Note from Seme Censor

Sample Legal Disclaimer: 

Metal Fight Beyblade characters (c) Takafumi Adachi.

Storyline/Text (c)2012 Falco276. All rights reserved on the Text/Storyline.

Cover art (c) 'DA artist' (I can't draw so I need an Deviant Artist to help me with the cover art)

Published according to the UK copyright law and the author is grateful to have received legal permission from the original creators to use copyrighted characters; Whilst every effort has been made to trace copyrighted holders, "PUBLISHER" would be pleased to hear from any not acknowledged.

So, I seeked permission from HawkearOfWindclan and she actually said yes I can use her story and turn it into the MFB version of it. If you really don't believe me then simply PM me about it and I shall reward you with a plain but simple chocolate chip cookie.

This is just part of the story (not full) concerning the Disney ARC. Full story will come soon- Well, it's happenening right now. XD

All lemon/yaoi/sex- call it whatever you want- scenes are REMOVED (yes, caps, removed) cuz it was on that day that I'm done reading MFB fics that are rated M. Totally. And I'm freakin serious.

Here is a small list of the character pairings replacements:

Sora/Riku= Gingka/Kyoya

Roxas/Axel= Jinga (nobody version of Gingka)/Reiji

Demyx/Zexion= Chao-Xin/Da Xiang (They were kinda missed out on my KH MFB story so I really had to let a pair of dumplings be involved in this story.)

Sephiroth/Cloud= Faust/Damian (Duh, naturally.)

Zack/Genesis= Zeo/Toby (Why the hell not?)

And the other names are from Final Fantasy.

Please don't kill me about the name pairings. That's what I decided to do according to my replacement cast from my Beyblade Metal Fusion: Kingdom Hearts story.

Setting: Chesapeake Bay and Virginia Beach/ Daytona and Orlando, Florida.

This fan fic is a leap year story, meaning that it starts with the year 2009 then goes through 2011- until Hawkear decides to continue the story- and I happen to follow the North American MFB timeline instead of Japanese so that means the season 1 cast didn't even appear in 2009. That's 2010 for Metal Fusion. xD

Also, if you plan to read this fic as if it's like a movie, then I suggest you to read and visualize the intro as if it's really like a movie to you. The intro song is Ginsu by Tritonal, because I just felt like making this song matching for the intro. xD

Enjoy. :)

Opening beat of the song thumps through the club as both Reiji and Jinga twirl and grind their bodies against each other like they usually do when they get all hyped up for some Shonen Ai time. The Serpent Blader winks towards Jinga as he quickly grabs his arm and twirls him around until smirking snake eyes lock onto those lovely brown as Reiji holds Jinga's back from falling down. With the Serpent Blader's arm juxtaposed with Jinga's at length, the smaller redhead gulped as he expected a kiss from the pyro. But surprisingly, he opened his eyes to feel the taller redhead breathe into his left ear and cautiously whisper, "Our love didn't end yet, Jinga. It's only just starting. Let's go back to where it all started."

With the song to slow but fading pause, Reiji helps Jinga stand straight and looks hopefully through out the window of the club, the neon lights flashing red and purple as if there was a day time traffic accident occurring outside of the club. "Let's go back to the basics."

Calm beats introduce the face of the sea belonging to the middle of Chesapeake Bay, fish minding their own business as they swirl around the words "Falco276 productions presents" and "A Metal Fight Beyblade Mature fanfiction"

The main exciting part of the song beats up when a seagull explodes out of the surface of the water, fish writhing around it's beak when it soars over a luxury yacht with the words "Sibelle" on the back, as it shoots upward towards the sky and with the glint of the sunlight, words in halogen ice blue as the title "BACK TO THE BASICS BLADER STYLE" watches the state of Virginia Beach as the seagull swoops down towards 501 Holly Crescent Drive, where Gingka and Jinga play "catch" with other when the baseball is caught by the seagull's mouth and glides over to King's mansion and let's go of it, the sport ball as a missile striking on of the top balcony windows, which made King cry for one of Kyoya's brothers to appear and demand to tell him honestly who did it. The Seagull then dives down towards the old house where we see Damian and Faust about to kiss but only for Kerbecks the dog to happily interject the love scene and bark once for attention.

The song comes down to the concluding end where the seagull finally circles the rooftop of XLC High School like a Vulture trying to find some bullied freshman laying motionless in a knockout on the roof top when it finally leaves and the camera pans down towards a running red spiky haired freshman trying to get the attention of one of his classmates.

Next chapter is where this scene begins. :)

2: Re: Back to the Basics
Re: Back to the Basics

"Jinga…Jinga…Jinga!" The red head nobody version of himself shot up out of his bed, nearly knocking his head against his brother's in the process. The red head jumped back, sighing and then handing his brother some clothes. "C'mon Jinga, we're gonna miss the bus." Gingka watched him get fully out of bed before he left the room, off to make sure he had everything.

Jinga sighed, holding his clothes in his hand and glanced at the calendar above their shared desk. It was the first day of the new school year. He and his brother were both going to be in their Junior year at high school, even though he himself was supposed to already be a Senior. The redhead sighed and pulled on his dark skinny jeans and a plain black T, plus his black bandanna sporting a red Pegasus head and wing then pulled on some Converse shoes and headed out to the kitchen.

"Good morning Oathkeeper~" Gingka crooned the little white cat, setting a bowl of food down in front of it. Jinga rolled his eyes and saw Oblivion, his own black cat, practically glaring at the white ball of fluff. He went to the fridge and pulled out a sea-salt ice cream, tossing the wrapper into the trash bin and sticking the cold treat in his mouth before grabbing his bag and heading out the front door.

Gingka watched his brother leave and pulled out his cell phone when he heard it beep. He flipped it open and saw a text from Kyoya, wishing him luck on his first day and telling him he'll see him there. The redhead smiled and tucked away his phone, grabbing his own bag and heading out behind his brother.

Both boys stepped off the ugly yellow bus at the front of the school; Gingka looking excited about the new year while Jinga willed nobody to touch him as he made the dreaded walk to the front doors. Students were everywhere - shouting, chatting, skating, and it was beginning to already annoy him.

"Gingka!" He looked up and grinned as he saw Kyoya running towards him, stopping to give him a quick hug and then wrap a possessive arm around his waist, smiling at Jinga. "Your twin's as excited about school as ever, I see." The wild greed-haired teen joked. Gingka laughed and waved goodbye to his brother as the couple walked off to the school's entrance.

Jinga looked around for his own boyfriend, spotting him talking to Chao-Xin and Da Xiang under a large tree. They were all wearing their trademark long black hooded coats, Jinga having left his own at home. He walked over, keeping an eye on his lover's red hair to navigate his way safely through the sea of teens.

"Jinga! We were waiting for you!" Chao-Xin shouted, pulling the shorter redhead into a hug and letting go as he got a disapproving look from his lover. Reiji turned to look at him, his eyes moving up and down his body, then smirking.

"Left the coat at home, huh? Good idea, wouldn't want the school's security to recognize ya." Reiji chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"And you want to be recognized for what you did last year?" The redhead asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, that guy deserved it. He called you a fag, I couldn't let him get away with it. Besides - I like to be recognized." Reiji nodded his head at a group of passing girls, two of them giggling while the third glared. Jinga sighed and looked around, the crowd of students beginning to diminish.

"Whatever, let's go. I don't want to be late on the first day." The four walked to the front of the school, joining together with the other members of their group and entering the school at once. Reiji grinned as most of the students stared in awe, some cowering away, others muttering rumors about them under their breath. Sophie held her cell in front of herself, texting away without a care in the world, while Wales waved airily at every love-struck girl he saw. Jinga hung his head low, hoping no one would point him out, and sighing in relief as he made it to his first class unharmed.

3: Re: Juvinile
Re: Juvinile

Jinga walked out of the school another three hours later, waving goodbye to Chao-Xin and Da Xiang as they boarded their bus home. He went off to find his brother and tell him he was going to be home later than usual, having promised Reiji he'd hang out with him after school at his place. He spotted his twin boarding Kyoya's bus instead, the green-haired teen lightly groping his ass as they climbed the steps. He saw his brother jump in surprise and laugh, Kyoya grinning excitedly. "Guess I don't have to worry about telling him I'll be late after all." The redhead looked around for Reiji, spotting him talking heatedly with Raijin and Fujin, Vivi ignoring the argument and staring at Jinga. The smaller redhead furrowed his brow and walked over, Reiji catching his lover walking towards them and quickly telling the others to be quiet.

"Hey Jinga. Ready to go to my place?" He asked, jerking his head towards his car a few feet away, parked away from everyone else's.

"What were you guys talking about?" The redhead ignored him, looking from Rai to Fuu, and glancing at Vivi, who was still staring at him.

"We were asking Reiji how juvi went, ya know?" Raijin asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"C'mon Jinga, let's go." Reiji said, ignoring him and taking Jinga's hand into his own. Jinga looked down, away from the others and squeezed his lover's hand comfortingly.

"嫌!" Fujin shouted after them.

Reiji ignored her, walking quickly with his redhead in tow to his car, pulling out his keys and unlocking it.

Jinga let go of Reiji's hand and hurried into the passenger seat, tossing his bag into the back before buckling his seat-belt and keeping his eyes on his lap. The red-head slid into the driver's seat throwing his bag into the backseat as well as he started the car up immediately, forgoing his own seat-belt. They sped out of the parking lot and into the road, ignoring the twenty-five mile-per-hour speed limit.


"Yeah?" They stopped at a red light, packed buses on either side of them, for which Jinga was grateful of the tinted windows in Reiji's car.

"Yu…he's still in the hospital, isn't he?" Jinga caught his boyfriend's grip on the wheel tightening out of the corner of his eye.

"…yeah, he still hasn't come out of it yet." Reiji stepped on the gas the moment the light turned green, Jinga turning to stare out the window.

"Do you think he'll come back?"

"I don't know, Jinga. I can't find out either, the judge said I can't go anywhere near him." Reiji turned the car into the parking structure below the apartment complex, shutting off the engine and stepping out, grabbing both his bag and Jinga's from the back seat. The redhead unbuckled himself and stepped out, following Reiji to the elevator and taking his bag from him quietly.

"You didn't have to do it you know. I didn't really mind." Jinga said quietly once they were in the elevator.

"He deserved it, Jinga. I couldn't let him get away with calling you that."

"He didn't mean it seriously…"

"Then why did he say it more than once? I know you think he's a nice guy, but he isn't. Remember what he did to Tsubasa?" Jinga nodded slowly, Reiji draping an arm over his shoulder and pulling him close, kissing the top of his head. "Why don't you try going to the hospital some time. I'm sure they'd let you-"

"No. There's no point. He wouldn't even know I was there, anyway." The two teens got off on the second floor, walking down the open halls to room 138, Jinga looking down at the parking lot before being coaxed inside by Reiji. He dropped his bag by the door and kicked off his shoes, already feeling hot in his lover's apartment. The red-head walked past him after closing and locking the door and turned down the heat, making sure the smaller teen was comfortable.

"You want anything?" Reiji asked from the kitchen. Jinga shook his head and plopped down on the bright red futon in front of the TV, spotting the familiar photo of the two of them at the beach on the coffee table. He smiled and felt Reiji sit down next to him, pulling him close to his body and taking a sip of his can of beer.

"How was juvi, anyway?" Reiji choked and sat the can down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "And throw that out, you know I can't stand drinking."

"It wasn't bad-I didn't put anyone else in a coma, if that's what you're asking." He said, ignoring the 'drinking' comment. Jinga shook his head and scooted closer to his lover's warm body. "Though there were a couple of guys who found out what I was in for…I did hurt them, but not enough to knock 'em out. The food there sucked, it was just like hospital food, I swear they get them from the same place." Jinga chuckled and leaned up, his face a mere inch from Reiji's.

"I'm glad you're back. I missed this…" He trailed a finger up Reiji's leather-covered arm, the black fabric stretched taut over his frame. Jinga leaned closer, gently touching their lips together. The taller teen smirked into the gentle kiss, adding some pressure and sliding his tongue out to swipe across Jinga' mouth. The redhead parted his lips and moaned at the taste of beer and pure Reiji, his own tongue rubbing against the pyro's. Reiji broke the kiss, looking down at him with hazy snake-like eyes.


"Hey Jinga?"

"Hm?" The redhead had re-entered the family room, holding a sea-salt ice cream in his mouth and plopping down onto the sweat-soaked futon.

"Some random anime or…Sweeny Todd?" Reiji asked, running his fingers over the DVD cases.

"Sweeny, I could go for some awesome uses of blood-bags." Jinga smiled innocently, holding his ice cream while his lover put in the DVD and sat next to him, stealing a lick of the salty treat.


"That is such a stalker song…" Jinga said, brandishing his popsicle stick at the singing teen.

"He's in love, Jinga." Reiji smiled pulling his smaller redhead closer to him.

"Would you do that for me, Reiji?"

"Do what?"

"Come outside my bedroom window and sing to me." Jinga asked innocently, nuzzling his face into the pyro's chest.

"Oh, I'd come outside your window alright" Reiji smirked, the smaller redhead rolling his eyes and turning them back to the TV.

4: Re:Teacher's Pet
Re:Teacher's Pet

Jinga unbuckled his seat belt, leaning over to kiss Reiji affectionately before grabbing his bag and hopping out of the car. He shut the door and walked up the front steps of his house, pulling out his keys as he went. He found the door unlocked and guessed Gingka was home, finding he guessed right as he spotted the smaller redhead sitting in the living room with a satisfied grin on his face.

"C'mon, we gotta write our essays on what we 'aspire to be'." The redhead walked into the room, waving a hand in front of his motionless twin's face. "Yo…you there?" Gingka just focused his eyes on him, his grin still plastered on his face. "Did you and Kyoya…" The red-head nodded, Jinga smiling proudly at his twin. "Aw, Gingka got laid, good for you. Come on, let's celebrate." The redhead dragged his grinning twin into the kitchen, grabbing two sea-salt ice creams and handing one to his brother.

"It was the best sex ever, Jinga…the things Kyoya can do with his tongue…" Gingka sighed dreamily, taking a slow lick of his ice cream. Jinga snickered, glad he wasn't the only one getting some.

"Bet he can't make ya come twice on a lumpy futon." Jinga bragged, biting off the last bit of his salty treat.

"Pft, I can beat that - Kyoya and I did it on the counter, then again on the kitchen floor." Gingka said triumphantly.

"So? Reiji screwed me on my own desk at school today. I win." The twins stared at each other for a moment before bursting into fits of laughter. "Man, our boyfriends are twisted." Jinga choked out, holding his stomach as he continued laughing, his brother's face beet red from the lack of oxygen.

"Yeah, but I think we're even more twisted 'cause we go along with it!" The two brothers finished their laughing session, Gingka deciding to take a shower and write his essay, while Jinga waited in their bedroom, mulling over what he wanted to do with his life. The redhead knew what his lover wanted to be off the top of his head; gay porn director. He turned over in his bed, staring up at the frame of the top bunk as he thought of potential jobs for himself. He liked reading, maybe he could be a librarian? No, too quiet. He had a thing for sea-salt ice cream, that's for sure. The redhead decided not to take the essay seriously and began writing about how he always wanted to be an ice-cream man.


Gingka stepped out of the shower and shook out his naturally gravity-defying hair, looking at himself in the fogged-up mirror. He had light bruises on his lower back, hickeys all over his neck and chest, and he beamed at his reflection, proud to bear the markings of his Kyoya. He toweled his hair and wrapped the fluffy fabric around his waist, walking into the bedroom to find his twin giggling like an idiot. The teen looked over his brother's shoulder and read part of his essay.

"Ever since I was a little boy, even before I could walk, I loved hearing the sounds of the ice cream truck outside. Even now I get excited when I hear, 'Pop Goes the Weasel' in the streets. My life-long dream has always been to become an ice-cream man." Gingka burst out laughing, falling backwards onto the carpeted floor as he shook with the force of it, staring up watery-eyed at his brother as he turned to look at him like he had gone mad.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You-You're not serious, are you? That is the dumb-hahaha-dumbest thing I have ever-pffffffft, heard of!" The red-head gave up talking, instead pointing at the redhead's essay in his hand and laughing harder.

"Gee, thanks for understanding my dream."

"Are you serious?" The gray-haired teacher asked Jinga, holding the essay as if it was going to bite him.

"Funny, my brother asked me the same thing." Jinga said with a shrug, smiling despite himself. The teacher sighed, taking off his glasses with one hand and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Look Jinga, you may have gotten away with this sort of thing last year-"

"And the year before, don't forget my Algebra project from my first year here." Jinga broke in, smirking proudly.

"How could I ever forget that…we had to shut down the school for two days while we got all the rabbits out of the gym. My point is, you're almost eighteen, you can't honestly believe that this sort of work," he brandished the essay in his hand, "will be enough to get you graduated. Re-write this essay and be serious about it this time." The teacher put emphasis on his last words, tossing the essay into the waste basket by his desk and motioning for him to take his seat.


"Jinga…as much as I like school-" the smaller redhead shot a glare at Reiji, "-I don't really wanna spend any more time here than I have to." The two lovers were hiding in a spare maintenance closet, waiting for Jinga's English teacher across the hall to leave the room for the day. They listened to the sounds of students laughing and shouting, locker doors banging loudly against metal frames as the swarm of teens grabbed their things and left for the day. Reiji consistently attempted to seduce the redhead in the closet, being met with grunts of annoyance and the occasional 'wait' that was hissed at him. After a while of quiet, Jinga pulled out his cell phone and checked the time. They had been in the cramped closet for almost an hour and he was ready to give up when they heard the door open and close across the hall, the sound of a key being placed in a lock echoing in the empty space.

"Show time." Jinga muttered under his breath. He waited for the sound of his teacher's footsteps to fade before he opened the closet door, walked across the hall - followed closely by Reiji - and kneeled in front of the locked door. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a paper clip, and bent it into the key hole, pulling out another and adding it, twisting them until the lock clicked and the door opened.

"That is so hot…" Reiji breathed, Jinga turning to wink over his shoulder at the pyro. They walked into the dark room, closing the door and re-locking it behind them, walking straight for their target: the teacher's desk. Jinga swept an arm across the wooden eyesore, strewing papers and pens all over the floor and turning to Reiji expectantly. The red-head smirked and moved closer to the blond, his slender hands resting on Jinga's hips as he pulled him in for a kiss, delving his tongue into the hot mouth that opened for him eagerly.


"Damn Jinga…you gotta write bullshit essays more often." Reiji mused, placing a hand on the smaller redhead's cheek and kissing him passionately.

Jinga regained his breathing, sitting up and kissing Reiji softly on the lips before grunting as the red-head pulled out of him. He watched his lover pull his clothes back on and hopped off the desk, wobbling slightly as little pin-pricks of discomfort shot up his spine, but he ignored it and pulled his own clothes back on. The smaller redhead turned around and admired his work: the desk had a nice coat of sweat on it, plus the drying cum in the dead center of it's surface. He turned to Reiji and found him staring back him proudly, moving closer and kissing him tenderly.

"That'll do, Jingie. That'll do."

R&R! :D

Falco276 out! xD

5: Re:Detention

"You two have defiled my desk, caused myself severe mental trauma, and performed an act that is against the Lord himself!" Jinga and Reiji both sat in separate chairs in the principal's office, both clad in their black coats and simply turning to look at each other with growing smirks as Jinga's English teacher lectured them. "Mr. Ryuga, I urge you to expel these two from our school, they are an embarrassment and a liability. Have you forgotten his," the graying teacher pointed an accusing finger at Jinga, who held an innocent expression, "Algebra project from his first year? It was a catastrophe! The lunch ladies all quit, several students were sent to counseling, and he only got two days of Out School Suspension?" He stopped, feeling as though he had rested his case and watched the principal closely.

"Reiji, Jinga. You both should know that you were recorded performing your…actions yesterday by the school's security camera in the classroom." The two mentioned teens turned to each other and high-fived across the empty space between their chairs. "This is very serious. You both will be given detention-"

"Detention? Sir, they have done more than enough to warrant a single detention! These two should be locked up! We both know this red-head here has experience in that area. Apparently, six months in Juvenile Hall wasn't enough for him. In fact, I suggest Jinga go there while Reiji is tried in court!" The teens shot each other a glance, noticing the way Jinga's teacher was becoming more erratic and anxious for their removal from the school.

"Mr. Randon, I'm afraid I cannot do that. Neither of these boys have committed a crime heinous enough to send them to court over, and Reiji has done his time, for something entirely unrelated to this matter, I might add." Ryuga kept his gold eyes on the shaking teacher, watching him closely to see how he would react. Mr. Randon, being the hardcore Christian that he is, has had a problem with almost every Organization member since they all entered the school one by one. Reiji would wait, day after day for the teacher to barge into his office and complain about the students actions with each other. The young principle knew it wasn't the way they disrespected him, nor the way they scared most of the other teachers and students, but the fact that most of them were homosexual. He sighed, seeing Mr. Randon was about to continue his efforts.

"The fact that these two had intercourse on my desk in front of the plain view and sight of the camera and the Lord our God, isn't heinous?" He turned, pointing a shaking finger at Reiji and Jinga, both of whom knowing what was coming next. "These two faggots should burn in Hell for what they have done." Jinga barely had time to see it happen: Reiji had practically flown from his chair at the teacher, pinning him against the wall with a hand to his throat, keeping him a good foot off the ground.

"Reiji, stop! It's just-" Jinga tried to break it up, but his lover interrupted him.

"Damnit Jinga, be quiet! I'm not just going to let him call you that in front of your face!" He pulled the teacher forward with his hand still at his throat and slammed him back against the wall, keeping his hold on him. "You filthy piece of shit." He spat, glaring as hatefully as he could into the teacher's grey eyes. "I don't care what you call me, but I do fucking care about what you call my Jinga." Mr. Randon's face went from fear to disgust, his hands deftly trying to relinquish the teen's hold on him.


Reiji let him go, the older man falling to the floor and gasping as he regained his breath. "We can always find another English teacher, got it memorized?" He gave the gasping teacher another glare before walking over to Jinga and leading him out of the office, turning to nod curtly at Doji who was entering the room after them, having heard their 'conversation'.

Jinga tried to talk to his lover. "Reiji…I-"

"Hey, how about a sea-salt ice cream when we get back to your place, huh?" Reiji interrupted, opening the car door for the redhead and smiling at him as if nothing had happened. Jinga nodded and slid into the car, watching Reiji get in beside him and throughout the entire drive.

Doji walked into the office, merely glancing at the panting teacher on the floor and turning his attention to Ryuga. "Principal, is there something I can do?" The gray-haired male asked. He had graduated a year ago, but had decided to remain at the school and act as assistant principal until the rest of their Organization had graduated. He watched the white-haired man rise from his chair to stand above the shaking teacher on the floor.

"Please take Mr. Randon here to Kumasuke. Tell him Reiji was involved and to simply get the man ready enough to return to his home. Start the paperwork for his resignation. And Doji?," Ryuga walked from Mr. Randon now wheezing on the floor to his desk, sitting back down, "make sure Kumasuke only gives him the correct treatment. We do not need a repeat of the cafeteria workers from two years ago." The greynette nodded and escorted the teacher out of the office and down the hall, Ryuga pulling out Jinga and Reiji's files onto his desk. "I guess Ill just have to add onto their records earlier than usual this year."


"You did what?" Gingka had sprung up from the couch, much to Kyoya's disappointment, when Jinga told him what happened.

"Chill out, Gingka. I would've done the same for you if he had called you that." Kyoya said from the sofa, reaching a hand up to pull his boyfriend back down next to him and kissing him on the forehead.

"Besides, the dick-head deserved it." Reiji said from the behind the other couch, leaning on the frame and licking his sea-salt ice cream just as it began to melt. Jinga sighed, looking at his brother and his green-haired lover.

"How do you two do it?" The redhead asked, leaning forward and placing his wet stick from the salty treat on the coffee table.

"Do what?" Gingka and Kyoya said at the same time.

"You both display your affection in public, and yet Reiji and I are the only ones getting in fights with teachers and sent to Juvi - no offense, Reiji."

"None taken. You're out of ice cream, by the way." The red-head left the room and headed into the twins' bedroom, pulling his cell phone out of his coat pocket and dialing the fourth speed-dial.

"This is Ryuga. Reiji, what is it?"

He sighed into the phone and scratched the back of his head, his fingers raking through his red spikes. "Yeah, uh Superior?"


"Jinga…he'll be able to stay at school, right? He's not going to Juvi or anything, is he?"

"No, Reiji. I'm taking care of things so our Organization is kept together. I'm, not entirely proud of your attraction to Jinga, but if it keeps you doing your job, then I suppose I have to cover things up in his department as well. You two will be serving detention early tomorrow morning in the gym before school starts." The fierce voice said through the phone. Reiji let out a sigh of relief, silently thanking the Gods that Ryuga had changed since the first year Jinga had been at the school.

"Thank you, Superior. I swear we'll both be there bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."


"Sorry, got it from Gingka, I don't quite get it myself, heh."

"Goodbye Reiji, be sure you don't skip out on this one." There was a click and the line disconnected. Reiji flipped his phone shut and turned to see Jinga leaning against the door frame, licking a fresh sea-salt ice cream.

"Where the Hell'd you get that? I didn't see any in the fridge." Reiji asked, watching the redhead's pink tongue slide out and move against the blue-colored ice cream.

"We have a down-stairs fridge too, remember? You helped install it." Jinga moved from the doorway and revealed another treat in his hand, holding it out to his boyfriend. Reiji grinned and took it, leaning down to quickly kiss his lover in thanks.

"I don't remember, but so long as it means we still have plenty of these, I'm good." Jinga rolled his eyes and walked back out into the family room to sit on the couch, Reiji just behind him.

"Alright, you two are in charge of re-organizing the equipment room before the start of school today. You get it done before the first bus arrives and you don't have to come back tomorrow, got it?" Reiji and Jinga nodded, watching Zeo give them an encouraging smile and leave, walking across the gym to wrap one arm around Damian's waist and walk into the boy's locker room, the blinds being pulled down over the single window. Reiji and Jinga glanced at each other, wondering where Zeo got the time to teach hormone-crazed teens gym, work as a cop, and hold down a perfect relationship all at once - and with such ease.

The two teens snickered at the moans coming from the office, both thinking that Damian had a set of lungs on him to be able to get so much noise to go through concrete wall and echo through a gym. They were standing on the opposite side of the gymnasium, just where Zeo had left them. They had opened the double doors to the equipment room, expecting just some clutter, only to find it stacked to the ceiling with balls of every shape-and-size, rackets, sticks, nets, jerseys, shoes, helmets and etcetera threatening to spill out in an avalanche. Jinga tentatively poked a hockey stick with his index finger and gave a shout as the Leaning Tower of Sports collapsed on him. Reiji fell backwards, a net having flown onto him, and hit the hard floor, laughing from the sight of Jinga being overpowered by a retarded wooden stick.

"Ah! It's not funny, Reiji. Shit, we're not gonna get this done today…" Jinga groaned, shoving a deflated basket ball off of him and standing up, staring, baffled, at the mess before them. Reiji untangled himself from the lime-green net and tossed it aside, leaning forward to peak into the room.

"Damn, we really aren't gonna get this done today. Well, might as well try though, right?" The lovers set to work; hauling large trash bins in from the side of the school building and filling them to the brim with broken rackets, knotted-to-impossible-standards jump ropes and broken scales - adding the occasional dead roach to the mix.

"How has this school managed to pass every health inspection?" Jinga asked, using a lacrosse racket to scoop up a particularly large roach and fling it into the trash bin. He grinned at his success in not hitting Axel who was just a foot away from it, and tossed the racket into the 'keep' pile. The two continued until the sound of buses came in from the open doors leading outside, quickly shoving the full trash bin back out and shoving the usable equipment back into the room, having finished just in time.

"Alright! You guys got everything back-woah…you two look like Hell decided to take a trip to the local dump." Zeo stated, wrinkling his nose at the stinking teens. Reiji and Jinga looked at each other more closely and saw stains of dirt, dead bug legs, and the unidentifiable gunk on their arms, both glad they had taken off their coats before starting and leaving them in their lockers. "The first gym class doesn't start for two hours, why don't you two hit the showers." Zeo suggested, turning as he heard the doors to the locker room slam shut. Damian was slightly limping towards them, a blush dusting his cheeks.

"Yeah, thanks Zeo." Jinga said, walking past the raven-haired male and his limping older brother to the locker room. Reiji followed quickly behind him, eager to get into the showers for completely different reasons.

"No screwing in the showers you two! Not unless you do it quick and there's no soap on the floor!" Zeo hollered, quickly shutting up as he noticed the doors to the outside were still open. Damian glared at him and straightened up, closing the doors and walking back to his lover, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you try listening to your own advice?" He moved his hand from Zeo's shoulder to press hard against his back, effectively proving his point as he let out a groan of pain.

"Remind me not to drop the soap on the shower floor next time, that really hurt…"

Jinga placed his clothes into an unused locker and stepped into one of the showers, sighing as the hot water ran over him. He was glad he didn't have to take Gym anymore, everyone from the earlier classes had always used the hot water up before his class and he hated cold showers. He squeaked in surprise when two pale arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him so that his wet back met with a warm chest.

"Reiji…stop, I'm dirty." Jinga faintly attempted to get the pyro away from him, silently hoping to be forced into the tiled wall next to him by his lover.

"I know…so am I."


"Shit…Reiji, pull out, the water's getting cold…" Jinga shuddered as his lover pulled out of him, reaching in front of them to the soap dish attached to the wall and grabbing the bar of soap, rubbing it soothingly over his smaller redhead lover's back. Once he cleaned Jinga thoroughly, he gave himself a quick cleansing and turned off the water, helping Jinga out of the shower and onto a wooden bench.

"You know something Jinga?" The red-head asked as he dried the smaller redhead off with a towel.


"We should get in trouble more often, detention is a lot more fun for us than it is for the rest of the school." He smirked and pulled his smaller lover into an embrace, his head sitting atop the redhead's as Jinga leaned into the touch.


6: A Game of TwisteR
A Game of TwisteR

Jinga pulled the dark red throw over himself, listening to the pounding rain hitting the wooden balcony of Reiji's apartment. The smaller redhead was currently huddled on the futon, watching the news, wary of the approaching tropical storm. His lover, meanwhile, was in the spare bedroom used mainly for storing old things and for his 'art'. The pyro highly enjoyed mixing different shades of red together and dipping his brush into the mixtures, striking at each canvas in a random order before presenting his latest 'masterpiece' to the redhead. Jinga stood up off the futon, clinging the throw to his lithe body as he walked into the next room, seeing Reiji knee-deep in boxes.

"Hey Jinga! Look-it what I found!" He was holding an unopened game box labeled TWISTER. He grinned and hopped over some boxes and made it to the doorway, blowing dust off the game before skipping out past Jinga. The two lovers walked back into the family room, sitting on the carpeted floor in front of the TV and opening the game. Reiji took out the spinner and set it aside, standing up and laying out the large mat in front of an apprehensive redhead. The pyro admired his work at the perfectly laid-out game mat and kneeled down in front of Jinga. "Alright, you wanna go first?"

"Are you serious?" Jinga asked, staring blankly at the pyro.

"Damn right I am! The only channels working on the TV are the ones that don't require cable, and my DVD player's busted."

"We could always play a video game."

"Pfft, screw that - in video games you only get to look but not touch. Seriously, they always have you staring at the ass of the character you're playing, just to tease you. Meanwhile with Twister…", Reiji moved his face closer to the redhead's, "you get to touch as much as you want." He licked the shell of Jinga's ear slowly before pulling away with a smug grin on his face. The younger teen sighed and rid himself of his protective blanket, scooting closer to the spinner.

The redhead stared hesitantly at the colorful plastic, the young male wary of playing such a physical game wearing only a red tank and blue short-shorts – an outfit that does not make a decent shield against his horny lover. "I haven't played this since I was a kid…I doubt I'm still as flexible as I was." Jinga said, absentmindedly poking the arrow of the spinner with a forefinger.

"Nonsense! You're just as flexible as the first day I bent you over and pounded that tight ass of yours." Reiji grinned, standing up next to the mat and waiting for Jinga. The redhead rolled his eyes and spun, keeping his brown orbs on the arrow.

"Right hand green."

Twelve 'Right Hand's, nine 'Left Hand's, twenty 'Right Foot's, seventeen 'Left Foot's, and a rainbow made of four colors later, two lovers were in a tangle of arms and legs, elbows and knees, and crotches and backs.

"Damnit…I can't reach the spinner…" Jinga grunted, reaching out with his right hand to the piece of cardboard, only to cause a cramp in his shoulder. The two jumped in their stuck positions as the front door opened, slamming shut to reveal a sopping wet Reno. His red hair was drenched, along with his suit, and he dropped his black bag onto the floor, staring at the two teens in their tangled mess. He pouted at the sight of them.

"Now why the Hell didn't you invite me?" Reiji and Jinga looked at each other the best they could, then collapsed, their bodies tired of defying gravity. Reno smirked at them and walked to the coat closet by the front door, pulling out a beach towel and drying his long hair, releasing the red strands from his usual tie. "So that's what you two do when I'm not around. Must say, I'm disappointed - I was hoping to walk in on something a little different."

"Shut up, Reno…" Jinga mumbled, blushing and crawling out from under Reiji. His own red-head wasn't helping, in fact he was getting more comfortable in his position over the redhead, settling on his side and placing a hand under his chin to look up at his older brother. The redhead grunted as Reiji relaxed himself on his waist, feeling bony hips dig into his side.

"You caught us on a bored day. "Like to join us?" Reiji grinned, watching the look of contemplation over his fellow red-head's face.

"I'm guessing the cable's out?" Reiji nodded. "Alright! We doin' this normal, or should I break out the peanut butter?" Reno began stripping off his wet clothes, going down to his red silk boxers and walking to the kitchen. Jinga gaped at him, turning under Reiji to glare.

"I am not gonna let you two rub your peanut butter-covered bodies all over me..." Jinga trailed off at the thought of it, considering the smutty act before quickly shaking his head. "Okay, fine - but if either of you try anything, I'm going home, and I don't want peanut butter. It get's in your hair and doesn't come out." Reiji grinned and started ridding himself of the black My Chemical Romance shirt and red pants, tossing them under the futon and waiting for Jinga to undress. The redhead sighed and took off his own shirt, his tiny blue shorts following.

The two teens waited for Reno, both watching the red-head walk towards them, his red hair swaying behind him, free of the hair-tie. Jinga gulped and waited for the taller male to move the spinner.

Reiji and Jinga were now both in the state the two teens had been in before, plus one. Reiji was currently trying his best to ignore Jinga's crotch that was very close to his face, while his brother battled within himself over whether-or-not to grope Jinga's ass, which was conveniently placed in front of him.

"Okay…ow, right hand yellow, Reno." Jinga grunted from between the two red-heads. His lover was below him, and Jinga could feel warm breath ghosting over his clothed member. He felt Reno move over top of him, his hand grazing his butt as the older male moved to the appropriate place on the mat.

"Hey, how about we make this interesting?" Reno asked, shifting his head slightly to look down at his brother.

"This isn't interesting enough?" Reiji asked, motioning with his eyes at the concealed goodies provided by his lover in front of him.

"Fine, more interesting, then. The first one to fall has to obey the others' wishes." Reno proposed, grinning straight at Jinga.


The three males collapsed on each other, all panting in the after-glow of their activity. Reno pulled out of Jinga slowly, noticing blood on his softening member and quickly got up to grab a towel from the cupboard. Reiji eased out after him, kissing Jinga one more time before getting up as well and lifting the redhead into his arms, carrying him the short distance to the futon and wrapping him up in the dark red blanket.

"That was fucking amazing, Reiji." The redhead said sleepily. Reiji smirked and kissed him on the forehead, ruffling his matted hair and picking up their scattered clothes from the floor. Reno walked over and handed Reiji the towel, slipping on his boxers and flipping on the TV.

"Hey! Cable's back up!" He quickly scanned through the TV-Guide, stopping every once in a while to look at something that caught his interest. Jinga just lay on the bright red futon, watching the screen lazily as he felt his eyelids become heavy. He felt a weight towards his feet and he saw Reiji sitting at the edge, holding a sea-salt ice cream out to him. The smaller redhead smiled and sat up, wincing at the pain in his ass, but taking the salty treat and taking a lick before the three settled on watching a random horror movie for the rest of the afternoon.

7: Showers and Elevators
Showers and Elevators

Reno turned around on the floor in front of the TV and looked over the coffee table at Jinga, sleeping soundly on the futon. He turned back and nudged his brother in the ribs, jerking his head in the sleeping redhead's direction. Reiji turned and smirked, getting up and cradling Jinga's limp body in his arms as Reno turned off the TV, and carrying him upstairs to his room. His fellow red-head followed him up the stairs and leaned against the door frame as he watched his brother tuck Jinga under the covers and kiss his forehead.

"He looks like an angel when he sleeps…" Reno whispered, walking up behind Reiji to look down at the peacefully sleeping redhead.

"I know. Reminds me of how you look when you sleep." Reiji smirked at his older brother, exiting the room and descending the stairs to the second bathroom and turning on the light.

"Dad always said I was a little Hell-raiser at day, but an angel at night." Reno chuckled and watched Reiji grab an extra towel from the cupboard, tossing it onto the bathroom counter and peeling off his boxers.

"Yeah; Angel through sleep, Devil in bed." He walked towards his brother, inserting a finger into the waist-line of his silk boxers and pulling him further into the bathroom, Reno kicking the door closed behind him.


"Alright, be careful walking out, there's still a bit of water left." Reiji warned, walking out of the bathroom naked and heading back up to his room to put on clean boxers. Reno shouted a 'yeah' from the shower and finished washing himself off, shutting off the water and carefully stepping out of the shower onto the slightly damp floor. He walked out of the room naked as well and up to his own room, yanking out a pair of clean boxers and pulling on another suit, drying his hair quickly with a hair-dryer once he was back downstairs.

He tied his red hair back and picked up his bag, poking his head out the front door and letting out a sigh of relief when he saw the sun peeking through the clouds. He walked out and locked the door behind him, checking himself out in the reflection from the elevator doors and yelping as they opened to reveal Rude.

"Why is it that when you leave for 'lunch' you're always returning with clean clothes and washed hair?"

Reiji moved about his room quietly, kicking dirty clothes out of the way as he walked over to his dresser to pick out another pair of boxers.

"Reiji?" He turned and saw Jinga sitting up in bed, rubbing one of his eyes sleepily. He smirked and halted his search for clean clothes as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You fell asleep during one of the movies. I brought you up here so you wouldn't be woken up." He reached a hand out and brushed some of the redhead's spikes out of his eyes.

"I heard moaning from downstairs…is Reno still here?"

"No, he left for work. We had a quickie before he left, so he was happy. Well, I'm happy too, but nowhere near as happy as I am after fucking you." He kissed his blond on the cheek and beamed at him. Jinga rolled his eyes and laid back down, turning on his side and nuzzling his face into the pillow.

"Whatever, so long as Rude doesn't find out, I don't care." At that moment the two teens heard shouts of pain from the level bellow them and Reiji walked to the window and looked down to see Reno scrambling away from a very pissed-off looking Rude.

"Too late." The red-head sighed, walking back over to Jinga and sliding into the bed next to him. "Looks like we won't be doing anymore threesomes with by bro for a while, huh?" He buried his nose into the red spikes and draped an arm over his waist, pulling their bodies flush against each other.



"You're not wearing any underwear, are you?"

Reiji trudged down the stairs to find Jinga sitting at the small breakfast table eating a bowl of cereal and reading the Sunday comics.

"Thank the Gods my cats don't eat like Garfield…" Jinga muttered, setting down the newspaper to look at Reiji. The red-head chuckled and grabbed his own bowl, filling it to the brim with Co-Co Puffs and sitting across from the blond, still having not continued his search for clean boxers.

"You really need to learn how to do laundry, I'm tired of having to do it every time I come over here on the weekends."

"I didn't hear the washer going when I came down." Reiji said after a particularly large spoonful of puffs.

"I know, I have to put them in the dryer next, but I was hungry." Jinga finished his bowl and set his spoon aside, picking the bowl up in both hands and gulping down the last remnants of milk. He set it down in front of him against to be met with a snickering red-head. "What?"

"You have something on your upper lip there, Jinga. It's white, sometimes sticky, and has a smooth taste…" Jinga glared at him and wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand, leaving the snickering red-head to go back upstairs and finish the laundry.

"As thanks for doing my laundry-"


"Fine, for doing my laundry again, I'm taking you to the beach." The two teens stepped into the elevator, Reiji pulling his wallet out of his TRIPP pants and checking how much money he had. "I've got plenty for rides, new swim trunks since ours went missing-not mentioning any names, Jinga."

"That was your fault! I told you not to try anything stupid, but you wouldn't listen! Even Reno knew not to-" The elevator, which had been working fine through the beginning of their conversation, suddenly came to a halt, shaking the cabin as the teens immediately grabbed the rails on the walls.

"You have got to be fucking shitting me…" Jinga pounded his fist on the DOWN button, but to no avail. Reiji sighed and opened the emergency call box, dialing the number for the apartment complex's maintenance.

"Hi, your elevator just stopped working again. Yeah…yeah, the one in front of room 138. Uh-huh…well fuck you too." He slammed the phone on the vertical hook and sighed, leaning back against the wall of the elevator. "They said the guy who's in charge is on vacation, and his replacement is currently out for lunch, and they don't know how to get a hold of him. Apparently we're gonna have to wait in the fucking thing for a couple of hours until they can find some dumb-ass smart enough to fix this piece of shit."

Jinga groaned, sliding down the wall and bringing his knees to his chest, resting his chin on top of them and staring at the other wall hatefully. Reiji sat next to him, pulling his PSP from a pocket and turning it on. The redhead looked over and visibly twitched as his lover started playing one of Jeffree Star's songs, the pulsing beat of Picture Perfect! echoing off the walls of the tight space.

"I can't believe you like that shit…" Jinga muttered, shifting away from the vile noise.

"C'mon, you like some of his songs, I know you do."

"Yeah, like one or two at the most." Reiji just rolled his eyes and looked down at the PSP as the music suddenly stopped.

"Shit, I forgot to re-charge it last night…well, fuck." He pocketed the game system and sighed, resting his head against the wall. Jinga sighed too and screamed at himself in his head for forgetting his iPod at home.

With my luck Oblivion is chewing on the cord or something… The redhead jumped as Reiji reached over and between his legs and chest, moving his hand down to massage his crotch.

"Damnit, they have cameras in these things ya know!" The redhead yelled, shoving the probing hand from his body.

"No they don't. If they did, they would've caught that rapist last year, wouldn't they?" Reiji leaned closer, licking the shell of Jinga' ear and nibbling the lobe gently. He moved his hand back to it's prior activities, smirking as Jinga moaned in his throat.


The teens both caught their breath, kissing each other sloppily before pulling away form each other and redressing, Jinga frowning at his sweat-soaked shirt.

"Damnit Reiji, I told you not to do this when I'm wearing a white shirt! People are gonna notice…" The redhead blushed, pulling his jeans back on and zipping them up, looking away from the red-head.

"Why not take it off instead?" The redhead glared at him and jumped as the elevator sprung to life, moving gently down wit the engine humming. They both got off and looked around, not seeing a single person in sight.

"What the Hell?" Jinga groaned and glared at Reiji.

"What? I didn't have anything to do wit this!"

"Sure you didn't…just like you had nothing to do with my Algebra project, huh?" Jinga began walking towards Reiji's car, the red-head following with an innocent look.

"Maybe the Sex Gods were smiling down upon us?" Jinga shot him another glare and got into the car when it was unlocked, staring out the window and ignoring the looks two snickering girls were giving their passing car.

"I told you installing those cameras were a good idea." The girl with short, brown hair said. The one with longer, darker hair grinned.

"Yeah, we should put them in their homes."

"Later, let's grab the tape and head over to Sophie's, I promised her we'd all watch it together." The two girls walked into the elevator and retrieve the small tape from the hidden camera, walking arm-in-arm down the sidewalk back to their car.

8: Sex on the Beach
Sex on the Beach

Disclaimer: I do not own Metal Fight Beyblade or Kingdom Hearts, but I do own the latest game! 358/2 Days FTW!

Extra: I am very sorry I took so long, I got distracted by some shit and I'm planning my trip to Disney World for my birthday in a couple months, I am on a very tight budget-I was lucky to get this game, I don't even have the system anymore!-and things are pretty hectic around here. Anyway, enjoy this special chapter introducing Wanda into the story, and also...I can't guarantee a lemon in every chapter anymore...I just don't have the time right now. Sorry, but please look forward to other fics I will be writing soon, as well as a special one of Reiji and Jinga, plus videos I will be making once I can download 358/2 Days footage of them. ^^ You'll never guess what song it will be...NEVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (gets carted off to psych ward)


"How about…this one!" Reiji dramatically threw open the changing room door, revealing black swim trunks with bright red and orange flames on them.

Jinga visibly winced.

"They certainly suit you…can we go already? That's like the tenth pair you've tried on and I thought we wanted to get to the beach sometime this year." The redhead was currently sitting in a chair opposite the changing rooms, five bags full of shitty Summer '09 souvenirs next to him. The red-head pouted, turning back into the room and shutting the door.

"Fine, I'll get this pair and then we'll go, happy?!"

"Yes, very." Jinga blinked as the sounds of Picture Perfect! started coming from his back pocket. "Damnit Reiji! Stop changing my ringtone!" He ignored the cackling from the changing room and checked the Caller I.D. "Yo."

"HI JINGA!" Gingka's excited voice screamed on the other line.

"What the fuck, did someone just scream bloody murder out there?" Reiji asked, poking his head over the door.

"It's Gingka…fuck bro, I need these for hearing…" Jinga mumbled, rubbing his ear and holding the phone at arm's length.

"My bad, my bad. I heard you and Reiji are heading to the beach, which beach?"



"That would be the big-ass one that's about half-an hour away from our place?"

"Oh yeah!" The redhead rubbed his temples in annoyance. Boy his twin could be dense at times… "I think that's where Kyoya and I are, we're standing outside some swim-store." Jinga froze.

"Please don't tell me…" He sprung out of the chair, bags falling to the floor as he looked frantically towards the front of the store. Yep, there he was, his own twin brother waving through the front window at him like an idiot, and Kyoya, smirking at him with his arms crossed.

"Hi Jinga!" Gingka called, hanging up his own phone and running into the store. The woman at the register twitched, faking a smile as Reiji finally came out with the swim trunks still on.

"Yeah, I'd like to wear these out." He shifted so the annoyed-looking woman could scan the tag, and handed over the money, yanking the tag off and shoving it into his pant's pocket.

"What're you guys doin' here?" Jinga asked. The four teens were now making their way through the crowded streets back to Reiji's car, seeing as they weren't going to be carrying bags in the ocean.

"Gingka was getting depressed about Fall coming early, so I promised to take him to the beach as soon as we both finished our assignments. I've never seen him work so fast…" Kyoya turned his blue eyes to his lover, smirking at him, arms still crossed over his chest, wrinkling the light-blue fabric of his shirt. Gingka beamed at him, clutching a large beach bag full of their swim trunks and a cooler packed with sea-salt ice creams.

"Of course I worked fast! The only things I have to look forward to in Fall is Halloween and Thanksgiving, then it's counting down the days 'till Christmas." The redhead sighed, his boyfriend patting him gently on the back.

"Oi, one more block and we can dump this shit in my car and you guys can change." Reiji called form the front of the group. Jinga nodded and turned back to Kyoya and his twin.

"What about TV shows starting up again?"

"What shows? Mine all play during the Summer…" Gingka faked a pout, the green-haired teen next to him rolling his eyes.

"Then why do I always find Grey's Anatomy recorded on DVDs every Friday morning?"

"Oh, that's me. I don't bother paying for TV when I can come mooch off you guys." Kyoya said, smirking at Jinga's dumb-founded look.

"Alright! Gingka, wanna hand me that cooler ya got there?" Reiji asked. Jinga looked forward to find they were already at Reiji's car, the red-head popping opening the trunk and tossing in his pants.

"Huh? Nah, I wanna keep it for when we're actually on the sand."

"Whatever, ya gonna change in the car then?" Reiji nodded his head towards the beach bag.

"Actually we'll change in the changing rooms on the beach, they're air-conditioned and we have towels in there too." Kyoya said, pulling his keys out of his pocket and tossing them into the trunk. Jinga heaved the bags he was carrying in as well, nearly toppling over into it himself. Reiji caught him around the waist and pulled him back before slamming down the hood and kissing the top of his head.

"Try not to get decapitated from my car, 'kay? I don't think my insurance would cover it." Jinga glared at him and yanked his new swim trunks off the ground, having pulled them out of one of the bags before ridding himself of them.

"Bite me."

"Gladly." Reiji swept the smaller redhead into his arms bridal-style and nibbled his neck, causing a blush to form on Jinga's cheeks.

"Reiji, we're in public!" He glanced over at Kyoya and Gingka, the two teens snickering.

"Technically we're in a parking lot behind a pizza place." The red-head mumbled against his neck. Jinga feebly tried to push him away but gave up, Reiji stopping once he did. "And that's how Reverse Psychology works, huh Jinga?" He set his smaller redhead back down, giving his ass a light squeeze and quickly dodging a blow to his head.

"Are we going or not?" He glared at Kyoya and his twin, both still snickering, and led the way to the nearest changing station on the beach.

"Alright, see you in a bit!" Gingka called, waving at his twin as he and Kyoya walked arm-in-arm out of the changing station. Reiji watched his lover enter a room, and just before he closed the heavy door, he slid in, quickly locking the dead-bolt behind him.

"Reiji! Damnit, some one'll hear!" The redhead yelped, his red-headed lover pinning him against the fire wall, his hands making their way to his hips.


He glanced at the mirror once more, eyeing Jinga's features as he came down from his high. The redhead's face was utter perfection, like always.

"Might want to be a little quiet there, Jinga. Don't want people to hear us, right?" Reiji whispered huskily, biting the teen's earlobe and pulling back to smirk at him. Jinga glared, the effect non-existent due to his flushed cheeks and muss-up hair.

"Shut up and get out, I need to get dressed."

"They still haven't come out yet." Gingka mumbled around his sea-salt ice cream, staring behind him at the changing station.

"Reiji's probably screwing Jinga into the wall." Kyoya replied, smirking and flipping through his magazine. "Huh, Naruto Shippuden comes here today…I completely forgot." The green-haired lion teen looked over the top of his magazine at the redhead currently eyeing him suggestively.

"What?" Gingka took a long, slow lick of his ice cream, lowering his eyelids to give himself that lustful look. "I'm not having sex with you on a beach in front of children, Gingka. You can wait until we get back home." Kyoya attempted to continue his reading when a hand snatched the object away, tossing it over his shoulder to land in their cooler.

"How about a swim?" Gingka asked, teasingly biting off what was left of his ice cream and licking the fluids left on the wooden stick. Kyoya shifted his legs, feeling his member reacting to his boyfriend's actions. He leaned forward, tilting the red-head's chin up with a finger and looking him in the eyes.

"Gods you turn me on so much, Gingka, it's ridiculous." He kissed him tenderly then stood up, stretching and placing his now wet magazine in their bag.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Gingka shouted, flying past him towards the crashing waves.

"Hey, no fair!" Kyoya started after him, diving into the water once he was in up to his waist. He re-surfaced, looking around for the familiar red spikes belonging to his lover, finding only more water and other people a few meters from them. "Oi, Gingka!" He called. Nothing. He was beginning to worry when he suddenly felt something around his leg, then shouted as he was pulled under the water's surface.

"Haha, got ya! You thought you were gonna die or something', didn't ya? Hahaha!" Gingka laughed, holding his stomach as an annoyed Kyoya glared at him. The green-haired teen suddenly grinned, swimming closer to his prey and looking at him like they had been stranded on an island and he had recently became edible. "Wh-What are you doing…?" The redhead asked, scared of the malicious grin towards him. He yelped as his swim trunks were suddenly yanked down, over his legs and off his feet. "Kyoya! Damnit, that's not funny! Give 'em back!" Kyoya ignored the demand, shoving the trunks into the large pocket on his leg and zipping it.

"This is what happens when you pull stupid shit on me-on land, and in the water." The teen stepped closer to his prey, moving a hand under water and stroking Gingka's bobbing member, his own twitching at his thoughts of how he was going to punish his lover.


"Hey! Kyoya! Gingka!" Gingka looked around and found they had drifted quite far from the shore. His twin looked almost the size of one of his old action figures, waving both arms at them to guide them back.

"Last one back chooses what we watch tonight!" Kyoya called from beside him, quickly swimming towards Jinga on the shore.

"Hey!" Gingka huffed and started swimming after him.

"Check the answering machine, will you Gingka?" Jinga said, walking past his twin in the kitchen to feed their cats.

"Sure." The redhead glanced at the machine on the wall, a glowing red 1 blinking at him. He sighed, hitting the button and turning up the volume so he could hear it.

"Gingka, Jinga! It's been a while, how are you guys doing?" Jinga froze at the voice, holding a spoonful of cat food a few inches over a bowl, Oblivion glaring at him in annoyance. "My plane just landed, it's a little past midnight. Man, you should've seen Japan! It was truly beautiful, I took lots of pictures for you guys, of course." Jinga dropped the food into the bowl, much to Oblivion's appreciation, and walked over to the machine, slamming his hand on the button and stopping it from continuing.

"Jinga! What the Hell?"

"Why is Wanda calling us?" The Nobody blader demanded. Gingka shifted his feet uncomfortably. "Why, Gingka?!"

"You know, not everything has to be about you." Gingka stared hard into his brother's eyes, waiting for him to retort. He just scoffed, walking out of the kitchen and down the hall, slamming their bedroom door behind him. Gingka sighed and pressed the PLAY button again.

"I'm staying over at my cousin's, I'm sure you know their number and address. Give me a call, would you guys? Talk to you soon!" Gingka smiled and deleted the message, bending down to pick up Oathkeeper and holding the white fluff-ball close to him.

"Look's like we're going to have an interesting weekend, huh?"

I am so, so sorry! I havn't updated in ages, I know, but guess what? I GOT 358/2 DAYS TODAY, WOO!

Gingka: ...we have a game?

Jinga: Duh, this one that just came out is all about me for once.

Reiji: Don't forget me!

Kyoya: Am I in it?

Jinga: Hell yeah! This is when we had you there as

Reiji: Our bitch?

Kyoya: (twitch)

Okay! So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be updating more and more, and also, please check out my drawing of Reiji, Jinga, and Wanda I did in honor of today. ^^ Link: art/Reiji-Jinga-and-Wanda-138613348 R&R~!

9: Sick

Disclaimer: I don't own Metal Fight Beyblade or Kingdom Hearts, I do own my games though, or anything else mentioned in here.

Extra: Since I took so long to update, here is another chapter with a few hours of the last one~ See how fast I can pump these out when I don't have to come up with a lemon for each one? (proud-of-herself)


"Oi, Jinga, you gonna let me get on the computer anytime soon?" Gingka asked from behind their large desk chair.

"Hn." Gingka huffed and looked over the red spikes at the monitor.

"Hey, you're writing to Sarah?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of going over tomorrow." Gingka furrowed his brow, looking worriedly at the back of his twin's head.

"Listen, Jinga, I know you feel bad about what happened bu-"

"Could ya just go do something by yourself for a minute? Please?" Gingka sighed and walked out of their room, picking up Oathkeeper as he went through the hall.

"I know, Oathkeeper. He's being a meanie." The white cat purred contentedly as the redhead scratched under his chin. "What do ya wanna watch?" He held the tiny cat in front of their DVD case, looking over the titles. He chuckled when the cat put a paw out and hit one of the cases. "Lesse…Aristocats, huh? You just like looking a Marie." He smiled and walked out to the family room with his cat, ignoring the sound of the bedroom door slamming the second time that night.

"Fucking idiot needs to get a life…" Jinga muttered, returning his attention to the screen. He jumped in surprise when his IM popped up, blinking orange on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. "New message from…shit." He leaned back in the chair, debating whether or not to accept the message. "Shit, my status says 'Online', if I don't reply, she'll think I'm being an ass." The redhead sighed and opened the window.

OrgMemberXIVHey Jinga, you're online? I thought you'd be in bed by now seeing as you have school tomorrow. Well, I do too, but I'm used to staying up late, lol ^^ So what are ya up to?

Jinga sighed, beginning to type his reply.

KEY of DESTINY: Yeah, I was just checking some manga updates before heading to bed. I had a nap today, so I couldn't sleep. I got your message on our answering machine, I'm glad your plane made it in safely. You have school tomorrow? I thought you might take time off since you just got back. What school are you going to?

Jinga leaned back in his chair again, picking up his Coke bottle and taking a swig and setting down once a reply popped up.

OrgMemberXIV: Yeah, the ride was a bit bumpy, but I took some pills and slept most of the flight, lol I know I could've taken off, but I really miss you guys! I also have to keep up in my studies if I want to be a Scientist. Kumasuke would be proud~ XD Nah, I have no idea what I want to be. I'll be going to XLC High with Sarah and Madoka, they said that you and Gingka go there too, so I guess we'll bump into each other, huh?

Jinga winced, sighing for the ump-teenth time that night and taking another sip of Coke.

KEY of DESTINY: lol Actually, Kumasuke is the…uh…'nurse' at school. Ryuga constantly has to tell him to only give students proper medication lol I guess we'll see each other tomorrow, then, yeah, can't wait.

The reply took a couple minutes this time, which Jinga used to finish off his beverage and toss the bottle into the wastebasket by the desk.

OrgMemberXIV: You know, Jinga, I was really afraid that you wouldn't talk to me after…you know, everything that happened between You, Reiji, and I two years ago…I'm really glad you haven't changed. :)

Jinga felt his stomach churn and he had to fight the urge to vomit.

KEY of DESTINY: Yeah, me too. I gotta go, I need to get some sleep. Goodnight, Wanda.

OrgMemberXIV: Goodnight Jinga.

IM ended: Wed. Sept. 30, 3:38 AM

Jinga closed the window, making sure his status was 'Offline', and walked out to find his twin dancing to Everybody Wants to be a Cat on the TV holding Oathkeeper.

"Oh! Hey Jinga, done being emo yet?" The redhead asked, setting his cat down and turning off the TV.

"I'm not going to school tomorrow, I think I injested something form the ocean water Sunday at the beach." The redhead replied, rubbing stomach and sitting on the love-seat. Gingka narrowed his eyes at him, placing his hands on his hips.

"You're not fooling me, Jinga. You don't want to go to school, why?"

"Seriously, Gingka, I don't feel well." He really didn't. He felt like he was going to cough up his insides any second now. He leaned forward and held his head in his hands. Great, now I have a headache…

"I'm gonna get a thermometer. If you don't have a fever, you're going to school-even if I have to call Reiji and have him drag you there." Gingka walked into the kitchen, going through their emergency cabinet and pulling out one of the oral thermometers. "Alright, open up." The redhead obeyed, wincing at the unpleasant taste of plastic in his mouth.

"So, what's it say?" Jinga asked after a few minutes. He laid down on the love seat, his feet dangling over the arm rest.

"Damn, you weren't kidding…you have a really high fever!" Gingka showed his brother the thermometer and the redhead's eyes widened.

"Shit…I knew I felt horrible, but seriously?" Jinga eyed the blinking 105.8 before him, groaning and grabbing a pillow to cover his face.

"You want me to stay home with you?" Gingka asked, setting the thermometer on the coffee table.

"No, go to school, say hi to Wanda for me or somethin'." Came a muffled reply from under the light-blue pillow. Gingka gave his hidden-from-sight brother a worried look before patting his leg and wishing him goodnight.

Shit…I know how Jinga feels about the whole Wanda thing, but I had no idea it was this bad… Gingka sat down at the computer and logged into his account. "Who the Hell's messaging me at this hour?" He opened the window and cracked a small smile. "New message from HopelessNobody", huh?

He opened the window and smiled even wider at the message.

HopelessNobody: Hi Gingka, I wanted to give you a heads-up about Wanda being back here. She seems rather worried about Jinga and I know enough to assume he shouldn't see her for a while. How is he? I saw her sending a message to his address, so please let me know how he handled it. How are you, by the way?

She really is a smart one…

KeybladePegasus: Jinga got the message, and I feel bad saying this, but he's sick. Literally. He suddenly got a fever and says he feels terrible. I'm sorry, Naminé. I'm doing alright. Did I tell you about our trip to the beach Sunday? It was nice, Kyoya and I bumped into Jinga and Reiji. It took them an hour to get out of the changing room lol.

Gingka sat at the computer waiting for a reply, flipping though his Economics text book and jumping when the window popped up with a 'ding'.

HopelessNobody: I'm sorry to hear that about Jinga…tell him I said get well, okay? Actually, Kyoya called me yesterday and said you two went to the beach. I wonder what Reiji and Jinga were up to in that room…lol Well, I have to go, Madoka is asking to use the computer to edit her report. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

KeybladePegasus: Yeah, see you!

IM ended: Wed. Sept. 30, 4:03 AM

Gingka stretched his arms above his head and rid himself of his shirt, climbing the ladder to the top bunk of the bed after shutting off the computer and turning off the light. He sprawled out under the covers and thought about two years ago with Wanda and his twin. She really shouldn't have come back so soon…That 'Leader' of Jinga's isn't going to like this one bit… He turned over in his bed and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Alright, I have medicine-pops in the freezer, pain meds on the counter, pill cutter by the pain meds, the cats are fed, litter boxes clean, and I'll pick up your schoolwork from your teachers." Gingka listed off while he zipped up his bag. "Are you sure you do not want me to stay home with you?" He asked, turning his golden-brown eyes to his twin's matching ones.

"I'm fine, Gingka. I'm probably going to just take some pills and take a nap, no biggie." Jinga said from the couch under a pile of blankets. Oblivion was currently curled up on his stomach, his head tucked under his paws as he let his owner pet him.

"Alright. Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you in a few hours!"

"Bye!" Jinga called, waiting for the front door to shut. He listened closely as he heard it lock, then he settled further under the blankets and turned on the TV, being greeted with a SAW VI commercial. "Damn I can't wait for that to come out…"

Three hours of boring daytime TV later, Jinga got up and downed two strong pain meds for his headache and decided to take a hot bath. "These things never kick in within an hour anyway, so no danger if trying to relax a little, right?" The redhead walked to the other end of the house, poking his head in Damian's old room and pondering whether or not he wanted a shower instead. Sure, he could use his and Gingka's shower/tub, but Damian's in his old room was a lot bigger. He decided against it, seeing as he felt so weak from being ill, and he walked into his shared bathroom and turned on the hot water, watching it fill the tub and send steam into the room.

"Ah~ Much better." Jinga let his head rest against the white-and-black checkered tile behind him, feeling his muscles begin to turn to null under the hot water around him. He felt himself become rather sleeping and he held his head up, making sure he wouldn't slip down and fall under the water's surface. He remembered the non-slip mat currently under his ass in the tub and he relaxed, closing his eyes and falling asleep within seconds.

"Jinga! Jinga!" The redhead spluttered to life as he felt himself being violently shaken by strong arms. "Damnit, what were you thinking?!" He blinked and focused his heavy-lidded eyes on Reiji, the red-head looking at him sternly.


"I hear from your brother you're sick, and I come here to this?! You could've drowned!" Reiji picked the redhead up in his arms, soaking his black coat, and wrapped him in the zebra-print towel, rubbing his arms to warm him. Jinga then noticed that he was freezing.

"H-How long was I out?" He asked, looking up at his lover.

"It's about two, and based off the water, I'd say a couple of hours." He started rubbing Jinga's arms under the towel more slowly. "Damnit Jinga…don't you ever do that to me again…" He embraced his smaller redhead, nuzzling into his wet hair and sighing. The two teens stood in the bathroom, the younger shaking as he was still cold, but quickly warming up under Reiji's touch. They both jumped when the doorbell rang, Reiji lifting his head and furrowing his brow.

"W-Who could that b-be?" Jinga asked no one in particular as he clung the towel closer to himself. Reiji was about to go and check when they heard the door open and close, then footsteps approaching the bathroom. Jinga became frozen-not from cold, but from shock. Wanda stopped walking once she saw the teens in the bathroom, Jinga dripping wet, and Reiji protectively holding Jinga beside him.

"What's going on…?" She asked, looking from Jinga to Reiji and back again.

"Jinga is sick." Reiji stated emotionlessly. "Apparently he passed out in the tub and he's lucky I got here in time to get him out." The red-head moved his lover behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"I…I heard he was sick and I wanted to see how he was doing, so I-"

"Does Gingka know you're here?" Reiji couldn't stand seeing her standing there, looking innocently at him and Jinga like she hadn't ever done anything to them.

"No, I told Sarah to let him know-"

"Then I think you should leave." Reiji said sternly, practically threatening her life with the way he said it.

"Reiji…" Jinga wanted to say something, but he felt his lover stiffen. He looked up and almost became scared as he saw the look in his lover's eyes. There was hatred in them, more hatred than when he glared at Sophie for hitting on him.

"Get out…Jinga doesn't need to see you right now…"

"But Reiji-"

"Get out!" Wanda looked hurt and tears began to form in her eyes as she shook her head and ran down the hall, slamming the front door behind her.

"Reiji…you really didn't need-oh shit…" Jinga tore himself from Reiji's grip as he bent over the toilet, the towel falling behind him onto the black carpet as he paid homage to Bacchus at the porcelain altar. Reiji immediately leaned over his boyfriend and slid his hair back, keeping his bangs out of his face and grimacing at the horrid sounds of the redhead's purge.

"Shit Jinga…how much more you gonna puke up?" The redhead had been leaning on the toilet's edge for almost an hour, puking nothing but bloody saliva every few minutes.

"I don't know…" His voice was hoarse and he looked pale as a ghost.

"I think we should get him to a hospital…" Gingka said from the doorway. He had come home early from school when Reiji had called Ryuga and told him about Wanda. Kyoya was there as well, doing Jinga's schoolwork for him in the spare room.

"No…no hospitalghs!" Jinga began another purge, causing his twin to wince at the vile noise being produced. Reiji turned his head as he heard the front door open and close, rushing footsteps stopping outside the door.

"We heard Jinga was sick! What's up?" Chao-Xin asked, Da Xiang beside him with concern showing on his face.

"Wanda's back…" Chao-Xin looked at him, understanding spreading across his features. Jinga leaned his forehead on the toilet edge, panting and begging the Gods to end this constant vomiting. He reached out with a shaky hand and flushed the blood-and-spit down the drain, grateful of Reiji's hand rubbing his back.

"I thought she was in Japan?" Da Xiang looked at Gingka questioningly.

"She was…apparently she's back now. And apparently…" he looked sympathetically at his twin, "she came here today to see Jinga."

"I'm sorry but,", they turned to see Kyoya standing in the doorway, which was now full, confused, "but what's up with Wanda and Jinga?"

"How do you not know?!" Chao-Xin asked incredulously.

"I was being inducted to the club, I had a blind fold on the entire time…" Kyoya stated bluntly. "I had a Hell of a time finding my way around, let alone knowing what went on in the place."

"Jinga, you okay?" Reiji asked his lover, silently asking him if it was okay to tell Kyoya or not.

"Yeah," Jinga turned to look at him with nothing in his eyes but coldness, "I'm fine."



Jinga: I don't feel so good...

Kyoya: Seriously, I couldn't see a damn thing!

Da Xiang: Woo...I am finally part of the storyline...(walks off)

Chao-Xin: Poor Jinga-kins. :(

R&R~! I'll put up another chapter later today-if I can get some sleep. Oh yeah, the times on the IMs, are really what times it was when I typed them. xD

10: Lights, Camera, Drama!
Lights, Camera, Drama!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Metal Fight Beyblade, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, or Chocobos...but I did buy Censor-chan a Chocobo Keyblade and a Fat Chocobo plushie~! :3 Censor: I wuv them~ :3

Extra: It’s October! Only 30 days until Samhain! *screams* I have two contests to enter this month, not to mention other drawings in honor of this chapter and later ones to come this month, so be on the look-out! And the picture I drew of Reiji, Jinga, and Wanda, please go to and finish the link with what’s in the other chapter,this site annoys me in that way. (twitch)

Contest: Has anyone guessed where the characters live? I have laid-out clues, especially in the last few chapters, about their location. The first person to correctly tell me where this takes place will win a drawing of you and your character-of-choice from Metal Fight Beyblade or Kingdom Hearts~! I kinda suck at drawing right now, but by the time you all figure this out, I know I’ll be better. XD There will be two prizes: 1st prize goes to the person who can give me the state AND city location - prize includes drawing AND insertion of you into story for ONE CHAPTER ONLY. 2nd prize goes to whomever can give me the state, and you get a drawing of you and whatever character. First come, first serve basis, and I will continue to give out clues along the way. There is no deadline, so take your time...please read the VERY NEXT THING I post for a special hint on the location. Alright, have fun~! :D

Lights, Camera, Drama!

“You going to be okay with just one bowl?” Reiji asked his redheaded lover beside him on the love seat. Jinga gulped and quickly leaned over the soup bowl, silently wishing for actual food to be coming up instead of the lining of his throat.

“To put it bluntly…” Gingka said from the armrest, looking over at Kyoya, “Wanda went nuts and tried to kill Jinga.” Kyoya blinked, looking over at the pale form of a shaking Jinga.

“Why? I mean, what made her go nuts and try something like that?”

“We don’t know.” They turned their attention to Da Xiang. “One day she just snapped. Jinga fought her off of course, and later Ryuga stepped in and proposed she attend a school in Japan that was part of an exchange program.”

“I still don’t get why Jinga is sick because of it…” Kyoya said, looking confused.

“You try having your best friend try to kill you and see how you feel towards her after it.” Jinga muttered from his seat beside his boyfriend. He set his bloodied bowl on the coffee table and curled up into Reiji’s side, resting his head on his chest.

“It’s okay, Jinga…just don’t blow chunks all over me.” The red-head grimaced. Jinga gave a weak laugh and began to fall asleep.

“You guys should get going.” Gingka whispered to Chao-Xin and Da Xiang. “We all still have school tomorrow and it’s getting late.”

“You mind if I stay the night and keep watch over him tomorrow?” Reiji asked, stroking the red hair that was tickling his chin soothingly.

“Of course, you can sleep with Jinga in Damian’s old room, that way if he needs to throw up again there’s a bathroom right there.” Gingka said goodbye to his boyfriend, thanking him for doing Jinga’s work, as well as Chao-Xin and Da Xiang half an hour later. He opened the door to Damian’s old room while Reiji carried his sleeping twin and laid him on the queen-sized bed.

“Gingka, I gotta call Ryuga real quick, keep an eye on him for a minute?” Reiji asked, pulling out his cell phone and hitting the speed-dial.

“Sure, take your time.” Gingka nodded to the red-head and walked past him into the bedroom, pulling the Chocobo-print sheets over his body.

“Reiji, how is our number thirteen doing?” The fierce annoyed voice said on the phone.

“He’s probably not going to be able to make it tomorrow, or Friday, for that matter.” Reiji said, running a finger on the wall as he walked down the hallway.

“That’s too bad. I take it you’ll be staying with him, then?”

“Of course.”

“Alright. I’ll have his teachers give his work to Gingka to take to him and Reiji,” The serpent blader braced himself for a scolding, “don’t forget about the play in a few weeks. He may be sick, but he needs to know his lines. Goodbye.” The red-head twitched. He wasn’t a big fan of Ryuga’s plays he forced their ‘club’ to perform at the school every year, not since Wales took his part of decorations too far and ended up having tulips in a scene taking place in the Underworld.

“Hey,” Gingka poked his head outside the bedroom door, “Jinga said for you to get your ass in there with him.” The golden-eyed teen grinned, glad his brother had enough strength to bitch at him. Reiji told the redhead about his twin’s schoolwork and then bid him goodnight, closing the door to the bed room and crawling into the bed beside his sick lover.

“Hey…” Reiji whispered, brushing his fingers through the redhead’s hair.

“Hey.” Jinga turned over, looking into Reiji’s snake eyes and smiling. “I’m feeling a bit better, I think I can go Friday at least.”

“Nonsense. You’re staying home, I’m going to take care of you, got it?”

“But what about my work?”

“Kyoya did it. I’m sure he’ll do the rest of it too, he’s cool like that.” Reiji smirked, kissing Jinga’s forehead. “And anyway, Ryuga only concerned about the play in a few weeks…”

“Which one are we doing again?”

“Well it’s October, I guess we’ll be doing The Nightmare Before Christmas again…which means we have to do better than last year.”

“You mean the year Wales put tulips in the underworld scene?” Jinga laughed, coughing a little, then curling under the sheets. Reiji eyed the pattern, raising an eyebrow.

“You know you’re older brother has a serious problem with his Chocobo fetish…” Jinga just rolled his eyes.

“You have no room to talk pyro. Everytime I got to your place and into your room I have to blink several times to get my eyes to adjust.”

“I’m not ashamed to be who I am.” Reiji replied, holding his chin up proudly.

“Yeah…a criminal.” Reiji playfully gave the blond a light tickling to his rib cage, smiling at the younger teen’s attempts to hold in his laughter.


“You know something?”

“What?” It was morning, Gingka had gone to school and Jinga and his lover were sitting on the couch eating their favorite sea-salt ice creams.

“This whole Wanda thing…it made me remember how we were when we first hooked up.” Reiji said, smirking as he licked his treat seductively.

“Yeah, you would bend me over the nearest object and fuck me senseless if I so much as brushed against you.” Jinga laughed, thinking in the back of his mind about what he would like Reiji to lick instead of the ice cream.

“You had a part in that too! Fuck, we would have the dirtiest sex almost four times a day back then…”

“You sound like an old man…it’s only been two years.” He watched his lover set his popsicle stick down and scoot closer to him, grabbing his own stick and tossing it behind him.

“How would you like to go back to the way things used to be?” Reiji purred, moving a hand over the smaller redhead’s crotch and massaging gently.

“R-Reiji! I’m sick!” Jinga protested, feeling himself harden under the red-head’s touch.


Meanwhile, at XLC High, Gingka was currently sitting in the auditorium, watching his boyfriend practice one of his scenes.

“Alright, Kyoya, I want you go and check with Da Xiang, see if he can print an extra copy of Jinga’s lines.” Ryuga said from the front row, two seats away from Gingka.

“-see how much he means to me?” Gingka looked at the stage-right, spotting Sophie singing one of her songs in the corner, a very professional look on her face. “Ryuga! Why do we always do this…Tim Burton, guy’s things? Why not someone else? I’m tired of singing the same damn things every year!” Ryuga kept an indifferent look as he scratched some notes down in a note book.

“We do them over and over because the man is a genius.” The periwinkle haired girl looked over at Doji, the graynette walking onto stage-left and then down the center steps, handing paperwork to Ryuga. “The movie sells, as does musical productions of it, and we never use the same song versions more than once. This year, you will be singing in the style of Amy Lee, I’m sure you’ve heard of her?” Doji stated, sitting beside the principal and nodding to Gingka.

“Amy Lee?! I’m singing her version?!” Sophie gave a very fan-girl-like squeal and quickly regained her composer, pulling out her iPod and apparently listening to the song, returning backstage to practice the different tone-of-voice. Gingka turned when he heard a door open at the back of the large room, barely able to make out a shape due to the light coming in from behind the figure. The room went quiet once the person’s face was revealed. Wanda held her head low, walking up to Ryuga and Doji.

“Um…you asked me to come, principal?” She asked, glancing at Gingka.

“Yes, Wanda. I would like you to have a part in our production this year. You’ll be playing Shock, and you’ll need to see Kumasuke to have your measurements taken for your costume. Do you have any problems with that?” Ryuga asked, setting his paperwork in his lap and removing his glasses, staring at Wanda expectantly.

“Who will Jinga be playing?” Wanda asked, brushing a strand of black hair behind her ear.


“Okay, thank you.” She walked up the steps of the stage towards Kumasuke who was measuring a very excited looking Chao-Xin in center-stage. Gingka sighed and stood up, picking his bag off the floor and walking backstage to one of the copy-rooms.

“Here, be sure to tell him what version he will be singing this year, get him the CD if you can.” Da Xiang said, handing Jinga’s lines to Kyoya who put them in his bag and smiled over at Gingka.

“Hey, ready to go?”

“Yeah, bye Da Xiang!” The Zurafa blader gave a half-hearted wave and returned to typing on his laptop.

“Hey Gingka?”

“Yeah?” The two teens were on their bikes, making their way on the sidewalks to Gingka’s place, waiting for traffic to stop so they could cross an intersection. Kyoya leaned forward, folding his arms on the handle bars of his bike.

“I just realized something…”

“What?” Gingka quickly pointed ahead of them and they began pedaling across the lanes, approaching the Lesner Bridge.

“I should’ve asked for Reiji’s lines too.” Kyoya grimaced, mentally smacking himself in the head. “You think he can go another day having no clue what he has to sing?”

“I think he should know by now, he’s played Jack for two years in a row!” Gingka called over the rushing cars. The teens rode over the long bridge, ceasing their pedaling and allowing gravity to move them down the slope, both carefully looking forward to make sure they wouldn’t get hit. They both sped past an eighteen-wheeler who blew their horn at them, Gingka worrying about whether-or-not he had to change his pants.

“Don’t tell me that scared you, it never even got close!” Kyoya said, leaning on his handle bars again as Gingka caught his breath, glaring at him.

“It wasn’t even two meters from me!” He shouted, holding his chest like he was having a heart-attack. Kyoya rolled his eyes and led the rest of the way home, poking fun at his boyfriend everytime they passed even a pick-up truck.


Whew, that’s a night well-spent...HOLY FUDGEBUNNIES, IT’S ONLY 1:13 AM?!

Jinga: Yeah? So?

Reiji: She’s a night-owl, this is early for her. XD

Da Xiang: Why am I doing all the work?

Chao-Xin: ’Cause you’re smart!

Ryuga: ...please stop shouting...

Wales: Okay, I want drapes over here, and flower sover-

Wanda: Um...I think we have enough...(is waist-deep in roses)

Alright, check out the VERY NEXT THING I post for a special hint to the location of the characters~! Good luck to all of you, I will make this nice and easy...(cough)no i won’t(cough)

11: Re: Prisoner (FBA 1 START)
Re: Prisoner (FBA 1 START)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The following chapter is a re-write. I took out Da Xiang mentioning the death of Jinga's parents, and got into Reiji and Jinga's heads a bit more deeply. Enjoy the smut.


"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones, an emptiness began to grow-Mwahahaha!" Jinga rolled up his lyrics and smacked Reiji on the head harshly, annoyed at the pyro. "What the Hell? I was just changing it up a little." The red-head pouted, rubbing his abused head.

"It's a different version, there's nothing to change." Jinga un-rolled his lyrics and skimmed over them, sighing and tossing them onto Reiji's bed. He laid down, arms folded under his head, and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm so tired of playing Lock and having to watch Sophie of all people kiss you in front of the whole school."

"Aw, my Jingie jealous?" He was promptly hit. "Ow!" Reiji rubbed his arm, still smirking knowingly at the redhead. "Sorry kiddo, but Ryuga doesn't want me to molest you on stage like we did in the first year." He chuckled and set his own lyrics on his bedside table, laying down and wrapping an arm around the redhead's slender waist.

"Ah, those were the days. We were constantly getting in trouble for everything." The redhead smiled, his eyes sparkling with the memories of Freshman-Mischief.

"The first few months you looked like a lost puppy, until I got a hold of you." Reiji tightened his grip on Jinga, nuzzling his nose into the red spikes. "Then we screwed like bunnies all over the school~" Jinga rolled his eyes, turning in the red-head's grip to face him.

"You got a hold of me after the first day, you idiot."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you stalked me, then broke into my house, and-"

"Oh yeah! Man, I guess I blocked that out, huh?" Reiji looked confused as he tried to remember his first meeting-and taking-with-and of-the redhead.


"Yo, Reiji, check it out." The pyro turned to where Chao-Xin was pointing to and narrowed his eyes. Their principal, Ryuga, was speaking with a lost-looking freshman.

"Shit, he's never gonna survive here." Reiji muttered, watching the young teen's eyes shift around the crowded hall nervously. "C'mon, we're gonna be late." The red-head turned and headed down the hall, his friend following in suit.

"Since when do you care about being late or not?" Chao-Xin chuckled, turning to glance over his shoulder at the redhead with their principal.

"I'm just not in the mood for another detention for being late, I have no free Saturdays left 'till the end of the month."

"Yeah right, you just want to get to Da Xiang and see if he knows anything about that cute new kind, don'tcha?" Reiji threw a hand out, aiming at the dirty-mahagony's head and missing. Chao-Xin laughed as he ducked under the blow and patted his friend on the back. "Can't say I blame you, he looks like he'd be fun in bed~" The teen cackled as he dodged another blow to his head and skipped ahead of the pyro, sticking his tongue mockingly.


"Alright everyone, we have a new student. He's a freshman, however he is taking several AP classes, and this happens to be one of them…Jinga, please come in." Reiji opened a lazy eye and watched the same redhead walk through the classroom door, shifting his feet nervously. "Please take a seat." The teacher pointed towards Reiji and he stiffened, taking his feet off the empty chair in front of his desk and watching Jinga sit down with only a glance in his direction.

Reiji spent the rest of the class staring at the redhead. He swore under his breath when he dropped his pencil, having been idly twisting it in his fingers, and bent down to pick it up. His pale hand met with a tanner one and he looked up, his eyes meeting beautiful brown orbs in the process.

"S-Sorry, here." Jinga shoved the pencil towards him and quickly sat back up in his chair, returning to his work with a shaky hand. Reiji looked up and took a good, long, analyzing look at the redhead's ass through the cut-outs in the plastic chair. He bit his bottom lip, sitting up slowly and forgoing the rest of his class work, in favor of imagining the redhead in many compromising positions under him.


"Reiji, it's coming to you!" The red-head shot his head up and watched the volleyball fly towards him. He raised his hand and knocked it over the net, the ball barely grazing the top.

"What's up Rej? You nearly missed that one." Sophie said, her hands on her hips as she stood next to him while the opposing team bickered over who was serving.

"I'm just tired, okay?" Reiji pretended to bend down and tie his shoe while he looked under the net at Jinga, the redhead standing next to a another redhead and Kyoya. He stood and glared over at Chao-Xin, the idiotic teen making kissy faces at him from the other side of the net.

"Alright, serving!" Sarah called, tossing the ball into the air and hitting over the net straight at Reiji, the teen angling his hit towards Chao-Xin on the other side. The mahagony-clad teen wasn't paying attention and he was hit, the ball making a satisfying slap! when it hit his face. Everyone in their club laughed while the remaining teenagers crowded around the wailing boy. The pyro turned to see how Jinga was reacting and was pleased to see the redhead holding in a fit of giggles.

"You knowb," Chao-Xin said, holding his bleeding nose in the nurse' office, "thab wabs really rube." Reiji chuckled at the attempted glare and patted his back, watching him be escorted behind a curtain by Kumasuke.

"That was indeed rude, you know." Reiji turned and rolled his eyes at Da Xiang, the asian teen sitting next to him on the lumpy couch. "Here, I have some information for you." The teen pulled out his small laptop from his bag and brought up a screen of student records. "Jinga is the twin of Gingka, younger brother of Damian Hart, they live alone with rare visits from Social Services-" He was cut off when Reiji made a gagging sound, staring emotionlessly at the screen. Da Xiang cleared his throat and continued, "and he's a freshman. However, like you should know, he is taking several AP classes."

"Great, another nerd to add to this shitty school." Reiji leaned back on the couch, his hands behind his head.

"Actually, his record reminds me of you - not his academics, mind you." He added after a raised eyebrow from the red-head. "He's been to several institutions, has failed a couple classes along with one grade, and has even had trouble with the police - as far as vandalism goes." The teen shut off his computer and placed it back in his bag.

"So, he's a little Hell-raiser-turned-goody-goody, huh?" Reiji stood and walked out of the nurse' office, waving a hand over his shoulder. "I gotta go to the library, see you in a few days." He turned right and grimaced at the brightly colored banners above the library doors, all telling teens to read and stay away from drugs. Reiji chuckled, thinking of his stash of weed hidden in his room back at the apartment, and walked into the large room of books. He signed his name and the date in the sign-in book and walked to the Science Fiction section.

"Ah! Shit…"

The red-head looked around, removing one of the books he was looking at from the shelf and peering behind it. He saw straight-through to the other side, red spikes meeting his vision. He walked around the shelves and saw the new kid scooping up a pile of fallen books into his hands.

"Yo, need a hand with those?" Reiji offered. Jinga jumped and looked up, the books falling from his grasp again.

"Y-Yeah, thanks…" The two teens knelt down between the rows of bookshelves, dividing the scattered texts into two piles. They both exited the library and made their way to Jinga's locker by the cafeteria, Reiji keeping an eye on the redhead's ass as he walked.

"Why did you check out so many anyway?" The pyro asked, helping the redhead load the books into his locker.

"I need them for an extra-credit project, I want to get into a good school, you know?" The redhead shut his locker and spun the dial until the '0' was at the top and looked up at Reiji. "I'm Jinga by the way. What's your name?"

"Reiji, R-E-I-J-I, got it memorized?" He smirked, watching Jinga chuckle and blush lightly.

The intercoms suddenly crackled to life in the halls. "Alright everyone, we hope you had a good first day of school! The following buses will be late so please-" The teens cringed at the shrill voice over the intercom, students pouring out of classrooms on the other side of the hall.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Jinga." Reiji waved goodbye and walked through the halls to his own locker, grabbing his bag an heading out the front doors of the school.


"Hey Bej, waid ub!" Reiji turned and saw Chao-Xin running up to him, a ton of bandages on his nose. "So, you meeb ub wid thad Jingha today, hub?" He said, slinging an arm over his friend's shoulders.

"Yeah, he seems like a bit of a nerd, though. Listen, I'll talk to you later, when I can fully understand you." Reiji gave the mullet-haired teen a quick, playful shove and bounded over to his car, locking the doors and laying low in the driver's seat. He waited and watched Jinga walk out of the school and head over to a bus, the red-head jotting down the bus number on a post-it.

Reiji pulled out of the parking lot once the buses pulled out, following the one he knew the redhead was on. He drove two cars behind it, on the overpass he usually takes, then further over the Lesner Bridge. The pyro continued following the horrid yellow bus even as it turned into a more secluded neighborhood, watching each student that hopped off, looking for the red spikes. About two stops later, he saw Jinga get off and wave at the bus driver, then walk down the street. Reiji let his car cruise up a bit, checking to see if the attractive teen lived in one of the first few houses or not. He lucked out when Jinga walked down the driveway of the second house on the right, checking the mailbox before sighing and disappearing from view.

"Huh, so he doesn't live too far from Kyoya." Reiji checked his rearview mirror and backed up, making a U-turn and heading back to his apartment. On the way home, the red-head finally realized what he had done. I'm a fucking pedophile... He shook his head with a smirk and continued along the road.


"Oi, go long!"

Reiji threw his head back, tilting it to the right and catching the French fry in his mouth.

"Haha! Nice catch!" Chao-Xin laughed, shoving a fry into his mouth. Reiji laughed with him and scanned the lunch room, looking over at the far tables where the freshman were finishing up their lunch. He himself was a Sophomore, and sat towards the center of the cafeteria. He watched Jinga with his brother and Kyoya, along with Sarah and some red-head chick. The redhead was quietly eating his tater-tots while Gingka made hand gestures to go along with some random story he was telling.

"Reiji, you there?" He snapped out of watching the younger teen and turned to look at Sophie, who was waving her cell phone in his face. "Good, you haven't completely lost it yet." She ignored his glare and returned to texting. "Now then, Sophie, will you be available winter break? I'm having a huge party at Chao-Xin's place in Florida and I want you to do the decorations.

"Hey, why's it gotta be my place?" Chao-Xin pouted, shoving his tray away from himself.

"Because it's huge, has two pools, two hot tubs, and it's the ultimate party place." The perwinkle-haired bitch - I mean teen, rolled her eyes. "Fine, how about you let me throw a party there and you can provide entertainment. You have a band or something, right?" Chao-Xin's eyes grew wide as he grinned, leaned over the table, and hugged Sophie tightly.

"Ohmygodthankyousomuchwe'llbeawesomeIpromise!" Reiji rubbed his temples as the large cafeteria became quiet, all eyes on the still hugging and squealing Chao-Xin.

"Alright, I've had enough attention for today." Reiji stood up and threw out the remnants of his tray, glancing over at Jinga who was ignoring the whole ordeal and made his way out into the hall and began heading for his locker. He knew damn well what he was doing was wrong, but for some unfathomable reason, he didn't care.


Reiji sat on the bow of a tree in Jinga's back yard, playing his PSP as he waited for Jinga to arrive home. He had convinced Kyoya to invite Gingka - who he found out was the greenette's boyfriend, big shocker there - over for a sleep-over. He didn't tell him why, just that he wanted him to do it. Reiji looked up when he heard the sound of a large engine and looked through the branches to see a school bus heading towards the drop-off.

"Alright, only a few hours or something and Jinga should be asleep…" He shifted on the branch and returned to his game, waiting patiently for the redhead to walk into his house, do his homework, take a shower, and go to bed. Then he'll make his move.

Four hours later, the pyro had had enough. "Fuck, I'm so bored!" Reiji shoved his now dead PSP into his coat pocket and walked quietly up to one of the lit windows of Jinga's house, the sun completely set over an hour ago. He peeked in and noticed the blinds were only half-drawn and he could see the teen in his bathroom.


On the other side of the wall, the mentioned red-head bit his lip, holding in a loud moan as he came hard, gasping as he nearly toppled over into the grass behind him. He panted, trying to calm his breathing as he ducked out of view and leaned against the brick wall.

"Damn that kid…it's almost like he's fucking doing it on purpose, like he knows I'm out here…" Reiji watched the light shining on the grass a few feet from him, the outline of Jinga ruining the perfect lines from the window pane as he reached up and pulled the blinds down, the silhouette gone. The pyro stood up, tucking his softened member in his pants and zipping them up, walking quietly to the other end of the house.

Jinga sighed, toweling his red hair and glancing at himself in the mirror, his red spikes still perfectly formed. He smiled at his family's uncanny ability to have such naturally strong hair, before walking into Damian's old room where he flopped down on the large bed, turning off the lights and settling under the covers. He thought about what he had just done: jerked-off to the thoughts of a guy he didn't even know yet. He blushed as he turned over under the Chocobo-print blanket, images of the strange red-head poking at his brain.

Outside, Reiji walked around to the back patio, searching every nook and cranny for a set of spare keys.

"Yes!" He had opened the lid to an old sandbox and found two keys in a small pouch. He quickly plucked it from the spider-infested sand and tip-toed to the back door. Reiji unlocked it and stepped in, a hiss greeting him. He shut the door quietly and looked around, spotting a black kitten sitting atop a glass table, the hairs on it's back raised. "Well aren't you just the cutest thing…" Reiji attempted to walk further into the house, the cat hissing again as it leapt down to the floor, growling at him. The pyro sighed, fishing into his pockets for the leftover beef jerky from lunch. "There, will that shut ya up?" He tossed the pieces in front of the kitten, smirking as it stepped forward and ate them, not even glancing up as he walked past it further into the dark home.

Reiji stopped when he reached the end of the hall at the far point of the house, listening closely as he heard breathing from behind one of the doors. He quietly began turning the doorknob, holding his breath as the door creaked ominously. The red-head let out a relieved sigh when the sleeping blond let out a snore and turned over in his bed, facing away from the trespasser. Reiji didn't bother closing the door behind him, instead locking his eyes on the sleeping teen as he sat on the edge of the bed. He watched, mesmerized by the boy's perfect shape as he breathed in and out, already victim to his dreams. The pyro toed off his boots and lay on the bed, turning so he was facing the back of the blonds' head.

What the Hell am I doing? I just met this kid yesterday, why am I so interested in him? I broke into his house for Serpent's sake! Well, I used keys, but still! Reiji held his breath as Jinga turned over, subconsciously moving closer to him, burying his face in Reiji's coat. My body temperature always was higher than most people's…he looks so cute when he's sleeping. The sound of an owl hooting outside made the pyro jerk slightly. Shit...I should get outta here, see the kid at school tomorrow, get to know him like a normal person. He watched as the redhead's eyelashes fluttered, then completely went numb as the teen opened his eyes sleepily.

Jinga blinked, his tired mind taking an entire five seconds to register that he was not alone in his bed.

"Aaaahh! What the fuck?" He threw the covers off himself, flying back out of the bed and landing on his ass on the carpeted floor. What the Hell is going on, how did he get in here? This is a dream, right? Right? Jinga stood, shaking, as he looked over the planes of the large bed at Reiji, the very same Reiji he had jerked-off thinking about not an hour ago. "R-Reiji…h-how did you…?" He stopped and looked down at himself, his body completely naked to the red-head's eyes. The redhead squeaked and picked up a pillow from the bed, hiding his nudity.

Reiji tensed up for a moment as he thought of every possible excuse to give the younger teen. 'I wanted to make sure you got home safe even though I don't know you'...nah, that won't work. Fuck it, I'm just gonna throw caution to the wind and take a fucking chance. "You don't need to hide yourself from me Jinga." Reiji said huskily. He began crawling to the other side of the bed, arching his back like a cat as he made his way to the frozen teen.


"So…does this mean we're going out?" Jinga panted, looking up into Reiji's jade eyes. For some unknown reason, he didn't want the incredibly sexy red-head to leave. He received a chuckle in response, the pyro bringing a hand up to ruffle his hair.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


Falco276 out! :D

12: Love Rhymes with Fuck You
Love Rhymes with Fuck You

Disclaimer: I do not own Metal Fight Beyblade or Kingdom Hearts...

CONTEST WINNER: No one on this site has won my contest of the story's location! :(

Fine. I give it out to y'all. It's Virginia Beach, VA!

No one shall be randomly placed into ONE CHAPTER, you'll know which one, trust me. ;D Also, no one gets a drawing, and the link will be posted on my profile when I get it done...*gulps*

Love Rhymes With Fuck You

Jinga let out a groan as he stretched his arms above his head, his fingers brushing against the headboard of Damian's bed. He scratched his nose and turned over to be met with red spikes. The mentioned spikes turned over, revealing a slightly drooling Reiji as he slept. The redhead smiled and pecked his nose, watching his lover slowly wake up.

"Good morning sunshine, the Earth says; 'Hello'!" Reiji groaned at the cheesy line and pulled the sheets over his face, grumbling as he turned over.

"Great, I slept with a morning person…" He groaned, the wind being knocked out of him as said 'morning person' pounced on him, straddling his hips.

"C'mon, Rej! The sun is shinning, the birds are singing, and-" The redhead's words were drowned out as a crash of thunder shook the house. Jinga squeaked and dove under the covers, getting as close to the red-head's lanky body as he could.

"Aw, what's the matter little Jingie? Afraid of a little thunder storm?" Reiji rolled onto his side again, smirking at the redhead under the sheets.

"No, it just scared the shit outta me, that's all…"

"Uh-huh…" The pyro threw the sheets off their bodies, walking to one of the windows over looking the back yard and peering through the blinds. "Doesn't look like we'll be greeted with sunshine and singing birds, Jinga-kins." He turned to find the key of destiny sitting in the center of the bed, blushing as he looked at him. "What?" He looked down and was relieved it was merely his usual morning wood that the teen was staring at. A cat-like grin spread across his face as he walked back to the bed, standing at the edge of it. "You gonna help me take care of this, Jinga?" He asked, giving his erection a firm stroke as he smirked down at the redhead.


Reiji swallowed every last drop the redhead's had to offer, kissing up his body as he hovered his wet lips above the redhead's. The two kissed lovingly, both entangling their fingers in each other's hair as the water began to turn cold. Another loud crash of thunder and the lights flickered, the two lovers completely oblivious to it.

"W-We should get out bef-f-fore we catch a c-cold…" Jinga stuttered, his body shaking from the now icy water falling against his back. Reiji kissed his forehead, turning off the water and sliding open the glass door, reaching for the towel rack.

"Here, I'll warm ya up." Reji said, standing in the wet shower with his lover as he wrapped the towel around the lithe frame, holding Jinga close to him.

"That had b-better not b-be sexual…" Reiji rested his head on Jinga's soaked chest, breathing in his scent.

"Mind telling me why you're sniffing me?"

"You smell nice…what shower gel do you use?"

"AXE Instinct, naturally." Jinga looked up to glare at the perverted red-head's smirk, rolling his eyes and returning to the smooth chest in front of him. He let his eyes slide shut, listening to the sound of Reiji's heartbeat. The red-head scooped the smaller redhead into his arms, keeping the towel wrapped around him, and made his way back into the bed room.

"Now I'm tired from that shower…" Jinga groaned, holding onto Reiji as he was lowered to the bed.

"Why don't you stay home and sleep then?" Reiji asked, walking around the room and tossing his clothes onto the bed.

"Nuh-uh, it's only my third day, I have to go." Jinga sat up and rubbed his eyes, leaving the room to enter his and Gingka's., determined to go to school.

"Well listen, I have my car parked-whoa…" Reiji had followed the younger teen into the next room, not a single part of the walls or ceiling was visible. Posters of bands, movies, games, and family photos were covering every inch of the room-besides the floor, of course. He looked to the far end and saw Jinga fishing a striped long-sleeved tee out of a short dresser, bending down to pull out a pair of boxers as well. The pyro had to resist the urge to pound the redhead's ass into the dresser, the sight of him bending down once more, completely naked, causing his groin to tense.


"I fucking love you, Jinga…" Reiji kissed the back of the redhead's neck, pulling out of him and turning the teen around to embrace him.

"Heh…I love you too, Reiji…um, can I go get something to clean my ear?" Reiji laughed and tilted the redhead's head to the side, licking the blood trickling down his neck. "R-Reiji!"

"Yeah Jingie?" The red-head continued abusing the wound, sucking hard on the lobe.

"Aaahhhh…" The redhead felt his knees buckle, he had to lean on Reiji so he wouldn't fall to the floor. "Reiji…" Jinga listened to the pounding rain outside, the lights flickered and went out, surrounding the two lovers in darkness.

~X~ two are a bunch of horndogs, aren't you?

Reiji: There's nothing wrong with that. ^^

Jinga: My ass hurts, so yeah, THERE IS!

R&R, and tell your friends! :D

13: Bitch, Please!
Bitch, Please!

Disclaimer: I do not own Metal Fight Beyblade or Kingdom Hearts, nor do I own the mentioned places...or Reiji's car...for now.

CONTEST: Winner TBA shall appear in the next chapter, I think you'll be surprised...*laughs maniacally*

CONTEST #2: The second contest will start once the winner has received her winnings, so that should be soon. Also, it will be a LOT more difficult to win. :D

Extra: About Reiji's car; I was going to make it a '76 Chevy Camaro, but I absolutely LOVE the 2004 Mustang. ^^ See, I'm going to be driving soon, unfortunately, and the car I have is a 2009 Hyundai Sonata, but I grew up being driven in a Ford Mustang-don't know what year (2004 maybe; they are badass!), I need to find out...-, and a Ford Thunderbird-again, must find out the year...^^;-then a 2000 Toyota Camry, which I WAS going to inherit...but my mom and I got in a hit-and-run, and we got the fact, the accident was in the first week of THIS YEAR. Jan. 6th, to be exact. Yeah, I'm giving you a look into my life, what of it? XD Any-who, it was the Mustang-gave it away, Thunderbird-lost in an accident, then Camry-again, accident. In fact, here's why I want a Mustang: They're built like a fucking muscle TANK! My mom said once she crashed our Mustang into a tree...she had to get out and CHECK THE TREE. The Mustang, of course, was un-harmed. ^^ I looked on eBay a few hours ago, and found SEVERAL there...I really want one, and the mentioned one in the story-minus the colors-is on eBay going for around $6,000, and it's about 300 miles away from me! *is giddy* But I have to wait anyways...I have to be a certain age before I can get into my car fund, hopefully that age is 18. I'll be an adult in less than six months bitches! XP

Bitch, Please!

"Whoa, awesome car…" Jinga awed the 2004 Mustang, in excellent condition, beads of rain adding shine to the sparkling snake-green paint. "How much did this thing cost?"

"She was my first car, got her four years ago. My brother and I fixed her up good-as-new." Reiji smiled, opening the passenger side door and holding it for Jinga to step in. The redhead held his hoodie close to him as protection from the still pouring rain, getting into the car and buckling his seat belt.

"Brrr, it's cold." Jinga breathed into his hands, warming them as his boyfriend got into the car as well, locking his door and putting the key in the ignition.

"Really? Didn't notice." He pulled down the black hood of his coat, shaking out his slightly damp hair.

"Reiji!" Jinga giggled as the red-head shook his head back and forth like a dog, water droplets hitting him in the face. "Cut it out, we have to get to school!"

"Who said we were going to school?" Reiji smirked at the redhead's expression, one of shock and horror. "I'm taking you to my place to meet my brother, figure I'd get it out of the way, ya know?" He checked to make sure no other cars were coming and peeled out of the abandoned driveway. The pyro had been smart enough not to park in the teen's driveway the other night, instead choosing one that belonged to an unoccupied home next door, parking his car in the carport so it wouldn't be seen.

"But, b-but! We have to go to school! It's only my third day!"

"Look at this weather, I bet a school bus flipped over and they canceled school because of this weather-it's hurricane season, ya know."

"Don't even joke about that, when Damian was in high school, the bus flipped over while he was on it. He injured his arm pretty bad."

"That why the skin on his left arm's slightly darker? Huh, I thought he slammed it in a locker by accident or something." Reiji received a laugh from the redhead at this.

"Actually, Gingka did that back in sixth grade. We were talking by my locker and he had his arm resting against the frame, ya know? So I was done getting my stuff and I slammed it shut, right on his arm! We tried opening it with the lock and it didn't work, I had to pry the metal door off his arm while he yanked it out, it was hilarious."

"You call hurting your own twin hilarious?" Reiji raised an eyebrow. "And you say I'm cruel…" The redhead just rolled his eyes and looked out the side window, water running down the glass in thick streams.

"It's so dreary out today…" Jinga muttered, watching as an SUV nearly rammed the back of a 2007 purple Toyota Camry.

"Tell me about it, I bet my bro didn't even go into work today, just because it's wet." Reiji drove over the bridge, slamming on the brakes as a bicyclist literally appeared out of nowhere in front of him. "Damn piece of," he rolled down his window, pulling up beside the pedestrian, "get out of the fuckin' road ya dumb-ass!" The man on the bike flipped him the bird and continued pedaling, ignoring the red-head's warning. "Piece of shit, he's gonna get himself killed, I swear." Reiji rolled his window up again and glanced at Jinga, the redhead smirking. "What?"

"Nothing, I just didn't think you could be aggressive towards anything besides me." Jinga smiled at his lover and leaned over, pecking Reiji on the cheek. The red-head chuckled then moaned as the teen moved to his ear, nibbling on it gently.

"Shit Jinga…I have to keep my eyes on the road…" He shifted in the driver's seat, his pants becoming tight.

"Am I distracting you, Reiji?" The redhead trailed kisses down the pale neck before him, eliciting a sharp gasp.


"I love you, Reiji…" Jinga shifted so his lips hovered over the red-head's, bending down and kissing him lovingly. Reiji chuckled, smiling into the tender kiss and wrapping his arms around the thin redhead.

"I love you too, Jingie." He kissed his forehead and sat up, looking out the window for his brother's car. "Huh, I guess he did go to work today…Rude must've dragged him there or somethin'." Reiji looked back to Jinga, brushing his red bangs from his eyes. "Listen, I need some things from the store before my brother gets back, you mind going with me?"

"No, I need cat food, actually. You really don't mind me coming along?" Jinga began crawling back into the front seat after he pulled his pants back up, looking over his shoulder at the red-head.

"Didn't you just come a few minutes ago?" Reiji wiggled his eyebrows, the redhead rolling his eyes and plopping back into the seat, buckling his seatbelt. Reiji followed, getting back behind the wheel and turning the key, reaching over and opening the glove compartment and fishing out a platinum CD holder with green snakes on the cover. "Here, look through and pick something to listen to."

"But isn't this car too ol-"

"Shh! She'll hear you…" Reiji rubbed a hand over the dashboard, kissing the orange steering wheel. "Anyway, I told you I did work on her. I had to put in a CD player, cost me over a grand, but nothing's too good for my baby." He winked, handing the CD case to Jinga. The redhead took it and began looking through, expecting nothing but metal bands. He winced as his eyes landed on a Jeffree Star CD, his brown eyes slowly looking up to Reiji in shock.

"You listen to Jeffree Star…?" Reiji glanced at him, driving through a deep puddle and splashing the car next to them.

"Of course I do! What kind of fag would I be if I didn't?" Jinga winced at the offensive word, closing the CD case and placing it back into the compartment.

"Why would you call yourself that…?"

"What, 'fag'? Because I am one, at an early age I figured I might as well accept calling myself that so it wouldn't bother me. Why?"

"Some guys called my brother that once…"

"Who? Damian?" Reiji turned into a parking lot, figuring he was about to have a serious conversation, and he decided to get off the road before he became a public liability.

"Actually, no one really bothered him about it, seeing as he was going out with Faust then, and everyone was too scared to say anything."

"You're brother went out with the General Horogium?!" Reiji gaped at him, turning off the engine and giving his boyfriend his full attention.

"Er, yeah…the army paid for his college and he met the General during his time training. Actually…Faust kind lost it after his two best friends were dishonorably discharged. Now I think he works for some government thing, he isn't even allowed to have contact with anyone outside his work." Jinga settled more comfortably in the seat, looking up at the rain-soaked windshield. "Damian had convinced him to take the job when it was offered to him, even though he knew he would never see him again. Point is, after Faust and he broke up, people started coming by our place and burning shit on our front lawn. Once someone poured gasoline on the driveway and lit it on fire, spelling out the words 'faggot go home'…I think we made the news that night, which drew more attention from gay-haters." The redhead felt Reiji wrap an arm over his shoulders, giving him a comforting squeeze.

"Damn…I think I remember seeing that on the news, actually…how old were you when it happened?"

"I was about nine or ten, Damian's best friend moved in the next day and scared off anyone that bothered us after that."

"Fuck…some people just really burn my toast."

"Pffft! What?! What did you just say?! Hahahaha!" Jinga held his stomach, his breathing became labored as he felt his lungs ache from the laughter. Reiji just chuckled and started the car up again.

"Meh, I figured you needed to laugh after talking about that depressing shit. Alright, where do you usually do your shopping?" Reiji drove back onto the parkway, keeping his snake eyes on the road.

"Aha, haha, aahhh…ahem. Gingka usually drags me into Food Lion, so that the place I know the best."

"Alright, Food Lion it is!"


So Reiji, like your car?

Reiji: I love it! Thanks Falco, really. :)

Jinga: *ahem*

Reiji: *glomps Jinga*

Okaaaayyy...anyone reading this as interested in cars as I am, or am I the only girl? ^^; Seriously, I just love cars, anything that can't be found anymore, I know it and love it. :D In fact...I'm gonna update my profile, I want my readers to know more about me. ^^

Reiji: R&R, or Jinga gets it!

Jinga: You mean I DON'T get it...


14: Get Physical (FBA 1 END)
Get Physical (FBA 1 END)

Disclaimer: Don't own Kingdom Hearts, or any other thing in here...

Winner TBA: Step right up and collect the first half of your winnings~! :D I'm working on the drawing, I swear, there's one issue...I loathe drawing Jinga's hair. .

Rambling: Sorry this is late, I'm prepping for Samhain, and I have a LOT of work to do, not to mention I'm downloading a game that takes over twelve hours to download, so yeah, my computer is working real slow. . Also, I hope you enjoy the last chapter in the Flashback Arc, and tomorrow I'll start on a long-ass chapter in honor of Samhain~! *squeals* Also, I got the Mortal Instruments boxed set, so I'm reading the second book right now. ^^ *starts fantasizing about Jace and Alec* Also, I volunteered at Hunt Club last weekend, and I got to be the girl that gets a drill to her gut and screams her head off and dies. ^^ The guys I worked with were covered in fake blood, one had his shirt off, and they were so hot...I was dying in that chair, being all tied-up and what-not...*droolz*

Get Physical

"I am a superstar with a big-big house and a big-big car~! I am a superstar and I don't-care-who-you-are~! I am-" Jinga picked up his cell phone, glaring at Gingka who was sitting at the computer. The redhead raised the phone to his ear, tossing a plushie down to hit his brother on his red spikes.

"Damnit Gingka! Hello?"

"Yo, Jinga! I'm heading to the gym today, wanna join?" The redhead pictured his boyfriend lifting weights getting nice and sweaty, washing off in one of the cramped shower stalls with water cascading down his back. Jinga shook his head at the thoughts and grinned.

"I have a better idea…why don't I come over to your place, and we can do some aerobic exercises there?" Jinga lowered his voice a little. "It'll be fun…" He caught his twin snickering and he threw a pillow at him, the fluffy object hitting the redhead in the face.

"Sounds promising. I'll pick you up around noon, Reno shouldn't be home until four-ish."

"Alright, I'll see you in an hour then. Love you."

"Love you too, babe." There was a click and the line went dead. Jinga shut his phone and tossed it onto the bed, leaning over the wooden rail to stare down at his twin still sitting at the computer.

"Asshole, why do you keep changing my ringtone?"

"Because I'm awesome like that." Gingka grinned, turning in the chair to look up at his brother. "You gonna get ready to go see your boyfriend or what?"

"Eager to get rid of me Gingka?" Jinga pouted, turning away from his brother and making sniffling sounds. "I thought…we were closer than that…"

"You're so full of shit." The redhead 1 commented, rolling his eyes and ignoring the redhead 2 as he stuck his tongue out at him.

"Whatever. I'm gonna get ready then, so you can invite Kyoya over and have some quality fucking time. Happy?"

"Yes, very." The two jumped as the phone on the desk rang, startling them both. Gingka peeked at the caller ID and handed the phone to Jinga. "It's Madoka and Sarah's number, I just talked to Madoka an hour ago so it must be for you." The redhead took the phone and pressed the glowing green button, walking out of the room and down the hall.



"Oh, hey Wanda, what's up?"

"I heard you're going out with Reiji…how are things with you and him?" The voice on the phone sounded like Wanda, but the redhead thought it was a bit too cold. Jinga walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, scratching the back of his head.

"Things are great. I gotta tell ya, I've never felt like this about anyone before…" A smile crept onto the teen's lips, thoughts of his lover above him, crying out his name causing a stir in his crotch.

"That so…well, listen Jinga, be careful around him, he's part of a club that isn't exactly, you know, normal." He blinked, his brow furrowing.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, never mind. I gotta go, I'll be seeing you next weekend, right?"

"Yeah…see you."

"'Kay, by Jingia!" He ended the call and let the phone rest on his lap, his mind working to figure out what his friend meant by what she said. The redhead gave up and walked back to his room, getting ready to go over to Reiji's.

Jinga leaned against the wooden railing of the front porch, eyeing the clouds warily. He grinned when he heard the sound of Reiji's engine, running into the yard and throwing himself into the car.

"Man, aren't we horny today?" Reiji chuckled and turned the car in the grass then up the driveway, speeding towards his apartment.

The teens walked briskly to the elevator once the car was parked, Jinga hitting the UP button furiously.

"Piece of shit…" Reiji kicked the doors and sighed, turning to walk towards the nearest set of stairs. "C'mon, looks like we gotta walk." The redhead gave an exasperated sigh and followed his lover up the wooden staircase, tapping his foot impatiently when they reached the door. "Keep it in your pants, Jinga." The pyro opened the door and was shoved inside by the younger teen, hearing a loud slam as the door was kicked shut.

"Bedroom, now." Jinga growled, practically ripping off the red-head's shirt in his haste, starting on the tight pants before they reached the stairs to the second floor.

"Jinga, stop." Reiji said sternly. The redhead huffed and looked up at him, his hands under the waistline of Reiji's pants. "What's up?" He placed his hands on the teen's shoulders, staring into his eyes.

"Nothing…I just missed you…"

"After not seeing me for twelve hours…? Not buying it, what's wrong?"

"Look," brown eyes locked onto emerald snake ones, staring hard into them, "my friend called me today and she said to be careful around you. What exactly do you do in your club?" Jinga held his gaze with Reiji's, the older teen's face going stoic.

"Jinga…I-" They jumped as the doorbell rang, the pyro swearing under his breath as he strode over to the door. He opened it to find a girl in a teal tank top with multi-colored belts around her hips, standing on the door mat. "Whatever it is, I don't want any."

"P-Please? Just buy one cookie, and you'll never see me again." The red-head tilted his head to the side, looking over the girl's shoulder at the boxes of cookies behind her back.

"Their not Girl-Scout cookies…are they?"

"N-No! I made them myself, and I'm hoping to buy a game system…I know, it's stupid, but I really want-"

"How much for all you got?" The girl blinked and grinned.

"A hundred-I know, it's a lot, but-"

"Come inside, you can set the cookies on the counter." Jinga thought he saw Reiji wink at the stranger, then watched as the girl entered the apartment, shaking out her light-brown hair and placing the boxes on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what this means to me!"

"No problem, Elizabeth." Reiji reached into his pants, pulling out his wallet and handing her two hundred dollar bills.

"Reiji…what's going on…?"

"Where are my manners!" Reiji exclaimed, Elizabeth pulling out a camera from one of the 'cookie' boxes. "This is Elizabeth, she agreed to record us fucking today. I was hoping to stage a little cookie-selling-girl thing, but you're horny, so let's get straight to work, shall we?" Jinga's jaw dropped in an appalled way.


"Yep! Hope you're not camera-shy, just ignore me, pretend I'm a pole or something." She made her way past the gawking teen up to one of the bedrooms, setting up a tri-pod and fishing through another box.

"Makes ya kinda speechless…don't it?" Reiji whispered into the redhead's ear, grinning as he yanked the jeans off his lover and threw him over his shoulder.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! What the fuck is going on?!" Jinga pounded his fists into Reiji's back, yelping as he was thrown onto a bed with bright red sheets.

"I wanted to have us recorded so you can have something when you're lonely. Aren't I nice?" Reiji proceeded to pull down the teen's boxers, taking a firm hold of his cock and stroking it.

"Ah! Reiji…please she's right there…"

"Just ignore me…" Elizabeth got behind the camera, zooming in on the smaller redhead's flushed cheeks.


"That…was…hot…" Elizabeth said, turning off the camera and picking up a piece of tissue paper. Discarded pieces were strewn around her, red blood staining them all. She dabbed her bleeding nose and sniffed, tossing it to land with the others before standing up. "Alright, so…?"

"Anyone up for pizza?" Reiji asked, grinning and looking from the brunette back to the redhead. Jinga gaped at him, slowly bringing his wrists to his chest and rubbing them with his hands.

"You just had us recorded having sex…bound and gagged me…tortured me by denying me several orgasms…and all you can think about is pizza?" Jinga looked over at Elizabeth, waiting for her to agree with him.

"Actually…pizza sounds good."

"You're both nuts…next time some girl is at the door saying bullshit about cookies, I'm shooting her on site." Reiji laughed and ruffled the redhead's hair, hopping off the bed and throwing his pants back onto his body. Elizabeth skipped merrily down the stairs, leaving the lovers alone in the brightly colored room. "Where on Earth did you find her?"

"We have Art together, she does some interesting paintings…" Reiji trailed off, looking thoughtful, then shrugged and scooped the redhead into his arms. "Alright, time for food."


"Cut, cut, cut, cut!" Doji sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb, Reiji and Sophie glaring at him from the stage. "Reiji, we've been through this, you have to kiss her."

"I don't know where her mouth's been! Actually, I do, and that's the scary part…" He made a face of disgust, the periwinkle-haired girl glaring at him.

"Yeah, like you don't do the same to your plaything over there!" She pointed at Jinga, the redhead looking away from the scene, his Lock mask on a chair beside him.

The past three hours had been like this; Reiji and Sophie were rehearsing the final act of The Nightmare Before Christmas - the scene where Jack and Sally kiss in front of the glow of the moon. The same scene, Jinga smirked at the memory of it, where he had played the roll of Sally the first year the club performed this play. They sang the song perfectly, fangirls cried, and they truly kissed like lovers…then Reiji molested him in front of the crowd - much to the fangirls' delight.

"Enough!" They all turned to see Ryuga walking down past the rows of seats in the dark auditorium, a very irritated expression on his face. "It's nearly six o'clock in the evening, and you're all still here! I have a life outside this school, as you are all aware, and I would very much like to get to it." The white-haired man looked down at Doji sitting in the front row, the greynette blushing lightly and looking away. "Rehearsal is over for the night. I suggest you all go home and practice in pairs - that should be convenient enough - and get a good night's rest. Tomorrow we perform in front of the entire school, and we will be having guests from the neighboring middle school."

"M-Mr. Ryuga, you didn't tell me-" Doji started.

"I was going to surprise you all for your hard work, but now I'm just going to have to scare you all into working your asses off. Goodnight, you are dismissed." He turned and placed a hand on Doji shoulder, muttering something into his ear, then stalked back up the slanted floor to the back doors, his coat swaying behind him. Doji blushed even harder and gathered his belongings, hurrying after the principal.

Jinga sighed and picked up his bag from the floor, stuffing his mask into it and deciding to leave the rest of the red costume on his body. He figured Reiji would gladly help him out of it.






"Slut." Jinga rolled his eyes as the two teens threw insults at each other, both searching for one that made the other flinch. He remembered only a few weeks ago when his old English teacher called him a fag in front of Reiji, then disappeared from the school the next day. He smiled, glad to have a boyfriend who cared so much about him. The redhead walked over to Kyoya, the green-haired lion teen smirking at the fighting club members.

"Hey Kyoya."

"Hey, great job today."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, you're better at singing than I am, anyway." Kyoya chuckled, folding his Barrel costume and placing it in his bag, slinging the dark blue sack over his shoulder. "You staying over at Reiji's tonight?" Kyoya asked, leaning against a prop for Pride and Prejudice.

Jinga shrugged. "I don't know…I want to rehearse lines with him, but I only play one of the Vampires when I'm not playing Lock, and I don't really have many lines…some singing, but not very much of it." Jinga shot a glare at Sophie, the girl still arguing with his boyfriend in the center of the stage.

Kyoya nodded. "I see your point. I'm one of the Vampires too and I must say…I wish I could do more with Gingka." The redhead Pegasus lover was taking on the role of Sandy Claws this year, the role originally belonging to King before he called in sick. The redhead felt a pang of sympathy for his friend, having to watch as Tetsuya - their one-and-only Boogie Man - tie up his boyfriend and place him on a torture device in front of the whole school.

"Look at the bright side," Jinga placed a comforting hand on Kyoya's shoulder, "after everyone leaves tomorrow night you can have the set all to yourselves…" The teens smirked at each other, jumping in surprise as a metal chair crashed into a prop for JAWS. The cardboard shark broke into pieces, the chair colliding with the prop dead-center through the painted-on teeth. They looked from the direction the object had been thrown to find Sophie bristling with anger at a cackling Reiji.

"I think you'd better take him home before Sophie castrates him…"

"I think you're right." Jinga said goodbye, walking over and grabbing his lover by the arm and pulling him backstage.

"Man, did you see her? Fuck, it's been a while since she last threw something at me like that." He unbuttoned the striped jacket, sliding it onto a plastic hanger and hanging it up with the rest of the main character clothes. He pulled off the tight pants, Jinga blushing as he noticed Reiji went commando due to the material of the costume. The pyro kept on the white shirt, pulling a pair of worn-out jeans from his bag and yanking them on. He shoved the mask into his bag, removing the hair-tie from his hair and shaking out the red spikes.

"Hey, have you seen Wanda?" Jinga asked out of curiosity. He hadn't seen her all day, and with the play being tomorrow, he was getting worried. Reiji just shrugged and zipped his red backpack closed.

"Nope. Hope she's here tomorrow."

Jinga decided to stay home for the night, ignoring his twin making out with his boyfriend in the living room when he stepped into the warm house. He locked the door behind him and walked into the kitchen, bending down and picking up Oblivion and scratching him under the chin.

"So, tuna, or liver tonight?" The black cat meowed and Jinga smiled. "Tuna it is." After he fed the cats and took a quick shower, the teen settled under the covers of his bed, staring up at the frame that supported the top bunk. He turned onto his side, watching Oblivion peddle the purr-pad beside the bed before curling up in a fluffy ball. The redhead smiled and pulled his cell phone from under his pillow, hitting the first speed-dial and bringing the phone to his ear.

"Jinga? It's one in the morning, why aren't you asleep yet?" Jinga sighed, turning over to look at the wall the bed was pressed up against. He trailed his fingers over the grainy material and sighed. Truth was, he was worried about Wanda, even though she had ruined a huge part of his life.

"I just…had a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Lemme guess: Talked to your cats and acted like they talked back, took a quick hot shower, then crawled under the covers with a book, right?"

"Everything but the book, yes." He smirked. Reiji knew him all too well.

"Go get your coat from the closet, we're going out."


"No 'buts'. We'll be too fucking tired after the play tomorrow to participate in Mischief Night, so let's go gallivanting tonight." Jinga snorted.


"Shut up, I'll be over in ten minutes." The redhead knew Reiji was smirking on the other line. He just knew it.*so effing tired right now*

Jinga: *pokes with stick*

Reiji: *joins in poking*

Kyoya and Gingka: *start charging money for people to poke me*

*twitch* R...and...R...*passes out on Pokemon bed* Oh yeah, I gots a black light for meh room~! It looks all glowy now. :3