Author's Note

'The Tales of Time' is a collection of short stories, by me, about love and relation and the general evolution of Time itself. Taking place in the distant past or a far out future, each tells its own story of how life advanced. Most of these stories are based on the meeting of two characters and how, over a long or short period of time, they came to be. Others are 'of Time and Generation'---myths of the past that have either taken part in the outcome of the future or carried on into the present.

The myths told in 'The Tales of Time' are developed myths taken from more developed stories I have written (none of which are posted, deepest apologies).

I will take requests, if they are desired. I will need some information to work with, however, and it must fall in the general nature of 'Tales of Time'.

The general content rating will remain as 'K', however, if there should be a story written that I feel needs a higher rating, it will be listed below with its proper rating and detail as to why (sex, violence, language, etc…).

Warning Stories:


2: Anna

'Casey, time for bed.' Minion bent down and gently lifted his son up. 'Oh, you've gotten big!'

'Aw, papa! But I'm not tired!' The little child squirmed in his father's arms. 'Five more minutes? Please?'

'No, honey, it's late.'

Casey frowned and dropped his head to his father's shoulder in disappointment. Minion patted the young boy's back and he carried the small child up to his room. Gently, Minion lay his son down on the bed and tucked him in.

'Sleep tight.' Minion bent down and planted a soft kiss to Casey's forehead.

'Papa?' Casey asked softly.


'When is momma coming home?' Tears glistened in the young boy's brown eyes. 'When is she coming back?'

Minion's heart dropped at the saddened look on his son's face. He walked over and sat next to Casey, pulling him close. 'Soon.'

'Really?' Casey sniffled.


Minion ran his fingers through his son's bronze hair as he thought of his ill wife back in Moscow. Due to lack of income, Minion sent his desperate wife to live with her wealthy mother in hope that she might receive the needed care.

'Papa? How did you and momma meet?'

'Casey, please, it's late. Get some rest,' Minion urged.

'Just one story. Besides, it's a happy story, right?' Casey smiled widely at his father.

Minion smiled back. 'Alright. But after this you go to bed.'


'Well, let's see... I meet Anna around the ninth grade.'


The young, golden-haired, teen stared at the girl sitting in front of him. The way her brown hair flowed down her back, the way she sat so straight in her seat, her silky voice...

'Minion Zarubin!'

'Huh?!' The dazed teen snapped back into reality.


'She sat in front of me in history. All I did was stare at her and fantasize. She was so beautiful. So graceful. Majestic. Like a gift from heaven...'

Casey stared blankly at his father, the palm of he hand smooshing his cupped cheek. 'Papa,' he said flatly.

'Right.' Minion straightened up. 'Anyway.'


Minion hurried down the bustling school hallway. '201C, 201C, 201C...' He repeated over and over in his head, afraid he might forget if he didn't. The excited young man turned the corner, and froze.

'Anna, this is for you.'

A tall, young man stood before Anna and handed the angelic girl a card, attached to it a red rose. The girl's eyes widened, a huge smile crossing her face as she opened it.

'Oh, Alex!'

Minion hid his card behind his back, and slid back around the corner.


'That was depressing... Alexander Rugov, a junior, handed Anna a card and asked her to go on a date with him. I remember going home and doing nothing but cry for hours.'

Casey stared up at his father's solemn look. 'You really loved her?'

'I did. I was heartbroken. So much so that I didn't want to go back to school ever again. It was an extreme overreaction, so, naturally, my mum and dad made me go back.'


'Oh, Minion, dear, please do not cry.' The mother held her crying son close. 'This happens to all of us. Before your father and I met, we both had crushes and heartbreaks. Don't worry. There's still someone special out there for you. Now, get dressed and ready. I will drive you to school.'

Minion let out a frustrated sob and complied with his mother's instructions.


'She tried to sooth me, but I only felt she didn't understand. So, as it was, for several weeks I was like this.'

'How did you get over it? Did she realize she liked you more than that other guy?'

'Oh, no!' Minion chuckled. 'She hardly knew I existed. We talked maybe once or twice, but she never showed any interest in me.'


'Oi, Minion! You won't believe this! It's ALL over the school! Anna Koyevsky and Alexander Rugov broke up! They had this HUGE fight in the hallway! Well it was more of an argument, but still... It was EPIC! I hear.'

Minion stared at his friend as he continued on, shocked. Never in his dreams did he think this day would come. A wide smile crept across his face.

'Hey, Min? Are you feelin' alright? You look kinda...possessed.'


'Hearing about their fallout was one of the best things I'd heard in my life. I looked all over the school for Anna. When I found her, she was crying on the steps. I walked up and sat next to her. She ignored me at first.'


Minion sat next to the crying beauty. She did nothing.

'Hi,' he said finally.

No response.

'Kinda hot out, isn't it?'

No response.

Minion frowned. 'Hey, don't ignore me. Oh! I mean--that came out harsher than I meant it--'

She lift her head and let out a laugh. 'You're so pathetic.'

Minion met her gaze and gave a smile.


'Did you ask her out?'

'No, not then. It was the wrong time. We just talked for a bit. It's hard to say if she liked me then. She was laughing, so I guess that was a sign she didn't hate me... I think.'

Casey cocked his head. 'You think?'



Minion walked up to the lone girl. Anna looked up at him, then back down at her food.

'What do you want?' She asked coolly.

Minion stuttered. The girl stared at him blankly.

'Look, freak, I don't have time to deal with you. Why don't you just leave?'

Minion swallowed. Maybe now wasn't the best time to ask. With that, he hurried away. Anna rolled her eyes.

Minion sighed. So close.


'So close,' Minion groaned.

Casey cried out in disbelief, 'It's like she totally forgot about you!'

'To be honest, she did. After that day on the steps, we hardly ever talked. She had her own group of popular friends, and I was not among that group. Each time I tried to talk with her, she gave me this disgusted look. Come junior year, I managed to muster up enough courage to ask her out.


'Anna, will you go out with me?' Minion smiled nervously.

Anna stared at him for a while. 'No,' she finally said, then walked away.

Minion's heart sank. He turned and raced after her. 'Please, wait!'

'I said no. Now go away.'

'Can't you just hear me out?'

Anna stopped and faced him. 'What?'

Minion gulped. 'Um, I-I know we haven't really...talked, but I-I really like you and---'



'No! Now get lost!'

She turned away and began walking away again.

'Please, wait!' Minion chased after her again.

'I said get lost---Oh!'

Minion grabbed her arm, pulling the slender girl against him, and kissed her.


Minion covered his face with his hand, far too embarrassed. 'I must have been an idiot or something...'

'You kissed her?!' Casey's eyes widened and jaw dropped.

'Yes. It was rather pleasant. ...Except for the slap. But I suppose I deserved it. But I didn't give up. I asked her out a few more times that year. Of course, with the same answer... Then came prom. My last chance.'

The young boy cocked his head. 'Prom night?'

'It's a very formal dance that many high schools for you final year of high school.'

'Did you ask momma to the prom?'


Casey leaned closer in anticipation. 'What did she say?'

Minion smiled.


'Anna, I know that... We haven't exactly gotten along this year. And I know I've done some things that I shouldn't have---'

'Get to the point.'

Minion flinched, taken aback, but asked clearly, 'Will you go to prom with me?'

Anna stared at the young man before her. He just didn't know when to give up, did he? But she had to give him some credit---he was persistent and nothing seemed to deter him. She sighed in annoyance. 'Fine.'

Minion's heart skipped. 'Y-Yes...?' His ears were playing tricks on him for sure.



'Yes! My goodness, yes! How many more times do I have to embarrass myself by saying "yes" to you?!'

'I..I'm just...'

Anna rolled her eyes, gave an amused smile, then walked away. 'Don't be late or I'll ditch you!'

'Y-Yes!' Minion beamed, his heart fluttering with pride.


'Aw~!' Casey laughed gleefully at the happy ending.

Minion smiled at the recollection. 'That night was a night to remember. From that point on, everything escalated. Eventually I met her parents, and she mine. A year after we both finished college we got married.'

'Then I came along?'

'Yup.' Minion smiled and ruffled his son's hair. 'Then you came along.'

Casey smiled widely and giggled.

'Now, go to bed.' Minion gave Casey another kiss, then turned out the lights. 'Goodnight.'

'Goodnight, papa.'

Minion closed the door, then walked back downstairs. Just then, the phone rang.

He answered. 'Hello?' A soft voice came from the other end. Minion gave a soft smile. 'Ah, mother. What brings you to call so late at night? ... Yes, he is, why?' He glanced up the steps and lowered his voice. 'Mother, has something happened? Please tell me. Is Anna alright?' Minion felt his heart stop, his breath catch in his throat. 'W-What?' he choked out.

'I'm so sorry, Minion. I didn't know how else to tell you. I'm so sorry...'

Minion felt the phone slip from his hands. His mind went hazy. He slid down the wall trying to choke back a sob, but grief overwhelmed him. He let the heavy tears pour down his cheeks.


3: How I Met You
How I Met You

It all started when I first saw him in fourth grade...

'Tag, you're it!'

'Haha! You can't get me!'

'Aw, you guys! This isn't fair!'

Every day, I played tag with my friends. We ran about the courtyard as if it belonged to us. During these fine days, a new section of the courtyard would he opened for the students: the Summer Garden. The Summer Garden stood as a beautiful array of plants, trees and a grape harbor that ran through the middle. Though the garden drew little attention from us young ones. We preferred the wide open for our childish games.

May 27 of 1597 happened to be a particularly sunny day. Recess started early. I remember being the most exuberant as I ran out the doors. Today was my turn to be it for tag. I ran around the courtyard with the rest of the children, chasing one after the other. Then, from the corner of my eye, I spotted a boy I had not seen before. I dashed up to him and tagged him one the shoulder.

'Tag, you're it!'

The boy looked at me as though confused. I tagged him again.

'You're it!'

Still, he just looked at me.

'Hey, c'mon!' I said, 'You're it. Chase me!'

He lifted his head slightly and spoke in a nearly audible voice. 'I' you?'


Being the ignorant child that I was back then, I beamed at him and tugged on his arm. I told him again to come and chase me, to play with me.

'Don't be such a loner!'

Had I known any better, those words would've stayed in my mouth. The boy suddenly yanked his hand from mine and ran off into the garden. A few kinds laughed and teased, shouting out names like 'baby' and 'sissy'. I, however, said nothing. Unlike the other kids, I did not tease him or crack jokes about him. Instead, I followed him.

Summer Gardens spread in awe before me. Bright blue and yellow flowers, grasses of every shade of green, magnificent trees blossoming with lushes pink or white flowers and rich green leaves—why no one ever went in here soon became a great wonder to me. Though I pushed the beauty of nature behind me; I needed to find that boy and give him my sincerest apologies.

Maneuvering though the garden proved to be harder than I thought, as the general layout of it was very much like a maze. Ten minutes or so I must've walked, floating aimlessly through the garden.

'Why are you here?'

A sudden voice pulled me from my daydream. I looked around and saw no one. No one until I noticed a head poking out from behind a large tree; the boy from earlier. I hurried up to him and dipped my head.

'I'm truly sorry for what I said. It wasn't right. Please forgive me.' I tried to say it with the most sincere of tone, though I probably sounded like an idiot for trying so hard.

The boy neither smiled, nor frowned, but stared at me. His wide green eyes glistened in the sunlight. How I wished I had green eyes like his. How I wished my face could look so innocent from behind a tree.

'Why are you here?'

Again, I was abruptly pulled from my daydream. He seemed good at doing that.

'I'm here because I wanted to apologize to you.'


'Because I felt guilty making you run off like that and have everyone else laugh at you.'

The boys eyes seemed to take on a more soft look, almost grateful. But as I did not know him, at that time, I could not say for sure what he thought. I sat down next to him. Carefully, though. I did not want to scare him away.

'My name's Eden. What's yours?'


4: In Memory Of
In Memory Of

Zithrah stood at the edge of the high cliff, looking down into the vast ocean. At times like this, the gentle flow of the sea seemed to sweep everything away; his depression, anger, self-loath... He slowly lifted his head. The setting sun cast mesmerizing rays of pink and orange, filling the sky above. He titled his head back ever-so-slightly and caught a glimpse of the most beautiful blue-green he had ever seen. He choked.

Footsteps from behind pulled the Eden from his thoughts.

'I thought I'd find you here.'

Zithrah looked over. 'Commander Azula...' He turned away. 'What are you doing here?'

'I'd ask the same of you if I didn't already know.' The red-haired woman walked up to her rival Commander. 'Everyone is worried. You should return.'

'Why? What is there to return to? Gone... Everything is gone!' Zithrah choked back a sob.

Azula remained silent. He spoke again:

'I never told him how much I cared. All I did was yell at him, tell him to do better. I sent him away and punished him for not completing simple tasks. But I never... I thought...'


'I never imagined...that one day I'd lose him!'

Azula stepped forward and embrace the weeping Eden.

'I still much to tell him. But he's gone!' Zithrah choked on his words as he spoke. 'I―This is all my fault... I should have known. I should have known this would happen! If he-he hadn't come back...! If only...'

'Please, Heelal,' Azula said soothingly, 'don't be so hard on yourself. You are an exceptional being.'

'No!' Zithrah abruptly threw Azula's hands from around him, his breathing heavy as he spoke, 'You don't understand. Things always end this way!' Zithrah clenched his fists tightly. 'I always end up losing someone I care about! How the hell does that make me an 'exceptional being'?! I can't even protect those closest to me!' The frustrated Eden took several deep breaths, tears streaming down his cheeks. 'I can't do anything...but destroy.'

Azula stood silently, looking out into the horizon. She spoke softly and slowly. 'That is not true. You can protect.'

Zithrah looked up at the red-haired Commander. He took deep breaths to keep his fury from overtaking him and shouting at the blind woman. 

'You can protect,' she repeated, now facing him. '300 years ago, you risked your life to save your sister. You nearly died for her.' Zithrah looked away. He did not want to hear this. 'When your creator attacked, you saved over one-hundred-eighty Eden's from being killed. You saved the entire Eden race. Heelal, can't you seen? You saved the world. Single handedly you defeated the raiders and put Event to rest once again. You can protect, and you did protect. Look at me, Renesias.'

Zithrah flinched at the sound of his true name. Never had Commander Azula dared address him by his first name. So for her to address his by his true name... He looked up.

'You are a protector. So please, stop being so hard on yourself.'

Shattered. All his dignity, pride, honour―shattered. Zithrah dropped his head into his hands and cried. Azula, once again, embraced him, holding him close, tenderly, lovingly.

Staring back out into the horizon, Azula asked, 'What did he mean to you?'

'What did he...?' Zithrah stared down at the little blue-green Core in his hand. 'To me he meant...'

'Everything. He was...everything. No matter how many times I tossed him aside, or how many commands I gave him at once, he always came back. And even though he messed up, he never gave up. No matter what I did to him, what I said to him, he always returned with the same foolish smile.' Zithrah smiled at the recollection of the fair skinned man; his long, slivery hair always tied back into a ponytail Zithrah took out whenever he had the chance; his short stature and the way he would go through the roof about when someone pointed it out; his deep, mesmerizing turquoise eyes; his strength; his intelligence; and most of all, his natural character. 'To me, he was someone I could rely on to always be there.'

Azula smiled softly. 'Come, Commander Heelal. You're making everyone anxious.'

Zithrah looked, once more, out into the darkening horizon. Azula gave Zithrah's shoulder a light squeeze before turning around. She glanced back when she noticed he did not follow her.

'Heelal, let's go.'

'You go ahead. I'll catch up.'

Azula nodded and continued down the hill.

Zithrah turned back to the sea. He closed his eyes, feeling the gentle breeze and smelling the calming scent of the water. He turned and looked at Azula, who had stopped and was now looking back at him. He gave a small, sorrowful smile. 'Thank you,' he mouthed. Then, with one final glance at his beloved island and with the Core held close to his chest, he let the wind sweep him away...