Our Meeting

Chapter 1

James Park was perfect. 

Okay, maybe not perfect, but as perfect as a human could be. He was tall, smart, handsome, nice, and most of all, HE WAS KIND OF FRIENDS WITH ME. 

(Not to mention he wore glasses. GLASSES.)

I was in sixth grade, and he was in seventh, and the girls have cooties thing was still going on in sixth grade, so naturally, boys stayed away from girls, and girls stayed away from boys.

But I wasn't happy with that, because tell you the truth, I'm actually 16 years old. My mind is, at least. How do I know that?

Buzzfeed told me.

I'm fabulous.


Since I wasn't so happy with the girls are disgusting thing, I decided to talk to more mature people. That's how I met my future husband.

I was in this advanced language arts class, more advanced than sixth grade advanced language arts, so I had to take the class with the seventh graders. I sat next to this random hot guy named James Park, so instead of saying hi, I decided to accidentally drop my pencil, try to get it, but instead fall off my chair, and get a concussion.

But everything was okay after like, five minutes.

And that was the first time James touched me.

He helped me up, holding my hand, and his other hand guiding me back to my seat. 

'His hand is so warm. Like sweet alpacas dancing on rainbows.'

"Uh... Okay then. I'm glad that you positively about my hand." HIS VOICE OMG #DYING

"Wait wait wait. I didn't say anything about your hands though. Unless... *gasp*


"Ah haha I actually can't, though I wish I could. If you still don't get it, you're saying everything aloud. I think you're still kind of out of it from your fall." James sat me back in my seat.

"Oh. Well then. Maybe I am out of it. But your hands are like sweet alpacas dancing on rainbows. Just so you know." I mumbled the last part, face red. He grinned at me, then faced the teacher, who had started teaching after I got in my seat. I too, faced the teacher, who was talking about Shakespeare. 

Hehe. Sixth grade is fun. 

Except for math. 

No one likes math.

Ayyyyye. First actual original story, and not a fanfiction. I'm actually in high school, but like middle school was fun for me so why not write about it? James Park is my actual crush, but shhhhhh. No one knows.

2: Post-Its

Chapter 2

The next time I saw James was in the hallway. We were both walking and talking with our friends, with me waving my arms around trying to imitate an explosion. 

Guess what happens next.

I swung my arm into James' face, knocking him down.

"OH MY- JAMES I AM SO SORRY!" I immediately knelt down next to him, helping him up. He was totally fine, so he just smiled, and said with his beautifully soft voice that he was okay. 

"I'm alright, Arin. Just don't go waving around your arms anymore. You're going to hurt someone." He patted my head, grimacing. 


"Oh my gosh I gotta go. Sorry again! Later, James!" I waved goodbye, hurrying off to social studies. He waved too, before rubbing his nose, where I had hit him. 

During social studies, my friends were asking me how I knew the smartest seventh grader. Really, it felt more like an interrogation, but they're my friends, so it's fine! 

As I opened my textbook, I found several post-its saying, "Second chances are important. -James Paek"

I squealed, with Mr. Frude glaring at me, for disrupting the lesson. I quickly ducked my head, mumbling an apology. I took several more glances at the words James had wrote.


I'm keeping all of these.

I will put them in a frame, make one hundred copies, and keep them for myself.

I'm so smart.

Shawn, one of my fantastic friends, gave me a glance and gasped. He pointed and the post-its and mouthed to me if he could have one.

I frowned. Did he not know that I have a slight (okay more than slight) crush on James?

I pointed at him, and used the universal gesture about the I'm gonna kill you sign. You know, the one where I point at someone, and slit my neck to show what's going to happen to to him if he dares take one of my things? 


He got the message.

Then I got a detention from Mr. Frude because I wasn't paying attention.


3: Ice Cream
Ice Cream


Chapter 3

"Can I go?"




"Please! If I don't go then-"


Now, you may ask, wtf is going on here?

There was an ice cream truck near the school, and I was asking Mr. Reydar (math teacher) if I could go buy some ice cream. We were in the library hallway, and I had almost made it out the door, before Mr. Reydar saw me. 

I guess I have to use the final trick.





"James!" I waved, distracting Mr. Radar Eyes away from me. I bolted down the hallway, one hand already on the handle of the door that led to my happiness (other than James), and then I got stopped by him.

"No! Let me go! My happiness is just two yards away! James! Stop! NO DON'T LEAVE. SOMEONE STILL WANTS-"

"Arin." James tugged on my wrist and brought me back to Mr. Reydar. He was panting from just running three feet. Like seriously, teachers really need to exercise.

"-can't believe you had the nerve to run off just because of some stupid ice cream-" I cut off Mr. Reydar.

"Yeah yeah yeah okay I get it. I'll just go to Spanish and go wallow in my sadness. Goodbye." And with that, I left, sucking up my tears, and shooting a half-glare at James.

No one can ever be mad at James.

"Arin, please say thirty in Spanish." Mrs. Wendis said in her somehow always upbeat tone.

"Ice-cream. I mean- treinta. Sorry." I mumbled, making the whole class laugh, including Mrs. Wendis.

"Hey Arin, still thinking about that ice cream truck earlier?" Zarco smirked, elbowing me.

"What do you think? THEY HAD STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ICE CREAM." I cried, laying my head down on the desk.

"I'm gonna die."

"I hate you." I spat at James, who had an adorably confused face.

"Wait, what? Why?" His head tilted, making him look even cuter.

"You," I said, jabbing a finger in his stomach (because I can't reach his shoulder much less his head), "Threw my happiness onto the ground, and stomped on it. I could have bought that strawberry ice cream and I would've had a nice day, instead of wasting my time here with you. I'm not talking to you anymore." This time I actually glared at him, because I found out that my hatred had grown throughout the day. 

He blinked. Then he laughed. THE NERVE OF HIM.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get in trouble from Mr. Reydar, because I heard he gives out particularly bad punishments. He's like the male version of Umbridge." He pouted, putting his hands together in hope of forgiveness. 

"I'm not talking to you!" I turned away from his face. Seriously, his lips look so delicious.

"But you just did, silly." He smiled, ruffling my hair. I was going to reply, but then the teacher entered, giving the look to everyone who was talking. I smiled. 

We're going to have babies one day. Just watch.

Honestly this story is just going to be everyday problems that Arin encounters. Like, I don't know how to write troubling stuff. It's so hard.

4: Eh...

I didn't see James today.

It was fun.

5: Tears

Chapter 4

'She realized that, when he left her, he had left something in her possession. The opal ring. Really, he had gotten the thing for less than ten dollars, but it had so much meaning. The time when he had confessed, she was wearing the ring he gave her, along with the time they had first kissed. 

A tear slipped down her cheek, and dripped onto the ring. As she started taking it-'

"Arin, you're crying." Ms. Krass handed me a tissue and I blew my nose.

"I'm sorry- I just- AGHHHH. AMYYY DON'T DIEEEEE." I wailed, tears streaming down my face. James, who was sitting next to me, patted my back. I sniffed, resting my forehead onto the desk.

"Alright. Let's have someone else read, shall we?"  While Ms. Krass picked on someone else to read, James kept on rubbing my back.

'That feels good.' I thought, calming down. Just then, the bell rang, dismissing class. 

"Ugh. How am I going to go to social studies?! My eyes are puffy, my nose is runny, my hair's a MESS." I threw my hands up, totally done with life. Mariana laughed, throwing her arm around my shoulder.

"Relax, Arin! It's passing period! Go to the bathroom. I'll cover for you." She whispered the last part, grinning. I must've had an uncertain expression, because she pushed me towards the direction of the bathroom, assuring me that she would cover for me. 

I entered the bathroom, and took a glance at my face in the mirror.


I didn't look so bad.

I'm fantabulous.

I splashed some cold water in my face, coughing as some water went down my throat, smoothed down my hair, and went to social studies. The entire time, I was staring at James' handwriting on the post-it notes.

"Arin, what were the people that moved around with resources called?" Of course Mr. Frude just had to pick me.

"They were called- uh... The Nomads? Because they were nomadic, right?" Mr. Frude's expression was not pleasant.

But I did get it right so shove it Frude.

"ALRIGHT CLASS TODAY WE ARE THE ONES RECYCLING." Mr. Frude was my advisory teacher, and in advisory we do fun stuff.

Like taking the recycling bins to the recycling.

But I get to see James so it's cool. 

As I neared room 6A, I tripped over air (stupid, I know), and shrieked, making a teacher come out. By that time, I had already stood up and ran over to 6A. 

Haha, the teacher looked so confused. She went back in her room.

I opened the door to 6A and asked, "'Scuse me, could I have your recycling bin?" Half of my body was inside the doorway, and the other half was in the hallway, so again, guess what happens.

Of course, I slip, shrieking yet again, this time making the 6A teacher rush over in alarm. James, who was in the class, stood up too, ready to help.

"I'm fine! It's fine! Totally fine. I'll just... Be going now. Thank you, by the way! I rushed out the classroom, face burning, and hurried over to the recycling. When I finally made it back in advisory, I immediately took a seat and sighed.

"What happened?" Shawn frowned, taking in my appearance.

"Don't even ask."