New Life, New Love.

"Oh crap I'm late for school!" I ran out the door and ran down the road to my new school. Berken High School, where only the best students compete to be in the top of their classes. As I ran, another girl ran next to me.
    "Hey! Tamika!" She cried out.
    "Aoi!" I beamed as she ran next to me. We were neighbors and she was the first one to really introduce herself to me.
    "Late again, Tamika?" Aoi asked me laughing as if it were some joke.
    "Says the one running right next to me" I smirked. She rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat as we both ran into the school entrance. Next thing I knew I was on the ground with papers flying everywhere. My report blew away in the wind.
    "NO!" I cried as I attempted to catch them. Sadly, my attempts were fruitless, and all seemed to be lost until I met him.
    "You dropped your papers" There stood a boy about my age with the much eye catching features. His green eyes shimmered in the light as his long blonde hair blew with the wind. His adjusted his glasses and looked away shyly. I was so busy staring at him I forgot to thank him.
    "Oh, hello there...I uh..." I stopped. What should I say? To hell with that what COULD I say. This handsome boy was standing there still waiting for me to take the papers. I quickly snatched the papers, bowed to thank him, then ran off to class. The moment I walked in I knew the teacher was in a bad mood.
    "Late again Ms. Saotome?" His eyes pierced into my soul as he glared at me.
    "S-sorry sir I dropped my report and it almost flew away in the-"
    "Sit down." He interrupted me and pointed at my seat. I bashfully sat down while the other students chuckled silently at me. Just then the same boy walked in. I found myself staring at him yet again. What is his name? Where is he from? Is he...single? All these questions swirled around in my head as he took his seat. Mr. Yin didn't even scold him! Not fair! I sank in my seat while Mr. Yin talked about god only knows what. My eyes keep looking to the left of me. I realized I was staring at this boy. He looked my way, blushed, then looked away. Is he shy? So dreamy! I let out a small sigh of happiness. A hand slammed in front of my desk. I yelped in surprise and fell out of my seat.
    "Saotome this isn't like you staring at other people. Tell me what is so interesting about Mr. Soto?" He pointed at the boy.
    "Nothing sir I just, like his glasses is all..." I trailed off and everyone laughed at me. Mr. Yin wasn't very fond of me. After all, he and my father use to be very good friends, until one day they had a fight and they never talked again. Now he hates my guts the same way as he hates my father is my understanding. He walked back up to the board and began the lesson again.
    "Soto..." I softly whispered his name to myself. What is his first name though? He wouldn't let me call him by his first name would he? The bell rang and I started to get up.
    "Saotome?" My heart skipped a beat as I turned around. Soto was standing right there looking at me.
    "Why were you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" He asked sheepishly. Because you're so cute is all...No! I can't say that!
    "Like I said, you're glasses are pretty cute to me is all." I looked away shyly not wanting to stare too much at his face. I felt a tender hand gently turn my head back in his direction. Oh God he is staring right at me! My heart started to race as he opened his mouth.
    "My name is Leaf" He said. 
What a perfect name for him! His eyes are green, just like a leaf! Ew no I can't say that!
    "Leaf..." I softly repeated his name. "What a wonderful name!".
    "Thanks I guess..." He replied shyly. We stared at each other for what seemed to be centuries until finally I noticed the time.
    "Oh my gosh! I-I gotta go! I have archery practice!". I ran off before he even had a chance to say goodbye to me. I ran to the archery field and started my warm up. I was so distracted by my conversation with Leaf, that I couldn't even shoot the arrow right. I usually get bulls-eyes all the time when I do archery. I am, in fact, the best person on the team according to the rest of my teammates. We have matches to see who is at the top. Anyways, as I was working on my aim, I turned and looked at the fence, and saw Leaf standing there.
    "L-Leaf?" I stuttered. I then realized that nobody was there. Only my imagination I guess...I shot another arrow getting a bulls-eye. It would've been nice if Leaf was here to see that. Damn it all! I have to stop thinking about him I barely know him! Just then a boy with brown hair swept to the side came over to me.
    "Hey, Tamika!" He said cheerfully. I put my bow down and recognized the voice. Not again...I forced a smile and greeted him cheerfully.
    "Hey, Jack! How are you?" I said. Rumors have it that Jack has some mental issue about obsessions over certain girls. Apparently, I'm one of those girls that he always stalks. Fun, right?
    "I'm doing just fine!" He said. He leaned in for a hug, but I pushed him away.
    "P-Please not here..." I trailed off. I have no good excuse of why he can't hug me, but still.
    "Alright fine." He sounded a bit annoyed but honestly I don't really care. 
    "I have to focus now on archery...please leave so I ca-" He took the bow out of my hands. He took the arrow and took aim.
    "Watch this." He said. I felt myself clench my fists. He is trying to impress me? Not going to work...
    "Knock it off and give me the back my bow, please." I started to reach for my bow but before I could, he shot the arrow and it landed on the ground in front of him. I attempted to hold back a laugh but I couldn't help it. I bursted into laughter with everyone else on the archery team. Jack blushed nervously but laughed along, thinking that I found it cute.
    "I guess I have to work on my aim...but next time, the arrow will aim at your heart". He slowly started to walk off trying to be as dramatic as possible. Ugh. I picked my bow up and wiped it off. If the rumors are true, what am I to do? After practice, I started to head to my house.
    "Tamika! TAMIKA!" Jack came running after me. Oh dear god no! I started to run into a sprint to try and get away from him. What a creep following me! I tripped and started to fall, but instead of the ground, I fell into the strong hands of none other then Leaf.

2: The Beginning of A Romance?
The Beginning of A Romance?

"Whoa, are you alright?" Leaf's strong, tender hands held me. He started to blush as he helped me up. Whoa! He caught me...SO MANLY! As I was freaking out on the inside I found myself fiddling with my fingers from shyness.
    "Thanks I guess..." I softly mumbled. He helped me to my feet gently. Jack, who was watching all of this, changed his attitude dramatically.
    "And who is this nerd?" He asked in a mocking tone. Leaf looked at him, and shot a glare that could pierce a soul. Jack did the same back. As tensions were rising, I just stood there not knowing what to do. Leaf gently pushed his glasses up his face and opened his mouth.
    "Yes, I am a nerd and I'm proud of it. I'm Leaf. Leaf Soto." He said kindly holding out his hand. Jack smacked his hand away.
    "S-Stay away from Tamika she is mine!" he snarled at Leaf, who was now raising an eyebrow.
    "No I'm not yours! I will never be yours ever! All you do is follow me! That's all you do and it's so annoying! Enough is enough Jack!" I stormed off without another word, leaving both boys in a state of confusion. Honestly what was I thinking yelling at Jack like that in front of Leaf? I let out a sigh as I continued to walk on. I went into my house without saying a word. The only thing I could think about was Leaf. So perfect and nice.
    "Leaf...." I softly whispered. 
    "What about leafs?" Came a tiny voice. I jumped up in surprise and stumbled backwards.
    "S-Sam don't scare me like that! What were you thinking?!" I nearly shouted. Sam shrugged and laughed at my over reaction.
    "Sorry big sister!" He piped up as he ran off laughing still. I shook my head from side to side as I started up the stairs to my room to study. Damn homework always getting in my way of life...I started to pull out my homework when something out the window caught my eye. H-He followed me?! AGAIN?! Jack was standing outside my window and waved at me yelling something. I pretended I didn't see him and closed the blinds so I didn't have to see his annoying face. Ugh...I wouldn't mind if it was Leaf the-DAMN IT! I have to stop thinking about him! How embarrassing! I growled under my breath while I started to work on Geometry. Wonder what Leaf is up to right now? Working on homework is my guess. I couldn't get my mind off of Leaf no matter how hard I tried. He was so perfect and shy, a perfect man for me! Just then my home phone rang. I took a look at my phone and realized that it was my phone number on the caller I.D. What the hell? I answered the phone.
    "Hello this is Tamika speaking." Silence on the other side. 
    "...It's Leaf...when you ran off you dropped your phone so..." OH MY GOD! IT'S HIM! IT'S LEAF! HE CALLED ME!
    "Yeah so...can you tell me where you live so I can give it back to you?" He asked shyly. I blushed at this question. Stay at my house if you wanna!
    "Yeah its Beaker Rd. 10991" I said. "I will meet you outside!". I hung up and ran out the door jumping down the stairs. About a couple minutes later, Leaf walked up the road. When he saw me he waved as the wind blew his long, blonde hair. I was so happy to see him, but someone else wasn't happy to see him. Jack was still waiting outside my house for me to notice him, and saw Leaf starting to walk to me.
    "Leaf...thank you so much for doing this for me." I softly said to him. Leaf blushed and gave a nod. He looked around for a bit. I decided that I should invite him in.
    "Would you like to...maybe have tea together?" I softly asked. He sadly shook his head.
    "I have places to be I'm so sorry." He said. "If I didn't I would gladly accept". With that he gave me my phone and walked off. Ah...He is so cute! But why do I want him although I barely know him...That night I just couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking about him. I also had a feeling that someone was watching me. My cell phone rang and I looked at the caller I.D. Some unknown number flashed on the screen. Who the hell is calling this late at night? I reached for the phone but then stopped. If I don't know who it is I shouldn't answer it. I let it go to the voice mail. 
    "I saw you and that boy together...I won't let him take you from me...your mine and mine alone and nothing will ever change that". 
My heart skipped a couple of beats. JACK! I grabbed the phone and answered. But he had already hung up on me. Like I care...But for real? Is he THAT jealous? I tried to ignore the now angry feelings inside me but I couldn't. That night, I got no sleep at all from not only thinking about Leaf, but also from the anger that Jack would go to such measures. What am I gonna do now?