«A N O T E»

{This is a general message I'm putting on all of my works.}

I am no longer active on this account. If this work is completed, then feel free to read it to your heart's content. If it is in progress, then feel free to read up to the last chapter I posted here. If you would like to read more from me, please head on over to my profile and follow the links I have put there. If you would like to know why I've made the decision to leave this site, there is a short explanation on my profile, and you can follow any of those links there to ask me why. Thank you for your consideration, and please enjoy my work!

2: Foreshocks


She is plagued by earthquakes. He is her constant savior. He is a misdialed number.

This is a record of their talks together.

Erunai and Kenji live in an apartment together. He is a well-known author, and she is a first-year geophysics major. During the day they exchange loving banter and occasionally philosophical whims, but at night, unbeknownst to her her, Erunai keeps him awake with panic attacks. Come morning she has no recollection of them, but he is worried for her and tries to find a cure to her condition. Then, after tragedy strikes, she accidentally calls him.


Author's Note:

This is a combination of a couple of ideas I've had for a couple of years now and inspiration—but not copies, don't worry—from other stories on Wattpad. I hope my experimentation with this writing style goes well and that you'll enjoy this piece.

I hope to update every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The reason updates will be frequent is that the chapters will tend to err on the short side. Also, I had been contemplating updating on the actual day to which the chapter corresponds, but that might cause problems.

3: 1. Tensional Stress
1. Tensional Stress

1. Tensional Stress

He was working on his next manuscript at two in the morning because his creative juices flowed better when no other being was awake. He feverishly hacked away at his keyboard, his face illuminated by the glow of his laptop screen. He had been lost in his own fantasy world of cloaked assassins and pirates-turned-princes.

At least, he was until he heard her scream.

He rushed to her room, his protagonist's blade forgotten in the victim's gut. When he arrived, he found her room in a terrible state of disarray. Her papers and books had been scattered on the floor. Her lamp had fallen off the desk. Her clothes were hanging from the bookshelves.

He found her curled up under her desk. He moved the desk chair aside and kneeled down in front of her.

"Shh, Eru, shh," he murmured.

Her eyes remained closed, and her hands did not move from her ears. Nor did her panicked cries for help stop.

"Shh, Eru," he tried again, placing his hands on her trembling shoulders. "Shh, don't be afraid, baby. Shh." She didn't seem to notice him, so he wrapped his arms around her. "It's safe now. You're safe. It's safe, Eru." He picked her up, wiping away her tears. "Let's get you to bed, yeah? Shh, you're okay. You're safe." He stayed by her side until her sobbing faded into snores.

Author's Note:

This marks the beginning of Ken's story arc from his point of view. The different story arcs will be labeled with [insert story arc here].[insert chapter number here], almost like seasons of a show. (For example, chapter 15 of this story arc will be called Chapter 1.15, and chapter 6 of the second arc will be Chapter 2.06, and so on.) This arc's text will be formatted as follows:

Ken: plain

Eru: italics

Leo: bold

Any others: bold and italics

4: Chapter 1.01: September 17, 2015
Chapter 1.01: September 17, 2015

Chapter 1.01: September 17, 2015

"Good morning, Eru. Pancakes okay for breakfast?"

"Hey. And do I have a choice?"


"What? Did I drool?"

"Possibly. Long night?"

"I'm fine. Just exhausted for some odd reason."


"Yes, please."

"Here you go."


"No problem. Hey! I didn't mean for you to drown your pancakes!"

"It tastes better this way."

"If you say so."

"Are you leaving soon?"

"Yeah, I've got a meeting with Susy to go over my latest manuscript. Do you need me to pick you up later?"

"No, I'll take the bus."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be studying at the library until late, anyway."

"If you say so. Oops, I gotta go. Have a good day, Eru. Love you."

"I love you, Kenny."

5: Chapter 1.02: September 17, 2015
Chapter 1.02: September 17, 2015

Chapter 1.02: September 17, 2015

"I don't think she's getting any better, Doc."

"Would you like me to give you some relaxation techniques?"

"You can go ahead and send me some, but she's usually pretty relaxed."

"There's not much I can really do but give her medicine to take. There is also the option of therapy sessions."

"No, I don't think she'd agree to either of those."

"Then, Ken, you don't have many other options."

"Kenny? Who are you talking to?"

"Gotta go, Doc."

"Call me if her condition changes at all. Goodbye, Ken."


"Who was that?"

"Just my agent."

"You should have said hello to Susy for me, then."

"Sorry, it just slipped my mind. How did studying at the library go?"

"It was boring."

"Not going to sugarcoat it, huh?"

"Why would I? What did Susy think of your manuscript? Is your book going to be published soon?"

"No, it's going to have to be heavily edited because the content is too dark for my writing style."

"That's too bad. Do I still get to read it?"

"By all means. Here it is."

"Thanks, Kenny."

6: Chapter 1.03: September 20, 2015
Chapter 1.03: September 20, 2015

Chapter 1.03: September 20, 2015

"I've finished reading your manuscript."

"Really? Weren't you going to study for your geophysics test tomorrow?"

"I'll be fine."

"If you say so."

"Don't you want to hear what I think of your story?"

"By all means."

"I agree with Susy. The writing style is too lighthearted for the actual story. You should darken the tone."

"I'll do my best."

"Also—I think her assassin friend's character is a tad underdeveloped. He has so much potential as a character."

"I'll look into that. Thanks, Eru."

"Anytime, Kenny. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to study for that test tomorrow."

"I trusted you, and you lied to me."

7: Chapter 1.04: September 21, 2015
Chapter 1.04: September 21, 2015

Chapter 1.04: September 21, 2015

"Guess what, Ken?"

"You're getting married? How could you betray me like that?"

"What? No!"

"One of my books just sold a hundred thousand copies?"

"I wouldn't know about that. Are you going to let me say what I have to say or what?"

"By all means."

"I got an A on my test!"

"And I thought it'd be exciting."

"Hey! Don't be mean!"

"Fine, fine. Great job, Eru. Don't you get all A's, anyway?"

"That doesn't mean I can't be excited. Don't you get excited every time your books sell well?"

"Of course. It means my hard work pays off."

"Then it's the same for me. When I get an A, that means my hard work pays off."

"That's great, Eru. Keep it up, yeah?"

"Of course. I'm gonna be valedictorian. Hey, what's that you're looking at?"

"Relaxation exercises. I've stumbled across a problem with the publishing company, so I got these to help me stop stressing. Wanna do them with me?"

"I'm okay. Are you okay, Kenny?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You look tired, though. Need to get some sleep?"

"Yeah, but I have a paper due next week that I need to work on a little more."

"Why don't you sleep for a few hours? I can wake you up later, if you want."

"That sounds good. G'night, Kenny. At least for now. Love you."

"G'night, Eru. I love you."

Author's Note:

I've officially changed the update days to Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It'll move the story along a little faster, especially because it's such a slow-moving story.

8: Chapter 1.05: September 22, 2015
Chapter 1.05: September 22, 2015

Chapter 1.05: September 22, 2015

"Help! Someone help me, please!"

"Eru? Shh, baby, you're safe."

"Please! Everything is shaking, falling, breaking, shaking, shakingshakingshakingsha—"

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay now. You're safe."


"Shh, baby. Don't cry. You're safe. It's okay. Don't worry, Eru. Let's get you to bed, yeah?"

"Help! Help me, please! Helphelphelphelp—"

"Shh, you're safe. Shh."

"Please. Please."

9: Chapter 1.06: September 26, 2015
Chapter 1.06: September 26, 2015

Chapter 1.06: September 26, 2015

"You have reached Erunai's phone. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your call in time. If you have an earth-shaking emergency, please leave a message after the beep!"



Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"You have reached Erunai's phone. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your call in time. If you have an earth-shaking—"


"Eru, why won't you answer your phone?"

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"You have reached Erunai's phone. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your call in time. If you have an earth-shaking emergency, please leave a message after the beep!"


"Ken on the line. Eru, please answer your phone."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"You have reached Erunai's phone. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your call in time. If you have an earth-shaking emergency, please leave a message after the beep!"


"Ken on the line. Again. Eru? Where are you? Please answer your phone. It's late. I'm worried. Or just send me a text. Anything. Okay, I'll stop bothering you now. Erunai, please be safe."


10: Chapter 1.07: September 27, 2015
Chapter 1.07: September 27, 2015

Chapter 1.07: September 27, 2015

"Ken on the line."

"Kenny, hey."

"Eru? Well, thanks for the advance notice of your disappearing act."

"I'm sorry. I was studying in Beth's dorm and lost track of the time. It was late, so she had me stay over."

"Lost track of your phone, too, huh?"


"I'm sorry. There's no use in being angry. You're safe now, and that's all that matters. Besides, you're an adult. But you'll tell me next time, yeah? I was really worried."

"I'll definitely remember next time. I'm sorry for worrying you, Kenny."

"Don't worry about it. Where are you now?"

"Taking the bus home."

"Great. So, how was studying with—What's her name? Barbara? Benny? Macbeth?"

"Beth. Beth Ann Hunts. My best friend since second grade. Transracial Yemeni. Olive skin. Dark, curly hair. Once dyed your hair neon pink, and you liked it. Ring a bell?"

"I know; I know, Eru. Great Scots, don't bite my head off; it was just a simple joke. How did studying go?"

"Boring as usual. I met her boyfriend and his friend, though."

"Did they stay the night, too?"

"No, no. Dork, don't be jealous. I'm not that stupid. Beth and I kicked them out around eleven. Don't worry."

"I'll do my best. You almost home?"

"Yeah, can you pick me up at the bus stop?"

"I'm coming to save you!"


11: Chapter 1.08: September 30, 2015
Chapter 1.08: September 30, 2015

Chapter 1.08: September 30, 2015

"What are you reading?"

"A book called Enclave by Ann Aguirre. I found it on one of the bookshelves."

"I've read that one. I have the second book, Outpost, if you'd like to read that, too."


"So what do you love most about the story?"

"Probably the fact that Deuce doesn't give up, even if her entire world is turning on her. She's strong and continues to fight no matter how she's broken."

"I also really like the idea of standing up for what is right in a society that requires you to go with the flow. I love how she learns to become completely independent in decisions when she needs to."

"Yeah. Can you leave so I can continue reading?"

"Well, excuse me. Sorry to bother you, Your Highness."


Author's Note:

The book(s) mentioned in this chapter is a real book, and I definitely think you should go and read it! It's amazing!

12: Chapter 1.09: October 2, 2015
Chapter 1.09: October 2, 2015

Chapter 1.09: October 2, 2015

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riii—

"Ken on the line."

"Ken? It's Susy."

"Yeah, I can see the caller ID. I just don't like checking it. What's up?"

"The boss would like to meet with you today at six. Come meet me with your manuscripts now."

"Wait. By boss, you mean…"

"The big boss. The CEO of Minerva Publishing. Mr. Leonel Belmonte."

"Mr. Belmonte? Why would he ever want to meet with me?"

"That's what we're supposed to discuss when you get here, imbecile."

"All right, all right. Give me twenty minutes, yeah?"

"Do I have a choice? Bye, Ken."

"Later, Susy."


13: Chapter 1.10: October 2, 2015
Chapter 1.10: October 2, 2015

Chapter 1.10: October 2, 2015

Author's Note:

Enter stage left—texting! The sender will be on the right, and the receiver will be on the left. (On Wattpad, the sender's messages will be indented due to the simplified format.) This is based on the messaging app on a Samsung Galaxy s5.

Also, the bold and italics will be the same, so I won't put a name to the people in the messages unless it's unclear (aka part of "any others," though I'm not sure if there'll be any).

Thank you for your patience with me. Now you may continue to enjoy the story.

Fri, 10/02/2015

Susy needs me. I won't be back until later, so get take out for dinner.

4:56 PM

Needs u? 4 what?

4:59 PM

Just a meeting. Don't be jealous.

5:01 PM

Im not jealous

5:01 PM

If you say so. I need to drive, though, so I can't continue the conversation. Sorry.

5:05 PM

B safe

5:06 PM

You, too.

5:06 PM

14: Chapter 1.11: October 2, 2015
Chapter 1.11: October 2, 2015

Chapter 1.11: October 2, 2015

"Mr. Kenji Kirito? Ms. Susanne Whitaker?"


"Mr. Belmonte will see you now. Follow me, please."

"Makes me feel like I'm on my way to the vice principal's office for starting a food fight."

"Ken, I know you have the maturity of a schoolboy, but please do not act like one in front of Mr. Belmonte."

"I feel so loved right now."

"Just shut up, Ken."

"Mr. Belmonte is waiting inside. I wish you both good luck."

"Is he some sort of monster? Do we need the luck?"

"Ken, you're lucky she didn't hear that. Now, will you please shut up?"

15: Chapter 1.12: October 2, 2015
Chapter 1.12: October 2, 2015

Chapter 1.12: October 2, 2015

"Mr. Kirito. Ms. Whitaker. Please, take a seat. How are both of you today?"

"Fine. H-how are you?"

"Great Scots, you're young. By the way, I'm amazing. Can you tell?"

"I'm well, thank you. I am only twenty-one, after all, and, yes, I can see that."

"Ouch! Susy, that hurt! Oh, Mr. Belmonte, you can call me Ken."

"Very well, Ken. Now, I'm sure you're both wondering why I've asked you to meet me today."

"I suppose I am wondering, but I'm mostly—Ow! Stop it, Susy!"

"Please, shut up."

"In any case, I would like to ask you to go on a business venture with me."

"Explique, por favor."

"Is that a reference to his nationality?"

"More like a reference to my limited Portuguese vocabulary. Why are you whispering?"

"Ahem. Mr. Kirito—desculpe, Ken, would you be interested in becoming Minerva Publishing's officially sponsored and exclusive author? I'm personally a big fan of your work."

"Of course!"

"Hold up. What's in it for me?"


"No, it's fine, Ms. Whitaker. I was just about to explain that. I've already begun to set up an international book tour for your debut as Minerva's poster author. Here's a list of the countries you will be visiting as well as the schedule. I've heard rumors about your next book that you've been working on, so I was thinking that, if it's possible, you would promote it on your book tour."

"I'm gonna be a big hotshot celebrity, huh? Do I get to plan future events?"

"Of course, Ken. We'll be collaborators on this. It's not something that we've done very often before—or at all, really—but I feel that our authors should have more opportunities to interact with the fans."

"I'm not sure I want my face plastered everywhere, though. I'd rather be recognized for my work."

"And that's exactly what we'll be focusing on. You'll just be more interactive with the fans than you were before."

"Do you have a copy of the contract? I'm going to need some time to consider this."

"Of course. Shall we meet again next week to discuss your decision?"

"By all means."

"Very well. I'll have my secretary send you the details, then. I have a meeting to attend now, so, if you will, please let yourselves out while I prepare for it."

"See you, sir."

"Leo, if you will. Goodbye, Ken."

"Hello again, Mr. Kirito, Ms. Whitaker. Do you need me to make arrangements to drop you off at your homes?"

"No, thank you. I'm taking Susy to dinner."

"All right. Have a great day."

16: Chapter 1.13: October 2, 2015
Chapter 1.13: October 2, 2015

Chapter 1.13: October 2, 2015

"Hey, Susy, get out. We've been sitting outside your apartment forever."

"What? Oh."

"Finally over being starstruck? You were in a daze all through dinner. He was just another guy, Susy."

"He was the Leonel Belmonte, CEO of Minerva Publishing and Vulcan Crafts, as well as co-heir of the Imperium Romanum Group!"

"So he has connections. I'm trembling in awe."

"Why on earth did you think to be so disrespectful toward him?"

"I wasn't disrespectful as far as I know. Just myself. Look, he asked for me, Kenji Kirito, not an alien gentleman wearing my skin. I'm not going to pretend that I'm this formal jerk who'll let him walk all over me. He's just another human being, Susy."

"At least he's still letting us do this official author thing. You are accepting his offer, right?"

"Susy. I know you're my literary agent, and I love you. I really do. I just have to think about it, okay? I have to worry about Eru—"

"Do you really have to? She's an adult; she can learn to live without you caring for her every second of every day. You'll only be gone for three months, Ken. Erunai can survive that long."


"Ken, you can't let her get in the way of your career."



"Haha, if you say so. Later, Susy."

17: Chapter 1.14: October 3, 2015
Chapter 1.14: October 3, 2015

Chapter 1.14: October 3, 2015

"Please don't cry, baby. It's okay. Don't cry."

"Please! Help me, please!"

"Shh, Eru."

"Shaking. It's all shaking, crashing, falling, shakingsh-"

"You're safe, Eru. Don't worry, please. It's safe now. You're okay. Come on. Let's go to bed, yeah? Come o—"

"No! Help! Help, help help helphelp—"

"Shh, shh, Eru. Don't cry, baby. You're okay. You're safe."

"Please! Please."

"Let's get you to bed."

"I need help."

"Shh, baby. Don't worry; you're safe. I'll sing you a song so you can sleep, okay?"

"Please. Someone, please."

"Shh, don't worry. You're safe, Eru."

18: Chapter 1.15: October 6, 2015
Chapter 1.15: October 6, 2015

Chapter 1.15: October 6, 2015

"Doc, it worsened exponentially in the past week."

"Could you describe her condition in detail?"

"She's had at least one attack every night, but the average per night is closer to two or three."

"And they only occur during the night in the middle of her sleep?"


"How does she feel when she wakes up the next morning?"

"She always says she feels fine."

"Does she know the cause of these attacks?"

"No, she doesn't."

"Does she have any possible idea of what might be causing them? Has she expressed any of these to you?"

"No, she hasn't."

"Does Erunai even know what's going on? It sounds to me that she doesn't know why they're happening because she doesn't know that they're happening."

"So you caught me, Doc."

"Ken, you need to tell her. She is a grown adult now and should be making her own decisions about her health."

"I'm worried for her, though. Will she be okay after she finds out?"

"I can't tell you that because I don't know. But it isn't your job to keep secrets from her in fear of her reaction."

"Doc, are you psychoanalyzing me?"

"Perhaps I am. I've an appointment in a couple minutes. I'm sorry, Ken, but I need to end this call."

"By all means. Thanks, Doc."

"Goodbye, Ken."

19: Chapter 1.16: October 7, 2015
Chapter 1.16: October 7, 2015

Chapter 1.16: October 7, 2015

"Susy, I do wish I could go on the book tour. The problem is that it's dangerous for Eru right now."

"What is wrong with her? Why is she in such danger?"

"She herself doesn't even know."

"Why don't you just bring her on the tour with us?"

"She has college to worry about. I'm not going to get in the way of her education."

"So don't you dare let her get in the way of your life, Ken."

"She's not! Can't you see she is my life?"

"Look at Kenji Kirito, infamous for his playful nature. Now he's letting some girl—"

"She is not some girl, Susy. It'd do you good to remember she's my—"

"Kenny? What are you so worked up over? Are you on the phone?"

"Yeah, I'm on the phone. I'll talk with you later, Susy."

"Ken, I'm sorry. I just think Erunai can take care of herself. She's eighteen already—"

"Later, Susy."

"…Bye, Ken."

"Did something happen, Kenny?"

"No, everything's fine. How was your day, Eru?"

"Pretty interesting, actually. Beth's boyfriend's friend asked me out."


"Kenny, what are you doing now?"

"Grabbing my katana. Dads may use their shotguns, but I personally prefer the feeling of slicing human flesh."

"Stop! I told him no!"

"I know you did, Eru. I just need to keep that little brat away from you."

"Jealous much? You know I'd never choose anyone over you."

"Fine, fine. If you say so."

"I do. Now put the katana back."


20: Chapter 1.17: October 8, 2015
Chapter 1.17: October 8, 2015

Chapter 1.17: October 8, 2015

"Why did you hide this from me, Kenny?"

"Of what do you speak, my dear Eru?"

"This! A contract to be the official author of Minerva or whatever? With a regular salary plus royalties from all of the profits you make for the company? A book tour from November to January? This is amazing, Kenny! Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I didn't—I still don't know if it's a good idea."

"Why wouldn't it be? What does Susy think?"

"Susy wants me to do it."

"Then why are you hesitating? She has great business sense, you know. Come on. Tell me why on earth you wouldn't want to go."


"Kenny, why are you keeping secrets from me? I thought we were in this together."

"I was just worried for you."

"For me? I'll be fine. If you're that worried, I'll ask Beth to stay with me."

"Why won't you stay with her?"

"I could never share a dorm room with three other girls, two of them I don't really know. That's why I live with you."

"Love you, too, Eru."

"You know I love you. So you'll go on the book tour and accept the deal, right?"

"I suppose I will. But give my phone number to Beth, okay? To call me if something happens? And Doc's number, too."

"Why don't I give her 9-1-1's number while I'm at it? Kenny, you worry too much. Besides, she already has your number."

"If you say so. And 9-1-1 would be best for life-threatening emergencies, yes. But for anything that isn't worthy of 9-1-1, tell her to call me."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Never call me that again. That's disgusting."

21: Chapter 1.18: October 9, 2015
Chapter 1.18: October 9, 2015

Chapter 1.18: October 9, 2015

"Susy, will you please stop? I'm a grown man, and I can handle myself just fine."

"You are nowhere near grown, Ken."

"You're only two years older than I, Susy."

"Welcome back, Mr. Kirito, Ms. Whitaker. Mr. Belmonte is waiting for you in Conference Room 3. Follow me, please."

"Try to behave this time, Ken?"

"If you say so."

"You'll be the death of me."

"Mr. Belmonte is waiting inside. I wish you both good luck."

"Again with the luck. He isn't a Freak or a Mutie or a Dalek or a hellhound or Moriarty or—"

"Ken, just please shut up."

"Were you always this rude, Susy?"


"Ken, Ms. Whitaker. How are the both of you today?"

"Amazing as always. I've made a decision about the official author thing."

"Good. And you?"

"I'm well, thank you. And what is your decision?"

"I'll do it. However, international book tours like this one cannot become a regular occurrence. I'll need events closer to home."

"We'll plan events accordingly, then."

"Here's the signed contract. Do you want to share ideas now?"

"That's fine with me. It doesn't look like I have another meeting for another hour."

"Great! Silent Susy, you got any ideas?"

22: Chapter 1.19: October 29, 2015
Chapter 1.19: October 29, 2015

Chapter 1.19: October 29, 2015

"Doc? Hey, Ken on the line."

"Yes, hello, Ken. What are you calling about this time?"

"I'm thinking of leaving for three months, but I'm worried for Eru. However, she has had fewer and fewer attacks lately."

"That's great. I think it would be good for the both of you if you let each other have a little bit of time apart. Being able to maintain a strong relationship while also creating some distance is tricky but often proves to be better for relationships, in my experience."

"Okay. I'll keep you updated on her status."

"Please do. Goodbye, Ken."

"Bye, Doc. Thanks."

23: Chapter 1.20: October 31, 2015
Chapter 1.20: October 31, 2015

Chapter 1.20: October 31, 2015

"Are you sure you want to wear that?"

"What? I love it."

"But it's a bit revealing. I don't want immature guys who don't deserve to be a functioning part of society yet to look at you wrongly because they can't handle seeing your ankles."

"You are so melodramatic. I'm dressed as Susan Pevensie, Kenny. I'll be in the most conservative costume there."

"If you say so. Whose party was it again?"

"One of Beth's classmates. An aspiring aerospace engineer, from what I hear."

"You know so much about this host. You're not interested in this 'classmate of Beth's,' are you?"

"She's not my type. I'm completely straight, as you know. You're so stupid when you're jealous."

"You wound me, my princess. Have fun at the party—but not too much fun."

"I got it; I got it. Are you all packed for tomorrow?"

"I am indeed. Will you be seeing me off? My flight doesn't depart until nine, I think."

"I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it even if the earth was falling apart."

"Love you, Eru. Remember: Have fun but not too much."

"I love you, Kenny. And I got it already!"

24: Chapter 1.21: November 1, 2015
Chapter 1.21: November 1, 2015

Chapter 1.21: November 1, 2015

"Flight 829 will begin boarding now. Flight 829 will begin boarding now."

"There will always be times in our lives when we come to a fork in the road and must walk down paths separate from those we love."

"Stop with the melodramatics, Kenny. You'll call me or Skype with me often, anyway, right?"

"Every waking moment that I have available to me."

"You're way too clingy. Please don't. I have a life, and you need to get one, too."

"You wound me, my princess. A life beyond you? Impossible!"

"You've used that line before."

"And I'll say it a thousand times more."

"You exasperate me, my dork."

"Okay, enough with the bickering. I'm going to miss you, Eru. Come give me a hug."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll miss you, too, Kenny. Don't leave me to have a fling with a foreign girl, okay?"

"Never. Be safe, Eru."

"I should be saying that to you. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."

25: Chapter 1.22: November 3, 2015
Chapter 1.22: November 3, 2015

Chapter 1.22: November 3, 2015

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiii—

"Hey, Kenny, you finally called."

"Yeah, I've been trying to get some sleep, and Susy's been drilling me on the itinerary for the next three months like crazy."

"That sounds like her. So where are you now?"

"We've just landed in Manila, Philippines. Tomorrow we'll travel to Quezon City and then to Cebu and then Davao a few days after that."

"Dork, I didn't ask for your life story."

"Sorry, sorry. I've got to go, Eru. There's a meet-up on the other side of the city in five hours."

"Isn't it a bit early to leave for it now?"

"You've never seen the traffic in Manila."

Author's Note:

Just a quick reminder that the dates will be according to what time zones Ken is in, as this story arc is from his point of view.

26: Chapter 1.23: November 10, 2015
Chapter 1.23: November 10, 2015

Chapter 1.23: November 10, 2015

"Enough about Tokyo and me. How have you been, Eru?"

"Okay, I guess. Beth complains that I sometimes talk in my sleep."

"Does she say exactly what you talk about?"

"No, just that you'd be ashamed."

"Wow, Eru. All these years, and I didn't know that you had such dirty thoughts."

"I believe she was thinking more along the lines of dimestore novel plots ashamed."

"Even worse. Nothing else?"

"That friend of Beth's boyfriend that asked me out before?"

"The one that you turned down?"

"Yeah, that's the one. He asked me out again."

"I'm coming home right now."

"Don't you dare. Did you remember to get pictures for me?"

"Yeah. Susy's also been taking quite a few thousand herself. I think she's more excited by traveling than I am."

"That's not a difficult feat to accomplish."

"You wound me, my princess."

"You exasperate me, my dork. I have a class in two minutes, so I'm hanging up first."

"By all means. I miss you, Eru."

"Miss you, too, Kenny. Love you."

"I love you."

27: Chapter 1.24: November 26, 2015
Chapter 1.24: November 26, 2015

Chapter 1.24: November 26, 2015

"We'll have to cancel visiting Florence because the convention fell through."

"Tragic, really. What'll we do, then?"

"You'll get a little bit of downtime in Rome before leaving for Madrid on the nineteenth."

"Well, that ought to be nice. Are you going to visit us on the tour, Leo?"

"I'm afraid not in Europe. I may be able to visit while you're in New York because I'll be at a business conference there at the same time."

"It's a date, then."

"There's no guarantee I'll make it. Besides, I don't swing that way. Sorry."

"Never said you did, and neither do I. I'm putting it on my mental calendar, anyway. You should visit us while we're in San Francisco, though. Eru will be there."

"That sounds intriguing. I must meet this world-renowned Erunai."

"Then it's a date, then, too. Bye, Leo. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Goodbye, Ken. Happy Thanksgiving."



"Ken on the line."

"Kenny, you dork, did you forget to call me?"

"I do apologize, my princess."

"You had better, my dork. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving. What are your plans?"

"Beth and I are visiting her family for dinner."

"Sounds fun. I've heard her mother makes the best mashed potatoes."

"She does. What about you?"

"I don't think I'm doing anything special. Today is practically booked, so I'll be too exhausted to celebrate."

"That's sad."

"Yeah, it is."

"Ken, are you ready yet? We're leaving in five minutes!"

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right now, but it sounds important."

"All right. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."

28: Chapter 1.25: December 7, 2015
Chapter 1.25: December 7, 2015

Chapter 1.25: December 7, 2015

"Your birthday is in thirteen days. Where will you be then?"

"Madrid, Spain. Wanna come tour with me for my birthday and Christmas and New Year's?"

"No, I can't. I have finals on the 20th and Beth is taking me to see her family for the holidays. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'll just have a couple of drinks with Susy, then."

"You don't drink. Remember when we were still in high school and you went and got yourself drunk? You're a terrible drunk."

"You wound me, my princess."

"You exasperate me, my dork."

"Don't worry. We're actually planning on just going to dinner."

"Good. I didn't want to hear her complaints about you."



"I wish you were here."

"Me, too. College sucks right now. I just want to get away for a little while."


"Yeah. I don't want to spend all my time stressing over school. I want to be able to say I did something with my life, that I helped other people. Kinda like you did with your best-sellers and inspiring people and all that jazz. Education can be so selfish if you don't have a noble end goal."

"I think you have a pretty noble end goal. I mean, you're working to become a seismologist so you can help predict earthquakes and prevent major disasters, right?"

"Of course. But I can't help but feel that all selflessness and nobleness can be so selfish at the same time. Why do people want to be selfless? Is it because they don't want to lose someone else? Is it because they want to have a good reputation? Is anyone ever actually selfless without a selfish desire?"

"Maybe that's okay, if the act in itself is selfless. Do real motives and reasons matter in the end? Isn't it better that the good deeds are actually done?"

"But then wouldn't the person doing those good deeds expect something in return? If so, it might be better off that they never did anything."

"I wouldn't know. That sounds like a good book idea, though."

"Glad I could be of some service."

"Ken! You have a book signing in thirty minutes!"

"Duty calls. Say thanks to Beth for putting up with you for so long for me, yeah?"

"I take personal offense from that. Say thanks to Susy for keeping you in line for me, then."

"Oh, how the knife of betrayal cuts through my flesh. Love you, Eru."

"I love you, Kenny."

29: Chapter 1.26: December 19, 2015, to December 20, 2015
Chapter 1.26: December 19, 2015, to December 20, 2015

Chapter 1.26: December 19, 2015, to December 20, 2015

Sat, 12/19/2015

In case i forget to say happy bday tmrrw
11:23 PM

Happy bday Kenny
11:23 PM

If you’d just waited 37 minutes, you would have said it right at midnight. Plus, you could have called. More romantic that way.
11:31 PM

11:33 PM

What r u doing to celebrate?
11:34 PM

Susy’s taking me out for dinner.
11:37 PM

B professional, ok?
11:40 PM

If you say so. Jealousy doesn’t become you, my princess.
11:41 PM

Whos jealous? Just dont want Susy to have to clean up ur mess
11:44 PM

Don’t worry. I’ll be responsibly professional and professionally responsible.
11:45 PM

Ur such a dork
11:50 PM

But I’m your dork, my princess.
11:52 PM

Of course ur my dork
11:53 PM

Sun, 12/20/2015

You can tell me happy birthday now.
12:01 AM

Cant call but happy 23rd bday Kenny
12:07 AM

Thanks for the love, Eru.
12:09 AM

</    />
12:10 AM

I should probably sleep now. I have a 20 hour day tomorrow.
12:15 AM

Or today.
12:15 AM

But tomorrow for you.
12:16 AM

Go 2 sleep dork
12:20 AM

Only because you asked, my princess.
12:23 AM

Goodnight Kenny love u
12:24 AM

Have a good night, Eru. I love you.
12:25 AM

30: Chapter 1.27: December 20, 2015
Chapter 1.27: December 20, 2015

Chapter 1.27: December 20, 2015

"¡Hola, Sr. Kirito! I absolutely love your new book! Will you sign my copy for me, ¿por favor?"

"Of course, child. Now, ¿cómo te llamas?"

"¡Marisol! M-A-R-I-S-O-L."

"Tu nombre es bonito, pero eres más bonita. Here you are."

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem. Hey, Susy, I need a break."

"All right. Attention, book fans! Kenji Kirito will be taking a short break now. If you want to leave and come back, please return in fifteen minutes."

"I love seeing my fans, but it's so exhausting."

"Only one month—"

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Ri—

"Excuse me, Susy. Ken on the line."

"Ken? It's Beth."

"Hey, Beth. What's u—"

"Please! I need help!"

"Beth, I'm going to text you Doc's number, and you call him and tell him what's going on after we calm her down."

"Okay. Okay. Ken, what's going on?"

"Let's not worry about that now. Put me on speaker and try to comfort her. Whispered reassurance and soothing gestures work best."

"Okay. Okay. Erunai? It's fine. You're fine."

"Shh, Eru. Shh, baby, don't cry. Please don't cry. You're okay. You're safe."

"Erunai, please calm down."

"Help! Someone, please!"

"Beth, try to get her to bed."

"Help! Helphelphelphelp shaking falling breakingshakingdyinghelpsomeonehelpme please please, please, please! Please!"

"Shh, Eru."

"Come on, Erunai. Please calm down."

"Don't cry, baby. Let Beth help you to bed, yeah? Let's sleep, baby. You're okay. You're safe. Please don't cry, Eru. Shh, baby, you're okay."

"Please. Please."

"I'll sing for you, yeah? Eru, baby—"

"Ken, break's over. It's time to get back to the signing."

"I heard that, Ken. I think—I think I can handle this. Just—I'll call you if it gets worse."

"No! I can't leave her like that!"

"Help me!"

"Ken, no, no, no. You're all the way in Spain. There's not much you can do."

"I'm coming home right now."

"Ken, your fans are waiting!"

"Just leave me be, Susy. Eru needs me right now."

"Ken, no. I—I'll get Erunai to calm down, I promise. And if you come home now, you know she'll be disappointed."

"Does it sound like I care?"

"Someone, please!"

"Ken. She'll be okay. Right? Right. I have whoever's number this is."

"Just—I can't leave her."

"You're not. She's just—You're not, Ken."

"…Stay with her until she falls asleep, yeah?"

"Of course. Yeah. Of course."

"Let her know I love her."

"Everything's falling, shaking, breakinghelpmeplease!"

"She loves you, too. She's—She'll be okay."

"Call me if she doesn't calm down?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Ken, get back over here!"

"Tell her I'm sorry."

"Goodbye, Ken. She'll be okay. Right? Of course."

"I need help! Please! Pl—"


"¡Sr. Kirito! Kenji! Kenji Kirito! We all love you!"

31: Chapter 1.28: December 20, 2015
Chapter 1.28: December 20, 2015

Chapter 1.28: December 20, 2015

"Ken, what happened at the book signing earlier?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Later, Susy."



"Ken on the line. Beth? Is Eru okay?"

"Kenny! First of all, happy birthday."


"Now to the real business. Why didn't you ever tell me about my panic attacks or whatever they are, you jerk? You're a real piece of work, you know that? I thought we trusted each other, especially with information about each other!"

"Eru, listen, I—"

"Shut up and let me talk, idiot. Beth told me what happened just now. Doc Williams explained to me how long it's been going on for. Two years, Kenny. Two whole years of my life, and I never even knew. What's worse, you never even planned on telling me!"


"Shut it, Kenny. I needed to know. This is my life we're talking about. You can't just hide this from me! Is this why you didn't want to go on the book tour? Maybe if you'd just told me, you wouldn't have to worry. But no, you were an ignoramus and kept it all to yourself and tried to solve it without even letting me know. I thought you knew better than that, Kenny. You're the one who's four years older, yet you still made the stupid decision to never let the one who's having the attacks know. I cannot believe you right now, Kenny."

"Eru, please, I—"

"I was just taking a breath. You are not allowed to talk until I get all of this out of my system."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do me a favor and duct tape your mouth shut. What were you thinking, cretin? What were you afraid of? That I'd lose my self-esteem or something? Let me tell you something, halfwit, that you may be cockier and more arrogant than I am, but I have thrice as much self-confidence as you do. I'm just not such a cockalorum about it like you are."

"You wound me, my princess."

"I demand by royal decree that you keep your trap shut, my dork. You mooncalf, I don't even know what's happening inside that nonexistent brain of yours. I think I'm done now."

"Okay, Eru—"

"No, I am decidedly not done. I am so angry with you, Kenny! You are so unbelievable! How dare you act like everything's okay in front of me when I'm clearly not okay! I mean, I'm okay, but at the same time I'm not. You don't just hide this from me, you poltroon. How dare you even try! That is not okay, and you can stop right now. I am giving you permission to stop hiding things like this from me. No, I demand that you stop hiding things from me. Next, I'll find out that I like to sleepwalk while swinging around your katana. Kenny, I am so disappointed in you. Now you may speak."

"Are you certain?"

"I'm actually finished ranting. Thank you for your patience. Now explain yourself, Kenny, before I decide to hang up."

"If you say so. I actually don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just worried that those memories would come back. You were always terrified like you're in an earthquake, Eru."

"You mean like the incident? When we were kids?"

"That's the one. You're lucky, you know."

"I'm lucky. That's the richest thing I've ever heard. We both lost our parents in that earthquake, and I'm lucky."

"Yes, you are lucky. You don't remember it."


"I've got to get ready for the next event. Love you, Eru."

"I'm sorry. I love you, Kenny."



32: Chapter 1.29: December 25, 2015
Chapter 1.29: December 25, 2015

Chapter 1.29: December 25, 2015

"We wish you a merry Christmas! We wish you a—"

"Merry Christmas, dork. It's nice to finally see that stupid face of yours."

"I did not just agree to video chat with you only to have you insult my beautiful face."

"You tell yourself that."

"You wound me, my princess."

"And you exasperate me, my dork."

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's improper grammar to begin a sentence with a conjunction?"

"I've done my research on the topic, Kenny, and there is no such rule. In fact, it was actually just because schoolteachers in ye olden times—well, no, it was actually more in the 1800s—didn't want children to overuse conjunctions, so they almost banned the use of them. It's ridiculous. That's like wanting to prevent people from getting fat and deciding to ban chocolate."

"I'd die."

"I know you would. You're such a glutton."

"But I'm your glutton, my princess."

"You're a dork; that's what you are. Where are you now?"

"Stockholm, Sweden, actually. In two days, I'll leave for London, and then we'll go to South Africa for a bit."

"And then?"

"Isn't someone just so curious? We'll stop by Australia and then finally tour the Americas. The United States will be the last country I tour."


"Have you sent me a Christmas present?"

"No. I didn't know where you would be."

"That is so mean! I sent you one! Has it arrived yet?"

"Not that I am aware of."

"Send me a picture of your face when you open it, yeah?"

"I'll think about it."

"You are such an ungrateful child. All these years, and you still treat me like this."

"You know I love you, Kenny."

"And I love you, Eru, but you're still so rude. I think I'm offended. Yeah, I'm definitely offended."

"I'm not sorry."

"Well, then."

"Where are you, again? Sweden?"

"Yup. I'm eating meatballs tonight. I'll send you a picture."

"Great. Now I want meatballs, too."

"Who are you talking to, Erunai? Your boyfriend?"

"No, just Kenny."

"Excuse me? Are you cheating on me while I'm away?"

"Hi, Ken! Thanks for your help on the twentieth, by the way."

"No need to thank me. Eru, are you going to answer my question?"

"I could never cheat on you, Kenny. You're the most important guy in my life, you know."

"I'd better be. What are your plans for today?"

"Beth's dragging me to a party."

"Sorry to break you two up, but we actually have to start getting ready for the party now. It's a bit far."

"By all means. Evidently, I am not the only glutton here. Have fun, both of you—but not too much fun."

"Bye, Kenny! Love you!"

"I love you, Eru."


33: Chapter 1.30: December 26, 2015
Chapter 1.30: December 26, 2015

Chapter 1.30: December 26, 2015

"Ken on the line."

"ny, sorry, I…egos fill…testosterone…cells…get away."

"I'm sorry?"

"Sorry, it was super loud in there. I don't know what time it is there, but I just needed an excuse to get away from the overinflated egos filled with the overproduction of testosterone and under-production of brain cells."

"You poor child. People have kept their hands off, though, right?"

"I made sure of it."

"You haven't had any alcohol, have you? It would be sorta kinda very illegal. You're only eighteen."

"I'm not stupid, Kenny. I'm basically here as Beth's chaperone."

"She's not drunk, is she? She's just as underaged as you. Well, not quite, but still."

"No. Unless you can get drunk off Sprite. That's all she's drinking, but now her blood sugar levels are through the roof, and her composure is out the door. I think she's having fun, though."

"Good enough. When are you planning on going home?"

"Considering that it's two in the morning here, probably very, very soon. How is it in Sweden?"

"Okay. I leave for Africa tomorrow, but I have the day off today. I have to admit that I'm a bit glad to leave because winter in California melts in comparison to here."

"Gotta love California weather."

"No, I don't have to do anything, though I do love it. Has my present arrived yet?"


"And…? What'd you think?"

"You sent me your book, Kenny. A copy of your own book."

"And it was an amazing present!"


"Fine, fine. I'm bringing your actual present when I visit. It was supposed to be a surprise."

"All right. Well, I think I just saw a guy make a pass at Beth, and she obviously still wants to dance, so I'm going to go save her. Bye, Kenny. Love you."

"Be safe, Eru. Tell me when you get home, yeah? I love you."

Author's Note:

Just in case people who aren't in the United States are reading this (you never know…), the legal age for drinking here is twenty-one as of this date. They might push for it to be lowered in the future, though.

34: Chapter 1.31: December 31, 2015
Chapter 1.31: December 31, 2015

Chapter 1.31: December 31, 2015

Thu, 12/31/2015

Guess what time it is in Cape Town?
8:25 PM

10 to midnite?
8:52 PM

Alas! Your guess is incorrect, my princess, for the time difference is only nine hours.
8:57 PM

Whatever dork
8:58 PM

But I'm your dork.
8:58 PM

What plans do you have for New Year's?
9:00 PM

Got Beth to stay home thank the Lord
9:01 PM

Good. I was getting tired of worrying for you.
9:02 PM

9:02 PM

Can I call you?
9:05 PM

Srry im in class
9:06 PM

You naughty little princess. Call me when it's over, then?
9:07 PM

9:08 PM

I'll be waiting by the phone. Love you.
9:09 PM

I love u
9:09 PM

35: Chapter 1.32: December 31, 2015, to January 1, 2016
Chapter 1.32: December 31, 2015, to January 1, 2016

Chapter 1.32: December 31, 2015, to January 1, 2016

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiii—

"Hello my yellow."

"You're such a dork."

"I'm your dork. Excited for the new year?"

"I guess."

"You only guess? Is there something the matter, my princess?"

"No, no. I just don't know if I'm ready for all the things the new year entails. It's supposed to be the start of something great, something better than before, something that'll make others say that life is worth it."


"But while I do love New Year's, I think it's idiotic that we treat it like a time to start doing what we want to do, or what we think we want to do. If we want to do something, we should just do it. Period. Why do we have to wait for a random day that Pope Gregory XIII and his bros in Christ decided to start their new calendar on? If we shifted the calendar forward by one day, then what used to be January first is no longer special and no longer holds its magic."

"The problem with thinking like that, Eru, is that nothing is special or magical anymore. I would recommend going in the opposite direction, believing that every day is full of wonder."

"Wouldn't everything feel lackluster after a while?"

"Then I'd just start believing harder. To me, at least, every day I get is precious. I wouldn't want to waste my life thinking I'm living another useless day. Some people don't get to have that extra day, so it would be good not to waste it. Every single day is magical."

"…Yeah. Yeah, I guess you're right. That's definitely a better way to think of it. What time is it over there?"

"Almost twelve. Can you stay on the phone to hear the countdown over here?"

"Of course. Will you be at a party?"

"No, Susy and I have had enough of parties and people for a long while. We're celebrating in my suite. Want to say hi?"


"Here you are."

"Hi, Erunai! Happy New Year's!"

"Happy New Year, Susy! How have you been?"

"Pretty good. The tour is exhausting, but I'm having so much fun."

"That's great! My brother hasn't been too much of a bother, has he?"


"Excuse me, but I'm right here! And I take personal offense from that implied statement!"

"The countdown's starting!"

"You get two New Year's Days, Eru. How magical is that?"


"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"

"I look like such a maniac right now. I'm getting weird looks from across the street."

"Happy New Year, Eru. Love you."

"Happy New Year, Kenny. I love you."

"Oh, and slap some manners into those rude and creepy people staring at you."

"Will do."

36: Chapter 1.33: January 9, 2016
Chapter 1.33: January 9, 2016

Chapter 1.33: January 9, 2016

“Leo! Hey, Leo!”

“Ken. Hello.”

“You made it! Last minute, but you made it. Say hi, Susy.”

“H-hello, Mr. Belmonte. How are you today?”

“Fine, thank you. And you?”

“I’m okay. Ken, I’m just going to make sure we’re all cleaned up.”

“By all means. Leo, do you have time to spend with us tonight?”

“I’m sorry. I have important meetings tomorrow.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“I suppose I have time for a drink.”

“Dinner, then. I don’t drink.”

“That’s fine with me. I must be back in my hotel room by eleven, however.”

“So we have about two hours. Great! I’ll get Susy, and we can leave in about ten minutes.”

“Do you need a ride?”

“You bet we do. We took a taxi here, and I’m not going through that torture again.”

“I’ll be waiting outside, then.”

“By all means.”

37: Chaper 1.34: January 10, 2016
Chaper 1.34: January 10, 2016

Chapter 1.34: January 10, 2016

"Susy what? You what?"

"She gets so nervous in front of Leo. It's absolutely hilarious normally. But when she fainted after finding out that he'd be having dinner with us, it was absolutely hysterical. Leo, being the kind sir that he is, helped her out."

"I'll bet you just laughed your head off and almost fainted yourself."

"I may have been a bit lightheaded after, yes."

"You are so mean, Kenny."

"Just enjoying the moment. How have you been, Eru?"

"You mean with the attacks or just life in general?"

"Either one. Both."

"I think I'm doing okay. I've had maybe one or two attacks since December. I'm really sorry for that happening on your birthday, by the way."

" 'Twas but a trifle, my princess."

"Oh, do shut up, my dork. I've been a bit stressed out by my classes lately, but it's all good. I'm looking forward to your visit on the twenty-fourth."

"So'm I, my dear. So'm I. I hope they'll let me stay in our apartment. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to stay in a hotel?"

"Very. Beth's been acting weird lately."

"Weird? Like how?"

"I'm not quite sure. I mean, she looks like she always has something important to say but can't say it. I hope she and her boyfriend are all right; I haven't seen him in a while."

"They're probably fine. If it worries you too much, you should hang out with her for a day. See if she'll open up to you, and at the same time, let her know you're there for her."

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

"Of course. I said it."


"Your dork."

38: Chapter 1.35: January 12, 2016
Chapter 1.35: January 12, 2016

Chapter 1.35: January 12, 2016

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiii—

"Ken on the line."

"Kenny, Kenny, I don't know what to do. I need help."

"Eru? Eru, baby, what's wrong?"

"I messed up. I think I messed up real bad."

"Do you want to tell me how?"

"Kenny, I—Kenny, I need help."

"Shh, baby, you're okay. It's okay. Calm down, please. Can you tell me what happened?"

"Kenny, please. Help me, please."

"Okay, I will. Let me just sing you a song, yeah? Try to calm down, baby."


"Yes, my princess?"

"I miss you. I really, truly miss you."

"Miss you, too, Eru. I'm ready to come home."

"I need you, you know. I really messed up this time."

"Do you feel like telling me what happened?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it's just—Beth told me something important, and I was—I was just so shocked, Kenny. I can't tell you what it was because she doesn't want people to know, but I wasn't there for her. I promised, but I was just so shocked. I ran, Kenny. I left her there all by herself; I didn't even stay to comfort her. I'm her best friend, and I ran."

"Eru, you need to go back. Apologize. Maybe she won't forgive you, but you need to let her know that you're sorry and that you're willing to try to make up for it. If you have done something wrong and you know it, you need to go back and do your best to make it right, even if you know you really can't. I thought you knew better than to run away."

"How can I face her? I'm such a terrible friend. Kenny, I can't look her in the eye anymore!"

"So don't. I'm not going to be soft on you, Eru. You asked for my advice. You got it. If you're looking for comfort, then you won't find it here. You're in the wrong, and you know it. Go back and make things right."

"…Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I have to apologize. Oh, what have I done?"

"You're asking the wrong question. You know what you've done—not to what extent, but you've got an idea. Now your question should be: What can I do?"


"Think of it like an earthquake. It's possible everything's destroyed, but you can try rebuilding again. Make it stronger for the next, which hopefully won't happen."


"This is important if you still want to salvage your friendship."

"Yeah, okay. I'll go see her now. Thanks, Kenny."

"I'll always be here to save you, my princess."

39: Chapter 1.36: January 20, 2016
Chapter 1.36: January 20, 2016

Chapter 1.36: January 20, 2016



"So it's Susy's birthday in four days. Also in four days, you guys will visit little old San Francisco."

"Yes, and?"

"And we're going to celebrate! You are staying at home, right?"

"You bet I am! I got clearance from Leo last week. I just forgot to tell you."


"My pleasure, my princess."

"Anyway, we're throwing a surprise party for Susy. I'll pick you both up."

"You didn't do anything for my birthday…"

"You were in Spain, dork. And I called you."

"If you say so. Are you free the entire day?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss out on it for the world."

"Even if the sky is falling down?"

"Even if the earth is crumbling 'round my feet."

"Then it's a date. We'll have a fun day, yeah?"

"All right."

"I gotta go, but I miss you."

"Miss you, too. Love you."

"I love you."

"Please come home safely, Kenny."

"I will. By all means, Eru."

40: Chapter 1.37: January 24, 2016
Chapter 1.37: January 24, 2016

Chapter 1.37: January 24, 2016



"I missed you so much."

"Missed you, too. You will never know how much I missed your presence in my life, my princess. The very thought of—"

"You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

"Ken! Mind helping me with the bags?"

"Kenny! I cannot believe you just left Susy with all your stuff! It's her birthday, after all. Oh! Happy twenty-fifth birthday, Susy."

"Thanks, Erunai."

"I couldn't help myself?"

"Dork, let's go and help out."

"If you say so."

"Welcome home, my dork."

"It's good to be back, my princess. So, just to be clear: You haven't gotten together with anyone while I was gone, right? I couldn't bear the thought of you consorting with another man behind my back."


41: Chapter 1.38: January 24, 2016
Chapter 1.38: January 24, 2016

Chapter 1.38: January 24, 2016

"Well, it took us a lifetime to get out of there."

"Why are airports so complicated, anyway?"

"Because life is complicated. Because airports take people away and bring them back. Because we're all lost and found, losing each other and finding another."

"Way to bring down the good vibe, Ken."

"Excuse me? You, Susy, of all people, are telling me that?"

"Hey, guys?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means—"

"Would you both shut up? I think I lost the car."


"I forgot where I parked."

"You're a mess, Eru."

"Shut up, Ken."

"Why are you telling me to shut up?"

"Right now, I'm telling you both to shut up!"



"Does anyone have any idea of how to find the car?"

"Well, let me just look in my car-finding manual and—"

"What's going on?"

"Get under cover!"

"Ken, where are you? I can't—"

"I'm fine, Susy! Get to safety!"

"Where's Erunai?"

"I've got her! Just go find a safe place!"

"Nononoshakingnonononofallingnononononocrumblingnononononohelpnonononononono someone save me. Please, please, pleasepleasepleasehelpmeplease—"

"Eru, shh. Shh, baby, you're okay. We just gotta get out, yeah? Shh, baby, don't cry."

"Please, someone save me! I need help!"

"Eru, shh, you're okay. Don't cry, baby."

"Shakingfalling, breakingshaking, helphelppleaseplease—"

"Shh, baby. You'll be safe. Let's find a way to safety, yeah?"

"Help me, please! Help, help, help helphelphelphelppleasepleaseIneedhelp—"

"Don't be afraid, Eru. You're okay. Shh, baby. You'll be sa—"

Author's Note:

And that marks the end of Ken's story arc! I'm (not) sorry to end it like this, but the next update will mark the beginning of the second arc from Eru's point of view. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far!

42: 2. Magnitude
2. Magnitude

2. Magnitude

The first thing she noticed was that the room was dim instead of blinding white when she cracked her eyes open. Her relief upon discovering that fact diminished as she realized that she wasn't in her room. Suddenly, breathing was an impossible task.

"Shh, Eru baby. Shh, don't cry."

She let herself be calmed by a voice so familiar to her. When she had finally come to her senses once again, she recognized him beside her and smiled softly.

"Welcome back to the living, Eru," he spoke. The second thing she noticed was that he looked dead. His face was pale and ashen, and she could see his bones poking out of strange places, as if he hadn't eaten in years. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been crying, too, and she noticed that his once youthful expression was haggard, aged by an unknown force. She almost laughed; who was he to welcome her to life?

"Kenny, hey." She glanced at the clock. "It's three in the morning?"

He chuckled weakly. "You bet it is."

"I'm in the hospital."

"It appears so, yes." The third thing she noticed was that, despite his playfulness, the twinkle in his eyes was no longer present.

She was having trouble remembering how she got there, and his snarky remarks weren't helping.

"You were knocked out during the earthquake, and they couldn't figure out how to wake you up." He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. His lips were cold. "You look beautiful, my princess."

"You're such a dork," she replied reflexively.

"I'm your dork."

"And I really doubt I do."

"Nay, my princess, doubt your beauty not." They probably both looked like corpses, but she didn't feel like mentioning it to him.

She glanced back at the clock, still processing everything. "What are you doing here, Kenny?"

"I'm visiting you, obviously."

"At this time? Are you even allowed in here?"

"I'm special. They don't know I'm here." He gave her a cheeky grin, which faded in a moment. She knew he was forcing himself to appear joyful. Oh, how she hated it.

"You? Sneaking into a hospital?" she snorted in an unladylike manner. "Bet it's probably just because you're my emergency contact."

He held a fist to his chest. "You wound me, my princess."

"And you exasperate me, my dork." She smiled again, wincing slightly in pain. "Not gonna lie; my head hurts."

"Like you got slammed by a dump truck?"


He laughed, though his mirth died quickly. "Oh, you poor child. Why don't you call the nurse, then?"

"Why don't you do it?" she countered.

He gestured with trembling hands to the button on the other side of the bed. "It's easier for you."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, yeah. Be that way, then. I'll push the button."

"By all means."

As soon as she pushed the button, she could hear the thundering of footsteps coming down the corridor. He stood up, jamming his hands into his pockets.

"That's my cue, then."

She sat up, startled. "What? Why can't you stay?"

He shrugged. "I'm not really supposed to be here, you know. Plus, I gotta get going."

"Where are you going?"

"I won't be around anymore, Eru. I don't think I'll be coming back."

She tried to get out of the bed but fell back immediately, clutching her head. "No, you can't! I need you, Kenny!"

"I'm sorry, Eru."

She tried and failed to get up again. "Will you at least tell me why?"

"Love you, Eru."

"And I love you, Kenny, but I refuse to let this be goodbye. Get back here!"

He just offered her a melancholy smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and walked out of the room.

The doctor and nurses swarmed around her, trying to calm her down, oblivious to the fact that the only person who could do that just walked out of the room and out of her life.

All but she were oblivious to the fact that he was the only one who was capable of saving her.

Author's Note:

And that's the start of Eru's story arc and point of view. That also means that there will be new formatting, which is as follows:

Eru: plain

Ken: italics

Leo: bold

Any others: bold and italics

Hope you're enjoying the story still! Also, I've started posting Tremble, which is this story formatted regularly. If you like Tremors, please do check it out. Thanks for reading!

43: Chapter 2.01: July 11, 2017
Chapter 2.01: July 11, 2017

Chapter 2.01: July 11, 2017

"Your vitals look fine, Erunai. That's a really good sign, considering you've been in that coma for a year and a half."

"I've been out for how long?"

"Oh, dear. Didn't anyone tell you? You've been in this hospital for a year and a half. It's July eleventh, 2017."

"No, no, no, that's not possible. Where's Kenny? I need to talk to Kenny!"

"I'll be finished in a moment, and then I'll let your friend in."

"Who? Kenny?"

"I believe her name is Beth? Excuse me, Erunai. Have a good day."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

"Erunai! Thank God you're okay!"

"Will do. Hey, don't cry. It's not that big a deal."

"It's just that—over a year—you've been out—And Kenny—"

"I know about Kenny. I don't want to talk about it. Please."

"Of course. Of course. I'm sorry."



"So tomorrow's your birthday."

"Yeah, it is. I'll be twenty. I'll be so old."

"I hope I'll get out of this hospital in time to celebrate."

"You kidding me, Erunai? You won't get out for another couple of weeks at least. You just woke up."

"Then how am I supposed to go celebrate your twentieth birthday?"

"Easy. My birthday will come to you."

"Well, then. What about your family?"

"I'm planning to visit them over the weekend. You don't need to worry about it."

"All right…Hey, it's been a year and a half. How did—you know—go?"

"Great, actually. October twenty-seventh, 2016. I could bring him around at some point if you want to meet him."

"Of course I do! And wow, almost a year. What's his name?"


"And how is Mik handling it?"

"As well as can be, I suppose."

"That's great…"

"…Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm really sorry about my—how I reacted when you told me. I'm so sorry, Beth."

"Erunai, we've been over this already. It's fine. I know it was a shock. I know it was sudden. I don't blame you, and I never did. Besides, you came back, didn't you? Or is my memory failing me?"

"I did, but I probably wouldn't have if Kenny hadn't pushed me."

"That's fine. Hey, don't cry."

"Yeah. Yeah. I miss him already."

"Of course you do. With a bond like yours, it's expected. But I'll be here for you, even if he isn't."

"I want him back."

"Of course. Of course."

"I miss him. I miss you, Kenny."

"I'm sure he misses you, too."

"I love him. So much that it hurts."

"I'm sure it's the same for him, wherever he is now."

44: Chapter 2.02: July 12, 2017
Chapter 2.02: July 12, 2017

Chapter 2.02: July 12, 2017

"The happiness cavalry has come to rescue you from the sea of your own despair!"

"Well, then. Why would a bunch of horsemen be my lifeguards?"

"I really hate you."

"If you say so. Happy birthday, Beth. The big Two-Oh!"

"Thanks, Erunai. How're you holding up?"

"Just fine. Want to introduce me?"

"Ah, yes. Tommy, baby, the woman dying in the hospital bed is my best friend, Erunai. Say hello, Tommy."


"Not quite there yet, huh, buddy? By the way, I am not dying, thank you very much. The doctor says I'm recovering nicely. Nice to meet you, Tommy. Hey there, Mik."

"Hi, Erunai. Glad to see you're doing better."

"Than that comatose state? Of course she's doing better. Now, intros are over, so can we get this party started?"


"…Erunai? Are you okay?"

"Fine, Beth. Let's celebrate now!"

"Where did I put all the food? Mik, did you grab the food?"

"By all means, Kenny. Please."

"What was that, Erunai?"

"Nothing, Beth. I'm fine. Wait, are those flowers for me?"

"No, they're for me, silly. I brought them to my own birthday party."

"Well, then."

"Idiot, of course they're for you. I didn't get them, though. They're from a…Leonel Belmonte?"

"I'll figure out who that is later. You said there was food?"

"Beth, love, I think we left the food in the car."


45: Chapter 2.03: July 12, 2017
Chapter 2.03: July 12, 2017

Chapter 2.03: July 12, 2017

"Hey, love?"

"Yeah, Mik? What are you doing on the floor?"

"Great Scots. Great Scots, Great Scots, Great Scots Great ScotsGreatScotsGreatScots—"

"Erunai, please be quiet for a minute while I propose. Miss Beth Ann Hunts, would you like like to trade in that slice of cake for this ring and your last name for mine? Or I could take yours, if you'd like."



"Of course, of course, of course ofcourseofcourse! Mikhail Mengejar, I love you, and I will continue to do so even after the day I die! By the way, we are definitely taking my last name."

"Great! Now how about that cake?"

"Idiot, you just had to ruin the moment."

"Erunai, you took the words right out of my mouth. Now give them back."

"I'd rather she take the slice of cake out of your hands and give it to me."

"Besides, who proposes in a hospital?"

"I would have proposed somewhere better if you hadn't woken up."

"I'm sorry for having such bad timing."

"Erunai, you're my best friend and all, but I need you to be quiet while I bicker lovingly with my fiancé."

"Erunai, you're not my best friend and all, but I still need you to be quiet while I bicker lovingly with my fianceé."


"All right, I got it. Shutting up."

46: Chapter 2.04: July 12, 2017
Chapter 2.04: July 12, 2017

Chapter 2.04: July 12, 2017

"Thanks for this, Beth. I really needed it."

"Of course, Erunai. What else are best friends for?"

"Practically sisters, right? Anyway, see you, I guess."

"See you, Erunai. Recover quickly!"

"Will do. Bye!"



Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, I miss you. Why don't you just come home now?"


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, you dork, at least answer your stupid smartphone. Just because you just upped and left doesn't mean you should ignore me."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, seriously. This isn't funny. Don't be such a dork. Answer your phone, and expect me to give you a piece of my mind when you do."


"You egotistical jerk!"

"Erunai! What's going on?"

"I want painkillers right now. I need painkillers right now."

"It does look like it's time for your next dose. I'll be right back with your medication, okay?"

"All right."

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"



"I have your meds here, Erunai. Here you go."


"Have a good night."

"You, too."

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiii—

"Ken on the line. And can you not?"

"You idiot! Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I couldn't, okay?"

"Why not? Do you realize how terrible it is without you? I still don't understand why you had to leave."

"I just did. I can't really explain it, Eru."

"You're not even the same anymore. What has a year and a half done to you? Where's my Kenny with all his wit and words? What have you done with him?"

"You wound me, my princess. I can't say I've changed all that much."

"You have. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but you have. I, for one, hate it."

"Has it ever occurred to you that I may be just a little shocked that you woke up and you're here talking to me right now? That I've been, for all practical purposes, dead since the day of the earthquake while you were stuck in that coma?"


"Well, Eru?"

"No, no, it hasn't. I'm sorry, Kenny."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sorry, too. There's no use fighting about it now. It's already over, and you're safe. That's all that matters right now."

"All right."

"Are you tired? You sound like you need sleep, even though you've been out for a year and a half."

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired. Must be the meds they gave me or something; I don't know. Could you just answer me one question before I go to sleep?"

"Provided I have the answer."

"Why did you leave so suddenly?"

"I just had to."

"That's not much of an answer."

"That's as much of an answer I have."

"…All right. I miss you."

"Miss you, too."

"Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."

47: Chapter 2.05: July 13, 2017
Chapter 2.05: July 13, 2017

Chapter 2.05: July 13, 2017

"I don't know if I got a chance to mention it yesterday, but Tommy is absolutely adorable."

"Of course he is. He is my child."

"And Mik's proposal. Not book-worthy, but definitely something to laugh about with the grandkids."

"He's an idiot, but I love him."

"When are you getting married anyway? I know you just got engaged yesterday, but…"

"Probably some time next year. We're trying to get settled in with Tommy first."

"All right. Um, I'm sorry if this question is insensitive—You know what? Nevermind."

"No, go ahead and ask. We're best friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah, of course. Like sisters. All right, do you ever regret, you know, conceiving Tommy?"

"It would have been ideal if I had finished school first and if Mik and I had gotten married first, but I love Tommy to bits. I will never regret having him."

"All right."

"Mind if I ask why?"

"I don't know. How's school going?"

"Terrible. Oh, by the way, your education wasn't really affected because I managed to get you deferred for a couple years. I also took a gap year, to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake and Tommy and everything."

"Well, at least my dream of being valedictorian is still alive and well."

"Of course. I think you already were the top of our grad class."

"I doubt that."

"No, I really think you were. Oh, I'm sorry, but I've got to get going now."

"All right. See you, Beth."

"See you, Erunai."

48: Chapter 2.06: July 29, 2017
Chapter 2.06: July 29, 2017

Chapter 2.06: July 19, 2017

"How are you feeling, Erunai?"

"Fine, actually. I haven't had a headache today."

"That sounds promising. If you keep up this rate of recovery, you should be able to leave by the end of the month."

"If you say so. Is there a chance I'll be able to get out of here by the twenty-third?"

"The twenty-third? What's the occasion?"

"My birthday. I was hoping to have dinner with my friend."

"I'll have to run more tests. It's possible but not very probable."

"All right. Thanks, Doc."

"No problem, Erunai. Have a good day if I don't see you for the rest of it."

"Will do. Have a good day."

49: Chapter 2.07: July 21, 2017
Chapter 2.07: July 21, 2017

Chapter 2.07: July 21, 2017

"Good news, Erunai! Your test results have come back, and it looks like you'll be able to go out for the day on your birthday. But remember to come back."

"Will do. Thanks, Doc."

"No problem. How are you feeling?"

"As well as I can be, I guess. My head doesn't hurt anymore, but I still feel a little tired."

"You probably just need more sleep. Do you still have trouble sleeping?"

"Yeah, just a bit."

"I'll go grab you your sleeping meds, then. Also, I won't be here to see you off on your birthday, but have fun!"

"But not too much fun."

"What was that?"


"Okay, I'll clean up my stuff and grab your meds. Try to fall asleep in the meantime."

"You bet I will."

50: Chapter 2.08: July 22, 2017
Chapter 2.08: July 22, 2017

Chapter 2.08: July 22, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiii—

"Ken on the line."

"Kenny, hey."

"Eru, I love hearing the sound of your voice, but I'm pretty sure it's one in the morning over there. Why are you calling? Is there something wrong?"

"If there was, would you come and save me?"

"I can't, my princess. I'm sorry."


"So why are you calling?"

"I miss you, Kenny."

"Miss you, too."

"And I know you won't come home, but I really miss you. If we can't see each other, then can we at least talk to each other?"

"By all means. However, might I request that you call me?"

"And why is that?"

"My phone seems to be malfunctioning, so I can't call from it. I can take calls, though."

"You should just get a new one."

"I do apologize my princess, but I can't. I can't get a new phone here."

"You just can't do a lot of things, can you?"

"No, I can't, but I do offer my sincerest apologies, my princess."

"Don't worry about it, my dork."

"Happy early birthday, by the way. Just in case you're too busy celebrating your temporary release from the hospital to call me."

"I will never be too busy to call you. And how did you know I was given temporary leave?"

"I'll never tell you my secrets."

"If you say so. What have you been doing, wherever you are, anyway?"

"Oh, just little things here and there. Nothing worth writing home about."

"Is there anything worth coming home for?"

"Eru, Eru, Eru, please stop with such silly questions. There's no turning back now."

"I miss you."

"…Miss you, too. Do you need to get some rest?"


"Lies, I know you do. Have a good night, Eru."

"I can't. Not without you."


"Fine. Love you."

"I love you."

"If you truly loved me, you never would have left."

"Eru, that's hardly fair. It isn't my fault."


"Eru, don't do this to me. You're making it harder than it already is."

"Fine. G'night."

"I'm sorry I can't be there to save you."

"Me, too."

51: Chapter 2.09: July 23, 2017
Chapter 2.09: July 23, 2017

Chapter 2.09: July 23, 2017

Sun, 07/23/2017

Hi Kenny
8:14 AM

Just wanted 2 remind u its my bday
8:24 AM

U never miss my bday
8:38 AM

U always do something weird 4 my bday
8:50 AM

Or u used to
9:11 AM

I remember when u greeted me w/ cake in the face
9:23 AM

And when u hired a mariachi band 2 follow me around
9:43 AM

What r u doing now?
10:10 AM

I miss u
10:43 AM

Love u Kenny
11:12 AM

Hope u still love me too
11:46 AM

52: Chapter 2.10: July 23, 2017
Chapter 2.10: July 23, 2017

Chapter 2.10: July 23, 2017

"What are we doing at Nordstrom?"

"We're shopping for your clothes, of course."

"Beth, we're both college students. You have a kid. I just woke from a coma. There is no way we have any money to spare right now."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. In the case of his…absence, Ken made sure that you would receive about three hundred dollars each year on your birthday until the money in that account ran out."

"That dork. He could have told me."

"Guess he didn't really get the chance to. Now, can we go shopping?"

"I'm not the biggest fan of shopping."

"I know, but it's important."

"All right, fine. Let's go!"

"We're specifically looking for an evening go—How about this one?"

"It's gorgeous. But you know what Kenny would say?"


"That it's too revealing because God forbid my shoulders should show. He'd try to convince me to find a hoop skirt because perverts needed the reminder of the circle in which I should be protected."

"But you know he'd love you in it, anyway."

"Beth, please, he loved me in everything."

"True that. Now, go try it on!"

"Yeah, yeah. Will do."

"Oh, and these shoes will go perfectly with it!"

"Great Scots, woman. Why don't I just buy the whole store?"

"You probably could with Ken's money."

"But where is the lie?"

53: Chapter 2.11: July 23, 2017
Chapter 2.11: July 23, 2017

Chapter 2.11: July 23, 2017

Sun, 07/23/2015

Im buying expensive clothes w/ ur $$
2:55 PM

Cmon Kenny
2:58 PM

B mad about it
2:59 PM

3:00 PM

Ur silence is scaring me
3:00 PM

R u ok?
3:05 PM

Love u
3:41 PM

Y r u ignoring me today of all days?
4:38 PM

Dont do this 2 me please
4:56 PM

54: Chapter 2.12: July 23, 2017
Chapter 2.12: July 23, 2017

Chapter 2.12: July 23, 2017

"We're almost here."


"Yes, Erunai?"

"I wasn't entirely sure what we were doing all dressed up in these fancy clothes, but I went along with it. Now, however, I don't think I can stay silent about the matter. What in the world are we doing at a five star gourmet restaurant?"

"To be honest, it wasn't really my idea. I found out that Ken had lined up a reservation here last year for your birthday, so all I did was postpone it by a year."

"He's such a dork."

"I think it's just proof of his love for you, though."

"Yeah, I guess. I miss him so much."

"We all do, Erunai. Not to the same degree as you, but he still left an impact on all of us. Oh, when—"

"I'm sorry, Beth. I can't talk about this right now. I just—Let's enjoy this dinner, yeah?"

"Of course. Of course, Erunai."

"Good evening, ladies. Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under the name Kirito?"

"Ah, yes. Right this way, ladies."

"Thank you."

"Good evening. My name is Thomas, and I'll be your server tonight. May I suggest this bottle of—"

"I'm sorry, Thomas, but we don't drink. We're underaged."

"This is actually her twentieth birthday celebration."

"I see. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. You didn't know, but now you do. And that's all that matters."

"You seem to have an extra chair. Would you like me to take it away?"


"No, no! It's all right. That's an honorary placeholder for someone who couldn't be here tonight."

"I see. Well, I'll leave you to decide on your choice of appetizer, entreé, and dessert."

"Thanks, Thomas. What are you getting, Erunai?"

"I don't know. Whatever sounds the fanciest, I suppose."

"That sounds like something Ken would say."

"Yeah, I guess."

55: Chapter 2.13: July 23, 2017
Chapter 2.13: July 23, 2017

Chapter 2.13: July 23, 2017

"Be glad Kenny was actually able to save up money to foot that bill, Erunai."

"You bet I am."

"In any case, I noticed that server—Thomas, was it?—giving you some pretty intense looks. Did he give you his number? While I was in the bathroom, maybe?"

"You don't miss a thing, do you? Yes, he did."

"And? Are you going to call him or what?"

"No, I don't think so."

"What? Why not? If I wasn't marrying Mik, I'd call him."

"I don't know. I guess I just can't really get into a relationship right now. I'm still messed up with everything last year."

"Oh. Right, of course. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Here's the hospital."

"Right. I won't be able to visit tomorrow, but I'll see you in a couple of days."

"See you, Beth. Thanks for today."

"It's your birthday, Erunai. How could I not let you have some fun and escape from that hole?"

"It's not so bad."

"Right, right. Bye."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. It's me again. I'm actually very offended at the moment. It's my birthday, Kenny, and I know I sound like a stupid, spoiled brat saying this, but I can't believe you haven't even called to wish me a happy birthday. Seriously? You've never missed my birthday. Why are you starting now? Anyway, call me back when you get this. Or at least answer if I call again."


56: Chapter 2.14: July 23, 2017, to July 24, 2017
Chapter 2.14: July 23, 2017, to July 24, 2017

Chapter 2.14: July 23, 2017, to July 24, 2017

"I'm still angry with you for not answering."

"You wound me, my princess. I told you; my phone's dysfunctional. I should be angry with you for calling me just before midnight instead of sleeping."

"I didn't want you to miss my birthday, even if you seemed determined to."

"Eru, I already explained to you that I'm having problems with communicating and all."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry. I know it's not your fault. It's just hard, all right?"

"Happy birthday, Eru."

"You already greeted me. Besides, it's barely my birthday anymore."

"Happy birthday, anyway. Does a birthday lose its magic after it's passed?"

"I suppose not. Treat every day like it's magical, yeah?"

"By all means. How was dinner? I'm sorry I couldn't have been there."

"All right. It was a bit too fancy and uptight for my tastes."

"Was the food at least good?"

"I think it was supposed to be, but I couldn't tell. It was pretty tasteless, and, honestly, that one sushi restaurant we tried was better. But the server did give me his number."

"If I could return to shred him to bits with my katana, I would. Do me a favor and do it for me?"


"Are you planning on cheating on me, then?"

"Of course not, Kenny! I threw away his number. What do you take me for?"

"A completely loyal, faithful—"

"Rhetorical, Kenny. It was a rhetorical question. You're an author; you should know that."

"If you say so. Isn't it late now? You should probably get some sleep, Avatar."

"I prefer 'princess' over that nickname, thank you very much."

"You do realize that she is, indeed, a princess, yeah?"

"Fine, fine. And, yeah, I'm really tired now. But I want to talk to you."

"No, Eru. You need to rest, my princess. I'll be here the next time you need me."

"Will you really? I don't think you can save me from wherever you are right now."

"I'll always save you, as long as you need me."

"All right. I'm going to sleep now. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."

"By the way…did I tell…you about the birthday card I…got from Leo…"

"G'night, Eru."

57: Chapter 2.15: July 25, 2017
Chapter 2.15: July 25, 2017

Chapter 2.15: July 25, 2017

"Good news, Erunai! We're releasing you in two days! As for the time, you'll probably be able to leave by lunch."

"All right!"

"Well, I'll leave you to calling up all your folks to tell them the good news."

"Bye, Doc."

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. I just wanted to let you know that I'm being released from the hospital in a couple days. If possible, you should come visit and celebrate. Okay, call me back if you can or answer when I call."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"



Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message—"


"So much for always being there when I need you."

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiii—


"Erunai on the line."

"Hi, Erunai! Let me just put Tommy down, and then we can talk."

"All right."





"I'm back! What is it you need?"

"I just got the news that I'm being released in a couple of days. Is it too much trouble to ask you to pick me up, Beth?"

"Of course not! What time are you being discharged?"

"Around noon. Thank you so much."

"Erunai, we're practically sisters. There's no need to thank me at all."

"Thanks anyway."

"See you."

"See you, Beth."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"



58: Chapter 2.16: July 26, 2017
Chapter 2.16: July 26, 2017

Chapter 2.16: July 26, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiin—

"Ken on the line. You realize it's four in the morning, Eru?"

"Kenny, hey. I really don't care at this point."

"Yeah, I guess it's hard to care in the dead of the night—or, early morning, in this case."

"I'm being released in a couple of days. More like one day now."

"That's great, Eru. Really great."

"I was hoping you could come visit to celebrate?"


"You can't, I know. I just really miss you, all right? I really, really miss you. I need you, you know? I don't even want to think about what life will be like to live in that apartment without you."

"Get Beth to move in with you if you don't want to be lonely."

"First, I can't do that because she's getting married, and having newlyweds-to-be move in with me is not ideal right after being discharged from the hospital. Second of all, I don't want to move in with Beth—maybe a little, but there's the newlywed situation—I want to move in with you, Kenny. You. You are the only one I can imagine living with the rest of my life."

"Are you proposing?"

"Cut the jokes, Kenny! This is not the time for that!"

"Sorry, sorry. Look, I really can't, Eru, as much as I'd love to. There's really no way for me to get back now."

"Kenny, please."

"Eru, I can't have this conversation with you anymore. I'm really sorry. I love you, but I just can't. There's no way around this one."


"I'm sure you're exhausted. You'd better get some sleep."

"Yeah, all right. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru. Again, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

59: Chapter 2.17: July 27, 2017
Chapter 2.17: July 27, 2017

Chapter 2.17: July 27, 2017

"Sorry, I can't spend too much time with you. I have a class soon."

"Don't worry about it. You're already doing me a huge favor."

"At least Mik's taking care Tommy, huh? He's turning into a handful."

"I'd say he's more than that; he's going to be walking soon."

"Looks like it. Need me to walk with you?"

"I'll be fine, Beth."


"It's fine, Beth. I'll be safe."

"If anything happens, call 9-1-1 and then me."

"You're sounding like Kenny."

"I'll take it as a compliment, then. See you."

"See you."



"I'm—I'm really sorry for everything that's happened."

"No need to apologize, Beth. Nothing's your fault here."

"I guess."



"Thanks for everything."

"Of course, Erunai. I'm your best friend, and this is really the only thing I can do."

"Well, it means a lot."

"I'm glad, then."

"Me, too. I guess."

"This world is just completely messed up, isn't it?"

"But it's beautiful, too. You know what Kenny taught me?"


"To treat every day like it's magical because not everyone gets the chance to experience it. And then this ugly world turns into a beautiful universe."

"That's good advice."

"Yeah…You've got to get going, right?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. No need to apologize. Have fun at school, yeah? But not too much."

"Of course, of course."

"See you."

"See you!"


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. Just wanted to let you know I made it to the apartment. I know you were probably worried sick. Or, at least, I hope you were. I miss you. Love you, Kenny."


"Do you love me?"

60: Chapter 2.18: August 1, 2017
Chapter 2.18: August 1, 2017

Chapter 2.18: August 1, 2017

"You know, you really need to get a better phone. Or move somewhere with better reception. Or a combination of both."

"I don't really have a way of doing that, Eru. Please don't do this now."

"Fine, fine. Beth's summer classes are ending on Thursday. I'm joining her, Mik, and Tommy for dinner."

"Have fun—but not too much."

"I don't see how you can have too much fun with a not-even-one-year-old-yet."

"I don't know…Those baby bottles can be pretty crazy."


"Your dork."

"How is it over where you are?"

"It's okay. Pretty dismal, but nothing worth writing home about."

"You could always come home and tell me."

"Eru, please stop pushing it."

"…I'm sorry."

"So, Beth's summer classes are ending. When does the fall term start?"

"End of August, I believe."

"So that means your little break from school will have lasted a little over a year and seven months."

"Aren't you ever so observant?"

"You bet I am. Do you think you'll be able to make up for lost time?"

"I'm planning on reviewing my old notes next week."

"By all means."


"What is it, my princess?"

"I'm sorry to bring this up again, but I don't think I can live without you."

"You haven't lost me yet. You're probably just tired. Let's get you to bed now, yeah?"

"I miss you, Kenny. I miss you so, so much. I really don't think I can do this without you."

"Have heart, my princess, for I am in yours. I miss you, too."

"G'night, Kenny. Love you."

"G'night, Eru. I love you."

61: Chapter 2.19: August 3, 2017
Chapter 2.19: August 3, 2017

Chapter 2.19: August 3, 2017

"Hey, Beth! Glad to finally be out of school?"

"Of course. Like our new house?"

"You bet I do."

"Great. Dinner will be ready in half an hour."

"If you say so."

"Tommy, baby, please don't try to eat that."


"Mik, love, did Tommy just say 'banana'?"

"Beth, love, I think he's just making noises."

"Can we count that as his first word anyway?"

"If that's what you really want, but I'd rather have his first word be something a little more meaningful."

"I don't know. It might be hilariously embarrassing for Tommy when you tell his future significant other—if he ever brings someone over as his significant other, anyway—to tell the story of how Tommy's first word was banana. I'm a little disappointed, though, because I was counting on Tommy to not speak a word until he could form a complete sentence."

"Be quiet, Erunai. Tommy, can you say, 'I love Mommy'?"


"Come on, Tommy. Repeat after me: I."






"Love, it isn't working."

"Is dinner burning on the stove?"

"Beth, love, I don't think the fire alarm is a good sign."

"I know, Mik. Thanks for the input."

"Beth, the stove."

"Shoot! We just put a down payment on this house, too!"

"I'll help. Don't worry."

"I'll…play with Tommy."

62: Chapter 2.20: August 3, 2017
Chapter 2.20: August 3, 2017

Chapter 2.20: August 3, 2017

"Thanks for dinner, Beth. Black and burnt. My favorite."

"I get it; I get it. I'm sorry for being so excited that you'd arrived."

"Aw, Beth, I love you."

"You'd better."

"As heartwarming as this is, ladies, I'd like to ask you both to excuse me for a just a moment so I can answer the door."

"Who would come visit you right now?"

"Markus. I invited him, just so you know. He's just late."

"We can clearly tell by the way that we've just finished dinner and that he's just arrived."

"Thanks for informing me, Erunai. I never would have known. Now if you'll excuse me…"



"I'm a bit worried. I haven't seen Mark since before I went into that coma."

"Erunai, you've barely seen anyone since before the coma."

"Well, yeah, but the last time I saw him, I rejected him. Then I went and got myself in the hospital. Now I'm back. It's a little awkward."

"It would be awkward even if you saw him the day after. Especially if you saw him the day after. Woman up, Erunai! It's not that big of a deal."

"You're only saying that because you found Mik."

"Not really. Besides, you've rejected Markus multiple times. Just because you went into a coma right after the last doesn't mean much of anything."

"If you say so."

"Erunai, it's fine. Don't stress over this."

"I come bearing food! Here's to hoping you all still have room for dessert."

"I'm sure we do. Beth burned dinner."

"Shut up, Mik. I managed to make it edible, didn't I?"

"Edible but not tasteful."

"The Avatar has returned! Welcome back to consciousness, Erunai!"

"Thanks? Hi to you, too."

"I'm here, too, lover boy."

"Yes, I can see you just fine, Beth. I was just greeting the lovely Erunai over here."

"I can see your love-hate relationship is still the same as ever."

"It isn't my fault that Markus is so unbearable."

"Beth, love, don't be unbearable yourself."

"All right, before someone gets murdered by Beth, why don't we have some dessert, yeah?"

"Yes, please. Mik, lover boy, go get some plates and—Tommy, do not put that in your mouth!"

63: Chapter 2.21: August 6, 2017
Chapter 2.21: August 6, 2017

Chapter 2.21: August 6, 2017

"I don't think I can do this."

"Eru, you'll be fine. Valedictorian, yeah?"

"Can I really do that? I'm pretty much a year behind."

"You're okay, Eru. You're okay."

"All right. I just get overwhelmed sometimes. I think it's because of the loneliness."


"Don't give me that. You're gone, and Beth's busy getting married and caring for her kid. Mark sometimes talks with me, but I'm sure he's got his whole life to worry about before he even thinks of little old me. I'm so lonely, Kenny."

"I can't go back, Eru, but I promise I'll always save you if you need me. I'm your knight in dorky armor, am I not, my princess?"

"And I'm your damsel independent."

"You bet you are. Therefore, I will be at your service for as long as I am needed."

"I'll always need you, Kenny."

"I doubt that, my princess. Someone else will eventually sweep you off your feet."

"I don't think I'd choose anyone but you."

"Those are dangerous thoughts, Eru. I can't return, but I'd like there to be someone to look after you in my stead."

"I can take care of myself perfectly fine!"

"If you say so. How's Beth's wedding planning going?"

"She's decided to have her wedding during the summer next year, but she's still going crazy with plans. It's a good thing Mik finally landed a job at a hardware store because Beth would probably murder a man if they didn't at least have some money for the wedding budget."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"It wasn't the job he hoped to use his college degree for, though."

"What job did he want?"

"An internship at an architectural design firm. They had about twenty other grad students applying for the job, and I guess Mik just didn't make the cut."

"A hardware store's a pretty big downgrade, too. Is he still looking for a better use of his degree?"

"Not for a while. I think he wants to wait until his and Beth's situation is a little more stable, what with the buying-a-house thing."

"That's a logical decision. Why don't you ever make decisions like that?"

"I take personal offense at that question. I make very logical decisions, thank you very much."

"If you say so."

"In fact, I'd doubt your decision-making skills."

"Oh, how you wound me, my princess."

"And how you exasperate me, my dork."

"What about you? Is there anything going on with you?"

"You say that as if I could actually move on without you."


"Yeah, all right. I get it. I think I see the sun coming up over here, so I'm going to try to get some sleep."

"By all means."

"Love you."

"I love you."


64: Chapter 2.22: August 8, 2017
Chapter 2.22: August 8, 2017

Chapter 2.22: August 8, 2017

"Erunai, I do think this is something you should schedule an appointment for. Now that you are alone—"

"You mean now that Kenny's not around, Doc."

"…Yes, now that Ken is not around, your panic attacks may threaten your life if severe enough."

"Is there actually anything you can do?"

"We'll find out if you schedule an appointment."

"All right."

"Why don't we set it up for next week? Ah, hold on, I don't have any free slots next week. How about the week after that? Thursday the twenty-fourth?"

"By all means."

"Great. I'll see you then, Erunai."

"Bye, Doc."



"Erunai on the line."

"Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"…Hi, Mark."

"How are you?"

"Fine, I guess. You?"

"I'm doing well, yeah. So, a couple of friends and I are going out to eat, and I'd like to invite you to come with us. Please?"

"Mark, I can't date right now. I'm only just getting my life back together."

"It's not a date, I promise. I asked Mik and Beth, but they've got their hands full with Tommy. So what do you say?"


"Erunai, please come with me. Nothing has changed since before the coma, right? We're still good friends, aren't we?"

"…All right. Where are we meeting?"

"I'll come pick you up. You're at home, right?"


"See you in twenty minutes?"

"If you say so."

"Awesome! See you, then."

"See you."


65: Chapter 2.23: August 8, 2017
Chapter 2.23: August 8, 2017

Chapter 2.23: August 8, 2017

"Hi, Mark."

"Greetings, princess."

"Please, don't call me that."

"Why not, princess?"

"It's just—Please just don't."

"I still don't understand why, but if you insist."

"Look, I just—Did you park your car along the street?"

"Yeah, I did. Are you ready to leave now?"

"Yeah. Let me just grab a sweater."



"You do like Italian, right? Because that's where we're going right now."

"Fine by me."






"Look, I didn't mean to make it awkward. I'm sorry. It's just that Kenny used to call me that, and it still hurts to think of him."


"Yeah, he's my b—"

"Oh, wait. I know him. You never introduced me."

"Well, it's been a little hectic lately. And now he's gone, so I'm sorry you'll never get the chance."

"Right, yeah. Did you want to talk about it, or—?"

"No, I'm fine. Really, I am. Don't give me that look; keep your eyes on the road!"

"Erunai, don't worry. I've had my driver's license longer than you."

"That's only because you're two years older."

"It still rings true."

"If you say so. By the way, what friends are we meeting?"

"A couple of high school buddies I reconnected with last spring. Don't worry; they're good people."

"Sounds good."

"Yeah, it is."




"How have you been? You know, with the coma and Ken and everything."

"I'll be okay, Mark."

"That's good. Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?"

"You bet I am. So, tell me about your friends. Please?"

"…Of course, Erunai. What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Everything? No, not everything, but—"



"…But what, Erunai?"

"Mark, why didn't you visit me in the hospital after I woke up?"

"That has nothing to do with my friends. Do you really want to talk about this now?"

"Yes, Mark. I don't really blame you for not wanting to visit, anyway. I just want to know why."

"Erunai, it's not that I didn't want to; I just couldn't."

"That doesn't make any sense. Who was stopping you?"

"No one. I just—The last time I saw you—before the coma, mind you—I asked you out. You refused. I was, and I admit it, scared that you wouldn't want to see me."

"Mark, I wouldn't do that to you. I may not have wanted to date you—and I still don't, sorry—but we're still close friends."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."



"You aren't upset about being friendzoned, are you, Mark?"

"What? No, of course not! I respect your feelings. Of course, I don't want you to forget about mine, but I understand that you only feel platonic fuzzies when you see me."

"I wouldn't say that I feel fuzzies when I see you."

"Now that's a lie. But I won't force you into a relationship you don't want. That would be an unhappy situation for the both of us."


"There's no need to thank me for basic humanity. It is nice to be appreciated, though."

"If you say so."




"Just out of curiosity, did you date anyone while I was—you know—in a coma?"

"No, I didn't."

"Mark, I may never grow romantic feelings for you."

"That's not why I didn't date. I just didn't want to completely use another girl as a rebound. I've got to say, Erunai, you have no idea what you've done to me. You're pretty amazing, I must admit."

"You're such a dor—"



"I'm such a door? Did the coma get to you? Because your insults have seriously gone downhill."

"Don't be a walnut."

"I'd be more like a mango. Or durian. Because, you know, the best fruits grow in the Philippines. Except I don't smell bad."

"If you say so. If you're a fruit, then I'm a smartphone. Because, you know, the best technology comes from Japan."

"I'd beg to differ. Samsung is based in Korea and is also one of the leading smartphone manufacturers and developers. Also, the United States, aka the country we live in now, has Apple."

"So you named two leading smartphone manufacturers. But do you remember Nintendo? May Iwata Satoru rest in peace."

"I thought we were talking smartphones? In any case, you're over two years too late."

"Fine. Be that way. It's not like it was my fault, anyway."

"Better late than never, right? Because even though it's been a hundred years, you've finally arrived to defeat the Fire Nation."

"Do not get started on that. I am not the Avatar."

"Whatever. I missed having fun like this. You have no idea because you were literally out the entire time."

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?"


66: Chapter 2.24: August 8, 2017
Chapter 2.24: August 8, 2017

Chapter 2.24: August 8, 2017

"Maybe we should do this again some time."

"Sure. Text me the date and place if we do."

"I will. See you next time, Markus. Hopefully you, too, Erunai."

"By all means. Bye!"

"See? They weren't so bad."

"No, they weren't. I didn't think they would be, anyway."

"So what do you want to do now? The night isn't over yet."

"I'd go for ice cream, but I'm too full at the moment."

"What would you and Ken do?"

"Anything. Everything. But tonight feels like a movie night. Wanna come back to my apartment and watch a movie with me?"

"Sure, why not? What movies do you have?"

"I'm almost certain we have Big Hero 6 somewhere."

"I will most definitely watch that with you."

"By all means."

67: Chapter 2.25: August 8, 2017
Chapter 2.25: August 8, 2017

Chapter 2.25: August 8, 2017

"I need a Baymax to heal my hurting heart."

"This movie is terri—"

"Don't regret what you're about to say."

"That this movie is terribly heartbreaking for a kid's movie in the best way possible? That this movie is terrifically well-written?"

"Oh, good, I thought you were going to bash one of the best movies of all-time—"

"Now, that's debatable—"

"Shut up. I love this movie. I know it isn't perfect, but no movie has ever been or ever will be. I will fight you."

"There's no need for that, my dear Avatar. Now, if you'll excuse me—"

"Please don't leave me."

"Erunai, I—"

"Please, please, please don't leave me."

"Erunai, dear, what's wrong?"

"I can't be alone again. Please, please don't leave me alone."

"I won't. I promise I won't."

"…Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine, my dear Erunai."

68: Chapter 2.26: August 9, 2017
Chapter 2.26: August 9, 2017

Chapter 2.26: August 9, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiii—

"Ken on the line."

"Kenny, hey."

"Eru, you need to start sleeping at normal hours."

"Like you're one to speak. If I recall correctly, you were up at two in the morning to write story drafts because—quote—your creative juices flowed better when no other being was awake—unquote."

"I had another reason."

"Whatever. You're not even here with me. Why am I arguing with you over what you can or cannot tell me to do?"

"Fine, fine. Be that way. I'm sorry, Eru. I have to go."

"…All right. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."


"I miss you so much, Kenny."

69: Chapter 2.27: August 9, 2017
Chapter 2.27: August 9, 2017

Chapter 2.27: August 9, 2017

Knock, knock.


Knock, knock, knock.

"Erunai? Are you awake?"

"Hmm? What is it, Kenny?"

"No, it's not—I'm not—May I come in?"

"Since when do you even ask?"

"…On second thought, I'll just stay out here. Listen, I have to go to work soon, but you should probably just get some more sleep."

"Work? Susy called you in for a meeting at five in the morning?"

"It happens sometimes. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me, Kenny."

"…Okay. Sleep well, my dear Erunai."

"Love you."

"…I love you so much, Erunai. You wouldn't even believe how much I really do…"

70: Chapter 2.28: August 9, 2017
Chapter 2.28: August 9, 2017

Chapter 2.28: August 9, 2017

"I cannot believe you are doing this to me."

"Better believe it, then. You should've known that, of course, I would jump at the chance to go out with Mik again."

"You're only celebrating finishing a paper! That, by no means, calls for an entire date night."

"Honestly, I don't care at the moment. Ask Markus to help you out if you get lonely."

"That is nowhere near fair for either of us. Least of all Mark."

"Erunai, it's fine. He told you he wouldn't push, right? He still wants to hang out with you."

"But actually taking him up on that offer is like stringing him along. How will he get over me if he's always around me?"

"That's something he'll have to decide. And maybe he doesn't want to get over you."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Not everything makes sense, you know. In any case, I'm going to get ready for my hot date, and you should get ready to babysit."

"I really hate you right now."

"Keep telling yourself that. Go call Markus. I promise you he won't hate you. See you!"

"See you…"


"And him hating me is not my worry. I'll hate me."


"Greetings, my dear Avatar."

"Erunai—Oh, you actually check caller ID. And would you quit that?"

"You know I won't. What can I do for you, my dear?"

"I'm sorry; I really hate to just ask you for a favor like this—"

"Erunai, it's fine. I'm happy to help you whenever I can. What is it you need?"

"Yeah, sorry. Beth and Mik are having a date night, and Beth thought it would be a good idea to leave me in their house with their kid. Do you mind helping me out? I don't have much experience with kids."

"Yeah, of course. I miss my little man Tommy anyway. See you in thirty minutes?"

"By all means. Bye!"



71: Chapter 2.29: August 9, 2017
Chapter 2.29: August 9, 2017

Chapter 2.29: August 9, 2017

"Mark, how do I keep Tommy from putting his food in his water and all over his face?"

"My dear Erunai, all you have to do is feed it to him directly. He's not even a year old yet. Why are you letting him feed himself?"

"I don't know! Because he's going to have to learn eventually?"


"What's that look for?"

"Just let me feed him. Tommy, open your mouth! Here comes the choo-choo train!"


"…How are you so good with kids?"

"I have a big family. Taking care of kids is practically my full-time job."

"Oh.…Oh! Speaking of jobs, how's getting published working out for you?"

"I'm still working on my first novel, but I hope to find an agent soon."

"If you want, I can try contacting Susy. She was Kenny's agent, before he—Well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Do you need to talk about it or anything?"

"Listen, I already told you I'm fine. Absolutely fine. Would everyone just please stop asking me?"

"Erunai, we're just worried about you because we care."


"Erunai? Erunai, what's wrong? C'mon, there has to be a reason why you're crying."

"Sorry. Sorry, hold on. I'll—I'll stop soon."

"Erunai, please tell me what's wrong. You can't be crying just because you saw my beautiful face or anything."

"No, haha—No, it's not that. It's just—Kenny used to worry for me so much. But he would never really tell me unless he felt like he absolutely needed to—you know? I don't really know why I'm crying. I'm so pitiful. I'm so sorry."

"Erunai, don't apologize for that. And you're definitely not pitiful. It's hard dealing with a loss like that, and it's completely fine to let yourself feel again."

"I just miss him so much. I mean, I know it's not really his fault or my fault or anyone's fault, really, but I just miss him so much. It feels like—like I've been slammed by a dump truck, but worse. So much worse."


"And that idiot! How dare he leave me like that! I can't believe his nerve! How dare he…that dork. Such a dork…"

"Look, Erunai, I'm sorry, but wait just a minute while I put Tommy to sleep. I promise I'll be back soon to hear the hurts hidden deep within your heart."

"Haha, I wouldn't say that, but okay."

"You know you like spilling your deepest, darkest secrets to me, Erunai."

"Oh, shut it, Mark. But…thanks anyway."

"Gladly at your service, dear Avatar of mine."

72: Chapter 2.30: August 9, 2017
Chapter 2.30: August 9, 2017

Chapter 2.30: August 9, 2017

"Okay, I'm back. Is there anything else you needed to vent?"

"No, I think I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Because I'll totally listen to your heartbreak."

"Well, even if I had anything to say, I wouldn't say it while you're joking about and trivializing my feelings!"

"…I'm sorry, Erunai. Humor's sort of my default setting; when I'm not quite sure what I'm doing, I force my way through it with humor."

"…No, don't apologize. I'm just tired. Reminds me of Kenny, though. Of course, you have less of a grip on it than he does; he never would show much besides what he thought would be beneficial to either me or him. It was always me then him. He was always worrying about me. And I mean always—I'm rambling, sorry."

"I don't mind, Erunai. You've been keeping this all in for a year and a half; I'd expect that you'd have some steam to let out."

"I was in a coma for most of it, and, anyway, enough about me and Kenny. What about you? How is your family?"

"Tatay and Nanay have been all right. They've been making me work in the restaurant since graduation, though."

"I'm guessing the publishing front really hasn't been all that kind."

"Not really, no."

"Like I said, I could set you up with Susy. I'm sure her number's somewhere in Kenny's room. I can never figure out how he has everything organized, though, so it's as bad as if he never cleaned it."

"You haven't cleaned out his room yet?"


"Sorry, that was insensitive. But I thought that you'd—you know—have everything cleaned out by now."

"…I don't think I'll ever clean out his room."

"Well, uh, that's fine, too. I'd, uh—I'd love it if you got in contact with Susy. Except I'd like to finish my novel first."

"By all means. But—and this is just a suggestion that you are, by no means, obligated to agree to—you could also send her one of your short stories to be published. It's not a bad idea; that's how Kenny started out."

"I suppose that could work if I found an old piece of mine. Are you sure this Susy would take me on as a client, though?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't she? Anyway, I'll find her number and give it to you. So, how are your siblings doing?"

"They've actually been waiting to see you again for a while now."

"Remind me to visit sometime."

"You'll only find Del at home, though. You know that Kuya Mart has been living on his own, but Teddy-boy started going to college just this past summer."

"Where did he decide to go?"

"Berklee College of Music. Apparently, he's really into music management and really wants to help a band reach the top."

"Sounds like a cool dream. Aren't you living with your parents?"

"Well, yes. I suppose you'd find me at home, too, but I'd most likely find you."

"You've gotten smoother, I see."

"Only marginally so. Erunai, are you sure there isn't anything else you want to talk about?"

"Mark, I promise you that I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"Well, I'll be here if you need me."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, my dear Erunai."

73: Chapter 2.31: August 11, 2017
Chapter 2.31: August 11, 2017

Chapter 2.31: August 11, 2017

"Do you like him in the same way?"

"I honestly don't know. It doesn't matter anyway. How do you expect me to get into a relationship when you're gone?"

"Eru, please. Please move on. You know I'm not coming back. If you really like this Markus something or other, don't let me keep you from something —or, someone in this case—that could be great in your life."

"I can't string him along when I don't even know what I'm feeling."

"In a way, you already are."

"I know! That's the worst part."

"But he said he was okay with it, didn't he?"

"I'm not okay with it! Why doesn't anyone consider the fact that I might not be okay with it?"

"…I'm sorry, Eru."

"No, don't be. It's just that…I can't do this anymore. Kenny, can I follow you to wherever you are?"

"No. Never, Eru. You wouldn't like it over here, anyway."

"…All right. I just really need you right now, and you're getting harder to get a hold of."

"Far from it, my princess. I'd say you're doing quite well on your own. You haven't needed me for quite some time now—"

"That's rich, and you know it. Kenny, I'm literally dying without you."

"Eru, you know how I hate using literally—"

"In a figurative sense, I know."

"In any case, you're fine. You're okay, Eru. Now, get to bed, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, Kenny."

"I love you, Eru."

74: Chapter 2.32: August 13, 2017
Chapter 2.32: August 13, 2017

Chapter 2.32: August 13, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiii—

"Erunai on the line."

"Erunai? It's Beth."

"Hey, Beth. What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. We got a car!"

"You got a what?"

"A car!"

"A what?"

"A—I'm not an idiot."

"If you say so. Congratulations, anyway."

"Did you want to have a girls' day today? I want to drive the car for at least a little bit before love gets the chance to hog the car."

"Sure. Pick me up in an hour?"

"I can make it in forty-five minutes."

"All right. Are we just heading downtown?"

"Of course—Actually, we can go anywhere we want now. It's a new car, remember?"

"Okay. See you."

"See you!"

75: Chapter 2.33: August 13, 2017
Chapter 2.33: August 13, 2017

Chapter 2.33: August 13, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiii—

"Erunai on the line."

"I'm right outside. Will you let me in already?"

"Fine, fine. Be that way. I was just grabbing my phone, actually."

"Let me in!"



"Thank God. I was getting tired just standing out there."

"Yeah, you were working so hard just standing there. I mean, what a workout."

"I really hate you right now."

"Aw, you love me."

"Are we going or not?"

"By all means. Oh, is Mik okay with this?"

"Of course. Well, he is at work right now, so it doesn't matter to me if he minds."

"What about Tommy?"

"Dropped him off at my parents' place. I've taken care of everything, Erunai."

"All right. Let's go, then."


76: Chapter 2.34: August 13, 2017
Chapter 2.34: August 13, 2017

Chapter 2.34: August 13, 2017

"I don't want to go back to school on the twenty-first."

"Too bad. You need to complete your degree. Oh, have you decided on a major?"

"Yeah. Child psychology. I figured I'd need it with Tommy and everything, and it's something I think I'll really enjoy as a career."

"That's great! I can actually see you as a school counselor or something in the future."

"I know, right? Oh, I missed the exit."

"Where are we going, anyway? I haven't eaten lunch yet."

"Oh, you know…A party store?"


"Well…Tommy's first birthday is on the twenty-sixth, and I thought I'd throw this huge house party for him."

"Oh, really? That would be great!"

"Thanks. I just don't really know how to throw a party for a one-year-old."

"Why don't you just ask your family? I thought parties hosted by your family were always fun."

"Of course. But I want to try to do this by myself."

"Fine. You'll probably need a metric ton of candy."

"Someone's going to die of a sugar rush."

"Oh! Do a Big Hero 6 theme, yeah?"

"I have a feeling this is going to break my bank account."

"You bet it will."

77: Chapter 2.35: August 13, 2017
Chapter 2.35: August 13, 2017

Chapter 2.35: August 13, 2017

"Where did you want to go for dinner?"

"I don't know. I mean, all that candy in the back seat looks pretty appetizing right now—"


"…All right."

"Let's pick up Mik from work and then have dinner at my parents'."

"That will be fun. I haven't seen your mother since…Thanksgiving 2015?"

"That feels so long ago, honestly."

"We've both had to grow up quite a bit in the past couple of years."

"I know, right? Me with Tommy and you with…the coma and Ken and everything."


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up."

"No, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Seriously, you and Mark and Doc Williams."

"We're just concerned for you because we care. Have you gone to see the doc since waking up?"

"No, I've been with you all day."

"Erunai, you know that's not what I meant."

"I know. It's just—Well, I do have an appointment for the twenty-fourth."


"If you say so."

78: Chapter 2.36: August 13, 2017
Chapter 2.36: August 13, 2017

Chapter 2.36: August 13, 2017

"Thank you for dinner tonight, Aunt Athy!"

"Sweetie, how many times do I have to remind you that you are welcome here at any time? If only my daughter would be as grateful as you when she visits."

"Mom! At least I visit often!"

"That's because you don't like cooking, honey. Now, hush, my child. Your child is tired and wants to go home."


"Oh, wait just a moment, honey. I needed to speak to you and Mik about something."

"Here, Beth, I can take Tommy and wait in the car for you two."

"Thanks, Erunai. We'll be ready to go in a few minutes."

"No problem. Bye, Aunt Athy! Bye, Uncle Freddy!"

"Goodbye, sweetie! Come back soon, okay?"

"You bet I will!"

79: Chapter 2.37: August 14, 2017
Chapter 2.37: August 14, 2017

Chapter 2.37: August 14, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. You didn't pick up, so I'll try again to see if your phone is just being stupid."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. Pick up your stupid phone, will you? It's rude to ignore people, you know."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me—"


"It's not a matter of how much I love you. The question is: How much do you love me?"

80: Chapter 2.38: August 14, 2017
Chapter 2.38: August 14, 2017

Chapter 2.38: August 14, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiii—

"Erunai on the line."

"Mark here! Did you want to go somewhere for dinner tonight? I just got my paycheck, so—"

"Sorry, Mark, I have to try to prepare for my courses this fall. Maybe another time?"

"…Yeah, sure. How about Friday?"

"I was thinking maybe a month from now. I have to readjust to college life."

"Erunai, don't forget that you still have a life beyond school. Don't burn yourself out, okay? The semester hasn't even started yet."

"Mark, I'm fine. I made a promise to Kenny—"

"Well, 'Kenny' isn't here anymore, now is he? Can't you just learn to live a life apart—"

"No, I can't. Don't you get it? Kenny is a huge part of my life. You can't just expect me to cut one of the most integral parts out of my life just like that. Goodbye, Markus."

"Wait, Erunai, that's not—"


81: Chapter 2.39: August 14, 2017
Chapter 2.39: August 14, 2017

Chapter 2.39: August 14, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. Please pick up. I need you right now. Please? Or call me back. Whichever one."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. Come on, please pick up. I need you. You said you'd be around for as long as I needed, yeah? So I need you. Please, Kenny. Don't—please don't leave me."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. I know I'm probably just bothering you. I'm sorry. Just—just please call me back. I just need a little bit of confirmation that you're still there for me."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. I'll leave you alone after this. Please pick up or call me back, yeah? Mark said some things, and I just want to—well, prove him wrong. I can't live without you, remember? I'd die without you. I'm no damsel in distress, but you're still my knight in dorky armor, right? Please, please tell me I'm right, Kenny."


82: Chapter 2.40: August 18, 2017
Chapter 2.40: August 18, 2017

Chapter 2.40: August 18, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.




83: Chapter 2.41: August 18, 2017
Chapter 2.41: August 18, 2017

Chapter 2.41: August 18, 2017

"You have fifteen unheard messages. First unheard message—"

"Erunai, Mark here. Look, I'm really sorry about earlier. I overstepped my boundaries, and my outburst was completely uncalled for. Can I make it up to you? Dinner on Friday at six? Call me back. I'm so sorry, Erunai."

"End of message. To delete this message, press seven."


"Message deleted. Second unheard message—"

"Erunai, Mark again. I am so, so sorry. I don't know if you got my earlier message. Did you want to go out for dinner? It doesn't have to be on Friday. I don't mind if you haven't forgiven me, or if you never forgive me. Just please don't shut me out. I'm sorry. But please don't leave things like this."

"End of—"


"Message deleted. Third unhe—"


84: Chapter 2.42: August 18, 2017
Chapter 2.42: August 18, 2017

Chapter 2.42: August 18, 2017


Fri, 08/18/2017

Erunai pick up ur phone pls
1:19 PM

Erunai im getting worried
1:32 PM

Maybe ur busy now?
1:52 PM

Ru ok?
2:01 PM

If u dont answer ill come to ur apt
2:45 PM

Im sorry Erunai what more do u want?
2:49 PM

Erunai pls dont shut me out
3:29 PM

Im outside ur apt now
6:33 PM

Im outside ur door
6:51 PM

I cant make myself knock Erunai pls let me in
7:20 PM

Erunai if ur seeing this pls let me in
7:27 PM

I look like an idiot standing out here Erunai pls
8:02 PM

I guess ill just leave you alone
9:18 PM

85: Chapter 2.43: August 18, 2017
Chapter 2.43: August 18, 2017

Chapter 2.43: August 18, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiii—

"Erunai on the line. Hi, Beth."

"Erunai, I heard that you won't answer Markus's calls or texts."

"Did he go complain to you and ask you to try to talk to me for him?"

"No, I overheard him talking to Mik love. What's going on, Erunai?"

"Don't worry about it, Beth."

"I am worried, Erunai. I heard Ken come up in the conversation."

"Listen, it's nothing to worry about, yeah? Just leave it to Markus and me to deal with."



86: Chapter 2.44: August 19, 2017
Chapter 2.44: August 19, 2017

Chapter 2.44: August 19, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"


"Kenny, hey. I'm sorry I keep bothering you, but I just need some advice right now. I know what you'll probably say, but it always sounds better coming from you. Call me back, yeah? Love you."


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeee—"


Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"Hey-o, it's Kenji! I'm sorta kinda very busy at the moment and can't answer my phone, but, by all means, leave me a message telling me how much you love me. Where's the beep? I'll be the beep. Beeeeeeep!"




87: Chapter 2.45: August 20, 2017
Chapter 2.45: August 20, 2017

Chapter 2.45: August 20, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiii—


"Hey, Beth. Look, I'm sorry about the way I snapped a couple of days ago. I've just been going through some things recently, and—"

"Erunai, don't apologize. You don't need to."

"…All right, thank you."

"Practically sisters, remember?"

"You bet I do."

"Do you want to go out for some drinks? I like talking in person more."

"Yeah, okay. The café in fifteen minutes?"

"Of course."

"See you."

"See you!"


88: Chapter 2.46: August 20, 2017
Chapter 2.46: August 20, 2017

Chapter 2.46: August 20, 2017


"Hey, Beth. You look good."

"You look like a dump. Have you been okay lately?"

"I'm fine. I promise. Please don't give me that look."


"I'm just tired."

"…Of course. Did you want to talk about what happened between you and Markus?"

"He just said some things that upset me. I'm planning on forgiving him later; don't worry."

"…What kinds of things did he say?"

"He—Well, he told me that I needed to move on from Kenny, basically."

"He did not."

"…Yeah, he did. But it's—"

"That idiot! I told him to be careful with what he said!"

"It's fine, Beth—"

"No, of course it isn't. While it's true that you are eventually going to have to let go of the past, he can't just tell you to do so and expect you to be able to. It's a process. You do know that, right, Erunai?"


"Good. Now, I feel like having iced tea today. What about you?"

"Green tea, probably."

89: Chapter 2.47: August 23, 2017
Chapter 2.47: August 23, 2017

Chapter 2.47: August 23, 2017

"Yeah, my appointment with the doc is tomorrow."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I'm fine. I can drive myself. But thank you for offering."

"Of course. I hear Tommy screaming in the next room, which is my cue to leave. See you, Erunai."

"See you, Beth."



"Mark? What are you doing in front of my apartment?"

"I'm sorry, Erunai. I just had to see you. This past week's been horrible."

"I simply cannot deal with you at the moment. Please, leave."

"Erunai, please just let me apologize."

"Mark, it's fine. No need to—"

"I have a desperate need to apologize. Let me do this."

"…You have a minute."

"Thank you. Look, Erunai, I am so sorry for what I said. It was completely out of line, not to mention something that can't even be demanded of anyone. I promise to you that I will never pressure you to do anything like that again. I am so sorry, Erunai, and I hope you'll be able to forgive me. Even if you don't, I completely understand."

"Did Beth put you up to this?"

"Why would Beth have done that? She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, but…Anyway, do you want to come in?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, my dear Erunai."

"I haven't forgiven you yet."

"That's fine. I wouldn't expect you to."

90: Chapter 2.48: August 23, 2017
Chapter 2.48: August 23, 2017

Chapter 2.48: August 23, 2017

"Hey, sorry, Erunai. I'd love to stay and chat a bit more, but I'm opening the restaurant tomorrow morning."

"Fine, fine. Be that way. Have a good night, Mark."

"Good night, my dear Erunai. I wish you the best of luck for your appointment tomorrow."

"Thanks…Do you mind if I possibly drop by your family's restaurant tomorrow after my appointment?"

"No, no, of course I don't mind. Please, do come."

"All right, thanks."

"No problem. Again, good night, my dear Erunai."

"Have a good night."

91: Chapter 2.49: August 24, 2017
Chapter 2.49: August 24, 2017

Chapter 2.49: August 24, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiii—


"Kenny, hey—You aren't Kenny."

"I am sorry, but no, I am not."

"I'm sorry. I guess I dialed the wrong number."

"Yes, that is evident."



"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Hi, I'm Erunai."

"My name is Leonel Belmonte."

"Your name sounds familiar…"

"Yes, I am told that often. Desculpe, Miss Erunai, but I must go."

"No need to apologize. It was nice talking to you, Leo. Oh, is it all right that I called you that?"

"Yes, it's fine. Goodbye, Miss Erunai. It was a pleasure to talk to you."



92: Chapter 2.50: August 24, 2017
Chapter 2.50: August 24, 2017

Chapter 2.50: August 24, 2017

"Do you have an appointment with Dr. Williams today?"

"Yes, my name is Erunai."

"What is your—Nevermind, you're the only appointment scheduled for today. Go right ahead into his office."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure, dear."


"Welcome, Erunai. Please, have a seat."

"Good afternoon, Doc."

"Would you like some tea? You look a little tense, and it will help you relax."

"If you say so."

"Don't worry, Erunai. We'll take things slow today considering this is the first time in a long time that you've visited. Wouldn't want to scare you away, now would we?"

93: Chapter 2.51: August 24, 2017
Chapter 2.51: August 24, 2017

Chapter 2.51: August 24, 2017

"You're lying! No, I refuse to believe it!"

"Erunai, please sit down."

"No, Doc! I'll prove you wrong!"

"Erunai, please calm down!"

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"We're sorry; the number you have dialed is either temporarily disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel that there has been an error, please check the number and try calling again."


"No! No!"

"Erunai, please—"

"You're wrong! You're wrong!"

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing.

"We're sorry; the number you have dialed is either temporarily disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel that there has been an error, please check the number and try calling again."


"No! No, no, no, no no nononononono…"

94: Chapter 2.52: August 24, 2017
Chapter 2.52: August 24, 2017

Chapter 2.52: August 24, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiii—


"Erunai on the line. Mark, I need someone to talk to right now."

"I do apologize, Miss Erunai, but I am Leonel Belmonte."

"Leo…Leo? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you again…But you know what? Do you think we could meet up for dinner? Assuming you're in San Francisco, that is. I'm sorry; I just need a friend right now."

"Yes, I am in San Francisco, and I do believe my schedule tonight is cleared up. Where shall we meet?"

"I'll text you the address. Thank you so much, Leo."

"It is the least I can do, Miss Erunai."

Author's Note:

Thus concludes the second arc! I'm sure you've all figured out what happened by now, but that's okay. I hope you've enjoyed Eru's point-of-view. The next (and last) arc will be from Leo's perspective, and while he hasn't showed up much so far, I promise that he will be important to the story. (I honestly planned for him to appear more often, but he didn't want to show his face. Oops.)

Also! If any of you are on Ask (Ask. fm), I'm willing to give a couple of spoilers. Just saying.

95: 3. Lifeline
3. Lifeline

3. Lifeline

He noticed that she was unable to meet his eyes or even glance up at his face, but he gave her a small smile of reassurance anyway as he returned her greeting. She quickly turned to offer a hello to the crying woman beside him but was instead wrapped in shaking arms. She finally met his gaze as she hugged her back, and he knew at the sight of her trembling lip and watering eyes that it was time to sit down.

He led the sobbing woman to a couple of seats near the front of the chapel, offering to find her a box of tissues. As he searched the room for a box, he chanced another glance at her. He was comforted to see that her friends had taken over greetings and that she was now standing near the front, eyes trained on the picture that had been put on display in the front.

Locating a box of tissues and handing it to his companion, he made his way to her as fast as he could in that situation. A flicker of relief appeared in her eyes as she noticed him approaching, and she all but collapsed into his embrace. There they stayed, until her friend tapped her on the shoulder, letting her know that it was time to start the service.

He nodded and gently squeezed her hand before he retreated to his seat. She, in turn, assumed her place behind the small podium in front, gratefully taking the microphone and a folded piece of paper from her friend. Her eyes flitted over to his and then to her small group of friends for reassurance before she unfolded the paper cleared her throat to speak.

"Friends and family," she began in a quiet but strong voice, "I am grateful to see you all gathered here today, though I do wish the circumstances were better." She inhaled a long, shaky breath and then continued. "My name is Erunai Kirito, and I have asked you all to attend this memorial service for a beloved friend and," here her voice broke, "brother, Kenji Kirito. I'm sorry; please excuse me for a moment."

She let out a sob and stepped away from the podium to meet her frantic friend, who handed her a box of tissues and enveloped her in a hug before sending her back to the podium to give her speech. He caught her eye as she smoothed out her paper, and they shared a fleeting moment of understanding.

"My brother was not perfect." She resumed her speech with renewed confidence. "Kenny was often way too overprotective, and he could be extremely dishonest at times when he should have been upfront. In fact, his habit of trying to keep me in the dark backfired on him more often than not." A small ghost of a smile manifested itself upon her lips as she began to recall more memories of her brother.

"But he tried to be good, to me as a brother, to others as a friend. He always tried to look at things with a wide perspective and made sure that everyone was comfortable by cracking a few jokes. And he was always, always completely organized. I swear, I could not—and still can't—find anything in his room because I will never be able to understand how he even organized it." A broken chuckle escaped her lips, and he fought down the urge to rush up to her and comfort her.

She continued on, unable to do anything else but speak of the one she loved, of the one who had left her behind. "I think he secretly hated how disorganized I was—in his definition of the word, of course. I promise you that I am not some sort of unkempt pig." She laughed again, and this time others in the audience joined her. "He would always get upset when I forgot to tell him where I was going because he was always, always worrying for me and always, always thought that I needed saving."

Another sob, much more subdued than the first, erupted from her, but she pressed on. "I think he considered saving me—whether I needed it or not—his sole purpose in life. Despite the fact that I was no damsel in distress, which I let him know multiple times, he was my knight in dorky armor." She paused again, heaving a sigh and letting her eyes flutter shut for a moment. "But throughout this whole speech, I've been talking about what Kenny was. Isn't it too easy for things—for people—to slip into past tense, as if they were but aren't anymore?"

She turned her focus from the slip of paper to the picture of her brother. "There's a reason I chose today, the day he was born, the day he would have been a quarter of a century old, rather than January twenty-fourth, the day he died, as the day I held this service to remember my brother. The reason is simple, and the reason is this: He lives on."

A glistening tear trailed down her face, and her lips trembled uncontrollably as she struggled to finish her speech. "Kenny lives on, in the heart of everyone who remembers him. And while he may not be around anymore to be my savior, he will always be what I said he was at the beginning of this dreadfully long speech: a beloved friend and brother. So please don't forget him. Thank you."

The world was silent as she moved away from the podium and into the arms of her friends. He watched her as she struggled between laughing and crying, proud of how far she had come and worried for how much further she had to go.

Author's Note:

And now, Tremors is coming to a close. Don't worry; there's still one last story arc in Leo's perspective, but I think this one will be remarkably shorter in comparison to the last. (However, I also thought that Eru's arc would be much shorter, so I suppose I'm not a very reliable source.)

Here's the formatting for this arc:

Leo: plain
Eru: bold
Any others: bold and italics

I hope you enjoy the remainder of this story! Also, if there's anything about this story that confuses you, ask me, and I'll see what I can do for you.

96: Chapter 3.01: December 20, 2017
Chapter 3.01: December 20, 2017

Chapter 3.01: December 20, 2017

"Bye, Mik. See you, Beth."

"You aren't coming over?"

"I'm a little exhausted, to be honest. I'm just going to head home."

"Of course. See you, Erunai. I'm so proud of you."

"Yeah. Thanks for coming today."

"Why wouldn't I come? We're practically sisters, after all."

"You bet we are."

"Goodbye, Mikhail. Goodbye, Beth Ann."

"Oh, you and your formality, Leo! Remember, it's just Mik and Beth."

"Desculpe, Beth."

"I love it when you speak in Portuguese. But I think we need to get Tommy home. Come on, love. Hurry up, Markus."

"I'm coming; I'm coming. Farewell, my dear Erunai."

"Bye, Mark."

"I should go also."

"Wait, Leo. Could you—Will you drive me home? I took the bus here because I was feeling sentimental, but I don't really feel like riding the bus anymore."

"It would be my pleasure, Erunai."

97: Chapter 3.02: December 20, 2017
Chapter 3.02: December 20, 2017

Chapter 3.02: December 20, 2017

"Thank you for giving me a ride, Leo."

"It was my pleasure, Erunai. Is there anything else you need tonight?"

"No, I—I think I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? I do not have any meetings tomorrow morning if you might need me to stay with you."

"…That would be nice. Thank you."

"As always, it is my pleasure."

"Well, come on in, I guess. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Erunai, please have a seat and let me take care of you. That is why I am here, after all."

"No, I—"

"Erunai, please."

"…All right. I'll just have some tea with lemon in it, then."



"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess. As well as you'd expect for someone who didn't realize her brother was dead until a month after she'd woken up from a year-and-a-half-long coma."

"Erunai, how are you really feeling?"

"What do you want me to say, Leo? What exactly do you want to hear? I'm sick and tired of everyone asking me how I'm holding up, if I'm okay, how I'm feeling, and so on and so on when all I know is that I'm numb and I'm broken and I just want Kenny back. You, Leonel Belmonte of all people, should know that."


98: Chapter 3.03: December 21, 2017
Chapter 3.03: December 21, 2017

Chapter 3.03: December 21, 2017

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Sasaki. I appreciate your support."



"Hello, I am Leonel Belmonte of the Imperium Romanum Group."

"Hey, Leo. It's Markus. Listen, could you meet up with me later today or tonight?"

"Yes, I can. However, I will not be available until six o'clock."

"That's completely fine. See you then."

"Goodbye, Markus."

"Wait, hold on."


"Is Erunai okay? I've been worried, and she hasn't exactly given me a proper response—"

"Erunai is as fine as her situation allows. If your concern overwhelms you, you always have the choice to visit her."

"Yeah…I guess. All right, thanks, Leo. See you at six."

"Goodbye, Markus."


99: Chapter 3.04: December 21, 2017
Chapter 3.04: December 21, 2017

Chapter 3.04: December 21, 2017

Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiii—

"Hey, Leo, it's Markus."

"Yes, I know. I am the one who called you. I apologize that my last meeting ran late. I am on my way down to the lobby now."

"Don't worry about it."

"Did I make you wait long?"

"Nah, I actually got here a little early, but I don't mind."


"I see you."


"So, I was thinking we could go to that café a couple blocks down and talk there, yeah?"

"Of course. Allow me a moment to call my chauffeur—"

"That won't be necessary. Come on, Leo, we're strong grown men. Our legs still work perfectly fine; we can walk a couple of blocks."

"…Walking is fine, then."

"That's the spirit!"



"Markus, was there anything specific you needed to talk about?"

"Yeah, I—uh, did you and Erunai want to come to my family's Christmas party?"

"Desculpe, but I will be working for all of Christmas Eve and most of Christmas, and then I will be spending the rest of the holiday hosting my family's annual Christmas charity event."

"Do you mind asking Erunai for me, then?"

"That is something I will not do. I am sure, however, that Erunai will be glad to celebrate Christmas with you if you ask her personally."

"Yeah…yeah, you're right. Sorry."

"Is there anything else you needed to tell me, or was that all?"

"It's just—I'm just worried about Erunai, really. I know you took her home after the memorial service, and—"

"Markus, I have already told you that if you want to or need to, you can always just visit Erunai."

"I know, but… Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a bit of a…an awkward space between Erunai and me."

"I fail to see how that should affect your ability to check up on her."

"Well, okay, so she's hurting because her brother is dead, right? And that awkward space between us may or may not have been caused by a careless comment on my end about…about Ken."

"Have you apologized?"

"Yeah, and she told me yesterday that she forgave me, but I just can't seem to feel the same connection that we had before. It's like it's a totally different relationship—"

"It is."


"Markus, it is a completely different relationship. Do you really expect to be able to return to the time before you caused her pain?"

"Well, no, I suppose not, but—"

"No, there is no 'but.' While you may—and probably will—be able to mend the bridge you burned, you will never have the same exact bridge."

"But I need it to be the exact same bridge!"

"…A difference in dynamics does not mean you will never be close again. Perhaps the waters in which you were building the bridge were too dangerous, too swift, too violent, and the bridge falling and burning is a blessing sent from heaven because now you can move to a different place along the river, where it is calmer, gentler, and much stabler."

"…How am I supposed to manage that?"

"That is something you will need to discover on your own, Markus. Have you decided on a drink already, or shall I go first?"