My first tale

I sit in the court's chair, "Ms. Olivia Green, please come forward," I sigh and walk forward, "Did your father, Miles Green abuse you?" "Yes, sir, he does," he smiles, "Would or can you tell us some of your stories Olivia?" I sigh, "When your done hearing it, you will look at me differently, so, take a look at me one last time with me being, 'Normal,'" Everyone, mostly the jury is taken back by this. I look up to Blake my older brother and he nods, I began. But I see my best friends' Mom, Max, look at me as if saying, "Honey, you know you don't need to do it." But I have too. She's taking me in, she knew about my abuse for about a year and a half. "On a Friday, the 13 two years ago in March we had a half day," I wipe away the tears in my eyes, 'It's too soon to cry,' I think. "It's always worse on Fridays because we don't have school the next morning, and our neighbors had just cut the tree between us and my dad was angry about that, he slapped me, but I didn't give him the response he wanted, because I didn't move. I didn't even blink. So he threw me across the room smashing glass into my head, I'd have to take that out myself because I couldn't go to the hospital." I heard some gasped and laughed in my head, if you hate that just wait. "I wasn't unconscious yet, he was so angry he pulled me up by my hair and pulled me up to my room, it's window was open and he was so angry that he forgot about the tree that wasn't there he punched me in the gut. What he didn't see that I saw was my friend was watching, he gasped, his eyes filled with horror, I fell into the hard cherry wood floor of my room. He cussed at me for about ten minutes, 'Your a sick bitch who isn't good for shit,' he left after that and told me that if I didn't clean up my glass mess and didn't have his dinner by 8:30 it would be worse next time. It was only worse and he'd show me something to cry about." More cries and gasped. "I saw Max, my neighbor use sign language if he could come over and talk, I told him to climb into my room like he had so many times before. When he came in and hugged me, 'How long?' I told him the truth, 'about how long my mom has been dead, 11 years now.' He helped me pull the glass from my head. I saw the blood on my teal hair. I dyed it after my dad told me to change my hair color, it reminded him too much about mom. So I did. We talked for about an hour and I told him to let me cook Miles dinner," the lawyer interrupted me, "Why don't you call him 'dad' Olivia?" I'm quick to jump on the bait, even though I shouldn't, "I fucking wonder!? Would you call your abusive father 'Dad'?! Cause I'd call him a monster," Some people in back of the hooted and cat called. "After that we hugged and he climbed back to his house. I cooked and cleaned and it was about 5:45. I gave Miles the food and went upstairs, I didn't have any homework so, I was going to read or clean up the blood on the floor. But Max was already in my room when I came in, he told me how we need to tell someone, I told him that give me six months and if I didn't he could tell one person." The juge was crying, "60 minute lunch!" I got up and walked out not waiting for the news, my brother or even Max I just walked out. "Olive common on lets go get some food," Max's mom yells. That was an old nickname but it made me feel like home when she used it. I sigh and walked to the door.