Chapter 1. Charlie

~~The Psychic and the Telepath
Chapter 1 Charlie

 “Ms. Wilkerson, please send Charlie O’Connor to the principal’s office please,” buzzed the person over the intercom.
I groan within myself. I quietly and slowly rise from my desk in my English class to whispers. ‘Who’s that?’ ‘Who’s she?’ One off to my right murmurs under his breath to the kid next to him, “Who’s that, is she new?”
The kid replies, “I don’t know; I don’t know who she is.” Truthfully, I’ve been here my whole life, but no one knows who I am. Well mostly, no one in this class anyway and out of this class very few know my name but no one; I mean no one, knows me and I’m glad for that.
I exit the small white room into the school halls with Cue River High painted in blue on the wall. Making my way to the principal’s office I run my fingers across the lockers felling the cold metal. I stop in front of the wood door and take a deep breath. I’ve never been here before. I wonder why I’m here now. I slowly open the silent door and enter.
“Sir?” I question my voice trembling slightly. The bald chubby man looked up from his coffee mug in his hand resting on his chaotic desk. I silently marvel how he ever finds anything there.
You’re Charlie O’Connor?” he asks with extreme doubt.
I nod my head, “yes, sir.” He purses his thin lips together in a grim line.
“Well, Charlie,” he sneers. “Your dad called me and wanted me to tell you that he will be going from where he is currently at to New York for a few months instead of coming home next week as he promised and that Lisa will be extending her visit so that you won’t be alone.” I sighed a little disappointed, I guess I expected this, I mean he does this every time, but I thought maybe this time I might be actually be able to see him. I haven’t seen him in four months. He moves from place to place, never coming home in between. He travels for work and leaves me here. As for Lisa, she doesn’t exist. He just says that so that no one knows I’m living so long without a guardian. He pays off the people who supposedly talk to Lisa for parent/teacher conferences and such. Although, I don’t mind the quiet, I actually like it.
I nod and turn around and head back to class. Walking toward the door I face plant into a concrete wall. Then I realize it’s not a wall but a large male human body. Raising my head I look into an amused vivid abyss of deep blue eyes that I felt like I’m drowning in, framing these sapphires is hair darker than a black moonless night; and I’m like, whoa. My heart flutters in my chest. Inside my mind I hear a deeper male voice say whoa indeed, but that’s probably my imagination. Shaking my head to snap out of it I mutter, “Sorry”.
Dropping my head I scoot around him. I thought I felt a hand brush across my hair, but of course that must be my imagination too. I quietly semi walk, semi jog back down the tiled white hall to my class room, taking a glance over my shoulder to have one more look at the gorgeous guy, I see that he is watching me with this intense look in his beautiful eyes. I quicken my pace.
I open the door with my head still dropped and slide into my seat. I few minutes of listening to the teacher as she drones on the door silently swings open to reveal my ‘concrete wall’. I gape in astonishment for a fraction of a second then I quickly look at my hands. He strides into the room confidently, and radiating power. He whispers something in to the teacher’s ear, she blushes and stands up. “Class this is our new student, his name is Hunter Weston. Hunter,” she addresses him, “take that seat in front of Roger. Roger, raise your hand. Right in front of him please.” Great, I groaned, thinking to myself. The seat she is talking about is right behind me. A kid used to sit there but he dropped out. Nobody knows why, Roger sat behind him and still does except for the fact that the kid’s not there. As I think this I hear a deep masculine voice chuckle in my mind. I frown, glancing up I see Hunter grin that cocky smile at me. Against my will my stomach does a back-flip. He strides arrogantly down the aisle, and as he passes me he brushes his hand across my waist.
That brush of fingers took me out of this seat, this room, and this time.

 I’m in what looks like a nursery. Yup, off in the corner is the painted dark purple wooden crib, but that’s a little weird. I mean it doesn’t even match the bright cherry red walls.
Hearing a sharp cry I turn to the violet cradle. I take two large strides to get to it. Leaning over I see a tiny baby about probably five months. This little boy is crying and it doesn’t take long to figure out why, when I hear someone beating on the front door. Straining my ears I can just make out a grunt and a gasp. Then steps pound on the stairs, through the hall and the door burst open.
A woman with raven hair that fell messily into her eyes surges in breathing heavily. She rushes to the crib crying “Hunter!” She sighs in relief when she sees the little human. She turns so her back is pressed to the small bed, almost protectively. I follow her gaze when she suddenly goes rigid. It leads to the door where I see a large man with a dark expression on his face. He stalks slowly towards the two of them. The woman’s hands reach back and grips the edge. The man stops in front of her. His hand then rears back and he backhands her so hard she spins around, her torso folding across the opening of the crib. She is gasping heavily. My eyes fill with tears knowing there is nothing I can do as he hits her again and again as she desperately tries to protect her son.
The man finally grasps her around her now fragile neck and gives a sharp jerk. From where I stand I can hear the harsh crack and I give out a small cry. My tears flood my face as I sob into my hand. He tosses her body away carelessly. Sticking a few fingers into his jacket he pulls out a knife. It’s not much, just a pocket knife but I see what it really is. It’s a murder weapon.
I know what’s about to happen and I avert my eyes. All I hear is his deep voice saying, “say hello to your uncle, Hunter.” Then I hear a sickening sound of that knife coming down on little Hunter.

Then I have a ripping sensation, it’s painless but a sensation nonetheless.

Back in my seat, in my own time I give a small sob in my hand but quickly cover it up with a cough as Hunter Weston takes his seat behind me. Shite! That was one of the worst. As I replay my vision in my head I hide my eyes as more tears fill them. Yes, I did say it was a vision. I’m psychic, I get it from my mom I think. Dad hates it, that’s one reason why he never comes home.

2: Chapter 2. Hunter
Chapter 2. Hunter

~~Chapter 2 Hunter
 My first day at school. I’m so not looking forward to it. I mean so many people, so many thoughts. I sigh as I step out of my *68 blue Camaro I get hit by a flood of thoughts and I wince with the force of the blow. OMG!! I can’t believe Jessie actually did that, I mean WHAT…         THE…         HECK. I look around to see the source of that one. It’s a tall, rail thin blonde who is skipping class. I shake my head and start toward the front door. She catches sight of me and bites her lip. Hellllloooo baby. I roll my eyes and keep walking.
 Coming up to the principal’s office I see a beautiful girl talking to the fat man, and I stop in my tracks. Listening to their thoughts I hear the overweight fellow think so this is the whore Richard fathered. She’s lucky he’s rich otherwise she’d never survive. I stiffen, I automatically hate the man. Her thoughts say dad’s not coming home again… well, now I need to sign up for another shift at work. Anger simmers beneath my skin, but I quickly extinguish it. I walk up and open the door just as the stunning girl turns and smashes into me. I chuckle within myself. She looks up and I catch sight of her chocolate eyes. I freeze and hear Whoa drift from her mind. Whoa indeed I think sending the thought toward her even though I know she couldn’t hear it.
 She shakes her head and whispers, “sorry.” She then droops her head so her chin is practically glued to her chest. Sticking her shoulder out as if to make herself smaller she squeezes by me and as she does I couldn’t help but to brush my fingers across her smooth coffee brown hair. I just had to feel it.
 I watch her as she speed walks down the hall, then she glances over her small shoulder at me for one last look as her thoughts say.
What she saw must have scared her for some reason because she enhances her speed down the hall and I fear she might slip on her own feet. But she gets to a door and proves me wrong as she steps into the room. I turn to the principal and regard him warily. “I’m Hunter Weston, a new student.”
 Ugh, another brat. He shuffles through some files. At least he’s a senior so he won’t be here long. “Ah, here you are,” he pulls out some papers, “here is your schedule, the school handbook, and a map of the school. Have a good day.” Good riddance.
 As I turn I roll my eyes where he can’t see. Glancing down I see my first hour, English, is in the door that my girl disappeared in. ‘My’ girl? My brows scrunch together. Where did that possession come from? I feel a wicked grin spread across my face. Shaking my head at myself, I place my hand on the English class room door knob, as I had been walking down the hall lost in thought.
 I glide into the room to mental cat calls from all the girls-and some guys- except of course Charlie, whose name I plucked out of her head. Leaning down I whisper into the blushing English teacher, “My name is Hunter Weston, I’m a new student here and I need a place to sit, can you help me?”
 She blushes and babbles on and I try to ignore her thoughts. I snap to attention, though, when a random student raises his hand and two seats in front of him was the girl I saw in the office. She is trying hard to hide from me, she scolds when she finds out that I sit behind her. I hide my laughter from the world but that doesn’t keep it from bouncing around in my head. I grin at her as I go down the walkway between the desks, when I pass her I can’t help but to slide my fingertips across her midriff.
 As soon as my fingers leave her something strange that had never occurred before happens. Not only did her thoughts go blank, but her whole consciousness just disappears. It’s less than an instant and she’s back!
 She immediately has a coughing fit, without even thinking about it, I tune into her thoughts. Shite! That was one of the worst. Ah, she must be thinking about her cough. She must get them often.
 I lean forward and whisper in her ear, “Are you ok?” She turns her neck slightly at my voice and nods, but I can tell there is something she isn’t telling me. I sigh and lean back in the chair. Shutting my eyes I block out the boring teacher.
 The rest of the day was boringly uneventful. Except, of course, all the girls thinking about me and trying to catch my attention. Hehe, who said the mind reader couldn’t get girls…… oh wait nobody, HA.