Chapter 1: The beginning

Marathon Man


John lived in a narrow cold cave created by the mounds of land near a beach side. His small and lonely home had been his for the past five years ever since his house was forced into foreclosure. He had not seen his ex-wife during that period, being too ashamed of what he had done and what he had become. The home that they had nurtured together was lost as a result of his insatiable addiction to roulette and poker. Brief moments of success inspired him or rather sucked him into spending more and more in order to get that thrill once more. He had never been rich and never had all of those things he wanted; the nice car and the nice clothes he saw on tv. Being famous was something he’d always dreamed of, like many. He knew this would never happen, but had hoped that by gambling he would hit lucky and win into the millions. He’d never have to work his 9-5 job at the factory again. Dreams turned into nightmares. Not only did he lose all of his cash, but he lost his job too. A lack of concentration from the losses he had incurred. Shortly after that he signed the divorce papers and desperately looked for a job. No one was willing to hire someone on the streets. He settled down inside that cave, venturing out to beg for money as his new job in the day time.

John would eat when he could, although cheaply as possible. McDonald’s and its warm burgers always hit the spot. Instead of eating 3 balanced meals he would eat one large one to save on any costs. He was lucky to get enough for that though. Items that were sold in bulk and bread about to go off were the first things he would look at. If not for the inability to secure money, he would be largely overweight by now. Water came from public fountains because the bottled version was much out of his price range.

His life as a homeless man got more and more boring and lonesome by the day. Because of his unwashed clothing (which he got from public bins and charity shops) and his unshaved face, people avoided him like the plague. He would sometimes chat with fellow homeless men and women while trying to collect some coins. John never really got along well with any of them though. He missed his ex-wife. Even the most mundane times they had together like watching ballet (because he had no other choice) or that atrocious Titanic film, were memories he wish he could go back to. Lauren, he was sure had forgotten about him now. He wondered if she had remarried and had kids. At least she’d be better off without him.

It was New Year’s Eve 2012 when he was given a chance to turn his life around. It was much any other day except for the celebrations and fireworks. He stayed out at night that night because the date (which he had learned from eavesdropping on passers-by), was the same night, 7 years ago that he proposed to Lauren and she said yes. That once special day was now a distant memory. The oddest thing occurred on that day. A man in nice clothing came to him and dropped at $100 note in his hat. Lucky! He thought. “Thank you kind sir, happy new year. “The man who looked like he was in his late thirties looked occupied in his thoughts. Instead of wishing John back he replied with a question. “So how did you get here?” he inquired. “Gambling addiction” John answered. “I lost all of it and my house was foreclosed. I kept spending and spending hoping to win millions but instead I became homeless and lost my job.”

“I’ve been thinking. What’s your name?” “John” “Yes John, I’ve been thinking about a way to help a homeless person like yourself out of your situation. If you’re interested to hear my proposal please hop into the car”. He pointed to a black limousine. John with nothing to lose entered the vehicle wondering if it was a tv prank or something. “So john I am, as it turns out willing to provide you with the money necessary to live and eat in a unit for a year. At the end of the year I will offer you a job on a few conditions. You must not try for any jobs in this time. Your job is to train. Place in the top 20 in the inter city marathon on January 20th 2015. If you cannot do this or you violate the rules, you will go back to being homeless. “


John thought about it carefully. Placing in the top 20 was impossible for him, but he could live one year without being homeless. He may lose his cave to someone else, but it was probably his only opportunity to live well again, for the rest of his life. He was going to take it. “Thank you sir, I won’t let you down!” john lied. “My name is Derek by the way, Derek Forrester”. John had heard of Derek years ago before he became homeless. A CEO of a large technology company called GTech. He was intelligent and filthy rich. Why he made this proposition was a mystery. Bored with his extravagant lifestyle perhaps.

John savored the taste or cool champagne in his mouth offered to him by his wealthy benefactor and after the bottle had gone, entertained the possibility of coming out of the New Year with a brand new job.