Ryuuya Boyle

Ryuuya Boyle has been awoken from a 20 year sleep. He has monstrous magical powers.

When Ryuuya walked around the neighborhood, everyone stared at him and asked, “Who is he? His long crimson hair is so bright. His eyes are red. He’s a tall man. Where do you think he’s from? I have no idea. Where do you think he’s headed? He’s so cute. What would he say about dating me?”

Helina Hernandez said, “You’re famous already. You just woke up from a 20 year sleep.”

Ryuuya said, “I did. Oh well. It’s hot out here.”

Helina said, “If you want to take your shirt off, go ahead. I agree with you.”

Thomas took his shirt off and they saw all the muscle that he had and every girl’s eyes turned into hearts and Thomas stared at them and asked, “What’s wrong with them?”

Helina answered, “They must be mesmerized by your body. You’re pretty strong even without magic.”

Thomas said, “You have a point. Let’s get to our destination.”

Helina said, “Yessir.”

They walked to Kobura High School and the people stared at him and Ryuuya made his shirt disappear and they entered the school and asked, “Is this Kobura High School?”

The principal, Hana Fujimoto answered, “Yes it is. Who might you 2 be?”

Ryuuya answered, “I’m Ryuuya Boyle and this is....”

Helina kicked him and Thomas said, “Why’d you kick me?”

Helina answered, “I’ll say my name. I’m Helina Hernandez. We’ll be first year students here.”

Hana heard that and said, “OK. There’ll be an exam that you both have to take today. You came just in time too. It’s about to begin.”

Ryuuya said, “It is.”

Helina said, “Let’s hurry then.”

Hana ran to there room that they’ll be taking the exam and said, “You have 2 more students in here.”

They walked in and the teacher said, “OK. I was about to hand the tests out.”

Hana was trying to catch her breath, but she was tired of running and asked, “How aren’t you 2 tired after that 30 minute run here.”

Ryuuya answered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m sweating up a storm here.”

Helina said, “To him, running is nothing. To me, running is everything.”

They sat down and the teacher handed everyone the test and said, “Begin.”

2 hours later, everyone finished and then walked to the area where they went to use there practical skills and Helina said, “I feel bad for you sir. You don’t know anything about practical skills.

Ryuuya said, “I don’t. This’ll be fun.”

The teacher said, “Next, #234 Ryuuya Boyle.”

Ryuuya walked up and started the machine up with his magic and it went slow as hell and Ryuuya saw that and smiled. He walked away and then they waited for everyone to finish. The teacher walked to everyone and told them what they were. Ryuuya was a Course F student. Helina was a Course S student. And the strongest 1 in fact. She is known as the Class Representative of the year 2150.

They got there uniforms in the mail and the next day, Ryuuya woke up and Helina said, “Good morning sir. It’s time to go to school.”

Ryuuya got dressed and walked to the bathroom and did his daily hygiene and then they walked to school together and they walked to the school entrance and Helina said, “You a Course F student. That’s insane.”

Ryuuya asked, “What’s so insane about it? I took the exam and failed the practical skill part. Passed the written exam with flying colors. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Helina said, “You’re right. I’ll be leaving you now.”

Ryuuya smiled and said, “Have fun.”

She ran in and started practicing for her speech and Ryuuya walked away and then a group of Course S students walked in front of Thomas and surrounded him and Ryuuya asked, “How may I help you Course S students?”

Tatsuya Fujimura asked, “How would you feel if you got attacked?”

Ryuuya answered, “I wouldn’t like it that much missy.”

Tatsuya said, “You really can’t see us can you.”

Ryuuya said, “Not at all. All I see are a group of people that want to attack me. A blind man.”

Tatsuya took out his magic weapon and Ryuuya sensed it and said, “I didn’t expect this.”

Tatsuya shot at him and the magic hit him and Ryuuya exploded and Helina heard that and looked outside and asked, “What’s going on here?”

Ryuuya asked, “Who do you think I am?”

Tatsuya heard that and Mayumi Mishima saw the smoke and asked, “What’s going on out there?”

The smoke disappeared and Ryuuya was standing there and Tatsuya yelled, “Why didn’t my magic work?”

Ryuuya answered, “I blew it up as soon as it touched me.”

Ryuuya started walking and Tatsuya whispered, “Attack him.”

Ryuuya heard that and Helina asked, “What are you doing Ryuuya? You’re blind.”

Mayumi said, “He is.”

Ryuuya disappeared and appeared behind everyone and Ryuuya hit them all in the back in the head with his hand and they all fell and Ryuuya said, “The practical test doesn’t mean anything about the real power of magic.”

Ryuuya appeared as 1 man and said, “Wake up.”

They did and Ryuuya walked away and waited for the opening ceremony to begin.

2: The Opening Ceremony
The Opening Ceremony

2 hours after the attack, everyone walked into the auditorium and Ryuuya sat in the far back all the way to the right. While he was waiting for the opening ceremony to start, he closed his eyes.

The 2 girls walked up to him and asked, “Is the seat next to you available?”

Ryuuya heard that and opened his eyes and answered, “Sure, if you want to. I won’t stop you. Because I can’t see you. I can only sense my surroundings.”

Amane Kuba said, “Um, I’m Amane Kuba. It’s nice to meet you.”

Miya Aoi said, “I’m Miya Aoi, it’s nice to meet you.”

Ryuuya heard that and said, “I’m Ryuuya Boyle. And it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ryuuya closed his eyes again and then Mayumi appeared and said, “I’m the Student Council President, Mayumi Mishima. A third year Course S student. We wish you all to have fun in your 3 years here.”

She bowed and walked off and the Vice-President, Issei Kumaki said, “Next is the Student Representative, Helina Hernandez.”

She walked up and Ryuuya opened his eyes and Helina said, “Well, we’ll be here for a good 3 years. We will be great friends and I hope that we don’t discriminate the weak. Because Course S student could be weak. And a Course F student could be strong. So it’s not our fault that we failed or passed the practical test part of the exam. So there is no need for discrimination.”

Ryuuya heard that and smiled and then his eyes started glowing and put his finger by his ear and asked, “What is it?”

Janet Neville answered, “Tomorrow is Saturday, France needs you.”

Ryuuya said, “France needs me. Interesting.”

Janet said, “Yeah, the King and Queen want to speak with you, so you better be ready.”

Ryuuya said, “I got it.”

Ryuuya let go of his ear and they started walking to there homerooms and Miya asked, “Are you going to check out the homeroom with us?”

Ryuuya answered, “Nope. I’m waiting for my friend.”

Amane asked, “Who can that be?”

Ryuuya answered, “You’ll see.”

Helina started running toward Ryuuya and said, “Sorry to keep you wait Ryuuya.”

Ryuuya said, “No problem. I got a call from Janet.”

Helina asked, “What did she want?”

Ryuuya answered, “To tell me that we have to go to France tomorrow.”

Helina said, “Really. I guess we have no choice but to go.”

Ryuuya said, “That’s what you think. But we do have to go.”

Helina asked, “By the way, are you dating?”

Ryuuya answered, “Huh, no. I can’t see remember. But they are my classmates.”

Helina said, “Your classmates.”

Ryuuya answered, “Yep.”

Helina said, “OK. See you later.”

They walked into there homerooms and chose there seats.

Ryuuya started typing his schedule and Leon Saijo asked, “What are you doing?”

Ryuuya answered, “Making my schedule by typing it.”

Leon said, “You are not normal at all.”

Ryuuya’s eyes started glowing and it typed everything that he needed and then it started blinking and Ryuuya put his finger by his ear and asked, “What is it?”

Raven answered, “It’s the boss.”

Ryuuya asked, “How may I help you?”

Raven answered, “You’ve finally been awoken from your 20 year sleep. How do you feel?”

Ryuuya answered, “The same as I did 20 years ago.”

Raven asked, “Is that so?

Ryuuya answered, “Yes it is. Blind as usual.”

Raven said, “You have a job tomorrow.”

Ryuuya said, “I know. I’ll be there.”

Raven said, “The King and Queen of France will be waiting for you and Helina. Have fun.”

Ryuuya said, “Yes ma’am.”

Raven hung up and Ryuuya continued with his schedule and as soon as the bell rang, he finished and his eyes went to just a regular red color.

Ryuuya finished and the guidance counselor, Miyuki Kurita said, “Welcome to Kobura High School. I’ll be your guidance counselor. For probably the 3 years you’re here. Miyuki Kurita is my name.”

Ryuuya opened his eyes and smiled and Miyuki said, “There are a lot of things that you can learn in this school. Electrical Engineers, Combat Engineers and a lot of other things. So choose wisely because you’ll be in the same classes all 3 years.”

Hana went to the microphone and said, “Everyone, we just got a phone call from the Ningen no monsutā. They said that there’ll be 4 years instead of 3 now. So you 3rd years still have 2 more years.

Everyone started cheering except for Ryuuya and Helina.

Miyuki said, “Go check out what classes that you want.”

Everyone did except for Ryuuya because he already knows what he’s going to do in this school.

Miya saw Ryuuya sitting there and said, “Come on Ryuuya, don’t just sit there. You don’t even know what you want to be yet.”

Ryuuya said, “The reason why I came to this school is to learn Electrical Engineering. That’s all.”

Miyuki heard that and said, “You’re the blind man.”

Ryuuya said, “Yes I am. How do you know that?”

Miyuki answered, “I know a lot of things. Go with them.”

Ryuuya heard that and stood up and walked with them. As soon as they were done walking around, they went to eat lunch.

3: The First Lunch
The First Lunch

Ryuuya and his new friends walked to the cafeteria after looking at all of the classes that they could choose out of. As soon as they got to the cafeteria, they got there food and Ryuuya chose a table for them to sit at and started eating without them because he doesn’t know anything about manners.

Miya saw Ryuuya eating like there was no tomorrow and said, “He eats like there isn’t a tomorrow.”

Ryuuya smiled and said, “Have a seat if you want.”

Leon said, “OK.”

The women choose the other bench and Leon sat next to Ryuuya and asked, “Why do you eat so fast?”

Ryuuya answered, “I don’t know. Why do we all grow is another good question?”

Leon asked, “What are you talking about?”

Ryuuya answered, “If you knew when you were going to grow, wouldn’t you want to stay the same height as you were before?”

Miya answered, “Not at all. I rather be tall.”

Ryuuya said, “Oh, that’s only me. I’ll pretend that I never asked that question.”

Amane laughed and asked, “How can you be so dumb?”

Ryuuya answered, “This is the first time I went to a school.”

Helina appeared and said, “Ryuuya.”

Ryuuya said, “Helina.”

Leon asked, “Who’s that?”

Ryuuya answered, “That’s a friend of mine. Helina Hernandez.”

Helina asked, “May I sit down here?”

Miya answered, “Sure thing. Sit here.”

As soon as she was about to sit down, Tatsuya appeared and said, “I think that we should find an empty table Helina.”

Ryuuya said, “And here comes the discrimination. Oh well, what you said earlier didn’t have any impact on them.”

Helina said, “I can tell.”

Ryuuya lifted his tray up and walked away without his friends even noticing and Miya said, “If she wants to sit with her friend, let her sit.”

Amane pointed and Tatsuya asked, “What are you pointing at?”

Amane answered, “Ryuuya.”

Tatsuya said, “There’s no one there.”

They looked and yelled, “What? Where’d he go?”

Helina answered, “He left without me. He’s going to get lost on his own.”

They all followed Helina and Helina saw Ryuuya standing by the gate and asked, “Why’d you leave Ryuuya?”

Ryuuya answered, “To stay away from them. And yet, you brought them with you.”

Helina said, “Them, they’re harmless. I swear.”

Ryuuya said, “I don’t care Helina. You brought them with you.”

Tatsuya said, “It’s you again. I hope that you didn’t forget about what happened this morning.”

Ryuuya smiled and said, “I remember everything that I do. Attacking you was really easy. I have to admit, this school sucks.”

Helina said, “Oh come on Ryuuya. The school year just started and this is your first school. So you need to stay calm. This is only the beginning.”

Ryuuya said, “The beginning, does that mean we have to be here for 4 years?”

Helina answered, “Yep.”

Ryuuya collapsed and said, “The world will end.”

Helina laughed and said, “No it won’t Ryuuya. Get on your feet. There’s no crying for soldiers.”

Ryuuya said, “I’m not crying.”

Ryuuya stood up and Tatsuya said, “You 2 are friends. Unbelievable.”

Ryuuya asked, “What’s so unbelievable about it, Tatsuya Fujimura?”

Tatsuya answered, “A Course F student friends with a Course S student. That never happens in this school.”

Ryuuya smiled and said, “I just made it happen. Now you can shut up.”

Tatsuya heard that and pointed his magic gun at him and said, “I’ll show you the true power of a Course S student.”

Ryuuya heard that and smiled and said, “Here we go again. Talking shit again.”

Helina said, “So are you Ryuuya.”

Ryuuya said, “At least I have things to back my stuff up. I think.”

Helina laughed and said, “You do. Me.”

Ryuuya said, “See, I have you as evidence.”

Helina said, “This should be fun.”

Ryuuya said, “Step aside please Helina.”

Helina said, “Yessir.”

Tatsuya heard that and pulled the trigger and magic appeared out of it and Ryuuya put his hand out and the magic disappeared and Tatsuya asked, “What did you do? My magic didn’t hit him.”

Ryuuya ran behind him and swung his sword at them and the handle hit Tatsuya and an energy wave flew toward the others and they all fell knocked out and Ryuuya said, “Interesting. Not much of a fight.”

Miya saw that and said, “He’s insane.”

Amane said, “I never knew that he was a swordsman.”

Leon said, “So he is bloodthirsty.”

Ryuuya said, “I hate it when people think that I have a thirst for blood.”

Helina said, “But you do sir.”

Ryuuya heard that and said, “That’s not cool.”

A helicopter appeared and landed where Ryuuya and Helina were and the pilots yelled, “Get on guys. We’re taking you to France.”

Ryuuya said, “Now. This is insane.”

Helina said, “Orders from the boss right.”

The pilot said, “Yep. We have to hurry.”

Ryuuya smiled and said, “OK.”

Mayumi appeared and asked, “What’s going on here? I sense high level magic here.”

Ryuuya said, “See you around.”

Mayumi yelled, “Wait.”

Ryuuya stopped and said, “I can’t even go to France. Geez.”

Mayumi walked to the pilot and asked, “Why are you here?”

The pilot answered, “To pick Ryuuya Boyle and Helina Hernandez up. They’re going to France because they are being summoned by the King and Queen.”

Mayumi said, “They are being summoned. Who are they really?”

The pilot answered, “I’m not allowed to tell you that. It’s most likely classified.”

Ryuuya stepped on to the helicopter and walked to them and said, “Take off.”

The pilot said, “I can’t, she’s still talking to me.”

Ryuuya heard that and said, “Man, why couldn’t you wait just a little longer?”

The pilot answered, “Orders from the boss.”

Ryuuya said, “Yippee. The boss.”

Helina grabbed Ryuuya and said, “Sorry about him. He’s not too happy.”

The pilot looked down and saw them knocked out and said, “That’s why he isn’t happy. I see, he’s a Demon.”

Ryuuya yelled, “What? I’m not a Demon. I’m a normal human being.”

Helina said, “Anyone in the Ningen no monsutā isn’t normal Ryuuya? You should know that.”

Ryuuya said, “I do. Oh well.”

The pilot asked, “Is that all ma’am? We’re in a hurry.”

Mayumi asked, “Why did someone attack these men?”

The pilot said, “Ryuuya, explain to her why you attacked them.”

Ryuuya answered, “Tell her discrimination.”

The pilot said, “Ryuuya said “Discrimination.”

Mayumi said, “I thought so. A Course F student taking out 50 Course S students. That’s unheard of. Well, you can go now.”

Ryuuya fell asleep and the pilot said, “Thank you.”

Helina said, “Tell me when we get there, ok.”

The pilot said, “Yessir.”

Helina yelled, “I’m not a man. I’m a girl dumbshit.”

The pilot said, “Sorry about that. For a second there, I thought that Ryuuya was talking.”

Helina asked, “What do you mean by that?”

The pilot answered, “20 years ago, he would always talk like a girl to piss me off. But as soon as the former boss put him to sleep for 20 years, he’s been doing a lot of sleeping.”

Helina said, “Former boss. Who would that be?”

The pilot answered, “Her name was Elizabeth Ashley, Ryuuya’s partner.”

Helina asked, “Where is she now? And why isn’t she here instead of me?”

The pilot answered, “That’s the thing, no one knows. After she put Ryuuya to sleep, she disappeared without saying a thing. And only Ryuuya knows where she went and won't tell us.”

Helina heard that and said, “I feel bad for him now.”

The pilot said, “There’s no need to worry about Ryuuya. He’s the strongest member in the organization.”

4: The Journey to France
The Journey to France

While they were flying, the pilot asked, "Why'd you become Ryuuya's bodyguard anyway?"

Helina answered, "It was an order from the boss. But does he really know where the former boss went?"

The pilot answered, "Only he knows. And he was blinded because of that."

Helina asked, "What do you mean blinded because of that?"

The pilot answered, "He tried telling someone where she went and she appeared and took his eyesight away. She gouged his eyes out and put a blind man's eyes in. Unless it was a blind girls. I don't know the full details. So try to ask Ryuuya when he wakes up."

Helina said, "OK. Then who is Ryuuya really?"

The pilot answered, "No one knows. He never talks about himself. He only goes by Ryuuya Boyle. An American. Known as the King of Magicians. But he disagrees with everyone. He's an insane man when you see him in some real combat."

Helina heard that and then put her hand on his chest and said, "Is he really popular with the women?"

The pilot laughed and answered, "Yes he is. He's been popular for years. But no one knows why."

A man from Hong Kong, China named Haiyan Jia smiled and said, "Die Ryuuya Boyle. The Hero of the World."

He shot a rocket at the helicopter and the alarm system in the helicopter went off and the pilot yelled, "Wake up Ryuuya. There's a rocket coming to the helicopter."

Mayumi saw the rocket and asked, "Where'd the rocket come from?"

Ryuuya didn't hear that and Helina yelled, "Ryuuya, wake up. We're going to die."

Ryuuya heard that and opened his eyes and said, "Turn the helicopter around. I'll destroy the rocket."

The pilot said, "Yessir."

Ryuuya smiled and opened the hatch and the pilot turned it around and Ryuuya pushed his arm out and yelled, "Bazooka."

The rocket blew up and Ryuuya closed his eyes and looked for his enemy and Helina asked, "What are you doing now? We're wasting fuel."

The pilot yelled, "She's right."

Ryuuya jumped out of the helicopter and Helina yelled, "Ryuuya, what the hell are you doing?"

Ryuuya turned around and yelled, "Have fun in France. But I'll meet you there. I'm going to kill the man that tried killing me."

The pilot heard that and said, "Shit. This isn't good at all."

Raven saw him jump and said, "Man, I choose you to bring him because you know him the most out all of us. Why'd you let him jump?"

The pilot answered, "I didn't let him jump. His bodyguard let him jump. But he did wake up at the right time though. We almost got blown up."

Ryuuya landed on the ground and a huge explosion happened and Ryuuya teleported to Haiyan and said, "You tried killing me."

Haiyan saw him and said, "Stay away from me. You monster."

Ryuuya smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Are you really afraid of a blind man? This has to be a joke."

Haiyan asked, "What are you talking about? You're walking toward me right now?"

Ryuuya answered, "I'm using my magic to get to you. I sense things around me. But I can't let you live. You tried killing me, my friend and my bodyguard."

Raven yelled, "Stop him from killing the man that attacked you."

The pilot said, "It's too late. Ryuuya already killed him."

Raven heard that and said, "I knew that it was too early to wake him up. But some girl appeared in front of me and told me to awaken him."

Helina said, "Some girl. Was the former boss a girl?"

The pilot answered, "Yes she was. She has yellow long hair, red eyes like Ryuuya. She's the same height as me. And she's white like Ryuuya."

Helina asked, "Was that the girl you saw boss?"

Raven answered, "I don't know. She appeared in a shadow."

The pilot said, "A shadow. That can't be her. Elizabeth doesn't use shadows. She just walks straight up to us and talks to us. And she's also blind like Ryuuya. They blinded each other because they were partners. And they loved each other very much."

Raven asked, "Why'd she put him to sleep then?"

The pilot answered, "20 years ago, Ryuuya disobeyed a direct order from the boss. It was to destroy the organization that declared war with them. He did and went a little overboard by killing citizens. She said that he'll be sleeping for 50 years. But someone wants to raise hell. Released him 30 years too early."

Raven said, "That's not good."

Ryuuya lifted Haiyan up and Haiyan yelled, "Wait. Forgive me. I'll do anything."

Ryuuya said, "Anything you say. OK. Who ordered you to kill me?"

Haiyan answered, "I don't know. Some girl that appeared in a shadow form. That's all that I know."

Ryuuya put him down and then lifted him up again and threw him into the air and everyone saw that and the pilot said, "Shit, he's going to use the beam. We need to get out of here now."

Helina said, "I can stop him."

Raven said, "Don't. You'll die like a friend of mine."

Helina said, "I can stop him."

Ryuuya smiled and disappeared and appeared on the helicopter after Helina jumped and Ryuuya grabbed her and asked, "What do you think that you're doing Helina? I figured out who's trying to kill me."

They yelled, "You did."

Ryuuya answered, "A girl that uses Shadow Magic. She appears in shadows."

Raven said, "She woke you up to kill you."

Helina asked, "May I ask you 1 question?"

Ryuuya asked, "What is it?"

Helina asked, "What happened to your partner?"

Ryuuya answered, "Oh, the former boss right. We'll meet her soon. That's the only thing that I know."

The pilot asked, "What will happen to you if she finds you before the 50 years?"

Ryuuya heard that and collapsed and answered, "She'll chop my head off. But if I'm being summoned to France for a reason, then there must be another reason why that shadow girl woke me up."

The pilot laughed and said, "She won't chop your head off yet. She still owes you. And what happened to the man that you sent flying?"

Ryuuya answered, "He's probably falling to the ground right about now. Let's get to France already. I want to sleep more. So if anything decides to happen again, make sure you yell out "We're going to die." Got it."

They said, "Yessir."

Ryuuya fell asleep again and Helina asked, "How do you get along with him?"

The pilot answered, "He's a good friend of mine. He loves to sleep while on a helicopter. Or if someone is driving him somewhere. He's always asleep. So he gets along with everyone."

Helina said, "Is that so?"

The pilot said, "Yep."

A sniper appeared from France and aimed for the pilot's head and the pilot said, "This must be the place."

Helina said, "Yep, this is France."

The pilot said, "OK."

The King of France, Roland Castex saw the helicopter and said, "They made it."

The sniper shot at the pilot and the bullet went through the window and shot the pilot and Helina asked, "What was that man?"

The pilot didn't answer because he was dead and Helina ran up to the front and saw him and yelled, "Wake up idiot. The pilot is dead."

The helicopter went out of control and Carine Castex, the queen of France said, "The helicopter is out of control. What is going on?"

Helina saw that Ryuuya wasn't moving and Helina jumped out of the helicopter and Roland saw her and asked, "Where's Ryuuya?"

Helina asked, "What did I do? I left him asleep in the helicopter."

The sniper laughed and said, "Die Ryuuya Boyle. This is where you'll die."

Ryuuya opened his eyes and said, "Huh. I feel lonely."

The helicopter crashed into the ground and exploded and Ryuuya screamed and walked off of the helicopter on fire and yelled, "Who dares to try to kill me?"

Helina said, "Waterfall."

Water started falling like a waterfall on Ryuuya and the fire went out and Ryuuya stared around and Roland yelled, "Ryuuya Boyle, it's the King."

Ryuuya heard that and yelled, "I'm coming."

5: The Request
The Request

Ryuuya and Helina walked to Roland and Carine Castex and they said, "Come inside. Let's talk business."

Ryuuya said, "Sure thing your majesty."

Helina heard that and the Shadow Queen appeared and said, "So Ryuuya does have a kind side to him. Interesting."

While they were walking in, everyone said, "Welcome back Lord Boyle."

Ryuuya said, "It's good to be here. How have you all been?"

Carine said, "I'm sorry about your ride Ryuuya. Would you like us to give you some support?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yes, but later. Why'd you call me down here?"

Roland answered, "We've been trying to get you down here for 20 years Ryuuya. Where were you?"

Elizabeth walked in and answered, "He was asleep for 20 years."

Ryuuya said, "I was just about to say that Elizabeth."

Helina said, "She's Elizabeth."

Ryuuya said, "Yep. Even though we can't see anymore. We sense things."

Elizabeth said, "I was Ryuuya's partner till I put him to sleep for 50 years."

Carine asked, "Why'd you do that? You knew that we needed him."

Elizabeth said, "An agreement between me and Ryuuya. I put him to sleep, I stop working for the organization. Why are you out of the tube anyway? It hasn't been 50 years yet."

Helina answered, "We know that ma'am. But some shadow person told the new boss to awaken him."

Ryuuya said, "The Shadow Queen. She's been hiring people from all over the world to kill me. First in Hong Kong, China. And then here. And almost succeeded because someone didn't wake me up."

Helina said, "I'm sorry sir."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "It's ok."

Roland said, "Let's get down to business already and stop with the reunion."

Ryuuya said, "Sorry about that your majesty."

Ryuuya heard gunshots and Ryuuya put his hand behind his back and said, "Mirror."

The bullets flew toward him and then bounced off of his hand and flew toward the sniper and the sniper screamed and Ryuuya said, "Oh well. 2 dead within a day."

Raven called Ryuuya and Elizabeth said, "It's the boss."

Ryuuya answered, "Yep."

Helina said, "I'll talk while you talk to the King."

Ryuuya said, "Thank you. Oh wait, you can't. It only activates by me."

Helina said, "That sucks."

Elizabeth said, "Answer it fast."

Ryuuya put his finger by his ear and asked, "What do you want? I'm in a meeting right now."

Raven answered, "Why isn't the pilot answering the radio?"

Ryuuya answered, "He's dead. He was shot in the head and then blew up in the helicopter when it crashed. So don't call me again till I get back to Japan."

Raven yelled, "Don't you dare hang up on me you bastard."

Ryuuya said, "You don't have to yell ma'am. Now my ears are ringing."

Raven said, "I don't care. Find yourself a new organization. You're out."

Ryuuya said, "OK. I'm out of the organization. That means I don't have to deal with your bitch ass."

He took his finger away from his ear and said, "OK. Let's get down to business."

Roland asked, "Are you really leaving out of the organization?"

Ryuuya answered, "There's nothing I can do about it. Because it was the boss. She makes the decisions. Not me. Can we get on with this?"

Helina asked, "Did she say anything about me?"

Ryuuya answered, "Nope. You're free to do whatever you want."

Roland said, "OK. We've gotten backtracked way too far. Now it's time for the business part of the deal."

Elizabeth said, "Yep."

Carine said, "Here we go. We need you to save the Princess. She's been kidnapped by a girl named Jessica Adnet."

Roland asked, "Do you think that you can save her?"

Elizabeth answered, "He can do it your majesty. He helps people all over the world. But why'd the Shadow Queen wake you up?"

Ryuuya answered, "1st, to kill me. 2nd, to probably get laid. And that's all I think."

Elizabeth laughed and said, "OK. Save the Princess already partner."

Ryuuya said, "We're not partner's anymore. But if you still consider me your partner, then join me. Unless you have a different job to do, then that's fine too."

Roland said, "She's been taking care of me for the past 20 years. And when Jessica heard that you went missing, she went berserk."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "I got this. I'll save the Princess and I'll bring her back here."

Roland said, "OK."

Ryuuya said, "Let's go new partner."

Helina said, "Yessir."

Elizabeth said, "Man I miss him."

Carine asked, "Why don't you join him then? Didn't you tell us that you love him?"

Elizabeth answered, "If I join him now, he'll betray me and whoever that girl is next to him. But when he gets back, what do you plan on doing, your majesty?"

Roland answered, "Throw a huge party for Ryuuya, whoever that girl is and our daughter. But I'm wondering, how do you still look the same from 20 years ago? Just like Ryuuya."

Elizabeth answered, "Ryuuya and I are cursed with immortality. And we are the strongest magicians in the world as well. It's like a never ending nightmare. But the nightmare's always end in tragedy."

Carine said, "Not all the time."

Elizabeth said, "Not all the time."

Carine said, "Do you remember the French Revolution?"

Elizabeth answered, "Yeah."

Roland answered, "That's to prove her point."

Elizabeth said, "Oh shit. I didn't know that."

The Shadow Queen, Raven Jordan appeared and Elizabeth asked, "Why'd you come Shadow Queen?"

Raven answered, "Do you think waking Ryuuya up was the best idea Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth answered, "I didn't wake him up. Some Shadow Queen told the new boss to wake him up."

Raven said, "Another Shadow Queen. Interesting. But you need to stop him before he destroys the country."

Elizabeth said, "There's no need to worry. He's only going to save the Princess."

Raven said, "You better warn him about what's going down if we meet. An all-out war."

Elizabeth said, "And he'll be ready for it."

Raven said, "You insane bitch."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "I'm glad that Ryuuya and I are cursed. We can do a lot of things that you don't want us to do."

Raven heard that and said, "Shit."

Elizabeth put her arm out and put her pointer and middle finger out and made sure that her head was between the 2 fingers and asked, "Is that right?"

Lord Battier looked and answered, "Yes Lady Ashley."

Raven asked, "What are you doing?"

Elizabeth answered, "Nothing."

She put her 2 fingers together and Raven started screaming and then her head exploded and Elizabeth said, "It's up to you now Ryuuya. Find the Princess and bring her back so I can eat this delicious food again."

Everyone started laughing and said, "You really do love our food."

Elizabeth said, "Yep. But it isn't as good as Ryuuya's cooking. Even if he's blind, he can cook."

Roland said, "I'd like to try it sometime."

Ryuuya appeared in front of the building and Helina was in there already because Jessica's people kidnapped her and Ryuuya closed his eyes and saw 52 prisoners and 6 kidnappers watching over all 52 of them and Ryuuya put his gear on and Jessica aimed her gun at Helina's head and said, "If you want your girlfriend to live, walk in calmly."

Ryuuya heard that and opened the door and said, "Welcome to my world."

Ryuuya swung his arm over and over again and they saw that and as soon as Ryuuya's invisible arm hit Jessica, she actually pulled the trigger and shot Helina in the head and everyone started crying and Ryuuya asked, "What happened?"

Prisoner 1 said, "Helina Hernandez is dead."

Ryuuya heard that and said, "Untie."

All of the ropes vanished and Ryuuya put cuffs on the 6 kidnappers and lifted them up and said, "Get out of here."

Everyone did and Ryuuya said, "Princess, come with me if you want to go home."

Emma Castex, the Princess of France said, "Yessir. What about Helina?"

Ryuuya answered, "I don't know. Have you ever lost someone that you cared about very much? Because I haven't."

Emma said, "So you don't care if she is dead or not."

Ryuuya laughed and asked, "When did I ever say that? She was supposed to be behind me. Protecting me, but she screwed that up. She's actually my bodyguard."

Emma said, "So you did care about her."

Ryuuya answered, "I never felt like I was actually caring at all. It's like I'm a death magnet. Everywhere I go, someone gets hurt or killed. I just don't know why."

Emma said, "You really are a useful person though. You saved me. I've been with those lesbians for the passed 20 years."

Ryuuya said, "I'm sorry that it took me so long."

Emma said, "No problem."

They walked all the way to the castle and Ryuuya walked in and saw blood on the ground and Emma asked, "What happened here?"

Elizabeth answered, "Someone that wanted Ryuuya dead is dead."

Ryuuya said, "Dammit. I missed all the fun."

Roland said, "It seems like you fulfilled your duty Ryuuya. Now for a party to celebrate."

Elizabeth walked toward Ryuuya and said, "I was thinking about becoming the boss again. Would you like to join?"

Ryuuya answered, "Sure thing."

Ryuuya put the 6 bodies on the ground and said, "There you go. The 6 people that kidnapped your daughter. I'm not trying to go into another rampage again. So I knocked them out."

Carine said, "Smart move."

Elizabeth looked around and asked, "Where's your friend?"

Ryuuya lifted Jessica up and answered, "This bitch killed her."

Roland heard that and saw Ryuuya's hand shaking and Emma said, "I thought that you said that you don't want to go on another rampage Ryuuya."

Ryuuya heard that and let go of her and said, "Sorry."

Emma hugged him and Roland said, "She's hugging you Ryuuya. Hug her back."

He did and yelled, "Let's get this party started."

Roland said, "You heard that."

Ryuuya answered, "Yeah."

Elizabeth said, "They want to taste your food."

Ryuuya heard that and said, "They do. It's the best."

Carine said, "We heard. Could you make a lot?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yeah."

Roland yelled, "Guards, put these 6 in a cell for life."

They said, "Yessir."

They grabbed them and walked to the cells and locked them all in a different cell.

6: Ryuuya's First Party
Ryuuya's First Party

Everyone started bringing food and drinks to the party and Ryuuya made what he wanted and brought plates, forks, spoons, knives and napkins.

Lord Battier asked, "How are you holding up Ryuuya? You lost someone close to you."

Ryuuya answered, "I don't even know her that much. So I'm not worried at all."

Elizabeth appeared and asked, "Are you ok Ryuuya?"

Ryuuya answered, "I'm fine Elizabeth. Are you ok?"

Elizabeth answered, "I'm fine Ryuuya. Was she a good partner?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yes she was. Very strong and smart. Before coming here, we were at a magic school called Kobura High School. It's an amazing place to be. The new boss ordered me to go there."

Elizabeth heard that and asked, "Do you want to be there even though you're so strong?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yes I do. It's not that bad. Knocked out a couple of guys before getting here because of discrimination. But it's all good. I can handle it."

Elizabeth said, "No you can't idiot."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "We never change."

Elizabeth said, "You're right about that. By the way, did the new boss put you in that school for a reason?"

Ryuuya answered, "I don't know. She never told me."

Elizabeth asked, "Did she tell Helina?"

Ryuuya answered, "I don't know. If she did, Helina didn't tell me. Or wasn't allowed to tell me."

Elizabeth said, "She's the worst boss that I've seen in the organization. I was the 2nd best. The first 1 is in Tokyo, Japan right now. Hopefully she's still alive."

Ryuuya said, "My home country. What's her name?"

Elizabeth answered, "Maya Boyle. Do you know her?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yes I do. She's my mom."

Elizabeth heard that and said, "She is."

Ryuuya said, "Yes she is. Even though we haven't seen each other in years."

Roland appeared and said, "Hey guys. Thank you for saving my daughter Ryuuya."

Ryuuya said, "No problem. It's my job. I help people in need."

Roland said, "That's good to know. That someone like you is on our side."

Ryuuya smiled and Elizabeth said, "There are others. But Thomas is the strongest sir."

Roland said, "By the way Elizabeth, are you really going back with Ryuuya?"

Elizabeth answered, "Yessir. I am Ryuuya's lover."

Ryuuya said, "Now you decide that. Unbelievable."

Roland said, "Women can't be understood Ryuuya. Trust me. It's rough to get to know a woman."

Ryuuya said, "I can tell."

Carine heard that and walked toward them and asked, "What are we talking about?"

Ryuuya answered, "How we males don't know enough about women?"

Carine said, "Really?"

Roland answered, "Yes sweetie. That's what we were talking about."

Elizabeth shook her head and Carine said, "OK. You 2 are lying. And you 2 know the consequences of lying to me."

Ryuuya smiled and answered, "No I don't and I won't allow that to happen to me."

Carine kissed him and Elizabeth saw that and Roland said, "Wait a minute. That's not a consequence. That's you falling in love with him."

Carine said, "No, that's my thank you gift for saving Emma."

Ryuuya said, "No problem. I did my job."

An assassin appeared as 1 of the guests for the party and Ryuuya asked, "How do you fall in love with someone?"

They heard that and asked, "How don't you know that?"

Elizabeth answered, "He's dumb as hell. He only knows how to use magic."

Roland said, "Oh, that makes sense."

Ryuuya said, "It does."

Carine answered, "Yes it does."

Ryuuya said, "Oh well. I'll never understand you people at all."

They laughed and Lord Battier saw the assassin in front of him and she cut his head off and threw the head toward Ryuuya, Elizabeth, Roland and Carine and Carine screamed and Ryuuya yelled, "Get down everyone."

Everyone did and Ryuuya didn't see anyone standing.

7: The Drug Dealer
The Drug Dealer

Elizabeth stared at the head of Lord Battier and said, "It's Lord Battier."

Roland said, "Do something Ryuuya."

Ryuuya closed his eyes and said, "Look for people that want King Roland, Queen Carine and Princess Emma dead. And make them glow. And the person that killed Lord Battier."

They all appeared and Roland asked, "Why are they glowing?"

Elizabeth answered, "Those are the people that want him, you, the queen and princess dead."

Roland said, "Arrest them."

The assassin heard that and Ryuuya saw the assassin and walked toward her and the assassin took her gun out and shot him with the magic and the magic hit his left arm and it came off and Elizabeth saw that and said, "So she's the 1 that killed Lord Battier."

Roland said, "Kill her."

Ryuuya said, "Hold up. I know that she killed him. But I know that girl."

Elizabeth heard that and said, "You do."

The assassin heard his voice and said, "Ryuuya. Please forgive me. Someone ordered me to kill him. I'll give you his name."

Ryuuya said, "Give it to me."

Roland heard that and said, "She does know him."

The assassin said, "His name is Bruce Bullion. He drugged me with this."

She tossed it toward him and Ryuuya caught it with his right hand and said, "I see. You were drugged."

Elizabeth asked, "Who is she Ryuuya?"

Ryuuya answered, "That's my sister."

They heard that and yelled, "What? That's your sister."

Jessica Boyle ran toward him and hugged him and started crying and said, "I'm so sorry."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. It's only an arm. I really don't need it. I only need my right hand for everything."

Elizabeth said, "Wrong again. In Kobura High School, you need both arms."

Ryuuya used fire to grow his arm back and said, "See, I told you that there was nothing to worry about."

Jessica said, "You're right. But what do you plan on doing to Bruce?"

Carine said, "That's a good question."

Roland asked, "What do you plan on doing to him?"

Ryuuya answered, "I'm going to kill him."

They heard that and Jessica said, "You don't have to kill him."

Ryuuya said, "No one drugs my sister or family and gets away with it."

Ryuuya started walking away and Jessica tried holding him back but Ryuuya took her with him.

Carine said, "OK. Kill him if you want. But Jessica is going to be locked up."

Ryuuya said, "No she won't. She's coming with me. And she's staying with me."

Elizabeth heard that and said, "Bruce just made him angry."

Jessica said, "Please stop. I love you. Don't turn into a monster."

Ryuuya said, "Take me to this Bruce Bullion."

Jessica said, "No."

Elizabeth said, "He won't take no for an answer."

Jessica heard that and said, "You never change."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "I know. Would you like to show me to this man's house?"

Jessica answered, "Sure thing. Just follow me."

Roland appeared in front of Ryuuya and said, "1 more thing before you leave. Don't kill him. You didn't kill Jessica Abnet. So don't kill Bruce Bullion."

Ryuuya said, "I know. I got it. I'll knock him out and then bring him here."

Roland said, "I thought that you said kill him."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "Change of plans."

Roland heard that and said, "I see. Get going then."

Jessica said, "Yessir. Let's go Ryuuya."

Ryuuya said, "Yep."

They ran to Bruce's house and saw guards everywhere and Jessica said, "The place is heavily guarded. There are 50 soldiers with guns."

Ryuuya said, "I can handle them. All we need is Bruce."

Jessica said, "Then inside, he's got over 100 guards inside protecting him. This man is insanely rich with drugs and everything that's illegal."

Ryuuya said, "That's insane. But I can handle it."

Ryuuya took his magic gun and sword out and ran out in front of the wall and yelled, "I'm over here."

The guards heard that and started shooting at him and all of the bullets hit his body and the flames that he created healed his body and Ryuuya shot at them and there bodies exploded and Ryuuya swung his sword at the wall and a mask appeared on his head and the walls collapsed and Ryuuya ran in and broke into the house.

Ryuuya attacked all of the guards and left 1 alive and held him hostage to get to Bruce himself and the hostage opened the door and walked in and Bruce asked, "What is it? I'm a little busy here."

Ryuuya shot him and said, "Goodbye. Thank you for bringing me to the person that drugged Jessica Boyle."

Bruce heard that and said, "Impossible. GUARDS. HELP ME."

Ryuuya shot him and knocked him out and said, "It's too late Bruce. They're all dead already."

Ryuuya lifted him up and walked out and Jessica saw him and said, "You got him. Amazing."

Ryuuya said, "Let's go."

They ran back to the King and everyone saw that and Ryuuya threw him to the ground and said, "There you go. This is Bruce Bullion."

Roland said, "You actually did it."

Ryuuya said, "Yep. He had over 100 guards, but they all died."

Carine said, "OK. All we needed was him. Thank you for bringing him here."

Ryuuya said, "No problem."

The reporters ran to him and asked, "How does it feel to be a savior?"

Ryuuya answered, "I really don't care. But I've been protecting the world for years."

Christine Benett asked, "What made you become a savior?"

Ryuuya answered, "My mom is 1 as well."

Christine asked, "What is with the mask?"

Ryuuya answered, "When I'm saving the world, I don't like to show people my face."

Ryuuya took the mask off and Christine asked, "Would you ever quit?"

Ryuuya heard that and answered, "No I wouldn't."

Christine asked, "Is there a reason?"

Ryuuya answered, "I love protecting the world. Injuring and killing people is my specialty. But I don't regret a thing."

Everyone heard that and Ryuuya asked, "Is the party over? I want to go to sleep."

Roland said, "Yep. It's over."

Ryuuya said, "Good. I'm going back to Japan."

Roland said, "OK."

Carine said, "Thank you for your help."

Emma hugged him and said, "Thank you for saving me."

Ryuuya said, "No problem. Is the helicopter still out there."

Elizabeth looked and answered, "Yes it is."

Ryuuya said, "OK. Let's go then."

They ran to the helicopter and Ryuuya said, "Thank you for all of the fun."

Roland said, "No, thank you for coming."

Jessica said, "I'm really sorry about Lord Battier."

Carine said, "That's ok. Everyone hated him anyway."

Elizabeth said, "See you all later."

Ryuuya waved and said, "Take off."

The pilot said, "Yessir."

The helicopter took off to Japan.

8: Elizabeth Enters the School
Elizabeth Enters the School

3 days after Helina's death, Elizabeth and Ryuuya walk to school and Ryuuya took her to the office and said, "Here's a new student ma'am. Have fun."

Ryuuya walked out of the school and waited and Tatsuya asked, "How do you feel? Helina ain't here to protect you."

Ryuuya answered, "I don't need protection. I kicked your ass 3 days ago if you remember."

Elizabeth walked out and walked toward Ryuuya and said, "I'm back."

Ryuuya said, "I can tell. How'd it go?"

Elizabeth answered, "1st Year. Course S."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "You bitch."

Tatsuya said, "Even she's a Course S. And you are not."

Ryuuya heard that and Elizabeth said, "Shut up."

Mayumi appeared and said, "Ryuuya Boyle, I read about you Demon Protector."

Ryuuya smiled and said, "You figured out that much eh. What else do you know about me?"

Mayumi answered, "You stabbed your partners in the back in Germany. Which made you disappear off of the grid."

Tatsuya heard that and Ryuuya said, "I only stabbed one person in the back. And you're looking right at her."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Hello."

Mayumi heard that and asked, "What brings you here?"

Elizabeth answered, "I came here as a friend of Ryuuya's. The other girl died in combat protecting the Princess of France."

Ryuuya said, "Orders are orders. Disobeying them gets you killed. That is exactly what she did."

Mayumi said, "You don't care about the people around you right."

Ryuuya said, "I really don't belong here. But I'm forced to be awoken from my sleep. It seems that I saved too many people."

The bell rang and everyone walked to class and as soon as it got to lunch time, Ryuuya got his lunch and sat down wherever he wanted and then a man sat in front of him and said, "It seems that you don't have any friends here Ryuuya."

Ryuuya heard that and looked up and asked, "Who are you?"

The man answered, "You don't need to know that. But I have to say one thing though."

Ryuuya said, "Speak your peace."

The man said, "Stay away from Elizabeth. She changed Ryuuya. You don't want to die right."

Ryuuya said, "I'm already dead."

The man asked, "Are you sure about that?"

Ryuuya answered, "Yes I am."

The man said, "OK then."

Elizabeth appeared and said, "Hello Ryuuya. This place really is amazing."

Ryuuya said, "Yes it is."

Elizabeth asked, "Who is he?"

Ryuuya answered, "I was hoping that you would like to tell me who he is. He knows something about you."

Elizabeth heard that and the man said, "Like I said Ryuuya, you should stay away from her before she turns on you."

Elizabeth asked, "What is he talking about?"

Ryuuya answered, "I don't know."

He lifted his tray up and swung it at Ryuuya and Tatsuya saw that and laughed and Ryuuya said, "You just made a big mistake."

Elizabeth said, "Calm down Ryuuya."

Ryuuya stood up and swung at him, but chains appeared and grabbed his arm and then Ryuuya swung with his other arm and another set of chains appeared and Ryuuya grinned and then he tried kicking him with his left foot and more chains appeared and Ryuuya tried kicking him with his right foot and then one last set of chains appeared and Ryuuya grinned and Tatsuya saw that and Elizabeth said, "I told you to calm down."

The man laughed and said, "See, I told you that she'll betray you."

Ryuuya started shaking his arms and the man asked, "What are you trying to do Ryuuya?"

Elizabeth saw that and said, "Impossible. No one could move while my chains are out."

Ryuuya's eyes widened and the chains shattered and the man grinned and swung at him again and the tray hit his head and he barely moved and the man said, "Oh shit."

The tray flew away and Tatsuya saw that and Elizabeth saw that and said, "I must have pissed him off. He really has changed since then."

Ryuuya swung at him and the man flew and Ryuuya roared and Tatsuya backed away and Elizabeth sat there and Ryuuya sat down and asked, "Would you like to tell me who he is now?"

Elizabeth answered, "His name is Carter Olson. A boss for a well-known American criminal organization made to kill you." I joined and then realized the promise that we made and quit. The organization is called Anti-Boyle Faction. They fight to the death. I stopped you for a reason. You'll be in that disciplinary room."

Ryuuya said, "I live there. But I guess that I could thank you."

Elizabeth and Ryuuya finished eating and then left the school and then walked toward his house and said, "OK. It's time for me to sleep."

Elizabeth said, "I agree."

They went to sleep and 4 o'clock in the morning, someone broke into his house and put bombs all over his house and said, "Let's see what happens next."