I leveled up to Level 6. I must be slacking.”

He made the Skills Menu appear and then looked at the 3 Skills that he could choose from and said, “I could choose from 3 Skills, huh. As I thought. It’s only a 5 level thing that I get to choose from 5 Skills. Let’s see what I got this time. Summoning Magic, Summoning Magic is when you say Summon: and then whatever you want to appear. But it appears as a human or humanoid. Water Nebula, Water Nebula is when a pool of water appears flying toward your opponent. And Hound Bite, Hound Bite is where you bite your opponent with your own teeth that turn into a hound’s teeth. Well, I’ll have to choose Summoning Magic. This should be quite fun actually.”

Thomas chose Summoning Magic and then got to the 1st Floor and said, “Back to the 1st Floor, huh. Almost to the surface. Thank you lord. I could sleep soon.”

Thomas smiled and then started walking to the surface and then 2 Skeletons appeared in the middle and Thomas said, “Summon: Fire Dragon.”

The Fire Dragon appeared as a female and walked next to Thomas and said, “You summoned me, Master.”

Thomas said, “Yes I did. I would like to test your skills. Fight the 2 Skeletons all by yourself.”

The Fire Dragon said, “Name first. Please give me a name.”

Thomas said, “Ashley Freeman. Would that do?”

She heard that and answered, “I love it. Now that you gave me a name, you must use it to summon me.”

Thomas said, “Understood. Now fight.”

Ashley said, “Yessir.”

She flew toward them and the Skeletons swung at her, but Ashley appeared behind them and fire appeared on her hands and then she swung at both of the Skeletons and they disappeared and Thomas gained 10 XP, along with 2 Bones and Magical Stones. Thomas picked them up and said, “Let’s get going.”

Ashley nodded and they started walking to the surface and then 10 Baby Spiders appeared and Ashley saw them and she screamed and Thomas sighed and Thomas swung at them and 5 jumped up and the other 5 disappeared and Thomas swung the sword again and the other 5 disappeared and Ashley saw that and said, “Amazing. You truly are strong sir.”

Thomas said, “That may be true.”

He gained 10 XP, along with 6 Silk and Magical Stones. He picked them up and they continued walking away. As soon as they got to the stairs to get to the surface, 3 Goblins appeared and Thomas smiled and Ashley jumped behind them and kicked one of them and punched the other 2 with ease and Thomas said, “Nicely done, Ashley.”

Ashley said, “No problem sir.”

Thomas earned 9 XP, along with Magical Stones. Thomas picked them up and said, “Well, it’s time for me to get up.”

Ashley said, “OK. See you next time.”

Thomas said, “Yep.”

Ashley disappeared and then a screen appeared saying that she gained 20 XP. Thomas said, “Summons could also gain XP, huh. Now this is getting interesting.”

Thomas walked up the stairs and then walked outside and noticed that the place was different and said, “Finally, an area that is completely different from the Dungeon.”

Thomas walked toward the Guild building and Phyrra saw him and asked, “How may I help you?”

Thomas answered, “I would like to ask you something Phyrra.”

Thomas took the Magical Stones out of his bag and asked, “What do you do with these?”

Phyrra heard that and asked, “Who are you?”

Thomas answered, “Thomas Bryant.”

Phyrra heard that and said, “Behind all of that blood, you can’t be serious.”

Thomas said, “I am. And one more thing.”

Thomas took out 2 halves of a globe and put them together and asked, “Do you know anyone that is capable of using this thing?”

Phyrra looked at it and said, “That’s Freya’s camera. It keeps an eye on her people. Where did you find it?”

Thomas answered, “It was watching me. So I destroyed it.”

Phyrra said, “You have a good sense in your surroundings.”

Thomas said, “Not at all. It’s only my 6th sense doing all of the work.”

Phyrra said, “Well, these are Magical Stones that you turn in to earn Nikcha. Nikcha is the currency in this world. And you might be earning quite a lot of it.”

Thomas put it into the slot thing and then the man took it and counted it and said, “50,000 Nikcha in total. There you go.”

Thomas took it and said, “Thank you very much.”

Thomas walked out of there and then asked, “Where would I find Andarta?”

Phyrra answered, “It’s not that far actually. It’s 5 blocks down there and you’ll find an abandoned church. Behind that abandoned church is her place.”

Thomas said, “Thank you.”

Thomas walked away and appeared in front of the church and said, “This is the church. So behind it is my destination.”

Thomas walked behind the church and saw a huge building and said, “This is amazing. This is where she lives, huh.”

Thomas walked into the building and said, “I’m back.”

Andarta heard that and said, “I’m in the living room Thomas.”

Thomas heard that and walked toward the voice and said, “This place is truly amazing.”

Andarta said, “Thank you. I made it myself.”

Thomas heard that and said, “Impressive.”

Thomas got to the living room and saw Andarta and some girl in a bikini and said, “Huh.”

6: The Girl in a Bikini
The Girl in a Bikini

As soon as Thomas got to the living room, he saw Andarta and some girl that he doesn’t know in a bikini and said, “Huh.”

Andarta turned her head and said, “Oh Thomas, you seem to be enjoying yourself in the Dungeon.”

Thomas asked, “Does it really look like I am enjoying myself?”

The girl looked at him and saw the blood all over his body and said, “He looks like a dead man walking Andarta-sama.”

Andarta said, “That’s because he is a dead man walking. Am I right Cursed Soldier of the American Army?”

Thomas asked, “How did you find out about the curse?”

Andarta answered, “Zeus told me. He knows everything about you. Even the curse put on you.”

The girl asked, “What kind of curse?”

Thomas answered, “It’s a curse that stops people from aging. And because of that, it turns the person immortal. Right now, I’m immortal because of this sword that I wield. I only created one of them, so I have the one in a lifetime sword. It also gives me 4 different forms. The forms are eye colors. 1 is blue eyes. Which is my original eye color. 2 is red eyes. 3 is bright white eyes. 4 is darkness. The eyes are completely black. And I am unstoppable.”

The girl asked, “How’d you come across this curse? Well, when did you notice that you first had the curse?”

Thomas answered, “The anger of knowing that my father died. My mom noticed a change in eye color and I went berserk. Kinda killed 20 people. Got arrested, mom hid the sword because she knew that it was my favorite sword. Went to prison for 2 years. As soon as I got out, I went back to school.”

The girl heard that and Andarta said, “What a terrible story.”

Thomas said, “You probably knew everything already.”

Andarta said, “I do.”

The girl said, “You are immortal. Which means that you are unable to die, right?”

Thomas answered, “Yep. By the way, who are you?”

Andarta answered, “This is a dragon.”

She said, “I’m Teresa Moore. Half human, half dragon. Also a lesbian.”

Thomas heard that and said, “Please do not admit that. People wouldn’t usually plainly admit it.”

Teresa smiled and said, “Well, people from other worlds are different, am I right Andarta-sama?”

Andarta nodded and Thomas moved back a little and Andarta said, “Wash yourself up. The sink is in the kitchen.”

Thomas said, “OK.”

Thomas walked to the sink and Teresa walked to the kitchen behind him and Thomas started washing himself and Teresa asked, “Wouldn’t it be easier to wash yourself with your shirt off?”

Thomas heard that and turned his head and sighed and took his shirt off and Teresa saw a tattoo on his back and asked, “What is on your back?”

Thomas heard that and answered, “I rather not talk about it.”

Teresa said, “Come on Thomas. You could tell me. It’s ok.”

Thomas said, “I rather not talk about it.”

Teresa sighed and walked next to him and asked, “Would you like to have something to eat? I’ll make you something.”

Thomas answered, “There’s no need to feed me. Food will never change for me. There is no taste and my stomach will never accept it. So don’t worry about making me food.”

Teresa looked at him and Thomas finished cleaning his body and she saw the scars from the battle and Thomas walked away and Andarta said, “Thomas, we’re going to The Sweet Mistress now.”

Thomas said, “OK. What is that?”

Teresa answered, “It’s a restaurant. 1 of the best in Gando.”

Thomas said, “I see.”

Thomas put his shirt back on and then they started walking to The Sweet Mistress. As soon as they got there, Thomas walked in slowly, while the other 2 walked in regularly and the owner, Mama Tia said, “Oh, Andarta. You are back.”

Andarta said, “Of course I am. I’m here for dinner.”

Teresa said, “So am I.”

Thomas walked in saying nothing and Mama Tia saw the new man and said, “Handsome little fellow there. What’s your name?”

Thomas answered, “Thomas Bryant.”

Mama Tia said, “I see. Thomas, huh. What would you like to eat?”

Thomas answered, “Don’t know. Haven’t been hungry for years.”

She heard that and Thomas sat down with them and then Andarta said, “Here’s the menu Thomas. Choose something to eat.”

Thomas looked at words and said, “I don’t want to read anymore. Even though I need to read the Skills that I unlock.”

Teresa said, “You unlock them every Rank right.”

Thomas said, “Nope. I unlock them every level.”

Andarta heard that and said, “You need to keep your voice down Thomas.”

Thomas said, “I know that.”

Freya walked in and Mama Tia saw Freya all by herself and said, “This is rare Freya. You are all by yourself.”

Freya smiled and said, “Yep. I came to speak with someone today.”

Thomas heard that and asked, “Who did you come to speak with?”

Freya answered, “You to be exact.”

Thomas asked, “Do you mind answering, “Why me?”

Freya answered, “I would like to ask you if you would like to join my clan.”

Andarta said, “Thomas is already in my clan.”

Freya sighed and said, “I see. I guess that I can’t do anything about that.”

Freya left and said, “That bitch always gets in my way. I will get him from you Andarta.”

Andarta said, “I really hate her. Always trying to take my people away from me.”

Thomas said, “Sounds rough.”

Teresa nodded and said, “Yep. Well it happens all the time. But this is the first time that she confronted her about the topic.”

Andarta said, “She didn’t confront me. She confronted him. Do you know anything about Freya?”

Thomas answered, “She’s a Norse Goddess of Love, Fertility, Beauty, and fine material possessions. You Gods and Goddesses are all from Earth mythology.”

Andarta said, “I see. Earth mythology.”

Teresa said, “That’s amazing. You people are smart.”

Thomas said, “Well, a lot of Gods and Goddesses are worshipped. So I can’t complain about it.”

Andarta said, “I see.”

The waitresses appeared with their food and drinks and said, “Enjoy your meal. And if you need anything else, just ask.”

Thomas looked at the food and Andarta said, “Well Teresa, he’ll be joining us starting today. And if he tries to escape from your grasps, injure him.”

Thomas smiled and said, “There’s no need to be harsh. I don’t plan on joining anyone’s adventure in the Dungeon. I’ll have my own adventure till it gets too difficult for me.”

Andarta said, “You truly are a stubborn one.”

Thomas said, “I do what I please.”

Teresa said, “It seems that there’s no conveying him. So we’ll just leave it at that.”

Andarta said, “Understood. Well, eat up Thomas. The food here is the best.”

Thomas started eating and Mama Tia looked at Thomas and Thomas said, “It’s good.”

Mama Tia said, “You don’t seem to be excited.”

Thomas said, “I’m not because it’s only food. I eat anything to give me energy for the day.”

Mama Tia said, “I see. Well, I’m glad that you like it.”

Thomas smiled and said, “So am I.”

They ate and then Teresa put the money on the table and said, “See you later, Mama Tia.”

Mama Tia said, “You too.”

They walked to Andarta’s house and as soon as they got there, Thomas was half asleep and Teresa said, “You look tired.”

Thomas said, “Yes I am.”

Andarta said, “You really don’t look too good man.”

Thomas said, “You’re right. I don’t feel good.”

They entered the house and Thomas took his shirt off and they saw that and said, “Hold up Thomas. You are hurt.”

Thomas said, “Yes I am. But I’m not complaining.”

Teresa said, “You truly are a man.”

Thomas said, “Yes I am. I’m a legitimate man.”

Andarta said, “That is true.”

Thomas collapsed and Teresa saw that and said, “Oi, you ok.”

There was no response and Andarta said, “Shit. Get the doctors.”