The Magic Alliance

The day is Monday, January 4, 2486, the first meeting for the Magic Alliance between the planets in the universe.

The representative for Saturn, Zaleria (Elf) said, "So this is what the first meeting for this Magic Alliance, eh."

The representative for The Underworld, Sabozoch (Demon) said, "Yes it is. It's quite something. I never thought that this many people would show up."

The representative for Heaven, Rizoel (Angel) asked, "Where's the representative for Earth?"

The Representative for Jupiter, Cunoth (Centaur) answered, "It seems that they didn't choose a representative yet. Is it really that hard to find the strongest magician in the world?"

The representative for Mars, Xurt (Goblin) answered, "Yes it might be harder than it seems. Strength is everything. And no one knows who might show up."

The doors opened and Xurt looked at the door and the representative for Earth, Thomas Snow (Human) walked in and sat down in Earth's position and said, "Earth's representative here. Sorry that I'm late. Did I miss anything?"

Thomas's assistant, Elizabeth Miranda (Human) looked around and said, "It seems that they didn't start sir."

Thomas said, "It's not sir, it's Thomas."

The representative for Terridine, Mesarth (Water Dragon) said, "It seems that they did choose a representative. Who are you?"

Thomas answered, "Thomas Snow."

Thomas's assistant, Tom Buhl (Human) wrote down, "The Undefeated Smiling Monster."

And handed it to Thomas and Thomas said, "He says, "The Undefeated Smiling Monster."

The representative for Apollo 5, Elias Menasse Zelalem (Human) asked, "Who is the Undefeated Smiling Monster?"

Tom pointed at Thomas and Thomas said, "I am. I don't know what you're talking about."

Elizabeth slapped him and Thomas looked up and smiled and said, "I guess that I am. Hehe."

The representative for Hetoo Prime, Parath (Rock Dragon) asked, "How strong is this Undefeated Smiling Monster?"

Thomas stared at him and answered, "I don't know. And I don't plan on showing you."

The representative for Kron, Ilex (Dryad) asked, "Why not?"

Elizabeth answered, "He'll destroy this building."

Thomas always had a smile on his face and said, "Oh boy. Stop exaggerating. I wouldn't destroy the building. It would destroy this entire land along with everyone in it."

Ilex said, "He's a sadist."

Thomas heard that and said, "Now that's harsh."

Elizabeth said, "You are a sadist Thomas."

Thomas heard that and said, "You even got her saying that now. I'm quite depressed now."

Tom smiled and Rizoel said, "Show us."

Thomas heard that and stood up and an aura that isn't comparable appeared and room started to break apart and everyone saw that and said, "He's not even using magic. It's his aura that is doing this. His magic is superb. What type of magic do you use?"

Thomas answered, "Summoning Magic."

Thomas sat down and snapped his fingers and the building repaired itself and Elizabeth smiled and Sabozoch said, "Amazing. No wonder why you're called "The Undefeated Smiling Monster." You are an insane man."

Thomas said, "OK. Now that we got this over with. Can we begin? I know that I came late. But that doesn't mean a damn thing. You should have started without me."

Everyone heard that and Rizoel said, "OK kid. We're all here today because of one thing. An alliance between us planet's."

Thomas heard that and Elizabeth asked, "What kind of alliance?"

Thomas answered, "An alliance so no further conflict would come between us planet's. It sounds like a good idea."

Tom heard that and then Thomas said, "But then there's a downside to this alliance stuff."

The representative for Galileo, Uzzuik Bouldergrip (Dwarf) asked, "What would that downside be?"

Thomas answered, "Someone could attack you at any time they want to. Alliance's are broken every time by someone. And if someone here broke the alliance, every planet would be in danger."

Sabozoch heard that and said, "He has a point."

Mesarth asked, "How smart are you?"

Elizabeth answered, "0% smartness. He's 100% dumb. But he knows what he's talking about."

Mesarth said, "That's harsh."

Thomas said, "I'm afraid that I would have to agree with my assistant over here. She's always right. Now I just hope that she's not right about the attack that's about to begin in 5 minutes on Earth."

Rizoel heard that and said, "She could tell the future. Humans on Earth are amazing."

Elias said, "I agree. Humans really are meant to be strong."

Thomas said, "Not really. Gods are stronger than Humans. But only a few Humans are able to defeat a God. We Humans are lucky to be able to defeat Gods. Angels and Demons are able to defeat Gods."

Rizoel and Sabozoch heard that and asked, "How do you know that?"

Thomas answered, "I watched a God get killed by a Demon."

Elizabeth said, "And that God was his father."

Thomas said, "I'm no God. I'm just a plain Human."

Rizoel stared at him and said, "The strongest family on Earth. The Snow Family. Who is the head of it now?"

Thomas answered, "I am. I took my father's place."

Rizoel said, "That's quite something. The Snow Family makes all of their children strong as hell. But to have a child surpass their parents is one tough thing. It's rare in fact."

Thomas said, "Stop talking about my family please. Or I might just betray the contract right here, right now."

Rizoel said, "I'm sorry."

Thomas said, "The alliance is a good idea, but someone here will break it."

Ilex asked, "Who would want to do that?"

Thomas answered, "People that want to take over other planet's."

Elizabeth heard that and looked at him and Sabozoch asked, "Who would want to do that?"

The representative for Hell, Turbur (Demon) answered, "People that think they are strong."

Thomas said, "Exactly. It's those that think that they are strong that'll break the alliance."

Elizabeth looked at her watch and put her head to his ear and whispered, "One more minute."

Thomas said, "One more minute. I hope that you're wrong."

He put his phone on the table and then Rizoel asked, "What should we do?"

Thomas answered, "Sign a paper that has the rules of this alliance on it."

Sabozoch heard that and Mesarth asked, "Do we even have that?"

Thomas took it out and answered, "Yes I do. My assistant over here knew that it was going to be about the alliance. So she wrote down the rules of the alliance. Here it is."

He put it in the middle of the table and signed his name and said, "I won't break this alliance."

Elizabeth heard that and looked at the clock and said, "The phone will ring now."

Thomas heard that and then his twin brother, Roger Snow (Human) called him and everyone heard that and yelled, "She could tell the future."

Thomas answered the phone and said, "Thomas Snow speaking."

Roger said, "Thomas, bad news."

Thomas said, "Let me guess, you're being attacked."

Roger said, "Yes, everyone in the Snow's Residence are attacking them. But they aren't dying. They are Humans, just like us."

Thomas heard that and said, "Humans aren't dying. It seems that this war is going to be fun. Attack them with all you've got. And if they are a member of this alliance that is about to be made, I guess that I'll take full responsibility."

Everyone heard that and Roger said, "Understood man. We'll do that."

Thomas said, "See you when we get back to Earth."

Roger said, "Understood."

Thomas hung up and put the phone away and said, "Elizabeth, you were right. Someone did attack Earth in 5 minutes."

Rizoel asked, "Are they dumb or something?"

Thomas answered, "No they are not. They must be smart because they knew that the strongest 3 are gone."

Tom wrote down, "Are we leaving?"

Thomas answered, "You 2 are. I'm staying."

Elizabeth asked, "Are you sure?"

Thomas answered, "Yeah, I'll ask one them to give me a ride."

Mesarth said, "No need. I'll do it."

Elizabeth said, "OK. See you later then boss."

Thomas said, "It's not boss, it's Thomas."

They left and Thomas sighed and Elizabeth grabbed Tom and Tom wrote down, "What is it?"

Elizabeth answered, "Good question."

Thomas asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Elizabeth whispered, "As soon as we leave the port, we will be shot at."

Thomas heard that and Thomas smiled and said, "Go then. Just do whatever you need."

Elizabeth nodded and they continued running and as soon as they got far enough, she said, "Tom, follow me."

Tom nodded and Mesarth said, "Interesting. Earth really is being attacked."

Thomas said, "Yep, explosions in the background. People out of breath. Screaming. Earth is doomed."

Thomas looked at them and sat down and said, "Someone in this room is about to attack my ship. Unless my people take your people out first."

Rizoel heard that and asked, "Who dares to attack his men."

Everyone stared at each other and Thomas sat down and said, "I should have asked her who the person was, right."

Everyone said, "Definitely."

Thomas looked outside and then Elizabeth and Tom appeared outside of the representative for Zuris, Ashley McCall's (Human) ship and said, "We're at the enemy's ship."

Tom shrugged his shoulder's and Ashley texted the people on her ship, "If anyone tries to attack the ship, protect it with your lives."

She sent it and then the words came out of the radio and they opened the hatch and Tom saw that and grabbed Elizabeth and ran back and wrote down, "It's a trap."

Elizabeth read that and said, "Now that is unexpected. I didn't see that in the future."