The three Wise Men

~~This is the tale of a long forgotten land, forsook by time and men, in a time when the Sun was cold and the Moon was made of gold. Now, those were times of peace and wealth for the Lights' wise words filled the hearts and ears of men. Three Wise Men ruled over the land and forests from the high peak of the highest mountain and from there they interrogated the Stars about things yet to come. But came the day as words spread among the people of the wide kingdom.
A prophecy, that is what came along. Who gave sound to those words it is unknown, when they first reached the ears of men is unseen, but the people of the Old Land did not mind, for a prophecy was to be believed, no matter is origin or sign. And this prophecy deeply troubled them, for it spoke of a forthcoming doom and a chosen one to forestall it.

A chosen one shall come to the fore,
oh men of far lands and lore!,
to prevent the untold doom
falling over the crown of the Moon.
Bestowed upon him shall be the right
to take upon his own choice,
in a time when Sun shall cry
and Stars shall drop their voice.

Thus the prophecy said and thus fear it brought in the hearts as the time passed by and fate came nearer. For the Sun slowly began to warm up and on the Moon snow began to fall and as apprehension in the hearts of men grew deeper, some began to wonder: «Where's the saviour who's been foretold? The Sun grows hot and the Moon grows cold!».

It happened so that such words of concern reached the ears of the First Wise Man spoken by messengers from the North and the East, and intrigued him deeply for naught he knew about those words of doom. However, the flames upon the Sun and the ice upon the Moon troubled him, for never he had seen such kind of events. So he went up upon the highest peak and high raised his voice to the undying sky: «Oh sisters, white lovely maids», he called, «who is this one to bring us aid?».
But the Stars were weak for upon them as well the doom had fallen, and though they were slowly dying and smaller and smaller they were becoming, their voices raised:
«There is no one for you to find,
for the prophecy was a lie.
Just look inside yourself,
there is the one who can tell.»

But for wise was the man, those words for him made no sense. So up he questioned again: «If there's no one to save us all, then we are doomed to our fall!». For thus is the nature of men, even the wisest: their faith is lame and their mouth questions their ears.

«So, wise man, harked you have,
and in good measure comprehended.
Your reluctance no good will bring,
if No is the chosen One, let Any in!»

Those were the last words the Stars said, for in the following days their voices became feebler and feebler. And the northern and eastern messengers many time asked the First Wise Man what answer he had been given from the sky, and every time the First kept silent for he did not comprehend the words himself.
So two days passed with no word being told. The Sun grew warmer and the Moon grew colder, and the anguish in the hearts of men grew stronger and stronger. At the dawning of the third day messengers from South and West came to the Second Wise Man and spoke frankly and asked: «Where's the saviour we've been told? Won't he come around? Where's the child who's been foretold?»
The Second Wise Man was troubled deeply, for his brother had shared with him the words of the Stars and still they had not found any sense to them. So he went up upon the highest peak and high raised his voice to the bluest height: «Oh Father, Father of the sky», he called, «who is the saviour? Who is the child?».

And though the Sun was loudly crying, for the flames where burning him sharply, high he raised his voice and with these words answered the call:
«There is no one for you to find,
for the prophecy was a lie.
Don't look for someone else,
the answer lies within yourselves.»

But again the words slipped away from the man's grasp, for his fear was now great and all men, even the wisest, can be deaf to what they don't want to hear. So the Second Wise Man's voice raised with fear: «If there's no one to save us all, then we are doomed to our fall!»

«I answered the question of yours,
there is the truth you looked for.
If you do not like it, close your ears,
but do not blame me for your fear!"

So the Second came down from the mountain, and so the messengers of South and West inquired about the answer of the Sun. But the Second gave no answer for he had not heard the words the Sun had spoken.

Two days passed with no words being told and as the cries of the Sun became louder and louder, so the anger in the hearts of men grew fiercer. At the dawning of the third day messengers from North, East, South and West came to the Third Wise Man and asked harshly: «Where's the saviour to save us all? Six days passed and no one came! Is he coming? What's his name?».

The Third Wise Man was quite muddled for rarely the men came for his aid, because his brothers were the wiser and the greatest and seldom they shared their knowledge with him for he was naught but the third, the last and the younger. Most of all, though, he failed to understand the anger in the messengers voices.
«Why are you seeking my council?» he asked them then. «Aren't my brothers wise enough? Why do you come to the last?».
And the messengers answered thus: «We addressed them for their council, indeed, but no answer we received. Thus we came to you: for you are the last, and an answer must come». Learning so, he went up upon the highest peak and the Last's voice asked to the last Light: «Oh Mother, Mother of yore», he called, «who is this one the men asked for?».

And though the Moon was strongly shivering, for the silver storm was slowly killing her, an answer she gave to the Third Wise Man:
«There is no one for you to find,
for the prophecy was a lie.
The Stars spoke, and the Sun too,
why again are asking you?»

So the Third answered: «I do not know the words of the Lights, for my brothers never shared their strive».

«Then your brothers wise are not,
one too proud the other too blind.
But the answer indeed you will find,
buried in you is the key of the lock!»

And as the Moon turned into ice, and her voice died fast, men came to the Third Wise Man and cried: «The Chosen One forsook us! He abandoned us to our fall! Doesn't he care about us? Is he too craven to come to the fore?»

And the Third looked gravely at them, and at his brothers who came along, for at last he had intended the words of the Moon, and thus he answered them: «Indeed he doesn't care. Indeed his cowardice is great. Weak we have been, deaf to the voices. No one came around, for there was no chosen. We considered ourselves to be too wise to pay attention to others, our pride made us deaf for we could not intend words spoken against our thoughts, nor we would listened to voices which did not belong to us. Nor we have shared which we were given.»
He addressed then to the messengers who came forth from the four corners of the land. «But you are not without fault», he told them, «for all you did was waiting for our word instead of act yourselves. If more ears were to listen, the voices would have not faded down!».
And so came the fall in a world without voices, for there was no one left to listen. For there was no one left to see. And a prophecy was told of a child who shall save us all.