Ugh, there's so much work to do when I get
back. I probably shouldn't have stayed to play

Why couldn't she just go to the super-
market herself? It's not like it's very far.

Let's see... there was Geography page fifty-two
to fifty-five. Physics exercise five. Lamppost ahead.
Keep right. Finish the last few chapters of that
lame Lit book... This is going to take me till
evening. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I'm supposed to get milk, potatoes, broccoli,
some new cleaning cloths and toothpaste.
I think I'll get some eggs too. Those have
been in the fridge for weeks. Gross.

And that Amanda... I still don't know what happened.

Can I just ignore the broccoli and say I forgot?

It's been two weeks. Did she just lose interest
like that? Can it happen so fast?

Oh, gross. Dog poop. Wide berth. Left left left.
Eww I think I can smell something. Are those flies?

Maybe they were right. I shouldn't have gotten
together with her in the first place.

If I ever find the bitch that let her dog leave
that there I'm gonna strangle her. Corner
ahead. Left turn.

Geography, Physics... what was the last one again?

Strangle her, shake her upside down... I think
I'll get some chocolates too. Yesss, chocolates.

Turn right at the corner. Oh yes, finish up Brave
New World.




"Oh! I'm so sorry."

"Sorry... let me help you pick that up."


"Eh, no problem."

Damn, that girl is hot.

That guy looked quite good.

I think I've seen her around a few times.

He looks sorta familiar...

She would be so much better than Amanda.

He probably has a girlfriend already. I shouldn't bother.

Dammit, dog poop. Keep right.

Don't think about him. Milk, eggs, cloth, potatoes,
toothpaste, broccoli.

Someone like that though... do I even have a chance?

I think I'll really drop the broccoli. Oh, and chocolates.

Forget it. Focus on your work. You have a lot
to do.

Is that guy still there? Oh right, he turned the corner. Sigh.

If I asked her out, would she say yes?

I wonder if he really does have a girlfriend.

What are the chances?