Auto: One

Music plays down through the years, at first chosen to emulate her father and then later as her personality changed. Oldies, hard rock, metal, classical and then a blend of music that described her as well as she was able to see herself. She was hurt, and fixed herself as well as she was able even when not understanding the cause and nature of her injuries. Unable to fix some she patched them with blood and tears.

Years passed and she degenerated slowly in some ways and grew in others. A job brought a host of unexpected stress, in many ways and change more rapidly than at any time her life.

2: Auto: Two
Auto: Two

Her fingers skitter across the keyboard, putting down heartwords. It hurts but she knows that without it she'll falter and fall; love is not enough when there is no release.

Music is there in her ears as usual.

It is her balm from the pain of life and love.

Writing is her new tool. And she wills it to become her legacy.

3: Auto: Three
Auto: Three

She weeps because there is never enough to fill the gaps and cracks, because she knows that she will forever be alone and there is no one there that she can turn to for help.

As long as she is able she keeps her eyes from the blades. As long as she is able, she tries to fix what is too crushed to repair. There is no more light, only greyness as the lights fade.

Eventually they will fade completely and she will be black enough to join the shadows that live at the edge of the world. When that day comes there will be no more world. No more blood and tears and those around her will await their turns to join the shadows at the edge of the world.