Under the Starry Sky

“The stars are beautiful, aren’t they?”

Memories flash before my very eyes. The night sky scattered with stars, a meadow illuminated by their soft glow.

“Do you see that bright cluster of stars over there? That’s the Pleiades.”

I see the twinkling of eyes; I hear the melodious sound of laughter.

“And that’s the constellation Taurus. It’s your zodiac sign, right?”

I feel the chilly night breeze; I feel a warm hand clasped in mine.

I see her smile.

I savor the moment, for I know that what I see and feel is only an illusion, a fragment of the past.

Slowly, her face fades away.




I open my eyes.

Groggily, I check the time on my phone. 9:30AM.

I stood up and prepared to go out, because today is an important day, a rare occasion when I get to meet her. As I went to the bathroom to shower, I thought to myself: why don’t I buy a bouquet of flowers on my way? If I recall correctly, she liked white lilies.

Travel to her place is at least 8 hours away by land, so we don’t see each other too often, but today is a special day. As I got comfortable on my seat in the passenger bus, I remember her face, and soon I fall asleep.




In the end, I did decide to buy a bouquet of flowers. As I entered the local flower shop in town, I was greeted cheerfully.

“Aaron! It’s rare to see you here,” Mrs. Drew, the owner of the flower shop said. I chuckled in response.

“Well,” I said, “Today’s a special day. Could I get a bouquet of white lilies?”

“White lilies? Sure, but you only get that for Ste... Oh.” She muttered with a smile. “You’re meeting with her today?” She said as she prepared the flowers.

“Yeah.” I answered with a smile.

“It’s your third year together, eh? Time sure flies fast.” She asked as she did the finishing touches to the bouquet.

“Yup, sure does.” I replied.

 “Greet her for me, will you?” She said as she handed the bouquet to me. It was clean and simple, just how Stella liked it.

“Oh, and the bouquet’s on the house.” She added with a smile.

“You’re an angel, Mrs. Drew. And sure, I’ll send her your regards.” On that note, I left the flower shop.




Usually we see each other in a cemetery. It might seem weird, but the view of the stars was breathtaking from the place. She loved the stars so much that whenever we see each other, we always visit the cemetery no matter how creepy it may be at night. Because of that, we meet up at the center of the burial grounds where a big oak tree stands firm.

Today is also such a moment when we meet, however the circumstances are quite… different.




I arrived at the cemetery just as the sun was about to set. I went to the place where we would see each other. Mentally I braced myself for the sight that would welcome me, but even though I knew of it, it still took my breath away.

“Stella,” I murmured.

I kneel on the soft grass facing her gravestone, putting the bouquet of white lilies beside it. Slowly, I raise my head, expectant of her smiling face, her small frame leaning on the big oak tree she adored so much; but instead I only see a cold, grey stone imbued with her name on the ground.

I sit beside her and faced the sky that has darkened and showed specks of light – the stars she loved so much.

“Do you remember?” I said quietly.

“You taught me that the stars over there –” I pointed to a cluster of stars “were called Pleiades; and that –” I pointed to another group of stars, “was the constellation Taurus.”

I laugh quietly.

“Being here without you sure is different…” my voice trails off. The mirth in my eyes gradually dissolves and my mouth forms a wistful smile. Now I feel the sad atmosphere that a cemetery brings, and the chilly night breeze makes me shiver. I turn to her, hoping for warmth…

…but all I see is a cold, unmoving gravestone.

I sat still, staring at the starry night sky, as I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.